HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03-26 Maplewood council votes to reject golf course purchase REVIEW a ewoocouncil votes 3.2 to reject gcourse purchase Pt by Scott Carlson `i�� ' �' ' 5 worth it," he said. An opportunity to purchase a nine-hole, But Greavu challenged Bordsen,"Show par three golf course, called a "unique Related editorial, page 4 me any public course which is making opportunity"by some people and a"dead money! It's bad enough that we have to duck"by others,was turned down 3-2 last assess people for sewer and water but I'll Thursday night by the Maplewood way 61, could earn a profit, based on in- be damned if I have the people pay for a council. formation provided by two consultants golf course," Greavu said. Mayor Robert Burton and councilmen who estimate that earnings could total Murdock, in sharp disagreement, in- John Greavu and Norman Anderson, in $101,000 or more annually. terjected,"This is the biggest opportunity opposing the purchase of Maple Hills, Don. Bordsen, a member of the city this city ever had." expressed fears that payment through Parks and Recreation Commission, said, But some citizens disagreed. industrial bonds totalling $506,000 could "We do have a little margin of risk but it "If you insist on buying it I think this backfire if the golf course doesn't isn't as risky as it might have seemed at should go to a referendum," said Dick generate enough revenues to become self- first." And he added with proper Pearson, 1959 White Bear ave. "There is supporting. Greavu, in particular, said promotion the golf course could even earn no way you can guarantee it will make a the city had no guarantee that the pur- greater revenues. profit." chase would not come out of the tax- Ban-Con,Inc.has offered to sell the 22- Wiegert admitted that the city does not payers' pocket. acre golf course for$383,750 plus the office need a golf course. But he added that it And he urged that any golf course building for $155,000 and seven adjacent appears "this is something for nothing." purchase be put to the voters in a lots for$27,000. Bruton, after studying the figures on referendum. City manager Michael Miller and Parks manpower and number of employee But councilmen Donald Wiegert and Director Eric Blank also supported the hours, doubted whether people working Burton Murdock, in supporting the purchase but the City Planning Corn- for such little money could make a one- proposal to purchase the course from mission could-reach no consensus. half million dollar enterprise succeed. "I Ban-Con, Inc., said that calls for a Based on previous Ban-Con fiscal don't think we can operate it within those referendum were an unfair argument in records, "the city should be able to confines,I don't think we can make it go," squashing any deal. operate the golf course and pay the debt Bruton said. "There is no time for a referendum service from incomes derived from the After lengthy discussion the council within the offers of the sale," Wiegert golf course," Miller stated in a February took its vote. Anderson, who appeared said. He said the call for a referendum 18, 1975 staff report. undecided about the purchase, voted no, was just means to "shoot it (the pur- Bordsen said that purchasing the golf stating he hadn't received any calls in chase) down." course would help to preserve open space support of the purchase. Wiegert,along with Murdock,said he's as well as provide the citizens of Murdock, after the vote, said very few inclined to believe that the golf course, Maplewood with a good recreational people bother to let councilmen know they located on Parkway dr.just west of High- facility. "The risk and burden is really are in support of something. 1 tN1ATUR GOLF t , 'r' } WELCOME e �b a iT " ,, ,v ttuNot+sE t { THE MAPLEWOOD COUNCIL voted 3-2 last Thursday night to bonds to cover the purchase price, but three council members reject a proposal to purchase Maple Hills golf course from Ban- felt the taxpayers might have to pick up the tab for the course. Con Corp.The city staff proposed to issue$500,000 in industrial photo by Mike Gombold