HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 08-12 Maplewood to contribute $2,500 to Community Ed REVIEW Maplewood to contribute N� 1: , )4'75-- 2,5OO to ommunity Ed by Scott Carlson buildings," are pleased with the results. Despite city financial problems of its Maplewood has hired monitors for the own, the Maplewood council last Thur past four years. The pay rate for them sday night decided 3-1 to contribute$2,500 was$2.20 an hour,amounting to a yearly to the North St. Paul-Maplewood School $1,100 city expenditure. District 622 Community Education Von Drashek, in further support of the program. request, said the school district is living But the council's action, with Burton u q to its commitments with the corn- Murdock om Murdock dissenting,came only after City munity education program. "We feel Social Services Director Eric Blank there should be a sharing of corn- warned om warned that the additional money to helpmitmthere he said, referring to the the community education program secure original intention of the community top-flight building monitors might cut education agreement. back severely on Maplewood's Parks and Maplewood Manager Michael Miller Recreation budget.orecommended that the council vote either Blanknrecreation pointed out that in1975w seven to contribute its previous amount of about park and recreation programs were cut from the city's budget. "If you take $1,200 or else make no contribution at all another $1,000 (from the park and because of the city's financial pinch. recreation budget) we'll have to cut Murdock agreed. "They are asking for another seven programs," Blank said. another $1,500 and it will go up another "From my point of view they (the $1,500," he said. school district)have new funding,"Blank But Von Drashek pledged that should continued, "and we're in the position of there be any unused funds at the end of cutting back. We should maintain the the year they would be returned to programs that we have." Maplewood. And he said the council can The Maplewood administrator said he get a monthly breakdown on community had no objection to the school district education receipts and expenditure. hiring its own monitors rather than Councilman Norman Anderson, who is having the city be responsible for school the city's representative to the Com- buildings within its limits. munity Education Advisory Council, George Von Drashek District 622 pushed for the $2,500 city contribution. Program Director,said the school system "I feel that from the beginning we have is hiring more experienced adults,rather made a commitment,"Anderson said. "I than high school people, to better feel we should pay it through." supervise the use of school equipment and Anderson added that extra contribution the facilities. does not have to necessarily come out of He added that the district pays its the city's Parks and Recreation budget. monitors between$3.50 and$4.50 an hour Mayor Robert Bruton and councilman. and that the school principals, who once John Greavu, after hearing Von looked upon the schools "as their Drashek's testimony, also sided with _ Anderson in the council's vote.