HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-07 Maplewood policewoman files grievance with Human Rights REVIEW _V i all) ewoo 1 n-v' '-' -1 ' ° ' -‘ • '''-v/.'r't% , c.,.. r ,etiii, c,ave- r-re-In 1 es ..,_ ..„ r p-11 t moi.: i.; gt r"53 till human J1hglts bonafide officer in contributions to the a dispatcher although no final decision by Scott Carlson policeman's relief fund (Public has been made. "Dick (Schaller, Maplewood policewoman Patricia Maplewood Police Chief) will assign the Ferrazzo has filed a complaint with the Employees Retirement Fund). Ma p Minnesota State Department of Human ,"When it has not been convenientthe duties to her as if she were a man,"Miller Rights which alleges that she has been city of Maplewood has classified her as a told the council. underpaid since first being hired by the clerical worker and paid her ac- Does that mean Mrs.Ferrazzo will ride city 15 years ago,the Review has learned. cordingly," she added, patrol?, Schaller was asked. Judith Oakes, legal counsel for Maplewood City Manager Michael "This is in so much of a state of flux I Ferrazzo,said in an interview last week Miller, at a recent shirtsleeve session, don't know,"Schaller said. "I don't know that the Human Rights department is told the city council"we don't agree with how it will be resolved." conducting an investigation and is that stance." But he added that Mrs. Miller, in explaining the matter to the allowed roughly a 90-day period to con- Ferrazzo should be given a chance to try council,pointed out that Mrs. Ferrazzo's duct mediation before "right to sue" full police duties. duties have been mostly clerical and she letters are issued. The grievance was And the city's attempt to accommodate is paid substantially more than a clerical filed on July 7, 1975 with the Human Mrs. Ferrazzo's complaint seems to be worker. Rights Dept. reflected in the proposed 1976 Maplewood - Oakes told the Review, "We'd an- "Our position is that Pat was hired by budget.Miller has recommended that the ticipate that she (Pat) would get equal the city of Maplewood as a policewoman council approve hiring of a "secretary to responsibility." But Oakes added that it with more entrance requirements than a replace our existing police woman would not necessarily be patrol. man but has been paid considerably less classification. The attorney pointed out that men with than a man with the same seniority," "It is assumed that the police woman similar seniority often have desk jobs and Oakes said. Oakes said that right now will accept a position as a police officer that patrol is usually given to rookie of- Ferrazzo is receiving about $300 per and assume those duties," Miller stated. ficers. month less than a similar male coun- The city manager has asked that five `Looking at the bellies of some men you terpart. new police officers be included for the know they couldn't catch anyone,"Oakes Oakes added that Maplewood has 1976 expenses of the police department. said. chosen to designate Ferrazzo as a regular Miller said Mrs.Ferrazzo could become Miller said that the Maplewood Civil Service Commission has been working on the matter.