HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 10-05 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 10 Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016 Public Notices NOTICE OF SALE OFTAX FORFEITED LANDS ON OCTOBER 26, 2016 The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners has prepared an Auction List, dated August 29, 2016, attached as Exhibit "B" and on file with the Chief Clerk, of lands forfeited to the state pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 281, a classified as non -conservation lands pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 282, and has determined the appraisetl value of each parcel. Notice is hereby given that Ramsey County shall sell tothe highest bidder, but for not less than theappraised value as it appears on the Auction List (Exhibit "B"), the parcels of land described on the Auction List, which have forfeited to the State of Minnesota for the non-payment of real estate taxesand which have been classified and appraised as proAded by law. This sale will be governed bythe terms set out below as approvetl bythe resolution of the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, adopted on the 27th day of September, 2016. The sale shall commence at 10:00 a.m. on October 28, 2016, and will be held at the Ramsey County Plato Building, 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN, in the Plato Conference Center. Any parcel for which "no bid" is received at the public auction sale may be sold the next business day beginning at 8:00 a.m. at the Tax Forfeited Lands Office located at 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN, to anyone offering to pay the appraised value and each parcel will be sold on a first -come -first-served basis. An opening bid price cannot be changed unlessthe parcel is re -appraised, republished, and offered at a subsequent auction. Terms and Conditions of Sale REGISTRATION/EARNEST MONEY: Certified Funds, as Earnest Money, which are equal to the Terms listed below, are required in order to bid on any parcel antl shall be required at the time of Registration. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. on October 28, 2016, in the Plato Conference Center, on the 1st floor of the Ramsey County Plato Building, located at 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN. . Earnest Money will be held by Ramsey County staff during the publicauction. . Upon completion of the auction, Earnest Money will be returned to all unsuccessful bidders. . Earnest Money of successful bidders will be applied tothe purchase price. Any successful bidder who does not complete their sale transaction for a property will forfeit their Earnest Money andthe subject property will be offered for sale at the next available auction. EARNEST MONEY TERMS: Separate Earnest Money is required if you are bidding on both types of properties: One check for Vacant Land and a separate check for Improved Property Earnest Money is required as follows: . for vacant land properties, it must be equal to $500.00. . for properties with a building, it must be equal to $5,000.00. . is paid at the time of registration. . must be in the form of certified funds. o Acceptable certified funds are a Certified Check from a bank, Money Order, or Cashier's Check. Cash is not accepted. o The payee line must be made out to both Ramsey County and the bidder (your name) with "or" between the names. Example: Pay to the order of: "Ramsey County OR Jane Doe" ( t— your name here) TERMS OF SALE. Cash will not be accepted at the auction. Full payment can be accepted on any property at the time of sale. If the purchase is not paid in full at the time of sale the following options are available: Unimproved (Vacant Land) 1) Sold for $2,000.00 or less: A one-year contract, with at least a 10% down payment required the day of the sale, with a balance remaining payable in 12 level monthly payments, including interest as prescribed by state statute each calendar year. All additional money due must be paid by personal check or certified funds. 2) Sold for more than $2,000.00: A 10 -year contract, with at least a 10% down payment required the day of the sale, with a balance remaining payable in 120 level monthly payments, including interest as prescribed by state statute each calendar year. All additional money due must be paid by personal check or certified funds. Improved (With Structure) A 10 year contract, with at least a 10% down payment required the day of the sale, with a balance remaining payable in 120 level monthly payments, including interest as prescribed by state statute each calendar year. All additional money due must be paid by personal check or certified funds PROOF OF IDENTIFICATION: Notary Procedure: At the time of sale, each purchaser must provide proof of identification by supplying a photo identification card (Le. Driver License). Power of Attorney Procedure: Any indiAdual buying property from the Tax Forfeited Land section for another individual or group of indiAduals will not be allowed to sign the required documents unless proof of power of attorney is provided. Required Signatures: . Individuals: If the property is purchased in more than one name, all parties must be present at the time of sale to sign all documents. r Corporations: If the property is purchased in the name of a corporation an officer of the corporation must be present to sign. Proof of signatory authority will be required. Failure to follow any of the terms or conditions stated could result in a void of the sale and the parcel re -offered for auction. No exceptions will be made. INTEREST: Interest is charged and becomes due with the monthly payment. The rate of interest, as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, section 279.03, subtl. 1a, is charged at the adjusted prime rate, but will not be less than 10% or more than 14%. PREPAYMENTS: All contracts allow for prepayment of an installment without penalty. Any prepayment is applied first to interest due, if any, and then to prindpal. However, if the additional payment is greater than or equal to one monthly installment, we will treat the payment as a reduction in the principal. Please provide instructions with your payment if you prefer the payment be treated as an early payment which will delay your next payment due date as appropriate. There is no penalty for paying the contract in full earlier than stated. EXTRA FEES AND COSTS: In addition to the purchase price of the property, the following extra fees and costs are due when applicable: At the time of sale the following fees will be atltletl: Assurance fee: 3%of the total sale price. This is a surcharge for the state assurance account. Contract recording fee: $46.00 if abstract or Torrens; $92.00 if it is both. . If the contract has to be recorded on more than one Torrens certificate there is an additional cost of $20.00 per certificate after the initial recording. At the time of final payment the following fees will be atltletl: State deed fee: $25.00. State deed recording fee: $46.00 if abstract or Torrens; $92.00 if it is both. . If the state tleetl has to be recorded on more than one Torrens certificate there is an additional cost of $20.00 per certificate after the initial recording. State deed tax: 1 )A $1.70 for the purchase of properties up to $500. 2) For properties over $500: $.0034 of the total sales price. Agricultural conservation stamp: $5.00. PROHIBITED PURCHASERS OR BIDDERS: None of the following individuals (either personally or as an agent or attorney for any other person) may bid on and purchase a parcel oftax-forfeited land unlessthe parcel was owned bythe individual before forfeiture: countyauditor, county treasurer, county attorney, court administrator of the district court, assessor or supervisor of assessments, Ian tl commissioner or assistant land commissioner for tax -forfeited lands, or any deputies or employees of any of the above indiAduals. A person prohibited from purchasing property under this section must not directly or indirectly have another person purchase it on their behalf for their own benefit or gain. Prohibited purchasers or bidders also include any person or entity, or entity controlled by such person, that (1) is an owner or taxpayer of real property situated in Ramsey County that has delinquent property taxes, or (2) currently has a contract for purchase of tax -forfeited lands in default for any one of the following reasons or combination of reasons: . Failure to pay a payment including interest when due; . Failure to pay property taxes before they become delinquent; . Failure to insure a property containing a structure during the term of the contract; . Failure to provide a certificate of code compliance for a substandard structure, as required by the city in which the property is located within the required timeframe; . Failure to provitle a current certificate of occupancy, prior to tenancy, if the property is used as rental property. . Failure to promde proof of proper disposal of all hazardous materials identified in the Hazardous Material Survey and removed due to renovation actiUty. After winning bid, but prior to closing, a search will be performed to determine if the winning bidder isa prohibited purchaser or bidder, and dosing of the sale will not take place until the search verifies the winning bidder is not a prohibited purchaser or bidder. In the event a successful bidder does not complete the closing, or in the event that a winning bid has been awarded to a prohibited bidder or purchaser, the person or entity will forfeit their earnest money, and the sale will be nullified as invalid. The property may be re -offered at a future auction, at the sole discretion of Ramsey County. FURNISHING OF LABOR OR MATERIALS: Buyershall not, during the terms of any contract, cause any material to be delivered or labor to be performed without written notice to Ramsey County and lien waivers obtained. Buyer further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Ramsey County against all claims for labor and materials or services made against the property covered Review by any contract and for the cost of enforcing this indemnification including reasonable attorney's fees . Any lien will constitute a default and shall result in cancellation of the Contract for Purchase of Forfeited Lands contract. .The purchaser will indemnify Ramsey Countyand/or the State of Minnesota for environmental contamination asa result of purchaser's use and occupancy of the property. TAXES: Taxforfeited property that is sold ata public or private sale on or before December 31st of an assessment year shall be placed on the assessment rolls for that year's assessment. [Minnesota Statutes, section 272.02, subtl. 38(d] For example, property sold in 2016 will be assessed as of January 2, 2016and taxes will be payable in 2017. ASSESSMENTS: Assessments at the time of forfeiture and after forfeiture have been listed and may be subject to re -assessment by each respective municipality. Any Pending Assessments not certified tothe State atthe time of sale could be passed on to the new owner(s). TITLE: Once the contract is finalized and recorded in the County Recorder's Office the purchaser will receive the original contract. When the contract is paid in full, and all the terms and conditions set forth in that contract have been satisfied, the purchaser will receive a tleetl from the State of Minnesota through the Department of Property Records and Revenue.The law provides that this conveyance shall have the force and effect of a patent from the state. The forfeiture does create a break in the chain of title, which must be corrected to secure a marketable title. As other flaws may exist in the title, services of an attorney may be necessary to make the title marketable. LIENS: Most mortgages and liens, except Federal and State tax liens, are canceled at forfeiture. It is the responsibility of each potential bidder to thoroughly research this information. INSURANCE: The purchaser shall carry fire and windstorm insurance on any buildings on the property in an amount equal to the Purchase Price or appraised value, whichever is greater, for the duration of the sale contract. All such insurance policies shall be deposited with the Tax Forfeited Lands Section of the Department of Property Recordsand Revenue, within sixty (60) days from the Execution Date, and shall contain a clause providing that losses, if any, be made payable to Ramsey County, as additional insured, and to the Purchaser, as their respective interests may appear. DEFAULT. Contracts may be canceled if the purchaser defaults for any one of the following reasons or combination of reasons: . Failure to pay payment including interest when due; . Failure topay property taxes before they become delinquent; . Failure to insure a property containing a structure during the term of the contract; . Failure to provide a certificate of code compliance for a substandard structure, as required by the city in which the property is located, within the required timeframe; . Failure to provide a current certificate of occupancy, prior to tenancy, if the property is used as rental property; or .Failure to provide proof of proper disposal of all hazardous materials identified in the Hazardous Material Survey an removed due to renovation activity. PRIOR OWNERS. If the prior owner is the successful bidder of the property, that person may not purchase that same parcel of property at the sale for a purchase price less than a) the sum of all taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs due at the time of forfeiture, as computed under Minnesota Statutes, section 282.251, plus b) any special assessments for improvements certified as of the date of sale. [Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subc. 7] LIABILITYIRESPONSIBILITY AFTER SALE: The Seller, its employees or agents, has no further responsibility or liability with respect to the condition or management of the property after it has been sold. OTHER CONDITIONS: . Sales are subject to existing leases, to building restrictions appearing of record at the time of forfeiture and to easements in effect at the time of forfeiture. . The county makes no warranty that the land is buildable and may not conform to local building and zoning ordinances. It is your responsibility to contact the city where the land is located for details of building codes or zoning laws. . All property is sold "As Is." . Ramsey County is not responsible for locating or determining property lines or boundaries. . All sales are final and no refunds or exchanges are permitted. . The minimum bid price or sale price does not represent a basis for future taxes. . No structure, standing timber products, minerals, sand, gravel, peat, subsoil or topsoil shall be removed from mid land, and no structure, whether moved onto the property or constructed as new on the property, shall be atltletl to the land until the full amount of the purchase price has been paid by the Purchaser. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR IMPROVED PROPERTY: This auction does not offer any improved properties for sale. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COMPLIANCE: A Hazardous Materials Survey was performed on each property containing a structure to: 1) identify friable and non -friable asbestos -containing materials (ACM); 2) identify regulated ACM (friable or non -friable) that could become friable during renovation actiUties and would require abatement prior to initiating renovation activities; 3) inventory potentially hazardous building materials that should be removed and properly disposed of prior to initiating renovation actiUties; and 4) identify lead-based paint (LBP) surfaces that have the potential to be disturbed during renovation activities, and if classified aslead-based paint, would require abatement and/or special management prior to renovation activities. Asa condition of sale where hazardous materials compliance is required, a Purchaser is required to show proof of removal, by scheduling an inspection with the Lead Real Estate Property Management Specialist in the Tax Forfeited Land section, and proof of proper disposal of all hazardous materials listed in the Hazardous Materials Survey report prior to commencing any renovation activity that directly affects that material. Acceptable proofs of disposal are: . Asbestos Containing Material (ACM): Purchaser shall submit a copy of their waste manifest documenting the disposition of asbestos containing materials removed from the site and placed in a MN Pollution Control Agency permitted industrial and/or demolition landfill approved to accept asbestos containing material. . Lead-based Paint Waste: Purchaser shall submit a waste manifest that documents the disposition of all residential lead-based paint waste generated from the site. Residential lead-based paint waste may be safely disposed of at: o A permitted and lined landfill with a leachate collection system that began operation after January 1, 1989, and meets mixed municipal facility standards; o A permitted, demolition landfill (only for woodwork, walls, and debris with lead-based paint still attached); o A permitted, construction and demolition (C&D) landfill that meets the federal criteria of 40 CFR part 257 subpart b (ground—ter monitoring and financial assurance); or o A permitted, hazardous waste facility. Failure of the Purchaser to comply with the above terms will be a default of the sales contract. CODE COMPLIANCEIHOME INSPECTION REPORT. If a structure exists on a tax forfeited parcel offered at auction that does not meet the requirements of a code compliance inspection report or home inspection report issued within the past year, then within twelve (12) months of the date of purchase the purchaser, asa condition of a sale on contract, shall file with the Tax Forfeited Lands section of Ramsey County a certificate of code compliance, as required bythe city in which the parcel is located. Purchaser must show proof of compliance or the purchaser will be in default of the sale contract. An extension of time may be granted bythe County Auditor if the City, in which the structure is located, grants additional time tothe Purchaser in order to complete the project. HOME INSPECTION REPORT REQUIREMENTS: Correction of the defects described in a Home Inspection Report will require, at a minimum, a building, plumbing, electric, HVAC or warm air ventilation permit, as indicated. All comments describing a visible or assumed deficiency within the report must be addressed within the scope of repair. The structure cannot be occupied or sold until all permits have been finalized and closed -out through the city in which the parcel is located. If the structure is intended to be used as rental property, you must provitle this office with a current certificate of occupancy, prior to tenancy, pursuant to the municipal code of the city in which the parcel is located. Failure of the purchaser to comply with the above terms will be a default of the sale contract. VACANT LAND CONDITIONS: The buyer understands and agrees that no representations have been made regarding the real property's soil conditions, including but not limited to load bearing, compaction, contamination of any type, buildability or any other conditions, bythe Seller, Ramsey County, on behalf of the State of Minnesota, or the Seller's employees or agents. A potential buyer must obtain authorization from Ramsey County to perform soil testing, at their own expense, before purchasing a parcel by completing a Hold Harmless Agreement with the Tax For sited Lantls section. Once the Buyer has purchased an interest in the property the sale will not be rescinded if soil problems are discovered after the sale. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you have additional questions regarding the sale or the termsand conditions of the sale, you may contactthe Tax Forfeited Land section at: Phone: (651) 266-2080 Email: TFL@co ramsey mn us In Person: 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN This Notice of Sale, the Resolution authorizing the sale, and the Auction List are on file in the office of the Ramsey County Auditor/Treasurer, Property Records and Revenue and notice is hereby given in accordance with state statutes that a public sale will be held at the Ramsey County Plato Building, 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN, in the Plato Conference Center on October 28, 2016, beginning at 10:00 a.m. All parcels of land have been viewed and none of the parcels physically pertain to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 85.012, 92.461, 282.01, subtl. 8, or 282.018. The County Manager has the authority to remove any parcel prior to auction where insufficient time exists for board approval of the removal from the auction and to bring it back to the County Board for ratification of the removal. Public Notices Continued on Page 11 R O Lo U O MI I W W O a) 0) a5 0- E E 2 c O U O Z 2 a cn cn J Z O U a f0 Z o JN LLJ N N F Cn :3 CC 0 OLLa LU Fw �a Z O U W cn cca E Z a o�- Z a — a o n & 3 c 0 o - r m m m r E a g - E G o3 roo_V&' 3 a - E 3 m a 5 3 r E r a A E - r g$ w 3 w o 3 0 m 0 o a LL o" 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 c 0 Z c 0 0 0 o O - m � 0 3 W 0 m 3 o G 3 � - � V 0 E _- 3— sv cn cn J Z O U a f0 Z o JN LLJ N N F Cn :3 CC 0 OLLa LU Fw �a Z O U W cn cca a 0 r U � a Q > E Z a o�- Z a a 3 c 0 o - r m m m r E a g - E G o3 roo_V&' 3 a E 3 a 5 3 r E r a A E - r g$ w 3 w o 3 0 m o a LL o" E & LL° c 0 Z c 0 0 0 o O - m � 0 3 W 0 m 3 3 � � V 0 E _- sv a 0 r U � a Q > Z Z a Z a a - r m m m - o3 roo_V&' 3 a a 5 3 r E r a A E - r g$ w 3 w o 3 0 m o a LL o" E & LL° 0 Z 3 - 0 o O - m � 0 3 W 0 m 3 3 � AT Page 12 Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016 Review Public Notices COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Mane DETERMINING AMONG OTHER NOTICE OF MORTGAGE MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION Continued from Page 11 MinLOCAL ED. -hag- Gounry, sI,po gageb den x [deny THINGS PREMISES THAT TARE THE MORTGAGED FORECLOSURE SALE THAT no acton or pmceedmg hes THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF NOTICE OF MORTGAGE T ONACTION AGENT None t-11 paid byn the mortgagee, WITH A PES IDENTIAL DW ELLIN C THE DEBT AND IOENNTV OFTHE beeninrointed atlaw to recover the FORECLOSURE SALE NAME OF MORTGAGE on the premises end tlhe coros end OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE deb[nen remng keouredby,uch THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ORIGINATOR: East Metro Mortgage, disburser ants allowed bylaw The ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT mortgage, or any pert thereof or, it THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE e MinnemG company toe allowed by l an for medempton AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. the action or prooeeding hes been ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells by said mortgagor(,), the, personal ANDAREABANDONE. NOTICED HEREBY GIVEN, net inrointed, net the same hes been TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT -go- k,NA represenGtves oreksigns is six (6) Dated: Augus[29, 2016 detaul[ha,o-I-edathe.nditon, dikcont nued, or net an exeouton TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION m onths Dom the date of sale. DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL ofnetollowing dekoribedmortgege: upon the luggtent rendered therein AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION NUMBER: 05.02920.110015 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE TRUST COMPANY, asTrustee Mort : Howard G. Here end Hes been reumed-Odfied, in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That TRANSACTION AGENT'S PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage for INDVMAG IM SC MORTGAGE Shannpo C. Hare, husbandandnifA nholeom U,1 detalo-o«urredatheoonditon, MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION reinstated or the property LOANTRUST200T-HOA1, Mortgagee'. GU Mortgage Services, PURSUANT, to the power of sale ofthefollowing dekaibed mortgage: NUMBER: None redeemed, o unless the toe for MORTGAGE RAS, -THROUGH contained in said mortgage, the MORTGAGORS) Thomas M. THAT no action or proceeding hes redempton is reduced by had el CERTIFICATES Series 200T-HOA1, Dated: 01222007 above described property will be Bumhald, a single person been nrointed et law to remver the order Youmu,ty Oethepmd,, , Assignee of Mortgagee Recorded: GB062007 sold b, the Sheriff of said count, es OMOFTGAGEE: Well, Fargo Bank, debtthen me-HUg-I-ed bykuoh by 1159 P m. on Apri1252017. OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Ramsey Gounry Recorder tollows: ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. mortgage, or pmoceert Hereof or ff THE TIME ALLOWED BY By to ASSOCIATION , Docu m ent No. 400]692 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Ass Ndto: Nona the action or din hes been LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY B JonetlhenRGuske, MioheelV Transaction Agent NIA November1, 2016at10A0AM ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT n rated, net the same hes been THE MORTGAGOR THE S.leisman Transaction Agent M oagage ID No PLACE OF SALE: Washington OF MORTGAGE $132,80000 dkcontnued, or net an exeaton MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL Abomeystor: NIA Gounry Sheriffs Code Washington DATE OF MORTGAGE Aril 16 upontlheludgmentrendered therein REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL Lender or Broker. G.U. Mortgage Gounry Lew Entorcoment Center P hes been re umed un dfied, in MAV BE DEDUCED TO FIVE TRUST COMINY as Trustee for Services, Inc. 15015 62nd Street North, Stillwater 2015 whole orin pert WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS INDVMAG IMSCMOR(TGAGELOAN Servicer: GU. Mortgage Services, Kate - DATE AND PLACE OF FILING PURSUANT, to the power of sale ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA TRUST 2001HOAl MORTGAGE Ino to pay the debt then secured by Recorded on April 28, 2015 and coni nAd in said mortgage, the STATUTES, SECTION 582032 PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES said mortgage end I- ff any Ncld5lizedupon CeUHdDeofTite above dekaibed property will be DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Series 2001HOAl Assignee f Mortgage Originator: G. U. Mortgage ctuell, paid by the mortgagee, 71. a, Document Number ° Service,, 1233733 in the Off e of the Countcold byre Sheriff of said oounry es THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Mortgagee LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF on the premises end the Dosis and Reg e iromr of Titles of Werohin y follows: PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 55 East MNStreet Suite 800 PROPERTY. LOG 4 end 5, Blod:1 disbursements allowed by law The g gton DATE AND TIME OF SALE: WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING S[PeuI,MN55101-1]18 Sheldon Dove Additon tone Cay 1 tme allowed by law for medempton Gounry, Minnesota October 18, 2016 1: 1000 AM OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, .12097599 St. peal, Rald,e,CoUU,,MU= by said mortgagor(,), their person al THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO PLACE OF SALE Washington ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN .112,1S1753(Gx) This isAbroract Property mepmekenGtve, or assigns i, rox(6) BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THIS A COMMUNICATION TAX pARGEL NG. month Don, the date of sale ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: Gounry Law Enforcement Center ANDAREABANDON ED. FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. 33 29 23 12 0088 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE $133461 02 15015 Qnd Street North, S011nater MOF(TGAGOR(S) RELEASED 17725-1600400 1 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Minnesota FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION (Review: Sept 7, 14, 21, 28, Got 5, reinstated or the property PROPERTY: Lot Six (6), Block One 1716 LAFOND AVE '1J, Parkview Additon, Washington to pay the debt nen secured by ON MORTGAGE: None 12, 2016) 2016 ST PAUL MN 55104 redeemed, or unless rte "Op for County Minnesota said I or[g rte by the taxes, if any Dated: AuguU.S4BANK NATIONAL COUNTY IN 'WHICH PROPERTY ordeld pton i, meduoe the ludo REGISTERED PROPERTY e the pat y t mortgagee, IS LOCATED: Ramsey ,You mason M,1 premises STREET ADDRESS OF don kb pmemises_no theedb costs ane ASSOCIATION, ASTRUSTEE FOR NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT by 1159Pm. on MeyT 2017 PROPERTY: 798 ASHLAND AVE, disbursements allowedb Iew. pThe BEAR Sore ARM TRUST, FORECLOSURE SALE OF MORTGAGE $19540000 THE TIME ALLOWED BY SAINTRTY 78ASHLARK 5071 tme allonedb law tom medemton MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY by said mortgagor(sJ, heir personal CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2061-11 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE BE DUEASOFDATEOFNOTICE THE MORTGAGOR THE IS LOCATEONAL D: Washington Gounry, months folds thedate ol-le six (6) THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP PA ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID RPRE ENATIVES OR ASSIGNS Minnesota TIME P-IDED BY LAW IS NOT BY M ORTGAGEE$189,06697 TRANSACTION AGENT None TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Rete q MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE PROPERTY: Unless said mortee Rebecca F. Schiller Es. AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. That prior tone commencement of W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS NAME OF MORTGAGE rein r property gni ge q NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, net thismo1( eforedosure prooeeding ORIGINATOR: 'Dells Faro Bank, stated o the N.N Fondun Ilah, Es Mort IAssi of Mort ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA df thefolvong de ibed oonditons Sade gnee gagee g redeemed, or unless the tine for 'Cu,urt N.Trisko, Es .' STATUTES, SECTION 5OTHER N q f h f II g des b d gage: pl d h II q d p s red d by radical Samuel R Coleco E 4 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells d Y tronathep m kes The eysfor PAK g e M g g Mark A D g1 s enc q dby h THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Fer o Benk, NA W T D uglek h b d enc P d g h b d X 6THE T on AALLO 2017. 25 Noah eProf nal Buildmc PREMISES ANE IMPROVED Tnx PARCEL 10ENnFlcnnoN - Te 1 onerw aero emvemne debt NG NUMBER 1202722110012 THE TIME ALLOWED BY 25 North Dele Street Mortgagee: Prime Mortgage secured by said mortgage, or any OF LESS DW UNITS LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY SY Peul, MN 55102 OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, TRANSACTION AGENTS THE MORTGAGOR THE (651)20997. Gorporaton, A Minnesota pertnereof ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION Corp -an PURSUANT to the power of sale NUMBER None MORTGAGORS PERSONAL :111254FC01) De ted: 061302000 contained in said mortgage, rte AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THAT no action or prcoeedmg hes FEPRESEN DEDUCED ASSIGNS, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Recorded: OB�U72000 above d-th Sbed property will be ANDAREABANDONED. been inrointed et Iew to recover the MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE FROM AD EBT COLLECTOR. Washington Gounry Recorder sold by the Sheriff of said count, as MORTGAGORS) RELEASED debt then remeinin db dh WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS 'Review: Aug 3l, Sept 7, 14, 21, 28, Doamen[NO3115Q7 tollows: FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION gena'e ,su ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 015,2016 ON MORTGAGE: Steven G Aasi d To: Inter Sevin Benk, DATE AND TIME OF SALE. mortgage, oro any part thereof or if SrgTUTES, SECTION .2032, gne gs Liene SO the action or dm hes been FSB Gctober27, 2016 1000 AM prooee g DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER De ted: 061302000 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Gffico Dated: 191.30 2016 rated, net the same has been THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Recorded: OB�U72000 Civil Pmoco„ Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE discontinued, oro [het an e -Han PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ASSOCIATION upon the judgment rendered therein WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING FORECLOSURE SALE Washington Gounry Recorder Suite 150, St Paul, MN Mortgagee hes been reumed unsa0sfied, THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Doam ent Na 3115.8 to pay the debt then secured by n OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS hod' dGxes, if en THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA whole orin pert AlE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Aasigned To: Deet Southam Beak gage, an Y,on By 1,1 PURSUANT, to the power of sale ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN TH E Dated: 11202012 said Amami ke4 end the Dosis end AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION RebeocaF Sdhiller Esq eined in said mortgage, the ANDAREABANDONED TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Recorded: 12�U72012 disbursements, including ettomeys' N. Kibongai Fondungelleh, Esq above described property will be MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Washington Gounry Recorder fees allowed by Iew subject o .Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' k db, the Sheriff of said county as FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Document No 39?0459 redempton within 6Monnsfrom the Semu N R Golemen, Esq tollows: default has ocouned in thecondit- Transaction Agent N lA date of said sale bythe ldortgagor(sJ, ON MORTGAGE None m Attomeystor Mortgagee DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Dated: August 23, 2016 of the following dekaibed mortgage. Transaction Agent M oagage ID No: their personal reprcken' e, o The Academy Profession al Buildmc October 18 2016 at 10 00 AM Mortgagor: Okldundo S Belana,, NIA ekmgn, PLACE OF SALE: Washington WELLSFARG08ANK,N.A. Jr end Igin- Belanay, husband Lender or Brooker Prime Mortgage DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: 25 North Dele6treet County Sheriffs Code Washington Mortgagee and wife Corporaton, A Minnesota The date on oro before nhidl the S[Paul, MN55102 THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA '.1) 20997. County Lew e, Noah Center Re l,l Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Corporaton mortgagor muss vecatn the property .15149iFG01J 1501562nd StreetNorth, S[Ilweter Rg l- Systems, In s Servicer: DeetSoh Bk fthe mortgageS aced R b F Sdhiller Esq. n THIS IS A COMMUNICATION to Ott for32007n Loans 710 Mortgage Grg e under MnneeoG S N.IN g Fondunget ah, Esq Deted:02232007 Mort Gor AMnnesoG 58030 or the d dined Ce ew DEBT COLLECTOR. to pay the debt then Secured by Cua N. 1 R. C Esq 9 9 p et on p °p Y ke"o Review: Sept 7, 14, 21, 28, O¢ 5, Bled:ey KCounty G d M S d g ge a thed g any 'Same' R Coleman Esq' Pa G R er of Ttles LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 58023 Ap 1 27 2017 1159 12, 2016) on filly e desY d h ga and The-dem M ofgagee D tn N Y2009188 Age nro PROPERTY: Lo 3, BI k 1, g f h f g g d P TheAcademyProfeks onel Bu king G f to bTteN :371313 DId d P , Sh Addan S d S d I Ihhd d b [sell dbyl The 25 North Dale Street Y. Y 9 Y. owed by Iew tom redem pton St Paul, MN 55102 Assgned To: DEUTSCHE BANK Records of Dadh ngton Gounry, then the date to vacate s the neva NOTICE OF MORTGAGE by Said mortgagor(,), their personal.1J 2099760 NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY Minnesota business day et 1159 p. m. FORECLOSURE SALE reprekenGtves or assigns is six (6) (j 61221-Frn1I a, Trustee tom INDVMAG IMSC This i, Abstract Property MORTGAGORS) RELEASED THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF month sfrom the date of sale THIS IS A COMMUNICATION MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST TAX PARCEL NG'. FROM OBLIGATION ON THEDEBTANDIDENTITYOFTHE TIME AND DATE fk VACATE FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. 20_HOA1, MORTGAGE PASS '2913020240050 MOF(TGAGE NONE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE PROPERTY.d DIE TO mvACATE (Review: Aug BT COLLECSept 7, 14, 21,28 THROUGH CERTIFICATES Series ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: THE TIME ALLOWED By TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT "OpeayO¢ 5, 2016) 2007 -Noel 221 Boutwell Roe, LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. medeemede10 unless the tme tor Deted:06Ki02016 S011weter MN 55082 THE MORTGAGOR, THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that medempton i, reduced by ludioial Filed: 07252016 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGORS PERSONAL detaul[ha,oaurredatheoondit- oweryou lduro,.aoatonepmeldi,e, Rald,Av county Regiromm of nee, IS LocATED: waknngon REPRESENTATIves oRAsslGNs, ofnefeuowng dekabed mortgage: by 1159 P m. on Apri1182017. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE poament No T025.516 Aga— ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagor: Christopher M olnemey THE TIME ALLOWED BY FORECLOSURE SALE Ceaif ate bTitle NO'. 371313 OF M OR(TGAGE:$25175000 WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS and TiffaaieM ae,—husband and LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF Transaction Agent Mortgage AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA wife and Stephen J. Mneme, THE MORTGAGOR THE THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE Electmonio Regibb,b on System,, Ino BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, STATUTES SECTION 582032, marred person MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Transaction Agen[Mortgage lO No: INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Mortgagee: Extol Mortgage REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT 10003%2107703882 BY MOR(TGAGEE:$27299`47 TH IN GS, THAT TH E M OR(TGAGED Services, Ina MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. Lender oro Broker: Guaken LoenS Thetp-al-tothe-mencementof PREMISES ARE IM PROVED WITH De ted: -152006 W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS NOTICE ISHEREBVGIVEN. That In this-gagefomedosumepmoceedmc A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Re corded: 07242006 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA dl at halo ,edin the condit- Servicer: Oewen Loan Servicng, M agageelAsrognee of Mortgagee OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Ramsey County Recorder STATUTES, SECTION 582`32 of Getollowmgdesaibedmortgage: LlG con plied win all n otco requirements ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Document NO 39.261 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER MOFTGAGOR(S): Yolanda G. Mortgage Originator: Guic<en a,requimedbyroante; thatnoadon AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Assigned To by Coua Order: THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED M -ane,, a Single person LoenS Ina oro pmocoedlno has been nkauted at ANDAREABANDONED. N-SGm Mortgage, Ino PREMISES ARE IMPROVED MORTGAGEE: Home,ervico, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF law oro otherwise to recover the debtDated: Auguro25, 2016 Dated: 06222016 WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLIN G Lending, LLC dba Edina Realty PROPERTY: Land situated in the s -ed by said mortgage, oro any CU Mortgage Si.,eryInc., Recorded: 071182016 OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Mortgage, a Delawamelimitedhabiliry Countyof Ram seyinthe StaleofMN part thereof, Mortgagee Ramsey CountyRecorder ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN company Lot 17, Block 5, Hanemann PURSUANT to rte power of sale OFF LAX, PROFESSIONAL Document 1046148. AGRICULTURAL PERDU GTIGN, ASSIGNMENT'S OF MORTGAGE: McConville and Stevie, subdivision co ained in Said mortgage, the ASSOCIATION Assigned To: Mortgage Electronic AND ARE ABANDONED. _gnedto: Welty Farago Bank,N A of Lots 2, 12, 313 of Lee, SubuDan above described property will be By Jonathan R C -Pe,, MkFaelV Registration Systems,Inc H, M OFTGAGOF(SI RELEASED by assignment reoomded on January IT 0_ Except the Wea 10 feet sold by the Sheriff of said county a, Schleisman kcoe and assigns a, nom inee FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION 26 2005 a, Document Number thereof tollows Attomeysfor. tor NovesGr Mortgage, Inc ON MORTGAGE: None 3491361 in the Office of the Count, The West 20 feet of To 18, Block DATE AND TIME OF SALE: GU Mortgage Servim,, Inc, Dated: 06292006 Dated: Auguro252016 Recorder of Washington Count, 5, Heinemann, McConville, and October 28, 201610 00 AM Mortgagee Recorded: 11262007 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Mane-ta thereafter assigned o Steri ass,ubdivi kion of Lots 2, 12-13 PLACE OF SALE: Law Doo -cement 55 Eaa Firth Street Suite 800 Ramsey countyRecorder Mortgagee U.S. Bank N.Onal -o-an of Lee,Subua Homes Center 15015 Qno Street N., St Paul, MN 5 51 01-1 71 8 Document NG. 4067317 THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA a, I ktee tom Beam Steams ARM This i, Registered Property St,llwater MN .12097595 Assigned To by Goua Order: By 1,1 Trust, Mortgage Pa Thorough TAX PARCEL NO to pay the debt then seared by .12281753 (tax) Deutsche Bank N.anal Trust Rebec. F Sd,rer E,q Certificates Series 200411 by 34 2922130082 kaid Mortgage, end G%e,, ff any, on THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Company, a, Trustee tom N-SGm N. Kibongai Fondungallah, Esq assignment reoomded on June 4, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: kaid premise,, end the cora, enc FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. Mortgage Funding Trus[ Series 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' 2014 e, Document Numbem3939699 1.3 Conway St disbursements, Ududing _[forays' 888013-008`29 2006P N-SGm Hold e Equity Loan Samuel R Coleman Esq in the Office of the County Recorder Sal at Paul, MN 55106 fees allowed by Iew sub Act o (Review: Sept 7, 14, 21, 28, O¢ 5, AksetBacked Certificate,, Series Attome„tomM agageA of Washington Gounry, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY medemptonwinin 6Mont-l-old the 12 2016) The Academy Pmofe-nal Buildmc ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT IS LOCATED: Ramsey dOeofkaidkalebythemoagagoq(), 2Deted: 06222016 25 North Dale Street OF MORTGAGE $15200000 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT their personal represent- oro Re corded: 071182016 St Paul, MN55102 DATE OF MORTGAGE'. Augu,t20, OF MORTGAGE $201 8000 assign, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Rald,ey County Recorder651) .1)20997. 2004 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: FORECLOSURE SALE Document N0 104614895 161223FC01) DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE The date on oro before nhidh the THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Transaction Agent PS, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Recorded on November 23, 2004 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID m0rCagomlduki ,Uethepmopertyif THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE Transaction Agent M `gage ID No: FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. es Document Number 348100.5 in BY MORTGAGEE $23837611 the mortgage isnot reinstated under ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE NIA 'Review: Aug 3l, Sept 7,14, 21, 28, the Office of the Gounry Recorder of That prior to the commencement of Man-ta Statutes section 58030 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Len dem oro Broker E 1M `gage Got 5, 2016) Wadhington Gounry, Minnesota this a o1gage toreolosure prooeeding or the property redeemed under AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Services, Inc THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO MoagageelA gnee of Mortgagee Manta Statutes section 58023 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Servicer: Ooven Loan Servicing, BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE comphedwithall notce requirements i, Apri1282017 et 1159 Pm. if the dNOTRe IS HEREBY he EN That LlC NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. a, required by,Gnte; thatnoadan R-egoingdatei 7 a Sanmde,, Sunday of the blaultol lowing described mortgage: Mortgage Originator Extol $112,67449 or prooeeding hes been inrointed et or [gel hall day, then the date to MOMLEAGOR(S): Steven Mortgage Senn Inc FORECLOSURE SALE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF law oro onerwibe to recover the debt -ate i, the ne# baroness day at G henemann and Sheila R LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF PROPERTY: Lot 44, Block 1, seared by kaid mortgage, oro any 1159pa henemann, hukbandand wife PROPERTY: To 28, Block 4, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE CI apPThom ksen Woodbury partthereof MOR(TGAGGRS) RELEASED MORTGAGEE I- Manhattan Dokmo Id Additon, together with ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Hit Townhome, fro Additon, PURSUANT to the power of kale FROM OBLIGATION ON Mortgage Gorpomtion,aNew Jersey the benefits end nof.to the TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Werohi ngton Gounry, Minnesota ontained in kaid mortgage, the MORTGAGE: NONE the b,ofdeoandton of covenants, property wi coryoraton AFFECTED BYTHISAGIVEN IVEN. STREET ADDRESS OF above the II be THE TIME ALLOWED By ASSIGNMENTS ed MORTGAGE. conditons end d,dd tion,, filed NOTICE IS loth IVEN:That PROPERTY: 7045 RMN 55125 Sold by the Sheriff of said counryes LAW FOR REDEM FTION BY Asrogned to: Federal Natonel May 19, 1931, es document no detain[hes oaurred in the oonditons TRA12 WOODBURY MN 55125 tollows: THE MORTGAGOR THE Mortgage Aasoceton by asdgnm Ant 2115937 end dederatons of ofthefolllowingde-bedmo-cage 2845 DATE AND TIME OF SALE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL recorded on June 3, 2015 e ,e nto tom Do- 11 townhouse M OR(TGAGORS). Kathleen M. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Odobem27 2016 1000A REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Document Number 4028223 in the a mcatonInc, filed Mayl9, 1931 Hoole,, an unmamed woman IS LOCATED: Wadhagton Gounry, PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Office of the Gounry Recorder of a, dooumentno 2115938, acooang MORTGAGEE. Eero Metro Minnesota Civil Procoks Uni[25 W. 4th Street WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Werohin Goun MinnemG. tonerecorded platthemeof Rald,ey Mag aMane- company TRANSACTION AGENT None Suite 150, St Paul, MN ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NAL ry Goun MinnemG ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: NAME OF MORTGAGE to pay the debt then secured by STATUTES SECTION 5821X32 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Thi,is Abrorad Property Aasi dto: Wells Faro Bank, NA ORIGINATOR: Home,ervico, ,aid Moa e e, and GxeS if an OF MORTGAGE: MORTGAGE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER DATE OF MORTGAGE: December TR PARCEL NO 11 assignment recorddon January Lending, LLC dba Edme Realty Saidpremise,, and the co rend THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 272004 21302235 OCVV FF 11, 2006 the Document Number Mortgage,eDelewere lir ited liebiliry drs allowed including ubjed to PREMISES ARE IMPROVED DATE AND PLACE 21 FILING 4280B gewood PROPERTY 1164008 tonetlOffice f the County -panyRESIDE fee, atoned by law Month, Don, e OF LE RE DWENITS Rammed on January 369In he COU TY IN DHTem Regirommofnee, of waknngon RESIDENTIAL SERVICER weak date ptanof nlAbyth ao1gagldrte OF LESS THAN FIVE uwrs Document Nuldbem349T3s9 in me Sant Paw, MN 55127 Gounry, Minnemta Fargo Benk,NA date of said kale byre mortgagor(sJ, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Office of the County Recorder of COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION their personal mepme,enGtve, oro AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Wadhin Goun Mune- IS LOCATED: Ramsey OF M GFTGAGE $123,00000 NU M PER 170202133.0025 a-gn, AND ARE ABAN DONED. gton ry ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DATE OF MORTGAGE December TRANSACTION AGENT'S DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Dated: Augu,t262016 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO OFMOFTGAGE$144,00000 23 2005 MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION The date on oro before which the Grit Southern Bank, BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO DATE AND PLACE OF FILING NUMBR:None mortgagor mua vacate the property Assignee of Mortgagee ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, Recorded on Janue 11, 2006 and THAT no action or g mortgage is $210855.90 ry pmomeain ha, if the not re edan OFF LAW, PRGFEs81GNAL LEGu DPSCRIPTIGN OF uY M RT G TAXES 1F ANY PAID zedupon Geaificate of Title been inrointed atlanto recover the under Minnesota S[entes ikect on ASSOCIATION PROPERTY: LOC B1od: 4, Colby BVMOFTGAGEE: $88,37371 NOld ORoo a, Document Number debt then remaining seared by such 58030 oro the property redeemed By Jonathan R Cukke,, Michael V Lake 9th Additon, Washington Th at pri oro to th e cold m ended ent of 11.007 n the Code of the County mortgage, o any part thereof or if under Minnesota Statutes kedan Schleikman Gounry, Man -Ga this-gagefomedosumepmoceedmg Regiromm of Titles of Wadhmgton the action oro proceeding hes been 58023 i,Apri127, 2017atll 59p�m. Abomey-, STREET ADDRESS OF M agageeS,-Knee of Mortgagee Gounry, Minnesota inrointed, that the same hes been If the foregoing date is e Saturday, Greet Southam Benk, Aasignee of PROPERTY 8.6 SAINT CROA complied with all notco requirements THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO dibcdonued, oro that an executon Sunday oro legal holiday, then the Mortgagee RD, WOODBURY MN55125 , required by dente; that no action BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE upon the judgment mendemedthemein date to vacate i, the n-buron 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY oro prooeeding h a, been nroituted at ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: has been retuned unke0sfied, in da,at1lva59 p -te St Paul, MN 55101 -1 71 8 IS LOCATED: Wadhagton Gounry, law omotherwisetomecovemthedebt $112,43608 whole orin part MORTGAGORS) RELEASED W Minnesota cured by kaid mortgage, oro any LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PURSUANT, to the power of kale FROM OBLIGATION ON .12201753 (tax) TRANSACTION AGENT None part thereof PROPERTY: Unit N0 108 and co ained in kaid mortgage, the MORTGAGE: NONE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NAME OF MORTGAGE PURSUANT to the power of kale t N0 G108, Condomniuld above dekaibed property will be THE TIME ALLOWED BY FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ORIGINATOR: I- Manhattan co eined in said mortgage, the N054, Pond Lew Apartments, a kold by the Sheriff of kaid county a, LAW FOR REDEMPTION By 17780-15003869 Mortgage Gorporeton,eNew Jersey ab=ed property will be .ndoma, ad D-hagton Gounry, follow,: THE MOFTGAGOR THE (Review: Sept 7,14, 21, 28, Gro 5, kold by the Sheriff of kaid counryeS corpora ion REGI tG DATE AND TIME OF SALE: MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 12 ,2016) RESIDENTIAL SERVICER fellow,: REGISTERED PROPERTY OcLACE OF SALE D- REPRESENTATIVESDEDUGRASSI FIVE Seteru PIncARI DATE AND TIME OF SALE. STREET ADDRESS OF PLACE OF SALE D -h, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION PROPERM 13971 60TH STREET Gounry Sheriff, Orrice, Wt Centen WEEKS D AJu01R ORDER 10 TR NUMBER x100. Public Notices 1 #108, s LLWATER MN cowry Law Enforcement center ENTERED uIvOR MINNESOTA TRANSACTION AGENTS on Continued on 13 550821286 15015 Qnd SPeO Noah, Stllwater STATUTES SECTION 582032 Page Review Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016 Page 13 Public Notices MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL DATE AND PLACE OF FILING PURSUANT, to We Power d sale Schle n 2323 Kingston A,AE Co ntinueu from Page 12 REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS Recorded on January 24, 2005 and m,mi,ed In s:id mortgage, HA Attomeysfor. Ino Maplewood MN 55109 g MAV BE REDUCED To FIVE m orielized upon Certificate of Title above desvmed property will be GU Mortgage Services, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY October2], 20161000 AIM WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS N, -79 a Dowme,t Number sold byWe Shehff of said Dowty a Mortgagee IS LOCATED: Ram - PLACE OF SALE Shet,' Office ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ,53944 U the office of the county Poll- 55 E RCH Street SUIte800 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Civil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street STATUTES SECTION 582032, Registrar of Titles of Washington DATE AND TIME OF SALE: St. Paul, MN 55101-1]18 OF M ORTGAGE:$156.000 SUI,150, St Paul, MN DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Gounry, Ma„e November 15, 2016 at 10: 00 AM .1209]599 AMOUNT DUE AN D CLAIMED TO to pay We deb[Wen secured by THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO PLACE OF SALE Washington .1223-753(fax) BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE said Mortgage, bt thAn s, if any, on PREMISES ARE IMPROVED BE DUE ON THE MOFTGAGE Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington THIS IS A COMMUNICATION INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID said premises, end We costs end WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: Gounry Lew Enforcement Center FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. BY MORtTGAGEE:$122,92909 disbursements, inbuding:tt am OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS $20601645 15015 Qnd Street North, S011 -bet 88801300161-14 Th. priorto the oommenoement of fees allowed by new subject o ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Minnemct 'Review: Sept 28, Orc 5, 12, 19, 26 this m,1Mgeforedosureprocoedi„ redempton witlhin 1 Veer hom the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, PROPERTY: Lot Nineteen (19), to pay We debt Wen secured by Nov 2, 2016) MortgageeS,s Knee a Mortgagee date of s:ids:le V, the m,1Mg,,,), ANDAREABANDONED. Brook Eight(8), Thompson s Gave said mortgage end I if any complied t InGce,egUi enF, Weir personal rep_e_t_ or Dated: August30, 2016 Id Additon, Washington Gounry, a Ily paid by the mortgagee, requiredbyst:Ate; th:tn-Plan esegns. ouicken Loans Inc., Kate- and We premises end the costs enc NOTICE OF MORTGAGE or proceeding hes been mstiwted at DATE TO VACATE PROPERtTY Assignee of Mortgagee REGISTERED PROPERTY disbursements al lowed by law. The FORECLOSURE SALEnew or otherwise to recover the debt The date on or before which the OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL STREET ADDRESS OF tme allowed by law for redempton THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF scoured by said mortgage, or any m ortg:gor must vacate the property ASSOCIATION PROPERTY: 84]9GREENWAYANE by said m ortgagoq(), their personal THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE Part thereof if the mortgages not re aced By Jonathan R Cuskey, Mah:el V S COTTAGE GROVE MN 55016 represe EH_ or assigns is six (6) ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE PURSUANT to the power of sale under Kate- Stout lsecton Sohlei 2 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY months Don,co the date of sale mined in said mortgage, the 58030 or the property redeemed Attorneys for: IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, TIME AND DATE TO VACATE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. above described property will be under Mi nnemct Stout sectQu, An Loans Ina, Assignee of Kate- PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that cold by We Sheriff of said county es 580.23 is October 2], 201] et Mortgagee TRANSACTION AGENT None reinstated or the property follows: 1159 If the fore Din date is dethefollalt s gde dibedm0ain the tons Pm g g 55 East Fifth Stree[Suite 800 NAME OF MORTGAGE redeemed, o unless the tine for of the following described mortgage DATE AND TIME OF SALE. e SeWrdey Sunday or legal hon day S[P:uI,MN 55101-1]18 ORIGINATOR WeIIs Fargo Bank, d p red d by udc:l M gg : Din Breault end No -be -17 20161000 AM then the date to vacate s the nA. .l 209])99 N A d y st veca h prem ses PLACE OF SALE Sh ff s Offs co, bus Less day et 1159 Pm. J d h M T to both unmened .1 28 7A (fax) RESIDENTIAL SERVICER JVells by 11 59 P on M 915, 201]. CMI P-- U,i[ 25 J4. 4th Street M OR(TGAGORS) RELEASED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Fargo Benk NA THE TIME ALLOWED BV Perso,sesjo,t tenants Suite 150, S[PeuI, MN FROM OBLIGATION ON FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION LAW FOR REDEM FTION By Mortgagee: U.S. Benk Netonel to pay the debt then secured by Aou dao, ND MORTGAGE E A 79>-82-1 NUMBER180271.13.00.58 THE MORTGAGOR, THE said Mortgage, endtaxes, if any, on D:ted. nro]rzoos THE TIME ALLOWED BY (Review: SeptSep], 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, TORT AG210N AGENT'S MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL said premises, and the costs end 12, 2016) MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION PEPRESEN REDUCED ASSIGNS, ReooNed: 120 County disbursements, including ubjed yto LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 44 memo Gounry Recorder THE MORTGAGOR THE NUMBER: None MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE fees allowed ,n law subject e MORTGAGORS PERSONAL THAT no action I, proceeding has WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Doamen[Na36194. doe of.d.lebytMo,Wshom We Transaction Pgent NIA REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE been instWted et new to recover the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA gra, clan Agent M ortgage ID No date of saidsalebep-enttgagor(o, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE deb[Wen remaining seouredbysuch STATUTES, SECTION 582032, NIA their personal represencttves or W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS THERIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF mortgage or any part thereof or if DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Lender or Broker: U.S. Benk assigns ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA the acts on or proceeding hes been THINGS, THAT THE MORtTGAGEO DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. STATUTES SECTION .2032 THE DEBT AND IDEN ITY OF THE ins[Wted, onto, at the same hes been PREMISES ARE IMPROVED N:e, Aasoc:ton ,a The date on or before which the ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Senyicor: U.S. Benk National DETERMINING AMONG OTHER discontinued, or that an e -Han WITH A HE OW ELLING oce m ortgago0aMge ecate We property THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED TI ME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT upon the judgment rendered therein OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Aasoceton, su sor bymergerto if he mortgage is not re eted PREMISES ARE IMPROVED AFFECTEDBYTHISACTION. a U. S. Bank N ational Association ND Inset on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hes been re coed unset stied, in ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Mortgage Originator: U.S. Benk under Kate- Stout ke wTHAREsIDEVTAL DWELLING wholeorI, Parc AGRIcuL2URAL PRooucnoN 58630 or the property redeemed defawrnasoowrreduthe.ndl l- PURSUANT, to We f sale AND ARE ABANDONED. N EGALAaso ESC IP under Minnesota St "' kectan OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS of the following described m ortgage: o ctined in said mortgage, the MORtTGAGoEIS) RELEASED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 58023 is Mey 7, 201]et 1159 pa ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N Mortgagor Elroy Q V:,gbted enc PROPERTY LOW 3 end 5, Blot: 1, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Gloria G vdagstad, husband enc above described property will be FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Charter Oaks, 'J4'ashing[on County If the toregoing date is e Saturday, ANDAREABANDONED. soldbythe She,ffofsaid.UUry ON MORTGAGE: Gordon Sty J:o Sunday or legal holiday, then the Dated: August 25, 2016 wffe follows: Dated: Septemberl4, 2016 Minnesota date to vacate is the ne# bueness Deutsche Bank National Trust Mortgagee: U. S. Benk NA DATE AND TIME OF SALE: FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ThisisAb"'D Property day et 1159 Pm. Compeny,es Trustee for NoveSter Dated: 1011412004 November 1, 2016 at 1000 AM ASSOCIATION(" NNIE MAE") Ta' PARCEL NO'. MORtTGAGORS) RELEASED EIed:lvl srzoo4 30 o2921a1 coos Mortgage Funding Trust, Series Ramsey Registrar of Titles PLACE OF SALE: Washington Mortgagee ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FROM OBLIGATION ON 200133 Nora Star Home E uit County Sheriffs Office, Washington THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP,PA MORTGAGE: NONE Eq Y Document Na 1848213 Against County Law Enforcement Center By lsl 1494 GRANADAAVE N THE TIME ALLOWED BY Login _,.a sset- Backed Certificates, Gerti_d 0)fTite N0.:383023 15015 Qnd Street North, S011w:ter Rebe-FIG., let Es. OAKDALE, MN55128 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Series 2006q,Assignee of Transection Agent N lA Minnesota N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq COUNTY IN JVHIGH PROPER(T, THE MORTGAGOR THE Mortgagee Transaction Agen[Mohgage lO No: SLOCATED. Washington OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL to pay the debt then secured by 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NIA said end bx s, if Samuel R Golemen, Es ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL MOUNT REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, ASSOCIATION LenderorBroker. U. S. Benk NA mortgage any q OF MORTGAGE:$17575000 By Jonathan R -key, MidhaelVu:lly paid by the mortgagee Attorneys for Mortgagee MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Servicer U.S. Benk N:to,:I Octn the dthe Dosis end TheAoedem Profeseonel Buildin AMOUNTDUE AND CLAIMEDTO W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS Smleienan Asmceton Premises m Y g BE DUE OF DATE OF NOTGE Addne tor: Mo ori lnetor: U.S Bank di sbursem ants allowed by The 25 North Dale Sheet INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Deutsche Bank Natonal Taa rCga9e g bye,d wedbylaw for redem pt on St Paul MN 55102 STATUTES SECTION 582032 Comp:,, a 2mstee Por N -SE" LEGALNA by said mortgago$sJ, Wei r personal '.1)2099]. BY MORTGAGEE $136.040 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Mortgage Funding Trust Series DESCRIPTION OF represencttves or:ssig,sis twelve (151827FCO2) That prior to the commencement of TH INGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGED PROPERTY Lot 13, ddtan Nelson, 12 h f h date of sale THIS IS A COMMUNICATION thismoagageforeolosureprooeeding PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 20 [-ked CAR TIM Equity Login Stevens end King sAdditon. )moot D DA e Mortgagee) dgnee of Mortgagee AssetBeoked Certificates, Series TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. WITHARESIDENTIAL OWEWNG 20064 Aasignee of Mortgagee The West4 feet of Lot l4, Brod: 2, pROPERTV. Unless said mortgage (Review: Sep[21, 28, 0¢5, 12, 19, Dom phed Hi Inotoerequirements OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Nelson, Stevensend Kin 'sAdditon, PEE es required bys ute; that no action SS East Fifth Sheet Suite eco g :ted or the property 26,20167 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN S[Peul, MN55101-1]18 Ram seycounty, Minnesom or proceeding has been adtiluted et redeemed, or u,Iess We tme mr AGRIcuL2URAl PRooucnoN, This is Registered Property redemption is reduced by judicial ke-edtlherwisI to recover We debt AND ARE ABANDONED. 65122&7. (far) Tnx PARCEL NO.' o -de, You mus[veoete We Premises severed by said mor gage, or any Dated: Septem be,192016 0]2022.130029 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE pert thereof, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION by 1159 Pm. on November1, 207. CU Mortgage Services, Inc., ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. FORECLOSURE SALE PURSUANT to the power of sale FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. THE TIME ALLOWED BV ontai Mortgagee 17/2516000841 17] GEORGE STREET W LAW FOR REDEMPTION By THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF o net in said mortgage, the OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL 'Review: Sept. ], 14, 21, 28, Oct. 5, SAINT PAUL MN 55107 THE MORTGAGOR THE THE DEBT AND IDEMITY OF THE above described property will be ASSOCIATION COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE sold by the Sheriff of said county es By JoneWenRGuske MidheelV 12, 2016) IS LOCATED: Ramsey TIME PROVIDED 8Y LAW IS NOT follows: y '' REPRESENTATIVES ORA SS IMS DATE AND TIME OF SALE S.leisman ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL MOUNT MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE AFFECTED BY TH IS ACTION. DATE AND2 TIMEo 0AM Attomeysfor: OF MORTGAGE:$80,00000 WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GU Mortgage Senncos, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA dMath:s oau,ed i, thecondioons PACE OF SALE Law Mo Ina, FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, STATUTES, SECTION .2032 of the to how described m ortgage: Enforcement Center, 15015 Qnd 505 Mg[Fifth Street Suite 800 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID DETERMINING AMONG OTH ER Mortgagor: Glenda M. B_eT as a Street N., S011wateT MN St PzlF,Gh St1eO Shb THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE BY MORTGAGEE :$.,]3633 THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED mngleperson to pay the debt then secured by .1209]599 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE That phortothe.mmence of PREMISES ARE IMPROVED M01Mgee: GU M ortgage Senncos, said Mortgage, end bxes, if any, on 8122&1]53 (far) TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Wismortgegeforedosure procoedinc 'J4'ITH A RESIDENTIAL O'WELLING Ino said premises end the Dosis end THIS IS A COMMUNICATION AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. MoagageelAsegnee of Mortgagee OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Dated: 0423200] disbursements, including ettomeys' FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Wet MPI wiW all notceregwrements ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Fled: 0424200] fees allowed by law subec o 88891bD06/ l default has oau,d h dto,s as regU,ed by stat h coon AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Ramsey Reg bimr of It- d p thin 6 Months hom the Reviewlep[28, Od 5, 12, 19, 26 of the followng de -bed gage: or procoed,g h:sb ed et ANDARE ABANDONED. Document No. 2004696 AM— d f d alebythem0aMgor(s), N v2, 2016) Mortgagor: Dan IJ.2dh yend new or otherw Seto h debt MORTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED Certfcoeof Tte Na'. 5 Q5Q th, P el repre nNU_ or M_T:cheny, husb:nd:ndwife secured by said mortgage, or any FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Transaction Agent NSA assigns Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic "thereof ON MORtTGAGE:None Transaction Agent M ortgage ID No: DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. Registraan Systems, PURSUANT to the power of sale Dated: September], 2016 NIA The date on or before which the NOTICE OF MORTGAGE nee for Quid:en Loans Inc : conctined in said mortgage, the WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. Lender or Broker: GU Mortgage mortgagormustvecatethe propertyif FORECLOSURE SALE nom 03222013 above described property will be Mortgagee Senncos, Ino the mortgage is not reinstated under THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Filed: 04032013 mldby the Sheriff of said county as THE ACADEMY LAW CIA Sennoer: G.U. M ortgage Services, Minnesom Stout section 58030 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE R yCountyRg of Tites follows: B, 11 h p p y d d d ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE D N 2059 5 Age a DATE AND TIME OF SALE: R b F S hiller Esq M g g Originator GU Mortgage M S 58023 TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT G T fTtleN .:530644 October2], 20161000 AM N. Kb g F dungelleh, Esq. S M 918, 207 1159 p. f h AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Assgned To: Quik LoansInc PLACE OF SALE. Sheriffs Office, Curt N.Trsko, Esq.' LEGAL Ino DESCRIPTION OF f regong dates a SeWrdey, Sunday NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Dated: 0]1132016 Civil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street S:muelR Golemen, Esq PROPERTY: Unit Number 506 letMlholid:y, then the date to defald[ oau,edin the condito,s Filed:0]202016 Suite150, St P"I, MN Atomeysfor Mortgagee Common erect Community 0ecate is the ne#business day et of the following described mortgage: Ramsey County Registrar of Tites to pay the debt then secured by TheAcademyProfessional Buildmc Number 589nt Condominium, Lot 1159Pm. MORTGAGORS) David G. Document No. 7025-5 Against said Mortgage, end I- if any, on 25 North D:le Street 270 Condomaa- Ram sey Gounry, MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED Ourednik end Molly M. Ouradnik, Ceafi oeof Tite N0.: 530644 said premises, and We costs:,' Sy_ Paul, MN55102 Minnesom FROM OBLIGATION ON husband endwife Transaction Agent Mortgage disbursements, including ettomeys' -.1J 2099]. This is Registered Property MOFTGAGE'. NONE MORtTGAGEE: M ortgage Electronic Electronic Regial-o nSystems Inc fees allowed by law subject o 161242F760 TAX PARCEL NO.'. THE TIME ALLOWED BY Registraan Systems, Ina, e Transaction Agen[MoaMge ID No: redem ptanwithin 6Monthshomthe THISISACOMMUNICATION FROM 32 29 2233 0'3,6 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Delaware corporate, es nominee 10003.3313.5.]5 dateofsaid.Iebythemo1Mgoq(), ADEBT COLLECTOR ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: THE MOFTGAGOR THE for Central Benk, e Minnesom Lender or Broker: Quicre, Loans their personal reprano- or Review: Sept 14, 21, 28, O¢ 5, 12 2]0 Ea nth St Jnik506 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Banking Coryor:tion assigns 19 2016) St Paul, MN55101 REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. Senn coy: Quicre, Loans Inc DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY COU NTV IN WHICH PROPERTY MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Assignedto: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Originator: Quicken The date on or before which the IS LOCATED: Ramsey WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS by:segnmentrecorded on February Loans Inc m ortgagor m ust vacate the property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 3, 2012 es Document Number LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF if he mortgage is not re FORECLOSURE SALE OF MORtTGAGE:$219,393.00 STATUTES SECTION E TIONG 502032 Reco412 der In We Office of We Country PROPERTY The East . feet of under Minnesom SEH[ kedAMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO gton y, the W est 56 feet of the East 20 rods 58030 or the property redeemlec THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF PERU E AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Mane - of theNoah 53endonsthhdrods un derMinnesom SmWtes ke n THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTH E INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT of the East H:If of the Northeast 58023 is April 2], 2017 at 11 �55 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE BY M ORtTGAGEE$22,33].Q WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWEIING OF MORtTGAGE:$41],00000 Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Pm. If the foregoing date ice TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT Th at prior to the commencement of OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, DATE OF MORTGAGE January Section 23, Township 29, Range 2, SeWrdey, Sunday or legal holiday, AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION this m oftMgeforedosure procoedmc ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 24 2006 xcept the South 4 end a half saes then the date to vacate is the next NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That M aMgeelAsegnee of Mortgagee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, DATE AND PLACE OF FILING ofs:id E:st20 rodsofthe North53 bue,essd:y:t1159Pm. default has ocou,ed in the conditions comp1bdwith ell notco requirements AND ARE ABANDON ED Recorded on February 13, 2006 andonsthirdrods Ramsey Gounry, MORTGAGOR(,) RELEASED ofthefollowagde-bedrequired by kloute; that no action Dated: September 152016 s Document Number 356.9], Minnesom FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGOR(SJ. Gordon Sty ko zs din hes been instiWted et U. S. Bank National Association, es modified of record by Login gistere party or procoe g Thdb Re dPkt MOFTGAGE. NONE end D:nelle S,y Jk o, husband and law or otherwise to recover the debt successor by merger to U.S. Moducoan Agreement recorded TAX PARCEL NO'. THE TIME ALLOWED By wife s ured by said mortgage, or any Bank Natio.1 Association ND, on Decem ber3 2013 as Document 23292210015 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY M OFTGAGEE: M ortgage Electronic part thereof Mortgagee Number 39]32 in the Office of ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: THE MORTGAGOR, THE Re k, Systems, PURSUANT to the power of sale PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL the Gounry Recorder of Washington 1�4 LARPENTEURAVEE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Delewdv3 or coo -an rtn es LLCnea contained in said mortgage, the ABSSOCIAIIONR. Cuske MidhaelV THECoUnUA AMOUNT CLAIMED TO SAINT PAUL MN 55109 REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS gage above described property will be Y Y Kate- GON N IN WHICH PROPERTY MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Munemtalimitedli:bility.mp:,Y sold by the Sheriff of said couuty Schleism:, BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE IS LOCATED: Ramsey WEEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS ASSIGNMENTS Oderal NG:tIAo,:I toll ow s: USm Bank Netonel Aasooieton, 9;436, 9?639to, ON THE TE OF THE NOTICE. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Kne DATE AND TIME OF SALE. OF M OR(TGAGE$13],50000 STATUTES SECTION .2 032, Mortg eAssoc:ton("F:„ie-I November7, 20161000 AM s sor by merger to U. S. Bank LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER by assignment recorded on March 4 PLA CE OF SALE: Sheriffs Gobe, ­­lA .mteo,ND, Mortgagee PROPERTY Lot 1, Block Shores BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 2016es Doamen[Number40.54i40 Qvil Process Uni[25 W. 4th Street 55 Eest Fifth S[ree[ Suite 800 of Lake McDonald Id Addition, IN CLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID PREMISES ARE IMPROVED in the Office of the County Recorder Suitel50, St Paul, MN St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 TOGETHER with a 2000 foot wide BVM ORtTGAGEE$133, 166 78 WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING of Washington Gounry, Minnesom. to pay the debt then secured by .1209]599 pe,nenent pedestrian non ecu ­ Th at priorto the commencement of OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT sat d Mortgage, endt-ifany, on .1223-753 C-) walkway easement over end eaoss this mortgage foredosure proceeding ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN OF MORTGAGE$166,400 Go said premises, and the costs enc THIS IS A COMMUNICATION the Southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 1, M 1MgeelAssignee of Mortgagee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, DATE OF MORTGAGE March 25, disbursements, indudmg ettome, FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. Block 1, Shores of Lake McDonald -pied wit ell notce regwrem ants ANDAREABANDONED 1G, fees :Mowed by law subject to " 1600 W' Id Addito, wahinglon Gounry, s required by st:Wte; that no action Dated: Augur 02016 2DIE AND PLACE OF FLING redempto,witlhb6Montlhshom We Review: SePt2Q 0¢ 5, 1219, 26 MI,nemm or proceeding h as been i Instituted:[ U.S.Bank National Association, Recorded on August 12 2005 :s doeof.d.11ebythemortg oqs), Nov 2, 2016) STREET ADDRESS OF or otherwise to recoverthe debt Mortgagee Document Number 3532251 i, the their personal represenmoves or PROPERTv: 4470 MCDONALD I: aced by said mortgage, or any OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Office of the Gounry Recoder of a ,g DRIVE You RT NORTH, part thereof ASSOCIATION Washington Gounry, Minnesom PATE TO VACATE PROPEFTV: NOTICE OF MORTGAGE-STILLWATER, MN 55082 PURSUANT to the power of sale By Jonathan R Guskey, Mioheel V THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO The date on or before which the FORECLOSURE SALE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ei,ed in said mortgage, the Schleismen BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE mortgagor must veoete the property THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, above described property will be AhOmA'tor: ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. if he mortgage is not r Minnesom sold by the Sheriff of said county as U.S Benk P. -Il Assooi:ton, $17],24239 under Minnesom SmWtes lsectto THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage follows: Mortgagee LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 58030 or the property redeeme' ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Electron Regia, ton Systems,n: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 4, under Minnesom SmWtes se TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT NAME OF MORTGAGE October2] 20161000 AIM St Paul MN 55101-1]18 Ridgeg:te P:to Homes, Washington 58023 i ­y172 o1_1159cion AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. ORIGINATOR Central Benk, e PLACE OF SALE Sheriff's Office .1203]549 Gounry, Minnesota If the foregoig date is a SeWrdey, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Minnesota Banking Coo -an Civil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street .1223-753IF STREET ADDRESS OF Sunday or legal holiday, then the defa ld[ ocou,ed in the conditons RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Dells Suite 150, S[PeuI, MN THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY. ]80] RIMBLEV RD, date to veoete is the ne#bueness of Wefollowing described mortgage: Fargo Benk, NA to pay the debt then secured by FIR DEBT COLLECTOR. WOODBURY MN 55125 d:yet 1159 Pm. Mortgagor Michael John MOVeigh TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION said Mortgage, end I- if any, on 7%816004121 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGORS) RELEASED end Nenoy Ann MOVeigh, es NUMBER070292041. 0005 said premises, end the costs end (Review: Sep[ ], 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, FROM OBLIGATION ON husband end wife TRANSACTION AGENT'S disbursements, inducing:ttomeyK 12 2016) Minnesom MORTGAGE: NONE Mortgagee: GU. Mortgage MORtTGAGE IDENTIFICATION fees allowed by law subsea o TRANSACTION AGENT M ortgage THE TIME ALLOWED BY Senncos Inc NUMBER 10 03581-2220 00 618 1 redem pton within 6Month ktm the Electronic Registr:ton Systems, Inc LAW FOR REDEMPTION By Dated: 0423201X3 THAT no action or proceeding hes date of saidsalebythe m ortM901 sJ, NAME OF MOFTGAGE THE MORTGAGOR, THE Recorded: 06110201X3 been inaiWted et new to recover the their personal represenmtves or NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR Advisors Mortgage, MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Rem key County Recorder debt then remei Ling secured bysudh FORECLOSURE SALE LLG a Minnesota limited li:bili[ Doament Na 3.27Q hereof, or, if Y REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS m ortgage or any part[ eD ANE S TO VACATE PROPERTY THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF oompeny MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Tran-anAgent NIA the action or ,no, hes been The date on or before which the THE DEBTAND IDEMITY OFTHE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS gran -an Agent M ortgage ID No: Wted, that the Sam e hes been mortgagor m us[ vecatete property ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE Seterus, Ino. NIA discont,ued, or [het en execution h TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION ENTERED UNSER MINNESOTA Lender or Broker: G.U. Mortgage h d d dtherein It he mortgage is not reins aced STATUTES SECTION 582032, Senncos, Ina upon t esu gt ant ren ere under Minnesom SmWtes sect on AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION N UM PER 702021.110084 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER hes been re umed unsatsLed, in 58030 or the property redeemed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That TRANSACTION AGENT'S THINGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO Senyicor: GU. Mortgage Senncos, wholeorin pert d M emct5 cton defaul[hesooa,ed h d s MORTGAGE OENTF GAT ON PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Inc PURSUANT, the power of sale 580.23 April2], 207 1159 p�m. of Wefollow ng de bd gge: NUMBER: 100149.00001019]8 WITH ARESIDENEIAL DWELLING M gg Originator G. U. M ortgage co d id mortgage) the MORTGAGOR(S). J es THAT ,proceed, hes SInc gib de -bed II be If h f g l,g d S rdey, L,dqu a a sage person been nsttuted et law to recover the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OeF cold b h Sheriff b seed count Sunday or legal holiday, hen the MORTGAGEE. WeIIs Fargo Benk, deb[Wen remaining seouredb dh ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N PROPERTY Lot3, Block 1 Maple follows e yes date to vacate is the n- bue,ess Ysu AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Woods Es'cttes Third Atlditon, day et 1159 P m. NA mortgage or any part thereof or if AND ARE ABANDONED. RamseYCot Minnesota Abstract DATE AND TIME OF SALE. MORTGAGOR RELEASED ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: the action or proceeding hes been Dated: September 19, 2016 November152016:t1000AM FROM OBLIGATION ON I Knedto: Nona instituted, ctat the same hes been CU Mortgage Services, Inc., Property PLACE OF SALE: Washington MORTGAGE NONE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL MOUNT discontinued, or that an exeouton Mortgagee This isAbstract Property THE TIME ALLOWED BV OF MORTGAGE $28500000 upon the judgment rendered therein OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL TAX PARCEL NO'. Public Notices DATE OF MORTGAGE: December has been rctumed-oldfied, 132923300. LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY whole ori, Perc " ASSOCIATION ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Continued on Page 14 THE MORTGAGOR THE 8, 2664 By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V Page 14 Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016 Review Public Notices Reb-F. Schiller Eel Tra.dian Agent Mortgage DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Oared: September 262016 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE N. Ki bo Lot, Fondullah, Esq Elearortio Registration Systems, Inc November29, 2016et 10 00 AM Deutsche Bank National Trust FO RECLOSURE SALE Continued from Page 13 'Curt N. Trisko, fgaEsq.' Tra.dian Agdo M oitgage ID No: PLACE OF SALE: Wakhag[on Compeny,es Indenture Trustee T E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Goun[ Shenffk Office, Weshin ton Samuel R Coleman, Esq 1000212000026]3]65 county Seriffs Office, A-ag[on forAmerican Home Mortgage THE DEBT AND IOENNTV OFTHE county Law Enforcement center Som eys for Mortgagee Lender or Broker: U. S. Bank N A county Lew Enforcement Genter, Irnastment Trust2005-3,Assignee ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE y Th, Academy Professional Building Servicer: U.S Beak Netonel 15015 no Street North, S011water, of Mortgagee TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT 15015 Qnd Street North, S011watU 25 North Del e Street Aasvoiatan Minnesom OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Manesab St Paul, MN 55102 Mortgage Originator: U.S. Benk to pay me debt men secured by ASSOCIATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That I, pay the deb[ men ceoured by (651)2039]. NA said mortgage and bares, if any By: td -hang I-,, MichaelV ,ebulthakacrurre,if thecenditafk said mortgage and I— It any '1 &1374 FC01) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF adually paid by the mortgagee S.Ieisman oemePollowing described mortgage: actually paid by the mortgagee, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: SiWeted in me Gounry on me premises end me cents and 1,neys for: MOR(TGAGORS). Amanda F. on the premises and the cents an' FROM A DEBTCOLLECTOR. of Ramsey and State of Manta disbursements allowed by law. The Deutsche Bank NaOanal Trust Can gefg-Yang, disbursements allowed bylaw. The 'Review: Sept 28, Od 5, 12, 19, 26 Unit Number 6 condominium Ome allowed by law for redempton Company, es IndenWre Trustee pemvf an unmerriec wed by law for redempton Nov 2, 2016) Number 1]9, Coach Homes of by said mortgagor(kJ, weir personal for American Home Mortgage MORTGAGEE. World Savings by seed mortgagor(kJ, weir personal Pemwayk e condominium, Ramsey represenbtvek or assigns ik six (6J nvektment Trust 20053, Assignee Bank, FSB, nikla Wells Fargo represen atvek or assigns ik d. (6) NOTICE OFMORTGAGE county, Mm -Ga. months from the date of sale of Mortgagee Bank NA Successor bymerger to months from medate of kala Thikik Registered Property TIME AND DATE TO VACATE SSEae Fifth S tre e t Suite 800 Wed�ovie Mort ,FSB aisle Worlc TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FORECLOSURE SALE TAX PARCEL NQ'. PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage St Paul, MN55101-1718 gage PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF rein Savings Benk, FSB 0228221200]3 shred or the property 651203]549 stated or the property THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: redeemed, or unless the Ome for 65122&1]53 (fax) ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. redeemed, o unless the Ome for ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Aasigned to. Nona redem tan ik reduced b deal TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT 2082PATH WAYS DR6 redempton rk reduced by judical THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT P Yu SA INT PAUL MN 55119 order youmukivacatethepremises FROM ADE BT COLLECTOR. order you m ukt vacate the premises AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY by 1159 Pm. on Mey30, 201 ]. OF MORTGAGE: $243 750 00 61159 on Mel5, 201]. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that l//2516c06441 DATE OF MORTGAGE. Augukt25, Y Pm. y IS LOCATED:I ke THE TIME ALLOWED BY 'Review: O¢ 5, 12, 19, 26 Nov 2 THE TIME ALLOWED BV debul[hekoceufed if the cendi0onk y 2004 LAW FOR REDEMPTION By ofthefoll-agdesonbed mortgage ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 9,2016) DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. THE MORTGAGOR, THE Mortgagor Kong Veng, e marred OF MORTGAGE :$49,%o00 THE MORTGAGOR, THE Recorded on November 8, 2004 AMOUNT DUE AN D CLAIMED TO MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL k Document Number 3477334 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Mort : Mort Electronic BEDUEASOF DATEOFNOTICE REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS Y REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS 9agee gage INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ak modified of ApnI b document MAY BE REDUCED TO FVE Registration Systems, Ina a FORECLOSURE SALE recer,e, on April ], 2016 ek W EEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS nmif gage, BVMORTGAGEE:$102,35601 WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER I6 e for Lake Aree Mort THE RIBT AND IDENTITY OF HE Dooum eft e unty Re in the That priorto the commencement of ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA e Division of Lake Are Benk, THE AN EDITOR IT OF THE D of the Gounry Recerder of STATUTES, SECTION 582032, coryoratan a mikmortgagefforedosure proceedinc STATUTES, SECTION 582032 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN Washington county, Minnekob MortgageeS,-Knee of Mortgagee DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Dated: 11242009 cemplied with all n atcerequiremen[s THIN OS, THAT THE of MORTGAGED TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT THE AMOUNT GUUMEO TO THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Filed: 0-92010 AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Y giktrer required by statute; [het no action PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. Rathke Re of atlas NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that WLTH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLING Document Nc. 2103306 Against er proceeding hes been inktiWted et WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING blaul[hek acrurred tome cendi0onk $28],299]0 Certificate cantle No S]652 aw or otherwise to recever the debt OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ofthe Pollowin described more LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS enured by said mortgage, or any ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N g gage: ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Assigned To: U.S Bank Natanal part thereof AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Mortgagor: Nancy Ramsey, mngle PROPERTY. Lot 12, Blod: 1, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Aksoaatian woman Timber Rdge, Wakhagton Gounry, PURSUANT to me power of kale MD ARE ABANDONED AND ARE ABANDONED Dated: 11252015 cenbined in said mortgage, the MORTGAGORS RELEASED Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Minnesla SORTGAGORS) RELEASED Filedl-12015 above desonbed property will be FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION nom neetof Sys[emk, a tie STREET ADDRESS OF FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Ramsey Gounry Registrar tie atlas nominee for Merkegrlecef Home PROPERTY: ]164 ]4TH STREET sold byme Sheriff tie said ceunry ek ON MORTGAGE None ON MORTGAGE: None Document No. 12545991 Aga- tollowk: Dated: September29, 2016 Mortgage, LLC, e Limited Liability GT S, COTTAGE GROVE MN Dated: September222016 Gertifioeteof Title Na'. 5]652 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. company 660A.0 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. nankadion Pgent Mortgage DecemberN TIME 00 AM Mortgagee Dated: 11252009 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Mortgagee Electronic Regiktraton Sys[emk, Ina PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, THEAGADEMVLAW GROUP, PA Recerded: 121152009 IS LOCATED: Washington county, THEAGADEMVLAW GROUP,PA Trankadon /igen M rtgagmID No D h gton county Recerder MInne-a CMI P k Uni[ 25 J4. 4th Street By I I D n No 37/1526 TRANSACT ON AGENT None Re Ikl 100/1680 A S 150, S[. Paul, MN R b cra F. Schiller Es RebeccaF Schiller al Lender or Brok : Lake Area g A g ed To: Oaven Loan NAME OF MORTGAGE q p y he debt then secure, by N. Kb fgfi Fof,ungelleh, Esq ORIGINATOR: J4orld Sevn Benk, N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq Mortgage, e Division tie Lake Area said Mortgage, end bxek, ie any, on LLrcN. Trisko, Esq Servicing, 239k 'Curt N. Trisko, Esq.' Bank Dated: 06232014 FSB, nikb Wel lk Fargo Bank, N A, Samuel R Golemen, Ek Servicer: U.S. Bank National said premises, end the cell enc 'Samuel R. Coleman, Esq.' Recerded'. 06252014 Successor by merger to 'D-ovia q dikbursemen[s, ind the attorneys' Attorneys ffor CMI ­ Mort ,FSB aisle World Sevin Abomeysfor Mortgagee Asocatian seek allowed by law subject o The Academy Proffeksionel Building Washington County Recerder gage 9k TheAcademyProffeksionel Building Mortgage Originator Lake Area redemption within 6Monmkfrom the 25 North Dale Street Document Na 3991852 Bank, FSB 25 North Dale Street Mortgage, a Diviean off Lake Area dateaekai, kaleby Mont l -on, the St Paul MN55102 Trafkaction Agent Mortgage RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Werb St Paul , MN 55102 Bank their personal represenbtvek or (651)2039]. Electronic Regid,Oon Systems Ina Fargo Benk,NA '651)2039]. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF the,,asdk (1?387-002) Trafkactiaf Agent M a age lD No: TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION (131170 FOOD PROPERTY: Lot4, Blod:3, Hillkdele' DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 1002491200002]14Y] NUMBER: 0802721 220022 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Ramsey Gounry, Minnesob Lender or Broker. Marketbace TRANSACTION AGENTS The date on or before whidl the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. FROM A28 Goo 512R1 This ik RegiktPARCEoperty Home Mortgage, LLC, e Limited MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION (Review: SeptSep[ 28, Oct COLLECTOR. , 26 TAX PARCEL NO': T meagmartgage'�tfatwee stetec (Retoo) Got 5, 12 19, 26 Nov 2 L til ycompany NUMBER: Nonce Nov 2, 2016) 2. 29 under M ffesob StOu- sedan S cera Oaven Loan Sennoing, THAT or proceeding hes ADDRESS OF PROPERTY LIG been felWted at law to recever me 1164 MAGNOLIAAVE EAST Unde, Inthe property redeedmed Mortgage Originator: Maulpllace deb[ then rem aini ng seared by such under Minnesob SbWtek se NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SAINTPAUL MN55106 58023 ik June T201]et 1159 p�mn NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Home Mortgage, LLC, a Limited mortgage, or any pert thereof oro COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY FORECLOSURE SALE IT Company the action or proceeding has been FORECLOSURE SALE If the foregoing date ik a Saturday ei THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF IS LOCATED: Ramsey Sunday or legal holiday, then the THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF a Wted, that the same has been ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT date to vacate ik the n- b -a- THE DEBT AND IDEMITY OFTHE PROPERTY: To 5, Block 2, disoaftnued, or that an exe.tan THE DEBT AND IDEMITY OF THE OF MORTGAGE :$118,03o00 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE common Interest community No upon thejudgt en[refdered therein ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ,MORTAGOR TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT 1420ekwoode -He ,Washington has been re dined unketsned, in TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT MORTGAGORS) RELEASED whole or in BE DUEAS OF GATE OF NOTICE AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. Gounry, Minnesob pert. AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION FROM OBLIGATION ON NOTICE IS HER GIVEN, that P y power o wcMO TG Taxes, IF ANY PAID Tab ik Aderad Pro erc PURSUANT, to the f kale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That MORTGAGE: NONE default hekooarrAd in the cendito BY MORTGAGEE -110,659.44 TAX PARCEL ND. cenbined in said mortgage, the debul[hekono de in the cendi0onk That prior to the cemmencement f THE TIME ALLOW EO By oemlgfol l0, desonbed mortgage: 1ADDRESSOF 15 above described property will be off the Drovo described m ortgage: this m ortgage toreolosure proceeding LAE FOR REDEMPTION FTION BY Mortgagor Sera KLarsen,ASingle ADDRESSOR PROPERTY: sold by the Sheriff of said oounryek MORTGAGOF(SI Penny Perks, M 0agageelAasignee tie Mortgagee THE MORTGAGOR THE Person 6Q0 Getohen LnN ffollowk: single person om lied with all aortia re ui rements MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Oakdale MN 55128 GATE AND TIME OF SALE. aMOFTGAGEE. Wells Falgo Benk, a p U REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, Mortgagee: Mortgage Bearonio 9 krequired bykbWte; [het no action MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Regiktratan Systems, ak IS IN WHICH PROPERTY Novem be -22 2016at 10 ROAM NA orproceeding hes been inktiWted et WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS nom nee ffor Am encan foHome IS LOCATED: Wekhing[on PLACE OF SALE Washington ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: law or otherwise to recever the debtInc ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT county Shen fk Office, Washington Asst dto: None. se r ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgage Acceptance, In. gne cured by said mortgage, o any Dated: 0623200.5 OF MORTGAGE $13074800 county Lew Searcement Genter, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT STATUTES SECTION 582032 part thereof Recerded: 08115200.5 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIM EO TO 15015 Qnd Street North, S011weter D MORTGAGE: $150265.00 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Minnesob PURSUANT to the power tie kale THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED WekhifgtN Count Recorder BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE GATE OF MORTGAGE: December oonbined in said mortgage, the Dooumen[Na 3532.2 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID to pay the debt then secured by 23 2014 above described will be PREMISES ARE IMPROVED BY M OR(TGAGEE:$121, 1]5.61 said mortga e and bx k, ie DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: property DLTH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLINC Aasigned To: OeutnTlle Bank d II d b the e any Recorded on December 30, 2014 sold by the Sheriff of said ceunry as OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, National Trust Company as That poor to the cemmencement of a day pay y mortgagee, end memorialized a G0 014 ffollowk: ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN IndenWre Trustee ffor American thikmortgageforeolosureproceeding on the premi sek and the cents anc pan GATE AND TIME OF SALE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Home Mortgage Investment Trus[ M agageei-Ignee of Mortgagee disbursements allawedbylaw. The of nee No. s]2os ak Document Novem barn 2161oDO AM ANDARE ABANDONED. 20053 oompue,wim all foO�requirem efb tine au a we, by law mr redempton Number 1231833 in me office of PLACE OF SALE: sherirrk office, Dated: oen]2o1s regh,ed by kbWte; that no action by kat d m oitgagortk), the, personal the county Registrar of reek of Diel Praceks Und 25 w. 4th Street Dated: Septem be, 26201s Re�me,. osrolrzols o�prooeeamg has been meiWte, at represefbtvek or aksigfk ik six (s7 Weshmg[on Gounry, Minnekob Suitpa, the debt MN U.S. Bank National Association, Wekhin Goun[ Recorder law or otherwise to recever the debt months from the date of kala THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO Assignee of Mortgagee gtaf Y ke r to pay the debt then secured by Dooumen[Na 4081.0 cured by said mortgage, o any TIME AND GATE TO VACATE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL said Mortgage, and t_ if any, on ASSOCIATION Transection Agent Mortgage partmereaf PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage $150968.]5 ON THE TE OF THE NOTICE. said premises, and the cell and By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V Eearonio Regiktraton Systems,Inc PURSUANT to the port r tie kale reinkteted or be PIOPefty disbursements, including attorneys' Sdhleismen Transaction Agent SO No con erred in said mo gage, he adeemed, unless he for LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF seek allowed by law subject o Alom­ to,100314000008482493 ab=ed property will be redempton ik reduced by judidal PROPERTY: LotT (12), Block d p h 6Monmkfrom the U.S. Bank Netonel Aasoceton, Lender or Broker: Am H e sold by the Sherff off ked ceunry ak od y mulct vacate the premsek Two (2J, Ashbou 2 d Addition, d e d byme mortgagor(kJ, A g fMortgagee Mortgage Aocepbn ffollowk: byll59Pm. on May22, 201]. Common nterektC t Na ]8, Cher personal reprekenbtvek or 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Senncer. Oewen Loen Servcng, GATE AND TIME OF SALE. THE TME DEMP EO BY e Planned community, Weshingon assigns LLG December2201610 A0 AM LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Goun[ Minnesob St Paul, MN55101-1]18 Y DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement THE MORTGAGOR, THE REGISTERED PROPERTY .1203]549 Mortgage Originator: American The date on or beffore which the 65122&1]53 far Home MortgageAceepbnoe, Ino Genter, 15015 no Street N., MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL STREET ADDRESS OF ( ) S011 -et MN REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, PROPEFTV: 35. GENEVIEVE IF the motgaivec not heproperty THIS IS A COMMUNICATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF IF the mortgage ik not rein ated PROPERTY: Unit Na 1403 to pay the debt then seared by MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE AVEN, OAKDALE, MN55128 don FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. condominium No Noxbo1403 99 Y under Minnekob SbWtek ke said Mort age end bxek, ie an, on WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS COUNTY N DHICH PROPERTY 58030 the pr p y d emed -Review: Got 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, Place condom Eghm Id p ek and the cents and ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA S LOCATED: Dadhmgton county, d M ekob S do Supplemenbl Gond PI t d b b, indudng attorneys STATUTES, SECTION 582032, 9, 2016 Man 58023 Mey1], 201] 1159 p�m. ) J4esM1 ng[on Gounry, Mnnesota e II fd by law subject o DETERMINING AMONG OTHER TRANSACTION AGENT None Ie the foregoing date ike SeWrdey, Thdhmgton Co Property "edmpeonwithin6 Monthkfrom the THINGS, THATTHEMORTGAGED NAME OF MORTGAGE Sunday or legal holiday, then the TAX PARCEL NO.'. dateoekaidkalebythemortgagoq( ), PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORIGINATOR: Wells Fargo Bank, date to vacate ik the next business NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 2902921.420240 their personal reprekenbtvek or WITH A RES IDENTIAL OW ELLING NA day at 1159 Pm. FO RECLOSURE SALE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. ekegnk. OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells MORTGAGORS) RELEASED THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ]65615th Street LnN GATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Fargo Benk, N A FROM OBLIGATION ON THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Oakdale, MN 55128 The date on or beffore which the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGE'. NONE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY mortgagor mulct vacate the property AND ARE ABANDONED NUMBER: 1.029212302'45 21 23.0245 THE TIME ALLOW EO BV TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT IS LOCATED: Washington if the mortgage ik not re ated SOFTGAGORS) RELEASED TRANSACTION AGENTS LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT under Minnesob S[eWtek isect on FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That OF M ORTGAGE:$105,OOo00 58030 or the property redeemed ON MORTGAGE: None NUMBER: None MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL debul[hek ocrurred in the oondi0onk AMOUNT DUE ANO CLAIMED TO under Manta Statutes Becton Dated: September29, 2016 THAT fa action orproceeding has REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, ofthe following described mortgage: BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, 58023 ik June22017et 1159 pm. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. been inktiWted et law to recever the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE MORTGAGORS): Dawn Hudella INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID Ie the fforegoing date ik e SeWrdey, Mortgagee deb[men remaining secured bysuoh WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORO ER IS eke Dawn M. Hudera, a eagle By MORTGAGEE'.$., 82340 Sun day or legal holiday, then the THEACADEMYLAW GROUP, PA mortgage or any part thereof or ie ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA person Thet pRTGAGecemmencementoe date to vacate ik the n-bueneks By lkl the action or proceeding hes been STATUTES SECTION 582032 MORTGAGEE: Wealmkpnfc this m ortgage foredakure proceeding day et 1159 pm. RebeccaF Schiller Esq adthluted that the kame has been DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Mortgage a manesab Corpol-Oan Moagagee-dKnee of Mortgagee MORTGAGORS) RELEASED N. Kbongni Fondungallah, Esq d-unued, or that an execution THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. cempliedwith all notcerequ,emenF, FROM OBLIGATION ON 'Curt N.Trisko, Es q.' upon me udgt en[ rendered therein PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Asygned to: Wells Fargo Bank, NA ak required by dDlute; that no action MORTGAGE: NONE Samuel R Coleman, Esq hes been reumed unkatstied, in WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING byakegnmentrecordedon February or proceeding hes been ifktWted et THE TIME ALLOWED BY Attorneys for M ortgagee who Orin part. OF LESS THAN FIVE UNIT$ 25, 2005 ak Document Number law creek gse to recever the debt LAW FOR REDEMPTION By TheAcademyProffeksionel Building PURSUANT, to the power tie kale ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 3449]]2 in the Office of the county secured by said mortgage, or any THE MORTGAGOR THE 25 North Dale Street ned in said mortgage, the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Recerder of 'Dashagton County part thereof; MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL St Paul, MN 55102 above described property will be ANDAREABANDONED. Manesob PURSUANT to the power tie kale REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, "651)2039]. sold by the Seriff of said county ek Dated September21, 2016 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT cenbined in said mortgage, the MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE '16141]-FC01) ffollowk: U.S.Bank National Association, OF MORTGAGE $16800000 above described property will be WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS THIS IS A COMMUNICATION DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Assignee d Mortgagee DATE OF MORTGAGE: December kold by the Sheriff of said ceunry ak ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Novem ber 22, 2016 at 10 00 AM PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL 20 2004 ffalI0_ STATUTES SECTION 582032 (Review: Od 5,12,19,26 Nov 2, PLACE OF SALE Washington ASSOCIATION DATE AND PLACE OF FILING DATE AND TIME OF SALE: DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 9,2016) Gounry Shenffk Office, Washington By Jonathan R Cu-, Midheel V Recerded on February 25, 2005 ek Deoember22016, 10A0 AM THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Gounry Law SLomement center, SH, leikm an Document Number 34497/1 in the PLACE OF SALE. Lew Goo -cement PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH 15015 Qno Street North, S011weter Attomeyseor: Office of the county Recerder of center, 15015 no Street N. A RESIDENTIAL OWEWNG PUBLIC NOTICE Minnesob U.S. Benk Netonel Aasviceton, Wekhing[on Gounry, Minnekob Stillwater MN OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITSS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that o pay the debt then ce ured by Asignee tie Mortgagee THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO to pay the debt then secured by ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN the personal property described ek said mo gage end ark, ie any 55 Eekt Fifth Street Suite 800 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE saidM agage, and I.e ieany, on AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ffalI0_ cadally paid by the mortgagee, St Paul, MN55101-1718 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: said premises, end the costs and ANDAREABANDONED. 19]0 Kenw Manufactured Home, me premises end the cents enc 651 2017549 $1550]933 disbursements, inducing attorneys' Oeted: September2], 2016 1039AB disbursements allowed by law. The 651-281]53 (fax) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF fees allowed by law sub act o Oaven Loan Servicing, LLC, currency located et 45 Cimarrontme , ll wed by law ffor redemption THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Lotl6 Bloc: 1, Garver red em peon within 6 Months Don, the Assignee of Mortgagee Lake Elm o MN 55042 V, kaed a ortgagoq(), their personal FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Lake Meadows Washington county, date tie said kale bymemortgagor(kJ OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL together with all ml-raneauk represenbtvek or assigns ik six (b) 1 /.316006 31 Manta their personal represefbtvek or A660GIATION personal property located th erein months from the date of kala 'Review: Sept 28, Od 5, 1219, 26 STREET ADDRESS OF assigns By: Jonathan R LLkkey, Midheel V will be sold et public auction by TIME AND GATE TO VACATE Nov 2, 2016) PROPERTY. 6410 LAKETERRACE GATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. S.leisman the Wekhing[oa County Sheriff on PROPERTY Unless [aid mortgage EAST, WOODBURY MN 55125 The date on or beffore which the Attomeyse0' the Nineteenth day tie October ted or he property 3966 mtagagortI vacate theproperty Oaven Loan Sennoing, LLG 2016 at 10 A0, et.l Lake Elmo redeemed, unless the Ome for NOTICE OF MORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ie he mortgage ik not re ate, AasigneeofMortgagee Ave N. located in the city of Lake redemption is reduced by ludical IS LOCATED: 'Dashagton County under Minnesota Statutes sed on 55 East Fifth Street, Suite 800 Elmo, County of 'Dashifgton, State order you mulct vacate the premises FORECLOSURE SALE Manesob 58030 or the property redeemed S[Paul, MN55101-1]18 off Minnesob, to pay and ketsfy by 1159Pm. on Mey2, 201 ]. THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF TRANSACTION AGENT: None under Minnesob St ut sedan 651 201199 alien which ik deimed to be due THE TIME ALLOWED BY THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE NAME OF MORTGAGE 58023 ik June2201]et 1159 p�m. 65122&1]53 (far) from Manan Floyd Hebenf an LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE ORIGINATOR Weelmkpnnc If the fforegoingdete ik e SeWrdey, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION [03I10114i]) as the owners) andlor THE MORTGAGOR, THE TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Mortgage, eMinnesob Goryoraton Sunday or legal holiday, then the FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL AFFECTEDBYTHIS AC TION. //2516006131 n q( andlor ocupanq() thereof REPRESENTATIVES oRASSIGNS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, mat RESIDENTAL SERVICER Wells date to vacate Ik the next business 1 to'. Retry SydAm-l-o na If the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE default has oceufed in the cenditonk Fargo Benk, NA day et 1159 Pm. "Review: Od 5, 1219, 26 Nov2 sum of one thousand seven hu ndrec TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS RELEASED 9,2016) h two ENTERDAJUDRIC MINNEER IS oMagallo, Shannonb T mortgage: N UMBER to GG2144. 0027 FROM OBLIGATION ON ($1]8254) commputed tofthe day of ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagor Shannon T clerk end TRANSACTION AGENTS MOF(TGAGE NONE said kale, exdukive of the expenses STATUTES, SECTION 582032, AndreeN Clerk, signing solelyfforme MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED BY of said kale and of the adveUbm, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER purpose oewaiving borrower rights, NUMBER None LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY thereof together with the necessary THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED husband and wife THAT no action or prooeedmg h ak THE MORTGAGOR, THE expenses of advertising PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mortgagee: Mortgage Eneactronice been inktiWted et law to recever me MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL cenduding said kale; end met me rvITH AREsIDENnAI DWELLING Regiktratof systems ,AD nrA amif db m REPRESENTATIves oRAssIGNs OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, nomueefor U. S. BankN A gke-e by grounds of said lien ere for care of ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Dated: 09�U12011 mortgage, or any part thereof or, ie MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE enaCVmpersonal p-opertyremaam, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Filed: 091142011 me edion or proceeding hes been WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS on Cimarron Mobile Home Perk ANDAREABANDONED. Ramsey Registrar of Titles i -bated, met the kame hes been ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA premises following abandonment by SOFTGAGORS) RELEASED DocumentNo 21513. Aga- di-unued, or that an execution STATUTES SECTION 582032 tenanq )andloroceupanq( ). FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION certificate tie Title Na586449 upon the judgment rendered therein DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Dated: Septem ber14, 2016 ON MORTGAGE None Aegned To: U.S Bank National has been reumed unkatkfied, in THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED (Review: Sept 21, 28, Od 5, 2016) Dated: Septem ber21, 2016 -o-an whole orin par[ PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WELLS FARGOMNK,N.A. Dated: 0//72014 PURSUANT, to the power of kale DITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Mortgagee Filed: 081192014 cenbined in said mortgage, the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS THEACADEMVLAW GROUP, PA Ramsey county Registrar of Trees above de -bed property will be ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Public Notices By Ikl Document Na. T0251oe. Aga- fouod.b the Sheriff of kaid aunty ak AGolCULTU AE oo PR DUCTION, Continued on Page 15 CeRfibOe of rite Na.:58644s Review Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE the Nineteenth day d October Continued from Page 14 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN [het 2016 et 10 00 et 9J1 Lake Elmo g the personal property desonbed fib Ave. N., located In HA dty of Lake PUBLIC NOTICE follows: Elmo, Coanty of Washington, State NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 19]0 Movilla Manufa t—d Home, of Minnesota, to pay end batbfy a NOTICE IS property dGIVENdab 24480309W0310 lien wh. lb daim ed to be due from follows _duly located at 385 Qm anon, Susan Arlene Hughes 19]0 Kenw Manufactured Home, Lake Elmo MN55042 Ronald Dean Hag—(0223119.) to 71 together with all md,dlllaneoab Diana Shap'o (911111961) and rently located et 99 Gmenon, personal propeltylocatedtherein Mark 0. Shap', 000311.8) es Lake El mo MN 55042 will be sold e pabh, audion by the o netts) endlor tena qt ) endl together with all miscellaneous the 'A Ihagton County Sheriff on or oaupanq k) thereof to: Realty personal property located therein the Nineteenth day of October SyDemsAnzone In the sum of Two III be sold a publio audion by 2016 at 10a at 901 Lake Elmo thousandexhundredeftymur0ouars the Washington Coanty Sheriff on A N., located In the dty of Lake end 71 MOO ($2.4]1) computed to the Nineteenth day of October Elmo County of Wee I ngto,, State the day of said sale, exclaeve of the 2016 at 1000 et 901 Lake Elmo of Minnesota, to pay and batey a expenses of said sale end of the Ave. N., located In the d[y of Leke Igen which Ib chimed to be due from adveltiengthereof together with the Elmo, County of 'J4'asAlnty o State Ashley Ann Johnston (04231 1992) necessary expenses of advertising of Minnesota, to pay end batbfy es the owner(6J endlor tenent(6J end conduding said sale; end that which Ib claimed to be due endlo'occupanq(Vthe'ebto: Realty thegroundsof-lidhen are for care of aDom lt n .Into, Metmew A, Hen SOD s-Anzona athesum of One t nCs personal propertyremeining 0611411 1) Tam are R SthkI— hou.nd eight hundred one Dollars on aQme,on Mobile Home Perk 924119) end Janet L Tee' end 521100 ($180152) compute, premises following abandonment by (111911.5) es the ownet(bj dl m the day of said sal e, excluede of ten aqk)endlor o—p,agk) nenpbJ endlor negp) ndi the expenses of said bale and of the Dated. Septem be n4, 2016 thereof to: Realty Systems -Arizona, edvelZ7g the together with the ;Review: Sept 21, 28, Od. S, 2016) in the sum of One thousand seven necessary expenses of edvertienc hwdrede:ayeHe Douark a,d33no0 and co,dadmg said bale; and mat $1].33) computed to the day of the grounds of bald d areforcare of CERTIFICATE OF said bale, exdueve of the expenses tenanebpersonalp'opertyremainin c ASSUMED NAME of said bale end of the edvembing on Gmenon Mobile Home Perk STATE OF MINNESOTA thereof together with the necessary Premisebfollowing ebendonmen[by Minnesota Sbtutes Chapter 333: expenses of ad-Usag and enang )andlor Dau pa,t(b). ASSUMED NAME: Ubrant conduding said bale; and thatthe Dated. September 14, 2016 PRIINCIPALPLACE OF BUSINESS'. ds of said lien ere to' Dare of (Review: Sept 21, 28, Od 5, 2016) groan 1168 Selby A nue, S[ Peul, MN Cm anon nM property'Amei,Ing ytpq na,m folll Mobile Home Perk Holten OLOERS: Deborah Ann premises following abandonment by PUB HEREBY ICE Ho odd 1MN Fels ookKa Lane, ,ent(6J endlor ocapent(6J. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Woodbury, MN 55125, Kerte Marie [Dated: September l4, 2016 the personal property described es RR 8024 Fairfield Road North, ;Review: Sept 21, 28, Od 5, 2016) follows: Brooklyn Perk, MN 55444 1 97 Lara Manufadured Home, I, the undersigned, certify that I OR0299Da3o0w e egnmg this d—ment fib the renty located at 386 Qmanon, pars whose egnat lrequired. Lake Elmo MN 55042 ' es agent of the person(s) whose together with all mi bwllaneous dgnIHe would be required who hes personal p'opeaybdDed therein auhorized m e to egn this dooument ill be bold a publio auction by on hiblhe' behalf o' n both the Washington County Sheriff on apad— lbrthe—Ifythatl have NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OFT"X FORFEITED LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the parcels d land debaibed on the 2016 Pubic Audio, Libtng-1601 that ,Ad herein shall be bold to the highest bidder at publio bale. The bale will be governed bythA p'ovieo,b of M.S. 28201 end by the _0 aro, of the Wadhagto, County Board of Comm—al,Ars authorizing badh kala The reads es follows: RESOLVED, thatall pa'celb of- forfeited land Ilbted on the 2016 PublaAada, Listing -161 be approved end authorizato, to' publio kale granted, pursaa,tto M . 28201; thatth, b -b sale price of A- pa'col appearing on thA lid filed with th, cowry P'op,ly RAooms and Taxpayer S-- Department b, app'od,d; and that th, kal, be held at 200 Pm. Friday, Odobe' 28, 20161, Co,fe -A Room LL14, Waehagto, County .—ant Center S011w— MlnnA-a endthe kale befo'not labs than the bee, kale price. RESOLVED, thatthe kale date of Odobe'2Q 2016d he'ebyoone,ned and repIH—A app—tons will no long„ bA accepted for pa'celk 1—d on th, 2016 Public Audan Hang W20161. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DO thA teens of kal, b, fib klDID In thA attached do,Um dU te,d fib Tann b to'thA Sala The kale will be In at 200 P M. Bidders me obtain an au,ban at a-beln at1:15 PM. g g nag Additonel mfo,nato, about the kale of cox -forfeited land In my Gogto, County Ant Cdca, be obmined at the office of the Property Records and Taxpayer Services, Weehing[on County Government Center, 14949 Qnd S[ N, Stillwater MI„,come a tonITelephon, :430£1]5. Sale I,fo,nato, b available hornom 0owe ur webete et www.coehing[ommnub. Septem 2016 Kevin J. Cold Washington CoantyAaditor TERMS FORTHE SALE OFTAX FORFEITED LAND IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA BASIC SALE PRICE All parcels ere offered etpublic audion end cold tothe higheb[bidder. The minimum bid ecoepmble Ib[he bebicbele price, which Ib equal to the appraised value plus any extra --to' kpedal ebs,bsmenm levied afte'forfeibre fib shown on the lis[ of cox forfeited lend EXTRA FEES AND COSTS: IN AD— ­ T A DDITIONTOTHE BASIC SALE PRICEThe following extra fees will be , leded when the bee, kale price Ib paid In full. Smte Su'arge 31 of the bee, kale price Smte dhDeedFee $2500 state Oeed Tex 00033pe'$100000 o'$1.. whicheve'Ib greater Conberveton Fee $5.00 Re.aagFee $4600 PAVMENTTERMS: CASH For pu'.Ia ,[$10,000 o' labs, paymentInfull Ib requiredptthetme of pa'dhabe For pa'dhasebof morethen $10,000, 10% of the baec kale price Ib required. he tae of par FIe end the'emainag balance Ib due within 15 bubinebsdayb Cabhb Gheck4 MoneyOaerb Certified Ched, and Personal dhed<berA all accepted. OrideYb L'_e o'othA,v IhdpldweID'egwred atthe In, A of kal A'e,ept FORMER OWNERS F0 ae' owners, or anyone who had 'MMHJhabe Interest at the In, e of tax forfeiture under M 282241, m s pay the ba b kale price o'the total amount of delinquency whi dh In dudes the bum of all taxes bpedal absebsm ants, penelteb, mtereb[endcosb due etthe tme of forfeibre plusany spedel ebsebsm ants to' Im"0' ants certified es of the date of the kale, whidheve'Ib m ore, purse ant to M ane -a StOut Sedan 28201 "0' ent In other words, you cannot reduce you, tax burden by letti ng a parcel forfeit to' nonpayment of taxes. Aperson prohibited Dom pa'dhaeng property under this se,tan of ktatute must not di'edly o' adi—ly have noherp—onpa'dhabe Iton behalfofthe prohibited pa'dhabe'foaheprohibited pa'dha 1 I be,Afito' gain. 'M. S. 282016). Sadh a buye'(and the p'oh added Individual to whom the land would e—dually be conveyer!) Ib engaged In e k.em e to violate the law by withholding money horn the - forfeited land kale fund AXES Tax Forfeited propertyth Ib kold et a publio audion on o' before Decem be'31 bt of an abs,bbm ent yea' kM1ell be planed on the a,A— ent rolls to' that y,e ­e­ent For ex am plea the property kold In 2016 will be assessed es of January 2, 2016 and taxes will be payable, n 2017 CONDITIONS Sales sere bub ed to exSi ktin leases, buildin f re,o'd at the Ome of forfeib'e and to l g g rebiridionb appearing o b obmined by enygovemmenml subdivieon o' agenoyth—of for anypubla purpose eeTM1e county makes no we,a,ty that the land Ib buildable and It may not confo,n to local demilb of building codes or ng le Washington County lb not'espo,eble to'thA,�e�ton o'dete,n UUg propelyli nes o' boundaries . The appraised value does not'ep—ent a basis PorbturA bxeb AI kales ere final and no refunds o' exdhangeb ere pe—bed TITLE The pa'dhabe' will receive a Certificate of Sal e at the In, e of pard, Ie The Com m,-ane'ofRevenuewilllb— a deed Dom the Smte of Ml nnemm ale, full paym ant Ib made The law provides that this conveyance hes the force and effect of ape tent Dom the Smte H oweder cox forfeib'e create, a beak In the dha,n of ttl e, and services of an ado they maybe necebsaryto make the the markemble SPECIAL ASSESSMEMS If a parcel had Special Abase, ants Cancelled at Forfeib'e, as Indicated on the Ilk[, the proceeds of the kale leks theedminibtretve cos will be first epplled toward the cancelled ebs,bsmen[ The munidpeli[y they reassess any hmg balance. Any spell—e—enF, which were levied afte'forfeib'e and certified to the County AuditorTreasurer have been added to the appraised value and must be paid bythe pa'dhase' es part of the base kale price. These ere albo shown on thelist as New Special Absebsm enm ntb Impmvemenot yet assessed ere the respo,ebility of the pa'dhase'. PARCELS REMAINING UNSOLD Any parcel not kold et a publio sale may be MH,hased afte'the pub—ale bypaying the baec kale price and the #ra fees and cosh The bale kale price cannot be,hanged antl the pa—I Ib reapp,aIbed, republished, end again offered at a publio kale Inform at onabout the kale of cox forfeited land In Aaehaglon County can be obtained Dom the Property Records and—,par Services Departm ent located at 14949 Qnd Street N olth, P0. Box Stillwater MN 55082 Telephone ,.1 430 61]5. Sale, Uo,, Ian Ib al ko available Dom our -bete at www.co waehagtonm n. u,. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016 Page 15 completed all required fields, anc COanA,, Minnesota authorized me to sign this do—H that theinf—Ion In this do—H TO'. MELISSA D. MILLER, MRS on hdil behalf or In both u --de and d andin com phan- STEVEN H. MILLER, STEVEN cIa.— l UP- celtifythat l have withthe applicable chapter of H. MILLER AND LAKERIDGE mmpleted allrequired fields, e Minnesota St' I` I anderstanc TOWNHOMEASSOCIATION, INC. thatt-Ho— on In this document DO by egnag this dooument l am Upon'Aceivi,g andfilingthA Report 1ruand--dandd andin compliance HA bub- to e penaeb ltof peru,a ofthe Exama—ftl—UHAebo, with HA applicable ,apt” of kOfoll, lad dal,.948ab iflhac A,tted m ,, IT IS ORDERED, Minnesota StOu- I and—tan, egned this doom Ant under oaththat yo u, and allpersons l aterebted, that by egning this document l am D,UA: 091192016 appear b,a— this COUP on the 24th bubled to HA penaloes of pAlqu, fib /s/ Kerte Marie Kritz day of October 2016 et 900 AM et set forth In S-an.948 es if l hac (Review: Sept 28, Oct 5, 2016) [hA Weehagton County G­eg,Adthib document under oath. Canter 14949 Qnd Street North, D,UA: August 5th, 2016 StIl—C, MN 55082 and then or es /s/D-a Modica AMENDMENTTO soonthereefteres said mettercen be Programs Meneger ASSUMED NAME heard chow Daus,, if any there be, 'Review: Od 5, 12, 2016) why this Gourc ehould not enter an STATE OF MINNESOTA Order es follows: MinnesMe Statutes Chapter 333: That the Registrar of Titles of STATE OF MINNESOTA 1. Lie the axed assumed name Waehagton County, upon the filing ande'whidhthAbabi,A661 bo'will be of a certified Dopy of this Order, COUNTY OFWASHINGTON Inkamate Tattoos an,el Certificate of Title No. 58377 DISTRICT COURT 2 Pri,dpal Place of Business: and enter a new CAmficatA of Title TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 221111th, E, North St Paul, MN to' land therein described In favor Court File Number: 02 -CV -1&3525 55109 of Federal Home Loan Mortgage Case Type: Harassment 3. Lisdthenameandmmpletet— Corpo-an, free from all m em oriels Notice of Issuance of Harassment address of all persons condud,n, now appearing on the present Orderfor Rehtlby Publication sae nabs under the above Assam Ac CArtificatA of Title, the last of which In the Matter of Nam e: Inkamate Tattoos LLC 2211 Ib Document No. 1240784, and Neah Hanana Charlton DAancelo 11th Ave E, North St Paul, MN free albo from the memorial of this Ea 55109 Order except the Regibhar of Titles Pena,,' 4. This certificate Ib an amendment shall carry forward CHA memorials w of GArtificatA ofAssumed N—A ROA of Do—H Nos 5.32 1048166 Jennt,, Dannc Number: 8.947600030 10.971 and 1072061. Respondent 0riginallyfiledon0222016 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that TORespondeninamedabove: 5. I, the undersigned, certify that l this Order be served: YOU ARE HER EBV NOTIFIED that am egning this document es the (a) at least 10 days prior to sudh e Harassment Order for Relief hes person whose egnab'e lb required, hearing upon the abovsnamed been issued In theabovA matter. sI agent of the perso,(b) whose parties residing In this Sete In the you may request e hearing if you igneb'e would be required who halm e' provided by l aw for the file a Request ForHeering with the eu horized mato egn [his document ben, eof Summons lnedvil action; Cout within 45 days of lsvuan,e of hi blhe' behalf or In both (b) et 1— 14 days prior to budh the Harassment Order For Relief capaciteb. l fultheroellfythat l have hearing upon any of the abo, you may obtain a copy of the mmpleted all required fields, anc named n n widen[' by sending Harassment Order For Debt from that the l,fo—anIn this document a Dopy of this Order t budh the co adml,ibtrO— office e end ed andin com plianoe non'Aedenm et hiblhe' post off e the following address: Waehagton IWtae ­­edthe applicable dhapte, of address, byregistered or certified Co Hy Courthoa 14949 Q,c Minnesota StOut I ande,aanc mail, with a"am"ad requested; Street North, Stillwater MN 55082 DO d egning this dooument em (OJ upon any party who cannot be Failure to appear at a k.edulec cub ed to the penaloes of peru,a found bytwo weeks publbhed norm hearing or to obtain acopy of the setfol, In Sedan W948 as if l hac and by sending aeopy of this OrderHarassment Order to' Relief will egnedthib document under oathat leas[ 14 days prior to the hearing not be a defense to pose -an for FDA .29116 byFirs[ Gass mail to such party et -Ion of the Courts ower. /s/Fong Vang h161he' last known address and by Date 92616 Owner sending andh A'copyofth, b Oae'et By 11 L (Review: Sept 28, OU 5, 2016) leea 14 days prior to the hearing by Deputy First Glass mail to hiblhe'add'Abs es Annette Fritz eted on the Certificate of The if an Court Administrator NOTICE add'ebsl6 ko stated 'Review: Od 5, 2016) Notice is hereby given that the (d)upon a dissolved[ withdrawn or property will be kold on Odobe' 19 revoMinnkedStatbue,ess en ygovemed by . , , 2016 The property will be offeree ChP nA, 303 317, PUBLIC NOTICE onIne at 322,, 3228 or 323 In the m ww.Storege8ettleb. ginner Not ice of Public GIVEN c provided to Minn. Stat 525. (Note: mmlStoraaeaton es corn n t NOTICE be HEREBY GIVEN that m data on the ower ro show mor e faun o, about the bale 'Aa on NovAmbA'3, 2016 at logo am. nA be found at that webete thedOe list ahng bythe S-1adaydIer 0­ 0HC Oakdale Twenty Nine The undersigned Acorn Mini the date of mailing bythe Secretary pines MHC Oekdele, MN 55128, of State) Storage will ball at Public BaIA by Deted:824116 and the e o kold b manufaudan compAttdA bidding the personal home will be sold by publio audion property heretofore stored with the OFBY: DISTRICT R. Miles A 96 Sheriff of Washington home undersigned by: JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT A196]MARS menumdured home, Unit M 610, Mery Payne, s ecommenieOrderto Show Geese is 12, x 52', and serial No. 6881. equip., Hal—, boxes of unknown recommended This kale will be held to s dfy a _ntentBy Ibl EDWARD W. SIMONET, III, da im held by Twenty Nine Pines EXAMINER OF TITLES o—ofu6 noon content mibre AD meyfo'PAttone': MHC upon he above describe, boxes of unknown content Rebeaa F. Schiller property and owned by Mark tLmt.µ ]20, Jacob Sam,th n, sports Attorney at Lew Sdhuckelt The property hes been equip., wheel Hent bmlbre, boxes The Acaden, y Professional Building abandon In the Twenty Nine Pines of unknown content amt a 721 Loretta NyamwAya ulMHC 2s North ale sreet The amount of the claim agame SY Pe, MN Awn content bmibre, boxes of Tele55102 phonA(.1)209-9]. the above referenced property Ib unknown content $3.200 computed to the date of Unit M 1022, Brent Ben-Waya Attorney Reg No. 231.5 kale, exdud, of expenses of kab Bender sereo equip, Hal— 15,361-P503) bale end the advertising thereof boxes of unknown content ATTENDANCE IS REpUIRED Dete September262016 ONLY 8V THOSE WHO WISH TO (Review: Sep[28, OU 5, 2016) 061ECT TO THE ENTRY OF THE len:by)a Sue Ludnes MHC ABWE-0ESCRIBED ORDER. 'byte Sue Wdden 'Review: Sept 28, Od 5, 2016) 5330 Galton A IN PROCEEDINGS Oekdele, MN 55128 SUBSEQUENTTO INITIAL 'Review/Oa35, 12, 19, 2016) REGISTRATION OF LAND CERTIFICATE OF STATE OF MINNESOTA ASSUMED NAME COUNTY OFWASHINGTON STATE OF MINNESOTA CASETYPE(10) TORRENS Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: DISTRICT COURT 1. LIb[ thee.assumed name TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ande—I. the buenekslbor will be oonduded: 01 Your Pace Online FILE NO. 82 -CV -16-2362 2 Pri,dpal Place of Business: 531 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE NE F Street Gants Pabs, OR 97526 In the Matter of the Patton of 3. Libtthe name and complete street Federal Home Loan Mortgage address of ell persons conduding Gorporaton buenebb un der the above Assumed o Certificate of The Name: At Your Pace Online, LLC No. 5837] issued to' land In the 531 NE F Street Grants Pass, OR County of Waehmgton and State of y Minnesota and legally described as 4. 1, the anderegned, certify that I D110- signing this document es the Umt Ne 6t35J, Common Int Pamon wh A blgnab'A is'egwred, Public Notices CommanityNA. 1]3, aco,doml�e�m, Tab agA,t of the ae�abuunonas Continued on Page 16 Lake,Qge Townhom es Waehi,gto, sig,ab'ewoul quire Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 The Ramsay county Board of Gommlbsioners met In regular session et9:0.5 am. with the following members present Garter M,Donoagh, MCGL1'A, Ortega, R,Ct end Chair Reinhardt Absent Huffman. Aso p'es„t rA Julie KIAi,bd kC CoUUy Manager, end Jeff Stephenson, Qvil Di—b, D -dor Ramsay Coaly Attorneys Office. AGENDA of September 20, 2016 web presented to' approval. Moto, by Ortega seconded by M cGLirA. U,animoablyapp'oved MINUTES of September 13, 2016 were presented for approval. Moto, by McDonough, seconded by Carte'. U,enimoubly Ip'oved AOM IN ISTRATIVE ITEMS PROPERTY RECORDS 3 REVENUE—SelAofaTax-forfeited Property Located,U9 Wells St,,OtothA Houeng end Redevelopment Authority of the Qty of Saint Peul, Ma, ­Moron by Ortega, seconded by M COoLoagh. U,ahlmo Iyapp'oded(82016246) PROPERTY RECORDS&REVENUE—SelAofa Tax -forfeited Property Locatedat80]Mag,ol,a nue E. to the Housing end Re vdIopmdntAUhortytbthe Qtyof Saint Paul, MlnnA— Moto, by OR— seconded by—o,oagh. U,a,i Iyapp'oved (82016247) PROPERTY RECORDS 3 REVENUE— SelA of a Tex -forfeited Property Located et.0 Wells Street to the Houeng end Redevelopment Authority of the Qty of Saint Paul, Ma,Aram Moto, by Ortega seconded by M cDonough U,,hmo Iyapp'oded(82016248) PROPERTY RECORDS& REVENUE—SaleofaT forfeitedProperty Locatedat.4Je.mineAvenue E. tothe Hoae,gend Redevelopment Authori[yofthe Ci[yof Saint Paul, Ma,Aram MotionbyOftg seconded by—o,oagh. U,a,i Iyapp'oved (82016249) u., mm cons.. aom PROPEbatement RTY RECO ROS 3 REVENUE—Aove'$10,000.Moto,byOhega, kecondedbyMCOonough. Unenim oablyapp'oved (82016250) Public Notices Continued from Page 15 Minutes INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 622 NORTH ST. PAU L-MAPLEWOO D-OAKDAL E SCHOOLS REGULAR MEETING SCHOOL BOARD AUGUST 23, 2016 Coborn called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following present: Coborn, Hunt, Neve, Anderson, Aug6, Livingston, and Osorio. Absent: Yener. Others present were: Administrative Staff. Hunt moved and Neve seconded the following motion, which carried on a 6 – 0 vote: THAT the agenda be approved as presented. Livingston moved and Aug6 seconded the following resolution, which carried on a 6-0 vote: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 622 that the following Consent Agenda Items, IV.A. through IVF, be approved as written, and a copy of the agenda items is attached to the minutes. Osorio introduced Principal Jennifer Wilson and invited her to the podium. Wilson addressed the Board. Osorio shared a presentation and a video about the upcoming levy and explained the request, what the levy would support if approved, fast facts, budget cut history, what the lack of additional funding could result in, and where to find additional levy information. Coborn noted that the Board had met in a Closed Session on July 19 to evaluate the superintendent. She read an executive summary of Osorio's observation, and stated that Osorio received an overall rating of 8.25 on a 10 point scale as she met and exceeded expectations as Superintendent of the North St. Paul -Maplewood -Oakdale School District. She thanked Osorio and stated that the Board looks forward to the future as Osorio continues her work to support the mission of the District. Hunt moved and Anderson seconded the following resolution, which carried on a 6 – 0 vote: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 622 that the School Board accept with appreciation the following contributions and permit their use as designated by the donors. Donor. Item and/or Amount, Purpose Cowern PTG, $7,868.50, Cowern Elementary for 6 Motorola radios, 29 HP streams, 29 HP care packs Arthur O. Haukland Post No. 1350, $50.00, North High – Festival of Cultures Matt and Pam Collova, Tumbleforms balance been (valued at $500); Preston Bolster swing (valued at $300) Moon swing (valued at $275) Trampoline (valued at $50) Air Pogo swing (valued at $120) Mats (valued at $150) Tunnel (valued at $25), Beaver Lake Early Childhood Special Education program Tru ist, $126.96, Meals on Wheels Knights of Columbus, $1,083.25, Community Bridge Kinney Family Foundation, $10,000.00, Community Bridge Anonymous, $1,000.00, L. C. Webster 4th grade Sandra Maki, Rubber stamps and stamping supplies (valued at $750.00), Community Education – Senior Programs Tom Von Bische, Sight Word Bingo, Zingo, Portable Zingo, Toy Story Yaht-e (valued at $40.00) , Castle Elementary Michael Testa, $50.00, Meals on Wheels Susan Purvis, $20.00, Meals on Wheels Livingston moved and Aug6 seconded the following resolution, which carried on a 6-0 vote: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 622 that the 2015-2017 Non -Unit Hourly package outlined below be approved. Non -Unit Hourly Summary 2015-2016 2016-2017 —yx.dul. 0x on ho,hy atos—hone 0x on ho,hv atos—hone rno wrnp kispm pat %" rn rno I—P spm P­­'rs m thoseworngat least 1040 those -1 ­at 1—t 1040 hours for the2014-15 ane h,,,, f,, the 2015-16 school 2015-16"ho of years and a re yea, and a re on staff as of staff as of September 15, September 15, 2016. 2016. Heal[HNizion No Increase 1% In ase year2 for those Insurance to z that g,al,fV forins,ance Total 60 Neve moved and Hunt seconded the following resolution, which carried on a 6 – 0 vote: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 622 that it establish a pay range for all Registered Nurse (BSN) positions of $30-$35 per hour and health insurance caps of $636.02 for single and $1250 for family coverage. The September 27, 2016 Reflection Study Session was discussed. Coborn asked the Board to confirm the time and set the location and agenda for the session. Anderson moved and Livingston seconded the following motion, which carried on a 6 – 0 vote: THAT the September 27, 2016 Reflection Study Session begin at 4:30 p.m. in Conference Room 202 of the District 622 Education Center and include the following agenda items: 1)lce Breaker; 2)Superintendent Check In; 3) Reports: and 4)Reflections from the 2016 Board Retreat. During Board Communications, the following items were shared: . Neve mentioned that she had the opportunity to visit and observe building site plans in action. She wished everyone a happy end to summer and a welcome back to the new school year. . Hunt said that he has enjoyed working with groups and individuals regarding the levy and he thanked Osorio and her staff for the District factual information. . Livingston noted the energy and positivity for the levy launch. She mentioned the importance of communication and the need to tell the story to the whole community so they become involved and feel positive. .Aug6 said that her newly founded police family has heightened her interest in building relationships to a new level. She mentioned how she enjoys sharing the levy story with all stakeholders. Aug6 also reported on the recent Tartan Joint Powers meeting, saying that the group looked at projections for the next fiscal year and that they will have a levy presentation when they meet again in two months. .Coborn echoed the levy comments and thoughts from her Board colleagues. She said that in her role as a YMCA board member she visited Maple Pond homes and was excited to see such great partnerships. She encouraged everyone to get over there and see what is going on. Coborn said that while she was sad to see summer ending, it is an thrilling time as we all get ready for school. Hunt moved and Neve seconded the following motion, which carried on a 6 – 0 vote: THAT the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m. Is/Becky Neve Clerk Public notice for solicitation of bids, requests for quotes and requests for proposals are located on the ISD 622 website, "www.isd622.org.