HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-14 Dispatch agreement is pending REVIEW Dispatch agreement , o1T }Is- is pending An agreement which would have the Maplewood city police department share its dispatching service with North St. Paul is pending. The Maplewood city council, at its last regular meeting (Oct. 2), authorized the city staff to send a letter to North St.Paul offering the service for$7,000. Maplewood Police Chief Dick Schaller said offering the service to North St.Paul for $6,500 would be "a good bargain for North St. Paul as well as Maplewood." North St. Paul has been serviced by White Bear Lake for$5,000 this year.But now it is learned that White Bear Lake wants to raise the cost of the service to $13,000. Schaller admitted that the $6,500 is a cost estimate that he arrived at one year ago, when Maplewood's offer was not acted upon by North St. Paul. "The degree of cooperation would offset any additional cost," he said. But Mayor Robert Bruton said that unless the agreement had a"one to one" relation only North St. Paul would be "benefitting." The mayor noted that both police salaries and the cost of gasoline have risen by at least 10 percent in the last year."I can't help but think that the cost (for providing the service)now is around $7,000," he said.