HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-21 Bruton proclaims United Nations Day REVIEW Brutonproclaims United Day Maplewood Mayor Robert Bruton0eq. 1 ' n 1 s recentlyMsteps toward peace in the Middle East. proclaimed United Nations DayThe 7th Special Session of the General in the city, issuing the following Assembly marked a beginning of a new proclamation: the rela ionshi "This year the peoples of the world will and tdev]pingt ween countries on economic celebrate the 30th anniversary of the matters. The International Women'ic s United Nations on October 24, UN Day. Conference held in Mexico City this This is an appropriate occasion for people summer adopted a World Plan of Action everywhere to renew their adherence to which includes virtually every aspect of the Charter ideals of peace and human contemporary life rights and their determination to promote education, employment,civil althigand economic and social progress and a nutrition, among others. greater manure of justice and freedom for "NOW, THEREFORE, I all. Robert "This year finds us at a turningBruton, Mayor of Maplewood do hereby world affairs. We sense the promise of a Nations Day anproclaim d ca011 upon 1975ll the Uniteds more peaceful world and the opportunity of Maplewood to obserthat day citizens nzthe for new strides in international spirit of common rpose cooperation.To maintain this momentum the United Nations Charter. Ised in will require still greater efforts and more everyone, groups or individuals, to effective international institutions. We urge need to create new arrangements to designed to develop an understanding of participate in programs and activities control new technologies for the common the problems and potentials of the United good. We must continue to recognize the Nations and to stimulate discussionsof interests of rich and poor countries on ways to make the United Nations into a matters of trade and aid.Equal rights for more effective organization. I ask all all peoples must become a reality in fact citizens to observe United Nations Day as well as law. "Important steps have alread with a sense of rededication to the high taken by the United Nations in meeting to be self-evident, as expressed for us in Y een truths which we in the United States hold these challenges. The UN has once again the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and provided a mutually acceptable for all the world in the Charter of the mechanism for carrying out the next United Nations.