HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 09-16 Council raises maximum level for garbage prices REVIEW Council raises maximum level for prices garbag a by Scott Carlson the provision and pick-up of 50 bags."He The maximum level for garbage pick- stated that the raise for metered service up rates has been raised by the represented a 33.9 percent increase or 39.5 Maplewood city council. cents per bag instead of 29.5 cents per The action came at the council's August bag. 28 meeting when local owners of trash And Richard Kveton,70 N. Mayhill rd., hauling firms explained that their a member of the committee that drew up operating costs have increased the city's first garbage rate regulation drastically since November,1973,the last ordinance, thought the increase was too time maximum rates were set. much. Curb-pickup is set at $4 a month with Kveton noted that the haulers say the maximum levels for walk-in service they'll have to go farther to dump the and metered pickup set at$5.50 and$19.75 garbage because landfills close in the respectively. area, like one in Washington county, are The old levels were set at $3.50 per closing up. month for curb pickup, $4.66 per month "It seems that when this ordinance was for walk-in service and$14.75 for metered originally written that it (metered ser- service. vice) was established for people on fixed City Manager Michael Miller explained income,"Kveton said."The person who is that the metered service "is based upon contributing one metered bag per week isn't causing the (landfill) problem and shouldn't be taking the brunt of the price increase." Councilman Donald Wiegert agreed that the proposed increase for metered service"appears to be a startling raise." But Leonard Ayde, owner of Lake Sanitation,said that since the last raise in maximum trash hauling rates the price of a box of 50 bags has increased from$2.52 to $4.56. "I think that justifies why the metered service took a bigger jump than the other services," Ayde said. Owners of the trash hauling firms said that,among other reasons, the increases were justified because of higher fuel costs and the fact inflation has pushed up other costs too. Under city ordinance the council can review the garbage rates once earl,.,Par