HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-11-04 Maplewood leans toward retail water contract REIVEW Maplewood toward retail watercontract (:\ 'i . !ct 75 — by Scott Carlson convinced more than ever that he took the Those three projects include: Based on the findings of the latest right position in voting against some $10 consultants' report, members of the million in water improvements last —APPROPRIATION of some $277,500 Maplewood city council say they lean spring which would have begun the for construction of a 24-inch water line toward continuing purchase of municipal establishment of a master meter from Larpenteur avenue, north along water on a retail basis from the St. Paul wholesale system for the city. Flandrau street, to Frost Avenue, then Water Board. Councilman Donald Wiegert, who last west along Frost avenue to Prosperity The consultants' report, which was spring supported the master meter road. prepared by Kirkham-Michael system based on earlier consulting Wiley and Sindelar said last week that Associates, points out that Maplewood reports, admitted, "On the basis of this this project hinges on St. Paul's could probably operate a wholesale-retail (new report) it appears that retail is the willingness to proceed with im- water system economically in about a 35- cheapest out."But he was also concerned provements that would upgrade the water to 40-year period but that that alternative that the city still keep the wholesale op- flow capacity from the Hazelwood pump presents too many "ifs." tion open for future councils should it station. Gary Sindelar, design engineer, and desire that flexibility. James Wiley,vice-president of Kirkham- "I'd feel more comfortable in not —CONSTRUCTION of a 1.5 million Michael,reiterated last week,at a special saddling our successors with something gallon elevated storage tank at the in- council shirtsleeve session, that the they couldn't get out of," Wiegert said. tersection of Gervais avenue and White wholesale-retail system would definitely Wiley and Sindelar told the councilmen Bear avenue totalling about $1 million. prove to be unfeasible should the 3M that since St. Paul is only negotiating an Sindelar admitted that this im- Company, which is Maplewood's largest addendum to the current water contract provement may be one of the more dif- water consumer, decide to drill some of that the wholesale option would still ficult initial projects to finance. its own wells. remain. The wholesale-retail system would During the past year the council has -INSTALLATION of a 16-inch water probably cost about$16 million, Sindelar hedged in coming to final terms on a new line from Frost avenue north along and Wiley pointed out. However con- water contract with the St. Paul Water English street to Cope avenue, then a 12- tinuation of a retail agreement with the Board as it has sought to determine which inch line west on Cope avenue to Atlantic St. Paul Water Board would be less ex- way it wanted to proceed with its water street and a 12-inch line from the in- pensive,even though some$9.2 million in system. tersection of Cope avenue and English capitol improvements would be Bobby D.Collier,city director of public street north to Highway 36. necessary, they added. works,said,"Until there is direction from The problem in selecting either water Mayor Robert Bruton, in commenting the council we can't negotiate." system alternative is that of financing. on the consultants' report, said he's It is expected that the council this Two methods to be surely considered Thursday night will direct the city staff to would be general obligation bonds and conduct a feasibility report on what water special assessments. improvements projects can be un- "I feel there is some sentiment in the dertaken in 1976 and what may be the community that more taxpayers should alternative methods for financing them. get into the act," Wiegert said of the Councilman John Greavu suggested at possibility of going to area-wide the shirtsleeve meeting that the city assessments. "Some people didn't feel proceed with projects that are of dire that the WAC(Water Availability Charge, necessity. which is levied against all property Collier gave the council some indication owners now hooking up to city water)was that it would be desirable to proceed with fair." all of what are listed as priority one items City Manager Michael Miller conceded and some priority two projects. that there is no"painless way"to finance Three priority items, which are the improvements. On one method he recommended by the consultants for explained, "On a special assessment immediate construction, would total you'll have everybody saying that 'this about $1.5 million. doesn't benefit me'."