HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-21 Citizens divided on Holloway proposal REVIEW Citizens ' •divided on 00. ;0, rtr5:: Holloway pro by Scott Carlson Another citizen suggested that stop A proposed $300,000 roadway im- signs be placed along certain points of the provement for Holloway ave., between road. McKnight rd.and Century ave., was met Other citizens,in providing their input, by divided citizen opinion at an in- suggested that widening the road would formational meeting held last week at only encourage greater use of Holloway Maplewood junior high school. ave. Wayne Leonard,Ramsey county design But Leonard said no great increase in engineer,told the citizens that plans could traffic use is ever expected for Holloway include: ave. The road, he said, is designed to —Widening the road to 48 feet. That accommodate no more than 8,000 cars per would be from curb to curb with a day and that it now has only about 1,000 bituminous road base 45 feet wide. vehicles per day. —Pushing the road alignment slightly "There is not a lot of traffic now or south as it tuns,past Maplewood junior expected in the future,"Leonard said.He high school and cutting down the road's added, "The county doesn't have an dangerous slope at that point by six feet. obsession to build this road. But we're —Putting in a dividing wall at the point trying to deal with a problem that keeps where the slope is cut down and having it re-occurring." act as the separator for a service road which would be used by six residences. The plan, he added, was designed and —Installing storm sewer where water offered up for citizen criticism because problems have been a traditional "we felt there was enough community problem. interest." That community interest has Some citizens were in favor of the been expressed by Maplewood and North improvement even though it would cost St. Paul officials concerning safety. them money. They pointed out that Construction of a road 44 feet or wider something must be done to improve the would qualify the county to apply for state safety of the road since many students aids, Leonard said. walk to school. Questioned after the meeting, Leonard "There has to be some improvement," said that he is unable to determine what one gentleman said."If we can get county the improvements might actually mean to help that appears the direction we should residents along the road in terms of per go. o" front foot assessments.He said that would But other citizens argued that widening have to be determined by the Maplewood the road would only make the situation and North St. Paul city councils, if an worse since "No Parking"signs and the improvement is ordered at some future narrowness of the road are built-in factors date. that tend to slow down motorists. Holloway ave. borders both North St. "If we're talking about safety then Paul and Maplewood. City officials from we're talking about excessive speed,"one each of the cities were first given a set of citizen contended. the road plans at the meeting last week.