HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 09-09 Council members can't be sued, attorney says REVIEW Council, members can't be sued, attorney says l'' by Scott Carlson The suit alleges that the council Two current Maplewood city coun- members named in the suit "knowingly, cilmen — Donald Wiegert and John willfully, intentionally and unlawfully Greavu — and three former council acted in violation of the law and beyond members,who are named as defendants the scope of authority granted to them by in a$100,000 civil suit along with the city the law, to the damage of the plaintiffs and a Maplewood business, cannot be and their property." sued for actions they lawfully took in But Bannigan, in the legal response, office, a Maplewood city attorney has denies that the council members refused declared. to enforce the law or"willfully,knowingly The response,filed by John Bannigan in and intentionally" allowed Maplewood behalf of Wiegert,Greavu,former Mayor Enterprises,Inc.to damage the Barkdoll Les Axdahl and council members Harald property. Haugan and Pat Olson,is an answer to a The suit against the council members suit by Howard and Rose Barkdoll, 1940 may not stand up in court, Bannigan has Atlantic st., who allege that the council reported to the current city council. failed to enforce laws which could have Recent court cases, upheld by the prevented the drainage of water onto Minnesota Supreme Court,have held that their property. individual members of a city council are Maplewood Enterprises is also named not responsible for damages that may as a defendant in the suit. occur to a party because of an honest use James Ballenthin,legal counsel for the of discretionary power in office,Bannigan Barkdolls, states that Maplewood states. Enterprises, Inc. (home of the Bannigan added that it is proper for the Maplewood Bowl)raised,filled and paved city to defend the two current and three certain lands it owned in 1970,which since former council members because there is have caused continual drainage problems no evidence of "malfeasance in office or for the Barkdolls. willful or wanton neglect of duty." Ballenthin adds that the Maplewood "Although the plaintiffs complain of Enterprises, Inc. did this landscaping willfully acting in violation of the law, work in violation of permits issued by the they have no facts or information to council and that when the Barkdolls went contend that there was any malfeasance, to the council and complained the council fraud, conspiracy or other similar types refused to take any action. of activities," Bannigan states. In the legal response, Bannigan states that the city of Maplewood vacated a portion of the alley lying between, and parallel to, Atlantic st. and Chamber st. But he adds there is a lack of information to ascertain whether Maplewood Enterprises, Inc. razed, filled or paved the southerly 150 feet of the vacated Chamber st. Bannigan also admits that the council heard the protests of the Barkdolls but denies that the council refused to enforce the laws. Should any damage to the Barkdoll property be established it would be due to Maplewood Enterprises, Inc., Bannigan indicates. "The injuries and damages alleged by the plaintiffs, if proved, were caused by the primary and active negligence of defendant Maplewood Enterprises,Inc.in that it negligently and carelessly im- proved its properties more particularly described in plaintiffs' complaint in such a manner that storm water drained therefrom all to the detriment of said plaintiffs," the response states. While'the Barkdolls ask for $100,000 in damages they have not presented a notice stating the "time, place and cir- cumstances of the alleged loss and the amount of compensation or other relief demanded," Bannigan states. Bannigan also argues that court lacks jurisdictii% matter." —