HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 08-24 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 10 Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016 Review Public Notices STATE OF MINNESOTA a UHA E 12 a the NE l R of Section REPRESENTATIVES ORAS SIGNS, That prior a the Som m An- Ant a th-1, bna reinstated under The Academy Professional Buildinc COUNTY OFWASHINGTON 22menet-1-y along said east MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE thb-1,agea,a,a-Ap-omedmc Minnesom Smut, section 58030 25 North-A Street DISTRICT COURT e dlsmnm of343.] feet more WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS M1­--g-of M 1,a A or the property redeemed under St Paul, MN55102 tome mum line athe North ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA complied with al l nace requirements Ma--SEUU,, section 58023 i, '.1)2-9]. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 69. I- a the SE 114 at A NE 1 A STATUTES, SECTION 582032, as required by statute; that no action M ach 29, 2017 at 11S9gm. If the :14 08% CASETVPE: of SAdion22, thence W A,terly, alone DETERMINING AMONG OTHER or proceeding-beeninstituted et foregoing d-ba SeW-day, Sunday THIS IS A COMMUNICATION MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE said south line, a dismnce a 3Q. 45 TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED law or oth,-A a A.,, the debt or legal holiday, then the date a FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE feet a the pointa beginning PREMISES ARE IMPROVED s ured byan said mogage, or y va the next business day et 'Review: Aug 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept PURSUANTTO JUDGMENT (C-51896) WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING p-h - a 111i, 9 Pm. ], 14, 2016) Case No.: 02-CV-14-5590 REGISTERED PROPERTY OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, PURSUANT a me power a sale MORTGAGORS) RELEASED The Honorable Gregory G. Geller Property Add-ass: 8155 210TH ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN conmined iIn said mogage, the FROM OBLIGATION ON Wilmington Trust, -d-ll Street North, Forest Lake, MN55025 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, above described property will be MORTGAGE NONE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Aasocean, as Successor Trustee Tax ID'. 22 032 21 11 0001 ane ANDAREABANDONED. sold by the Sheriff of said county as THE TIME ALLOWED BY o Gitbank, NA, s Trustee 2203221.140002 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED follows: LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FORECLOSURE SALE for St-h-Ariel SAarite, to the highest bidder by auction FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION DATE AND TIME OF SALE: THE MOFTGAGOR, THE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Coaoralon, Mogage Pass pursuant to the Findings of Fact ON MORTGAGE: None SMtembe-29, 20161000A MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Through Certificates Series 2005 Conclusions of Law, Order for Dated: July 22, 2016 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff s Offs co, REPRESENTATIVES 0RASSIGNS ORIGINAL CREDITORWlTHINTHE 10 Judgment end Judgment Ant-, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Plaintff, in hA abovsentited a on Mortgagee Suite 150,5 Paul, MN WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION September 1, 2015 tdia,atsry THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA to pay the debt then secured by ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That T by J. M- G by J. mA judgment en d f PI ff By l I d M g g d t- T any on STATUTES SECTION 582032, dl h oaurred h dtn, M K Do db y B a n the amount teed F4.09 pl , R b F. S hiller Esq -d p d me costs enc DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER of h f II ng desab d gage: PI LLG,Th W b k, G[Benk merest end them f Id ala N.Kb g,F dungalleh, Esq db ,, ndud,ng ettomeys TH INGS THAT THE MORTGAGED MOR(TGAGORS). Dnald 'South Dakom), N A, nikla Ct Bank A ber[I copy of the End,— of Curt N Tr sko Esq.' fees allowed by law subject o PREMISES ARE IMPROVED K h single person National Assocation, Discover Bank, Fact, Condusions of Law, Order for Samuel R Coleman, Esq. redemption within 6Monts horn the WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING MORTGAGEE: 'WeIIs Fargo Cepiml One Bank (USA), NA Judgment end Judgment has been ADaeysa-Mortgagee dOea.d.lebythemoagoq(), OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Home Mogage, Ino,eCaliamie Calvary SPV I, LLC, John Doe, end delivered tome Washington Gounry ThAAcademy Professional Buildinc coeur personal represenmlves or ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN coR-ton nikla Wells Fargo Benk, Moe Sheriff. 25 North Me S-eet assigns AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, NA, sucoe,so-by merge-to Wells Defendants The-edemptan period from the S Paul MN 55102 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: ANDAREABANDONED. Fargo Home Mogage, Inc le will be six(6) months from the (651)2099]. The date on or before which the Dated: August 1,2016 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. NOT DYKE b HEREBY GIVEN met date of oonfinnat on of the sale by :132214FC01) h01 a o-mu,t ,Uemep-ope1yif U. S. Benk National Association, Aak,gned to: U.S. Beak Nalonal September20, 2016et 1000 AM, me Court Thereel be THIS IS A COMMUNICATION me morte eis not reinsmted under Asci fMorte- A,socelon es Trustee, acce l-in tG he Washington County Sheriffs propertym u,t g g gneeo 9 9 to Wedhovie Benk, Nelonel GfdA Washington Count, Law-tedby11S9Pm. onhela,tday FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Minnesom Salutes section 58030 OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Atavoaean, es Trustee,-Banc of Ena-cement Center, 15015 Qnd athe-edempton period Review: Aug 3, 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept or the property redeemed under ASSOCIATION Street North, S011weter, Minnesom THE TIME ALLOWED BY ],2016) Minnesom SmWte,sedion.023is By JonemenR LLskey, MidheelV Amerioe Funding Goryoralon Series me Washington County Sheriff LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Merdh 29, 201]et 11 S9 Pm. if me Schlei,men 2004-1 by a,mgnment recorded II the reel property legally THE MORTGAGOR, THE a-egoUgdatedaS.Daay,Sunday Attorneys tor. on Mach 30, 2012 as Document desaibedas: MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE or [gel holiday ten me date to U.S. Benk Nelonel Aasooielon, Number 3881597 in mA Office of That part of the East Half of the REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, veoe eis the next business day at Assignee of Mogagee the County RAoo-d of Washington Northeast Quarte-of Section 22 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE 115 9pm. 55 East Firth Sreet Suite 800 County, Minnesom Township 32 North, Range 21 W est W EEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS Date: Augu,t22016 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Washington Gounry, Minnesom ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA YOU ARENOTIFIEDTHAT: FROM OBLIGATION ON .1209095 OFMOR(TGAGE$1.,51000 de,aibedastllow,: STATUTES, SECTION 582032, 1. Default hes oaurred in me MORTGAGE: NONE .1-22&1]53 (fax) DATE OF MORTGAGE November Commendng et t northeast DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER condilons of the Mogage dated THE TIME ALLOWED BY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 14,2003 r of tlhe East Helf of me THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Mey19, 2015, executed by Hampton LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FROM DEBT COLLECTOR. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Northeast Quarter of Section 22' PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Real Estate-up Ina, aMinnesom THE MORTGAGOR THE 17%8140- Recorded on February 19, 2004 as thence -aelyelongt north line WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLING corp-an as Mogagor a MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL (Review: Aug 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept] Document Number 3423828 in the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Am erioan Land & Capiml, LLC, a REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNB, 14,2016,2016) Offae Washinof the heoCounty Ree.-deer of ofmAEast halOFQuarter ARE NOT PROPER(TV USED IN Minnesota limited liability company, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE e dismnco 888 tet less, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION es Mogagee and filed for record WEEKS IF AJU D ILIAL ORDER IS THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO to d point of intersection wim ANDAREABANDONED. May 19, 2015, as Document Na ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ne drawn parallel wit end di stent 40204] in the Office of the Count NOTICE LO MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. 4125 feet east of t west line of Dated: July18, 2016 Y STATUTES SECTION 582032, FORECLOSURE SALE WASHINGTON COUNTVSHERIFF Recorder of Washington County, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER $1425]434 me Ee,t half of Northeast Quarter Minnesom The land de,aibedin the THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 8y: /s/ Matthew W ielend THINGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO of Section 22, aenoe southerly Mort Bland THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE PROPERTY: Lot 12, Blot: 5, song said parallel line, e distance Deputy gage iol,gaalegis[ere PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Dated: Jul 14,2016 2 The gine) agageal amount WITH ARES IDENTIAL OW FEEING Cold-on es of Beld Eagle Leke, the1625 tet to mA scum line of THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, P.A. secured by me Mogage was: Two OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Common Interest Gom country Na of Nohh,ftQu Northeast Quarter Hundred NineryNine Thousand and AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION 1. Washington County, Minnesom of Northeast Quarter of Section 22', By: NTrisko ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That STREET ADDRESS OF thence -tehy, along said scum Curt NTrisko (WJ92 T53) 001100 Dollar,($299,00000). AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, demul[hesooarred in the condilons e a distance of 1. 6tet thence Aaorney -Plaintiff 3. No action or proceeding et law AND ARE ABANDONED. PROPERTY : 4979 NORTH 132ND l,nsoutherly, deflecting to the left 84 Wilmington T/ ,,National i, ow pending to recover he debt Dated: Augu,t4, 2016 of the allowi ng described m ogage: Wqy HUGO, MN 55038-0425 Association, as secured byme Mogage, or enypert CU Mortgage Services, Inc., MORTGAGORS'. Baaara E COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY degrees 00 minutes, a distance of Successo.Tr"s thereof Mortgagee Evens, a single woman, and Arthur IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, the ktettotlhe pointof beginni ng on The Acadeny Professional 4. The holder of me Mogage pFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL B Evens and Ma-ca A Evens, Minnesom he mum line of the North 56 tet of hes d with all conditons husband end wit TRANSACTION AGENT None the South Half of Northeast Quarter Building mmPlero a ASSOCIATION MORTGAGEE'. Wells Fer o 25 North Dale Street precedent coeleraton of the By Jonathan R Cuaey, MahaelV g NAME OF MORTGAGE of Northeast Quarter of Section 22', St. _'.N 55102 debt secured by the Mortgage and Sdhleisman Home Mortgage, Inc, a California ORIGINATOR: 'WeIIs Fargo mance conlnuing mumerly, along Tele hone: 61 2099]92 foreclosure of he Mogage, and glome tr: .-poraton nikla Wells Fargo Bank, Home Mogage, Ino a Cahamia me southerly proj f h I,t P ( ) II t Ys NA, by merger to Wells dlance of curt Oth�cadenylewgroup.com a no co and othe q of GU Mogage S yes Inc corp-ton nikla Aell F g Bank, 6..1de-6ed f ate more Id he (13-094-T02) applcable,teWte, Mogagee F g H M gage, na NA, successor by g )Vel is Rev Aw: Jay2], Aug 3, 10, 1], 24, S. Atthe date of M1 he 55 East Dfa Stree, Site 800 ASS GNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. Fargo Home Mogag scum Tne of me North 69.6 tet of ( nt due on me Mort end Ass gned to: Nona RES DENTAL SERVICER Wells the Southeast Quarter of Northeast 31 2016) es, if an, db MagaAeofnd St Paul, MN55101-1]18 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Far oBank,NA Quarter of Section 22', mance cox y, psi by .1209]599 OF MO_AGE:$86,80500 g a,terly along said south line, a Mogaged Three Hundred Thirteen .12231753(-x) DATE OF MORTGAGE FebaaAV TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION distance oaf tet m0,H`70,`, re or less, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Thousand Fou-Hundred Eleven end THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 2004 NUMBER 3003121430044 161100 Doll-($313,411.16). FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TRANSACTION AGENT'S to the west line of No East ]85tet FORECLOSURE SALE 6 Pursuant to the power of sale in 8880.15-006332 DATE AND PLACE OF FILING MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION of the Ee,t Half of Northeast Quarter THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF the Mogage the Mogage will be (Review: Aug10, 1], 24, 31, Sept] Recoiled on April 1, 2004 as NUMBER None of Section 22',menconortherly, along THE DEBTANDIDEMITV OFTHE foreclosed, end me lend described 1420162016) Doamen[Number34324]l in me THAT no action or proceeding hes said east line, e distance of 510.] ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE es allows: Office of the County Recorder of been in,tiWted et law to recover me feet more or less, to the south line TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Lot 11, Block 1, Browns Greek Washington Gounry, Minnesom. debtthen remaining securedbysudh athe North 870 DOofthe Northeast AFFECTED BVTHISACTION Preserve, Common erect THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO mogege, or any pertmereof or if Quercer of Northeast Quercer of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Community Number n 364, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE the adion or proceeding hes been Section 22', then, westerly, along demult has occurredin the condit- Washington County, Minnesom FORECLOSURE SALE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. addiauted, that the same hes been ka more outhe In eheEace of 37 feet of the al lowing described m oItgage : will be sold by the County Sheriff THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF $11]]86% discontinued, or Dat an execution tome Sea line of tlhe MOFTGAGOR(S): Dennis of Washington Gounry, Minnesom, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF upon me ud9mant rendered merein Wes[4]056 feet of me Northeast B-and and Angela Bi-chland, et public auction on Sep tem be, 22, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE PROPERTY: L14, Blo,- Pinetree hes been retumedudeaed ke in Quarter of Northee Q hence h band and wife 2016 1000 am. h Sheriffs TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Pond Townhouses D Addition, wh part northerly, along d Ina, e M OFTGAGEE:M ogage Fed-orio ff Gl 0ivis W hng[on AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. AadhUgan County, M PURSUANT, to me power of sale dsmnco of 147] f less, R g ion Systems,Inc, a County Sh riffs Off 15015 Qnd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that STREET ADDRESS m OF co d said mogage, the to the south line of the North 56 Delaware Coryoralona,nomineea- Street N., Stllwater Minnesom demult has ocu,edin the condilon, PROPERTY: 8780 Ironwood Avenue above described property will be feet of the South Half of Northeast Centennial Mogage and Funding, 55082 of the allowing described mogage: South, Cottage GovA, MN 55016 sold byme Sheriff of said county as Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Inc, e Minnesom Goryorelon ] The street address of the Mogagor Fiona M. E-athiades 3353 allows: SedSection 22', thence westerly, along ASSIGNMENT'S OF MORTGAGE. motgagedp-opertyi,1425Monte-ey asingleper,on COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE AND TIME OF SALE. south line, adaanoeof26]feet Assigned to: WeIIs Fargo Benk, Court, Sillweter MN 55082, end me Mogagee: Homestead Mortgage IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, Septembe-2], 2016at1000AM 5 a p mo-e o, nning, contanag NA by assignment recorded on cox parcel identification number i, Corporalon Minnesom PLACE OF SALE: Washington So ac.A,, mora o-les September 272012 a, Document 1so3o2o3mo.. Datd:ovntggl TRANSACTION AGENT None county shenre, offlm, washmgon Including an easement ove end Number 3 85]6 in me Office of 8. The lme allowed by law a- Recorded: 03292001 NAME OF MORTGAGE County Law Ena-cement Center, 65 Tract B of Registered Land the Gounry Recorder of Washington-edempton by Mogagor or Ramsey County Recorder ORIGINATOR: WeIIs Fargo 15015 62nd S-eet North, Stillwater Survey No 81, Washington County, County, Minnesom Mort Ire Document No 3382196 Home Mogage, Inc, a CaI amia Minnesom gagoYspersvne presenmlves Minnesom ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ore 6 hsafterthe Ansi d To: TGF Mort corpora n nikla Wells Fargo Bank, he debt mens cured b ,mgns is six(Jmont gne gage l° a peyt e y Also inducting en easement over OF MORTGAGE: $324,00000 date of sale Corporalon,eMinnemm coryoralon FaM Homssor by merger to Wells said mogege end cox 4 if any and aoo,s met pat of the East DATE OF MORTGAGE Auguet26 9. THE TIME ALLOWED BV Dated: 0111]2001 Fargo Home Mo gage Ina ctuelly paid by the mortgagee, Half of the Northeast Quarter of 2005 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Recorded: 03292001 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER WeIIs on tlhe premises end me Dosis end Section 22, Township 32 North, DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: THE MORTGAGOR THE Ramsey County Recorder Fargo Bank, NA disbursementsallowedbylaw The Range 2l West Washington County, Recorded on October 4 2005 as MORTGAGORS PERSONAL DocumentN0. 338219] TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION lme allowed by law a-redempton Minnesom, described estllows: Document Num ber 35440]0 in the REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Assigned To: Mogage Electronic NUMBER: 1602].2143.0036 by said mogagoq( ), coeur personal Commenting at the northeast Office of the County Recorder of MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Reg-an Systems, Inc a TRANSACTION AGENT'S represenmlves or assigns is six (6J e- of said East half of Northeast Washington County, Minnesom WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Delaware coryoralon MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION month Dom me date of sale Quarter [hence westerly, along THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Dated051022006 NUMBER: None TIME AND DATE TO VACATE the north line of said East half of BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Re corded: 05082006 THAT no action or proceeding hes PROPERTY: Unless said mogage Northeast Quarter, a distance of ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Ramsey Gounry Recorder been addiauted at law to recover the i, reinstated or the property 822 feet more or less to the pant $330732 17 THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED Document No 394]149 debtthen remainag,Aa-edbyach redeem ed, or unless the lme ar of iota edon w,Hh a line drawn LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Assigned To: U.S. Bank Natonal mogage, or any part thereof or if -edam peon i, reduced by judicial parallel wim end Bismol 4]05 feet PROPEFTV: Lot 10 Blot: 4, WLTH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING Aasooielon the action o- p-ocoedmg hes been order you must vacate me premises st of the west line of said East Cam Fal- TH Addilon, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Dated: 11252013 instituted, that mA same hes been by 11 S9 Pm. on Merdh 2] 201]. Half of Northeast Quarter; mance Washington Gounry, Minnesom ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Recorded: 12022013 disconlnued, or met en exealon THE TIME ALLOWED BY southerly, along said parallel line e STREET ADDRESS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Ramsey Count Recorder upon the judge ent-endered merein LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY dismnco of.631 feet to the point PROPERTY: 1144 AUTUMN DRIVE, AND ARE ABANDONED. Document No 4435080 has been-emed un,atsfied, in THE MORTGAGOR THE of beginning on the south line of WOODBURY MN 55125 Attorney a- Mogagee: American Transaction Agent Mogage whole o-in par[ MORTGAGORS PERSONAL me North Half of Northeast Qua A, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Land3Cadml LLG Elearonio Registralon System,, Ina PURSUANT, to me Power of sale REPRESENTATIVES 0 ASSIGNS, of Northees[Qua ter of SAdion22, IS LOCATED: Washington County, Ryan J. Trude Mogagee Transaction Agent M ogage I'D No: conmined in said mogege, the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE thence wesehy, along said south Minnesom BRUTLAG HARTMANN W 1111212 -801/1486-'2 above de-bed property will be WEEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS li a distance of 260.0 feet thence TRANSACTION AGENT: M ogage TRUCKS PA Lender 4or Broker. Homes[eec sold by the Sheriff of said county as ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA soumerly, deflecting to the left 84 Bearonio Regi,tralon Systems, Inc 3555 PI Boulevad, Suite M ogage Coaoral on allows: STATUTES, SECTION 582032 degrees 00 minutes a distance of NAME OF MORTGAGE ll/ Service-: U.S Bank Nabonal DATE AND TIME OF SALE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 6534 feet to the point of intersection ORIGINATOR: Centennial M ogage Minneapolis MN 554411349 Assooiabon OdobA-4, 2016,[1000 AM THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED wim e line drawn parallel with and and Funding, Ino a Minnesom (I6i)2222504 Mogage Originator: Home,teac PLACE OF SALE. Washington PREMISES ARE IMPROVED di,mnt 66 feet south of the south Coryorabon R1T 76G 04. PKC Mogage Otao-an Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING l,ne of the North Half of Northeast RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells 'Review: Aug 3, 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF County Law Ena-cement Center OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Fargo Bank, N A ], 2016) PROPEFTV: Lot 24, Blot: 2 15015 Qnd Street North, S011weter ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Section 22', mance Easterly, along TAX pAF2GEL IDENTIFICATION Syndicate Na 3 Addilon, Ramsey Minnesom AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, said peral lel line, a distance of 267 NUMBER: 1002021 220081 Gounry, Minnesom to pay the debt men secured by ANDAREABANDONED. feet to me point of intersection witlh TRANSACTION AGENT'S This is Abstract Property said mogage end coxes, if any MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ne parallel wim end distant 4]05 MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TAX PARCEL NQ. dually paid by the mogagee, FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION feleadlathewea line of said East NUMBER: 10016250004.48091 FORECLOSURE SALE 3529.23.110150 on the p-emises and the costs and ONMORTGAGE :Donald Kun,hie- Half of Northeast Quarte-of Section THAT no adion o- p-ocoedmg has THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ADDRESS OF PROPERTY disbursement, allowed bylaw. The Dated: August 1, 2016 22', then be northerly, along said been n"buted at law to -Acove-the THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ERR LAFOND AVENUE eallowed by law a-redempton U.S. BANK NATIONAL lm Chep Antab anUg of66aet to debtmoagageth An rem ain,ptthe--ea such TIMED-IDORIGINAL EDITORWITHIN THE CS INT OUNT IN MN DHICH4 by ,aide.- ol{,), [heir personal ASSOCIATION ASTRUSTTO ac,e motofbeglnning, conmining04 mogage, 0, an,patkof e n TIME PROV'YTHISED BY LAW ISNOT ISSLOCAT D Et-eH PROPERTY ep-mdnth tome oOeof ns iVAC (6) SUCCESSOR IN IMEREONAL e me action or p-ocoedmg has been NCHICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ISLOCATED:RINCIP moME AN -DIE Tsale WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL 'COT pat of t6 in,tiWted, met me same hes been NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TIME AND DATE TO VACATE ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR That pert of me Fes[ Helf of me disoonlnued, o- met an e.-tan demult has ocounedin the conk[- OF MOR(TGAGE:$72,4200g PROPERTY : Unless said mogage BANC OF AMERICA FUNDING N oaheaa Quarte-(E 12 of the NE upon the judgm ent -en dared therein of the all owing desai bed m ogage: AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO is meed or the property CORPORATION SERIES 20N-1 1A ) of Sedan TwenA,Nv (22), hes been returned un-teed, in Mogagor: Robert aloha-d Doble BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, redeemed, o- unless the lme a- Mortgagee Township Thi by Ba (32) North, whole o-in par[ andAmanda Kaye DoblefkaAmanda INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID Haem pton i, reduced by judical THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA Range Twenty-one (210 West, PURSUANT, to the power of sale Keye Buettner husband end wia BY M OFTGAGEE $5615088 oder you must vacate the p-emises By 1,1 Washington Gounry, Minnesom, conmined in said mortgage, the Mogagee: G.U. Mogage That p-al-tothecommencomenta by11 S9pm. on Apri14201 ]. RebeocaF Schiller Esq descr,bed ,,allow,: above described property will be Service, Inc thi,mogagetredosure procoedmc THE TIME ALLOWED BV N. bDID ecca ni -let gallate, Esq Commenting at the northeast sold byme Sheriff of said county e, Reco, 282014 Moad l Zgnee of Mogagee LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV 'Curt NTrisko, Esq.' er of the Ell of the NE ll4 of allow,: Recorded: 05082014 corn plied with ell nolco requirement, THE MORTGAGOR THE SemuelR Golem an Esq Sedan 22', thence westerly along DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Ramsey County Recorder a, required by,taWte; that no ad on MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Atomey, a-Mogagee the north line of the Ell of the NE September202016et 1000 AM Doamen[No. 0045004] or proceeding hes been indauted at REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, The Academy P-fe-anal Buildinc 114 edismnco of 888 fee[- PLACE OF SALE'. Washington Transaction Agent NIA law o-otherwise to I--, the debt MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE 25 North Dale Street to the point of intersection Gounry Sheriff, Office, Washington Trema ban Agent Mogage ID No: secu-ed by said mo-Rage o- any WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS St Paul MN55102 with e6line drawn parallel with and Count Lew Enforcement Center NIA pertthereof ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA '.1)2039]. distance 4125 feet A- of the 15015 Qnd Street North, Stllwater Lender o- Broker CU. Mogage PURSUANT to the power of ,ale STATUTES, SECTION 582032 161094FC01) e of the E l2 athe-A Minnesom Service, Inc conmined in ,aid mogage the DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THIS IS A COMMUNICATION of Sedan 22', thence mutherly, to pay the debt then se ured by Servicer GU. Mogage Service,, above described property will be THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. of along ka,dfpaMIedhAsoum line of add II °gage and cokes, if any Inc ,old bythe Sheriff of ,aid county es PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 'Review: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31, Sept uay paid by the mogagee, M ogage Originator C. U. M ogage follow,: WITH ARESIDENTIAL DW ELLING j142016) the N 12 of NE 1A of the NE 1A of on the p-emises and the cost, ane Service,, Inc DATE AND TIME OF SALE: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Sedan 22, thence westerly, along disbursement, ell owed by law. The LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Septembe-29, 20161000A ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ,aid mum line, a distance of 194.6 lme allowed by law a--edempl on PROPERTY: Lot 23, Blod: 2, Oak PLACE OF SALE. Sheriff, Office AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, feet thence ,outhe" defledi ng a by ,aid mogagoq( ), their personal Hill, Ram, County, Manta Civil Pktc-Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street AND ARE ABANDONED. the let 84 degree, 00 minutes, a-ep-esenmtive, o-assign,„ix(6) Tabb Ada-ad Property Suite 150, S Paul, MN MORTGAGORS RELEASED distance of 7294, moe o-IA,,, to month, Dom thedate -ale TAX PARCELN 0:113023.110039 to pay the debt then seared by FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION the point of beginning on the scum TIME AND DATE TO VACATE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: ,aid Mogage, end mxe4 if any, on ON MORTGAGE None e of the North 69.6 feet of me PROPERTY Ume,s,aid mogage EE4 GASTON AVE said premise,, and me cost, by Dated. Augu- 2016 SE 1 A of the NE 1 A of Sedan 22', i,-eadIed o- the property SHOREVIEW, MN 55126 disbursement,, i ndudag ettome, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. menet mnlnuIng mumehu along-AaAAmed, o- wlAs mA lmA a- couNTv w WHICH PROPERTY aA, avowed by law sublet o MOHgagee Public Notices the southerly prof ed of the lest-edempton i, -educed by judidal IS LOCATED: Ramsey-edemptan within 6Monms horn the THEAGADEMVLAW CIA described oo a dIaanco of oder you must vacate the p-emises ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT date of,aid,alebymemogagor(,J, By lsl COnhnued On Page 11 345.5 feet, more o- less, to the by 11 S9gm. on M arch 20, 201]. OF MORTGAGE $200 ]5000 their personal rep-Asenmlves or Rebeaa F. Schiller Esq south line of the North 4132]aet of THE TIME ALLOWED BY AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ,,sign, N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq ,aid SE 114 of the NE 114 thence LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: CHa N. Tri,ko, Esq asterly, along ,aid south line, a THE MORTGAGOR, THE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID The date on o- before which the 'Samuel R. Coleman, Esq.' distance of 39]. 1 fee[ more 0-10,4 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL BY M OR(TGAGEE:$215,237 ED mogagormu,tvaoetemepropercyif Attomeysfor Mogagee to the west line a the East ]85 feet Review Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016 Page 11 Public Notices INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID THE MORTGAGOR THE Mortgagee: G.U. Mortgage - permanently trandfering hA IN THE MATTER OF THE CHILD COnllnnetl from Pa a 10 BY MORTGAGEE.$129,071. 19 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Services Ina oh,I,(, nG legal end pM1ysical OF. g Thetprbo t,the cemmence Ud REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, Dated. 11212012 a od,to dletiv or Cermaliha Moore end Gregory thismo1Gg foredosureproceedmc MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Filed. 12h152012 order for cher permanent Williams NOTICE OFMORTGAGE Maragageel ell gn-of Mortgagee WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Ramsey Registrar` TT­placement ofthAohi,(,l). Parenpd) FORECLOSURE SALE cemplied with not ce requirements ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Document Ne 214i788 Against ASTATEMENT OF YOUR RIGHTS That Keri Jahndan, local-Ul THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF es required by dDJUA that no action STATUTES, SECTION 562032, CArtificatAaf Tit-,594]6 ANO RESPON5181LITIES withA ngt,n Gounry Cam m unity THE RIGHT TO EFIFITVOFTHF or proceedinghasbeen-bluedat DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Trandaaian Agent NS, ATTACHED, including the right to Serviced Stillwater Minnesota ORIGINAL CRIeDITORWITHINTHE la orotherwi be to reoaver the debt THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Transaction Agent MIC­ ID No: be represented by en attorney es hes filed in this Caurte Juvenile TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT ceQ1md by said mortgage, or any PREMISES ARE IMPROVED NIA eIdbo,ired underibestatutesand Protection Patton to Transfer AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTI oIS parthereof WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING Lender or Broker: G.U. Mortgage co rules. It id your responebilirc Pernenent Legal end PHysioel NOTICE IS HEREBY GLEN, that PURSUANT to the power of sale OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Services, Ina aurin mediately natty he ceu Custody as to the lid B.YW.M., bl-ld ado-,,ed,n the oanditand cenE ned in said mortgage the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Servicer: G.U. Mortgage Services, administrator if your address DOB B�$2006. ofheDr-mgde-bedm,ftc g : above de-bed property will IDA AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, n, changed. THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY Mortgagor: Bruce AGleuden, end fo,dby the Sheriff of said oounry as ANDAREABANDONED. Mala eOngU,U,,: CU.M o,g Dated. Augudt1, 2016 ORDERED that said Juvenile Colleen Clausen, husband end wife follows: MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Services Ina Annette Fritz Protection Pettan to Transfer Mortgagee: M&IMernde 3Ilsley DATE AND TIME OF SALE. FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Court Administrator Permanent Legal end Physical Bank Oaober620161000 AM ON MORTGAGE. Aliso Hems end PROPERTY Lot 22, Block 1, Beaver ADVISORY OF PARTYAND Custody as to the lid B. V. W. M., Dated. 03252006 PIA CE OF SALE. Sheriff's Office, James H. Harris Lake Heights, Fm key Gounry, PARTI Cl PANT RI GHTS- DOB lf2t 6 be heard by the Re., 03Ki12008 Civil Process Uni1, 25 W. 4th Street Dated. Augudtl5 2016 Minnesota Court et the Washington Gounry Remde Goun[ Recerder Suite 150, S[PeuI, MN WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. This id Registered Property CHIPS Gavemment Center, 15015 Qnd y y to pay the debt then secured by Mortgagee TAX PARCEL NO.'. WHOISA PARTY Street North, SHllweter MN, for en DOCu Ptahent Agent 54 said Mortgage, end I— if any, on THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA 26 29 22 41 0112 Vou area lyt-b ca se pursuant edm,Fdeny hearing on September Tra Ptan Agent NIA said premises, end the ce nc By Ill ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. to FIA 21 ,f the Rules of Juvenile 20, 2016 et 1:00 p.m. o Trandaaion Agen[Moragage lO No: disbursements, indudmg attorneys' Rebecca F Schiller Esq 2159 WAUKON AVE Protection Procedure if you ere one there aferasthemattercanbeheard, NIA fees allowed by law kubeIX o N. Kibangni Fandun Ik,H, Esq. SAINTPAU6 MN55119 athefor-ug: end on any subsequent Hearin, Ll oder or Broker: Mal Marshall& redemptan-thin 6MonthsDomthe LLrtN. Trisko Esq COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY • The ,Blas legal custodian, bUessetonthb-ce,. d eyBank date of said daleb Hemorta 'Samuel R. Colerren, Es IS LOCATED'. Ramde ndudag a parent or legal guardian The mother Cal-malitha Moore hes Servicer: BMO Hems Benk, NA yt ggor(dJ, q. y Mortgage Originator: M31 MardHell heir personal repredentatved or Attomeysror Mortgagee ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT -h° Hl adios fhelc9iild legal or the right to repredenbton of ceurt- 3llsleBank assigns The-demy-fedsianal Buildm, OF MORTGAGE $4700000 Py1 Yo appointed ceundel in this matter. y DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. 25 North Dale Street AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO • In the case of an Indian child, Ifthemother Ca,,alitha Moore E,Id LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THA date on or before -H ich the St Paul MN55102 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE the diildd parent, the clildd Indian to appear the Court may cendud PROPERTY. Lot 2, Block 1, EG mortgagor must vacate the property (651)2099]60 INCLUDING TAXES, IOFNV PAID the . 11 an, or clildd Indian tribe the Hearing in Her absence end Bowen Ad,oaan if the mortgage b not re '161165-FC01) BY MOFTGAGEE.$45,220.60 THA person or kodal k vlces the hearing may result in e order This id Abdtraa Property under Minnesota Statutes Beaton THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Thet prior to the cemmencem ant of agency whofiledthe plaan.A permanently Handle ­Ug thenohildk TAX PARCEL NO'. 56030 or the property redeeme, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. this m otgageforedosure proceedm, The deoiel delae, agency legal and physical custody to a 28 29 22 44 0183 under Mane-a SbWtek demon 'Review'.Aug. 24, 31, Sept], 14, 21, Moragagee=gnee of Mortgagee when do one elke has filed e relatve 123 ADDRESS PROPERTY. 56023 d ApnI 62017 at 1159 P m. 26,2016) cemplied with ell natcerequirement, to on of parental rights oroher IT IS FURTHER ORDERED 1233 REANEV AVE If the foregoing dateb a S.Daa, as required by kloute; thetnoection permanency paean. that natce Hereof be given to the S INT COUNT IN MN AHICH 6 Sunday or legal holiday, then the or proceeding Has been instituted et • The clildd guardian ad,item. mother Carmelihe Moore of keid COUNTY N NHIGH PROPERTY date to vacate b the neva busloads NOTICE OF MORTGAGE law or otherwiseto re cover thedebt •A relate to whom the kodal child B W. M., DOB 8� 006 by IS LOCATED'. Ramsey day et 1159 Pm. secured by keid mortgage, or any serviced agencypapo ded to Handler pub,-an in the Oakdale Lake ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FORECLOSURE SALE the ,Blas permanent legal and OFMOR(TGAGE$9],50000 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED THERIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF PPURSUN Elmo Reviews-ovdee-deeper, for FROM OBLIGATION ON PURSUANT to the power of kale P,The ,Idtody three weeks ed provided by law, with AMOUNT DUE AND GUUMEO TO MORTGAGE. NONE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE ained in said mortgage, the ,The ,Ills in evade where the only the Iasi publication oaurring et I- BE DUEASOF DATE OF NOTICE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE cent INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID THE TIME ALLOWED BY TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT above dedoib,, property will be ehiget on h the Ituant id that the tan (ag)days parto the ddheduled FAX FOR REDEMPTION BY told byhe SHenff of keid oounryed child Iden Habitual truant orrunewey Hearing data T MORT,tothe om071 27en-m AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. .The kohool district ina case where y THE MORTGAGOR, THE rollows: Dated. Jul 26,2016 Thetprigagefoe oommenoement of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the and Ile titan is the MORTGAGORS PERSONAL DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Ye g petton is Ellen L. Maas hidmogeei gnee of proceeding REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS dethefollault koceurtedibedmoln the iage October 13 SALE ROAM that dills id an Habitual truant Judge of District Court MoragegeelAasignee of Mortgagee MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE of the following dedoibed mortgage. PLACE OF SALE. SHenff-d Ohoe, • An Y person who intervenes ase 'Review. Aug 10, 1], 24, 2016) cemplied with all natcerequirem ants WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS MOFTGAGORSJ. Holly H. Lee,e Qvil Process Uni[25 W. 4th Street party pursuant to Fle 23 or who id d required by ktatute; that no act on am ed person deka FIe24. ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA m Suitpay t St Peul, MN bine pa1ypu uaUto or proceeding Has baa-vgetwtedat MORTGAGEE. Wells Fargo Benk, ropey[ y M cher who is RAMSEYCOUNTY STATUTES SECTION 562032 He debt then secured b y pardon or ohenvide to receverhe debt NA gg y determined b he ceurt to be a DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER said Mort, e, end taxed fl anon Y cured by keid mortgage, or any ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. � edolution that id in the PROCUREMENT PREMISES THAT THE MORTGAGED chid premises, and the cedtd an, be artael-edt pPURereaf PREMISES ARE IMPROVED AORIGI AL Nona disbursements, inducting attorneys' best mtISAP R"ICIPld ROOM 210 PURSUANT to the power of kale ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT WHOISA PARTICIPANT WITNESS THAN DWENING fees allowed ,n law s Don, o CITY STKE KELLOGG ained in keid mortgage, the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS OF TEo OF MOR G GE Nov redemption within 6Monhsfrom the You are e perticpant to this case above theShde-bed, property will be DATE OF MORTGAGE November Ile 22 of the Rules of 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, AlE NOT PROPERTY USED IN date ape-nalA bep-en tgagar(d), purduantro told byhe SHenff of keid ceunry ed AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 202011 their personal representatved or Juvenile Protection Procedure if you SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA rollows: DATE AND PLACE 13 FILING acne of the followa 55102-16]4 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. AND d Aug 5 2016 Recerded on Jenuery 13, 2012 ed edslgns a. The child who b the sub f Dated. Augud[5, 2016 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. lea o 651-266-8072 o tars 2o1s 1oDO AM Document Number 3woe2 n hA US Bank Natonal Assoc at on THe date on or before wM1ch the P Ramsey County S I S PLACE OF SALE 5 ff' INT Off ce of the County Recerder of The di Id T n Se-,­ PLACE 1 P U 25 ✓V. 4 H S t Ass gnee of Mortgagee ✓V esti ngton Gounry, Mnnedota mortgagor mulct vacate the property P reM y of D p (RGSSOJ S 150, S.Paul ,MN OFF LAJ4, PROFE66ONAL THE AMOUNT CLAMED TO f the mortgage d not ren aro, h hld g alt d fyou h f II g O ASSOCIATION under Mane-a Statutes ke on H dild alleged d d ed, D dS ff b p y H debt H d by BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE df they e ka d M gage d taxed T any, on By „IJ amen R GudkA, MIoheAl V ON THE DATE OF THE NOT CE'. 560.30 M he prosp y d emec THe di Id dgrandp T He child purl ant to Seethod'pAubOl sof the d p and the cents end n $1519?85] edoe 59peon hes boas wh edurn a eon A yd ror: 56023 Ap i113, 201] s ked�. you Y 9 Mane-a Statutes d d Is may d b rsements, ndudng attorneys LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF going r y the two before the filing of go to U.s Bank Natanal Adsooatan, f H f de S uda, years go He Onva Dem d5[ Peek allowed by law sublet PROPERTY The North l2 of Lot l4 sect on ° Asegneeof Mortgagee Sunday or legal Holiday, then the paten. of the Ramdev GounN De, to redemptan-ieb the nhdfrom the end ell of Lot lS, Block 233, S[Peul .The clildd relate or other regidtraton dedemp oddalAbyhA martgagarthe East Fifth StAa[Swro Boo Pan:, Division No 3, wadHmgon sero ro,.aoaro id the nA:a budinedd pardon awe,, IHo"naeon ro St Paul, MN 55101-1]16 date t1159 Pm. providing care ror the clild become an On-aser. their personal reprent_ or 601 203/599 Gounry, Minnesota MORTGAGOF(S) RELEASED • The ,Blas roster parent or a SOLICITATION#. IPM akagnk. - STREET ADDRESS of d d a Ion 60122&1]53 (fax) FROM OBLIGATION ON Person propose e ,tern GHSPOJ00001339] DATE To VACATE PROPERTY PROPERTY 83s ASHLAND mater THIS IS A COMMUNICATION MORTGAGE. NONE parent OPENING DATE: OBl1]2016 The date on or before which the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. AVENUE, ST PAUL PAF)(, MN THE TIME ALLOWED BV • Thed,Idk dpou,e DEPARTMENT ISSUING THE moragagorrcudt vacate popeay 1]60&16004131 550]1 LAW FOR REDEM1ION BY •The redponeble kodal serviced SOLICITATION: Ramsey County if the mo gage Id no rem sed GOUNTV IN WHICH PROPERTY THE under Mi nnedota Statutes demon 21 20116) g 1], 24, 31, Sep[], 14, IS LOCATED'. Washington Gounry, MORTGAGOR'S��PERSONAL R THE agency, wgenoy sen the Rothe-petto�ee Socel Services Department Adult 56630 or the property redeemed Minnesota Theta digin ad them ror the Mental and Chem cal Health Division under Mune-a St Hted keaan TRANSACTION AGENT None REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, guar SOLICIATION TITLE: CRISIS 560.23 id Apri16201]et 1159 p�m. NAME OF MORTGAGE MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ohil slegal todian. wHa STABILIZATION AND OVERNIGHT If the foregoing date id e Saturday NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR WeIIs Fargo Benk WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS determined b tpie cenurt to be TELEPHONE CRISIS SERVICES Sunday or legal holiday, then the FORECLOSURE SALE NA ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA y lution that id in the SOLICITATION DESCRIPTION: date to vacate id he ne#bueneds THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICER'. WeIIs STATUTES SEGTI ON 562032 IbeaaiHeresis of the dhild Remdey Gounry mens its Sodel de 1159 Far oBank NA DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Serviced Department qualified Yat Pm. THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE 9 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED YOUR RIGHTS AS A PARTY OR orgenizetond mtered[ed in providinc M01 AGORS) RELEASED ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHIE TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION PREMISES AM IMPROVED PARTICIPANT ARE AS PARTY Gomm unity C, dbate-ted Stabilization FROM OBLIGATION ON TIME PRW BYT IS LAWN. NOT NUMBER ANSAC202]22.1400AG WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLING Party, Participant, Vou, Rights service o adults with mantel MORTGAGE. NONE AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION TRANSACTION AGENT'S OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, X X To receives cepy illnedsd end substance abuse THE TIME ALLOWED BV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION ARE NOT PROPERTY USED S ofthe Petonregardingth,sJuvenile didorders(SUD)in Ramsey Gounry, LAW FOR REDEMPTION By detault Haso ,edin the cendito NUMBER. None AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Protection Metter Minnesota Ramsey Gounry end THE MORTGAGOR THE of he rollowingdedoibedmortgage: THAT no anion or proceeding hes AND ARE ABANDONED. X X To receive natce the Eel[ Metro Aree ere Count' need MORTGAGORS PERSONAL MORTGAGORS)'. James H. Hems been inaWted et law to recever the Dated. Augud[1], 2016 of ell Hearings (only if you keep the of con nued assist e from REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, endNida Harris Husband end wife deb[hen rem aining secured byduI CU Mortgage Services, In o., oourt administrator informed of your qualifiedH organiztan a to provide MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE MORTGAGEE. M engage Eed-onto mortgage, or any partthereof or if Mortgagee address) staff (Mental Health Prorodeoneldl WEEKS D AJu ECR ORDER Is RAgidiraton systems, a the anion or pro,Aedme Hak been PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL X X To stand all Praaitoner,F`,ek..be) ro provide ENTERED umDER MwNEsoTA Delaware oomam ml d, H he H been Assoc AT ON Hear— unless exomded by he ph g g STATUTES SECTION 562032 ror Ad_ Nato M gagenAa d d, r [H on By J ehen R Guskey, Mioheel V Court and til fthose DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Urg riecempeny P H Q9 en d d H ren Stihl men X To recti ve cop ed whok f g f f ndanal TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ASS GNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. H b mad stied, in A ys far. of your dace, dery cedfle and other d er on They do not real ve PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Asegnedto: WAII6Fargo Bank, NA whole orin pert GU Mortgage Serviced, Ina, cords urgen[rc ere Individueld re WITHAREBIDENTIAL DWELLING- by edsignmen[reoorded on JuneB PURSUANT, to the porter of sale Mortgagee AX To bring mobons Cndid Community 6tabillzation OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 2016ad000ument Number40]015d oonained in said mo gage, he sS Eah Firm Street Swro Boo berore he wU1 and ro present kArnced are reroredhrougH mental ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N In he OR, of he County RAooal abo,re desthate property win be st Paw, MN s5m1-T]16 AwdAnoe Hlv praedehe eld, l-ougwalk hhd, law AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, of Washington Gounry Minnesota kold by the Sheriff of said ceunry as 601203]599 X To perticpete enroroemen[ Hospitals end the ANDAREABANDONED. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT rolls-s 60122&1]53 (far) n demement didadeand and Ramsey County GnatslA ato nd Dated. August 6, 2016 OF MORTGAGE. $260,633.00 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION agreements Hodpitalizeton orloddof independent BMOHar,is Bank N.A., as DATE OF MORTGAGE. December Oaober16,2016at10:00AM FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. X To kubpoene living suc toM&I Marshall& 112001 PLACE OF SALE. J4 Hg[ ify on yourbehalf RCSSD eekg G Ilsley Bank Mortgagee DATE AND PLACE OF FLNG. Gounry She,-Off D Hagen (R '.Aug 24, 31, Sep[], 14, 21, X To make [ p 'd migH phone `- OFF LAJ4, PROFESSIONAL Recorded on February 22, 2006 as Gounry Law EUo G 2. 2016) g pport of oragenmak, m ASSOGATON Document Numbe, 360141e n hA uou Qnd sreet Nom,, srllwaterUnti5 f midhgH (12D1am.7 By Jonathan R Cu,key, Midhael V Office of the CountyRecerder of Minnesota pax on Toe ae and mm ]59 am. Callers who need an xem mm ed,.e iInp-onn mental health Sdhleimen WedM1in Count Minnesota ropey the debtthencured by STATE OF MINNESOTA orodsexemine wihedses oidia ponse titan y, r rorwerded Attorneys ror: THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO keid gage d d, if e y X To request review the orvcall staff in Ramsey Gounry, BMO Hems Benk NA, ed BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE actually paid by the mortgagee WASHINGTON COUNTY ofthe referee's findings and order if who will coordinate and -dud to M 3I Mardhall 3 Ilkley ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. on the premised and the oasts and DISTRICT COURT your cadets heard by a referee a mobile int wanton as required Bank, Mortgagee $2583524r disbursem ants allowed bylaw The TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT X To ask the ceurt Respondents who are taclity based 55 East Fifth Street Suite 600 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ime allowed by law ror redem pan Court File No.: 82-JV-16638 o 'eve w [d dispoditn upon e maybe asked to cenduIX orvdite St Paul, MN55101-1716 PROPERTY. Lot 2, Block 3, Royal by kaid molcagktkd), their personal showing of e dubdtantl dhange of a d sments w ranted 651203]549 pen: Subdivision, WedM1in repredentatved or advignd b ex (6) SUMMONS crams enced or that the s e e ed g[on Child In Need of Protection or previous well. Services will be provided in 651-226-1]53 (far) Count, Minn esota months from the date of sale. disposition was in appropriate. ccordance with requirements for THIS IS A COMMUNICATION TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Servims Petition g post- 24 hour telephone e and STREET ADDRESS of al Ta brm FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. PROPERTY. 7361 PAUL ROAD, PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage In the Matter of malithelfare of the mal motions and to appeal from final p one so ening GHLlyrenJ of Germelihe Moore enc triage in eocerdenoe with the adult 1632]-16004451 WOODBURY MN 55125151] reinkteted or the property orders of the court and dhildren'd Mental Health AIXs 'Review. Aug 1], 24, 31, Sept], 14, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY redeemed, or unless the tme ror GYAgary Williams X X Toberepredented 'Comorehens ve Adult Mental Health 21 2016) IS LOCATED'. Washington Gounry, redem to id reduced by udioiel PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on by an ettomey If you ere the child, qct 245469 Eme -Serviced. Minnesota order you mus[ vacate the premises June 29, 2016, a Petition was the child orthedhil-e I MEETING ) by 1159 Pm. on Apnl lB, 201]. filed with the above-named court pt ren[ tie RE-PROPOSAL MEETING: TRANSACTION AGENT. Mortgage custodian, he Court may appoint 1A non mandatary Pre Solictatian NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Bea-onto GAgldtkU0n Systems ad THE TIME ALLOWED BV alleging that the on) of the n ettomey to represent you if the Response Gonferencewill be HAldet NAME OF MORTGAGE LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY austo named oarent(s) , legoof Court determined that you qualify 1000 -1100a Centrale me, be August FORECLOSURE SALE ORIGINATOR. Mortgage Bea-onto THE MOFTGAGOR THE c dian(s) t be need t Coua allyand th,U appointr the THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Re iboatan S diems, a MORTGAGORS PERSONAL protection o, se,vims. A copy of f He 23, 2016 et 1919 University Ave. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE g y the Paton id ettadhed deppropriate you Bret parent Dea q 0. St Paul, MN. 55104 Delaware c000raton, as n mi e REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS or Indian adtodien of an Indian Remde Room. The the ORIGINALCREDITOR WITHINTHE for Access Netonel MortgagenAe MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE VOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED ohidnda ceurtidrequiredto appoint center nce tato didads the won: to TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS AND REQUIRED TO APPEAR IN tt AFFECTED By THIS ACTION. Urginiecempany COURT et the rollowin date, tine ane omey to represent you if you be performed and allow Contractors RESIDENTIAL SERVICER WeIIs ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 2 lif finance,, The Court cannot [o NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that STATUTES, SECTION 562032, end place wheree Hearing regerdmc quay y elk quetond concerning the detault has oaured in the oanditond Fargo Bank NA DETERMINING AMONG OTHER the Paton endhe best mteredtsof appoint an ettomey to represent kolidcoan. Quedtiandandanpow ofherouowm sed abed morcae Tnx PARCEL IDENTIFICATION the willbeyou if he oh, allegaton id mat he will be Handabed and pohAd g ee NUMB ER 0802821340033 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED pren7 wi child b a wan[ unle outaf--home on 0n Hemandstar offer he Mortgagor: Jay R Ole­u,ban end PREMISES ARE IMPROVED September 28, 2016 p gcendi yt e H f f Addendum. Renee Lee Oleden, Hudbend end TRANSACTION AGENTS AdmiVOe Herrin Iacemenubbein deredb He m et ngmt e ormo an MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING nY 9 u. T e Court may order a parent Individueld with edidabili[ need a, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS 1:OOPM ynee m, NUMBER. 1000.51110000132129 or legal custodian toreimbur some aceommodation khould centaa the Mortgagee: Mortgage Elearonic ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN District Court THAT no eAd or proceeding hes tall ofhe ettomef you above eA Count Gantaa idemed Regidtraton Systema, Ina e AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Judge Ellen L. Mees re y y nee ror MidAmerica Mortal beanhnemaUtla-[oreMye h Weshin Count District Court X X If youe the above pnortohpoeConfelePre g eA debthen remaining secured bvduoH ANDAREABANDONED. titan v ohodd roster parent preadopavA souoitaton RAd conference D.ed0on,awmomtan m MORTGAGo s RELEASED coaH,00m2os ponse oragage, or any pert [hereof or ff R() peren[reletve providing care rorhe do hetereedoneble aceommodation Deted.09�032004 FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION 1494962nd StN the action or proceeding Has been child, orarelative to whom hesocal can bemade. Ria-ey1192004 ON MORTGAGE. None Stillwater,MN 55082 ted, that the tame Hes been dennoed agencypropodedro transfer RAM SEV COUNTY CONTACT: Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titled indtiW ecutan Dated. Auudt162016 651-4366263 permanent g pYdica Email. Pemele Senohez® dpon the led, or that an ex g legal end H Document No No V,] Against upon the judgment rendered therein WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. VOU HAVE BEEN SERVED WITH udtody of the child, you Have aright m Gertifioed of Title No 0A Has been reumed undetfied, in Mortgagee THIS tS ONrcbeoeude, pursuant Hoffer hrorneton et eedh Hearin. rem deumn ud A signed To U.S. Benk, N A THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA rul g PH 601 2E64112 H p nt Any other person y q an phone Pa chez® F led 0325 PURSUANT HA power of kala W r r V p A H d, Ip ) oppom,hryro be hA d, b H FIAd o3252oos R b F s hilar Ed d H p ro w f d,hoal Ra-e Goun[ R ar of'ted d t ed mortgage, the q V th d snot requ red to gra y q q g dingM1 p pose,. y y g 6 d bed property will be N.Kb g F dungalleH, Esq. Peen[ P X T Ily Review. Aug],24,2016 D Na 2067226 A ana J 1 P FIA g ) Agana Id b H Sherff f d count G N. T k Esq P b H f G f of the No .3600.51 y yes S R Colerren Es 2101 oren ettomeyf p, I y y rollows: 9`ou H di Id H H b f T A9 M g age DATE AND TIME OF SALE. At ,fo, Mortgagee .You Heve legala dy f H ail H p d g, h di ld p EI Rg Sy a ThAAcademy Profeksonel Buldnc who tithe sublect ofH P PUBLIC NOTICES T endacton Agen[Moragage ID No Oaober11, 2016e 1000 AM .Vou are a person H p H di ld g nap dtheNotce s hereby gven that on PLncE of sALe rvadnmgon 25 Nom, DaIA Street hld H d rind win y at anyrme to 33000000000154i Gounry Sheriff d Office, Washington SY Paul, MN 55102 the ceurt bel eves mportant toe during the two years poor to the August 31 d[ 2016 et 130 pm et Lender or Broker: MidAmerica counts Lew Enforcement Center (65 )2019760 determintan ce cl:pg the best film the Hid matter All Able storage, 651-]]]-6004, 1610 Mortgage Corporation, a oorporaton y '15-103]-FCO2) Herestsofthe chilaren) whoarethe other persopnstimay ask the Court's Gervais Ct Clty of Maplewood 15015 Qnd Street North, Stllwater THIS IS A COMMUNICATION d yo Y Servicer: U.S Bank Netonel uta ea of the Paton Min nedata Count fRe tine State Aasoceton Minnesota IF VOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT THE permid%Okn to becemA a pert at the at age Un,t the ell . i nes Able o pay the debt then s urea by FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Dasa Ask the ceurt elmmiaretor a g Mortgage Originator: MidAm Ari on said and tax 2 if "Review. Aug. 24, 31, Sept ], 14, 21, HEARING, the .,ed rorn to intervene ed Storage unit will sell at Public nal Mortgage GoDESCR PTIGNporatOF mortgage d any 26,2016) 'The ceurtmaycenduaheHeennc r a bycely ke-Ao-ekothA personal LEGAL DEscRIPnoN of aaualN paid by the moggagAA, -Lhout vou, and pain` propercv HArerororA dtoredin oI he premises end he cents enc GUE$TIDN$ A80UT YOUR Pd PEFTV. Lot 12, Block 1, Bone The ceurt meyfind het the taauel UnitM]3 disbursements allowed by law. The t RIGHTS dM1ould be eddredsed to Addie on II allegatns and dDlaory grounds 1 Wood kitchen table Thidid Registered Property Hm aowed by law ror redemptan NOTICE OFMORTGAGE sA[forth in he petton have been Yourettomey or to he Gourcet any 11rg Tv TAX PARCEL NO. by kaidmortgagktgs), heir personal FORECLOSURE SALE hearing reprent- or assigns b d. (6) THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF proved, an, may enter an STATE OF MINNESOTA Queen sizemettrpds9 083623.33.0025 The rt order 1 Queen size boxsnn ants from thAdate of kale. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE granting he relief re quested in he COUNTY OF WASHINGTON Several midi items 5140IRONDALE ROAD pROPEFTY. Unless keid mortgage pe ton whish m ayinolude: DISTRICT COURT ;Review. Aug 1], 24, 2016) MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55112 TIME PROVIDED eV LAW IS NOT _removing the chilaren) from the TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY IN WHIGH PROPERTY id reinstated or he property AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Home ofheperent orlegel custodian IS LOGATE-0. Ramsey redeemed, o unless he tme ror NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, hat end placne the ctjI en) in roster ORDER FOR HEARING AND ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT redemptn id reduced by ludaal default has oceurred in he cenditiond care NOTICE OR PUBLICATION OF MORTGAGE $16000000 order you must vacate he premised of herollowing dedoib I m oragage. AMOUNT DU E AND CLAIMED TO by 1159 P m. on Apnl 11, 201]. Maragagor: Cody Alan Taheim, a -perm thentydevennpu Aant to a Court File No.: 02-Jill No. Public Public Notices BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE THE TIME ALLOWED BV dingle person [gmdtohechilental purdualaoa County Attorney File No. LA'W FOR REDEMPTION BY ermmat on of parental rights petton, JV-2016383 Continued on Page 12 Page 12 Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016 Public Notices m a ybeno.UtfI,uldbaathis Unit #]01"" S.o-el-MA cHeureu., Power miter bo., main Cos ntlnued(Tom Page 11 2m s YOUMUST REPLY WITHIN s m dea,ers, televisions 20 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR tool, fun Wre, boxes of unknown AMENDMENTTO RIGHTS. Vou must give or mail tothe katant ASSUMED NAME person who signed this summons a Unit # ]04, Emelt G F,,1Ge MA STATE OF MINNESOTA it an response called en Answer L'Heureux, drill press, lou er power Minn-.. Statutes Chapter 333: within 20 days of the date on whim tools, furniture, hand tools[ boxes a Lis[ the exact assumed,aldeunder You re Ived this Summons Vou unknown oontent whim the business is a will be The mu. sendeoopy a your Answer to Unit #] 26 Steven HaldmerlMeleni Gould Shoppe the person who signedthis summons Ime, luggage, WmlWre, boxesa Prindpal Place a Business: 2550 located et PO Box 4127, Bismarm, unknown oontent Univertisy Ave, 129th, St Paul, MN NO 1&502412] Unit M 9?4, Am enede Dennison, 55114 3.V OU MUST RESPONDTO EACH luggage fumiWre boxes a unknown Lis[ the name end complete area CLAIM. The Answer b your written content address a all persons omadn, rea,a to the Plaintiffs Complaint 'Review: Aug 24, 31, 2016) bust n_un der the above Assam ec In your Answer you must state Name: Mlohael G. Mundy, 245 whether you a gree or disagree with Stonebrooke Court, Shakopee, earn paragraph a the Complaint If PUBLIC NOTICE MN 553]9, Namlie A Mn-, 245 You believe the Plaintiff should not RAMSEY-WASHINGTON Stonebrooke Cour[ Shakopee, MN be given everything asked for in the 51379 Complaint you must saym in your METRO WATERSHED This certificate is an amendment a AnswerDISTRICT Certificate a Assumed Name File 4. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE RAMSEY AND WASHINGTON Num bel:56.5 IF YOU DO NOT SENDA WRITTEN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA Originallyfiled on: 0923116 RESPONSE TO THE COMPLAIM PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the I, the undersigned, oertiry that I TO THE PERSON WHO SIGNED Board a Managers a the Ramsey this document as the THIS SUMMONS. If you do not Washin pesigning Answer wi hin 20 days, [ou will g[on Metro Watershed rson whose signature Is required, DisfiIX will hold a public h -l -H, ses agent of the par (s) whose lose this case Vou will no get to et ]AO o'dook Pm., Wednesday ign a Wre woul d berequi-ed whohes tell your side of the story, end the September ], 2016 etthe Ramsey ell horized mato sign [his document Court may decide against you and Washington Metro Watershed on hislher behalf both award the Plaintiff everything asked Dlaff aOffice, 26f1 Noel Drive Lille Wpaoik_ IW the, ce"ya.I have for nto the complain If you do not Canada, MN 5511], to consider the inteahe dailds stated in pose completed all required fields enc then Dom plat nt you do not need to Pro d 2017 for t Veer General that the thfOnneOon In this document Fund Budget for the DI6tha A end coned end in comp l',noef respond Adefaultludgmentoen then ummary of the proposed general Ist be entered against you for the relief s Main -0e applicable mepter of and budget Indudes the f011owinc th.by ct ,ng thr6 a ant Ie„ 59 LEGAL ASSISTANCE. Vou may expenditures: that by signing this document em Adldthisff ne Expenses$443,000 ub act to the IOes of wish to get legal help from elewyer. s pane perjury es If you do notheve elewyer the Court SelerieslBenefits 1,200,000 setfOrth In Section 0)948 esiflhec Ifyado not may have information Pennit Process ]5,000 signedabdoamentunda-th. aboutpiMto wh ere youcnfamgetlegn Engineering 344,000 Date: 72 92016 d, Even it you cannot get Attomey 40,000 Michael C. M urrey esmstan Audltall,unOn, 50000 Owner Iegalhelp, you raud still provide r QueliryM (Review: Aug 1], 24, 2016) awritten answer ophdyouur Watems Expenses Per &lights or you nay lose the case. ManageralityMonitoring 143,000 6. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE P­M.Da RESOLUTION. The parties may Mid,lmsa,d 6W dies 152500 STATE OF MINNESOTA agree to or be ordered to pemoipete Mlscelleneous 52500 COUNTY O FWASHINGTON In en _,mauve dispute resolution TOTAL $2 2,100 DISTRICT COURT Process under Fla 114 of the Projected carryover Wnds from M lnnemct Rules of PrHCRIm Vou 2016 gM,F, [nd other income till TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT send your writte,respo,se reduce he tial proposed levy o COURT FILE NO. m the all kandi,t =ifin e expect $2,919,100. 82-C...2222 All thteresled persons will have en SUPPLEMENTAL case atemative of resolving opportunity to be heard et said time this di spate end place. ORDER To SHOW CAUSE Det ed: August 13, 2015 pat ed: August 1]2016 In the Matter of the Petition of Signed:/a/Stacey Hummel le/ ua1ARB 20BENSTEINER U.S. Bank National Assodation, RODENBURG LAW FIto RM Aging President In Rell , to Certificate of The Attorngsior Plaintiff -Review: Aug 24, 31, 2016) Ne 59163 issued for lend In the P08ox 412] Coll my of Washington end State of Bismarck, ND 58502-012] Minnemct end legallydesabed a s: ]01222-11]0 Lot Six (6), Blom Four (4), ND# 07125, MN#0395899 NOTICE OF PUBLIC Ashboume, Gomm on PERSONAL SERVICE HEARING Gommuniry No ]8, a plannesc do Gary Pester REGARDING THE RAMSEY- unity Washington Gounry, 2416 Country Club Pkwy WASHINGTON METRO Minnesom Moorhead MN 5.60 TO Peggy J. Haselman eke SERVICE BV MAIL WATERSHED DISTRICT Peggy J. Adams the known her of PO Box 1014 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Rlmard T Haselman, deceased; Moorhead MUne E,5F. PROGRAM the Unknown Heirs of Rloherc 'Review: Aug 24, 31, Sept ], 2016) Notice is ..by given that the T Unknown en, deceased; end the Managers of Raldsey-Washi,gton It rti Upossessidfit na the Re ort Metro Watershed Fraud (" Card I of Upon 'E-mecceelrin Titles IIt e Repos CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL, e proceeding with s C piml entitl ed matter MINNESOTA Improvements Program ("GIP") es IT IS ORDERED that you, a NOTICE OF PUBLIC a-dedbyMlnn. Scot§1038251all. NATURE OF IMPROVEMENT: The persons thte ested, appear HEARING 2017 Wpiml Improvements ere a before this Court on the 26th de[ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, f September 2016 �j,follows: 9Ao am . a thatthe North St Paw CityGoundl Beene Rebalr Debt Service the Washington CountyGovemm ant will meet on September 6 2016 at 88,8 Center 14949 Qnd Street North, approx7,lIy630Pm. etthe North DKI-Office Buildmc S11 MN, In d G y, enc S. P Gry Hell, 2400 M"I" ret Bond Payment 194,085 h soon h ft the S N h S[ P I, M a Mepl ewood Mell SRF Imle, be he h' k hue 555109, nkfdlud P til h Ing Loan Debt Gas be 92,577 s § Targeted Retrcft not enter en Order as tollows: 4 Q 31] to co,side%d A Sa ants to Pro eas 1,0aDa Th h R g e fT p h Chapter 154 the n g d BMP ncentve Fund %0,000 thing h h Reg f T of the NortM1 St P I City Code GPRePtrrand py f hs Order I G T e a Ug a new subseaon optngout Me ntenence 700,000 of Title No 59- d ofalateteldpoMda,mlyhealth care Betiandell lneBe n AsG T of The f h dwelling rearemenis Greek Tunnel Repair 320,000 h d bed f fU. S. All persons who des re to speak on D lefeld Perk Protea 1,063,000 Bank Net onal Assodat on, subject this Issue ere encouraged to attend Fro,tlKennard Enhance, to the memorials of Document No s. and will be given en oppalin-Hyto be Water Quality BMP 375,000 1043050 end 10460)], but free from heard at this mee0ng. M erkham Pond Dredging al other memorials now aPPearin, pared: Augusta 2016 and1-lon 5.750 on the present Certificate of Title, Mary Mills, Deputy Clerk Impervious Surfeoe Volume the last of which b Document No City of North St. Paul, Minn escta Reduction Opportunity Fund 1240000, and free also from the 'Review: Aug 24, 2016) 1,500,000 memaral of this Order pisfict Office Buildmc AXendence is required only by Solar Energy Retrofit 150,000 those who wish to object to the CITY OF MAPLEWOOD NOW Flood Ohmage entry of the above-described ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Reduaion Fun, 1200000 Order' AD VALOREM TAXES: The costs IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that FOR 201] CHARITABLE of these Improvements will be paid this Ordato Show Cause be served: GAMBLING FUNDS by grants end ed valorem tax on all ;a) et st 10 days prior to the The Gry of Maplewood Is w property In the Oiark, es provided hearing, eupon the abovsnald e, acoepOng -1 Wt- for the use by Mlnn. Scot §1038251. The parties residing In this State, In the of the 201] proceeds of the CAG proposed budget will be $8,200,110. en r provided by law for the 101 Gherictble Gambling Tex. The projected thterest Wnds, grants end s ceof Summons lnedvil action; epablon deadline Is September tarty over Wnds will reduce the total ;6J et least 14 days before the 1b 2016 proposedlevyto$31]830J. hearing, upon any of the above order to qualify, an aganiza0on TIME AND PLACE 7. HEARING: coed nneside,ts by sendmc m usl be a non profit capalon with The Drd,a wi 11 hol d a public heart,, My of this Order to the an IRS 501( c)(3)desig-adT,ha-g on Wednesday, September C n reside- post office address, the oit,e of Maplewood The first 2016 et ]00 p m. et he Ramsey byregisteredor 1fan,edmail, realm pi,ary will be given to funding Gry Washington Metro Watershed ceip[requedieof the ebovsnem ec of Maplewood agahl,.0 and Drd,a Office, 26TE Noel Drive, leo) upon ee n priority to agani-l0 from Little Canada MN 5511] pursuant parties who cannot be found by outslde the city proposing to mel to MUn. Stat §1038251. Comments we published not, dA and by the needs of Maplewood residents[ may be submitted In writing prior to sendmgacopyofthis Order at least In general, requests from organized said hearing or made In person et 14 days before the hearing, by first athab groups are not funded said hearing doss mail to the last known address The Qry Goundl awarded e total ALL INTERESTED PARTIES of the party and by sending another of$30,000 In Charitable Gam tiling MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE copyoftheis Order et least 14 days Tax Funds In 2016 Funds wen MANAGERS AT SAID TIME AND before the hearing, by first dans to the following groups: Ashland PLACE AND PRESENT THEIR ma to the address of sum party es Productions Boy Smut Pam 94]1, COMMENTS, CONCERNS, stated on the Certificate of Title if an Garver Elementary PTO, CHILD AGREEMENTS OR 08JECTIONS, address is so slated: Inc Dispute Resolut,on Center IF ANY. A upon a dissolved, withdrawn, or Fraud - Education Fanda0on, Written co mailed to the evoked business entogo-ned by Friends of Maplewood blre, pisfict Office endtureceived prior to Minn. Stat, CM1P 302A 303, 317A Fusion Drumlins Parent Booster the hearing will be reviewed at the 322A, 3228, or 323 In the manner Organization, Hldong American me aovidedby Mun. Stat§5251Note: Education Fund, ISD 822 bathem meet ng m date on the Order to Show Lights Show Cho ir LENA Youth AUTHORITY: The at §10 Is251 Caud,nna be at least 30 da her Connect, Melewood Area H ktacal pursuantto Mlnn. Stat §103B251 ga P 8V ORDER OF THE BOARD the date of mailing by the Se-ary Society, Maplewood Monarchs S. G OF MANAGERS OF THE of StateI Team, Maplewood Police Reserves, RAMSEY-WASHINGTON METRO Dated:8kel6 Maplewood Youth S -1 -hip WATERSHED DISTRICT. Approved: Ed ward W. Simonet Fund, North High Smool Robotics By MAR) EBENSTEINER Exam ner of 'ties Team, Ramsey Go yC G r Agng President By Ill Edward J4. Smonet Ramsey CountyF S. J s 'Review: Aug 24, 31, 2016) Exam,er Cathoto Smool, Tubman Family /a/Suean R.Mles Allan, Weaver Elementary Judge dthe Dist rid Court Smool, Webster Elementary School, STATE OF MINNESOTA John M. Miller Any Lia No]326X and White BearAea YMCA COUNTY OF RAMSEY 55 E Fifth Street Suite 800 The andare awarded by a vote St Pau I, MN55101 of the Maplewood Qry Goundl. DISTRICT COURT 1m'1 ,Mpfbpa Dom Appllcalions ere available on the SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Phone: f11291_5 oiy website www m aplewoodmn. MORTGAGE FORE CLOSURE F. 65 12261]53 gov or by calling Lois Knutson et 8V ACTION (Review: Aug 17, 24, 201) 6512492051. CASETVPE NO. 14- CIVIL The application deadline is September "'2012016.'NOTICE OF SHERI FF'S SALE STATE OF MINNESOTA ;Review: Aug 24, 31, Sept], 2016) UNDER JUDGMENTAND COUNTY OF RAMSEY DECREE IN DISTRICT COURT Court File No.: 62 -CV -16]55 SECOND JUDI CIAL DISTRICT NOTICE Prairie Capital, Inc a Minnesota Court Rle No. 62 -CV -1E-18]0 Notice is hereby given that the corporation, Subjed Matter: Consumer Property will be sold on September Plaintiff, Credit Concoct 21, 2016 The property will be offered on w StoraaeBac es CMA noesmens LLC, a SUMMONS our istoreaeTree and mUnemct limited liability company, DISCOVERBANK, In amat uaboutmthe sale GerlA Gostenzo, Mery P Coslanzo, Plamfiff, nfebe found at that website He Gosdanzo, Jon Doe, The undersigned Acom Mini Mary Roeand ABCCoDora0o,, JUDY L ABRAHAMSON, Storage will sell at Publio Sale by Defendants Defendant compertive bidding the personal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TH IS SU M M ONS IS DIRECTED TO property heretofore stored with the under and by virtue of a Judgment JUDY LABRAHAMSON undersignedby and Decree In the above entitled 1. VOU ARE BEING SUED. The Unit# 152, David Wllme-aureen e on, dated Julyll, 2016 entered Plaintiff has starteda lawsuit against Lawrence, weedt-mmet le -Mowat on August 4, 2016 a certified copy you. Th e Plaintiffs Complaint against televisions, furniture of whim hes been delivered to me you Is eidamed to this su boxes of unknowncatent directing the sale of the premise Do not throw these papers away Unit# 432, Cathleen Childs, boxes had-fter desvlbed to satIly the They are offidal papers that effect of unknown content unt found and adjudged due to your rights You m respond to Unit # 612, Jessica Hamilton, saidPlanOff In the above entitled thislawsuit even though It may not v de net fishing equip, from Defendants) CMA yet be filed with the Gout and there WmlW e, boxesofunknown content Invesffme,ts, LLC a Minnesota Review Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2016 The Ramsey Cou,ty BoarddGomm,ss,o,ersmet I,,egula,sess,o,at902am. withrlal-Ugmembers present Garter Huffman, McDonough, McGuire, Ortega, Reitman, end Chair Reinhardt Also present were Julie KleinsmmiC Gounry Manager and Jeff Stephenson, Director Qvil Division, Ramsey Cou,tyAdam ys Office AGENDA of August 2 2016 was presented for approval. Mao, by McGuire, seconded by McDonough. Unanimouslyapproved M IN UTES of uly19, 2016 were presented for approval. Moto, by Ortega, sem, dad byRalm an. Unanimously approved ADMINISTRATING ITEMS SOCIAL SERVICES -Agree with South Metro Human Services for Fad-, -at, Community Td,Um ,t Services. Mao, by Garter seoa-by McDonough Unanimouslyapproved (B201619i) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES - Agreement for Supportive Housing for Youth. Mao, by Carter, seconded by McDonough Unanimously approved (B2016194) LIBRARY -Agree with University of Mlnnemct Extension for Urban 4H Programs Mao, by Carter, seconded by McDonough Unanimously approved (B2016191) PARKS 3 RECREATION - Construction andMaintenanm Agreement with Qty of Shoreview for Proposed Trail within Lake Owasso Gounry Park. MoOo, by Carter, secondedby McDonough Unanimouslyapproved (.016196) PUBLIC WORKS- Conveyance of a Portion of Gounry Road B (Formerly Bald Eagle Avenue) to the Giry of Maplewood Mao, by Carter, seconded bylmlaough. Unanimouslyapproved (B2016197) PUBLIC WORKS - 2016- 2020 Transpollt d, Improvement Program (TIP) Amendmau Mao, by Carter, seconded by McDonough Unanimously approved (B2016198) HUMAN RESOURCES - TV— of Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME Local 8 Assistant Publio Defenders Mao, byGaher seconded by McDonough Unanimouslyapproved (B2016199) HUMAN RESOURCES - TV— of Collective Bargaining Agreement with Law Enforcement Labor Services Loc 11349(Publ,,SafetyD,spatmersa,d9ll T lleoommu,icators). M,Ab,byCa1a seco,dedbyMdDaagh. Unanimouslyapproved (B2016200) WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS-Appointimau of Workforce In,ove0 Board Members. Motion by Carter semnded by McDonough Unanimously approved (B2016201) BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Appointim-F, to the Community Health Services Advisory Committee Mao, byGaher seoa-by McDonough Unanimouslyapproved (B2016202) BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Appointrnents to the Disabled Veterans Rest Camp Mao, by Carter, semnded by McDonough Unanimously approved (B2016203) FINANCE- Facility Per Diem Costs end Rates Report a-2015. Mao, byGaher --d by McDonough. Unanimouslyapproved (B2016204) PUBLIC WORKS - Bike Lanes and Perking Restrictions- Upper Afton Road (CSAR 35), Edgerton Street (Neys1 (Rethnan) S (n(e�IN01 20S5aUt Paul Road (CSAH 29). Mao, by Huffman, semnded by Gaher Ayes POLcv AGENDA COUNTY MANAGER - Prese,ct0o, of the 2017 Performance Measures and Supplemenml Budget (it -d ct0o, b a file with the Chief Clerk's Office} Discussion can be found on armived video LEGISLATIVE UPDATE -Discussion ca, be found o, archived video BOARD CHAIR UPDATE - Discussion ca, IRA found o, armived -o OUTSIDE BOARD AND COM M II REPORTS- Discussion can be found on al-dn-d video ADJOURNMENT -Chair Reinhabu-a-them ang ada-et 1005 a m. Janct M. Guthrie, Chief Clerk - County Board old liability company Carl A CITY OF LAKE ELMO NOTICE OF ACQUISITION Clan'o MacyP Coaa,zo, and COUNTY OFWASHINGTON OF CONTROL AnthonyT Gostens?o, Ramsey Gounry, ill the Shepuriblicff of sell at STATE OF MINNESOTA OF A MINNESOTA BANK o the highest bidder for RESOLUTION NO. 2016-69 PURSUANTTO MINNESOTA blh 0, Oaober 13, 2016 at 1000 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING LAW REGARDING am atthe Ramsey Gounry Sheriffs PUBLICATION OF CHANGE OF CONTROL Office ity CHall Annex, Suite 150 ORDINANCE 08-150 BYTITLE Notice is hereby given by: 21 J4es[Fourth So- h G y f D nald B Rega, Jea, A Regan SentPaul, sadcou y d h ANDSUMMARY P do G Regan, M,Fael O Regan, premises and real estate desabed WHEREAS the Giry Goundl of Kelly J. Regan, Colleen M. Regan, Judgment and Jecree legally the City of Lake EI h adopted S GRg K J. Nath an, de-, das: Od N00.110, ordnance Daniel 0 Regan a ly-a L 3, BI m1, Ryan ndustral Park d g the City y Code of group e ca -ft to �Jre being mknowne dnum berAd as Od by amedgh drys 21 rmore ofthesheresof Prem er 3151 Country 0i L Canada, provsonsrelatedtoh City C noil; Bank Mpl d, Mnnesota MN 5511]; 111-— P p rty under and Th Commof Gold m arca, Ger[ f tate of TtleN .0)8682 WHEREAS, the Ordnance s 1] State of M,nemct Gated: 61]-16 pagesln length; and pursuant to Matt Bo.o. WHEREAS Minnesota S[eWtes elcotemta Statutes, iSSecton 46048, Sheriff of Ramsey County, Section 412.191, subdivision 4, Pledthisnotitication art ng on Minnesota allows publica0on by title end wlllgu 18, 2016 nP[blio comm ant 8y: /s/Steve Grengs ummary In the case of lengthy be accepted o he appllcabon Deputy Sheriff ordinances or those mntanng for period f not less than 21 PFB Lew Prohleeiorertsor l ohamaps and days from August 24, n ca mane Association WHEREAS, the CityCouncil of Publioe0on. JVritte /a/Jared Goerlitz(#386]14) believes that the following summary sh uld beaddressedto: jgoerlkzOp(6-pa.com would deadyinam the public of the M. Shane Deal, 55 Eest 5th Street, Suite 800 thtArt and effect of the Ordinance; Deputy Commissioner St. Paul, MN- 01 and Depalm ant of Commerce Telephora: (ESu 291-8955 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Division of Finandal Institutions Facsimile: (61)228-1]53 RESOLVED by the Gry Gounoil S n]h Place Eest, Suite 500 Aaorneybr Plaintiff of the Gry of Lake Elmo, that the Sein[Paul, Minnesota 55101 THE TIME ALLOWED 8V Gry Clerk shall cause the following Is onsisan[, docu lawn ee eNOOoe LAW FOR REDEMPTION summary of Ordinance No 06150 to putlie document available BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE bepublishedintheoffidalnewspapa for rev t he Department f MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL in lieu of the entire ordinance: Gomm of800ace during tool al business hours of 800 am. 400 P . by REPRESENTATIVE ED ASSI CNS, Public Notice telephoning (f11) 5331714 for an MAY 8E REDUCED TO FIVE The City Council of the City ppointment. WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS of Lake Elmo has adopted (Review: Aug 24, 2016) ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Ordinance No. 012-150, Which STATUTES, SECTION 582.002, entls certain provisions of DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Chapter 31 of the City Code. PUBLIC NOTICE THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH The Ordinance aruend. the VALLEY BRANCH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING outlet of business ro regular WATERSHED DISTRICT OF LESS THAN 5 UNITS, ARE meetings,ncil r procedure, to WASHINGTON COUNTY, NOT PROPERTY USED FOR andpub Council response to MINNESOTA AGRICRE ULTURAL PRODUCTION, public co meat. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the AND A15-00 DONED. The fullhodof Ordinance Board of Managers of the Valley (Redw� Aug 24, 31, Sept], 14, 21, No. 08-150 is available for Branco Wadded Rasa will 28, 2016) inspection at Lake Elmo city hold a pu bill hearing et 800 Pm., hall during regular business Thursday, September e, 2016 hours. at the Lake Elmo Giry Hell, 3800 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED F enure A nue North, Lake Elmo, CITY OF LAKE ELMO by the Qty Council of the qty Minnesota, to lea, Bu he propose, COUNTY OF WASHINGTON of Lake Elmo th et the qty 201] Fiscal Veer Budget for the STATE OF MINNESOTA Adminietretor keep e copy of the bola inov-AdummI of the propose, ORDINANCE NO. OB -151 Ordinance at Qty Hell for public budget provides for the folds - AN ORDINANCE OPTING- exemn diWres: OUTOFTHE REQUIREMENTS in.p.cfo end that e copy be placed for public inspection at Water QuenO[y $ 25,00600 OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, the Lek. Elmo Public Library Water Quality 38],0)000 SECTION 462.3593 Dated: August l6 2016 Lake, Stream and SECTION 1. Sed Ion30l. Stan dards Mike P -kaon, Mayor Wetland Monitoring 115,50600 f R d and Rel.ed Uses ATTEST. M celManag ,t Arta T. Sp df 0 pment J Joon QtyClerk le Soo 00 Standarl Chapter 154: Znng Re,d,:Aug 24, 2016) Pub-duaton 31,9)600 Code, Ttle XV Land Usage a the Adm n sffratve Budget Lake Elmo Qry Code a Ordmences Total 1" 00600 m ended by adding the following: CITY OF LAKE ELMO ADMIN-STUDY/PROJECT Ea Temporary Health Care NOTICE OF BU DG ETTOTALS: $1,610,500.00 Dwellings Puteaed carryover Wnds from hogranted PUBLIC HEARING 2016 grants and other income will IDA Mlnnemcttoary Statutes Seaton TO WHOM IT MAV CONCERN: reduce the total proposed levy to 4Q319i, subdivision 9, the Gry Notice is hereby given that the $]9),00000. op6out of the requirements Giry Goundl of he Qry of Lake All thterea persons will have an I Minnesota S[adr- Seaton Coundllnnem ad V.ra theCy opportunityto be heard at saidt,me 4Q 319i, whim defines and Goundl Chambers, 3800 Laveme and place. regulates temporary family health Ave. N., Lake Elmo Minnesota, on Dated: August18, 2016 re dwellings By exer-ting this September 6 2016 at 700 PM. /s/Jill Lucas authority, the Qry Is prohibiting the cider and possibly approve Secrdery e of temporary family health Dere of e m sage therapy (Review: Aug 24, 31, 2016) dwellings within the Gry Premises panni[ for Babette Gay, SECTION 2. Effective Date. DBA Suitage'Hous 9 42 Hudson This Ordnance shall be effeaive Blvd., SUIIe3, Lake Emo, Minnesota mediately upon its passage and DATED: August 18 2016 publblon in the offidal newspaper BY ORDER OF THE LAKE ELMO dthe Gtyd Lake Elmo CITY CLERK SECTION 3. Adoption Date. This Julie Johnson, Qry Clerk Ordinance No 06151 was adopted .Review/Aug 24, 2016) on this 16th day d August , 2016 by v e of Ayes and 0 Nays o LAKEELMOCITV COUNCIL Mike Parson, Mayor Public Notices ATEST Continued on Page 13 Julie Johnson City Clerk (Review: Aug. 24, 2016) o L. 15 a, a, (b -0 D) -0 U Fz 0 q) CD 0)w cz Cz Ill Ea) 00 C'�p a) == .. 7r°n E> Q U co N s 0 IE a) r d 0 LO O U 0 Co N O 0 N - C = CL 07C5 M CO o O N C a) C O N ° U x M O o .� O ° L O 0 0 ECJ ...0 U (� 0--?' °N CL am"' E 4)` N E¢ O a) S C E N _ ¢ M E ° "- CZ 0 C � �o oa o �¢ C Y co C w 6 U 0 0)"Q = a¢ "� Qi o a° 0 a0 aN aE s Co m ° �°- o o Cf) a> xon�?a� ��nw�0¢ 2 ¢ aU mOCO)CNO9:� N 0 C 0-0-0 --0Y N N U a)Un 0 = = YQ C C E '- N S O m a) aa)) � E N A Y% c� a� , CL �cm a)o a)) omcz 00os �a�E� .°U o� o c�E0 0 cz czs a o N E° aN oE o o a o s � E ca O sn 0�a0) �¢m�Eo�a.6 o mJEau0C15 CZ = °r0nwoa)aj, UO) v U U 0° 0 mot$ ° 0 m p ti ° m °a 0 E H o¢° a ° s s o Q n 0 0 0 0 �oaaoo°0 maw o ° 0- s>' -Y- >U -o o-oa E o o �� 0� o -o cz a- > a 0, ° ° �U 0 0 cz aa) Nin :. o aCZ-o N a= ° iC cz j a a) o 'E 0 0 m o 0 0 R o N E 0 E 2 8, m 2 0 0 0 C mr_3. .-s E �0m� m0���s¢w Osa0U'-asn NN o o¢ a i E O o s 8-.E °n a s `° a Q J � o o N m o o v o o o m 'vio s0•�0 0� z0 i 0 0 0 m 0 m o o 0 0 N E E x o s o L= >, mU 0E5 Ea`O c�i oa U�' a) cz (C '_' O j O N> o a O O a 0 0 j E �_ '� U C - a a) w 0 O C> o N �U oU 00 cc,) 0 a) a E cz i 0� v o° o -az0 0 -,5 -0 z� ooxoN� r°ng)0 Y 0 U N O CO a) m C U -o L LL mo Lo N N �, (C m w N O�CL ENE�O�omY3� Boa m 3� 0`C) �`z 0 � Q 0 N UJ Qy >� O (C C 2 O1o'° O-¢ p NN cz m 0 a 0 E: o N ° o E� > ih .0 N -o --�0 a)-� �0E°S•� 0NH N m ON -E a�v`�ic�iOE���a).o�s° wa)o�5�'a�civi>,° 0 cz 6 d a� Q)a N E a0 m O o N 0 CL CL 005¢ 0 `za)cEaa�amo ° -00*C ���mo ' t� o f C7 w -o 2 U U E¢ z� as a' o:,-: co Cl) 0ay aOr-j, Q)-,oZ50ia cz Q) �cOi�E� ¢ cz a °n 0 0 E m -s a am)= ° 0aa c0) `can) c0i cz 0 3 w 0 a o) Z w '- Y 0 o E `n 0 ._ - wO 'EC5C) o`m00LU�o) aC�w�ro-���<¢ cn O m O cm x -o a) C cn p CO EC a) oa 2�(°�-c,5 cz O° �`�E 0o-ozoo���w m �. z� -0D) ¢�0 _0 0 >zE0 p Y O C 0 s (C a O N .E a) (C M f0 0 0 O 0 o Z �.. 0 > Fz CO sn -0 E 0 E `o - a m 3 ca 0 a0) H o 0 0 0 m 0 E 0 0 0 0 3 0 m o D o E i s E m °n E w E -000s0-o--�EO�s>.mpg0 Hoo 000.. o- U. s o m 0° 0 � E v o as 0 0 w 0_ o O Q Y ...6 � ... 0 0 0 0 0° m s> 0; 0¢ � 0 s ate -a 0 mm m mx EW �2Hw. �U) ¢�. m o0 `ao �>� 58�---0y� n -o�o-oa Nv)a)so00a0-0�. � cz v) .- E- O U a) O- a) d p s s� d s= s= s za 1) a) C a) 00 00 0'd Z.`• w--0= 0 N o)— CO �' pJ >'0 ~m° 0 Y a� Cf) �U �O O E d.¢ ai 0) d0d0 cl) 'o U) C 0CZ UC i,a) — �w CZ ¢ °0 0E3> 0po-om0> CL v a)� OcoOZs �0scns�� nEcz--2 a°�� Q) E-0 1 0 0)CZ U 00 Ya 0s00on- �E0 cz7a 0E °0-cn Y N iC U N :r (� O (C w '6 M 0 0 M O) O N 0 0 M O �z m� a �,- Q) MI 01v n 2 7z>,O N� 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 o'a 0 0 0 0 w 0 s 0 0 s a) ° N `o rn 0 "' 0 In N 00 .. �'6 s .N CZ .m -0 0 vi .0 0 2 an d .. 0 cz MI) . c0i-o -m�� 0mos o`m� E 6 o m N 0> E 0 m n `o a- E D 0'E > 0 0 E 0 O N s 0� 0Y CL o �_a E°0`o° 0cn 20 0cz0s0 a3)3�U°o->'70 00�oUom0m0aa0i m�� x�m� za¢ ' oLu oUxO o o���OCo 3 mLu Ew Emco r } W o° a o 0>�aa))0 �o Y CON N -p d) a) H Z 0 _ comU s N Z 0 .. >. m•�-� 0 N o 1 cz � OZ�NNocz Uo��Oca ED�E�o .CZ CZ0 Z 0 c W Z oiU v0 m am N s ¢>°> z 0 m _ Q O H E00 00 mo�oaa -mss a) C� 6 V a � CO �.N 0� o ad o a'a - cn CD �� �� UD)) UE) a) Mcc OZLL(33�U��o v E2a=)Naa)aaNN� 7 x co 2 O ._ '0 E 0� m> m. m 0 E LD Q>) 'm a C aaLL CCQaa) �U£00�ENv� CZ a) w ° Q - �� E 3 0 0� E o 0 O a�v)v oV 0 2C) O���:5E m (S co U O - a- tC cz 0 00cnU