HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 12-28 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 6 Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016 Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Labb Id,d Property By:/s/Curtlt- -ANS Mortgage Loan Asset- Services, LL' DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY FO RECLOSURE SALE IAu PARCEL NO.. Curt N.Trisko(W392T53) Badred Certificates Series 201 Au PARCEL IDENTIFICATION or beton which the TH E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 0]2022.240161 Attorneys(or Plaintiff SK w,K,Ureooarse b NUMBER. 29030.21420020 mortgagor mus[ vacate the property THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY Federal National Mortgage Dated. -211006 TRANSACTION AGENTS it the mortgage bhi ied ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE 261[263 George St Associa4an H 0/ u 061620MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION under eSron TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT SaintPaal, MN11101 The Acadeny Professional Ramsey County Registrar of Titles NUMBER. 1009644131123369-] 58030 or nsoa nte-aIXthAtproperty redeemed AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Building Document N0 2005001 Afgeinst THAT no action or procoedinc hes under Minnesota S[eWte- a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ISLOCATED. Ham say 25 North Dele Street Certificate of lite N029/6// been Inst Wted et ecu to reooverthe 60.23 i-July26 LOl/etll59 p�mn b-IIIhe- oaurredin the conditon- ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT St-ul,MN55102 Transaction Agent NS, debtthenrem Ung-Aared by such Ifethe foregoing date -e SeWrday, ofthefollowing desaibec mortgage: OF MORTGAGE $3734500 Telephone:@51)2099]92 Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: mortg� or any part thereof or if Sunday or legal hohdax then the Mortgagor COBK Development AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO curt Oth�cademylewgroup.-nn NIH o or "O'edmc hes been date to vacate e ne buboes LLC, L tied LDBK D lop� BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, (160351-LIT03) L dr or Broker R,Apla- d, that the same hes been day d 1159 p. m6th M g gee: Supe F ncng, Inc INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID 'Review. Nov 30, Dec /, 14, 21, 28, F tel, Inc d ed, or that an execabn MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Dated. 011122016 BY MORTGAGEE .$478,81359 2016 Jan4, 201]) Servicer: Oawen Loan Servicng, uponthe aggro Ant renderec therein FROM OBLIGATION ON Recorded'. 011131016 Th. p-b-tothe commencement of ILL hes been re c un-atsfied, in MORTGAGE. NONE Ramsey County Recorder thblaoftg eforedosurep^rocoedmc Mortgage Originator: R,Apla- whol e orin pertme THE TIME ALLOWED BY Document NO P04591464 Moft,g el gnee of ortgggee NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Einanoial, Inc PURSUANT, to the power of sale LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Assigned TO Prairie Capibl, Inc comPiedwithallnotcoregUI-ementn FORECLOSURE SALE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF coE,aec iIn ai mortgage the THE MORTGAGOR THE Da ted. 011122016 -regain, by dAtHe that no action THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF PROPER(TV. The Ed 75 feet of above described property will be MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Re corded. 03012016 or procoedmc hes been in -tutted at THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Lots 3 enc 4 0a l9 Fr Ink- , sold by the Sheriff of Bald county es REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Ramsey County Recorder le or otlherwise to recover thetdebt ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Gomo Perk BAdditon, Ramsey follows: MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Document NO -4597160 securec by said mortgage, or any TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Gounry, Minnesob DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Assigned TO Eagle Community Part thereof AFFECTEDBYTHIS ACTION. Thi -- Reginrec Property Jenaary24, 20115 t1000AM ,NI,RED UNUM MINNESOTA Bank, a Minnesota banking PURSUANT to the power of sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TAX PARCEL NO.'. PLACE OF SALE. Washington STATUTES SECTION 582032, eined in mortgage the 2229.23320111 County Sheriffs Office, Washington DETERMINING AMONG OTHER corporeton cont d bait default has ocoanecin thA conditons ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. Coun w Enforcement Center, THINGS, IHHI IHC MORTGAGED Reted., 011122016 sold by the Sheriff of a,d county as of the Poll owinc deka; bec m ortgage'. 1462 Rbnkson Ave 15015 Qnd Street North, Stillwater, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Recorded. 03012016 Mortgagor: OeAja M KladA and John Ramsey Cowry Recorder follows: HKinde, wife Khusbend Saint Paul, MN 55108 Minnesob WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF SALE. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY to pay the debt then a ec by OF LESS THAN EIV, UNITS, Document No..459]161 UHI, AND AIM M agagee: Bremer Bank, National r nasi nedTV PM, eCa It Inc Januaryl2, 2017, 1000AM IS LOCATED. Ram -Ay aid mortgage and I— �if any ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Dat d 1Ol92016 P PLACE OF SALE. Sheriff'- Rude, D obat 6232008 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT adaally paid by the mortgagee, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, aNl Proce-- Uni[ 26 uv. 4th_,, OF MORTGAGE $61 on P,ea,- anc the wst-and ANDAREABANDONED. RAwmed. m2T201s suite Iso, st. Paw, MN -0, Ad 10-00e AMouNT DUE AND -AIMED To di-bw-einem-allowed by law. mA Da ted. NoaAdbar z3, zols Ramav cowry RAwmAr -H Id coarl,y RAwmAr DocumentNO P046i0819 to pay the debt then seouree by UO.IAn No'CoU BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, tine auowed by law Por redempton U.S. Beak National Association. ortgage, anc bares if any, on INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID by said mortgagor(-), their personal Assignee of Mortgagee Trona bn Afgent a said anc the coancAsmgnA To: Minnesob HOa61ng BY MOR(TGAGEE.$71,25342 6 OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL TranaIXionAfgen[Mortgage ID No Premia -,e ttaFihat,T 6gency reprep Dold the fkai-six(J NIA disbursements, indudmc e obeys' Dated. %32001 Thet prclorto the oommencoment of month -from the date of sale ASSOCIATION Lender or Broker: Su fees ellowec by law-abjecR o thi-mo gageforedoareprocoedbc I IMC AND UAC TO VACATE By Jonathan H CL ey, Michael V. Faancn c Perior Recorded. 10012008 g in redempton within 6Month-from the Washington CoanJoculaent No �ry Recorder dbapageeIlZgneA of Mortgagee PROPERTY Unless said mortgage Sahleisman S '.P Cap I, Inc date of-, sale bythemoagagoq(), 9 cob Pred w thellno q d the property A yt M gg Oig Superior that persona rept dU. vas or T A9 .NIA es requ redby,d], ss the me for U.B. one ­-atan Phan— In, assg T IXon Afgen[M ortgage lO No or proceedng ha -b d p d cod by uddal A g fM g gee LEGAL DESGRPT ON OF DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY NIA lab orothe-bbe to Acover the debt dr you must vacdA the p -ea,- 55 East Ffth SPeO Sate 800 PROPERM Lotti, No 3, Drake- date on or before whidh the Lender or Broker: Bremer Bank Seo ec by aid mortgage, orany byll e9pm. on Juy24, 211/. StPaal, MN6 -1/18 Id Atlditon to the Gary of St Paul mortgagor must vacate the property National Assocation Part thereof, THE TIME ALLOWED BY 651209]5496 U together with ell heredibmead and if the mortgage i- not rein Servicer: U.S. Bank Nation PURSUANT to the power of ale LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 6512281]53'5x) appurtenances belong, oder Minnesob SbWtes sectio a coHaned in sal mortgage, the IHC MORTGAGOR, IHC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION halon thereto a n Aasoceton :the Property) 58030 or the property redeem ec Mortgage Originator: Bremer Bank, above desonbec dpropea, will be MORTGAGORS PERSONAL FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Th Ab Property d M AsobS ct on Nt t fgoby the Sheriff of sad county as REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, 1]9081600823-1 TAX PARCEL NO ., Y12" P�m. LEGALOdGRIPTION OF Pollow-: MAY HE DEDUCED TO HV, 'R bed / 21, 28, 2016"29, ...4"24 If the f gingd S max DATE AND TIME OF SALE. REEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS J 4,11201 14 S deY or legal h Id x then the PROPERTY. Lot 11 Block 0, Janaad19 2017, 1000AM ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ADDRESS OF PROPERTY Thompson Grove PLACE OF SALE. Sheriff'- Office, STATUTES, SECTION 682 3 20 SYCAMORESTE deyto 59p is the tie business Addition, W ashingtontha AGounry, GNI Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SAINT PAUL MN 6611 / Minnesob COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED Thi -;-Abstract Property to pay the Peal, MN THINGS THATAHE MORTGAGED FORECLOSURE SALE IS LOCATED'. Ram sey FROM OBLIGATION ON TAX PARCEL NO o pay the debt secured by PREMISES MPROVEO THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT MORTGAGE. NONE aicM -gage, andta e If— on DIT A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 1]02]2141.0029 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY IN THE OF M AMOUNT T DUE $50,00000 THE TIME ALLOWED BV ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. is Premises, enc the costa enc OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, TIMEORIGINALCREDI BY LAW IS THE FOR REDEMPTION Hr asp AmAn baling ubjed to AR, NOT PROPERTY USED AMOUNT DUEAND CLAIMED TO LAVV C SHINTON GEGROAVE ab N TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT BEDUEAS TAXES IOFN PAI THE MORTGAGOR, THE COTTAGE GROVE MN 55016 fees ellowec ,n law abject e AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AFFECT ED BYTHIS ACTION. INGLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID MORTGAGORS PERSONAL COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY d dem a within 6Month-from the AND AREABANDONEO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS eeof aic ale bythemortgagoq( MORTGAGORS) RELEASED BV M OFTGAGEE. $54,243.75 IS LOCATED'. Washington debal[he-oaurred a the conditon- That heoommencementof MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE their personal repreanbtve- or FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION gdesaibecmo1,age: priortot ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ofthefago, thiamort e eforedosure din NV CRSEUF A NUDICIAL ORDER IS OF MORTGAGE $13],50000 assigns ON MdORTGAGtte- None Mort e or: Philli Ales and Erin M g g Procoe g D,R MINNESOTA U IC TO VACATE PROPEFTV. 016 y g P Mortpie-Aasignot of Mortgagee AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ee ovem Ar Adney hasbantt and wife Pe and dwith ell notco re STATUTES SECTION 582032 The date on or before whicl the RUSHMORE LOAN wmPiA gwremAn BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTIGR Boyd anc scuff A Bovc wife and DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER ANY PH fthe Noma-tvb n the Property MANAGEMENT SERVICES, LLC -regwred by stntA; that no act on INCLUDING TAxes, o- ha -and d hes been instiWtec et THINGS, IHHI IHC MORTGAGED BY MOR(TGAGEE.$190,025. D if e mortgage i- not rein can Mortgagee Mort or prooee ing ¢ gages: Gary 3 County Credit or othe, :eto recoverthAdebt PREMISES ARE MPROVED under Minnesob SbWtes ee ion THEACADEMV F SHH11 UP,PA Union law hThatb a Prior to the commencement of cured by aid mortgage, or any WITH ARESIDENTIA DWELLING thi-bort e eforeoloare din 58030 or the preperty redeemec ByNbongn,o d Sdhiller E-4 Dated. 01042013 OF LESS THAN EV, UNITS gg pr°de g under nnesob SbWtes a bongni Fondungallah, E-4 part thereof AlE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Mortgageei-gnee of Mo gagee 58023 -Jul 19, 201]et 11 59 'Curt N.Trisko, Es .' Recorded'. 011152013 HE to the power of sale oompliec with all notoe requirements y pm. 4 em-ey County Recorder AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, If the foregoing date i- e SeW bey, Samuel R G0lemen, Esq. ned In aid mortgage, thenB NDONED e -required bY-bWte;thet no salon Sunday or legal hol day then t A Saobeysmr Mortgagee Document No 4380249 aolcb described property will be Dated. November 14, 2016 or proceeding hes been instiWted at date to vacateb the nekt a Ue The-dem Professional Baildin Arena bn Agent NSA bythe Sheriff of aic county be TCF Nationel8enk, sucrossor law or otherwise to recover th, debt day.1159pm. 25 North Del e Street g m ion gen[Mortgage IT No: (DATE AND TIME OF SALE. by merger toTCF Mortgage secured0f aic mortgage, or any MORTGAGORS) RELEASED S[PeuI, MN66102 NIAna January 12201/, 1000 AM Corporation, Mortgagee PPURSUANT to the power of ale FROM OBLIGATION ON (f51)2099]� Gedldt Uniorn Broker Giry3 County PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Office OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL oHaned in aid mortgage, the MORTGAGE. NONE e (1 61 &FN1J Servicer: G.U. Mortgage Services ASSOCIATION Ht IIME ALLOWED Y THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street above described property will beInc Mortgage Originator: Gary 3 Suite 160, S[ PeuI, MN By Jonathan R Guskex Mioheel V sold b the Sheriff of aic county as LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. County Credit Union to pay the debt then secured by Schlei-man follows THE MORTGAGOR THE (Review: Dec ], 14, 21, 28, 2016 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF aic Mort e e, and I— if an Attomeys for: MORTGAGORS PERSONAL an 4, 11 201]) g g x on DATE AND TIME OF SALE PROPERTY'. The Southerly 4] feet end the costs end T� Netonel Benk, access REPRESENTATIVES ORASSI FIVE C Premises, °r January 20 201] 1000 Law Ent of the N ly,ng 94 teat of that pert disbursements, indading .[[obeys' by merger to TGF Mortgage PLACE OF SALE. Lew Enforcement MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE of Lot 2 INng Southerly of e line fees allowed by law shies o Corporao on, Mortgagee GenteT 15015 end Street N. 'N EEKS IT AJU DIGIAL ORDER IS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE drawn from e point on the Wetherly redemption withintiMonth-from the Eest Fifth Street Suite 800 Sollweter MN ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FORECLOSURE SALE line thereof 1144 feet from the date of-aid-llebythe mortgagor(-), St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 STATUTES SECTION 582032 to pay the debt then secured by DETERMINING AMONG OTHER THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Southwesterly Domer thereof to e their personal represeU.O or X1-209/693 (bx) said Mortgage, and I—if any, on THINGS, THATT AMONG OTHER THEDEBTANDIDENNTYOFTHE point on the Easterly line thereof e -sign-. said premises and the costs and ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE 14218 feet from the Southeasterly THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PRE MI SES ARE IMPROVED W ITR DATE TO VACATE PROPEFTV. FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. disbursements, including ettomeys' H RESIDENTIAL OW FEEING TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT comer Axcopt the Westerly 14680 The date on or before which the fees allowed by law abject AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. feet and alley pert of Lot 2 Block 17/251600661-1 e OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, mf or[gegor �u� bSdtcde A td ted on (Review: Nov 23, 30, Dec], 14 21 dot o within 6M motafromthe ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NOTICE 16 LIKcu,e i econkGIVEN that 1, 6ubumen HMIs, Ramsey Gounry date of- P_dos le by themortgagor(-J, of the foil wIncunec inedmoagage MN. e, 20167AGRIcuLTURAL PRooucnoN, under Mthe in the p- pea, edeemed their Personal repre-en atve- o of the Wiliam IT Oakland Abd trec[ddMd y 5.02 or the Property s sectan r AND AREABANDONED. - Mlna,12 sntll a ion The daeo ICATE Idd ePROPERTY DU.S.Itvember22, 2016 die env rsonuvooam H Kimlw , a iTAX ianbthmPnRrecEL Na. 580.23-Ju1y12201]et 1159 Pm. STATE OF MINNESOTA The date on or before which the U.S. Benk National Association, Mortgagee. Mortgage 33.292233.0022 If the tore oin date b a S.Daa COUNTY OF WASHINGTON hA es g. Go.. the C -BASS SDDRESS OF PROPERTY. 9 9 y. ohe momaat veatet Property Mortgage Loen Assetsflecked e roninefo,L Lake ys[Am-, IncIn Sunday or legal holiday then the DISTRICT COURT if the mortgage i- not rein aced nom inns for Lake Area MBando1gaga 832 Sant Paul St datet1169p -the tie# business under Monnesob S[eWte- sect on Certificates,.of 2o0E-SL1, e -Division of Lake Area Benk, e Sant Paul MN 55106 day at 1159 Pm. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 58030 or the redeemed Assignee of Mortgagee coD Abon COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGORS) RELEASED CASETYPE:14. under Mnnesote o5[des secto OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Dated. 051192010 IS LOCATED. Pam sey n ASSOCIATION FROM OBLIGATION ON OTHER CIVIIJJUDICIAL 58023 i- July 20, 201] at 1159 p�m. By JOnathw RGaskA, Michael V 'ed.O8ro42010 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT MORTGAGE. NONE FORECLOSURE If the foregoac date - a SeWrday, SyJion h Ilam sey Registrar of iter OF M OFTCAGE$35,55000 THE TIME ALLOWED BY Case No.: 02 -CV -1638]9 Sunday or legal holiday, then the ,Fl A to, Document No. 2116676 Against AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Judge: Gregory Gl Geller datetovaate b the n -business BankN CeRfiateof Title Na. 581556 BE DUEASOFDATEOFNOTICE, THE MORTGAGOR THE day et 1159 Pm. U.S. Bank Netonel Aasoceton, es Hasygnec to U.S. bank Neton INCLUDING TAXES, IT ANY IU MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE MOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED Lru-[AeHor the GRASS Mortgage Assocaton a BY MORTGAGEE $2846626 PH REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS PURSUANT TOJUDG IKAT FROM OBLIGATION ON Loan 2se- e c CegUH-te-, Date d. 091182014 That p -l -to the commencement of MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE tEl NATIONAL MORTGAGE Series 20065L1e Assignee of Eued 092ti2014 this M OFTGAGE. NONE Y Mort e mo gageforedoarepKceeding W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS ASSOCIATION, IRE AIME ALLOWED e 9TR Ram sey County Registrar of Titles MoagageeiA gnee of Mortgagee ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA CaiUff 66 ,e -[Fifth Stree[Suite 800 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV St Paul ,MN55101-1]18 CocaPC= No. T02513791 Against compliedwith all note,equiremend STATUTES SECTION 6' 3 THE MOFTCAGOR THE GArtifiateof litAN0.68166 as required by sbWte; that no eIXion DETERMINING AMONG OTHER JEFFERY S. GRUBER, .1209]599 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL !61-28 SC;fax) Transection AKgent Mortgage or proceeding hes been institutecd THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED JOHN DOE anc MARY ROE, REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS 2-l/ Bearonio Regi-traton Systems, Ina law or otherwise to recoverthe debt PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Defendants. MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Iran-- R gen[Mortgege IT No: secured by aid mortgage, or any WATH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING NONCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that W EEKS IE A JUDICIAL ORD ER IS FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. 1007158000000376W paathereof OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS on Jenuery 24 2017 at 1000 Nvl, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 1Review6Nov630,Dec /, 14, 21, 28, Lender or Broker: Lake Area PURSUANT to the power of sale ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN at the Wa-hagton County Sheriff- STATUTES SECTION 582032 2016, Jan. 4, 201]) Mortgage, a Uivimon of Lake A -ea coni ed In a mortgage, the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Office, Washington County Law DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Bank above n described dpropea, will be AND ARE ABANDONED. Enforcement Center 15015 Qnc TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Servicer: U.S. Bank Natonal solc Dated.November16,2016 Street North, S011water Minnesob, n PREMISES ARE IMPROVED followb-ythe Sheriff of aic county e- : Prairie Cepitel, Inc., Assignee of the Washington GounCountySheriff u HA RE Sl DENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE OF MORTGAGE agageOriginator: Lake Area DIE AND TIME OF SALE. Mortgagee will sell the real property legally OF LESS THAN FIVE UNIMTS, FORECLOSURE SALE Mortgage, a Division of Lake Area February 9, 2 1 1000 AM OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL desonbec a-: ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF e PLA GE OF SALE Sheriffs Office ASSOCIATION Lot 19, Block 5, Pnetree Ponc AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street By Jonathan R CL ey, Michael V 5th Additon, Washington Gounry, ANDARE ABANDONED. ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHIN THE PROPERTY. The Westerly 14 feet SUI,150, St Paul, MN Sohl Aikman Minnesob Dated. November22, 2016 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT of Lot 3 0 3, Lindemann-- to pay the debt then-ecured by Attomey-to, Property Address: ]934 Ivys[one Minnesota Housing Finance AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. Subdivi-ion bock kLotn 9 and 10, is Mortgage, and bxe-, if enx on Prairie Capibl, Inc, Assignee of Avenue Court S, Cottage Gove, MN pgenry,Assigo. of Mortgagee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Hyde Perk Additon Lot 4, BloI - is premise-, and the =and Mortgagee 66116 PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL dl at ha- oaunedm the conation- 3, Lindemann-- Subdivision of dish emend in uding ettome 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Tex ID'. 09 027 21 44 0049 ASSOCIATION of the following described m ortgage: Lots 9 anc 10, Hyde Park Additon, fee --allowed by c law subject o St Paul, MN55101-1718 to the h[ghest bidder by ed on By Jonathan R CL ey, MichaelV MOF(TGAGORS). William A . , pt the W estehy l 5 feet thereof redempton within 6 Month -from the pursuanto the Finding- of aFaa Sdhl_man Conrad, a mngleper-on sey Gounry, Mmnesob eof-aid-llebythemoagagoq(), 65122&1]53 ;fart Conolasion- of Law, Omer for Atomeysfor: MOFTCAGEEM -gage Electronic T bb Registered Property their personal represeU.O or THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Judgm en[ and Judgm ant enterec Minnesob Housing Finance Regal -at on System-, Inc a TAX PARCEL NO'. a-Hgn-. FROM A DEBTCOLLECTOR. in he abovsentitled e n Afgenoy, Assignee of M ortgagee Uelaware coryorat on a- nom nee 6292'3320041 U IE TO VACATE PROPEFTV. 1]246160034]2 November 4, 2016, to atsfy the 66 ,est Fifth S[ree[ Suite 800 for F-hmore Loan Management 3ADDRESS OF PROPEFTV. The date on or before which the 'Review. Nov 23, 30, Dec], 14, 21, judgment entered for CaiUff in St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 Servico-LLG 1048 FULLERAVE mortgagor mustve dethep-opeayif 28 2016) he at $231,63088 plX1209]5 us 99 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. SAINTIAUE MN66104 t- moagagenotreaddtedunder scathe costs of said ale 69'br) Aasignec t Fa-hm ore Loan COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Minnesob SbWtes se,tan 58030 Atcertified Dopy of the Findings of THIS�IS A COMMUNICATION Management Service- LLC by ISLOCATED. Ramsey or the property redeemed under NOTICEOF MORTGAGE Fact Condu-ion- of Law, Order for FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. assgnment recorded on August l6 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT M tib SbWtes-edan68023t- FORE CLOSURESALE Judgmentand Jadedhtha-been 162161AHURC- 2016e- Document Number4079182 OF MORTGAGE.$138,13900 Augud9, 201]atll59Pm. If the THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF deliverectothe Washington County 'Review. Nov 30, Dec/,14,21,28, in the Office of the County Recorder AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO foregoinc dater a SeWrday, Sunday THE DEBTAND ERIFITYOFTHF Sheriff. 2016 Jan 4, 201]) of Westlington Gounry, Minnesob HE DUE AS OF JAI, OF NOTICE, or legal holiday, then the ate to ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE The redempton penoc from the ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID ve b the next businessdday et TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT ale will be six ;6) month -from the OF MOR(TGAGE.$1181000 BY MORTGAGEE $140 70628 1159 Pm. date of confil-m.an of the ale by UHI, OF MORTGAGE'. Se her f MORTGAGORS) RELEASED AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTIO N. the Gourc The reel be NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ptem het poor to the comm encomento R J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the property must 27 2013 thismortgageforedocure proceeding FROM OBLIGATION ON to 6 1159 on hale -[de FORECLOSURE SALE debul[ha- oaurredatheconditon- a c y pm. y THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF DATE AND PLACE OF FILING M agageel dgnee of Mortgagee MORTGAGE. NONE ofth-edemptonpenod Awned on Odo 11 2013 a- wmplIecwith all notceregatremen w, IIM, ALLOWED BY oft-ollowagdesaibec mortgage: THE TIME ALLOWED By THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE Document Number 3967737 n the e-requ,,c by steWtA; that no action LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY aortgagor. Loreto Ullege-Ramirez LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Office of the Gounry Recorder of or proceed ncha-been indduted at THE MORTGAGOR THE Single Person THE MORTGAGOR, THE TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW N. NOT a -hagton Gounry, Minnesob o he bt MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagee: TGF Mortgage MORTGAGORS PERSONAL AFFECTED By ACTION. THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO secured by�aictmortgage,thordeny REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Coryoraton REPRESENTATIVES OR ASS IGNS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE pat the -ed f MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Dated. 121122003 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE debul[he-ocounecin the conkto ON IT, UHI, OF IT, NOTICE. PURSUANT to the power of ale WEEKS IT AJUP CIAL ORDER IS Recorded. 081112004 WEEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS ofthefollowinc desai bean d1gage. $126563.21 coni ec in ka the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Ramsey Gounry Recorder ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagor: Richard G. Sullivan end n mortgeg�e DocumentNO3 1W1 STATUTES, SECTION 6 2 Bamara S. Sullivan, husband and LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF above desvibed cpropeay ill be STATUTES SECTION 582032 Tran Pian Agent PS, 0 wife PROPERTY. North 1/0 feet of Lot soldby the Sheriff of -aid county a- DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Tr PtanAent M ortee ID NO DETERMINING, AM ON OTHER Inc 6 Bloc: 1, Glenmar Washington follow-: THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Agent gg THINGS, THATTHE M OR(TGAGED M agagee: Firsb - mancal, . Gounry, Minnesob DATE AND TIME OF SALE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED NIA PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Dated. 09/16/1941 STREET ADDRESS OF JanuaA26201/, 1000AM WIIH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Lender or Broker: TGF Mortgage WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Filed. 022811499 PROPERTY. 705 STILLWATER RD, PLACE OF SALE. Sheriff- Office, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Goryoraton OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Ramsey Gounry Registrar oTitles MAHTOM ED I, M N 55115 Civil Preco-- Unit 25 W. 4th Street ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Servicer. Oawen Loen Servicing, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ovum Ant 0 1629844 Agana COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Sate— St Paul, MN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, LIC AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Ceaka to of rise NO2s]Sn IS LOCATED. Washington Gounry, to pay the debt then sewrec by ANDAREABANDONED. M ortgage Originator:TGF Mortgage ANDAREABANDONED. A -signed To: Providen[Benk Minnesob aid M -gage, anc I—if any, on Dated. Decom bet 13, 2016 LEGAL WASHINGTON COUNTY Dated. 0921/1941 TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage aid premises and the cost- and City& County Credit Union, LEGAL Ood 11 anc TION OF SHERIFF'S OFFICE Filed 081032004 ElearonicRegistraton System -,Ina disbursements, ;abating ettomeys' Mortgagee PROPEFTV. Loin ll 2, BIOd: Dated. Novemberl], 2016 Ramsey Gounry Regirar off Title- NAME OF MORTGAGE fee- allowed by law -ubect o PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL 7 Dawson-Additon to St Paul and gy: /s/Rebecca Eng=1 ocument 0 Agana ORIGINATOR. RUGlmore Loan redempton within tiMonth-from the he weth mfeerof setae chahm" Dapmy cereeate oftine NA. z9Tsn Mwagemen[serNAe-LLc date of -aid-alebvmemercgagA�-), Public Notices S treet that acomec to Lot ll, Blod: Dated. November 152016 Assigned To: US Bank National RESIDENTIAL SERVICER. their personal repredU.ve- or ], by reason of vection there of THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, P.A. A- ­an a- tustee for the R hmore Loan Management CONONU2(1 UII Page/ mgn- Review Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016 Page 7 Public Notices mr Home Egwty M--Cg Loan Farg-Bank, NA theo- pAm- l represAHtaOva, or It, IA- npare P-I-dm III bA given L-vend-rs Contlnuetl from Page 6 2oosEa Hdme NE�q�GiryneMor�g� NUMBER 11111212221112gnoN aDATEe TO VAGATE PROPERTY PURSUANT nE,UII, HA pow�er�oe HA kp fio �a�nle�6o pro,�de owwralry ASSOGIATIDN Loan Asset-Bad:ed certificates TRANSACTION AGENTS The date on or before whidh HA above desaibed property will bA RCGHS encourage, new vendors By J- d-R LLskey, M_dll V Series INABS2006E MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION mortgagormuet vaeatethA opertyif sold by the Sheriff of cab county as end those with expertise in s-H, Sdhleismen Dated: 1011712016 NUMBER: 10024912000041911 them-TC—i, not reinstated under follows: diverse co mun10 es to submit e Atomey, tor: Remrded. 10Ki12016 THAT no action or proceedinc hes MUnes-ta S Wte, section 50030 DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. proposal. m city 3 County QAdit Union, Ramsey Gounry Reoorder been insOWted et law to recover the or the property redeem ec under February 21, 2017 et 10A0 AM PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING: Mortgagee Document No 04691411 deb[then rem aining secure, by,udh MUnes-E, St,t, A, section S 02'3 PLACE OF SALE: Wading[on A n-nm endOo, Pre Solidtation 55 East Fifth Street Suite 000 Transection Agent Mortgage mortga A, o any pe rt thereof or if b June 162017 et 1159 P m ak the County Sheriff, Office, Washington Response Conference will be h Ald S[-I, MNSS101-1/18 EIarnb Regid,Oon Systems In, thea io or pl-o-knc hes been f-regoinc dated a Saturday, Sunday Cou yty Lew Enforcement center at 1A02 AOom central OIA on 651203]549 Transect;-n Pgen[Mor[gage lO No: inetiwtedn that the same hes been or legal holiday, then the date to 1SOl Qnd Street North, S011water Jenuery 10,'1/et02 University 6512211]53 ;far) 100055401243520245 discontinued, or that en executon vecee is the ne# business day et Minnesota Ave. East St Pau14 MN. 55130, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lender or Broker: Indy- Bank, upon the Udgmant rendered therein 1159 Pm. to pay the debt then secured by Lower Conference Room. THA FR OM A DEBT COLLECTOR. F S. B., a federally dha1-dsavings hes been returned uneatefiAd, in SORTAGORS) RELEASED said mortgage and bares, if any purpose of the conference is to 0000-160003]-1 bank Iholeorin pert FROM OBLIGATION ON actually paid by the mortgggee, discuss the work to be performed 'Review: Dea Ll, 28 2016 Jen. 4 Servicer. Datum Loen SArvidng, PURSUANT, to the power of sale MORTGAGE: NONE on the premises enc the cents end end allow Contractors to ask 11,10,25,2017) LLG ained in said mortgage, the THE TIME ALLOWED BY disbursements allowed by hew. The questons--nngthe soli-on. Mortgage Originator: Indy- above desaibed property will be LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY t e allowed by law for redempton Questions end e will be Bank, FS. B., a federally dharterec sold by the Sheriff of.,, county as THE MORTGAGOR, THE by said mortgagor(,), their personal [ mribed end poetedreon 0n NOTICE OFMORTGAGE _n g, bank follows: MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL representv,,ora,Ofgn,,,fv,(5J DAnt-SE, after the m FO RECLOSURE SALE sLEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE AND TIME OF SALE REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, weeksfrom thedete of sale pursuant in the form of an Addendulmc THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF PROPERTY: Lot 14 Rod:4 F,d,uay21, 2017OTOOOAM MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE to Minn. Stat§50007. Individuals with a disability n-H, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Joseph R Weide, Additbn to St PLACE OF SALE: Washington W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS TIME AND DATE TO VAGATE e modation shoulc.-DHA ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Paul. Ramsey County MUnes-ta Gounry Sheriff, Office, Washington ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA PROPERTY: Unless laic mortgage Ramsey County Contact iddIfied TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT This i,Abetrect Property CoTny Law Enforcement center STATUTES SECTION 502032 reins[ or the property aboveprbTothed C,,Pforthe A AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. TAX PARCEL NO.'. l Qnd Street North, S011wO,, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER redeemedeto unless the OmA for Solioibbon Response Conference NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 2929 22 12DRESS 104 Minnes-ta THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED redempton is reduced by udi-I so thetereesoneble emommodetion detain[hes oauredintheeondi0ons ADDRESS OF PROPERTY to pay the deb[then secured by PREM ISES ARE IM PROVED WITH order you mus[ vacate the prem; se, can be made of th e following desaibec mortgage: 614 J Aesamin, Ave. E said mortgage an I— if any A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING byll59pm. onm-28 201/. RAMSEV COUMVCo-u Mortgagor: Kevin PATI An a single Saint Paul, IN 55130 IXuelly pest, by thAarmortga" OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, THE TIME ALLOWED BY Email: Pemele SenOhez® person COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY on the premises end the cents endARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY m Mortgagee: Mortgage El-onic IS LOCATED: Ramsey disbursements allowed by hew. THA AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THE MORTGAGOR, THE Phone:. us RAgid,Oon Systems n' ORIGIN AL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT O e allowec by l aw for redempton ANDAREABANDONED. MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ;Review: DA, 214282016) nominee for LAa OnA Finance) OFMORTGAGE:1.00000 by said mortgagol(s), their personal Dated: October 17, 2016 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, C-ry-rat on, a Co"Abon AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO repre,AU._ or assignsb six;6) U.S. Bank NetionelAssocietion, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Dated: 09252015 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, months Dom the date of, ala esustee, Tr.across., in WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS CERTIFICATE OF Remrded. 10X)62015 INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID TIME AND DATE TO VACATE interedto Renk of America ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ASSUMED NAME Ramsey county Remrder BY MORTGAGEE :$1314.. PROPERTY: Unless 68i c mortgage NationelAssocietion, es Trustee, STATUTES, SECTION 5820'32, Document No AR57712 That prior to the mm m Ancem Ant of i, rdUdle or the property across., by merger to G.S.H. DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER STATE OF MINNESOTA Aasigned To: U. S. Bank Nat-Hal thismortgageforedosureproceedinc redeemed, to unless the OmA for s Bank National Association, es TH IN GS THAT TH E M ORTGAGED Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: Aesodaton M-rtgageei-g- of Mortgagee redempton is reduce, by Iudioial Trustee for Residential Asset PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ASSUMED NAME: Iron Wi11 Date d. 00292016 complied with all Hotce requirements order you mus[ vacate th e prem; se, Mori gage Produds, Inc., WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLING Strength Trai ning Recerded. 01Ki12016 s require, by dAJUA that no action by 1159 P m. on August 21, 2017. Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS. Ramsey County Recerder or proceedmc has been U,twted at THE TIME ALLOWED BY Through Certificates, Series 200]- ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 1W6 Gervais Ave, Maplewood IN Document No .4.2212 or-therwidIoreeoverthA lG LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY RP2, Assignee of Mortgagee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 55109 Tres-Poon Agent Mortgage seared by said mortgage or any THE MORTGAGOR THE OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL AN D ARE ABANDONED. NAME H OLDERS: Steven Broderick EI,RAnic Regid, Oon Systems, Ina part thereof MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ASSOCIATION MOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED Moms /000 Magda Dr Apt 304, Tran-on Agent Mortgage ID No: PURSUANT to the power of sale REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Maple cove IN 55369 100]212-1200066]005 cental ec m sa mortgage, the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Sdhleisman ON M ORTGAGE: None I, he undersigned, certify that I Lender o Broker: Leade-One eboveH desaibec property will be WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Atomeye tor: Dated: DAeember21,2 signing this document as the Finandal Corp-ratoH, a CdOoraton sold by the Sheriff of said county as ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA U.S Bank Natonal Aesodaton, as WELLS FARG008ANK, N.A. Person whosA signature i, required, Servicer: U.S Benk N,U nal follows: STATUTES, SECTION .2032 Trustee, sumees-r in intereetto Bank Mortgagee or es agent of be reere-ndwh-hes q DATE AND TIME OF SALE: DETERMINING AMONG OTHER of Amerces Neto 1 A on, THE ACADEMY LAW GRON IT- P,P A aXhonzed o, tos ghedocho M g g O g : L de-One F b ry 16 2017 10 AO AM THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED as Trustee, sumer by g rto ByI 9 'Handal Corpora G rP ,aeon PLACE OF SALE Sh TF, Office, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED LaSalle Bank Net 1 A b on, R F. Schiller Esq n h,Iher behalf n both LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF G 1Proce„Uni[' D 4th Street WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING as Trustee for -dental 1 Asset N Obongn, Fondungallah, Esq ­a I- I WrtherceTythet I have PROPERTY: Unit No 94 Suitel50, St Pa,I, IN OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Mortgage Products, Ina, Mortgage 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' completed all required fields, and Condominium No 285, Linden Place o pay the debt then s cure, by ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Aeaet-Backec Pa T rough Samuel R G- Leman, Esq that the inforneton in this document VIIa,, a Condominium, Ramsey said Mortgage, an­ ,Aif any, on AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Certificates, Series 2007JRP2 Steven R Lille, Esq ru anc rest andin compliance Gounry, Minnesota said premises, e c them c ANDAREABANDONED. Assignee-f Mortgagee Attomeye for M olgagee wlth Athe inapplicable dh apter of ThisisAbsiract Property disbursements, indudmc attomeye' MOF(TGAGOR(S) RELEASED 55 Ear[ Fifth Street Suite 000 TheAcademy Professional Building Minnesota Statutes. I understand TAX PARCEL ND'. fees allowed by law ,ubjecR o FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION St Paul, MN 101 1/18 2S North Dale Street that by signing this document I am 27302440135 ,edam peon within 6 Month, Dom the ON MORTGAGE: Julie M. Haase 20 7599 S[. Pau I, M N 55102 subject to the penalt-of perjury as ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. date-ad sale bythemortgagoq(), Dated: Deeem bey 162016 .12281]53 ;far) (.1)20397. set forth in Section 60940 as if l had ti/S LINDENAVENUE their personal representatve, or WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION (1501%FN11 :get document under oath. WHITEBEARLAKE MN55110 assigns Mortgagee FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FDA:12X)72016 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: TH E ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA 17]2515,001432 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. /s/ Steven Morris ISLOCATED: Ramsey The date on or before I-the By. it Rebema F Sdhiller Esq (Oakda-ake Elmo Review: Oct 'Review: Del 28, 2016 Jan 4, ll, Review: Dea 21, 28, 2016) ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT mortgagor must vacate the property N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq. 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 23, 30, 2016) 10, 25, Feb 1, 2017) OF M ORTAGE$117335.00 if the mortgage i, not r 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO under Minnesota Staw- ke SamuelR Coleman, Esq OF MORTGAGE NOTICE O FHEARINGOF BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, .030 or the property redeemmle, Steven R Lithe, Esq NOTICE IMPROVEMENT under Minnesota Statutes seaion Attome f Morc FORECLOSURE SALE y given t INCLUDING TAXES IF ANV PAID ye or gagee Notice is he, th that the TO WHOM ITMAV CONCERN'. BY MORTGAGEE:$120,0426] J80 b August 16 201 / et 1155 T e-demy Professional BUldmc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that property will be sold on Jenuery l0 Notice is hereby given that the That he commencement of gm 23 If the foregoing date b a 25 North Dale Street the above Mortgage Foredo,ure ,Ol/ The t prior tot Sale Is hereby postponed t property will be offered Matplewooc City Coundl will m thi emolgageforedoeureproceeding Saturdal Sunday or legal holidal S[. Paul, MN 55102 l/ at 00 ° online at tutu Store-,Treasures in he coundl chambers of the City MortgegeelAas gn f qM g gee then the date to v Is the next (651) 2039/60 J rY Lew Dom and mo-e Hf- Oon about Hall to Dons der the kHc of the mmpredwthalln q , busneesdayatH59gm. '161110.FGOil Ef Gent 15015 62nc the sale Den be found et that mpr-vemen[here nett dela bed'. srequred by sea h cion MORTAGOR(S) RELEASED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION S N., Sillwat IN aI websta The undersgned A.-In Propo,Ac Cty Prole N.1612 d hes been inetiwtec et FROM OBLIGATION ON FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Gounry and State. Mini Stora or procee ing Dated: Decembem9, 201. gA wo1 mu at FNic seta P-Hdoohand orae Street or otherwise to remverthe debt MORTGAGE: NONE 'Review: Dea 20, 2016 Jen. 4, 11, by mmp1tve biddmc the personal Improvements law dmortee, r THE TIME ALLOWED BV 10, 25, Feb 1, 2017) U. S. Bank National Association, y eat g g o any a.ToI suo�sor in Pndp g heremmre stored wkh me DATE.70Huary9 zoo pPURSUAf LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 't t to Bank of America undArsignec by TIME LOCATIOpm NC PURSUANT to the power of sale THE MORTGAGOR, THE hn eras UnitMSOS, Selene Walley, luggage LOCATION: Qty Hell ained iH said mortgage, the MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NetionelAssocietion, es Trustee, Wmiwre, b-xe,-funknown Hent Coundl chambers above described property will be REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, ucrossorby merger to LaSalle UnitM 720, Jemb SO-- hand 1030 East Gounry Road olc bythe Sheriff of sat c county es MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE $Benk National Association, as truck, Wmiwre, boxes of unknown Maplewood, Minnesota SSl09 follows: WEEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF TrusMoug Residential Asset -nte The general newre of the proposed DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Mortgage Produds, Inc., cUnitnt 061, Steven Abitel improvement, ;,dudes o WII Februar 16201], 1000AM STATUTES SECTION 502032 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass Ch,btoher Abita, tools, Wmiwre y p ptevemen[replecem enton all project PLACE OF SALE'. She"; Office, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Through Certificates, Series 200]- boxes of unknown mntent e , wee n replacement Civil Process UHl[2S W. 4th Street THINGS, THATTHE M ORTGAGED AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. RP2, Assignee of Mortgagee Unit M 603, Jeannie Ailport, end tdreinage�imlprovement, o Suit,150, St Paul, IN PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL televisions, miaowa, Wmiwre, Pond Avenue enc Dorland Road to pay the debt then secured by A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING default has occ-ed in the conditions ASSOCIATION boxes of unknown mntent 'Meilen, Road to Londin LaneJ, is M ortgage, and taxes, ifany,on OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ofthefollowingdesaibecmortgage: By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V -Ravi ew: Dea 21, 28 2016) aetA Roancgutterins Lane) on p and the cost, end ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN M g g : John P M gue and S.I on D Road :Bowood Avenue d b kemenF, nd,kng atomeys AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, K M.M g e,h b and wife A yet t G A n f allowed by hew subject o AND AREABANDONED M g g : Lends a U.S Bank N I A nue), e c spot ut ty redempton whhn 6 Month, Dom the Dated: December 15, 2016 Dated. 01X)72002 T esumeeso- UteredIto Bank RAMSEV COUNTY rp h ughou[ the project date of-lleb he mortes Deutsche Bank NationalTrust Remrded: 10X)12002 of America National Aesodaton, PROCUREMENT aThe properties in the general yt g gor(sJ, arae prop osed to be assessed for their personal representatives or Co4any,asTrusteefor Home Washington County Remrder as Trustee, sumees-r by merger to ROOM 210 follows: E uit Mort a ,Loan Asset- Document NT 3266449 LaSalle Bank N,U nal Aesodaton, ;Tho.mpAmentareas eDmgns. q y g g Ase d To: JPMo I- as Trustee for Residental Asset CITY STKE KELLOGG Those properties generally DATE TO VAGATE PROPERTY: .,Equity Series lNA852006 gne ,gen 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, abutting: The date on or before which the E, Home Equity Mortgage Loen Bank es Trustee Mortgage Products, Ina, Mortgage Boxwood Avenue from McKnight mortgagor must vacate the property Asset-Backed Certificates Series Dated. 001122002 Aeaet-Bad<ec Pa Trough SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Road to Dorland Roed, Dorland INA852006E, Remrded: 06X)42003 Certificates Series 2007JRP2 55102-1679 if he mortgage is not reins ,ted Roed from Meilend Roed to under Minnesota Statute, section Assignee of Mo Itgagee Washington County Remrder Aasignee of Mortgagee 651-266-6072 Londin Lene, Dorland Road 50030 or the property redeemed OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Document No 3342007 55 East Fifth Street Suite 000 Ramsey County Sodal Services from Boxwood Avenue to Carver under Minnesota Statute, Becton ASSOCIATION Assigned To: Bank of America St PeuI,MN55101-1710 Department (RGSSD) b releasing Avenue, Dorland Road from Aug-ByJ hn R Cuskey Mohael V N IAB aeon as sumees-r /559 [h fll O Carver -nue to Heghts Avenue b LaSalle Bank Natonal 17]2515,001.2 In, f h f g d S hl y g. D dSt off l b, Heigh ts Avenue from Dorland S d y, S d y :gal h d y, A yef r: A Trustee (R b w: Dea 20, 2016) h fp bl eH-[ce Road to cul de�c Overlook then the date to ate s the ne# DAuteMe Benk Netonel Trust Dated: 101152010 p ant to Secton 331 A03 of the Circle from Dorland Road to cul business day at 1159 Pm. Company, as Trustee for Home Remrded: 10212010 Minnesota SEUDA Individuals may de , and Pond Avenue from M OFTGAGOR S) RELEASED Equity Mortgage Loan Aeset-Backec Washington Gounry Remrder NOTICE OF MORTGAGE go to the Onvie OemendStar section McKnight Roed to Dorland Road FROM OBLIGATION ON Trus; Seri es )NABS 2006E Home Doamen[Na 38131 bti FORECLOSURE SALE of the Remsev GounN Web-e-e to THETOTALESTIMATEDCOST OF MORTAGE:NONE Equity Mortgage Loen /Ls set-Bed:ec Assigned To: U.S Benk Netonel THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF amass regietraton thforneton to SAID IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IS THE TIME ALLOWED BY Certificates Series INABS 2006E Assogstation es Trustee, sueceesorin THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE bemmean OHviauser. $2,130,620. LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Assignee of Mortgagee mere -Bank of,merica Natonal ORIGINAL CREDITORWITH INTHE SOLICITATION RFPM Pursuan[to Mpn'0Stat 429011to u East Fifth Street Suite 000 Aesodaton, as Trustee, su is propose THE MORTGAGOR THE meesor TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT GHSP50000013171R 429111 d to assess St Peul, IN 55101-1]10 by merger to LeSelle Benk every apiece or pabel MORTGAGORS PERSONAL AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION OPENING DATE: 12212016 lot of lend REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, .1203/)99 Natonal Aent eat-n, es Trustee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That DEPARTMENT ISSUING THE benefited by s c improvement MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE .12281]53 (fart for Residen, Asset Mortgage detaul[hes o.,,edin the mndit- SOLICITATION: Ramsey County whether abutting (thereon or t WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ProduIXs, Ina Mortgage Aaset- of he following desaibed m olgage: Social Services Department Adult base, upon benefit, received ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 'ROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. Bed: ec PeesThrough Certificate,, MORTGAGORS): Jessica 0-Neill Mental and Chemical Health Division without regard to cash va Oon. STATUTES SECTION 502032, 17/251600]061 Seri es 2007-RP2 Vel or a single person SOLICIATION TITLE: RFP: Detox A reesonableedimateoftheimpad DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ;Review: Dea 20, 2016 Jan. 4, 11, Dated: 0.5222015 MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Medical Dedor oftheassessmentwillbeavailableat THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED 8, 2S, Feb 1, 2017) Remrded: be X)42015 Regietraton Systems, Ino a SOLICITATION DESCRIPTION: the hearing Persons desiring to be PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Washington Gounry Remrder Delaware Corporation e n minae Ramsey county, through it, Sodal heard with reference to the proposed A RESIDENTIAL DW FEEING Doan-DnUment a 4036136 for American MortgagA63oEqui I Services Department seek, to improvement should be present et OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, NOTICELO MORTGAGE Tranea-[ion Agent 01 consultants, Ino a Mune-a eont-ad with an agency or Sole this hearing TraneaIXion Agent Mortgage ID No ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N FORECLOSURE SALE NIA GorpoGNM Proprietor e provide service, for Dated this 13th day of December, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THE DEBT VERIFICATION OF Lender or Broker: Lendsource, Ino ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. the Ramsey County ed at 408 2016 AND AM D.edDABm be, NED2 THE DEBT CREDIT IDENTITY OF THE by-Iect-:WAITFargoBank N nMald,A d1dUn,v P,EtatPIty lul IN bbill BY ORDER OFTHE COUNCIL Dated:Dnk Nati 2T 2016 ORIGINAL IDEDITOR WITHIN NOT ,Minnesota C-enration by-memrdeconM17527 TheMsity, E. ,e Paul, MNSSIOI. COUNCIL U.S. Bank National Association, TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT LLC cera Oaven Loen Servicing 2015 e, Documen[Num ber4017527 The Medical Director will WHIXIOH e, Karen E. Haag, Minn Clerk Assigneeof Mortgagee AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION Mortes Ori : Lend,-urce, kfthe Office of the County Remrder part-fthe leaderehipteam to provide City of Maplewood Minn ­ OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL 9 9e $;Hato, of Weshin count Minnesota medical end ensure ST k, len ue e r N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Ino a Minnesota Corporaton $ton y, supervision g g g nteryretehs e ASSOCIATION detaul[ha,ona edin themndi0-ns ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT the accurate and safe provision evefieble You must request IhTs of the 01 c desaibed mortgage �"L DESGRIPTON OF By Jonathan R LLskey, Midheel V PROPERTY: Lot 13, anc the South OF MORTGAGE:$311 25000 of all heelthretated se end .ern e at lees196 hours m advance S.1 an MORTGAGOR(S): J r H DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 13, procedure, These se , are CII 2 9- 400 to make 12 f L 14, Rod 235, Ovision A yskor: syn le women 2014 wary H order ,e mine[ the e g U.S. Bank Netonel Assodet on, MORTGAGEEM Electro,;, N f SY P P h, W hing[on DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. mmdetn health tie eeds of 'R :De, fi21221, 2016) of M rC- count M ad P, Aavign Ffth-rtgagee Re He wa-e-n B stem,, Ino e V Remrded on June 24 LOl4 ae tome end din; tan, AA well a, 9 y Thi,;,Abstract Pro art. 55E­Fifth Street Suite 000 Mannk1Ia,e Home aeage neefor p y Docum eft Nu County Re In 9 meet M in nesota Fla 32 parts St 2a 759JSIoIohne Marketplace Home Mortgagempany TAX PARCEL NQ. Office -f the County Remrder of 9530 ­0 [two oro on NOTICEOFHE ENT OF 651203]549 MiHHA,-ta ENTSCLlF MORTGAGE 1202]22 13 )land A31 Washington Gounry, ML AIMED There ere two component, to this 65122&1753'farJ ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: DRESS OF PROPERTY: THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO project 1) Orvsite standard, of IMPROVEMENT 44 P-Mende TO WHOM ITMAV CONCERN THIS IS A COMMUNICATION by ago gcnm WAITFrgo Bank A Sy Paul Park, MN55071 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE resp-Hsibility :530..10, Subpar[ Notice tic herebygiven thatthe FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. by eesgnmen[reeorded on Aprl l6 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: d f M dical DreIXor e, an M [plewooc Gty Coundl wll m eO 17603-16004751 2014 a, Dooumen[ Number3935371 S LOCATED: Washington $350,02053Ind,- I ec under M Hne-a In he coundl chambers of the Gty R ew: Dea Le,' Ol6 Jen. 4, ll, 'n the Office of the Gounry Reoorder OLOCATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT LES DESCRIPTION OF S Ch p r 147 and employed Hall to ,-order the maknc of the 10, 25, Feb 1, 2017) of Dash Hgton Gounry, M Hne,ota PROPERTY: Lott, BI ck2 Vctorie or contracted by the cense holder ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OFMUT NT DUE AND E$130000MED TO de,ghF, Washington Gounry, to direct and,upervi,e health care mpAvementherenafferde,abed. OF MORTGAGE: $1.,647.00 BEE DUUE AS OF ATE OLF NOTICE, Minnesota for diens of a licen,ec program. 2J Hillwoo-e-ewAdNo Area bTC StreO NOTICE OF MORTGAGE DATE OF MORTGAGE: November INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID STREET ADDRESS OF On c 111 andard, of responsibility, FO RECLOSURE SALE 21 2011 BV MORTGAGEE:$124,40006 PROPERTY: ]401 NEWBURV 4530..30, Subper[5, require, that WDATE:AJanuary9201/ DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: ALCOVE W OODBURY, MN55125 all-oldermu,thaveaMedical THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Thet prior to the commencement of TIME: 7AOpm Reco'dec on December lS, L COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DireRor available Por medical THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE e, Document Number 30666. i thism-rtgageforeclosure proceeding IS LO GATED: Washington Gounry, supervision, enc that the Medical LOCATION:QtyHell ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE n MortgageelAeeignee of Mortgagee Coundl Chambers TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT the Office of the Gounry Remrder of eompliec with allnoteere M rement, Minnesota DIreRo, i dat sponsible for ensuring 1030 Eeet Gounry RoedB Weshin Goun[ Minnesota TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage he acar e and safe provision AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION Ston y, a,regU,edby,EUUe; ThOno-on rNce, Maplewood Minnesota 55109 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO din hes been instituted et Electronic Regie Oon System,, Ina of all heelthretatAd se end The newre of the d or procee g NAME OF MORTGAGE dura, genera propose detain[hes oaured in the eondi0ons BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE law or otherwise to recoverthe debt pr°ce improvement, indu de a WII depth of the followin deeaibec mort ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. se ism r ORIGINATOR: American Mortgage TheMedbal RI-edorwill pr-videon- nc w Mort a : Gerol Ina Bertelmgag so $150,1]9.19 cured by 68 ortgage, o any V Equity consultant,, Ina, e e medical service, an average of pavement redemet-n e ggor ya pet hereof pavement Ileton, ,pot a,m known a, Carol Ann Baaelm LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PURSUANT tc the Minnesota TIAL SER T hour per day five days per week Y a PROPERTY: Lot Rod: coni Polgage sale RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Well, orfive hours per week. V,it, shall be replec p-opeland spot the repairs mngle person 2� ned in eaid op gage, be Fal-go Benk, N A eondudec at least Aver fort h The properties IH the general Mortgagee: Mortgage Eneectronic / Q-ixwooc Rrs[ AddiOon, above desaibed property will be TAPARCEL IDENTIFICATION hours to tandiH yorderseegnd ee prop- t d to bee ,sed for Regietrat on System,, Washington Gounry, Mi nn_ta signs g neefor lndyMac Bank, FS. B.,a STREET ADDRESS OF sold bythe Sheriff of eaic county es NUMBER 20028.21 J400G6 review the dt-of patents Total ;ropy-vemen ere esfollows: follows: Those properties generally federallyohar Xar aving, bank PROPERTY: 2509 HIDDEN VALLEY DATE AND TIME OF SALE TRANSACTION AGENT'S-lability ,hall be minim um of 200 abutting: W STILLWATER M N 55002 MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION hours peryeer. Deted .-ded1192006 DecemPOPSA E Law ROAM Crestview Drive from Hillwood COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY NUMBER l008ti/100140'240/20 Ramsey County Sodel Service, Remrded: 10 X)22006 PLAGEOF SALE: Law ESt-roam ant Drive to Oakridge Drive, Crestview Ra- county Rammer Is LOCATED: Wadmgon Gounry, Center 50 5 QHd Street N., THAT Ho ethic, or promedmg ha, DividoH ethve, ro fedutate recovery Drive nom T ood Drme t Document No 3930119 Minnesota S011weter, MN been inetiwtec et hew to recoverthe through the development of Meilend Drive, Dorland Road from Aasi dT O. OneWeet Benk, FSB TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage yt y debt then rem aininc secured bysueh ndividuah,ed service, that promote gne to pa he debt then secured b Linwood Avenueto Hillwood Drive, Bed-onic Re S o mortga e, or enyper[thereof or if thtegratonint- natural communite, De.-ded114200g gietraton MORTGAGE n ,aid Mortgage, end taxes, if any, on Dorland Road from Hilwood Drive NAME OF MORTGAGE premie,, thea o or proceeding hes been We ere lookincfore contractor who t Remrded: 09 County ORIGINATOR: Market Home said and them end Hetitutedn that the ea e has been will partner with the Old, program o cul-de�c, Hillwood Drive from Ramsey County Remrder Mort ,LEG, a Minnes-a LimiteA disbursement,, ydudiHg at-meys' di-Unued, or that an exeat n leadership to facilitate coUnued D-cumentNo 4113960 gage fees au-wed by law sublAd o off the d dere, therein dA 1- f a rem d Public Notices Assigned T-: Deumone Bank uabiutycompanv redempton within6Mon,rr-Montnes, beer!-rewmacreh,neaec the In de,lalplmento Very o,f�rA. Continued un Pagetl Natonal Trost Gompanx Tmstee RESIDENTIAL SERVICER WAIN date of,aid kale bythe molgago$,J, yresp-,siva syetemo Page 8 Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016 Public Notices m.nuagem ant detA . N.sh mgt„ CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL ORDINANCE NO. 757 Continued from Page / C -thy.,' ash key C,u,tywill now AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING beam m, process of implem enong McKnight R- I. Sterling Street, w e designation, through the THE 2017 UTILITY RATES Huntington Court from Oakridge adopton d e e d,egnebon The Gty C,undl,fineGtyof North Len. t -Il Lakewood ordinance am endment l star In 201] St Peul lb desirous of ebtablibhage Drive from Oakridge Drive to by each Gounry A separate public uniform k'yeem d fees enc rates for 1-Roed, Mernie Street from he.rin' will be halt on the ordinance requests ,Iln, I, oP-1 m tole, Hillwood Drive to Meilend Roed, e endment int-m.tbn, permits, applicatns io, Oakridge Drive from Lakewood The RBE Board will also be working dh.rg-, service, uthit Abend other Drive to Crestview Drive, Oakridge I n 201] t' n,gIdA end enter int m[tars handled by m, CayI[-II Len. from Huntington Court to e delivery agreements wim be me [tent of me Peek end rates to Hillwood Drive, -.d Court w e haulers for me delivery of r er me toktb of p-,vidac kat' from McKnight R to cul-desac, .[,,table mixec munioipal b,lid 7hus",kthe G[ C,unal hares T�kw..d Drive from Lakewood waste ("Acceptable Waste") to the y Y Drive to Mernie Street, Springside R3E Genter. A„ptabl, W.kt, ordains ekfdlowk: Drive from D.rland Roed to d.d- delivered pursu.nt,...1, delivery SECoolk ralik r th.M-n end, end Springside Drive from agreement will be e em pt from effect., d m, date of the.d,pb,n Sterling Street t.250f.et wast the w e d,egnebon xordmen,s d this ,-dine,[, eh.Il re THETOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF Haulers under-UMd will be able effect unless otherwise m,difi,l' by SAID IMPR-MENT PROJECT IS to deliver waste to transfer, kt.b„b the p -,vie„, d this oan,ace. $1,502,502. that ere under cont- to the R3E SECTION II. In m, event of e Pursuant to Minn. Slat 429011 to Board, end will be eligible for n ppag mU d, m, schedule of utility rates 4291 i, It b propose, to b fee rebates shell prevail. every , piece or parcel ofblUnc The R&E B,.-' enbadn, met SECTION III. lot-,dul„futliry b,,,fit,c by said improvement w d,eg,eb,,, alone wim re shell be locate, I, me Qty whether abutting mord o addp.tclmp-,vein--I th, SeCTIrb offs, I, Gry HeII. baked upon benefits c Genter, will yi,I' an Ina,., In the SECTION IV. Atedh,d hereto .- In wim-nd,rd to tech velueboncel� too Ramsey end Weeded tlheekmblikhed utliry rat'l,ce 1711 Areasonebleestim:ebefthe impaIX Gounry solid w kte processed and SECTION V. This ordinance shell the e.kseksme,,-be available e 1, oUnt , while also reduang the take full effect anc be In forte from Nelda ung Persons dheri„cob, e not solie gene-enttolandfillk en deter its ed,ed to ubiry the h,.- deem re„tome,-ant . e to generation ln[ree,b Ib hereby directed to publikM1 cots improvement ehould be present et ordinanceeb required bylaw. Dd,ethb 1, nw e debug -an ordinance ADOPTED this 6th day of Detec cots 1320 deY of Oe,mber endrn tit that will be .dolded De,mber 2016 2016 by me Ramsey Gounry Board of m1anby GounalmemberPetersen BY ORDER OFTHE CITY Gommlksioners later In 2017 will S,m„by Gounalmember Sonne, COUNCIL regulate me delivery of kolid waste V,b ng: Aye: Gouadd ember Karen E. Haag, City Clerk generated Unicom Ramsey Gounry, Petersen City d Maplewood Minns.[. MUnemteln the following manner Gounalmember W el¢., Srgn language rote -1, e I.-te dekigneton will epplytome Gouaalm ember Sonnek avauleble You m request Ihfs e re geographic arae of Ramsey Gounal member Fudon' et least 96 hours fn advance County Mayor Ku ehn 9 Csl/rce 400 to make II. The point of delivery for kolid Nay None ran,-nis4kubed to me d,eg-an Abkt.in. None (Review: Dec 21, 28, 2016) oa n.,, will be the R3E Center Absent None which b located d 100 Red Rod: /s/Mi chael R. Kuehn, Mayor Roed, Newport, MN S S. All Ated lel -on Ziemer, OF, CITY OF LAKE ELMO generatorsend haulers kubled to Manager NOTICE OF HEARING ON d,egnd on (enc notpercy to a waste (Review: Dea 20, 2016) delivery agreement wi h the R3E IMPROVEMENT Board) will be required by, -din ace 2017 STREET to deliver, or __tobe delivered, CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL IMPROVEMENTS ell Acceptable Web[e generate' I, ORDINANCE NO. 758 Ndice is hereby given that the Ramsey County te to the R3E Gen, . AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING QF, GounkI of Lake Hmo wil meet As tined, h.w,rs Under In the Lound dhemberI of the ary o wsll be able to use transfer THE 2017 MUNICIPAL FEE hell et r approximately atter 700 on under centra,[ to the R3E SCHEDULE assay. J uary 17 Bold The Gty Gounal oft e Gtyof North PM. „ u an The R2G Boarc 201], to nada-the making of the pens to S[ Paul m dkydlem of ekt.bl to, following mmp-,v,ment, pursuant o nue proteksinc of solid waste unit-, srstem of Peek for e S[e U- Sections etnme R3E Genter, which has requests -elfin' to offia.l mtolb, 429011 to 429.111; been proteksinc solid w e o mtrnebon, pernit, epplicabonb, Street end drainage improvements-ety-lleb end -1-derived fuel dh.-g,b for k end otter ding b for nearly 30 years There, , .i rk handled by the Gay I[ ehell pavement supporta, by en newec reoydeble meterielk will cennnue be be [the intent of the Peek to recover -e-lled aggregate bake with n ov,d from the Incoming waste, theooktkof pl-ken' said services d gutter, end e ,gm,-emende-wll be processed Th the OF, Gounal hereby ,eepe-eo- redo -an of the ,v stn, . refuse der vac fuel that w Il be al- .b fol lows: t drainage kyktem for the ke ttaalib,bfol-ene-gy-ec-A SECTION I. AIfeeb Uncdhergeb In following streets: A m ell portion of waste, In the Porn effect .b of the date of the adopton 55th Street North, from of process -due or bypass rated of this ordinance eh ell re Dem ont,ville Trai l N orth to J.m.t. m will be sent to landfills effect unless otherwise modifies' by IVt W.kt, d,eg-H on will apply to theprovieonkofthboa ,,ace. ® SSmNStreet North, from Jemete mekportan of mixec munioipal kolid SECTION I. In the event of e A nue North [o5 ED Street North . e generate, In Ramsey County -flat, the Sdtedule of Fee, shall -h Street COLD tom Julep nags - pt Ce tefor pro�cetZe prevail. WayNortht Keels Avenue North. az Pta SECTION III. The schedule of Peek ®Jams,.- nue North, tom SSm W.e, will be further defined In the end charges for barytas, lianas, Street Norte to Jemete However ,-dine,, .mendmnt ended permit, end dli-a- shat be North. by the Ramsey Gounry Board of lotatec In the OF, Manager, office -]'m .m.ca Boulevad North, from CO---snbut -11notmOlude nCayHall. Sm Street Noth to __Avenue the following: SECTION IV. At.dhed hereto ere North. VIII. the este :he, fees end dh.rg,b The area proposed to be.ks,kae' A Unacceptable Waste, which ere for services, licenses permits enc for these Improvements Indudp wastes that tanto[ be emeptec et eppllcabonbtr 201]. properties abutting the above the R3E Center SECTION V. When applicable, rete-ends[-e,to-p-opeb-thd B Mde-lbthataresepldedfrom future kdtedule of fee, o other gam d way e s from solid waste end-etove-edfO--eu, aduktments to this bdhedulA may the above referentec s The In their original form or for use I, be made end adopted by Gounal cost to, the p-oled b m anu-h-c procekse Chs does rekoluton, -pt those fees $1 �400t000sH reeboneble e Imete ,t mdude he treatment of waste to, services licenses permits, oftheimpadoftheakseksmen[will compcolleB)bn to, the pury„of .pplal-th.[mudbe.doptedby be aver labia at the hearing Such °Gm M.[reri.lb that ere ordmanceakmandatedbylaw. preceksec d SECTION VI. No more than 50% w�mcreforen, boo gine propose, a rem" tie recovery fatiliry et the of building permit Peek paid to the improvements will be heerde this tepea[yln operation etmebm e that OF, to,-ance of build me permits etng. me Joint wast, Deegndon Plen done In a,rom.noe with Qty Code DATED:D„mbar62016 was approved; may be refunde, when no won: BY ORDER OF THE LAKE ELMO D Metenelb that ere kepaMbed at has been done under kaid permit CITY COUNCIL a permitted tanster ktaton located The OF, shall rerun' no buildmc Mike -,..n, Mayor wihin Ramsey County to, the permit fees to, won: not pedorme' (Review: Dec 21, 28, 2016) purposes of-ecydi„ the m.tn.lb mo -don, with kaid permit le, ff e) the transfer st ne,arfromthedateof issuance of ope-an on January 11 ,' the permit CERTIFICATE OF b) the materials war of being No plan review fe-platothe Qry kepaMbed for-etydi„ at the R3E to, review of mndadan anc other ASSUMaED NAME Genter thebmemetr.,sfe-btaan building plank may be retnde' STATE OF MINNESOTA began keparaoon ofine --alkwhen he plank ere withdrawn o Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: E Retydable me[enalk tat ere fueled baro -e any plan review Ib ASSUMED NAME .k morgan saint recycled and du from cemplle. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: me recyong if there Ib d least an SECTION VII. This ordnance shall //HamlineA N, Ap[101, StPaul, 85 percent volume redudion take full effed anc be In forte from MN 55104 me solid w ste processed et me and atter its adopton. The Gty Gen NAMEHOLDERS: Jena K Morgan, recydIn, faal y anc th reeduals Is hereby k,eded to publil tis //HamlineA N, Apt101, StPaul, manage l, a separate waste oaaanceakrequiredbylaw. Mnes inota 55 F 104 and ADOPTED tis 20th day of I the Undersigned, , 9 that c waste otherwise kuble' t DI 2016 am egni„ this document .b the deegallon but that Ib delivered Motion bycountilmembe-Furlong person vl-e egnanu e Ib required, to the R3E Genter, pursuant to a Semnc by GounalmemberWalczak as agent of the per(,) whose w kt, delivery agreement between Voting: Aye: Gounalmember sson ignature would be require, who has license, m aal -de haulers Petersen autonzec m e to egn tis document 0, autorizedmkelEhaulers and the Gounalmember Wel¢ak hiblhe- behalf both R3E Board Gounalmember Sonnek ccapatioes l Nahertemlythat I have A" coxed m napal Gounalmember Funonc_ completed all require, fields, e kolid waste lb edi n, ate' by Ram key Mayor Kuehn that the mfOrmlanIn tib document County In 2018 to be approximately Nay None Ibt andooreIXanc In cempliante 328, 000 tone. Abstain None wIh the applicable dtapter of VI. The R2G Center operates as Absent None Minnesota Statutes I understan, e enterp-be fund, with revenue /s/ Michael R. Kuehn, Mayor that by egnm5 [tib dotumnt am tollede, tom tppmg tab mve-ng Atekt Ibl Debra GLeeferon, Adinc kubledtome penalteb of perury.b Dahty expenses Fee, dh.-ged for OFManager ,[torth In Sedan .948., if I h.' Una , delivery to the R2G Cent- (Review: Dec 28, 2016) egne,[tib documtit Under oath. wit be d the . adopted D.e 1B32016 by m, PaE Bold e mended Jena K Morgan from Lim wat ith adequate CITYOF NORTH ST. PAUL (Review: Dec 26, 2016, Jan. 4 not, or raze mangos p -cede, t 2017) haulers anc the public The Joint ORDINANCE NO. 759 Waste Debign.an Plan provides AN ORDI NANCE eb for opera, n' expen,s AMENDINGTHE NOTICE OF PUBLIC Tlhem ez0 e Mte to, Acceptable NORTH SAINT PAUL CITY HEARING Wekte delivered pursuant to me CODE OF ORDINANCES RAMSEY COUNTY In the la ort, be Is estimated In m, Plan to be approximately TITLE XV,CHAPTER LAND USAGE, BOARD I. COMMISSIONERS $77 75ope-d per ton, e Into 20 current CHAPTER 154, ZONING NMice is hereby given by operations cennnue into 2018. The REGULATIONS the Ramsey Gounry Board of dactualependtarge maybe higher,-dw,r F THE CITY COUNCIL O MINNESOTA Goin mlksioners tate edm nye Ith depending on proleded e"'1 be OF NORTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA will be held to beer testimony with The eduelbpping feetr2018 will be ORDAINS: -agar, to deegnaton of ao,ptV b,[ , m d2017. The R3E Boarc has SECTION 1. Sedion 1)4010 ;jd)e ) niapal s is w bte adopted a policy that haulers that (eJ: ofine Nolrh a Paul GF,Godelb generated In Ran,— OoUntq for date, te-mt a Una , delivery conned ke-eby amended., follows: delivery beginning January 1, 2018, wsll be able to receive a -,bate of at 'v) Penrip VeM1 des pane, n tmeRs, eyiA khmgon R„ydm, Ieabt Sl2pe-tndw,g ttefirstrou- e drive r om,r a Energy Genter (°R&E Genter) years of deblg,.bon. lowed to -en, or nnoad, upon n Newport, MN to, p -ole -ago The Joint D,big,ebon Plan and the allev o- street -aht of w recycling, ane-gyre,very and ole- other afOrmaton regarding w publcs dewelk ev or p-ope-management The he.rin- deegnat on and waste management SECTION 2 Thib ommante shall k.eduled to, January 24, 2017, at In Wal ng[on and Ram key take full effed anc be In force Don,900 am o- ab koon menet., es Count- er vailable et www and ate -its adopton. H e Gay Clea: possible, In the Gounal Chambers morevelueleks[rabh mm. b hereby direded to publikM1 tib of me Ramsey Gounry Court Hou se DI -Den comment maybe submitted o-dman be ab required by (located d 15 W Kellogg Blvd, St to Ramsey County pre, -to 430 Pm. ADOPTED tib 20th day of Paul, MN55102).n January 27, 2017. Comments He -`2016 Com mens receive, by Ramsey shouldbe„tto Joe W ozniak, a erg M ,tion by Gounoilmember Welc,ak Gounry at the heannc and In writ„ one of take _H- Sean c by Gouna lm em be-Sonnek ill becompiled and used by the Emaif. Voting: Aye: Counalmembe- CounF, ab oe W makes de-- with Jozria-M ub Fudong raga -'to debignat on. Fox: Gouna lmembe-Petersen Ramsey Gounry wont with .12611177 Gounalmember Sonnek Walington Gounry on certain waste Or by U.S. Mail: Gounalmember W.Icz.k tmanaged ent programs ab part of Joe Wozniak Mayo - Kuehn he Ram,NW ashington Ceded- Ram key County Nay None 3 Energy Board ("R3E Goe-d"J, 2/BS White Bea -Ave N, Suite 3S0 Addlan. None whi. owns and operates the R3E Maplewood, MN 55109 Absent None Genter On N,v,m be, 28, 2016 'Review: Dec 28, 2016 Jan. 4, /s/Michael R. Kuehn, Mayor the Com m lbdone-of the Minnesota 2017) wee. Pollute„ Control Agency app -ova' Ibl Hebra Guddb- Adt' OF, the Remy and Dalagton Gounteb Joint Waste Hebign.an (RevlgewrDea 20, 20167 Plan M-epa-ed by me PaE Bo.-' .b bg .-blent w,th ktate Review Minutes ST PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2016 The Ramsey Gounry Board d C,mmlkvi,n,rkm,tln-,gul.-,kvi,n .[905 am. with the fOldwi„members present Garter, Huffman, McDonough, MCGuIre, Ortega, R,C mon, anc Cha, Rdaha-D Also present were Julie Kl,i,bd kC Gounry Manager and Jeff Stephenson, Givil Division Director Ramsey C-tyAton, Office AGENDA,f D,t,mb,-13, 2016 was presented for approval. Moban by McGuire b,m,d,d by Huffman. Unanimously approved M INUTES d November 22, 2016 were presented for approval. Moban by McDonough, seconded by Garter. Unanimously approved ADM N RAT VE ITEMS Soolal S -k- Ag-mdnt with Aln Dah Can, f, Catualry Stela S--,, -al, mdlan Families M,bon by Huffman, ,mnd„ bycart, Unanimously approved (82016305) W,,kf Salla,- GAUA--chain D,partnnmfHuman S--,-Supphm„tat Na-tbn Assistance Program Employment and Training Mlan by Huffman, kemndec bycarter Unanimously.pp-,v,d.;B2016 306) Par -R --an- C„p,r.bve Ag-„m,nt w,th Qty of New Brighton f,,Joint Protect In Long take Regional Perk. MU -by -man ,t,nd,d by Garter Unanimously approved. (B2016307) Parks 3 Reaeaton- D -tan to Parks and Reaeaton U -Cal -d -Kids Foundation. MU -by -man , kemndec bycarter Un.nim,uey.pproved ;B2016308) Public Works- Public Works C,nktrudi,n Quartety Report for July 1, 2016 through September 30, 2016 MU -by -man ,mnd„ bycarter Un.nim,uey.pproved (B2016309) Safely &Juktit,- Gounry Medial Examine,Appointnent anc Am,ndm,ntt,Ag, ,m,nt M,b,n by Huffman, -n-bycart, Unan--ly approved ;B2016310) Gommuniry Goredionb - Gommuniry Gonedio,b Annual Authority for Procurement RkBU- Motion by Huffman, kemndec by Ortega A— 6. Net's -1 ;R.man). ;B2016311). Gounry M.nag,-- Community Engagement for the Open and A. -Ill, Public Dda Protect anc for In, pact Investing M,b,n by M,D,n,ugh, k,00nded by Huffman. Ayes -6 Nays -1 ;RADman). ;B2016312). Gounry Manager-Rqu,btf,-P-,pokalbf,--n[ Attraction, ROdUan enc P --an. Moto, by Huffman, kemndecbycart, A-6 ;B2016313) E,,n,mlt G,wm 3 Community Investment- Ramsey Gounry Al Abilib,b Transportation N,tw,r, P,li,y M,bon by -,,ugh, kemndec by M,GlI-c Ay,b-6 Nays -1 (RADman). (.016314). Gounry Manager -Approval d-201 - ended 0- Budge[ -2017- Levy, and -2017 Capital Rettrm.,)BnB2016315q 420163 Rnanang Motion by McDonough, k,00nded by Ortega Ayes -6. Nays -1 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE -N, update reported BOARD CHAIR UPDATE -Db,L-an ca, b, Pound on ar,hlved vide, OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMM ITTEE REPORTS -Dike -an can be found on ar,hivec video. ADJOURNMENT -Chair Reinhardt d,d.red the a-ag adloumed d 936 am. EX EGUT tE SESS ON - re: Marianne Liptak, Trustee for the Ne# d On d Thereka R,b,- anc Personal RM,-„ntabv, d the Estate d Theresa RM, v Ramey Gounry dlbla Ram key Gounry Gere Genter, At al. The Ex,cubv, Session was called to order d 11:10 am. with the following members pr,,,t Gomm Iksi,n,rk Garter MCD,,, gh MCG O g. Rktman enc R h D J Ada-dt G y M g J ff Stephenson, Cvl D- D Off, d the Ram y G yA y R-1 M h y d GI y, O Laughlin3Ke„y Leon B„d-ann, Health Ca -,S k bAdmribtr.t-; Frank R,d-n, Adm ribt-t Ramsey County Gare Genter; Ryan OGonnor Deputy Gounry Manager Alk, present Bridget Marler Qvil Divie,,, Od,A d the Ramsey C-ty-1-y Lee Mehn„b, Chief Finanaal Offi,r Faan, DIan, Jill G„tared GNI Divie,n Office of the Ran,— G,unty--y Moto, by McDonough, kemndecby Huffman. Un.,im,uey.pproved ;B2016316) Now Therefore, B, I[ RESOLVED, The Boa, of Ramsey G,unty C,mmlbe,n,rs authorizekthe Offlm ,f the Ram say G,unty--ytpm„'.bdiks- In mib E-U,S-an Th,ax, tv,Sessionwasadloume,.t1150a.m. EXEGUT tE SESS ON -re Jessica Kampkchroery Anoka Gounry, et al. The Executve Session was called to order.[1150 am. wim the following mem bars p-e,nt Gomm Iksi,n,rk Garter McDonough, McGuire Ortega, Rktman anc Reinhardt, Julie Kl,i,bd ,D Gounry Manager; Jeff Stephenson, C,,I D,,i ,,n Di -odor Offi,,fm, Ramk,y C,untyl,m,y Kimberly Parker A-daU Ramsey C,untyAtom,y Offi,,fm,Ramsey C,UUyAtm,y;Bob R,dh,, Assistant Ramsey County-, Offi, lth-amk,y-Hy Addy Denise QL,.ry, Public Safely Manager Ramsay County Emergency Call Genter; Booker Hodges, m -, Ramsay Gounry Sheriffs Office. Also p-e,nt Lee Mehn„b, C- Haan- Officer Finanm Department BndgO Marler CMI Division, Off- d Ramsey C,u,ty Atom,y, and all C,nt 1, Qvil Divi eon, Offi-th Ramk,y Gounry-l-y Moto, by McDonough, kemndecby Huffman. Un.,im,uey.pproved ;B2016317) Now Therefore, Be I[ RESOLVED, The Board of Ramsey County C,mmlbe,n,rs authorizekthe Off,, of the Ram key C,unty--y to promec., di k- In this E-U,S-an The Executve Session was.dl,um„ at 1250 am. J -M M. GNhri., Chief Clerk- County Board CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL ldakbal bu IkUK 111d� CITY OF NORTH ST PAUL ORDINANCE NO. 760 NOTICE OF HEARING ON AN ORDINANCEIMPROVEMENT fiemt..e o,�eYer s[rw" " +ap AMENDINGTHE S. A. D. 17-01 NORTH SAINT PAUL CITY f�.Se-tt4aei2el s,.re-ae6 NMice is hereby given tat the p - CODE OF ORDINANCESQry Gounal of North St Paul will 'r'-"�eereeGa`"T�ch�-e"'er'tk'e' In the Gounal Chambers of TITLE XV, LAND USAGE, L, --n, TO AbOa-garage QF, HeII located at 2400 Margaret CHAPTER 154, ZONING or othereo -A buildmgsshall not Street Noah St Paul, e REGULATIONS be looted dobe -than tw„ty:20) PM. n Tuekd.y, January 617 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY feettotesidelotllnead.,ntome 2017 to 10 -de, the making of an OF NORTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA kbeet improvement on Belmont Lane from ORDAINS: 4)Numbe-of Studures No more edridgeAvenueEadtoHeads- SECTION 1 Sedan 154003 than ane -{a) �- ssory Bet y Jane Court, Bunte Avenue east D,finlbonb ended as follows: buildings shall be m domed o of Margaret Street Chanes Street FGto - st-, "•�.e'' Ob f tuhe . lot�,�-eek ALH ,,A,,. Norah from Scutt Avenue Eek[ d --_-' - -atm---�=,':e. ke.nd she -- - - - �e BeImont a Ma ane, Sbeet to Pape os, >,nay '�-on�a d:,fieeEes-av�na6 -d tie s mend e v bu Idnp shell from Sbeet t Street - Pen: Row, c ,ed 2 0 sf On lots win e Henry Street from Eldridge -nue bOadhed p addtonal East to Panway Drive Pen: Row madtiuc'cy ry bulanp bed tom South Avenue East to Panway ❑r,an'ae - "---Agee-- LAID, of -ah e - zoo e Drive, and Pa, way Drive from kubedt the dd-,-lot -rade BelmontLane t Holloway Avenue rmen m, .o est same _ __ e prole dimpaveme-hal mdude m)-Tme of Const -an. No ere mill and ov,d.y pavement e. -,.ata -` a'eg;eeeFlEor,E`�u accessory building or sla-e shall red melon, spot inn to accessoouN BUldnc or Sta u-, Amebmry-A be tondlaue' on any lot pdentome and gutter replacement sedewalks, re detached hom . ,-,spat fume of m,emdio, ,f me pnnapal utlity casting .dlubment spot ality ,,dental anc kuboanate building[' which It lbemeksory won an, ,her appurtenant work, ole o p.I kl il)-Deegn. The design shall be pursuant to Mln,ebotaSlute, [ndudnp but not lmu wit the prim ary building; Sedi„b 429.011 0 429.111. The pebhedb fbeecFCGLEE` rials shall bea padud e cost for tis improvement ,SECTION 2. Sedan 154010 tat no [miler but n t limited Ib$1,484c800. Areabon ablA Add ate G,,,reI R,gw.bo,b '07 ro Id,ebaal p-odpd, in,[limb of of me imp ad of m, aksebment will Supplemental Regulators (1) appearan,, Dolor and durabiliay be. v.i lable at m, hearing The area A� -A Buildings and Studures +1 -Malt Family Uses. Common proposed to be ab bled for such endec ebtllowb: wells for e, sorry buildings may improvement lb the property abubinc Sedion 154.010(D) Suppl.rrenbl be re quire, where mm mon wal is will on kudh streets Suth persons as Regulations eliminate unsightly and hezadous dere to be heard with rete -en, to Proposed Supplerrenbl the proposed improvement will be Regulations: -%1- "` �s4oara heard a tis mee ag Wntted,red 1. Accessory Buildings and `,e- - -ete-.g `BA h,, ol-al swhnd be his mtrnebd Stu,tu-es. zeta,m`-a.e�Senaree(,^_^w^}egnare qui ret ea}Size The total kquare feet of n enoteaornat khoul, UaDQz an buildmc ehell not Stat-+e,�e-"'}feeFar"+e-2eeR HeII et (t1) /4/2403 at least ' ,ed ten pe -tent It Del of the lot hours Priorto the public heenng (ex and In no case shall It,x,ed ,r StcOia�;eer91-teeEtetke of Jason Ziemer -Gly Menage, 1 000) quare feet of gross Boor (R,New: Dep 11 201 Jan 4 ea The sum of all quare footage MdAT RAUL bHF 2017) for aba.ed garages anc d,tadhed SECTION 3. This ordman, shall garages shall not equal or ex,ed take full effed and be In for, hom he findhed livable floor area of .nd.t,-idadopoon. The City Glen: CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL the f -p -at (ground floor) of the Ib hereby k,ede' to publish tis 2017 MILL AND OVERLAY p=structure to which It Ib an ordman, as requiredbylaw. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT sorry ADOPTED tis 20th day of el) -eight Accessory buildings Decemb,r2016 NOTICE OFHEARING ON shall no ,x,ed the height of the Moban by Gounalmember Sonnek PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS pnnapal[ building In no case, shall Seton' by Countilmembe-Fudon' S.A.D. 17-01 story buildH-ceedfibeen Voting: Aye: Gounalmember NMice is hereby given tet the (15Jfe In heightorinteoaseofan Furlong muntil will mee In t- Gounal bury dwellmc unit then twenty Gounoilmember Petersen Chambers of the Gay HeII, Iocatedat (20)felshall be the maximum Gounoilmember Sonnek 2400MaMa-OStreet North St Paul, height al lowed Gounoilmember Wall¢ek at 630 PM. on Tuesday, January (e}L,cab,,. A detathe' garage or Mayor Kuehn / 201/ o m,eder anc pobebly ,her et,ks0A buil dings shall be Nay None adopt the propose,.kaeksmentfo, Ied In the side or rear y.d. Abstats in None improvemenon Belmont Lane from � Sebad:b Deta.ed garag o, Abbnt NoneBdridge -nue E to Henry Street ,her accessory buildings lntlukag /s/ Michael R. Kuehn, Mayor Betty Jane Court, Bune Avenue east storage sheds shall be sebad: Attest of Margaret Street Chalet Street of core, (3) feet Don,Ibl Debra Gffi.fero,, Adt' GF, rth NoDon, South Avenue East to ede .Ind -rear property lines or up Manager Belmont Lane, Eldridge Avenue East t c e, but not on I "Review: Dec 20, 2016) U Margaret Street to Pen Row, wha, ev,-scgreater; e x L6] Henry Street Don, Eldridge -nue feet Don, the pnnapal, stmu d , East to Panway Drive, Pan Row An emebmry buildmc shall be Dom South Avenue Ead to Panway enederec eb pare of a pnnapal wlany If k Ib looted Iesb than exPublic Notices (6) feet tom me pnnapal bwldag Continued on Page 9 an, must meet me sebaoks of me Review Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016 Page 9 Public Noticesaend on his/her properly. acceptable mixed municipal solid Written Comments may be sent to newspaper of the City of Lake by the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Aness may appeal waste ("Acceptable Wadey to the Washington County through 4:30 Elmo. Plan ("Ordinance No. 08-146") Continued from Page assessment to district court pursuarn R8E Center. Acceptable Waste p.m. on Friday January 27, 2017. This Ordinance No. 08-149 was pursuant to the extension authority in Drive, and Parkway Drive from to Minn. Stat. 429.081 by serving wayHollDrive delivered pursuanto awastedelivery Comments should be send to Nicole adopted on this 6th day of December Minnesota Statutes Sectim 462355, Belmont Lane a Avenue, notice of the appeal upon the mayor agreement will be a empt from Stewart, using one of these methods: 2016, by a vote of 4 Ayes and 1 Nay. subtlivision 4 (c)(1); and xordinances the project improvement shall include or clerk of the city within 30 days the waste designation Email: Mike Pearson, Mayor WHEREAS, because there were street mill and overlay pavement afterthe adoption of the assessment Haulers under contract will be able Nicole stewart©co Washington ATTEST: properties that are in the Shorelantl reclamation, spot concrete curb and an tl filing such notice with the district to deliver waste to transfer stations in Julie Johnson, City Clerk District that were not included in gutter replacement, sidewalks, utility court within ten days after service that are under contract to the R8E Faxs (Review Dec. 28, 2016) the moratorium because they were casting adjustment, spot utility work upon the mayor or clerk. Jason Ziem er - City Manager Board, and will be eligible for tipping 651-430-6730 outside of the Stage 1, 2, and 3 fee rebates. Or by U.S. Mail: development areas and because and other appurtenant work, pursuand to Minnesota Statutes, Sections (Review: Dec 2R 2016, Jan. 4, The R8E Board anticipates that Nicole Stewart CITY OF LAKE ELMO the City's shorelantl regulations 2017) 429.011 to 429.111. Adoption by the waste designation, along with Washington County Public Health were still under review by the DNR, COUNTY OF WASHINGTON propose until of the tl assessment anticipated improvementstothe R8E Department an October 18, 2016, the Council STATE OF MINNESOTA m may occurat the hearing. CITY OF OAKDALE Center, will yield an increase in the 14949 62nd St North atloptetl Ordinance Na 08-156, amount of Ramsey and Washington Stillwater MN 55082 ORDINANCE NO. 08-159 An Interim Ordinance Authorizing The amount to be specially assass against your particular Id, NOTICE County solid waste processed and (Review: Dec 28, 2016, Jan. 4, AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND Continuance of a Study of the City's piece or pared of land is (shown PUBLIC HEARING RI recycled, while also reducing the 2017) THE LAKE ELMO CITY CODE Shorelantl Regulations and Imposing a m the attachment da this notice). mound of solid waste sent to landfills BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL a Moratorium on Development LIQUOR LICENSE REQUEST Such assessment is pr waste generation increases ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE Activity within the Shorelantl District to be payable equal annual PHENOMENAL CAFE LLC over tme. STATE OF MINNESOTA CITY OF LAKE ELMO ("ortlinance No. 08-156"); and installments extending over a period dba PHENOMENAL CAFE The wase designation ortlinance The City Council of the City of WHEREAS, the DNR has COUNTY OF WASHINGTON of fifteen 15 for single Tamil A blit headn II be held on amentlmend that will be atloptetl Lake Elmo ortlains that Lake Elma Communicadetl that the review of the WASHINGTON residential property, antl seven (7) Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 7 p.m., he Citmsshore tld regulations is nearly Boartl BOARD COMMISSIONERS Cit Code, Section 17he �M years for commercial, institutional at the Oakdale Municipal Building, of Commissioners later Municipal will regulate the tlelivery of solid In Re: Petition to Rename Hallbreed Code, shall be amended by adding WHEREAS, the Citywill soonbegin andmulti-family properties, the first 1584 Hadley Avenue North, to waste generated within Washington Lake to Sylvan Lake Ortlinance No. 08-159, as follows: its Comprehensive Plan update of the installments to be payable an considerissuing On -Sale Indoxicading County Minnesota in the following ORDER TO SET PLACE, Section 1: Zoning Map process, which will allow the City to or bdoredhe first Montlayin January and Special Suntlay liquor licenses DATEANDTIME OF Amentlment. The following rebalance the future Intl use plan in 2018, anwill bear interest at the to Phenomenal Cafe: LLC, tlba �a°Waste designation will apply PUBLIC HEARING property hereby rezoned a manner consistent with the 2040 rate of 3.86 percent, from the date d Phenomenal Can, 1055 Har the the Avenue. All to the entire geographic area d Theabove-entitletlmatterisbrought from RT -B Rural Development forecast antl update its Staging Plan at of atloption of assessment persons may appear at Interest for the hearing their Washington County. before the Washington County Boartl Transitional to MDR - Urban Low to establish specific targets and one year shall public antl present olutionadded in J. The point of delivery for solid d Commissioners o a Petition Density Residential: dates for development within later be atltletl to all subsequent unpaid views orally or writing. e installments. BY ORDER OF THE CITY waste subject to the designation pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 83A.05 PT NW1/4-SW1/4 THEN474.O6FT stages; and You may of any time prior to COUNCIL ortlinance will be the R8E Center, requesting the renaming of Hallbreed SUBJ TO R/W OF LAKE ELMO AVE NOW, THEREFORE, based on the certification of the assessment CITY OF OAKDA201LE, MINNESOTA which is located at 100 Red Rock Lake located in the City of Forest N(AKAAS CO HWY#17)CHG W/S foregoing, the City Council of the City Road, Newport, MN 55055. All Lake to Sylvan Lake. This Petition TO #1 Section 36 Township 029 d Lake Elmo does ortlains re Ramsey County pay the entire (Review: Dec. 28, 2016) generdors and haulers subject to submifled pursuant to Minn. Stat. Range 021 SECTION 1. FINDINGS. meet on such properly des not party to a wase § 83A.05. The Washington County Section 2: Zoning Map 1. In light of the DNB's review of with interest aceruetl da the tlade of With tlelivery agreement with the R8E Board of Commissioners being Amendment. The following the City's shorelantl regulations payment, fo the Finance Department. NOTICE OF PUBLIC Board) will be required by ordinance advised in the premises: property herebyrezoned being complete andthe Cit z g teary camp y rDensity No interest shall be charged if the HEARING to deliver, or cause to be delivered, HEREBY ORDERS that a public from LDR 15 Urban Low beginning its Comprehensive Plan entire assessment is paid within 30 daystrainthe atloption of this WASHINGTON COUNTY all Acceptable Waste generated hearing an the Petition to change the Residential to MDR - Medium update process, it is hereby found ant. You may at any time BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS in Washington County to the R8E name of Halfbreed Lake located in Density Residential and determined by the City that the thereafter, pay fa Ramsey County Notice is hereby given by the Center. As mentioned, haulers under the City of Forest Lake, Minnesota Lot D Subdivision Cd 2886 areas described in Ordinances Nos. the entire amount of the assessment Washington County Board of contact will be able to use transfer in the County of Washington be Subdivision Name HUNTERS 08-123 and 08-156 no longer need to ting unpaid, with interest Commissionersdhadapublic hearing mmetl sladions under contract to the R8E conducted pursuant to Section CROSSING ISTADDITION be subject to a moratorium. fo December 31 of the year will be held to hear testimony Boartl. 83A.06 in the boardroom of the Section 3: The City Council of 2. It is hereby declared that the nccwfiich such paym on rd is matle. with regartl to tlesignadion of s III. The R8E Board plans to Washington County Government the City of Lake Elmo also hereby area described in Ordinances Such payment must made before acceptable mixetl municipal solid u acceptablemi.e mu re continue processing of solid waste Center on January 24, 2017 at 9:00 ordains that the Zoning Administrator Nos. 08-123 and 08-156 are no November 15 interest will waste Washington at the R8E Center, which has a.m.;and shall make the applicable changesto longer subject to the momdoria charged through December 3l of the County for tlelivery beginning throughDecember been processing solid wase into HEREBY FURTHER ORDERS that the official zoning map of the City of imposed by those ordinances. City cged year. it decide note January 1, 2018,de a the Ramsey/ sucprepay recyclables and refuse -derived fuel notice of said hearing be given Lake Elmo. staff shall henceforth accept and the assessment before the Washington Recycling 8 Energy for nearly 30 years. There, certain n conformance to Seclion 83A.06 Section 4: Effective Date. This process applications and regulate date given above the rate of interest Center ("R8E Center') in Newport, recyclable materials will continue be subtlivision 4. ordinance shall become effective tlevelopm ent activity in accordance that will apply is 3.86 percent. MN for processing, recycling, removed from the incoming waste, DATE D: This 20th tlay of December, metliately upon adoption with the City's she stand regulations The proposed assessment roll is enrecovery an dher proper and the remainder will be processed 2016 nit publication in the official and other relevant City ortlinances on file for public inspection at the management. The hearing into refuse derived fuel that will be BYTHE WASHINGTON COUNTY newspaper of the City of Lake and regulations. city clerk's office. The total amount scheduled for January 24, 2017, at sent to facilities for energy recovery. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Elmo. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. of the prop Red assessment is 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as A small porlion of wage, in the form /S/ Fran Miron This Ordinance Na 08-159 This Ordinnce shall be effective $413,100. Written or oral objections possible, in County Boartl room, ns offprocess residue or bypass reject Chair was adopted on this 20th day of upon its legal passage and will be considered0Writtat the meeting. 5th llaor, Washington County material, will be sent to landfills ATTESTED TO: December, 2016, by avote of 5 Ayes publication. appeal to district court may be taken Government Center, 14949 62nd IV. Waste designation will apply fa /S/ Molly O'Rourke and 0 Nays. SECTION 3. ADOPTION DATE. as da the amount of n assessment Street, Stillwater MN. the portion of mixed municipal solid Washington County Administrator Mike Pearson, Mayor This Ordinance No. 08-160 was unless a widden abjection signed by Comments received by Washington wage generated in Washington (Review: Dec 28, 2016, Jan. 4, 11, ATTEST: adopted on this 20th day of County that is far 2017) Julie Johnson, City Clerk December, 2016, by 5 Ayes the affected properly owner is filed County at the hearing antl in writing acceptable a vote of the R8E Center Nays. With the municipal clerk prior to the will be Compiletl antl usetl by the Processing of (Review Dec. 28, 2016) antl U ant hearing or presented to County as it makes decisions with isignation. be Acceptable Waste well be further LAKE ELME CITY COUNCIL the presiding officer at the hearing. regard fa tl defined in the ordinance WASHINGTON COUNTY Mike Pearson, Mayor The Council may upon such notice Washington County works with enacted by the Washington County SUMMARY OF ATTEST: NOTICE OF amountssment Ramsey County on certain waste bjectidual Boartl of Commissioners, but shall Julie Johnson,City Clerk PUBLIC HEARING ADVERTISEMENT FOR se a propose nageme programs as pa of a proposed assessment management rt of of a tl id following: s (Review: Dec 28, 2016) not inclutle theeWaste A. Unacceptable Waste are wastes Notice i hereby given that BIDS/REQU ESTS adjourned meding upon such the Ramsey/Washington Recycling meeting that that cannot be accepted of the R8E the Washington County Board of FOR PROPOSALS FOR fu th to further notice to the enacted property 8 Energy Boartl (^R8E Board o as it deems advisable. which owns antl operates the R8E Center; Commissioners will hold a public WASHINGTON COUNTY LAKE ELMO PUBLIC hearing on Tuesday, January 24, Under Minn. Stat. §§ 435.193 Center. On Novem her 28, 2016, B Materials Chad are separated from Requests for Bids are being solid waste and recweroit for reuse 2017, at 9:00 a.m. in the Washington aqua g HEARING NOTICE to 435.195 the council may, in ids the Commissioner d the Minnesota in their form or for use in County Board Room at 14949-62ntl solicited until 2:00 p.m., January 24, DATE: Monday, January 9, 2017 origins discretion, defer the payment of Pollution Control Agency approvetl m Street North, Slillwader, MN 55082 2017, for Tree Removal Services in TIME: 7:00 p.m. manufacturing processes (this does the Cotta Grove Regional Park, this special assessment for any the Ramsey and Washington to cona diction filed with the 9e gion PLACE: Lake Elmo City Hall not include the Ire= of waste Pe homestead properly owned by a Counties Joint Waste Designation n the Cid of Cotta Grove, in Co t to rename a lake located in Y Cottage 3800 Laverne Avenue North after Collection for the unY person years of age or Plan prepared the RitE Be rd purposed Washin ton Count Minnesota. 55042 To32, Range 21, Section 19 g Y. Lake Elmo, composting); Ga to: Mdp://wwwcawashingdon. retired Nrlue of a t and as being consistent with slate y ant d 9 c si by pin phone: 651 -747-3900 C. Materials that are processed of 8 Township 32, Range 2L Section 74 dotal tlisability for wfiom id woultl be gaWfes antl slate goals for waste it won ran us/bitls asox forfurlher details. a resource ret 24 in the Cid d Forest Lake. The Fax: 651 -747-3901 facility the Y wary Y Dec 28, 2016) e 9 a hardship to make the fs m nd. Both Washin to p paymen (Review. PURPOSE: The Lake Elmo capacity in operation at the time dhad proposed name of the lake is Sylvan a When item County the special County antl Ramsey County will now a Joint Waste Designation Plan Lake. Planning Commission will be holding assessmthe end has been grandetl and is begin the process of implementing has been v� tl. The public is encouraged do attend a public hearing to consider the dermi aced for any reason provided in waste designation, through the DSMaprove that are sepamtetl of antl testify. Both written and oral CITY OF LAKE ELME fdlowing item(): that law antl Ordinance(Resolution), atloption of a waste designation gatem encs will be acce ted at the 1. ZONING MPP AMENDMENT: a pemitted dransler station locatetl P COUNTY OF WASHINGTON all amounts plus ordinance amendment fader in 2017 hearin Questions or Comments can A request by John J. Zignego for a within Washington County for the 9 STATE OF MINNESOTA st become d each County. A separae public applicable propel become tlue. Arry be directed fa Kevin Corbitl, Pepint Zoning Map Amendment to rezone of recycling the materialsY assepurposes he ssetl properly owne meeting hearing will be held on the ortlinance if: the Unger gotten ova s in Administrator at 651-430-6001. ORDINANCE NO. 08-160 the properly located at 3880 Laverne the requirements of this law may, amendment. Washington Count tloes not AN ORDINANCE Avenue North from GB -General operation on January 1, 1991; ar 9 Y ra VA tlays of the c The R8E Boats will also be working (b) the materials were not being inade on the basis race, TERMINATING THE Business District VMX - Village of the assessment, applytothe tidy in negotiate and enter into as to the city color, r 3 separated for re t the R8E Color, national origin, sex, rdigion, Mi.ed Use. PID# MORATORIA DECLARED BY waste a clerk for the prescribed farm for such waste tlelivery agreements with T Amendment. in amp oymen 2. Zoning TEXT Amendment A Center of the time the transfer station age, or tlisabilid def Y tleferml of payment of this speaal waste haulers for the delivery of began separation tithe materials; the provision of services. ORDINANCES NOS. 08-123 zoning text amendmentameatling E. RecydabIs materials that areDated: December 20, 2016 (EXTENDED BY ORDINANCE the City's Shorelantl Management Puauc nonw being rReveled antl resitluals from WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD NO.O8-146)ANDOB-156 Overlay District ordinance, Section a Th, 11 154.800 of Zoning Code the recycling if there is at least an OF COMMISSIONERS THAT IMPOSED 3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ea ve mi waewNOTON ccuNrv. 85 percent volume reduction /s/Kevin Corbitl, Deputy Administrator MORATORIA ON CERTAIN AMENDMENT: Consideration of o,o�ys�omo'® the sditl waste processetl of the recycling facility and the residuals Administration DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY comprehensive Intl use plan managed as a separate waste 149 9-621d Street North WITHIN THE CITY amendment and comprehensive P sire m; and PO B.6 WHEREAS, on July 7, 2015, wastewater plan amendment to F Waste Sdillwade, MN 55082-0006 guide properties from Public/Park "Council") of oiooeom y in�aim ism otherwise subject to the City Council (the of designation, bud that is dellered PH: 651-430-6001 the City of Lake Elmo (the "City") to anew land use to be called Golf wasnm0T0B 0e nu nixes to the R8E Center, pursuant to a (Review: Dec 28, 2016, Jan. 4, 11, adopted Ordinance No. 08-123, Course Com munidy and amending the MUSA fa allow the area to GENEa FUND, SPEC- PRa ECTFgxos waste delivery agreement between 2017) pursuant noits outunder be served by municipal services; MD DEBT SERVICE FUNDS licensed commercial waste haulers Minnesota Statutes Section 462.355, or authorizeself-haulers and the subtlivision 4, which egablishetl Properties bountl by 20th Street N, 2mv 2017 R8E Board. CITY OF LAKE ELMO a 12 month moratorium on the Lake Elma Avenue, and loth Street a a� e ti a� 0 V Washington County anticipates COUNTY OF WASHINGTON consideration and/or approval of N and bordering West Lakeland Township with the ID#s PID REVENUESe .2-1oo �0o50 soo property the county-witle acceptable mixed any residential and related u STATE OF MINNESOTA use or #s:, 1751 soo a770,eoo lion Ta. y y $pose eoo $pose eoo municipal solid waste generation in ixed= subtlivision or residential, 2018 to be approximately 100,000 ORDINANCE NO. OB -149 nit reladetl use or mixed-use CoInly log am Id�oae soo AN ORDINANCE TO development project within the State, 0700 5500 _tons., VI. The R8E Center operates a AMENDTHE LAKE ELMO L 2, or 3 Staging Areas as identified s n 0,411,400 ni,o29,50o $apioaoo $a eoi soo e.1, an enterprise fund, with revenue in the Lake Elmo Comprehensive CITY CODE BY AMENDING aomi aa�ooaa. 875,711,100 collected a from dipping fees covering Plan vidh certain exceptions and facility expenses Fees charged far THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (^ortlinance No. 08-123); and U0,a75,aoo W5 751100 $ao,445,00o X077 aoo upas eoo 0001 waste delivery to the R8E Conder OF THE CITY OF WHEREAS, Ordnance as 08- Fees $1a'O4 Doo $�5 zsa eoo baa loo U41 eoo 4. ZO.21.44. 4 ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT: res will be ad the amounts atloptetl LAKE ELME 123 was adopted a a result of s A request by HC Golf Course ­aoo $pea loo by the R8E Board, as mended The City Council of the City of the City receiving a draft of the Development, LLC for a zoning text aooaa .soo z00 .9aa 100 4.10 from time to time, with adequate Lake Elmo ordains that Lake Elmo 2040 regional forecast from the amendment, creating a Golf Course soo tea. $�79iz $�9i07 notice of rate dlanges provided to City Code, Section 154.032 Zon in Metropolitan Cauncil that would Commald Zonin District. Y Iion) mwoo 1iao® 001 10o 01w 454211 7�tlq haulers antl the public. The Joint District Map, of the Municipal reduce the number d householtls All Persons wis g M fo be heard on a Wo eoo 0o $sz0, 00 ma�reooa aoo oma roan q o..a:. 8219205900 $211,235900 a.sa old Waste Designation Plan provides Code, shall be amended by atltling and total community population the above items should attend the estimates for operating expenses Ordinance No. 08-149, ae toows: by a substantialmarginfrom the meeting. Written comments may is The 2018 rate for Acceptable Section 1: Zoning Map 2810 erocast as part of the City's be submitter to the City leer am ��07a soo ce aoo Doo Waste delivered pursuant to the Amentlment. The following 2015 System Statement and the than 5:00 Tuesday, Janus p.m. on y ry $a0,aa9,700 $ae,ac7,0oo desi tion ordinance is estimated Cid Wished to under planning he properties, Outlet B, Boulder Y avis go a p 9 3 2717; or emailed fa Stephen in the Plan to be approximately antl atlopd an interim g n $10 400 $77401001 Asia loo $72020700 Ponds (PID# process growth Wensman at swensman©lakeelmo. $77.75 per ton, assuming current and Outlet C, Boulder Ponds management strategy in order fa no fader than noon on the tl f �,n�,soo,ese,eoo operations continue into 2018. The (PI D# rebalance the future lantl use plan the in 'Materials regarding $�s aioloo $�z 075111 Conse, don actual charge may be higher or lower are hereby re ned from antl guide residential development the above items a available for oantl Econ- leveo=q $t1z7,e $$zao� tlepending on projected expenses -Commercial/PUD MDR- in amannerc nsistent withthe2040 roview ad City Hall (Montlay-Fritlay; as $7,1.2 $7,zaae The actual ti Teener 2018 will be forecast; antlo tipping Medium Density Resitlential/PUD, 8'00 am - 480 P.M. (exdutling To, 1111 of g. $rea,zc7,0 $70e,z799 am oe set in mid -2017. The R8E Boartl has respectively, to HDR -High Density WHEREAS, because the City's holidays). P lease call City Hall if you ai�a��7ma e a adopted a policy that haulers Chad Residential/PUD. she relantl regulations were under have any questions. $7,010001 .z7s000 Is,�,7sgzo0 $7,,zi,00o enter into a waste tlelivery contract Section 2: The City Council of review by the Minnesota Department Stephen Wensman P y $a01a0 500 141 zoo da y$�p0oo �zso will be able to receive a rebate of of the Cid d Lake Elmo also hereb of NaW21 Resources (the SNR"), Y Y Planning Director least $12 per ton during the first four ortlains that the Zoning Administrator on July 5, 2016, the Council atloptetl ATTEST: $>>1iz $I-7 years of resignation. shall make the applicable changes to Ordinance No. 08-146, An Interim Julie Johnson, City Clerk Tol �s1a0900 $7155100 The Joint Designation Plan and the official zoning map of the City of Ortlinance Extending the Moratorium (Oaktlale-Lake Elmo Review: Dec. iwre: sa oma�roao q a: $219205900 8211,285900 a.sa other information regae Ing waste Lake Elmo. on Residential Development within 20 20016) designation antl waste management Section 3: Effective Date. This the Stage One Development (Review: Dec. 28, 2016) Washington andRamsey ordinance shall become effective Area and All Development Activity Counties are available at www immediately upon adoption within the Stage Two and Three evaluelesslrash. com. nit publication in the official Development Areas as Described