HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-28 League of Women Voters reaffirm Plan B support REVIEW League of Women voters reaffirm Plan B support After a recent review of Plan B the people of Maplewood know that we government and how it operates and still support it," League officials said. interviews with city officials — both "We believe the reasons which prompted elected and appointed— the Maplewood our League's support of Plan B in 1968 are unit of the Roseville League of Women still valid today. Those reasons were: Voters voted to continue its support of Plan B Council-Manager form of "1) It is a simple way of making government for Maplewood. majority rule really work.It conforms to Nearly all of those interviewed in- the principle that policy-makers should be dicated they felt there would be no need elected and skillful administrators ap- for a change in the form of government pointed. for 10 or more years and that such a "2)It will relieve the mayor and council change would probably be necessitated by of a tremendous amount of ad- a need for an additional authority not ministrative work. It will allow them to available under the Plan B form of concentrate on policy making. government. "3) It means a better administration When those interviewed were because a manager is trained for his job questioned as to what they considered to and is free of political ties. be the major problems facing Maplewood "4) The Manager plan almost always today,the answers were economic (fiscal brings vastly improved government disparities and levy limitations) and services. control of development (Metro Council "5) The council's ultimate authority planning). While acknowledging that and control over village business is not these are indeed problems, difficulties of reduced because the manager is subject this nature are due to actions of the state to the direction of the council and can be legislature and not to deficiencies in the fired at any time. form of local government. "6) The councilmen will be able to "Because the League was one of the establish a closer rapport with the first proponents of Plan B government for electorate with the removal of the ad- Maplewood,we felt it was important to let ministrative work."