HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 08-26 Need for services director not demonstrated, councilman says REVIEW Need for services director not CY�e 2 , /ci• 7 demonstrated, councilman says by Scott Carlson A Maplewood councilman said last board and then it could take over the over by the county, Wiegert said. Thursday night that the need for the city services. But Mayor Bruton said the position of to hire a special services director has not Another option, Wiegert said, the bill special services director would be a been demonstrated. provides is allowing any combination of "coordinating role, not a running role." Donald Wiegert offered that opinion communities with a population of 60,000 Still,councilman John Greavu,who last when Mayor Robert Bruton asked the people or more to unite under joint powers winter opposed a special services director council members if Manager Michael to provide some health services. on grounds that it was unnecessary Miller should include the position in the In cases where there is overlapping it is bureaucracy, said, "I still feel it's a city's 1976 budget. possible that whose jurisdiction the county function." Last December the council denied 3-1 services belongs to would be decided by Greavu added that suburban corn- authorization to create the position. some higher state agency, Wiegert in- munities shouldn't have to "kiss Miller and two city commissions sup- dicated. somebody's feet" for services that they ported the position. Wiegert urged the council to "stay help to sponsor through donations to such Jim Malley, a member of the city's abreast of what we want to do so that we organizations as the United Fund. Human Relations Commission, at that don't let the county get the services by "If the United Fund isn't providing time said the special services director default." It is possible that such services for this area then maybe we would be responsible for bringing social traditional municipal services as animal should form our own United Fund," he services to the community which are now patrol and paramedics, could be taken added. unavailable because nobody is out to represent Maplewood's interests. But Wiegert, last Thursday, again in- dicated his skepticism for establishing the position. "It's not been demonstrated to me that we have to get into this com- munity services," he said. Bruton, who voted for the position last winter,asked the council how it felt about budgeting for the position. Moments earlier the council appointed Eric Blank, current social services director,to attend a monthly meeting of the District 623 Roseville Senior Citizen Council. "It's only one meeting a month," Bruton agreed, "but it's another meeting and another drain on our city staff." Bruton added,"I still feel there is value in the position." But Wiegert interjected, "It appears the problem may have been taken care of." He pointed out that a health care bill, sponsored by Sen. John Milton, DFL- White Bear Lake, offers several options dealing with who would provide health care services. That bill passed the House last session and is very likely to pass the Senate, Wiegert said,in reporting on the Ramsey County League's interest in the bill. "There would be five or six options in the method of operating health services," Wiegert said.One would allow the County Board to declare itself the county health