HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-07 Greavu charges "too many chiefs" in city hall Review Greavu ar (.3 es 't oreanyf 9 Ci y all by Scott Carlson even though the city budget is larger and Maplewood city hall is becoming a the responsibilities greater. haven for "too many chiefs and not Not all the council members agreed enough indians," according to coun- with Greavu's conclusion that there are cilman John Greavu. "too many chiefs and not indians"in city Greavu, who made his remarks at a hall. recent shirtsleeve session on the city's Mayor Robert Bruton expressed proposed 1976 budget, said he is "puz- disappointment that Miller has not in- zled"why City Manager Michael Miller is eluded a request of $13,500 for recommending continuation of the ad- authorization to hire an assistant planner. ministrative assistant position, which is The possible passage of a planning bill now being filled by JoAnn Christensen. in the state legislature would necessitate Miller, who staunchly defended the more help," Bruton asserted. position,pointed out that Christensen has "I think there are a lot of things we're helped to boost staff morale and"in many not getting done," Bruton said. "Our cases helped avoid grievances." Her Planning Commission says there is not duties have also included background enough staff." work in labor negotiations,processing job The mayor pointed out that the city does applications and freeing other ad- not have its rezoning ordinances com- ministrators to let them take care of more pleted nor a five year capital im- pressing city matters, Miller said. provements program submitted yet. But Greavu responded, "I'm puzzled. "If you don't plan where we are going You say she's helped in labor negotiations then don't complain when we get there," and yet we had to bring in someone from Bruton warned. the outside." Miller said he felt that the position of The councilman said he is concerned assistant planner could be held in with a proposed raise Christensen may abeyance as long as the city has a CETA receive. As an afterthought, Greavu (Comprehensive Employment Training added, "One of these days we'll have all Act) intern to help City Planner Robert chiefs and no indians." Reed with preparation of preliminary Manager Miller,however,was less than reports."That has allowed Bob to work on receptive to the analogy. "You're the sign ordinances and the overlay penalizing the staff that has made an district," Miller said. effort to keep down the number of ad- The city council is expected to adopt the ditions," he said. proposed budget at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. The finance department, Miller men- The meeting, which will be held at City tioned, has no additional help since 1970 Hall,1380 Frost ave.,is open to the public.