HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 09-23 Facelift project underway at Burke-Atlantic Park REVIEW acelift project underway s t 3, -�, at Burke-Atlantic Park A small one-acre parcel of parkland equipment will range from free form known as Burke and Atlantic Park has climbing apparatus to swings, spring been getting a summer face lift. Burke animals, and sand diggers. A variety of and Atlantic Park, located at the in- play surfaces will be incorporated into the tersection of the same names, is being plan including wood chips, sand, grass, transformed into an active tot lot area as blacktop and concrete. An outer well as a winter pleasure skating area. perimeter of logs has been designed for The transormation is under the direction winter pleasure skating with the neigh- of Eric Blank, Director of Maplewood borhood youth in mind. Community Services and Tony Barilla, The entire project from design to Park Foreman. construction has been completed "in- When completed, the site will have house" by Maplewood staff. The project seven different levels with a variety of has been slated for completion in early play equipment at each level. Play spring. • v ,., X2.6 $ BURKE AND ATLANTIC Tot Lot presently under construction under the auspices of the Maplewood Community Services Department.