HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 09-28 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 10 Wednesday, Sept. 28,2016 Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 2159 WAUKON AVE r the property St Paul, MN55102 Dated. 02232007 NIA FORECLOSURE SALE SLANT PAUL MN 55119 ,Adeemede or unless HA oma for 'f51)2099]9J Filed: 04-00] Lender or Broker: Pnme Mo1,g T E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY redempton ,s reduoec by had al (161221-FC01) Ram say Gounry Registrar of Titles C,K,Mtton, A Man—THE DEBT ANO IDENTITY OFTHE IS LOCATED'. Ramsey order, you mus[ ­t, the premises THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Document Ne 2003100 Against Corporaton ORIGINALCREDITOR WITHINTHE ORIGIN AL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT by 1159 P m. on ApnI 102017 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Certificate -k- LA0.: 371313 Servicer:.A S-I-In Bank TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT OF SOFTGAGE :$4700000 THE TIME ALLOWED BY (Review: Aug 3l, SAID /,14,21,28 Assignee To: DEUTSCHE BANK Mol( A Originator: Pnme AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Oct 5, 2016) NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Mo1,g Corporaton, A Man— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE THE MORTGAGOR THE as Trustee for INDY MAG IMSG Corp,,.,n d-IIIhesoau K,dUthAconditons INCL U DING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID MORTGAGORS PERSONAL MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF of thetollowing describe, mortgage: BY M ORTGAGEE$45,22090 RE PRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 2001HOI MORTGAGE PASS PROPERTY : Lot 3, Bloc: 1, SOFT1-gdS):James,1H As Th at prior to the coin mencement of MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE FORECLOSURESALE THROUGH CERTIFICATES Series W,Idwood Pines 5th Addition. end Alis. He ORS) sbandanc wife thismol(gggeforedosureproceedinc WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS 2001 OA1 Records of D-Ugmn Gounry, THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF M OFTGAGEE: M o1,g Electronic MortgageelAssignee of Mortgagee ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Dated: 0-2016 MUne Re,straton S comped with all notceregt„Amenm STATUTES, SECTION 502032 Filed: 07252016 Thi kb Abstract Property g ystems, Inc. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Delaware cororaton,e s,AgU,A,by statut, thetno action DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles TAX PARCEL NO'. p s nome TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT for Across Natonel Mo or p,oceedinches been ,nsth: at THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED C,1f fT T02563716Ageinst 29030205 0050 OFF rtgagenAe AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. A Irl,a Nm or otherwise to recover the debt PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Ge,n_d nTitle Nc:3]1313 2O0RESSOFPROPERTV. g peny aw NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: s'ecu re, by said mortgage, or any WITH ESS THAN DWELLING default hes oaurred,n the conditions Transection Pgent Mortgage L'2l Boutwell Roec Assign gn, Ant A,Fargo Bank, NA PPURJAof OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Eed-on'con Agentton Systems No S011water MN 55002 PURSUANT to the power of sale ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ofthe tollAGOResaibedanda A: Transaction Agen[Mor(gege lD No: COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY by essignmen[rUN, on June O, MORTGAGORS) Yolanda G. 1 -es Doamen[Numbe,40/O1S4 conained ,n 68i mortgage the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, MCGraney,esingle person 000'3x132 /0'3882 IS LOCATED: Washington n the Office of the Gounry Recorder above describe, property will be AND ARE ABANDONED. MORTGAGEE. Homeservices Lender,, Broker: QUaken Loans ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT of W ashagton Gounry, MUnesoa sold by the Sheriff of said county as MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED Lending GE dbe Edrne Realty Inc OF MORTGAGE $251 75000 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT follows: FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Mortgage,eDAleware limited liability Servicer: Oaven Loan Se,vicng, AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO OF M OFTGAGE $200,833.00 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ON MORTGAGE: None company LlG BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, DATE OF MORTGAGE December October l3 2016 1000 AM Dated. ANg,.25 2016 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE Mortgage Originator: Quid:en INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID PLACE OF SALE'. SheaFS Office, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Aasi GNMENAlls Far MORTGAGE Bank GE Loans Inc BY MOFTGAGEE:$2729% 47 DATE 2'1AND PLACE OF FILING CMI Process Unit 25 W. 4th Suel Mortgagee by essignmen[re R, on Jan Nary LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF That pto,to the commencement of Recorded on February 22, 2000 es SN,tel50, St Paul, MN THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA 26 2005 as Document Number PROPERTY: Lan, situate, n the tlhism olgagefo,edost,Ap,oceed,ng Document NNmbe,3txi1418 ,n the to pay the deb[ then secure, by By. Isl Cotntyof Remseyathe StateofMN MortgageeS,s gnee of Mortgagee s.id Mortgage, an axes a any, on Rebecca F. �S'Ohllet Esq 34.361 ,n the Office of the Gounry Lot 1], Block 5, Heinemann, complied with all notce requirements Office of the Gounry Recorder of �t Recorder of Da hagton Goun[ Dash,ng[on Gounry, M nnesoa d p enc the costs enc N. Kbongri FondungallaM1, Es4 M hereen g , t MCC II and Stie bd on as,equ,ed bystatut h ctan THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO d b ,ndudnc attorneys 'CurtNTr sko Esq' tanal actin of ', 313 of - S b ben or proceedng M1esb cat BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE f II cs by law stbject o Sem tel R GQlemen, Esq Us Trull ee to, ank aBea, Steams ARM H E pt the D 10 feet law or -the, se to r h debt ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE redempton within 6Monthsfrom the Attomeysfor M otgagee Trust, Mortgage Pa ThrotgM1 thereof seared by s.id mortgage, or any date of sat, sale bythe molgagoq(), TheAcademy Professional BUIdUc The W est 20 feet of Lot 1B, Block pat thereat, $LEGAL2xi their personal represent.- or 25 Noah Dale Street - Getificate4 Series 2004-11 qY 5, Heinemann, MOConv,Ile, and PURSUANT to the power of sale LEGAL DESCRIPTION of assegnment ,e.,ded on June PROPERTY: Lot 2, Black Royal assigns St. Paul, MN 55102 S[ieness subdivision of Lots212-13 conmined in s.id mor gage, the 2014 a, Document Num be,3.9sx9 Pan: stbaeaaon, Washington DATE TO vACATEa, bef e wh,. the (661)2o39/w ofLee , egae-ed kab oocb described p,opely woe be Gounry, Minnesota ,n the Office of Count, Gounry Recorder The date on or before the the THIS IS G01J of W'ash,ngmn County Minnesota This, s Registered Property sole SymeD TIMfs.iO SAE STREET ADDRESS OF mtrhe mo gage tete the property THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ,TAX PARCEL NO'. follows: PROPERTY: /381 PAUL ROAD, if he mortgage ,s not r c FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 429)11'30082 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. under Manesoa Statutes ase 'Review: Aug 3l, Sept], 14, 21, 20, OF MORTGAGE: $15200000 3ADDRE55 OF PROPERTY: Ocober20, 2016 AM W 00 BURY MN 55125151] con DATE OF MORTGAGE: ANgtst 20, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 50030 or the property redeemec O¢5, 2016) 2004 10)3 Conway St PLAGEOFSALE: Law Enforcement IS LOCATED: Wadhagton Gounry, under M,npesoa Statutes Becton DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Saint Paul, MN11100 Center lbUlb 62nc Street N., M,nnA— 50023 ,sApnl 13, 2017.11 59 p�m. Recorded on November L3, '200 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY S011water,MN TRANSACTION AGENT MortgagA S the foregoing date ,s a Saturday, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE as Document Number 3401005 in IS LOCATED: Ramsey to pay the debt then secured by Electronic Re ,straton S o Sunday or legal M1Qlidey, then the ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT s.,c Mortgage, and axes, if any, on g y5[RTG n. FORECLOSURE SALE the Office ofthe County Recorder of NAME OF MORTGAGE date to vacates the ne#business Washington Gounry, Mane-a OF MORTGAGE: $201X000 specpremises, and the -F, and day" 1159Pm. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF AMOUNTDUEOF AND CLAIMED TO disbursements,abating attkulted to Rgal-Aan Sydlgage Electronic THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO Reawa,ton Systems, e MOFTGAGON RELEASED BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE BCL DING OFDATEOFN PAID fees allowed ,n Lew-I-on, e A FROM OBLIGATION ON ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE BYM 3AGEE$ IF ANY PAID dOempto Lein themol ago the Delaware corporation, es norm TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE for Aaess Natonel MortgagenA MORTGAGE. NONE BVMOR-tothe ommen238 cem date of sa,dsale byp-entgagor(a, Sr ,rite coin AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. $112,6]4x9 prior[,[ persona represenatves or THE TIME ALLOWED BV Thet he comm encement of flair g pane NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN. That LEGAL D Lot 44 oN of 9 9 p,oeAA g a,agn,. FAX FOR REDEMPTION ev 4 Momarte dgnee of dm RESIDENTIAL SERVICER well, deawma, oa,Nrre,enthA �meton, PROPERTY Lot 4 eloa: Fargo Bank N.A. MORTGAGORSTHE PERSONAL H11Cla1omsme 'Doodbury complllee ,th allll nob-I-equoemeen[s Thagee e dOeE TOonVACATE a,, before whah TY TAXthe of the followinc describe, mortgage. NUMBER 0002021340033 MIT IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MOFTGAGOR(S): Kathleen M. D,I�IadhagfonhCount, Ma-oadition, as regUhec by statute; that no action mortgagor must vacatethepropeayif MORTGAGE AGENT'S MAY F A JU DIC AL ORBE REDUCED IFDER IS SO A.Em£emecEaa an Metro STREET ADDRESS OF law a, otlerwiseat been -buted . the re.,, the debt Minneso��Satutesree��Ioned under MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgage eM,nnesoa company PROPERTY: ]045 ROBINW'OOD ke-ed b or the redeemed under NUMBER 100051110000132129 ASSIGNMENTS of MORTGAGE TRAIL JVOODBURV MN _ Y Spic mortgage, or any property THAT no action or proceeding hes 'STATUTES SECTION .2032 26G5 pat Mi nnesoa StOu- section 50023 been,nBotutedat law to recover the DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER A agnedto: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A PURSUANT to the power of sale bApril 28, 201/ at 11:b9Pm. if the THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED b, essignmen[recorded on January COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY conainec ,n 68i mortgage, the toregoinc date,se Saturday, Sunday mobrcthen rem aageairn,pattthe eof such at ItPREMISES ARE IMPROVED 1 2 0 th Document Number IS LOCATED: JVeshing[on Gounry, above desvibed property will be or legal holiday, then the date to the adorn or proceeding hes been WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 1164000 ,n the Office of the Gounry McRANSAGTION AGENT: None sold by the Sheriff of said county as vaca e b the next business day et tuted, that the same hes been OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Registrar of Titles of Washington NAME OF MORTGAGE follows: 1159 Pm. dis,nt nued, or that en executon ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Gounry MInnA6oa ORIGINATOR: Homeservices DATE AND TIME OF BALE MORTGAGORS) RELEASED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ORIGIN AL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT October2/, 2010, 1010 AM FROM OBLIGATION ON upon eelu Iume,endered t,,ed In ANDAREABAN DONEO OEMOR(TGAGE$123,00000 Lending, LlG dbe Edna Realty PLACE OF SALE: SM1enffs Office, MORTGAGE: NONE hes been re mad uns.tlsfied, ,n UHT, OF MORTGAGE December Mortgage, aDelaware limited liability whole or,n pert Dated: August n, 2016 Qvil Process Uni[25 W. 4th S[ree[ THE TIME ALLOWED BY PURSUANT, tc the of CU Mortgage Services, Inc., 23,200.5 company Suite-St Paul, MN LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY molgage Mortgagee DATE AND PLACE OF FILING RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells to pay the debt then sato ec by THE MORTGAGOR THE eined an, said gage the OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL He ,dad on January ll, 11 and Fargo Bank, N A Spic Mortgage, enc axes, if any, on MORTGAGORS PERSONAL aole�A theShbed property II be ASSOCIATION me odal,zed upon Geaficete of Title TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION sa,d premises, and the costs and REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Syme Sheriff of Spic county es By Jonathan R CNskey, Michael V Noco70000 as Document Number NUMBER 170G21 330029 dibIt-emenF, acludac ettome, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE follows. SchI-man 116400/ the Off, dA of the County TRANSACTION AGENTS fees allowed by law sublet o W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS DATE AND 66 at IME OF SALE. Abomeys tor: Registrar not Titles of Washington MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION mdemp0on within O Monthsfrom the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Octoberll,' l 1 AM Gounry, Mlnnesoa NUMBER None PLACE OF SALE: Washington GU Mortgage Services Inc, H THAT no action or proceeding hes dUeof said salebythemolgagol(s), STATUTES SECTION 502032, Goon[ Sheriffs Office, Weshin Mort e ee , AMOUNT CLAIMED TO their or DETERMINING AMONG OTHER County cton 99 been institute,at law-orecover the pe-nal represenatvAe County Law Enforcement Center a East Ffth Street Suite 800 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE asmgns THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED y oN THE DATE of THE Nonce debtthen,emanac secu,edbysum 1501562nc Street North, Stillwater St Paul, MN55101-1]10 $11243600 mortgage, or any pat thereof or if DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mlnnesoa .120975x9 the action a, din hes been The date on or before which the WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING /J3 C.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF prooee g mortgagor must vacate the property OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS , a pay the debt then sAea,ed by THIS�IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Unit No 100 and rn tuted, that the same hes been if the not rein ated ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN gage n f any ane No 1100, Condominium di-Unued, or that an moetgage ,s s.,,FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. exec eon under Mlnnesoa Satutes sedan AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, actually Pec by the mortgagee N 54, Pond Sew Apartmenm, a upon hee udgment d d h he prop v d emed ANDAFeneANDONED. on the p em se, and the eoth, and sa0n 6s d INm, waskngron county, ha, been ,e IH f d, a M ,oa s Ad on Dated: Augtst 26 2o1s dsbursements allowecby law The (R : Aug 24, 31, Sept], 14, 21, whole ornpert I'm Aec by law for redem pton 20, 2016) PURSUANT, to the power of sale 50023 b Ap 127 2017 115 Pm. Grit Southern Bank REGSTERED PROPERTY f the foregoinc date s a Saturday, Assignee of Mortgagee by said mortgagor(s), [heir personal STREET ADDRESS OF contained ,n said mortgage, the Sunday or legal holiday, then the BFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL p,Asenatves or ore of kale six 6J PROPERTY: I39/l FS11H STREET above des0ribec property will be monthsnom the date of sale NOTICE LO MORTGAGE sole by the Sheriff of said county as dem m vecam ,s the next bueness A68OGIATION TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FORECLOSURE SALE GTNM100, 6TILJ!NATER, MN follows. day etll:)9 Pm. By Jonathan R CL ey, M,FaelV 55002-1206 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Sdhleismen PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE AND TIME OF SALE: FROM OBLIGATION ON Atomeys tor: 'elr the property THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, October 25, 2016. 1000 AM MORTGAGE NONE Greet Southam Benk, Aasignee of redeem Aceto, unless the tine for ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHIN THE Minnesota PLACE OF BALE Washington THE TIME ALLOWED BY Mortgagee ,edempton ,s reduoec by judicial TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT TRANSACTION AGENT None Gounry Sheriffs Once, Washington AW FOR REDEMPTION BY 55 East Fifth Street Suite 000 order you must vacate the premises AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION NAME OF MORTGAGE Gounry Lew Enforcement Center THE MORTGAGOR, THE St Paul MN SSIOI-1 /le byll59 Pm. on April ll,2 / NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That ORIGINATOR East Metro Mortgage 15015. n, Street North, S[i llweter MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 651203]5x9 THE TIME ALLOWED By deault M1esocarred,n the conditons eMennesoa company Mlnnesoa REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS 65122&1]53 ;fax) LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY of the following described mortgage: RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells to pay the debt then secured by MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION THE MORTGAGOR THE MOR(TGAGORS). Thomas M. Fargo Bank NA mortgage and axes, if any WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS FROM IS COLLECTOR. MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Burnham,a Ugleperson PARCEL IDENTIFICATION actually paid by he mortgagee, DEEKSIF UNDER MINNESOTA 1T/00.15-00BTC REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MORTGAGEE. Wells Fargo Benk, NUM PER 0.5.02920.11 0015 on the premises end the costs enc STATUTE SECTION 820'32 'Review: Sept /,14, Ll 28, O¢ S, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE NA TRANSACTION AGENT'S dibIt-emenm allowec by law. The DETERMINING, TI AMONG bE2112 12 2016) W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: MOFTCAGE IDENTIFICATION tme allowed by law tor,edempton THINGS THATT AMONG OTHEO ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Assignee to: None. NUMBER: None by sat, moagagoq(), their personal PREMISES ARE IMPROVED STATUTES, SECTION S' " ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THATnoaction orp,oceedinc has ,ep,esenatves or assigns, s six;6J WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE OF MORTGAGE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER OF MORTGAOF$132,00000 been rntht et ew to recover the monthsnom the date of spin OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED DATE OF OF April 16 debt then rem aaag secure, by such TIME AND DATE TO VACATE ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN FORECLOSURE SALE PREMISES AHE IMPROVED 2015 mor[ga e, or any pert thereof or if PROPERTY: Unless Spic mortgage AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF WITHARESIDENTIAL DWELLING DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: t o or proceed me M1es been b reinstated or the property ANDAREABANDONEO THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS RAco,dec on April 20, 2015 enc nsditutedn that to same hes been redeemed, o unless the tme for ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE AFD NOT PROPERTY USED IN m I,zed upon Ceaficateof Title discontnued, or that en exeeuton redemption b reduced by judidal Demd: August 29, 2016' TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT you must vacate[ premises DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, NamS /l tS asthe Document Number order he AFFECTED ID THIS ACTION. upon the Hauhntrendered therein TRUST COMPANY, es Trustee ANDAREABANDONED. RegdI3,nfTle, of the Gounry whole ws.tsaed, ,n Syn5s TIME on Apa25, eon. NOTICE IS -wide EVEN,that whole orin part. for INDVMAC IMSG MORTGAGE MOM FINANCIAL RELEASED Registrar of Titles of Washington THE TIME ALLOWED BY ofthe fhasoau re-be Acondaons FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Goun[ Man LAW FOR REDEM FTION BY LOANTRUST200T-HOA1, ofthetollowin desaibec mo-Rage: y. PURSUANT, to the power of sthe MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH H ON MORTGAGE: Alice Hems and THE AMOUNT GUIMEO TO conained ,n said mortgage, the THE MORTGAGOR THE CERNFICATES Series 200]-HOA1, Mortgagor: Howard G Here and James H. Hems BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE above described property will be MORTGAGORS PERSONAL pssigreeof Mortgagee Shannon G Here husbanc and wife Dated: August 15, 2016 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. sold by the Sheriff of spec county as REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, pFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Mortgagee: GU Mortgage Services, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. $133,46102 follows: MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE hGSOGIATION Inc Mortgagee LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE AND TIME OF SALE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS By Jonathan R CLkey, Michael V Dated: 01222007 THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA PROPERTY: Lot S,. :6) Black One October 1O 2010 et 1010 AM ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Re corded: 02062007 By Isl PLACE OF SALE: Washington SOM1ome,n (1), BanM an Additon, Washington STATUTES, SECTION 502032 Attomeysfor. Ramsey County Recorder Rebecc gal Schiller Es4 GoEGISTEREDP Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington DETERMINING AMONG OTHER DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL Document 400769? N. Kibongn, FondungallaM1, Esq REGISTERED PROPERTY Gounry Law Enforcement Center THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED FRUST COMPANY as Trustee for Transaction Agent NIA Curt N. Tnsko, Es4 STREET ADDRESS OF 15015 .rid Street North, S011w.er PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Trans.ction Agen[Mortgage lO No: 'Samuel R. Coleman, Esq.' PROPERTY: 7' ASHLAND AVE, Mlnnesoa WITH A RESIDENTIAL DD ELLIN C TRUSTINDYMGIMSGMOFTGAGELOAN Ni TRUST 2007-HOA1, MORTGAGE Attomeysto' Mortgagee SAINT PAUL PARK, MN bS 1 to pay the debt then se ed by OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES Lender or Broker CU. Mortgage The Academy Professional Buildinc COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY said mortgage to t s�if any ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Series 200]-HOA1, Aasignee of Services, Inc 2S North Dale Street IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, to paid by the�molgagee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Servicer: G.U. Mortgage Services St Paul, MN55102 Mlnnesoa on t e co s and AND ARE ABANDONED. Mortgagee In the p,emeses end the 55 East Fifth Street Suite 000 .11 20197W TRANSACTION AGENT None disbursem enm allowed by law The MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED M ortgage Originator GU. Mortgage ec by law to, St Paul, MN SS101-1 /le '1611f5FG01J NAME OF MORTGAGE tine allow FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Services, Inc f512037595 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ORIGINATOR: Dells Fargo Benk, by sped mortgagol(sJ, the e, personal ONMd AugutE:None .122&1753 (fax) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF R ew DEBTC 11 Sept OR. NA ,epneth, 0m the orassigkale six (6) Dated: Augus[24, 2016 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY : Loin4 and s, Black 1, 'Review:Aug 24, 3l, Sep[ /, l4, Ll, RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Dells mIME AN [h JAIK, of sale U.S.BANUSTEE FOR FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Sheldon Grove Additon to the Gia, of 28 2016) Fargo Bank ,NA TIM, AND UHIC TO VACATE ASSOCIATION,ASTRUSTEE FOR S[Peul, Ramsey Gounry, Mlnnesoa 1 T/251600400.1 TAX BARGEE IDENTIFICATION PROPERTY: Unless sat, mortgage BEAR STEARNSARMTRU ST, 14 21 This,s Abstract Property NUMBER: 1202]22.110012 the property MORFGAGE PASS-THROUGH (ReN�'rs Sept 28, 0¢S, TAX PARCEL NO'. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TRANSACTION AGENT'S ars me for CERTIFICATES, SERIE52000-11 12 emede tic or FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION redemption ,s reduc cM1 by judeeiel Mortgagee ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF NUMBER: None order you mus[vecete the prem, sec THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP BY 1716LAFONDAVE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE THAT no action or proceeding hes byll59 Pm. on April lO 201 /. By Isl NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ST PAUL, MNSS104 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE been nstitutec at law to recover the THE TIME ALLOWED BY Rebe.aF Schiller Esq FORECLOSURE SALE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT debtthen,emaUUc secured bystch AW FOR REDEMPTION BY N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF IS LOCATED: Ram Bey AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. mortgage, o,anypar[the,eof at If MORTGAGOR 'Cu,t N.Trisko,Esq.- THE DEBT AND IDENNTV OF THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the action or proceeding hes been MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Samuel R Coleman, Esq ORIGINAL CR EDITORWITHINTHE OF M ORTGAGE$1a,40000 deaalIhes o.,ed,n the conditons instituted, that the same has been REPRESENTATIVES OR ASS IGNS, AGO ney-l-Magagee TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ofthefollowag casaba, mortgage: d,seontnued, or that an execaan MAY B, REDUCED TO FIV, The Academy-fe-anal Building AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, Mortgagor Cody Alen Haheim, a upon hejudgmen[,eude,ec therein WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS 25 North Dale Street NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID single person hes been TAN c unsatsfied, ,n ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA St Paul, MN 55102 deault h as occu,e„n the conditons BY M OFTGAGEE:$109,06697 Mortgagee: G.U. Mortgage whole orin pat rnA STATUTES, SECTION )82032 :.1)2039/W of the fol low, nc described m olgage: That pr, or to th e Dom m ended ent of Services, Ina PURSUANT, to the power of sale DETERMINING AMONG OTHER (1 254FC01) Mortgagor: Man: A Douglass and th,smolgagefo,edost,ep,oceedrng Dated: 11212012 conained ,n ka mortgage, the THINGS, THATTHE M ORTGAGED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Eleen T Douglass, husband and M agageei-Ignee of Mortgagee F,IAd. 12052012 above describe, property will be pREMISES IMPROVED FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. wim compl,ed with all notce,egt„em enm Ramsey Registrar of Titles soldby the Sheriff of said count, as WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING (Review: Aug 3l, Sept], 14, 21, 20, Mortgagee: Prime Mortgage as required by statute; that no actan Document No 21.i Agana follows: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Oct 5, 2016) CoDoAman, A MUnesoa or p,oceed,ng h as been nsditutec at Certificate of Title No.:S / DATE AND TIME OF SALE: AKE NOT THAN USED IN CoDoAton law or othenv,se to,ecove,the debt Transaction Agent NS, odobene, 2o1sat1olo AM AGRIcuLTURAI BRooucnoN, Damd:osao2000 secured by sa,d moggage, or any Trans.ct,on Agent M agage ID No PAGE OF SALE Washington ANDAREABANDONED. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Recorded: 00ro]2000 per thereof NIA County Sheriffs Once, Washagton MORTGAGORS) RELEASED FORECLOSURE SALE Washagmn County Recorder PURSUANT to the power of sale Lender or Broker CU. Mortgage County Law Enforcement Center FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Document No 3115.7 conained ,n said mortgage, the Services, Ina 15015 .nd Street North, Stllw.e, ON MORTGAGE: None Aasignec To: Inter Savings Benk, above described property will be THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE SArvice,: G. U. M agae Services M,nnesoa La August23, 2016 FSB sole by the Sheriff of 68„county as 9 9 d. - ORIGINAL IDEDI BY LAW IS THE Inca pay the debt then se ret by A WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. TIME TED B ED 8V LAW N. NOT Dated: 06Ki02000 follows: Mort e eOn ,netor. GU. Mort e e add mortgage and ax olg any ROUP ce RAOo,dgton 0Count DATE AND TIME OF SALE. 9 9 9 9 9 ¢ A 9 AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION S GAL no e tally ped by the mortgagee, H, ACADEMY LAW GROUP, NH NOTICE S HEREBY GVEN h t M h 9t County Recorder O b l0'. AM LEGAL oEscRlBnoN of dI the pm d_ al ane the �srs an, Ey ISI D NA 3ns.e PLACE of SALE sM1 ffs care, dsbursemenm allowed bylaw. The Rebecca F. Soh Ile, Es deaelmasoa de h g A g To: GeatSouthem Bank CMI P U ,[ 25 A 4th Street PROPERTY Lot 22, BIockl, Beaver me allowed law NKb a ofthe Pollow ng desx:bed morCgagee Dated: 11202012 Gabe— St Paul MN Lake Heighm, Ramsey Count,, by ka, y peon ongne FondungallaM1, ,s4 Mortgagor: Osm undo S. Belanay, MUnesoa by Spic mortgagor(sJ, their personal CHH N. Tnsko, Esq Jr. end SrginieA Beleney, M1usbenc Record ed: 12072012 o pay the debt then s cured by Tab b Reg, stared Property ,ep,esenahves o, assg-b six (6) 'Samuel R. Coleman, Esq.' and wife Dashagmn Count, Recorder sa„ Mortgage, and axes,Aif any, on TAX PARCEL NO.. mdUhsnomthed.eof sale. Atomeysfo,MORgagee Domm An Nc 'Count 26 29 22 41 0112 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE The Academy Promssionel Buildinc Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Tran danAgent NlA Public NO11Ces PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage Regal-aton Systems,Inc s Transection Agent M agage ID No: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 25 Noah Dal Street nomenee to, QWd:en Loans lad a Continued oil Page 11 Review Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016 Page 11 Public Notices THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA 1]]2516000841 17/ GEORGE STREET W NOTICE OF MORTGAGE OF M ORTGAGE:$220,305.00 COntlnnetl from Pa a 10 By lkl 'Review: Sept ], 14, 21, 28, Oa 5, SAINT PAUL MN 55107 FORECLOSURE SALE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO g RebeaaF Sdiller Esq 122016) COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, ,c premises, end the cents end N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq IS LOCATED: Ramsey THE DEBT AND IDENTITV OF THE INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY, PA ID disbursements, ,ndudmg -,,- 'Cu, t N. Trisko, Esq.' ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE BY MORTGAGEE. $201,10106 tees allowed by law abject to Sam udll R Coleman, Esq NOTICE OF MORTGAGE OF MORTGAGE :$80,00600 TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT Thet pnor to the bond m enoem Ant redempoon,s,dU6Monmk hom the Atomeys for Mortgagee FORECLOSURE SALE AMOUNT DUEANO GIAIMEO TO AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. mikmortgageforedoare proceedinc date otsaidsalebythe mortgago,(), The Academy Professional Building THERIGHT ORECOSREALE OF BEDUEAS OF DATEOF NOTICE NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN: That MortgageelAasignee of Mortgagee their personal represenmovek or LS North Dale Street THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANV PAID demul[hekoceurrec,n the cendito cem plied with all noocerega,rementn assigns. St Paul, MN 55102 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN TH E BY MO RTGAGEE$f5,]3633 men,ennent ofof the followinc described mortgage: as required by statute; that no atan DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: (-l) 20­760 TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOL tTilk ttna,to th edom meproceedmc MORTGAGOR(S): James law o� omelnwgisearobeen eceve�[he debt The date on or before which the ( AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Lindquik[esipS per son m [rtgagor muk[va-te the property THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MortgageelAssignee of Mortgagee MORTGAGEE Wells Fargo Benk, ceourec by said mortgage, or any if he mortgage ,k not rein ated FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. default has -,ed In the cendit,o cem plied with al l nonce regnren, ants NA part thereof under M,nnesom Statutes seIX on (Review: Sept /, 14, 2l, 28, Oct S, required byktatute; that no actor PURSUANT to the power of sale 1Rev e' of the following describe'mortgage'. ceedin hes been institute' at ASSIGNMENTS toon OF MORTGAGE mnmined ,n said m the SB or the property redeemed ) Mortgagor: Daniel J. Ted An, and or pro g Assigned to: Nona ortgage underO M,nnesom Statutes sector Mery Tedeny, husbenc and wife law or otherwise to recover the debt ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT above described property will be 580.23 ,k April 2], 201] et 11 �59 Mortgagee: Mortgage Electron„ ceourec by said mortgage, or any OF MORTGAGE:$285,1 PC kcl' by the Sheriff of said ceanty as gm. If the to, date ,k a NOTICE OF MORTGAGE RegibAnDan Systems, no k Parc thereof DATE OF MORTGAGE. December follows: Saturday Sunday or legal holiday FORECLOSURE SALE neefor Quicken Loans Inc a PURSUANT to the power of sale e, 2004 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. then the date to vacate kthe neb THERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF nDoed:03222013 cenmined In kaid mortgage, the DATE AND PLACE OF FILING November10, 201610: 00 AM business day et ll S9 P m. THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF TH E Fled: 0 410 3 2 013 above describe' property will be Recemec on January24, 2005 and PLAGEOFSALE: She,-Occe, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE Ramsey County Registrar of Titles solo by the Sheriff of said oounry as m emonahed upon CARL of Title Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street FROM OBLIGATION ON Pgeinkt follows Suib-0, St Paul, MN TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Document Na 2205925 Na X5]9 es Ooament Number SO GAGE NONE AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Getufioete of Title Nc:53064 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: 1153844 ,n the Office of the Gounry to pay the debt then secured by THE TIME ALLOWED By NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Assigned To: Quicken Loans lna OIXober2] 2016, 10A0 AM Registrar of Titles of Washington saic Mortgage, and mates, If any, on LAW FOR REDEMPTION By demult has oecurred,n the cendioonk Dated: 0]I132016 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff k Office, Gounry, M,nnekota saic premises enc he cents and THE MORTGAGOR THE of the followac described mortgage: Fled: 0]1202016 Qvil Process Uni[25 W. 4th Street THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO disbu,nowetsVdud,ngattomeys' MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagor Christopher MOlnemey Ramsey Co Hy Registrar of Titles Sa,tel50t St Paul, MN BE DUE ON THE MOFTGAGE fees ellowec by law abed o REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS and Tiffan,e M cinema,, husbanc anc Document No 70 25 6313 5 Pgeinkt o pay he debt then secured by ON THE DATE H THE RTG GE redemption within 6Monmkhom the MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE wife and Stephen J. MOlneme,, a CArtifidate of Title No.:S ,c Mortgage, end mxe4 ffany, on $28691645 date of saic sale by the m oagagoq k), W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS mamedperson Tran -an Agent 30 M ortgage sa„ premises, anc the cektk enc LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF their personal represenmovek or ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagee: E#ol Mortgage ElecP n„Reglstaoon Systems Ino disbursements, ,ndudac attorneys' PROPERTY: Lot Nineteen '19), akslgnk STATUTES SECTION S' '2, Services Inc TrankaIXion Agent Mortgage 10 No: fees ellowec by law ab ecR o Block Eght:8), Thompson -k Gc DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Deted:0611512006 100039J3313QbW]5 redemption within 6Monm k hom the Lnc Addition, Washington Gounry, The date on or before wh,d the TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Recerded'. 07242006 Lender or Broker: Quicken Loans date ofsa„ salebythemortgagor(s), Manta mor gagorrmuk[vecate the prep[rt9 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Ramsey County Recorder Inc heir personal represen at_ or REGISTERED PROPERTY if the mo gage Ik not o 'elnsaed A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLINo Document No. 39. 61 Servicer: Quicken Loans Inc assigns STREET ADDRESS OF under M,k=a Smtutek sea on OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Assygnec To by Court Order: Mortgage Onginetor: Quicken DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. pROPEFTV:84]9 GREENWAV AVE 50.0 or he property redeemed ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Noves<er Mortgage, Inc Loans Inc The date on or before whirl he S, COTTAGE GROVE MN55016 under M,nnesom Statutes se ,on AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, De ted 62 21201 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF m agagorrmukt vacate [he prop [as COUNTY IN WHICH PROPEFTV 58023 is Mey 10, 2017 et 1159 ANDARE ABANDINED. RAamed. o]ne2ols PRIPERTY. ThA Eas< m feet of ,f the mo gaga Ik no rain IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, Pm. ff mA mregomG data ,k a Dated: Au under Mane -a Statutes recto Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, AI L5, 2016 Ramsey County Recorder the West bti feet of the Eekt Lee n M,nnesom CU Mortgage Servims, Inc., Dooumen[Nc A046148� of the North 53 and onlh,rc rods 58030 or the property redeemec TRANSACTION AGENT None then the date to vacate ,k the ne# Mortgagee Aasignec To: Mortgage Bearonio of the Eek[ Half of the Northeast under Minnesota Statutes section NAME OF MORTGAGE business day atll S9 Pm. OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL RkM d,obn Systems, nc its Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of 58023 ,k April 2], 201] at 1159 ORIGINATOR: Wells Fargo Bank SORTGAGORS) RELEASED ASSOCIATION sumer nancassigns as nominee Sedd,23, Tow-nI,29, Range 22, Ppm. If the foregoac date,k a NA FROM OBLIGATION ON By Jonathan R alley MI -el V D-Novekta-M agagei Inc. xceptthe South 4 anc a half aces atuaay Sunday or legal holiday RESIDENTIAL SERVICER WAIIk So GAGE NONE SHh_ddan Dated: 0 62 92006 of said East 20 rods of the North 53 men the date to vacate,k the LAW Fargo Bank, N THE TIME ALLOWED BY Attomeykfor: Recerded: 11126200] enc onmmird rods Ramsey Gounry, bust neks day at 1159 P m. TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY GU Mortgage Services Inc Ramsey Gounry Recorder Minnesota. MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED NUMBER: 1002]21.1300. THE MORTGAGOR THE Mortgagee Dooumen[Nc 406/3l/ This,k Registered Property FROM OBLIGATION ON TRANSACTION AGENTS MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Aks,gnec To by Court Order: TAX PARCEL NQ: MORTGAGE: NONE MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS St Paul, MN55101-1718 DAatsdA Bank National Trust 23 29 2221 0015 THE TIME ALLOWED By NUMBER: None MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE LAW FOR REDEMPTION By WEEKS IF A JUPIaAL ORDER IS 65 GoaganA ak ndac rnr NoSe,m ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: THAT no aed or toI-e o has HIS I-1 75 Maga Mortgage Fundin' Trust, Series 1934LARPENTE55109 THE MORTGAGOR THE been ,nkdtutedat lg ke-ed bgkuA ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 1-Badec Cebfi Mak, Loane" COUNT IN D ICH P MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL debt then moagagerenainq db d STATUTES SECTION 5820'32 F.Bol3o BT COLLECTOR. Asset -Bade' Certificates, Series COUNTYINWHICH PROPERTY REPRESEN REDUCED ASSIGNS, mortgage or a-oceek ereofv Orn DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER 8880-13-00803-9 MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 'Review: Sept], 14, 21, 28, Od 5, 20064 IS LIGATED: Ramsey the action or proceedinc hes been Reted.-: ed 0711.2 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS ,nkttuted, that the same hes been A RESIDENTIAL IMPROVED WITH 12 2016) Recerded:0]I182016 OF MORTGAGE $13],50000 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA discenonued, or that en exeaoon A RESIDENTIAL OWEWTS Ramsey County Recorder AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO STATUTES SECTION 582032 upon the ud9m en[rendered therein OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Document No A94s�48� BE DUEAs of DATE OF NoncE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER has been reamed ude-ed ed, in ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Trankeaion Agent NS, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGE whole or,n part AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Tran-danA Mort ID BY MORTGAGEE: $133, 165]8 ?REMISES ARE IMPROVED PURSUANT, to the of sal AND ARE ABANDONED. FORECLOSURE SALE gent gage power o rvITHESS THAN DWELLING t. 2016 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF NIA h pnortotheco-enoemekag onainec In sal mortgage the Lender or Broker E#ol Mort m,kmort f d OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, above described will be MinAD Housing Finance THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE gage eei-geooarAp agageg PmPerty gree of Mortgagee Services, Ino. Mort IAasi of Mort ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN koldb h Sheriff of saic ceun[ Ag-, Asci ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE 9agew gree nne- AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Yte yes OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Servicer. Oowen Loan Servidng, ao I-egn,ed b ell acute requirements follows: AFFECTED BVTHISAGIVEN LlG asM-oceedby -be;n atnoaeion AND AM Aug -GO DATE AND TIME OF SALE ASSOCIATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Mortgage Onginetor: E#ol or proceeding hek been ,nkt,he debt Dated. Aagakt3ti- PLACE SAL 10AO dh By Jonemen R Gurley, M,deel V defaul[hasoaurredatheconditions Mortgage Services Inc. law or otherwise to recever the debt U.5.8ank NationalAssoeiation, PLACE e, SALE. 'DashaM, Sd,leisman of mefollow,ng desaibecmorStege: LEGAL OEot 28 IOBl OF secured by saic mortgage, or any Mortgagee County Sheriffs Office, Washington Attomeota" PROPERTY Lot 28, Block 4 h f OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Count Law Enforcement Center Minnesota Housing Finance MOFTGAGOF(SJ: Steven Parte UA ASSOCIATION y AgeEa,Assigneeof OMortgagee G. Lienemenn end Sheila R Dokmo 2nd Addition, together with PURSUANT [c the power of sale 15015 Qnd Street Noah , S011weter Lienemenn husband anc wife the benefits and subject to the contained ,n said mortgage, the .IedBy nethenRGuskey, M,oheelV MinnesotaSS East Fifth Street Suite 800 burdens of dedal-oan of cevena F, above described will be Sdho e,' tope he deb[mensaredb 't Paul ,MN55101-1]18 MORTGAGEE. Chase Manhattan Property Attome for: y t A y l 15x9 Mortgage Corporation,aNew Jersey cendit9 a estrchiume filet sold by the Sheriff of saic ceunty as U.S. Bank National Assodation, said mortgage and taxs if any 1228-1 ]53 'fax) Ma 19 &ic es document no follows ct ally paid by he mortgagee ASS IGtion Mort a ee THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ASS GNMENTS OF MORTGAGE 211593] dederatonk of DATE AND TIME OF SALE g g on the MAnF, k an h d Aksgned to: Fede -al N E Ff[h5 1 Suite 800 FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. f D kmo to O 6 2] 2016 Sh AM dne allowed allowed by Th flet Mey l9, l&il PLACE OF SALE. Sh ffk Office, S. P I, MN 55101 1718 tine allowed by law f d p 1Q0.5-1600.540.1 Is. ce�meco on Ju by 211 b a d ntno. 2115938, earordnc G 1 P oceks Uri [ 25 J4. 4th Street Wl 228,549 by sad moagagoq() h p stinal beview: Sept 21, 28, Od 5, 12, 19, Document Number 4028223 ,n the h ordec plat thereof Ramsey S 150, St Paul, MN THIS IS A COMMUNICATION represenmtvek ore g waive 2016) Code of the Gounry Recerder of C y, M p y h debt then secured by FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ,e h f he date of sale. J4ekM1 ng[on Gounry, Mnnesota Th Ab Property dM g ge, and taxes fan,, on D048S TIME AND DATE TO VACATE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TAX PARCEL NO.: d p k and the cent end PROPEFTY. U k ec mortgage NOTICE OFMORTGAGE OFMORTGAGE$203,a Me 1.30223100x1 disbursem ants, induding ettomeys 12 2016) Sept /, 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, renkt or the property FORECLOSURE SALE DATE OF MORTGAGE December ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. fees allowed by law subject o medeemedeto unless the time for THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 27 2004 4280 Bridgewood Ter redemption within 6Mont-an, the redemption ,k reduced by judidal THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Saint Paul, MInbb- date of saidsalebythemo1MWtq(), order you m us[ vacatethepremises ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE Rece-ded on January21, 205 as COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY their personal reprekenmovek or STATE OF MINNESOTA b91159pnnonNo,enber1, 2017 TIME PROVIDED eV LAW IS NOT Document Number 34.3690,n the IS LOCATED: Ramsey assigns COUNTY OF RAMSEY THE TIME ALLOWED BY AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION Office of the Gounry Recerder of ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DATE TO VACATE PROPEFTV: DISTRICT COURT �W FOR REDEMPTION By NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Washington Gounry, Minnesota OF MORTGAGE $14400000 The date on or before which the THE MORTGAGOR, THE demult has oaurred,n the condioonk THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO mortgagor m u kt vacate the property SEC ONDJUDICIALDISTRICT MORTGAGORS PERSONAL of the following deexibed mortgage: BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, ff the mortgage ,k not reinstated MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE REPRESENTATIVES OR ASS IGNS, MORTGAGORS): Gordon S2 Ako ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: INCL DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID under Minnesota Statutes ke 8V ACTION MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE and Danelle Sty ko, husband and $210855% BY MORTGAGEE.$88,37371 58030 or the property cedeiniad CASETVPE NO. 10 -OTHER CIVIL WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS wife LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Th. pnor to the cem mencement of under Minnesota Statutes ce n NOTICE OF SHERI FF'S SALE ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA MORTGAGEE o1gage Eled-on„ PROPEFTY. Lot 4, BIock4, Colby thismoagageforedosureproceedinc 58023,kApd12],201]et1159p�m. UNDER JUDGMENT AND STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Registration Systems,Inc a Lake 9th Addition, Washington M 0agageelAssignee of Mortgagee If the foregoinc date ,k e Saturday, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Delaware ceryoration as nom Gounry, Minnesota cemIded with all nooceregn,ennenF, Sunday or legal had then the DECREE THINGS, THATTHE MOFTGAGED for Advisors Mortgage, LLCnoa STREET ADDRESS OF as rega,rec by statute that no action dateto vacate,, the n-basinass Court File No.: 62 -CV -16-755 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Minnesota limited liability company PROP MY 8%6 SAINT CROIX or proceed me has been i_ Hted at day et 1159Pm. PAne Gapiml, Inc a Minnesota WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. RD WOODBURV MN55125 or otherwise to recover the debt MOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED ceDoIan, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Assigned to: Federal National COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY s cured by said mortgage, or any FROM OBLIGATION ON Plaatff, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN M oCageAkseo,aoon("Fannie Mae') IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, Part thereof MOFTGAGE: NONE CMA nn ns LLC, a AND ARE AB NA OONEDODUGTION, by eksigb dU,ecomecon Maroh4, Minnesota PURSUANT to the power of sale THE TIME ALLOWED BY Invest e t, ties Document Number4050.i40 TRANSACTION AGENT None cenmi ec ,n 68 mortgage, the LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Minnesota l united liability cem pang, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED n the Office of the County Recerder NAME OF M01 AGE eboven describe' property will be THE MORTGAGOR THE Cad A Cdcan-MaryP Coktanzo, FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION of Washington Gounry, Minnesota ORIGINATOR I— Manhattan soldby the Sheriff of said county as MORTGAGORS PERSONAL and Anthony T Cdcanzo, Jon Doe, ON MORTGAGE:None ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Mortgage Goryoraoon,eNew Jersey follows: REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, Mery Roe end ABG Goryoration, Dated: September], 2016 OF MOFTGAGE: $166 400 00 .RondDATE AND TIME OF SALE: MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Defendants. WELLSFARGOBANK,N.A. DATE OF MORTGAGE: Mard25, RESIDENTIAL 0ctober2/, 2116 1111A WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mortgagee L Glen IncIAL SERVICER PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA under and by virtue of a Judgment THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA DATE AND PLACE OF FILING retains, and Decree ,n me abo, dUkI c e TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION141 PWG 1 P k Una 25 2. 4m S[ree[ STATUTES SECTION 582 e 11 Rammed on be, 12 Zoos he NUMBER 1602821 41 00� S e Paul, MN DETERMINING AMONG OTHER act on, date'Julyl -, en A' R b F. Sohill Ar Err} Document Number' ,e the MORTGAGE AGENTS P Y h debt then se A' by THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED on August 4, been f co me N. ua gni Fondungalleh, Ek4 DOfficeadh of the County R der of MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION said Mortgage, en es, ffaen,, on PREMISES ARE IMPROVED of whirl has been delivered m me 'Cartel Trisko,eanq Washington Gounry, Minnesota NUMBER None said premises, anc the cerin enc WITH ESS THAN OW EMITS ke-e aft the sale d the premises Samuel R Coleman Esq THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO THAT no action or ptooeedmg has disbursements, indudinc attorneys' OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, hereinafter described to ec d the A[[omeysto, M o1gagee BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE been instituted at law to recever the fees allowed by law kubee o ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN amount found enc edudgec due to The Academy Professional Building ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. debt then rem a, nag secure' bykuH, redem poon within l Year hom the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, saic Plaatff ,n the above enotlec 25 North Dale Street $17/,24239 mortgage, or any part thereof or if date of said sal e bythe mortgagor(,), AND ARE ABANDONED. n Prem Deendanq() CMA St Pau I, MN 55102 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF the action or proceeding hes been their personal represenmovek or Dated. August 30, 2016 dlekmenF, LLC a Minnesota ,.1)2089]. PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 4In kt,t, aced, that the ka e hek been assigns Quicken Loans trio., Im,ted I,ebiliry company Cad A '15129YFN1J Ridgegate Patio Hom Ak, Washington dib.UUuAd, or that an execution DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Assignee of Mortgagee Coca— MaRP C-anzo, enc TH IS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM Gounry, Minnesoa . upon the judgment rendered therein The date on or before whirl the PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL AnthonyT Coktanzo, the Sheriff of AD EBT COLLECTOR STREET ADDRESS OF hes been reumed unsatisfied, ,n mortgagor m akt vacate the property ASSOCIATION Ram key Gounry, will sell et public 'Review: Sept 14, 21, 28, Od 5, 12, PROPERTY: /80/ RIMBLEV RD, who or,n pert if the mortgage ,k not rein By. Jonathan CL e,, Michel V e chin to the highest bidder for 19 2016) WOODBURY MN55125 PURSUANT, to the power of kale under Minnesota Statutes salon Shceismen cakh�on October l3, 2016 at10 00 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY red in said moggage, me 5 630 or me prepeaq redeemec Adomeykmr: am., atthe Ram sey CoUUyShenff IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, above described property will be under Minnesota Statutes sea Quicken Loans Inc, Assignee of Office, City Hell Annex, Suite 150, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Min ne-a 58023 ,k October 2], 201] et Mort 25 West Fourth Street , n the CH of TRANSACTION AGENT Moa gage byme Sheriff of saic ceunty ek gaaF Saint Paul, saic count dkmte, the FORECLOSURE SALE 9Inc follows: 159 Pm. If the foregoing date ,k 55 Eekt Fifth Street Suite 800 county Electronic Regiktraoon Systems DATE AND TIME OF SALE. e Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, St Paul, MN55101-1718 premises enc real estate describe' THE RIGHT VERIFICATION OF NAME OF MORTGAGE November1, 2016.10 ADAM then the date to vacate,, the next .1208]599 In said Judgment and Decree, legally THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE ORIGINATOR Advisor k M otgage, PLACE OF SALE: Washington business day at ll S9 P m. BSl- 8 53 ;tax) described aka ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE LLC, a Mane -a limited liability County Sheriffs Illi be Washington MORTGAGORS) RELEASED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lot3, Blod1, Ryan Indukfiel Perk TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT cem pany County Law Enforcement Center be Inc also known and numbered as AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. FROM OBLIGATION ON FROM COLLECTOR. RE. 15015 62nc Street North, Stillwater MORTGAGE. NONE /9�2-1600Se - 3151 Country Onve, Lille Canede, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SSIDENTIAL SERVICER ' Ateruk, Inc Mune-a THE TIME ALLOWED BY ,Review: Sept /,14, 21, 28, Od S, MN 55117 T,r Ne Property under demulthasomurrecinthecendi0ons TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION to kacpay the debt then seared by LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 12 2016) Certificate of Title Nc We of the Poll owi nc desodbed It N UM PER 1702021.110084 mortgage anc tax 4 if any THE MORTGAGOR, THE Dated: 81/16 Mortgagor Zafer Kdbe I Ingle TRANSACTION AGENTS welly pato by the mortgagee, MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Matt Bostrom person MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION on the premises and the costs and REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Sheriff of Ramsey County, Mortgagee: Prime Mortgage NUMBER 100199W0000101978 dikbarsements ellowec by law The MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Minnesota Coo -an THAT no aeon or proceeding hes tme ec by law for redemption WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS FORECLOSURE SALE 8y: /s/St- Grengs Dated:1 62005 been instituted at law to recever the V, kaid nortgagor(kI their personal ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Deputy Sheriff Filed: 12292005 debtthen remaining secured bykud represenmovekorak of nk,k six;6J STATUTES SECTION 5820'32 THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE PFB Lew Professional Ramsey Registrar of Titles mortgage, or any part thereof or if monmkhom the date of sale DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN TH E Association Document Nc 1945]35 Agana the action or proceeding hes been TIME AND DATE TO VACATE THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT /s/Jered Goerlitz(p386T14) Certificate of Title No.: S 62 U,Xthted, that the same hek been PROPERTY Unlekk kaid mortgage PREMISES ARE IMPROVED AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. jgoerltt ,a_pa.csm Assignec To: Mane -a Housing dikcenonued, or that an execution r the property 'D'an A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 55 East Bt Street,Suit51 ad Finance Agency upon the judgment rendered therein redeemedn or unless the time for OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS defaul[ has occu,edin the cendit,ons St. Paul, MN 55101 Dated: 12W62005 has been reumed unsatisfied, ,n redemption ,k reduce' by Id ca ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ofthefollowagdeesibecmortgage: Telephone:(651) 291- 8955 Filed 1229200.5 whole orin par[ order you mulct v oethe premises AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Mortgagor Eroy Q Van Wdad and Facsimile: (651) 228-1753 Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles PURSUANT, to the power of sale by 1159 P m. on Mayr 2017 ANDAREABANDONED. Gloria G Vangkmd, husband and Attomey(sr Plaintiff Document Ne 1945/'36 Aga,nkt cenmined ,n kaid mortgage, the Dated: Au wife THE TIME ALLOWED 8V CeRficoeof Title Nc'. 55EQ1 above desodbed will be THE TIME ALLOWED BY pea the LBank NationalTrust MOltgagee: U. S. Bank NA LAW FOR REDEMPTION Tran -an Agent NIA solcb h Sheriff ofsaoidmunt LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV Dated: 101142004 8V THE MORTGAGOR, THE Tran -an Agent Mort gage lD No Yte yak THE MORTGAGOR THE Comparry,asTrustee for N -Star Filed21164004 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL NIA follows. MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgage Funding Trust, Series Me ey Registrar of Titles REPRESEMATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Lender or Broker: Prime M agage DATE AND TIME OF SALE. MAY BE REDUCED TO ASSIGNS, 200E-0NovaSterHomeEquity November 15, 2016 et 10A0 AM MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Loen Asset -8a eked Certificates, Document No 1848213 Pgeinkt MAY Be REDUCED TO FIVE Gorporetion,eMN cerporation PLACE OF SALE: Washington W EEKS IF A J UP COAL ORDER IS Series 2006-0, Assignee of Certificate of Title Ne: 383023 WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Servicer: U.S. Bank National County Sheriffs Office, Washington Mort Transaction Agent NS, eWeRED UNDER MINNESOTA Assodation Count Law Enforcement Center, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA gaNAL y STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, Mortgage Originator: a Prime OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL 15015 Qnc Street North, Stillwater DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ASSOCIATION NIA DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Mortgage Goryoraoon, MN Mane -a By Jonathan R Gude Michael V Lender or Broker: U.S Bank NA THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED c000raoon h debt then seared b THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED hl , Servicer: U.S. Bank National PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF stn pay y PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Sohleikmen gage and tax 4 ff any WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Attorneys for Aasodeoon A RESIDEMIAL DWELLING Ith ROPERM murk, Numbe130 Common actually pa„ by the mortgagee, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, PAutn— Bank National Trus[ Mortgage Originator: U.S. Bank OF LESS THAN 5 UNITS, ARE Interest Gommuniry Number 486 on the premises and the cost, and NA Emeralc Gerdenk Remse Goun ARE NOT PROPEFTV USED IN Company, ek Trustee for NovaSmr NOT PROPERTY USED FOR Y ry dikbursementsal Iowa',,LEGAL law. The AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Mortgage Fundinc Trust, See DESCRIPTION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Manesota time ellowec by law forredemption ANDAREABANDONED. 20064 NovaSmr Home Equity Loan PROPERTY: Lot13, BIock2 Nelson, AND ARE ABANDONED. This, k Registered Property by saic nortgagor(kJ, their personal MORTGAGORS) RELEASED A`—Badec Gertificatek Senek S[evenk and Kmg kAddiOon. 1]216-15009261 TAX PARCEL No rep- nt.v or ass,gns sex;6) FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION L 64, Aksgnee of Mortgagee The West 4 feet of Lot l4, Block 2 (Review: Aug 24, 3l, Sept/,14,21, 29 29 23 33 00. monthshon, med-ofkale. ON MORTGAGE: Steven G SSEakt Fifth Stee[Suite 800 NAlson, Stevens and King kIdioon, 28,2016) ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Lienemenn Ramsey Gounry,MUnes a 2566 ELLISAVEg311 S[ Peul, MN 55101-1]18 PROPERTY: Unless ka,d mortgage Dated: A`gukt30 2016 T bb Registered Propea, SAINTPAUL MN55114 ���&��53(.) TAX PARCEL NI'. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Public Notices ASSOCIATION THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 07202215 OF P I ORI GATED: Ramsey Mortgagee FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Continued on Page 12 Page 12 Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016 Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE percthereof date to vacate is the next business 25 ,,hale Street STREET ADDRESS OF FORECLOSURE SALE PURSUANT to the power of sale day at ll 59 Pm. St Paul, M-102 PROPERTY: 1091 6TH ST SE, CO minded from Page 11 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF co ained in said mortgage, the MORTGAGORS) RELEASED '.1)2099]. FORESTLAKE, MN55025 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE above described property will be FROM OBLIGATION ON :131170FORD) COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY stated n the property ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE sol, by the Sheriff d said coanty as MOF(TGAGE NONE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, redeemed, o unless the tine for TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOF follows: THE TIME ALLOWED BY FROM DEBT COLLECTOR. Minnesota redempton is reduced e lm,i DATE AND TIME OF SALE: LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 'Review: Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 TRANSACTION AGENT None AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. order yoama dvacate thepremises NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Septemb -29 SAFE 10 00 AM THE MORTGAGOR , THE Nov22016J NAME OF MORTGAGE byll TIME on Mey K 201]. default hasocoune,in the conditons PLACE OF SALE. Sheriffs Offs co, MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL ORIGINATOR: Wells Fargo Benk, THE TIME ALLOWED BY ofthefollowincdes abece,aa1 gge Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS NA LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV Mortgagor: William Breeult end SuiHe-St Paul, MN MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells THE MORTGAGOR, THE Judith M Terlinde, both unmarred to pay the debt then secured by WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS FORECLOSURE SALE Fargo Bank, N A MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL persons aslointtenan[s eic Mortgage, end tax es, ifany,on ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF 'BB AX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGN S Mo : U.S. Benk Natonal 68 ises tic the costs enc STATUTES SECTION 020'3' NUMBER'. 0903221' 33.00 G6 MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE rC9agee is prem e 5 2' THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Aasocetion NO disbursements, adadag atomeys' DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE TRANSACTION AGENT'S WEEKS IF AJUOIGIAL ORDER IS Dated: 11 �V]2006 fees ellowec by law subect o THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA redemption within b'Monmsfrom the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED NUMBER: None STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Reoorded'. 12ro]I2006 AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION Washington County Recorder date of saicsalebvthemortgagorts), WITH ARESIOENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That THAT no adan or Proceeding has DETERMINING AMONG OTHER .ovum entmo.3s1s4. theo- Personal rePressntatves or of LESS THAN FIVE UNITS defawmas o«uned inthe �naitons been mmiWte, 'n," t lawrorewer the THINGS,THAT THE MORTGAGED Transadion ARI NIA assigns ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN debt then rem crinin, severed bvsaoh PREMISES ARE IMPROVED g of the following describe, mortgage: WLTH AFESIDENTIAL DWELLING Transaction Agen[Mortgage lD No: DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, MORTGAGORS): PennyA Perks mortgage, or anypedagthe-ed been Th date on or bacon whim the ANOAREALAN.ONE. the adion or Pthe k,me has been OR LESS THAN FIVE uwr5 mTn moTgagorm adt-dethepropenyif Dated. Septemben9, 2016 MORTGAGEE Person d-dod, d o,th,t-hasbeen ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Lender or Broker: U.S. Benk them ort eSt;notreinstated under CU Morta. Servi., Inc., MORTGAGEE: Wells Fargo Benk, disoontnued, or that en exeaton AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTON, Netonel navodaton ND R g g g NA Servicer: U.S. Benk Netonel Minnesota Statutes section 58030 Mortgagee ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE' upon thel,dgt ant rendere, therein ANOARE ABAN.oNE. Assodaeon, su'essorbvmergerro or the ProPenv redeeme, under OFF FAX PROFEss10NA1 Assigned ro: None has been yew e, ansaasfied, in MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED U.S. Bank Netonal%Ob,'aton NO Minnesota Stdaessection580. 23 is ASSOCIATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT whole Orin peen FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Mortgage Originator. U.S. Beak March 29, 201] at 1159 Pm. If the By Jonathan R Casket', Midhael V OF MORTGAGE $150,2..00 PURSUANT, to the power of sale ON MORTGAGE. Gordon Szy J:o Netonel As-dan ND foregoincdate ise Saturday, Sunday -leid- .mined m said mor ge, the Dated: Septemberl4, 2016 holiday, then the date to Attorneys for: 1A201 OF MORTGAGE December above describe, property will be LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF or lege L FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE PROPERTY: IF -3 end 5, 31- 1, 'a e is the next business day d GU Mortgage 6ervicos, Ina, DATE AND PLACE OF FILING sold by the Sheriff of said oounry es ASSOCIATION("FANNIE AE") Gherter Oeks, Washington Gounry, 1159 P. m. Mortgagee Recorded D PLACE 30, 2014 follows: Mortgagee MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THEACAOEMV LAW GROUP, PA Minnesota end memorialized upon Certificate FROM OBLIGATION ON S[Peul, MN 55101-1]18 November 15, 20166[ 1000 AM misisws[rad Property of nee No 5]209 as .00ament By lel TAX PARCEL NO' MORTGAGE: NONE .l '209/)95 Number 1231833 in the Office of PLACE e SALE Washington N be -oboe F Schiller Is 300292131 0006 THE TIME ALLOWED BV .122&1]53 "CO) the Gounry Registrar of Titles of Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THIS IS A MMUNICATION Goanty Lew Enforcement Center, 'Cu,t N.Trisko, Esq.' ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Washington Gounry, Minnesota 50 Samuel R Coleman, Es 1494 GRANADAAVE N THE MORTGAGOR THE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. l Qnd Street North, Stllwater THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO 1 q OAKOALE, MN55128 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 8880.16006]5-1 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Minnesota Attorneys for Mortgagee COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS (Review: Sept 28, Oct S, 12,19,26, ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. to pay the debt then secure, by The Academy Professional Building IS LOCATED: Washington MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Nov 2, 2016) said mortgage end I- if any 25 Noah Oale Street W EEKS IF A J UD IaAL ORDER IS $1509..]5 dually Paid by the mortgagee, St Paw, MN 55102 ORIGwA1 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT LEGAL DESCRIPTION of a OF MOFTGAGE$1]5 ]50.00 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA PROPERTY: Lot Twelve(12), Block obb-dends 11 edb costs ane .1)2099]. AM OUNT.UEAN. CLAIMED TO STATUTES SECTION 582032 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Two (2J, Ashbourne 2nc Additon, disbursements allowed bylaw. The (15182]-FN2) BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER FORECLOSURE SALE Common Interest Gommuniry Na /8 tme allowed by law for redempton THIS IS A COMMUNICATION INCLUDING TAXES IF ANV PAID TH INGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF ePlenned Gommuniry, Washington by sate mortgagortsJ, their personal FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. BV MORTGAGEE: $1 E6.040 PREMISES ARE MPROVED representatves or assignsis six 6) (Review: Sept 21, 28, Oct S, 1219, THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE Gounry, Minnesota That prior to the commencement of WITHARESIOENTIAL DWELLING- ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE REGISTERED OR months from thedate of sale 26 2016) thismortgageforeolosure proceeding OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT STREET ADDRESS OF TIME AND DATE TO VACATE M ortgageelAasignee of Mortgagee ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION PROPVE NERTY: 35. GENEVIEVE PROPERTY Unless said mortgage hall 1101 re AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, rem aed or he property oomPie,wa gwrementa l,alNOTIIS HEREBYIn GIVEN mat COUNT IN DH, MN PRO NOTIECLOSU MORTGAGE srequired by statute; that no eaion AN.AREABA 191- 2016. default hesooarrec in the conditons COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY redeemed, or unless the tine for FORECLOSURE SALE or procoedm c hes been instituted et OetedCUm-agag.ti ofthefollowinc de-bedmoagage: IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, redempton Is reducod e adidal RIGHT TO r otherwise to recoverthA debt CU Mortgage Servims, In o., MORTGAGO S: Davie G. Minnesota order you must vacate the premises THE DEBT Nor VERIFICATIONOFlewo R( ) THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE secured by sate mortgage, or any Mortgagee Ouradnik end Molly M. Oaradnik, TRANSACTION AGENT None byll TIME RALROD01 ]. ORIGINAL IDEDITY LAW IS THE Pan thereof OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL husband enc wife NAME OF MORTGAGE THE TIME ALLOWED BY TIME PROVIDED IS LAW N. NOT PURSUANT ro the power of sale ASSOCIATION MORTGAGEE Mortgage Eectronb ORIGINATOR Wells Fargo Bank LAJ4 FOR REDEMPTION BY AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. mortgage, the By J onethenRGuskey, MidheelV Regis Dan Systems, NA THE MORTGAGOR THE eboven described will be Schomeyn IncIno, MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL NOTICE Is -e- GIVEN, mat of b Delaware comorak as nominee REoB,ak IAA SERVICER wens soldb h Sheriff of sate count Attomeysfor: REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, of theforsagde-bed conditons by yes for Cenral Benk, e Minnesota Fargo SPAR EL GU Mortgage Services, IncMAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE oMolg l ,Glees M Bb ortgage: follows Ben king MENTaton TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION g g DATE AND TIME OF SALE Mortgagee WEEKS IF AJUOIGIAL ORDER IS Molg­, or: Glenda M. Bed:er es e ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE NUMBER TION 1 230245 55 East Fifth Stree[Suite 800 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA single gee NovI bar 18, 20161000 AM Assigne,to:Wells FargonFeb A MORTGAGE AGENT'S S[PeuI,MN55101-1]18 STATUTES, SECTION 582032 Mortgagee: GU Mortgage Services, PLACE t SALE Lew by 62012 en[recordedon February MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Enforcement Center, l l5 Qnd Nl'-09/549 3, 2012 es Dooument Number NUMBER None Street N., Stllwater MN 50 1122&1753 far) ' 6/341'2 in the Office of the Goun[ THAT no action or THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Bled 0422200] y pada, hes yt v THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 3 g[on Gounry, been instituted et law to recoverthe PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Bled 04242007 to pe he debt men secured b Recorder of Washin said Mort d tares, if en FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. D LTH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Ramsey Registrar of Titles gage, en y°n 8880.1500.32 Minnesota deb[then remaining secure, bysudh OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, D No 2004696 ams[ d P es and the ems and oRIGwA1 PRINCIPAL AM ouNT g g env Parcthereof or T G T ofntleN d b to inoladng atomeys Ret a'tiAug 10,1], 24, 31, Sep[], OF MORTGAGE:$41],00000 h do hes been ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN T on Ag at wA f II Ad'bv law subled o ,2016) Pmcee g AGRICULTURAL PRo.ucnoN, Transaaion PgentMortgage 1. No: redempton within 6 Months Dom the NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT 20AZE kOF MORTGAGE: January d, het [h[seme hes bion DARE ABANDONED. dibcdo-ed, het e %'cb MORTGALAND RELEASED NIA date of said sale bythe molt orts), OF MORTGAGE DATE AND PLACE OF FILING'. upon the ,dgt ent rendered therein FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Lender or Broker GU Mortgage their personal representatves or FORECLOSURE SALE Reoordec on February 13, 2006 hes been re coed unsatsted, in ON MORTGAGE: None services, In, assigns NOTGE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that as Doc ment Number 35 W wholeo, n Par[ Dated: SePtember22 2016 Servicer: G.U. Mortgage Services, DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: the above Mortgage Foredosare es modified of reoorc by Loen PURSUANT, to the power of sale WELLmbe,22 016 N.A. Inc DATE date on or before which the Sele is hereby postpone, to Modificaton Agreement recorded contained in said mortgage, the Mort Mortgage Originator GU Mortgage mortgagormustvecatethepropertyif November 3, 2016 at 10 A0 AM, on December 3, L as Document above described property will be gag- servicesln, the moitgagednotreindAbedunder Sheriffs Office, Civil Process Uni[ Number 39732. In the Office of sold by the Sheriff of sat, county es THE ACADEMVLAW GROUP,PA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Minnesota Statutes section 50030 25 W. 4th Street Suite 150, S[ Peul the County Recorder of Washington follows: By 1s1 PROPERTY: Unit Number 506 or the property redeemed under SO In sate County dStde � Gounry, Minnesota DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Rebecoa F Sd,ller Esq y an N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq Common Interest Gommuniry Minnesota Statutes section 58023 Dated: Setem bey 20, 2016 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO November 2, 2016 d 10 A0 AM P 'Curt N. Trisko, Esq.' Number 589, Condominium, Lot is May le, 201/at 1159 p. m. If me CU Mortgage Servimslno., BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE PLACE OF SALE: 'J4'ashington Samuel R Coleman, Esq. 270 Condominiums Ramsey Gounry, foregoing deteise SeWrdey, Sunday Mortgagee ON TH E DATE OF THE NOTICE: County Sheriffs Office, Washington Attome forMo Minnesota or 1 [gal holiday, then the date to OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL $43692639 Gounry Law Enforcement Center Ys rtgagee m R gstere, PmPercy e is the neva batness day at ASSOCIATION LEGAL .escR Pr oN OF 15`15 Qn, sleet Nom,, sruwater meAcademyProfess `nal edldmg 25 Noah Dale Street TAX PARCEL NO.'. 1159Pm. By Jonathan R Cuskey, Midhael V PROPERTY: Lot 1, Back 2, Shores M nnesota S[ Peul, MN 55102 122922 CCMORTGAGORS) RELEASED Schlesman of Lake McDo-11, 2nc Addton, to pay the debt then secured by '.1)2095/61 200FE55 OF PROPERTY: FROM OBLIGATION ON TOGETHER with a 20.00 tolduide said mortgage an ATo if eny j613T/-Fib1) 2]0 EesY 4th St Unit506 Atom Moll: IncMORTGAGE NONE GU Mortgage Services, pennenen[pedesfien norvexdusive eIXuelly Parc by the mortgagee S[ Peul, MN 55101 THE TIME ALLOWED BY Mort e ee walkway easement over and across on the premises and the costs and THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 9 g FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 the Southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 1, disbursements allowed by law The (Review: Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 IS LOCATE.'. Ramsey THE MORTGAGOR THE St Paul MN 55101-1]18 Block 1, Shores of Lake McDonal, tme allowec by law for redempton Nov 22016) ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT MORTGAGORS PERSONAL .1203]599 2nc Additon, Washington Gounry, by said molgagortsJ, their personal OF M ORTGAGE:$219341.00 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, 88801500.32 Minnesota representatves or assigns is six;6) AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO MAY BE REDUCE. TO FIVE -Review: Sept 28, 2016) STREET ADDRESS OF mont-l-on, the dateofsale BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS PROPERTY: 4470 MCOONALD TIME AND DATE TO VAGATE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA DRIVE COURT NORTH, PROPERTY: Unless sat, mortgage FORECLOSURE SALE BY MOFTGAGEE$22,33765 STATUTES SECTION 5821X32 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE STI PW M N 55082 readI or the property THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF That prior to the commencement of DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY redeemedetor unless the tm e for THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE this m oitgage foredosu"' c,edmc THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGE. FORECLOSURE SALE IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, redempton is reduce, by URI ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Molgageei-Knee of Mortgagee PREMISES ARE IMPROVED THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Minnesota order you m est vacated, e premises TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT complied with all notice requirements WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING THE DE BT AND IDENTITY OF THE TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage by 1159 P m. on May22, 2017 AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. srequire, by statute; that no action OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Eectronb RkM d:aton Systems Inc THE TIME ALLOWED BV AFFECTED HERE ACTION, that or procoeda, hes been addauted at ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT NAME OF MORTGAGE LAW FOR REDEMPTION By dNOTIClault IS Hand in the GIVEN tat or otherwise to recover the debt AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. ORIGINATOR: Cental Bank, a THE MORTGAGOR THE of the following de scribed m olgage: law e, by said mortgage, or any ANOAREABANOONED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that MinnesotaBanka, CoryoAton MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagor Kon, Yang, a mama, part thereof Dated: September15, 2016 defaul[hasoaurred intheconditons RESIDENTIAL SERVICER We11s REPRESENTATIVES OR ASS IGNS, clo PURSUANT to the power of sal e U. S. Bank National Association, ofthe following described mortgage Fargo Bank, NA MAV BE REDUCE. TO FIVE Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic ained in said mortgage, the sucrossor by merger to U.S. Mortgagor: Midhael John McVeigh TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION 'WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Registration Systems, Inc as above describe, property will be Bank National Association ND, and Nancy Ann M-,gh, as NUMBER: O/ 02920410005 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA nominee for Lake Area Mortgage, soldby the Sheriff of said oounry as Mortgagee hasban, and wife TRANSACTION AGENT'S STATUTES, SECTION 582032, a Division of Lake Area Bank, a follows: PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Mortgagee: G.U. Mortgage MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION DETERMINING AMONG OTHER coryoraton PATE AND TIME OF SALE: ASSOCIATION Services Inc NUMBER: 100'3501-21220006181 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED led Novem bell/, 20161000 AM By. Jonathan R LLskey, MaFael V Dated: 04232003 THAT no action or din hes PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Bled0 242009 Schleisman Recorded: 061102003 procoe g Filed. 0 ­ PLACE PLA CE OF SALE: Sheriff's Office, been 1, ke-ed b,kuce OF LESS DWELLING Ramsey Registrar of titles c1P s Una 25 L. 4th street At y,mr: Ramsey County Reimer debt molgage o, annptthedbvsum OR LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Document Na 2103306 ggamst s ,spew, MN us. Bank N.anal US Bank tra danAgQ2NIQ/A mon gage or any Parc thereof orf ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N c T eofnee Na s].2 pay he debt then secure, by Natonal Aavoce0 ogn N0, Mort Transacion Agent Morc D No: the eIX on or Procaedn, has been AGRICULTURAL PROOUGTION, A g d To: U.S. Bank N tonal said Mortgage, and bees, If an on 9agee gent gage I n,ted, that the same has been AND ARE AN ANDoNE0. Asvooiaton seed prem isss, an, the ems an, 55 EamFifnh Street SwteBoo NIA obcdonued, or that an execution MORTGAGoRSI RELEASED Dated: 11252015 disbursements, indudmc ettomeys' St Paul, MN 55101-1/l8 Lender or Broker CU. Mortgage upon theuQgmen[renderec therein FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Filec 12�V12015 fees ellowec by law subA o .1209]549 Services lad has been reume, unsatsfied, in ON MORTGAGE: None Ramsey Gounry Registrar of titles redempton within 6Mon-Dom the .122&1]53 (fax) Servicer G. U. Mortgage Services wholeorinpart Dated: September21, 2016 document No T02545991 Against date of sat c sal e bythA m 0USago' D THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Inc PURSUANT, to the power of sale WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. r FROM A DEBTCOLLECTOR. Mort Ori :C.U. Mort Geaficad ntitlegen S].2 their personal representatves o gage ginetor gage abo, c in sat mortgage, the Mortgagee Transaction Agent Mortgage assigns :Resew7908 Sept28 Services, Inc above described property will be TH EAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA Electronic n Agentton Systems, Inc OATS TO VACATE PROPERTY. Review: ep[ Le, O¢ 5,1219'26 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF sold by the Sheriff of said county as Rebe Transaction 003060 ortgage 10 No: The date on or before which the Nov 22016) PROPERTY. Lot 3, hl,, 1, Maple follows: Rebeong Sohiller,Es4 100]15800000030ke, It the m olastveoetethe property Woods Estates mire Additon, GATE AND TIME OF SALE: N. Kibongni Fondangalleh, Esq. Lender or Broker: Lake Aree It the mortgage is not r Ramsey Gounry, Minnesota Abstract November OF 2016at 10 ADAM 'Curtel Trisko, Esq.' Mortgage, e Division of Lake Aree under Minnesota Stawtesded, on NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Property PLACE OF SALE. Washington Samuel Colemen Esrl Bank h p p y d This is Abstract Property County Sherff s Off D h gton Atomeysfor Mortgagee S : U.S Bank Natonal d M ta S FORECLOSURE SALE TAX PARCEL NO.: Count Law Goo G to The Academy Profe-anal Bulling q THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 1329233.00. 58023 May 17 2017 1159p. Man Qnd 6treetN h, 611 eter, 25 Pau MN 6102 M g e Og tor: Lake Area If nd foregoeg date ds a SeWrdey, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 2323 ong OF PROPERTY: to pay ta S[ Paul, MN 102 Mortgage, e .vis on of Lake Area Sunda le el holide then the ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE 2323 Kingston AveE he debt se re b '.1 2099]. Sunda, or g y, to pay t c y J Bank date [c -deb the tie# business TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Maplewood, MN 55109 said mortgage end bx 4a if any '16131FC01) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF dayatll59pm. AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. COU NTV IN WHICH PROPERTY actually paid by the mortgagee, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY. DA4, Bloc<3, Hillsdale, MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IS LOCATED: Ramsey on the premises ane the costs and FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Ramsey Gounry, Minnesota FROM OBLIGATION ON detaul[hesocounecin the conditons ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT disbursements allowed bylaw. The 'Review: Sept 20, Oct S, 1'2, 19, 26 Thisis Registers, Property MORTGAGE: NONE of the Drawn, describe, mortgage: OF MORTGAGE $156.000 tme allowed by law for redempton Nov 2, 2016) TAX PARCEL NO.'. THE TIME ALLOWED BY Mortgagor: Robert Woherc Ooble AMOUNT DUE ANO CLAIMED TO by said mortgagorts), their personal 20 29 213 0108 LAW FOR REDEMPTION By an,Amanda Kaye DobleDaAmanda BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, mp-enEd- or assigns is six (6) ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. THE MORTGAGOR, THE Keye BuetnAt husband and wife INCLUDING TAXES, IF AN Y PND m onths from the date of sale NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 1164 MAGNOLIAAVE EAST MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Mortgagee GU. Mortgage BY MORTGAGEE:$12,92909 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FORECLOSURE SALE SA INT PAUL, MN 55106 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Services Inc Th. priorto the commencement of PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Dated: 04282014 thlb-agageforedosareprocoedac reinstated or the THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Reoorded:OS�VBI2014 property THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE IS LOCATED: Ramsey WEEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS Molgageei-Knee of Mortgagee redeemed, or unless the tme for ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Femsey County Recorder complied with all notcorequiremend redempton is reducod by ludical ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE OF SOFTGAGE :$11803000 STATUTES SECTION 2 .ovum ent No. 1450.47 s required by statute; that no action order, he TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOf 9 a d has been natute, at You must vacate[ premises AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO TransdanAent NIA y Pm y AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. BEOUEAS OF GATE OF NOTICE, OETERMIN LNG AMONG OTHER Transaction Mo 0 No: law o, othe, be to recover the debt 6 1159 on Me 15 201].INEN PREMISES ARE THE MORTGAGED Agent Mo -cage THE TIME ALLOWED By NOTICE l -red VGectnt That PREMISES ARE IMPROVE. NTA settle, by said mortgage, or any LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY of the follstau re-beeconditons INCL KING GE ES IF 669 PAID W LESS Sl OW UNITS Lender IncBroker G.U. Mortgage pat PURSU of oMORTlAGOResaibTeMacgage: BY MORT,tothe $mm neem THE MORTGAGOR THE MORTGAGORS) Tenanoe J. met prior to the commencom ant of 44 OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Services, InPURSUANT to the power of sale MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL e) thismon f do -e d ARE NOT PROPERTY USEE IN Servicer GU. Mortgage Services, contained in said mortgage, the REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Peedh esingle person gage ore procoe the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, In° above described property will be MAV BE REDUCE. TO FIVE MORTGAGEE: JVells Fargo Benk, McoHUga dgeelAssignee of Mortgagee AN.AREABANOONE. Mortgage Originator G. U.Mortgage sol, by the Sheriff of said county as WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS NA a eiAdwithallnotcorequireme- Dated:Setember19,2016 Services Ina follows: ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: sr quire, by statute; that no action P LEGAL OESGRIPTION OF GATE ANO TIME OF SALE Aasigned to: None or proceeding hes been instituted et CU Mortgage Services, Inc., STATUTES, SECTION .2032 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT law or otherwise to recover the debt g g OR Lot 23, Block Oak Novembers/, 20161000 AM OFMORTGAGE$13980000 secure, by said mortgage, or any Mort e ce DETERMINING AMONG OTHER OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Hill Ramsey Gounry, Minnesota PLACE OF SALE. Sheriffs Offs co, THINGS, THAT MORTGAGED ThlbbAbstract Property Civil Process Uni[ 25 W.4th StreetATE OF MORTGAGE: April l6 panthereof ASSOCIATION PREMISES AlARE IMPROVE. 2013 PURSUANT to the power e sale By nR Guske MioheelV ADTAK DRESS FCELNOSSOF PR11 30 OPERTY .110039 to pay the Paul, MN OF LESS DWELLING tit y y' ADDRESS OR PROPERTY h debt then seared b .ATE AND PLACE OF FILNhe kold by salbe, ope y el I thbe smleisman to pay the v of LEss THAN FIVE UNITS 2013 Atoms tor: 654GASTON AVE sat, Mortgage, and taxes, if eny, on ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Recorded ou Mey /, es property w ys SHOREVIEW, MN 55126 s tic the costs enc Document Number 3944446 in the sold by the Sheriff of said oounry es o- Mortgage Services, Ina eic premises, e AGRICULTURAL PROOUGTION, Office of the County Recorder of follows: Mortgagee COUNTY D WHICH PROPERTY disbursements, induding ubjedabome,to AN D AREMoCKG ABANDON E.. Washington Gounry, Minnesota .ATE AN. TIME OF SALE. 55 East Ffm Street Suite 800 IS LOCATED: Ramsey fees ellowec by law subect o MORTGAGORS RELEASED THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO November l], 20161000 AM St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT redemption within 6Mont-l-om the FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION BE OUE ON THE MORTGAGE PLACE OF SALE. Sheriffs Office, OF MORTGAGE. $208 ]50.00 date of saicsalebythemortgagortsJ, ON MORTGAGE None ON THE GATE OF THE NOTICE: Civil Process Uni[25 W. 4th Street �1-26-1 ]53 (bxJ AM OUNT OUE ANO GLAIME.TO their personal representatves or Dated: September22016 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION BE OUE AS OF GATE OF NOTICE assigns WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. $13554i.08 Suite 150, St Peul, MN FOM A DEBT COLLECTOR. INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAI. .ATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Mort a ee LEGAL OESGRIPTION OF pay the debt then secure, by By MORTGAGEE:$215,237 ED The date on or before which the g g PROPERTY. South Onshelf (S said Mortgage, end bxe4 if any, on Be8801300161-14 THE LAW GROUP, PA sts an Th p the commencement of 12J of Ten 10) excop[the Eest sdp theco not (Review: Sept 28, OOt 5,121926, h. g g foreclosure prooeedng ]olthgagor 9�evecam the property Byll Se -AT, (]5J feet thereof end d b d dn, a' me, Nov 2 2016) g g gnee gagee under Minnesota Statutes sectstaion R b F. Schiller Esqalbo ( ) a f ll 6 law ub eIX o M IAas of Mort N. Kbongni Fondungelleh, Esq e Eleven 11 , tic Twelve redempton whh n 6Mon-Dom the ompie,with all notaeregUI-emend 58030 or the property redeemed 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' .12), xcop[the all b,n, In Back s required by statute met no action un der Minnesota Statutes section Samuel R Coleman Eq. "]SJ feet thereof all barn, in Bloc: orprocoedin, has been addouted at 58023dMayl] 201]6[1159 Pm. Attorneys for Mortgagee Eight (8), Fred Ri UWt Forest Public Notices omenwise to recover the debt If the foregoing date is a Saturday, The Academy Professional Building Lake Additon, Washington Gounry, Continued On Page 13 secured by laic mortgage, or any Sunday or legal holiday, then the Mm-ota Review Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF C o ntinued from Pa a 1L NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ASSUMED NAME 9 Ge personal property de ,ri as STATE OF MINNESOTA date of said saheb the mo follows: S. pier y rtgagor(sJ, 1 Minnesota NAtutas Che 333: Geir persvnel represenGoves or 9rtl Lara MenuGcturec Hom e, hGSUMED NAME. Ubrant asegns. 4480299D030OW PRINGIPALPLACE OF BUSINESS'. DATE TO 'AGATE PROPERTY: currently locate, et 386 Qm anon, 1168 Selby A nue, S[ Peul, MN The date on or before which Ge Lake Elmc MN SS042 55104 eta Ir wiG all md,d1k,neous m [rtgegor mus[vecate Ge property t°9 NAMEHOLDERS: Deborah Ann if he mortgage Is not re eted Pell one propertylocated tlherein H01ten, 1075 Fellbrook Lane, under Minnesota SGWtes IseIX on wI be sold a public au Ion by Woodbu MN 55125, Kerte Marie 58030 or Ge property redeemed the Washington Gounry Sh,UI on D,l 8024 Fairfield Roed North, under Minnesota SGWtes seIXon he NineteenG day of October, 8rookl y,Perk, MN 55444 ISMeyI/, LOI/etll 59 p�m. 20l et 1000, at l Lake Elmo I, the undersigned, certify Get If the3foregoing date Ise S -l -day, A 6N., located In Ge ary of Lake signing Gis document es the Sunday or legal holiday, Gen Ge Emo, Gounry of Washington, Sate person whose signefure Is required, date to vacate Is the n- business of Minnesota, to pay end ko dfy e res agent e the d,,epe­(sJ whose dayd 1159 Pm. lien whidh is chimed to be due from oignafurewoof the required) vd-e M OFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED Susan Arlene Hughes'11 �0]11953J aUhorized me to sign Gis dooum ent FROM OBLIGATION ON Ronal, Dean Hughes (022311960) on H, edr behalf or n bOF MORTGAGE: NONE Diana Shapro (911111961) enc oapaaoes l Wither certify Get l have THE TIME ALLOWED BYMark S Shapro 10h0311�8J es oompleted all required fields, and LAW FOR REDEMPTION By he owners) andlor tenant(s)andl that the info -on In Gis dooument THE MORTGAGOR THE or omupanq() hereof to: Realty andln compliance MORTGAGORS PERSONAL teems-Anzone in tlhA sum of Two wi ueGae nc appl cable chapter of REPRESENTATIVES ORASS IGNS, housancsix hundredfifrymur0ollers Minnesota Statutes. I understand MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE and 71 MOO SE5471)mm puted to Get by signing Gis doamentl em W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS the day of sal, sale, exdusive of the that by [o Gepena docUpent I am ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA expenses of said sale enc of the kubset forth In �SSecton 60948 riff l had STATUTES SECTION 582032, advertising thereof togetlher witlh G e signed thi s dooum ent under oatlh. DETERMINING AMONG OTHER n mssary expenses of advelb- Date: 091192016 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED and oonductinc sal, sale, and that /'/Kerte Marie Kritz PREMISES ARE IMPROVED the grounds ofsaid lien are fOrcareof -Review: Sept 28, Od 5, 2016) DIT A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING to ant personal property A ainln, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, on omanon Mobile Home Park ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN premises following abandonment by AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, tDated6)andember­l4azp,J. AMENDMENTTO ANDAREABANDONED. ASSUMED NAME Dated: September21, 2016 (Review: Sept 21, 28, Oa 5, 2016) STATE OF MINNESOTA U.S. Bank National Association, Minnesota Skoutas Chapter 333: Assignee of Mortgagee 1. List Ge exact assume, name OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL RAMSEY COUNTY under whidh the busine-b or will be ASSOCIATION PROCUREMENT Inkamate Tattoos By Jonathan R CUskey, M -el VROOM 210 2 Prinoipel Place of Bueness: Sdhl Anel CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE 2211 llth Ave E, North S Paul, MN Attorneys tor: 55109 U.S. Bank National Assoaabon, 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, 3. LdthenameandoompIkOed,eO Assignee of M olgagee SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA address of all persons cenducting 55 Ease Fifth Street Suite 800 55102-1674 bu Un under the above Assumed St Paul, M-101 /10 Name: Inkamate Tattoos LLG 2211 651209]549 651-266-60]2 11th ave E, North S Peul, MN 6512281]53'GxJ RemseyCounryreleeseskolioiGoon 55109 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION opportunities on tova Dem andSGr 4 This mrtificate Is an amendment FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. G offiaal web sie as an altemaove of Th,i ,eft oU Askumed Name File 1]�&16006191 meWod oU public notice pursuant to Number: 894]600030 'Review: Sept 28, Od S, 1'2, 19, 26 Section 331 A03 oU the Minnesota Originellyfilec on3222016 Nov 2, 2016) St-tes Individuals may goo to the Undersi'ned,m6' ath.I We Onvia Demandstar ked,on of lithe his dowdent s he We RaA to aoms I-eg-snn person whose signature b required, JV01 e s gistraoo f the person(s) whose PUBLIC NOTICE formation. res agent o NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN [het SOLICITATIOM RFP-PU8W1�501 oignature wouldbe required who hes theRI person al property described as K6 au horizAd mato sign Gis dooument RIO OPENING DATE! OCRober20, 2016 on hbihei behalf, or n both 19]0 Kenw Manda-ed Home, PROJECT DESCRIPTION: oapaa s further certify Get l have lo391 RAMSEY GOT NTY SEEKS oompleted all required fields, and en ly located at 4S Cimarron, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING Get the lmm�naoonln Gisdooument Lake Elmo M N 55042 SERVICES FOR BRIDGE IdP anc m,,ect end In coin phi once together wild all mb,euaneous FEHABILTATION DESIGN FOR witlhue e applicable chapter of personal propertylocatec Gerein WESTBOUND WARNER ROAD Minnesota SGWtes. I understand wll be kola e pubfo audon by BRIDGE 7 31 IN THE DTV h by 9 9 Wis dowment aam tlhe Aad ngton County Sherff on OF SAINT PAUL SERVICES bl h h IXenaFSl of eA M1ed We NneteenW day of oIXober AIL INCLUDE PREPAFTION OF nem Gis dooument underoaG. 2016 at 1000 901 Lake Elmo BRIDGEPLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, sig Ave. N. located In the ary of Lake AND COST ESTIMATES Date: 829116 Elmo, County of Washington, State (Review: Sept 21, 28, 2016) Ili Fungg.ng of Ann, h,- to pay and e due 'Review: Sept8, Od 5, 2016 M1idt Is oleimec to be due Pt ) from Marvin Floyc Haberman RAMSEY COUNTY '0 lG14i]) as the owners) andlor nanp � andlor omupanps) thereof PROCUREMENT NOTICE to: Reaty SystedsAnzona, In the ROOM 210 Notice is hereby given that the m of Onethousanc seven hundred CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE property will be kolc on October 19 e�(gqhry t o Dollars and 541100 2016 The prepely will be offered ,$1]8254) mm puted to the day of 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, on et www SIl be offe-e e.-,ve of the expenses SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA-toraaet,ee es and of said wale and of the advertising 55102-1674 informed Uaboumt mine sale thereof together h h slaty 651 -265-8072 Dene be munc ne h b e expenses oU d g d Ramsey County S I S ,,ms Th d g d A Mti conduct nc sad s d h h Department 'RDSSD) rine S g rl II t Pubfa Sale by grounds of sad l re for Dare oU the following solioiEbon on 011 od,p1ti ddng the personal enetspersonalpropertyremering Dem endSGr is off l b as P P y h retofo,e sore, wG the n Gm anon Motile Home Perk a Pnot d db pre dl DI ­ng abandonment by pursuetato Sedo 331A603 ofthe U # 610, Mary Pay, e, stereo p J dloro cupanq( ). M nne-SGWtes ndvidualsmay con q P, f Wre, boxes of unknown D d:Settle ped bei 164, 2016 goto Ge Onvie Demandstar 'ed on ent ;R Sept 21 Od 5, 2016) of We Ramkov GounN Deboaae fo U #.6, Brittany Deroo, tum die registration Imm�neoon to boxes tic unknown content become an Onvia user. Unit# ]20, Jacob Srverson, sports PUBLIC NOTICE SOLICITATION RFP# equip, wheel mbar furniture, boxes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CHSPS0000013396 # tic unknown content the personal property described as OPENING DATE: to 2016 Unit # ]21, Loretta Nyamweya, follows: DEPARTMENT ISSUING THE eedriofireplace, fumiIre, boxesof 19]0 Kenw Manda-ed Home SOLICITATION: Ramsey Count unknown content Soaal Servims Department Adult Unit # 102, Brent 8enderlMeya 0 nenty located at 99 Cmanon, Mental and Cheml IH IG Division B d ereo eqUp fumiWre, Lake Elmo MN 55042 SOLICIATION TITLE. RFP'. b U known togOher wG ell m koellaneous CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY .R : S p[ 28, 0 [2016) personal property locate, Werein INFORMATION AND REFERRAL ill be koIt et public auction by SERVICES the Washington Gounry Sheriff on SOLICITATION DESCRIPTION: IN PROCEEDINGS the Nineteenth day of October, Ramsey Gounry, through its SUBSEQUENTTO INITIAL 2016 at 1000 at 901 Lake Elmo Soaal Services Department seeks REGISTRATION OF LAND Ave. N., located In the ary of Lake to, theeRadseey Cto ount k Aacute STATE OF MINNEce SOTA Elmo County o[ Washl Band k ole detoxification Dallt lo-edY at 402 COUNTY OFWASHINGTON U Minnesota c pay d e ry University E. S P Paul MN 55101. n whton Is oleimec to be due The Contractor will function es pert CASE TYPE (10)TORRENS from Clinton Matthew Kufenber' of larger teem to provide dae pal DISTRICT COURT 0611411 1) Tainan R S[riddan, health , a TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 9124113) end Jaown s ane information Band referrals FILE NO. 82 -CV -16-2362 111911 �5J es he er(J dl These ns. n"' andlor omupangs) re eedary ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE the -ed to: Realty Systems -Arizona, In ordersto meet tie immediate In the Matterofthe Pe000n of in the sum of One thousanc seven dhemlcal health oereneeds of clients Federal Home Loan Mortgage hundrec dyfi, Dollars and331100 as referenced I MlnnekoG RUle32 Corporation $1]ES 33) and puted to the day of palg%Go..10 to �30.f5". In rel.bn to Certificate of Title kah exdusive of the expenses Ramsey County Soaal Servims Ne 5837/ issued for land In the of said wale and of the advertising Division staves to Galitate recovery Gounry of Washington and Sate Of Hereof [ogeWer wits l ng a, through the development of MlnnekoG and legally described as expenses of advertising and individualized servims Get promote fellows: mndudinc said sale; and hat the integration into natural "t" untes. Unit No 6135J, Common Interest grounds of said lien are for care of We are lookinc for a Cont-ado,wh o Community No l/3, a Condo minium, es personal propelyomm aining will parte with the Detox program Lakeldge Townhom es, Washington on aCim anon Mobile Home Perk Bade-dIp to Galitate o ec Count,Minnesota premises following abandonment by development of a recovery 0, ernted, TO: MELISSA D. MILLER, MRS. nangDandloroo pang(). P hl,lIn, wPillnd,,,dGIDA g- fo end- STEVEN H. MILLER, STEVEN t0ated: September 14, 2016 who are able to d II H. MILLER AND LAKERIDGE ;Review: Sept 2l, Le, Od S, 2016) Pro`^ e a Wra Y TOW NHOM EASSOGIATION, INC speoifio servims Upon receiving anc filing the Report RCCHS e urages new vendors ofWe E,aminA, OLLU stn the above and [lose with expertise In servinc entitled m tter, IT IS ORDERED, PUBLIC NOTICE diverse cem inanities to submit a that you, end all persons interested, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that proposal. appear before this Court on the 24th rsonde- bed peal property deibed as PRE -PROPOSAL MEETING: day of Odober 2016 d 9:00 AM d follows: A nonmandatory Pre Solbtoon the Washington Gounry Government /0 Moville ManuGdured Home, Response Conference will be halt Center, 14949 Qnd Street North, 24480309W0310 at U l Ila Central time on S011water MN 55002 and Gencor enty orated at 385 Cimarron, October06, 2016 d 402 University soon the as said matter can be Lake Elm o MN 55042 q East, St Paul, MN. 55130, heard show ca use, is any there be, ogeWer wI h all mlkoelleneous Lower Gonferenoe Room. The why i}hb Court should not enter an Persona propeayty "tecGere" puoo of We mnferenm Is to Orderasfollows: be olc e public auction by dib,- the work to be performer That the Registrar of Titles of the Washington County Sheriff on and allow Contractors t ask Washington Gounry, upon the filing the Nineteenth day of October questions Hing GekolioiGoon. of e ertified Dopy oU this Order, 2116 1, OFl Lake Elmo GUestonsme answe will be o ml Certificate"Tte Ne 5837/ A, NC located In the ary of Lake Hansaibec anc postedrson 011 an entr a new OC! Hficoe of Title Elmo county of Weshingon, State Demandstar natter We meetnc for lanathe-en dekoribed In Gwr of MlnnesoG, o pay and seosty e n the conn of an Addendum. of Federal Home Loen Mortgage n whidh b oleimec to be due hod Individuals with e di lability needinc Goryoraoon, Dee Dod all memorials Ashley Ann Johnston ;0412311492) earom modat on should contad the n appearinc on the present es the ownel(s) andlor tenants) Ramsey County Contact dentfec Cer[foate of the, the lad wM1 dh ndror oaupangs)thereof to'. Realty above priorto We date setforihe Pre Is Document No l and SydAmsnnzona In We sum of One SoliaGeon Response Gonferenoe Dee alko Dom We memo -al i4df Gis Gousand eight hundred one Douars koWete reekoneble eccrommodeoon Order, exmPt We Registrar oUTees and 521100 ($180152) mm tae'd �_o"Y Y __.. _ _�_ endi,ro pan s Date¢ septemben4, 2- ;Review. sept 21, 28, Od E Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016 Page 13 Minutes ST PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,2016 The Ramsey GounryBoard dCoddlssionersdetl n r,g,Iarses ,d902 am. withth mllowinc m embers present Garter, Huffman, McDonough, M,Gh" Ortega, Rehman, an, Chair Reinhardt Also present were Julie Kleinsdhmko Gounry Manager end Jeff Stephenson, Givil Division Director Ramsey CounryADOmey 6 Office AGE' DAof Septem bar 13, 2016 was presented for approval. M otion by MO GL semndec by MCOonough. Unanimously approved. M INUTES d September 6 2016 were presented for approval. Motion by Garter semnded by McGuire Unanimously approved. AOM N STRAT VE TEM S FINANGIALASSISTANCE SERVICES- Flanaal Assistance Services Staffing Motion by M,GLire semnded by McDonough. Unanimously approved (2016238) HUMAN RESOURCES - Renewal for Employ-RADree Dental and Employee Life 3 Disability Insurance Pla-tt-201 ]. Motion by McGuire, seconded by McDonough. Unanimously approved (2016239) HUMAN RESOURCES - Renewal d Active Employee anc Early Retiree Medical Insurance Contract witlh HealthPartnerstt-2017. MotionbyM,GL --d-by- .... gh Unanimouslyapp-tt-;82016240) HUMAN RESOURCES - Renewal d Regular Retiree Insurance Contracts for Plan Veer 2017 Motion by M.,,,A semndec by M cOonough. Una-tt-lyapp-tt- ;82016241) PROPERTY RECORDS 3 REVENUE - RBPUrdhase d a Tax-fOrfeited Property Looete, at 0 Medhanlc Avenues Motion by McGuire semnded by McDonough. Unanimously approved (B201 &242) PROPERTY RECORDS 3 REVENUE-RMMHJ, ase d a Tax Rldted Property Located d 141 Page St East M coon by McGuire, se conded by McDonough. Unanid Iyapproved.(2016243) BOARD OF COMM ISSIONERS-App,UU, Ut,the Ramsey Gounry Conedio Advi yBoard MU -by M.,,,A sewn de, by M COonough. Una-tt-lyapp-tt- ;82016244) HUMAN RESOURCES - Salary S,,lhe anc Grade for a New Job Classifica0on: Enterprise Asset Management System Manager. Motion by Huffman, semnded by Carter. Ayes -6 Nays -1 ;Rehman). ;82016245) LEGISLATIVE UPDATE-Disv b, can be mune on ardhlved video BOARD CHAIR UPDATE -Disv b, can be mune on archived video OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMM ITTEE REPORTS - Discussion can be found on archived video. ADJOURNMENT -Chair Reinhardt dedared Ge meeting adloumed 4930 am. Janet CITY OF LAKE ELMO and by kd,kU, ampy of this Order COUNTY OF WASHINGTON bythis chapter. e 14 days prior to Ge h ­ U, 6J Fees esieb(rshed by First Class mail to suds party d STATE OF MINNESOTA �1) Fees shall be as providedby City hislher las[ known address end by ORDINANCE NO. 08-147 Gounal ordinance, as am endedhod sendin, another copy d this Order at AN ORDINANCE AMENDING odetotme u,dhallbeettadhedas 14 days prior to the hearinc by THE LAKE ELMO CITY CODE A pendix A d the cedes First[ Class m ai llOhlslher address es 2J (eJ The 8uildmc Official shell stated on the Certificate of Title, ifan OF ORDINANCES RELATED u2)"( the BhallUId oU All c address lsso stated. TO BUILDING AND FIRE nuelly ;d) upon a dissolved, withdrawn or CODE REGULATIONS providection by m the es MlnnesoG ewkec business enorygovemed by SECTION 1. The Qry Gounal oUGe Department of AdministraHen Labor Minn. Stat, Chp 302A, 303, 317A city d Lake Elmo hereby emends end ndustry 322, 328 or 323 In themanner Sell- 115001 tithe Gry Gode by e,.�o"Fs.dm6s�i✓ B 2d 17_c provide, by Mnn. St. .525. 'Note: dell,ng the ex sting language and Godes enc Stand d U o m date on the Order to Show replaanc IF with lthemllowing: mdpute building valuations for the Gause mus[ be d leas[ 30 days after §115.001 STATEBUILDINGCODE PUryoses d establbIn, the penult the date d maihn, by the Secretary ADOPTION BY REFERENCE. fees tithe ary of State). The MUnloa State Building Gode, ;b) Sell c fees are - DID from Dated: 824116 s adopted by We Gommb-ner tmetome by rl,I,ton d the a 8y:/s/ Susan R. Mi las of Labor end nd,d pursuant to Counalt JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT MUnl,t SGWtes Chapter 3268, ;GJ Double /all If any construction Entry,Hhb Order to Show Cause is UdIhn, all d the e endmend b undertaken In the abs ,e d a ended rules and regulations established, penult required by this mde to be By Ill EDWARD W. SIMONET, III adopted and published from time to I sued as a prerequisite to buildinc EXAMINER OF TITLES mebythe Mune-a-mb-ner m n, the penult fee shall be I-eyfor Petitioner: oIU Labor enc Industry, through Its double the Siete, amount Reb-a F Sdhiller Building Godes anc Standards Unit 'D) Building --lees All Attomey at Laws hereby adopted by referenm building o rsct res prepared for The Academy Professional Building with the exmption oU he optional demolition within the ary require a ' N hDaleSPeO hp pedlc ll y adopted d t. P S.PUI, MN 55102h S .The MnnekoG State }-ontme T phone (f51) 2099] B Id gGd h eby nmryo-ded Attomey Reg Ne 231611, In Gs Sedon as t fully set out a�rvaY�a ia:g- � (15 0361-PS03) herein and shall be known as the ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED "Lake El mo Buil dingC de".c ONLY 8V THOSE WHO WISH TO SECTION 1. Thee yG Unal ofthe °s--laoas.E,waeudee Os' ECT TO THE ENTRY OF THE Gly f Lake EI hereby amends kemHdetetme A80VE-DESCRIBED ORDER. S 115002 ofthe Gry Gode by SECTION5.The Gary Gounal ofthe Be,- Sept 28, Oct S, 2016) dekOng the e."' language and OF, of Lake Elmo hereby emends replaanc It with thefoll-Ug: Sedion 15101], paragraph (G) of § 151.002 APPLICATION, the Qry Code by dekOn, the stU,d PUBLIC NOTICE ADMINISTRATION, AND language end adding the under) nec The CIAGounal of the Gary of Lake ENFORCEMENT. language es U011ows: Elmohasadoptec Ordinanm No O& The application, addlnistoon, § 151.01] EXCAVATION AND 153, whidh emends Section 153.09. enc ell-ment of the Building GRADING PERMITS. Exmpoons to Platting, of Chapter Code shall be In a.,danoe with 'G) Submissrvn regrnremenic 153: Subdivision Ig -d- by MUnekoG Sate BUlldin, Code The All grading anc exca n penult bd _ n of property for Bldg G d shell be enmrmd appy shall b p e, MIA p p s an exmpton to h h blHoral cots by h U II U g -on P., The ordnan,e amendment Pe -bed by M,nnekoG SGWtes 1) The legal desapton of the suds a sU bdivision of property Sell on 3268.121, subdivision 2(rl). property, to obe approve, adm U,dD.-ly by The node enfo-ment agency of 2) The required fee es set forth n the ClryAdm HKI-dor. the Qry Is calla, the "Lake Elmo the aNsfe hamate By6hepter-]9 The full text of Ordinance No 08 Building Department" The Building ef-t ALOPIdHo-EDUADg-Sede, as 153 Is vailable for Inspedion d Code shall be enfold by the Gary may be emende, Dom time to time, Lake E m o GaryHell during regular Building Official, as the Building 3) Eden m of owne-dIp or an businesshours Offiaal l s designated by the OF, to He 'ed property BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by administer the mde In mordan,A 114 reExistin, and propose, final the Gly Gounal of the OF, of Lake with MUnloa SGWtes 3268.133, grades IBUc 2 foot contour Elmothatthe Gi'AdmlIdAtor keep subdivision 1. tervals; U a copy of the ordinance at OF, Hell SECTION 3. The OF,Gounal of the r;5) A survey showing the location for public Inspection and that a full Gary of Lake Elmo hereby amends end elevaoon of all roads Utilities copy of the old anbe plamd In a �SSe,RIOn 11J 003 of the Gary Gode by and structures whidh may be MIA, looaoon within the Gary deleting the existing language and Impeded by the proposal, Dated: September62016 rpla.ng F wiW We follow"': :6) A Pee survey showin, all trees Mayor I. Person §151 .09 PERMITS, INSPECTIONS, havU, a caliper of 6 Indies or ATTEST AND FEES. greater and a Pee preservation plan thhe Johnsen, Clty Clerk (A) The Isenmof penults ,3 A land -PH, and site (Review: Sept 28, 2016) oonductinc of -ped- pections and re res on plan the mlledion of fees shall be as ;8J Atr development -pt plan authorized In Minnesota Rules Indra, howthe .nto,,e, STATE OF MINNESOTA Chapter 1.100. Permit fees shall parcel may be developer In a COUNTY OF WASHINGTON be assessed for work goveme, by manner mnestent with this chapter this SAdlon In earomenm with the end the Gom prehensive Plan DISTRICT COURT oirys fee sehedule In addition, a ;9) A drainage plan whidh Ududes TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT surdharge fee shall be oolleote, on any engineering work for stormwater Court File Number: 82 -FA -153]91 all penults l sued for work governed rete0on wI dh may beneoessary C Type: Domestic Abuse by this Section In a -)-dance with "to An el_bn control plan N.ui Issuance0f Emergenry MUnekoG SetUl 3268.148, Indicaon, the type and Iocdon of E - d.) protection s by bdeasure A-, ivision 1. -, A m s to be ud, Publication (B) No penult as requlrec by the "11) Atraffio an alysAd showing how (Minn.Stat.§518BG1,Subd.8) Building Code shall be Issued, Until the materials will be removed horn or In the Matter of the feesprescribed have been paid, delivered to the site; Preaous Kaneda Parson nor shal l an amends ent to a penult '12) Two copies of all available koil Pe000ner be approved Until the additional borings together with bo -H, Iotation I if any due to an --In maps and any other koil llo-)-ion Geaory James Gook Jr the estimated Dost of the building or peftneltolmpAvemend Respondent strudure have been paid 13) The other lnfO-on as may TO Respondent named above: (C) Plan review fees shall be ES be requlrec by the ary YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that percent of the building perm It fee '14) Shcedule of buildinc an Ex Parte Order for Protection hes In-goonfoes for work started inn radion ph -H, on pennitsite; been Issued In theabovematter You wiM-apennitshall beequaltothe :15J HoursofopeAbone c may request a heatnc lfyt mnGti Pe-Ifee (167 Dunt on of adlvlky n the court add lnistra , office within to Plan revi w foes for similar SECTION 6.1 e Gary Gounal of the 12 days of the date of publication of plans shall be 25 percent of the Gary of Lake Elmo hereby emends this not' You may obtain a copy n onnal buildingperd ltfee Sedion 151020 ofthe Giry Gode by of the Ex Pale Order for Pkdedi on (E) The plan .-Ing fee shall be deleting the stiteken language an and the form torequest a heart n, paidby Weappl-Itotheaty add -the UnderT nec language as hod the foul administrator's office (F) Penults shall be required for follows a tthef011owincaddress: WDsa Ubtton moving d swithin, o r § 151.020 EXTERIOR FINISH. rthuse Count, Couo14949 Q through the airy strudure moving M.sesldeM T§seaSal.,'haaa Street North Sllwater MN 55082 pennt fees shall be as estabtshed misPea Fel-to request a hearng or to by the drys fee kohed,le obtain ampy of We Ex Pale Omer (G) Ane adminlstraton fee The exterior of ell o es of be a defense to p-ecl on ddA hed We drys be fin shed wGn ontlhs Domhorn to, okoon of We Courts orde, . fee schedule shall be paid before We date oU m oU Date 92-16 a pe -t Is tic for all nuts pelm of Ged en[me By /s ML requiring eowUIn a.,dance with Buian ct Ofeaal mend #ernd the Deputy b'ectlOn 151.02of Wis Gode mblll,on date for lame koala Annette Fritz SECTION 4. The OF,Gounal of the o or dem oust eted hemsM1a Court Adminisimtor Gly of Lake Elmo hereby emends SECTION T HeGiry Goundofthe (Review: Sept 28, 2016) Section 151 015 of the OF, Code by OF, of Lake Elmo hereby emends deleting the sticken language and the OF Code by repeahn, Sedion adding the Unmanned language as l 1 , Expiration, In tirety follows: SECT ION B. 1 eGiry Gounal ofthe §151.015 GENERALLY. Giry of Lake Elmo hereby emends (A) PB -1, -d No person, Sedion 151025 ofthe Giry Gode by fine, mDo-on shall e deletng We sHieken language an nlarge, repat add, the undednec language as demonlmpAve, re r mlmws: lish any bUldng o n We dry or case WeeedeIX I, be done wlHOU firs obta"20ne Public Notices eeparate bUIldlnc permit for ea"continued on Page 14 buildinc or -d-as required by 9 Page 14 Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016 Review Public Notices "'SAA d,";� UP ties' ods dU4 In an earl° a� Ids loxton r nen:. me cry nen: wenn 30 dare tiffs, County Gommumty Seruioee sb2,i2y�ecat acs-a.a s„et the mane ceof [M1e str eor Lh,Qty GounkIP,th,,.ec in ire the adod- Workforce Center anc the Minnesota Contlnuetl from Page 13�rt-- -�- - ,�,� as otherw ec n wr nc by dleoreoon to defer the Payment d Notwithsmnding the etandarde and State Gouegee and Unl,rersite on § 151.025 INCOMPATIBLE 6c�"_ ffe Fre LT At ,oro an arse nt for any Ho dleac guidelines establPs by PHA C,tyfor Be fUGenna Gollega STRUCTURES 2) Th d: b all pI1,6 owned by e person for d g ha,dd p, adeferment G IAd A) R f I by ,.,,� k Eta-alaPd - k s to whom would be h d M1 p to f ant may be [ha-d App­1 f h f II ns: 6leA, 8 -Id OIT _ I d C - a to a well make payment f th6b p Man— Std, e Aug G unty Board I__ - - Dh o ,ds- ,.�i� e o aero, areae d PHA years of q or old dl PHA S 435.1 Si. M MInutee ppm fie h h y forte d owner s e person by DATED: Sepaembe,20 2016 M IIy O R k G ty b ldgp a f y re 31 Th F Chet mus[ be of aper,aneU,nd Id bh BY ORDER OFTHE LAKE ELMO Ad p d de, I 61, I gds 1 ec �'-`"" ^ ^�' d In cess to a mod: box bye person whosa Ad I, dh CITY COUNCIL thh 11 6 B M c wth n, o oved or neo the dty, � Quested by PHA PAIRS owner M nn,s N P-1l G arc o, other Mike Person Mayor n xt week, due to f bang tlhe fifth dUn,BaildmE-UPEse e, BuIdnc - d dh nae k f various t y va d d to 'R ew: SID 21 2016) Tuesday d PHA mont THA n Off 1 R d h h ppm b Id I_ I y d f Boerc Meetnc wll b T d y j-.a.�R �..,,n as 'G) H N I1,J4 Ph 1.05 bd 5b September 6th enc II M1 pl P f d hn h h P s LAKE ELMO 1 II B g9 P plot plan_ ltred„hhePml de of �"a"� ""`� mu d h [ f y d f whom twoulc be PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE P P y Re., d end Taxpayer papa [J _"Ply - ,r,t-aha GM1 e1 wth the roll, nQ nrorme on e herdsM1 p to make the payments. Services; Pubrc J4— end CaPtaI PHA a y except that the application _ _�'"",�� _ _ ac DATE'. Monday, Odobe,l0, 2016 c r,,.oA h ,anus Aral, Theowne,musi,equest a delerm anti F d en Reg oriel Re hoed p p prow de ro re, a e - _ m,,Pertv eksm en TIME. ]00 Pm. y s:�f-d� l h 1 n the o of the ee t et r before A h desgn, pp ce _ PLFGE. Lake Elmo day Hell V� �e Th nrornet on must be updeaed h p bl h nc et wM1 dh the M OR urke also provided functonel plan wh dh h Buildne uelly 3600 LaverneN55042North a end when sM1 omenmdenew — to end make d h h A mays B ld Lake Elmo MN 55042 Off and G Ad or seasonal hazardous meter ale ppm I,— prekv bed by phone: 651 ]4]3900 Office P P d g ff swk ro,rv, s h recti ved on the h G y d k M1n 30 days after app p 1130 f Yb s-ro d o o v h dp F 61 43901 tidy d -ended h h d g PURPOSE'. Th Lake Elmo - nA1 1 th,amour maeral, N h a he dandam, anc a n County c m O f Ipl f _ kto ec n PI gG nwll be holdng knun the ghbo,hooc and d h h g d 1 bl hed bythe Cayfor p bl h g to .-de, the B ere Jbudgeop d 201] d l d h d h d M1 p, a delerm ant p p budget w h h 1 11 gdo d e Pmden l Fyc 2) A d 1 hd, f may onanec fill g O. d p comm y S d h 1 h p o Mnnemta StaWaes F PI PI Unt P bl Health 3 En ronm ant end d P gee Iry P P S ,M,m 1 dh m 1 d s 1 D eloPmeaa Faa1 PI A quake Ebere, In he ghbo h d, h he by MI Homes of MPLSIS[ Paul for h) Fy d - 3) A eteral data knee[ for eadh DATED Sedem be, 20, 2016 Boerc mresPondence w khall _Una 1 d B e, Off -al F IPI and Friel Planned Unt ee m -k,d-� ,.uq ,�.oA h d . The them cal BY ORDER OF THE LAKE ELMO eta ved and placed on flQ h 11 h 10day a h pa � _ ham SECTION 13 The G[y Gounol CITYCOUNCIL D p [Plenetor nw fannlyd 4th Lbrery Of the app, cat on pap- He the Add 36 un sngle tam ly papers end the opinion in writing ""� k of the Qry of Lake Elmo hereby Mike Pe ,son, Mayor esidentialde,llopmenton0allA B, APProvel oltheuse of Profess oriel kgPe` by - aeaeF _-_--- 'e `n"ap'pe amends Sado" 151085 paragraph (Review: septi 2e, 2o1s) "wood, PID No.3362s2.11aoo3o. 1`nahtad Implemenmton a _ 'M) of the Qry Code by dekOnc the M anetng Services to advance the Buldn, Off al e `�"�' `� 2 Final Plat anc Plannec Unit cmAdron o, wlth the Plan �ra „e ,ai; e g sem, language a, follow, and De, llopmeat Final Plane: A,equea Iibraof kteroglc Plan lade In the Com-don as a= requkemeata ,eletterng the,emennc paragraphs CITYOFLAKEELMO by Robert Engstrom Co panes to, useolLa,a dadeIy$56 tithe -�R ,AeI�Be-,,,. nSecton 161085. morn epprovmetely$56T/O for he C II lheeynof Anna 10 d ys a NOTICE OF HEARINGEN F nal Plat end F nal Planned Unt a after the receipt of the application § 151 085 SWIMMING POOLS. Development Plane for J4 ilddower Publi- thbblA 1,hnolog'e .dsU1e1AY11�P- epa,"-re,-'. GENERALLY. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT Publ'c Heelin &Ern%ronmen papers enc op he 6k,1, at Leke Elmo 2 Add oar e C"tv Adm n a ator h ll give nonce`ey--.�,s5"aevt-E°arT 2016 STREET, 20 unt sngle fa ly denoel Lowell Johnson, Publ cHeelth end to dh member of Plant nc "`�' d,a,.sr„ DRAINAGE, AND UTILITY develoPm ant on Outl aO, JJIdflower Environment O,edor reportec on G n enc to the pubic by "'2" - IMPROVEMENTS at Lake Elmo 1st Addton, PID No break ac "ewe from the M n d the ,�,,.a,�:w,,,.t..�,.Go%k oE.,�re.0}i>a,.�,.,s„raame,e: Pollut on Control Agency end the pub f n the offoal paper enc _ . __ _ _ __ Not ce s hereby gven that the 12029213400 6 e;.,g,0-f�,t-ter Mnne-a Department of Health y h , persona the Qene G y G l f Lake Elmo w11 meet 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERM T A egard nc federal dhanges to the Ad eaor deems advikable, of a 1 h G 1 Ch b f he G[ request by Roc enc O S g d -a s�ua f,I;Sn, �r mC)Ievepm,selraaaec dh ennka h b held "Pe Plant-the Hall pp ly n 016 f G d s p f � 'PFG) levels n wellw a h reepect to the PM. T d y 0 b7 PC dd y „drFy,.,ee-�.,�ay - SECTION I4 EiM D e The PublcWorla poli Th h 11 d h ll 6 ffedve d d p bly adopt � RR R Redden I ed ARp IulolthNo 2 1 h p P 1 h h g d h d ly p d o n end h p P d g d f h p p y l ted Remluton No. 2016111, 'at1 h N b p p yaC h 'S Y Keats Avenue N, PDM g the app, oath Abell b by g , "'�"`��""'�' - P bl he off 1 sPape, D g and Ut y p nt 020292123003. Dad ngton Gounry pp to T,A.A�b,-s„ryi.a - ofthe Gty of Lake El develop enc Implement U.S. Bike ed 3 days In advaaoe of w �� - Adopton by the Coundl of the 4 vARIANCE A,equest by PDG SECTION 15. Adopton Date. Th s Route M41. the hearing, provided eppAeerance a_ _ _ _____�� proposec esseksmena may ootur et PA- Jan Tiffany roresign variance et the beer ng shell non utas '� OkhnantUnl9th dayof wasadobpted he heal-Ing T e following de-b- to all Atli rd well ign, 43.]e} ResotuNQ tzS. 201th611th2e of anv deled a theaao _ __ __ _ ey on y° 2°16, ya the area Proposed ro be akseksed. n. I e, as Pan: Dental High Agree ea 61 w 1s Aye, anc, Nays 8d State of MInne-a Depamment of of the hea,ng The hea,ng on `the `�`�""`�"^'�` e ®S[reea mpkt,me- Onsooc Pante, located e 0 Hodson applcaton klhell be halt not less s :Resew Sept 26, 2016) Avenue North mac , mndl cion Boulevard N, Lake Elmo MN, P OM Tran,portaton. �T.re - BruQget amendment In the h 1 k h more then 2 weeks _ from 50th Street North to the north 3302921 44 000.5. n p f h ppm by h 1 de sea CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT e f $1669]6 M y A^�-idea Ll CITY OF LAKE ELMO ® Street mprovements. Kelvin AMENDMENT. A q by D p f T p ;um nnt C) H -g d h dg _ 31- �� NOTICE OF HEARING ON Avenue North mac emndladon R ckp Ch dh f G d 1 fund, f h GB So (e dung h h ea­ng dh b from CSAR 14 to the north out ds U P Amendment ngnal A I]0 h S South) ed 61 ,>�m q}, PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ff sgnel mprove p l 1h PI ringG on ..�1 ct OLD VILLAGE PHASE 1: Condtonal29 t Parma grantedby Cooperatve h I,— ise P hd, the D nc the l though a of an 2005029allow masm,doa me m, the m tundaeout caned b Dated, STREET, DRAINAGE, AND deet I-ebc the street through e o1 pe overflow Perk n5 lot on the agree t and et the beer ng h G �" UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS d nd n the Saonegeae p p y tee at 5625 Kelvin Qe atya under oonktrudon by he pkhad, exam ne h ppm t �°"� Not ce s hereby gven that the 1 Add nsis[ nc of Ma Street A N, Lake Elmo, MN, PDM �� Cry o1 Cottage Gove et the papers end beer h ppm oma Gry Goundl of Lake Elmo w r meet N h', J Avenue Place North 003. In arse on of CSAR 22 (10th Street may alko hear any dezeas of the` n he Gounoil Chambers of the Gly endJesmineAvenue North from 10th OAll personswishing ac be heart on South) endJemeioe Avenue South. iTLeET b,,.as-aSel�basegrm-e6 - Change Order M12 neighborhood enc other individual, Hell at o, approximately after 700 Street (CSAR 10) to Julep A nue the above items should attend the aO 01 ti Contract 9492, M9 to Contract 94 ad who equAd to be heard Within 46 PM. on Tuedey, October lb, L North. meetng Written comments may the M4 to Contract .9], M2 Contract hours of the close of the hearing, o .-der and possbly adopt ® Date, System p b h Gty no I., than 0 s,.dr a U, Me to Gontrad d 1 North h on h 11, p � the propoap --ment age nke k,tem on ole trunk p r SAO P e day September ,tea: Shop Rektor ton Pr y 1 II h 6 f s"p" _ _ __ b g p p yror ane Old Ulland system along Kane Avenue North led to Stephen Board J4 orksh p to dsyss h G fl Latta g Ph 1'. S 0 g d from S[Ilweaer Len Noah K J4 ®I e Imo annual update on the Count e, 1h f hila h h UTy P Adp meat Court North. g h h dyol Transamp,ov dUBoa,c Program Coal - the d g pp d G l 1 h pop d ria ® J4 aaer System p h 8 a, g a g ew f plan1 h r 'r"' e may ,aur e h teethe The E#easoa o1 e l p b eve, bl f w Aled6pleae next 1 the Offda1 h _ roll, Ie bekoribes the arae water system aloe K 1 h Cay Hall :Monday Fl-day 000 mm n Unctor desan ppearaace, �v°`k propose 'gm) ry Proceedngs 01 the J4esM1 ng[on aro be esland-. North from 1 d a Court North ro the a m 4.30 Please call Gt County Board o1 Gommiktonn. t ie end functional plan o1 let , "`m"�'�"�'�"the ® Street lendsape, and northern tuAdskaQ Hell ilyou have any quektion, vaileble for public inspection et the d a the mu ell of +}ten once reetnrape mp,ovementa along V y any tImmoe66pro, too S[ ph D n off 1Ad t w h 9t .nah gab hoc _ Upper 33rd Street from Leke Elmo f 1 the nt on PI g O G y G t G 14949 o f h p p ( the '�"` Avenue to Laverne Avenue Laverne h y do,o N 6,16, ATTEST ka on ng dt ) ce w,r/ "d""��`�'reF`� Avenue from Upper 33,c Street to 2016 p y h en ment J J hn_ Gry Clerk d S N., S llw er M nnesota deM-den generallyu to °iv"`r�� `b"�' CSAR 14, 36th Street from Lake on kudh property to the Gry Clerk R Sept 26, 201 6) Review. Sept 26, 2016) p,opea, In the neighbomood. me Bmo A,renue to La,,ne Avenue , with Inte,eth aa.Qec to the date (m Com-don,hell further make Al State fire de adopted The and the Alley between Laverne of payment No interest shell be SUMMARY OF baamendaton thatthe application Mdonedta bytatheF Commode a, Avenue anc Lake Elmo -nue nom dhaMed if the entre akseksm ent is SUMMARYOF anrdingly g,antec or dent ed a anc our et Upper 33rd Street to 36th Street. paid to the City Clerk 30 days from PROCEEDINGS of Labor nduktry en PROCEEDINGS The finding, determ inaton, end a du­ant ® Sanitary sewer Improvements he adoption of thisakse,smeaa You WASHINGTON COUNTY o M anemta Stdu e Chante WASHINGTON COUNTY endaton klhell be in writ ng, alonc Uppe,33re SH-Dom where may d any time thereafter pay to 299F011 noludnQ all of the t BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Coast on behalf 01 the Planninc endmeats rule, and ,eaulaton oekseo the Union -n Faillong the Qry Clerk the entre amount o1 BOARD G STMMI2016 RS SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 G by Ch Th Clerk bl h d d d dh aer6 Tred:s to Leke Elmo -nue along the ekseksm ant re p d, AUGUST 23 2016 p Gom F n c Ad hall H beaked Laveme -nue nom Uppe, 33m with arorekt aa.Q d D be, P CommP py f h Latta g d n bl h ,n fid b d d the Street to GSAH 14, 36th Street 31 of the yea, M1dh oh F M G 1, G y K= 16 M D 1, G d nd h h M G m f P bl nom Lake Elmo Avenue to Laverne payment , made Saba peym ant D 3', G Bghem Bgh D L J4 k, B ld Off d h II l Avenue, end the Alley between mu be made before November 0 d L D k, D d6 0 G K 1 e copy to the applicant The apprcaton dvison P heebv the by Laveme Avenue anc Lake Elmo 15 (date akse beaked to Board Che, M,on presded ab-H Boa,c Che, M,on presded6 papers, the written opinions, ant reference and ince, rated n [M1 Avenue from Uppe,3 c Street to County Auditon o, nte,ekt will be Commissioner Reports _ Commissioner Reports - he fading, detertninaton, and done, mmol asf sato[ 2001-kouth of 36th Street d,aGedthl-ough De,mbetsl of the Comments-Duasiions Comments- Duasiions mendatons of the Plant- Inefull Ab-ondes$, perm[ You may d any time pno, to succeeding year if you decide not to TheComm-P tsteportec on the Thw,ncHe „inner, reported on the Commmission shall mmediately repo red by the Mnn ora State Fars certification of the assessment to prepay the assessment before the following items ne followinc items. be presented b[ the 61ehe tC e o e the county auditor on November 10, date given above the rate of interest-Commissioner'J4'eik-re ortedthat - Commissioner BiQham -reported Code shall submit anapprcat n t P that she attended a Re d Adnnnktraao, to he Coundle is the Gode Offdel elonQ with env 2016 pay the ent- salesmen that will apply P 2. W pe-cent pe, A oodbury Day,Pfrom Aug-26th cYOing and wregular meetng Further adion tee F`e Cd off a aon schedule. kuoh property to the Qry Glen: yea,. through Augua 26th. She attended Energy Board F-Itay IM h[re,Ped m me aPPli�ton ,hall EL-A d,aptar adopted w�m inteted a,caed t, the date Once assessments a,e certeed t, the counts, Tan,it Improvement regammt an odor udv and be held in abeyance pending order The followinc appendv dhapters of payment No interest shall be the Count, the assessments are Board (CTIB) meeting Iasi week, upcoming Fadliry tours. She and diredion of the Coundl. It that as identified in the Minnesota Slate dhargec if the entire assessment is pMyable in equal annual installments ant reported that the malority of the announced that his year Is the no permit with rasped to the paic to the Gary Glen: 30 day, from e ending over a period of l0 years Undin mm nt to, the Metro C 50th Anniversary o1 the Washington Fre Gode ere hereby adopted end g m County Libreria,. Pen: Grove epplicaton shell be iksued exoepa nm orated' he adodon dthP akseksment You 10,dbeea maPnl meatsancl5 years Orange Line war approved She y upon order end direction o1 the (11 rpA-end. C Fre Hydrant may d any me the,eane,, pay to rorweaernein improvements, thefirst attended both the Gateway Condo, Dbrary is hosing its celebraton on Goundl. Locaton, end Ost b the Gry dark the ria of of the nktellments to be payable on poi by AdvkoA Commitee and S d y, 5 paembe 10th f m 100 SECTIONS The Gry Goundl ofthe (2) Apoendx D' F nApperaWs the e g amount o,bOo,ethefint Monday aJanuary the Geaewey Condor Comm-on P 300 Pm. Sheh kec the Cry of Lake Elmo hereby amends Access Roads w[h Inteekt eccru D mbe, 201], and w11 bear ate,ea at the meet ng on August 16th. She Sh ff OR, to, h h Safe the Qty Code by,epealiac Sedion (3) Append. H' Hazardous 31 of them year in which sudh rate o1 Ltyi percent per annum attended the North Shop open house Sum mer Nig Ms evenagt Newport 151 C265u,peasion o, Rest-an, Meter el, Menepemena Plen'HMMPI Payment i, made. Su payment from the date of adodan of the Iaki Saturday, Augukt20th. She thenkec the Washington Gounry ti UP, en st be made belo,e November e ksmen remluton. To the first _ kyr ter BQhem-re d Boerc for its kuppoa In u,Ing the SECTION 10. The City Coundl y-rateH en[r HMSSM eterialsonsen l5 .date rise certified to starment shall be addec interest Commthatsheatendedthe1IBmeetng Newport pdPe Fahrpa for the of the day of Lake Bmo hereby (41 mabMtHx Fred P,otedon County AudlPoL om _­­ent will be on the entre as ria from the enc that grant epplicatoa, 10, the MinnemtaState Feir perk-endde ends Sed on 151027 paragraph Systems-Nonmmpl ant ton d,argec through December 3l ofthe date of the assessment resolution Grant Evaluation Rankine System-Commissioner'J4'eik-reportec that 'B) of the City Gode by deletng the suaeedincyear. 11 you dedde not to untl Decem be, 31, 2016 To aeon GEARS ommittee ere due is s/he P not able to attenc the Sheriff, on pendx KFre onBeNepu ) ° Office Rem Gerem on language anc ouodwleg the BalmnemE.p and e, peeeay the ao�e mo ace or meee<ae o, au eQ adeadeltmentlowhen due nada"meTenkpeo-on Advimd due ro pno, ga�Immitm ta She gunge e, (61 Apoendx L Emerpenw givens z yea, Board ;TAB) g; d he d het Minnemta Governor u§ 151.02] CONSTRUCTION SITE a that will apply is'.tyi percent per on all unpaid inktellments. Aasodeaion o1 Minnemta Gou ate, reports EROSION CONTROL RC tL Rada hCoeeraQ in the yea,. Th p p d sessment All s :AMC) B d f O,edo,s ,e,ea M k Dayton d the Doodbus B) S g d g F C d Joh h d Once ek -me- ere o Ufied to f1 f p bl nspecton at the g d byh an­ She Cay Hall I k g d, to '1) S­ q All the Gounry the ekseksmen6 ere GyGI k ff .The rota, amount h h N p P k d Po Y d s' poli f 6 ld p h II a ddon F Code d hall M an the payable n equal annual nktellm ants f h p p d eat mprovem Ant Rd l bl to h Planes- I d o p d f d pl plan d T day o1 Lake Elmo Joh he herrn ex endng over a pe-ac of 15 years as d $401 ]00. The total State Fer Park d Ed Shethe G y Condo, She p d he P,QP`ec fnshec gases of the Q,ee m,streermp,ovemems and20 vee„ amonnmeof the proposed w that the Herta e Da that Y) off al T,anst Adam wr be kIte at el b,i len dell lot Yrs mde offdel" n the fo,kaaitar he a I kseksmen reportec g Ys 'FTA) oche G tee y Coad will be g comers an Man ,oa State Fre Code It klhell ysewer improvements t system Improvement e a Festval in S[ Peul Perk e, from the Gateway Condo, ne# ars. All grladhe proposecshaldl be meanthec[VSBuldnc Offdal first ol[befoeathe first Monday I(he $O2700Tme G�ty Qontybution for August 19[h21st S[. Marys of woeek9 She extendd sympathy to pp g on or y n p P f Ba,kwooc Glove annual Qom and thefaml trend f O hlk plan f h bdi hdh h On D - d bl - Janu ,201], anc wll bear le-ea $801000 A b I Denmark Tow- Yenc b Id ,Iota d f h F C d Ofl ITh F at the rate of 2W II b d ec h on reekt n owe, nom Doodbury Sen L g She g G d Off h h h d P P g Aug 20 h. She reported that 'zed a dons d­­­ :2) b I g.&, h II h h from the date o1 d p f h No appeal may bce ken a, to the theSafe S Ngh rummer a oyeksment re,o1u T h f moon of an ales smen unleks N II b A 30 h. that took place at kp 1 mel­ A—- II b h 111 d til ktarment khar be added leekt write obledonesgneda by the Conn"-one,3,g d Go-GounteMl, p anc v th Se e o,n,on n ap,opea, owner approved ekoluton No L Sherk,mmathe Metro R Goundle eakheld n e ria nP 11) E f f h f on the entre esseksmena from the effeded , flet g O16T3 po tan to en-e f on (2) M d h bl h date of the a, es ment ekoluton with the mundpal dark pro,to the reoognz nc Tenn, Santaton bang She zec a request from , p � of fie lane, pubic o an December 31s 2016 �1 ead, akseksmearnearUP o,P_ Ad 0 n and 20168usneks of the Yea, m 1,the muaryro masde, v whdh ,epu s a m on r prvae subsequent installment when due the pesidiac office, at the hearing. anc its 50thYear,d Business. Producing artifidal snow to, cross a av be necessa year y upon su a "Commissioner K,ieseI - re d m sk In at the Lake Elmo shallabe belt until the builder or the ordeP-opr to en e that the travel of shall be addec thterest for one The Coundl may dh "nate porta un[ry II g P-0 perty owner havekL providec fireeu , of be mpeded on all unpaP installments mnside, anyobedion tothe amount that he allendec the Tree Truk[ Park Reserve. She reportec that khe he of y with e oe ificate o1 e naerferectuwrth end that The proposec ekseksmena roll is ole proposed individual --ment award ceremony et the Lake Elmo Pertioipeaed In he JVoodbury Days ,egiste,ec surveyor o, civil engineer N fire hvdan[s and bold rips cess on file to, public iaspedion at the at an adloumed meeting upon such park Reserve, and congratulated eVnt Commissioner Miron - re d stng to the "as built° grade, o1 blodec off. 'J4'hen a fire lane6has Cary ClehK office The total amount further no,I to the affedec property w ea, Dominak Moo, of Oakdale, porta not all building corners and site corners of the p,oposec street improvement own s it deems advisable. nca Ado,ia B,ekkA of Stillwater for that the Recyding and Energy been ordered to be established it may appea an nc Minnesota Governor Da Boa,c P enmu,a both Finance end, the certifioeae show, ell the been o- market by a son beer nQ ria is $4]1,4 W. The total An owner winni _ l 01 ging grade, to be oonsisaena wiahtheploa the words No Parkinc-Fire Lane mol the proposed mita[ e eksmenaao dikfictmurtpursuena award, for ledemM1ip in the Tree end Feoili[y Committee mem bars to ire plan atadhec to the buildinc e If the sons we,a improvement assessmen tos Minnesota Statutes, Sedion Trust program. He reportec that attend a conference In November permit apph-on. ert ateh If the ereded Iso$561,000. The Gay mntrzbufron 429061 by serving noti of the Wayne Sandberg, Public Work, regardinc renewable energy from SECTION 11. The Cary Goundl aedvbv the p (or the overall Impavement R lett appeal upon the Mayo, o, Clerk Deputy Di,edor and himself me we e He thanked the Waklhington of the City of Lake Elmo hereby a stains p v eY u8 $4,519,898 and Washington wI bin 30 days after he adoption with the City of Afton ,egaanc the County Attorneys Office to, its Staff end, the G[yGd by p Inc Sdh nmulct benndared CounlJ/s mnNbufr ( h vera// f h ksmen end fl nc such downtown Anon mpkt,meats APP,edaton ban. He attended Sedon 151040 F D h 30 d n f 6 lm pmvem 1 le $ & I h kdtrd court wain ten Cold one, Mron reported a D d San- M In Hugo, System Rsqu,ed, y oa h F G d Offo h f e D,Gen o, oral obi 11 be d is n vice upon the Mayo, o, that he attendee the Tree Truk[ rg tie, SECTION 12 The Gly Goundl 01 a tans dared et the met ng No dark. award ce,em the Gomm unt h Davic B 1, P bl c the Cit (Lake Elmo he,eb ds bad be established. Thereafter eel a be taken ens o the The Cit CouncilP auln-c nits nay me y Health and Environments Deputy Sedion 161041 ofthe Cit yCodeb o person shall park a vete cls or amp t of yah ass smen unless discretion to defer the f Development Agency strong Di,edo,. de reportec that the y y otherwise Dau vor obstrud the Rre un payment o ga,dinc he development f Houle Famil 100th Anniat th deleting the sHueker language anc lane and wnten objection k,gnec by the an rise ant to, any homekteac purchase agreements wI bin the Ys y addmc the under) nec language a, (31 Keeo nQ on fie with the dN all affeaec property owner i, filed p-operty6 owned by a person for Red Rod: Geksing arae enc the celebraton war on A,g,d 20th. He tollows: end oepulet ,t app- all with the municipal ,lark p,o, to the whom would be a haadnp to North Shop open ng asa SenIt the reported that he i, unable tc attend § 151.611 FIRE PREVENTION rothsese on a,seksment hearinc o, presentec to make payment it the ow er , Augus[20tlh the Sheriff, Office Recognition AND PROTECTION ..n (B F I enact d h P d g office,h a t e years o1 age o, old dl h A000untna&Fns Ceremony e' h basin f d ThG y p dh owner se person by Approval ofthe loll, g General Admnstr "rte"'-G6is' bl I1 h ll d y b h ofa perm anentand d til y Gontad with Gln L All APP 1 h ffllobw n,. 1 1.. n d with f a P,opo,ec nd,d,al a,seksment by P who, a mamba, of the LLP to, audt,e,vice f he Years MAP 16 eInc M CountyGo- edna ° bl h a w A fre cervi et en doumec meet ng uPon sudh M N G h r d g D cem be, 3 /, m f ll b dh ed n eomrdence router not ceaoahe eRected property T y h d d- 0 2818 R pp f dac Leser 'Ptha - own ,[deem, advikable T df c tura G h Brown, Geek tlh the a , fee kc,dae for M dfy P eament w h d O Go- of new oo udo dd and An own- may appeal an 06 Abd n 56 Gerd, POI Cly 82503, ekt en o e tea, swhereeb Id tat o d,trd mu It pursuant 5 h p rkon, anc Giderae, %%M2301, d M n tht119yeer t Ad e, , M Stan- Secton T y d 1 whomIc be Rembursement All 1 P 90 6 e by serving not of the a ha,dklhp to make the payments. Personal Commun on Device, a App f Gh Eng, (F) L G, b Look boxes e �.,"d�"�"� d all new mmme-dal PP p he Mayo, Clerk The tie uki equedadelerment anc Service Contract Pol oy 82000. tie emnomc d elopmena th�egrcemcds h vThev shell meet h 30 dys en h d pion of the e, eksm ent et , behove CommunN Sery ces ,epresentatve porton of the kladn-mb`CJs J Qu t, f h men fRg dh the pubRc6heerinc et wM1 dh the 1 of a Jana Powers aee.are-��mmx-a.ea h mheIa e Qacewith thedlkend mu Lenten ssessmea adodec and make A APPA eetween the wa,hIn Public Notices ��� (1)melopk boxrmmotabe mowroa aa,, e„er,,uponthe Ma,,, apph-Pnaor I,— te-bed by greemeaa goa Continued on Page 15 7 a) a) cz Y a) ON o a) (, '= co N O 0 R cz C (C O N= O 7 0= NL O.0 CO`.o0RL �C .0'p 2° 10 U L o2, =. = Fn '0 nRI ` N 0 E> UROOE Rp a c o R o • po N Ra0 C2, - O R y R a) p ¢ = cif �� �� E O�moo76 =006 EO OeC o C°O O > 3:o In EF0 a Z cz= CU Z- CL oa) = J_0 R C 0 O a a) 3 N o p_ cO 2 o03ER°L_`C �a) ,o_ a)O=— <ma>z,In omO E>TO I'O6n N N ) a)o° �N-75E N -c6m u)ma) `EZm off E o o N'6 Lo o m o OOQ cz ��. �E°UIN>n °In �O O O O p 0ROyNyO� m.. a) .0VR p E O CwO aO Om U a) a) QONaa?N..Q)L> 0 aU a�a �CEL 6¢wUmQQUU3Zi , aQ a:(D aQi¢Ho ° CL a) O C� O 6-- a) = O)= O)- 6 x TT Y'6 ,-"'2 a) O Y R y a) Z .. 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