HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 01-29 Maplewood okays arbitrator's decisoin on clerical contract REVIEW Maplewoodoasarbitrator's decision on clerical contract by Scott Carlson A state arbitrator's decision to increase didn't like but it's over with," he said. But Bruton, Wiegert and Burton city clerical workers'pay by a 28 percent Greavu reiterated his long standing Murdock voted against the idea. average for a two year package was concern that the council neglected its duty Murdock and Wiegert both expressed a approved by the Maplewood city council to work out the contract itself. Instead it desire not to deviate from the arbitrator's 4-1 last Thursday night. had Manager Mike Miller act as its award. The council's acceptance of the ar- negotiator. "I think we have to accept what the bitrator's decision brought an end to a arbitrator came up with,"Murdock said. nearly two year-old stalemate. The "I wish we could have done this before He said he tended to go along with the contract covers all�of 1974 and 1975. the arbitrator," Greavu said. "What the theory that a climb to the top in the pay Councilman Norm Anderson dissented. arbitrator did we could have done a long scale could be accomplished in less than The councilmen called the ap- time ago." four years. proximately $50,000 two year package, Greavu said the contract was generally But Murdock also added that "it was which includes wages and fringe benefits, fair. But he and Anderson wanted to not only for secretaries but all of them." generally fair. adjust the pay scale to allow the em The clerical workers unit also, for "Personally I feel it was a veryployees to reach the top of the pay scale example,includes the building inspector. generous award and the people should be Wiegert, admitting he didn't quite satisfied," Mayor Bob Bruton said. faster. understand Anderson's proposal, said he Councilman Donald Wiegert expressed Under the current contract city clerical found no reason to support the alteration relief that the contract had been settled. workers do not reach the top of the scale in pay scale. "I didn't understand if it's "I'm glad it's done," he said. until after four years. Anderson, in a needed or what its effect would be," he Councilman John Greavu was also motion, wanted to reduce that to three said. happy that the stalemate was brought to years. That would have given each em- an end. "There were some things that I ployee four to 10 percent above the ar- bitrator's award. Greavu, in supporting Anderson's motion, said that most of the clerical workers are expected to perform the same kinds of duties within one year that workers with four years experience handle."Within a year they have to know the whole business," Greavu said.