HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 08-26 Maplewood to contact 3M on future development REVIEW Maplewood to contact 3M on future development by Scat Carlson u-q 24', /I 75 The Maplewood council last Thursday Maplewood that has been blown all out of night announced its intention to contact proportion," Murdock said. officials from the 3M Company to find out Although not stated explicitly, Mur- if they have any interest in acquiring and dock's comments referred to a council developing more land in the city. decision last November not to dismiss a Councilman Burton Murdock suggested $5,000 fine against the company for late the idea after he noted that 3M is having payment of a sewer bill. some trouble proceeding with expansion In supporting the council's decision to in Oakdale and Lake Elmo. The company contact 3M, Greavu said, "I think they must file environmental impact (3M)are an important part of this city." statements on how its proposed 553 acre But according to a news report last expansion will affect the municipalities of summer it appeared doubtful that 3M Oakdale and Lake Elmo and surrounding would proceed with any immediate ex- area. pansion in Maplewood. "This might be a good time to ask 3M to "At this time there are no immediate acquire new land in Maplewood," Mur- plans for expansion in Maplewood," Ron dock said. Melander,manager of the 3M engineering But councilman Donald Wiegert felt department, said last August. But he that 3M might be just as subject to a call added that the present Maplewood site for an environmental impact statement in was still expandable. Maplewood as in other communities. Melander indicated that expansion of "When you go through that complex 3M in Maplewood would probably take (3M) I think there is no finer neighbor," place at least through the 1980's. said Murdock.And he suggested that the Melander estimated that the city should contact officials of the cor- Maplewood site could, with development porate giant to find out if there is any southeast of Conway ave., expand to a chance for future development. work force of 16,000 employees. Councilman John Greavu, who is a Not all 3M acreage in Maplewood is strong booster of 3M,agreed. "We should developable and north of Conway ave. set up a committee," he suggested. As includes a swamp and small pond, things turned out that committee will be Melander pointed out. the council itself. Future expansion is contingent upon "My friends from out of town can't how much traffic the roadways can bear, believe that a compound of that size could Melander said. be so beautiful," Greavu added. City Manager Michael Miller has been Murdock believes there are many areas instructed by the council to set up a in Maplewood where 3M could build and meeting with the appropriate 3M officials not cause problems. to discuss the prospects of further 3M "I think they(3)have a bad taste about development in Maplewood.