HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 07-01 Maplewood plans celebration REVIEW Maplewood plans celebration Maplewood's annual Fourth of July The North Maplewood Lions Club will extravaganza will get underway at 11 be sponsoring a Hockey Shoot,which was a.m. Friday in Wakefield Park. The city very exciting last year. Free canoeing has joined with many local organizations will be featured on Wakefield Lake and such as the MAA,Lions,Lionells,Jaycees the swimming beach will be open. and others to develop a fun-filled day for Other events include a variety of youth the entire family. New events have been races, pie-eating contest, home run hit- added this year such as a softball game ting contest, band concert and fireworks between the defending state Cham at 9:45 p.m. The Jaycees will be selling pionship team of 15-17 year old girls from beer and hot dogs at their concession Parkside, who will play an exhibition stand. MAA mothers will be selling snow softball game against Tom Christensen cones, candy floss and ice cream. Miss Insurance.Also,a youth soccer game and Maplewood, Betsy Jirik, will be ap girls gymnastic demonstration will be featured. pearing during the day also. ly ) 19' 5 "APLEW , wFOURTHCELE BR: I .. T EVENTS INCtUDE 4 4*4, PICNiCING HOCKEY SH001 4 , SCKRCES, BANE) CONCERT SOFTBALL PUPPET SHOWS : CANOEING PIE EATING CONTEST MEET MISS MAPLEsOOD 9:30 PM FIRE WORKS BETSY JIRIK, Miss Maplewood, will be a part of the Fourth of July celebration Friday at Wakefield Park. The all day event will be capped off with a fireworks display at 9:30 p.m.