HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 01-22 Maplewood council approves administrative salary hikes REVIEW Maplewood council approves 2,A . (97S- administrative s by Scott Carlson Councilman Burton Murdock monthly increase. That, a 6.7 percent The state of the nation's economy—high throughout the council votes adopted a increase, was what Miller requested. inflation and unemployment—figured hardline position of no increases for any "I agree a lot with what Burt (Mur- heavily in a Maplewood council employees. dock)says,"Miller said,in explaining his discussion Thursday night. "With the economy the way it is how request for a small increase. But the co-existing problems were of can anyone justify a 10 percent increase Then in this order the following in- relatively little importance in the coun- for anyone?" Murdock asked his creases were approved: cil's decisions to hike police and ad- colleagues. He said that about eight —A 12 percent increase for Director of ministrative salaries by nearly 10 per- percent of the country's work force is Community Development Robert Reed. cent. unemployed. He'll get$1,540 a month,or a$165 monthly Council action came during the span of Other councilmen agreed."I would like hike compared to 1974. about 90 minutes and increases for the to see inflation slowed but I don't know —Director of Public Safety Dick administrators plus the manager's that Maplewood could do it,"councilman Schaller will receive $1,825 per month. secretary received individual votes. Donald Wiegert responded."...What can Murdock dissented. Manager Mike Miller suggested that we do for these people (who are out of —Police Lieutenant will get $1,540 per the police and administrative personnel work)?" month. Murdock dissented. receive 10 percent increases, the trend Wiegert,a paper salesman, added that —Fire Marshall Al Schadt will get which most communities are adopting. he knows what the economic crunch is $1,400 per month. Murdock and Wiegert But,as in the previous year,the council like: "Personally my income will dissented. An early figure of $1,381 was was polarized on how to proceed with the probably be one-third less,"he predicted. first approved but reconsidered. The pay increases and whether percentage Mayor Bob Bruton agreed.He urged the council felt the first increase was too increases or flat across-the-board raises council to go along with Miller's little. should be adopted. suggestion for straight 10 percent in- —Deputy Chief Tom Hagen will get 10 Attempts at both suggestions failed in creases. "Maplewood can't be a percent increase or $1,696 per month. council votes. Then, at the suggestion of pacesetter or we'll just suffer the con- Murdock dissented. councilman John Greavu, a long process sequence," he said. —Finance Director Don Ashworth will of discussing each administrative salary Miller explained that the city might lose receive a 10 percent hike or $1,560 per began. experienced police and administrative month. Greavu dissented. personnel if it didn't keep the wages —The Community Service officer will competitive with surrounding corn- get $740 a month. Murdock dissented. munities. —Vi Lewis, the manager's secretary, The police officers were granted a 10 will receive $858 per month. Greavu percent increase.That came on a 4-1 vote, dissented. with Murdock dissenting. —The City Clerk,Lu Aurelius,will get a Next, an attempt to increase ad- 10 percent increase or $1,189 a month. ministrative salaries by a $126 monthly —Director of Community Services, flat rate was defeated 3-2, John Greavu Eric Blank,will get a 10 percent increase and Norman Anderson being in favor of or $1,431 a month. the proposal. Public Works Director Bobby D.Collier Murdock's motion to put a moratorium will get a 10 percent increase or$1,981 a on all salaries died for lack of a second. month. The council, sensing its momentary Greavu dissented on the resolution impasse, voted 3-2 to give Miller a $125 increasing these last four salaries. 4' M--� z',it4 4 r awl ,,, * ,fit ,, � " A -0., ,...„,„--, i -/,/ ri.41 7, i, , 1 STAN SANDQUIST,right,5059 Gervais,received a certificate of appreciation from the City of Maplewood for his service to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Mayor Bob Bruton is pictured presenting the award. Sandquist had served for six years.He also has been active in the Maplewood Athletic Association (MAA) as a delegate from the Gervais area."I've been interested in athletics to a certain extent all my life," Sandquist said, in explaining his interests in Maplewood's recreation programs.He praised the city for a fine park and recreation staff and added,"I think they've done a lot with the money they have had.They've done a lot with the parks." Sandquist works for the John E.Blomquist Real Estate Company.