HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03-05 Council approves first reading of Beam Avenue Zoning Change REVIEW Council approves first reading of BAvenue zoning change rr.4 in I q`75 by Scott Carlson Parks added, "They didn't ask for the Dr. Donald Nelson, 1861 Radatz ave., The Maplewood city council, in a Mall to come in.The least we can do is to said the COD zoning "still doesn't go far compromise move last Thursday night, provide for them the zoning so they can enough."He advised the council that if it approved first reading of an ordinance sell it (the property) instead of sitting used its new overlay zone ordinance it which would rezone the south side of there and paying assessments." could achieve the control on development Beam ave. between White Bear and Then, in a series of questions and an- it desires. Southlawn ave.from Farm Residential to swers, Parks' talk centered on the Councilman Burton Murdock said he Commercial Office District (COD). meaning of`specialty shop',as part of the was sympathetic with the citizens in their The council's action,by a 4-1 vote with COD zoning. Manager Mike Miller said desire to pay off assessments and not to Councilman John Greavu dissenting, is that it would allow for such things as sell their property at loss. But he added, not final, however, since a second and clothing or shoe stores as well as phar- "We're leapfrogging down White Bear final reading of the rezone will be up for macies. ave.and I'm afraid it would keep on right council vote at Thursday night's meeting. down the road." Four-fifths approval of the council, in a "You probably could put these things in Bruton agreed. "This is part of the council-initiated rezone, is needed. a two block area with a lot of land left things the council has to consider in While local property owners affected by over," Parks said. He suggested that making a decision. It's a question of the rezone expressed serious doubt about retail stores,like Woolworth's,be allowed `where do we make the balance?' " their ability to sell the property and under the new zone district. Murdock later said that he didn't want recoup losses expected from high Crystal Almond, an associate for "a slaughterhouse there (in the rezone assessments, Mayor Robert Bruton said, Rehnberg Realty,told the council"I don't area)."The council is afraid that it would "My own personal preference is to sup know anybody who is interested in this lose control of development along the 12 port the plan(to rezone COD) and to take zoning." While a nightclub would be acre strip if it allowed BC zoning. a hard look at the assessments." allowed under the zoning, "I don't know The council's next meeting starts at The residents earlier claimed they paid any nightclub which could afford this 7:30 p.m.,Thursday at the City Hall, 1380 unfair road assessments even though the land," she said. Frost ave. land owner to the north of Beam, the Maplewood Mall, paid for five-eighths of the assessments.The citizens on the south of Beam claim the per square foot charge to their property was much greater than the Mall's land. Yet to be assessed are sewer and water. Councilman Donald Wiegert supported the COD zoning "on the basis that it protects the property to the south." But Greavu favored zoning not only the small portion of Beam ave. from White Bear to Southlawn ayes. to Business Commercial (BC) but also the remaining stretch to Highway 61. Councilman Norman Anderson and Wiegert objected to that idea. "You will invariably wind up with something you don't want," Wiegert suggested. An- derson added,"If you want BC you better have all the cotton-pickin' roads planned for." The property owners warned the council that the new COD zoning, which allows various professional office and specialty store uses,may be so restrictive that no developers will want to buy the land. Attorney Clayton Parks said his clients oppose the rezone"because they feel they would be unable to satisfactorily develop their land to make it pay." "The aSSeSS1netlts' mould be about$2,0 tor that' theana that's mor eaaars ��they s said. houses 20 y