HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 01-15 Maplewood outlines rules for snowmobiling REVIEW Maplewood outlines rules for snowmobiling Due to a number of complaints received Allows crossingstate road by the Maplewood Police Dept., Public 18 if holder of afety certificate.en 14 and The Public ssfety Director may at hisd Safety Director Dick Schaller outlined the Area Requirements on Streetb snowmobile discretion issue ao organized city's snowmobile regulations last week. Maplewood: No on-street operation group permitr granting Many of Maplewood's laws are the except a 90 degree crossing. permission for a trail ride overna same as those set up by the state of State: No operation on Interstate high- specified route until 2:00 a.m. on a Minnesota and a snowmobile safety laws, ways or their rights of way. May operatt specific date. rules and regulations booklet is available on outside bank of trunk highways. Miscellaneouss: Ra Information at Maplewood City Hall, 1380 Frost ave. Parks: Maplewood allows operation in operGolf Coursoes: Ramsey es. Maplewood prohibits Here is a rundown of Maplewood's most parks except in the skating or Ordinancenn golf courses.ap snowmobile law (�i ' �S� recreation areas or where otherwise Rgistr1215.n: ASub. (9) applies. posted. Registration: All machines must be Licen a Requirements Ramsey County Parks: Not permitted registered if operated on public property. All snowmobiles must be registered except where posted. Parking lots to bePrivate Property:mowner.erPermission License d even while in transit. See exceptions in used for loading and unloading only. obtained from and state manual 84.82.No one under age of 18 Schools: Operation propertyeoistration laws not applicable in private may register. P permitted at operation. Weaver and Hazelwood elementary only. Under Influence: Breath test should be Age Requirements Not permitted during school hours. Maplewood: Our ordinance adopts. Waterways: State law applies— administered.Influenceprohibited DrivingWhile Under the Or- Minnesota State Statute. Maplewood adopts state laws and has the by Maplewood Ramsey County: Prohibits operation right to interfere. We have the Con- dinance. under 14 years of age in county parks. servation Commissioner's letter of Speed: Maplewood Ordinancer z milesu School District:Permits operation over authorization. per hour; 15 miles per hour in hazardous 16 years of age. Under 16 must be ac- Hours of Operation areas where there are fishermen in channel, etc. companied by parent. Maplewood ordinance applies. No State Statute: Prohibits operation on operation permitted between 10 p.m. and Carelcss Operation: Prohibited by our public property between 12 and 18 years of 7 a.m. all days of the week. orTinaabo. age without a safety certificate: Ramsey County regulations allow The yaou. informationeState is a guideline to operation between 12 and 14 years unless operation until 12 midnight on Friday and regulations assist you. The State has and copiesed itse accompanied by parent or guardian. Saturday nights. This does nota 1availablens into a booklet are apply in available at the Police Department. Maplewood. Copies of the Maplewood ordinance are Exceptions—Organized Trail Ride available through the Village Clerk's Permits: office.