HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 07-29 First reading on zone change on Beam Avenue heard by city council REVIEW First reading on zone change on Beam Avenue • heard by city council 1/4)LLA q15- by Jane Kennedy I A suggestion at the hearing called for a The first reading of a zone change 43 foot right-of-way on the bikeway site within the city of Maplewood occurred at and a 40 foot right-of-way on the side a hearing of the Maplewood city council without. July 24. However, since the hearing was being Approval of a zone change from conducted for assessment purposes, Residential Medium Density to Limited consideration of the right-of-way system Business Commercial District is sought will be taken up when it becomes more for the south side of Beam ave., east of pertinent. White Bear ave. A zone change for the easterly 230 feet —DURING COUNCIL presentations, property will bring the area into con- councilman Norman Anderson expressed formance with the remainder of the a concern over several issues. property. Number one on his list was his feelings The proposed rezoning is also in con- on his city responsibilities.He said he was formance with the city's Comprehensive distirbed about the median on the Plan• boulevard on Beam ave. The Maplewood Planning Commission "They are more of a maintenance has given its recommendation for ap- problem than they are worth," said proval of the zone change. Anderson. "It disturbs me our business is In other action: going to the east of White Bear ave. in- stead of to the west." —THE MAPLEWOOD council gave Anderson's next concern was that a unanimous approval to install concrete meeting be held between the city council, curbs and gutters on County Rd. D bet- the Planning Commission and the ween White Bear ave. and Hazelwood st. Community Design Review Board Ramsey county, in a feasibility report regarding future plans for Maplewood. addressed to the council, said it will "Let's give some direction to each assess to the community three-fourths of other," Anderson suggested. "I don't the cost of the improvements to the believe they understand us or that we roadway. understand them." A representative of the county said an 80 feet right-of-way will be necessary. On a third point Anderson questioned The proposed road will have two 12 feet his council responsibilities. He asked lanes in each direction. There will be no what he could do and how he could restrictions as to parking in the outside evaluate himself as a member of the lanes unless the community requests such Maplewood city council. a ban on parking following completion of Anderson proceeded to express his construction. concerns about the closing of Gladstone Estimated cost of County Rd. D bet- elementary school. He insisted that as a ween White Bear ave. and Hazelwood st. council member he had a right to stick up is $25,400 with a 10 percent engineering for the people in his district. allowance which county and city funds While councilman Donald Wiegert allow for. agreed Anderson is entitled to his per- Net cost of the street improvement sonal opinion, Wiegert said he would regarding concrete curbing and gutters is rather not have the council involved as a $35,000. group or as individuals with the title The roadway will cost$2.66 per foot or councilman or mayor behind their name $2.93 per foot which includes the 10 per- in reference to the school closing. cent engineering allowance. The total road will cost$28.30 per foot. —THE COUNCIL voted unanimously to However,Ramsey county and Maplewood send a letter of support to State Senator highway funds will assume a cost of$25.37 John Milton regarding his investigation of per foot. senior citizens in nursing homes. Ramsey County Commissioners have The council action was initiated asked that consideration be given to the because of recent criticism focused on the construction of bikeways and pathways state senator and his role in relation to the with each improvement. nursing home issue.