HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-21 Maplewood PCSC sought Spannaus opinion on rule change REVIEW o r•. 0';:o_ eon dC S. co `. C co •al a(D N r .1 n° o coSy abO .100"o �Ow< mO fD0 $ 5. = o n- Z 0w � o c � .c < (1, ' . c •-.y - �0 m v D na�4�� a O 7I' 5 / w"d o A w - a•,.. , yn o• 3- CD Q a,_.oa0.acov O N tioa M"'0:1 , fD (.w w C 0 � 0 <- a.. D ... O aw 0 F.' 0 wco n • a.....N A, co w w wco ~. n -. 0 44-1 0 p. m � wwOS0 0. a _ axO OSIQ G0 gA' a,' ,., ---0 77VADw a ` pp O : w aaA °° `i. w 0- 0p 2, w Ca 4 Aamo.N2 oeD oo. ro a . .•5 y4.cq 0 0 A ,., c0 " (20 "mS• 0..w CA CD " fnw � yw cD D 0.C c-. bco" ' g`<w .I0D ra c nwn0" (v ,gn N a a a"_ 0' p,O fnm 0, .0 a'b w no• 0 a 'CoaC (CJa •D b .N (D �n 0.0. 4 Na A, Y^ Aa r.tDOcn _A < n0 va . .-: A mn .,co p n O i.`< ra 0 0.. C oSC `< 'b _ ,oa a 0-no,.dfD c) 7zI o 0 0 _w y (� o v a.,cit, a o nn 'a „9-, " O3 on j-•oA yc • S.7 c 0S ,'.+ N S .-1 Y �� C.� C] Cppm nn.j � o iSoA .7 % A, .r. we+m a n . < Ca O es, D3 0 AD m a . y "'d , cra ACIA 0 4-3 O0•a < ...AwW (D C a •Q,' ' Y _ �•O0w- 0 CDn (D «7 . eA CD 4-3 A8 ox " < 4.0 0 " c " rp6o ErP. 0• ° •mA' ,,,,,, tinCT cDC (odcV1 "'•asfD aaa, 0" w a 0er-i,fDnv)w < (")f'O; "CD OR A, w .y A a a c 2 cD O f0 = (0A' , a . an OAa' A'A fD og O0Da 0, OC7a ,. cn0oInva On $ Nvo''' := .S.Oa (Dn. = m 0'. ow 0 • 0 a CD te ,014. w omw (D CA 'II , w D b w 0 b ^ (D A a .7fD 0 0 Cw N fn Or a- O.CA 'a CD 0 wa a 0a wR fG.w aR AOw �IDOD fD w 5,a_ CM , : THE REVIEW Tues., Oct.21, 1975 Page 9 on rule change Anderson : city `committed' in discrimination suit by Scott Carlson ficer,"Anderson said.". . . I feel we have A Maplewood policewoman, who has recognized her as an officer by putting filed a complaint with the Minnesota State her in a uniform and at the front desk. Department of Human Rights alleging "I think we've committed ourselves discrimination because she has not publicly that she is an officer,"Anderson received pay equal with that of a similar concluded. "I think we're going through a male officer, will probably win her point lot of unnecessary time and expense." because "the city has committed itself," Councilman John Greavu admitted, a councilman predicted last Thursday "I'd like to make some statements but not night. at this time. I don't want to hurt either Norman Anderson made his statements while his colleagues reserved their side. opinions on the case of City Attorney Donald Lais pointed out opinions complaint aeainf PatriciaPcity, that once the complaint has been filed the City Manager Michael Millerntheanthe city has no control over it. "I don't think we can avoid this process no matter what Maplewood Police Civil Service Com- we do," he said. mission (MPCSC). Two weeks ago. the Review first reported the discrimination story. In it Ferrazzo's attorney, Judith Oakes, alleged that the city has underpaid Mrs. Ferrazzo since first being hired by the city. "Our position is that Pat was hired by the city of Maplewood as a policewoman with more entrance requirements than a man but has been paid considerably less than a man with the same seniority," Oakes said. City Manager Miller,in discussion with the council at a recent shirtsleeve session, stated, "We don't agree with that stance." Miller contends that Mrs. Ferrazzo's duties have been mostly clerical and that she is paid substantially more than a clerical worker. But Anderson,at last Thursday night's meeting, gave his opinion "for what it's worth." "She is presently at a desk as an of-