HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 08-31 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 10 Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016 Review Public Notices STATE OF MINNESOTA a UHA E 12 a the NE l R of Section REPRESENTATIVES ORAS SIGNS, That prior a the Som m An- Ant a th-1, bna reinstated under The Academy Professional Buildinc COUNTY OFWASHINGTON 22menet-1-y along said east MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE thb-1,agea,a,a-Ap-omedmc Minnesom Smut, section 58030 25 North-A Street DISTRICT COURT e dlsmnm of343.] feet more WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS M1­--g-of M 1,a A or the property redeemed under St Paul, MN55102 tome mum line athe North ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA complied with al l nace requirements Ma--SEUU,, section 58023 i, '.1)2-9]. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 69. I- a the SE 114 at A NE 1 A STATUTES, SECTION 582032, as required by statute; that no action M ach 29, 2017 at 11S9gm. If the :14 08% CASETVPE: of SAdion22, thence W A,terly, alone DETERMINING AMONG OTHER or proceeding-beeninstituted et foregoing d-ba SeW-day, Sunday THIS IS A COMMUNICATION MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE said south line, a dismnce a 3Q. 45 TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED law or oth,-A a A.,, the debt or legal holiday, then the date a FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE feet a the pointa beginning PREMISES ARE IMPROVED s ured byan said mogage, or y va the next business day et 'Review: Aug 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept PURSUANTTO JUDGMENT (C-51896) WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING p-h - a 111i, 9 Pm. ], 14, 2016) Case No.:.-CV-1q-5590 REGISTERED PROPERTY OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, PURSUANT a me power a sale MORTGAGORS) RELEASED The Honorable Gregory G. Geller Property Add-ass: 8155 210TH ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN conmined iIn said mogage, the FROM OBLIGATION ON Wilmington Trust, -d-ll Street North, Forest Lake, MN55025 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, above described property will be MORTGAGE NONE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Aasocean, as Successor Trustee Tax ID'. 22 032 21 11 0001 ane ANDAREABANDONED. sold by the Sheriff of said county as THE TIME ALLOWED BY o Gitbank, NA, s Trustee 2203221.140002 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED follows: LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FORECLOSURE SALE for St-h-Ariel SAarite, to the highest bidder by auction FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION DATE AND TIME OF SALE: THE MOFTGAGOR, THE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Coaoralon, Mogage Pass pursuant to the Findings of Fact ON MORTGAGE: None SMtembe-29, 20161000A MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Through Certificates Series 2005 Conclusions of Law, Order for Dated: July 22, 2016 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff s Offs co, REPRESENTATIVES 0RASSIGNS ORIGINAL CREDITORWlTHINTHE 10 Judgment end Judgment Ant-, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Plaintff, in hA abovsentited a on Mortgagee Suite 150,5 Paul, MN WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION September 1, 2015 tdia,atsry THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA to pay the debt then secured by ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That T by J. M- G by J. mA judgment en d f PI ff By l I d M g g d t- T any on STATUTES SECTION 582032, dl h oaurred h dtn, M K Do db y B a n the amount teed F4.09 pl , R b F. S hiller Esq -d p d me costs enc DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER of h f II ng desab d gage: PI LLG,Th W b k, G[Benk merest end them f Id ala N.Kb g,F dungalleh, Esq db ,, ndud,ng ettomeys TH INGS THAT THE MORTGAGED MOR(TGAGORS). Dnald 'South Dakom), N A, nikla Ct Bank A ber[I copy of the End,— of Curt N Tr sko Esq.' fees allowed by law subject o PREMISES ARE IMPROVED K h single person National Assocation, Discover Bank, Fact, Condusions of Law, Order for Samuel R Coleman, Esq. redemption within 6Monts horn the WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING MORTGAGEE: 'WeIIs Fargo Cepiml One Bank (USA), NA Judgment end Judgment has been ADaeysa-Mortgagee dOea.d.lebythemoagoq(), OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Home Mogage, Ino,eCaliamie Calvary SPV I, LLC, John Doe, end delivered tome Washington Gounry ThAAcademy Professional Buildinc coeur personal represenmlves or ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN coR-ton nikla Wells Fargo Benk, Moe Sheriff. 25 North Me S-eet assigns AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, NA, sucoe,so-by merge-to Wells Defendants The-edemptan period from the S Paul MN 55102 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: ANDAREABANDONED. Fargo Home Mogage, Inc le will be six(6) months from the (651)2099]. The date on or before which the Dated: August 1,2016 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. NOT DYKE b HEREBY GIVEN met date of oonfinnat on of the sale by :132214FC01) h01 a o-mu,t ,Uemep-ope1yif U. S. Benk National Association, Aak,gned to: U.S. Beak Nalonal September20, 2016et 1000 AM, me Court Thereel be THIS IS A COMMUNICATION me morte eis not reinsmted under Asci fMorte- A,socelon es Trustee, acce l-in tG he Washington County Sheriffs propertym u,t g g gneeo 9 9 to Wedhovie Benk, Nelonel GfdA Washington Count, Law-tedby11S9Pm. onhela,tday FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Minnesom Salutes section 58030 OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Atavoaean, es Trustee,-Banc of Ena-cement Center, 15015 Qnd athe-edempton period Review: Aug 3, 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept or the property redeemed under ASSOCIATION Street North, S011weter, Minnesom THE TIME ALLOWED BY ],2016) Minnesom SmWte,sedion.023is By JonemenR LLskey, MidheelV Amerioe Funding Goryoralon Series me Washington County Sheriff LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Merdh 29, 201]et 11 S9 Pm. if me Schlei,men 2004-1 by a,mgnment recorded II the reel property legally THE MORTGAGOR, THE a-egoUgdatedaS.Daay,Sunday Attorneys tor. on Mach 30, 2012 as Document desaibedas: MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE or [gel holiday ten me date to U.S. Benk Nelonel Aasooielon, Number 3881597 in mA Office of That part of the East Half of the REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, veoe eis the next business day at Assignee of Mogagee the County RAoo-d of Washington Northeast Quarte-of Section 22 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE 115 9pm. 55 East Firth Sreet Suite 800 County, Minnesom Township 32 North, Range 21 W est W EEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS Date: Augu,t22016 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Washington Gounry, Minnesom ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA YOU ARENOTIFIEDTHAT: FROM OBLIGATION ON .1209095 OFMOR(TGAGE$1.,51000 de,aibedastllow,: STATUTES, SECTION 582032, 1. Default hes oaurred in me MORTGAGE: NONE .1-22&1]53 (fax) DATE OF MORTGAGE November Commendng et t northeast DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER condilons of the Mogage dated THE TIME ALLOWED BY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 14,2003 r of tlhe East Helf of me THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Mey19, 2015, executed by Hampton LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FROM DEBT COLLECTOR. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Northeast Quarter of Section 22' PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Real Estate-up Ina, aMinnesom THE MORTGAGOR THE 17%8140- Recorded on February 19, 2004 as thence -aelyelongt north line WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLING corp-an as Mogagor a MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL (Review: Aug 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept] Document Number 3423828 in the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Am erioan Land & Capiml, LLC, a REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNB, 14,2016,2016) Offae Washinof the heoCounty Ree.-deer of ofmAEast halOFQuarter ARE NOT PROPER(TV USED IN Minnesota limited liability company, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE e dismnco 888 tet less, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION es Mogagee and filed for record WEEKS IF AJU D ILIAL ORDER IS THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO to d point of intersection wim ANDAREABANDONED. May 19, 2015, as Document Na ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ne drawn parallel wit end di stent 40204] in the Office of the Count NOTICE LO MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. 4125 feet east of t west line of Dated: July18, 2016 Y STATUTES SECTION 582032, FORECLOSURE SALE WASHINGTON COUNTVSHERIFF Recorder of Washington County, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER $1425]434 me Ee,t half of Northeast Quarter Minnesom The land de,aibedin the THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 8y: /s/ Matthew W ielend THINGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO of Section 22, aenoe southerly Mort Bland THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE PROPERTY: Lot 12, Blot: 5, song said parallel line, e distance Deputy gage iol,gaalegis[ere PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Dated: Jul 14,2016 2 The gine) agageal amount WITH ARES IDENTIAL OW FEEING Cold-on es of Beld Eagle Leke, the1625 tet to mA scum line of THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, P.A. secured by me Mogage was: Two OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Common Interest Gom country Na of Nohh,ftQu Northeast Quarter Hundred NineryNine Thousand and AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION 1. Washington County, Minnesom of Northeast Quarter of Section 22', By: NTrisko ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That STREET ADDRESS OF thence -tehy, along said scum Curt NTrisko (WJ92 T53) 001100 Dollar,($299,00000). AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, demul[hesooarred in the condilons e a distance of 1. 6tet thence Aaorney -Plaintiff 3. No action or proceeding et law AND ARE ABANDONED. PROPERTY : 4979 NORTH 132ND l,nsoutherly, deflecting to the left 84 Wilmington T/ ,,National i, ow pending to recover he debt Dated: Augu,t4, 2016 of the allowi ng described m ogage: Wqy HUGO, MN 55038-0425 Association, as secured byme Mogage, or enypert CU Mortgage Services, Inc., MORTGAGORS'. Baaara E COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY degrees 00 minutes, a distance of Successo.Tr"s thereof Mortgagee Evens, a single woman, and Arthur IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, the ktettotlhe pointof beginni ng on The Acadeny Professional 4. The holder of me Mogage pFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL B Evens and Ma-ca A Evens, Minnesom he mum line of the North 56 tet of hes d with all conditons husband end wit TRANSACTION AGENT None the South Half of Northeast Quarter Building mmPlero a ASSOCIATION MORTGAGEE'. Wells Fer o 25 North Dale Street precedent coeleraton of the By Jonathan R Cuaey, MahaelV g NAME OF MORTGAGE of Northeast Quarter of Section 22', St. _'.N 55102 debt secured by the Mortgage and Sdhleisman Home Mortgage, Inc, a California ORIGINATOR: 'WeIIs Fargo mance conlnuing mumerly, along Tele hone: 61 2099]92 foreclosure of he Mogage, and glome tr: .-poraton nikla Wells Fargo Bank, Home Mogage, Ino a Cahamia me southerly proj f h I,t P ( ) II t Ys NA, by merger to Wells dlance of curt Oth�cadenylewgroup.com a no co and othe q of GU Mogage S yes Inc corp-ton nikla Aell F g Bank, 6..1de-6ed f ate more Id he (13-091-T02) applcable,teWte, Mogagee F g H M gage, na NA, successor by g )Vel is Rev Aw: Jay2], Aug 3, 10, 1], 24, S. Atthe date of M1 he 55 East Dfa Stree, Site 800 ASS GNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. Fargo Home Mogag scum Tne of me North 69.6 tet of ( nt due on me Mort end Ass gned to: Nona RES DENTAL SERVICER Wells the Southeast Quarter of Northeast 31 2016) es, if an, db MagaAeofnd St Paul, MN55101-1]18 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Far oBank,NA Quarter of Section 22', mance cox y, psi by .1209]599 OF MO_AGE:$86,80500 g a,terly along said south line, a Mogaged Three Hundred Thirteen-S-81753(fax) DATE OF MORTGAGE FebaaAV TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION distance oaf tet m0,H`70,`, re or less, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Thousand Fou-Hundred Eleven end THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 2004 NUMBER 3003121430044 161100 Doll-($313,411.16). FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TRANSACTION AGENT'S to the west line of No East ]85tet FORECLOSURE SALE 6 Pursuant to the power of sale in 8880.15-006332 DATE AND PLACE OF FILING MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION of the Ee,t Half of Northeast Quarter THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF the Mogage the Mogage will be (Review: Aug10, 1], 24, 31, Sept] Recoiled on April 1, 2004 as NUMBER None of Section 22',menconortherly, along THE DEBTANDIDEMITV OFTHE foreclosed, end me lend described 1420162016) Doamen[Number34324]l in me THAT no action or proceeding hes said east line, e distance of 510.] ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE es allows: Office of the County Recorder of been in,tiWted et law to recover me feet more or less, to the south line TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Lot 11, Block 1, Browns Greek Washington Gounry, Minnesom. debtthen remaining securedbysudh athe North 870 DOofthe Northeast AFFECTED BVTHISACTION Preserve, Common erect THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO mogege, or any pertmereof or if Quercer of Northeast Quercer of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Community Number n 364, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE the adion or proceeding hes been Section 22', then, westerly, along demult has occurredin the condit- Washington County, Minnesom FORECLOSURE SALE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. addiauted, that the same hes been ka more outhe In eheEace of 37 feet of the al lowing described m oItgage : will be sold by the County Sheriff THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF $11]]86% discontinued, or Dat an execution tome Sea line of tlhe MOFTGAGOR(S): Dennis of Washington Gounry, Minnesom, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF upon me ud9mant rendered merein Wes[4]056 feet of me Northeast B-and and Angela Bi-chland, et public auction on Sep tem be, 22, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE PROPERTY: L14, Blo,- Pinetree hes been retumedudeaed ke in Quarter of Northee Q hence h band and wife 2016 1000 am. h Sheriffs TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Pond Townhouses D Addition, wh part northerly, along d Ina, e M OFTGAGEE:M ogage Fed-orio ff Gl 0ivis W hng[on AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. AadhUgan County, M PURSUANT, to me power of sale dsmnco of 147] f less, R g ion Systems,Inc, a County Sh riffs Off 15015 Qnd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that STREET ADDRESS m OF co d said mogage, the to the south line of the North 56 Delaware Coryoralona,nomineea- Street N., Stllwater Minnesom demult has ocu,edin the condilon, PROPERTY: 8780 Ironwood Avenue above described property will be feet of the South Half of Northeast Centennial Mogage and Funding, 55082 of the allowing described mogage: South, Cottage GovA, MN 55016 sold byme Sheriff of said county as Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Inc, e Minnesom Goryorelon ] The street address of the Mogagor Fiona M. E-athiades 3353 allows: SedSection 22', thence westerly, along ASSIGNMENT'S OF MORTGAGE. motgagedp-opertyi,1425Monte-ey asingleper,on COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE AND TIME OF SALE. south line, adaanoeof26]feet Assigned to: WeIIs Fargo Benk, Court, Sillweter MN 55082, end me Mogagee: Homestead Mortgage IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, Septembe-2], 2016at1000AM 5 a p mo-e o, nning, contanag NA by assignment recorded on cox parcel identification number i, Corporalon Minnesom PLACE OF SALE: Washington So ac.A,, mora o-les September 272012 a, Document 1so3o2o3mo.. Datd:ovn2ggl TRANSACTION AGENT None county shenre, offlm, washmgon Including an easement ove end Number 3 85]6 in me Office of 8. The lme allowed by law a- Recorded: 03292001 NAME OF MORTGAGE County Law Ena-cement Center, 65 Tract B of Registered Land the Gounry Recorder of Washington-edempton by Mogagor or Ramsey County Recorder ORIGINATOR: WeIIs Fargo 15015 62nd S-eet North, Stillwater Survey No 81, Washington County, County, Minnesom Mort Ire Document No 3382196 Home Mogage, Inc, a CaI amia Minnesom gagoYspersvne presenmlves Minnesom ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ore 6 hsafterthe Ansi d To: TGF Mort corpora n nikla Wells Fargo Bank, he debt mens cured b ,mgns is six(Jmont gne gage l° a peyt e y Also inducting en easement over OF MORTGAGE: $324,00000 date of sale Corporalon,eMinnemm coryoralon FaM Homssor by merger to Wells said mogege end cox 4 if any and aoo,s met pat of the East DATE OF MORTGAGE Auguet26 9. THE TIME ALLOWED BV Dated: 0111]2001 Fargo Home Mo gage Ina ctuelly paid by the mortgagee, Half of the Northeast Quarter of 2005 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Recorded: 03292001 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER WeIIs on tlhe premises end me Dosis end Section 22, Township 32 North, DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: THE MORTGAGOR THE Ramsey County Recorder Fargo Bank, NA disbursementsallowedbylaw The Range 2l West Washington County, Recorded on October 4 2005 as MORTGAGORS PERSONAL DocumentN0. 338219] TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION lme allowed by law a-redempton Minnesom, described estllows: Document Num ber 35440]0 in the REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Assigned To: Mogage Electronic NUMBER: 1602].2143.0036 by said mogagoq( ), coeur personal Commenting at the northeast Office of the County Recorder of MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Reg-an Systems, Inc a TRANSACTION AGENT'S represenmlves or assigns is six (6J e- of said East half of Northeast Washington County, Minnesom WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Delaware coryoralon MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION month Dom me date of sale Quarter [hence westerly, along THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Dated051022006 NUMBER: None TIME AND DATE TO VACATE the north line of said East half of BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Re corded: 05082006 THAT no action or proceeding hes PROPERTY: Unless said mogage Northeast Quarter, a distance of ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Ramsey Gounry Recorder been addiauted at law to recover the i, reinstated or the property 822 feet more or less to the pant $330732 17 THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED Document No 394]149 debtthen remainag,Aa-edbyach redeem ed, or unless the lme ar of iota edon w,Hh a line drawn LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Assigned To: U.S. Bank Natonal mogage, or any part thereof or if -edam peon i, reduced by judicial parallel wim end Bismol 4]05 feet PROPEFTV: Lot 10 Blot: 4, WLTH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING Aasooielon the action o- p-ocoedmg hes been order you must vacate me premises st of the west line of said East Cam Fal- TH Addilon, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Dated: 11252013 instituted, that mA same hes been by 11 S9 Pm. on Merdh 2] 201]. Half of Northeast Quarter; mance Washington Gounry, Minnesom ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Recorded: 12022013 disconlnued, or met en exealon THE TIME ALLOWED BY southerly, along said parallel line e STREET ADDRESS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Ramsey Count Recorder upon the judge ent-endered merein LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY dismnco of.631 feet to the point PROPERTY: 1144 AUTUMN DRIVE, AND ARE ABANDONED. Document No 4435080 has been-emed un,atsfied, in THE MORTGAGOR THE of beginning on the south line of WOODBURY MN 55125 Attorney a- Mogagee: American Transaction Agent Mogage whole o-in par[ MORTGAGORS PERSONAL me North Half of Northeast Qua A, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Land3Cadml LLG Elearonio Registralon System,, Ina PURSUANT, to me Power of sale REPRESENTATIVES 0 ASSIGNS, of Northees[Qua ter of SAdion22, IS LOCATED: Washington County, Ryan J. Trude Mogagee Transaction Agent M ogage I'D No: conmined in said mogege, the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE thence wesehy, along said south Minnesom BRUTLAG HARTMANN W 1111212 -801/1486-'2 above de-bed property will be WEEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS li a distance of 260.0 feet thence TRANSACTION AGENT: M ogage TRUCKS PA Lender 4or Broker. Homes[eec sold by the Sheriff of said county as ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA soumerly, deflecting to the left 84 Bearonio Regi,tralon Systems, Inc 3555 Plymouth Boulevad, Suite M ogage Coaoral on allows: STATUTES, SECTION 582032 degrees 00 minutes a distance of NAME OF MORTGAGE ll/ Service-: U.S Bank Nabonal DATE AND TIME OF SALE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 6534 feet to the point of intersection ORIGINATOR: Centennial M ogage Minneapolis MN 554411349 Assooiabon OdobA-4, 2016,[1000 AM THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED wim e line drawn parallel with and and Funding, Ino a Minnesom (I6i)2222504 Mogage Originator: Home,teac PLACE OF SALE. Washington PREMISES ARE IMPROVED di,mnt 66 feet south of the south Coryorabon R1T 76G 04. PKC Mogage Otao-an Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING l,ne of the North Half of Northeast RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells 'Review: Aug 3, 10, 1], 24, 31, Sept LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF County Law Ena-cement Center OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Fargo Bank, N A ], 2016) PROPEFTV: Lot 24, Blot: 2 15015 Qnd Street North, S011weter ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Section 22', mance Easterly, along TAX pAF2GEL IDENTIFICATION Syndicate Na 3 Addilon, Ramsey Minnesom AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, said peral lel line, a distance of 267 NUMBER: 1002021 220081 Gounry, Minnesom to pay the debt men secured by ANDAREABANDONED. feet to me point of intersection witlh TRANSACTION AGENT'S This is Abstract Property said mogage end coxes, if any MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ne parallel wim end distant 4]05 MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TAX PARCEL NQ. dually paid by the mogagee, FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION feleadlathewea line of said East NUMBER: 10016250004.48091 FORECLOSURE SALE 3529.23.110150 on the p-emises and the costs and ONMORTGAGE :Donald Kun,hie- Half of Northeast Quarte-of Section THAT no adion o- p-ocoedmg has THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ADDRESS OF PROPERTY disbursement, allowed bylaw. The Dated: August 1, 2016 22', then be northerly, along said been n"buted at law to -Acove-the THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ERR LAFOND AVENUE eallowed by law a-redempton U.S. BANK NATIONAL lm Chep Antab anUg of66aet to debtmoagageth An rem ain,ptthe--ea such TIMED-IDORIGINAL EDITORWITHIN THE CS INT OUNT IN MN DHICH4 by ,aide.- ol{,), [heir personal ASSOCIATION ASTRUSTTO ac,e motofbeglnning, conmining04 mogage, 0, an,patkof e n TIME PROV'YTHISED BY LAW ISNOT ISSLOCAT D Et-eH PROPERTY ep-mdnth nomth oOeof ns iVAC (6) SUCCESSOR IN IMEREONAL e me action or p-ocoedmg has been NCHICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ISLOCATED:RINCIP moME AN mDIE Tsale WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL 'COT pat of t6 in,tiWted, met me same hes been NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TIME AND DATE TO VACATE ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR That pert of me Fes[ Helf of me disoonlnued, o- met an e.-tan demult has ocounedin the conk[- OF MOR(TGAGE:$72,4200g PROPERTY : Unless said mogage BANC OF AMERICA FUNDING N oaheaa Quarte-(E 12 of the NE upon the judgm ent -en dared therein of the all owing desai bed m ogage: AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO is meed or the property CORPORATION SERIES 20N-1 1A ) of Sedan TwenA,Nv (22), hes been returned un-teed, in Mogagor: Robert aloha-d Doble BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, redeemed, o- unless the lme a- Mortgagee Township Thi by Ba (32) North, whole o-in par[ andAmanda Kaye DoblefkaAmanda INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID Haem pton i, reduced by judical THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA Range Twenty-one (210 West, PURSUANT, to the power of sale Keye Buettner husband end wia BY M OFTGAGEE $5615088 oder you must vacate the p-emises By 1,1 Washington Gounry, Minnesom, conmined in said mortgage, the Mogagee: G.U. Mogage That p-al-tothecommencomenta by11 S9pm. on Apri14201 ]. RebeocaF Schiller Esq descr,bed ,,allow,: above described property will be Service, Inc thi,mogagetredosure procoedmc THE TIME ALLOWED BV N. bDID ecca ni -let gallate, Esq Commenting at the northeast sold byme Sheriff of said county e, Reco, 282014 Moad l Zgnee of Mogagee LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV 'Curt NTrisko, Esq.' er of the Ell of the NE ll4 of allow,: Recorded: 05082014 corn plied with ell nolco requirement, THE MORTGAGOR THE SemuelR Golem an Esq Sedan 22', thence westerly along DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Ramsey County Recorder a, required by,taWte; that no ad on MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Atomey, a-Mogagee the north line of the Ell of the NE September202016et 1000 AM Doamen[No. 0045004] or proceeding hes been indauted at REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, The Academy P-fe-anal Buildinc 114 edismnco of 888 fee[m PLACE OF SALE'. Washington Transaction Agent NIA law o-otherwise to I--, the debt MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE 25 North Dale Street to the point of intersection Gounry Sheriff, Office, Washington Trema ban Agent Mogage ID No: secu-ed by said mo-Rage o- any WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS St Paul MN55102 with e6line drawn parallel with and Count Lew Enforcement Center NIA pertthereof ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA '.1)2039]. distance 4125 feet A- of the 15015 Qnd Street North, Stllwater Lender o- Broker CU. Mogage PURSUANT to the power of ,ale STATUTES, SECTION 582032 161094FC01) e of the E l2 athe-A Minnesom Service, Inc conmined in ,aid mogage the DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THIS IS A COMMUNICATION of Sedan 22', thence mutherly, to pay the debt then se ured by Servicer GU. Mogage Service,, above described property will be THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. of along ka,dfpaMIedhAsoum line of add II °gage and cokes, if any Inc ,old bythe Sheriff of ,aid county es PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 'Review: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31, Sept uay paid by the mogagee, M ogage Originator C. U. M ogage follow,: WITH ARESIDENTIAL DW ELLING j142016) the N 12 of NE 1A of the NE 1A of on the p-emises and the cost, ane Service,, Inc DATE AND TIME OF SALE: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Sedan 22, thence westerly, along disbursement, ell owed by law. The LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Septembe-29, 20161000A ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ,aid mum line, a distance of 194.6 lme allowed by law a--edempl on PROPERTY: Lot 23, Blod: 2, Oak PLACE OF SALE. Sheriff, Office AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, feet thence ,outhe" defledi ng a by ,aid mogagoq( ), their personal Hill, Ram, County, Manta Civil Pktc-Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street AND ARE ABANDONED. the let 84 degree, 00 minutes, a-ep-esenmtive, o-assign,„ix(6) Tabb Ada-ad Property Suite 150, S Paul, MN MORTGAGORS RELEASED distance of 7294, moe o-IA,,, to month, Dom thedate -ale TAX PARCELN 0:113023.110039 to pay the debt then seared by FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION the point of beginning on the scum TIME AND DATE TO VACATE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: ,aid Mogage, end mxe4 if any, on ON MORTGAGE None e of the North 69.6 feet of me PROPERTY Ume,s,aid mogage EE4 GASTON AVE said premise,, and me cost, by Dated. Augu- 2016 SE 1 A of the NE 1 A of Sedan 22', i,-eadIed o- the property SHOREVIEW, MN 55126 disbursement,, i ndudag ettome, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. menet mnlnuIng mumehu along-AaAAmed, o- wlAs mA lmA a- couNTv w WHICH PROPERTY aA, avowed by law sublet o MOHgagee Public Notices the southerly prof ed of the lest-edempton i, -educed by judidal IS LOCATED: Ramsey-edemptan within 6Monms horn the THEAGADEMVLAW CIA described oo a dIaanco of oder you must vacate the p-emises ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT date of,aid,alebymemogagor(,J, By lsl COnhnued On Page 11 345.5 feet, more o- less, to the by 11 S9gm. on M arch 20, 201]. OF MORTGAGE $200 ]5000 their personal rep-Asenmlves or Rebeaa F. Schiller Esq south line of the North 4132]aet of THE TIME ALLOWED BY AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ,,sign, N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq ,aid SE 114 of the NE 114 thence LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: CHa N. Tri,ko, Esq asterly, along ,aid south line, a THE MORTGAGOR, THE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID The date on o- before which the 'Samuel R. Coleman, Esq.' distance of 39]. 1 fee[ more 0-10,4 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL BY M OR(TGAGEE:$215,237 ED mogagormu,tvaoetemepropercyif Attomeysfor Mogagee to the west line a the East ]85 feet Review Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016 Page 11 Public Notices BY MORTGAGEE :$129,071.19 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL OF MORTGAGE:$132,80000 parth-d MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION Continued from Pae 10 F tp,,,,t,the coman-Hof REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS DATE OF MORTGAGE: April 16 PURSUANT to o -e power of sale NUMBER None 9 o-ismor,g f,,edoswepa-da, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE L ned in said mortgage, o -e THAT no action or prooeedmg hes NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Mortgagee1-gnee of Mortgagee WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. above desaibed property will be been instituted et law to recover o -e FORECLOSURE SALE complied wio- ell nooco requirements ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Recorded on April 28 2015 enc sold by o -e Sheriff of said county es debto-en remaining secured bysudl TH E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF as required by statute tet no action STATUTES, SECTION .2032, me onalizdupon C,Ufi,ot Ttle follows: m ortgage, or,nypert thereof or, it THE DEBT ANOIOENTITV OFTHE or procoeding hes been instituted at DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Notn5]1. as Document Number DATE AND TIME OF SALE August the action or prooeedmg hes been ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITH IN THE Ise o,dte se to A,,,, HA debt THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 1233733 in the Office of the County 4201610:00 AM instituted, o-ato-e same hes been TIME PROVIDED BY LAW N, NOT Q1md by said mortgage, or any PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Registrar of Titles a Washington PLACE OF SALE : Seriffs Office, discontinued, or that en ex AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTI oIS Perto-ereof WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING County, Mune Givil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street upono-ejudgten[,endered there in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PURSUANT to o -e power of sale OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO Suite 150, St Paul, MN hes been re IH unsatisfied, in defaulthasoaurredintheoondi0ons mnbined in said morgage, o -e ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE to pay the debt then secured by whole or in pert of the following desaibed mortgage: above desaibed property will be AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. said Mortgage, andt- if any, on PURSUANT, to the power of sale MhI,IIo Ugdco AClm,1,agnd cold by the Sheriff of said county as ANDAREABANDONED. $13346102 said premises, and the Dosis and contained in said mortgage, the Colleen Clausen husbClau-wife follows: MORTGAGORS) RELEASED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF disbursements, adudmg attomeys' above desonbed property will be Mortgagee: hu,band and Ilsley DATE AND TIME OF SALE: FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION PROPERTY: Lot S,. (6) BI- One fees allowed by law cubed o mldbyo-e Senffof said.UUry Bank October 6 2016 10 00 AM ON MORTGAGE: Alda Hems and (1), Parkview Addition, Washington ,edempoon within 6Mono-sfrom the follows: Date d: 03252008 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, James H. Harris Gounry, Minnemb date of said sale by He Igag,q( ), DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Rammed. 03x12008 CvI Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street Dated. Au gusto, 2016 REGISTERED PROPERTY their personal r,pr dUov o, 0ctober1Q 2016at10A0 AM Ramsey Gounry Recorder Suite150, St Paul, MN WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. STREET ADDRESS OF asmgns PLACE OF SALE: Washington Doamen[Na 40880.54 to pay the debt then wowed by Mortgagee PROPERTY: ]% ASHLAND AVE, DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Gounry Sheriffs Off- Washington TransaCRlOn Agent NIA said Mortgage, end bates, if any, on THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA SAINT PAULPARK, MN55071 The date on or before which the Gounry Law Enforcement Center Transaction Agen[M ortgage ID No: saidp,_,nts, and them nc By lsl COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY a1gagm,"uA vacate o-ep,operty 15015 Qnd Street North, Stillwater NIA disbursements, induding attorneys' Reb-F Schiller, Esq. IS LOCATED: 'Dashugton Count, if the mortgage is not rein ed0d Minnesota Lender or Broker: M&I Marshall & fees allowed by law subject o N. obongni Fondungallah, Esq. Minnemb under Minnesob Statutes s n o pay the debt then -,,d by slay Bank redemption within 6Mono-sfrom the QrtN. Trisko, Esq TRANSACTION AGENT: None 58030 or the property redeemed said mortgage and bats if any Il Servicer: BMOHarris Bank, N.A. date of saidsale bythe molgagoq( )r 'Samuel R. Colerren, Esq.' NAME OF MORTGAGE under Minnesota Statutes section actually Paid by the mortgagee, Mortgage Originator: M&I Marshall their personal rep,esenboves o AD meysfor Mortgagee ORIGINATOR: Wells Fargo Bank, 58023 is February 4, 2017 et on the premises and the Dosis and &Ilsley Bank esmgns T eAcademy Professional Buildinc NA 11 59 Pm. if he foregoing date d disbursements VAallowed by law. The LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE TO IRATE PROPERTY: 25 North Dale Street RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, time allowed V, law to, redemption PROPEFTV: Lot 2, Rod: 1, EG The date on or before which the St Paul, MN55102 Fargo Bank, N A then the date to vacate is the rte# by said molgagoq( ), their personal Bowen'sAddioon mortgagor must vacate the property (E51J 2039]. TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION business day et 11 59 P m. rep-ent.-or assigns ssix(6) This is Addoad Property if the mortgage is not rein atec '161165-FC01) NU M PER 12 027 22 11 0012 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED m onth s Dom the date of sale. TAX PARCEL NO under Minnesob Statutes sedan THIS IS A COMMUNICATION TRANSACTION AGENT'S FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TIME AND DATE TO VACATE 28 29 22 44 0183 58030 or the pApely,edeemec FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION ONMOR(TGAGE. NONE PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. under Minnesob Statutes sacro ' Review: Aug. 24, 31, Sept], 14, 21, NUMBER None THE TIME ALLOWED BY is reinstated or the property 1233 HEANEY ASE 58023 is April 6 2017 et 11 5 9 p�mn 28, 2016) THAT no action or p,ocoedmg has LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY redeemed, o unless the time for SAINTPAUI, MN55106 If the foregoing date is a S,UDaa, been instituted at l aw to remver the THE MORTGAGOR THE redemption is,edu,ed V, udidal COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Sunday or legal holiday, then the debt then remaining secured bysuoh MORTGAGORS PERSONAL order you must vacate the premises IS LOGATE-0:Ramsey date to vacate is the rte#business NOTICE OF MORTGAGE mortgage or any pare thereof or if RE PRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, by 11 59 P m. on April 18, 2017. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT day et 11 59 Pm. FORECLOSURE SALE the action or pro'Akame hes been MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THE TIME ALLOWED BY MORTGAGORS) RELEASED instituted, that the same hes been WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY OFMORTGAGE $9750000 FROM OBLIGATION ON THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF discontinued, or that an execution ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE MORTGAGOR THE E JEASOUNT E AND CLAIMED OF TO MORTGAGE. NONE THE DEBT AND EDITO WITITY OF THE upon the judgment rendered therein STATUTES SECTION 582032, MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, THE TIME ALLOWED By ORIGINAL IDEDI BY LAW IS THE has been re med unsatisfied, in DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, INCLU DING TAXES IF ANY PAID LAW FOR REDEMPTION By TIME PROVIDED LAW IS NOT whole orin pert THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED MAY BE REDUCED TO RISE BVMOFTGAGEE. $920]12] AFFECTED BHEREBY GIVEN powe,o prio,tot THE MORTGAGOR THE PURSUANT, to the f sale PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS That he oommenoement of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL contained in said mortgage the 'W LESSRESIDENTIAL O'WENITS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA o-ismogeei Knee of promeding REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, defaultn the age above desaibed property will be OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, STATUTES, SECTION 582032, MortgegeelAasignee of Mortgagee MAV BE DEDUCED TO FIVE of o -e allowing desaibed mortgage: soldbyo-e Sheriffof saidooUUyes ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN DETERMINING AMONG OTHER .apliedwio-arn,ok-equirem ants WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Mortgagor: Golly Alen Tokheim,e follows: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED s,equi,edby-bate; h,onoactan ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA single person DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ANDAREABANDONED. PREMISES ARE IMPROVED or prooeedmg h as been instituted et Mortgagee: G.U. Mortgage STATUTES SECTION 582032 October 18 SALE AM Dated. June 32016 WITH A RES IDENTAL DW ELLIINC law or otherwise t remverme debt cartes, m gen DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER ° PLACE e SALE Washa U.S. Brink National Association, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS cored by said mortgage, or any THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Fled 1 52012 cowry sheriffs offloe, washmgron Assignee of MOHgagee ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN percthereory RIed.1210.5 Regb PREMISES ARE IMPROVED county Law Sarcoment Center SS LAW PROFESSIONAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, PH ro the power of sale Rcumen Regis219 of Tees wITH ESS THAN DWELLING Mone Qnd so-eet torch, sollwatr ABy Jon not AND AM ABwvooNEO. eined in said mortgage, the OF LESS THAN RISE UNITS Document Na 20 5. Pgeinst Minnesob By. Jonathan R LLskey, Michael V MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ab=ed property will be Gertifioete of Title No 5.476 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN to pay the debt then secured by Schleisman FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION sold byo-e Sheriff of said munry as AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Transaction Agent a said mortgage and taxes, if any Attorneys a,. ON MORTGAGE: None R110- AND ARE ABANDONED. Transaction Agen[Mortgage lO No: actually paid by the mortgagee, U.S. Bank Neoonel Aasooieoon, Dated: August 23, 2016 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: NIA Dated: Augusts, 2016 on o -e p=t es and the costs enc Assgnee of M agagee WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. O br620161000AM U.S.ank NaH.nal Assocet on L d rBroker: GU. Mortgage dsbursemena ell owed bylaw. The 55 East Flo- Street Suite 800 Mortgagee PLACE OF SALE. Sh ff's OfficeS CMI P-- Unit 25 ,riff h Street Ass g^ee of Mortgagee S '.I GU. Mo g g Servicos [me allowed by law for redempt on S[. Paul, MN 55101-1]18 THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA Suite 150, St Paul, MN OFF F PROFESS ONAL ria by sad molgagoq( ), the, personal .1 2097549 By lsl ASSOCIATION representatives o, assigns is six (6) .122&1]53 (fax) Rebecca F Sd,rer Esq. to pay the debt then secured by By Jonathan R Cuske, Miehael V M .gage Originator: G. U. M .gage months Dom the date of sale. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION N. obongni Fondungallah, Esq said Mortgage, end taxes, If any on Sohleismen Servicos, Ina TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. CHa N. Trisko, Esq kald p es end the costs end A ysfo,: LEGAL OESGR PT ON OF PROPERTY: Unless sad mortgage JUG? 'SanuelR Coleman Esq' d b a, indudng ettomeys U.S Bank National Assooaton PROPERTY: Lot22 Blod<1, Beaver d or the property 'R :June 15, 2, 29, JHIy613, Attomeysar Mortgagee f II ed by law subject o 9 of Mortgagee Lake Heights, Ramsey Gounry, d d, , unless the tme a, 20 2016) The Academy P,ofe-anal Buldnc ,edempoon within 6M onths from the 55East Fifth Street Suite 800 Minnesob redemption is redumd by Iodide, NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT 25 North Dale Street date of said sale bythe moagagor(s), St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 Thisis Registered Property 0 deryou m nest vecateo-e premises St Paul DaleSP2 their personal rep -ental_ o TAX PARCEL NO OFMORTGAGE .1203]599 262922410112 by 1159 Pm. on Apn118201 ]. FORECLOSURE SALE .1J 2039]. .DATES TO VACATE PROPEFTV .12281]53 (far) ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: THE TIME ALLOWED BV '16121-FC01) The date on o, before which the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 2159 WAU KON AVE LAW FOR CROPS FTION BV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. THE MORTGAGOR THE the above Mortgage Foreclosure FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. mortgagor must vacate the property 1 /418 1, 00413 1 SAINTPAUk M N 55115 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL the is hereby posgroned le 'Review:Au BT COULt], 14,2728, if the mortgage is not rein eted (Review: Aug 1], 24, 31, Sep[], 14 COUNTY N WHICH PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, September 8, 2016 e 1000 Nv1, Oct 5, 2016) under Minnesob Statutes Becton 21 2016) ISLOCATED. Ramsey MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Sheriffs Offs co, Civil P,00ess Uni[ Unde, u the property redeemed ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS 25 W.4th Street Suite 150, St Paul, under Minnesob Statutes Becton OF MOR(TGAGE$4],00000 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA M N in said County and SEUe 580.23 is Apri162017 at 11 S9 p�m. AMOUNT DUE AN D CLAIM ED TO STATUTES, SECTION 582032 Dated: July 142016 NOTICE OFMORTGAGE If the foregoing date is e Seturde, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER U.S. Benk National Association, FORECLOSURE SALE Sunday o, legal holiday, then the FORECLOSURE SALE INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID THINGS, THAT THEMOFTGIED Assignee of Mortgagee THERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF date to vacate is the rte#business THE RIGHT TO VERI R CATION OF BY MORTGAGEE:$45,20. PREMISES ARE IMPROVED PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE day at 11 59 P m. THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE Th at prior to the com m ended ent of WITH A RES IDENTIAL OW ELLING ASSOCIATION ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITH IN THE M OR(TGAGORS) RELEASED ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE thi sm olgage a,eoloswe proceeding OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ByJonathan R LLskey, MaFael V TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT FROM OBLIGATION ON TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT M ugageeS,s gnee of Mortgagee ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Shcleisman AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. MORTGAGE: NONEAFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. complied with all n000e,equiremena AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Al 01neys aat ,. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, th THE TIME ALLOWED By NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That as required by statute; that no action AND ARE ABANDONED . U.S. Bank Neoonel Aasooieoon, debut[hes oagrredino-eoondioons LAW FOR RED EMPTION BY debul[hesooarred in the conditions or prooe„elgi atbrecovertlhe SOGAGORS) RELEASED Assignee ofM agagee of the allowing de-bedmortgage: THE MORTGAGOR THE of the allowing de -bed mortgage: 0 nvedebt FROMFTFINANCIAL OBLIGATION 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Mortgagor: Eugene R Lavaque and MORTGAGORS PERSONAL MORTGAGORS)'. Jam es H. Hams secured by said mortgage, o, any ON MORTGAGE: None St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 Theresa G Lavaque, husband and REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, and Ada Halt s husband and wife parcthe,eof Dated: August252016 .1 2017599 wia MAY BE REDUCED TO RISE MORTGAGEE.Mortgage Bearonio PURSUANT to the power of sale WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. l/41&16000Q-1 Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic W EEKS IF A J UD ILIAL ORDER IS Registration Systems, onta,ned desn adprope�geill he Mortgagee Review: JHIy2], 2016) Registration Systems,In a ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA pal aware oogSy"e , es nomi w TH E AGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT nominee a, U.S. Benk Naoonel STATUTES SECTION 582032 a, I- National Sougagenea soldby the Sheriff of said county as By ISI OFMORTGAGE Asvooiaoon DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Urginie company allows: RebecceF Shciller Esq Dated: 031102010 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ASSIGNMENT'S OF MORTGAGE: DATE AND TIME OF SALE. N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq FORECLOSURE SALE Recorded:031162010 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Assigned to: WellsFergo BenkNA October 13, 20161000 AM 'Curt N.Trisko, Es q.' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Ramsey County Remrder W LTH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING by assignment,eoo,ded on Jun eB PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff's Offico, SemuelRGolemen, Es4 the above Mortgage Fo,eolo_e Doamen[Na 4212555 OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 2016es Nu Civil Proms Unit 25 W. 4th Street Abome to,MO Sele ishereb[posgroned to October Assigned To: U.S. Bank National Suite 150, S[ PeuI, MN 's 29a9ee 13, 2016 a 1000 AM, Sheriffs ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN of the Offs on the County Reoo,der The Academy Professional Building Association AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, of Washington Gounry, Minnesop t pay the debt then secured by 25 North Dale Street Offico, Qvil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th De ted: 041162013 AND ARE ABANDONED. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on S[ Paul MN 55102 Street Suite 150, SY PeuI, MN in Recorded:04252013 Dated: August 8, 2016 OF MORTGAGE:$280,833.00 said premises, end the costs end .-1)2099]. said County and Stoe Ramsey County Remrder BMOHarris Bank N.A., as DATEOF MORTGAGE: Decombe, disbursement induding abomeys' (16123FC01) Dated: August24, 2016 Document No. 4397661 suc —AIMershall A 11 2007 fees allowed by law subject o THIS IS A COMMUNICATION U.S. Benk National Association, Transaction /gent Mortgage Ilsley Bank, Mortgagee DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. redem poon within 6Mono-sfrom the FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. Assignee of Mortgagee Electronic Registration Systems,Ina OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Recorded on February 2, 2008 es date of seidselebyo-e mortgagor(sJ, (Review: Aug 3l, Sep[],14,2726 PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Transaction Age n[Mortgage lO No: AssoannoN DooHment NHmbe,3.141e in the their pemonal ,ep,esenboAes o, of s, 2167 ASSOC ATION 100021200000.0131 By Jonathan R LLskey, Midlael V Go be of the County Remrder of assigns. By Jonathan R Cu,key, MkFael V Lende, o, Broker: U.S. Bank Shcl eism an Washington Gounry, Minnesota DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Sdlleisman National Assn -an Abomeysa,: THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO The date on o, bea,e which the Al. Se-,: U.S. Bank National BMO Hems Bank NA, s BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE mortgagor must vacate the property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE U.S. Bank National Assn -an, Assooiat on to M & Marshall & Ilsley ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. if the mortgage is not 'en e stated FORECLOSURE SALE Assignee of Mortgagee Mortgage Originator: U.S. Bank Bank, Mortgagee $258352' under Minnesob Statutes, Becton THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 55East Fifth Street SHite800 National Assn -an 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 58030 0, the property redeemed THE DEBT AND IDENNTY OF THE a Paul, MN 55101-1]18 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF st PeuI, MN 55101-1]18 PROPERTY: Lot 2 Block 3, Royal under Minnesob Statutes secton ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE .1203]549 PROPERTY: The West feet of Perk Subdivision, Washington 58023 isApnl13, 201]et 11 S9p�m. TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT 1/41&16000Q- Eest 280 feet of the North 289.6 6512281]53 (tax) Gounry, Minnesob If the aregoing date is a Saturday, AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. "Review: Aug 31, 2016) feet of Block B, Rley Gervais Lake THIS IS A COMMUNICATION STREET ADDRESS OF Sunday o, legal holiday, then the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Addio on, lying East of State H ighway FROM A DEBTCOLLECTOR. PROPERTY: 738 PAUL ROAD date to vacate is the rte# business bOaat has ocu,edin themndita- right-oEway easement on Edgerton 1.2]-16004451 WOODBURV MN 551 25 day. 11 S9 Pm. of the allowing desaibed m olgage: NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Street Ramsey County, Manemm 'Review: Aug 1], 24, 31, Sept], 14, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MOFTGAGORSJ RELEASED Mortgagor: Jim P Cosvack, Together wih an 21 2016) FROM OBLIGATION ON Had FORECLOSURE SALE mmon J IS LOGATEO: Washington Gounry med wio-oo-e, a,thepurpose MORTGAGE. NONE THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF co Minnesob Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic of access to Gervais Lake and the gg THE TIME ALLOWED By g ystems, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE TRANSACTION AGENT: Mort e e Re ibo.an S e shore thereof over and aaoss the g ,teeIncLAW FOR REDEMPTION BV n s ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE NOTICE OFMORTGAGE El NAME oRe istraoonS esIn omnee a,U.SBank NA n0 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT West5feet of the East200 feet of NAME OF MORTGAGE THE MORTGAGOR THE De.-ded�0]2006 the Wes[H alfofh,p29 en[Lot3, FOREC LOSURE SALE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL AFFECTED BYTES I BN THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ORIGINATOR: Mortgage Bad a REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, Recorded:04 Count, NOTICE IS HEIFERS GIVEN: That Section 8, Township 29, Range 2, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Registration System e MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Ramsey Gounry Remrder defaul[hesoccurredinthemndioons eesemen[h of County Road BAD said Delaware omoraton,sas n ml Document No 3.1040 harem granted, however ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE for Aocoss Neoonel Morgagenee WEEKS IFAJUDICIAL ORDER IS Aasigned To: U. S. Benk Neoonel oftheallowingdescnbedmolgage: then not indude any right to build, TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Urginia company ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA association MORTGAGORS) Kathleen M. n wharf, doll or AFFECTED By THISACTION. STATUTES SECTION .2032 Hoo ley, anunmaniedwoman erect e,ktudln NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Dated 12M02014 MORTGAGEE East Metro anyoo- upon kad upon the bed of Fargo Benk, N A Recorded:121162014 Lake or upon said easement of thefolsoage ibed oondioons THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Mortgage,eMinnemb mmpeny TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION not Ramsey county Remme, TAsiswstmP Property of olago, Jdesaibedmortgage: NUMBER :0002021340033 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Documen[No. A0453Q9? ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE TAX PARCEL NO.'. Mortgagor: Jay R Olesen end TRANSACTION AGENT'S WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING Transaction /gent Mortgage Aasigned to: W ells Fal -go Bank, N A 00 29 2 42 0025 Renee Lee Olesen, husband end MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION OF LESS THAN FIVE UNIT'S, Electronic Registration Systems Ino by assignm enteco,ded on January ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. wia ARE NOT PROPERTY useD w 17 2006 as Document Numbe, NUMBER 10005111000o13212s Transadlon Agent Mortgage ID No 588 COUNT RD 32E Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic THAT no action o, p,ocoeding hes AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 1000212]8��ent S 1164008 in the Office of the County LITTLE CANADA MN 55117 Registration Syaems, ad a ANDAREABANDONED. Register of Tees of waahmgton s beeninstitutedat lg eho0_cove, o -e Lender or&oker: U. S. Bank Goun[, Minnesom COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY nom e ar MidAmerica Mortgage debto-en remaining secured by such Dated: August,], 2016 Servicer: U.S Bank National y ISLOGAT IN Ramsey C000,D ted Don e cogoraoon h f or if CU Mortgage Services, Inc., Association ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT mortgage, o, any pert t ereo, OF MORTGAGE: $123,000 00 Bled :09ro3204 the action or proceeding has been Mortgagee Mortgage Originator: U.S. Bank OF MOFTGAGE. $15425300 Filed. 101192004 indi PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL DATE OF MORTGAGE: December ted, that the same hes been NA AMOUNT DUE AND OF NOTICE TO Ramsey County Registrar ofTtle�aIna tu the -en ASSOCIATION 23200.5 discontinued, o, that an ex LEGAL DescRlPnoN of BE DUE AS of DATE of NoncE, Document No 184oso] Against BY :Jonathan R askew Mld,ael V DATE AND PLACE 1 FILING upon been Iume�ende,eded In PROPERTY The west De feet of INCT BYMO IN. TGAGEE$ IFANYPAID cemeoat of Tee Ne:3eoo51 H n sd,leisman Rammed on January n, ADDS and has been re coed unsatisfied, the East 4]4 feet of the'J4'est 12W r BVM MORTGAGEE theco1menceme 57 Aasigned To: U. S. Bank NA Alore memone,zed Hpon Certifioete ofTitle whole perc ys feet of o -e SoHo- 10e sof the Thet priortoo-e commencement of Dated: 03092009 CU Mort a e Services, No. ]0808 he Document Number PURSUANT to the power of sale 9 9 Inc., North 36 aces of that tract of ,anc this mortgageforedosure proceedinc Rled03252009 contained in said morgage, the Morgagee described as al lows: The West l2 116400]in the Office of the Gounry MortgageelAasignee of Morgagee Ramsey County Registrar of Ttles above desaibed property will be 55 Eest Fifth Stree[Suite 800 of o -e Souo-wes[1l4 of Sections Registrar of Ttles of Washington -pled wio-ellnoocorequiremena Document Na 206]28 Against sold by the Sheriff of said county as SY PeuI, MN55101-1]18 together with the East 20 rods of Gounry, MinnUT srequ,edby-butes [hatnoactan Gertifioete of Ttle No.: 380051 .1203]549 THE AMOUNT GIAIMEO TO or prone g allows: o -e Southeast 1A of Section 6 all in din hes been instituted et Transaction Agent Mortgage DATE AND TIME OF SALE: .12281]53 (far) Township 29, Range 2, eanrdmc BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE law or otherwise to recovero-e debt Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. October 11 2016 at 1000 AM THIS IS A COMMUNICATION to the United States Government ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE secured by said mortgage, or any Transaction Agent M .gage ID No: PLACE OF SALE: 'J4'ashingbn FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. Survey thereof and sit e in $11243608 part thereof', 10033000000000154i Gounry Sheriffs Office, WasGAL hington 8880.15-00]163 Ramseycounry, Minnesob Hat EE DESCRIPTION OF PURSUANT to the power of sale Lender o, Broker: MidAmerica 'Review: AH 24, 31, Sept, 14, 21, PROPERTY: Unit No. 108 and Gounry Law Saroement Center g This is Abstract Property Hni mnbined in said mortgage, the Mortgage Gogoretion,eoogoraoon 15015 Qnd Street North, S011weter 28 2016) TAX PARCEL NO.' Na d V,e Condominium above described property will be Service,: U.S Bank Neoonel Minnesob 05 29 22 32 0008 Not 54, Pond Uiew Apertmena,e cold byo-e Sheriff of said munry as Aasodeoon condominium, Washington Gounry, ro pay the debt then m wed by ADDRESS of PROPERrr. avows: Mortgage Originator: MidAmerica 0 Minnesob said mortgage end tax s, if any NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 401 ELI RD DATE ANO TIME OF SALE: August Mortgage Gogoretion eoogoraoon ad e REGISTERED PROPERTY Melly paid by the mortgagee, FORECLOSURE SALE LTTLE CANADA MN 5511] 4, 20161000 AM LEGAL OESGRIPTION OF STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Lot 12 BION 1, Bona on o -e premises end o -e costs anc THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY PROPERTY : 13971 60TH STREET PLACE OF SALE Sheriff's OR, disbursement allowed bylaw. The THE DEBT AND IDENTITY ,F IS LOCATED: Ramsey Civil 150 St Unit 25 W. 4o- Street Addition t ll CTNM128, STILlWATER, MN TAX Registered Property by medbylaw to, TIME INALCREDITORWITNS THE ORIG GAGE $226 AMOUNT 5COUNTY OUNT8 SHIIe15 the detI, MN TAX PARCEL NO. by said t.- or(s), that, personal TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT OF MORTGAGE: $22600000 GOUNTVkIN WHICH PROPERTY to pay the debt then secured by represenboves or assigns is six (6J AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO said Mortgage, end tares, if an, on 03302333.0025 months nom the date of sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'. That BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NO n GE IS LOCATED: washagton Gounry, said premises, and the =and ADDRESS OF PROPERTY Man-ta TIME AND DATE TO VACATE debwthas occurred In the mndleons INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID disbursement and the ett and 5140IRONDALE ROAD PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage BV MORTGAGEE. $216,00.5.12 TRANSACTION AGENT None fees allowed by law subjed o of the following de- bed mortgage. MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55112 fated or the property MOFTGAGO S That prior to to commencem ant f NAME OF MORTGAGE redemption within 6 Montsfrom the MOUNTS VI WHICH PROPERTY is rams F( ): Thomas M. ° ORIGINATOR : Easel Melo Mortgage redeemed, o, unless the time a, Bumham, akagl A person o -ism orcgagearedosure promedmc eMinnesob coin date of said sale byo-emortgagor(sJ, IS LOCATED: Ramsey redem Don is redumd b didal Mort e eelAssi nee of Mort e ee party their r ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT p y u MORTGAGEE: Wells Fargo Bank, 9 g 9 g g RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells persona ,ep,esenboves o order you m Hsi vacate the premises NA complied wio- all nooco,equi,emenP, assigns OF MO R(TGAGE$180,00000 by11S9Pm. on AprIll 201]. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. asrequi,edbydAJDte;th.noadan Fargo Benk, N.A AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THE TIME ALLOWED BV Assignedto:Nona or procoeding hes been instituted et TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Public NoticeS BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE FAX FOR REDEMPTION BY ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 10' o, otherwise to re cover o -e debt NUMBER:05 TION 20.110015 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID THE MORTGAGOR THE wowed by said mortgage, o, any TRANSACTION AGENTS CONONUe(1 on Page 12 Page 12 Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016 Review Public Notices discentinied, or that an A.-Han CITY OF MAPLEWOOD NOW Solar Energy Retrofit 150,000 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD CITY OF MAPLEWOOD upon the judgment rendered there in ACCEPTING APP LICATIONS Flood Damage PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ORDINANCE 969 Contlnnetl from Page 11 has been returned unsatisfied, in FOR 201] CHARITABLE Reduction Fund 1200000 OF AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING wholA or in per[ AD VALOREM TAXES: The ­ DATE TO CARATE PROPERTY: PURSUANT, to me power d sale GAMBLING FUNDS d tkese improvements will be pais AMENDMENT OF THE MAPLEWOOD PARKS The date on or before which the contained in said mortgage, the The day of Maplewood is now by grants end ad valorem tax on all CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE XIII AND RECREATION CODE m ortgagor mua,_A ltn,propercyif above de,aibed property will be acceptng dOliaaton, for the use property in the Distrix as provide, REGULATING PERSONAL TO REDUCE the mortgage is not reinstated under ,old by the Sheriff of said ccunryes of the 201]procceds of the GAG by Minn. Sab §103B 251. The Minnekoct Statutes %axion 50030 follows: 10°% Chanmble Gambling Tax The proposed budget will be $0,200,110. SERVICES THE NUMBER OF REQUIRED or the property redeemed under DATE AND TIME OF SALE applad on deadline i, September Prolexedatered funds, grantran, The GiryofMeplewood is proposing PARKS AND RECREATION Manekoct Sabu-lection 50023 i, Oxober 25, 2016 at 10 00 AM 15,2016 carry over funds will reduce the toctl amendments to the dry ordinance COMMISSION MEMBERS Februery4, 201]et 1159 Pm. If the PLACE OF SALE: Washington order to qualify, en organization propos ed levyto$3,1]0,360. thetreguletesPersvnel Services, end Section 1. This endm ant W hold e publio hearing for me firs[ foregoing datei s a S.Da,RSunday County Sheriffs Office, 'J4'ashiUon mus[beenonprofit ccrporationwim TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING: W ho f pubbnanceto, the ant r es Section 2631amCreated; g h li day, then the date to Gounry Lew Enforcement Renter R5501(o) (3)d g thc ThD x will hold epubloheer ng g ompost on eppo ntment to rest s the n- busne„ day d 15015 Qnd Street North, Strisder h ns of Mapl d Th first K dnekday, September ] M d y, S p ember 12, 2016 et esfollows: 1159 P M,nnesoct p y 11 be give f d g Qry 2016 ]00 Pm. at he Ramsey be held The medag Will Sec 2631 Created M O'GA GOF(S) RELEASED to pay the debt then s cured by of Maplewood organizaton, and Washington Metro Watershed be held et the Maplewood Gay Hall, omposition; epp.int-nt. FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION said mortgage and bx if any s oond priority to organizations from Distrix Office, 2665 Noel Drive, 1830 Gounry Road B East In the There i, hereb [ a eted a dty ON MORTGAGE: NONE d b the me outride the d y proposing to meet Little Canada MN 5511] Coundl Chambers eaee mmm,son wally psi y ortgagee pursuant pro orad char he ordinance perk end r e THE TIME ALLOWED BY ondut premix-s and the cckt, and the needy of Maplewood residents to Minn. Stat §1038251. Gommentr P gesto t ccnsikting of s-venemembers to be Lnw FOR HE BY df,bim-menti avowed bylaw. The n general, regiekt, nom organized maybe kubmifted In wrong "0'to will Inowde removal of all language appointed bvme day �unkl THE MORTGAGOR, THE tme allowed by l as for redempton emletogroup, ere not funded said he or made in person at Pertaining dmma-ag, massage Sedion2.1abordmance shalltake MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL by said mortgagor(,), their personal The Gary Council awarded a total said hearing Premie-sen ­age praxitoners; effex upon publiclan. REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, represencttves or assigns is six (6J of $30,000 in Ghenctble Gamblthc ALL INTERESTED PARNES Provi,ion,regifat gomh aaxivitywill This oanance,hall take effex after MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE m Tart Fundy in 2016 Fundy went be placed in anew ordinance under one, fU0m the date of salt MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE ublishing in the official newspaper. W EEKB IF A HJ DIC AL ORDER IS TIME AND DATE TO VACATE to the following groups: Ashland MANAGERS AT SAID TIME AND Chapter 14, Able XX. In addlton, The Maplewood Qry Goundl ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage Produxion4 Boy Scout Pad: 1 1 PLACE AND PRESENT THEIR the 2 To, foot distance re,trixion in approved thin ordmanoe on August STATUTES SECTION 582032, reinstated or the property Garver Elementary PTO, CHILD COMMENTS, CONCERNS, whicd lcensed message premise 22 2016 Afull and complete ccpy DETERMINING AMONG OTHER redeemed, or unless the tme for Ino, Dispute Resoluton Center AGREEMENTS OR OBJECTIONS, may operate from another licensed of Chir ordinance can be found in THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED d p red d by udi dal D Q2 Educlan Foundlan, IF ANY 9 pemi,e, -dentally m GyGI aace cc 1830 and In PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH d ,y "t s ve h p ms-s F d f Maplewood NdDH, ry commend meled to the d d dr dr, ery, Road BE Maplewood MN. A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING bvn59p on Ap125, 2017 F Dmmflne Parent Booster D d Off and recaved pro, to Yi a, ghi M1gh hoof OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, THE TIME ALLOWED BY Og n, Hmong Ameroan h h ablishae f quented by Revew ALL AugHeng Gry Clerk g ill be reviewed et the y (Rev ew: u31, 2016) ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN LAW FOR REDEMPTION By Educator Fund, IBD 822 Northam meeting. uvl nhe,edllbe removed AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THE MORTGAGOR THE Conn Show Choir ALENArea Vouch AUTHORITY :The at kind i, axing All interestedpersonsmay appear AND D.edJ nA3ABA201NED MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Connex, Maplewood Arne Hik Soal pirsu ORD Minn. F THE 38251. at the hearing end prevent their Dated. June 3,2016 REPRESENTATIVESDEDUCED ASSIGNS Sam Maplewood Fall BY ORDER OF THE BOARD THE v orally n Chet may submit CITY OF ANCE970 U.5.8enk ign.lAo,tgtion, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Teem, Maplewood Police Reserves OF MANAGERS OF THE ab ccm ,to heemelathe AN ORDINANCE Assigneeot Mortgagee WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Maplewood Vouch Scholarship RAMSEV-WASHINGTON METRO above eddreksn before the meetng AN ORDINANCE OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Fund, North High School RodAl WATERSHED DISTRICT. To they„ mi, request or seek OPTING-OUTOF ASSOCIATION STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Team, Ram key County Care Center 8y I MAR) EBENSTEINER additonal thfonn eton about mi, By Jonathan R Cu,key, Miehael V DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Ramsey County Fair St Jerome', Ading President proposed change please cc THE REQUIREMENTS OF Schlei,man THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Catholic School, Tubman Family (Review: Aug. 24, 31, 2016) Karen Haag, Gary Clerk by email et MINNESOTA STATUTES, 10-ney, tor: PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Alliance, Weever Elementary Karen haaa®mlllewoodmn ao or SECTION 462.3593 U.S Bank Natonal Aksodaton, WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING School Webster Elementary School, by telephone et.12492002 WHEREAS, on Mey 12, 2016 Aksigneeof M ortgagee OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS and White Beal-ea YMCA STATE OF MINNESOTA :Review: Aug 31, 2016) Govemor Dayton signed atolawthe 55 East Ffth Street Suite 800 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN The bnd, ere awarded by a vote COUNTY OF RAMSEV aelan and regulation of temporary St Paul MN 55101-1]18 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, of the Maplewood Gary Goundl. familyhealth care dwelling, ccdifie, X12097549 AND ARE ABANDONED. Applioaoonk aneavailable on the DISTRICTCOURT CITY OF MAPLEWOOD et Minn. Sint 48,.3543, whichperm it X1228-1 A53 (fax) MOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED day web-te www.maplewoodmn. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ORDINANCE 967 and regulate temponny Daly health THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ggoov or by calling Lois Knutson et MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE AN ORDINANCE ca re dwellingk; FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ON MORTGAGE: None 1 2 2GA BY ACTION WHEREAS, subdivision 9 of Minn. 17%816002361 Dated: Augukt24, 2016 The4�application deadline is CASE TYPE NO. 14 -OTHER CIVIL AMENDMENTTOTHE Stat 4Q3549 allows cites to"opt (Review: June 15, 22, 29, July 613, U.S. BANK NATIONAL September f5, 2016. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE MAPLEWOOD RENTAL out ofthoseregulationk; 20,2016) ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR ;Review: Aug 24, 31, Sept], 2016) HOUSING AND THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY NOTICE O F POSTPONEMENT BEAR STEARNS ARM TRUST, - UNDER JUDGMENT AND OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA, OWNER-OCCUPIED OF MORTGAGE MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH DECREE ORDAINS: CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2061-11 NOTICE Court File No.: 62-CV-1E-]55 HOUSING MAINTENANCE SECTION 1. Sexton 44-21 of the FORECLOSURE SALE Mortgagee Notice is Mreby given that the Prairie Capital, Inc a Minnesota CODE Maplewood Code of Ordmenccs is NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA property will be kold on September ccrpol-lan, The Maplewood Gary Gounoil hereby added a, follow,: Sale the eboveb kereb age FornedOsu[n By lsl 21 2016 The pro ert Il be offered Plaiuff, appa-thefollowing revision tothe Sec. 44-21. OPT-OUT OF y postpone Rebeaa F. Schiller Eel online at www StoraaeBaC e, vs Maplewood Code of Ordmenccs. MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION September c 2016 at 1000 AM, N. Kiboagni Fondungallah, E,4 mmlS[or Treasures and CMA LLC, Section 1. Section 12-110 and 462.3593. Sheriffs Office, Civil P50 St Uni[ 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' infonnato aboutthekale Man otanlinnttted liability company, 12-154 of the Maplewood Code of Pursuant to auth onay grante, 25 In 4th Street Suite 150, S[. Paul, Sem uel R Coleman Eel cane be found sat that website Call Coktanzo, McAP coktanzo, Out nanccs is hereby amended es by Minne-a Statutes Sexton D said Cointyand State Anom eye for M ortgagee The undersigned Aoom Mini and Anthony T COianzo, Jon Doe, follow,: 4Q 3549, kubdi-an 9, the Qty Dated: July14, 2016 The Academy Professional Building Storage will sell at Public Sele by Mery Roe end ABG Goryoreton, S. 12-110.-Complianceorders. of Maplewood opts-out of the U.5.8enk ign-lAssociation, 25 North Del e Street ccm pd,tve bidding the personal Defendants "a) Whenever an Enforcement requirements of Mane-aSabu- Assigneeof Mortgagee S[ pawl, MN 55102 property heretofore stored with the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Officer determine, that anydwelling, Sexton 4Q 3543. OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL (.1)2039] undersigned by: under end by virtue of e Judgment dwelling unit or rooming unit or the SECTION 2 This ordmanoe kM1ell ASSOCIATION '161254FN1J Unit#152, David WilmeslM eureen and Decree in the above enttedBy premises surrounding any of [hese, take effex ever the approval by the .IJonathan R Guskey, Mioheel V THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lawrence, weedth mmer leaf blower on, dated July 11, 2016 en eyed tank to meet the requi'emend of dry coundl and publishing in the Schl FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. I ao f m ore, A g 4, 2016 f d py ti s Artde, the Off y ff I p p r. A ysf 'Review: Aug 3l, Sept], 14, 21, 28, b f unknown f h hh b dl d e Gom prance Ord G pl Th d hell k ff ser U.S Bank Natanal A -actin, Od 5, 2016) Un t#432 Guhle CM1ld, boxes d ug h of the prem eek Orders shell state the violet on(sJ of pbl h g he off I Aper. Ag fMortg g of unknown ccntent h enafter dekorbed to saucy the the Art ole and order the occupant The Maplewood Gry Goundl 55', aul Ffm Street 17 to 800 Unit # 612, Jessica Hamilton, amount found and ad ud d due [c andlor owner o ccaex d this ordmanoe on Au S[ Peul, MN 55101-1]18 9e r agent to approve gust .12097549 STATE OF MINNESOTA vacuum cleaner fishing equip, kaidiPlaiuff in the above entitle, such violations This Compliance 22, 2016 AfulI and oom plate ccpy fumiW re, boxes of unknown content exon from Oefendent(sJ GMA Order shell of this ordinance can be found in COUNTY OF RAMSEV Unit # ]01, Emekt SchirelGeorge Investments, LF G e Minnesota ;1) Bein writing the Gary Clerk', office, 1830 County (Review: July2], 2016) IN DI STRICT COURT L'HeuHux, power miter box, chain limited liability ccmpe Carl A "2)De-bethe location and native Road B Ea,[ Maplewood M N. NOTICE O F POSTPONEMENT SECOND) UDI CIAL DISTRICT s m dean- televieonk Co,mnzo, MeryP Coktanzo, and oftheviolaton of thbAbblle ATTEST Karen Haag, Gary Qerk OFMORTGAGE Court File No.62-CV-16-1 BM tool, fHnHH, boxes of unknown AnmonyT COianzo, the Sheriff of 3) Set the required ccrr ve (Review: Aug 31, 2016) FORECLOSURE SALE Subled Metter: Consumer Ram key Gounry, will sell at publio e on and a date end time to, the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Credit Contrail Unit # 704 Emea SchirelGeoMe audio to the highest bidder for con, plat on of the oorrexion of such the above Mortgage Foredo,ure SUMMONS LHe 'uHux, drill press, router, power cash, on Oxober l3, 2016 at 1000 valllan. CERTIFICATE OF Saleis hereby postponed to October DISCOVER BAN K, tools furniture, hand tools boxes of a.m., d the Ramsey County Sheriffs ;4) Advise the occupant andl ASSUMED NAME 13, 2016 e 1000 AM, Sheriffs PI Uff, unknown content Off Guy Hall A S 150 or owner or agent of the appeal Off GNI Put U 25 N. 4th vs Unt# 726 Steven Hamme-Welan 25 K F h S h G y f procedure STATE OFMINNESOTA S Suite 150 S. Paul MN in JUDY L ABRAHAMSON, Game , luggage , Umbra, boxes of S P I, d y d h 5) Be served upon the ooapen[es Mnnesile St�tut�sCMpter 333: said Gounryand Sctte Defendant unknown content Prems-s and real ek'ctte dekv bed follows: ASSUMED NAME: Royalty Etc Dat ed: Aui,t24, 2016 Unit#.4, Amanada Dennison, In said Judgment and Decree, legally a. personal service; RecordsMusicPublishing Company 9 THIS fimibre, boxes of unknown deed; bed a,: b. sent by mail to the property PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS. U.5.8enk NetiorelAssocietion, JUDY LABRAHAMSON luggage LOG Assignee of Mortgagee 1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The ccs enc be,ng BlotkT Ryandnumbel Perk eddreks; SO Mailend Road E, Saint Peul, OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL " Review: Aug 24, 31, 2016) being also known end numbered es .posted on or about the property MN 55119 Pleintff hes ktertedelewsuitageiad 3151 Gountr Drive, Lille Genede, oo spbuousiy NAMEHOLDERS: Royalty, Eta ASSOCIATION you. The Plaintffk Complaintagainkt v Reoordk, LLG 2186 Mailend Rol By Jonathan R Cu,key, Michael V you ttached to [his sum s MN 5511]; T I,_ Property under ;6J Be served upon the owner or R Sant Pail, MN 55119 Schlei,man tie mon. PUBLIC NOTICE CeRficdeof Title Ne 60.6.2 agent esfollows: Aftome mr: Do r, t th make papers away oated:an-1s a. Personal �rmoe; t be undersigned, oertay that YS They ere offidel papers met effex RAMSEV-WASHINGTON Mett eostrom b. trent by mail to me address am egnug this document a, the U.S Bank Natonal Aksodaton, [our rights You mulct respond to METROWATERSHED Skr dR.II Count fndicatedb Count ilk Person whose egnebre is required, Aksigneeof Mortgagee his lawsuit even though it may not Y Y. Y YPropertyreccr 55 East Ffh Street Suite 800 yet be filed with the Court and mere DISTRICT Minnesota for owneroy, res a gent of the dbe reeuiredw wale hes St Paul, MN55101-1]18 =no ccHafile number on mik RAMSEY ANDWASHINGTON BY: I%ASteve Grengs a kept a e[ mailtome addre„anud signlu,e wow q X12097549 mu ymons Deputy Sheriff posted property for Agent f e horized mato egnthi, document COUNTIES, MINNESOTA n hismer behalf, or in both 17%816002361 62m YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, mat the PFB Lew Profassiorel Owner. e Review: At 31,2016 Association Sec. 12-154.- Compliance order. cd,aoite,. l fultheroeltifynd l have ( 9 ) 20 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR Board of Managers of the Ramsey /s�Jared Goerlitz(#386T14) "a) Whenever the enforcement ccmplled all required fields, an RIGHTS.Voumukdgiveormailtome Washington Metro Watershed jgoerlkzOp(b-pa.com offs ter bPenmine, met any owner- matmenfoa,lanin mik document person who kigned mik summon,e Rdat will hold epublio hearts, 55 Eest 5th Street, Suite 800 occupied dwelling Ormepremie-, istrueendconedendin ccm plienoe NOTICE OF MORTGAGE written response called an Answer et 7 00 o'dock Pm., Wednesday, St. Paul, MN 55101 fat I, to m eet the regn,em ent,ofmi, with the applicable chapter of FO RECLOSURE SALE within 20 days of the date on vandr September], 2016 at the Ramsey Telepbore:(61)291-&955 article, he may issue a compliance MankOa Sabu- I undenlanc THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF you le eived mik Summons. You Washington Metro Watershed Facaimile:(61) 2241]53 order setting forth the violaton of mat by egnag mik document am THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE m ikt send a copy of your Answer to Rd,at Office, 2-Noel Drive, Lille Aaorneybr Plaintiff mik aude and ordering the owner :Hd dtomepenaltesofperliryas ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE the person who egnedthl-ummon, Canada, MN55117 toccn,iderme THE TIME ALLONED 8V occupant operetororagentto ccrrAd s-[forth in Sexton X94. esiflhec TIME PRWIDED BV LAW IS NOT locaed at PO Box 412], Elba d:, proposed 2017 Fsal Year General LAW FOR REDEMPTION kudr valab on.Thi,n agent toe order signedmin Sedan W948 r tem. AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION N058502-012] Fund Budget for me Distrix A a Date: 0- 2412016 NOT3.VOU MUST RESPONDTO EACH s 8V THE MORTGAGOR, THE ,helF be n ccordencc win Sector laaIh oc-I-e BV GIVEN: That um mery of adur the Monnet MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 12-110. /s/Jorett 17 Greenlee detain[r-agure-beecc leges CLAIM. The Answer i, your written bpendan et indudes me followinc REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, Section2 Thisordinencc shell take (Review: Aug 3l, Sep[], 2016) ofinefollAGORe,aibedmortgage: response tome Pleintffs Gomplein[ expendibres: MAV 8E REDUCED TO FIVE effect after the approval by the oiay MORTGAGORS) Yolanda G. In your Answer you mulct state Adnnnd,Ove Expenses$443,000 WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS o undl and publishing in the official McCaney a single person whether you a gree or disagree with Salla, e,13ened 00000 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA newspaper. CERTIFICATE OF MORTGAGEE: Home,ervicc, each paragraph d the Complain[ If Permit Procc„ 2"Poo STATUTES, SECTION 502.032, Th "I'd encc shellctkeeffect ever ASSUMED NAME Lending, LLG dbe Edina Realty You believe me Pleintff should not Engineering 344,000 DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER pubfishi ng in the off,.al newspaper. Mortgage, a Delawarelimitedliddity be givene,dthag asked for in the Abb-ney 40000 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED The Maplewood Gary Gounoil STATE OF MINNESOTA Gomplein[ you mus[ kay win your Audi-Aoccuntnc 50,000 Minna Std.t-CMpter333: ccmpeny PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH approved this ordinance on August ASSUMED NAME: ANTHONY ASSIGNMENT'S OF MORTGAGE: Answer Water Gueliry Monitoring 143,000 p RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 22, 2016 Abll and ccmplete Dopy Aksignedto: Well,Fargo Bank, N A 4. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE Manager Perdiem,&Expene-, OF LESS THAN 5 UNITS, ARE of mik ordinencc can be found in LAMONT HENDERSON by eksignmen[reoorded on Jenuery IF VOU DO NOT SEND AWRITTEN 10,000 NOT PROPERTY USED FOR me C[ Clerk', office, 1830 Goun[ PRINGI PALPLAGE OF BUSINESS. Guy v 201 TowNSEND STREET 26 2005 a, Document Number RESPONSE TO COMPLAINT Programs and Studies 5 ,000 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, RoadBEakt, MaPI-wood MN. 3494361 in the Office d the Gounry TO THE PERSON WHO SIGN ED Mus, aneou, )2500 AND ARE ABANDONED. ATTEST: Karen Heeg,QryGlerk LANSINGLDERS. Recorder of Washington Gounry, THIS SUMMONS. If you do not TOTAL $2952500 1]24615-009261 "Review: Aug 31, 2016) NAMEHOLDERS: Anthony Mane-a thereafter assigned to Answer within 20 days, you will Protected carryover funds from (Review: Aug 24, 31, Sep[], 14, 21, Lamont Henderson, C\o General U.S. Bank Nat onal Aaso_ n, lose mik cake Vou will no get to 2016 grants and other inccme will 2., 2016) Executor Allendale S[reet3321 k Trustee for Bear Steams ARM tell your ede of the story, and the reduce the tocol proposed levy to CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Allegheny ccinty Pennsylvania Trust, Mortgage Pa-H, gh Court may decide against you and $2919,500. 15204, Henderson Anthony Lam tint Certificates Serie, 200411 by award the Plaint,ff everything asked All aterekted persons will have an ORDINANCE 968 Qo General Executor Allendale assignment S.,ded on June 4 for in the ccmpfaiat ff you do not opportunity to be heard at kaid I, me PUBLIC NOTICE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Staet3321 Allegheny ccunty 2014 e,Document Nimber3.9699 want to ccHe the da a,, stated in and place. VALLEY BRANCH THE MAPLEWOOD Pennsylvania 15204 inure Office of the County Recorder the complaint you do not need to gated: Augiktl], 2016 WATERSHED DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION CODETO I, megnug signed, oemaymatl of Washington Gounry Mane-a respond Adefaultludgment can men W MAR) EBENSTEINER WASHINGTON COUNTY, am,ign alekdocument e, me ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT be entered against you forme relief Ading President REDUCE NUMBER person whose egnabre is required, OF M ORTGAGE:$152, 00000 requektedin theccmpla,nt 'Review: Aug 24, 31, 2016) MINNESOTA OOMMISION PLANNING re, agentofine person(,) whose DATE OF MORTGAGE Augudl 5. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, me[me COMMISSION MEMBERS oignebre wouldbe required who ha, 2004 wikh to get legal help from a lawyer Board of Managers of me Valley Seilion 1. This amendment eu horizAd me to sign mi, docum ent DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: If youdonomaveaIak, e meCourt Branch Watershed Rd,at will hdi er behalf or In both NOTICE OF PUBLIC hold e brio heann 800 evI e, Section 2248, Compotes Recorded on N ovember81 5 n Adminiktretor they have thfonneton Pu get Pm., ,. trne t capaoite% Ifu Dheroeltifymat l have e, Document Number 3481005 in eboutpleccs where you can get legal HEARING Th[mdey, September 8, 2016 oPPOIn quelificatons; ccmpleted ell required field,, enc me Office of me County Reccrder of assts en you cannot get e reed est fenlows (edditons e y ceEven if REGARDINGTHE RAMSEY- he Lake Elmo Gary Hell, 3800 underlined d deletons re metmethformeton in mi, document Wadhagton Gounry, Mane-a Ill bele, you must still provide WASHINGTON METRO Laverne Avenue North, Lake Elmo, ro i,tue and cortex and in amp f anoef THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO a writ es answer to proted your Mane-a to ccndderme proposed ° ,ccd). with me applicable chapter of r h t h WATERSHED DISTRICT 201] Fiscal Veer Budget for me Sedion 2-248. ComplHan; Minnekoct Stables I understanc BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE 6. is oryoumayosetecase. CAPITALIMPROVEMENTS pistrix. Asummar fh d appolnment, qualifications terms. matb gningt ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. 6. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE yo t e propose ;eJ The planning ccmmiksion ,hell v,I his document I am $1126]499 RESOLUTION. The parties may PROGRAM budget provides for the following have see members d sublet to the penalties uperin, as LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF agree to or be ordered to Paltioipue Notice is ..by given that the expendibre,: vn appoints s-(forth in Sexton X94. esif het PROPERTY : Lot 44, Blot: 1, in en e etve dispute rekoluton Managers of Ramsey-Washington tLerO trSYyiellm beuresiden6 of me end sgn ed mi, docum en under oath. Metro J4 etemM1ed 0 D x K G $ 2500000 y Date 0.�01I2016 t Q aI, Thomksen D db ry process taunter Ch 114 of me ( ) y hold an el d y p bl HII Townhomes 1 Add n Mnnekoct Rule, of Prectce. You ere proccedng h G pictl K O y 38],60000 off mneJ4 hen poksbl h 'I ls/anthonylamont Dadhagton Gounry, MnnA— kt,tl,end your w 11fenresponse mprovemend Prog (GP"Jas Lkn d ,hallselect ccmm: I,- STREET Ives Aug 3l, Sep[], 2016) STREET ADDRESS OF to the Complent even fyou expex providedbyMnn. Sab§103B251. "Md, I dMontornc 115,50000 PROPERTY ]045 ROBINW000 to u,e ahem ve mean, of resolving NATURE OF IMPRO✓EME, The MeiHenancclM anagement orepresant the ver Sus area, of me TRAIL WOODBURV MN 55125 mi,di,pute at 201] ca ital 318,50000 day meetme need,ofine p Improvements ere es ad CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL 2.45 Dated: Augux132015 mfr0w,: Pibib Edicaton 3lsoo oo -, dion SignedW Stacey Hummel Beltline Repair Debt Servile Admin,bt,.,e Budget Seiliupon Thi, ordmanoe shell take NOTICE RI COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY RODENBURG LAW FIRM .8,.� Total T gg effectuponpublication. PUBLIC HEARING M, LOCATED: JVeshing[on Gounry, Atton t Plaintiff Obblat Office Buildmc AD MIN-STUDYNROJECT Thisordinencc shell take effect after VARIANCE Minnekoct qs or yment publishing in the offidal newspaper. TRANSACTION AGENT None Po 3Z 412] Bond Pe 194,8&5 BUD $1,610,500.00 The Maplewood Gary Gounoil NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NAME OF MORTGAGE Bismarck, ND 58502-412] Maplewood Mall SRF Pmlexed carry-over fund, from approved his ordinencc on August me Planning Comm-anofine Qty ORIGINATOR: Homeserviccs ]01222-11]0 Loan Deb[Servicc 92,5// 2016 grentr and timer inccme will 22 2016. A full and ccm plate copy of North St Paul, Mane_a will holt Lending, LLG dbe Edme Reelry ND#0]125, MN# 0395899 Targeted Retrofit reduce the toctl proposed levy tc of mi, ordinance ten be found in a publio hearing to accept public MMo0. nrtgage, a Delaware limited liability PERSONA LSERVICE BMPldnccntve Fund 1,000,000 $T�,00000. will have en the Gary Clerk', office, 1830 County MekabinAAenuen,e I-equed, St Paul 2MN pany Go Gare Pe puns RoedB Eekt, Maplewood, MN. RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Well, 2416 County Club Pkwy GIP Repan,` opportunity to be heard et kaid tine ATTEST: Karen Hewoodag MN,U55109, The applicant request, to Fargo Bank NA Moorhead MN5�60 Maintenance ]00,000 and place ;Review: Aug 31, 2016) vary from the Qry Code to be able TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION SERVICE BV MAIL Beltline end Belle Dated: August 1., 2016 to have e]9l foot ccmer side yerc NUMBER: 1] 0202133.0029 PO Box1014 Greek Tunnel Repair 320,000 /%/Jill Lucas s-mad< and 1685 foot rear yarc TRANSACTION AGENT'S Moorhead, Mane-x-60 Wakefield Park Proex 1,0.,000 Secretary ,-mad: to ccnkTux en attache, MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION ;Review: Aug 24, 31, Sept ], 2016) Front Kennard Enhancec (Review: Aug. 24, 31, 2016) garage to me existing ,inglsfamily NUMBER: None Aster Oualiry BMP 3]5,000 home The Vanancc requested from THAT no action or pros-acting he, Merkham Pond Dredging me Zoning Ordinance i, for Qty been inktibted et law to reccver the and Aeret on y� `0 Code, Title XV, Land Usage, Chapter de.then remaining,eared by ch Impervious Surface volume mortgage, or any part thereof or if Redudan Opportunity Fund the axion or Pro'edmg ha, been DiktnG offlne ewfamc Public Notices mktlbted, that me same ha, been Continuetl on Page 13 Z m U z 0 a) N z O N O o N - F M U i6 N_ N '� L y B Y O O i6 .- c c Z'.- pI" - B - N L N v 3 v m °� m v m _ c`m' 0 .m ? Q nom '� 5 .N Z U m o L mI ._ - E"o bra 3e' m p m 0 p O U m W U p¢ �'^ U pE 1E¢ n E ` .- 0OU B o O� (O U1 O N O O U N > O N c 3 O N . E E o N m N CCW N 0 p m .O L O N L m a ~ O =m n 3- O 6m E ry O m «U m U.j> co m O U n U'S� m .- 0^ Y Uy -S Y 0E _ O m.- m m N yN 6 N N m N m m m o m 0 oo U .o U p � .o .o U O o n �,,,,, .o m 6) m .o `m -0 0 0 0 m m m a s o a L E co=W a 0 L o a o " e` a$ '3 T = 0 o m N m m m m._ 3 r 0 0 8 E6 8 nC7 Eo nay `6)m m oo�'0 o-a>'i� - nwo �-o o�� L_ _aF°F�m o B> L L S m 0 - E "6 N B 0 N n T o: Q N O N a o m N W O- '6 N N N N E « N o-6 -Woo o oami Wr o - m E `da o - `° C E oUNU) m ma>> -6 02" � "6 fl'm �U U)m N� m (6 L 0-, N -'^ - L 0-� E ? -6 00 > oN 0.L -Z 20 E.6 n mmLo M amiEm WW ma- .. �d ' _ mE i�_`m �' o)-from>o M �� U -6 U U 0 T m U m m N m '6 0 m c -6 6 m .�. m A '_' U y - m m N m m a y (fl B L O m O N F E a) F? 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