HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 09-02 Stiffer penalty sought for police assaults REVIEW Schaller says , -Cr ,r: 1(A1 --- Stiffer penalty sought for police assaults by Scott Carlson law enforcement, judicial procedure and A stiffer penalty for assaulting police traffic regulations," Schaller said. That officers will be one of several legislative could range from establishing a man- concerns of the Minnesota Police Chiefs datory color for police uniforms, Association, according to Dick Schaller, requiring state-wide registration of its new president. bicycles"to the color of license plates and Schaller, Maplewood director of Public the period (length of time) they run,".he Safety, admits that the Association will added. be left with enough things to consider this But high among the priorities will coming year. probably be the Association's lobby for There is,of course,the ongoing work of legislation which stiffens the penalty for several groups within the Association assaulting police officers. such as the Ethics Committee,the Radio- Years ago assaulting an officer was a Teletype Communications Committee, gross misdemeanor, Schaller said. But the Program Committee, the Crime now it has been a misdemeanor for some Prevention Committee and the League time he added. Liaison Committee, just as a few Officers and police chiefs experience an examples.Then there are special training increased vulnerability in performing institutes and conferences and seminars their jobs. Police officers have been to discuss mutual police concerns,such as assaulted with increased frequency. the citizen privacy acts. Schaller said that some effort must be taken to better protect the policeman. But Schaller indicates that a good deal "When there is trouble in an area the of attention will be directed towards the average citizen stays away," Schaller legislature. said. "But when the policeman is called "We anticipate there'll be legislation in into an area he has no choice."