HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 09-09 Maplewood drops citizen proposal REVIEW Maplewood drops citizenp. T_ ays- proposal A citizen proposal that advocates that civic center complex outlined in our in the Maplewood municipal facilities the city of Maplewood lease or purchase municipal facilities study." study." Hillside junior high school for a municipal But he added, "A comparison of costs "The school building itself contains building will receive no further con- between renovating Hillside versus the 101,450 square feet "as compared with sideration until the school board indicates construction of a new complex would 102,000 square feet proposed in the study a willingness to dispose of the school, the require extensive study and expense on for the combination of administrative city council said last Thursday night. the part of the city.The school board has offices,public safety and a multi-purpose Mayor Robert Bruton, expressing the not indicated an interest in selling the recreation facility,"which would be built sentiment of his colleagues, said that school building and property, and it is apart from the main building. further study of the proposal, offered by therefore recommended that the council The school board, at its last regular citizens Paul Houska and Gilbert Leiter, take no further action." at this time would be "premature." Miller,in his report, e meett ing,indicated thatthe along l ngLwith City Manager Mike Miller told the Hillside junior highpcomplex containst36.7 sereveral otherfactorsfactors byda along-range council the citizens' proposal would ap- acres as "compared with the desired 19 planning task force. That task force has pear to provide sufficient space for "the acres of a civic center complex proposed yet to be established.