HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 08-17 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 10 Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2016 Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE then, North 11 Ag-2-au- Minnesota or less, to the East line d the NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 161100 doll-:$- ,411.16). FORECLOSURE SALE 10 seconds Eaktalon„ai,wektedy TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage West 4]85 feet of the Northeast FORECLOSURE SALE 6. Pursuant to the power of sale in TH E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF li '1.81 feet more or less, to the Electronic Regi'tranon System s, Ind Quarte-of North-d Quarta'thence THE RIGHT TOVERIFICANON OF the Mortgage, the Mortgag' bed THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFT HE northwesterly come- of said Lot 1', NAME OF MORTGAGE northerly, alone said east line, a THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE foreclosed, end the lend described ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Vence North 89 degr'e-minutes ORIGINATOR Guaranteed Rete, distance of 1477fee[more or less, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE es follows: cont' East alone the northerly In, , aD'lawa-ecorpo-an to the muth line of the North 6' Lot ll, Block 1, Browns Greek TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW N NOT Ine of said TOO a disdanceof210. 00 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells feet of the South of of Northeast TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Preserve, Common AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GLEN, that feet more ofl'kstoth'noah'akterly Fargo Bank NA Quarter of Northeast Quarter of NOTICE IS HEREBY GLEN: That Community Number n 364, dl-lda'oaurrd h dinon' come-of sed Lott366 South TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION S thence westerly, alone d'multhe'ooarrec h dit- WashingtonGounry,Mnne- ofthefoll-ag de-be, rtgQge: OO degrees 40 mnute'36 semnds NUMBER: 1703221420040, hl d f267feet of thef011owinc deko b d g g : wll be sold by the County Sh ff Mortgagor: Jen L Lafr'nT e E kdea lyl 11750 1703221420041 h p fbg g, MORTGAGOR(S): D is of J4 h gtn Gou y, M e, f f l k h pant of TRANSACTION AGENT'S I n ti p bt on on Sept b 2 sngl'p'.,n t Bahl- a c Angela B-dhland Mortgagee: G.U. Mortgage beg nn ng, J4e'M1 ng[on Gounry, MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION noludng e ees n over enc husband ane wife 2016 1000 am. et the Sherff' Services, Ina Mane- NUMBER: 100196096000129460 acro"TractnB of Regi stared Lanc MORTGAGEE'. Mortgage Bearonio offs,, evil Divieon, WekM1ing[on Dated: 03212003 Thi'i'Abktaa Property THAT no action or pro,edinc hes Survey Na el, WekM1ing[on CO.- Regi ktranon System' Ino a Co Hy Sheriffs Office 1SO1J Qnd Re corded: 05202003 TAX PARCEL NO.'. been adbuted et law to recover the Man "t" Delaware Go for Street N., SOIIwat'- Minnesom g,ou-tic yku g an ea ryoranona'noa Uee Ramsey County Recorder 19030265 OFF d'btg' re, ay b dh Also indudin semen[ over Centennial Mortgage end Funding 55082 Doamen[N0. 3603899 ADDRESS OF PROPEFTV. mortgage, or any pert thereof o' if end ea "that pert of the East Ino-Unemta Go / The street address of the 8260 NEALAVEN the action or din, hes been Helf of the Northeast Quarter of rp MORTGAGE 142-onte-e Transaction Agent MA STILTNATER, MN 55082 thktituted, the themsame has been Section 22, Township 32 North ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE'. CourtaStillwatereM N655082, and the Transaction Agen[Mortgage lO No: A'egned : Wells Fargo Bank, NIA COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY dikconnnued, or that an e-Han Ran ell West -In Count NA b corded o t a-,I ident-an number b gton upon ludgm'ntren g g[on Y Y ak27 2012 r' n n Lender or Broke' GU. Mortgage IS LOCATED'. PRINCIPAL the dared therein Minnesom, d'kad a'follofth September 27 2012 es Ooament 16030he t,m . Services, Ino ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT hes been returned unkansfied, in Gae, of ,, et the northeast Number 3608576 in the Oa, of 8. The nine ellowec by law for Servi,-: G. U. Mortgage Services, OF MORTGAGE: $239,12000 whole orin per[ comer of laic Ee'[helf of Northeast the Gounry Recorder of Washington -edam prion by Mortgagor or In,AMOUNT DUE CLAIMED TO PURSUANT, to the power of sale Quarte' then, westerly, alone Gounry, Minnesom MortgegoY'personel repr"emm�ve' M ortgage Origineto'GU. Mortgage BE UP AS OF DATE OF NOTICE conmined in said mor[gage, the the north line of laic Eed half of ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT o-assignsissix(6)mdUhsafte-the Services lad INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID above described property will be Northeast Quarter, e dikten, of OF MORTGAGE: $32400000 date of sale. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BY MORTGAGEE: $19],221.23 sold by the Sheriff of laic county es 822 fee[ more or less to the point DATE OF MORTGAGE: August 26 9. THE TIME ALLOWED BY PROPERTY: Lot 10, Blot: 5, Thatprio-tothe.amencementof follows: of in['rs'don with a line drawn 20th LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Saratoga Hills Ramsey Gounry, mismortgagefo-edo'u-ep-oceedm, DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. August parallel with enc distant 4R3S feet DATE AND PLACE OF FILING THE MORTGAGOR THE Minnesom Mortgagee-gnee of Mortgagee 30, 2016 d 10 00 AM east of the west line of laic East CA "ec on October 4, 2005 as MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Thid'Abktraa Property mal ied with all notmrequ-amens PLACE OF SALE: Wadhagton Half of Northeast Quarte' menet Dowment Number 3544070 In the REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS TAX PARCEL Na: ,-aqui-"bv ktatut', thatno anion county sh'nre' Dram, waknIngon mum'hy alonz said parau'11m' a orrloe of th' Gounry Re-d , of MAY BE REDucED To FIVE 01 292233.0083 or pro,edmc hes been in'ttuted et Gounry Lew EnfOr,m ant Lente' di'mn, of 60631 feet to the point WekM1ing[on Gounry, Minnesom. WEEKS IF AJUP ILIAL ORDER IS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. o- otherwise to re,o,, the debt 15015 Qnd Street North, SOIlwate' of beginning on the south line of THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA tic by said mortgage, o- any Minnesota the North Half of Northeast Quarter STATUTES, SECTION S ' 3 Noah St Paul MN Pact BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE OTHER North T Peul, MN 55109 Pat J of to pay the debt then secured by of Northeast Quarter of Section 22', ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: DETERMINING AMONG OTHER COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY PURSUANT to the power of sale said mortgage an cox' if any thence westerly, along 68i south $33732 17 THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED IS LOCATED: Ramsey conmined in ka mortgage, the actually paid by the mortgagee, line, a distance of2600feetcthen,LEGAL DESGRIFTION OF PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT above d'kaibec property will be on the p-edi„ and the costs end southerly, deflecting to the left 84 PROPERTY: Lot 10, Block 4 WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF MORTGAGE'. $119,60000 sold by the Sheriff of said county es disbursements allowed by law. The degrees 00 minutes, e dikten, of Carnage Fa- 7th Addition OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO follows: rime ellowec by law to,-edempnon 6.4 felto the point of thters'aion WadIngton Gounry, Minnesom ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE DATE AND TIME OF SALE. by said mortgagol('J, flair personal with e line drawn parallel with enc STREET ADDRESS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID September2201610 AO AM rep-"ental" 0, assigns i' k. (6) di'mnt 66 feet south of the south PROPERTY 1144 AUTUMN DRIVE AND ARE ABANDONED. BY MOR(TGAGEE.$Si, 180 71 PLACE OF SALEF-Enfol-cement m onths Dom the date of sale, line of the North Half of Northeast PRODBURV 1MN 44AUT5 Atomey to, Mortgagee: America That priorto the commencement of Lente' 15015 Qnd Street N., TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Quarter of Northeast Quarter of COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Land 3Caom1 LlG thi set o1gagefo-edokure proceeding S[illweter, MN PROPERTY: Unless laic mortgage Section 22', thence Easterly, alone IS LOCATED: Wash ngton Gounry, Ryan J. Trude Mo1gagee Moagageei-gnee of Mortgagee P Y h debt then secu-ec by o- the property p III e e d of 2O/ M rine-ta BRUTLAG HARTMANN 3 .apted with all not,-equ-amen" d Mahe ge, e - Tan,, on d d, unless the tme to, f h pant of n with TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage TRUCKE, PA db that no ecton d p es enc the cost tic d p i' reduoec by ludo el p II withe d [4]05 BearonoRe SInc 3555 Plymouth Boulevard, Suite orrequre by disbursements, indudmc etto6 order, he feeteadoftheweahneof sai c East 9stat on ystem', n prooeeding hes been inktitutec et mays' you mu'[ve baa premises NAME OF MORTGAGE ll/ law o-othe,' ae to-'covg, the debt f II by law subject o by1159 Pm. OnFe 28, 201]. Half fN h Q of Sed ORIGINATOR : Gent IM gage M plb MN 554471349 cured by sad mortgage, or any d p h 6Months Dom the THE TIME ALLOWED BY 22', h h ly, g ancF dng, Inc M m 760)2222504 a thel-ed d f bythemoagagoq(), LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV p III d f 6f a RIT371404. PKC pPURSUANT to the pow'-of sale h r personal-ep-esenmtves o- THE MORTGAGOR THE hepontabegnnng, onm nc04 o-p RESIDENTIAL SERVICER JV'll' dan Revlew: Aug 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Sept aboveined in said mortgage, the assigns MORTGAGORS PERSONAL aaemoe o-less. n Fargo Bank, NA ],2016) e described property will be DATE TO CARATE PROPERTY: REPRESENTATIVES ORAS SIGNS, 'GOTMr581m) TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION olc by the Sheriff of laic county be The date on or before whit the MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Thet pert of the Eekt Helf of the NUM BER:10028. 21 220081 follows ryhe moaitgage snot�reenstaptecpe1y,andeENTERED UNDD JUDICIAL OMEERR IS NED MINNESOTA /4rt,eof SQua- ealon (E 12 of the (22) TRANSACTION AGENTS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Minnesota Statutes seaion 580.30 STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Township Thirty-two (32) North MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION FORECLOSURE SALE September1, 20161000AM NUM BER. 001 04148 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF PLA CE OF SALE Sheriffs Once o, the property redeemec under DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Range Twenty-one 21J West, THAT no ad, ono-pro,edinc hes THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE CMI P-oo'ks Unit 25 W. 4th Street Minnesom Stat I` kedan 580.23 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Washington Gounry, Minnesom, been instituted et hew,oceoover the Suit'150, St Paul, MN bMa-d 2, 20171115G P m. if the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED described as follows: debnth'dauted ning sato-'dby kud ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE to pay the debt then secured by fo-egoingdde ba Sdu-day, Sunday WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING Commencing d the northeast mortgage, om any pert thereof o' if TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT eic Mo d coxes, if an,on o- legal holiday, then the date to OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, comer of the E 12 of the NE 1l4 of the action or dmc hes been AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. k '(gage and cyte I'the n'# b-a- day d ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Sedan 22', menet westerly alone_ in pfOme NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, mat eic premises, d the costs end sdituted, that the same hes been demulthasoaurredathecondit- disbur,emend aduding atom'yK 1159Pm. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, thenoah haeofthe-ofthe NE discontinued, o-that an execution ofthefoll-agde-becmortgage: fees allowed by law kubea MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED ANDAREABANDONED. 114,a distance of 888 feet more upon the udgm ent renderec therein a -edam prionwithin6Monthsfrom the FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED or less ne the point of thters'aion hes been retumec un'ensfied, in Mgagago-: G'gory S Long, as date ofsaidsalebythemoagagoq( ), MORTGAGE: NONE FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION with a line drawn parallel with anc whole or in per[ single person THE TIME ALLOWED By ON MORTGAGE: None di'mn, 412 S feet ees[ of the Mortgagee: Mortgage Elearonic their persvnel repre,mm�ve' 0 PURSUANT, to the power of sale Ino as r LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Dated. JUL- 2016 west fine of the E 12 of the NE 1A cot the Registration systems, aDIE6 TO VACATE PROPERTY THE MORTGAGOR THE WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. of Section 22', thence southerly, abo, described p-opeay gwiIl be nominee for Meribelle Mortgage, The date on o- before which the MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagee alone said parallel line, a diktandA cold b he Sheriff of said count LlC REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA of .625 feet to the Boum Ine of Y[ vas Da ted: o7Ki12006 inoTIgago-inukt,.acat'th'p-op'rcyif M BE REDUCED To FIVE e:l'1 the v2 of NE 114 ofthe 114 of fouow'. Bled: 0- the mortgage is not ren stated under y DATE AND TIME OF SALE Ramse count Re fTrtles WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS R b F B M1 Ile' Ek 6 h Y Y g 0, the P Smtul 58030 q Y Sepmmber20, 2016 1000 AM 0 or the property d d under ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA N. Kb g F dungallah, E'4 hI d (194.6 PLACE OF SALE. J4 h 9t 0 N 19]3]9] Pgeinkt M nnemm Smtul 58023 'STATUTES SECTION 582032 C N T k E q f h h ly, d fl CountyShe,- Off A h G T of N .:56055] ' Merd 72017.11 59 Pm. fthe DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER SamuelR Coleco nEk4 he lett 84 degree utas a Gounry Law Enfor met Genntter A g d T: HSBC Bank USA, fo-egoi nc dateb a Satu-day, Sunday TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Attorneys to, Mortgagee dI'mnce of 7294, moe o-nl"'to 15015 Qnd Street NoahnStllwate' NA, as Trustee on Behalf of ACE o- [gal holiday, then the date to PREMISES ARE IMPROVED The Academy Professional Buil hac the point of beganac on the south Minnesom Securities Corp Home Equity Loan I' the next business day at WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 25 Noah Dale Street - Ine of the North 6 6 feet of the to pay the debt men , tic by Trost and forme Regde-ed Holders 11 59 pm OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, St Paul, MN 55102 SE 114 of the NE ll4 of Section 22', said mortgage and coxa'-rif any Of Secu,te'Corp MOFTGAGORS) RELE SED Al NOT PROPERTY USED IN (651)20997W thence oontnuinc southerly, alone aaually paid by the mortgagee Home Equity Loan Trust, Series FROM OBLIGATION ON AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, :15 0855 FC01) the southerly projection of the Iasi on the premises anc the costs and 2006ASAF5, Asset Badec Pass MORTGAGE: NONE AND ARE ABANDONED. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION de-bed e, d of dkburs'menm al-ed by l . The Th gh G ff- THE TIME ALLOWED BV Dated: Jay52016 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 3455f e 1 the tme allowed by lawf d pan D d:03-013 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY U S Bank Net onal Assoc et on 'Review: July 13, 26 2/, Aug 3, l0, h f h Noah ' ' feet of by sad mortgagor('), h p l Bled 041122013 THE MORTGAGOR THE Ass go. of Mortgagee 17 2016) sac SE 1 A of the NE 1 A thence ep-nt.-o-aksgn's sx(6) R yGunty Regktra-of Titl es MORTGAGORS PERSONAL OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL easterly, alone said south line, e month Dom the date of sale Document Na 220QQyPgeinkt REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS ASSOCIATION di'mn, of 39/l fee[more or less TME AND DATE TO VACATE Certificate of Title No.'. J6U MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE By Jonathan R Gudey, Mioheel V STATE OF MINNESOTA to the we'[line of the East 785 feet PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage Transaction Agent Mortgage WEEKS IF A J UPICIAL ORDER IS Schlei'men COUNTY OF WASHINGTON oftheE l2 of the NEll4 of Seaion i' rein'mted or the Electronic Registration Systems Inc Attorneys for: 22', [hence n orth'rly along said east property Transaction Agent MortgagelD No: ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA redeemed o unless the rime for U.S Bank -anal Aks-an DISTRICT COURT line edi stance of 3437fee m 100220710000125589 STATUTES SECTION 582032 t 0-e redemption b -educed by udidal Lender o- Broker: Maribella DETERMINING AMONG OTHER A'mg-of Mortgagee TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT o- I_ tothe south lin e of the Noah order, you m u kt vacate the prem;„ 55 East Rfth Street Suite 800 CASETVPE: 9Ofeet of the SE ll4 of the NE ll4 Mortgage, LlG THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED by 1159 p. m. on Mach 20201 ]. Servicer: Oaven Loan Servioin, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 M ORTGAG E FORECLOSURE of Section 22', thence Westerly, alone THE TIME ALLOWED BY g W LTH ARESIDENTIA DWELLING 6012097549 NOTICE OF SHERI FF'S SALE kai, south line, a diktanoe of 363.45 LAW FOR REDEMPTION By LLC OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS 601''10-1 /S3 (far) PURSUANTTO JUDGMENT feet to the point of beginning THE MORTGAGOR THE Mortgage Originator: Meribelle ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Cese No.: 02-CV-10-5590 (COT551896) MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgage, LLG AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. The H=N..eGre or G. Geller REGISTERED PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF g y Property Address: BISS 210TH PROPERTY: Lot Blot: ANDAREABANDONED. b yt 3'-1 DI gton Trust, Natonal MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE S y kd Ad- Dated: Jun, 2016 (R :July 13, 20, 27, Aug 3, 10, A Ion es Suco"mr Trustee S N h, F Lake, MN 55025 WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS 17, 2016) T D'. 220322111 0001 an Th R g stared Property CU Mortgage Sery ms lnc., Gbank, NA, ' Trustee 2 321 4 2 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA TAX PARCEL Nc'. Mortgagee to, Sta -ed A-]: Se"tA' � U 1 l 000 STATUTES, SECTION 582032 10 20 23 21 0053 OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Cor oration, Mort e e pass o the highest bidder by audan DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER p g g h Findm of Fad ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. ASSOCATION NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Through Certificates Series 2005 pursuant to to g' THIN OS, THAT TH E M OFTGAGED G03 Ham l,neA S By Jonathan LLdey, MideelV FORECLOSURE SALE 10, Gondusions of Law, Order to, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Saint Paul, MN 55105 Sdhl'ikman THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Pl aUtff, Judgm en[ enc Judgment enterec WITH ARESIDENTIAL DW FEEING COUNTY IN DHICH PROPERTY Ad, mey'to, : THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE vs In the Setembe 1 ennt'd tt okn fn OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, IS LOCATED:-ey CU M agagee��e 6ervi,', Inc, OIMEIPRWIDED BOR AWHIS NOT MadKenzle, W dbury Bukin'ks the udgm en onm d for Pleinnff AGRICULTURAL TUNOT PRALPERTY USED IN PRODUCTION ORIGINAL PE $212L AMOUNT 55 Fast Fifth Street Suite 800 AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Plaza LLC, The Riv'Nank, ClOBank in the am tnt $]8149409 plus ANDAREABANDONED OFMOFTGAGE $21200000 S[ Paul MN 55101-1]18 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That 'South DekomJ, N A, nikle cnBenk In ares[ enc the costs of said kala MORTGAGORS RELEASED AMOUNTDUE AND GLUM EO TO 651203]549 dem ulthasoocurredathecondik- National Asooienon, Discover Bank At,afiec Dopy of the Findings of FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, 651 22 ;far) ofthefolllowingdesaibedmortgage: Capital One Bank (USA), N.A Fad, Gondusions of Law O-de-to, ON MORTGAGE None NCLU DING TAXES IF ANY PAID THIS IS A COMMUNICATION MOFTGAGO S Devic A Gelvary SPV I LLG John Doe, end Judgment end Judgment hes been Dated: July22, 2016 BVMOFTGAGEE. $722,208.16 delivered to the Westeing[on Gounry That prio-to the commencement of FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. W'terfing, a single man Mary Roe, WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. thi'morte efOredokure din 8880-160031,1 MORTGAGEE :M agage Bed-onio Defendants Sheriff. Mortgagee g g pro,' g The-edempnon period from the Mmph geeS,-gnee of Mortgagee 'Review: July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3, 10, Regi kt-dan Srkte- Ino a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that will be six;6)monthsfrom the THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA complied with all non,-egU,em ants 1/,2016) He aware coao-on as nominee to, on September26201OatlUOUAM, kale Byl'I db that no action GLerant", Rate, Inc a Delawa-e at the Wadhacton County Sheriffs dam of confirmation of the kale by R'b"(a F. Sdille' Ek4 -egU,edin yha' been at no act at he Court The-'alp-ope1yinuabe o-procee g corporation Office, WekM1ing[on County Law oatedby1159pm. on the ay N. Kibongni Fondunggelleh, E'4 or otherwise to recoverthe debt NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Enforcement Lente' 1501 Qnd 'a 'Curt N.TIII Es.' , - Ase nee to: Wells Fer o Benk, N A Street North, S011wete' Minnemm, of the redemption period Samuel R Golemen, Ek a cured by kaid mortgage, o any FO RECLOSURE SALE b Ig deo a March the Weoah County Sheriff THE TIME ALLOWED BY Sao,- fOC, q ppathereof THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF f kignment-'cor gton ry LAJ4 FOR REDEM FTION BV , 29x9ee PU Ed DANT to the power of sale TH E DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 1 2015 as Document Num be, will sell the reel property legally THE MORTGAGOR THE The Academy P-of-anal Building conmined in said mortgage, the ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE 1232864 in the Oa, of the Gounry described es: MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 25 North Dale Street above dekoribed property will be TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Registrar of Titles of Washacdon That part of the East Half of the REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, St Paul MN 55102 olc byte' Sheriff of kai, county be Gounry, Man-ta Northeast Quarter of Section 2 (601)2099]60 follows: AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Township 32 North, Range 21 West MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE (132214FLD1) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that OF MOR(TGAGE:$137,464.00 WadIn ton Goun[ Man-ta NEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS THIS IS A COMMUNICATION DATE AND TIME OF SALE. d f h rr d h d' e y ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA S p 6 22, 20161000A f h f II de b DATE OF MORTGAGE: June LO, deka bed asfollows: FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. PLACE OF SALE Sh ff s Office g 99 2009 Gommendng et tee northeast STATUTES, SECTION 582032 (Review: Aug 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Sept M g g: G g J Pod- , gle HE TERM INING AMONG OTHER G P U i[ L W. 4th Street DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. come- of the East Helf of tee ],2016) Su to 150, St Paul MN end LkaM Schulte, sngle THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Mortgagee: Mortgage Elearonic Record', on February 2S, 2011 ane Northeast Quarter of Section 22', PREMISES ARE IMPROVED to pay the debt then secured by Reiktranon S e me one lied upon Certificate of Title then, westerly along the north line kaic Mort dmxe', if an, Reg, yktem4 WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLINC gage, an ,, on nee to, U. S. Ban kNAlnO ' No. 67]3] as Document Number ofthe East half of Northeast Quarte' OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE keit premi,', end the =and in the Office of the County a di'mn, 888 feet more or less FORECLOSURE SALE dikbu=e' tits, indudin Det'd:ed 9n04 120504/ ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN g ettom' R'mm'd: osa02004 R'giktm- of tie" of waknngon ro the point of cote"cion wim a AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Date: Augusta 2016 f"' allowed by law kublea o wakhngron county Racoma- county, Man-ta al12 drawn parau'l wim and distant ANDAREABANDONED. YOU ARE NOnREDTHAT-edeinpton w,Dn 6 Month, Dom the THE AMOUNT CLAIMED To feet east of the -d line of dat'ofkaid-llebymemoagagogk), Dominent NO.34s9607 oat'd. Jury le tors 1. Default hth 0-gag In the Aasigned To: U.S. Bank National BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE the East half of then, kt Quarte- WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF conditions of the Mortgage dated weir persvnel repre,mm�ve' or Aascdenon ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. of g ka,d 22', then, ,danceuthe-ly By. 1s/ Matthew Wieland May19, 2015, executed by Hampton De-dede05 15 $14601/.30 along said parallel line, e di'mn, De ut Real Estate GouhI TO VACATE PROPERTY Recorded: 041152013 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF of 60625 feet to the muth line of Dated: July 14, 2016 p y p IncIna, e Minnemto The date on o- before which the PROPERTY: Lod Five '5) enc the Noah half of Northeast Quarter corporation, es M p,tgago' t ocUmegtN Gounry Recorder THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, American Lend 3 Capiml, LLG a Ittrhe mo gage cat'the property Six (6J, Blot: Two (2J, MARIERS of Northeast Quarter of Sed on 22', Pant if he not rein dated Doamen[Na 3940Si7 8y:/s/Curt N. Trisko Minnesom limited liability Dom k Transaction Agent: Mortgage ADDITION, in Forest Lake Township mance western along said scum Curt N.Trisko (#392]53) as Mortgagee, and filet for record under Minnesota l Statutes sect on Electronic Re S o D'adhUgton Gounry, Manemm, as line a distance of 194.6 feet menco 58030 or the property redeemed giktranon ys[em', In d tic now on 'outherl defleainc to the let 84 Attorney -Plaintiff May 19, 2015, as Document Na Transaction Agent M agage ID No m^wY" enc pmtte e Y t Wilmington T-4 Nationa1 4026047 in the Office of the Gounry under Minnemm Statute' s 1000212]8923052836 He enc of reoorc h officef h degrees 00 m nu e d f Asse M. , as Recorder of DadNn'do n Gounry J b M d 09 L de, o-Broke-: U.SBank NA RegaM, of TH- hdt bG.34 feet to the po fbg g SuccessorTruNee Mnne-ta The Ian c dekabedn the f h f d S -: U.S. Bank -anal D'ad ngton Count, g h h he'outh lneofthN h "f f The Acade Professonel Morta Saturday, Sunday o legal h hda, 'tit ro- n d' the south Half of Noa„akt Quarter g't'-" end Magage O n o re So gage an eakem grass an grass Building 2. The iginal prindpal amount then the date to vacate s the neM Mortgage Originator: U.S. Bank or driveway puryo„ from the then, Noa,eeU Duaang sot Sect on 22', e bu'ineks day et 1159 Pm. N A one (61) to of U.S. Highway Sixty menco continuing motherly, along 25 North Dale Street k cured by the Mortgage was: Two MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF one (61J to this Lot Five (5). This the'outhed, projedan of the lad St. Paul, MN5510.2 Hundred NU,PtyNae Thou'anc end Telephone: (61)20.99]92 00110ODo11ars($299,00000) FROM OBLIGATION ON PROPERTY: All met part of Lot 1, ea amen[ dhal be --ted to the ddekaibed cou- a dida t, of curt Ot-.denylawgroup.com 3. No adion o- proceeding at law MORTGAGE: NONE Block3, Neal Meadow' WadIngton arae deegnet'da' Ca,Str'et anc feet more o- IA` o the THE TIME ALLOWED BY Gounry, Man'mm, described a' Second Street e' indicatec in the south line of the North 69.6 feet of (13-0916LIT02) is ow pending to-ecove- he debt LAW TH FOR REDEMPTION BY efOresale hat Provided however, th e Southeast Quarte-of Northeast (Review: July2/, Aug 3, l0, 1/24 secured by the Mortgage, or any par[ follow', to wit Gommendng at the n t 31, 2016) thereof THE MORTGAGOR THE that this ea,inent shall cease o Quarter of Sed on 2 thence southeeki'rly come- of kbit Lot 1 4. The holder of the Mortgage MORTGAGORS PERSONAL thence on e recorded beerinc of existent kM1ell b'ternineted when, easterly alone said moth line, e REPRESENT-VES REDUCED ASSIGNS, end if Les' Street enc Seconc di stance of360.4 fee[ more orleks, hes oompliec with all condition' North 00 degrees 40 minutes 36 as p-"dent to acoeleall of the MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE ,fond' wee ton h' eek 1 St eeta'd'agnat'donthedo-'karn ro th' w'kt nn' of th' Eakt /e5 f"t WEEKS D AJu ERAL ORDR IS along taro Band become blio of the East Half of Northeast Quarter debt ,ourec by the Mortgage end e of said Lot 1, he Bad f Pnter'conveye pu ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 11750 feet to the fbe ronin domain -ho-ou het-" of Sedan 22', thence noaherl Ion foredo'u-e of he Mortgage, and point o g g g y' along all not enc other requi-emend of STATUTES SECTION 582142, ofthe Ibeincdekaibed, thence REGISTERED PROPERTY keit eea line, e diktano' of J10./ DETERMINING AMONG OTHER perm STREET ADDRESS of f"[ inti-' o-1'ks, ro the moth 1n' applicable dat south es d'g-"' se minute' 30 5. Al the tat' of this nono', th' THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Nofond' Wes[ 10057 feet then, PROPERTY: 21446 FOREST BLVD oftheNoah Wofe'tofthe Northeast amount due on the Mortgage, and m, 72 deg 37 mau-06 N,FORESTLAKE, MN55o252Q5 Quarte- of Noaheaa Quarca- of cox", Ifanx paid bvth'hold'-ofth' Public Notices cond' West 124]5 fee[ more o COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Sedan 22', hence westerly, long Morta :Three Hund-"Thirteen 1"Troth'-tenon' ofkabbalr IS LOCATED: wakhagton Gounry, kaidmuth I A,aal'mn, of37 feet Beek Continued on Page 11 Y Thousand Four Hund-ed Eleven end Review Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2016 Page 11 Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE STREET ADDRESS OF Gounry Sheriff, Office, -hag- f51209]599 k-Ing me sale I me premises Conllnuedfrom Page 10 FORECLOSURE SALE VSPEOPERTY ,Uh Cottage BGrove,-MN A55016 Couyry�Lrac Str O N,1hnStlI_t,, THIEnf-ado Inc, S IS A8 1753 ( COMMUNICATION kereint F,n, ndd edudg due THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 1501 amount an PREMISES ARE IMPROVED THE DEBT ANO IDEMITV OF THE A Minnesom FROM1 DEBT COLLECTOR. Plaintiff in meabove lbytl action OF LESS -FILLING ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTH E GOUNTV IN AHICH A-ag C,UntV to pay the deb[ d I seared by 16i2]-16004451 from Dafen dents Shirley, 0l son OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, TIME PRWIDED BV LAW IS NOT IS LOCATED: Wekhing[on Gounry, k mortgak]b, bxek, ifany 'Review: Aug 1/ 24, Cl, Sep[ /, 14, end JeyA Olson, Trustees, ormld ARE NOT PRT PR USED IN AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Minnesom dually paid by me mortgagee, 21 201o) sinuB Ag-do do Arnold AGR1cuLTURAI PRooucnoN, NoncE I, HEREBY GIVEN, mat NAME cnoNAGENT Ncne on me Premises and me akW enc naoikoo Trent agreement dated AND AREABANCONED defawrnakooanedin meandlt- NAME OF MORTGAGE dlkb-gado al-,bylaw. me omober 24, 2ov, shmeyA olkon, Dated. Jul28, 2016 oft f 11 described more ORIGINATIR wens Fargo oma allowed bylaw mr redemptan Trektee, or her aoaksor in Trem, y gage: NOTICE OF MORTGAGE H58C Benk USA, N.A., es Trustee Mortgagor. Fiona M. Euktemiedek, Home Mortgage, Ino, e Califomie by laic mortgagor(kJ, weir personal FORECLOSURE SALE under me Shirley A Olson Trust on beheli of ACE Securities e tingle person aorpora0on nikle Wells Fargo Benk, reprekenmOvek or assigns ik six ;6J agreement dated OIXober 24, L00/ Corp. Home Equity LoanTrust Mortgagee: H om ektea, Mortgage N A, sumessor by m erger to Wells months from me date of kala THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF Shirley, Olson, enc JeyA Olson, end for the registered holders Gorpora0.n Fargo Home Mortgage Ina TIME AND DATE TO VACATE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE es prescribed in me Judgment me of ACE Securities Corp. Home Dated: 0111712001 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells PROPERTY: U maks ,aid mortgage ORIG INAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE undersigned Sheriff of Ramsey Equity Loan Trust, Series 2006 Recorded: 03292001 Fargo Bank, NA reinkteted or me property TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Gounry will sell et public auction, to ASAP5,Asset Backed Pass Ramsey Gounry Reoorder TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION redeemed, o unless the t,me for AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. me highest bidder for rakih, on me Through Certificates,Assignee of DOOanIn NP 3382196 NUM BY CEL redem Poon ik r,duId by judidal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met 25th de[ of Aagakt, LOlO et lO- Mortgagee Aasignec To: TGF Mortgage TRANSACTION AGENT'S order you mulct vacate me premises defaalthekocourrecinmecondi0onk met he Ramsey Gounry Sheriff, OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Gorpora0on,eMinnekom corpora0on MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION by ll 59pm. on Merdh 27201 ]. ofinefollowinc dekaribed mortgage: Offico, 25 West Fourth Street' Suite ASSOCIATION Dated: 0111]12001 NUMBER: None THE TIME ALLIWEO BY Mortgagor: Jay R 0lesen and l50 St Paul, Minnesota, 5102, By Jonemen R Cu-, Mi dhael V Recorded: 03292001 THAT no action or procoeda, hes LAW FOR CROPS 'ED By Renee Lee Oleken, hukbend end me premises enc reel A"'A INnc Sdhleikman Ramsey Gounry Reoorder been i-bated at law to r-l-the THE MORTGAGOR THE wIf end being in me Gounry of Ramsey, Attomeykfor: Document Na 3382197 debtth_d U no keaure, by kudh MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Mortgagee: Mortgage El-Info State of Minnesom, dekcribe,in said HSBC Bank USA N A, as Trustee Asigne, To: Mortgage Eearonia moftc e or any pert thereof or if REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Rogiktra0on System, Ina as Judgmen[towit on behak of AGE Se0uri0ek Gory Regiktra0on System Ina, a me e o or precoedrnc hes been MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE nominee for MidAmerica Mortgage The Northwesterly 20 feet of To Home Equity Loan Trust end for the Delaware ao,pora ' nd.ntuthd' the Kama hes been W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Corp0ra0on,e corpoIan 1O, Block lS, Ceknoyer Perk, To registered holders of AGE SeariOek Dated: 0.5�C2I2006 discontinued, or met an exe0tn ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Dated: 09032004 9, Block 15, Desnoyer Park. Also Corp Home Equity Loan Trust, Recorded: 0.5 �C82006 upon me ud9mant rendered therein STATUTES, SECTION 582032 Filed: 101192004 me Northwest four fifth, of Lot 28, Serie, 2005ASAF5, Aaset Beaked Ramsey Gounry Reoorder hes been re[umed unka0sfied, in DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Ram say County Registrar of Title, Block LU, Cekno, Perk enc the Pa Tal-ough Certificate,, Asignee Document No 3947149 whole orin pert THIN OS, THAT THE MOFTGAGED Document No 184050] Ageinkt Soumeesterly4bmkof Lot 29, Block ofMortgagee Aasignec To: U.S. Bank N.do I PURSUANT, tome power of kale PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Certificate of Title Na:3800.51 20, Ceknoyer Perk together with met SS Eekt Fifth Street Suite 800 Ask-an do in ,aid mortgage, the WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Asmgnec To: U.S Benk,NA pert of vecatecelleyecoruincmereto St Peul, MN55101-1718 Dated: 11252013 above described property will be OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Dated: 03�C92009 hereinafter the "Premises") Recorded: 1222013 ,old by me Sheriff of keit county ek ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Filed 03252009 together with (iJ ell building, end ,6551-2&1]53:fax7 Ramsey county Reoorder follow,: AGRIWLTURAL PRofJucTION, Ram sev County Registrar of Titles Impa, ants now or he-eler THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Document No 4435080 DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. ANDAREABANDONED. 0 N 206]228 Ag d the Pr ,m (the FROM ADEBTCOLLECTOR. TI-dan A9 Mortgage October 4, 2016 at 10 00 AM MORTGAGORS) RELEASED G T fTl N.'. 380051 p mI(ii) all ofine ek'Nte, 17]2516,00431 -1 Bearoria Regktra Sys mk In PLACE OF SALE: JV-agton FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION T A9 : M 9 ge rgh, im or demand of any 'Review: Aug 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Sept Transection Agent Mortgage ID No: Gounry Sheriff, Offsde Wadhagton ON MORTGAGE: Donal, Kansflier ElectrorioRegstraton Sycemk, nc nature whatsoever "a f Defendants /20162016) 1000212-08001714862 Gounry Law Goorcoment Center, Dated: August1, 2016 Transaction Agent Mortgage lC No: ShaeyA 0lkon enc JeyA Olson, Lender or Broker: Homekteec 1)01 no Street North, S011weter U.S. BANK NATIONAL 100'3300000 01541 Trustees, or their suocoksors in Mortgage Corpo-an Mi anekom ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, Lender or Broker: MidAmerica Trakt undermeAmol,A Olson Trust NOTICE OFMORTGAGE Sery , U.S. Bank National to pay the debt men secured by SUCCESSOR IN INIERESTTO Mo1care Co - n a N AtonI Agreement dated October 24, 2007 Ask-an keid mortgage ant I- if any WACH.IA BANK, NATIONAL and ShirleyA Olson, Trustee, or her FO RECLOSURE SALE Mortgage Originator: Homekteec actually pat, by the mortgagee, ASSOCIATION,ASTRUSTEE FOR Aasode0on kucoksorin Trust, underme Shirley THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF on the pre ,i and the colds and BANC OF AMERICA FUNDING Mortgage Originator. MidAmerica AoOlkon Trust Agreement dated THE AND IDENTITY OFTHE Mortgage Goryora0on dikbursem ants allowed bylaw The CORPORATION SERIES Mortgage Gorpor., n,ecorpora0on Got be, 2420U/(the"Mortgagors") ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE LEGAL DESGRIFTION OF eallowec by l aw for redem p0on Mortgagee LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF either in law o equity, in TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT PROPERTY: Lot 24, Blod: 2 by said mortgagol(kJ, weir personal THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA PROPERTY: Lot 12, BION 1, Bona ede, In or exp, n,y, in end to AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Syndicate Mane 3Addition, Ramsey represent.- or aksignk ik kix;6) By Ikl Additan the Mortgage, Property(ak defined NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Gounry, Minnesom mons-l-on, medateof-Ile Rebecca Sdhillea Esq Thiki k Registered Property below) or any pert thereof (iii) all default has o-,edin the condik_ This ikAbktrect Preperty TIME AND DATE TO VACATE N. Kibon ni F"Ile elleh, Ek. TAX PARCEL NI'. eekemen ri h6oEwe f LAXg g q W, g y gores o ofinefollowingdekaibecmortgage: 352923.1101P0 OEL NO.'. pROPERTV. Unlekk keit mortgage 'Curt N.Trisko, Es q.' 8302333002) lend, ,treats, ways, alleys, pekkagek, Mortgagor: Robert Ridl arc Coble Ht or the property Samuel R Coleman, Ek4 OACCRE55 OF PROPEFTV. er rights, we ark, weer courses, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY and Amanda Kaye Coble fka lradeemed� oa amass the time mr Attomeykmr Mortgagee 5140 IRONDALE BOAC r nghW and powers, and au 705 LAFONDAVENUE Moumos vEw, MNAN Amanda Keye Buettner hukbend redem Poon ik reduce, by judicial The Academy Profe-anal Building e talc, rights, les, end wife COUNTYS INT IN DHICHMN 4 order, you must vaaateme pre ,i 25 N Orth Dale Street COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY prlvileg li belo- tenements COUNTY N JVHIGH PROPERTY Mortgagee: G.U. Mortgage IS LOCATED: Ramsey bylE9 pm. on APn142017. St Paul, MN 55102 IS LOCATED Ramsey hereditaments, ant appurtenances Services Ina THE TIME ALLOWED BY 'f51GU99/6J ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT of any neWre whatsoever, in anyway Ceted:04282014 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 2W FOR REDEMPTION BY (161094FG01J OF MORTGAGE: $180,00000 belonging, rele0ng or pertaininc to OF MORTGAGE: $72,420 00 AMOUNT CUE AND CLAIMED TO Recorded: 0.5�County AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THE MORTGAGOR THE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION me Mortgaged Property (Hbudug, Ramsey County Recorder IN DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. BE CUE AS OF LATE OF NOTICE without Lim imOon, any ant all Coamen[Na P0450Q47 INGLUCING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, (Review: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31, Sept INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID development rights, ar rights or Tran-anAgent NlA BY MORTGAGEE:$5615088 MAV BE DEDUCED TO FIVE ],14,2016) BV MORTGAGEE'. $129,0]1.19 emiler or comparable rights of any Transaction Agent Mortgage IC No: 'WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS That prior to the commencement of nature whatsoever now or hereafter NIA That prior to me com mencoment of ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA thikmortgageforeoloareproceeding appurtenant to me Premikek or mikmoacagef treaokwe Proteedinc Lender or Broker GU. Mortgage MortgageelAsegnee of Mortgagee STATUTES, SECTION 582032 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE MortgageelAasignee of Mortgagee now or hereafter transferred to the Serviaek, Ina Iieeeim all of DETERMINING AMONG OTHER compliecwim all no0aerequiremenes Premises) and all lanc INnc in C Servicer C. U. Mortgage Service, comp quiremenek THIN GS, THAT THE M CRTGAGEC FO RECLOSURE SALE as required bystatute; that no anion bed of any street road or avenue, 1 , quire, by ktetute, memo action PREMISES ARE IMPROVED THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF or precoedrnc hes been instituted et beano, n proposed, in Obont 'avefor Mortgage Originator GU.Mortgage or procot drnc hes been inktiWted et WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF le or otherwise to recover the debt adjoining the Premises to the center Se"_ Ina law oroherwi Seto recover he debt OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE s cored by kat, mortgage, or any Zine thereof ;i>) all maJ,UeG LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF secured by said mortgage, or any TIME PRMIDED BY LAW IS NOT art thereof apparatus, equipment fittings, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED W pat to the f kale PROPERTY. Lot 23 Bl_ t Oak Partmereof AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. power o fixtures end ower property of every Hill, Remkey Gounry,Mi nnekom. PURSUANT to the power of kale ANCAREABANCONEC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN met oonminec in kat mortgage, me kin, enc neWre whetkoever owned ThdbAbstract Property abonedc.kcribecl propeayoftc�will be MOFTGAGIR(SJ RELEASED oefaul[hekocrurred in me condi0onk above described preperty will be by me Mortgagors, orin ,oh ed ADDRESS OF P.:113023.110039 FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION finefollowing described m o1cage: kold by the Sheriff of kat, county as Mortgagors have or shall have an ,old by me Sheriff of keid county ek Mort : Bruce A Clausen, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: ON MORTGAGE: None 9egor anc follow,: mere now or hereafter located 664 GASTON AVE follow,: Dated: At gust 52016 Colleen Gleuken, hukbenc end wife DATE AND TIME OF SALE upon the Mortgaged Property, o CATS AND TIME OF SALE: Mortgagee: M&1 Marshall&Ilkley October 62010, 10 UOAM appurtenancok SHIREVI IN MN55126 WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. hereto, or unable COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY S L b r29 201610110 AM Bank PLACE OF SALE. Sh ff Off 1 PLACE OF SALE Sh ff k Sbeet Mortgagee Cated:03252008 In nnedan wm me Present or 15 LIGATED: Ramsey B, 1A1 DEMv FAX GRouP, PA c t1 P u ul 2s W. 4 h s f op-tan and occupancy all co G 1 P kk unit 2s W. 4th sreet Reamed: wal2ooe ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT S 150, e Paul MN By. ec Rause 40 Recorder S S. Paul MN of h M gaged Property end all AMOUNT T DU E'. $20875000 RebeocaF Schiller Ek4 y y to pay me debt men seared by building of any n. meterielk and AMOUNT CUE AND OF NOTICE TO to pay me debt men k aura, by Document 4000054 keid Mort a cbxek, if an, re N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq. 9 9e, en y, on owned, of any Moa whatsoever ,aid Mortgage, anc bxek, if any, on Trenkaction Agent NIA said end me ooktk end 9 BE CUEAS OF LATE OF NOTICE m Oar N. Trikko, Esq Premises, caned by oa Mortgagors, or in INCLU RTGAGEXE$ IF 2ANY37 PAID ,aid Premises, anctheco k enc 'Samuel R. Colermn, Esq.' Transaction Agen[Mortgage lO No: disbursements, including attorneys' have an Mortgagors ho, ke-eM1ell disbursements, indudinc attorneys' NIA fees allowed ,n law subject BY MORTGAGEE.ommenceme fee, allowed by law sub eIX o Atomeyden, Mortgagee Lender or Broker: M&I MersM1ell & ° have an tare now or hereafter Th meoommenoement of TheAcademy Prefeksionel Buildrn, redempoon within OMonmkfrom me located upon me Mortgaged mikmorta Pored osure din redem Poon within the a oaagogm) - Ildey Benk date of kaid kaleb he mort gi Prone g date ofkaidkaleb the 25 Norm Calesreet Bank ep gago$o, Property (aetheEer mue)and MortgegeelAasignee of Mortgagee e tbagOr(ko, St peal, MN55102 MoIc er BMO Hams M&IM A their personal reprekenm lvek o referred to ek me Equipment) end compliedwimall--equiremenes weir personal prekenmOvek Mortgage Originator Mal MersM1ell r eDATE :14 0890 &Ilkley Benk eDATE me right In and interest of the k required by_be; met no acRion LATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: 14-0890.FG03J LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LATE TO VOGATE PROPERTY: Mortgagors in and to any of me or proceeding hes been inmitutee et THIS IS A COMMUNICATION The date on before hide the Equipment which may be subject to r omerwike to recover the debt The date on or before whidh me FRO MA DEBTCOLLECTOR. PROPERTY. To 2, Block 1, E.G. m 0-cagor mulct vacate me prgpeay any keouriry agreements'ek defined law o o gagormukt-bemepropea, Bowen kAddiOon d by d mortgage, or any thA mortgage kno d r Review: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31, Sep[ Thkik Abstract Property f h 9 g not ren eted h U f G I Code p h f Mnnekom SmWte 58030 7, 14 2016) d M S ed of h S M1dh h P PURSUANT he power of kale TAX PARCEL NO.'. y - h P p y d d Hanr the property d d d r 282922440183 An f M1 M g g () II ds d - d mortgage, me Mnnesota Statute 58023 ApCRE55 OF PROPEFTV. d M S r above dekar bed property wll be 58023 AP 16 201] 1159, d d Merdh 29, 2017 e 1159 p f h NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 1233 REANEY AVE Ic by the Sherff of sa c county as f h forego nc date s a S.Daal the-eon and the rgm to raceve follow,. for (gong dates a S,Uuaal Sunday FORECLOSURE SALE SAINT PAUL, MN 55106 Sunday or legal holidal men me the same, whidl may be made with LATE AND TIME OF SALE. or legal holiday, men me date to THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY date to vacate ik the next bukineks respect to the Mortgage, Property, Se tember29 2016 1000AM 'ate e ik the n- b-a- day et THE DEBT AND IDENTITY t_ IS LOCATED: Ramsey de xerake P 115s at as pm. whether from th e of the PLACE OF SALE Sheriff's Offs co, Pm' ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ORIGINAL BRING AMOUNT MIRTGAGOR(S) RELEASED right of emin nt domain (Ududac Civil Proaeks Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT OF MORTGAGE: $9],50000 FROM OBLIGATION ON any transfer made in lieu of tl�e Suite150, St Paul, MN FROM OBLIGATION ON pFFECTEDBVTHISACTION. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO MORTGAGE'. NONE xereke of keit right), or for any to pay the debt then seared by MORTGAGE: NONE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE THE TIME ALLOW EC BV oxer injury to or dght) 0, in value etc Mortgage, and bxek, if an on THE TIME ALLOWED BY default has ocouned in the condition, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANV PAID LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY of the Mortgaged Property ;vi) all etc premise, and the costs and LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV ofinefollowing dekvibecmortgage: BY MOR(TGAGEE:$92071.27 THE MORTGAGOR, THE lea-end ower agreements (ower disbursements, adudrng attone THE MORTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGOR(SJ: Donald That prior to me commencom ant of MORTGAGORS PERSONAL man the Gound Leese) aff duc the fees allowed by law abject MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Kankhier ekingle Person thb-gageforedoareproceeduc REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS use or occupancy of the Mortgaged redempoon within 6Monmkfrom me REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MORTGAGEE: We11k Fargo MortgageelAsegnee of Mortgagee MAY BE RECUGEO TO FIVE property now or hereafter entered date of keid kale byme mortgagor(kJ MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE Home Mortgage, Inc a Califomia complied with all no0co requirements WEEKS IF A JUCIGIAL ORDER IE 1 their WEEKS IF AJUCICIAL ORD ER IS Ikla'Ae11k Faro Bank, as required by statute; that no action ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA neo(hereid tier referredtoas the persona representatives or ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA corporation n 9 din has been addiautec ae Leases) and me right [o receive and akegnk. N A, kucoeksor by merger to Wells or procoe g STATUTES SECTION 5020'32 apply the rents, issues anc prefits of DATE TO VACATE PROPER(TV 'STATUTES SECTION 582032 Fargo Home Mortgage, Ina law or otherwise to reooverme debt DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER me Mortgage, Property;hereinetter The date on or before which me CETERMIN IN G, AMONG OTHER ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: keaurec by said mortgage, or any THINGS THAT THE MORTGAGED referred m as the Rents) to the moagagormukt vacateme property, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Aasigned to: U.S. Bank NeOonel Partmereof PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Payment of me Oblige0onk; (vii) me mortgageik not reinstated under ?REMISES ARE IMPROVED Aksodeton, as Trustee, suc,,,o,,n PURSUANT to the power of kale WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING ell procoedk of end any uneemed Mi nnekom SmWtek keIXion 58030 'KITH ARESICENTIAL OW FEEING nterekt to Wedhovie Benk, NeOonel conmined in keid mortgage, me OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS iumkon saran or the redeemed under OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Aksodatan, ak Trustee for Bane of above de-bec property will be ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN prcoem env In copoudek property Iledvely, hereinafter efe,ed Minnesom SmWtek section 50023 ik AlE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Ameriae Fundrnc GorporaOon Serie, ,tilt by me SheriR of ,aid oounry ek gGRIGULTU RAL PRODUCTION, to as the Policies) co nc the Marah29, 2017at1159pm. lfine AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 20041 by assignment recorded follow,: ANDAREABANDONEC. Mo Proe Veindudac f g d eine Setumey, Sunday ANCAREABAN CONED, on Mardh 38 2012 as Document DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Dated: Augukt5, 2010 w �a9 r P the ht to legalh Idey, men me date to Gated. AagaktT2016 Number 3881597 n the Off of 0IXober620161000AM US Benk Nat coal Assoc et on r d h gcoedk he next bus neks day at U S Benk Nat onal'tocat on the Count' Reoorder of Dadhageon PLACE OF SALE. Sh riffs cadae, Ass gnee of Mortgagee a no et' P k or 1159 Pm Assg,e of Mortgagee Gounry, Minnesom Civil Procoks Unit 25 D 4th Street PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL of made in oeu thereof, MOFTGAGORS) RELEASED OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Saite150, St Paul, MN ASSOCIATION FROM OBLIGATION ON ASSOCIATION OF MORTGAGE $1 f5,51000 to pay the debt men seared by By: Jonathan R Cu,kel MkFael V for damage to the Mortgaged MORTGAGE :NONE By JonemenR Gukkey MioheelV DATE OF MORTGAGE'. November kaie Mortgage, andt_ifany, on Sdhleikm an andPloo behal:IIIf of Bhthe p Mort ht In me neN THE TME ALLOWED BV Sohleisman 14 2993 kat, premise,, anc the colds anc Aetome for. gag­ LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Attorneys for: LATE AND PLACE OF FILING disbursements, indudinc ettomeys' U.S. Bank N,Ubnal Aso0iatan appeeae in and defenc anya Bion or THE MORTGAGOR THE U.S. Bank National Association, Recorded on February 19 2004 as fees allowec by law sublet[ o assignee of Mortgagee o ding brought Leh pest MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Akmgneeof Mortgagee Doament Number 3423828 in the redempoon within 6 Month=4om the 55 Ene.Fifth Street Suite 800 I. the M oor[paged Property and to REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, SS Eta Fifth Stree[Suite 800 Offico of me Gounry Recomer of date of sat, kalebyth mortgagor(,), 5t' PauI,MN 55101 -1718 Yatd on orprocoedUc MAY BE RECUCEO TO FIVE St Paul, MN 55101-1]18J4ashin Count Minnesota their personal representatives or tb1209/599 [o Protect the interest ofP Icinitiff in f512097599 gton 1 the Mortgage, Property, J all WEEKS IF AJUCICIAL ORDER IS .122&1753 (far) THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO aCATgEk TO VACATE PROPERTY X12281753 (fax) procoedk of eeah of the foregoac ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ell of me foregoing together witll STATUTES SECTION 582032 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ON THE LATE OF THE NOTICE: The date on or before whidl the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. the Premise, the "Mortgaged DETERMINING AMONG OTHER FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. $142,57434 mortgagor m ant vacate the property 17�&16004131 Property'). THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 17�&14-00450,2 LEGAL CESGRIPTION OF if me mortgage I not rein c Review: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sep[ ], 14, PropeayAddrekses: 528 Frontenac PREMISES ARE IMPROVED (Review: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31, Sep[], PROPERTY. Lot 12, Blod< 5 under Minnesom Statutes ked on 212916) Placo, S[PeuI, MN', 530 Frontenac DIT THAT DWELLING 1420162016) Townhomek of Belt Eagle Lake, 58030 or the property redeemec Pleco, St Peu1, MN', CU Contenar OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Common Interest Gommuniry Na under Minnesom SmWtek sect on avenue, S[. Paul MN', end 489 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 64, WadhUgeon Gounry, Minnesota 58023 ik April6 2017 at 1159 p m. CeknoyerA nue, S[ Peul, MN. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE STREET ADDRESS OF If the foregoing date ik a Saturday STATE OF MINNESOTA e- ldenoficaoon AND ARE ABANCONE-0. FORECLOSURE SALE PROPERTY: 4979 NORTH 132ND Sunday or legal holiday, men the COUNTY OF RAMSEY ,322923230053 and Dated: Aa 42016 THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF WAV HUGI, MN 550'384425 date tovaaatt ik the n-b-a- DISTRICT COURT 90thdavat n 5s pm. ,d322923a1 oo2s CU Mortgage Servi0agagInc., THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY SORTGAGOF(S) RELEASED SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Dated: 6242016 Mortgagee ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE MI LOGATEC: Washington Gounry, Ceseand Mortgage Foreclosure MATT 80STROM OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL TIME PRWIDED BV LAW IS NOT Minneko[e FROM OBLIGATION ON end 8r�ch of Conimd Sheriff of Ramsey County, ASSOCIATION AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION TRANSACTION AGENT None MORTGAGE: NONE Court File Number: 62-CV-16-11 &A Minnesota By: Jonathan R Cu,kel Midhael V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That NAME OF MORTGAGE THE TIME ALLOWED BY g : Daniel Westlund Sdhl_man defaal[hakoocurredin mecondit- ORIGINATOR We11k Fargo LAW FOR REDEMPTION By NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE y Deputy SMriff Attorneys tor: of the f011owinc described m ortgage: Home Mortgage, Ino a Califomia THE MORTGAGOR THE UNDER JUDGMENT AND 6t': GU Mortgage Servicok, Ina SO AGO Berbera E. aorporaoon nikle Wells Fargo Bank MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL DECREE-REAL PROPERTY C. Sherwooc Mdoand 1176898 Mortgagee Evan, a single woman, and Arthur NA, ku nor by m erger to Wells REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Gommuniry Pride Bank, a MCKINNIS&DOOM, PA SS East Fifth Street Suite 800 B Evans and Marda A Even, Fargo HomekM 01cage, Ina MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Minnesom Banking Corporatan, 2003,,Avenue NE Saite300 St Paul, MN55101-1718 hukbancand wife RESIDENTIAL SERV ICER: We11k W EEKS IF A JUDI COAL ORDERIS pl muff, Cambridge, MN55008 651209]549 MORTGAGEE: We11k Fargo Fargo Bank, NA ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA vs '76iJ 552//// GA 5'P-) Home Mortgage, Ino eGelifomie TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION STATUTES SECTION 582032 Shirley, Olson enc JeyA Olson, 'Review: July 13, 20, 27, Aug 3, 10, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION corporat on nikla Wells Fargo Bank, NUMBER: 3003121.43.0044 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Trustees, or their ku-,o,, in )7 2016) FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. NA, ku stir by m erger to Wells TRANSACTION AGENT'S THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Trust under the Arnold Ak o_ "' Fargo Home SO o1cage, Ina MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Trust Agreem en[detec OIXober 24, tlRevlew:Aug 10, 17, 24, 31,Sept/, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: NUMBER: None WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWEWNG 2007 anc Shirley A Ol son, Trustee, 14,20162016) Asegnecto: Nona THAT no action or procoedinc has OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, orher su-orin Trust underme ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT been instituted at law to recover the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Shirley A Olson Trust Agreement OF MOR(TGAGE:$8680500 debt men rem aaag keaarec by kud, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, date, Oct ober 24, 2007 Sh,leyA PATE OF MORTGAGE'. Febaary3, mortgage, or any Part thereof or if AND ARE ABANDONED. Olson, Jay A Olson, John Doe and 2004 the action or precoedinc hes been Dated: Augak[8, 2016 Mary Roe, PATE AND PLACE OF FILING: instituted, met the kame hes been BMO Harr is Bank N.A., as Defendants I oaec on April 1, 2004 as d-unued, or that an ex-Han sucrossorto M&I Marshall& STATE OF MINNESOTA) Document Number 3432471 in the upon the judgment rendered therein Ill Bank, Mortgagee ) Office of the County Recorder of has been Iumed un-dfied, in OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL COUNTVOFRAMSEV J A- ngeon Gounry, M Re­ whole orin part ASSOCIATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, mat THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO PURSUANT, to the power of kale By Jonemen R Cukkey, Michael V under enc by virtue of a Judgment Public NotICeS BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE oo ained in kaid mortgage, the Sdhleikman made in me above entitle, action Continued on Page 12 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. above described Property will be Attome,to, on the 17th day of May 2016 and $117786% kold by the Sheriff ofkai,coanry as BMO Hams Bank NA, as enter on the 19th day of May, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF follows: aocoksorto M & I Marshall & Ilkley 2016 by the Cld,at Court of PROPERTY: IF- No- Onetree DATE AND TIME OF SALE Bank, Mortgagee Remkey Gounry, Minnesota, Tenth Pone Townhouses First Adkian, Septem be, 27, 2016 et 10,0 AM 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Judiaiel Ciktrict, eaertified copy of WadhIngeon Gounry, Manekot3 PLACE OF SALE: Wadhageon St Paul, MN55101-1/18 which hes been delivered to me Page 12 Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2016 Review Public Noticessub­­ to testify on your behalf O. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE SUMMARYOF OFFICIAL SUMMARY OF County Gavem.ent Center, 14949 xTo make IF YOU DO NOT SEND A WRITTEN ADVERTISEMENT FOR ORDINANCE NO. 812 6-'nd Street N., Stillwater Minnesota Continued from Page 11 eM mentinsupp,ftd,,ag Udlthe RESPONSE TO THE COMPLAINT BIDS/REQUESTS FOR Tbefollowing is the official (Review: Aug 17, 2016) petition. TO THE PERSON WHO SIGNED summary of Ordinance No. 812 X To examine and THIS SUMMONS. If you do not PROPOSALS Approved by the City Coundlct STATE O F MI NNESOTA os xamaA ,asses answer within 20 days you will FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY the City of 0- ­,Minnesota on SUMMARY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY orX se wrt To request review lose UP Dasa Vou will not get to Requests for Proposals ere beinc July 26, 2016 PROCEEDINGS DISTRICT COURT of the referee's fin dings end order, if tell your ede d th story, end the solidted until 30o p.., September AN ORDINANCE OFTHE CITY WASHINGTON COUNTY TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT your casein heard byereferea Gault m ay dedde against you end 2, 2016 for brag, Inspection OF OAKDALE AMENDING Court File No.: 82JV-16638 X To ask the mU1 aware the Pl ainoff everything asked Services in Washington County BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS I disposition upon e for in the Complaint If you do not Go to: httollwwwoa wash pato OAKDALE AUGUST 2, 2016 SUMMONS dh wine d a substantial mange of _m t o st he dais sista, in usjbl asdx for further le,lsn CITY CODE CHAPTER 25 Present Commissioners Child In Need of Protection or oramsctncos or that the previous thenGompl-A you do not nee, to (Review: Aug. 17, 2016) (ZONING ORDINANCE), Fran Miran, OBsfiIX 1; Gary Knesel, Ser -Petition disposition wasinappropnata respond AlS,alijuygm ant can then Ddirat 3; Commissioner Bigham In the Metter of the Welfare of the X To bring post- be entered ag U d you for the relief ARTICLE 3. ZONING Di sfict 4; enc Lisa Weik, OisfiIX 5. CHIP(—— of In-itha Moore enc tri al motions endto appeal from final reques[ecinthA Complaint RAMSEY COUNTY ADMINISTRATION IN ITS Boar, Chair Miran presided Gregory Williams orders of the bar, 5. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. you m ay ENTIRETY, WITH MINOR Comn'ss' ner Reoorts - PLEASETAKENOTICEthaton X X Toberepresented sPhto getlegalhelpfrom a lawyer PROCUREMENT pSSOCIATEDAMENDMENTS Comma s -Questions Jr. 29, 2016, a Petition was by en ettomey if you are the child, If you do not have a lawyer the Court ROOM 210 The Gomtmissi rs reported on the filed with the above-named court the,mildspt rent orthe milds1e 11 Administrator may have information CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE TO ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS, following ite.sone Z,4 that the child(ren) of the ousdodian, he Gault may appoint about pleoes where you can getlegel ARTICLE 16. PLANNED UNIT - Commissioner Weik - reportec aboveremed garent(s) or legal an ettomey to represent you if the assistance. Even if you cannot get 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, DISTRICT, AND ARTICLE 18. that she attended the Lake Emo stodian(s) to be in need of Court determines that you qualify Iegal help, you must still provide SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GENERAL PROVISIONS. Swim Pond Ribbon Gutting e protection o servims. A Dopy of finendelly enc that the appointment a writ en Answer to protect your 55102-1679 1 The ordinena mantle at the Lake Emo Park Reserve on the Pe000n isratta bed s appropriate. If you are the parent rights or you may Ione the case 651-266-8072 a August 1, 2016 She reportec that VOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED or Indian custodian of an Indian 6. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE Ramsey County Sodel Services the Administration chapter of rre attendee the 2016 u -nal AND REQUIRED TO APPEAR IN hid, h require, to appont RESOLUTION The partes department (RCSSD) a g the Z g Qdnence n to A f G NAC,h COURT et the fall d y present you f you y g or be ordered to h f II g O t tysections have been G f Long B h, and place where ah g g d q ITyf Ily The Court cannot p p Itematve dsPme D dSt ff b as Idt hre there -a Californiad h the Patton and m b erects of pp orae to r[present p under ale 114 alternative method fp i co duplication rg.-Ree to f II a g k h ps, p s memlyrenJ wll be held . y th my ellegat on shat the fthe Man -Ga General Rules of pursuant to Secton 331A03 of the t �f ty n general and s: hu ffdi n, September 282016 hid urn[unless out of home Practce. Vou must sell send your Mhnesota Statutes. ndvduals may process enc procedures and w k h p;D'om enof-C M Bine AdmiVOerry Herring placementiPlagmnsideredbythe w n response to the Gompleint gotothe Onvia DemandStarsedion has been a dated to and Share, Hope Intemetonal; 1:Oop. urt The Court may order a parent even if au expect to a se altem.se of the Ramses Count, Debaaae 1, language P Passport Free Circulator Bus; District Court oorlegal ousdodiantoreimbuase some means of resolvingthis disputa mfOrmeOon [c conform to state statutes. Trans S[eennc Committee; registm0on poaa d, Judge Ellen L. Maes orall ofthe attomeysfees THIS LADSUIT MAV AFF ECT OR become re bimPlan Ia ser. 2 A n section has been Towards Zero Death Gant Program; Washington County District Court X X If you are the BRING INTO QUESTION TITLE SOL ICI RFP# outlining wthe process for Thumslslend TourMobile workshop; Courtroom 205 ohilds roster parent preadopt,, TO REAL PROBEFTY located CHSPS000001339] requ eatinc an amendment to the Emnomi, Development opo, 1090962nd StN parent rela05eprovidm, careforthe in Darrington Gounry, State of OPENING DATE: 081172016 Comprehensive Plan. Epidemic Wnmeon How to Stillwater, MN 55002 child, ora rele05e [owLom the sodel Minnesoct, legally described a DEPARTMENT ISSUING THE 3. An appeals section has been Effectively Market Your County for 651-030L263 pear, ,legal os, to transfer follows: s SOLICITATION: Ramsey County added. Free workshop; Ethical Leadership VOU HAVE BEEN SERVED WITH permanent legal enc physical Lot 1, Block 1, Glen Tenace Social Services Department Adult workshop; Rural Amon Caucus; THIS SUMMONS because, pursuant o sdody of the child, you haves right The object of this action P to quiet 4. The process for requesting Innovat ons in u Mental Ghemi TITLE Division end the Water o offer mfOrmeOon at aero hearing Otle enc no personal dei. fOrmoney SOLICIATION TITLE: CRISIS enc reviewing an Interim Use Infrastructure Finendnc end Service m You a are apaentltom, mnyren) Any Omer person may requesd an damagesis.aee agamsd any ofine SlD LIZATION AND O RwGHT Permit has been moved from Deriverywor-op Sherepottedthd .ed inmep1ton; or oppoaunityto be heard, hathe Imtt Defendants named harem. TELEPHONE CRISIS SERVICES Article 1e; General PreviaionB n#ye- NAG, conference will be .aVat ere a partyto mis procoedm, s not require, to grant your request Dated: July/ 2016 SOLICITATION DESCRIPTION: (Sec. 25172) to Article 3; in Colum bit s, On pursuant to Juvenile Protection ale X To auto.aioally BERGLUND & BERGLUND, LTD. Ramsey Gounry, through its Soeal Zoning Administration (See 25 - Gom m ssiner Baha-reportec 21 01 or an attorneyfora party; or become a party to the case if you John J. Berglund (#]032) Services Department qualified 3-1000). mat she attended me Lake Elmo .sou have legal dy f h ctrl h ctrl ho h b f 2100 Fourth Avenue North g e i P d g A p' d py f the ordnance Swm Pond Ribbon Cuttng event h h b f h P h p d g, h di ld p Anoka MN 55303 G y G S til bl f pact on by any et me Lake Elmo Perk Reserve V p h p h mild grandparent d h Phone (]63)02]5950 d h p the office of the City Clerk. on August 1, 2016 She attendee h bl p hldh d Ph you Jany time Attorrey to, 'll d ub b e Review: Aug 1], 2016) me Recyol ng enc Energy Boarc d e ton co coring me best d riot me two years prior to the 'R w: Aug 3, 10, 17 2016) dsorders'SUDJ in Ramsey Gounry, meetng She ,tended he Rec nt m-thechlyren)whoareme filing ofine pe00on in mi s matter All Minnesom Ram sea Gounry nc Rook Canidor meeting, subject of the lHil n. other persons may ask the Court's me East Metro Area need -ended two meetings in Newport IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT THE pear, illi on to become a partytothe NOTICE OF NOTICE of continued assistance, from regarding Red Rod Crossing. She HEARING; case.rre me court administrator for t t PUBLIC HEARING aeric The .-tend of the followinc qualifiec organization to provide reported that she plans to al The court mayconducttheheannc the correct form to intervene as a �ff 'Mental Health Professonalsl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that several Ni h Unite events. She Drage units will be soldto the public 9tto II h y d Party 1 d dd Sale and sewn, P 1P b 7 p d h PI c f he r P d h h attended me Theyfnc met mefactuel QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR o Gy f Oakdale M ill NAG Conference in Lon Beach, II b held our Maplewood phPaging,9 II g d ettonry grounds RIGHTS should be eddrA—' t tan br f h h p bl h be ]00p e California d .erne, me ° L e s on Frday09�V9116 who at ask ofs foen[duam onal q Psm et ed an, the on have been yek Ir aring they or to me Gault at any 1:OOPM 2250 White Bir Ave., gn Thursday, Septem ber1 2016 rime follow, workrro presenctt ons proved; enc hearing t recove Coundl Ch1 a be of me It pal end e ivR es he 20152016 The court enter an order Maplewood MN55109 urgenta eiftheydo noeoeivinc Buildin 1584 Heckle Avenue they e STATE OF MINNESOTA Unitnumber10091eesedb Kendall urgent care Indtviduels r 2 y NACo report, updates on the NACo granting the relief requedec in the COUNTY OF WASHINGTON Maxey by Crisis Community Stabilization North The purpose P to review the leadership; 'Darrington Cam -AG pe00onwnbtmayinolude: Mi-laneous household and services are referred through mental oondi0onal use permit appli-on Low Interest Loan Program recoisec nc me ohilyren) from me DISTRICT COURT made by Baan Alexander for a 196 an award; Justice end Public homeofine legal usdodian TENTH JUDICIALDISTRICT Personal goods health professionals walks,, [w e foot aoce buildin Parenmr ga Am at D e$491 eo for,ement hospitals h, squor ssory gat SdOy Committee; Opioid Epidemic and Plaine me milyren) in foster ORDER FOR HEARING AND Unit number 1013 leased by Ramsey Cou my IXisis Teem to avoid ]230 41st B[ C< N., Oekdele, MN Wn. eon; Human T- -re NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Nehrron Blanc hospitalization orlossofmdependent 55128. workshop; -Gen and the project permanently sevennc the pard- Court File No.: 02 -JV -16638 Mi-laneous household and living f you have questions or concerns assembling backpain for oafs rights tome ohilyren) pursuantto a Count Atforne File No. ds RGSSDPalsoseeka Contractor regarding mis proposec action, of human trafficking; the Women of terror onofparenml nghdpe00on, Y Y Persona goo 2a lease concoct Emily Shively, NAC o event Negotiations workshop; JV -2016303 Amount Due$ 30580 o provide osemight isis phone P - pea. are La fema2 the J Planner etf51a30R720 oremily® le Health andleServicos; Water N THE MATTER OF THE CHILD Unit number l0' / leased by 9 from midnight:1201am.J tudodyto legal en Ph l OF Tra Hod ]S9 Gall can delamn us I F n, and Servoe sticky toe rest or Carmelime Moore enc Ge im"voraneduT household and d npers (health D ed: Augusd10, 2016 Delivery rkhp; motile tour on coan order for ower permanent Dilliems gory personal goods alms response are forwarded [c BV ORDER OF THE OAKDALE the LARver regardinc pubic aocoss, pleoement ofine milyren} Parents) Am Dunt Due$ 305.80 the onbe11 staff in Ramsey Gounry, GITV COUNCIL parks and trails; Walde to Resauree A STATEMEM OF YOUR RIGHTS That Kan Johnson, nodal worker Unit number 1039 leased by who will coordinate an conduct CITY OF OAKDALE, MINNESOTA workshop; Mental Illness in Jails; AND RESPONSIBILITIES with Darrin Count Communit Mararet Ellison a mobile intervention as d Review: Aug 17, 2016) end Comprehensive Planninc enc ATTACHED, int uding the right to g[on y y g require be represented b' en eXorney as Servico4 S011weter Minnesom, Miscolleneous household end Respondents who are fadlity beset Gonserve0on Planning. authorized under Mstatutes and has file, in mis Court e Juvenile personal goods may be asked to oondud o --Commkj er Knesel - reportec m ldiatel is our responsibilite Protection Petition to Transfer Am Dunt Due$ 30580 sessmend a warranted, vias SUMMARY OF `hat he '44'ashing[on County Fair [ours y nooy t Permanent Legal and Physical Unit number 11311eesec by Merous well. Services w611 be provide, in PROCEEDINGS uns fro. Augtsd3rd to August 7th. administrator if your address Custody as to he milt BYAM Brag: earordence with regoi reemeants 5� WASHINGTON COUNTY He attended C Lake Ent S the lan­DOB 862006. Mi-laneous household and 24 hour telephone g e Ponc Ribbon Gutting e he Dated. Augusts, 20 THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY personal goods triage in accord with t adult BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Lake Emo Park Reserve on August Annette Fritz ORDERED mat said Juvenile Amount Due$ 255.80 anc oh,ldrens Mental Health Acts. JULY 26, 2016 1, 2016 He reportec mathe will be Court Administrator Protection Pe00on o Transfer 11:00 AM 1195 Hwy 36, (Comdrehensve Adult Mental Health Present were Go. missianeas attending the Night to Unite event in Permanent Legal end Physical Maplewood,M N 55109 Act 245469 Palmer, Servicos). Fran Plan, Disthct l; Gary m -el, Stier. ADVISORY OF PARTY AND Custody as to me milt B.YW.M., Unit number 118 3715 leased by RE -PROPOSAL MEETING: Disfict3; and Lisa Weik, District 5. - Gommssi ner Mron -reportec PARTICIPANT RIGHTS- DOB 882006 be heard by the Linnie Davis Cheadle 1A nonmandatory Pre Sanitation commissioner Bigha. Disinct4was that h, attendee the Solic Waste CHIPS Court d the Washington County Miscolaneaus household and Response Comereno, will be held at absent Board Chair Miran presided Management Caardina0n, Boarc WHO ISA PARTY Government Center 15015 e2nd personal goods 10 00 11 00a Central t me, on August Commi_ er Reoorts - regarding organic recycling He You area perrytomis,ase pursuant Street North, ,,,,water MN, for an Amount Due 43080 23, 2016 at 1919 University Y Comments Questions ended me Greeter MSP meeOng, to Rule 21 of the Rules of Juvenile admit -deny hearing on September Unit number 1331 eased by Janet De .00. St Paul, IN 55104 Th, Cocai I reported Dome eviwing the stlega a Protection Procodure if you are one 28, 2016, at 1:00 p.m o as soon Mcdeil Ramsey Room. The purpose of the follow -P items ern and ebtna.io development anc of thefollowing; th ereder as he.atteran beheard, Miscellaneous household and conference P to discuss the work tc - Commissioner Kriesel- reported the importance of talent reentian The ohilds legal ousdodian, enc on any subsequent hearing peasvnal goods be performec and allow Contractors that he attendee the Parks anc Open in Mlnnesom He will be ettendub inducting a parent or legal guardian dates set on this matter. Amount Due$ 42100 ask questions concerning the Space Commission on July 21st the national Night Out event. He who hes sole or joint legal o The mother Carmalima Moore has Unit number 213 leasee by Garen solidm0on. Questions and answers whimindudedatantuthe Lancand reported mat the Hugo Lions with physical custody of the child me right to represen-on of court- Chap will be transcribed enc posdec Deter Legacy projects He attended be hods n, a golf outing, and ell of n the case of an Indian mild, appointed counsel inmismatter. Mi-laneous household and on 0n DemandStar after the the ITdiono Courthouse Advisory me proceeds with go to the Yellow t,, ohilds parent the milds Indian If the mother Car. alima Moore tails personal goods ee0nginme form of an Addendum. Committee meet,, regardinc future Ribbon Network. custodian, or ohilds Indian tri be, o appear, the Court may conduct Am Dunt Due 488]0 Individuals with a disability needing events planning He reported mat Commun'ty S.,v . The person or nodal s vicos he hearing in her absence and Unit number 221 leased by I— aa..oda0on should oduad the Harry Osdendorf, Board Member -Boarc workshop to review Medical agenoywhofiledthepe00on e the hearing may result in an order Morre Jr Ra. say County Contact idenOfied of he Veterans Campground on A -dance anc the Affordable Gare . The sial services agency Permanently transfemnc the milds Miscellaneous household and above pnortome date setforme Pre Big Marine Lake, passe, away last Ad when someone else hes filed elegal, and physical ousdody to a personal goods Said— Response Comereno, week, encoffe .ndolencos G...I Admini-ation termn of pa rental rights or other res Am Dunt Due 448. /0 so mat a reason able acku,a odation - Comm ss n r e,k - reported POP— ofinefollowinc ,tons: permene�by It on. TOS FURTHER ORDERED U at had her 2281 eased by Mim eal can be. ads that she attended the N.Ional -July 19, 2016 County Boarc . The milds guardian ed litem. met notice hereof be given to me Bodnar RAMSEY COUNTY COMACT: Aasode0on of GounOes (NAGOJ MeeOnc Minutes . A relative to whom the nodal mother Garin alima Moore of said Miscol laneaus household and Email: Pero ale Senmez6 annual conferenl in Lonc Beam, - Molly O'Rourke, County sagenoypropasestatransfer child B.Y D. Mn., DOB 882006 by personal goods corams Gelifomia, Iasi week. She reported Administrator reportec mat the me milds permanent legal enc Publioat on ithe oakdal-ake Amountmi PhoneeSS- 4112 that she was not able to attenc the counrys federal lobbyist Andy physical custody Pool— a legal newspaper for Unit number It BY leased by'AIIP Pleaseco act PamelasanmezC business meati,, on July 25th, Burmeister of Lodridge Grindal .Theohild in a case wheremedly core, weeksas provided bylaw with Pree co smn us for temnical due to poor commitm ants She will Nauen infoamed[he county of a ,an allegation in the I, on that the males[ publication ocoumnc at least Mi-laneous household and quest s regardinc mis proposal. rep ort on the NAG, conference at federal legisle0on metmigh[hese an milcisen habitual truant or runaway ten; 10) days pn or to the sdl eduled person al goods (Review: Aug. 17, 24, 2016) next week's Boarc Me eOng when impact on me county, regarding me .Thesmool disfictin eoese where hearing data Am Dunt Due$ 44870 Commissioner Bigha. is also able to Families First Prevention Servicos meanrya IdKirau a Peewhere Dated. Jury28, 2016 Un number leased b, David reportonthe.-Haran«. Ad Dan Papm, co..wityseDces that the did P an h abiwal fru ant Ellen L. Maas Dehmlow AMENDMENTTO-Co.mr,d er M,ran- reported Diredor summenzed melegisleoon, . Any person who intervenes ase Judge of District Court Miscollaneaus household and ASSUMED NAME appre-on an for Commissioner and presented a letter for the boar, party pursuentto ale 23 or who is ;Review: Aug 10, 17, 24, 2016) personal goods Welk and Commissioner Bigha. to approve expressing concords with Amount Due$ 446/0 STATE OF MINNESOTA for attendia he NAC0 conference. the Family First Prevention Services joiner tesePmarty pursuentto R„1e 246 Unit number 3]3 leased by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: He attended me Community Ad Lis[ the exact assu.ecna.eunder - Ms. O'Rourke summered the deteaminec by er ttherecourc to be STATE OF MINNESOTA Abdullahi Ali Development agency (GDA) importantto a resolution that P in the Mi scolleneous household end whim me business is or will be The Board Meeting, regardinc buyget MGIT Dividend No0fioe0on that COUNTY OF WASHINGTON Court Shopp, me count II eceive a dividenc best interests of me dud personal goods P ­ Pal Place of Business: 2650 Proposals y wi r WHO ISAPARTICIPAM DISTRICT COURT Amount Due$515 ]5 Pa General Admini-at n of $420,825 for me Workers' You are aparticipant to mis case TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Unit number 426 leasee by Kee Univertisy Ave, 129N, St Paul, IN Approval of the following adions; Go. pen -,on enc Property pursuant to Rule 22 of the ales of CASETYPE: R.I Estate Inc 55114 - July 12, 2016 County Board Casualty e eel. The funds will COURT FILE NUMBER: Miscellaneous household and Lis[the name end complete street Memu Minutes be use, ar paydown me post - Juvenile Protection Procedure if you 9 are one of the Il owing: 82CV-162980 person al goods address of ell persons conducting _ Resolution No. 2016049, employment health care obligations . The mild who is he subject of SUMMONS Amount Due$352]0 business undermeabove Aasur24ed eocopOnc 2016 2nd quarter - Boarc oorres ndence was p J ff yAJ h son, Unit number 63 a lea -by Jennifer N Mm el G M ey, d gtt, bequests recti sec endplacedonfle Thchild pair- t y t PI ff, Culver S[ b k Go Shakopee, B k hop to dsouss me Property Records end Texpever h mild g a d if you Miscollaneaus household and IN 553]9, N a`e A M ray, 245 d g f me J4esh ng[on Sery ms ds S[ b k Court Shakopee, MN G [ home d rbaar b Approval of a Te.poany On Sete re the di l ds alleged, ed udItAd, Mortgage Eledronc Reg dimPon Person al gooy page en ysu or prem,.ecfamer. Systems, Ino Delaware Am dun[ Due$83450 553]9 Ste LquorLconse forme S[Ilweter Elks .Themildsgrandparent if[hemilc Corporation, also all timer persons Unit number ]151eased by Lane UP-afic-Pan amendmentof _ Board workshop for an update on #1]9for a spedal eventto take place you d anytime any g DavisCheedle Certificate of Aasum ec Name File the mase of e at me Kissing Br. Farm 10200 hes live, with du unknown oleimmc n M Otle, potentia Pur property the two years before m,filing of the estate mteresd or lien in the reel Miscollaneous household and Number 55645 in me City of Gant through the Land N)rell Avenue North, Stillwater Pool Ongi pally filed on: 092311986 and Water Le Pro Township on September 10 enc 11, petition . estate described in the Complaint Personal goo I, he undersigned, certify that Legacy gram. zs 2016. . H e ohilds relative or other person herein. Amount Due$ 2399) - Board corre_ndenco w proof Unitnumber8l]B leasedb Al m mgnin, mis document as m, received anc on file. Public H�Ith &Ernironment dab mrmempd Defendants v"i ia. a Paoe, . The ohilds foster parent ore THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED Merin Person w1IL signature is required, proce v Records end Texoaver Approval afinerollawinc adions: person proposec ase ongterm TO THE ABOVE-NAMED Mi-laneous household and or as agent ofine persons) whose Serv'ms - Resolution Na 201E-100, to erparent DEFENDANTS personal goods signature would be require, who has Approval of the following actions: aumonzmg submittal of an . The milds spouse. 1.YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Amount Due 42485 a horizec me to sign [his document _ Resolution No. 2016096, aindicationtothe Minnesota Boardof Unit number 8411easedb Robert on hismer behalf, or in both from the American 'Dater and Soil Resourcesfor Clean . The responsible nodal servicos PlainOffhassdarte,alawsuit a gain s, Y app i -I on h h kbl 1 .The Pla at Be Rhodes cd,.fah tyh h Legan Post 491 to condud off Ste D F dJ4ell Sel gg t cervi coca ante p you P Sons Mscolleneous household end PI q dfId, d bin he J4errn County R 1 n N 2016101, s gency s h p you Id attained t h S 1 gem g at t gton y . The guardian r f he Do not threw the P P away P alPool h h f ri d FargroEda a h g b.ittal f PPrcat on didslegel oustod They ere offdel papers met affect A at Due $343.]0 d,nect ancI pl en tie Agreed gree ants for assesag nervi cos t h M a Board of Dater anc Any ower person who s your rghts Voum resPonc to R : Aug 10, 1], 2016) h he pplicable mepter f betweenmJ4esh ng[on Gounry, Afton, SIR fOrClean Dater Func Minnesom Statutes understand Oakdale enc Oek Perk Hei h Accelennec Implementation grant determine, by me court to be mis lawsuit even though it may not em g to importanttoaresolu0onmatiPuthe yet befilec with the Court andmere met by signing mis documents Resolution Na 201609],-ResoluOon Na 201610.5, Mester bend mteresds ofine mild they be no courtfile number on mis SUMMARY OF subject tome penel0esof perjuryas epplica0on from St Paul Eest Perks Plan Amendment #1 to A ­ he forth in Section SU948 as if had Lions to conduct excluded bin Derrmg[on County Solid Dente YOUR RIGHTS AS A PARTY OR Summons. 90 at PARTICIPANT ARE AS FOLLOWS: 2. YOU MUST RE PLY WITHIN 20 ADVERTISEMENT FOR mgned misdoament under Dem. the Washington Gounry Fai rgraunds Master plan 20112030. Party, Participant Your Rights DAYSTOPROTECTYOURRIGHTS. BIDS/REQUESTS FOR Date 7292016 located n Baytown. -Resolution Na 2016106 Ramsey X X To reoeiveecopy Vou must give or mail to me person PROPOSALS /s/Micheel C. Murray publ'c Works and Washington Counter Joint ofine Petition regerdingmisJuvenile who egnec mis Summons a written FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Owner Approval of the following actions: Dente Designation plan. Protedion Matter response called an Answer within Regt e,d for Proposals are beat (Review: Aug. 1], 24, 2016) - Resolution No. 20160., to Public Works X X To receive notice 20 da f the date on whin M a Department ADPraval ofinefolllo of ell hear, t kee he reoeved tlis Summons. You rest it 2A0 r ar9ooes f T p Agreement PublcHeer ng regarding q s gs(any you pt 19 2016, for D R N 1003191 vidn for the for amendments to h J4 h goo rt edm n strator ,form ec of your send e copy of your Answer [c me E g Servico J4 h ng[on e ntlo"1 of P res g f orll tra1 Gounry Subdvison Ordnenco Na address) person who signet this Summons Gounry, Minnesom. within maintenance n h f f Minnesom 131, end tome Warrington County X X To attend all located at Berglund 3 Berglund, ltd Go o htmllwwwcoweshncto gt-o-wayo Cam pensive Plan hearings unless exdudec by the 2140-4thAvenue North, Anoka, IN .n u,Aml asdxfarfurbnlailsn Trunk Highway 61 enc Trunk pre Gou it 55303 Highway l0. - Amendment No 1 to Metropolitan X To receiseco 3.YOU MUST RESPONDTO EACH Review: Aug 1], 2016) - B c award formefuel inn,drudure Coundl grant agreement SG03667 f 1 nervi He anc Cher CLAIM. The Answer P upgrades in the amount of for the Lake Elmo Park Reserve o m ur soda your written Swi. Pond im re ds response tome Pleyou Complaint CoBoa$6108..55. pNovemo MI-ojed X To bong motions n your Answer you must state -Boarc workshop to discuss meAmendment No l to Metropolictn before the court enc o present whether you agree or disagree with Gounry Liconse Centers Goundl grant agreement SG03669 evidence, aero paragraph of the Complaint If A complete to of me Offioiel for me Cottage Cove Ravine X To pa apde you believe the PlainOff rroulc not Procoedings ofine Werrington Regional Pack renove0ons project aiscussians anc IRA given eveltIng asked forIn the County Board of Iour,k, one is Public Notices IQgreement, nt Complaint you nad say so in your avaiabl e for Pu blip inspection acme x To m,bPoena Answer. office OfAdr,ndimban Warrington Continued on Page 13 0 O.0Qa)a)���' ( " x -�a)a)m 0m 0 Y O -0 L O d) m�N�- 3:0M mZM CN SUM m �� �MQM N "6 �"am—�== 0.5— N C ° a) U a) _ E ~ '6 > O N N o '06 Cl) O U 0 O s a 0 U (/i ~' O p (d N a O ::i H H J Q= o �0M� moa RNz� Wa�0E.0 Q) co 0 3Ya=o�N� cn E m - N O � 30�o LO O N J O Ham- pox ) m C ... 0 m O m E 0> 0 M N In a) -6 N M co 0 N.L.. �_ In O E W M N O = Z T O o 6 a) '6 S a N N N a) m O N a = m C C U N N N s O = a) m ��'6 Q N U r O LO _ 2 m mm 7- O �_~ ) N O U i _ _ ON U 0... 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