HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 09-30 Maplewood city budget may increase 4 mills REVIEW • a ewoo cit u et may increase 4 mills ::Q.Rai. i , 07s by Scott Carlson police paramedic program,said,"I never the basics," Miller explained. "I thought A four mill increase in the annual anticipated that we would spend$170,000 we could cut out paramedics but what Maplewood city budget may be adopted for this service when we got into it." would the town do without paramedics?" by the city council, according to City Last year's program was funded with Both Greavu and Murdock suggested Manager Michael Miller. federal revenue sharing monies. that North St. Paul, which benefits from Miller made his comments to the "Do we continue this program and go the police liaison program, should help Review Friday afternoon after the council on?," Wiegert asked. kick in some funds. met the previous night to continue some Councilman John Greavu responded,"I "I'm tired of Maplewood being the sole discussion of the proposed annual budget. think we have to keep it going,I've heard dad for 622," Murdock said. Two nights previous to Thursday the nothing but praise (for the program)." The proposed breakdown for general council discussed in detail many elements Manager Miller admitted the costs fund expenses are as follows: general of Miller's five page general report on the "seem to creep up." government—$303,230; public safety— budget requests for different city Mayor Robert Bruton observed,"We're $1.4 million; public works — $631,445; departments. This report also outlined taking a disproportionate amount of the community services — $446,305 and major requests not included in the budget increase out for the police.The question is community development (city planner's proposal. that what we want to do when we're department) —$94,810. A four mill increase would give the city already on the high side?" The city expects to receive $194,290 in roughly $50,000 in additional funds At least for the moment the council federal revenue sharing funds. With a compared to last year, Miller said. That made no indication that it wants to cut out balance of$78,000 left over from 1975 the would account for a three percent in- the proposed hiring of additional police city would have $276,540 in federal crease in the entire local mill rate,which officers. revenue sharing funds to spend. also includes monies levied for school The council,however,suggested that it Financing for the continuation of a districts and county government. feels inclined not to hire an additional personnel officer, a community services An estimated $2.97 million budget is lieutenant. officer (a person who has duties short of proposed for the general fund.The bulk of On a slightly different note,the council being a sworn patrolman), the purchase this fund's increase would go to the police seemed disappointed that Miller was not of van for the park department and department for sponsoring more recommending continuation of the police replacement of three trucks for street paramedic patrolmen. liaison officer. maintenance would be accomplished The total budget, excluding the utility "The proposed budget assumes the through federal revenue sharing funds. fund, equals about $6.74 million. That elimination of the school liaison program The city council is expected to adopt the compares with last year's figure of$4.18 and the assignment of the sergeant now 1976 budget at its Oct. 9 meeting. million. engaged in that activity to other duties," Approximately $828,000 of this year's Miller stated. proposed budget increase comes from the The position originally was funded in bond redemption fund. But Miller said half by the federal government and the that most of this increase would be remaining portion was picked up by the covered by special assessments. city of Maplewood and the North St.Paul- The budget figures include the general Maplewood school district. fund, federal revenue sharing monies, Mayor Bruton said, "I think that (the and bond redemption.The utility fund had police liaison program)is one of the more not been prepared at press time. appropriate police functions.To develop a Although the budget calls for hiring five feeling of rapport with the kids I think is new police officers to allow five more important. patrolmen the opportunity to receive Greavu agreed. "I think the guy (Joe paramedic training, the council was Zappa) is doing a terrific job," Greavu concerned that Maplewood may be over- said. "It's a shame we don't have the emphasizing its police services. money" Councilman Donald Wiegert, while indicating that he had nothing against the "With the budget we've tried to keep to