HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 08-10 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 8 Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016 Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE STREET ADDRESS OF M,nnesota SEbu e section 50023 STATUTES SECTION 502032, 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' feet thence S Uu Iy, delle n, to FO RECLOSURE SALE PROPERTY: 4590 EMPRESS WAV S March 1, 2017 d ll 59g m. If the DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Samuel R Coleman, Esq. thelett04degrees00m,nut- THERIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF N,HUGO, MN 55038 foregoing date,Se Saturday, Sunday THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Attomeysfor Mortgagee distance of/294, a,A or lessto THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFT HE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY or legal hol,day, then HA date to PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ThAAcademy Professional Building the point of be ginning on the south ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN IS LOCATED: Weshadton County, v ,S the add business day d WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 25 North MIA Street line of the North 69.6 feet of HA TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Minnesota 1:SA9 Pm. OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, St Paul, MN 55102 SE 114 of the NE 114 of Section 22', AFFECTED BYTHIS AC TION TRANACTION AGENT None MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN (.1)2099/50 thence centnu,ng kou ,, along NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NAME OF MORTGAGE FROM OBLIGATION ON AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, (15855FN1) thA Soah,,y protection of the lest defaulthaSoaurred,nyt condik_ ORIGINATOR: JPMorgan I- MORTGAGE: NONE ANDAREABANDONED. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION desaibed o a distance of of the following desaibecm ortga Bank, NA e Natonal Banka nc THE TIME ALLOWED BY Dated: July S, 2016 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 345.5 feet more or less, to the Mortgagor: Woherc I. Martinez- Io -on LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV U.S. Bank National Association, (Review: July 13, 20, 2], Aug 3, 10, south li ne of the North 413 27 feet of G,riktien end AliS,e J. Martinez- RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: THE MORTGAGOR THE Assignee of Mortgagee 1], 2016) Bic SE 1A of the NE 114 thence G,riktien, spouses themed to eedh Seteru5, Ina MORTGAGORS PERSONAL OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL easterly, elonc kaic south line, e other TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVES ORAS SIGNS ASSOCIATION distance of39].1 fee[m ore or less, Mortgagee: Mortgage Eledah, NUMBER: 19.0'3121 J1 HU33 MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE By Jonathan R Cuskey, Mah-IV STATE OF MINNESOTA to the west line of the Eakt/85 feet Re ,ktraton S no e TRANSACTION AGENT'S W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS-leismen ofthe Ell ofthe NE 114 of Seton g yaems COUNTY OF WASHINGTON nee for Bell Stet, Bank&Trusts MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Add ne tor: DISTRICT COURT 22, thence northerly along said east nod nee 10012014 NUMBER: None STATUTES SECTION 5020'32 U.S. Bank -b-Il Aksodaton, line, a distance of 343./feet more Filed: 0 9115 2 015 THAT no action or proceeding has DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Assignee of Mortgagee TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT or less tothesouth line of the North Ramsey Registrar of Titles been ,nktitutec et law to recever the THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 55 Ee5[Fifth Stree[Suite 000 CASETYPE: 69.6 feet of the SE ll4 of the N E 114 Docuadnt T0253�. Ageinkt deb[thenreme,n,ncSecuredbysuc, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED St Paul, M-111 -1 /1 8 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE of Section 22', thence Westerly, along Certificate ofue No.:.0103 mortgage or any part thereof or,,f WITH A RESIDENTIA DWELLING .1209]599 NOTICE OFSHERIFF'S SALE kab south 1, ne, a distance of 3.. 45 A-gned To: U.S. Bank P. -Il the action or proceeding hes been OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS 1122&1753 F -C PURSUANTTO JUDGMENT feettothepoint ofbeg,nnag tuted, that the same hes been ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 'GOT X51096) D ted ton ,nkti Cese No.: 02 -CV -10-5590 Dated: 10222015 discontnued, or that an executon AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. REGISTERED PROPERTY Th H M. Greg.VG Gallen Fled 10222015 upon been 'Btu d therein ANDAREnBANDONED. 790 8-1 60 0 3]71 ry1 a gt lud P. -Il P p y Address: 0155 210TH S h b sf ed, n D dC 302016 (R ecu: Julyl3, 20, 2/, Aug 3, l0 S N h,F eaTk,MN ' Ramsey County R g f T As `NS seksor Trustee 5 Document No. 12543303A , p CU Mortgage Sery ties Inc 17 2016 T D: 2203221.11.0001 nd 9 kt G b k, N A, es Trustee Gertfeete of TtleN .:.0103 PURSUANT, h P of sale Mortgagee f r Structured Asset Seeurte5 2203221.140002 ened In 68 g gel he PFB LAW, PROFESSONAL o the hghekt bidder by acton ElectronTMa.ic Re ggent Mortgage above de-bec property will be ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Corporation, Mortgage Pales pursuant to the Findings of Fad, gient on BystemF Inc kold b he Sheriff of said noun[ B : Jonathan R Cu,ke Midhael V Threugh Geltificates Series 2005 Con -lions of Law, Order for Trenkadion Agent Mortgage lD No by yes Y Y FORECLOSURE SALE 1010104-005324].1-3 follows: Sdhleism en THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Plaintiff, Ju Qgment enc Judgm Ant en Bred Lender or BAker: Bell SEbe Banka DATEANDTIME OF SALE: August Attomeysfor: THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE In he ebovsenttlec e tint on TNs[ PELAGE 2016 aOF 10 Al Washington Mortga0 AM I gee��e 6ervice5, Ina, ORIGINAL CR EDITOR WITHIN THE Timothy J. MacKenzie, Cathy J. Sept judgment e 2015 fo� PIe�Off Servicer: U.S. Bank P. -Il TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT MacKenzie, Woodbury Business County S,erff S INf J4 , g[ E Ffth S[ [Suite 000 rn the amount $]81 494.09 plus -odd on AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. PI LLG The Riv rb k, C"tBank Mortgage Ongnator: Bell SEte Cou b Law Enf G St P I, MN 55101-1]10 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That (South DekothJ, N A, Ikl G,Benk rn Brest end the ces f d la Bank&Trus[ Qnd Stree Noah S Ilwater l U 449 et A f py of the End— of LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF M .1-22&1]53 defaul[,e5 oaurred h diton5 N IA o .,on verBenk, F G d ns of Lew, Orderfor PROPERTY: Lot 16 Norton S P Y he debt h ec by THIS IS A COMMUNICATION of the follow ng des b d ago G p I One uBank (USA), N A Ju Qg Judgment hes been said mortgage end I- if any FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. MOR(TGAGOF(SJ. 0 A G y SPV LlG J h Doe, end delivered to the Washington County Call, Ald AaeS Wette,ing esingleman Mary Roe, TAG Regi stared Property actually ped by the mortgagee, 000916003 1 MOFTGAGEE.M S, ff. on the pr ,S enc the -d enc 'Review: July 13, 20, 2], Aug 3, 10 g g EI Defendants Thd mpton per od from the TAX PARCEL NO R g Sys[ NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN that 26 30 22 34 0043 dsbuymedF allowed by law. The i/,2016) Delaware.-poraton aen=,to, on Septem ber20, 2016 at 1000 AM sl lib sixdon of thS nom the wed bylaw mr redempton A data of wnennaton of the kala by ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: by Boat moaga ,o ), their personal GLerenteec Rata, In a DAlawarA at the wakhthgon cowry sheriffk the court. The real property mud be 1.65PRUCEPL representatives or assigns,S k. (6) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ceDoraton Office, Wesh,ng[on County Lew rated by»59gm. on thelekt day JVHITE BEAR LAKE MN 55110 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE : Enforcement Center, 15015 Qnd months from the date of sale. of the redempton period COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY TIME AND DATE TO AGATE FORECLOSURE SALE Aksignecto: Wellso,dec Ben k, c, Street North, Stillwater M,nnesoth THE TIME ALLOWED BY IS LOCATED: Ramsey THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF by eksignmen[reeordec on Merdh the Washington County Sheriff ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT PROPERTY: Unless [end mortgage THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 11, 2015 es Document Number will sell the reel property legally LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY OF MOR(TGAGE$16 90000 rein Bed or he property ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE 1'232064 ,n the Office of the County desaibec es: THE MORTGAGOR THE redeemed, o unless the tme for MORTGAGORS PERSONAL AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO redempton ,S reduced by ludidel TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Registrar of Td- of Washington T,et pert of the Eekt Heff of the REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS BEDUE NG OF DATE OF NOTICE AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. County, M,nnesom Northeast Quarter of Sed,on 22 order you must vacate the premises MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE INCLUDING TnxES, IF ANY, PAID NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Towns„p 32 Nom,, Range 21 wad BY OR(TGAGEE. $1]6115.19 by 1155 P m. on Febau 23,201]. default has oceunec,n thecendito OF MOR(TGAGE:$13],464.00 Washington County, M,nnesath W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS That p, or to th e eom m eneem eat of THE TIME ALLOWED BY of thefollowinc desaibec mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 26 desaibec ekfollow5: ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ho,mo1[ eforedosure proceeding LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Mortgagor: Qaig J PodME single 2009 Commendnc d the northeast STATUTES, SECTION 502032 THE MORTGAGOR THE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER MortgegeelAasignee of Mortgagee ac LikaM Schulte, single DATE AND PLACE OF FILING cemer of the Eekt Heff of the dwithall notce re MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL a PREMIS,THAT THE MORTGAGED cemp,e quio ants REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Mortgagee: Mortgage ElAdronic RAceo, eI,e uponrCeRfadeo enc Northeast Quarter of Section 22. PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Sp o,eedby-be; that,tutec n nomRegUeeton Systems e mem onelizecu DGumen.t NummA thencew Hk Iff fNodheAnort, e, or proceeding has been ,n,thoe,cet MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Dded forU.S. BenkN glnc S 1205047,n ]he Document Number of the E ce888of Northeast Quarter OF LESS DW UNITS JVEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS n OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, law or otherwise to receverthe debt De-de]292004 Rega , the Office of the County a distance 000 feet, more or less ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN cured by said mortgage, or any Recorded: 09b02004 Registrar of Titles of Washington to the point of ,ntersAdion with e STATUTE SECTION s02032 AGRICULTURAL PRooucnoN, parcthereep DETERMINING AMONG OTHER was,mgon cowry RAwmAr cowry, MlnnAkom In drewn pareuAl with aria arktwt ANDARE ABANDONED. PURSUANT to the power of Sele Dowgned No. 3469.] THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO 4125 feet A— of the west rine of THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Dated: Jury1e, 2016 arced ,n said opeay A, the Akdgned To: us Bank National BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE the Ee I hall of Norah -a Quarter above described property will be ?REMISES AlE IMPROVED Aasodeton ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. of Section 22', thence southerly WASHINGTONCOUNTY SHERIFF JV LTH A RESIDENTIAL DW EW NG 8y: /s/ Matthew W ieputy olc bythe Sheriff of kaic ceunty es Deted:04h052013 $14607/.30 along kaic parallel line,edi stance tollow5: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Recorded: 041152013 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF of .625 feet to the south line of Deputy DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August AlE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Washington County Recerder PROPERTY: Loth Five (5J enc the North half of Nort,ee5[Querter Dated: July14, 2016 252016loTIME AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Docum ent No. 39404i] Six'6), Brod: Td(2)M(5) ac of Northeast Querterof SAdio'e'n 22 THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, P.A. PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Ofice, AND ARE ABANDONED. Tra.cton Agent Mortgage ADDITION, UForest Lake Township, thence westerly, alonc said south BY:A%/Cura N.Trisko Civil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED Electron,, Regiktraton Systems, Inc Washington Goun[y, M,nnesoth, es line a distance of 1.6 feet, thence Curt N.Tni (X392]53) FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Attorneys (or ('IainOf( Suite 150, St Paul, MN Tra .,ton Agent Mortgage ID No: surveyed enc platted end now on southerly, dOledac to the len 84 to pay the debt then secured by ON MORTGAGE None 000212/0 52830 file end of re.,d In the office of the de reel 00 minutes a distance of WllmingfonT N, National ,c Morta end fixes, if en, Det ed: June 2], 2016 Lender or Broker: U.S BenkNA Re btig3 Association,ka as 68 gge, yon giant, of TiteS within end for kaIc 4feOtothe po,ntofbegi an FEDERAL NATI ONALMORTGAGE Suay Ph.f Ti i. -I c premises, and the cess end Servicer: U.S. Bank National Washington County, together with the south line of the North 66feet of disbursements, ,ndudin ASSOCIATION TM Academy Professional g attomeyK Aasodeton an eekemen[for ingress end Agrehe the South Heff of N, of Set Quarter fees allowed ,n law subled Mortgagee Mortgage Originator. U.S. Bank or driveway puryoke5 from the of Northeast Quarter of SAdion 22', Building redemptonwiebythl nthknom the THEAGADEMVLAW GROUP,PA NA W ulOway of U. S H ighway Sixty thence celauing southerly, along 25 Norah Dale Street date op-onaleb hA morta By lkl:61) SL Paul, MN 55102 vt g gortk), LEGAL ROPE DESthat pat of A men ro th,k Lot RVA (57. Th,A the kouthA,v prolAd,on of the lad Rebeaa F Sdhiller Esq pert o men Telephone: (�1) 2099]92 their personal representhtve5 or N. Kibon Fondun Ile,, Es PROPERTY: All that f Lot 1, ease t shell be rekfidec to the desaibec ceursA, e distance of curt Oth..de law gni ge q ar ore m(1 9rou1111 SmgnS. Block&, Neel Meadows, Washington ee designated es Gere Street ant 5..1 fee[ m or less to the DANE TO VACATE PROPER(TV. 'Curt N. Trisko, Esq.' County, M,nnesoth, desaibed as Secend Street as ,ndiceted ,n the south line of the North 69.6 feet of (13-0916LIT02) The date on or before which the Samuel R GUlemen, E54 follows to wt Comm endng at the eforeka,c plat Provided, however the Southeast Quarter of Northeast ;Review: July27, Aug 3, 10, 1], 24, m agagor had vacde the property Attomeys forM agagee southeasterly ce r of kaic Lot 1 that this easement shell cease to Quarter of Secton 22', thence 2016) if he mortgage ,S not re eted The Academy Professional Building thence o cerded bearing of e end shell be herrn meted when, easterly alonc said south line, a under Minnesota Sh"tes rsedon 25 North Dele Street North OOn degrees 40 mi es 36 aS and if Case Street anc Seeonc distance of 361.4 feet more or talcs, 50030 or the property redeemed S[Paul, 9755102 secends West alonc then easterly Street as designated on the doreka,c to the west line of Eekt ]85 feet NOTICE OF MORTGAGE under Minnesota Statutes section (51)2099]60 rine of said Lot 1, e dik'thnce of plat ere cenveyed enc becemepublic of the Eekt Heff of Nort,eekt Quercer FORECLOSURE SALE 1580 159 ,S February 25, d.e (16000IS A 11750 feet to the point of beg, nnag dom a, n as thoreughfa- of Sed,on22, thence northerly, along THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 1159 If the fore cin date ,Sa THIS IS A COMMUNICATION of the Pm g g parcel being b8 bed, thence -11 REGISTERED PROPERTY said Bad line, a dto the of h510 7 l,ne THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Saturday, Sunday or legal hol,day, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. South 89 degrees SO m,n es 30 STREET ADDRESS OF feet more or less to the south line ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE then the date to vacate ,S the ne# ;Review: July 6 13, 20, 2], Aug 3, secends West 10057 feetu thence PROPERTY: 21446 FOREST BLVD oftie North- feet of the Noltheas[ TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT bulla- day at 1159 P m. ,2016) North 72 degrees 37 m es 06 N, FORESTIAKE MN550252Q5 Quarter of Northeast Quarter of AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION MOFTGAGORS) RELEASED cend5 We5[l'24./5 feetnmore or COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Secton 22, thence westerly, along NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That FROM OBLIGATION ON IAksto the wekte,yline of said Lot l', IS LOCATED: WashUgton County, kaid South line,edi stance of3/feet defaul[,e5 oaurred,n the conditon5 MORTGAGE: NONE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE th Ance North 11 degrees 2] m,nute5 M,nne to or les s, to the East l,ne of the of the followag de-bec mortgage: THE TIME ALLOWED BY FORECLOSURE SALE roods East along kaid westerly TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage Wes[ 4705 feet of the Northeast MOR(TGAGORS). Danns LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF l,ne 8181 feet m oreor less, to the Eledron,c RAgd,Uon Systems Inc Quarter of Northeast Quarter; thence BuFlanc and Angela Birchland, THE MORTGAGOR THE THE DEBT AND IDEMITY OF THE northwesterly cemer of laic Lot l', NAME OF MORTGAGE northerly, along ka d l,ne, a husband and wife MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE thence N ort, 89 degrees b, m,nute5 ORIGINATOR: G ­Rete, distance of 147]fee[morA or less, MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Eledah, REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT 30 secends East along the northerly IncaDAlawarecorpoIan to the south Ue of the North 66 Reg,stAtion Systems,Inc a MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE AFFECTEDBYTHISACTION. I,neofka,c Lotl adiktanceof21000 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Dells feet of the South Half of Northeast Delaware Cobt-onasnom,neefor WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that feet moreofIckththort,eaSte,rg y Fao Bank, N A Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Centenn,al Mortgage and Funding, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA default, as occurred,n the cendit- o er of laic Lotto1', thence South TAX PARCELIDENTIFICATION Secton 22', thence westerly, along IncaManesota CorpoIan STATUTES SECTION 502032, ofthefollowagdesaibedmortgage: 00 degree540 mal -6 -o ­NUMBER 1].03221420040, kaidsouthIne, adidanceof2Q feet ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. DETERMINING AMONG OTHER MortgagorJan,A L Lanenz a East, along Saideade,y li ne, 11650 l to the po,nt of beginning, centainag Aks,gned to: WAllS Fargo Bank, THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED kagleperson feet m e of less to the point of TRANSACTION AGENT'S S or less N A by aks,gnment r aec on PREMISES ARE IMP ROVED WITH Mortgagee: CU. Mortgage beginning, WashUgton County, MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION Inducting a� and Septem ber2], 2012 tg Docum ent A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING SennceS, Inc. M,nnesota NUMBER 1UU19OAJJUOl'29403 les lad B of Regihderec Land Number 39085/0 ,n the Office of OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Dated: 03212003 Thi 5,5 Ada -ad Property THAT no action or proceeding has Su,vvey No. 81, WaShagton County, the County Recorder of WashUgton ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Re cerded: 05202003 TAX PARCEL NO'. been ,na,,tutec at law to recever the Ma- ota County, Manesot3 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Ramsey County Recorder l debt then remainac secured by such Also ,ndudmc an ea ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT AND ARE ABANDONED. Document No. 3Q3099 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. mortgage, or any part thereof or if a s5 that part oftheEast OF M OR(TGAGE$324,00000 Dated: June29, 2016 Transad,on Agent NS, 02. NEALASEN the adion or proceeding hes been Haff of the Northeast Quarter of DATE OF M ORTGAGE: Au gust 26 U.S. Bank National Association, lankad,on Agent M o1gage ID No: STILLWATER M-082rtuted, that the same hes wns been Secton 22, Tohip 32 Noah , L Assignee of Mortgagee NIA COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY di-unued, or that an ex n Range2l Wea WaShagton County, DATE AND PLACE OF FILING OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Lender or Broker: G.U. Mortgage IS LOCATED: WaShagton upon the Hdgment renderedthere,n Manekota, describe -folio- Rece-ded on Olober 4, 2005 e ASSOCIATION services, Inc. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT h been re mea unsats bd, In Commendnc at the no„eaa Document Number 3644 In the ByJonathan R Cu,key, M,.ael V Serv,cer. G.U. M agage Sella- OF MORTGAGE $239,12000 whole or,n pert r of kaid Eaa half of Northeast Office of the County Recerder of Schl Aikm an AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO PURSUANT, to the power of Sete Quarter; thence w let 2 along Washagton County, Manesot3 Add ne for M agage Origaator: CU. Mortgage BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE ce ained ,n ka,d mortgage, the the nod, l,ne of kaid East half of THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO U.S. Bank Nefionel Assodaton, Sella- Inc. INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID above descnbec property will be Northeast Quarter, a d,ktance of BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Assignee of Mortgagee LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BY MO R(TGAGEE:$19],221 23 kolc by the Sheriff of kaid ceunty a5 022 feet, m or less, to the point ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. SS East Fifth Street Suite 800 PROPERTY: Lot l Block 5 T, atpnortothecemmencementof follows: of thtersect on with a I,nA drawn $330]321] St Paul, MN55101-1]10 Saratoga H,IlS Ramsey County, th,Smoagageforeclosureproceeding DATE AN D TIME OF SALE: August parallel with and distant 4/O S feet LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 65 1203]549 M,nnekoth MortgageeiA gnee of Mortgagee 30, 2016 at 10 00 AM let of the west line of said East PROPERTY: Lot 10, Brod: 4, 651-22&1]53 ;fax) ThiS,SAbk'tred Property omphec with all note-equ,remend PLACE OF SALE Washagton Haff of Northeast Quarter; thence Camage Fa- ED Addmon, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION TAX PARCEL NO.'. requ,redbydatute; hatnoadion County Sheriffs Office , Washagton southerly, along Sa,c parallel l,ne a Washagton County, Manesota FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 01 29 22 33 0083 or preceeding hes been ,na,,tuted at County Law Enforcement Center, distance of .631 feet to thepo,ot STREET ADDRESS OF 17%a l"03491 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: law or otherwise to recever the debt l lS Qnc Street North, Stillwater of beganag on the south line of PROPERTY :ll 44 AUTUMN DRIVE, 'Review: July 13, 20, 2], Aug 3, 2713 Apedhe RcN cured by ka,c mortgage, or any Man-ta the NoM1, Haff of Northeast Quarter AOODBURY MN55125 10 2016) Noah Paul, MN 55109 part thereof to pay the debt then secured by of Northeast Quarter of Secton 22', COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY PURSUANT to the power of sale s mortgage and to s, if any thence westerly, alonc said south IS LOCATED: WaShagton County, ISLOCATED: Ram key ned ,n kaid mortgage, the ed ually paid by the xmoagagee, I,ne, ad,ktanceof250.OfeO thence M,nnesota NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT above de -bed property will be anthe pr ,s and the cekt5 anc kouthe,y, d011edac to the len 84 TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage FORECLOSURE SALE OF MORTGAGE $11960000 kold by the Sheriff of ka,c ceunty a5 disbursements allowed by law. The degrees 00 m,nute5, a diktanee of Electan,c Reg -on System S,Inc THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO follows: Im e ell owed by hew for redempton 614 feet to the po,nt of atersedion NAME OF MORTGAGE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE DATE AND TIME OF SALE by ka,c moagagoq( ), their personal wth a l,ne drawn parallel wit, and ORIGINATOR Centennial Mortgage ORIGINALCREDITOR WITHINTHE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID Septem ber22010, 10U0 AM representhtve5 oreksign5,5 six;6J diktwt E6 feet south of the south and Funding, Ina, a Manesota TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT BY MORTGAGEE $. 100 ]1 PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement monthknon, thedateo-le l,ne of the N ort, H elf of N ort,eaa Corpo-don AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION That prior to the cemmencement of Center, 15015 Qnd Street N., TIME AND DATE TO AGATE Quarter of Northeast Quarter of RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: WAllS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That thlb-gageforedokureproceednc Stllwater MN PROPERTY. Unleks ka,d mortgage Secton 22', thence Eaktedy, along Fargo Bank, NA defaul[,e5 oaurred,n the conditon5 M agageelAssignee of Mortgagee to pay the debt then s cured by reindAted or the pap ay ka,d parallel line, a diktance of 20/ TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION ofthefollowing desaibec mortgage: cemp,ed withell notce requirements Seid Mortgage, and bxeSeif any, on adeemed, o unleks the ,me for feet to the polo[ of atersedion with NUMBER 10 020 21 22.0081 M OFTGAGOF(SJ: Thom eS D requ,rec by ktetute that no action Seid prem,SeS, and the =and redempton ,S reduced by ludidel ahneparallel with andd,aant4]65 TRANSACTION AGENT'S Jensen enc Rochelle M. Jensen, or proceed mc, aS been ,ndbuted at di kbursem ants, ,noluding ett mays' order you mulct vacate the prem,SeS feet eekt of the wes[l,ne of kaid Eekt MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION hu band and wife law o, cea re otherwi ke to recover the debt fees allowed by law kubled o by 1159 P m. on February 28, 201]. Half of Nort,eaa Quarter of Sed,on NUMBER 1001Q50004.48091 M OFTGAGEE. JPMorgen G,ese c by ka,d mortgage, or any redem peon wihNn 6 MonthSnom the THE TIME ALLOWED BY 22', thence northerly, along ka,d THAT no ad,on or paceed,ng has Bank, NA a NatoM Banking pat thereof date of Said kale by the m o1gagoq k), LAW FOR REDEMELLON BY parallel l,ne a diktance of 00 feet to been ,na,,tuted at law to recever the Aasodeton PURSUANT to the power of kal e their personal reprekentatve5 or THE MORTGAGOR THE he po,nt of beginning, centarnag 04 debt then remainag kecuec by Such ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. ce a,ned ,n ke mortgage, the assigns MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL tie moe0, lAks mortgage, or any part thereof or if AES LGNned t Federal MORTGNabonaAGE above desaibec property will be DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, (COTX501.J the action or proceeding hes been Mortgage Aasocieton by eksignment kold by the Sheriff of kaid county e5 The date on or before whah the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Th. part of the Eaa Haff of the addauted, that the kame hes been ecerdec on October 30, 2015 e5 follows: mortgagormuktvacatethe propertyif WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Northeast Querter'E 12 of the NE discentnued, or that an executon Document Number4,UPY 201 the DATE AND TIME OF SALE: the moagaged not reindAted under ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 114 ) of Secton TweHIwo (22), upon the uclgt ent rendered therein Office of the County Recerder of September1, 201610 00 AM Manesota Statutes kection 50030 STATUTES, SECTION 502032 Township Th,aIwo 32) North, has been reumed unkat sfied, ,n Washington County, Manta PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, or the property redeemed under DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Range Twentyone (21) WAkt, whole or,n pert ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Qol Prof Uni[ 25 W.4th Stree[ M,nnekota Statutes kection 50023 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED WashUgton County, M,nnesoth, PURSUANT, to the power of kale OF MORTGAGE $235, 00000 SUI,150, St Paul, MN ,S Mer0,2201]et 1159 Pm. lithe PREMISES ARE IMPROVED desaibec ekfollow5: centhined ,n kaid mortgage, the DATE OF MORTGAGE December to pay the debt then securer by foregoing dete,Se Saturday, Sunday WITH A RESIDENTIAL OWEWNG Cold mendnc et the nort,eekt ab=ed property wi11 be kaid Mortgage, anc I- ,f any, on or [gal hol,day, then the date to OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, cemer of the E 12 of the NE 114 of kolc by the Sheriff of ka,c ceunty a5 3 2012 'ad "em 'e enc the cekt5 enc v e ,S the neA bus,neks day et ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Secton 22', thence westerly along follows: DATE AND PLACE OF FILING disbursements, ,ndudmc attorneys' 1159pm. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, the north line of the Ell2 of the NE DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Recerded on January 3, 2013 he fees ellowec by hew Sub Ad to MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED ANDAREABANDONED. 1A a diktanee of 888 feet more September20, 2016d1000AM Document Number 392480'3 ,n the redempton within 6MonthS nom the FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGORS) RELEASED or IAks, to the point of atersedion PLACE OF SALE: WashUgton Office of the County Recerder of date ofka,c kalebythemoagagoq( ), MORTGAGE: NONE FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION wit, a l,ne drawn parallel wit, and County Sheriffs Office, WashUgton WaShagton County, M,nnesota their personal representatve5 o THE TIME ALLOWED BY ON MORTGAGE: None diktanee 41'25 feet eaa of the County Law Enforcement Center, THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Dated: June30 2016 wekt line of the E 12 of the NE 114 15015 62nc Street North, S,Ilwater BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE aDATES TO VACATE PROPERTY: THE MORTGAGOR THE WELLS FARG O BANK, N.A. of Sed,on 22', thence Southerly, M,nnesoth ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: The date on or before wh,ch the MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagee along ka,c parallel I,ne, a diktance to pay the debt then Secured by $239,]53.31 m ortgogor m ustvacat nt=peay,f REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA of .625 feet to the kouth l,ne of kart mortgage anc I- ,f any LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF the m bagage,5 not reinktetec under MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE By ISI theN 12 of NE 1 A ofthe N ElA of PROPERrr. Loth 6 Bma: 5, Manta smtutek ked,on 580 30 wEEKs IF AJuoICIAL ORDER Is RAbAwaF smmer Ey. Sed,on 22, them wekte,,, along PUbIiC Notices HeriC;ge Ponds, WeS,ing[on County, or the property redeem ec under ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA N. Krbongn, Fondungallah, Esq ka,d kouth I,ne, a diktance of 194.6 Continued on Page 9 Mthn-ta 9 Review Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016 Page 9 Public Notices Filed 041122013 DATE AND TIME OF SALE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER NOTICE OF MORTGAGE on the 1E day a May, 2016 end ConOnne(1 (PORI Page$ Ramsey Gounry Regbstrar d Titles GMG,mber2920161000AM THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED FORECLOSURE SALE tared on pee lam day d M ay, Dooundu Ne 2 '/Q Against PLACE OF SALE SM1eriff s Office, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF 20tH by tlhA lYistrict Court of welly peic by pee mortgagee Certificate oLTitle Ne:5.55] Civil Process Uni[25 W. 4th Stree[ WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING THE DEBT ANO IDENTITY OFTHE Ramsey County, Minnesota, Inph on pee premises end pee Dosis end Transaction Agent Mortgage Suite 150, St Paul, MN OF [ESS THAN FIVE UNITS ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Judid ll Dlstrld, e certified copy of disbursements Sllawe, bylaw The Eectronio Registralon Systems, Ina to pay the debt then secured by ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT whicl hes been deliverec to me ec by law for redemplon Tran:edion PgenbMortgage lO No: said M ortgage end bxe:, if any, on AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. direding pee sale of the premises ev_d �11mortgagor(:), their personal 100220710000125.. said Premises, end the �sls and ANDAREABANDONEo. NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN: That heremaffer de�.ribed, t° saosfy the represeUove: or asn: is six ;6J Lender or Broker. Meribella disbursement:, incudifg ettome Dated: Augustl, 20lb defaulthe:ocounec in pee condilon: amount Loan, end Sjjudgec due Dope:from the doe" of"lle Mortgage LLG Lee: allowed by law cabled o U.5.8enk NetionelAssoeietion, of pee Lollowinc desori bed mortgage: Plaintiff in the above enitle, Sdion TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Servicer. Lowen Loan Servang, redem ptan wipei n 6 M anth: from the Assignee d Mortgagee MOR(TGAGOR(S). Donald from Defendants GanesA Olson PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage LlG dSbe bf d:llebythemolt oq( ), OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Kundner a single person end JeyA Olson, Trustees, or their r the property Mortgage Org sabot: Mer belle peer personal repre:entat ve: or ASSOCIATION MORTGAGEE W II F rgo s U Trust underthe Amold d d, r unless the In, for Mortgage LLG S:sgn:. By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V H Mol­ In GIT mil A OI TUU Agreemefl dated d pa is reduce, by judoll LEGAL DESCRPTON OF DATE TO AGATE PROPERTY: Schlesman p nikiS A II F g Bank O b '00/, SeteyA Olson, order he PROPERTY: Lot 1, Block 3, The date on or before which the Attorney: tor: N A, saocosso b WeIIs Trustee, or her suocossar in Trust, you must veoebet premise: r by to byll59pm. on MSrch20, 201/. S ysd AdAie, the molormustvecabe p tedp nde, U.S B kNllo Aasocelon, Fargo Home Molgag, under the SeteyA OI Trust THE TIME ALLI ED BV Th Rg ere, Property the mortgage : not re thepdunder A g LMrtgag ASS GNMENTS OF MORTGAGE Agreem ent dated Ddb '00/ LAJV FOR REDEMPTION BY TAX PARCEL NO.'. Mune- St"tes 7', on 58630 E Ffth S dee, S 800 Astigned to: U.S. Bank NetonSl SM1rIeyA Olson, en J yA Olson, THE MORTGAGOR THE 102823.210053 or the property redeemed under S[ Peul, MN 55101-1]18 Assocltan, e:Trustee, sure:sorin e: pre:gibed in the Judgment the MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Minnesota StoUe:sedion50023 is .1209/599 mberest to WlchovieekucceSlo undersigned Sheriff of Ramey REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS 303 HemlineAveS Meroe 29, 2017 11 SS Pm. If the .1-2&1]53;farJ Assode0on, es Trustee Lor Ban c oL County will sell et public auction, to MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Saint Paul, M N 5511 foregoing date i:e SSWrdey, Sunday THIS IS A COMMUNICATION America Funding Goryoralon Serie: lee highest bidder for cash, on the W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY or legal holiday, leen the date to FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 20041 by assignment recorded Acle da[ of �, 2016 et lOn UU ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA IS LOCATED. Ramsey e is the add busness day et 1]90814TO a 2 on Mlrch 30, 2012 as Document e h RSm C ySe riffs STATUTES, SECTIO N 5020'32 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 1159pm. (R iew'. Aug 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept], Number 3881 597 n the Code of °ff 25W dFou hS Suite DETERMINING AMONG OTHER OF MOFTGAGE :$212, 00000 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 0162016) the Gounry Recorder of W S:efgton l S. Pal, Min 02 THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO FROM OBLIGATION ON Gounry, Minna:ota the premises enc reel ekmbe, INTI, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED BE UP AS OF DATE OF NOTICE MORTGAGE: NONE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT end being in the Gounry of Ramey, W ITIT IDENTIAL OW ELLING INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID THE TIME ALLOWED BY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE OF MORTGAGE $­51000 JStoe udgment Mane­ desaibecin said OF LESS THAN FVE UNITS BY MORTGAGEE.$222,208. 16 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FORECLOSURE SALE DATE OF MORTGAGE: November )The o ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Th atpr,ntothe.mmencementof THE MORTGAGOR THE The Northwesterly 20 Leet of Lot THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 14,2003 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Meoag rtgeS, f ghee are procoedinc MORTGAGORS PERSONAL U, Block l5, De:noyer Perk, Lot THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE DATE AND PLACE OF FILING 1 ANDARE ABANDONED. D Mortgade Hh signeeaLMortgagee REPRESENTATIVES ASSIGNS, ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE Rocume, onmbe,ry19,2004 e: 9, Block 15, Oesfayer Park. Also M OFTGAN cl RELEASED come,u , b ell one th,q no ants MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE TIME PRWIDED BV LAW IS NOT Doam eft he County 2Re,o m pee lee Northwest Laur fifth:k Lot the FROM F28 INANCIAL OBLIGATION e: require, by steWbe peat no action WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Block LU, De:noyer Perk enc the AFFECTED BYTHISAGIVEN Office of the County Reoorder of ON MORTGAGE: N one or procoedinc hes been insOWbed et ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Washington Gounry, Minnesota. Soupeee:[ety4bbe: of Lot 29, Block Dated: Jul Y22 2116 iew or otlherwiseto reooverthe debt STATUTES SECTION 582032 default has oaunedin theconditan THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO 20, Desnoyer Park boMherwith tlhat WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. secured by said mortgage, or any DETERMINING AMONG OTHER of the Lollowing de:gibed mortgage: BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Part of vacate, al leyecorumcpeerebo Mortgagee Pertpeereof THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED MORTGAGORS): BSN E. ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE hereinafter the "Premises") THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA PURSUANT to the power of sale PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Evens, a single women, end Arthur $142,5134 togetlher wipe (i) SII buildings end By: Isl containec in sat mortgage the 'A TH A RESIDENTIAL D'AELLING B. Evans and Marta A Evan: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF improvements now or hereafter Rebecca F Schiller Esq above describe, property will be OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, husbaf, end wife PROPERTY: Lot IP Block 5 Ionated on lee Premise: (lee N. Kibongni FandUf 1Ilh, Esq sold by the Sheriff of said oounry as ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN MORTGAGEE: WeIIs Fargo Towneome: of Blld Eagle Lake, "Impravementn"J, (iiJ ell of the es'mbe, 'Curt N. Trisko, Esq.' LOIIow:: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Home Mortgage, Inc, a Califomia Common Interest Community No. fght tue, claim or demand of any Samuel R Golemen, Es DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ANDAREABANDONED. eWre whatsoever of Defendants q corporation nikla'Aells Fargo Bank, 164, 'Aashagton County Minnesota f Attorneys Lor Mortgagee September222016, 1000M Dated: Augusto, 2016 N.A., susessor bymergerto'Aells STREET ADDRESS OF Shirley A lofafc Jay A Olson, The Academ Professional Buildmc PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, CU Mortgage Servim Inc., EFTYTrustee:, or peeir suocossors in Y Fargo Home Mortgage, O DAY MN5 NORTH 132ND 25 North 011e Street _ L1vil Proco:: Unit 25 W. 4th Street Mortgagee ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: WAV HUGO, MN55038-0425 Trus[underpeeAmolcA OlsonTrust st Peul, MN SSl02 Saibe150, St Paul, MN PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Aa gnec to: None. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Agreement dated October 24, 2007 .1)2099]. ba pay the debt then secure, by ASSOCIATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, find ShiM1 yA Olson, Trustee, other :132214FC01) said Mortgage, an, I—is any, on By Jon,ohan R LL:key, Mi Fael V OF MORTGAGE $8680500 Minnesota ucossorin Trust, ander the Shirley THIS IS A COMMUNICATION said premise:, enc the cost: enc Sdhleismen DATE OF MORTGAGE: Febraary3, TRANSACTION AGENT None AoOlson Trust Agreement dated FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. disbursements, indudinc abomeys' Attorneys tor: 2004 NAME OF MORTGAGE Olober 24,200/(the"Mortgagors") 'Review:Aug 3, 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept Lee: allowed by law :abed o GU Mortgage Services, Ina, DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: ORIGINATOR: Dells Fargo eipeer in law or in equity, in 2016) redemptan wUnn 6 M onth:trom the Mortgagee Recorded on April 1, 2004 es Home Mortgage, Ino, eCalifomie Possession or expectancy, in end to date of said salebypeemortgegor(:J, 55 East Fifth Stree[Suibe 000 he Mortgage, Propeay(as defined their personal represeftol or St Paul, MN55101-1]18 OR, eft Number 3432471 in the c000ralan nikla Wells Fargo Bank, below) o any pert peereof (iii) all Office of pee County Recorder of N A, successor by merger to WeIIs assign: .1209]599 We:eing[on Gounry, Minna:ota Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc ee:ements, rige6oEwey gores of NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. tat-�1�1/xl'fax) lend, streets, ways, alleys, passages, THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Well: FORECLOSURE SALE The date on or before weigh the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Fargo Bank, N errights, we wa fir course: Date: Aaga d22016 m lgagor must vacate the property FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION w r rights and p[wers, and ell VOU ARENOTIFEDTHAT: T he mortgage : not ren 511.12 $11]]86 NUMBER: 300312143.0044 e gins, it 1. Default has occurred in the under Mfnesota Stout section 'R : AT g. 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION AGENTS P g Ibeae, ants, cofd192 oL the Mortgage dated .030 or the property redeeme, 14,20162016) PROPERTY : Lobo, Blocd4, Fnetree MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION hereditaments, an, appurtenances M y19, 2015, e by Ham p n d M S Pon, Townhouses F Addilan, NUMBER:N of y h y ay Real E Group M tl 580 23 M ch 22, 2017 1155 Aa:e fgton Gounry, M sofa THAT proceed f, has b g g, a g p to m M g g o p L e L eg g d e NOTICE OF MORTGAGE STREET ADDRESS OF b d w to recover the le M g g d P p y (d d g, Amer Den Lend 3 Cap pal, LLG, e S day, Sunday gal dol day, FORECLOSURE SALE PROPERTY: 8]80 ran oodA nue d bthen remenfg ketba edby such -Mout Immton any enc ell Minnesota late, IISbility company, then the date to vacate is the next THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF South, Cottage GoveW MN 55016 mortgage, or any part thereof or if development rights, eIr right: or e: Mortgagee, and filed for record business day et 1159 Pm. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 3353 the action or proceedmc hes been smiler or comparable rights of any May 19, 2015, as Document No. MORTGAGORS) RELEASED di nature whatsoever now or hereafter 4026247 n the Office of the Count FROM OBLIGATION ON ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY In Wted, that the same execbeen f sent to the Premise: or County TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT IS LOCATED: Aashington Gounry, dik.0 nued, or that an apopurt° Recorder of Washington Gounry, MORTGAGE: NONE Minnesota upon the UIment rendered therein n hereafter transfened to the Minnesota The land desoribedin the THE TIME ALLOWED BV AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. a f Premise:)ea r lSn'erred if the Mortgage is not registered lend LAW FOR HE By NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRANSACTION AGENT: None Was been re coed ansatsfied, bed of any street road or avenue, 2. The original prindpal amount THE MORTGAGOR THE default has ocouned in the condition: NAME OF MORTGAGE hole orin part openec or proposed, in front of or of thefollo,,ag des becmortgage: ORIGINATOR: WeIIs Fargo PURSUANT, to the power of sale erred by the M rtgag es: Two MOFTGAGOR6 PERSONAL H Moa GIT is mortgage the ed 9th P mise le HundredNIAN Th snd and REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, M gg :F na M. Eustetli ages, thereof ;J II ci cry, 001100DOIIlrs'$299,00000). MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Ingle P P niklaW II F g B k, o d kb d property wl[ be Mo : Horn esteed Mo NA, scot by her to Bank :Id by the Seerff of sac counye: L 3. No antan or proceeding et law WEEKS IF AJU DI AL ORDER IS lgagee lgage fixppre: and other property of every : now pen gto recoverte Cor Fargo Home Mortgage lea Lollow:: din h debt ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Potation RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: ')yells DATE AND TIME OF SALE. kin, anc nature whatsoever no curedbythe Mortgage, oranypaa STATUTES SECTION .2032 Dated: 0111]2001 Fargo DENTAA Se ber2], 2016eb 1000 AM by the M ortgagors, or in which the thereoL. DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Recorded: 03292001 90 pbem Mortgagors have or shall have an 4. The holder of the Mortgage THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Ramsey County Recorder TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION PLACE OF SALE: Washington b now or hereafter looeted hes m lied with SII condilaf: PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Document No. 3382196 NUMB ER 1602/2143.UUC6 Gounry Sheriff: Office, Jnashagton If on Chef Mort e ed Pro art r precedentP to Sseleretan of the WITH A RESIDENTIAL OWELlING Assigned To: TCF Mortgage TRANSACTION AGENTS Gounry Lew Enforcement Center appurte ce: tllerebo, or uysable debt secured by the Mortgage end OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Corporalan, a Unesam oaryaralan MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION 15015 Qnd Street North, S011waber' in connection with the present or Dated: 0111]2001 NUMBER None Minnesota Loreolosure of he Mortgage, end ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THAT no antan or d has to pe h debt then secured b furore openDan and occupancy and other requirements of AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Recorded: 03292001 procoe ing m the y of the Mortgaged Property and all olbled,flu : ANDAREABANDONED. Ramsey County Recorder been adnate, et lawto re.,rthe said o gage and I— is any baildm eberill: and applAtdebtthen remainuc securedb h actually paid by the mortgagee, 9 equipment, m At lee date of mi: force, me Dated. Jw ze, zols Document No. 33e2197 vsa, a ues of of hatsoeaer r In ant due on the Mortgage, and HSBC Bank USA, N.A.,as Trustee Assigned To: Mortgage Electronic mortgage, or any Part thereof, or, if on the premises anc the costs and caned by the Mortgagors, o amount Registration System: the action or proceeding has been disbursements allowed by law. The ° if any, peic bypee eolderof pee on behalf of ACE Securities IncIf °' insOWbed, that the same hes been time allowed by law Lor redem 10 weicl the Mortgagors have or shell M olgage i:: Three H undred Thirteen Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust Delaware corporal on di:conlnued, or that an exealon by said morta ,their heves tare now or hereafter Thousand, Four Hundred Eleven and and for thed dhold_ Dated:O 22006 9 goq() persona have an a the Mort d gistere Recorded:OS�V82006 upon the judgment ent renderec therein represeftol or assigns is six (6) upon gage 161100Dollars;$313411.16). of ACE Securities Corp. Home has been re ur ec unsatisfied, if months from the date of sale. Property (hereinafter collectively 6. Pursuant to the power of sale in Equity Loan Trust, Series 2006 Ramsey County Recorder refened to as the Equipment) and Doamenb Ne 394/ 9 whole orin part TIME AND DATE TO VACATE the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be ASAP5, Asset Backed Pass the right tue and iota :b of the foreclosed, and the land described Through Certificates,Assignee of A:signed To: U.S Bank Nelonel PURSUANT io therporcer of sale PROPERTY c nles:tic mortgage Mortgagors in end to any of the as to I— Mortgagee Assocllan Haned sed gage, he °r to Omeel, Equipment which may be subject to Dated: 11252013 above desa— property will be redeemed, o unless he Por any se ariry agreements a: Lot 11, Block 1, Brown: Greek OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL b he SeeriR OL said noun[ redem reduced by dicll o defined Recorded:1 22013 sac yt yes plan b y u Preserve, Common In erect ASSOCIATION LOIIaw:: order you mu:bvacabepeepremise: in he Uniform Gommerdal Code Gommuniry Number i3E4, By Jonathan R Guskey Mioeeel V Ramsey Gounry Recorder DATE AND TIME OF SALE. by 1159 p. m. on Mar.2], 2017. of the Smte in vandh the Premises Washington Gounry, Minnesota Soelei:men Documefb n 4935000 are looeted!), superior in lien to the Transadion Agent Mortgage OLACE ,2016 e61000 AM THE TIME ALLOWED BY Swill bo sold by ncron Count, the aManes a HSBC BankUSANA, as Trustee EleRronic Reg,bt. nSystem: Ina PLACE ea SALE Washington TF AXHE FOR REDEMPTION BY lien of this Mortgage;da all awards pubo au, on on September 22, on behalf of ACE S e: Corp Trans bn Agent Mortgage D No: County Sheriff: Off W e g[op THE MORTGAGOR, THE thereon pay d thencgd g st 100021248001]14862 Gout Lew Enfo G MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 2016 [1000 am. Sethe Sheriffs Home Equry Loan T and for the Lender or Broker: Homestead County Qnc Strnfor h, 511 ter REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGN S, re eidhmayb r with offl,e CMI Division, Washington registered holders of ACE Seourile: Minnesota MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE respect to the Mortgage, Property, Co Hy Sheriffs Office, 15015 Qnd Corp Home Equity Loan Trust Mortgage Corporoan wh1her from the exerese of the Street N., Stillwater Minnesota Serie: 2006ASAP5, Aaseb Beddec Servicer: U.S. Bank Nllanll bo pay rcee debenleebxe fir ted by WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS rigeb of amts nb domain (indudinc Aasocelon gage d f any ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 55082. PassThrough Certificate: Assignee sac any transfer made lieu of the ]. The street address of the of Mortgagee Mortgage Originator: Homestead a ually Paid by the mortgagee, STATUTES, SECTION 582032, xercise of saic right), e for any Mortgage Corporation on the premises and the costs anc DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER e mortgegecpropertyi:1425Monberey 55 East Fifth Stree[ Suite 800 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF disbursements allowec by law. The THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED -her injury to or decrease in value Court, S011weber MN 55082 end pie S[ Peul, MN 55101-1]18 PROPERTY: Lot 24, Rodd 2 t Il owed by law for redemplan PREMISES ARE IMPROVED of pie Mortgaged Property ;viJ all ax parcel identficalan number is .1209/599 Imes leases and opeer agreements (Mer 1 30203100.. .122&1]53 (fax) Syndicate No. 3 Addilon, Ram say by saic mortgagor(:J, peeir personal WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING lean pie Gothd LeaseemenF, f, pee Goan[ Minna:ota represeftatve: or assigns b: :6) OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 8. un The t,me allowec by law for THIS IS A COMMUNICATION y. m se or ocoupency of the Mortgaged Thi::Abstract Pro month from thedateoL sale ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN a red pion by Mortgagor or FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TAX PARCEL NI' TIME AND DATE TO VACATE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Property now or hereafter entered MortgegoY:personal repre:entalve: 1Mvew71 ug 3 11 PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage AND ARE ABANDONED, into (hereinafter refened to as the gaassign:issix (6)monpe: etterpee %Revie620163, 10, 1], 24, 31, Sep[ 352923.11 0150SOFP reinstated or the property MORTGAGORS) RELEASED LA`eDand pie right to receive and te of kale . ,cola, 2016) ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. aPpry lee rends issue: anc profit: of 705LAFOND.ENUTPAUL MN551E redeemed, b amen b Ome for FROM FNA EC Do oIRUGAnoN 9. THE TIME ALLOWED BY redemplon is reduced by udicel ON MORTGAGE: Donald Kunseier lee Mortgage, Property Ylereinefter LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY SAINT PAUL MN55104 order you must vacate the premises Dated: August 1, 2016 refened to as the Rents) to the THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE GOO NAV IN WHICH PROPERTY by 1159 Pm. on Apri14201 ]. U.S. BANK NATIONAL Payment of the 0bligelon:; (vii) MORTGAGORS PERSONAL IS LIGATED: Ramsey ell proceeds of and any unearned REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS FORECLOSURE SALE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THE TIME ALLOWED BV ASSOCIATION, ASTRUSTEE, Premiumson any tide: MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE THE RIR OF MOR(TGAGE$72,420 PC LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO collectively, nyreinafterco pohke THEDEBTANDIDENTITYOFTHE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THE MORTGAGOR THE WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL W TER D AJuo R MINRDER IS a: me Pouoie:) f, me ORIGINAL IDEDI BY LAW IS NOT BE DUEAS OF DATE IR NOTICE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL ASSOCIATION, AS FOR to ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgage, Property eindudinc STATUTES, SECTION 582032 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT INCLUDING TAXES, IF AN PAID REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, BANG OF AMERICA FUNDING wipeout limitalon, he right to AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. BY MORTGAGEE :$56,15088 MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE CDRPORATIONSERIES20 1 procoe DETERMINING AMONG OTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, peat WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Mortgagee re e end apply the d: THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED T at prartothe commencement of of an s no r PREMISES ARE IMPROVED defaulteas occurredinteeconditions to dmolgageforeclosureprocoeding ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THEACADEMVLAW'GCOUP PA. seal myents amade In let of the followac described mortgage: MortgageeiA gnee of Mortgagee STATUTES, SECTION 582032 By. VI WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Mort e or Robert Ridherd Ooble DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Rebeaa F. Schiller Esq Lar edemage to the Mortgaged OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, gg oompliecwipe all noloe requirements Property >nllJ the rige[in pee name end Amanda Kaye Doble Da asregUredby: Ue; thabntantan THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED N. Kibongni FandangSlllh, Esq and on beealf,athe Mort ARE NOT PROPERTY useD w gagors, ro Amends Keye Buettner eusbenc la proceeding fie: been instiWbed et PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' yantan or AGRICULTURAL PRooucnoN, and wile law o WITH A RES DWELLING Samuel R Coleman E:. appear In and ganef, of AND AM for Mooagee ramerwi:eroolgage or q proceeding brought wIh reseed Mortgagee GU. Mortgage secured by saic mortgage, or any OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 'tornA' Pr ffe-a o the Mort Attorney for Mortgagee: American gaged Property and to Service: In° ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN The y Professional Building co Lend) d LLG Dated: 042.12014 Plrtbeereof AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 25 North Dale Street mmence any adion or proceedmc Ryan J. Trudge Mortgagee PURSUANT be the power of sale he interest of Pla, UP in BRUTLAG HARTMANN g Recorded:0 � 22014 onta,ned in said mortgage, the AND ARE ABANDONED. Sp. Paul, MN 55102 pee Mortgage, Property, enc ;ixJ ell Ramsey County Reoorder above described property will be MORTGAGORS) RELEASED (.1)2099]. TRUGKE PA Dooumenb No A0450Q4] FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION "161094FN1 proceed: of eeoe of the Loregoinc 3555 Plymouth Boulevard, Suite :old by the Sheriff of saic county e: ) ell of the to, aing, toMher with Tran:ldan Agen: NSA tollow:: ON MORTGAGE: None THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 11] Transedon Agents gage ID No: DATE AND TIME OF SALE Dated: Augu:b52016 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. le P : le "M ggd M ffeepoli: MN 5544]-1349 NIA WELLS FARGO BANK N.A."Review: Aug 10, 1/, 24, 31, Sept Pr III) ].J 2222504 Sp ber2920161000 AMP p yAddress 528E L d Broke : G.U. M g ge PLACE OF SALE Se les Office, Mortgagee T, 14, 2016) RIT3].-04.PKG S o THE ACADEMY FAX GROUP, PA PI S. P I, MN', F nac CMI P U t 25 W. 4th Stree[ Review:Aug 3, 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept Servicer G. U. Mortgage Sery co:, S 150, S.P Paul MN By l:l PI St Paul I, MN', 4870 oyer 2016) fa A a P MN', d 489 to pay the debt peen secured by Rebecoe F Sdhiller Eel STATE OF MINNESOTA DesnoyerA nue, S[ Paul, MN. Mortgage Originator CU. Mortgage said Mortgage, and taxa:, iL any on N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Eel COUNTY OF RAMSEY Parcel Idenlficalon Service:, In' :aid premise:, end pee costs end Cart N. Trisko Esq. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF disbursem ems, indudln 'Sanuel R. Coleman, Esq.' DISTRICT COURT 8322923230053 end g ettomeyK .22923310026 FO RECLOSURE SALE PROPERTY: Lot 23 Block 2, Oak fees allowed by law subjed o Attorneys for M oa agee SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Dated 6242016 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Hill, Ramsey Gounry, Minnesota redemptan wihnn 6 Months from the The AoademyProfessional Building C TY Pe Mortgage Foreclosure MATT 805TROM THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE This b Abstrad Property date of said sale bypee mortgagor(:J, 25 North 011e Street end 8r�ch of Conimd Sheriff of Ramsey County, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE TAX PARCELNO'. 113023.110035 peeir personal repre:entatve: or S[Peul, MN 55102 Court File Number: G2-CV-16-11 &A Minnesota TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY ascgns. '.1) 2199/SU NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE AFFECTED BY THIS ACTI ON. 6. ASTON ASE . DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY : (t4 0290 UNDER JUDGMENT AND BY. /s/D Deputy Sholaniel f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SHOREVIEWS To, MN55126 The date on or before which the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION DECREE-REAL PROPERTY By default ha: o-,edin the oafdilon: COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY mortgagor m ad va,oethe propeayiL FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Goin country Pride Benk,e D. Seerwooc MdCinni: M1].98 of peeLollowingdesaibecmortgage: IORcATED:Ramsey the mortgagednobrei nstabed under (Review: Aug 10, 1], 24, 31, Sep[ Minnesota Banking Corporalan, MCKINNIS3DOOM, PA Mortgagor: Gregory S Long, as a ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Munesom Stan— se,tan 58030 ], 14, 2016) Plaiuff, 2003rc Avenue NE, Suite 300 OF MOPH AGE $208 750 do or the redeemed under in fgeperson Property w Cambridge, MN55008 Mortgagee: Mortgage Bedm a' AMOUNT AS ANDOIAIMED TO Minnesota Stout�: sedian 50023 is Sh,leyA Olson anc Jay Olson, ].)552 Registralon System:, Ino e: BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE Marne 29, 201] et 1155 Pm. If pee Trustee:, or peeir :use: ors in "Review: July 13, 20, 2], Aug 3, 10, nomCInee for Maribella Mortgage INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANV PAID foregoing date i:e SSWaay, Sunday Trust, under the Arnold AS Olson 17 2016) n BY MORTGAGEE:$215 m74 or legal holiday, then the date to Trust Agreement date, Goober 24, Dated: 02012006 That poor to the �mmefcemefroL vacate is lee feta badness day ab 2007 anc semeyA Olson Tinntee, Eled:IBro92oo6 leL:moggagemredIureproceedmc 1159pm or her suseaorlIn I a under the Ram key Count' Registrar of Titles MolgageeiA gnee on Mortgagee MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Document No l9 /9/ A e% compledwith all nalcoregUrements FROM OBLIGATION ON Shiley A Olson Trust Agreement 9 debet Noted 24, 200], Shirley A CeRfioeoYtheNo.'. 5.55] es requireha:beefifst byklone leioadaMORTGAGE : NONE Olson Jay A Olson, John Doe and Assigned Toco : HSBC Bank USA or proe int t THE TIME ALLOWED BY Mary Roe, Public Notices N A, as Trustee on Behalfof ACE law or otherwise to recover the debt LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY D­Continued On Page 10 Securities Corp Home Equity Loan secured by:Sid mortgage, or any THE MORTGAGOR THE 9 Trust and for the Registered Holders Part thereof MORTGAGORS PERSONAL STATE OF MINNESOTA) of AGE Seourite: Corp PURSUANT to the power of sale REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, COUNTYOFRAMSEY s mortgage, the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ) Home Equity Loan Trust, Serie: ebovef desaibec will be NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 2006ASAF5, Haab Budde, Pass Property WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS under anc by= of a Judgment Through Certificates soldby the Sheriff of kaid oounry as ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA made in the above duklec adion Dated: c3ro42013 muow:: STATUTES SECTION 582032 Page 10 Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016 Review Public Notices X To make IFYOU DO NOT SEND AWRITTEN PUBLIC NOTICE grounds of laic lien ere for care a SUMMARY OF Co ntinuetl from Page argumentln'upportoforagUtthA RESPONSE TO THE COMPLAINT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that e nt''perddnIpropertyremaining ADVERTISEMENT FOR g pbI, n. TO THE PERSON WHO SIGNED HA personal property de'aibed as on aGild aron Mobile Home Perk BIDS/REGUESTS FOR X Toe Ina enc THIS SUMMONS. If you do not follows: prembe ,IIIc Ugabandanmentby STATE OF MINNESOTA - gamine within 20 days you will 1970 Moodie Manufactured Home, nanp') endlor oeupanp'). PROPOSALS FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY aX e witnU, request review lose this case. You will not get to W1197F20 Dated: hay18 2016 WASHINGTON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT of the referee's findings encordeT if tell your edA of the story,anctlle durrenty Iodated et 4]1 Gimeron, (Review:July2], Aug 3, 10, 2016) Requests for aids ere being your Dasa l'heerd by referee Gourt may decide ageindt you end Lake Emo, M N 55042 'olicte, untl 2: 00 p a September TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT X To ask the court award HA Plaintiff Averythin, asked together witlh all m -Ilaneou' e, for County Slate Aid Court File No.: 82-JV-16638 ' dibIt-ton upon a for In HA Complaint If you do not personal property located therein Highway S Signal Revisions,In SUMMONS sh wing of a subddantal change of went to ceUt HA child'stated In will be sold at public audian by me CITY OF NORTH STPAUL HA City of St1I,SUer W dhugton Child In Need of Protedion or or met mA previous mA Complaint you do not need to Washington County Sh AUG on the . County, Man,-, Se,,I-Ptlition dispmlon was inappropriate respond AbS,aItluggmdU,,nmen 25th day of August, 2016 at 1000, NOTICE OF Go to : htto llwww ce wash ddon In matter of the WelfA Mare of the X To bring post- be entered against you for the relief at 971-A Elmo Ave. N., looeted OFFICE CLOSURE u'Pod'esox forfulher demil' Chilaren) of Carmalima Moore end t-I molon' end to appeal from final requested In the Complaint n the city of Lake Elmo, County of North St Paul Qty OR— ll be Review Aug 10, 2016) Gregory Williams orders oftheceurt 5. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may Washington, State of ManesoE, to dosed from 12:00 p.m. III until PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on X X Taberepresente, wish to get legal help Don, a lawyer. payand k,Udfya hen whidhb chimed 2:00 p.m. Thur. day, August 18, June 29, 2016, a Ptlition was by en attome' If youarAme clild, If you donothavAalawyer the Gourt to be due from Henry Ardhibeld ­6 In orderto cenduct en H with the above-named court the child' pXn[orme diiId' legal Administrator m ay have l Hol-melon '01I1511943J end Oeboreh Ann el7em ployee meeing alleging that the child(ren) of the custodian, he Court may appoint a kB, Uplace'whereyou can gOle ll GYe F91l61 9)-he owner(') WeapologizefOran' above-named parents) or legal Court edney tonesp ant you if the _l a Even if you cannot get endlor tenant(') endlor oceupenq ncenven Anda stodien(s) to be in need of t you goal y ge p, you must still provide thereof to: Gimeron Mobile Home Jason Ziemer prctection or cervi- A­ of financially end that the eppoiadd ant a , I— Ans to proted your Perk In the sum of On e thousand six qty Manager the Pel tan l'ettadh ed 'eppropriete. if you ere the parent rights or you may lose the case. hundred Day two doll ars and8100 (Review: Aug. 10, 2016) VOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED or Indian custodian of an Indian 6. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE $164285) computed to the day of AND REQUIRED TO APPEAR IN child, the ceurtl'required I, appoint RESOLUTION. The parties 68 sale, exdud, of the expenses 5o at mA fouawmg date, lldA an affamA, to represent you If you may agree to or be amee, to oflkad sale and of the aderedmg Public Notices andplacewhereahearing regarding qualifyfinandlaly The Court,ann,G pall pate In an ahemao,re disputA thereof together with the necessary Continued on Page 11 the l on and the best ateate­­of appoint e rney to rres epent r scess n prounder Rule 114 eses xpenof advertising and the chilPeldren) will be held: you If the only allegatan b that the of the Mune-a General Fles of cendudag said sale; and that the September 28,2016 ,IIIc b atruant unless oullhome Practice. You m still send your AdmiVDeny Hearing pladem dubbeincoonsideredbythe w n responseuto the Complaint 100 PM 1 The Court may order a parent e en if you expect to use altemalve Di.dd Court of egal custodian to reimburse some m A— of re'olvin, this dispute Judge Ellen L. Maas or all of the attomey' fees THIS LAASUIT MAY AFFECT OR Minutes Washington Gounry District Court X X f you ere the BRING INTO QUESTION TITLE Courtroom 205 mild' foster parent preadoplve TO REAL PROPERTY located ST. PAU L, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA 1494962nd StN parent relative providing Dare for the In Washington Gounry, Smile of OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, JULY 19,2016 Stillwater, MN 55002 mild, or relat-to wh om the nodal Mane-a legally de-be, as 65143 63 'ervice'agendypropo XtotrandfefTh ey County Boar, of Gomm In reg 903 h h following members YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED WITH permanent legal an pys cal L Block 1, Glen reface p : Garter McDonough, M.­ Oaega RkLman, dCh R nhardt Ab :Hffman. Alsop-ent THISSUMMONS because, pursuant custodyofthedild, you hav ght Th blot of this adan' to qu,P JI Klein-mkI County Me g d-S[ph D ctorC ID n, Ramsey County o offer thfOrmatian ateadh hearing ltle and no personal daim tormoney Attomey'Offae N You a,, a peen to the dh,lyren) Any other person may request an damages b made against anyof the in the p1tan or oppoaunitytobeheard, ba the-Ha Defendants name, herein. AGENDAofJayl9, 2016 was pre'entedfo, approval. Moban by McGLI kecende, byR,Cman.Unanimously - You are a party to this proceeding natrequXedtog.Uyourrequest Dated: July] 2016 approved. pursuant to Ju­ Ile PAtection Rule ' X To a Ocally BERGLUND A BERGLUND, LTD. 21.01 or an attomey for a party or beceme a party to the case if you John J. Berglund (#7032) MINUTES of July 12 2016 were presented for appa,, Moban by McGuire, 'edonded by RAttman. .You have legal custody of the hid are the child who l' the subject of 2100 Fourth Avenue North Unammusiy approved who b the subject of the Pallor, or this pradeedmg, orthed,l8sparent Anoka, MN 55303 . You are a person whose presence or the mild' grandparent and the Phone: 1-) 02]-5950 ADMINISTRATING ITEMS the ceurt believes b Important to a mil, hes lived with you et any I, me Attorneyfor Dtlenda Ms dOermnalan do n, the best during the two years prior to the Review: Aug 3, 10, 1/,2016) EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS-Joint Powers Partnership Agreementfo, Radio Upgrade Moban by 'oHhed,I,(,dl)whoaethe film, ofinepOtanuffibmatter. Al RAUnan'edondedby McDonough Unanimousiyapproved.(­83) subject of the PAllanother persons may ask the CouaY IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT THE perm;AsknthtA bbe.'OUT,adminnldtratorher CERTIFICATE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND HOMELAND SECURITY-Agreements for Emergency Management HEARING, may Don gthe cerrect form to ASSUMED NAME Pr dedbnaIServiced Malanby R,Cman,'ecende,byM nough. Unanimouslyappro-82016184) .[he oourt dud the hearin intervene ase STATE OF MINNESOTA wihoutyou, and Party PROPERTY MANAGEMENT- Ad— Eaeeldent Agree ent with Winer Company et Aanab Sports Center The oourt may Had that the factual QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: Goin ple:c Molon by Rettm en, seconded by MCDonoughmUnenimously approved(82016185) allegatons anc dd"07 greunds RIGHTS should be addressed to 1. Lis[ the exact ensu me, name et forth In the pall on have been your--ney or to the Gourt et any under which the buene-b orwill be PROPERTY RECORDS 3 RE'SENUE-Gompen-an for Seasonal Elections Podkons. Moban by R,Cman, proved, and hearing oonduded: Th e Gel ebratan' 'ecendedbyM onough. Unanimousiyappro- 82016186) The oourt may enter an order STATE OFMINNESOTA 2 Principal Place of Busineds:3185 grant nc the relief requested In the COUNTY OFWASHINGTON Keith Rd ­2 White Bear Lake, HUMAN RESOURCES-Term'of Coll ed- BargaiLing Agreeld ent with Lew Enforcement Labor Services penton, whish maylndude: DISTRICT COURT MN55110 ­1322 (Deputy Sheriffs)Moron by Rettmen, secendec by MdOonough. Unanimously approved;82016 vag the milyen) Don, the 3. L bAthe name and cemplete street 182) hold e of the parent orlegal custodian TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT address of ell persons cenducting and placng the mild(ren)In fodder ORDER FOR HEARING AND buena"un der the above Assumed HUMANRESOURCES- Terms of Collective Bargain-Agreementwith TAaldster'LocaI320(Deputy Sheriff- NOTICE OFPUBLICATION Name: The Gelebratons Mu- Sergeant). Mobanby K,Cman,'ecendecby M,Danaugh. Unanlmoudyappreved;82016188) dereermanently severing the parents Court File No.: 82-JV-16638 LLC, 3185 Keith Rd, #132 JVhite rights to th e mil c(,en) pursuant to a County Attorney File No. Beer Lake MN 55110 FINANCE - June 2016 Report of Gonads Gant and Revenue Agreements Emergency Purchases Sole n of parental rights petton, JV-2016383 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I Source Purdhaeed and Intal Ya,a Ant, Moban by K,Cman, seconded by McDonough. Unanim udly ernlnpe-manently Hansfering the IN THE MATTER OF THE CHILD am signing this document as the approved. (M016189) ohilyren)'d legal and physical OF person whose dign.u,e b required, o ody to anal or Garmalitha Moore and Gregory ara'agentof th e person(') whose BOARD OF COMM ISSIONERS-Appointments to the Food and Put-ton Gold mbdan. Moban by K,Cman, duan order for other permanent Wllliem' 'igneWre would be required who had 'ecendedbyM onough. Unanimoueyappro- 82016190) Placementofinemoyren). Parenp') auho-,edmetosignthbdocument A STATEMENT OF YOUR RIGHTS That Ken Johnson dodial woner on hi'Iher behalf or In both FINANCEE-Sale of Capital Improvement Yrograld Bonds Serie'2016H Moban by MAttman'ecended by AND RESPON5181LITIES with Wadhington Gounry Community oapadti` l UCLA, cehlfy DO l have Ortega Unanimoueyapproved.(M016191) ATTACHED, including the right to Services, Stillwater, Manedota, ompletec all required fields, and be represented by an attorney es had filed In this Gourt e Juvenile marine thfOrnelon In this document FINANCE - Sale of Capictl Improvement YregM Refunding Bonds Series 20166. Moban by Carter euthorired under the statutes end preledion Pelton to Transfer I'true end cerect engin cempllence 'ecendedby0aega Unanimously approved;82016192) rules. It b your respondibili y Permanent Legal and Physical Minn tthh act aspctplucable l m 'tee,, of ourtmediately nolfy hA ceu Custody ad to he child B. V W.M., math hid doculdnde- am LEGISLATIVE UYUAIC-la-udman can be found on archived vi dee aaldlmI—to, If your addeds DOeere2006. ydlgnln`t ,hanged THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY subject to the penal- of penury a' BOARD CH AIR U PDATE- Dldoudsi on can be found on ardhlvecvideo. Died: Auguet 2116 ORDERED that seed Juvenile 'etfomh In Sedian m9a' If I had AnreVe Fritz Pretedian Pelton to Transfer 'ignedthi.do dumentun48der Dem. OUTSIDE BOARD AND CO. MII REPORTS-Dib-can can be found on armivec vi dee Court Administrator Permanent Legal and Physical BOA: 716116 ADVISORYOF PARTY AND Custody ad to the child e. VW. M. 11 Evan 8enidt ADJOURNMENT-Chair Reinhardt dedaed the meluc adjoumec .­as DOB B�B2006 be heard by the .Review: Aug 3, 10, 2016) PARTICIPANT RIGHTS- Court et the DadhUgton County Y pury Y CHIPS Abby Goldsmith, De Clerk-Court Board WHOISA PARTY Government Center, 15015 Q CERTI FICATE OF Yo u ereapalytothb-epursuant Street North, Stier MN, fol-an o Fie 21 of the Fled of Juvenile admit-deny hearing on September ASSUMED NAME Protedion Procedure If you ere one 28, 2016, at 100 p.m. or ed soon STATE OF MINNESOTA ofinef011owing. th e,,2016 hemetter can beheard, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: City of North Saint Paul The mild' legal custodian, dated set anml ad on an, -eq ent hearing 1 Llst the exact esvumec name p�m.,alDvuow.eoT.n: imm�nrc. Drrtr.w [w NVVev Fm4al P�cmlw•r, i, 2.1 In The a parent or legal guardan The mower Germelme Moore had underwhmme bus Lads'orw 11 be T who had dole 1 9legalor me rmoto repre f d ':The Gelb Banc physdal custody of h mId '.P opal Place f8 86 3-I [Kznkol OR42 Pn J y In the case of d wird, anrulAnldeom Ar Geer he Moore fa l' Keith Rd, #132, Dhte Bear Lake , IFnxr er c�c h oda nil h mId d cenduct MN 55110 d pmld d b. heto m Ghe, e L h ad pl - 0 - Th p h h her bnence enc dd f II Pe d n9 A - - g cN h fl h p h h n order b d h b As ed A - Th I P ly sf g h dhid ' N : Th Gelb M _ Ne 344 glegalphysio dy to a LLC, 3185 K h Rd, #132, hae h h fl katveLake ave Nim3 of gh h 8 L k M N 55110 p d p p Lead, T s FURTHER ORDEREDthat --. ----. h hereof be gven to mA h d g d, A h . A relatveThe hid � g d dl vdhom theh G mel me Moore of sac g hg h d d dery ce'egenc'p p dto transder ml B.V J4.M., DOB B�B2006 by p ed agent of thgep rson(d)whose -n+t Sa l9n S 5 11 publ talon n the OekdelsLeke s Id be re dwho had h al p anent legal 12- eV' phv dy end EI R leg P p f gauth d to sg qk d t — _-...... Thail 'e where me only h k pr d dbyl h h lh behalf b h uit.f Msw, p 'e p•� p+• 2,4+• he n rt vA wnrc lntm chid' an hatimalntuant or anawaAten .10)nd ysp ortome'medulec,ompletec all rlequredtyfeld'hand - -- .Thedrllool dst h e h ng date h h of U ti d ment - -- -- - theonlyallegOo h p Dtod.Jury2e, 201s d pI. matmemlc'anhld Ell- L. Mees 'h h ppb bl mp not ih UumuNvna Amrvoy 5axt5onm Hw "o Any person who ntervene' es a Judge of Di-id Court M, act Sm ute d end party pursuant to Rule 23 or who ' (Review: Aug 10, 1], 24, 2016) met by sgn nc m' document am xhur axas+arn i?Z,1a6I 1t>A0 8275 jo ned ad a party pur'uauto Fle 24. b he penalt A' of perjury ad gMrz, ,ys5 rs^t %594 Any ower person who ' f K Sedan w948adT had 0 14P _ 2')6t d deterld ned by h a to be STATE OF MINNESOTA g d h document under Dem. enu dining m portant to a realthat'In the COUNTY OFWASHINGTON BOA: 726116 k P 41tl bestnteresis of thd,Id. DISTRICT COURT /%1 Evan 8endt "�° _ 8rS _ A WH O IS A PARTICIPANT "Review: Aug 3, 10, 2016) Td rtrx�rred ,202 60 0 Y ere e pert spent to m' Dasa TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT - - pursuant to Ilepau 22 nt to Ruled a CASETVPE: RSI Estate - j2'1 9f 0 Juven l e Protedan ProcedureT COU RT FILENUMBER: Z Uig 3A - p A6 a,e one y 82CV 162980 CERTIFICATE EDNAME _ I.>f + t f the fall g: SUMMONS ASSUMED NAME ud t Th di Id who h bl f JeffreyA Johnson, STATE OF MINNESOTA p rr d u= Th dila pa If y t PI ff, M S las Ch p 333 fo' .,. -- h gild legal o d Ty L h h hId II g d, d1 d d M g g EI ono Regal-Oan d hi, h bu 11b df hA S,ydk Delaware d d.JBFABRGATON a r . The child grandparent f the child G p albo all other persona 2Prnopal Place f8 ': 02 f t wrfor p Yk,n uo on whatcer um izv hall- win you at any[ldA durng k d ag y gh, I HadleyA nue North, Oakdale MN MN me two ye ars before the fl nc of meh al 55128 pettan. eeate decor; bec In the Complent 3. L store name and cemplete street in me # ;gage rnro µrave nti a p I'ad t openyux taloa .Thad; l d' rale[ ve or other heren. address of all persona cendudng - . ^� .L'ty v o 211, pAeon DAfondanF, bu,aA ndermabove—umed I,- d g refodedh Id THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED Name :J Buld Hadley t kartinsam^-'d Mn J Thdi lad fees aerent oreY - h Me 5 09 p p posed longterm TO THE ABOVE NAM EO A Noah ,Okd MNyth,U - " si f p DEFENDANTS. 4. h d g d, fy h 1= 4,,�,aeyorrm9 .The oM1 child o ansa 1 YOU ARE BEING SUED The g g h d h . The responsible docel serviced Plen[ff had dtertedelewsutagenst person whose sgnee 'requ red, ew. Aug hu,'uh6] agency, when the responsible dodial you. The Plaiuffd Complaint against or ad agent of th person(') whose ce' agency Isnot the pOtaner. you I' etta.ec to mid Summon'. signature would be required who hes .Ache guadan ad utem for the Do not throw mese papere away aumo,,ed mato egn mid document child' legal custodian. They ere offidal papers that affect o _he, behalf or In both Any Omer person who I' your rights You must respond to dapacted I Hahercertity matt have ml stwxuu0ec1.LvBTATe . determined by the court to be his lawsuit even though amay not ,ompletec all required field', and Im portant toe e'olut on th,Ub,n the yet be filed with the Court and mere met the matan l In this document best thterests of the child. may be no ceurt file number on this and ce-dancu.mIdance entad unit ir. YOUR RIGHTS ASAPARTY OR Summons wimrAt applicable chapter of PARNCIPANT ARE AS FOLLOWS: 2. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN 20 Minnesota statutes. understand eml:aels-E-1-- enmrzme Party, Participe Ta 'e, Rights DAY TO PRO o, m YOUR to the p TS.„on met by'i the penate-document l em X X To receiveedopy You g,ve 'ubect to me penelle'of perurye' of the Pelton regarding ml' Juvenile who signed mi'Summon'e written 'Atfoa In Sedion6b948a Hhad PI-Gedi on Matter espouse ca an Answer within signed mi' dodua ent an der oat. x x Ta eehre note 20 dayd of t,Ie�dOe on whish you BOA 11416 of all hearing':on lyffyou keep me r cei ec mi' Summand Vou must "Jeremy 8ublitz rt edministrator thRhmed of your =vac cep' of your Answer to me 'Review: Aug 3,10, 2016) address) Iota , who signed this Summon' X X To all et Bergl und38erglund, Ltd hearings unless exduded nb'the 2140-4thAvenue North, Anoka, MN Gourt 553173 X To receive d”` 3. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH �, o, 12-021 of your docel service'fle end ower CLAIM. The An-e,y written a e.ad response to m e Plaatff' Com plai at - X Tbring melon' n your Anw eyou m e ao.,�,e.g ®s e,mbm.rs ow..e tom pee�se swms.er before me ceurt and to present whether you agree e or disagree with evidence. each paragraph aline Gn[ If X nil To pertidipete you believe me Plaintiff khoul should no In di'cukd_ and be given everything askec for In the IagreemenF, Complaint you ldue kayo In your Review: Aug 10, 2016) To subpoena Anwar. wI e'se'to tedtifyon your behalf 4. VOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE 0)Y M 2� N Z R-0 J .--T' 2 W 'O Z= a) J '� -O R 0> Y U r i Y O� cz a) O O0 0 x J L -O "" E R E U Co L1J d R H a U a Z ... R M Q O r > M a o R= u) O Q a' E T R - U U� Z = Y N Q NO � s E H p rn 8-0, O w .6 p W O C N 0 cz O 0 R M N �_ o .N Y Off,_, a) N OF o O O U a' v 0 J �' U U �- E p O Q a) v) Z Z = d p (d O) U= =O I N N p O 0 U o '6 R C N (C o cz Z '6 o E O O U J O) O O O o O o W d 0> =>- o p O O a) Uw aa) O� L C N - R U O U a) O R '- T d W U' 0. - N > YO cc____________ N ... 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