HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03-19 Council okays first reading of ordinance for trapping REVIEW Council okays first reading of ordinance for trapping . by Scott Carlson The Maplewood city council recently passed first reading of an ordinance which prohibits the setting of steel-jawed spring animal traps. Second and final reading of the ordinance is expected Thursday night. The ordinance in full reads: "The setting of steel-jawed spring traps which could catch the foot or leg of an animal is prohibited by the city of Maplewood except for mouse and rat trapshe owners theo homes or buildings by r occupant of said homes or buildings." i Councilman John Greavu recently suggested the ordinance after learning of some spring traps which were found inhiss 1 neighborhood. Greavu said they are danger for children. David Arnold, 2579 Brookview Dr., testifying in behalf of the ordinance,said, "This is long overdue." Arnold, member of the Maplewood police force, told the council of three incidents where dogs or other domestic animals have been caught in the traps. Arnold said that spring-traps caused all kinds of agony to the victimized animals. Quoting some information from a wildlife pamphlet, Arnold said the animals o ten die of exposure or else tt y too chetrw He their feet in order to escape said that spring traps aren in- discriminate method for capturing animals. "Two out of five cases find other animals (than those intended) trapped," Arnold said. He added,"I think with a city of 30,000 it t. is inappropriate to have leg hold traps."