HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 07-01 Council: A.E. Johnson must pay assessments REVIEW Council : A.E. Johnson &AI I, iltis must pay assessments by Scott Carlson development,has been allowed by the city Despite pleas that it would constitute a to use his pond for run-off purposes. "financial hardship,"the Maplewood city In a letter to the council, Johnson council has told one of its citizens that he stated,"The village is using my property must begin paying some $35,000 in as the main storm water collection and deferred assessments. run off system for a large part of the Vista The councils at a recent meeting,chose Hills neighborhood which encompasses to support the recommendation of city 530 acres. manager Michael Miller when it did not "At the village assessment rate of five vote to cancel A. E. Johnson's cents per square foot for commercial assessments for water, sanitary sewer, property and two and a half cents per and street improvements. square foot for residential property this "Our figures indicate that the property assessment amounts to a sizeable sum of (located at 2299 Londin Lane) has levied money (many times the present against it a 1971 water improvement for assessments against my property) which $5,809.80; a 1972 sanitary sewer im- the village is collecting and for which I provement in the amount of$5,464.90 and am providing the major portion of the a 1972 street improvement in the amount service," Johnson continued. of $25,168.22," Miller reported to the Johnson also told the Council that his council. "In addition a sewer and water pond has been ruined by uncontrolled assessment in the amount of $16,939.61 siltation and that this erosion has killed has received deferment from the council, off fish. And Johnson said that this but will be routinely reviewed by the seriously hampers the marketability of council in accordance with its deferment his property. policy." policy has "My pond,as it was,could have been a Since the city's deferment Po Y tremendous asset to an apartment changed, the assessments could only be project, but as a realtor stated, 'The cancelled or paid but not deferred now, present condition of the pond and with no Miller said."Any variance would result in assurance of a solution to the problem it a dangerous precedent," he added. has now become a serious liability'," But Johnson told the Council, "You're Johnson stated. putting me at a disadvantage and I have The council acknowledged Johnson's no out." problem and while it did not rescind the Johnson,who indicated that he couldn't assessments against his property, it did pay the steep assessments, felt an ex- indicate that the city staff would look into tension of deferment or cancellation was some financial consideration on the justified since a nearby housing destruction of the pond.