HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 01-15 Council approves single family rezone in industrial city area REVIEW uouncii approves n efamily. . rez ne „ ,,,--- in s i i city area .,,_ ' by Scott Carlson when nearby property owners want to are adversely affecting anyone by giving Single family zoning is okay for an area move ahead with industrial land uses. relief to these people who wish to remai which is largely industrial, the "The people will say`I'm residential—I single family residences.” Maplewood council decided 3-2 last don't want it'," Greavu predicted. Wiegert added, "There have been no Thursday night. Murdock added, "When you take the noticeable moves to do anything else with That action, in reading of a first or- middle of this industrial away it's crazy." the property." dinance for rezoning from heavy in- A spokesman for Bulk Service Councilman Anderson suggested that dustrial to single family residence, was suggested that the area was not good for even the existing industrial use cannot be taken by the council despite objections single family homes.And another one sufficiently taken care of by the road from adjacent property owners. asked, "Who would want my land with network. Five and one-half acres on the north single family homes next to me?" Bruton favored the rezone as a move side of Maryland ave. and east of The arguments provided a new twist toward conforming to the general land McKnight rd. were approved in the since the council has frequently en- use as designated for the area in the city's rezone. countered citizens who were opposed to master guide plan. But Mayor Robert Bruton said the commercial or industrial development in Manager Mike Miller and the city's council's action was not final."Unless one their neighborhoods. that rf the councilmen changes his mind it But councilman Donald Wiegert,Mayor initial lure one petitiong Commissions be expanded theuggested to ';won't pass," Bruton said in explaining Bruton and councilman Norman An- "include all the area between Maryland that approval of the second and final derson found nothing wrong with the and McKnight and the Beaver Lake reading of the rezone ordinance needs rezone. Estates mobile home park to the east, the four-fifths support. "If, as has been suggested, there Bulk Service,Inc.property to the north." Councilmen John Greavu and Burton arrives use for the property of an in- The council, however, rejected ex- Murdock opposed the rezone. They said dustrial nature there are considerable panding the rezone area. that even though the present property ownerships to be bought up," Wiegert owners want to build homes on their land, said. "These would have to be bought up future owners of the homes may object at the same time and I don't see that we