HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 09-21 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWReview Wednesday Sept. 21, 2016 Page Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO TIME AND DATE TO VAGATE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE CTNM108, STILLWATER, MN sol, b,me Sheriff d sae, county es FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE PROPERTY'. Unless sae, mortgage FORECLOSURE SALE 55082-1286 follows: TH E RIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF INCL U DINCIGES, IFANV, PAID e, -eastior me property THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE BY MORTGAGEE.$129,0]1. 19 redeededeo unless the tele for THE DEBT ANO IOENTITV OFTHE IS LOCATED'. Weshmg- County, Od-l-25, 2016 '1000 AM ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Thebit-b tome commencement of --l�pton b reduoec by had el ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Ma_- PLACE OF SALE. Weshmgt05 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT thismol(gggeforedosureproceedinc order, you mus[ vacate tM1e premises TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT T NSACTIONAGENT None Goun[y --Office, A-Ugton AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. Mortgageel-Knee of Mortgagee b,1159gd. on April 11, 2017 pFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. NAME OF MORTGAGE Gounry Lew Enforcement Center NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met Poaplb t I n1 requirements THE TIME ALLOWED BY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That ORIGINATOR. Easel Metr,M 1Mge, 15015 62n, Street North, SUN., defaulthes oaurred en me oonditons e -a-, by ste te, met no action LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV defaulthes oaurred en me oonditon, e Ma-- cod play Minnesom of me following describe, h,1Mge: or --dm, hes been Lnstt-d at THE MORTGAGOR THE of me following described mortgage: RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells to pay me deb[me5 secured by Mortgagor: Bruce A Clausen, end le or ofl- se to rA,,,, me debt MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL MOR(TGAGOF(SJ. Thom es M. Fargo Bank NA mortgage an I- if any Colleen Clausen h_,nd and wife sacvre0 by said mortgage, or any REPRESENTATIVES ORnssIGNs, Bumhem, e,in le TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION actually pale by [he mohgagee, g person Mortgagee: M31 Mem0ell 311sley Pertmereof MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE MORTGAGEE Wells Fargo Benk, NUMBER. on me premises end me Dosis end Benk PURSUANT to me power of sale WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS NA TRANSACTION AGENT'S disbursements allowec bylaw The Dated. 03252008 co ained in mortgage the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION 0 e allowec V, law for rededpt0n Recorded'. 03"12008 above despise, property will be STATUTES, SECTION 582032, A -g -to: Nona NUMBER. None by said mortgagor(sJ, meh personal Ramsey Gounry Recorder sold by me Sheriff of said.Aunty as DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THAT no action or p --dm, hes represe5mtves or as sign, e, six;6J Doaden[NO. 4088054 follows: TH INGS, THATTHEMORTGAGED OF MORTGAGE $13280000 been en siituted at law to re0over me d0nmshom me date of sales Tra56Ptan Agnt NIA DATE AND TIME OF SALE. PREMISES ARE IMPROVED DATE OF MORTGAGE. April 16 debtmenredeining,earedbysudh TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Transaction Agent M ortgage ID No: October 6 2016 10 00 AM WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLIN G 2915 m ortgage, or any pert mereof or if PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage NIA PLACE OF SALE. SM1eriff s Office, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, DATE AND PLACE OF FILING me action or procoedmc M1es been b dl o the property Lender or Broker: M31 Marshall 3 CMI Procoss Unit 25 W.4m Sreet ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Recorded on April 28, 2015 enc Instituted, met me same hes been redeemedeto unless me tele for slay Benk Suite 150, S[ Peul, MN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, me nelize, upon Certificate of Title dlsv5t5uAd, or met an execa rededpt0n e, reduoec by had al IlSery , BMOHe bBank, NA o pay the debt mens cure, by ANDAREABANDONED. N, I— as Do0ude5t Number upon the j,dgt e rendere, therlein order you must vacate the premises Mortgage Originator: M31 MemOell said Mortgage, enc I- if any, on MOR'TGAGOR'S) RELEASED 1233733,n the Office of the County hes been reumei, un,etsfied, in by 1159 Pm. on April 25, 2017. 311s1ey Benk said premises, enc the costs enc FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Registrar of Titles of Washington whole o,in par[ THE TIME ALLOWED BY LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF disbursements, mdudin, et0me, ON MORTGAGE. Alisa Hems end County, Minnesom PURSUANT, to the power of sale LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY PROPERTY. Lot 2, BI,1 1, EG fees allowec by law subject o Jam es H. Harris THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO conmi ec en 68 mortgage, me THE MORTGAGOR THE Bowen-,Additon redem pt0n within 6 Months hod the Dated. Augusi152016 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE -ve5 described property will be MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Thies Abstract Property date of sae, sale by the d ortgeg,q), WELLS FARG0 BANK, N.A. ON THE DATE OFTHE NOTICE. sold bythe Sheriff of,eedcounty as REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, TAX PARCEL NO'. their personal reprent- or Mortgagee $13346102 follows: MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE 282922440183 assigns THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PAGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE AND TIME OF SALE W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. DATE TO VAGATE PROPERTY. By I,1 PROPEFTV. Lot Six PTI Blot: One October, e, LOleet,000 AM ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 1233 HEANEY ASE The date on or before wh. the Rebecca F. Schiller Esq PLACE OF SALE. Washington STATUTES, SECTION 582032, (1J, Parkview Addi' Weshmgton SAINT PAUL MN 55106 d[rtgagor d use ve,Ie the property N. Kibongni Fondung111eh, E,4 Gounry, Minnesom County Sheriffs Office, Washington DETERMINING AMONG OTHER COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY if he mortgage es not r CIN. Trisko, Esq REGISTERED PROPERTY County Lew Enforcement Center, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED IS LOCATED'. Ram ley under Minnesom Smtute, section 'Samuel R. Coleman, Esq.' STREET ADDRESS OF 15015 Qnd Street North, Sth-et PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 58030 or the property redeede, Attorneys for Mortgagee pROPEFTV. ]� ASHLAND AVE, Minnesom WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF MORTGAGE $97,50000 under Minnesom SmWtes sect on TheAcademyPrOfessionel Buildinc SAINTPAULPARK, MN550/l to pay the debt then ke e,by OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO 58023e,Apri16201]1[1159p�m. 25 North Me Sreet COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY said mortgage end mxes�rif any ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE If the foregoing date b a Saturday, S Paul, MN 55102 IS LOCATED'. Washington Gounry, actually paid by the mortgagee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANV PAID Sunday or legal holiday, then the (651)2U99/SU Minnesom on the premises enc the costs end AND ARE ABANDONED. BY MOR(TGAGEE.$9 07127 date to vacate e, the add business '161165FC01) TRANSACTION AGENT. None disbursements allowed by hew. The MOFTGAGOI RELEASED That priorto the oommenoement of day et 1159 Pm. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NAME OF MORTGAGE Ode allowed by hew for redempton FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION mi,mortgageforedosure proceeding MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. ORIGINATOR. WeIIs Fargo Benk, by said m0rtgeg0r"), their personal ON MORTGAGE . None Mortgegeei-Knee of Mortgagee FROM OBLIGATION ON 'Review. Aug 24, 31, Sept 71421 N A repr_d_tve, or assigns es six (6) Dated. Augusi24, 2016 compuedwim111notcoregwre`gee MORTGAGE'. NONE 2. 2016) RESIDENTIAL SERVICER. WeIIs monmshom the date of sale U.S. BANKNATIONAL s required by statute; that no action THE TIME ALLOWED BY Fargo Benk,NA TIME AND DATE TO VACATE ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR or proceeding h as been ensiitute, et AW FOR REDEMPTION BY TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION PROPERTY Unless said mortgage BEAR STEARNS ARM TRUST, orotherwiseto recovermedebt THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NUMBER 1202]22110012 reinsmted or the property MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH le erred b d mort e e, r MORTGAGORS PERSONAL TRANSACTION AGENT'S redeemed, o unless the time for CERTIFICATES,SERIES 2061-11 y sat g g o any FORECLOSURE SALE r REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, redemption I, reducod by di -I Mortgagee pertmereof THE RIGHTTOV eNTITATIONOF MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION PURSUANT to the power of sale MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE NUMBER None order5you must vacate the premises THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA ned en said the JVEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS THAT no action or din hes by ll 9p. m. on April le, 20l/ By Isl mortgage ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN prooee g above described property will be ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOF been ensiitae, at hew to recover the THE TIME ALLOWED BV Rebe- F S -ler Esq olc byme Sheriff of spec county be 'STATUTES SECTION 582032 AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. debt then redeinen, secured by such AW FOR REDEMPTION BV N. Kibongni Fondung111eh, Esq follows: DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that mortgage, or any par[ the or if THE MORTGAGOR, THE 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED demult has occ-e-the conditions the action or proceeding hes been MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Samuel R GAlemen, Esq Olober 6 2016 10 00 AM PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ofinefollowincdesaibecmortgage. LnstWted, that the same hes been REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGN S Atomey-l-MIMgee PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Office WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Mortgagor: Cody Alan Tokheim, a di,contnued, or that an execution MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE TheAcademy Professional Buildinc Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, sin le he ud men rendered therein WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS 25 North Dele Street P-1 MN ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN g person upon t a ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA St Paul, MN55102 Suto ite the debt then secured by AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, SM gageac G.U. Mortgage hh been p d unset sled, n STATUTES, SECTION 582032 "f51)2099/SU ANDAREABANDONED, cos n DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER '161254FG01J M g g d coxes f any, on D ed. 11212012 PURSUANT, he power of sale end the costs end Dated. Aug -a, 2016 Filed. 12h052012 coned in sed the THINGS THAT TH E M OR(TGAGED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION c prement:, U.S. Bank National Association, d0t<q��e PREMISES ARE IMPROVED FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. di,burs11 Beds, LSduding ubjed to Radley Registrar of Ttle, above describe, property LII be fees allowed by hew subject o Assignee of Mortgagee Document Na Ll 4i/E38 Pgeinst sol, by the ShenR of said county as WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Review. Aug 3l, Sept 714 21, 28, redem pt0n within 6 Months Dom the OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL GenifiOete ofTtle Na.59?4]6 follows: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS O¢5, 2016) date ofsaidsalebythe d0rtga I'D ASSOCIATION Transaction Agent NS, DATE AND TIME OF SALE. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN their personal reprent- or By JonemenR Guske, MLoheelV Transaction Agent M IMge ID No: Olober 18, 2016et 10 A0 AM AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, esegns. Sohleisdan NIA PLACE OF SALE Washington ANDAREABANDONED NOTICE OF MORTGAGE DATE TO VAGATE PROPERTY Attorney, tor: Lender or Broker: CU. Mortgage COunly Sheriff, Office, Weshmgton MORTGAGOR'S) RELEASED FORECLOSURE SALE The date on or before which the U.S Benk National --tan Services, Ina Gounry Lew Enforcement Center FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF m [rtgegormus[vecate the property Assigneeof MoMgee Servicer: GU. MOI(gage Services, 15015 Qnc Street North, Sillweter ON MORTGAGE None THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE if he not re '_ted Eest Fifth Stree[Suite 800 n0 Minnesom Dated. August 23, 2016 mortgage e, OR IGINALCREDITORWITHINTHE under Minnesom Setutes lse S[Peul, MN55101-1]18 Mortgage Originator: G. U. Mortgage to pay the debt then secured by WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT 58630 or the property redeemled 1222281549 SerVece,, In mortgage end coxes if any Mortgagee AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. under Minnesom SeWtes sect on - - () ct II d b the THE ACADEM V LAW GROUP, PA LEGAL DescR PT ON of ae uev pe v doggegee, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , mat 580.23 A 16201] 115 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION B'.11 p e Pm. PROPERTY. Lot 22, Block 1, Beaver on the prem les and the costs anc y ofth, flies oaure h d ions f h f g ng d S d y FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. L k H gh[s, Ramsey Gounry time ements allowec bylaw. The R b F. Schiller Esq of h f II g el ab g ge: Sunday or Ieg11 h fel # h h 1('004131 M time allowed by hew f d p n N. K b g F dungEXh, Esq M g g 0- S B l ay, date to vacate sh ne busness (Review Aug 1], 24, 31, Sept 714 Ths s Regsiered Property by sac mortgagor(), h p 1 CIN I- Esq Jr. anc AM ria A Balanay, husband day at 1159 P m. 21 2016) TAX PARCEL NO'. represenmtves oressgns ssx;6J Saru RColeman, Esq.' and wife MOFTGAGORS) RELEASED 262922410112 monthshod the date of sal A AtOmey,f0'M 0agagee Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic FROM OBLIGATION ON ADDRESS OF PROPERTY TIME AND DATE TO VAGATE The Academy Professional Building Registration Systems,Inc s MORTGAGE. NONE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 2t North Dal e Street ode 2159 DANDON PROPEFTV. Unless said mortgage nee fo, Quid:en Loans Inc 1 THE TIME ALLOWED BY FORECLOSURE SALE SAINT PAUL M N 5511 S reinstated or the property, St1)101955192 SDated. 0223200] LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY redeemed, or unless the tine for (Q1J 2099]Q Filed. 04,K0200] THE MORTGAGOR THE THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE IS LOCATED'. Radley redemption b reducod by udidal (16TRadley C0u0ry Registrar of Ttles MORTGAGORS PERSONAL order, he THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT you must vacate[ premises Document No 2003188 Ageena FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. REPRESENTATIVESREDUCED ED ASSIGNS, TIME PRWIDED BV LAW IS NOT OF MORTGAGEDUE AND 000 00CLAIM by 11 gd.05 Apn118, 201 ]. Genifi0ed of Ttl e DEUTSCHE " MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE AFFECTED BYTHISAGIVEN MOUNTNAS OF AND CLAIMED TO THE TIME ALLOWED BY (Review: Aug 3l, Sep[], 14, 21, 28, AaTIIONA To: DEUTSCHE BANK WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That IN DUEASOF DATE OF NOTICE LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY O¢5, 2016) NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA odefaultfthef flow, gde LSm moftgaons BYMO INCLUDINGTAXES$ IF ANY PAID THE MORTGAGOR THE as Trustee for INDVMAG LUST STATUTES SECTION 582032 ofinefollowOMS)Jiam mortgage: BVMORTGAGEE. mmen0% MORTGAGORS PERSONAL MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST DETERMINING AMONG OTHER M ORTGAGOR(SJ. Aedesndw,fes h, 1moa0rtomecodde5coded,ng REPRESENTATIVESREDUCED ASSIGNS, NOTICEOF LOSURE ALE THROUGH MORTGAGE PASS THINGS THE MORTGAGED end Alesa Harris husbane Eled-fe me,dorteei-ghee of proceeding MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE FOREC LOSURE SALE THROUGH GEFTIFIGATES Series PREMISES ARE IMPROVED MORTGAn S,dirtgage Inctronia Mohphe-th all nee of Mortgagee WEEKSD AJUDICIALORDERIS THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF 200]!1061 W LESSRESIDENTIAL DWELLING Registration Systems,oomplie'ed all notoe requirements ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE Deted .06Ki02016 OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Delaware ooryoraton, a s required by,mWte; that no action STATUTES, SECTION 582032, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Filed. 07252016 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN for Access N.anal Mortgagenee or proceeding has been instituted et DETERMINING AMONG OTHER TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Radley County Registrar of Ttles AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AM nil company l aw or otherwise to recover the debt THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED pFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION Document NL T0256i516 Ageena AND ARE ABANDONED. ASSIGNMENT'S OF MORTGAGE. s cured by laic mortgage, or any PREMISES ARE IMPROVED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Certificate of Ttl e No..3 Dated. August., 2016 Assign ec to: Wells Fargo Bank, N A pat thereof WITH ARE Sl DENTIAL DWELLING dMa1lihe,o0curre,en thecondit- Transaction Agent n3M agage BMO Harris Bank N.A., es bya6,, gnment recorded on June B, PURSUANT to the power of sale OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, of thA ollowi nc des0ribedmo1, ge: Electronic Regisi-o On Systems In suc toM&I Marl L as Document Num ber40 rt1154 c ained in said mortgage, the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN MORTGAGOR'S). Yolanda G Transaction Agent M agage ID No'. Ilsley Bank, Mortgagee in the Office of the County Recorder above described property will be AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, McCrene,, adage person 100039132107/03882 OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL of Washington County, Minnesom sold by the Sheriff of laic county as ANDA RE ABANDONED. MORTGAGEE Homeservicos Lender or Broker: Quicken Loans ASSOCIATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT follows: MOR(TGAGOE'S) RELEASED Lending, LLC dba Edina Really In By Jonathan R CL e,, MichaelV OF MORTGAGE.$280,833.00 DATE AND TIME OF SALE FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Mortgage, a Delawareliditechalthly Servicer: Ooven Loan Servicing, Sdhleisman DATEOFMOR(TGAGE. December Ocober13, 2016 1000A ON MORTGAGE. None company LlG Atomey,f0r: PLACE OF SALE. Sheriffs Office, Dated. August25, 2016 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE Mortgage Originator: Quicken BMO Hems Bank NA, DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. Civil Pi -o -Unit 25 W. 4th Street WELLS FARG O BANK, N.A. Assigned to: W ells Far go Bank, N A Loans Inc to M 31 MamM1a11 & Ilsley ReOoaec on February 22, 2008 as Suite 150, St Paul, MN Mortgagee by assignment re taec on January LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Bank, Mortgagee Document Number 1-418 in the to pay the debt then secured by THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA 2 as Document Number PROPERTY'. Land sit aced in the 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Office of the County Recorder of said Mortgage, and coxes if any, on By Ill 3494361 in the Office of the County CountyofRadley LSme Smte ofMN St Paul, MN 5 51 01-1 /1 8 Weshmgton Gounry, Minnesom said premises, and the co and Rebecca Schiller Esq Recorder of Weshmgton Gounry, Lot 1], Block 5, Heinemann, 6512097549 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO disbursements, including ett mays' N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq Mane -a thereafter asegned to McConville and Steric-, subdivision 6512281]53).) BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE fees allowed by law subject to 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' U.S. Bank National Assok,oan, of Lots 2, 12, 313 of Lee, Subuaan THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. redemption within 6Months Dom the Samuel R Coleman Esq as Trustee for Bear Steams ARM Homes Except the West 10 feet FROMADEBT COLLECTOR $258,352 Si date of said sale by the m oagagor"), Atomeys for M o1gagee Trust, Mortgage Pa -Through thereof 1.2716004451 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Neo- personal reprent- or The AcademyProfe-analBaldmg CeRidoe,, Sehe, 200411 by The West2ofeetof Lotl8, Block 'Review. Aug 1/, 24, 31, Sept /, 14, PROPERTY Lot 2, Block 3, Royal assign, 25 North Dale Street assignment recordec on June 4, 5, Heinemann, McConville, and 21 2016) Perk Subdi-an, Washington DATE TO VAC ATE PROPERTY St Paul, MN55102 a,Docum entNumber3ai9699 Starless subdivision of Lot, L, 12-l3 Gounry, Minnesom The date o or before which the "Q1J 20997. nlme Office of the County Recorder of Lee,Subuaan Home, STREET ADDRESS OF m otgagor must vacate the property OM223FC01I of Washington Gounry, Mane -a Thee, Registered Property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY / 1 PAUL ROAD, if the mortgages stated THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TAX PARCEL NO'. FO RECLOSURE SALE DOOR URV MN 551251517 under Mane -a SeWtes Isecon FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. OF M ORTGAGE.$152,00000 34 29 22 13 0082 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 58030 or the property redeemed (Review. Aug 31, Sept/14,21,28, DATE OF MORTGAGE. August 20, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. THE DE BT AND IDENTITY OFTHE IS LOCATED'. Washington Gounry, under Mane -a SeWtes section Oct 5, 2016) WA Coaway St ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE Minnesom 5.02VbApnl 13, 2017.1159 P m. LDATE AND PLACE OF FILING Saint Paul, MN 55106 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT TRANSACTION AGENT. Mortgage If the foregoinc date b a Saturday, GA., c on November 23, 2004 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. Bearonio Registration System,, Inc Sunday or legal holiday, then the NOTICE OF MORTGAGE a, Document Number 3481005 L5 IS LOCATED'. Ramsey NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NAME OF MORTGAGE date to vacate esthe ne#business the Office of the Counry Recorder of ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT default hes oaurred inthecondioon, ORIGINATOR. M agage Eed-oneo dayat1159Pm. FORECLOSURE SALE Washington Gounry, Minnesom. OF MORTGAGE $201 GK900 ofthe following desaebec mortgage: Regi di-oan System,, a MORTGAGOR'S) RELEASED THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Mort e or: JayR Ole- end Delaware c000 -an, e e FROM OBLIGATION ON THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHee BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, g g , node ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Renee Lee Olesen, husband end for Access Netonel Mohgagenee MORTGAGE. NONE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID wife UrginiDENTIA THE TIME ALLOWED BY TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT $1126]449 BY MOFTGAGEE.ommencem Mort e ee: M ages e Electronic RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Dell, LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION LEGAL DESGRIFTION OF Thet pnorto the commencement of 9t, 9 9 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Registration System,, Ina e, ergo an rlefa TY of oc 1, m gageforedo proceed ng Goryoraton,ecoryoratn V1 11 due NUMBER. 0802821340033 REPRESENTATIVES ORA SIGNS d thefollow ng --mortgage: HILI Townhode, 1st Addlton complied with alf-aerequired ants TRANSACTION AGENT'S MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE MOFTGAGOF(SJ. Kathleen M. WashUM,n County, Minnesom. ,required by statute; that no atan Deted.09h032004 MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Hoole,, an unmamed-man STREET ADDRESS OF or proceeding h a, been ensiitutec et Filed. 101192004 NUMBER. 100051110000132129 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA MORTGAGEE. Ea,t Metro PROPERTY 7045 ROBINWOOD law oromerwise to recoverme debt Ramsey Gounry Reg,strar of Tte, THAT R 10005 or din hes STATUTES SECTION 582032 Mortgage, aMin-Ga.mpany TRAIL WOODBURV MN 55125 secured b d mort e e, o Document No 1840507 Agemst procoe g ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE'. L Y sat g g r any Cenifi0o-Tte No.'. 38005 been e nsiitute, at -to recoverthe DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Assi ne to: 'Wells Far ,Bank, N.A 895 part thereof Assi nAd To U.S. Bank, N. A. debt_n rem aeni nc secured by such THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGEO g., g COUNTY IN 'WHICH PROPERTY PURSUANT to the power of sale 9 by assg5merst recorded on January Dated.03�092009 mortgage, or any part thereof, or if PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Si LOCATED'. 'Aadhagton Count, contained en said mortgage the Filed 03252009 me action or din hes been WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 11, 2006 Do0ude5t Number Menne,om above described will be prooee g property Rause Count Re estray of Ttles instituted, that the same has been OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS 1164008 In the Office of the County TRANSACTION AGENT None sol, by the Sheriff of laic county as Ran,— Y g dib,ontnued, or that an exeat on ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Registrar of Ttle, of Washagton NAME OF MORTGAGE follow,: Document Na 2067228 Against h GOuLI, Minnesom CAR T fTl No .t. - b e HSH,n d merein AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ORIGINATOR FIC H rNcoy DIE obe AND TIME OF SALE. hes been red sfied, in ANDAREABANDONED. ORGINALRTG PRINCIPAL$1233 AMOUNT Lending LIG dba Ed Realty October2], 2016 1000AM T M g g _. _. e ,. .. nAMORT MOR GAGE 600emher,. ElectrOricReg straton SystemInc ,,,, _ sOffi co, whole or Apert DI August l], 2016 M gage,eDelewe I I bili[, PLACE OF SALE Sh ff Mortgage Originator: MdAd erica PLACE OF SALEV VWashmgron CUV���Mortgage Services, Inc. Regisir r d Ttles of W'ashmgron NUMBER.None ............V. redemption within6Mon[hs from the Mortgage Corporation, a p0raton Goun[ eMennesom LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF County Seriff, Office Weshmgton Mortgagee THEY AMOUNT CLAIMED TO THAT no action or procoedmc hes date of seidselebymemortgagor(sJ, PPCPER(TV. Lot 1'2, Block 1, Bone Count Lew Sfomement Center SS Eest Fifth SP Suite 800 T A ON THE MORTGAGE been instituted at law to recover the thee- personal represenmtve, or Additon 15015 Qnd Street North, S011weter StP1u1, MN 55101-1]18 d,Gthenremainmg,ecuredbysudh assign,. ThdbRe isderedPro arc ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE Mlnne,om f51209]549 $11243608 mortgage, or any pare Wereof or if DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. g p y to pay the debt then se ec by - 3- 53'faxJ the actan or procoedmc hes been The date on or before vd,ah the TAX PARCEL NO'. said end tax ,uif THISQIS A COMMUNICATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF en uted, that the same hes been he 08302333.0025 mortgage any 08 en stet it HA moagag[vecatet property PROPEFTV. Unit Na l ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. on th, ped by the mortgagee, FROM DEBT COLLECTOR. N G108, Condom dscontnued, orin n it he mortgage ,not re ns eted 401RON IEA ROAD on the prem ses enc the costs enc SUO/l ti3 upon the udgt ant d h ei under M Snesom statute, Becton MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55112 dsbursements allowed by hew. The 'R w. Aug 24, 31, Sep[], 14, 21, N 54, P d U Ap e hes been re dine, sf d, en 50030 or the property redeemed COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY tine allow ed by hew for redemption 28 2016) condom am, Aa hSgton County, whole orin par[ under Minnesom Setute, section IS LOCATED'. Ramsey by laic mortgagor(,), their personal Minnesom PURSUANT, to the power of sale ORI NAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT representat, ,orassgn,I„ix (6) REGISTERED PROPERTY nine ec In 68 mortgage, We Public Notices OF MOFTGAGE$180,00000 month,nomthedateo-lle. STREET ADDRESS OF above described property will be Continued on Page10 PROPERrY 13s]1 QTH srREEr Page 10 Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016 Review Public Notices By Jonathan R C,e< MichaelV PROPERTY. 8906 SAINT CROA or proceeding hes beeninktiwtec et day et 1155 Pm. STATE OF MINNESOTA Coutlnuedfrom Pae 9 Sohlei,man RD W OOOBURV MN 55125 Iaworotherwisetoreooverthe G MORTGAGORS) RELEASED COUNTYOFRAMSEY 9 Attorneys tor: COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY secure, by said mortgage, or any FROM OBLIGATION ON DISTRICT COURT '3i,April2/LOl/at 1159 Pm. GYeat Southam Bank, Assignee of IS LOCATE D'. Washington Gounry, pet --f MORTGAGE NONE 11HAloregoing date is a SeWrday, Mortgagee Minn A- PURSUANT to the power of sale THE TIME ALLOWED BY SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Sunday or legal holiday, then the a East Fifth Stree[ Suite800 TRANSACTION AGENT None .--d iIn said mortgage, the LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE date to vacate is the ne# bueneks S[. Paul, MN55101-1118 NAME OF MORTGAGE above describes property will be THE MORTGAGOR, THE BY ACTION day at 1159 Pm. .1203]599 ORIGINATOR Ghese Manhattan stilt by the Sheriff of said oounryes MORTGAGORS PERSONAL CASETYPE NO. 10 -OTHER CIVIL MOI GAGOF(S) RELEASED .1- 81`6'(far? M ortgage Corporation, a N ew Jersey follows: REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, NOTICE OF SHERI FF'S SALE FROM OBLIGATION ON THI521S A COMMUNICATION o.."Aoon DATE AND TIME OF SALE: MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE UNDER JUDGMENT AND MORTGAGE: NONE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. RESIDENTIAL SERVICER 0ctober2] 2016, 1000AM W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS THE TIME ALLOWED BY l16 eteru,, 69 SIno. PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff s Off- i, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA DECREE LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY (Review: Sept 7,14, 21, 28, Oct S, TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street STATUTES SECTION .2032, Court File No.: 62 -CV -16]55 THE MORTGAGOR THE 12 2016) N UM PER 1602821.4100. SUI,150, St. Paul, MN DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Prairie Capital, Ina a Mane MORTGAGORS PERSONAL TRANSACTION AGENT'S to pay the debt then secured by THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED corporation, REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION keit M1,- end I - if any, on PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Plaintiff, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NUMBER: None ., premises enc the coe, enc WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING v, W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS FORECLOSURE SALE THAT no action or procoeda, hes disbursemenbs, indudincattorney,' OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, MY Invest-,, LLC, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF beenin,oWted et law to recover the fees ellowec by law subject o ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Mane- limitec liability company, STATUTES SECTION 582032, THEDEBTANDIDENTITYOFTHE deb[thenrA ainingseourec by k,. redemption within l Veer from he AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Cerl A Coeanzo M ary P Coeenzo, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL CR EDITORWITHINTHE m ortgage, or any pert thereof or if date ofk-llebythem,ft, qr ), AND ARE ABANDONED, end Anthony T Coeanzo, Jon Doe, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED TIME PRO✓IDED BY LAW IS NOT the action or procoedinc hes been their personal represenctove, or Dated. Augue30, 2016 M ary Roe an c ABG Corporation, PREMISES AM IMPROVED AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. inkti ated, tlh at the same hes been assign, Quicken Loans iris., Defendant, WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that di svntinued, or that an exeouoon DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Assignee of Mortgagee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, d-IIC akS HEREBY the condition, °Pon the judgment rendered therein The date on or bemre which the PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL under and by>nrtue of a Judgment ARE NOT PROPERTY USED W of the fol lowincd-e-tdmortgage: ha, been returned unkatsfled, In m or(gggor must vacate the property ASSOCIATION and Decree In the above entned AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Mortgagor. Howard G. Here ant wholeol-Hpaa if the mortgage i, not rein By Jonathan R CL ey, MichaelV actiondatec Jay1120l6 entered AND AFE ABANDONED. Shannon G. Here, husband enc wife PURSUANT, to the power of kale under Mane -a SEA,- section Schlei,man on Augue 4, 2016 e certifies copy Dated: August 29, 2016 Mo : GU Mort Service,, ontaIned in said mortgage, the 58030 or the property redeemec Attorneys tor. of which hes been delivered to me r[gagee gage above described will be under Mane -a SEA,- section Quioken Loans Ina, Ase of directa h I f the DEUTSCHEBANKNATIONAL Ino property gnee g the sae o premises TRUST COMPANY,as Trustee Dated: 01221200] koldby the Sheriff of kaic county a, 58023 i, October 2], 2017 et Mortgagee hereinafter described tokaoey the I., IN. IMSC MORTGAGE Recorded: 020)6200] follow,: 1159 Pm. If the foregoinc date i, 55 Eekt Fifth Stree[ Suite 800 writ found ant adjudged due to LOANTRUST 200T-HOA1, Ramsey Gounry Recorder DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. eSeWrdey, Sunday or legal holiday, S[. PeuI, MN 66111 ne ac Plaintff in the above entitled MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH Document No. 400/ti92 No, ber1, 2016at1000AM then the datetoll-tem' the add .1203]599 n from Defendant(,) MY CERTIFICATES Series 200a OA1, Transaction Agent NiA PLACE OF SALE: Waehagton bueneks day et 1159 Pm. .122&1]53 (fax) IndvleemenW, LLC, e Minne,oct Assignee of Mortgagee -a-dan Agent M otgage lD No Gounry Sheriff, Office Washington MORTGAGORS) RELEASED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION limited liability company, Gerl A OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL NIA County Lew Enforcement Center FROM OBLIGATION ON FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Cosanzo, Mary P C tanto, and ASSOCIATION Lender or Broker: G.U. Mortgage 15015 Qnd Street North, Stier MORTGAGE: NONE 1] 2-1600582-1 AnthonyT Gok'a- the Sheriff of By Jonathan R LLskey, Midheel V Services, Ino. Mi nne,oct THE TIME ALLOWED BY 'Review: Sept /, 14, 21, 28, O¢ S, Ramsey Gounry, will sell et public Schleisman Servicer G.U. Mortgage Service, to pay the debt then secured by LAW FOR HE DEM FTION BY 12, 2016) cti to the higher bidder for Attomeysfor: Ino ,aid mortgage ant I- if any THE MORTGAGOR THE ca,h�on October l3 2016 at 1000 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL Mortgage Originator CU. M agage e wally pais by the mortgagee, MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL am., atthe Ramsey County Sheriff, TRUST COMPANY, a, Trustee for Service,, Inc. on the premise, and the cods and REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORce OF, Hell Annex, Suite 150, INDVMAC IMSC M OR(TGAGE LOAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF dmbur,ement,allowed by law The MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE 25 W est Fourth Street in the OF, of TRUST 200'HOA1 MORTGAGE PROPERTY: Lot,4anc5, Blookl Om e ellowec by l aw for redem porn WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDERIS THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF Saint Paul, kaidcounty and sate, the PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES Sheldon GYove Addition to the City of by kaid mortgagor(,), their personal ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA prem; se, and real A -described Serie, 2001HOAl Ase of repre,entatve, or aksign,i, ex;6) STATUTES SECTION 582032 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE In kaicJudgment end Decree, legally M alga ee -Knee St Peul,Ram key county, Minnesota month,trom the date of kale. DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE de,aibedas: 9 9 This isAbsrect Property TIME AND DATE TO VACATE THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Lot3, Block 1, Ryan Industrial Perk SS East Fifth Street Suite 800 AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. St Paul, MN55101-1718 TAX PARCEL NO.'. PROPERTY. Unlekk kaic mortgage PREMISES ARE IMPROVED bea-llkoknownancnumberedak 33.2923.120088 s r the Property WITH A RESIDENTIAL OW ELlING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 3151 country Drive Lime Canada, 651 203]549 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. redeemedeior unless the time for OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, defaZhao o. a recinth, conditions MN 5511]; Torren, Pro e der ofthefollowi ncdesoribedmortee Prty un HIS IS redem red,,e, b d I ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN g g CeRficateof Title Na.8.2 neLAFOIVDAVE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ST PAUL_ MNDHIC order Poon ,, h y e iota AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Mortgagor Elroy c Vangsad and Dated: 3-1]-16 FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY by1159 Pmu on May1t 201]emises ANDAREABANDONED. Gloria G V,agaad, hu,banc and Matl Bosirom 1 ISLOCATED:Ramsey THE TIME ALLOWED BY Dated: Ig -25,2016 w,f Sheriff of Ramse Count 'Review: Sept ], 14, 21, 28, O¢ 5, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Deutshe Bank National Trust Mortgagee: U.S. Bank N A ryjinnasoja' 12 2016) OF MORTGAGE: $1.40000 THE MORTGAGOR THE Comperry, es Trustee for No�aSter Dated: 101142004 By:/s/ Steve Grengs AMOUNT DUEANO CLAIMED TO MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgage Funding-No unding Trust, Series Filed: 121162004 Deputy SMriii BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, 20060 NovaStar Home Equity Ramsey Registrar of Title, PFB Lew Professional NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NGLUDINC TAXES IF ANY PAID MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE Loan Asset -Backed Certificates, Document Na 1848213 ATH Association FORECLOSURE SALE BY MORTGAGEE. $189,0659] WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Series20060,Assignee of Certificate bTitle Na'. 383023 /s/Jered G.ditz(#386]10) THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF met prior to the corn mencoment of Transaction Agent NS, [his mort t domme d ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagee %goerlkzOp(6-pa.com THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE gageo-e pro,eme STATUTES, SECTION 582032, OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Transaction Agent M agage ID No: 55 East 5th Street, Suite 800 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Moagageel Knee of Mortgagee DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ASSOCIATION NIA St. Paul, MN 55101 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT complied with all notice requirement, THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED By Jonathmanan R Cu ey, MahaelV Lender or Broker: U.S. Bank N.A Telepl-(.1)291-8955 AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION ,requires by setae; that no action Servicer: U.S. Bank National d has been instituted at PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Adde,t Fa csimile:(w1)228-1]53 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that or procotherwise to recover the debt WITH ARESIDENTIAL OWELlING Attorneys for Aasoaeoon Attomey(sr Plaintiff default hes eau ned in the oondio ons Ia oro OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, De-chA Benk National Trust 9 ge Originator: U.S. Bank THE TIME ALLOWED BY ofthefoll-agde-bec mo1gage: secured by,eid mortgage, or any ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Company, es Trustee for No_Star NA LAW FOR REDEMPTION Mortgagor: MarkA Douglass end paa thereof AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Mo bags Funding Trust, Serie, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE Eileen T Douglass, husbanc end PURSUANT to the power of kale ANDAREABANDONED. 20 NoveSctr Home Equity Loen HE Lot 13, Brod: 2, Nelson, MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL wife conctl ec in kat mortgage, the MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Asset-Bad:ec Gertifioete4 Serie, Stevens and_OfAddioon. REPRESEMATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Mortgagee: Prime Mortgage eboven describes property will be FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION 20014 1, nee ofM a ageA The Wes[ 4 feet of L114, Block 2, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Gorporaoon, A Minnesoct ,old by the Sheriff of said oounry es ON MORTGAGE: Steven G 66 Ees[Fifth Street Suite 800 Nelson, Steven,and Kmg kAkkkkan, WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Goo oration follow,: St Ramsey Gounry, Kate- EMERED UNDER MINNESOTA P LDe A, .1 20 75 55101-1]18 De.-dedK302000 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: pDERAL NATIO AL .12281- This is Registered Property STATUTES, SECTION 5OTHE, D adhagd:O8X0 Count OcLACE ], 20161000 AM FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE .l- & 53 ;fart TAX PARCEL Nc'. DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Washington Gounry Recorder PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff k Office, ASSOCIATION THI5215 A COMMUNICATION 07 28 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Docment No 3luQ] evil Proco„unit 25 W. 4th Stree[ ADDRESS OF PROPERTY Aasi ned To: Inter Sevin s Benk, Suite 150, S[ PeuI, MN Mortgagee FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. l //GEORGE STREET W PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH 9 9 THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, P A 1//2S1-0084- A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING FSB to pay the debt then secures by B, I,l (Review: Sep/x14, 21, 28, Oct S, SAINTPAUI, MN55107 OF LESS THAN 5 UNITS, ARE Dated: 06KO2000 said Mortgage, enc are,, if any, on RebeocaF Schiller Es4 122016) COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY NOT PROPERTY USED FOR Recorded: 080)]2000 ,aid premises, enc the cods enc IS LOCATED: Ramsey AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, disbursement,, indudinc ettome N. Kibongni Fondun�gelleh, Esq. W aehington Gounry Recorder ,d Curt N.Trisko, Es.' ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT AND ARE ABANDONED. Documen[Na 311-8 fee, allowed by law subject OF MORTGAGE $8000000 1]216-15009261 Aasigned To: Goat Soahem Bank redemption with in 6 Month, from the AttomeysforoMortgQgee4 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE AM OUNT DUE AND CLAIMEDTO Review: Aug 24, 31, Sept/,14,21, Dated: 11202012 date of saidsal e by the m oagagkt,, IA-den,y Professional Pildmc FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUE OF DATE OF NOTICE 28 2016) Recorded: 120)]2012 their personal represenctoves or 25 North Dale Street THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID Washington Gounry Recorder assign, St PeuI, MNJJ102 THE DEBT AND IDEMITY OF THE BV MOR(TGAGEE$65, 73633 Documen[N0.3.0459 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: (651)2039]. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE met prior to the commencement of NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Transaction Agent NIA The date on or before which the TIME PRWIDED BY LAW IS NOT IT Transaction Agent M agage ID No: mortgagor m us vacate the property HIS IS AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. MortgageelAssignee of Mortgagee FORECLOSURE SALE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NIA if the mortgage i, not rein NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that compliecwith all n000erequirement, THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF c FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. y,mWtet Lender or Broker: Prime Mortgage under Minnek0ct SctWtes Becton -Review: Sept], 14, 2128, Od 5, dethefole,o«ure-beeconditions asrequiredb hetno action THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Corporation, A Man -Ga 58030 or the property redeemec 122016 of the following described mortgage: or pmceedmc hes been insiWted et ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Corporation under Mane -a Stou- ke ) Mortgagor: Daniel J. Taoheny enc law orotherwike to recoverthe debt TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Servicer: Goat Southem Bank 580 sApril 2/,201 at¢1'. MaryTaoheny, husband anc wife seared by sats mortgage, or any AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. Mortgage Originator. Prime pm If 11f the foregoing date b a Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic part thereof NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Mortgage Corporation, A Man -Ga SeWrday, Sunday or legal holiday, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Regisraoon Systems, nal PURSUANT to the power of sale defaul[hasoaurred intheoondioonk Gorporaoon then the date to vacate is the next FORECLOSURE SALE om nee for Quid:en Loans Inc a ontai ec in ka mortgage, the oMORTGAGO d ;bed mortgages LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF buen eks day at 1159 P m. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF nDated: 03222013 aboven described property will be Lindquist aORS kage person PROPER(TV. Lot 3, Block 1 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Filed: 04X032013 koldby the Sheriff of sats county as MORTGAGEE Wells Fargo Bank, Wildwood Pme, 5th Addition. FROM OBLIGATION ON ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Ramsey Gounry Regisrar of Title, tollows: Record, of Washington Gounry, MORTGAGE: NONE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Document No 20595 Agains DATE AND TIME OF SALE NA Minnesota THE TIME ALLOWED BV AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. Ceftficoeof Title Na'. 530644 October2],21610:00AM ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. Tab bAbsract Property LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Assigned To: Quicken Loans Inc PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff, Office, Akslgnedto: None. TAX PARCEL Nc'. THE MORTGAGOR, THE default has ocouned in the condition, Dated: 0]1132016 evil PI -0- Unit 25 W. 4th Street ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 29 030 20 24 0050 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL of thefollowing describes mortgage: Fil ed: 07202016 Satel50, St Paul, MN OF M OR(TGAGE:$28500000 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: PEPPESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Mortgagor Chrisopher Manemey Ramsey Gounry Regisrar of Title, to pay the debt then secured by DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 6Ll BoutwelI lac MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ancManie Molnemey, husband and Document No 7025.135 Against ,aid Mortgage, anc tares, if an y, on 8,2004 ollwatet MN 55082 WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS wife enc Stephen J. Molnemey, a Certificate of The N0.: 530644 said premises, end the doss end DATE AND PLACE OF FILING COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA maniac person Transaction Agent Mortgage disbursement,, inoludmg ettOme, Re corded on January 24, 2005 and IS LOCATED: Washington STATUTES SECTION 582032, Mortgagee: Ektol Mortgage Electronic Regisraoon System, Inc fee, allowed by law subject o m o,I,ec upon CeRfico-Ttle ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Seovico, In Transaction wentM agage ID No: redemption within 6 Month, from the NO.m �S79 ak Document Number OF MORTGAGE $251 ]5000 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Dated. 061152006 00039033 "bbUS date of ,aid kale bythemor[gagor(sJ 1153944 in the Office of the County AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO PREM ISES ARE IM PROVED WITH Recorded: 0]242006 Lender or Broker: Quioken Loans their personal represen at_ or Regisrar of Title, of Washington BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Ramsey County Recorder Inc assign, Gounry, Kate - INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Document NO. 39! 5261 Se"cer: Quioken To -Inc DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BY M OR(TGAGEE.$272, 4R. 47 AlE NOT PROPERTY USED IN A,egned To by Court Order: Mortgage Originator: Quicken The date on or before which the BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE That p -a -to the commencementof AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, N-StI-Mortgage, Inc Loans Ina mortgagor m us vacate theproperty ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. thismor[gageforedosure proceeding AND AREABANDONED Dated: 06222016 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF if the mortgage is not re etAd $LEGAL6�DESCRIPTION OF M agageelAksignee of Mortgagee Dated: Aug- 5,2016 Recorded: 0]1182016 PROPERTY: The Ess feet of under Minnesoct SctWtes section PROPERTY: Lot Nineteen ;19J, compliedwithall noocorequirement, CUModgage Servimslnc., Ramsey Gounry Recorder the Wekt6Gfeetofthe Eas20rod, 58030 or the property redeemed required by seWte; that no action Mortgagee DocumentN0. A046148. of the North J3ec onsth,d rods under Menne-a SEUD-'ecton Block Eight(8), Thompson, Grove orprooeeding hes been insiWtec et PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL -K Ad To: Mortgage Electronic of the East Haf of the Northeast 58023 i, April 2], 2017 et 11 �59 2nd Addition, Washington Gounry, akke law or otherwise to recoverthe debt ASSOCIATION Registration System, , Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of I m. If the foregoing date i, a Minnesoct cured by said mortgage, or any By Jonathan R Cu ey, Michael V sucoessors end assign, a, nominee Section 2, Township 29 Range 22, SeWrday, Sunday or legal holiday, REGISTERED PROPERTY Pat thereof SchI-man for N ovek'ctrM agage, Ina xcept the South 4 and a hat acre, then the date to vacate i, the ne# STREET ADDRESS OF PURSunNTrotlhe power of ,ale Atomeys for: Dated: 06292006 of safe East 20 rod, of the North 53 buena„day et 1159 pm. PROPERTY: 8479 GREEN WAVAVE eined in ,aid mortgage, the GU Mortgage Services, Ina, Recorded: 1126200] end oneathirc rod,, Ramsey Gounry, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED S, COTTAGE GROVE, MN 55016 above described property will be Mortgagee Ramey Gounry Recorder Man -Ga FROM OBLIGATION ON COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY tilt bythe Sheriff of sats county a, 55 Eas Fifth Street Suite 800 Document No 406]31] mist, Regi,terec Property MORTGAGE NONE IS LOCATED: Weshmg[on Gounry, follow,: St Paul, MN 66101-1/le A,egned To by Court Order: TAX PARCEL NO.'. THE TIME ALLOWED BY M ane SAGTION AGENT: None DATE AND TIME OF SALE: .1203]599 Deutsche Bank National Trust 23 29 2221 0015 LAW FOR REDEMPTION By October28, 2016 1000AM .12281]53 (far) Company, a, Itktee for N -Star ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: THE MORTGAGOR, THE NAME OF MORTGAGE PLAGEOFSALE: Law Enforcement THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Mortgage Funding Trus, Serie, 1414 LARPENTEUR AVE E MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGINATOR Well, Fargo Bank, Center, 16016 62nc Street N., FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 20064 N -Star Home Equity Loan SAINT PAUL X MN 55109 REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Well, stilwater, MN 8880.13-008039 Asset -Backed Certificates Serie, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE to pay the debt then seared by (Review: Sept /, 14, 21, 28, Oct S, 20064 IS LOCATED: Ramey WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Fargo Bank, NA etcM agage, and I_ if any, on 12 ,2016) Dated. 06222016 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION is premise,, end the cost, end Recorded: 071182016 OF MORTGAGE $13750000 STATUTES SECTION 582032 N UM PER 18 027 21.13.0058 disbursement,, indudmg ettome Ramey County Recorder AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER MORTGAGE TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATIONAENTS fee, allowed by law subject o NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Document No A046148. BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED NUMBER: None redemption within 6Months trom the FORECLOSURE SALE Transaction agent NIA 1NGLU DING TAXES IF ANY PND PREMISES ARE IMPROVED THAT no action or proceeding has doeof,aid,alebythemo1,agog0 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Transaction Agent M agage ID No: BVM OR(TGAGEE.$133, 16678 WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING been in no acdat lawtooecover the their personal representative, or THE DEBT AND IDEMITY OFTHE NIA Th. pnor to the commencement of OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, a,egns. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Lender or Broker Ektol Mortgage this m otgageforedo,ure proceedinc ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN debtthen rem aining secured bysudh DATE TO VACATE PROPER(TV. TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Seovico,, Ina M mpageelAsegnee of Mortgagee gGRIGULTURAL PRODUCTION, mortgage, or any paa thereof or if The date on or before which the AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. Servicer: Ino Loan Servicing, complied with ell notice requirement, AND ARE ABANDONED, the action or proceeding hes been mo rtgagormu-coethepropelyif NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: mat LlG required by kloute; that no action Dated: Augus30, 2016 I- bated, th. the kame e%BNbeen the m ortgagei, notreadl.ed under defaul[ha,00curredathe.ndio- Mortgage Originator. Ektol or procoedmg hes been a ditutec at U. S. Benk National Association, discontinued, hat an Minnesota Statute, section 58030 ofthefollowac de,aibedmortgage: Mortgage Services Inc. law oo otheowi,etor agagethedel Mortgagee upon[hejudgtentoendeoed therein h p party d d under MORTGAGORS)'. S ve LEGAL DESCRPTON OF secures by ked mortgage, or any PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL hes been re IH unkatkfed, n M SaWt n58023 G Lenemann d Sh 1 R PROPERTY. Lot ' Block 4, paa thereof ASSOC ATON whole orn part Ap I' ' Ol / : Pm. If the Lenemann, husbanc and wTe Do- Id Addeo gather with PURSUANT to the power of kale By Jonathan R CL ey, Michael V PURSUANT, to the power of kale forego; nc date;, a Saturday, Sun day MORTGAGEE: Ghese Manhattan the benefit, and subject to the contained in ,aid mortgage, the Schleikm en contained in ,aid mortgage, the !gal holiday, then the date to Mortgage Gorporaoon,aNew Jersey burden, of declaration of covenant,, above describes property will be Al. above described property will be or i, the next bueneks day at oondioon, and redt-d n,, filed kollc by the Sheriff of said oounry e, U.S. Bank Netionel AasOoieoon, to o bythe Sheriff of ,aid county e, 1159pm. corporation Mey 19, 1981, e, document ria follow,: Mortgagee follow,: ASSIGNMENT'S OF MORTGAGE: L and dedocUment of DATE AND TIME OF SALE: DATE AND TIME OF SALE. M OFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED Asegnec to Federal National 55 Eas Fifth S[ree[Suite 800 November12016et 1000 AM FROM OBLIGATION ON M agage AT -han by a,egnment e n[, for Do- 11 townhouse October2], 2016, 1000AM aPaul, MN 55101-1]18 MORTGAGE: NONE recorded on June 3, 2015 a, o -an, ria, filed May 19, 1.1 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff , Office, .1203]549 GounryShe- FSL_ Office DadhUggtton THE TIME ALLOWED By Document Number 402823 in the e, documentn0. 211Saie, acooang Civil PI-o-Uni[ 26 W. 4th Street .1--113(f-I LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Office of the County Recorder of to the recorded plat thereof Ramsey Suite150, a Paul, MN THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Gounry Law Enforcement Center THE MORTGAGOR THE Waehi ngton Gounry, Minnesota Gounry, Mane,oct to pay the debt then secured by FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 15015 - Street North, Stillwater MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL MOUNT Tb b Absrad Property aic Mortgage, endbxe4 if any, on 1]�&16004f61 Mane -a REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, OF MOR(TGAGE:$203,00000 THH PARCEL Nc'. keit premise,, enc the cost, enc 'Review: Sep[ 14, 2128, O¢ S, to pay the debt then secured by MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE DATE OF MORTGAGE: Deco. ber 21 30 231 0033 di,bursemeni,, indudinc ettome, 12 2016) mortgage and I- if any W EEK81F A J U01c1AL ORDER IS 2]2004 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY fee, ellowec by law subject o ¢ualry paa by the mortgagee, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. 4280 Bridgewood Ter redemption within 6Montlh,nom the on the premise, and the Dost, and STATUTES SECTION 582032 Reooaec on January 21, 2005 a, Saint Paul, MN 55127 date ofkaickalebythemortgagoq(), disbursement, alowec bylaw. The DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Document Number 3449369 in the COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY their personal representative, or time ellowec by law for redemption THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Code of the County Recorder of IS LOCATED: Ramsey assign, by keit mortgagor(,), their personal PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Washington Gounry, Minnesota ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY re presentative, or a,egn, i, twelve WATH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING THE AMOUNT GIAIMEO TO OF MORTGAGE $14400000 The date on or before which the ;12) month,fron, thedateofkale OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO mortgagor m us vacate the property TIME AND DATE TO VACATE ARE NOT PROPERTY USED 1N ON THE DATE OF THE NoT1GE. BE DUE OF DATE OF NOTICE if he mortgage I, not PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage AGRICULTURAL PERDUGTON, $2.855. INCLUDING TAXES, 1F ANY PAID under Mane -a Stou- m,edan relndIed or the property ANDAREABANDONED. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BV MORTGAGEE:$88,37371 58030 or the property redeemec redeemed o unle„ the time Por Dated: Augus262016 PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 4, Colby Thet pnor tothe commencement of under Mane -a Stou- sedan redemption is reduces by judidal Grit SONhern Benk, Lake 9th Addition, Washington this. o1gageforeolo,ureproceedmg 5023 ibApri12/201/at 1159p. m. Assignee of Mortgagee Gounry, Minnesota MortgageelAssignee of Mortgagee Ifethe foregoing date i, a SeWrday, Public Notices OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL STREET ADDRESS OF oompliec with all notice requi remeni, Sunday or legal holiday, then the on CONONUeContinuedPa 11 ASSOCIATION . required by -He; memo actan date to vacate 1, the ne# buena„ Paage Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Tma Carstens, RWMWD Obad Contlnueu from Page 10 FORECLOSURE SALE edbministralatoneIA-- orgnave THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF yam ai order you must vacate the premises THE DEBT ANO IDENTITY OF THE .Review: Sept 14, 21, 2016) by115S P m. on N av,mb,a1, 2017 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE THE TIME ALLOWED BY TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT LA' FOR REDEMPTION BY AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. NOTICE OF THE MORTGAGOR, THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That PUBLIC HEARING MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL default Ladocour„iath, matoad Ramsey Washington Mdro REPRESEN-1 SORASSIGNS afth,fouawm, demnbec malgag,: Watershed Di— MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE MOFTGAGOFSJ. Gorden Sn',I lha Wednesday, Odober 5,2016 WEEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS enc Denelle Szy J: o, M1usbenc end 630 p.m. ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA wife Dr.", Offico Boerc Room MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Eledcanio STATUTES, SECTION 582032 THY Noel Drive, Lille Genade, MN DETERMINING AMONG OTHER R,aidtraton Systems, no, a The Ramsey W-na[on Metro Delaware o Ma lig ad PREMISES S AFF for Advisors Mortgage, LlG,aee Watershed Dltrid (RWMWD) PREMISES ARE IMPROVED will be Loldinc e Publio Hearing, W IT ARES IDENTIAL OWELlING Minnesota limitec liability company Wednesday, Odober S, 2016 et OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE Dltrid Gffico Board Room, boated ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Adsian,d ro: F,d,ml Natoaal a[ 2krs Noel Eri,w, ❑m, waada, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Marta Knuanadetaa('Fanaie Meet MN. The purpose of the m ANDAREABANDONED by edsignmen[r,corded on Merin 4, will be to receive comm ent,tion MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 16ad Document Numb,c40-40 the RWM— 2017 Updated FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION inth,Offa—the County Recorder ouWatershed MenMgemen[Plen'PIenJ. ON MORTGAGE: None U—nnad, county,Man—E, Coatt,atwithgv SraWt,§1038 Dated: September/,2016 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT and MN GLIA .410 RWMWD hes WELLS FARGO—,N.A. OF MORTGAGE: $166,400.00 prepared e 10 year Plen update Mort e ce ,DATE OF MORTGAGE: Merin 25, The a date was R I wia, g g 00S p preparec THEAGADEMVLAW GROUP,PA L requed[rorinputnom to vAnd, Swith By Idl DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Mgenoied an con—I on with Recocd„ on August 12 2005 e RebecoeF Smiller Esq d the RWMWD'd Teohnioel Advisory N. , N. Tai F Ei,q.alleL, Esq Document Number ty RA.. the committee (expended for Plan 'Curt N. TriCdan,n —hOffia, of the county Recorder of development} The Card heard Samuel R Golemen, Edo JVeming[on Gounry, Minnesom input from c,td,at, end businesses Abam,yd for Mortgagee THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO r coived at several publio meetngd, TheAcad,my Professional Building BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE arlminetnc Gommuniry 25North Dale street ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE Gonfluenoe event on January 30, St Peul, MN55102 $1T/,24239 2014. (f51)2039]0J LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF The Plan b mended to serve e (1Ill 21 FN1) PROPERTY: Lot 4, Black 4, wideaudienm.IASt,.Ygic Overview TH IS ISAGOMMUN IGATION FROM Rdg,gat,Pata Hamed, Washington pcavi d,—a-d, eesytoundYwand ADEBTCOLLECTOR county, Minnesom ummary of id d rade, the (Review: sept 14, 21 2e, Ont 5, 12 STREET ADDRESS OF Oitrid and ediood intended to 19,2016) PROPERTY: /e0/ RIMBLEV RD, addressthosedx— Maced,raile, JV OODBU RV, MN 55125 imormatiaaabaut Rah-operatiaad, COUNTY IN AHICPROPERTY prams, enc protects idprovided in IS LOCATED: JVashHaon county, asogr0— ane Impla-deian NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Minnesom on (Section 4J. The Plan also FORECLOSURE SALE TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage included derailed thfoam anon about THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Eledconio Registration System,, Ina remuroed and Didtrid act ons is THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE NAME OF MORTGAGE 25 meor su bwatewh,dd ndmun, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE ORIGINATOR Advisors Mortgage, raven dubwat,rdh,dd of the former TIME PRWIDED BY LAW IS NOT LLG e Minnesom limited liability Gladd Lake Watershed Management AFFECTEDant ,ay BVTHIS ACTION. oanay Organization incorporated into the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that RESIDENTIAL SERVICER RWMWDU2013. default has o—a-ean the mdit— Sete,u Ino. A copy of the Plan end Strategic of the following dd mortgage: TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Overview are —I,ble e he Mortgagor: GUM=aa, a Ingle NUM BER: 1] 02821.1100.4 RWMWD offco during regular person TRANSACTION AGENTS business hours endthe Mortgagee: Prime Mortgage MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION RWMWD website at mtptllwww. Corporation NUMBER: 1001990)00001019]. Twin wd. orglindex. edpRTyps B_ Detdd.12,062005 THAT no _anor promedm5 has BASIC&SEC={45e9D21F-9eeA- Filed:12I292005 been instituted at law to r,00vec the 4021A4A1-BeBA92CAEF5A) Ramsey Registrar of Tees de, [ then rem_ng dean by w,m For further Infornatan please Dooum,at No. 1945]35 Again mortgage, o any partthereof ar if co CA rtificate ofTite Ne'. 556CW1 s[ the action or a—ean, hes been Tina Carstens Assigned To: Minnesom Hd— inatuned, that the same hes been RWMWDAdmiaamnoc R aao,Agency di—intnued, or that en e-aman 2665 Noel Drive Dated: 12,062005 hee upontwdent rendered therein Dme Canada MN 551n File, 12)292005 has been regmmea unsaestied, in Phone: f51 -]9b].0 Ramsey county R g f T l d L p T C rddan—smwd or, Dooument No 1345]36 Ag - d PURSUANT, he power of sale 'R crept 14, 21, 20167 c,rcfat, afrt, Ne:ue6s ne,n„ m mortgage, the Trandadi on Agent N IA above described cpmpely will be Trandadi on AgentMartgag, ID No: sold by the Sheriff of talc county es SUMMARY ORDINANCE NIA follows: Lenderor Broker: Prime Mortgage DATE AND TIME OF SALE NO. 754 Carron on M N cumoreti on N ovem bet 15, 2016 at 1000 AM CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL S,rvi a U.S Bank Naoonal PLACE OF SALE: Washington RAMSEY COUNTY, Adsooiaton county Sheriffs Off,, Wedhihad, MINNESOTA Mortgage Originator: Prime county Law Ena—ment center, Mortgage corrati poon, a MN 15015 w2nd Street North, Stillwater AN ORDINANCE AMENDING mrporeti on Minnesota CHAPTER 94 OFTHE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF to pay the debt then secured by NORTH ST. PAUL CITY CODE PROPERTY: Unit Ne 130, common said mortgage an I— if any CONCERNING STREETS t community Number 486 wally paid by thAarmartgagee, Emeereld Gardens, Ramsey Gounry, and the premises end the costs end AND SIDEWALKS Minnesom disbursement, allowed by law. The On Septembec62016 the North St This id Regid[erec Property time ellowec by l aw for redemption PeuI qty Goundl adopted Ordinanco TAX PARCEL NO.' by dad mortgago$), L personal Number ]54. Thd ordnanm rMaesenetves or g b sx(6) e ends Cry code Chapter 94 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: m onths from the date of sale real, to Streets and Sdewalks 2566 ELLISAVE-1 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE c,p-Ila, the Cryo anent aght of SAINT PAUL MN —14 PROPERTY: Unless talc mortgage Way Management code Sedions COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Is reinstate, ac the propertyand adopting new Right of way ISLoC'ED : Ramsey redeemed, or unless the time for Man" m,n[Cade Sed— Dueto ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT redemption b ceaaed by ludidal the lengthy nature of the acdiaaaco OF MO'GAGE :$220,305.00 order, you mus[ vacate the premises the followinc summary of the AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO byll 19P m. on May15, 201 ]. ordinanm hes been prepared for BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, THE TIME ALLOWED BY publication end approved bythe City INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Caundladauth—edbyaRnelaw. BV MORTGAGEE:$201, 10106 THE MORTGAGOR THE The new Right of VVay That phactothecommencanan f MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Management Code Sections this mortgage a-edaducepcocoean, REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, provide eesentielly tie follows: MaCIgee—Knee of Mortgagee MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Sec 9436 Purpose and Intent mmpied with all mm, requirements WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Clarifies the ceeeo an the d require, by teWte thetno adion ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA c for the Qtyn to m or proco,din, hes been instituted at STATUTES, SECTION 582032 nee ore law or otherwise to recover the debt DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER effectively manage the public xeare, by said mortgage, or any THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED rights ofway part thereof PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Sec 9431 Election to Manage PURSUANT to the power a sale WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING the Public Rightaof-vVay aarced In said mortgage, the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Clarifies the intent of the bove desxibec property will be ARE NOT PROPERTY USED W Council to manage the public soldby the Sheriff of said county as AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, rights ofwaypursuant [o en follows: ANDAREABANDI ED wcdence with the authonty DATE AND TIME OF SALE: MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED in November l0, 20161000 AM FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION given by the State Legislature in PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Office, ON MORTGAGE: Gordon Szys Jko Minn. Stat. Seca 23].163. Civil Pro— U nit 25 W. 4th Street Dated: September 142016 Sec 9432 Definitions Suite ISO, St Paul, MN FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Certain words in the ordinance to pay the debt then secure, by ASSOCIATION (" FANNIE MAE") are definec here This section said Mortgage, end taxed if any, on Mortgagee ,leo incocpocetee definitions said premises, enc the costs a, THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA adopted by the Minnesota disbursements, indudm, —me, BY: Vd Public Utilities the Minnesota in fees ellowec by law xmd a o Rebe—F. Schiller Eel state rules redem pt on within 6 M onths from the N. Obaagni Fonangalml, Edq date of tai, daIebythernoftGMs r(d), 'Curt N. Trisko,Esq.' Sec 9433 Yom i nistration their personal represent— or Samuel R col amen Eel Aeeigns e principal cit official assigns Atomeydforma-RIgee for administration of the Right DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: The Academ y Professional Building of VVay Management Code The date on or before whim the 25 North Dal e Street Sections magagac must—ate the property St Paul, MN 55102 Seca 9434 Registration if under mortgage id not r (m1)2039/tW c Righfof34 Occupancy under Minnesom Statutes isedton 15182]- 002) en or the property redeem e, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION enc Sec 9435 Registration underO Minnesota Statutes xe n FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Information 58023 b May 10, 2017 at 11159 Review: Sept 21, 2., Od S, 12, 19, Requires those using enc Pm. If the aregain, date id a 26 ccupyi no the public right, Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, Of way to register with the city then the date to vacate id the next c provide basic essential bunds day at 11 as P m. ENVIRONMENTAL information. MORTGAGORS) ION ON RELEASED ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Sec 9436 Recording FROM OBLIGATt MORTGAGE: NONE FOR MARKHAM POND Obligations THE TIME ALLOWED By ECOLOGICALRESTORATION Define. minimum LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY The publio Id InvRed to comment reporting obligations for utilities THE MORTGAGOR, THE on the Environmental Ax—xi-nent planninc to do work in the MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL W ammeet(EAW) for the proposed public rights of way includinc REPRESENTATI VESORASSIGNS Mamham Pond Ecological schedules for anticipated work. MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Red hdan Proled Sec 9437Permit Requirement W EEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS An Environmental Assessment Sec. 9431 Permit Applications, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Wammeet (GAN) hes been Sec 94.39 Issuance of Permit STATUTES SECTION ,2032, preparec for the Markham Pond CondPermitions, and Sec 9440 DETERMINING AMONG SOTHER Emlogioal Rahomman Proea and Cond lions THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED available to the public for review Fee a PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH ane comment Inn-,Wadhinglon Describes the requirements A RESIDENTIAL DW EUJNG M,tro Watersle, Card 'RW M W D) for obtaining e permit enc OF LESS THAN FIVEUNITS hes propose, the protect to reddore peyinc appropriate permit fees ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN the aquae, habitat of Markham be fore excavatinc or in any way AGRICUTT RAL PRODUCTION, Pond a13 acre public water weeand obstructing the public rightaof- ANDAREABANDONED led Loaded within Hazelwood Pam is the Dated: Septembec9, 2016 Cary a Maplewood The proposed way Minnesota Housing Finance Proindud,d e and Sec 9441 Righfof-VVay Agenry, Assignee of Mortgagee vel of accumulate, atrsediment Patchingand Restoration OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL over 2] acres at the northern end Contains the requirements ASSOCIATION of the pond, ane excavation d a 14 for restoring the public right, By Jonathan R a k y, Michael V f deep e Lf f g f y after excavation enc Sdhl The arpoxe of the waterfidh wage adoptsthe restoration standards Abame,f r: pp bl cc t d Mete t Public M rd— Finance f l p p l d g of L, Utlt C mrules Ag co gne, of Mortgagee M1 L L as i d'w See .9442 Joint Applications 55Ea FMh Street Suite 800 aica Allows t k, S.Paul, MN 551011]1. The Markhham Pond Emlo ion app Redionman Proled EAW can be Bharec fees end ehecec ue ations Nal23-1]53 (Tar) revIewe, during normal amass of obetrumon or excavation THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ha" :':00am - 43 Dan at the permits. FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. RWMWD offs co, 26th Noel Drive, Sec 94.43 Supplementary 1 G?516,005401 Lille Canada, M N 5511]. Applications (Review: Sept 21, 2., 0O[ 5, 12, 19, comment, on the EAW will be Limits right-of-way permits to 26 2016) received through amber 62016 the area specified in the permit comm ant, or quetiosu regard the the proles may be bru Led Prohibits work outside that area Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016 Page 11 Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER O6, 2016 TL, Ram seyca my Board a commissioners main regular session at904 am. with thYallowng members present Carter, Huffman, McDonough, McGuire, Ortega, Reitman, and Clair Rein Lamb Also present were Julie Adadmmidt county Manager end Jeff Stadh nson, Director Civil R -an. AGENDA of September 6 2016 was presentee for approval. Motion by Carter seoond,d by Huffman. Unanimously approved MINUTES of August 16 2016 were presentee for approval. Motion by McGuire, semndec by Ortega Unanimously approved ADM N STRATI ITEMS SOCIAL SERVICES- Request for Proposals for Child Protection Intensive Par,nta,S,rvicod. Programs Motion byM cOonaugl, secoad,d by Ortega Unanimously approved (M016230) SAFETY&JUSTICE SERVICE TEAM- M,dioal Examiners Offico R,nov ,on Prole¢ M otionby McDonough, seoand,d by Ortega Unanimously approved (82016231) PUBLIC WORKS - Publio Works Contrudian Quarterly Report for April 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016 Motion by MOOonough, seoand,dby Ortega Unannnautyapprov,d (82016232) BOARD OF COMM ISSIONERS-Appoinanam b the Food and Nutrition Commidtan. Motion by McDonough, EXEGUT VE SESS ON- re. Marvlaa, Rosenbloom v Comtyaf Ramsey, et al The Executive Session was calla, to order at 1002 am. with the followinc mer Carter, MOOonough, McGuire, Ortega, Ralanan and Reinhard[, Julie Kid- Stephenma evil R -an DlreIXor an, ROb,rt ROOh,, A -giant Ramsey Ramsey county Abom,y; ane John Klavind Director a Carediaad. Also a Gounry Manager; Mim,ll, Rmhad and Jennifer S,mavr JaYI, D,partg,a Braun, Civil Divitan, Office of the Ramsey county Abom,y Motion by MOOonough, seoand,dby Ortega Unannnautyapprov,d (B2016 -'_- Now, Therefore, B, I[ RESOLVED, The Board of Ramsey county Can Ram say County Abomey to pro—d ad dlsoussed In this ExYatve session. rhe Exemt,re S,dsion wad adloum,d a lU 3I am. Jana M. Guthrie, Chief Clerk -County Board without an extension. Limps Items In the Right -of',,ty 2400 M argaremtrYvt N orth sx rau I. rigrn-or-Say permlta to me tlete6 Prohibits Placement of privetery Sum persons with dvdrA to be specified ithe permit and owned structure g beam with referenco h requiresw permit for work vending machines the ght II be Leers at h g don eddton.1 dance of way Provides c.ptons for Wrttenan aralco 116 See bar 44 Other Obligation newspaper ending machine Imarn.an �nea oth orm.khoulc Requires compliance with other mpster6, roll offs and similar Chad cry Ha u at (m1) ]4]2403 applicable laws, prohibits work waste receptacles, and rat et l,adt]2 hours prior to the public when e natty prohibited or gardens n hearing aonditione ere unreasonable for A printed mpy a the Y— (Review: Sept 21, 2016) work prohibits interference With adnanm b available for lnspetban right-of-way; requir.strenchlee6 byanypewd, anucthe CityClerk's —tion to meet statutory regular offco hours and a mpy hes CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL requiregen B an yepprove. www torte, to the a City web ate et t d cit Ldmaul r NOTICE OF Sec 94.45 Denial of Permit gpprovec for publication by the Gary PUBLIC HEARING Specifies the grounds for Car.I of the City of North St Paul TEXT AMENDMENT denyinc a right-of-way permit. this 6th day of September 2016 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sec. 94 46 Installation CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL the Plannia, commission of the Requirements 8V:/s/ Michael Kuehn, Mayor qty of Nortlh St Paul, Minnesom Specific,, that the installation ATTEST: WII hold a publio Learn, to a.MA f utility facilities inthe Pubic I IJ Z et gryManager rand, p Text Amendment ght f eY shell cogply with R view: Sept 21, 2016) f C YG d T XV, Lan, Usage, for city requir ants and applicable CL pen5e du xedan lann,at rules of the Minnesota Public ostia, e new d amity H alth Care CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL of Temporary Family Health Gere Utilities 471nsp.dission Eweumr Sec 9es insp thin e NOTICE RI The public Learing will be Require. s authority of Bite PUBLIC HEARING 2016 bmadedon Thumdey, lb ,rift 6 and governs to in authonty of Qty in TEXT AMENDMENT 016 at approximately 615 Pm. or d See 944in,Vork Do NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 2mady th,r of Cry the Gary te, b Sec 9441 Work Done without the Plaanin,Commanex ofthe Cory ahem bars re qty Hell, locate, I e Permit of North Shearu, Minnesom will hold 2400 Mperx iStreet with Northe to Pau b. Allows work to be tlone e public Leennc to eo"d public Sum persons with desire to er Cat on a— Annndm eat for Cary Leers with referenm to h thismatter without e permit it emergency Gode, Title V, City Administration, will be Leard at this met b situations subject to condition chapter 55, Soli, Waste, Recycling Written en oral comment, will be and prohibits work done without and Can podding regarding orage coasIderedcPersondwho require this permit n non emergency of garbage e refuse buimormatian in anotherfOrnat maul, situ OOns; imposes penalty and reoydia, m eriald, containers d Cary Hell at (f51) ]4]2403 Sec 9449 Supplement el bags and bun dledt at leadt]2 hours prior to the public Notification The public hearing will be hearing Requires supplemental notice if 2 naded on TLunday, Odober 6 (Review: Sept 21, 2016) obstruction or excavation occurs 01 a at approxim atery em pm. or n a date other than that tistea in ChadIbew offteca[the Giryceuaail GLemb,rs re Cary Hell, located et STATE OF MINNESOTA the permit. Soo M araxon Street North StPaube COUNTY OF CARVER Sec 94.50 Revocation of hSir eart persons with tetra to be Permits Leers with referenco tohr, this matter DISTRICT COURT Describes the grounds and will be Leerr, at this m song FIRST JUDICIAL lau 156 Sprocay eucee for revoking right of Wnx,d and oral comments will be Court File Number.... -161566 waypec 51 nrinn.,d. Persona whore.khoulid Case Type: tial., I., Sec 94.51 Me c Data ,onta stat in all . Nal) 112403 AXi.ti.. (H Order for ppihe d at Hell at; r to he and& Publication (He609 MS, Adopts rules of the Minnesota at teat ]2 Lours prior to the public (Minn.Sfef.§609.]48, Public Utilities Commission Leering —d (b)) describing the mapping ;Review: Sept 21, 2016) Peter Sk,lt<ey & olblo Lily information that must be Skelt:ey, minor milt Provided by those placing utility Barbara facilities in the public rights of CITY OFN0RTH ST. PAUL Tete Adangbo Celeane Evans, way NOTICE OF Respondent Sec 94.52 Location and PUBLIC HEARING STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Relocation of Facilities TEXT AMENDMENT 7 SS Describes the requirement NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that COUNTY OF CARVER J regarding location of utilities antl the Planninc Commidton a the Cary Affidavit Other adopts Minnesota Public of North St Paul, Minnesota will hold m the Pettoner(d) in this matter. Utiliti e6 Commis on rut e6 e public Learn, to —D public uadersraad that us tell the regardinc the mstancee input on eTe:t Amendment for Gary tuth.I re an that the Gourc el low when utilities can be forced to code, Tit, XV, Lan, Usage, chapter publication of the Co— Order ScOetheir facilities 154, zona, Reeak,n rid, Sechan dOed&&2016becande: eca 94.53 Pre Excavation 54010 General Regulatond P,wonal Servico was ottanae, Fecilitiee Loceti on antl 94.54 regerdmc dtorMge of tram. by th,e_m[riff enc n made The public Learing will be because d believed that the D—jeeto other Faailiti es oonduded on Thursday, Odober 6, Redpand,npd) id voiding seryl Require. pre excavation 2016 at approximately 6:15 Pm. or by hang or other means AND a markinc and notification of shady thereafter at the Ctry council copy of the Petition e c Order or facilitieeanc govegedamageto chambers a cry Hau, located et NUIIm of Hearin, was maned to facilities during excavation. 2400 Margaret Street North St Paul. R,dpond,npd) at Redpondemd last Sec 94.55 Right -of-VVay Suoh persona with detre to be known addressor plane of adineds. Vacation heard with referenco to this matter seder, under penalty of penury States that rights ceeerved in will be hear, oral etmthi :ling document hag I have diand lie, in ad the vacation of a right-of-way onx,deredDrOan aFers—whorequireice-Fawill h, Minn. Stat $258.116 will t aded:9lv16 conform Indemun nification ,tion a in rrin mead oa is another at t1o) at 1dhould Sec. 94.561ndemnification antl o neat qty Hell et'f51J he and, /%/Peter Skelskq, Liability at teat /2 Lours prior to the public Pder Skelskey Go Specifies the circumstances Leering John R. .,Dr Hill in which those placing fecilitiee .Review: Sept 21 2016) &ADO Norman Center Drive, in the blit ri htaof-we Will Suife1000 Pu 9 y Minreepolis, MN 5543]-1060 be required to defend and (952)&053800 indemnify the cit for actions CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL rhill O larkinhoiiman.com brought against the city NOTICE OF Order Sec 94.57 Abandoned and PUBLIC HEARING Based upon the Affidavit IT IS Unusable Facilities TEXT AMENDMENT ORDERED. Provides for the transfer or NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN that [The noel e (hall be publime, one removiS of unused facilities. the Planninc Commidtan dthe Cary imeine ga newdpaperin Ramsey Sec 94.58 Appeal of North St Paul, Mianemra will hold GotCounslfOr notco by publioeton mall Describes the tP desson for Cpand, ne T LXV,L�cUd earn, to ac,PGL Cy bEeted: 916116Court involving application of this 154, Z R g l a, S P /SIM chael D -- ordinance Wentzell d ce 1han n4 003 Def S a Shed Judge d D dr d Court Sec 94.59 Severability d aTextAmendmen[for a ty Gode, aged: 3]-16 Provides for se arability of Title XV, Laad Usage, GLepter 154 BY -A Buedgend nv` Ic provisions. Zoniac Regwat and Seaton 154010 (Review.. Sep[21, 2016) Sec 94.60 Franchise Holders :D) Supplemental Regulat—:1) States that if conflict Accessory Buildings end Studuc,d. between Ordinance The public Leering will be occand franchieen agreement oonduded on TLhearing Odober 6, agreement controls as 2016 at approxim atery 6:15 Pm. or Public Notices Sec 94.61 Miscellaneous I ml bays ofnCitytHalll°l-eda sit Continued on Page 12 Public Notices Continued from Page 11 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the personal property described as follows: 1970 Kenw Manufactured Home, 1039A B currently located at 45 Cimarron, Lake Elmo MN 55042 together with all miscellaneous personal property located therein will be sold at public auction by the Washington County Sheriff on the Nineteenth day of October, 2016 at 10:00 , at 901 Lake Elmo Ave. N., located in the city of Lake Elmo, County of Washington, State of Minnesota, to pay and satisfy a lien which is claimed to be due from Marvin Floyd Haberman (00/10/1937) as the owner(s) and/or tenant(s) and/or occupant(s) thereof to: Realty Systems -Arizona, in the sum of One thousand seven hundred eighty two Dollars and 54/100 ($1782.54) computed to the day of said sale, exclusive of the expenses of said Is and of the advertising thereof, together with the necessary expenses of advertising and conducting said sale; and that the grounds of said lien are for care of tenant's personal property remaining on Cimarron Mobile Home Park premises following abandonment by tenant(s) and/or occupant(s). Dated: September 14, 2016 (Review: Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2016) PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the personal property described as follows: 1970 Kenw Manufactured Home, 1071 currently located at 99 Cimarron, Lake Elmo MN 55042 together with all miscellaneous personal property located therein will be sold at public auction by the Washington County Sheriff on the Nineteenth day of October, 2016 at 10:00 , at 901 Lake Elmo Ave. N., located in the city of Lake Elmo, County of Washington, State of Minnesota, to pay and satisfy a lien which is claimed to be due from Clinton Matthew Kaufenberg (06/14/1981) Tamare R. Strickland (924/1983) and Janet L. Teer (1/19/1955) as the owner(s) and/ or tenant(s) and/or occupant(s) thereof to: Realty Systems -Arizona, in the sum of One thousand seven hundred sixty five Dollars and 33/100 ($1765.33) computed to the day of said sale, exclusive of the expenses of said Is and of the advertising thereof, together with the necessary expenses of advertising and conducting said sale; and that the grounds of said lien are for care of tenant's personal property remaining on Cimarron Mobile Home Park premises following abandonment by tenant(s) and/or occupant(s). Dated: September 14, 2016 (Review: Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2016) PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the personal property described as follows: 1970 Movilla Manufactured Home, 24480309WO310 currently located at 385 Cimarron, Lake Elmo MN 55042 together with all miscellaneous personal property located therein will be sold at public auction by the Washington County Sheriff on the Nineteenth day of October, 2016 at 10:00 , at 901 Lake Elmo Ave. N., located in the city of Lake Elmo, County of Washington, State of Minnesota, to pay and satisfy a lien which is claimed to be due from Ashley Ann Johnston (0423/1992) as the owner(s) and/or tenant(s) and/or occupant(s) thereof to: Realty Systems -Arizona, in the sum of One thousand eight hundred one Dollars and 52/100 ($1801.52) computed to the day of said sale, exclusive of the expenses of said sale and of the advertising thereof, together with the necessary expenses of advertising and conducting said sale; and that the grounds of said lien are for care of tenant's personal property remaining on Cimarron Mobile Home Park premises following abandonment by tenant(s) and/or occupant(s). Dated: September 14, 2016 (Review: Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2016) PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the personal property described as follows: 1970 Lara Manufactured Home, 4480299D03OOW currently located at 386 Cimarron, Lake Elmo MN 55042 together with all miscellaneous personal property located therein will be sold at public auction by the Washington County Sheriff on the Nineteenth day of October, 2016 at 10:00 , at 901 Lake Elmo Ave. N., located in the city of Lake Elmo, County of Washington, State of Minnesota, to pay and satisfy a lien which is claimed to be due from Susan Arlene Hughes (11/07/1953), Ronald Dean Hughes (02/23/1960) Diana Shapro (9/11/1961) and Mark S. Shapro (10/06/1958) as the owner(s) and/or tenant(s) and/ or occupant(s) thereof to: Realty Systems -Arizona, in the sum of Two thousand six hundred fifty four Dollars and 71/100 ($2654.71) computed to the day of said sale, exclusive of the expenses of said sale and of the advertising thereof, together with the necessary expenses of advertising and conducting said sale; and that the grounds of said lien are for care of tenant's personal property remaining on Cimarron Mobile Home Park premises following abandonment by tenant(s) and/or occupant(s). Dated: September 14, 2016 (Review: Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2016) RAMSEY COUNTY PROCUREMENT ROOM 210 CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1674 651-266-8072 Ramsey County releases solicitation opportunities on Onvia DemandStar its official web site as an alternative method of public notice pursuant to Section 331A.03 of the Minnesota Statutes. Individuals may go to the Onvia DemandStar section of the Ramsey County Purchasing Webmae to access registration information. SOLICITATION: RFP-PUBW19550/ KB OPENING DATE: October 20, 2016 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: RAMSEY COUNTY SEEKS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR BRIDGE REHABILITATION DESIGN FOR WESTBOUND WARNER ROAD BRIDGE 962531 IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. SERVICES WIL INCLUDE PREPARTION OF BRIDGE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND COST ESTIMATES. (Review: Sept. 21, 28, 2016) RAMSEY COUNTY PROCUREMENT ROOM 210 CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1674 651-266-8072 Ramsey County Social Services Department (RCSSD) is releasing the following solicitation on Onvia DemandStar, its official web site, as an alternative method of public notice pursuant to Section 331A.00 of the Minnesota Statutes. Individuals may go to the Onvia DemandStar section of the Ramsey County WebDaae to access registration information to become an Onvia user. SOLICITATION #: RFP# CHSPS0000013396 OPENING DATE: 10/52016 DEPARTMENT ISSUING THE SOLICITATION: Ramsey County Social Services Department, Adult Mental and Chemical Health Division SOLICIATION TITLE: RFP: CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY INFORMATION AND REFERRAL SERVICES SOLICITATION DESCRIPTION: Ramsey County, through its Social Services Department, seeks qualified agency to provide services for the Ramsey County sub -acute detoxification facility located at 402 University, E. St. Paul, MN 55101. The Contractor will function as part of larger team to provide chemical health, assessment, treatment and information and referral services. These services are necessary in order to meet the immediate chemical health care needs of clients as referenced in Minnesota Rule 32, parts 9530.6510 to 9530.6590. Ramsey County Social Services Division strives to facilitate recovery through the development of individualized services that promote integration into natural communities. We are looking for a Contractor who will partner with the Detox program leadership to facilitate continued development of a recovery oriented, culturally responsive system of care. Preference will be given to vendors who are able to provide culturally specific services. RCCHS encourages new vendors and those with expertise in serving diverse communities to submit a proposal. PRE -PROPOSAL MEETING: A non -mandatory Pre Solicitation Response Conference will be held at 10:00-11:00a Central time, on October 6, 2016 at 402 University Ave. East, St. Paul, MN. 55130, Lower Conference Room. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed and allow Contractors to ask questions concerning the solicitation. Questions and answers will be transcribed and posted on Onvia DemandStar after the meeting in the form of an Addendum. Individuals with a disability needing accommodation should contact the Ramsey County Contact identified above prior to the date set for the Pre Solicitation Response Conference so that a reasonable accommodation can be made. RAMSEY COUNTY CONTACT: Email: Pamela.Sanchez@ co.ramsey m Phone: 651-266-4112 Please contact Pamela.sanchez@ co.ramseymn.us for technical questions regarding this proposal. (Review: Sept. 21, 28, 2016) RESOLUTION NO. 2016-109 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE WASHINGTON COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION THREE, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, ORDINANCE 131 ORDINANCE NO. 197 WHEREAS, Washington County is authorized to carry out County planning and zoning activities in the unincorporated areas of the County pursuant to Minn. Stat. Chapt. 394; and WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 473.865 requires each local governmental unit in the metropolitan area to adopt official controls conforming to their comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, the Washington County Development Code was adopted by the Washington County Board of Commissioners and became effective on October 20, 1997 as Washington County ordinance No. 127; and WHEREAS, Minn Stat. 462.353 authorizes each of the Townships in the County to enact official controls implementing its Comprehensive Plans; and WHEREAS, on May 24, 2016, the Washington County Planning and Advisory Commission held a public hearing on the subject amendment and approved recommendation of its adoption; and WHEREAS, the Townships of Baytown, Denmark, Grey Cloud Island, Stillwater, and West Lakeland have enacted subdivision regulations pursuant to their authority under Minn. Stat. 462.358 and have requested the County to except them from the County's subdivision official control. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Washington County hereby amends the Chapter Three, Subdivision Regulations, Ordinance 131, Section 2.1 Scope and Applicability to read: The resolution contained in this chapter shall apply in the unicorporated areas of Washington County except this chapter shall not apply in the townships of Baytown, Denmark, Grey Cloud Island, Stillwater and West Lakeland. In those unincorporated areas where this chapter applies, it shall apply to any division of land into two or more parcels for the purpose of transfer of ownership, building development or tax assessment purposes by platting, replatting, registered land survey, conveyance, sale, contract for sale, or other means by which beneficial interest in land is transferred. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Washington County Zoning Administrator is directed to make the changes set forth in the Washington County Development Code after the effective date of this Ordinance, dated August 16, 2016 and cause the same to be published and codified according to law. The following is a summary of action taken by the Board of County Commissioners, Washington County Minnesota on August 16, 2016. Full text of the proceedings is availablefor public inspection at the Washington County Public Works Department, 11660 Myeron Road North, Stillwater MN 55082 or by standard or electronic mail. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 197 AMENDING THE WASHINGTON COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CODE, ORDINANCE NO. 131, CHAPTER THREE, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, SECTION 2.1 On August 16, 2016 the Board of County Commissioners, Washington County, Minnesota adopted by resolution, Ordinance No. 197 amending the Washington County Development Code. Effective January 1, 2017, Ordinance No. 131, Chapter Three, Subdivision Regulations, Section 2.1, Scope and Applicability, is amended to read as follows: The regulations contained in this chapter shall apply in the unincorporated areas of Washington County except this chapter shall not apply in the Townships of Baytown, Denmark, Grey Cloud Island, Stillwater and West Lakeland. In those unincorporated areas where this chapter applies, it shall applyto any division of land into two or more parcels for the purpose of transfer of ownership, building development, or tax assessment purposes by platting, replatting, registered land survey, conveyance, sale, contract for sale, or other means by which beneficial interest in land is transferred. (Review: Sept. 21, 2016) RESOLUTION NO. 2016-110 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE WASHINGTON COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2030 ORDINANCE NO. 198 WHEREAS, Washington County is authorized to carry out County planning and zoning activities in the unincorporated areas of the County pursuant to Minn. Stat. 394; and WHEREAS, the Washington County 2030 Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Washington County Board of Commissioners on September 7, 2010 as Washington County Ordinance No. 184; and WHEREAS, all the Townships in the County have adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plans under the 2000 Regional Development Framework pursuant to the authority contained in Minn. Stat. 473.861, which has been found by the Metropolitan Council to conform to the regional system plans for transportation, water, resources management, and parks; and WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 473.865 requires each local governmental unit in the metropolitan area to adopt official controls conforming to their comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, the Washington County Development Code was adopted by the Washington County Board of Commissioners and became effective on October 20, 1997 as Washington County ordinance No. 127; and WHEREAS, land in the unincorporated areas of the County (Townships) are divided into zoning districts and pursuant to Chapter Two, Section 1.2 of the Development Code, maps of the zoning districts of the unincorporatedareas are designated as the Official Zoning Map of the County and are part of the Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Townships' plans are consistent with the Washington County Comprehensive Plan 2030 and are compatible with the plans of adjacent and affected jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the Townships have official controls/zoningordinances/ codes in place which implement the Township's comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, the unincorporated areas of Washington County (Townships) will assume general land use and zoning responsibilities for their jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, on May 24, 2016, the Washington County Planning and Advisory Commission held a public hearing on the subject amendment and approved recommendation of its adoption; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Townships and the County for the Townships to assume general land use and zoning responsibilities for their respective jurisdictions except in those instances where the Townships and the County have determined that the County will continue to have the following official controls: 1. Subdivision Ordinance 9131 and Ordinance 9177 Statutory Authority: MN Stat. Chapter 394, Planning, Development, Zoning MN Stat. 505.09, County Board to Control Platting of Land in Townships 2. Lower St. Croix River Bluffland and Shoreland Management Ordinance 914 Statutory Authority: MN Stat. 1 03F.301 to 103F.345, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act MN Rules Chapter 6105 3. Official Map Ordinance 968 and Ordinance 973 Statutory Authority: MN Stat. 394.21 to 394.37 4. Shoreland Management Ordinance 9134 Statutory Authority: MN Stat. 100F.201 -103F.215, Shoreland Development MN Rules Chapter 6120, Shoreland and Floodplain Management MN Stat. 116G.14, Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area 5. Mining Ordinance 9140 Statutory Authority: MN Stat. Chapter 394 6. Floodplain Ordinance 9180 Statutory Authority: MN Stat. 100F.101 -103F. 165, Floodplain Management Policy MN Rules Chapter 6120, Shoreland and Floodplain Management 7. SSTS Ordinance 9196 Statutory Authority: MN Stat. 115.55-115.56 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Washington County hereby amends the Comprehensive Plan 2000 by removing Land Use authority within the unincorporated areas of the county with the exception of those ordinances listed in the last recital of this resolution, which is reflected on the Future Land Use Map as set forth in Exhibit A'which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Washington County Zoning Administrator is directed to make the changes set forth in the 2000 Washington County Comprehensive Plan and from and after the effective date of Ordinance, dated August 16, 2016 and cause the same to be published and codified according to law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Washington County Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the Washington County Development Code consistent with the policy direction provided in the Washington County Comprehensive Plan 2000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that theWashington County Zoning Administrator is directed to send the amendment to the 2060 Comprehensive Plan to the Metropolitan Council for approval, together with the amended official controls, and notify all affected jurisdictions who coordinate in the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and the Development Code of the affected amendments. The following is a summary of action taken by the Board of County Commissioners, Washington County Minnesota on August 16, 2016. Full text of the proceedings is availablefor public inspection at the Washington County Public Works Department, 11660 Myeron Road North, Stillwater MN 55082 or by standard or electronic mail. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2016-110 AMENDING THE WASHINGTON COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2030 On August 16, 2016 the Board of County Commissioners, Washington County, Minnesota adopted a resolution amending the Washington County Comprehensive Plan 2030. The amendment, effective January 1, 2017, removes the County's general Land Use and Zoning authority within the unincorporated areas and transfers that general Land Use and Zoning authority to the Townships, except under the following existing Ordinances where the County will retain authority: -Subdivision Ordinance No. 131 and No. 177 -Lower St. Croix River Bluffland and Shoreland Management Ordinance No. 14 -Official Map Ordnance No. 68 and No. 73 -Shoreland Management Ordinance No. 134 -Mining Ordinance No. 140 -Floodplain Ordinance No. 180 -Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Ordinance No. 196 (Review: Sept. 21, 2016) CITY OF LAKE ELMO COUNTY OF WASHINGTON STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 08-142 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LAKE ELMO CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING SECTION 130.15 REGARDING THE USE OF FIREARMS AND HUNTING SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Lake Elmo hereby repeals Section 130.15 of the City Code and replaces it with the following: § 130.15 USE OF FIREARMS AND HUNTING. The use of firearms and hunting in the City shall be in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 97B.001. SECTION 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption and publication in the official newspaper of the City of Lake Elmo. SECTION 5. Adoption Date. This Ordinance No. 08-142 was adopted on this 2nd day of August, 2016, by a vote of 5 Ayes and 0 Nays. LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL Mike Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: Julie Johnson, City Clerk (Review. Sept. 21, 2016) STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WASHINGTON DISTRICT COURT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File Number: 82 -FA -16-3936 Case Type: Harassment Notice of Issuance of Harassment Order for Relief by Publication (Minn. Stat. § 51813.01, Subd. 8) Alexandria R. Turner Petitioner(s) vs. Taurus L. Williams Respondent(s) To Respondent named above: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Harassment Order for Relief has been issued in the above matter. A hearing is scheduled for September 29. 2016 at 1:15 p.m. at Washington County Courthouse. 14949 62nd St. N., Stillwater, MN 55082. Failure to appear at a scheduled hearing or to obtain a copy of the Harassment Order for Relief will not be a defense to prosecution for violation of the Court's order. Date 9/14/16 By /s/ Deborah A. Nolan Deputy Annette Fritz Court Administrator (Review: Sept. 21, 2016) SUMMARY CITY OF OAKDALE ORDINANCE NO. 815 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLES III AND IV OF CHAPTER 15 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF OAKDALE PERTAINING TO THE USE OF PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES AND TANNER'S LAKE The following is the official summary of Ordinance No. 815 Approved by the City Council of the City of Oakdale, Minnesota on September 13, 2016 The ordinance amends portions of the Oakdale City Code pertaining to the use of the City's parks and recreation facilities and Tanner's Lake. No major substantive changes to the City Code are being made. The primary purpose of the ordinance to clarify existing provisions in the City Code and to update references to certain state laws. A printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection by any person at the office of the City Clerk and at the Oakdale public library. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted this 13th day of September, 2016 by the Oakdale City Council. ,S/ Stanley G. Karwoski, Mayor Attest: Susan Barry, City Clerk (Review: Sept. 21, 2016)