HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 07-08 Maplewood to consider salary increase REVIEW Maplewood to consider salary increase ,,.),Iy % ,ct1s by Scott Carlson "I'm opposed to a greater amount(than "But before we raise our salary I want to The Maplewood Council, among other what I recommended) but I'm also op- retain the old form of government." items, will decide Thursday night posed to a lesser amount,"Bruton told his whether its salaries should be increased. colleagues at the June 19 meeting. Since the city has implemented the Mayor Robert Bruton has suggested A lesser pay increase would be subject manager form of government "we have that the mayor and councilmen receive to the same criticism and if the council lost control of everything," Greavu said. $3,600 and $2,700, respectively, annually. still felt there was a need for a raise in two "I knew more then than I do today." The mayor and councilmen now receive or four years"you'd be right back at the $2,400 and $1,800 annually. same spot," Bruton said. Greavu added, "When a person had a Maplewood councilmen last received an Bruton's recommendation would in- problem he came to us."Greavu feels he increase in their salary in 1960, Bruton crease the budget for council salaries by has lost "contact with the citizens. reported. $4,800. "We had committee meetings every The pay increases, if approved, would Councilman Norman Anderson agreed night but we accomplished more," he go into effect after the next city election. that the job"has taken more time than I said. Bruton, at previous council meetings, expected." has justified the increase on grounds that "Everything I take out of my own Wiegert responded, "I don't know the duties require him to devote an pocket,"Anderson said. But he added, "I whether you had less criticism." average of 24 hours per week.Bruton said find it very hard to raise my salary"while Greavu admitted that perhaps the the heavier workload "than what I had the city commission members receive criticism was not any less but "at least expected"had caused him to use vacation nothing. you had something to work with." days for city business depriving him of Councilman Donald Wiegert admitted time with his family. he had"mixed feelings"about the Bruton Wiegert said there was nothing for the The mayor estimated that the council proposal. "At the time it(the salary) was council to do about the form of govern- job would take 16 hours per week. "What I changed (in 1960) it was a substantial ment since the citizens were the ones who most grossly underestimated was my change but it was in reaction to a change voted for it. time on the phone,"Bruton said. He said in state legislation," Wiegert said. citizens often call him at around 7 to 10 But Wiegert added, "I can't say we're The council held off a vote on the salary p.m. or early in the morning. working more than other councils." increase at its June 19 meeting since "Very often I get interruptions at However,he added,that the workload has colleague Burton Murdock was absent. dinner time," Bruton said. increased "since I've been on the coun- At the council's June 5 meeting, Mur- Had the council job required only 16 cil." dock expressed support for an increase in hours per week"the compensation would Wiegert indicated that an increase council salaries. have been reasonable," Bruton said. might receive unfavorable public reac- "I'll say Bruton said, however, "as times have tion. He pointed out, for example, that a one thing, for the area we changed my employer's attitude has recent television survey indicated that 66 cover and administer I think this is the changed." Bruton must make up work percent of the people polled felt there most underpaid body in the world," time he takes off for council business. should be no change in state legislator Murdock said. In a letter to the council Bruton pointed salaries. out that several cities the size of But Councilman John Greavu indicated Murdock maintained that the council Maplewood paytheir councils con- could evolve into a contest between people P that he'll favor no raise of any kind. "I who could afford to take off from work siderably more. feel sorry for you," Greavu told Bruton. when the business of city work required. Murdock admitted his tendency to support the salary increase may make him as "popular as a handful of poison ivy." The council's meeting begins at 7:30 p.m., Thursday at the city council chambers, 1380 Frost ave.