HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-07 Maplewood councilmen irked by proposed water contract REVIEW "741 / 7 . _ ,SRA r _ 7 (� 0'4 A —V-11.(4{ "r"''.4� 'I Ar/ ' ' $ tom/`�y " -i3!-'' "-t i .�+ <•,� f� •-+9n•y �*., '' 7 4'V '4..1 V .l '`..... ' En rs�y.r.as`* /.14,...ri.c:.a.Li.`'V°.;ti. .l iis. -kill-Ct./ A. by qif CO, 7 lt 117 ; by Scott Carlson necessary because the current contract get the facts how can we make a firm does not assure that "the steps (in rate decision?" he asked. A proposed rate change and language modification in a water contract with the charges) at least cover the cost of After griping about the lateness of the St.Paul Water Board has raised the ire of producing and distributing water." consultants' report, the council also the Maplewood council. "The necessity for such revisions is so ticked off some objections it has to the Councilman Donald Wiegert, who at strong that the Ad Hoc Committee would proposed contract. last Thursday night's meeting reflected find it necessary to utilize the For openers, Councilman Wiegert the council's feelings, said the proposal aforementioned term of contract noted, "We should get the message to has been arrived at by a process of provision for termination of the contract them that negotiations involve two par- "dictation not negotiation." if a suitable amendment could not be ties." Changes in the current contract would negotiated with the city of Maplewood," Councilman Murdock said that the mean that Maplewood citizens would be the Water Committee's minutes note. contract penalizes those people who use paying 20 percent more in water rates A warning for termination of the con- the least amount of water "while those than St.Paul users.St.Paul Water Board tract could be issued between March 30, who are consuming the most are paying officials,in minutes of a recent meeting, 1975 and March 30, 1976. the least (in proportion)." stressed, however, "the fact that The Water Board Committee stated Mayor Bruton thought the contract was proposed charges would result in a that it is hoping for approval of new water "a step in the right direction." But he reduction for residential consumers in rates by around Nov. 1 so that they can added that the Water Board has not listed Maplewood." take effect January 1. the water pressures which will exist at the But Maplewood councilmen, at their But Mayor Bruton angrily pointed out city's borders. "It's a must that they meeting,questioned whether the contract that the Water Board has Maplewood define what those water pressures will includes hidden costs which have not been "over a barrel" because Kirkham- be," Bruton said. calculated. And Mayor Robert Bruton Michael, the city's water consultants, Bruton added, "I seriously question speculated that the Water Board may be have not presented a final report whether even the St. Paul legislators attempting to put a "squeeze" on recommending what Maplewood should would support legislation to cut off Maplewood by threatening to cut off do. Maplewood and that is what they (the water if a contract agreement is not "It's much past mid-July (the date Water Board) are threatening to do." reached soon. which the water consultants' report was Murdock predicted, "Inevitably the In its minutes the Water Board stated supposed to have been completed)," people in Maplewood will pay through the that modifications in the rates are Bruton said. ". ..I feel like I'm being nose no matter what we do." squeezed because I'm waiting for a Kirkham-Michael Associates are ex- report." pected to present their final report to the Bruton speculated that the Water Board Maplewood council in the next week or "is trying to force us to act or they are two. just tired of waiting(to achieve a contract settlement)." The city has debated whether it should go to a wholesale water system or establish its own independent system for about the last three years. Councilman John Greavu, also disappointed with the consultants' slow work,said, "I think that was the saddest firm that we could have gotten." But councilman Burton Murdock pointed out that the consultants may be at a loss on how to proceed because the council has recently changed its mind. The consultants,at a recent September council meeting, said their report has been delayed because they are getting more information on the operation of the St. Paul water system than was previously available. Mayor Bruton told Murdock that the council's assumption is that it will remain on a retail water system. "But until we