HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 10-12 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 8 Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016 Public Notices NOTICE OF SALE OFTAX FORFEITED LANDS ON OCTOBER 26, 2016 The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners has prepared an Auction List, dated August 29, 2016, attached as Exhibit "B" and on file with the Chief Clerk, of lands forfeited to the state pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 281, and classified as non -conservation lands pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 282, and has determined the appraised value of each parcel. Notice is hereby given that Ramsey County shall sell to the highest bidder, but for not less than the appraised value as it appears on the Auction List (Exhibit "B"), the parcels of land described on the Auction List, which have forfeited to the State of Minnesota for the non-payment of real estate taxes and which have been classified and appraised as provided by law. This Is will be governed by the terms set out below as approved by the resolution of the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, adopted on the 27th day of September, 2016. The sale shall commence at 10:00 a.m. on October 28, 2016, and will be held at the Ramsey County Plato Building, 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN, in the Plato Conference Center. Any parcel for which "no bid" is received at the public auction sale may be sold the next business day beginning at 8:00 a.m. at the Tax Forfeited Lands Office located at 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN, to anyone offering to pay the appraised value and each parcel will be sold on a first -come -first-served basis. An opening bid price cannot be changed unlessthe parcel is reappraised, republished, and offered at a subsequent auction. Terms and Conditions of Sale REGISTRATION/EARNEST MONEY: Certified Funds, as Earnest Money, which are equal to the Terms listed below, are required in order to bid on any parcel and shall be required at the time of Registration. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. on October 28, 2016, in the Plato Conference Center, on the 1st floor of the Ramsey County Plato Building, located at 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN. . Earnest Money will be held by Ramsey County staff during the public auction. . Upon completion of the auction, Earnest Money will be returned to all unsuccessful bidders. . Earnest Money of successful bidders will be applied to the purchase price. Any successful bidder who does not complete their sale transaction for a property will forfeit their Earnest Money and the subject property will be offered for sale at the next available auction. EARNEST MONEY TERMS: Separate Earnest Money is required if you are bidding on both types of properties: One check for Vacant Land and a separate check for Improved Property Earnest Money is required as follows. .for vacant land properties, it must be equal to $500.00. . for properties with a building, it must be equal to $5,000.00. . is paid at the time of registration. . must be in the form of certified funds. o Acceptable certified funds are a Certified Check from a bank, Money Order, or Cashier's Check. Cash is not accepted. o The payee line must be made out to both Ramsey County and the bidder (your name) with "or" between the names. Example: Pay to the order of: "Ramsey County OR Jane Doe" ( F your name here) TERMS OF SALE: Cash will not be accepted at the auction. Full payment can be accepted on any property at the time of sale. If the purchase is not paid in full at the time of sale the following options are available: Unimproved (Vacant Land) 1) Sold for $2,000.00 or less: A one-year contract, with at least a 10% down payment required the day of the sale, with a balance remaining payable in 12 level monthly payments, including interest as prescribed by state statute each calendar year. All additional money due must be paid by personal check or certified funds. 2) Sold for more than $2,000.00: A 10 -year contract, with at least a 10% down payment required the day of the sale, with a balance remaining payable in 120 level monthly payments, including interest as prescribed by state statute each calendar year. All additional money due must be paid by personal check or certified funds. Improved (With Structure) A 10 year contract, with at least a 10% down payment required the day of the sale, with a balance remaining payable in 120 level monthly payments, including interest as prescribed by state statute each calendar year. All additional money due must be paid by personal check or certified funds. PROOF OF IDENTIFICATION: Notary Procedure: At the time of sale, each purchaser must provide proof of identification by supplying a photo identification card (i.e. Driver License). Power of Attorney Procedure: Any individual buying property from the Tax Forfeited Land section for another individual or group of individuals will not be allowed to sign the required documents unless proof of power of attorney is provided. Required Signatures: . Individuals: If the property is purchased in more than one name, all parties must be present at the time of sale to sign all documents. . Corporations: If the property is purchased in the name of a corporation an officer of the corporation must be present to sign. Proof of signatory authority will be required. Failure to follow any of the terms or conditions stated could result in a void of the sale and the parcel re -offered for auction. No exceptions will be made. INTEREST Interest is charged and becomes due with the monthly payment. The rate of interest, as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, section 279.06, subd. 1a, is charged at the adjusted prime rate, but will not be less than 10% or more than 14%. PREPAYMENTS: All contracts allow for prepayment of an installment without penalty. Any prepayment is applied first to interest due, if any, and then to principal. However, if the additional payment is greater than or equal to one monthly installment, we will treat the payment as a reduction in the principal. Please provide instructions with your payment if you prefer the payment be treated as an early payment which will delay your next payment due date as appropriate. There is no penalty for paying the contract in full earlier than stated. EXTRA FEES AND COSTS: In addition to the purchase price of the property, the following extra fees and costs are due when applicable: At the time of sale the following fees will be added: Assurance fee: 3% of the total sale price. This is a surcharge for the state assurance account. Contract recording fee: $46.00 if abstract or Torrens; $92.00 if it is both. . If the contract has to be recorded on more than one Torrens certificate there is an additional cost of $20.00 per certificate after the initial recording. At the time of final payment the following fees will be added: State deed fee: $25.00. State deed recording fee: $46.00 if abstract or Torrens; $92.00 if it is both. . If the state deed has to be recorded on more than one Torrens certificate there is an additional cost of $20.00 per certificate after the initial recording. State deed tax: 1 )A $1.70 for the purchase of properties up to $500. 2) For properties over $500: $.0064 of the total sales price. Agricultural conservation stamp: $5.00. PROHIBITED PURCHASERS OR BIDDERS: None of the following individuals (either personally or as an agent or attorney for any other person) may bid on and purchase a parcel of tax -forfeited land unless the parcel was owned by the individual before forfeiture: county auditor, county treasurer, county attorney, court administrator of the district court, assessor or supervisor of assessments, land commissioner or assistant land commissioner for tax -forfeited lands, or any deputies or employees of any of the above individuals. A person prohibited from purchasing property under this section must not directly or indirectly have another person purchase it on their behalf for their own benefit or gain. Prohibited purchasers or bidders also include any person or entity, or entity controlled by such person, that (1) is an owner or taxpayer of real property situated in Ramsey County that has delinquent property taxes, or (2) currently has a contract for purchase of tax -forfeited lands in default for any one of the following reasons or combination of reasons: . Failure to pay a payment including interest when due; . Failure to pay property taxes before they become delinquent; . Failure to insure a property containing a structure during the term of the contract; . Failure to provide a certificate of code compliance for a substandard structure, as required by the city in which the property is located within the required timeframe; . Failure to provide a current certificate of occupancy, prior to tenancy, if the property is used as rental property. . Failure to provide proof of proper disposal of all hazardous materials identified in the Hazardous Material Survey and removed due to renovation activity. After a winning bid, but prior to closing, a search will be performed to determine if the winning bidder is a prohibited purchaser or bidder, and closing of the sale will not take place until the search verifies the winning bidder is not a prohibited purchaser or bidder. In the event a successful bidder does not complete the closing, or in the event that a winning bid has been awarded to a prohibited bidder or purchaser, the person or entity will forfeit their earnest money, and the sale will be nullified as invalid. The property may be re -offered at a future auction, at the sole discretion of Ramsey County. FURNISHING OF LABOR OR MATERIALS: Buyer shall not, during the terms of any contract, cause any material to be delivered or labor to be performed without written notice to Ramsey County and lien waivers obtained. Buyer further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Ramsey County against all claims for labor and materials or services made against the property covered Review by any contract and for the cost of enforcing this indemnification including reasonable attorney's fees. . Any lien will constitute a default and shall result in cancellation of the Contract for Purchase of Forfeited Lands contract. . The purchaser will indemnify Ramsey County and/or the State of Minnesota for environmental contamination as a result of purchaser's use and occupancy of the property. TAXES: Tax forfeited property that is sold at a public or private Is on or before December 31 st of an assessment year shall be placed on the assessment rolls for that year's assessment. [Minnesota Statutes, section 272.02, subd. 38(c)] For example, property sold in 2016 will be assessed as of January 2, 2016 and taxes will be payable in 2017. ASSESSMENTS: Assessments at the time of forfeiture and after forfeiture have been listed and may be subject to re -assessment by each respective municipality. Any Pending Assessments not certified to the State at the time of sale could be passed on to the new owner(s). TITLE: Once the contract is finalized and recorded in the County Recorder's Office the purchaser will receive the original contract. When the contract is paid in full, and all the terms and conditions set forth in that contract have been satisfied, the purchaser will receive a deed from the State of Minnesota through the Department of Property Records and Revenue. The law provides that this conveyance shall have the force and effect of a patent from the state. The forfeiture does create a break in the chain of title, which must be corrected to secure a marketable title. As other flaws may exist in the title, services of an attorney may be necessary to make the title marketable. LIENS: Most mortgages and liens, except Federal and State tax liens, are canceled at forfeiture. It is the responsibility of each potential bidder to thoroughly research this information. INSURANCE: The purchaser shall carry fire and windstorm insurance on any buildings on the property in an amount equal to the Purchase Price or appraised value, whichever is greater, for the duration of the sale contract. All such insurance policies shall be deposited with the Tax Forfeited Lands Section of the Department of Property Records and Revenue, within sixty (60) days from the Execution Date, and shall contain a clause providing that losses, if any, be made payable to Ramsey County, as additional insured, and to the Purchaser, as their respective interests may appear. DEFAULT. Contracts may be canceled if the purchaser defaultsfor any one of the following reasons or combination of reasons: . Failure to pay a payment including interest when due; . Failure to pay property taxes before they become delinquent; . Failure to insure a property containing a structure during the term of the contract; . Failure to provide a certificate of code compliance for a substandard structure, as required by the city in which the property is located, within the required timeframe; . Failure to provide a current certificate of occupancy, prior to tenancy, if the property is used as rental property; or . Failure to provide proof of proper disposal of all hazardous materials identified in the Hazardous Material Survey and removed due to renovation activity. PRIOR OWNERS. If the prior owner is the successful bidder of the property, that person may not purchase that same parcel of property at the sale for a purchase price less than a) the sum of all taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs due at the time of forfeiture, as computed under Minnesota Statutes, section 282.251, plus b) any special assessments for improvements certified as of the date of sale. [Mnnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subd. 7] LIABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY AFTER SALE: The Seller, its employees or agents, has no further responsibility or liability with respect to the condition or management of the property after it has been sold. OTHER CONDITIONS: . Sales are subject to existing leases, to building restrictions appearing of record at the time of forfeiture and to easements in effect at the time of forfeiture. . The county makes no warranty that the land is buildable and may not conform to local building and zoning ordinances. It is your responsibility to contact the city where the land is located for details of building codes or zoning laws. . All property is sold "As Is. . Ramsey County is not responsible for locating or determining property lines or boundaries. . All sales are final and no refunds or exchanges are permitted. . The minimum bid price or sale price does not represent a basis for future taxes. . No structure, standing timber products, minerals, sand, gravel, peat, subsoil or topsoil shall be removed from said land, and no structure, whether moved onto the property or constructed as new on the property, shall be added to the land until the full amount of the purchase price has been paid by the Purchaser. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR IMPROVED PROPERTY: This auction does not offer any improved properties for sale. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COMPLIANCE: A Hazardous Materials Survey was performed on each property containing a structure to: 1) identify friable and non -friable asbestos -containing materials (ACM); 2) identify regulated ACM (friable or non -friable) that could become friable during renovation activities and would require abatement prior to initiating renovation activities; 3) inventory potentially hazardous building materials that should be removed and properly disposed of prior to initiating renovation activities; and 4) identify lead-based paint (LBP) surfaces that have the potential to be disturbed during renovation activities, and if classified as lead-based paint, would require abatement and/or special management prior to renovation activities. As a condition of sale where hazardous materials compliance is required, a Purchaser is required to show proof of removal, by scheduling an inspection with the Lead Real Estate Property Management Specialist in the Tax Forfeited Land section, and proof of proper disposal of all hazardous materials listed in the Hazardous Materials Survey report prior to commencing any renovation activity that directly affects that material. Acceptable proofs of disposal are: . Asbestos Containing Material (ACM): Purchaser shall submit a copy of their waste manifest documenting the disposition of asbestos containing materials removed from the site and placed in a MN Pollution Control Agency permitted industrial and/or demolition landfill approved to accept asbestos containing material. . Lead-based Paint Waste: Purchaser shall submit a waste manifest that documents the disposition of all residential lead-based paint waste generated from the site. Residential lead-based paint waste may be safely disposed of at: o A permitted and lined landfill with a leachate collection system that began operation after January 1, 1989, and meets mixed municipal facility standards; o A permitted, demolition landfill (only for woodwork, walls, and debris with lead-based paint still attached); o A permitted, construction and demolition (C&D) landfill that meets the federal criteria of 40 CFR part 257 subpart b (groundwater monitoring and financial assurance); or o A permitted, hazardous waste facility. Failure of the Purchaser to comply with the above terms will be a default of the sales contract. CODE COMPLIANCE/HOME INSPECTION REPORT. If a structure exists on a tax forfeited parcel offered at auction that does not meet the requirements of a code compliance inspection report or home inspection report issued within the past year, then within twelve (12) months of the date of purchase the purchaser, as a condition of a sale on contract, shall file with the Tax Forfeited Lands section of Ramsey County a certificate of code compliance, as required by the city in which the parcel is located. Purchaser must show proof of compliance or the purchaser will be in default of the sale contract. An extension of time may be granted by the County Auditor if the City, in which the structure is located, grants additional time to the Purchaser in order to complete the project. HOME INSPECTION REPORT REQUIREMENTS: Correction of the defects described in a Home Inspection Report will require, at a minimum, a building, plumbing, electric, HVAC or warm air ventilation permit, as indicated. All comments describing a visible or assumed deficiency within the report must be addressed within the scope of repair. The structure cannot be occupied or sold until all permits have been finalized and closed -out through the city in which the parcel is located. If the structure is intended to be used as rental property, you must provide this office with a current certificate of occupancy, prior to tenancy, pursuant to the municipal code of the city in which the parcel is located. Failure of the purchaser to comply with the above terms will be a default of the sale contract. VACANT LAND CONDITIONS: The buyer understands and agrees that no representations have been made regarding the real property's soil conditions, including but not limited to load bearing, compaction, contamination of any type, buildability or any other conditions, by the Seller, Ramsey County, on behalf of the State of Minnesota, or the Seller's employees or agents. A potential buyer must obtain authorization from Ramsey County to perform soil testing, at their own expense, before purchasing a parcel by completing a Hold Harmless Agreement with the Tax Forfeited Lands section. Once the Buyer has purchased an interest in the property the sale will not be rescinded if soil problems are discovered after the sale. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. If you have additional questions regarding the sale or the terms and conditions of the sale, you may contact the Tax Forfeited Land section at: Phone: (651) 266-2080 Email: TFL@co.ramsevmn.us In Person: 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN This Notice of Sale, the Resolution authorizing the sale, and the Auction List are on file in the office of the Ramsey County Auditor/rreasurer, Property Records and Revenue and notice is hereby given in accordance with state statutes that a public sale will be held at the Ramsey County Plato Building, 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN, in the Plato Conference Center on October 28, 2016, beginning at 10:00 a.m. All parcels of land have been viewed and none of the parcels physically pertain to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 85.012, 92.461, 282.01, subd. 8, or 282.018. The County Manager has the authority to remove any parcel prior to auction where insufficient time exists for board approval of the removal from the auction and to bring it back to the County Board for ratification of the removal. Public Notices Continued on Page 9 N O 04 U O 00 N cz a - E 0 7 c .! 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Augu,t30, 2016 St Paul, MN 55101-1]10 Nelson, Steven, end Nag,Additon, Continued from Page Assigned nte 9 D...gn:t Na 3115.] PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff', Office, FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE f51203]59S Ramsey Gounry, Man - To: Ir Savings Bank, Civil Process that 25-. 4W Street ASSOCIATION f512281]53 (fax) Thi,i, Registered Property FSB Suite 150, St Paul, MN Mortgagee THIS IS A COMMUNICATION TAX PARCEL NO'. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Dated. 06-000 to pay WA debt Wen secured by THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA FROM DEBT COLLECTOR. 072022130029 Recorded. 000)]2000 said Mortgage, end I- if any, on By I,l - ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. FORECLOSURE SALE Washington Gounry Reoorder said premises, end WA cost, end RAbecoaF Schiller, Ekq (Review: Sept ], 14, 21, 28, O¢ 5, 17/GEORGESTREET- THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF D...a nt N0. 3115Q8 dikbursem ants, including ettomeys' N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Ek4 12,2016) SAIN T PAUL MN 5510] THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Assigned To: Greet SouWem Benk fees allowed by law subled o 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Dated: 11202012--apton wiWin6Month--WA Samuel R Cdbman, Ekq IS LOCATED'. Ramsey TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Remrded. 120)]2012 datAof,aid-b,th-tga qo ), Alta- for Mortgagee NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. Washington Gounry Reoorder Weir personal-Ap-A,AHo- or The AoadeinyP-ole-a-Building FORECLOSURE SALE OF M OR(TGAGE$80,00000 N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Wet D ... ad[N a 3920459 assigns 25 North -A Street THERIGHTTOVEREALE OF AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO detaul[he, oaurredath-nditon, Tran,adion Age at NS, DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: St Paul MN55102 THE DE2HT O ERIFICVO.THE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE of the following described mortga Transaction Agent M tinge ID No: The date on or before which WA 'f51)2099]Q ORIGINALCREDIDEN WITHINTHE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID Mortgagor: Osmundo S. Beleney, NIA m ortgagor m ukt vacate the property (15-FG01J BY M OR(TGAGEE:$E5,]3633 Jr. end Urgi-A Belanay, husband Lender or Broker: Prime Mortga if the mortgage is stated THIS IS A COMMUNICATION TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT ThatpriortotheoommenoemdU l AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. endwife Corporaton, A Minnemm under Minnesom Statutes Ikea on FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Mllg tgageforeee l proceeding Mortgage,: Mortgas Electronic Coryoraton 58030 athepropertyredeemed (Re view: Sep[], 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, default ha,00arredin thecondit- Mortghe-basil-k of Mortgage, RAgnee on Systems, ria s Servicer. Deet SouWem Benk under Minnesom Statutes k1159 12 2016) ofthefollowi ngdescribedmo1g e: comgU,edi bydCU eth,o o ants ee2232 cken Loans Ina Mortgage Originator: Prime 58023 iIf hefol-],201]at 11 �59 ,requiredby-been Udloa011On n0eted:0223200] Mortgage Gorporeton, AMinnemm Pm. If We foregoing date is e Mortgagor. Daniel,n Tendeff end or proceeding hes been instituted et p y yo- g y NOTICE OF MORTGAGE MeryTedheny, husband end wife Bled04-0070200] Gor oration Seturde Sunda le el holide ke-ed tong rWA debt Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Tite, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Wen he date to vacate i, the next Mor[gggee: Mortgage Bedmnio secured by said mortgage, or any FORECLOSURE SALE Registration Systems, Document Na 2003188 Ageinkt PROPERTY: Lot 3, Block 1, business day et 1159Pm. n° , pertthereol-, THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF nom nee for Quicken Loans Ina GeWfioete of Title NO'. 371 313 -Idwood Pines 5th Addton. MOR(TGAGOF(S) RELEASED PURSUANT to We power of sale THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Dated: 03222013 Assigned To: DEUTSCHE BANK Records of Washington Gounry, FROM OBLIGATION ON conmined in said mortgage, We ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Filed: 040)32013 property NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Minnesom MORTGAGE: NONE above described will be TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles s Trustee for INDVMAG IUST This isAbkTaPProperty THE TIME ALLOWED BV sold by We Sheriff of said count, es MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST TAX PARCEL NO.'. LAW FOR REDEMPTION By AFFECTED BY THIS HEREBY GIVN. Document Na 220595 Against follows: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Wet Gertificateof Title Na'. 530644 200]ki0A1, MOFTGAGE PASS 29030 20 24 0050 THE MORTGAGOR THE DATE AND TIME OF SALE. defaIt-o-ed In the condlton, A-gned TO Quic<An Loans mA 2007HOH cERTIRCATEs serves ADDRESS 0PROPERTY . 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Mortgage kaid Mortgage, end then, if any, on CArtifioete nTitle N0.:3]1 M OF MORTGAGE: $251 ]5000 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER said premises, end We costs end Services, Inc Bedronio Regik'traton Systems no TM -an Agent Mortgage AMOUNT,SOF AND CLAIMED TO THINGPREMIS, SATTHEMOVED TO disbursements, indudmg,bjed to Dted :.-de61152006 Transadion A�gen[Mor(gage lD NO ElAdronio RAAgentt on Systems Ino IN DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED W ITH 00034133 , bYs y fees allowed by law subled o 711-1ion/Xgen[Mor(gage ID No: BY RTGAGEXE$ IF ANY PAID A RESIDENTIAL DWEWNG RemNed:O]CoUnty -edam p0onwithin6Mont-l-Montthe Ramsey Gounry Recorder Lender or Broker: Quicken Loans 'l /0'3882 BV MORTGAGEE. mmence. e OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS date op dale byle,entgagor( o, Dominent NA 3s6s2s� LAndA-o-emkA-: Owa:An Loans That pno-ro WA mininenmin enrol ARE NOT PROPERTY use0 w In° WAo- pAincnal-Ap-AsenmtvA, o- Incthismortgagem-edosurep-oceedmc AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Assigned To by Court time-: Service-: Quicken Loans Inc assigns. NoveSmr Mortgage, Inc Mortgage Originator: Q- S ervicer: Oawen Loen Servicing, Mortgage b-Inee of Mortgagee ANDAREABANDONED. DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. Dated:os122rzo1s Loans IncLLc-ell,edby dAJUe t,ono an DatedCe.0 25,2016 The date on o- bem-A which WA Rammed: o]County LEGAL DESCRIPTION of Mortgage Onginetor: Quicken es required by statute Wetno edion CU Mortgage Ser Moog Inc., Ramsey County Recorder PROPERTY. The East Meet of in[rtgegormus[vecate We property LEGAL or po, othe-dei beco-the debt Mortgagee if he mortgage is not -,insetted Dominent NA Ao4s�4e� WA wed 6>; fAArof WA Eakt2o-ods LEGAL DF,ndkt to OF fawned by tee moftg A -WA debt PFB Lnw, PROFEssIONAL uric,- Minnemta saWtA, m Aag-t To: Mortgage Electronic of the North 53 end the Noah- rods PROPERTY. Lend e eSto in WA secured by said mortgage, or any ASSOCIATION Incee 58030 or We property redeemed Regdraton Systof the Eekt Heff of the Northeast Toun 7 Ramsey h S fan p h f Bye [henR LLskey, MidheelV u d M ote S[ end eksg minee Quarter of the NoSn rthwes[Querter of Lot 1], Block 5, H PURSUANT he power of sale Ab m n mOce�O� 580.23 April 2], 201] 11 �59 for Novak6-2006 SA,ptthean 23 Touth4 pd Range 22 MOConvll1 ends - bdvison connneck n sad mortgage the Att meysfor: Deted:061292006 xcep[We South endehelf acre, P f h fo-eg gd ,a of Lots 2, 12, 313 fL - Subumen above deka bed property wll be GU Mortgage Services, Inc, S d y, Sunday o g h lidey, pt t by y es gagee Recorded'. 1126200] of 68 d East 20 -ods of W A North 53 Homes Exce he West 10 feet sold b he Sheriff of said noun[ Mor[ Wen the date to vacate i, the n- Wereof. follows: 55 Eekt Fifth S[ree[Suite 800 Ramsey Gounry Recomer end onsWim mds, Ramsey Counry business day et 1159 Pin. Document No. 406]31] Minnesota The Wes[ 20 feet of Lot 1B Block DATE AND TIME OF SALE: St Paul, MN55101-1]18 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Aasigned To by Court Order: This is Registered Property 5, Heinemann, MCGonvill2, and October OF SAL 1-Enf f512281753 FROM OBLIGATION ON DeutaMe Benk Netonel Trust TAX PARCEL No of Lee ss subdivision of Lots 2, 12-13 PLACE OF SALELnd St -el HIS IS ]A (fax) MORTGAGE: NONE Gompeny, es Trustee for NoveSmr 23292221 0015 of Lee,Subue-e Homes Canter 15015 Qnd Street N., THIS IS A COMMUNICATION THE TIME ALLOWED BY Mortgage Funding Trus[ Series ADDRESS OF PROPEFTV. Thisi2RegisteAR Property tollwatAT MN .ROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 22 20PC— CHome Equity Loen 1 INTPALENTEURAVEE TAX PARCEL NO'. to pay WA debt Wen keIf - by ... Re -)08035 THE MORTGAGOR THE Aaset-Backed Gertifioete4 Series SAINT PAUL, MN55109 said Mortgage, end the if any, on 'Review: Sep[ ], 14, 21, 28, Od 5 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ' 20064 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ADORESSOFPROPERTV: saidpremises, Inuln costsenc 12,2016) Deted:061222016 ISLOCATED: Ramsey REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS , 1 W3 Gonwey S[ disbursements, inducting ettomeys' MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Recorded: 0]I182016 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT COUNaul, MN 55106 fees allowed ,n law H -on, o WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY redemption within 6MonWsfrom the NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Ramsey Gounry Recorder OF MORTGAGE: $13]50000 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Doamenanagent P , AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO IS LOGATE-0: Ramsey date of kaidkalebyWemortgegor(sJ, FORECLOSURE SALE Transadion Agent NlA BEDUEASOFDATE 'NOTICE STATUTES SECTION 582032 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT their personal-ep-Akenmtve, or THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Transadion Agent Mortgage ID No: INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID DETERMINING AMONG OTHER OF M ORTGAGE$201 SKY 00 assigns TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE NIA BY MORTGAGEE $133, 16578 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY PREMISES ARE IMPROVED BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, The date on o -before which the ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Lender or Broker Extol Mortgage Thet poor to the comm encement of-ITHARESIDENTIAL DWEWNG INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID mortgago-mustvacatethep-opertyH TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Services, Ino Wi,C-eii-Knee of proceeding OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Servicer: Oawen Loen Senncng, MortgageelAasignee of Mortgagee BV MORTGAGEE$2383]611 the mortgage i, not-einktatedunder ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN prio-tot NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That LIG compliedwith ell notcerequirementn That the Minnesom SmWtes section 58030 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, gage procee g o property of the for ng de ,the conditions Mortgage Originator Extol as requiredby atat be;n -tthted t thismort foredosure din r the redeed on under of the for described mort Mort Services Inc din has been instituted at AND ARE ABANDONED. Mort a IAasi of Mort a Minnesom2. SmWtes se on 580.23 g gage'. gage or procee g Dated: Au 30, 2016 g gee tinea ggee MORTGAGOR(S): Steven LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF law orotherwise to recover the debt gurt compliedwithal)notice requirements isegoAp,Ugdtel-t1159pS Ifthe ke r U.S.-National Association, G. L -an ann end Sheila R PROPERTY. Lot 28, Block 4 cured by said mortgage, o any s required by kte been atdauted t foregoing hol.d,e hetu he Sunday LMORT MORTGAGEE bend end wife the ben rid Additon, toed to title partthe-elRSUAN Mortgagee or lo hes been instituted et or legal holiday, hen he date to o OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL MORTGAGEE. Chase Manhattan the benefits end n bled t the PURSUANT to the power of sale hew 'Ad b, Ze to -e gv 0, debt vete e is the rte# business day et ASSOCIATION Mortgage Goryoraton,eNew Jersey burdens of dederaton of oovenents, conmined in said mortgage, the cured by said mortgage, or any 1159 Pm. ooryoraton conditons end rel triction4 filet above described property will be By Jonathan R LLkkey, Midheel V ,aa thereof SOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED k SH` AGE PURSUANT to the powe- of sale FROM OBLIGATION ON ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE Mey 19, 1�1, es document ria sold by the Sheriff of said county es Attomeysfor: ,aligned t0 Federal National 2115] end deoleratons of follows: eined in said mortgage, the MORTGAGE. NONE U.S. Benk Natonal Assoda0on, Mortgage AasooiatonbyaksignmdU elements for Dokmolltownhouse DATE AND TIME OF SALE above described property will be THE TIME ALLOWED BY e s --an IncMortgagee corded on June 3, 2015 e es , filed Mey 19,11 Odobe-2], 20161000AM mldby the Sheriff of said county es LAW FOR REDEMPTION By r SS East Fifth Stree[Suite 800 Document Number 4028223 in the as docu ment no. 2115%8 aaroan, PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff's Office, follows: THE MORTGAGOR, THE St Paul, MN55101-1]18 Office of the County n -E, r of to the,AMnn-let Wereof Ramsey Llvil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th S[ree[ DATE AND TIME OF SALE. MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 651203]549 W ekM1inNAL Gounry,IPAL Am Gounry, Minnesom Suite 1St e Peul,MN Odober2], 2016 10 00 AM REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, 65122IS A(fax) PLACE OF SALE Sheriff s INfi ce, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT This is Abstract Property to pay the debt then secured by THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Civil P-ooeks Unit 25 -. 4th Street WEEKS IF AJU DICIAL ORDER IS D MORTGAGE MORTGAGE TAX PARCEL NG'. said Mortgage, end bxes, if any on FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. S 150, S[ Peul, MN ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA DATE OF MORTGAGE December 2130.2231 0033 d p s end the Dosis end l 6004M p y the debt then secured by STATUTES SECTION MINNESOTA 2] 2004 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY d b , in aUneg attomeys 'R Sept ], 14, 21, 28, Od 5, dM hgd,lthennd , fang, on DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER DATE AND PLACE OF FILING 4280B, Qgewood Te- f II d by law subled o )2 2016) said premises, end the costs end THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Recorded on Jenuery 21, 200.5 es Sein[Peul, MN5512] redempton within 6MonWsfrom the disbursements, inducting ettomeyk' PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Document Number 3441369 in the COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY date of said sale bythe mortgagol(sJ, fees allowed by hew subled o WITH A RE Sl DENTIAL DWEWNG Office of the County Recome-of IS LOCATED: Ram key their personal reprekenmtve, o- -edempton within 6 Months Don, the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, D-Ington Gounry, Kate-, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT akmgn, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE date ofsa llebythe mortgagor(,), ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO OFMOFTGAGE :$14400000 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: FORECLOSURE SALE their personal-Mlekenmtve, o- AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO The date on o- before which the THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF esegns. AND ARE ABANDONED. ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE BE DUEAS OF DATEOF NOTICE, mortgago-muktvacate Wep-otpd,y THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Dated: Augus[262016 $210855.% INCLU DING TAXES IF ANY PAID if the mortgage is not -e eted ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE The date on or before which the Great Southern Bank, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BV MOR(TGAGEE:$88,37371 under Minnesota Statutes kedon TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT mortgagor must vacate the property Assignee of Mortgagee PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 4, Colby That p -al -to the commencement of 58030 or the property redeemed AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. if the mortgage is not rein aced PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Lake 9th Additon, WekM1 mg[on Wism ortgageforedokure proceedinc under Minnesom SmWtes sect on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That under Minnesota Statute, kedion ASSOCIATION Gounry, Minnesota M agageelAskigneA of Mortgagee 58023 i,Apnl 2], 201] atll 59P defaulthasoaurredathecondit- 58030orthepropertyredeemed By JonathanR Gukkey, MioheelV STREET ADDRESS OF complied with all notce-aqui-Aments If the foregoing date i, a Saturday, ofthefoll-ag described mortgage: under Minnesota Statutes eemedlan By PROPERTY. 8906 SAINT CROIX a, required by statute; that no edion Sunday o- legal holiday, then the MORTGAGORS): James 580.23 isApnl2]201]et 1159 Pm. Attorneys for: RD,-OODBURY, MN 55125 o- proceeding has been instituted at date to vacate i, the nex[bueneks Llndqulkt,emngle person If the foregoing date i, a Saturday, Deet Southam Benk, Aasignee of COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY law o- otherwise to I --,the debt day at 1159 Pm. MORTGAGEE: Well, Fargo Benk, Sunday or legal holiday, then the Mortgagee IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, secured by said mortgage, o- any MORTGAGORS) RELEASED N q Sunda vo, leg l kohda,he n- buen the 55 Eaa Rfth Street Sake- Minnesota part the -acts FROM OBLIGATION ON ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGEdUe . day et1159 Pm. S[. Paul MN55101X1Sa TRANSACTION AGENT None PURSUANT to the powe-of kale MORTGAGE NONE Assignedto: None. M OFTGAGORS) RELEASED f5120&]549 NAME OF MORTGAGE contained in ,aid mortgage, the THE TIME ALLOWED By ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FROM OBLIGATION ON .122:31]53 (fax) ORIGINATOR Chase Manhattan above described property will be LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY OF M OR(TGAGE$285,00000 MORTGAGE: NONE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Mortgage Cool.an, aNew Jersey sold by the Sheriff of kaid count, as THE MORTGAGOR, THE DIE OFMOR(TGAGEDAoeinbe- THE TIME ALLOWED BY FROM ADE BT COLLECTOR. book, bon follows: MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 82004 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 17/80.15-003869 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER DATE AND TIME OF SALE: REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, GATE AND PLACE OF FILING THE MORTGAGOR THE (Review: Sept 7,14, 21, 28, Oct 5, Sete- Ina Odober2], 20161000 AM MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Recorded on January 24, 2005 and MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 12 2016) TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION PLA CE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS m lined upon GAaficoeltTle REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS N UM BER: 16020 21 41 0063 Civil P-oceks Unit 25-. 4th Street ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA No ore MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE TRANSACTION AGENTS Suite 150, SY Paul, MN STATUTES SECTION 582032, 11533W4q in the Office of the County WEEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION to pay the debt then seared by DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Registrar of Tite, of-adhUcton ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NUMBER: None said Mortgage, and mxe4 if any, on THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Count,, Minnemm STATUTES SECTION 582032, FORECLOSURE SALE THAT no edion o-p-oceedmg has said premise,, and the costs enc PREMISES ARE IMPROVED THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO DETERMINING AMONG OTHER THE RIGHT VERIFICATION OF been instA eat hew to recover the disbursement., indudag attorneys' WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED THEDEBTANDIDENTITVOFTHE de en remaining secured by such fees allowed by law subled o OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE mortgage, o -any part the -acts oT if-edempton within 1 Yea - from the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN $206,01645 WITH IS RESIDENTIAL DWELLING TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT the edion o- proceeding hes been date of said sale by Wemortgagor(s), AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS AFFECTED BHEREBY GIVEN instituted, that the ,eine hes been their personal-ep-ekentatve, o- ANDAREABANDONED. PROPERTY: Lot Nineteen (19), ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that dikcontnued, o- that an exelton assign, Dated: At gust 30, 2016 Block Eight (8), Thompson, G- A rove AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, defaulthasoocurredintheconditan, upon the luclgt Ant-ende-ed therein DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. Quicken Loans Inc., 2nd Additon, Washington Gounry, AND ARE ABANDON ED. of the following described mortgage: has been -Aumed unset stied, in The date on o- before which the Assig-l" Mortgagee Ml nnemm Dated: Augukt29, 2016 Mortgagor. Howard G. Hare ant whole or in pert m [rCgagor mus[vecate the property OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL REGISTERED PROPERTY DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL Shannon G. Hare husband and wife PURSUANT, to the powe-of kale if he mortgage i, not -e c AS STREET ADDRESS OF TRUST COMPANY, es Trustee Mortgagee: GU Mortgage Service,, oonmined in kaid mortgage, the under Minnesota Statutes lkedan By JoneWenR LLkkey, MidheelV PROPERTY 8479 GREEN WAV AVE for INDVMAG IMSC MORTGAGE Inc ab=ed p-opety will be 58030 o, the property-edeemec Schlei,man S, COTTAGE GROVE, MN 55016 LOANTRUST200T-HOA1, Dated: 0122200] kold by the Sheriff of kaid count, as under Minnesota SmWtes sed Attorneys for COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH Re corded'. 020)6200] follows: 58023 i, October 2], 2017 at Quicken Loans Inc -Knee of IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, CERTI.ICATEGE PASS-THIRi. HUGH Ramsey Count, Reoorder DATE AND TIME OF SALE 1159 Pin. If the foregoing date i, Mortgagee Minnesom Assignee of Mortgagee Locum ent No. 400769 Novein be - 1, 2016 at 1000 AM a Saturday, Sun day o, legal holiday, 55 Eaa Firth Street Suite 800 TRANSACTION AGENT None OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Transadion Agent NIA PLACE OF SALE:-adhagton then the date to vacate i, the next St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 NAME OF MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Transadion Agent Mortgage ID No: Count, Sheriffs Office,-adhagton bueneks dayat 1159 Pin. .1203]59G ORIGINATOR Wells Fargo Bank, By Jonathan R C-ey, Michael V NiA Count, Lew Enforcement Center MORTGAGORS) RELEASED .1 - 1753 (fax) N A Schl Aikman Lender o- Broker: C . Mortgage 15015 Qnd Street North, Str-tet FROM OBLIGATION ON THIS IS A COMMUNICATION RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: WeIIs Services, Inc Minnesota MORTGAGE: NONE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Far Bank, NA DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL Sennoer. G.U. Mortgage Service,, to pay the debt then secured by THE TIME ALLOWED BV 1-2-1600.582-1 TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION TRUST GOMP/WY e, Trustee for n0 kaid mortgage and I— if any LAW FOR REDEMPTION By (Review: Sept ], 14, 21, 28, Od 5, NUMBLR 1802 l 0S8 INDVMAGIM SG MOFTGAGELOAN Mortgage Onginetor:GU. Mortgage actually paid by the mortgagee, THE MORTGAGOR THE 12 2016) TRANSACTION L 3U AGENTS TRUST 2007 HOAT MORTGAGE Services, Inc. on the premise, end the cost, and MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION PASSTHRoLOU CERTIRCATEs DESCRIPTION OF disbu,menWaI-edbylaw The REPRESENTATIVES oRAssIGNs,NUMBEK None Series 2001HOAl -Knee f PROPERTY. Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, time allowed bylaw to--edempton MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE THAT no adon or proceeding hes ° Sheldon GYove Addlantothe Cityof by kaid mortgagor(,), theirpersonal W EEKS IF A JU DICIAL ORDER IS been instituted et hew to recover the Mortgagee S[. Paul, Ramsey County Minnesota representatives or assigns is six (6) ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FORECLOSURE SALE 55 Eaa Fifth Street Suite 800 THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF deb then remelning keouredbysudh St Paul, MN55101-1]18 Thi,isAbkTact Property monWsfrom [hedete of sale STATUTES SECTION 582032, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE mortgage, o -any part the -el oT if 651 2017599 TAX PARCEL NO.'. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE the ad on o- prooeedmg has been PROPERTY: Unless kaid mortgage THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 65122&1]53 (fax) JL9L31L0088 d TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT addauted, that the same hes been ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: -Aln ated or the property PREMISES ARE IMPROVED d-Unued, o, that an ex THIS IS A COMMUNICATION AFFECTED BY TH IS ACTION. ecuton FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. 1716 LAFOND AVE redeemed, o unless the tme to- WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLIN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that upon the uQ9t en[rendered therein 17/251600400.1 ST PAUL MN 55104 redempton is reduced by udioiel OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, defaul[hesooarred in the conditons hes been re coed unset sfied, in COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY order you mu,tvaoatethep-emike, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN whole or in pert 'Review: Sept ], 14, 21, 28, Od 5 of the following described mortgage: I ORIGINAL RINCIP bTHE Pin. on Mey ODER AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, PURSUANT, to the powe- of kale 12 ,2016) ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THE TIME ALLO'-E0 BY AND ARE ABANDONED. Mortgagor gdlad -band end ntal ed In sa e OF SOFTGAGE :$1%,40000 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Dated: Au u,t 25, 2016 Clone G Vangkted, husband end co mo1gagA� t g wffe eboven dekonbed property II be NOTICE OF MORTGAGE AMOUNAS OF AND OFNO NOTICE THE MORTGAGOR THE Deutsche Bank National Trust M agagee: U.S. Bank N A sold by the Sheriff of kaid count, as BELUENG OF DIE AN PAID MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Comparry,. ulrainglr Nora Ster Date d: 101142004 follows: FORECLOSURE SALE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, Mortgage Funding Trust, Series Filed: 121162004 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF BY MORTGAGEE :$189,06697 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE 20060 NoveSter Home Equity Ram key Registrar of Title, No, be -1, 2016at1000AM THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Thatpno-tothecoinmencementof WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Loan Asset -Backed Certificates, PLACE OF SALE: WekM1ing[on ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITH IN THE thisin ort e efo-edo,u-e cmc ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Series 20060, Asci i Document Na 1848213 Agalni gg procee gneeo Certificate of Title Na:383023 Count, Sheriffs Office,-adhUlon TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Mortgagee -A gnee of Mortgagee STATUTES, SECTION 582032 Mortgagee Transection /tgent NIA Count, Law Enforcement Center AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. - Idedwith ell notce-Aqui-amen[, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Transection Agen[Mortgage lO No 1501562nd Street North, S[illweteT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that as -eked by statute that no adion THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED ASSOCIATION NIA Minnesom defaul[hasoaurredatheconditons o- proceeding has been altuted at PREMISES ARE IMPROVED By Jonathan R Cukkey, Michael V Lender orBroker: U.S. BenkNA opay the deb[Wen scored by ofthefoll-ag described mortgage: law o- otherwise to-ecovA-the debt WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWEWNG S"IAi kman Se-- U.S. Bank NatA kaid mortgage end n s IF any Moagago-: Mark A Douglass and secured by kaid mortgage, o- any OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Attorney, for Se --on dually paid by the mortgagee, Eileen T Douglass, husband and pert Wereof ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Deutsche Bank Netonel Trust Mortgage Originator: U.S. Bank on the premise, end the Dost, and wife PURSUANT to the powe-of kale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Gompeny, as Trustee to -N -Star semen,elowedby law the Mortgagee: Prime Mortgage contained in kaid mortgage, the ANDAREABANDONED. Mortgage Funding Trust Sen e, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF NA [line allowed by hew for -edam peon Goryoraton, A Minnesom above dekaibed property will be MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 20064 NoveSta-Horne Equit, Loan PROPERTY: DESCRI 13 TION Nelson, Coryoraton sold by the Sheriff of kaid count, as FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Aria]:Backed GertiH—s Serie, yYeven, end King,Addition. Public Notices Deted:06Ki02000 follows: ON MORTGAGE: Steven G 20064, Asegnee of Mortgagee The Del 4 feet of Lot l4, Block 2, Continued OR Pagell Recorded'. 080)]2000 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Lienemenn 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Review Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016 Page 11 Public Notices TheAcad,m Pr,fesdd-ll Building AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY CoRIIRR2(1(PORI Page10 25 North DRIB Street BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FORECLOSURE SALE IS LOCATED: Rem say S[Peul, MN 55102 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID STATUTES SECTION 582032, THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT by said m,rtgagol{kI their person al 01)2039760 BY MORTGAGEE:$166.040 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER THE DEBT ANO IDENTITY OF THE OF MORTGAGE:$118,03000 nepnesenbtvek,n Rkegnk i k twelve 751821-2) TI prior to the commencement of TH IN OS, THAT THE M OR(TGAGEO ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE AMOUNT DUE AN D CLAIMED TO ;12) monthsfrom the date In sale. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Inda 1IIgef,-e,l-,ep--edUg PREMISES ARE IMPROVED TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, TIME AND DATE TO CARATE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. M,ft,a el -gnee of M,rtgagee WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELL No AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage (Review: Sep[ 21, 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, oomphedwitl ell no-equirementn OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'. That BVMOR(TGAGEE.$110, 66944 -ted or the property 26 2016) ,required by kt-te; met no Rain ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN deBalthak,courred in me condit,nk Thetpri,n to me Oommencement of redeemed, or unless the tme for or pn,0eedag hes been instituted et AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ofinefoll,wi ngdesoribedmor(gage: thismor(gggeforedosure proceedinc redempton ik reduced by udicel romerwike to recover the debt AND ARE ABANDONED. MOR(TGAGOR(S. PennyA Perks, M,rtgageeS,-Knee of Mortgagee ,met, he Ise -ed by 68i d m ortgage, In any Dated: Septembet19, 2016 R com plied wimellnotcerequirement, you must vacate[ premises NOTICE OF MORTGAGE single person 6 1159 on November1, 201 ]. per[mereof CU Mortgage Services, Inc., es required by statute; that no Raton y pm. FORECLOSURE SALE PURSUANT to the f sale Mort MORTGAGEE Wells Fargo Benk, d hes been instituted et THE TIME ALLOWED By THE FORECLOSURE S R E ALE OF o RiSU in said mort n �, the PFB LAW, PROFESS ONAL N A law In otherwgise to recover the debt LAW FOR REDEMPTION By THE DRIGHT EBTANDIDEMITYOFTHE -, described g�will be ASSOCIATION ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. ured b d mort THE MORTGAGOR THE property Assignedto. Nona se0 ykai gage, or any MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGTIME PRLCREDITOR WITHIN THE sold by the Sheriff of said county es By JonemenRGuskey, MiOheelV ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT pert thereof TIME oeD RED IS LAW N. NOT follows Schleienan PURSUANT to the power of sale REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS OF MORTGAGE: $150,2.00 AFFECTED-,edI ACTION. DATE AND TIME OF SALE. At,me f : DATE OF MORTGAGE: December conbined in said the MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE ys or mortgage NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that November 18, 2016 1000 AM GU Mort Services, Ina, 23 2014 above described will be wEEKs IF AJuoIaAL ORDER Is gage pnopertv ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA In the hak,Ocde Irma condiconk PLACE t SALE. Law Mortgagee DATE AND PLACE OF FILING mldby the Sheaff In said munry ek ofinemuowmg dekcibed mo$gage: Emnmment tante[ uou Qnd ss Eek[Firm steer SateGOO muowk: STATUTES, sEAMON 582032, Rammed on December 30, 2014 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Mortgagor. Glenda M. Becket ase Street N., S011weter MN S[Peul, MN55101-1]18 end mem,rih,ed upon Certificate DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGE mngl gPell,,g,,n to pay the deb[ men secured by .1203/599 In- benl], 20161000AM PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mort e ee: GU Mort e e Services, gage, en y, on (ax) of Title Na 5]209 es Document 9 9 9 9 said Mort d bares, if en .122&1]53 f Number 1231833 the Office of PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Once WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLINC Dated: 042312007 said premises, end the costa end THIS IS A COMMUNICATION the Gounry Registrar of Ttlek of Glvil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS disbursement,, inducting ettomeyK FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. WekM1ing[on Gounry, Minnemb. Suite 150, S[PeuI, MN Filed:0424200] fees allowed by law sub ea o 888016006751 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO to pay the debt then secured by AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Ramsey Registrar of Titles rAdemod-thin-Uhsfrom the (Review: Sept 28, Od 5, 12, 19, 26 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE said Mortgage, endtexek, if anon Document Na N, . Against date ofkad-bythe mange qo ), N,v 016) said premiRee, Rnd me mkik And AND ARE ABANDONS. certecate of Tee N,ssm mei[ pemcnRl nepnekenbtvek on oN THE DATE of THE Nonce dlkbu�menb, inauaing Rtomubede,,5, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED $15.9..]5 fees allowed by IRw s"Inn ro Treanor Agent NIA FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Rkdgnk. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ON D.ed SGAGE:None NTgnseaion PgentMorcgage lDNo: DATETO VACATEPROPERTY. NOTICE OF PROPERTY. Lot Twelve (12J Blot: redemption wiebytMon--on, the Dated: September], 2016 Lender or Broker: GU Mortgage The date on or before which me FORECLOSURE SALE Two (2), Ashbourne 2nd Atlditon date of said sale bymemortg ktgs), WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. mortgagonmukivecateme propertyif THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Common Interest Gom muniryNa ]8, their p -d -Il rep-nt.- or Services, Inc the mort d under Mortgagee Servicer. G.U. Mortgage Services, Plane- SbWtes =the 58030 THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE e PlenLed Gommuniry, Washington RDAgEk TO VACATE PROPEFTV. THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Gounry, Minnesob By Ikl Mort a e Ori inator: CU Mort a e or the property redeemed under TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT R IISTEFEO PROPERTY The date on or before vandh the Rabe- F S -ret Ek I g g I g Plane- Sbtutek keaion .023 m [rtgagor must vacate the property N DID q Services, Inc AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION STREET ADDRESS OF cuoNn nlF e. Rlleh, Es. ik Mong dO01] R[1159P m. lime if he mortgage P not rein Rted g g q LEGAL DESCRIPTION of NOTICE IS edU GIVEN: That PROPERTY: 35so GENEVIEVE k 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' for lgoing date ise Saturday, Sunday debul[hekocrurred in me conditonk AVE N, OAKDALE, MN 55128 under In they SbWtes sear PROPERTY: Unit Number 506 o e holiday, men me date to 58030 or me property redeemed SemuelR Gole Pgagee} erect r sg of mefollowin described mo COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Attomeykfor Mortgagee Common In Gommuniry vecae ik me ne# bueneks day et MOFTGAGOF(SJ: Oevid�G. IS LOCATED: WekM1ing[on Gounry, under Minnemb St t`7 keaion The Academ Profekeonel Buildinc Number 589, Condominium, Lot 1159Pm. 58023 k MRy172017atll 59 Pm. y - 2]0 Condominiums Rem say Gounry, MOFTGAGO S RELEASED Oumdnik and Molly M. Oumdnik, Manta If me foregoing date ik R Setudey, 25 North Dale Street Mane -a �) husband and wife TRANSACTION AGENT None St,Pau MN 55102 FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic NAME OF MORTGAGE Sunday or legal holiday, men the '.1J 2039]. This ik Registered Property MORTGAGE: NONE Reg -on Systems, Ino R ORIGINATOR: WeIIs Fango Bank dateton-peik the - buena,, 1612FC01J TAX PARCEL NO.'. THE TIME ALLOWED By Delaware Coo -an Rs nominee NA day et 1159 Pm. THIS ISAGOMM UNIGATION FROM 32292233.0356 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: ton Central Bank, R Minnesob RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Dells ADETCOLLECTOR 270 THE MORTGAGOR THE BRnkin Cor FRr Bank, N.A FROM OBLIGATION ON 'Review: Sept14, 21, 28, Od 5, 12 St 4th 5[Unit506 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 9 Poston 90 MORTGAGE: NONE St Paul MN 55101 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION 19 2016) REBRESEN REDUEOR TO FIS, A2 dto: Wells Fer oBenk,NA NUMBER:100292123.0245 THE TIME ALLOWED BY COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE gne g LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY IS ORIGINAL RINCIP WEEKS D AJUDICIAL DEER IS by e2012 en[rec,nded,n February MORTGAGE AGENTS THE MORTGAGOR THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 3 2012 es Document Number MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ENTERS UNDER MINNESOTA 3-412 in the Office of the Count NUMBER: None MORTGAGORS PERSONAL OF So CLAIMED STATUTES SECTION 582032 y REPRESEN ASSIGNS FIV FORECLOSURE SALE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Recorder of Washington Gounry, THAT no Raton la proceeding hes DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Minnesota. beenhen'ema,n law to recover me MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT deb rem einin db dh JVEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID gkedt yku ORIGINALCREDITOR WITHINTHE BY MORTGAEE.$222,3NY PREMISES ARE IMPROVED OF MORTGAGE $41700000 m o1gage, or any pert thereof of if ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA JV LTH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING STATUTES SeGTION .2032 TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Th. phontomecommenementof OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, DATE OF MORTGAGE January the eaion or proceeding hes been DETERMINING AMONG OTHER AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION th-ort e efoned0k e dint 4, 2006 Hatuted, that the same hes been 99 Moag ARE NOT PROPERTY PR USED IN 2 [ TH INGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN:tTH,P- Mo lbedwthall no of Mortgagee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION DIE AND PLACE OF FILING. upnnenued, ormetde ex ehe Ion PREMISES ARE IMPROVED debul[hek -,ed,n me Oonditonk complied with all notice requirements Recorded on February 13 2006 upon e:nudgm en[rendered therein ,finefollowin described-beda db hatn,adlOn ANDAREptemb NE. as Domment Number 356.97 has been returned unkatieied, m WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLwG g g g krequlre by t Dated. Se tembA, 15, 2016 OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS MORTGAGORS). Gordon Srykzko or proceeding hes been inQuas, at U.S. Benk National Association, Rs modified of record by Loan whole orin pR [ ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN end DRnelle Sz Ako, husband and law or omerwi ke to recover the debt success MItZodfie Agreem nt ny Loan PURSUANT, o me power of sale y or by merger to U.S. e t AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, on Demmben3, 2013 Rk Document con Rmed In said morbage, the wife severed by said mortgage, or any Bank National Association ND, Number 39732 In the Office of above described will be AND ARE ABANDONED. M ORTGAEE.Mort e eElearonic hereof Property g g pert[ Mortgagee Dated: Septem ber21, 2016 Re istraeon SIncPURSUANT to kd f sale me Gounry Recorder of Weehington sold byme Sheriff of said county - Peaks- ystemk, I powero PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Goun[ Minnemm follows: U.S. Bank National Association, Delaware coryoreton Rs nom inti conbined in said mortgage, me ASSOCIATION V Assignee of Mortgagee for Advisers Mortgage LIG e above the property will be By JonemenR LLkkey, MidheelV THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO DATE AND TIME OF SALE OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL MiS ONMENTS liebiliMORTG G cold byme Sheriff of said county es Sdhome,n BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE PLACE 2016Rt 10 A0 nn ASSOCIATION ASSIGNMENTS ed MORTGAGE: follows: $4 THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: PLACE ea SALE: D::nngton A g d : F d -anal DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ysf,n. $4369?639 County Sherffk Off J4 h g[on By J men R Cue: ey, Midheel V U.S. Bank Neto As eon n Sdhl M g g A ("F M 7 November l], 2016 10 00 AM by erg U.S. Benk LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF County Lew St-eEnol r tee A y for: b ded on MRroh 4 PLACE OF SALE: Sh ffs Office m t gageB PROPEFTV: Lot 1, Block 2 Sh res 15015 Ind Street Noah S II et y ass gnmen[recor N IA o ND, M U.S. Bank N n l Aksocaton, 2016 es Document Numben405.40 G I P Unit 25 D. 4th Street f L k McDonald 2nd Add ion, MInnemb ee of me Office of the CountyRecorder Sute 150, St Paul, MN 55 E ul MN Street Suite 800 TOGETHER m R 2000 f wide to pay me debt m ed by A g f M g g . 20 MN 55101-1]18 55 East Ff h Street S e 800 of Weehington Gounry, Minnemm to pay me debt men secured by .1 2017599 pet enen[pedekfien norvexOlueve sed mortgage end bxek, T any St Paul, MN 55101 -171. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT said Mortgage, and I- if an, on .1223-1753IFxC walkway easement over and across Rauallly paid by he mortgagee, .l '203/S99 OF MORTGAGE $166,40000 said premises, and me costs enc the Soumeaktedy 20 feet of Lot 1, on the premises and me costs end THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Blot: 1, Shores of Lake MODonelc disbursements allowed by law. The .1223-1]53 C.) DATE OF MORTGAGE: Mandl 25, disbursements, inducting Rt,meyk' FROM DEBT COLLECTOR. 2nd Addition, of Lake Gounry, ti Mowed bylaw for redemption THIS IS A COMMUNICATION fees allowed by law kublea o 1T 1"'7'1 Minnemb by said m oagagor(s), their perkenall FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 2116 f - AND PLACE OF FILING. dempti,n within 6 Months from me 'Review: Sept 28, Oa 5, 12, 19, 26, STREET ADDRESS OF representatives or assigns is six (6) 1]WB-16006131 Recorded on August 12 2005 es date of said salebyth m0rGag,Iq Nov 2, 2016) 'Review: Sept 28,Oa 5, 12, 19, 26 Doamen[Number 3532251 In the weir personal represenbeves or PROPER(TV. 4470 MCDONALD months from me date of sale Nov22016J Office of the County Recorder of assigns DRIVE COURT NORTH, TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Washington Gounry, Manemm DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY:-STILLWATER, MN 55082 PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO The date on or before which the NOTICE OF MORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Id bted or t property BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE m agagonmustvacatemeproperty FORECLOSURE SALE IS LOCATED: WRehington Gounry, redeemed, o unless the tme ton NOTICE OFMORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. if he mortgage ik not re THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Manemb redemption ik reduced by udicel FORECLOSURE SALE $17/,24239 under Minnemb SbWtes sexton THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage ower youmuktvacoemepnemikek THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 58030 or the property redeemec ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN TH E Eled-on-gKI'aon Systems,Inc byll 59 p. m. on MRy222017 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 4, under Mane -a Statutes ke n TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT NAME OF MORTGAGE THE TORIGINAL CRE IME ALLOWED BY GITORWITHINTHE Ridgeg-P-Homes WRehington 58023PMayl72017atll59p�m. AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. ORIGINATOR: Central Bank, R LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT Gounry, Man-ta If the foregoing date P R SeWrdey, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Plane- Banking Coryoraton THE MORTGAGOR THE AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION STREET ADDRESS OF Sunday In egall holiday, then the default hes ocouned in the conditions RESIDENTIAL SERVICER WeIIs MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That PROPERTY: 7807 RIMBLEV RD, date to vacateP the add business of the talk, UP de -bed mortgage: FRrgo Bank, NA REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, debult hes ocrurredin the Oondit,nk WOOD BURY MN55125 dayat1159Pm. Mortgagor: Michael John MOVeigh TAX BARGEE IDENTIFICATION MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE of the following de -bed mortgage: COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGORS) RELEASED and Nancy In Moveigh, es NUMBER 070292041 20 41 0005 JVEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS MOR(TGAGORS). Dawn Hudella IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, FROM OBLIGATION ON husband Rndwife TRANSACTION AGENT'S ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA eke Dawn M. Hudelle, e tingle Minnesob MORTGAGE: NONE Mortgagee: G.U. Mortgage MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION STATUTES, SECTION 582032 person TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage THE TIME ALLOWED BY Services Ina NUMBER 10035812222000613-1 DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER MORTGAGEE: WeRldk ac Elearonid Began t,on Sydle- Inc LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Dated. 04232003 THAT no Raton or proceeding hes TH IN ON THAT TH E M OFTGAGED Mortgage, R Minnesob Corp,mton NAME OF MORTGAGE THE MORTGAGOR, THReco E ded: 061102003 been instituted Rt law to recover the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. ORIGINATOR Advisers Mortgage, MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Ramsey County Recorder debt men remaining secured by such WLTH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Aasignedto Wells FRrgo Bank, NA LLC, R Minnesob limited liability REPRESETATIVESORASSIGNS, Document No 3.2]Q mortgage, or any pert thereof of if OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, byakegnmentnecondedon February company MAV BE DEDUCED TO FIVE Tran -on Agent NIA the Raton or proceeding hes been ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 25, 2005 as Document Number RESIDENTIAL SERVICER WEEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS Trankaaion Agent Mortgage ID No: inktWtl met the same hes been AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 3449]]2 in me Office of me County Seteruk, Inc ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NIA discontinued, or that an execution AND ARE ABANDONED. Recorder of WRehagton Gounry, TAX BY IDENTIFICATION STATUTES SECTION 582032 Lender or Broker CU. Mortgage upon the It dgtent rendered therein MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Man emm NUMBER 1702021.110084 DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Services, Inc hes been re coed unsatisfied, in FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TRANSACTION AGENT'S THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Servicer CU. Mortgage Services, whole orin per[ ON M OFTGAGE: None OF M OFTGAGE:$1.,00000 MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Inc PURSUANT, to the power of sale Dated: Septemben2l 2016 DATE OF MORTGAGE: December NUMBER 100199.00001019]8 WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Mortgage Originator G. U. Mortgage conbined in said mortgage, the WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 20 ,2004 THAT no Raton or proceeding hes OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Services, Ina above deexibed property will be Mortgagee DATE AND PLACE OF FILING been Instituted at law to recoverme ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF cold by the Sheriff of said county- THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, BA Recorded on Febmary25, 2005 as deothenremammg severed by such AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, PROPERTY: Lot3, Block 1 Maple m110- By 1k1 Doc ment Number 3499771 In the mortgage, ,r any pare thereof, of if AND ARE ABANDONED Woods Ekt t Third Addleoq DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Rkbe-F. Boholet Eeq Office of the county Recorder of the Raton or proceeding hes been Dated: Septembenl9, 2016 Ramsey Gounry, Manemm Abktraa Noll bei l5, 2016 et 10:00 AM N. Kibongni FondungRllah, Esq Washington Gounry, Mi A -Eta Wted, that the same hes been CU Mortgage Servimslnc., Property PLACE OF SALE WRehington Curt N.Trisko,Esq.' THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO discontinued, or met an Mortgagee ThikikAbktraa Property Gounry Sheriffs Office, Weehington SemuelR Golemen, Ee} BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE upon me udgt ent rendered merlein OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL TAX PARCEL NO'. County Lew Enforcement Center A[[omeykforM ort gag Ie ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. hes been H coed unset kfied, in ASSOCIATION 1329233.00. 15015 Ind Street North, S011watet The Academ y Professional Building $1550]933 whole orin per[ By Jonathan R C-ey, MahaelV ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Minnesob 25 North Dale Sloeet LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PURSUANT, to the power of sale SchI-man 2323 Kingkdn Ave E to pay the debt men secured by I PRuI MN 55102 PROPERTY. L,t16 Block 1, Garver eined in said mortgage, the Atomeys for: Maplewood, MN 55109 said mortgage end bxek, if any (.1J 2039]. Lake Meadows Washington Gounry, above described property will be GU Mortgage Services, Inc COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Rauary peed by the mortgagee, :161374FC01) Manemm sold by me Sheriff of said county Rs Mortgagee IS LOCATED: Ram key on the premises Rnd the costs enc THIS IS A COMMUNICATION STREET ADDRESS OF follows: 55 Eaa Firth Street Suite 800 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT disbursements allowed bylaw. The FROM A DEBTCODUeCTOR. pROPEFTV: 64i0 LAKE TERRACE DATE AND TIME OF SALE: St Paul, MN55101-1718 OFMOR(TGAGE$156%000 time allowed by law for redemption "Review: Sep[28, Oa 5, 1219, 26 EAST, WOODBURY MN 55125 No, bei 15, 2016 Rt 10 A0 AM .1203]549 AM OUNT DUE AN D CLAIM ED TO by said moagagktgk), their perkenal Nov 2, 2016) 3966 FLARE OF SALE WasM1mgon .1-28 7530.) BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE pfee nom tlsen K-Pkiv(6) COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Gounry Sheriffs Office, Weehing[on THIS IS A COMMUNICATION INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID monthIS LOCATED: WRehagton Gounry, Gounry Law Enforcement Centet FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. BV MORTGAGEE:$1229?9a TIME AND DATE TO VACATE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Mane- 15 innesob 1501562nd Street North, tor -et 8880 13001 61-1 4 That prior tome corn mencement of PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage FORECLOSURE SALE TRANSACTION AGENT: None Minnesob (Review: Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 th-oagagefoneOlokunepn,ceeding P I -e edeted aIn t[ee[pimee� THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF NAME OF MORTGAGE to pay the debt men seared by Nov 2, 2016) MortgageeS,-gnee of Mortgagee THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE ORIGINATOR WeRldk ac said mortgage and I- if any OompliedwiI all nocenequirement, redem pt on ik reduced by Iudi-I ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN TH E Mortgage R Minnesob Cory,raton acluary paid by the mortgagee, k nequinedbykbtute; hatn,Raion Inde[ you m ukt vacate the pre P- TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells on the prem ikek and the O,ktk and NOTICE OF MORTGAGE on proceeding hes been instituted et by 1159 Pm. on May 15 201]. AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. FRrgo Bank, NA disbursement, allowed bylaw The FORECLOSURE SALE law or otherwise to recoverme debt THE TIME ALLOWS BV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met TAX BY IDENTIFICATION tme owed by law ton nedempton eared by said mortgage, or any LAW FOR RE V, By debul[hekocourredinmeconditonk NUMBER 180202144.002] THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF k THE MORTGAGOR THE by keit mortgagol{kJ, weir personal THEDEBTANDIDeWITYOFTHE PRRtheH" of the following dekcribed mortgage: TRANSACTION AGENT'S nepnesenbtvek on Rkegnk ik ex (6) PURSUANT to the power of kale MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagor: Kong Veng, e themed MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION TIME AN me date of sale ORIGTIME PRLCREDITORAWIS THeNOT eined in said mortgage, the REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, m NUMBER None TIME AND DATE TO VACATE TIME PRWIDED BY LAW IS NOT above IF IF prOpen will be MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagee: Mortgage Ele,tnona THAT no Raton on proceeding hes PROPERTY: Unlekk said mortgage AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. sold byme Sheriff of said county ek WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Registration Sys[emk, Inc ek been instituted et law to recoverme erect or me property NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met follows: ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA n ee for Lake Area Mortgage, deb[mennemai ping ceto redbykuce debul[hekocarred in me co`tt'ons STATUTES, SECTION 582032 adeemed, on Uhl h for DATE AND TIME OF SALE. D of Lake Area Benk, e mortgage, on an, pert thereof or T f h f II wmgdekabedmortgaga DETERMINING AMONG OTHER d p red d by did Rl N benl] 20161000AM p n m pn,0eet th hes been d y ve h p e M g g : All- Bneault e PLACE OF SALE Sh ffk Office, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGE Dated: 11242005 d, h he same hes been by 1159 P au on M ay 15, 2017 ikk Jdh MT d both unmerrtic C I Process Unt 25 D 4th Street BREMISE6 ARE IMPROVED Filed: 03�V92010 d d, nmet an e-cuton THE TIME ALLOWED BY persons, eklo nttenen[k Suite 150, St Paul MN WITH ARESIDENTIAL OWELlING Rsm say Regiktrer of Ttlek upon meludgmen[rendered therein LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV Mortgagee: U.S. Benk Netonel to pay the debt men secured by OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Document No 2103306 Against hes been re coed unkatkfied, in Askedaeon ND ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN u THE MORTGAGOR THE keit Mortgage, Rnd bxek, if any on Gertificab ofTtle Na:5T.2 whole orin pert Dated .11 72006 AGRI N'URAI PRODUCTION, MORTGAGORS PERSONAL keit premikek, end me costs end Asegned To: U.S Bank NRtonal PURSUANT, to the power of kale REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIS S, Recorded: l2�V]2006 disbursement,, induding Rtomeh0 AND ARE ABANDONED. Aasoaeton conbined in said mortgage, the JVadn gton Gounry Recorder o MOFTGAGORSJ RELEASED MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE fees allowed by law sub ea D.ed:11252015 above dekcribed property will be W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS Documen[Na 36194. nedempton within 6Mont-an, the FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Rled-12015 koldbyme Shenff,f said.UU Rk Trankaaion Agent NIA ON MORTGAGE: None ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA date ofkaid kale byme m,rtgagol{ 0 Ramsey County Registrar of Ttlek follows: Trankaaion Agent Mortgage lO No n Dated: September22016 STATUTES, SECTION 582032, NIA their personal repnekenbtvek o D -meat No T02545991 Against DATE AND TIME OF SALE. DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Lender or Broker: U.S Bank Rkegnk. WELLSFARGOBANK,N.A. Certificate IRTIe Na: 57.22 Novemben29, 2016.100OAM THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Mortgagee Trenkaaion Agent Mortgage FLACE OF SALE: WRehington NRt,nall-odat,n NO THEAGADEMVLAW GROUP BY g ys[emk, IncY g[on PREMISES ARE IMPROVED The date on on before which the Eled-ona Re iktraton5 County Sheriffs Office, WRehn Servicer. U.S. Bank Netonel By lkl W ITHAREDETIAL OWELLIN C m,r[gagormukt Yates me property Trenkaalon Agent Mortgage ID No: Count Lew Enforcement Gentet OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITE Akm°eton, sueceksor by merger to if he mortgage ik not rein eted RebecoRF Schiller Eeq 100]15800000030.8 15015 Qnd Street North, Sfillwatet ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN U.S. Bank NRton Rl Akso-an NO under Minnemb Statutes cea on N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Ee} Lender or Broker: Lake Area Minnemb Mortgage Originator: U.S Bank property re 'Curi N.Trisko, Es q.- g g y t y AND AREAGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION 58030 or me deemed Mort e e, R DIVIfl,n of Lake Area to pe he debt then secured b NetonelAsmceton NO Samuel R Golemen, Esq Mod" ABANDONED under Minnem7 t`7 kealon Bank said mortgage and I- if any M OFTGAGORSJ RELFASE LEGALOESGRIPTION OF 58023 ik Meyl], 201]et 1159 Pm. Attorneys for Mortgagee Servicer: U.S. Bank NRtonall Rauary paid by the mortgagee, FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION BROPEFTV: L,b3 and 5, Block 1, If me foregoing date ik e Saturday, The Aoedemy Profekeonel Building Aasoceton on me d me Ooktk end Charter ORkk, Dadhagton Gounry, Th N o1h Dale Street prem ise, en ON MORTGAGE: Gordon 52yszko Minnekom Sunday or legal holiday, men me Mortgage Originator Lake Area disbursement, allowed by law. The Dated: Septembenl4, 2016 date to vacate ik me ne# bueneks S[ Peul MN 55102 Mortgage, e Divieon of Lake Area time allowed by law for redemption FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE This P Abktraa Property deyet 1159 Pm. .1)2090]. Benk by keid mortgagol{kJ, weir persvnel ALAX SSOCIATION("FANNIE MAE") 3002921310006BAR�L NO.'. MORTGAGORS) (SJ RELEASED (1311]3FN4J LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF nepnesenbevek on Rkegnk kex(6) Mortgagee ADDRESS OFPROPEFTV: FROM OBLIGATION ON THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: TOP 31-3, HrbdRle, mons -loth medateofkale THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA MORTGAGE: NONE FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. Remkey Gounry, Minnemb. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE 1494 GRANADAAVENiki k Registered Property PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage By Ikl THE TIME ALLOWED BY (Review: SeptSe[ 28, Oa 5, 12, 19, 26 OAKDALE, MN 55128 Nov 2 2016) RebeccaF Schiller Ek4 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV TAX PARCEL NO'. ik relnktated on the property COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Ee} IS LOCATED: Weehing[on THE MORTGAGOR THE 20292130108 'Curi N.Trisko, Esq.' ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ApDRE55 OF PROPERTY: Public Notices Samuel R Golemen, Eeq OF MORTGAGE :$1]P ]5000 REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, 1164 MAGNOLIAAVE EAST CORhRR2(1 OR Page 12 Atomeykfon Mortgagee MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE SAINTBAUX MN55106 Page 12 Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016 Review Public Notices aMartgggee THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO disbursements, induding ett,ae 13.AhIlae lawedforredem ptan By Jan n R Cuskey, MahaelV 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE fees allowed by law cubed o by Matgggar or MortgegoYs Schleiman Continued from Page 11 St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: "dm ptan w ,n 6MdUhs om the personal r,p-d-tves or assigns Attorneys for: .1203]599 $28]249.]0 date I said sale by Wemortgggor(sJ, is TWI(2) MONTHS after We date BMO Hems Bank NA, redeemed, o unless the ilde for .122&1]53 (fax) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF their personal representaives or of sale to M & 1 Marshall &Ilsley redem peon is reduced by Udical THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: To 12, BIa 1, assigns 10. Mortgage, end Martgggee Bank, Mortgagee order you must vacate We premises FROMA DEBTCOLLECTOR. Timber FJ Age, Washington County, DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: have entered into a VOLUNTARY 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 byll 59pa on May30, 201]. _ _ Minnesota The date on or before which We MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE St Paul, MN55101-1718 00 5 1 THE TIME ALLOWED BY :R.... 201bOd 5, 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, STREET ADDRESS OF mortgagor must vacate We property AGREEMENT dated as of . 16,0549 LAE FORAGOG REDEMPTION By s, 2167 GROGERTY ]lea ]4TH STREET if We Mnn-e is sten SMAtMUn St], 2016 in Aoldpuwce 1Q2z160044s1 THE MORTGAGOR THE 55 S, COTTAGE GROVE MN under Minnesota Statutes se wild Minn.Sta[58232. (Review: Od 12, 2016) MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 5COUNTY0 58630 aWe property rade-an 15. Eedh holder afaluniorlim,an, REPRESENTATIVES EGRESEN REDUCED SDR ASSIGNS, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE GLUCAN IN WHICH PROPERTY under Minnesota 017SEA,-11 se redeem in We order and m MAY BE REDUCM TO FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE ISLOCAL ED: Weshmg[on Gounry, 58HAf June T201d 1159pldn providgan Minn.Stat58232subd W EEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Min ANSA If Sthefore Dirt date d,aS nth 9, be ronin after the NOTICEOFMORTGAGE ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE RIGHTTOIDENTITY OF HE g g Y 9 9 expiredon FORECLOSURE SALE THEDEBTA CREDITOR WIT OF THE TRANSACTION AGENT: None Sunday or legal hallnay Wen WA of mptan p, two (2J monk THE RIGHT TO DEBT NHE STATUTES, SECTION 582032 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE NAME OF MORTGAGE datetovacate is We next business redeldpion period THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE OF DETERMINING AMONG OTHER TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT ORIGINATOR World Savings Bank, dMORT 59pld. 16. Name of eedh M,mfiarwha ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE PREMISES ARE THE MORTGAGED FSB, nikle Wells Fargo Beak NA, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED hes been released from financial PREMISES ARE IMPROVED AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. TIME PROVIDED IS LAW N. NOT Sucoebsor by merger to Wadhavia FROM OBLIGATION ON abligeion on the Mortgage: Bald WLTH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het AFFECTED BYTHISGIVEN N. OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, defaultha .,,edin the conditions Mortgage, FSB flkle World Savings MORTGAGE' NONE Eagle Development LLC, e NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN aWefor-agde-bed mortgage: Benk FSB THE TIME ALLOWED BY Minnesota limitedliabi lily com pe n, default-oaurredathe.ndidons Mort : Nan I -e s RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV 1T. The person hold ing the of the followin described mort AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 90.9or cN y, Inge Fargo Bank, NA THE MORTGAGOR, THE Mortgggeis not a transaction agent g gW AND ARE ABAN DONED woman TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL es defined in Minn. Stat 5802 Mortgagor: Scott Fogelson enc SOFTGAGORS) RELEASED Moat ee: Martggge Bedmnio NUMBER 0802]2122002 REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, subd 30. Wenne Fogelson, husband end wife FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Regibt-lan Systems, a es TRANSACTION AGENT'S MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Name of Mortgagee Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic ON MORTGAGE: None nom nee for Menegrlecon Home Registration Systems,Inc as Dated: Setember29, 2016 Mortgage, LLC, e Limited Liability MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Premier Bank norm nee for Fremont Investment& P NUMBER None ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Name end Address of Abomeys for WELLSFARGOBANK,N.A. Company THAT no adion or proceeding h as STATUTES SECTION 582032, Mortgagee Loan Mortgagee Dated11252009 been inbtiWted et law to recover We DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER LEONARD, O'BRIEN, SPENCER Deted:06212006 TH EAGADEMVLAW GROUP,GA Reo Ugto1211 Count deothen remaining secured bysuch THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED GALE&SAVRE, LTD. Recorded:0]I1 CoUnt 92006 By lsl ocUmentN Gounry Recorder mortgage, or any pert thereof or, if PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ISI Peter J. Seleviq 111 JVeshing[on Gounry Reoorder 6675 Rebe-F Semler Esq. Doculdentmo.3nue6 ao adion or proaA.mg has been wIAH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING ev: Peter J. salANa, uI, woz]s23] Dooulded Ca 3ssPAU N Klban m Fondun sash, Es Asigned I oowen Loan ihet Asagned Ao: Deura,e Benk 9 9 q Wted, Wet We same hes been OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Attomeys for Mortgagee Curt N. Arisko, Esq Servicng, LLG discontinued, or that an execution AlE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Leonard, O'Brien, Spence Gale & Neti on at Trust Company, as Trustee 'Sa nuel R. Coleman, Esq.' Dated: 06232014 under he Pooling end Servicnc upon the l udgtent rendered therein AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Se Ltd Attorneys for Mortgagee Reoorded:062512014 has been reamed unsatisfied, in ANDAREABANDONED. 1 PC soah Fifth Stree[ Suite 2500 Agreement dated as of September TheA demy Professional Building JVeshing[on Gounry Recorder whole orin pert Dated: September30, 2016 Minneapolis, Minnesata55402 1 2006 GSAMP Trust 2006FM2 25 North Dele Street Dowm ent No. 3491852 Mortgage PessThrough Certificates, PURSUANT, to the power of sale U.S. Bank National Association, '612)332-1030 S[Peul MN 55102 Tranbadion Agent Mortgage contained in said mortgage, the Assigreeoi Mortgagee 'Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, Series2006FM2 '.1)2039]. Electronic Registration Systems Inc above described property will be OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL 2016) Dated: 03m12012 13 3 --don Agent Mortgage ID No: Record ed: 03202012 THIS8]3FN2J sold bythe Sheriff of said county es ASSOCIATION THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 1002491200002]14Y] follows: By Jonathan R Cuskey Midhael V Washington Gounry Reoorder FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Lender or Broker: M G"tlaco DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Schleikmen Dooum ent No 38]99]9 Home Martggge, LLG, a limited FORECLOSURE SALE Ara adion agent Mortgage (Review: Od 5, 12, 19, 26 Nov2 No, be -22 2016 1000AM A ys to THERIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF 9,2016) L til yco O -en PLACE OF SALE: D Kington U.S. B k National Assooatan EI RA nSystems, no S cor: Oaven Loen Servicng, Gounry She— Office A Ugton A g fMor[gagee THE DEBT AND IT OF THE T Ag 4or[gQge OND: LLG Colin[ Lew Enforcement Center, 55 East Fifth Stree[ Suite 800 ORIGINAL IDEDI BY LAW IS THE 1001944 U 349 Mort e e Ori : Market lace Y TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Lender SOo Broker: Fremont NOTICE OF MORTGAGE gg ginetor P 15015 Qnd Street North, Stillwater S[Peul, MN 55101-1]18 AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. In -Am Home Mortgage, LLG, e Limited ant&Loen Minnesota .1203]595 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FORECLOSURE SALE Liability Gompeny to paythe debt then secured by .12281]53 (fax) default has oaurredin the conditions Servicer: oowen Loen Servicng, THE RIGHT TO DEBT WITATIONOE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LLG THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 2 bald mortgage end tax s if any THIS IS A COMMUNICATION of the following described mor[ggge: Mortgage Originator: Fremont ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Common Interest Community No, eduelly paid by he mortgagee, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Mortgagor: Bruce A Clausen, end Inver inert[&Loen TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT 142, Oekwoode Lustre, Washington on the premises and We Dosis end 1]9J&160058]-1 Colleen clausen, husband end wife LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. County, Minnesota disbursements allowed bylaw. The (Review: Go 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, Mortgagee: M&I Mem l & Ilsley PROPERTY: Lot 19, Block 1, owed by law for redemption 16 2016) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN [het This isAbbtraB Property by said mortgggoq( ), Weir personal Ben Woodland Acres deat thefor agile dined wndltonb AAx BY CEL Na: De-ed 2 ThisibAbsaaPRCELy oM01mo,Sg Kaibedm ASage: 180292112OFP mprmsron, me aa� of flea dx (s) Reamed: o3 CoUnty TAx PARCEL No.. Mortgagor: Serax Larsen,ASingle ADDRESS en GRIPEFTV. IM NOTICEDFoRECL SU Ramsey Caunry Recorder 1 - 21 41 0004 0 .-Fen 55128 PERM TIME AND DATE TO VACATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Document No 4088054 ADDRESS OF GROPEFTV. PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage SALE Transaction Agent. NIA Mortgagee: Mortgage Bearonio Oekdele MN 55128 50103rd St Registraian Systems, es GLUCAND WHICH PROPERTY ie relndn oil oe the property .Minnesota Statutes Sedan 58232) Iranbadlon Agen[Mortggge IT No: S011weter MN55082 redeemed, or unless the time for nom e tar American naHolde I ORIGINAL RI INALPRIN PRINCIPAL Date: 0dober4, 2016 NIA GLUCAN D w U PROPERTY redemption Is reduced by ludicel Lender or Broker: M&I MemM1ell & MortgggeAcoptanoe, Inc ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT YOU ARE NOTIFIED Wetedefault I IS LOCATED: Washington Deted:06232005 OF MORTGAGE: $130 ]4800 order you must vacate We premises hes oaured in We conditions ofWe Isley Benk ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Recorded:081152005 AM OUNT DUE ANO CLAIMED TO THEll 59 pTIMEn MALLOW22 EO] BY following described Mortgage: 6ervicor.BMOHeris Bank, NA OF M 0FTGAGE:$508,25000 Washington County Recorder BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE AW FOR REDEMPTION BY INFORMATION REGARDING Mortgage Originator: M&I Marshall AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Document No 3532.2 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID MORTGAGET08E FORECLOSED &IlseyCank BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, Assigned To: DAU— Beak BY MORTGAGEE $121 1]5.61 THE MORTGAGOR THE 1 Date of Moa_ ort e Be Merdh 16 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF INCL U DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID National Trust Gompeny, Thet prior to the commencement of MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 21. _ PROPERTY: Lot 2, Block 1, EC BY MORTGAGEE:$514, 181 Si REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Bowen'sAddiion IndenWre Trustee for Am th 0agartgggeforeolosureprooeeding 2. Mort e or Bald Ee le Thet prior to We commencom ant of Home Mortgage Investment Trus[ MortgegeeiA gnee of Mortgagee MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Development LLC, a Minnesota This is Abstrad Propert, Wismotgegeforedosure proceedmc JVEEKS IF AJUPIaAL ORDER Is P 20053 Dom phi ed witlh all noboerequirements limited liebili[ TAX PARCEL NO': MortgggeelAsignee of Mortgagee ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA y.mpany Reted., 0B1172016 as required bystaWte; [hetno adion 3. Morteee: Premier Bank, e e.L9J14401 e.i complied with all n,Gae,equirelden[s STATUTES, SE CR 582032 g g ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. Dadhagd.n Count 0, PA sesbeeninbtthedbt Minnesota coroIan as requiredby btat beet at no ad on DETERMINING AMONG OTHER P 1233REANEV AVE wabhmgton cowry RAaomAr law or omerwibA m rAwxer mA debt a. RAwmm mrldador RAwmAa or proceeding has been mnkuted at TREMIS,AHAT THE MORTGAGED gin COUNT IN MN ICHP DoomenCa 4oel.o seared by said mortgage, or any on November 9,2on ab Document law or oWerwisaroreoover We debt PREMISES ARE IMPROVED GLUCAN IN WHICH PROPERTY b Aransa,c Agent Mortgage part Wereof Na 3861.3 wiW We Office of enured by said motggge, or any wIAHAS THANIDENFIVE LLIN ISLIGATED:Ram EledroniA Registration systems, ma PURSUANT to We power of sale OF LESS THAN RVE UNITS, the cowry Reoorder, webhingon percmereory ...14dio Agen[Mor[ggge ID No: conmined in said pelt' tie tlbe County Minnesota ORIGINAL PRINT GIPAL AMOUNT PURSUANT to the power e sale above described property will be ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN S.Aasi f M a e e, if an : OF AMOUNT MORTGAGE $9],50AIM conmined in said mortgage, We 1 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, gnmentso 99 Y AMOUNAS OF AND CLAIMED TO Lender or Broker: American Home sold by We Sheriff of said county as AND ARE ABANDONED. None BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, above described property will be Ma,cee Acwen L Inc follows: MORTGAGORS) RELEASED INFORMATION REGARDING sold by We Sheriff of said oounryes Servicer: oowen Loan Servicng, DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. MORTGAGED PREMISES INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID follows: FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION BY M IR(TGAGEE:$920712] LLG Decotbe15015 ?nd AM ON MORTGAGE eptemb Cane 6. Aarpaged idenifioeionnumbers DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Mortgage Originator: American PLACE SALE: Lew Enforcement of mo d :2]-02921- That pnorto the commencement of Deoember2, 2016 1000AM Home Mort e eAco tame, IncGenteT 15015 Qnd Street N., Deed: ELLS FARGe-29 BA r[g0.9e premises n ffidn,M.Gort f d gg p WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. 430011, 4300131-030012 e eeie ghee off Mocoeing PLACE OF S5 G? ad Entorcom ant LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF S011weter MN 27. Legal De c Mo pleaw,th all of M,hemeee GenteT 15015 Qnd Street N., Mortgagee PROPERTY. Unit Ne. -oug to pay ga deb[ Wen secured by THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP PA Legal Oesoripion of We .o egU,ed b aII nate that no is S011water MN Condom Had No 58, F b gh d M g eA d T y n By l l mortgaged pr , s requ red g staW h pt' h debt hen secured by Place Condom Egh h d p d h d RYb F Sdhiller Es Lot 1, Block 6 Dh f g V Ile,, $r proceedng hes b d 'd M g g d taxes If any on Supplemental G d PI [ d b s n d g ys q J4esM1n Goun[ M ate woraWerw e s d p d We costs nc N. Kb i Fondun Ilah, Es goon y, Ash ng[on Gounry, Mane -a fees allowed by law cubed o g tie q Lot 2, Block 6 WM1btln Valle, secured by sad mortgage, or any d b semens, ad khe ettomeys 'Curt N.Trisko, Es q.' g , hereof Th b Abstred Prapert, d p hNn 6 Months from the J4 h tit G unryM oe part[ f allowed by hew cabled to TAX PARCEL NO.'. d f d bythe a ortgggoq D Samuel R Colem E q t PURSUANT to the power of sale r d p h 6Mon--old the h p I rep_entatago o AttomeysfarM ag g L , BI k 6 J4M1 f gore alley, contaned n sad mortgage, the d f d by hemortgggoq( ), ADDFESSIFPRIPERTY. astigns r The Academy Prof ssanal Buldnc W r 9t Gounry,M above desorbed property Will be 25 North Dale Street (colledivelI the 'R.I Property') sold by the Sheriff of said county as mer personal representatves or ].615W Street Ln N DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: St Paul MN 55102 together with (a) all of the buildings follows: ebslgns Oakdale, MN 55128 The date on or before which the aadures and other improvements DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY '.1J 2039]. DATE AND TIME OF SALE: The date on or before which the GLUCAN IN WHICH PROPERTY IF th agar must v Id n the ndlatey :1E1g1]FG01) now btending or et any time Odober 6 2016 10 00 AM IS LOCATED: Washington if the mortgage is not reinstated THIS IS A COMMUNICATION hereafter construded or placed mortgagor must vacate the property ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT under Minnesota Statutes Sedion FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. upon the Real Property (bJ II PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Office, if the mortgage is ein OF MOFTGAGE:$105, 00000 58030 or the property redeemed -Review: Od. 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov 2, hewing, plumbing end lighting GVII Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th St -el under Minnesota Statutes Seaton AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO under Minnesota Statutes sedan y 2016 apparatus, e ors end motors Suite 150, S[ Peul, MN 58030 or the property redeem ec BED UE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, 58023 is June 2, 201]et 1159 pld. ) engines entre etdhinery, eledrical to pay the debt then secured by under Minnesota Statutes sed on INCL U DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID If the foregoing date is a SeWrday, equipment incnerator apparatus said Mortgage, and taxes if any, on 58023 is June2 2017atll 59p m. BV MOFTGAGEE.$�,823.40 Sunday or legal holidey, then the NOTICE OFMORTGAGE alroonditanagapparatus, wateranc disbu semens indudin cos and If the foregoing date is a SeWrday That prior to the commencement of date to vacate is the kaId next business gas apparatus pipes water heaters gettomeyK Sun day or legal holiday, then the thismoft,ageforedosureproceedmc dayatll59pm. FORECLOSURE SALE refngeraing plant and refngeratars, fees allowed by law subled o date to vacate is the nevi business M 0agggeel gnee of Mortgagee MORTGAGORS RELEASED THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF w ,softeners, caryets, caryeing redem pion within 6MonWsfrom the da at 1159 Pm. complied with ell noticorequirements FROM OBLIGATION ON THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFT bt ori ndaws and doors window date of seidselebythe mortgggolo MORTGAGORS) RELEASED s required by statute teenhat no ad i on MORTGAGE'. NONE ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE b en doors bt sash, their personal rep,e,entaives or FROM OBLIGATION ON law o, oAthdirigleto I-ecoveri�tutedthe debt LAW FORTHE REDEMPTION BY AFFECTED PROVIDED BV THISY LAW ACTON. NOT wl�nedows shades or blinds,aawn in9' aDIE TO VACATE PROPERTY: M�ET�TIMEGE NONE ALLOWED BV lod:s fen ces, `e shrubs, end The date on or before which the ke-ed by said moltggge, or any THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all other dbures e equipment enc LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY part thereof MORTGAGORS PERSONAL default has o.,edi n the condiions personal property of every kind mtrtgggorldust vacatetheproperty THE MORTGAGOR, THE PURSUANT to the power of sale REPRESENTAAIVESORASSIGNS, of the following described m ortggge: and n whatsoever n if he mortgage is of oed MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL eined in said mortgage, the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagor: Roberto J. Alayon, a hereefteruowned bythe Mortgagor Under Minnesota Statutes Ise n REGRESENAAAI VESIRASSIGNS above described property will be WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS single person and e[ta.ed or fixed to the Real 6801 01 the de, Minnesotaroppertyerede med MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE sold by the Sheriff of said county as ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagee: Mortgage Eledronic Property, induding all-ensian cothan W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS follows: STATUTES SECTION 582032 Regal-oan Systems, Ino e addiians improvements 58023 is AprI 62017 at 1159 pa ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA DATE AND TIME OF SALE: DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER nom nee for MidCoUUA Bank s betterments, renewals an If the foregoing date is a SeWrday, STATUTES SECTION 582032, Decem ber 2, 201610 00 AM THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED Dated: 04m92010 replacom entsofanyoftheforegoitg Sunday or legal holiday, then the DETERMINING AMONG OTHER PLACE OF SALE Law Enforcement PREM ISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Recorded: 04292010 (oJ all hereditaments, A_gang date to vacate is the n -business THINGS, THAT THE AMOK. OTHER me Center 15015 Qnd Street N., A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Ramsey County Recorder ngns pnvilegesandappultenancos trey etll59p m. PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Stilwater MN OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Document No. 421.. or hereafter belonging, etta.ed MORTGAGORS) RELEASED A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING to pay the debt then secured by ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Assigned To: U.S. Bank Natanal 0, n any way pertaining to the Real FROM OBLIGATION ON OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS said Mortgage, and taxes if any, on AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Assooiaian Property or to any building, btrudure MORTGAGE: NONE ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN said premises, and the costs anc ANDAREABANDONED Dated: 02222013 improvement now or hereafter THE TIME ALLOWED BV gGRIGULTURAL PRODUCTION, disbursements, induding ettome, Dated: September2], 2016 Recorded: 03m]2013 cared thereon (d) the immediate AW FOR REDEMPTION BV AND ARE ABANDONED. fees allowed by hew cabled o Oaven Loan Servicing, LLC, Ramsey County Recorder and coninuing right to receive and THE MORTGAGOR THE Dated: Olober 4, 2016 redem pion within 6 Mon --old the Assignee of Mortgagee Document No. 4384169 coned all rents income issue MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Deutsche Bank National Trust date ofsaidsalebythemortgggoq(), PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Transadian Agent Mortgage and profits now due and which may REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS Comparry, as Trusteefor GSAMP their personal representatives or ASSOCIATION Eledronic Regial-oan Systems, Inc hereafter become due under orb MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Trust2oo6FM2,Mortgage Pa- - ass assigns By. Jonathan R LLskey, MaFael V Aransadian Agent M ortggge IF No: virtue of any lease or agreement W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS Th rough Certificates,-i.2o DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: s.leim an 10025]1000300984]5 r w n for the leesin ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FM 2, Assignee of Mortgagee The date on or before which the Al: Len der or Broker: MidCountry Bank, (subleasingnu e or oaupancy of STATUTES SECTION 582032, OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL m ortgagor m list vacate the protperty Iaven Loan Servicing, LLG Federal Savings Bank all or any parts of the Real Property DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ASSOCIATION if he mortgage is not rein "'at Assignee of Mortgagee Servicer: U.S Bank Neionel now, heretofore or hereafter made THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED By Jonathan R Guskey, Mioheel V under Minnesota Statutes sed on 55 East Fifth Street Sate800 Assooiaian or agreed to by the Mortgagor (eJ PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Sdhleiman 58030 or the property redeemec St PauI,MN55191-1]18 Mortgage Originetor: MidCountry all of the leases end agreements WITHARESIDENTIAL DWEWNG Attorneys for: under Minnesota St tutes sedan .1203]549 Bank Federal Savings Bank described in (d) above; and, to all OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS DAU— Bank Naional Trust 58023 is June2 201]atll 59pm. .12281]53 (fax) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF H ane and other proceeds of ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Gompeny, as Trustee for GSAMP If the foregoing date is a SeWrday, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 48, and all condemnaian awards with AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Trust 2006FM2 Mortgage Pass Sunday or legal holiday, then the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Benning&OliviersAddiion to West rasped to, the foregoinc AND ARE ABANDONED. Through Certificates, Series 2006 date to vacate is the rte# business 1 //2616UUo:C1 S[ Paul, RaldseyCounty Minnesota The des bedre ,a; utyisnoi Dated : Hugubt e, 2016 FM2 Assignee of Mortgagee day at 1159 pm. 'Review: Od 5, 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, TabbAbal-ad Gropeay Registered(?rrens) P-1, BMOHaois Bank N.A., es 55 East Fifth Stree[ Suite 800 SOFTGAGORS) RELEASED 9,2016) TAX PARCEL NG'. S. The physical street addresses sac oM&I Marshall& S[GauI, MN 55101-1]18 FROM OBLIGATION ON 0/282231014/ Ilsley Bank, Mortgagee .1203/599 MORTGAGE: NONE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: ateand zip code Dthemortgaged PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL .1228_1]53 (far) premises. 9621 Whistling Valley ASOGIATION THE TIME ALLOWED By 348 PAGE EST Roed, Lake Elm o, Minnesota 55042, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NOTICE OF MORTGAGE B Jonathan R CL e MkFael V LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV CSAINT OUNT IN MN DHICH ] Elmo Whistling 11hey Road Lake y y FROM ADE8T COLLECTOR. THE MORTGAGOR, THE FORECLOSURE SALE GLUCAN D WHICH PROPERTY Bma, Minnesota 55042 and 9611 Sdhleimen 102S15-0OB]12 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF IS LIGATED: Ramsey Whistling Valley Road, Lake Elmo, BMO Isla (Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Minnesota 55042 BMO Hems Bank NA, as 162016) MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE ORIG INAL CREDITORWITHINTHE OF MOR(TGAGE:$12271000 INFORMATION REGARDING sasAdhoms [aM &I Marshall&Ilsley WEEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Benk Mortgagee FORECLOSURE ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA AFFECTED H� OddEREBY vGN. BEDUEAS TAAAE IF ANY G. The requisibeen .bdc0d tat§ SS East Fifth Street Suite 800 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE STATUTES SECTION 582032 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PND 58602 have been baisfied The S[ Peul, MN 55101-1]18 FORECLOSURE SALE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER d1aultallowingt ha udescribehd ortggge6 BY MORTGAGEE: $113,43926 holder of the Mortgage hes complied 66551x2&�5�F.) THE RIGHT TO AND VERIFICATION OF THIN PREMISES ARE THAT THE MORTGAGED ° That prisma Wecommencement dag with all condiions precedent t THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED MORTGAGORS) Amanda F Moagageei ghees of Moftga the Brei a THIS IS A COMMUNICATION OF LESRESTHAN IAL DWELLING GungsingVeng, an unmarried Mort e eelAasi nee of Mot e ee on of the debt seared by FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ORIGINAL IDEDITOR AW IS THE 9 9 9 9 9 the Mortgage end foredosand of the 1L32/ 1600495_ TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Person a, pegU,ed b, acute eq no adnts Mortggge,and allnaioe andather AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N MORTGAGEE: World Savings as requiredby statute;Wat tate n requirements of applicable bteWrasa Review: Aug. 1], 24, 31, Sep[], 14, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Benk, FSB nikle JVells Fargo or proceeding hes been instituted et 10. The original prindpal amount 21'2016) detaul[hesoaured in the condiions ANDARE ABANDONED Benk,NA, Sucoebsorbymerger to law or otherwise to recover the debt eared by the Mortgage was NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT of Wefalloo described mort Dated: Septem ber 262016 WedhovieMortggge, FSBflkle World secured by said mortgage, or any $2,0]5,00000. un OF MORTGAGE g gee. Deutsch Bank National Trust Savings Bank FSB part thereof 11. At the date of this mice the Mortgagor: Trisha Lee Ann Henson Company, es lndentureTrustee ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE PURSUANT to the power of sale amount due on the Morc e e, nc FORECLOSURE SALE end Kurc Henson, wife&husband for American Home Mort e e Assigned to: None. contained in said the u g g a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Mortgagee: Mortgage Eledronic g g ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT mortgage es, if any, paidbytheholderofthe the above Mortgage Foredosure Regib Dan Systems, Irnesiment Trust 200 of Assignee above described property will be M aggge is$Q9, 1332]. Sale is hereb d to nominee for Bremer Bank, Naional of Mortgagee OF MORTGAGE :$243,]50.00 sold by the Sheriff of sad county as 12 P t to the f sale Y P p e OFF LAW, PROFESSONAL DATE OF MOR(TGAGE:Agubt25, follows powero N 6 10,2016 1000 AM, A octan ASSOCIATION 2004 DATE AND TME OF SALE h M gage, the Mortgage will Sh ff Off GVII P Unit D d: 04m82011 B : Jonathan R Cu e M ohael V DATE AND PLACE OF FILING December 1, 2016 1000 AM b f d d, end the mortgaged 25 J4.4 h St 6 150, B. Paul R rded: 041192011 Sdyileiman y� Recorded on November 8, 2004 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office P ill be sold bythe Sherffof MN n sad Go unry and Stoe Ramsey Gounry Reoorder s Doormen Number 340334: Aashmgton county et public at di on Dated: 0dober5, 2016 Document Na 42]x413 Add net's for ("MI Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th St -el on November 9, 2016 at 1000 AM., BMOHarris Bank N.A., as Asci dAo:U.S. Bank Neionel DeutaMe Benk Neionel Trus[ es modified of record by document Suite 150, S[. Paul, MN at the Washa Count Sheriffs tine goon y sucrossor toM&I Marshll& Gold pan,, as IndenWre Trustee recorded on April ], 2016 as to pay the debt then secured by Office, Evil Process Division, Ilsley B. Mortgagee Public Notices for Al Ari can Home Mortgage Doament No 40.830 in the to pay Mortgage, andtaxes, if any on 15015 Qnd Street North, SHIM— OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL lnvebtrnent Arubt 20053, Assignee OffIAA of thA county Reoorder of bard premises, and the .bis anc Minnesota 55082 AssoannoC Continued on Page 13 Washington Gounry, Minnesota Review Public Notices NlIa PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL PATE AND TIME OF SALE: ASSOCIATION Cofl inued from Page 12 D-dal,k, 1, 2016 10 00 AM Bytd-d a R C,kk MaF-I V Aksodatan PLACE OF SALE: Seriff'k Office, Sdhlei_n Paced: 10232012 GvI Process Hai[ 25 W. 4th Street Attorneys Por: Remrded. 05062013 SHA 150, St Paul, MN U.S. Bank Neb-I Akmdetan, Ramsey Gounry Remrder to y me debt men keou,ed by Aasi—of Mortgagee Document Na 43994]5 saidpaMortgage, and bares, if a as 55 East Firth Street Suite 800 Traa-an Agent Mortgage said premises, end the mak enc St Paul, MN55101-1718 EleIXronio Regiktraton Sys[ em s Ino disbursements, Inducting atameys' 651203]599 Tren-an Agent Mortgage ID No: tees allowed by law sub eIX o 65122&1753 (far? 1000]3381106]20]0-0 redemption wimin 6 Mont -l -do the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lender or Broker: Bremer Bank, date of said sale by the m ortgegoq( ), FROM A DEBT COL LECTOR. -b-Il-ooiaean the, perkoaal ,ep,ekeU.e o 1/w616a". Servicer: U.S. Bank N.do ll assigns 'Review: Od 12 19 26 Nov 2, 9, Assodaton DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY 162016) M orCg_Originator: Bram e, Bank, The date on or before whldh the NeOonal Aksooieton mortgagor musty Oeme property LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF if the mortgage Ik not reinstates NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: To 26 end all of To under Minnesob Sbwtek sed on FORECLOSURE SALE 25, except the South 15 feet thereof 58030 or the property redeeme' THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF SdhI.,T Third Additan, Ramsey under Minnesob SbWtes sedan THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE CountyMinnesob 58023Ik June T201]et 1159 p�m. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE This lk Aberad Property If the foregoing date Ik a S.Da,R TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT TAX PARCEL NO Sunday or legal holiday, then the AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. ............ date to vacate b the nd, business NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that LADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. day at 1159 Pm. debul[hekomurred In the mnditonk 1307 SCHLETTI STREET MORTGAGORS) RELEASED oethetollo occu,svi bed mortgage: SAINT PAUL MN 55117 FROM OBLIGATION ON Mortgagor: S-A Jambmn end COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGE: NONE Elizabeth A Je-on, husband and IS LOCATED THE TIME ALLOWED BV wife ORIGINAL ARamsey PRINCIPAL AMOUNT LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV Mortgagee: Voyager Benk, OF M AMOUNT MOUT DUE'. $139]0000 THE MORTGAGOR, THE Mla 1 Banking Goryoraton MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL AM OUNTPUE AND OF NOTIMEDCE TO Detected 0212 REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, IN PUEAS OF PATE OF NOTICE Remrded. 02 County INCLU RTGAGEGE$ IFANY400 PAID MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE ocUmeY County Remrder BVMORTGAGEE. $12,4oD o2 rvEEKS IF AJuoICIAL ORDER Is Doculdeat Na. 3sz7146 That prior to the cold, noement of BVTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Akegned To: Mmnesob Housing mikmortgageforedoku,e promeding STATUTES SECTION 582032 Finenm/fgenoy DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER MartgageelAk, nee of Mortgagee Peted:l0"12005 swim ell notm re THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED mmple quirem ants Remrded: 02212006 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 111U,........ byktetute; that no eIXion Ramsey Gounry Remrder or praoee Ing DI ARSB IPENTIAL PW ELLING d has been WelI at of LEss THAN FE UNITS Pomment Na 3snlm I aw or amerwlke to ,emve,me debt Tmakadloa ggeae NIA cured by said mortgage, a, anv ARE NOT PROHERrV USED IN TrankaIXion Agent Mortgage IP No: AGRCULTURAL PRODUCTION pertmereory AN ARE ABANDONED. NIA PURSUANT to the power of sale Dated: September 29, 2016 Lender or Broke, Voyager Bank, e ned In said mortga9A the U.5.8enk National Association, Ml nnesob Banking Corporaton above described property II be gneeo gagee servi" U.S. Bank Natl onal sold by the Sh A, of said munry as A. fMort Aksodeton NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OFTAX-FORFEITED LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the pa,mlk of land described on the 2016 Pubic Audian fisting -1 oO1 that ned herein shall be sold to the highest bidder at public sale. The sale will be govemed bythe p -0- ­of M.S. 28201 and by the ,e 0 Han of the Washington County Board of Commlksianers authorizing su J, sale. The ­olutbnreeds as follows: RESOLVED, thetell pa,mlk ofbx-forfeited lend Ilbled on the 2016 PublaIdian Listing -161 be approved end eutho-PUbnto, publi -ale granted, pursuantto M. S. 28201 thetthe b -a -le prim of A- pa,ml appearng on the lie filed wltlh the County Property Reooms and -pa,, Se,,,, Department be approved, and that me sale be held at200 Pm. Friday,In 2016In Confe,enoe Room LL14, Washiagton County G ­Center St h -e, Minnesob, and the sale be farnI less than the ba- kale prim. RESOLVED, DO the sale date of oIXobe,28, 2016d he,eby,do l- ned and repu,Fase app-ans will no longe, be aompted m, pa,mlk heed on me 2016-h-dpan ❑emg-161. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DO the terms of sale be ak ketfoah In the attached do,um ent toed ak Terms to, the Sale The-llewillbega.200PM. Bidders may obtain an au,ban number beginning at 1: 15 P M. Additanal Iafoaaatan about the sale of tax -forfeited land In Washington Countycan be obtained at the office of the Property Rem,dk end Tarpaye, Servimk, Washington County Govemment Cente,, 14949 Qnd St N, Srillwatet Minnesota 55082 Telephone: (651) 430£1 75. Salelooaaaton Ik availablehomou,webte et -w .. ash,ng[ommnu, Septem be, 28, 2016 Kevin J. Coad Washington CountyAuditor TERMS FORTHE SALE OFTAX FORFEITED LAND IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA BASIC SALE PRICE All permlk ere oRered etpublio auction end sold tome highek[bidder. The minimum bid acceptableIkme bekiokele prim, which Ik equal to the appraised value plus any extra dha,gek to, spedal assessments levied afteaoteiW,e as shown on the lis[ of tax forfeited lend EXTRA FEES AND COSTS: IN ADDITIONTOTHE BASIC SALE PRICE The following extra fees will be mlleded when the ba- sale prim Ik paid In full State Su,aE, 31 of the ba- kale prim state dhDeedFee $25oo sbteDeed Tar Doo33 pe, $1000 oo 0,$1.65 whld,everikgreate, Oanservaton Fee $5.00 Rem,diag Fee $4600 PAVMENTTERMS: CASH Fo, MH.asek of $10,000 o, less, paymentla W r Ik required attlhe ome of MH" a- For MH- - of more men $10,000,10%ofthebaeosaleprice Ikrequiredat[heta of pu,dhake andthe remainingbalanm Ikduewithin15 Ho - an aboutme kale ottax forfeited land In Washlagton County ndT pave,SeWink Depamaentlocatedatl4949Qnd St, etNomh, 651 430 6175 Salemf,a tan Ik also available Dom our webete at www.m washiac Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016 Page 13 Mortgage Origiaato,: Voyager Bank, PLACE OF SALE: Seriff'k Office, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED - a a Mlan-a Banking Coryo,abn Givil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4m Street A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUIIe150, S[ Paul, MN OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ot , PROPERTY: L 22, Blod: 3, to pay me debt men seared by ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Edgeview Not said Mortgage, andt: if any, on AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, TMS Ik Abstract Property Bald premises, and me =and AND ARE ABANDONED. TAG PARCEL NO disbursements, Inoludiag attorneys' Dated: SMA mber29, 2016 1 " tees allowed by law su bled o U.S. Bank National Association, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY ,edemptan witlhan nthsfromthe Assignee of Mortgagee 1672 ROSEWOOD AVENUE date d said sale bythe mortgagorts), PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL SOUTH their personal represenboves o, ASSOCIATION MAPLEWOOD, MN55109 assigns By Jonetlhan R Cuskey, M -el V COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Sdhleisman IS LOCATED: Ramsey The date on o, before whidh the Altomeyk tor: ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT m o1gago, m ue vacate the property U.S. Bank N,U nal Aksodetan, OF MORTGAGE: $1]3]..00 IF the mortgage Ik not re ated Aksigneeaf Mortgagee AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO under Mlnnekla SbWtes ked55 East Fitch Street Suite 800 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, 58030 or the property redeemled St Paul, MN55101-1718 INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID under Minnesob SbWtes sedan 651203]599 BY MORTGAGEE :$231,29484 58023 Ik June 1, 201]et 1159 pa 65122&1]53 (far) That prior to the mm m ended ent of It the foregoing date l k a S,Uuaay, THIS ISA COMMUNICATION thismortgageforedosureproceedinc Sunday or legal holiday, then the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. M ortgageel gnee of Mortgagee date to vacate b the next tau Un 1 /x18-1 SD0x46 complied with all note requirements day et 1159 Pm. 'Review: Od 121 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, krequi,edby-He; thatnoadan MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 16 2016) or proceeding hes been ladhoted et FROM OBLIGATION ON I— or omerwise to re,o,, the debt MORTGAGE'. NONE ke,u,ed by said mortgage, or any THE TIME ALLOWED BY NOTICE OFMORTGAGE part thereofLAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FORECLOSURE SALE PURSUANT to the power of sale THE MORTGAGOR, THE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF eined In said mortgage, the MORTGAGORS PERSONAL THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE above described property will be REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGN S, ORIGINALCREDITORWITHINTHE sold bythe Sheriff of said ooUUyak MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT follows: WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Demldbe,T 2016 1000A STATUTES SECTION 582032 debul[hakoaanedmtheoondloons PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff's Office, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER ofine following described mortgage: Civil P,omks Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street THINGS, THAT TH E MORTGAGED MORTGAGORS) de: bedolly H.Lee,e Suite150, St Paul, MN PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORTGAmed rscn to pay the debt then secured by WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING MORTGAGEE: Wells Fargo Benk, sai d Mortgage, andtx IF any, on OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, NA said premises, and the mak ant ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN disbursements, mdudbg attorneysAGRICULTURAL SIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. GULTURAL PRODUCTION, nasigIM:None fees allowed by law subjeIX o ANDAREABANDONED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ,edam ptaawimin 6Maamkhold the Dated: Septembe,30, 2016 OF MORTGAGE :$160,81700 date ofsaidsalebvthemortgagorts), Deutsche Benk National DATE OF MORTGAGE: November their personal ,ep,eseabtvek o, Trust Comparry, es TrustHfor assigns S.. H% Loan Trust 2. 2011 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: 2-OPT1, Asset -Backed DATE AND PLACE OF FILING The date on o, before vd- the Certificates, Series 20 OPT1, Remrded on January 13, 2012 as m [rtgago, must vacate the p,otperty Assignee d Mortgagee Document Number 3870- In the it he mortgage Ik not r PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL INfim f the Gounry Remrder f under Minnesob SbWtes Ise n ASSOCIATION Washington Gounry, Minnesob 58030 o, the property ,edeedmlec By Jonathan R CL ey, MkFael V THE AMOUNT CLJU MED TO under Minnesob SbWtes ke n Sdhleisman BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE 5 . o 2 3k June1, 2017 at 1159 p. m. Attomeysto, ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE' It the foregoing date Ik a S.Daay, Deutsdhe Bank NationalTrust $155 792.43 LEGAL Sunday o, legal holiday, then the Company, as Trukteeft, Sound— DESCRIPTION OF date to vacate b the n e# business IT ome Lo an Trukt20060PT1, Aaset- PROPEFTV:TheNorth l2 of Lot l4 day at 1159 Pm. BankDivisio ed Certificates Series 2006 and all of To 15 Rod: 233, St Paul MORTGAGORS) RELEASED GET1, Aasignee of Mortgagee rk Pa, n NO. 3, Dashiagton FROM OBLIGATION ON 55 East Fifth Srree[ Suite 800 STRE,Mlnnemb MORTGAGE: NONE IPauI, MN55101-1]18 STREET ADDRESS OF THE TIME ALLOWED BY 651203]599 PROPERTY: 836 ASHLAND LAIN FOR REDEMPTION BY 651-281753Ca.) AVENUE, ST PAUL PARK, MN THE MORTGAGOR, THE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 55071 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, l IS LocATEO: JVeshingon county, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE 'Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, Minnesob WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS 16 2016) TRANSACTION AGENT: None ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NAME OF MORTGAGE STATUTES SECTION 582032, ORIGINATOR JVellk Fargo Benk, NA DETERMINING AMONG OTHER NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED RESIDENTIAL Bank N SERVICER: Wells PREMISES ARE IMPROVED FORECLOSURE SALE Fargo Bank EL WITH A RESIDENTIAL OW ELLING THE RIGHTTD IDEN KATION OF TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE NUMBER: 1202]22.14.004] ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN OR IG INAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TRANSACTION AGENT'S AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION AND ARE ABANDONED. AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. NUMBER None Dated: Septembe,262o16 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met THAT no a tan o, pmoeedpag has Minnesota H ousing Finance debul[hek Odd Ad In themndito been ladhouted et hew to,emve, the Ag.rry Assignee of Mortgagee ofthefollowi ng -,abed -gage: debt tlen,emainag secured by sudh PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Mortgagor: Joseph P Lanmte and mortgage, o, any part thereof o,, it ASSOCIATION Ashlee M. F,ederid<, husband and that don or proceeding hes been By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V wife Inst uted, flet the ka e hes been Sdhleisman Mortgagee: Mortgage Elechonio dikmatnued, or th,U an exec on Atomeyk to,: Regibt-Oan Systems, lad as upon me udgment,ende,ed therein Minnesob Houeng Finance nominee for Centennial Mortgage hes been ,eumed uns_fied, In Agency,Akegneeaf Mortgagee and Funding Ina whole o,In par[ 55 Eas[Firm Street Suite eco Dated. a71 32007 PURSUANT, to he power of sale S[Pe' ft 55101-1]18 Filed:08­00] -aned In said mortgage, the 651 203]599 Ramsey Registrar of Titles above described property will be 6512261 ]53 (far) Dowment No 2013114 Aga— mldbvme Sheriff of said munry ek THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lebo tate of Title Ne'. 56]005 tollows: FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. Asmgned To: U.S Bank Natanal DATE AND TIME OF SALE. 1 650614016593 Aksodatan Demm be, 62016 at 10: 00 AM (R (Review. Od 12 19 , 26 Nov 2 9, Dated: 0411]2015 PLACE OF SALE washpagton 2016) Filed 04232015 county Sheriffs Office, washpagton Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles Gounry Law Goo,mment Center Do— ent NO. T02528205 Agana 15015 Qnd Street North, Srillwatet N OTICE OF MORTGAGE Ceaficateaf Title Na: 567005 Minnesob Transaction Agent Mortgage to pay the debt then secured by FORECLOSURE SALE Eled,onio RegiktrAan Systems Inc. said mortgage and b k, it any THERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: adually paid by the xmoagagee, THE DEBT AND IDENN00 TV OF THE l on the premses iand the costs ant ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Lende,0 o, B,oke,. Centennial disbursements allowed by hew. The TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Mortgage end Funding, Inc tme allowed by hew to, redemption AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Se,ae,: U.S. Bank Natanal by said moagagoq(), their personal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Aksodatanrepresenboves o, akegnk l k ex (6) dlathasoaur,edUthemndi0ons Mortgage Originator: Centennial months Dom the date of kala of the following described m o1gage: Moagageand Funding, Inc TIME AND DATE TO VACATE M Gago,:Andre M. Koen, a eagle LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage PROPERTY: Lat17 Blod l WIIla,d b remeated or the property Mortgagee:Amerifund Finendel Ina, Linder Additon Ne 1, Ramsey adeemed, o unless tie e for dba All Fund Mortgage Gounry, Minnesob redemptionIk ,edu,ed by judidal Dated : 11"02005 Tabd Regiee,ed Property order, you must vacate the pre -,- Bled 031132006 TAX PARCEL NO'. bon59pa on Juae62on. Ram key RegidIM, of T-34292420065 THE TIME ALLOWED BY DawldeatNo 1654476 Against ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY cert&ate ofTitle No 558515 1555 EUCLID ST THE MORTGAGOR THE AssignedTo: Opton One Mortgage SAINTPAUI, MN55106 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Carparat on ACelifomia Corporatan COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Dated: 11Ki02005 IS LOCATED: Ram key MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Rled03d15200] ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT WEEKS IF AaUDICIAL ORDER IS Ramsay Gounry Regiera, of T­OFMORTGAGE :17100000 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA D ­No 1997654 Against AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO STATUTES, SECTION 582032 cert&ate of Title No' 558515 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER AnTo: Deas- Bank INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Nat,onal Trust Gold pany, k BY MORTGAGEE $170 65138 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Tluktee to, the Oertficateholders of That prix, to the mmmenmldent of WITH A RES IDBVTAL DW ELLING Sound— Ho ALoan 1—2006 th,kmoagagefo,eolosu,ep,oceedpng OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS OPT1, Asset-Bad<ed Certificates Moagageel dgnee of Mortgagee ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Seriek2o06oPT1 comphedwib all notoe,egw,ementk AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Dated:atn 2009 k,egw,ed by kbWte; mat no action AND ARE ABAN DONE. Filed: 021182009 o, pa,eediag has been ladhouted at MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Ramsey CountyRegiera, of Titles hew o, otherwise to,emve, the debt FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Document No. 2065875 Against seared by said mortgage, o, any ON MORTGAGE: None ceft-eaf Tite No' 558515 parcme,eop Dated: Odober5, 2016 Trenkactian Agent NS, PURSUANT to the power of kale WELLS FARGO8 ,N.A. Tran kadian Agent Mortgage ID No: contained In said mortgage, the Mortgagee NIA above described property will be THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA a Lender Broker: Amerifunc kold by me Sheriff of said munry ak By Vi Financial Inc dba All Fun, tollows: Rebema F Sd,ret Esq. M 01gage, A Washington Coryaratan DATE AND TIME OF SALE N. datongai Fondungallah, Esq Servim,: Go— Loan Servidng, Demmb 1, 2016 1000A 'CurtN.Trisko,Esq.- LlG PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Offim, Samuel R Coleman Esq Mortgage Originate, Amerifunc Givil P,omks Uni[ 25 W. 4m Street Atomeykfa, Mortgagee Financial Inc dba All Fun, SUtel50, St Paul, MN The Academy P,ofek bnal Baldiac M 01gage, A Washington Coryaratan to pay the debt men soured by 25 North Dale Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF said Mortgage, and bxe a any, on St Paul, MN 55102 PROPEFTV: To 27, Spring Lake said p meek, and me =and '651)2099]65 Perk Hillview, exmp[me North half disbursements, including attorneys' '15103]FG02J Remseycounry, Minnesob teak allowed by hew subject o THIS IS A COMMUNICATION This lk Registered Property ,edemptan wimin 6 Manmk hold me FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TAX PARCEL NO.'. dateofkaid salebymemoagagoq( ), 'Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, the ir personal ,ep,ekeU.t o, 16 2016) OADDRESS OF PROPERTY: assigns 76511e oodD, DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. Mounds View, MN55112 The date on o, before whidh the NOTICE OFMORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ld o1gago, ld ue IF mvacate me p,otperty FORECLOSURE SALE IS LOCATED: In,— e mortgage Ik not re ated THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT under Minnesob SbWtes ke n THE RIGHTEBT TO VERIFICATION Y OF OF OF MORTGAGE:$21375000 58030 or me property,edeemmied ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE AMOUNT DUEAND CIAIMED TO under Minnesob HE SbWtes Spm TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, 580231 sJuneT201]et 1159 p�m. AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID If me foregoing date Ik a Satuaay, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met BY MORTGAGEE :$233,588]] Sunday o, legal holiday, men me defaulthakoauned Utheoondi0onk That pno,tome mmmen,ement of date to vacate lk me next bueaeks of the following dek..Ibed mortgage: mikldahgagefo,edoku,ep,o,eedinc day at 1159 pm. Mhefolo,: Jay R Ola o1 e M 0agageel gnee of Mortgagee MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Renee Lee Olesea, husband ant m mph ed thallnot e,equi,elden[k FROM OBLIGATION ON wife k required by statute; mat no adi on MORTGAGE NONE Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic o, p,amediag has been lneiWted at THE TIME ALLOWED BY Regik[r ee Sysreldk, Inc ek r omerwise to recover me debt LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY neeetfar MlylemdAmeoe Mortgage I— ured by said mortgage, o, any THE MORTGAGOR, THE no Coryoraton, eooryoraton pat mereof MORTGAGORS PERSONAL DToMd n a boo PURSUANT to me power of kale REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS' County Registrar of Titles y Filed: 1011912004 eined In said mortgage, me MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Ramse H, described property well be AEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Ram t Na. 1840507 Agepae cold by me Sheriff of kapd county ak ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Do folia- STATUTES SECTION 582032 Public Notices DATE AND TIME OF SALE: DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Continued on Page14 Demldbe,T 2016 1000AM THINGS, THATTHE M ORTGAGED Page 14 Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016 Public Notices North, Range 22 West which lies NOTICE OF Continued from Page 13 IEne ofytOf M, neapollsnght-.l PUBLIC HEARING certificate 0Title Ne.: 360051 Sault St Mane Railway, excepting RAMSEYWASHINGTON Assigned To: U.S. Bank, NA therefrom that pert whi dh lies within METRO WATERSHED Oeted: 031092009 adrde with the radius of 35.00 Feet DISTRICT EI.03252009 the center of mon dh,s at apo, aton the WEDNESDAY, Ramsey county Registrar 0 Titles ce e of Jnkmn Street distant NOVEMBER 2, 2016 cowmen No. 20 7228 Aga,nkt 350-d-ly of ao measured Certificate of Ttle Nc.: 3600.51 et right angles I, he North 1, e',a 6:30 P.M. Trankadon Agent Mortgage An tMi,an A nue, amording to the Did id Office - Room Eled-d-Regianabn Systems Ino United States Government Survey 2665 Noel Drive, Trankadon Agent Mortgage ID No: thereof end kiW1e n iRamsey Little Canada,MN 1003300000000015% county, Mane- The Ramsey WekM1ing[,n Metro Lender or Broker: M,dAmerica Tab AdaMD Property Aterkhed D,kind (RWM W O) M ortgage Corp-an,emR-ton TAX PARCEL NO'. will be holA,ng a P,bh, Hearing, Servicer. U.S Bank --ll 06 29 22 10101 Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at Aavoo,aoon ADDRESS OF PROPERTY DKI-1 Office Bond Room, located Moa e Originator: MidAmerica SSAUSTRALIANAVE at 2665 Noel Drive, Dtte Canada, Mortgage Coryoraton,emrpoIan LITTLE CANADA MN 55117 MN. The p,ry-Ohemeetng will LEGAL DESCRIPTION OFCOUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY baro address oommentn previously PROPERTY: Lot 12, Black 1, Bone 1SLOCATED: Ramsey received on the RWMW D's 201] 1Aditon ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Updated Watershed Management This,s Registered Property OFMORTGAGE:$22200000 Plan(Plan). TAX PARCEL NO'. AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Gonsikten[with MN ShWte§1038 0030.2333.0025 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, and M N Rule 6410, RWMWD hes ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID Prepared a 10 year Planupdate 51401RONDALE ROAD BY MORTGAGEE'. $216,264.04 The update was prepared folI-ag MOUNDS VIEW, MN 55112 That prior to the mamencement a req-Afnatttfam local end SaUe COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY thbm,1t efored-H pA,eedrng agendas end ,n moperaton with IS LOCATED: Ram key MortgageOAksignee of Mortgagee he I D's Tedhni- Advisory ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT mmpleAw,thallnG-equiremd- C-Innbee (expended for Plan OF MORTGAGE: $160,00000 s required by dIne; that no action development). The Db OF heard AM ON NT DUE AND GIAIMED TO or proceeding hes been ,_ Hted at apa from rekrdentk and buk,nessek BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, or otherw,ke to rre ekt-thedebt ceived et several Publlo neem INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PND Ike -ed by said mortgage, or any . ml .Ug Community BY MOR(TGAGEE:$129,0]1. 19 Part thereof confluence event on January 30, That priorrothe commencement OF PURSUANT to the power, of sale 2014. thka 1-e ftt-ed ­" agemredom,re Proceedma =ne sa,bead mo-Gagwill ee wide aPla,enoelnten ed teovee�ew M ortgageO-Knee a Mortgagee property gin mm plied with all n otce req%amen, Void by the Sheriff of said county as Prov,Aesebroed, eesyto,nderktand required by statute; that no action rollows: summa e of , s hang the or proceeding has been named et DATE AND TIME OF SALE: DID an nd ad,ons ,vended to r otherwise to recover the debt DeoemberT 2016, 1000AM address those,ksues Moredehiled ke law o PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, afon tan about Diktid opeMban, dyed by said mortgage, or any GINI Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street programs, and prole -b provided In pPURSU of PURSUANT to the power of kale Suite 150, S[ Peul, MN n Operatons end Implemenhton net ,n said the to paythe deb[then s cured by kedion (Section 4). The Plan also above described prope��w,ll be said Mortgage, end hxeseif any, on ,etudes debited Info -an about mid bythe Sheriff of ka,d ceunry as �Id prem,kek and the o and res ces and Oislid e ons In rollows: dikbursementk, ,noluding e[ mays' 25 meor kubwatenhedk Ind, ding DATE AND TIME OF SALE: fees allowed by law sublet to subwetemM1eds of the ronner Odober62016, 1000AM redempton within 6 Monthsfrom the Grass Lake W aterkhed Management PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs ORcel date ofka,Akaiebythemortgagor(sJ, Organiza0on ,nmryoreted ,no the Civil Process Halt 25D 4th Street the, personal reprekenhtves or RWMWD rn2013. Suite 150, S. Paul, MN assigns A Dopy of the Plan and StAlega o pay the debt then s mored by DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Overview s available he said Mortgage, and hxeseif any, on The date o or before which the RWMWD office during at said prem,kes, and the m an, mortgagor m,kt-bethe property business hours and a the disbursements, ,nduding ettomeys' if the mortgage ,s not re eted RWMWD webete et httptllwww. fees allowed by law sublet o under Manemh SEUD- kedon rwm mod. or obdex. asp'Type B_ redempton within 6Mo CMDom the 56030 or the property redeemed BASIC3SEC-O589D21 F-9001- dateofsa,dkaiebythemolgago'D, under M,nnemh ShWtes kedan 402184A1 B8B-CAEFSA) their personal rep-entat_ or 50023,s June 1, 201]et 1159Pm. For further ,Hohm., please aksgns If the foregoing date ,s a SWrday, -'ad DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Sunday or legal hoi,day, then the Tne Carstens The date o or berore which the date to vacate b the next b,dan RW M WD Adm,n,ktrator mortgagor must vacate the pmperry day at 1159 Pm. 26T. Noel Drive It the mortgage ,s not re MORTGAGORS RELEASED Hale canada, M N 55117 under M,nn-ta Shl Wtes ike n FROM OBLIGATION ON Phone :.1-]9L-].0 56030 or the property redeemec MORTGAGE NONE Tna Carstens®nvmwdorc under MUnemh St t`7 ke THE TIME ALLOWED BY ;Review: 0112, 19, 2016) 58023 b Apri16201]atll 59 I'mn LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY If the foregoing date b a Studay, THE MORTGAGOR, THE Sunday or legal hoi,day, then the MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL RAMSEYCOUNTY date to vacate s the neva bueness REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIONS, PROCUREMENT day et 1159 Pm. MAY BE REDUCED TO EVE ROOM 210 M OR(TGAGOR(S) RELEASED WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS FROM OBLIGATION ON ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA CITY HALUCOURTHOUSE MORTGAGE: NONE STATUTES SECTION 562032, 15WEST KELLOGG BLVD, THE TIME ALLOWED BYDETERMINING, AMONG OTHER SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 55102-16]4 THE MORTGAGOR THE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 651-266-8072 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Ram seycountyreieekesmlataton MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN oppotunites on On-DemandShr WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, U,offidal web site as an altemahve ENTERED UNDER MIINNES-AND ARE ABANDONED method of publ,o nonce pursuantto STATUTES SECTION .2032, Dated: September262016 sedan 331A03 of the Manemh DETERMINING AMONG OTHER U.S. Bank National Association, Stan- Indiv,dualk may goto THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Asdg.. d Mortgagee the On-DemandShr ke ,on of PREMISES ARE IMPROVED OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL the Ram sev county PZas In WITH A RES IDENTAL DW ELLIINC ASSOCIATION Weboace to amass registraton OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, By Jonathan R C,kkey, MkFael V afo-an. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Schle,sman -RFP -PUBW19 V AGRICULTURAL PERDU GTION, Abomeyk for HE AND ARE ABANDONED. U.S. Bank Natonal Akvooiaton, OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER IO, Dated: August 5, 2016 -Knee of Mortgagee2016 U.S. Bank NationalAssocietion, 55 East Fifth Street Suite 600 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: AssiIneeof Mortgagee St Paul, MN 55101-1]16 RAMSEY GOU NTY SEEKS OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL .1209]595 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION .1-281]53 (fax) SERVICES FOR PRELIMINARY By Jonathan R C,kkey, MI -el V THIS IS A COMMUNICATION BRIDGE DESIGN OF TWO s.lei kman FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. JACKSON STREET BRIDGES Attorneys to 1]%2-1600]161 te-ANDM9o406, ALSOCULVERT U.S. Bank -anal Aksodaton, (Review: 01 12 19 26 Nov 2,9, SIZING FOR REPLACEMENT OF Aks,gneeof M ortgagee 16 2016) BRIOGE M%4091N TH E CITY OF 55 East Fifth Street Suite 600 SAINT PAUL SERVICES WILL St Pau I, MN 55101-1]16 INCLUDE PREPARATION OF .1209]549 CERTIFICATE OF PRELIMINARY BRIDGE PLANS, .122&1]53 (fax) ASSUMED NAME FOUNDATION SOIL BORINGS, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ANDCOSTESTIMATES. FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. STATE OF MINNESOTA ;Review: OU 12, 19, 2016) 1]%0-1.041 31 Minnesota Statutes Ch apter 333: 'Review: Aug 17,24,31, Sept], 14, T Ds[ the axed assumed name 21 2016) ,nderwhioh the budge -b or will be CERTIFICATE OF NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT .nducted: ON Your Pace Oni,ne ASSUMED NAME 2 Prino,pal Place of Buenekk: 531 OF MORTGAGE NE F Street Gants Pass OR 9]526 STATE OF MINNESOTA FORECLOSURE SALE 3. Liktthe name and complete street Minnesota Sbtutes Chapter 333: NOTICES HEREBY GIVEN, that address of all p- ons mndudag ASSUMED NAME'. AARON the above Mortgage Foredosure bueneks under the above Assumed MARQUIS CAMPBELL Sale ,s hereby postponed to Name: At Your Pace Onine, LLC, PRINCIPALPLAGEOFBUSINESS. November 10, 2016 et 10 00 AM, 531 NE F Street Gants Pass, OR 219 E Market St, Lima, OH 4.01 Shedffs Office, CNI Process Unit 9]526 NAM EHOLDERS: Aaron Margwk 25 W. 4th Street Suite 150 S[ Paw, 4. I, the undersigned, certry that I Campbell Go General Exewtor SO In ka,d Countyand Sate am signing this document as the McCartney Lane - 155 Allegheny Dated: Septem be' 29 2016 Person whose k,gn.u,e b required, county Pennsylvania 15005 U.S. Bank National Association, or as agent of the person(s) whose America, Campbell, Aaron Mantab Assignee d Mortgagee k,gnanHe would be regwred who has Clo General Executor McCartney OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL a,horized m e to egn thi s docum ent Lane - 155 Allegheny county ASSOCIATION n his/her behalf or ,n both Penns-ylvan,a, 15005 America By Jonathan R C,kkey, MI -el V capacIt es / further ceaifythat l have I, the undersigned, celfy thatI Sdhl_man mmpleled all required fields, and am kignag this document as the Attorneys tor: et thtteaforrnean a ffilb document person whose kign.u,e b regwred, U -anal Aksodaton, ue .S. Bank r andmnectanda-lbance or as agent of the person(s) v- ah of M ortgagee w,ththe appl,wbie Fatke, of k,gnaWrewouidberegwredwhohak 55 East Fifth Street Suite 600 Mane -a Salutes I understand auhorized mato sign this document St Paul, MN 55101-1]16 that by kignUg this document I am on lysine, behalf or In both .12097549 cabled tothepenalte Operl,ryas wpadtes /further certrythat l have 1]%0-1 6 0 0 4131 set forth ,n Se di on. 946 es ifl had cempieted ell required fields, and ;Review: Od 12, 2016) signed thisdowmentunder oath. that the ,nronn.an this document Date:Aug-th,2016 and coned and,n compliance /s -id Modica with Due appi,oabie chapter of NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Progrseneger M,nnemh Statutes. 1 understand FORECLOSURE SALE (Review: Od 5, 12, ms M 2016) that by signing this document I am THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF sublet to the penaltes of perjury as THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ke forth ,n SeRon .9.40 as If I had ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE PUBLIC NOTICE mgned thi s dowment under oath. TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT NMice of Public Sale Date.092]2016 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Is18Y: Campbell, Aaron Marquis AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. on No- bey 3, 2016 et 10 00 a m. Review: OU 12, 19, 2016) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at 5330 Grafton Ave., Twenty One dehul[hes oauned,n the oonditons Prnes MHC, Oakdale, MN 55126, of the oUgagowingnn1h de -bed mortgage: and the Poll -Ug man,hd,red CITYOFNORTHST.PAUL Mortgagor. Kenneth M band aan, home will be mid by publa audon Kathleen G Zerube, husband NOTICE OF HEARING ON wife A196bytheMARof an`a g[on Gounry PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS Mortgagee: Mortgage El Inco 1196] MARS man,o -1, home, Regiktee on Systems 12'x52', and serial el .Ot. FOR nee ror U.S Bank NAIno s Tab kale will be held to katsry e MISCELLANEOUS nom nee 0910]2011 taco herd b[ Twenty One Pines UNPAID FEES INCLUDING Recerded: 091192011 MHC, upon he above Aesx,beA ABATEMENT, WATER, Ramsey county Recorder SchPud:ea an owned bas been SEWER, STORM SEWER, Dowment No 429.00 Property Assigned To: U.S. Bank National abandon ,n the Twenty One Pines GARBAGEANDSIDEWALK Aksoo,aton MHC amount of the daim against SNOWREMOVAL Dated. -152016 TOWHOMITMAYCONCERN Recerded: 03242016 tTh he above referenced property of Notice is bereby given 1h 11 the $3.200 computed to the date of Ramsey Gounry Recerder penkes o CRy Council o/ North Saint Peul Dowmen[Ne A045949Q 68 e, exoukve of ex of w111ee1116:30 P.M. on Tuesday, Transadon Agent Mortgage e and the advertking thereof November 1, 2016, e1 North Seml Eledrona Regial-aton Systems, Inc Dete Stem ber262016 peal CilyH1II, 2400 Me5gere15Lee; Transadon Agent Mortgage ID No Twenty One Pines MHC North SI Peul, Minneso11, 10 pass 100021200004535610 Bk N (by) e Sue W Aden upon the proposed lssesslen (or 5330 Grafton Ave Lender, Broker: U.5. k Nata Oakdale, MN 55126 MISCELLANEOUS UNPAID FEES Servicer: U.S Bank Netonel 0 T(113]3 INCLUDINGABATEMENT WATER Akvooiaton SANITARY SEWER SURFACE Mortgage Originator: U.S. Benk (Review:Od 5, 12, 19, 2016) WATER RECYCLING STREET N LIGHTS FIBER OPTIC SOLID LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF WASTE ANO SIDEWALK SNOW PROPERTY: The North 135.0 REMOVAL. Feet of the South 5.0 Feet of the Proposed essessmenls ere on Ile Southeast Quarter of the Southwest for pudic mspeclion e1 my once Quarter of Sedan 6 Township 29 Wntlen or -1 objections will be Review Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2], 2016 The Ramkeycowryeoad of coin m,ks,oners merin regwar keks,on ats04 am. w,m memll-ag members present caper HURman, MoOono,gh, MOGL,re, Ortega, Rett- end Char Reinhrdt Also present were J,II-lb-man county Manager -I Stephenson, Cv,l Di -a, D,redor, Ramsey Co,ntyAttomeys Office AGENDA of September 2], 2016 was presented for approval. MCI- by carter keoondeA by Ortega Un,a-,d,ppA,d MINUTES of September 20, 2016 were presented for approval. Moto, by Rketrnen, semnded by Ortega Unan,mo,slyappA,d PROGIAMAT ON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Ramsey county Eadd,dan Fenn F-ly of the Veer: FkRt- Fenn - Prekented bycommbda-r MOGL,re ADM N STRATI VE TENTS PROPERTY RECORDS 3 REVENUE -P,blb Anda, of 15 Tex -forfeited Properties on October 26, 2016 Moto, by-- semnded by Ortega Unan,mo,slyapproved (82016256) FINANCE- A,g,kt2016 Report of con tracts Gant end Revenue Agreements, Emergency Purchases Sole Source Purchases, end F,nal Payments Moto, by Rett- semnded by Ortega Unanm-ly --- (B201 &257) pproved(8201625]) LEGISLATIVE UPDATE -No upRHA reported BOARD CHAIR UPDATE- Diswkda, can be round on archived video OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS -Dis-b, can befo,nd on archived video ADIOURNM ENT -Char Reinhard[ dedared the meetng ed -1-d at 925 em. J -M M. Guffill Chief Clerk- County Board nsidered el the hd-g_The tote/ Mb-11aneo,s household end Mortgage Sewrites had Asset- s of 420osed ents Personal goods B -d P -Through certificates e� $i assessm s -doe(¢e Radd Al ountDue$3099J Series ARS 2006 MG free of 0 11fied notices are being sent to Unit n,mber0401eased by Wendy the memorials now appearing on pmpe5ly owners I Use, proposed Xionc said cancelled certificate up to end Id be assessed Miscellaneous household end including Doa Ne 2545300 and free Ifyou wish to object to the proposed personal goods of the memorial of this Order except en{you must nee w n Al cunt D,e$ 443.. the Registrar of Ttes -11 carry objection, signed dy you, nand Un,tn,mber0441easedby Martine ronverd the redhl "" appearinc Rd -Rd la the Cay C- Rad, to Seh- thereon end the memohel of Doc the hd-g a, to the Mayor et the M hearing_ IFYOUIPOLTOFlLESUCH personal goods Ouse o en IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that A -I- OBJECTION, YOU MAY Al cunt Due$43660 this Oder be kerved:(a)et l east 10 LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO APPEAL ;Review: Od 12, 19, 2016) days prion-. heenng upon all of TO DISTRICT COURT, MAPESOTA thea-,dnemedpaltiesres Ugin STAT UTE 429661, SUDD 1. this 11,1n the manner provided by I(you do lie your written objective, STATE OF MINNESOTA aw for the-,ce of a Sammons,n you may appeal the assessment to COUNTY OF RAMSEY a Gvil action (b) of least 14 days D-C,,n, 5s Ito Minnesota DISTRICT COURT P, 'to k-hearing upon any ofthe Statute OR 1, by serving Notice above named partes not resting in VL Appeal upon the Mayor a, C,eSk SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT this state by sanding a Dopy of this of the City within W days - the FAMILY COURT DIVISION Order by registered or certified mail, ed 0" o! the e eslen{ end Court File: 62 -FA -16-2314 um receipt to eadh ofwoh parties ting such Notice - the D,s I et his post office address; (o) upon Coup -10 days o( -service SUMMONSTO any of the above named parties THE PROVISIONS OFMINNESOTA ESTABLISH CUSTODY who cannot be found by two weeks STATUTES 429061 AND 429681 In Rethe Crktody of pub/,slhednotceand etleaktl4days MUST DE STRICTLY FOLLOWE-D REYNA GUILLERMINA VILLALVIR prior to the heenng by sending a IN ODJECTWG AND APPEALING LEONOR mpyof this Oder by First C ass mail ANASSE --T Dob: 01242001 each of k,ch Partes et nblher Un du Minna- Statutes 435193 IRIS ANTONIALEONOR les[ known address end et lysine, Id 415 51he Cou 1 may, mton er address es dt.-nthe-afioate of d crefron, defu the payment of endtte ifhb1n, address,ssoktated /his specie/ assessment fo5 any SELVIN LEONEL VILLALVIR Dated: Aug31, 2016429PM homestead pmputy owned by a AGUILAR I"Shawn Bartsch person 65 years I ags a, Ddu a, Respondent Judge d Didnd Court elired by virtue of a pe5lenenl and THIS SU MMONS IS AN OFFICIAL Entryofth,sOrdertoShowC,a- Iota,dis tty for whom 3 would be DOCUMENT THAT AFFECTSVOU R r nded a ha5d , to make the payment, RIGHTS. A copy d the paperwork WAYNE D. ANDERSON, When 11-1 of the spade/ regarding the lawsuit is served on EXAM INER OF TITLES enlhes been g5anledendis you with this summons. R -d this Aug Go 201610/NM 1nand for any reason provided s and a ached pMition Bylsl Nathan Skvonette that law,1II11oun1sad-d11ed certlullY�If You dolnot undersbnd DRAFTED BY plus appicabe--, may become i, contad an attornq for legal OFF Lew, Professional Aksodahon due Any assessed prope5ly owne5 advi- 'JMM) dlog the requirements of Ihis 1. The Pettoner has filed a lawsuit 55 East BID Street Ste 600 ,1w and the resolution adopted eking them sdody St Paul, MN55101 undo 3 may, within 30 days of the end -A tag t dof d[M1 mm 'M1) 290 6%9 conte lfron of the a ohil LnJ idt-bo-atheoaptonnr Aft-dan. is nM required at se id apply to the City CIeSk 1-11 e upon N ti -0 --pt to o d-c,ib.d to oatry Pres bed form for such de( ,o( nd file mw,th the o 15T0514described order. payments o(lhis specie/essessmenl Answer to the Pettonulf Pe yo, 1Re -1540562 1 of the property --tag g dhid support, you 'Review: Od 12, 19, 2016) Such persons esdesIh to be heat' m_ file e Finenoiel o, along with '_ 1 the proposed with your Answer If mkt pay will, he15d111his ro ere qui red fil,ng fee Dego' not CITY OF OAKDALE ME s elms eWntlenlndoIddr, enta aRorA to t pay th th,i g De NOTICE UCTUR RELOCATING xn-II be considered Persons who q,eiiryto have the filing fee waived require Ihis m(o5l1- m anothet by the court You mu file th In STRUCTURE RELOCATION ((651st should contact Cay Hell at Ronne Peuoers eppli cation with the ]2B STILLWATER BOULEVARD -Id IIhdpbd at hda-1T2 hou5s oo,rcendeluggew,ll Aedde whether BOULEVARD pnorlo the pub(rc hee5ing_ you must pay roe fee. HA ceurt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ✓1son 'I roans ere available from rile court flet me Cry Count of 11 dry of Ceves Oge5/CI 20 1Am, n,kt-bdt office end on the Oekdele, Minnesota, will m (Review: Od 12, 2016) court's website e arts T 16 on Tuesday, 0- 1 84 govlronns Vou m ktwkervemyo,r 2016 et the Oakdale Gary Hell, 1564 Answer end Enendel AffdevR upon Hadley A nue North, Oakdale, NOTICE Yettoner within twemv 1201 devs Minnesota to --de, the request The mntens of he fol -H, of the dateyo, were served with this of Deve KuOher to mov e1,20 Il be soldtothe bib Summons, not m,ntngthe day of d engisha ly home s dsingkeeled bids. Sale and viewinc service. If you do not serve end file tie empty lot at ]264 5011 etto ul be held at our Maplewooc Your Answer end Finendel Affdevi[ Boulevard end placed o Locations on Frideyll ltt ll6- A ceurt may grant Pettoner foundation. An attadhedn garage, 1:OOPM 2250 White Bir Ave., th-1hingheor she ,s asking for,n approx,mately]00 gen size,willbe the ettadhed Patton. added es well es new etre d Maplewood MN 55109 NOTICE OFPARENTEDUCATION 9 an Unit number 1010 leased by John PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS melles. P,bl,o Mgedpeton et the Waldron Parente eduwt on be mee,ng hd ,of ed. Miscellaneous household en g may Derod:30th deyof 6eptember 2016 Personal goods required In ell wstody or parentndq 8V ORDER OF THE CITY Am ountDue$30580 0o Fek lnlstrYou foryadett- COUNCIL Unit number 10361eased bIolA,Ie CITY OF OAKDALE MINNESOTA mfon-on regarding this 'Review: Od 12,2016 Charing Thunder requirement and the availability of ) M,d-Igeous household enc Parent ed,wtonprograms. PBlkounl goods Deted:9232016 AmountDue $mbe, 411. 70 to, /sy Adam VMon., CITY OFCE OF E Unit number 103] leased by Attorneyfor Petitioner NOTICE RI T­onMbcel Hodges Attorney License No. N396101 PUBLIC LICENSE HEARING M,d-IgeoR, household enc PPO Soaul, 4631 LIQUOR LICENSE REQUEST personal goods St. Paul, MN 55101 Amount Due 1125le edemOvetvicklaw.com FIH BEA HILTON GARDEN PCO Un,tnumber11251eesed by M,dheel X2016) n pubb LTON G ll be h ld Mbce 'Review:Od 12, 19,262016)31 A public heenng will be held on M, d -I geous household enc .theTuey, Odob Munk 1 Balkng, Perkount Due$ at the Oakdale Munue Building, Amount D,e$24500 STATE OF MINNESOTA 1564 Hedley Avenue North, o Unitnumber 11261eesed by Mandy d Spa swingOn d,l,q Io, cenhnc Mdvice 1, COUNTY OF RAMSEY to Spedal S,ndayl,gOPCO rises M"O"I good' household en DISTRICT COURT IT FH Hotel Oekdele OPGO, Abe personal goods SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Hilton Gallen Inn, 420 Inwood Amount Due Avenue NI Persons may appear at Unit number 1151 leased by Gra FILE NO PS 62 -CV -16411] the public heenng end present their Washington ORDERTO SHOW CAUSE onllyor,n writing Miscellaneous household enc In the Matter ofthe Pelton of BY ORDER OFTHE personal goods De,tkdhe Bank National Trust CITY COUNCIL Amount Due$851.. Company,. Trustee for Al A—- CITY OF OAKDALE, MINNESOTA 11:00 AM 1195 Hwy 36, Mortgage 6eourltes Inc Asset- 'Review: Od 12, 2016) Maplewood, MN 55109 Banked P-Tal-ough Certfioetes, U at num bey 4381eeked by Patrid a Seri es ARS 12006N13, - W,Iliems ,n Relat on to Cemfi,be of Title No PRA I RIE ISLAND AS LEASE Miscellaneous household enc 5.%O,swedrorlan A,nthe County Opening bids to publ,o ror t personal goods of Ramsey and State of Minnesota agrio,IWre land lease south Amount nAlegairydeka,bC ak: eelD-I gron County Unitnumber4]4 leasedbyBT,nna Unit No 8201, Common In Gell E51�85-0141 ror details. M,dhell community Number .0, Emerald -Review: Od 12, 19, 26 2016) Miscellaneous household enc Pointe con donna, um. personal goods TO ALL PARTIES WHO MAY Amount -$528W CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THIS Unit number 4708 leased by Mie REAL ESTATE PARTICULARLY. Than OCCUPANTS; AND Judith L. PUBLIC NOTICE Miscellaneous household enc Theis[registered owner]; and TCF The Ctyco,ndl of the city of Lake personal goods National Bank [Doc. No. 19]6861] Elmo hasadopted Orda-eNo. 08 Amount Due$32380 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that 155, whbh amends the ERG 2016 Unit number 5101eeked by Regina unless you appear before this court Fee Sdhedule Edwards on the Id day of November, 2016 The full - of 0- No 03 Miscellaneous household an et 200 HIM ,n Room 170, of the 155,s-1k,ble for ,nkpedon a personal goods Ram key county courthouse, 15 Lake Nmo dry hell during regular Am ount Due$ 6]9]0 W. Kellogg Boulevard, S Paul, bulla- hours Unit number 514 leased by Minnesota, tomakeaval,dobledan, Review'. Od 12, 2016) Alexander Pervanle the court will enter the for-ag Miscellaneous household enc Order: personal goods That the Registrar of Titles of AmountDue$475% Ramsey county, upon the filing of Unit number 702 leased by a'afed copy of this Oder court Dom lnIque Hadway File No Q-C1114m, noel Miscellaneous household enc CARD, e of Tile No 5 - pe ko-I .%0personal goods end enter a new cebfiwte for the AmountDue $331 e0 land mann described ,n hwr Public Notices Uniknumber605 leakedbyRokenn of D- Bank National- Continued on Page lS Meyer company, as trustee for Al d) U C) m .-- O m B m O O z� N z y L d E moaDm 0= '0 o U 6 0 w-0 0 m�m0 =m= 0-0 mONO 0UON 0 m n m Y -p m �U w°->0-.M-0m00(ei -0li ¢W Em� m c m oEUc-0 ' Y N m m m Ou opo Fears Fm E 0Q y Edo OWN mmmOE.N� UN -U00 axiOo-p J¢Ux���-OEo.-��m�a>m a�i� O.-: N m N O C.S' pF.Y U z.� m m -Tj d a m ppm- O �>> m O mom, ,0) UmZ TFUOfon> EO�NNC�=V �>CAFL� ��OC) �2 Ummm�a da oEo LTi � U) C) > Mm o O N mN "O a=N N E "O = am m U N 0(� -_ N m m m O V O mQ m m m m^ N o�ms E MU) Q�Q m[C mrr F mC) FFNO a � E2:S o� m m M_ T m m U U F NN O o m m y 0n w :S = N .L- N Z _gm my Z 0 0'3�'�� SYN T- m mU W W U m N •- O U -O am�0m 0LLJDUr OVY m"O=mOCZ 'aO� o m 2 2 W 0 LL m U m00CDOm3 L O �mm U o a o U m~ U 0. =M m � U m m E -o Em mai ��m �mo 2 2 4',� O =O N0 - W ENmm. 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