HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 09-14 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWReview Wednesday Sept. 14, 2016 Page 9 Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TRANSACTION AGENT None 580231, Apri162017 et 1159 P m. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: TO 22, Bl- 1, Beaver disbursement, allowec by law The FORECLOSURE SALE NAME OF MORTGAGE If We foregoinc date i, a Saturday, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Lake HeigM,, Ramsey Gounry, time allowec by law for r-pton THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ORIGINATOR: Wells Fargo Sunday or legal horlday, then We 1- 1 6104131 Man'_ by said mortga qo ), Weir personal THE DE BT AND IDENTITY OF THE Home Mortgage, I eGelifomie date to vacate i, We tie# business IReview: Aug l/, 24, 31, Sept /, 14, Tabb Registered Property r,presenFU-or assigns i, six;6) ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITH INTHE corporation nikla W ells Fargo Bank, day et 1159 Pm. 21 2016) TAX PARCEL Nc'. montlhs U,athedateofsala PROVIDED TIME 8V LAW IS NOT NA, su sor by merger to Wells MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 26292241 2TIME AND DATE TO VACATE AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTI ON FargoH -Mortgage, In FROM OBLIGATION ON ADDRESS OF PROPERTY PROPERTY: Unless said -,- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Wet RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells MORTGAGE: NONE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 2159 WALKON AVE rein,t or the property debut[hes oaurred in We oonditi ons Fargo Bank, NA THE TIME ALLOWED BV SAINTBAUL, MNSS119 redeem ede1or unless We time for FORECLOSURESALE of We followin desaibe,m P a TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION LAW FOR REDEMPTION By COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY rA -pt is reduoec by had al 9 99e:NUM E THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF y you musty -OA premises Mortgagor: Robert Ri.- Doble TRISA:300312143.00 AG THE MORTGAGOR THE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE ISLOGATED:RINCI order he end Am ante Ke eDoblA f -k -a' T '�GTION AGENT'S MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT byll59 Pm. on April le, L l/. y ORIGINAL CREDITOR W ITHINTHE Ka B,.tt husban,andwife MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVES ORAS SIGNS OF MORTGAGE:$4],00000 THE TIME ALLOWED BY y TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT NUMBER: None MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE AMOUNTDUEANEOFNTI TO LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Mortgagee: G.U. Mortgage AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Service, Ina THAT no action or proceeding hes WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Reted:04282014 debtthAnie-n l,ke-ed V, k"e ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA INGLUDIN AGEE$ IFANV, PAID MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Recorded:OS�U82014 deb[Wen remeinincsecured bysuoh STATUTES SECTION 582032 defaulthes oaure fined conditions T M ORTGAGEE $mmen,em REPRESENTATIVESREDUCED ASSIGNS Ramsey Gounry Recorder mortgage, or any part thereof or if DETERMINING AMONG OTHER of the following described mortgage: That prior to the commencomentof MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE MORTGAGORS)'. James H. Hems Do -Poona Pent NS, 7 the eaion hd procoeding hes been PREMISES THATTHE MORTGAGED Wismortee-d nee of prooeeding WEEKS D AJUDICIAL OMERMINNESOTA A end Alis. Hems husband end wife Tran,.aion Agent NIA instituted, that the O. n hes been PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mmplee ,Hh, ignee of Mortgagee ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Tran,.aionA Agent elO No. eatio MORTGAGEE Mortgage Bn amnia, BL9i2 g g g discontinued, or Wat de ex e n WITH ESS THAN DWELLING Registration Systems, co,eq,, cnb ell noecorent into ant DETERMINING SECTION S "' NIA upon Weludgment rendere, WereW of LESS THAN FIVE uNITs ,nom.I a, regwre, by astute; Watno anion DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Delaware �moretion, a Lender or Broker: GU. Mo hes been reumec unsetistied, in ARE NOT RRL PR USED IN nee orproceedmc hes been instituted et THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Services, Ina Tg�e whole Ui, per[ AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION for Acoe,s National Mortgage, e leworotherwise to recover the debt PREMISES ARE IMPROVED UrSSIGNMENTy Servicor: G.U. Mortgage Services, PURSUANTed In, to the power of ,.le ANDAREABANDONED. 16 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: sa°Ared by ,.ic mortgage, or any WITH A RESIDENTIAL DDELLING In,UNITS above, desaibecic open, e'.III be Deed: 6M0 Hems Renk N.A.,es Aaslgnec ro: Wells Fargo Benk,NA pPURSUANT to the f,Mlle Aeof OF LESS THAN FVE FE NOT PROPERTY USEDINMortgage Originator GU. Mortgage property b ded on June B, portero Services, Ina sold by the Sheriff of ,.id oounry es sucrossor toMal MersHella 2016es Dooumen[Number4070154 conbinec in 681 mo gage, the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF follows: Ilsley Bank, Mortgagee in16 kDo-Office of We Gounry Recorder above described property will be ANDAREABANDONED. PROPERTY: Lot 2C, Blod< 2, Oak DATE AND TIME OF SALE: PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL of Washington Ghe CoUninn e.- sold by the Sheriff of said county as MOFTGAGORS) RELEASED Hill, Remse Goun[ Minnesob. September27, 2016.1000AM ASSOCIATION tollows: FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION y y. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Th kb Add,MtP p y PLACE e- SALE'. D h g[ ByJ Weng LLskey, MidheelV OF MORTGAGE $280 DATE AND TIME OF SALE ON MORTGAGE: None TAXPARCELNo 2 w9 county shares, off W n g sd,l n o b : AM Dated: Augua25, 2116 DATE of MORTGAGE Deoember ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Gounry Lew Enf Center Atomeysfor: PLACE OF SALE'. Sh iffs Offico, WELLS FARG08ANK N.A. 1,200] 664 GASTON AVE 15015 Qnd St -el Noah 611 ate MO Herts Bank N A, es DATE AND PLACE OF FILING G P U 25 J4. 4th 6[ree[ Mortgagee CHORE ED MNSS126 Mane -a ,ucoessor to Mershell3 Isley Recorded on February 222008as Su [elybO St Paul, MN THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY to pay the debt then M, Tec by Bank, Mortgagee to pay the debt then searec by By Isl Document Number3.141e In We IS LOCATED: Ramsey said mortgage and bares, if any 55 East Fifth S[ree[ Suite 800 Office of the Gounry Recorder of said Mortgage, enc bares, if any, on Rebecca F Sdhiller Esq ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT actually paid by the mortgagee, St Peul, MN SSIOI-1 /le Washington Gounry, Minnesom said premises and the Dosis and N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq OF MORTGAGE $200 ]5000 onu premises enc the cost, enc X12097599 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO disbursement,, adudac atomeys' -Curt N.Triako, Esq.' AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO disbursement, allowed by hew. The .1-281753J.) BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE tees allowed by hew subea o SemuelR Golemen, Esq BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE time allowed by law for redemption THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE redemption within ti Months from the Attomeysfor Mortgagee INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PA ID by ,.ic mortgagor(,), their personal FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. date of said sale bythe mortgagor(,), The AcademyProfessionel Buildmc $ 583529 BV MORTGAGEE. $215, 23]]4 represenbtives or assignsf ka is six (6J 1632]-16004451 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF heir personal represenbtives or 25 North Dale Street That priorto theoommenoement of TIMES ANDDom WDATE e dUe OTO VACATE Re21 2001r6)'gl/24, 31, Sep[/, 14, PROPERTY: Lot 2, Block 3, Royal aDATE6 TO VACATE PROPERTY: IPJ 20197.MN OL MSt th oaga tgageforeee of procoeding PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage Perk Subdivision, Washington The date on or before whidh the '-23FC01) MortgegeelAasignee f Mortgagee Gounry, Minnesob dwiW ell notico re stated or the property mortgagor must vacate the property THIS IS A COMMUNICATION -pie quirem enb I, rel, STREET ADDRESS of t s required by statute; that no anion redeemed, o unless the time for NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: 7381 PAUL ROAD, if the mortgage is no rein eted FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. or prooeeding h as been addiwtec et redemption i, 'educe by ludidal FORECLOSURE SALE WOODBURY MNSS1251J1/ under, Minn[sob Sbtutes sea on 'Review: Aug 3l, Sept 714 21, 28, hew or otherwise to recoverWe debt order you must vM Uethe premises THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF COUNTY IN 'AHICH PROPERTY 58. or he property redeemed Od S, 2016) byll 55 Pm. on M arch 27, 2017 under Mane -a 017.11 s cured by ,.id mortgage, or any THE TIME ALLOWED BY THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, 58023 isApri1132St t`11 kedIon. part thereof ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE MInnesob PURSUANT to the power of sale LAW FOR REDEMPTION By TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT TRANSACTION AGENT Morc a e If the foregoinc date i, a SeWrday, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE eined in said mortgage, the THE MORTGAGOR, THE AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Elearonic Registration Sys[ems9ingc Sunday or legal holiday, hen the FORECLOSURE SALE property MORTGAGORS PERSONAL date to vacate is the next business above described will be NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NAME OF MORTGAGE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS day at 11)9 Pm. THE DEBTAND ERIFITVOFTHF olc byWe Sheriff of ,.ic county es debulthesocounecin Weconditions ORIGINATOR: Mortgage Elearonic MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE MORTGAGORS) RELEASED follows: of the followinc desaibec mortgage'. Registration Systems, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE DATE AND TIME OF SALE WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Mortgagor: Jay R Ole- and Delaware coD ton, e e FROM OBLIGATION ON TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Se tember29, 201610U0AM ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA s nominee MORTGAGE NONE p STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Renee Lee Ole- husband and for A- National Mortgage, a THE TIME ALLOWED BV AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Office wife Urginie oompeny NOTICE IS HNiEBY GIVEN: Ih CMI Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Mortgagee: Mortgage Elearonic RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV debut[ hes o«urredintG conditions SuitelSO, S[PeuI, MN THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Ince THE MORTGAGOR, THE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Registration System, , Fargo Bank, NA MORTGAGORS PERSONAL oft-ollowingdesaibe,moagage: to pay the debt then secured by g, ATH IS RESIDENTIAL DWELLNG nominee for MidAmerica Mortgage TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS MORTGAGORS)'. -thlee M sats M agage, and I - if any, on Coryoraton ecoryoration NUMBER 00.026.21 CH UUCP Hoole dwomann end the cost, end OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Yen unmeme ,ac premises, Deted:09h032004 TRANSACTION AGENTS MORTGAGEE: East Metro disbursement,, find udin ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS g ubjed to Filed: 101192004 MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION fees allowed by law sublea AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Ramsey County Registrar of Titles NUMBER: l000S1110000132129 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgage, aMlnnesota company o ANDAREABANDONEQ STATUTES SECTION ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. redemption wiWintiMonWsfrom the MOFTGAGORSJ RELEASED Document Na 1840507 Pgeina THATnoaaion or prooeeding h as DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Aasigned to: Wells Fargo Benk,NA date of seidselebe mortgagor(sJ Gertifioete of Title Na:38005 been in,tiI ecat l awtorecoverthe FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TH ING6 THAT THE MORTGAGED b, e,slgnmen[recometl on Jenuery their personal represenbtive, or ON MORTGAGE: Donal, Kunshier A,mgned To: U.B. Bank, N A deb[ then remaininc seared by su dh PREMISES ARE IMPROVED l 2006 es Document Number a,1gn,. Dated. o3'92oo9 morgage, oranvpaathereof or if 1164008 In We Office of We Count Dated:Au ustt 2016 wITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING v DATE To vncATE PROPERTY g Rled 13125 2 0 0 9 We anion or din has been to a The date on or before which the U.S. BN, ASTIR STEE, M -e CountyRe iamr of Ttle, i -bated, DO the ,.m9 hes been OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Megl,trar of n sof V4' Ghmg[on ASSOCIATION, ASTRUSTEE, y g ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N Gounry, Minnesota the moagag, tvac.te Wepropeayif Document Na 206]28 Pgein,t discontinued, or that en exeatio ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST n AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION thn-ota StOut trM,ton 580der Gertifioete ofTtle Na:380 upon We judgment en[rendered N erein OFMOFTGAGE $123,00000 WACH W IA BANK, NATIONAL AND ARE ABA 1 / 2016 Minnesob pea, I- seeme 58030 Tran,.,'Ilon Agent Mortgage hes been reumed un,.tisfied, in DATE OF MORTGAGE December the redeemed under ASSONCOF AMERICA FUN FOR Dated: Augu,tl/LOIti P, ElearonioRegistration Systems Inc whole Ui, pert 23 2005 Minnesob 2017 at 1sed159 mIftis BANG OF AMERICA FUNDING Tran,.aionA en[Morte elft No: PURSUANT, to the CU Mortgage Servi 91�nc., UHIE AND PLACE OF FILING CORPORATION SERIE52061-1 0 g g t porter e stle ".St a ce March 29, Ue bat 1159 Pm. If the 100330000000001591 con eined in said mo gage, he Recorded on Jenuer 2006 and fore Dino date ase Seturde SundayMortgagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL eaf 9 y. Lender or Broker: MidAmerica above describe, property will be mem orielizecu Certificate of Ttle holide then the date to THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Mor[ ASSOCIATION Pon or lege e By 1,1 gage Gorporation,eooryatanal solcby the ShenR of ,.id county es By Jonathan LLskey, MidheelV Na rtle08ae Uooumen[ vasa i, the next business day et Servicor: U.S. Bank National follows: 116400] in the Offico of the= Rebeaa F Sdhiller Esq Sohome,n Registrar of Ttle, of Washington 1 J9 Pm. N.Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq Aasodetion DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Attomeysfor. MOFTGAGOBLI RELEASED Mortgage Originator: MidAmerica PLACE 11 F SAE Dad I Gounry, MlnnesoCi 'Curie TflCoemaq.' GU MorCgage Servicos, FROM OBLIGATION ON SemuelRGolemen, Es4 Mortgage Goryoration,eooryoration PLACE OF SALE Washington Mortgagee no� THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO MORTGAGE NONE Attome for Morte ee LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF County Sheriffs Office, Washington 55 East Firth Street Suite 800 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE THE TIME ALLOWED By f g g PROPERTY: Lot 12, Brod: 1, Bona County Law Enforcom ent Center ON IHC U t OF IHC NOTICE. LAW FOR REDEMPTION By The Academy Professional Building Addition ISOI Inc Street North, Stillwater S[ Paul, MN 55101-1]18 HI THE MORTGAGOR THE 2J North 0916Street Thi,i, Registered Property Minnesob [1120 /595 $112,43608 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL S[Peul, MN 55102 TAX PARCEL NQ. X1-2&1]53 (fax) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS X1)2039]60 08 30 23 33 0025 to pay the debt en secured by THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Unit No 108 and MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE (161094FN1) gage d b , f any FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. Na '108, Condominium THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ADDRESS OF PROPEFTV. eauelly paid by he xmortgegee, 8880.15-00]163 No. 54, Pond Mew Apartment,, a WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS THIS I DEBT COLLECTOR. 51401RONDALE ROAD on the premises and the costs anc (Ravi ew: Aug 24, 31, Sept], 14,21 condoma m, W-hagton Gounry, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Review: Aug. lC COLLECT ,Sept. MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55112 disbursement, eItefcoby law. The 28 2016) Minnesob STATUTES SECTION 5820'32, 714 2016) GOALNTV IN WHICH PROPERTY time allowed by hew for redemption REGISTERED PROPERTY DETERMINING AMONG OTHER IS LOCATED: Ramsey by ,.ic mortgagor(sJ, their personal STREET ADDRESS OF THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT rep-nt.- or assigns i, six; 6) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: 1397160TH STREET PREMISES ARE IMPROVED OF MORTGAGE$180000.00 months Dom the date of sal A 1 #108, STILLWATER MN WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE OF MORTGAGE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FORECLOSURE SALE eL-128b' OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage THERIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF INCLUDINGTAXES IFANV PAID i, reinstated or the pap ay THEDEBT ANDID=Ho1F THE IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THE DEBT AND I DENTITV OF TH E BY MORTGAGEE $129071 19 redeemed, o unless We time for ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE M ota AND ARE ABANDONED. ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE That prior to the commencoment of redemption i, reducod by ludidal TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT TRANSACTION AGENT None Detedcugu,t4,201ti TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT thism oagageforeolosureprooeeding order you must vacate the premises AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION NAME OF MORTGAGE CU Mortgage Servims,Inc., AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Mortgageei-gnee of Mortgagee byll 59Pm. on ApnIll 2017. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That ORIGINATOR E -M -Mortgage, Mortgagee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that comphecwith all nota-equiremenb THE TIME ALLOWED BY default h as oc-acro the conditions aKnne-a company OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL default has oc-edin the conditions a,requiredby-ate; thatnoaaion LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY ofthefollowincdescribedmoagage: RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Well, ASSOCIATION ofthefollowagde,aibedmortgage: or preceeding hes been instituted et THE MORTGAGOR THE MORTGAGORS)'. Thome, M. Fargo Hank, NA By Jonathan R C -e, MidhaelV Mortgagor Bruce A Clausen,ec law or otherwi,eto recoverthe debt MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Bumham, a single person TAX BY IDENTIFICATION Sdhleismen Colleen Clausen, husbanc and wife cured by ,ai, mortgage, or any REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MORTGAGEE Well, Fargo Bank, NUMBER 0502920.11 0015 Atomey,for: Mortgagee: M31 Marshall 3 Ilsley part thereof MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE NA TRANSACTION AGENT'S GU Mortgage Servicos, Inc, Bank PURSUANT to the power of sale WEEKS IF AJU D ILIAL ORDER IS ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION Mortgagee Dated: 03252008 eined in said mortgage, the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Assigned to: None. NUMBER None SS East Fifth Street Suite 800 Recorded: 0-12008 above de,aibed property will be STATUTES, SECTION 582032 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT or precoekag ha, St Paul, MN55101-1718 Ramsey County Recorder ,old by the Sheriff of,ai, county a, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER OF MORTGAGE:$132,80000 been instituted et law to recover the C, 1Coca ent No. 4088054 follow,: THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED DATE OF MORTGAGE April 16 debt then remaining secure, by,udh 651-281753).) Tran,aaion Agent NS, DATE AND TIME OF SALE PREMISES AM IMPROVED 201b mortgage, oranypaathereof or if THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Tran,aaion Agent Mortgage ID No: Odober60161000AM WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLIN C DATE AND PLACE OF FILING the anion or prooeeding he,been FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. NIA PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff, Offico, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, GA.,- on April 28 2015 and in Wted, that the same hes been 8880-15006132 Lender or Broker: M31 Marshall 3 Civil Proco,s Unit 2 W. 4th Street ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN m orialized upon Ceba-eof Tte tl 'Review: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31, SAID Ilsley Bank Suite 150, St Paul, MN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, No 571 a, Document Number upon then udgment I-endered therein 14, 2016) Servicer MO Harris Bank, N A to pay the debt then secured by AND ARE ABANDONED. 12337331 the Offi e of the Gounry hes been reumed un,.ti stied, in Mortgage Onginator: M31 Marshall said Mortgage, and t- if any, on MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Registrar of Ttle, of Washington w -part 3 Ilsley Bank ,aid premise,, and the cost, and FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Gounry, Minnesota PURSUANT, to the power of ,ale NOTICE OF MORTGAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF disbursement,, including ettome, ON MORTGAGE: Alisa Hem, enc THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO co ained in said mortgage, the FORECLOSURE SALE PROPERTY: Lot 2, Brod: 1, E.G. fee, allowed by law sublea to Jam e, H. Hem, BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE above etl property w1l be THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Bowen', Addition redemption within 6 Month -on, the Dated: Aug -lb 2016 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: solcbythe Sheriff of,ai, county a, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Thi, isAbsbaPropea, date of said sale by the m o1gagogk), WELLS FARG O BANK, N.A. $13346102 follow,: ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE TAXPARCEL NO the, personal repre,enbtve, or Mortgagee LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF E OF SALE. TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT 202922.440183 assign, THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA PROPERTY: Lot Six ;6), Bl oda One Oaober 18C2016 eht 10 00 AM AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: By 1,1 (1), Parkview Addition, Washington PLACE OF SALE: Washington NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That 1233 REANEY AVE The date on or before which the RebecoaF Sdhiller Esq Gounry, Man-GaGounry Sheriff, Offico, W-Ington defaul[ha,oaurredathecondit- SAINT PAU X MN 55106 m otgagor m u,t vacate the property N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq REGISTERED PROPERTY Gounry Law Entor ement Center ofthefollowingdesaibe,moagage: COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY If the mortgage d not remsdated curtN.T-o,Esq . STREET ADDRESS OF 15015 62n Street North, StIIl-et M OFTGAGOF(SJ: Donald IS LOCATED: Ramey under Mane -a Statute, season 'Sanuel R. Coleman, Esq.' PROPERTY: /ai ASHLAND AVE M Ku 0'. esin le ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 58030 or the property redeemed Add ney,forM agagee SAINT PAUL PARK MN 550]1 ,eco h debt then secured b g person OF MORTGAGE: $9],50000 under Minnesob Statute, seaon The Aoadem Professional Baldin GO TPA IN WHICH POP kion paythey MORTGAGEE. Deltas Fargo AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO S U Ci A,16201/et ll b9 y g gage en , if any Home Mortgage, In CalHomie L , P Pm. 25 North Dale Street IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, e welly pelt by [he motgagee, corporation nikla Well, Fargo Bank BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE If the foregoinc date i, a Saturday, St Paul, MNSS102 Mane -a on the premise, and the oo2t, and NA, sucoe,ser bymerger to Well, INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID Sunday or legal holiday, then the '.1)20917M) TRANSACTION AGENT None disbursement, allowec by law The Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc BY MORTGAGEE. $92,0]12] date to vacate is the ne#busine,s (1611 �FG01J NAME OF MORTGAGE time allowec by law for redempton ASS IGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Th. priortothe commencoment of day.1159 Pm. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ORIGINATOR: Well, Fargo Bank, by,aid mortgagor(,), their personal Assigned to: U.S. Bank National thi,mortgageforedo,ureprocoedinc MORTGAGORS) RELEASED FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. NA represeU.- or assign, i, six;6) Aasedetion, e, Trustee, suoco,sorin Mortgagees -Knee of Mortgagee FROM OBLIGATION ON (Review: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14, 21, RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Well, mont tom the d- of kale. He -to Wedhovia Bank, National comped with all noticorequirement, MORTGAGE: NONE 28 2016) Fargo Bank, NA TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Aascaetiona,Tru,tee for Banc of a, requirec by,tatute,Watno ani on THE TIME ALLOWED BY TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION PROPERTY: Unl-said mortgage America Fund-Coryo,Uon Se- or procoedinc hes been instituted et LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NUMBER: 1202/.22110012 b eadIec or the property 2004-1 by assignment recorded le or otherwise to recover the debt THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TRANSACTION AGENTS redeemedeo utile„the time for on Mardh 30, 2012 a, Document secure, by,aid mortgage, or any MORTGAGORS PERSONAL FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE IDENTIRGATION redemption is reduoec by ludioial Number 388159/ in the Office of Pertthereof RE PRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, NUMBER: None om THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF er you must vaoete the premises the County Recorder of Washington PURSUANT to the power of ,.le MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE THAT no anion or procoedinc hes byll 59 Pm. on April l8, 2017. Gounry, MinnesoCi conbined in 68 mortgage the WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE been instituted et hew to recover the THE TIME ALLOWED BY ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT above describe, property will be ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT debtthen remainag,e-ed by sudh L FOR REDEMPTION BY OFMOFTGAGE $1-1000 sold by the Sheriff of said county a, STATUTES SECTION 582032mortgage, or anyppert thereof or if THE MORTGAGOR THE AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. rocoe MORTGAGORS PERSONAL DATE OF MORTGAGE November follow,: DETERMINING AMONG OTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that We anion or dint hes been 4 11DATE AND TIME OF SALE: THINGS, THAT MORTGAGED in 15[61, that the same hes been REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, tabule hes oaurred n the condition, DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Oaober OF SALE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED don the ed, or that an execution MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Officeof thefollowingdy Vandmortgage: WEEKS IF AJ UDICIAL ORDER IS Reamed on mbe, 14 1a 2004 he OF RE of SUE. Sheriff, al -el OATH ARE THAN AL E UNITG Mortgagor cods Alan Tokheim, upon been wdgmentre_ t merem Doament Number 342se2e in We Sutel5ce„ Unu 25 w. 4th sree[ OF LEss THAN RIVE uNITs, a ha, been resume, w,ndeatisfled, in ENIEMm UNUETI MINNESOTA ofece of We count Reimer of suite uo, St Baw, MN ARE NOT BROBERry use0 IN Ingle Paco,, whole Orin part STATUTES, SECTION 512032, Washington Gounry, Minnesota to pa the debt then seourec by AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Se-- 0 nc c. u. Mortgage BURBUANT, ro the power of kale DETERMINING AMONG OTHER THE AMOUNT CLAIMED To said Mortgage, en axe, If enY on ANDAREABANDONED. Dated: 11212012 conbi ec In 68 mortgage, We THINGS, IH AHE MORTGAGED BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ,.id premise, enc the cost, enc Dated: August 5, 2016 above, described property will be PREMISES A ARE IMPROVED Filed:12952012 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE disbursement,, indudmc ettomeys' U.S. Bank National Association, Ramsey Registrar of Ttle, soldby the Sheriff of,aid county a, WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING $14257434 f- allowecredemption withlbnylaw 6 Mon[hsbfrom[he PFB FAto X r9nPROFfE55 ,NALSIT Document No. 2191788 Against fDIE AND TIME OF SALE OF LESS IRAN FIVE UNI TS, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF eeUf,Ueof Tee No' 592476 ARE NOT PROPERTY USE N PROPEFTv: Lot 12 Brod: 5 date of,M-allebythemoagagoq,), AssoaATION Tren,.aion Agent NlA oaober 182016. 1000 AM AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Townhom e, of Belc Eagle Leke, Weir per,vnel represenbtives o By. JoneW enR LLskey, MidheelV Tren,.aion Agen[Mortgage lO No: PLACE OF SALE: Washington ANAL AME ABANDONED. Common Interest Gom country Na assign, Sdhleism en NIA County Sheriff, Offico, Washington MOFTGAGORSJ RELEASED S�TREQing[onALC0RE551nne OF TTe dateOonVor before ACIE ROPEFTfV: mB k National Assodation Lender or BAker: CU. Mortgage 1S.ulS Qnd Sheet cem nt Centel FROM FINANCIAL Non OBLIGATION Servicos, Ina PROPERTY 4979 NORTH 132ND m agagor mua vacate the protperty AsigneeofM agagee Mane -a Dated: Mugu -,2016 if he not 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Servicer: G.U. Mortgage Servico, he debt then M e b WAV HUG, MN 55038-0425 mortgage is rein etec Inc to pay t arc y WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. GOAL NTV IN WHICH PROPERTY under Minnesota Statute, season SY Paul, MN SS101-1 /le Mortgage Onginator: CU. Mortgage said mortgage and e mo if any Is LocATEO. wa,hmgton Gounry, Seo 3o or We property redeemec .12037599 seWce,, Inc aualry paid by We mortgagee, Public Notices Minnesota under Minnesota Statute, ,ealon - 281753 J.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF on the premise, anc the cost, and Continued on Page 10 Page 10 Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2016 Review , Public Notices afinefallawinc d­­d mortgage: NIA if me mortgage ik not r NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NUMBER 160282141.00. CORORR2(1 from P329 Mortgagor. Osmunda S. Belanay, Lender or Broker: Prime M ortgage under Mann SEA,-sedan FORECLOSURE SALE TRANSACTION AGENTS 9 Jr. end VrginieA Beleney, husbenc Goryorabon, A Mann S U or the property redeem ec THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION rtgagee Moend wife Corparaton and, Minnemm �S'mtute6 sed1on THE DEBT ANO IDENTITY OF THE NUMBER None THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Mortgagee: Mortgage El-nio Servicer: Great Southam Bank 58023 ik April 2], 2017 at 1159 ORIGINAL CREOITORWITHINTHE THAT no action or prooeeding hes By lkl Regiktraton Systems In, Mortgage Originator: Prime Pm. If the foregoinc date ik a TIME PROVIDED 803 LAW IS NOT been instituted et law to recover the Rebecca F Schiller Ek4 omneetor Quicken Loans In, es Mortgage C000-oan, A Mane- Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, pFFECTEDBVTHISACTION. debt then remaining secured by such N. KbongnI Fondungalleh, Esq nDated: 021 12007 C000ratan then the date to vacate ik the next NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That mortgage, or any part thereof or if Curt N. Trisko, Ek, Filed: 04-00] LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF busineksdayat1159Pm. dNOTl ChakS.HE,e Bnytheconditank the action or prooeeding hes been 'Samuel R. Coleman, Esq.- Ramsey County Registrar of Titles PROPERTY: Lot 3, Blol 1, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ofth`f,IIo ,des bedmolt e: i- bated, that the same hes been Attomeyktor Mortgagee Dooument No 2003188 Against Wildwood Pines 5th Additan. FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGOR(S). Richard C. Lee di-Unued, or that an e.-tan The Academy Professional Buildmc CertificateofTite Na: 3/13l Records of Washington Gounry, MORTGAGE: NONE nc MelenieA Lee, husband end upon meluQ9t e rendered merein 25 North Dele Street Assignee To: DEUTSCHE BANK Kate- THE TIME ALLOWED BY wife hes been re coed unkatkfied, in St Paul, M-102 NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY ThikbAbktrad Property LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY MORTGAGEE Wells Fargo Bank, whole orin part .1)2099]. as Trustee to, INDYMAC IMSC TAX PARCEL NO THE MORTGAGOR, THE N A PURSUANT, to the power of sale 161221 FC01) MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 290302024.0050 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE mnmined in said mortgage, me THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 200]-HOA1, MORTGAGE PASS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS A-igned to None above desori bed property will be FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THROUGH CERTIFICATES Series 221 Boutwer R-, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT talc by the Shear of said county es 'Review:Aug 3l, Sept ], 14, 21, 28, 200]-H OA1 Stillwater MN 55082 WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS OF MORTGAGE: $203,13]00 follows: OCL S, 2016) Dated: 06KK12016 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA DATE OF MORTGAGE : September DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Filed:0]252016 IS LOCATED: Washington STATUTES SECTION 0203' Novemberl, LOlOet UO AM Ramsey County Registrar of Ttek ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DETERMINING AMONG bo? 30 zoos PLACE OF SALE Washington DATE AND PLACE of FLUNG NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Dooument Na eNk, 516 Ageink[ OF MORTGAGE UDU$251 CLAIMED THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Re-aec on October 6 2009 as Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington FORECLOSURE SALE Certificate of TitleNa:3/t3l'gg AMOUNT DUE AND GLNME-0TO PREMISES ARE IMPROVE-0WITH Document Number 3].104 in tole Gounry Lew Enforcement Center Transection Agent Moaa e BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, A RESIDENTIAL OWEWNG Office of the Gounry Reoorder of 15015 Qnc Street North, Stillwater THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Eed-onto Regi ktraton Systems In, INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Washin Count' Minnemm. Mane- THEDEBTANDIDENTITYOFTHE Transaction Agent Motgage ID No: BY MOR(TGAGEE:$2729..47 ARE NOT THAN USED IN gton ry to pay the debt [hen secured by ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE 10003. 2107/03882 Th a[pria,tothe.amenoementof AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO mortgage and cox 4 IF any TIME PROVIDED 803 LAW IS NOT BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE s Lender or Broker: Quid:en Loans mikmo eeS, ghees of proceeding -ed A g-2b 111 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. actually paic by the mortgagee AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION no MortgageelAasignee of Mortgagee Dated: Auguk[Ly, LOlO $1�5. 23 on the premises end me Dosis and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Servicer. Gowen Loan Se,vang, oompliec w,Hh all noboerequirements CU Moug.ge Services, Inc., LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF disbursements allowec by law. The demul[hek oaurred inmeoonditonk LLG es required by kmtute;metno action Mortgagee PROPERTY. Lot Three :3), Blodk tome allowec by law for redemption of thefoll-ag desaibec m o1gage: Mortgage Originator. Quicken or prooeeding has been instituted et OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL One (1J Olc Gopelenc Atlditon, by laic mortgagor(kJ, coat, personal SOFTGAGORS): Yolanda C Loans , laworothenvisetoremverthedebt ASSOCIATION Weshin Goun Mune-a represenmtves or assigns kex;6) M OIXaney, esingle person LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF secured by laic mortgage, or any By Joneman R Cuskey, Michael V Eton ry mon-Don, medateofkale MORTGAGEE: Homeservioek uatec pat STREET ADDRESS OF Lendin LLC dba Edina Real[ PROPERTY: Lend sit rn me hereof Sdhome,n PROPERTY .26 UPPER 46TH ST TIME AND DATE TO VACATE M agae, a Delaware I'mitedliability County of Remseyinme5[ete of MN PURSUANT [c me power of sale Attorneys for: Ino N, OAKDALE, MN 551282423 PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage Magage y Lot 1], Brook 5, Heinemann, onmined in said mortgage, the CU Mortgage Servioe4 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY r reinstated or the property company MI nville and Sterie k subdivision above desaibed property will be Mortgagee adeemed, o unless met im e for AS OF MORTGAGE. of Lotk212 113 of Lee kSubuNen sold by me Sheriff of laic county as 55 Eek[Fifth Sfree[Suite 800 16 LOCATED: Washington Gounry redemption ik reducoc by radical Aasi dto: Wells FaMo Bank, NA Minnemm gne g Hom es Except me Wek[10 feet follows: St Peul, MN 55101-1]18 order you mukl-bemep,emikek b ted on Januar .1209/y99 THAN AGENT None y eksig21 2,0nm ant r0oa Ad o Number thereof DATE AND TIME OF GALE' - NAME OF MORTGAGE by 11:9 Pm. on May 1, 201/. 3494361 yin me Office of me County The West 20 feet of Lot 18, Blot: Odobe,28, 20161000 AM 812281]53 P.) ORIGINATOR: Wells Fargo Bank THE TIME ALLOWED BY y 5 Heinemann, McConville, enc PLAGEOFSALE: Law Enforcement THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NA LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Recorder of Washington County, Stlerlesssubdivisian of Lots 2,1'2-13 Center, 1bU b Qnd Street N., FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells THE MORTGAGOR THE MUn-ta thereafter assigned o of Lee kSubu tan Hold es Stillwater MN 8880.13-008035 Fargo Benk, N.A MORTGAGORS PERSONAL U.S Bank Netonel Aasoceton, This ik Regikterec Property to pay me debt men secured by ;Review: Sept ], 14, 21, 28, tic[ 5, TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS as Trustee to, Bear Steams ARM TAX PARCEL NO.'. said Mortgage, and coxes, if any, on 2, 2016) NUM PER 0702921 240152 MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Trus[ Mortgage PaksTh,ough 342922130082 said premises, and the costs and TRANSACTION AGENTS WEEKS IF AJ UD ILIAL ORDER IS CARD"te4 Series 200411 by ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. disbursements, aduding attone MORTGAGE IDENTIFIGEN S ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ass4gnment recorded on June 4, t.3 Conway St fees allowed by law sabred o NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NUMBER: None STATUTES, SECTION y82032 It as Document Numbe,3989699 Saint Paul, MN55106 redemption within 6Monthsfrom the FORECLOSURE SALE THAT no action or dmc hes DETERMINING AMONG OTHER in me Office of the County Remrder protea y COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY date of said sale bythe martgagor(k), THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF been insttuted at law to recover the THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED of W ashagton County, MUn-ta IS LOCATED: Ramsey their persvnel reprekenmtvek PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT aksignk. or THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE debrt[hen rem eirning secured by tct DLTH A RESIDENTIAL D'DELLINC OF MORTGAGE $15200000 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE gage, any pat thereof f OF SOFTGAGE:$201 90000 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: TIME PROVIDED 803 LAW IS NOT the action or dmc hes been OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS DATE OF MORTGAGE: Au 20, prone gust AMOUNT DUE CLAIMED TO The date on or before which me s[t ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. rn ruted, that me same hes been INCBE LUDING OFDATEOFNOTICE, the mo ormu Is at,to tlhepmpehyif NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that d-Unued, o, thatdeexecutors AGRIWLTURAL PRODUCTION, DATE AND PLACE of FILING wcwowc TAKES IF ANY PAID me moTgageiknot,emktatod under bSaal akoccuredin themndrta- upon the wagment rendered merem nNO T AGOuvoONEO. Recorded on November 23, 2004 BYMORTGAGEE:$238,3]611 MUnemm Smtutek section b8030 MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED ek D=ent Number 34310[U In prior to property of the following desaibed m artgage: has been rehumed unsatsfiedpat, In That he com m encem ent of or the redeemed under Mort :Marie E Kane,a whole or in FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION me Office of me Gounry Recorder of thi-agageforedosureproceedac Minnesota Statutes sect on 58023 9egor enge T t ON MORTGAGE: Steven G. Wakha Coun[ Minnesota g g g g g k p rpm person PURSUANT, o me power of sale Eton y, M S,-Knee f M A I' / fthe Lenem ann THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO p' d halln q [s f g gd isa5 d 15 Sunda, rtgagee: Gary & Count, Qedit b d beck mor(gagre,ll be he Dned:August 30, 2016 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE an n property ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. q by stet h a g h rd y, then h d to to D ted: 041142004 Id by h Sheriff of sa c county as FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE $ 2 6, 99 la procoedinc hes been inkttuted et v ca e ik me next bust neks day at Recorded:0629200q follows: ASSOCIATION law or otherwise to recover the debt 1159pm. Ramsey 29200 Recorder DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. Mortgagee LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF secured by said mortgage, or any MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Ra-en[Na County Novembe,ND TIME AM THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA PROPERTY: Lot 44, Block 1, part thereof FROM OBLIGATION ON By lkl Cla Thomsen 'D oodbur Transaction Agent. NSA PLACE OF SALE: 'J4'ashagton PP y PURSUANT to the power e sale MORTGAGE: NONE RebeccaF Schiller Esq. Hill Townhomek 1st Additon, conminec in sat Transaction Pgen[Mortgage lO No: County Sheriffs Office, Washington Wakha Count,Minnesota mortgage, me THE TIME ALLOWED BY NiA Gounry Lew Entorcoment Center N. Kibongni Fandungalleh, Esq STREET n ADDRESS OF above the Shec property will be LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Lender or Broker: Gary & County 15015 Qnd Street North, Stllwater `Cartel TflCole Ean sold by me Sheriff of said oounry es THE MORTGAGOR THE Qedrt Union Minnesota Samuey-l- agagee} PROPERTY ]045 MN 5 125 follows: MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Servicer: G.U. Mort Servi to pe h debt men secured by The Acakto,Morfe-a TR/U/ WOODBURV MN 55125 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: REPRESENTATIVESDEDUCED ASSIGNS, gee rn rte TheAoedemy Profeksionel Buildmc OdACE O, 2016 SALE S 0AM MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE IM a Ori : Ci[ & Count addu II o Badge by thetaxek, if any 25 North Dale Street LGOUNTV IN WHICH PROPERTY PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Sege ginetor y y e e y Pei y mortgagee, St Paul, MN 55102 Qedrt Union on tlhe premises anc the costs and M, LOCATED: Washington Gounry, Evil 150 St Unit LM W. 4m S[ree[ ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF disbursements allowed by law. The 51)2099/w Minnesota Suitpay t S[ Peul, MN STATUTES SECTION 582032 PROPERTY: Lot 3, Block 2, VKha time allowed by law to',edempton 1514. Fool) TRANSACTION AGENT None to pay the debt men keou,ec by DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Grvisian by said martgagoq( ), their personal THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NAME OF MORTGAGE said Mor( gage, anc coxes, if any, on THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGEO FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ORIGINATOR Hom eservioA said premises, enc me costs enc PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Thik ik Abstract Property mepnee,enmtves or asmgns ik six (6J -Review: Sept /, 14, 21, 28, Od y, Lendin, LlG dba Edina Reel[ TAX PARCEL NO.'. hk from me date of sale 9 y disbursements, indudmc attome, WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING 12 2016) Maga limited liability fees allowed by law sub act o OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 30 29 22 13 0040 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE company ,edam ptanwithin 6MoUH-omthe ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: PROrenstetcPERTY nlesk tic mortgage RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells date of said sale bythe ntagagogs), AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 1119 Agate Street he property Fargo Bank NA their personal represenmtves or ANDAREABANDONE-0. Saint Peul, MN 5511] redeemed, o unless the tome to, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION assigns Dated. August 262016 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY redempton ik reduced by radical FORECLOSURE SALE NUMBER I] 02021330029 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Gr_t Southern Benk, IS LOCATED: Ramsey order you muk[vecate the premises THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TRANSACTION AGENTS The date on o, before which the Assignee of Mortgagee ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT byll 59pm. on May1, 201]. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION mortgagor musty oethe property PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL OFMOFTGAGE :$.,00000 THE TIME ALLOWED BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE NUMBER None if he mortgage ik not rein etec ASSOCIATION AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT THAT no action o, prooeeding has under Minnesota Statutes Becton By.JonemenR LLkkey, MidheelV BEDUEAS OF DIE OF NOTICE, THE MORTGAGOR, THE AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. been instituted et law to recover the 58030 or the property ,edeemec By eienen INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that deb[men rem aining securec by such under Minnesota Statutes recto Attomeystor: BY MOR(TGAGEE.$20,5.. 91 REPRESENTATIVES OR AS SIGNS, demur[ has occu,edin the conditons mortgage, or any part thereof or if y8U 21 is Ap,il2/201/at 1159pmn Great Southern Bank, Assignee of That prior to the com m encem At of MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE of the following desaibed mortgage: the action o, prooeeding hes been If the foregoing date ik e Saturday, Mortgagee mikm ortgagefo,ed-ugfep,oceedmc WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Mortgagor: Christophe, Molnemey tuted, that the same hes been Sunday o, legal holiday, then the 55 East Fifth Sfreet Suite 800 M m p agde1signee of M ortgagee ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA end TffanieMolnemey, husband and discontinued, or that an execution date to vacate is the next business St Paul, MN bb '18 complied with all not icerequi,emenP, STATUTES, SECTION .2032, wife anc Stephen J. Mane-,a upon the luclgt ent,ende,ed therein day at 1159 Pm. .1209]549 k required by statute; thatna aa on DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER marred person hes been re umed unkatsfied, in MORTGAGORS) RELEASED .122&1]53 ;fax) or procoedinghak been in,tttute hed D TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Mortgagee: Extol Mortgage whole orin part FROM OBLIGATION ON THIS IS A COMMUNICATION le o, otherwise to recover the debt PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Sevioeklna PURSUANT, to the power of sale MORTGAGE: NONE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. keoutl by said mortgage, o, any WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Deted :061152006 eined in said mortgage, the THE TIME ALLOWED BV 178015503869 Pat et OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Re corded: 07242006 above described property will be LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 'Review: Sept /14, 21, 28, O¢ y, PURSUANT to the power of sale ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Ramsey County Recorder ole bythe Sheriff of sate county as THE MORTGAGOR, THE 12 2016) contained in said mortgage, the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Document No 39.261 follows: MORTGAGORS PERSONAL above desaibec property will be AND ARE ABANDONED. Assigned To by Court Order: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, sole by the Shet of said oounry as MORTGAGORS) RELEASED N-SEoM agagA Ina October 2, 2016 at 1000 AM MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE follows: FROM FINANCIAL OBLGATION Dated :06222016 PLACE OF SALE: Washington WEEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ON M ORTGAGE: None Recorded: 071182016 County Sheriffs Office Washington ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FORECLOSURE SALE October2], 2016, 1000 AM Dated. Augukt30, 2016 Ramsey County Recorder County Law Enforcoment Center STATUTES SECTION 5820032 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Document No Ad 614X. 1501562nc Street North, Stillwater DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Civil P,ocoks Unit 2 W. 4th Street Mortgagee Assigned To: M.,[gage Electronic Minnesota THINGS, THATTHEM C OTHER ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE SUI,150,a Paul, MN THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Regiattan Systems, na, its to pay the debt then secured by PREMISES ARE IMPROVED TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT to pay the debt then secured by By. lkl successors and assigns, as nominee mortgage an c I- If if any WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. sat c M ortgage, end coxes ifany, on Rebeaa F. Schiller Esq fo,Novasta,Magage, Ina wally paic by the mortgagee OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that kart premises, anc the costs enc N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Ek4 Deted:06292006 on the premises and the costs and ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN demur[ has ocouned in the conditions disbursements, indudmc aoomey 'Curt N. Tri.ko, Esq.' Recorded: 112 2007 disbursements allowec by law The AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, of the talk, wag desaibec mortgage'. fees allowec by law subect o Samuel R Coleman, Esq Ramsey County Recorder tme ec by law to„edemptan ANDAREABANDONED. Mortgagor: Howard C. Here and redempton within 1 Yea, from the Attorneys to, M oagagee Document No 406]31] V, said mortgagor(kJ, their personal Dated: Augukt29, 2016 ShannonG Here husband and wife date of kaickale bythem ortgagoq(), The-den, y P,ofeksianal Building Aasigned To by Court Order: represenmtves or assigns ik six ;6J pEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL Mortgagee: CU M ortgage Servi their personal represenmtves or 25North Dale Sheet OAU- Bank Natanal Truk[ months Don, the dUeafkale TRUST COMPANY,..Trustee Ina S[. Paul, MN55102 Gompeny, as Trustee for NoveSmr TIME AND DATE TO VACATE for INDYMAC IMSC MORTGAGE Dated. 01222007 •DATES TO VACATE PROPERTY: (.1)20997. Mo g4ge Funding Trust Series PROPERTY: Unless kaid mortgage L-NTRUST200T-H OA1, Recorded: 02016200] The date on o, before which the 16G148 Coal) 2U N-Sta, Home Equity Loan IT the property MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH Remkey County Recorder as ago, m uki vacate the p,otpeay THIS IS A COMMUNICATION AksetAaoked Certificates, Series tadIec unless the tome to, MORTGAGE Series 2007-H OA1, Docum ent No 400]69? if the mortgage ik not rein atec FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 20064 d p red by dicier Assignee of Mortgagee Tran-an Agent NIA d M Statutes sect on "Review: Sept /, 14, 21, 28, O¢ y, Dated: 06222016 d y ukt ve h p msec OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Tran-an Agent M.,[gage ID No: 58030 h p,ope"I-edeem ec 12 2016) Re corded: 071182016 by : P on Ap I' ASSOCIATION NIA d M: a Statutes Becton Ramsey County Recorder THE TIME ALLOWED BY By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V Len de, o, Broker: CU. Mortgage -23 rk October 2/ 201/ at Document No P046148. LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Sohl_man Services, Ina 1159 Pm. If the foregoinc date ik a NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Trankadion Agent NSA Servicer: GU. Mortgage Services, Saturday Sunday o, legal holiday FORECLOSURE SALE Trankadion Agent M .,[gage ID No: THE MORTGAGOR THE Attomeyk for then the date to vacate ik the next NIA MORTGAGORS PERSONAL DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL InQ THE RIGHT VERIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS TRUST COMPANY, as Trustee for Mortgage Originator C. U. M ortgage busineksdayat1159Pm. THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE Lender or Broker Extol Mortgage MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Servi in, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Services Ina INDVMAGIMSCMOFTMORTGAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF FROM OBLIGATION ON ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Servi co,: UP Loan Sev ag WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS TRUST 200]-HOA1 MORTGAGE TIME PROVIDED 803 LAW IS NOT g ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA pg55-THROUGH CERTIFICATES PROPERTY: Lots4 end y, Brod: 1, MORTGAGE: NONE AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. LlC STATUTES, SECTION b82032 Series 2001HOA1, Assignee f Sheldon Dove Additon tome Giryof THE TIME ALLOWED BY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Mortgage Originator Extol DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ° S[ Paul, Ramsey County, Manta LAW FOR REDEMPTION By M.,[gage Services, Ina Mortgagee demul[hekocourrec in the conditons THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED yy East Fifth Sfreet Suite 800 ThikikAbktrad Property THE MORTGAGOR, THE of the foil owi nc de-bed moagage:LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES ARE IMPROVED St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 TAX PARCEL NO'. MORTGAGORS PERSONAL MOFTGAGOR(S): Steven PROPERTY. Lot 28, Block 4 WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 3292'3120088 REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS n Dokmo Id Addition, together with .1209]549 G. henem ann e c Sheila R OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS .12281/y3(fax) ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Henemenn, husban c and wife the benefits enc sabred to the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 1]16LAFONDAVE W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS burdens of dedaratan of covenants THIS IS A COMMUNICATION SST PAUL MNy 04 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA MORTGAGEE Ghese Manhattan conditons and re frictions, filed AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. Mortgage Coo-han, aNew Jersey s AND ARE ABANDONED. 1//2y 16004 U COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY STATUTES SECTION 582032, ion May 19, 1:1, as document no MORTGAGORS) RELEASED IS LOCATED: Ramsey DETERMINING AMONG OTHER corpora 211598] end deolaratank of FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION (Review: Sep[ /, 14, 21, 28, Oct y, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED AdIed toTS ed MORTGAGE. nts to, Dokmo II townhouse 12 2016) OF MORTGAGE $1%40000 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Aasigned : Federal Netonel e nc,filed May19, 1.1 ON MORTGAGE: None Mortgage Aasocetanbyaksignment ekocetion, Dated: Augukt24, 2016 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO WITH A RE Sl OWELlING eoorded on June 3, 2015 as as dooumentnc. 2115.8, a-khag U.5.BANK NATIONAL BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Doamen[Number 4028223 in the to the recorded pm[mereof Ramsey NOTICE OF MORTGAGE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANV PAID ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Gounry, Minnem ASSOCIATION, ASTRUSTEE FOR Office of the CountReoorder of m BEAR STEARNS ARM TRUST, FORECLOSURE SALE BV MORTGAGEE: $189,0659] AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Weshin Goun Minnemm. Thikik Abstract Property MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF T et prior tothe commencement of AND ARE ABANDONED. Eton ry TAX PARCEL NO'. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2061-11 THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF TH E thi k m o1gage foreclosure proceeding Dated: Augukt25, 2016 OF MORTGAGE :$203,00000 21 30 22 31 0033 Mortgagee ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHI NTH E MortgageeiA gnee of Mortgagee city County Credit Union, DATE OF MORTGAGE: December ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA TIME PROVIDED 8Y LAW IS NOT oompliec with all notoerequirements Mortgagee 27 2664 4280 Bri Qgewooc Ter By: 1s1 AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. k,equi,ed bykmtute; thatnoactian OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Saint Paul, MN55127 Rebeo F Sdhiller Ek4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that o, prooeeding has been instituted et ASSOCIATION Recordec on January 21, 2005 as COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY N. KbonI i Fandungalleh, Esq demur[haso retro thecondit- lawo,otherwiseto,ecove,thedebt By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V Document Number 3469 in the IS LOCATED: Ram key 'Curt N. Tn... Esq.' of the followac desaibed mortgage: cured by sate mortgage, or any Sdhleismen Office of the County-3 Reoorder of ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Samuel R Coleman, Esq M agago, Mark A Douglass anc part thereof Ime, to,: Washa Coun MUnemm. OF M ORTGAGE:$14400000 Attome kfa, Mort e ee Eleen T Doug- husband an PURSUANT tc the power of kale Gary & County .edit Union, Eton ry AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Y 9 9 c THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO The Academy Profeksionel Buildmc wife onmined in said mortgage, the Mortgagee BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE BE UP AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, Ly North Dele Street Mortgagee: Prime Mortgage above desaibed property will be 55 EaktFifth Sfree[Suite 800 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. INCLU DING TAXES IF ANY PAID St Paul, MN 55102 C000ratan, A Manta sold by the Sheriff of sate county as St Pau, MN99-11-1 /le $216855 BY MOR(TGAGEE:$88,37371 .1)2099]. C000ratan follows: .1209]549 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF That prior to the commencement of 161254FC01) De ted: 06K3012000 DATE AND TIME OF SALE .12281]53 ;fax) PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 4, Colby h km o1gage fo,edosu,e procoedinc THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Record ed: 0801]2000 Odobe,2/, 2010, 1111AM THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lake 9th Additon, Washington M ortgageelAasignee of Mortgagee FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Washington Gounry Reoorder PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Office, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. County, Minnesota complied wimallnee fe Moftgentk 'Review: Aug 3l, Sep[/l4, L1, 28 Dooumen[Na 3115.7 CMI P cos Uni[25 W. 4th Sfreet 8880.14011222 STREET ADDRESS OF as requ,ed by ktatut ',h Oct 5, 2016) Aar gnat To: nte, Savings Bank, S St Paul, MN (R ew: Sept 14, 21, 28, Oct y, PROPERTY: 8Y6 SAINT CROIX o, proceedng hes b tec at FSB to pay the debt then secured by 12, 2016) RD, WOODBU RV MN 55125 law o, otherwise to I-, the debt Dated: 06K3012000 kaid Mortgage, and nixes, if any, on eou,ec by said mortgage, o, any COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY s NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Dadhagd:080JCount kaid p,emenF, and the costs and IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, Percmereof FORECLOSURE SALE Wakhing[on County Reoorder disbursements, inducting ubjed to THAN PURSUANT to the power of kale Dooument Na 3115.8 Peek allowed by law sublet o TRANS ACTION AGENT None conmmed In kaid mortgage, the THERIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF A gnec To: Great Southem Bank redempton within OMonthkfrom the NAME OF MORTGAGE above desori bed property will be THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Dated: 11202012 date of kaid kale bythe mortgagoq(), ORIGINATOR: GhesA Manhattan kolc byme SheriR of kaid county ek ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITH IN THE Recorded: 1201]2012 their personal reprekenmtvek or follows: TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Washington Count, Reoorder assigns. Mortgage Corporehan, aNew Jersey AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Dooument No 390459 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. •RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Public Notices NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Tran-tan Agent NSA The date on o, before which the Seteruk, In° Continued on Pa a 11 demuimak0-,edin the oondrtl_ Transaction Agent M otgage ID No: mortgagor must vacate the property TAx PARCEL IDENTIFICATION 9 Review Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2016 Page 11 PUi)iIC N0110EfS THE TIME ALLOWED BY CMA Invektad- LLC, e FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Equity Loan Trust, Series 200]- 20 2016) LAW FOR REDEMPTION By Minn-G, limitec liability company, ON MORTGAGE None ASAP1, Asset Backed Pass NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT COminued from Page lO THE MORTGAGOR THE Gerl A Costa" Mery P Costanzo, Dated: September], 2016 Through Certificates, Assignee of OF MORTGAGE M OFTGAGORS PERSONAL end Anthony T Costanzo, Jon Doe, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Mortgagee DATE AND TIME OF SALE: REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGYV S, Mery Roe en c ABG CoD-ton, Mortgagee OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE SALE Gctober2], 2016, 1000 AM MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Defendants THEACADEMVLAW GROUP, PA ASSOCIATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff's Office, WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that By Ikl By: Jonathan R CLkkey, Michael V the above Mortgage Foredosure Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA under end by vi rhe of e Judgment Rebeaa F. Schiller Esq Schl eikm en SelA ik hereby postponed t Suite 150, St PeuI, MN STATUTES SECTION 582032, end Decree in the above enttled N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq Attomeysfor: September 23, 2016 et 1000 AM, I, pay the debt then keC ec by DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER e on, datec July 11, 2016 entered 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' HSBC Ink USA N A, es Trustee Lew Enforcement Center 15015 said Mortgage, end I- Ifuany, on THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED onn August 4, LO =f d t copy Samuel R Coleman, Esq. on behalf of AGE Seouritek Gory Qnd Street N., Stillwater MN in laic dbb,emikek, enc theco nc PREMISES ARE IMPROVED of which hes bee6n delivered to me Ad"l-for Mortgagee H oma Equity Loen Trust end for the Gounry end Smte. disbursements, indudmc ettomeys' WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING dxecting the sale of the premises The Academy Professional Building registered holders of AGE Searitek Dated: September] 2016 fees ellowec by law subject o OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, hereinetter dekaibed to sat sty the LS North Dele Street Gory Home Equity Loen Trust HSBC Bank USA, N.A.,.-ustee redem loton within l Veer hom the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN unt found enc adjudged due to St PeuI, MN 55102 Series 200]-ASAP1, Asset Beoked on behalf of ACE Securities date of saic sale bythe moitgag11D AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, saicPlaintff in the above enttled (651)2039]Q Pass Through Gertifi cater Assignee Corp. Home Equity Go -Trust their persvnel reprekentatvek or AN D ARE ABANDON ED n hokJ MY (16124YFN1J ofMortgageA and for the registered holders assigns Dated. August30, 2016 ndviebimenFs LlG e m Oefendent(Minnesota THIS ISACOMMUNICATION FROM SS East Fifth Street Suite 800 of ACE Securities Corp.Home DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY Quicken Loans III limited liebiliry mmpeny, It A ADEBTCOLLECTGR St PeuI, MN55101-1]18 Equity LoenTrust,Series200T- Th, date on or before which the Assignee of Mortgagee Cod, - Mery P Co t-, end (Review: Sept 14, 21, 28, Got S, 12, 651203]549 ASAP1, Asset Backed Pass m ortgagor m ust vaoetethA property PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Anthony T CokGnzo, the Sheriff of 19 2016) 651- & 53;taxJ Through Certificates, Assignee of It the mortgage ik not rein c ASSOCIATION Ramsey Gounry, will sell et public THISISA COMMUNICATION Mortgagee under Minnesota SEH- section By. Jonathan R CLkkey, Michael V e cti to the highest bidder for FROM A DEBT COL LECTOR. OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL 58030 or the property redeemec Schleikman cakh�on Gctober13, 2016.1000 -b lb 010581 ASSOCIATION NOTICE LO MORTGAGE under Minnesota Statutes section Attomeys for: am., OCHA F,Ramsey Gounry Sheriffs 'OekdelsLake Elmo Review: FAR By J onethenR Gukkey, MiCheelV 58023 M Oaobf 2], g et CO RECLOSURE SALE Schleikmen Guioken Loans In Asegnee of Offs co, Qry Hell AlAnnex, Suite 150, THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 10, 1], 24, Mer. 2, 9, 2016) 1159 Pm. If the foregoing date is Mortgagee 25 West Fourth Street in the City of NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT Attorneys tor: e Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, 55 East Fifth Street Suite800 Sai -ul, said countyand state, the THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE HSBC Ink USA N A, as Trustee then the date to vacate ik the next St Paul, MN -11 -1 /1 8 premises and real estate described ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE OF MORTGAGE on behalf of AGE Securities Gory burliness day at 1155 P m. -1203]599 in 68i cJudgmdo end Decree, legally TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT FORECLOSURE SALE Home Equity Loan Trust end for the MMIGAGOR(S) RELEASED E51-- BE, C-) described es: AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that regiaerec holders of ACE Se-te, FROM OBLIGATION ON THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lot3, Blo' 1, Ryan Industrial Perk NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the above Mortgage Foreclosure Gory Home Equity Loan Trust MORTGAGE: NONE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. bei nc also known an c num bared as detaul[hekooanecin theconditonk Sele ikherebypostponed to April 29, Series 2001ASAP1, Asset Ile, THE TIME ALLOWED BY 1]92_1600582-1 3151 Country Drive Lille Canada, of the fol III nc describedm 0`gage: 2016 et 1000 AM, Lew Erforoement Pass Through Certificates, Assignee LAW FOR REDEMPTION By 'Review: Sept /, 14, 21, 28, Od S, MN -1 /, ToI-ens Property under Mortgagor: Sharon M. O -Boyle, a Center 1501 c Street N., of Mortgagee THE MORTGAGOR, THE 122016) Certificate of Title No. 608682 kaglewoman S011weter MNIniAsed Gounry end 55 East Fifth Street Suite BOB MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Dated:&1116 Mortgagee: Mortgage Eed-one, State St Paul MN55101-1]18 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MaV Bosirom Regiamton Systems � -12097549 MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Sheriff of Ramsey County, nominee for Maxim Mortgage HSBC Bank USAZN.A., es Trustee 17/2515-0105&1 WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Goryoraton, eTexek coryoraton on behalf of ACE Securities Review: Sept14, 2016 Minnesota ( ) ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FORECLOSURE SALE Dated: 10232006 Cor H-Euit Loan Trust fly: /sD.put Grengs P Equity STATUTES SECTION 5OTHER THE EBTAIGHT ND DIDENTITY OF HE DeputyS o,AI-hagton count of ACE ihregi-Co holders DETERMINING AMMO OTHER THE DEBT CREDITOR WIT OF THE DFB Lew Professional Washington county Recorder of ACESecurities Corp. Home NOTICE ECLOSUMORTGAGE THIN PREMIS,SSI THE MORTGAGED ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Documentne,No HSBC E LoanTrust,Series200T- Association9u'tV FORECLOSURE SALE PREMISES AlE IMPROVED TIME PROVIDED IS LAW N. NOT /s/JeredGcerlitz #386]10 Aamgnec To: HSBC Ink USA ASAP1,Asset Backed Pass W LESS SIDENTIAL DWELLING AFFECTEDBHEREBY GIVEN St -D ) Se"ne Trustee on-IfAGE Through Certificates,Assignee of THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het /9°Pr P Pa.com Securities Gore Home Equity Loen -0` THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE 55 East 5th Street, Suite 800 or gagee ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN detaul[hekocounecin the conditonk '' enc Secul- regikCoD holders DFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL St. Paul, 291-1 TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, of thefollowincdekori be ga gage: Tele ir-(61)291-8955 of AGE Seouri0es Gory Home ASSOCIATION D.edAg-25 016 Mortgagor:El `0y ng_d Va-n, end Facsimile:(61)228-1]53 wiry Loen Trust, Series 200]- H, JonethenH LLkkey, Midheel V. AFFECTED BVTHISAGIVEN Dated: Auguk25, 2016 Gloria G Vangsted, hukbenc end Attome (sr Plaintiff ASAP1, Asset Bed:ec PessThrough Sdhleikmen NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Deutsch Bank National Trust wife y Certificates Attome for: detaul[hekoauned in the conditonk Come THE TIME ALLOWED 8V ys k ustee of the Drowin described mort p rry, es Trusteefor NoveSter Mortgagee: U.S. Ink LAW FOR REDEMPTION Dated: 04Ki02010 HSBC Ink USA N A,e g gage. Mortgage Funding Trust, Series Dated: 101142004 Recorded: 060)22010 on behalf of AGE Securitek Gory uMOFTGAGOF(SJ: Meo Xiong, en 20060 NoveSter Holl- Equity Filed: 121162004 8V THE MORTGAGOR, THE Washington Gounry Recorder Home Loan Trust end R -the nmemGAGEEvn quity MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Maty MORTGAGEE. Wells Fer Benk, Loan Asset -flecked Certificates Ramsey Registrar of Titles Document No. 3]414]4 of Securitek g° REPRESIFA DUDES OR ASSIGNS, Cot' NA Series 20069, AtoOtg.eoi Document No No C83 Against MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Transection Agent Mortgage Gory Home Equity Loen Trust, Mortgagee Gertifioete of Title N0.:3812 WEEKS IFAJUDICIAL ORDER IS Eed-on' amt On Systems, Ina Series 200]-A5AP1, Asset Be oked ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Transaction Agent NS, EMERED UNDER MINNESOTA Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: Yassl haugh Certificates Assignee Aksigne, to: None. ASSOCIATION Transaction Agent Mortgage lD No 10039L0006101�2]8 ofMortgagee ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NIA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, Lender or Broker: Mexico Mort OF M OR(TGAGE:$240,00000 Bye onethenR Gukkey, MiCheelV Lender or Broker: U. S. BenkNA DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Coa-an, aTexas gW9e SS East Fifth -11 Suite 800 DATE OF MORTGAGE: March 8, Sdhleikmen THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAG ED p corporation St YauI, MNSSI -1/le Attorneys for: Servicer: U.S. In Natonal pREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Servicer. Oaven Loen Servicng, 65121 599 0 2006 Deut-e Benk P. -Il Trust Assocation LlG 17/2515-010,5&1 DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. compan/, as Trustee for N -Star Mortgage Originator. U.S. Ink A RESIDENT AL DWELLING Mortgage Originator: Maxim Recorded on April 10, 2006 es OF LESS THAN 5 UNITS, ARE "MkIll-ke Nmo Heview: M a r. Document Number3578134 in the Mortgage Funding Trust, Series NA NOT PROPERTY USED FOR Mortgage Goryoraton, e Texas 23 2016) 20064 NoveSGr Home Equity Loan LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, corporation NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT Office of the County Recorder of Asset-Bac<ec Certifioete4 Series PROPERTY: Lot 13, BIod:2 Nelson, AND ARE ABANDONED. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF JVesM1ing[on Gounry, Minnesota 20064, Assignee of Mortgagee Stevens end King , cB, on. 1]296-1500y26-1 PROPERTY: All tlhet pert of the OF MORTGAGE THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO 55 Eest RMh Street Suite BOB The West 4 feet of Lot l4, Black "Review:Aug 24 ,31, Sept ], 14, 21 Southeast Guercer (SE 114) of FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE St PeuI MN 55101-1]18 Nelson, Steven -no King kAdditon, 28 2016) the Northeast Quarter (NE 114) of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. .12097549 Ramsey Gounry, Mi nnesota Section-U-our(24), Township the above Mortgage Foreclosure $249597.13 651228-1753 (far) ThIS I k Registered Property Twentyseven:27) North of Range Saleisherebryposdpon Enro0 e3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THIS IS A COMMUNICATION TAX PARCEL NG'. Twentytwo(22) W est, dekaibec as 20168 00 AM, Law Enforcement PROPERTY: Lot 3, Block 2, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 0]202213.0029 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE follows town Center 15015 Qnc Street N. Oekwoode Wstia Id Addition, 17/2516000841 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: FORECLOSURE SALE Commencnc at apointonthe South Stillwater MN iIn said St' end JVesM1ing[on Gounry, Minnesota (Review: Sept], 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, 17/ GEORGE STREETW THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Zine ofthe Southeast Gueher;SE 1 A) SGta STREET ADDRESS OF 12, 2016) SAINTPAUL MN55107 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE of Northeast Quarter (NE 114) Twc Dated: May4, 2016 PROPERTY: 6456 UPPER 35TH ST COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE hundred thirtytvo (232) feet East HSBC Bank USA, N.A., es Trustee N, OAMALE MN 55128 IS LOCATED: Ramsey TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT hom the Southwest comer thereof on behalf of ACE Securities COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION taenco N och 010egreek 00 Minutes Corp. Htime Equity GO' n Trust IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, OF MOR(TGAGE:$80,00000 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN '. That West One hundred thirty-seven end and for the registered holders Minnesota FORECLOSURE SALE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO detault has oauned i n the Conditonk threstenthkEa"13]3) feet thence of ACE Securities Corp. Home TRANSACTION AGENT None THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE ofthe fowi llong de -bed mortgage: st et right angles Three hundrec Equity LoenTrust,Series200T- NAME OF MORTGAGE THE DEBT AND toEMITV OF THE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID MOFTGAGORS): James e#yex ;366) feet to an iron stake, ASALP ,Asset Backed Pass ORIGINATOR: Wells Fargo Benk, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE BY MORTGAGEE $65 73633 Lindquist a single person this being the point of began i nc of Through Certificates Assignee of NA TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT That prior to the commencement of MORTGAGEE : Dells Fargo Benk, the tract hereby conveyed, thence Mortgagee RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Dells AFFECTED BVTHIS ACT ION. thikmortgageforeClokure proceeding NA North Ol degrees 00 minutes Wes[ PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Fargo Benk NA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het Moitgi geei-Ignee of Mortgagee ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Eght hundred ninety (890) feet tc ASSOCIATION TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION has ,SS,at occune-thA ndit- Com pi ec with all not cerequirem ants Assignedto:Nona ni-on stake on the Southehyright By: Jonathan R C-ey, MichaelV NUMBER: 1002921.140041 of the following described m ortgage: as required by kGWte; that no action ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT of way line of 0 -Boyle Lane as now Schlei_ TRANSACTION AGENT'S Mortgagor: Daniel J. Icheny enc or paceedin c has been instituted et OF MORTGAGE $28500000 establishedthrusaicquartersedan Attomeysfor: MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MeryTaoheny, husband enc wife otherwise to recover the debt DATE OF MORTGAGE: December thence Got theesterly'SElyJ along HSBC Ink USA NA, es Trustee NUMBER: None Mortgagee: Mortgage BearoniC secured by salt mortgage, or any 8, 2004 said right of way line Two hundred on behalf of AGE Securitek Gory THAT no action or proceeding hes Registration Systems, nd k pert thereof DATE AND PLACE OF FILING seventy enc four tenthk(2704) feet Home Equity Loan Trust end for the been instihtec at l ave to recover the add ee for Gacken Loans lna PURSUANT to the power of sale Recorded on January 24, 2005 end to an r stake; thence South 01 registered holders of AGE Securitek debt then re-amc secured by such D ed'. 03222013 ei mortgage the memo,Ihoec upon Cellfcate-de dg mutes East Seven corp Home EgdY L Tust m gg, anylt h fora Filed:04ro3rzo13 b de -bed kpmpeay wu be No ms79 ak Document Number Hund -ed Eght,- 786) feet m Ser ek 20oTASAPI, Asset 3- ed m prom a g h k been R - y County Rkm amr of Ttek sold by the Sheriff of 68 c county as 1153944 n the GO of the County k thence Joest Twc Pass Through Cebf A gnee d, h t the h been Document No. 205.5 Against follows: Registrar of Titer of Washington Hundred fifty"250) feet to the point of Mortgagee dibcdonued, or that an e Certificate ofTite No.: 530644 DATE AND TIME OF SALE Gounry, Minnesota. of beginning, County of Washington, SS East Fifth Street Suite 800 upon Cheju dgm en[ren dent thertrein Assigned To: Guaken Loans Inc Odober27 20161000 AM THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO State of Minnesota a arorainc to the St Paul, MN55101-1718 hes been reh c unsatktied, in Dated: 0]1132016 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Unitec States Government Survey 651203]549 whole orin partrne FI Ad: 07202 16 Civil Promss that 25 W. 4th Street ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE thereof //251501- 1 PURSUANT, to the power of sale Ram key Gounry Registrar of Titer Suite 150, St Paul, MN $20601645 Th-bAbstract Property ,MkIll-ke Elmo Review: May contained in said mortgage the Document N0 T0256i135 Against to pay the debt then severed by LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TAX PARCEL NO.. 11, 2016) above de-bec property will be Certificate of Title Nd:530644 said Mortgage, end taxes, if any, on PROPERTY: Lot Nineteen ;19), 2402722140006 NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT cold by the Sheriff of said count es Transaction Agent Mortgage said premises, end the costs end Block Eight (8), Thompson k Grove ADDRESS OF PROPERTY follows: Electronic Regia'aon System k Ina disbursements, including ettom Id Addition, Washington Gounry, mcoo Grey Cloud -IS OF MORTGAGE DATE ANDTIME OF SALE: August Transaction Agent Mortgage lD No: fees allowed by law subject o Minnesota Saint Paul Perk, MN55071 FORECLOSURE SALE 23, 2016 at 1000 AM 100033313.6.75 redempton within 6 Months hom the REGISTERED PROPERTY COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PLACE OF SALE Washington Lender or Broker Guioken Loans date b.dsalebythemortgagoq( ), STREET ADDRESS OF ISLOCATED. Weslhington the above Mortgage Foreclosure Gounry Sheriffs Office, Waslhagton I ad their personal reprekentatvek or PROPERTY: 8479 GREEN WAVAVE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Seleikherebypostponecto July lS, County Lew Enforcement Center Servicer: Guioken Loans Inc S COTTAGEGROVE MN55016 OF MORTGAGE $1 Q 00000 2016 et 1000 AM, Lew Enforcement 15015 Qnd Street North, Stil-bet Mortgage Originator Guaken DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Center 1501 c Street N, Minnesota Loans Ind The date on or before which the IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, SOIIM ter MNIniAsed County end to pay the debt then kecurec by LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF mortgagor must vacate the property Minnesota INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID State said mortgage end tax k, if any PROPERTY: The East feet of if the mortgage ik not re eted TPJW SAGTION AGENT: None By M GRTGAGEE$191,803.9. Uated: June3, 2016 ctuelly paid by the mortgagee, the West 66 feet of the East 20 rods under Minnesota Statutes salon NAME OF MORTGAGE Th at prior to the commencomentof HSBC Benk USA, N. A., as Trustee on the premises end the costs enc of the North 53 e c onsthird rods 58030 or the property redeemed ORIGINATOR Wells Fargo Bank, thikmoitgageforedosure proceeding on behalf of ACE Securities disbursements allowed bylaw. The of the East Haff of the Northeast under Minnesota Statutes section NA M agagee-dgnee of Mortgagee Corp. Home Equity Go.,- tme allowed bylaw for redempton e Guercer of the Northwest Gusher of 58023 ik April 2], 2017 at 1159 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Deus compriedwithall-cel-equirements and for the registered holders by reit moat oq(), their personal Section 23, TownsM1ip 29, Range 2, p m. If the foregoing date ik a Fargo Ink NA requirec by -He; thetno action of ACE Securities Corp. Home rep -d -t- or assigns ik six ;6) xoep[the South4endehelf eons Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION or proceeainc has been instituted et Equity Lo -Trust, Series200T- monthshom thedate of.11e of reit Fest 20 rods of the North 53 then the date to vacate ik the ne# NUMBER 18 02721.13.0058 law or otherwise to Ram kre.-ethe debt ASAP1, Asset Backed Pass TIME AND DATE TO VACATE rods and onsthhc ey Gounry, b -a -day et 1159 pm. TRANSACTION AGENT'S secured by said mortgage, or any Through Certificates Assignee of PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage Minnesota MORTGAGORS) RELEASED MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION tett thereof Morgagee ik reinstated or he property This ik Regikterec Property FROM OBLIGATION ON NUMBER None PURSUANT to the power of sale PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL redeemed, o unless the tme for TAX PARCEL NO.'. MORTGAGE NONE THAT no action or proceeding hes -G, ec in 68 mortgage, the ASSOCIATION redempton ik reduced by uaical 232922.21 a THE TIME ALLOWED BY been instituted at law to recoverthe aboven dekaibed property will be by Jonathan H C-ey, Midhael V. order you must vacate the premises ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY debt remaining secured by ku ch kold by the Sheriff of said county es Schleikman by 1159 p m. on Febru'y 23, 2017. 198 LARPENTEUR AVEE THE MORTGAGOR THE mortgage orany par[ thereof or, if follows Attomeyk tor: THE TIME ALLOWED By SAINT PAUL MN 55109 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL the action or proceeding hes been DATE AND TIME OF SALE: -d, HSBC Ink USA N A, as I ustee LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, instituted, that the same hes been 25, 20161000 AM on behalf of AGE Securitek Gory THE MORTGAGOR, THE IS LOCATED: Ramsey MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE di-Unued, or that an ex PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement Home Equity Loan Trust end for the MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL ORIGIN AL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS upon the j udgment rendered th ern center, 1 5 Qnd street N., registered holders of AGEsewritek REPRESENTATIVES oR nsslGNs, OF SOFTGAGE:$13750000 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA hes been re coed ansatkfied, in Stillwater MN Gory Home Equity Loan Trust, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO STATUTES SECTION 582032, whole orin par[ to pay the debt then ke ec by Series 200]-A5AP1, Asset Backed WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER PURSUANT, to the power of kale said Mortgage, anc taxes, ifuany, on Yasslhrough Certificates Assignee ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID TH INGS, THAT THE M OR(TGAGED contained in said mortgage, the said premises, and the Costs and of a, ee STATUTES, SECTION 582032, BY MORTGAGEE. $133,166.]8 FEES ARE IMPROVED above described property will be disbursements, indudmc attomeyk' 55 East Fifth Stree' Suite 800 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER That p-b-tothe-mencmentof WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING colt bythe Sheriff of said county es fees allowed by law subject o St YauI, MNS -1/18 TH INGS, THATTHEMOR(TGAGED tlhismoitgageft-edosureproceedmc OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, follows: redemptonwithin6 Monthkhom the 651203]54950 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED M agagee-Ignee of Mortgagee ATyE NOT PROPERTY USED IN DATE AND TIME OF SALE. dateofsaid salebythemoagagor(k) 17/251501053-1 WITH A RES IDENTIAL OW ELLING complied with all notice requirements AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, No, berl, 20 OJAM their personal repreke Ed- or "Oakdal-ake Elmo Heview: June OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, k requirec by statute that no action AND ARE ABANDONED. PLACE OF SALE:O Waslhmgton assigns 1b 2016) ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN or procoedmc has been instituted at Dated: August30, 2016 County Sheriffs Office, Waslhington DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, or otherwise to recover the debt U.S. Bank National Association, Count Lew Enforcement Center The date on or before which the OF MORTGAGE ANDAREABANDONED. law ec by said mortgage, or any Mort e ce 15 15Count Qnc Street North, t Center he SOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED pert[ ereo 9 9 mortgagor must vacate[ protpely FORECLOSURE SALE h f PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Minnesota if he mortgage ik not e aced FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION PURSUANT to the power of kale ASSOCIATION to pay the debt then secured by under Minnesota Statutes ked NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ON MORTGAGE: None ned in said mortgage, the By LLkke MidheelV mo ge and tar if 58030 or the redeemed the above Mortgage Foredokut Dated: June 1], 2016 property y 0 moagag k any property above dekaibec will be Sch leikm an ually Deft by the mortgagee under Minnesota Statutes k Sale k hereby postponec o WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. sold by the Sherff of ked oounry as Alt r: one the prem c_b and the costs end S p b S p b 6, 1000 AM, Mortgagee D110- U.S. Bank -anal Assodaton, dkbursements al lowec bylaw. The 1159 p f h f g g d b L E e G 15015 THEAGADEMVLAW CIA DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Mortgagee [me allowed by la f d p%% aSehrday, Sunday or legal holiday Q S[ et N., Stllweter MN nsaid Rebe Gctober2] 2016 1000AM 55 East Efth Street Suite 800 by ka c mortgagor( ), h P then the date to vacate k the next Count, c State R b F Sdhiller Esq PLACE OF SALE. Sheriffs Office, St peul, MN55101-1]18 reprekentat vek oreksgnk ktvelve busness day at 1159 pm. Dated :J Iy8, 2016 N. Kb gni Fondungelleh, Esq Qvil Process Uni[25 W. 4th Stree[ 81203]549 ;12) monthkhom the date of kale. MORTGAGGR(S) RELEASED H58C Benk USA, N.A., es Trustee 'Curt N. Trisko, Esq.' Suite 150, a Paul, MN tSl 2181 /53 (fax) TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION behlf of ACE Securities Samuel R Coleman, Esq to pay the debt then kecurec by THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage ON MORTGAGE NONE Corp. Home Equity LoanTrust Add neykforMortgagee said M agage, endtaxes if any, on FROM A DEBTCOLLECTOR. reinstated or the property THE TIME ALLOWED BV end for the registered holders The-decoy-fe-anal Building said premises, anc the costs anc 1/41&16004 - redeemed, o unless the tme for LAW FOR REDEMPTION By of ACE Securities Corp. Home 25 North Dale Street disbursements, indudmc ettome, Review: Sep[i5/,14, 21, 28, O¢ 5, redemption ik reduced by juaical THE MORTGAGOR, THE Equi AL Trust, Series 2007- S[ PeuI, MN 55102 fees ellowec by law subject o 122016) order you must-bethe premises MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL ASAP1,Asset Backed Pass "-1)2099]- redemptonwithin6Monthshomthe byll 59 p m. on November 1, 201/. REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Through Certificates Assignee of (160843-FC01) It ofsaic salebythemoitgagoq( ), THE TIME ALLOWED BY MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagee THIS IS A COMMUNICATION their personal reprekentatvek or LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. assigns STATE OF MINNESOTA THE MORTGAGOR THE ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ASSOCIAATION LLkkey, Midheel V (Oakdal-ake Elmo Review: June DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: COUNTY OF RAMSEY MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL STATUTES SECTION 582032 By t 29, July 6 13, 20, 27, Aug 3, 2016) The date on or before which the DISTRICT COURT REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Schleikman NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT mortgagor m ust vacate the property MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE TH INGS, THATTHEMORTGAGED Attomeyk tor: OF MORTGAGE if he not rein etec SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT HSBC Bank USA N A, ek Trustee mortgage ik WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH on behalf of AGE Seouritek Cor FORECLOSURE SALE under Minnesota Statutes sect on MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA A RESIDENTIAL O'WELLING p 58030 or the redeemec BVACTION 82 Q, Home Equity Loan Trust and for the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, P, STATUTES, SECTION 5 { OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, under Minnesota Statutes salon CASETVPE NO. 10 -OTHER CIVIL DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN registered holders of AGE Securitek that the mortgage ft-edokure kale 58023 ikApril 2], 2017.1159 p. m. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Gory Home Equity Loan Trust refenec tomtheft-egoag Nobce of If the foregoing date ik a Saturday, UNDER JUDGMENT AND PREMISES ARE IMPROVED AND ARE ABANDONED. Series 200]-A5AP1, Asset Backed M agage Foredosure Sale has been Sunday or legal holiday, then the WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLINC Deted:Jenuery21, 2016 pnT rough Certificates Assignee postponec to: date tc vacate ik the n- business DECREE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS H58C Bank USA, N.A.,es Trustee of Mortgagee DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Court File No.: 62 -CV -16]55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Gctober1T 2016at1000AM day et 1159 Pm. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN on behlf of ACE Securities MGRTGA9pms RELEASED Prairie Capital, Ina e Minnesota S[PeuI, MN 55101-1]18 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust FROM GETS ION ON Comomton, hat t. 651zosTs49 Public Notices MORTGAGE: NONE Plaintff, MGAND A ��OONEDRELEASEO of ACE SecuritieseCorp.Hoeire l//25150105&l Continued On Page 12 vs ;Oakdal-ake Elmo Review: July Page 12 Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2016 Public Notices RAMSEY COUNTY LAKE ELMO PUBLIC Continued from Page 11 TICE PROCUREMENT OATEHE^oARIING NOTember 2b ROOM 210 PLACE OF SALE. WashUgton CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE 2016 Gounry Sheriffs Offs ce, Wash,ng[on Gounry Law Entrcement Center, 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, TIME 700 gm. PLACE Lake Elmo Giry Hell 150 1 62n, Street North, Stillwater SAINT PAU L, MINNESOTA 3800 Laverne Avenue North Minnesota 55102-1679 Lake Elmo MN 55042 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage the property redeemedeto unless the ,m, for --apton ,s reduce, by udi.iel order you mustva.atete premises by 11 S9 Pm. on Ap-Itl6201]. Dated. August2S, 2016 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Mortgagee THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA By Isl Rebe—F Sdh,Iler Esq 651-266-60]2 Phone: 651-]4]3900 Ramsey Gounry Community S—I Fax:651-]4]3901 Services Oepertm ant (RGSSDJ PURPOSE. The Lake Elmo r as o on oppoitunites Planning Commission will beholding ale on On—%Demand— of= f publio heannc to cendde, the Am web site as an altematve mato, follCONDITIONA RMIT A of public notce pursuant to Section 1.,-byI DyckE of A—, 331A03 of the Man—E, Statutes request bys — tok of Wasatdh Individuals may go to the 0— Storage Partners fore Cond_dA Dem end-, section of the R—e Utse PDdit for a self—de Count, Weboa.e aces s orage ta.ili[y end e#enor vehide registraton infonne0on#to s storage for the property locoed et Hudson Boulevard N the N. Kibongni Fondungalleh, Esq Curt N.Trisko, Esq.- Samuel R Coleman, Esq The Academy Professional Baldinc 25 North Dale Street St Paul, MN55102 '.1)2099/FSI 160848FC01) ;Review. Sept 14, 2016) CERTIFICATE OF SOLICITATION RFPM C CHSPS0000013244 Gomme—I Zoning obt-at PID No OPENING GATE: 0932016 3z. 029 21 33 0005 DEPARTMENT ISSUING THE INTERIM USE PERMITArequest SOLICITATION: Ramsey Gounry by Dawn Oswal, of common G- soda) Services Department .h— to, an Interim U se Permit to, en the keeping of ho-- In .onlunctan SOIL CIATION TITLE: i Panning Se-,— Followinc Couh with a.h— forth, propeaylocoed Db—e at 10240 Stilwater Boulevard Nin SOLICRATION DESCRIPTION: to Public enc I- Publ,c Open contractors are neede, to provide Szoning Didl-a, PID No. p—HU, s 14`029 21320024. following di—l-geeN c Al l person[wishinc to be tteerc on to ASSUMED NAME above ems khoad e end the eunif-anaIn n effort to ce trot m ,Inti Written cemmen[s may be STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: ASSUMED NAME. HOUSE the risk taaors e family faces, stabilize the family end meUt" or submitted to the Gry ne later then stablish tamely cohesi on[hatwill SAO Pm. on Monday, September rs 19, 2016 Stephen PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS 9Z5 Eest Bagel yA nue Spnngfi led IL.702 or ,metre, to re ea- pe—ne-e—fi-ton. Wensm an ats Ad`Iean®lak AD An (Review: Sept ], 14, 2016) org no Iaterthan noon on the day of themelag Mate-llsreg-ag the NAM EHOLDERS. House Clo General E.-Ho,Ua Canal, CITY OF OAKDALE above items ere available for review at City HO Mond, - Friday 800 D-1053 Clark ceunty Nevada NOTICE OF -430 gm.). Please call Cay DONALD HOUSE Clo PUBLIC HEARING -I Ify to have any questions General Exeoutor Ua C—le D-1053 Clark ceant, Nevada MAS SAGE THERAPY Stephen We —n Planning Dreaor I 8%11 Donald House Go General PREMISES LICENSE ATTEST. Exeoutor Via C—le Dnvs1053 OAKDALEWELLNESS SPA taie Johnson, CityClerk Clarkceunty Nevada 89011, House, LLC6230-10TH STREET, ;Review. Sept 14, 2016) Donald GO General Exeoutor Via Ganale D,ve 1053 Clad: county SUITE 420 N evad-11 he undersigned, certify 6haz gnIng his dooument e he person whose signature, ( required, agent of the persons) whose s,gneWre would be required who hes auh—ed metos,gn this dooument h,slhei behalf or n both capeates further cemrytetlheve cern plated all required fields, end A puld, he—c will b, held on Tuesday September 27 at 6 gm., PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE et Oakdale Gry -1,1584 Hadley The Maplewood Qry Goundl, eIs —nue North, o nsider ,ssuen.e regular .oundl m e,ng on Monday of a Massage Prem,ses License September 26 2016 at ]00 gm., to the Oakdale Wellness Spa LLC, will Laic a Publ,. Hearing ,n ceun.il dbe Oakdale Wellness Spa .30- .hambe-s and will e.cept public 10th Stree[Su,tA 420. All persons .omment on full(depahment -wide) may appear at the public he -ac implemen-an of a Body Dom end Pres n[their views orally or n Camera program ,n Maplewood, ,trig e ,ndudrng, thetthelmm�net on In this dooument ,s a and,n.om pl,ance wlihethe applibable .hepta, of Minnesota Statutes. I understand Do by signing this document em sublea to the penal[ es of penury es se forth ,n Sectan.948 as if I had signed this document under oath. Date: 081152016 program—VMHdhasing, Dated.Augu-02016 program development and program By ORDER OF THE CITY polk— Goundl Chambers COUNCIL located et 1830 Gounry Riled BEast, 0 CITY OF OAKDALE, MINNESOTA Maplewood, 3MN (Review: Sept l4, 2016) Public —a entary can be submitted by email to Dol ce di ef® woodmn.ov or by US Mail to Chief Paul Sdhnell, Maplewood CITY OF OAKDALE /%/House, Donald police Department 1830 County NOTICE OF Road B East, Maplewood, MN ;Review. Sept /, 14, 2016) PUBLIC HEARING 1119 LIQUOR LICENSE REQUEST yReview. Sept 14, 2016) CERTIFICATE OF MINNEAPOLIS HOSPITALITY ASSUMED NAME SYSTEMS LLC dbe TACO LIBRE Washington County STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: A public hearinc will be held on ASSUMEDNAME EDWIGE LOUISE BIN ONE Tuesday, September 27, 2016 et ]pm., at the Oakdale Munidpal NOTICE OF PRINCIPALPLACE OF BUSINESS. LS Worth Street GN 4 New York NY 10013 Bu,Iding, 1584 Hadley Avenue North, PUB IC HEARING to consider issuing On Sale Wine NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ac Strong Beer liquor licenses to Washington County Plet NAMEHOLDERS. Edwige Louisa Brogue Go General Executrix Ute that the MLC, edbali TaceHo b`ta1i 8364 et" Commission wit l meet Wednesday September 21, 2016 at 9:30 Ganale Ph, 1053 Clark ceunty N 8GO1T Bngue Edwige t Street All persons may appear e AM at - Washington County the pub), hearing and present their evade Glo General Executrix Uta Canal, .%it53 Clerk ceunry Nevada BW11 t the undersigned, certify thaz Government Ce Mer in the County Dazed'. Sey ori berm 2016 Board Chambers et 14919 62nd BY ORDER OF THE CITY Street North, Stillwater, Minnesota 55002 I. consider the following COUNCIL request: signing this dooument es the person whose signature ,s required, ss agent of the person(D whose ,gnethre would be required who hes au —ed me to sign this dooument h CITY OF OAKDALE, MINNESOTA AGENDA (Review: Sept 14,2016) BassH,00d Cove - For a ural es,dental lot subdivision and 10.28 ares of open spa.e The property PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE td generally described as: That part n hislher behalf, or n both cap.— I further cehifythat l have FOR CONSIDERATION of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Guaher of Seaton 15, —piled all required fields, and thazthe information ,n thisdo.ument OF COMMUNITY Townshlp 27 North, Range 20 west, DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Aashagton Gounry, Minnesota, ancend,n.omplience ,the applicable ENABLING RESOLUTION de—bed as follows: with chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand MODIFICATIONS Commenting et the West Guaher that by signing this document am NMI1. is hereb time of Seaton 1J; thence, Y given that alcor the south line of the S'J4' Y< the Washington Gounry Boerc of ubea to the IO es of setforth ,n SeIX,onaFS1948 esrif M1ed Gom m,ssioners will cendua e publio of the NW % of sa„ Seaton 15, S 89°52'13"E a distance of 61122 feet Ingo, dihisdocumentunderoath. Date:OBI152016 Bingue, Edwige anng etorefter90'am., l uescay September 2], 2016 ,n the Gounry d the southeast cemer of property Boerc Room of th, wesh,ngon de_bed In Volume G Page 59 of fil Wash, Gounry, ;Review. Sept ], 14, 2016) Count Government Center e.oad ec,n ngton at 1-9.nd Street North, thence, alone the ea boundary 6tirwater MN 55082 of last sa„ property N011710 "E RAMSEY COUNTY regaaac he proposed modificaton to e d,stance of 330.00 feet thence, —hi ngton County Commun,k, elon,te north boundary of Iasi said PROCUREMENT Development Agency/ enablac property, N89°5213 "W e distance ROOM 210 esoluto he modifi.eton woul, of 360.41 feet to the centet,ne of County Rghway 21 thence, along CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE add certain zone, development authoritoy . described ,n said .ene-ine, NOI-4"E a 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, powers Minnes e Statutes 4b'9.o� trough distance of 33/ /6feet to the po tt SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 469.1081. of beann n.; thence, ce nang 55102-16]4 All Pers— ate—tec may appear e one s cee, Poe -4"E e distance of169feet hence 651-266-60]2 e h arc at e taA and plane -Gen said centeo,ee Rams, Coun Sodal Services y ty Department (RGSSD) releases ke m Y _ lemma above orInA Wes [ng[M1n alcor to ,,roof e curve, ce GounrynAdministra r poor o we erly e disten.e of 368 / kolopportunites on Onvie DemendStar ,ts otdal web site as method of public not be pursuant to Seaton 331 A03 of the may got Statutes Indiv,duals many go to the Onvie Oemendstar n of the Remsev GounN GHS WebaacAn to ales regi—ton date oft, hearing etmrth above fee[ sa,c curve hes a radius of —hagton Gounry does t 1547 72 feet anc a Ford tat beers d bas nof NO2°3624"E a distance of 368 kccrim to ,.nal oriba_ s x feet, thence continuinc along seed gn e ,crimen, a distance rel,gionPoage, or handicap staWsen feet employm ent or prov a on of %,once% of 136I6U feet tothe north one of said i Irl Molly O'Rourke SW Yn of the NW Yn', thence, along lest ine, N89°5605 "E not—aSOLICITATION: p,Fpq GHSPCITATI 14126 OPENING Sdoo at 4126TE BKi12016 SOLITICATION TITLE: Ghem,.el Use Aasessm eat OiM O'Rourke said north a CountyAdm U-ator ddlance of 16124 fee[, thence along (R,vIew Sept 14, 2016) the property desa,bed In Document N, 355849, aid— aroofacurve, south, 6eerlyce` edistance STATE OF MINNESOTA of nl] of 110 [ e v hes r d,us of 110 feet and e SOLICITATION DESCRIPTION: S41'1 I ,distance COU COUNTY [,[bears tan- RamseyGount,,throughtheHuman Servi.es0e lifted feettAndA4'4 DISTRICT COURT of 15959 met thence, centnuing ertmen[seeks p qua organ,Zato_He'sted, n provi ding Chem,.al Use Assessments Ramsey Gounry, MUnesota The alonclastdesaibecpropertyandte TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT adlerl[rightawayof Gounry Road Court File Number: 82 -FA -163]91 21 not o tangent to the last a 11 Case TYPe: Domestic Abuse primary focus of the Chem,cal Use Assessments %top d dh b al at f h Ind,dual ueekngetretme wh. needs payment through rite C—ol—ed Fund Org "atony ving disadvantaged cemmun Des or ce ie to apps of coo, are encouraged MEETING: MEETING: Two norvmendetorypre SO4-02'16E a distance of 17.. Noticeof Herring by PublieMion feet, thence contnanc along lest (Minn.Std § 5181301, subd. 8) desabed property gh f y, n the Matterof alonc the arc of e Predous Ken 'da Parson we I, e dsten.e of L Pettoner meaefsa,c curve hes a radius of Gre James Cook Jr. 158b 72 met encedhord that beers gory S00°12'27"W a distance of 2'3402 Respondent feet, thence, alonc the southerly To Respondent named above: y o property bounder f SRX32e, ,n An been ,ssueddireaeet C66849 °thencE Said itaton Response meetngs will be halt et 402 University Avenue East, Lower Conference Room, S[ Paul, MN 55130 on September 12, 2016 at ' 830am and September 15 - 3Upm. The content covered wII be the same so please Fo— e that fits your schedule The P -0- oftemelagbtodsass he work to be performed and allow vendors to ask questions cen.eming the sol,.itaton. G_tons and be an—bed and alwemllowncth ng Please a kaB n. r oto staff youneed an h er aceom m odatons Sept 14, 2016) R P Se /, to appal a ddlanc, o. you to ,Spawn[14MN 66 d5[reet e di steno, of 6500 met thence, North, S011weter MN on nc alonc Iasi sa,d boundary, Septem ber22, 2016 et1:15 Pm. enc connc the arc of a curve, cenca, explain why the relief sought ,n the westerly a distance of 24402 Petition for the Order for Protea,on fee[ s c c e has a radius of shout c not be granted 1646 /2lfeet uand a.horc that beers You may obtain a cepy of the N00°1227"E a distance of 243.80 Patton enc any order ,slued from feet, thence .ontnanc along I- the ceuh from the Weshagton described property, N04'0216'W a Gounry GourtAd [,n,stratoYS Off,ce distance of 16 73 feet thence, along f you do no appear e he lest describe, property, along the scheduled hearing, the PettoneYs c of a curve not tangental to the regent may be granted ala default ouheasted,,a matter Felure to appear wll not be d f]107fe-sadarvehas a damns, to pros ecu ton tory, olaton ,,adds of 4426 met and edhord of the Court's Order. that beers N43°56035"Ea distance of FDA 9221s /%/Deborah A. N.1- � � feet thence nanc along Deputy Iasi de—bed prop y, N89°5—E Annette Frit di stance of]36. feet to the east Court Adainisirator aeofte SW Ynofte NW Yn' thence (Review: Sept 14, 2016) alonclas[said east l,ne, 501°43'51"E e di stance of 124] ]4 feet to the southeast cemer of the SW Yn of the NW " thence, along the south e of said SW Yn of the NW Yn, N85'S2'13"W a distance of .0.. feet thence Noo°ooao°E a distance Review Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2016 The Ramsey Gounry Boerc of Gomco,ssionersmet,n regular session ,1904 am. withthemlI—U members present Garter, Huffman, M.D.... gh, M,GL,re, Ortega, Reitman, and Char Reinhardt Also present were Julie Kle,nsd ko GounryManager encJeff Stephenson, Civil Division D,reaor Ramsey CoeryAl[ORIey6 Agreem ant with Gom m unity Action Partnersh,p d Ramsey & Washington C ... I, es for 450 North Syndicate Street MiltonbyHuffman --d by M.D.... gh. Unanimouslyapproved 62016210) PARKS & RECREATION - Memorandum d Understanding with the Gry of Maplewoo, for Tul W b C,— MU—by—ma, --d by McDonough Unanimouslyapproved 62016211) PAR KS&RECREATION- Construa,onan,Ma,ntena,ce Agree entwiththe Qtyof Maplewoodfor Propose, Trailwithinthe Fish.eek Open Space. MU—by—ma,, —,—by— .... gh Unanimouslyapproved ;B20162121 COUNTY MANAGER 1SAFETY &JUSTICE SERVICETEAM-Red... g Juven,I—dd,.e System Inwlvement NCCD Letter of Gomm,trment Milton by Huffman, se ... —by— .... gh Unan,m ouslyapproved (.016 213) HUMAN RESOURCES- 2016Salary Ratesfor Buildmc Trades Job Classes'Carpenterand Painter). Moto, by Huffman, —,—by— Unan,mouslyappA,d 62016214) PROPERTY RECORDS & REk NUE-Sale of aTax-forfeiter Property Locate, at.] Rosa—nue E to the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriryof the Giryof St Paul, M, ,—a MU—by—ma, secende, by M.D.... gh. Unanimously approved 62016215) PROPEFTYRECORDS&REVENUE-SaleofaT f,- e,te,Property Lo.atedat% Jessamine— .Etc the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriryof the Giryof St Paul, Ma—a Milton by Huffman, secende, by M.D.... gh. Unanimously approved 62016216) PROPERTY RECORDS & REVENUE -Sale d aTax-theited Property Located at 826 ChatesA d—tote Housing end Redevelopment Authorityof the Giry of St Paul, M, ,—a Milton by Huffm an, se ... — by M000nough. Urian—Iyapproved 6201621]) PROPERTYRECORDS&REVENUE-SaleofaT f,3 eited Property Locatedat9]9lglehah—nuetote Housing and Redevelopment Authorityof the Giry of St Paul, Ma --a Milton by Huffm an, se ... — by M.D.... gh. Unan,mously approved 62016218) PROPERTY RECORDS & REVENUE - Abatement over $10,000. Moto, by Huffman, se ... — by M.D.... gh. Unanimously approved 62016219) PROPERTY RECORDS & R—NUE- Local Opton Disaster Reduaions end Credts. iMoto, by Huffman, se... —by McDonough Unanimouslyapproved(.016220) FINANCE- July 2016 Report d ConP— Gant and Revenue Agreements, Emergency Purchases SOI, Source P—ases a c Final Payments. Motion by Huffman, --d by M.D.... gh. Unanimously app --d (B2016221) BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS App,,,tme,tt,the CommunityHealth Serv,,esMvisory Comm,ttee Moto, by Huffman, —,—by— Unan,mouslyapproved 62016222) BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Appo,ntnents to the Capital Improvement Program CHOd K Advisory Gommlttea. MU—by—ma, secon—by— .... gh U nan,mouslyapproved. (82016223) PUBLIC HEALTH - Personnel Complement Increase ,n Public Health. Milton by Huffman, seconded by M.D.... gh. Unan,mously approved 62016224) PUBLIC HEALTH-AmendmdU to Ramsey Gounry Sol,d Waste Management MasterPlan 20112030. Moto, by Huffman, s,.,de, by0ltega Ayes- 6 Nays -1 ;Reitman). 62016225) PUBLIC HEALTH- Ramseyand Washington Counter Joint Waste Des,gneton Plan. Moto, by Huffman, seconded by Ortega Ayes -6 Nays -1 (Reitman). (.016226) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - S,lk. on for Ramsey Gounry R,vehront Property Developer Moto, by Ortega --d by McDonough Ayes -6 Nays -1 (Reitman) (82016227) PROPERTY RECORDS & REVENUE-RatfibUb, a the Remove) d a Parcel from the May2] 2016Tax Forfeiter Land Auction tilt Moto, by M.Gl,re, secended by Huffman. Lh an,mouslyapproved 62016228) LEGISLATINEUPDATE-Dscusda canbe...d tin --,vide, BOARD CHAIR UPDATE -Diswsda, can IRA f ... d on ardh,ved v, de, OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS - Disassion can be tun, on a,.,ved vide, ADIOURNMENT-Chair Reinhardt —a— the m—ag adl oumed et 953 am. J -M M. Guthrie, Chief Clerk- County Board d 61J. xi tee[, then.. N85°54'53"W teat to n ron pipe a ... mendlo—e s w,II be accepted et to a di stance 133. 50 feet to the point wh,.h,s to point d beginninc of heenngn The plans, va,lable d beginning CdUaU nc 21 048 this desarda, thence South by a ,n the Washagton Gounry ey Public a d,SI- nangleof9odegrees2134 A— Department - Swva Sublect to right a way for Gounry teat to an Iron Mpe monument et Land M anagement Div,s,on Otcen,n H,ghway 21 along the mos[ westerly on the Northerly nghtat—ylHAd the Washagton County -- b .. d A overnmentboundary d the above describe, State Highway Number 9S, thence Center encmay be viewed dunnc parcel, also-,Xato all easements, Southeasterly alone said nghtd non nal business hod rs. est-at—and.—a-drA.ord way- 1242 teat to an Iron pope Washagton Gounry does not ,n the Weshagton Gounry Publ,c ,s Si30 St Croix Trail N, SOIlwater APPEALS Works Paid -116. Myeron Rd MN 55082 Ann PungTerw—Senior Planner N. Stillwater MN 56082 "MA Za'ec- Variance Publ,c Works Department Washington Gounry does not tete Washington County Shoreland Survey and Land Management lsl WASHINGTON COUNTY PLAT EXCEPT the East onsquaher (E SUMMARY OF COMMISSION 1) thereof, and Lot 20, EXCEPT ADVERTISEMENT FOR Ann PungTenvedo, Senior Planner to West onsquaher'W C) thereof Publi c Works Department of "Rearrangement of Moon Light BIDS/REQUESTS FOR 115. M Bron Rd N, Stillwater MN Bay 2n, Additon" d "Oak R,Qge'", PROPOSALS 5 M ay Township, W ashagton Gounry, FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY PH tl 651-030-03. Minnesota Together with ape, -all Requests for Bids ere been, (Review. Sept 14, 2016):,,,mtveen or Lot "A', also known sol,dtec until 200 p. m., Od—, 4, al adianI d, to the po,ntwherein 2016 for Woodbury S—,A Center Oak L L IsoB",g alb, h k hwe R fi gP I Gry fW db ry Washington County p p Let G h �` ri d, y M h "B", k as Oak L tr --- ft,-UCherdetals ingress end egress to said lots, 'Review. Sept 14 2016) NOTICE OF el locate ,n "Oak Ric(ge'", May PUBLIC HEARING Township, Washagmn Gounry, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Minnesota The street address of ENVIRONMENTAL the Washington County Board of he property T 3/ %Moonlight Bay Adjustment and App.ls will= Stillwater, MN 55082. ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Thursday, September 22, 2016 at Robbie Phillios - Variance to FOR MARKHAM POND the—hagton Gounry Sh—)land Go -oatihe Washington County Management Regulations, Seaton ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION Government Center in iM County n The public ,s 8 (1), Stuawrae sated: from e Board Chambers at 149in 62nd undassifiec er bodl feet on the Environmental Assessment Street North, Stilfweto" Minnesota W orksheet'EAWJ for the propose, 55082 to onside, the following qu,red, 37K,P 3in,hes prop Tiede Markham Pon, Eoolog,oal request: o c —tad a descbed he Reaomton Protea AGENDA property is general y qn Environmental Assessment David aJerri Eichten-Venen.e Lots 23 and 24, Jerdho['s Atlditon Worksheet (EAW) hes been to I, dlewyle, a—ang o he plat prepare the Lower S[ Croix River the -ed od for the Markham Pon, file e c of ,,cern Blufflenc & Shorelend management n Ecological Restoraton Pmea, enc the ffce of the G y Regulet ono Sect B ,Idinc Rd ,s eve labia to the p bl f view sated: from the bl fl (100 A—pt th,o Gouny M andoo sten[ Ram at hnAU feet read red, 0 fep p er!) to —elyh of the for—ag d sabed Metro op—d the p (to -ed 2) e 10 x 12 shed The I ng et t t P p d the protea to restore property s generally d bed as G to ad, No st the q h bitat of Markham All hat pare of Go t Lot 4, f Lot21hen., North Pond Iodated 13 pubTcwateah In the Sed,, lJ, Town hp ' North 14 d g OS minutes 00 sece[ds h Hazelwood Perk nth, Ren 20 West, describe, a East be are beset on -d he G[ of Maplewood The tie s J4 eslhing[on County .00rdrnete y P propose, follows e mon Commando, at an project includes a.ed ion enc ,on pope monument set et e point Il, eta, North zone, alongen the west of eaumuleted sediment be described, hen.e NortM1 on the east line ct ka,d Hi hwe L ql sell] ea at the northern An, 9 y 1Sd NumberR ttersects said Eest line, egmre[s 4 minuts secends of the pond, and excaveton of e 14 nag thence North along laic anW he shore of Square Lake East li ne 28] 35 met to an iron aid the re tenm,nege, pipe me pubu.sen�urage,ro attend Public Notices r tee, wee a nqt ,sty Both -Gen an, oral Continued on Page 13 angles w,m said East une - n, t Public Notices Continued from Page 12 foot deep, 0.7 acre winter fish refuge. The purpose of the winter fish refuge is to support a sustainable game fish population, including sunfish, which consume the eggs of invasive common carp. The Markham Pond Ecological Restoration Project EAW can be reviewed during normal business hours (8:00am — 4:30pm) at the RWMWD office, 2665 Noel Drive, Little Canada, MN 55117. Comments on the EAW will be received through October 6, 2016. Comments or questions regarding the project may be submitted to Tina Carstens, RWMWD District Administrator, at the address above or by email at tina@rwmwd.org. (Review: Sept. 14, 21, 2016) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District Wednesday, October 5, 2016 6:30 p.m. District Office Board Room 2665 Noel Drive, Little Canada, MN The Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District (RWMWD) will be holding a Public Hearing, Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at District Office Board Room, located at, 2665 Noel Drive, Little Canada, MN. The purpose of the meeting will be to receive comments on the RWMWD's 2017 Updated Watershed Management Plan (Plan). Consistent with MN Statute § 103B and MN Rule 8410, RWMWD has prepared a 10 year Plan update. The update was prepared following request for input from local and State agencies and in cooperation with the RWMWD's Technical Advisory Committee (expanded for Plan development). The District heard input from residents and businesses received at several public meetings, culminating in a Community Confluence event on January 30, 2014. The Plan is intended to serve a wide audience. A Strategic Overview provides a broad, easy to understand summary of issues facing the District and actions intended to address those issues. More detailed information about District operations, programs, and projects is provided in an Operations and Implementation section (Section 4). The Plan also includes detailed information about resources and District actions in 25 major subwatersheds, including seven subwatersheds of the former Grass Lake Watershed Management Organization incorporated into the RWMWD in 2013. A copy of the Plan and Strategic Overview are available at the RWMWD office during regular business hours and at the RWMWD website at: http://www. rwmwd.org/index.asp?Type=B_ BAS IC&S EC=(4589D21 F -988A- 4021 -84A 1-B8 BA92CA EF5A) For further information please contact: Tina Carstens RWMWD Administrator 2665 Noel Drive Little Canada, MN 55117 Phone: 651-792-7950 Tina. Carstens@ rwmwd.org (Review: Sept. 14, 21, 2016)