HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03-19 Maplewood council to consider final Beam Avenue rezoning REVIEW Maplewood councioconn er .„ i` , J5 ■ ena eam venue rezoning The Maplewood council is expected to effort to stop commercial development Business Commercial they will be unable consider second and final reading of an from 'leap frogging' down White Bear to afford the high assessments. Some of ordinance which would rezone the south ave. side of Beam ave., White Bear ave. to "I've listened to both sides," Murdock them have said that the COD zone is Southlawn ave., from Farm Residential said. "I'm in agreement with the people's workable, that developers won't want to Commercial Office District (COD). concern that commercial development is to touch the land. In the council-initiated rezoningfour p Councilman Greavu, at the last going to proliferate." But at the same meeting,also called upon the city staff to out of the five members will have to ap- time Murdock admits the assessments outline the different options which prove the ordinance in order for it to are high and would like to see if any of the specialty shops would include. "I don't become effective. The last time coun- improvements, such as a bridge over care if it takes 50 pages, I want to know cilman John Greavu dissented. Coun- Highway 61, have an area-wide impact. what is allowed," Greavu said. cilman Burton Murdock,who was absent "I want a cost breakdown of what the The council meeting, at City Hall, 1380 at the last council meeting, said he's properties can bear," Murdock said. Frost ave.,begins at 7:30 p.m. The Beam inclined to support the COD district in an The council has offered the COD zoning ave. rezoning, an item of unfinished as a compromise. The property owners business, should be considered near the say that unless the area is rezoned top of the council's agenda.