HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 10-19 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 10 Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016 Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: ]80] RIMBLEY RD, m otgagor must vacate the property 17%8-1 64 0 9131 PROPERTY: Lot 1, Bloc: 2, Shores DATE AND TIME OF SALE. FO RECLOSURE SALE W OODBURY, MN 65125 if me mor(gage Is not reinkteted (Review: Sept 28, Od 5, 12, 1926 of Lake Mwonalc enc Addlon, Novemb 22 11tiet 1[31 AM THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY under Minnesota S[eWtes se n Nov 2, 2016) TOGETHER with e 20 00 foot wide PLACE OF 2SALE: Washington THE DEBT ANO IDENTITY OF THE IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, 58030 or the property redeedmled pennenen[pedekfien norvexdusive Gounry Sheriff, Offs ce, DeshUgton ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Minnesota under n ta T"'te, se w kway easement over end eaoks Gounry Law Enforcement Center, TIME PROVIDED 8Y LAW IS NOT TM'SACTION AGENT: Mo1,g 58023 is Mayl /, 201] at 1159 p�mn NOTICE OF MORTGAGE the Southee,t,ly 20 feet of Lot 1, 15015 62nc Street North, Stillwater, AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION El ar nia Regliralon Systems, Ina If the foregoinc date is a SeWrdey, Bl od: 1, Shores of Lake McDonald Minnemta NOTICE IHEREBY GIVEN'. That NAME OF MORTGAGE Sunday or legal holiday, men t e FORECLOSURE SALE Lnc Hddrt J4 akthmgton Gounry, to pay the debt then secured by default ­S, -H,edin theoondilons ORIGINATOR: Advisor, Molgage, date to vacate b the ne#busU_ THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Minnesota on mor(gage an 4 if any ofthe following desaibec mor gage: LLG e Minnemta limitec liability day et 1159 Pm. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE STREET ADDRESS OF eIXuelly Pett by mem or[gggee, M OFTGAGOF(SJ: James company MORTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITH IN THE PROPERTY: 44/6 MCDONALO on me premises end me ao s and Lindquist, a single person RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: FROM OBLIGATION ON TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT DRIVE COURT NORTH, disbursements allowed bylaw The M OFTGAGEE. WeIIS Fargo Bank, Sete."PAR MORTGAGE: NONE AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. STI LLDATER M N 55082 me allowec by law for redempton N A HX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION HE I IM ALLOWED HY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY by said molgagoq( ), meir personal ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: NU M PER 17 028 21 11 0084 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY default hes o -ed in the oondilons IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, representalves or assigns i,six;6) Assigned to: N ona TRANSACTION AGENT'S THE MORTGAGOR THE of the following described mor gage: Minnesota montes from the dateof-lle ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Molgagor: Michael John McVeigh TRANSACTION AGENT: Molgage IMC AND URIC TO VACATE OF MOR(TGAGE$285,00000 NUMBER: 100199.00001019]8 REPRESENTATIVES ORA SS IGNS, and Nancy Ann McVeigh, as Eed, nia RegibtAman Systems, Inc PROPERTY: Unless said molgage DATE OF MORTGAGE December THAT no action or proceeding hes MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE husbanc end wife NAME OF MORTGAGE b the property 82004 been lnkt Wtec et ave to recover me WEEKS IF H JUDICIAL ORDER IS Molgagee: G.U. Mortgage ORIGINATOR: Central Hank deemed �e the me for DATE AND PLACE OF FILING deb[ then remaanc secured bysuah ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Services, Ina MinnesotaBanking Corporaton a redemptontoid redu,ech by judicial Recorded on January 24, 2005 and the'gme, or any pare thereof or If STATUTES SECTION 582032 Dated. _23,003 4123 2 0 0 3 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Deus ower you must --the premises ec upon Cercacate ofTte "' o or proceeding has been DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Remmed.o 102003 Fargo Hank, NA byll 59pm. on May22, 201/ NAdI es OoOument Number m Wted�tlhet the same has been THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED Ramsey County Rammer TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED BY 1153.4/n the Office of the Gounry dsaionlnued, or that en exealon PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Doamen[Na 3.2]Q NUMBER: 07029 20 41 0005 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Registrar of Titles of Washington upon me udgmen[renderec merein VVI H RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Transaction Agent NS, TRANSACTION AGENT'S IHC MORTGAGOR IHC Gounry, Minnemta hes been re c un,alsfied, in OF IH THAN FIVE UNITS, Transaction Agent Molgage ID No: MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO whole orin pat ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN N1A NUMBER: 100358122220006131 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE PURSUANT, to me power of sale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Lender or Broker CU. Mortgage IHHI no acts n or proceedac has MAY BL REDUCED TO FIV[ ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. contained In ke mortgage the ANDAREABANDONED. Service,, Ina been addautee atlaw to re,o,,the WEEKS IF AJUPICIAL ORDER IS $206,01645 above desaibec cproperty will be Dated: September192016 Servicer: G.U. Molgage Service,, debt then remaining severed by such ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF cold by me Sheriff of Bald oounry as CU Mortgage Services, enc., IMortgageOnginator: C.U. Mortgage mor gage, or any pert thereof or if STATUTES, SECTION 582132, PROPERTY: Lot Nineteen '19), follows: Mortgagee the eIXion or proceedmc hes been DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Block Eight (8), Thompson', Grove DATE AND TIME OF SALE: PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Service4 Inc nsdituted, that the same hes been THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 2nd Addilon, Washington Gounry, Novemb 15 116 at 111 AM ASSOCIATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF d-Unued or that an executon PREMISES AHL IMPROVED Minnemta PLACE OF LSALE Washington By Jonathan LLskey, MidheelV PROPERTY: Lot 3, Blod: 1, Maple upon the uggm ent renderec therein WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING REGISTERED PROPERTY Gounry Sheriffs Offiae, Washington Schleism an Woods Estates n- Addilon, hes been H c un,atsfied, in OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, STREET ADDRESS OF Count Law Enforcement Center Atomeysfor: Ramsey Gounry, Minnemta Abstract whURSU In pa rtme AHL NOT PROPERTY USED IN PROPERTY: 84/9 GREEN DAYAVE 15015 Qnd Street North, SOIlwater GU M E age Services, Inc, Property PURSUANT, to the power of sale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, S, COTTAGE GROVE, M N 55016 Minnesota Mortgagee ThisTAG isAbAMd Property molgage, the ANDAREABANDONED. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY to pay me de m n sea ec by 56 East Fifth Street Suite Baa 13 9.223300. GEL NO.'. oven desabed property vele be MOFTGAGORS) RELEASED IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, said mor(gage bendetax suit any St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 sold by the Sheriff of said county es FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Minnesota welly paid by the mor(gagee, .1209]599 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: follows: ON MORTGAGE: None TRANSACTION AGE NTN one me premises anc me cost, anc .l?28 /53'faxJ 2323 KingktoM E UHIL AND IIML OF SALE Dated September Ll, 2llhi NAME OF MOFTGAGE disbursement, allowed by law. The THIS IS 61 COMMUNICATION Maplewood, M N55109 November15, 2016 at 10 00 AM t WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. ORIGINATOR WeIIs Fargo Bank, tae allowed by law for redemplon FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY PLACE OF SALE: Washington Mortgagee by salt moIgagor(,), tgh personal e IS LOCATED: Ramsey Gounry Sheriff's Office Washington I HE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, NH RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: WeIIs representatives or assigns b six (6J 'Review: Sep[ 28, O¢ S, 12, 19, 26 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT County Law Enforcement Center, By Ise Fargo Bank, NA months from the date of sale. Nov 2, 2016) OF SO'GAGE :$156 SKY 00 15015 Qnd Street North, StIlwater Rebecca F Schiller Esq TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION IIMC ANU UH L TO VACATE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO M nesota N. Klbongnl Fondungelleh, Lsq NUMBER 18.121 21 13 0168 PROPERTY: Unless said mor(gege BEDUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, to pay the debt thence ec by 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' TRANSACTION AGENT'S b a stated or the property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID said molgage and tax sd rif any Samuel R Coleman Esq MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION redeemed less me me for FORECLOSURE SALE BY M OFTGAGEE$122,.909 a wally pard by me m0"agee, Atomey, for Molgagee redempton b reduced by udidel That p -al -to the commencement of one the premises ancethecokt, and The Academy Professional Buildmc NUMBER None order5you must vacate the premises THE EBTAGHT AND OF HE ihi,mo gage fored osure proceed me disbursement, allowed by law. The 25 North Dale Street THAT no action orpro0eeding hes byll: SPm. on MeylS, Lal/. THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE Mor(gageelAssignee of Mor(gegee lme allowed by law for redemplon St Haul MN56112 been theni'elatuted et law to recover the THE TIME ALLOWED By ORIGINAL CREDITOR com plied with all notce requirement, by said mortgagor(,), their personal '.1)2099]. deb[ihen remaining searecbysudh THE FOR REDEMPTION BY TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT as required by statute; that noaction represental es or assigns is six (6J '1613]4FG01J mortgage, or any pert thereof or if MORTGAGOR, IHC AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. or proceeding hes been inktitutec et mo nm, from me date of sale. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION mstW ¢ion or proceeding has been MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that le orotherwise to recover the debt TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. d, that th[ same has bben default sone d e bac s w ec by said mortgage, or any PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage 'Review: Sept 28, O¢ 5, 12, 19, 26 disconlnued, or het an exehe on REPREBSENLIVES 0R A661GN5, of the followinc desaibec or(gage: palthereof, he d dered therein MAY REDUCED HE I IL Mort : 'D IIam Breault and part[ reinsta or me property ov 2, 2016) upon t u huhnt ren mgagor PURSUANT to the f sale hes been re coed unsatisfied, in JVEEK6 IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER S Judl ler nde both nmarned t Power o redeemed, or unless the Ime for wholeor in ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA tan eined in said mortgage, the redem pion b reduced by ludidal pert STATUTES, SECTION 682032 Persons, es loin tenants a above dekenbec property will be o der youmusdvacatemepremises NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PURSUANT, [c the power of sale Mortgagee: U.S. Bank National sol b the Sheriff of said conn r eined in said mortgage, the DETERMINING, AMONG- OTHER -daton Nu c y ryes by 1159p m. on Mey 15, 2017 . FORECLOSURE SALE TH 2IS,THATTHE MORTGAGED A follows: THE TIME ALLOWED BV above described property will be Dated: 11 �U]2006 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: L THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF olc bythe Sheriff of kaic munry es PREMISES AHC IMPROVED Recorded: l2�U]906 HJb FOR REDEMPTION HY THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE J4ITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLING H d November17, 20161000AM THE MORTGAGOR, THE follows OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS 1 e hmgton County ecor e PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Offiae, MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE DATE AND TIME OF SALE. /ViL NOT PROPERTY USED IN Document No. 36194. all ProO Unit 25 D. 4th Street REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT N ovem ber 1, 2016 at 10 00 AM Tran::D on Agent NlA Suite 150, SY PeuI, MN AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. PLACE OF SALE: Washington AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, G MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE AND ARE ABANDONED. Iranka Ion /igen[ Mor, gage ID No to pay the debt then secured by WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HLHLBY GIVEN, t County Sheriffs Offs ce, Washington NIA kaic M agage, and taxes if any, on LN ILHLU UNULH MINNESOTA detaulthas o-,edintheaondit- Counry Law Enforcement Center MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED Lender or Broker: U.S. Bank ises a of the following desaibec mortgage: l 62nc Street North, Stillwater FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION N t IH NU salt prem nc the costs enc ,STATUTES, SECTION 582032, mamed 150 ON MORTGAGE Gordon Sty J:o a ona ssoaa disbursement,, inducting ettomeys' DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Mortgagor Konc Yeng, e Minnesota ed: Septem berl4, Lal Servicer U.SlonBank Natronal fees allow by law subject o THINGS, IHHI IHC MORTGAGED men to pay the deb[ihen secured by FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Aasocaton, sucoeksor bymergerto redempton within6 Months Dom the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic 'acmortgage an tax,, if any U. S. Hank Nalonal AZ baton ND date ofkaic bale bythemolgagort,), WITH PREMISES RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Hegl Talon System,, eIXuelly paic by the mortgagee, ASSOCIATION("FANNIE MAE') Mortgage Originator. U.S. Bank their personal representatves HAN FIV minae for Lake Area Mortgage, on the premise, and the cost, and or gagee Naoonal Aksocaton ND °r OF LESS L UNITS, ao Division of Lake Area Bank, a di,bursement,allowec V`law The THEACADEMYLAD GROUP, PA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ekslgn, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N By i,i DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, cotporelon tIme ec by law to, redem peon � r. Sch let Lsq PROPERTY: Dadhad o Bloat The date on or bemre whim me AND ACE ATFURADONED. Dated: 11242009 by ,aid mortgagor(sJ, iheirpersonel NBKibongni Fondungelleh, Esq Charter Oeks, Washington Gounry, m[rtgagor mus[vecate the property MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Filed: 03�U92010 rep --naive, or assign, b twelve .Curt N. Triskodu Manemta if he mortgage i, not re FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Hemsey Heglktrar of Iltles ;12) hsDom the date of kala 9- Thbb Abstract Property under Minnesota StaWtes lsection Document Na 2103306 /Against Samuel H Coleman, Lk4 ON MORTGAGE None TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Atomeys for Mortgagee TAX PARCEL NO'. 58030 or the property redeemec Dated: September22, 2016 Cell-eof Tte No.'. 5].2 PROSE e1: cUnlbs, [aid mortgage The Academy Profeksionel Building 3a 02Y 21 "3 .6666 under Minnekota StaWte, sect on WELLS FARG0 BANK, N.A. Igned lo: U.S. Hank NeOonel h p party 25N Noah Uee Street ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: M yl/'2 Spm A d go unl h emr ° 1494 GRANADAAVEN mortgagee D d:11252015 d p red by diaiel St Paul, MN 55102 OAKDALE, MN 561'28 f h f going de S umey, THE ACADEMY GROUP, PA .1)2099]60 Sunda, legal h Id y, then the 6Yb1s1 order you mulct vacate the premie, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY date to vacate is me rte# business Ramey County Regiktrar of Tte, by 1159 pm. on November t 2017 (15-1827FCO2) IS LocATED: wa,hmgon ee«a F. Smiler Lkn Document Na To259s991 ggamkt THE TIME ALLOWED BY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT day at 1159 pm. N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq Document oNo eNo.:5/ 22 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. OF MORTGAGE ]5000 MORTGAGOR I RELEASED Curt N.Trisko,Esq.' Tra-Plan /Agent Mortgage THE MORTGAGOR THE (Review: Sep[LI, Le, OU S, 1'2,19, AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO FROM OBLIGATION ON SemuelH Golemen, Lkq. EleIXronic Regiktralon System,, Inc MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 26 2016) BE UULASOF JAI LOF NOTICE MORTGAGE: NONE Attomeysfor Mortgagee IrankaIXo n Agent REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, INCL UDI NG TAXES, IF ANY PAID THE TIME ALLOWED BY 26 Noah Ualy Proeeksionel Building 100]15800000030.8 Molgage lU No: MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE BY MORTGAGEE $16-040 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY ortM1 Dele Street Lender or Broker: Lake Area W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE het pnor to me commencemen[f THE MORTGAGOR THE St Paul, MN 55102 Unnmo ° MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL (g1)2gg9A� So gage e n of Lake Area ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FORECLOSURE SALE ihismortgageforealosure proceeding REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, (131170.FORD STATUTES, SECTION 582032 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF MotgageelAksignee of Mortgagee MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Servicer: U.S. Bank Naoonal DETERMINING AMONG MOF OTHER THEDEBTANDIDENNTYOFTHE aompuec with all notaeregUI-amen, D EEKS IF A JU DICIAL ORDER IS FRO. A THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE a, required by,tatute; that no action ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Ce,ew DEBT COLLECT Mortgage, Originator: Lake Aree PREMISES ARE IMPROVED din hes been Hatuted et (Review. Sep[Le, Oct S, 121926 Molgage Division of Lake Area DIT A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT or pacee g STATUTES SECTION 582032, Nov 2, 2016) Hank , OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. aredbml,e o recover bt DETERMINING AMONG OTHER LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ,e y keit mortgage, o any THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN default heso0arred in the condilons pertihereof PREMISES ARE IMPROVED PROPERTY: Lot4, Bloa3, Hillsdale, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, of the following de,aibed mortgage: PU RSUANT to me power of kale DITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Hamsey Gounry, Manemta AND ARE ABANDONED. M agagor. Glenda M. Backer a, a contained in said mortgage, the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, FORECLOSURE SALE Thi,b RkMaered Property MORTGAGORS) RELEASED kagleperson above de,aibed property will be ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TAX PARCEL NO FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION M agagee: GU M otgage Service, ,oldby me Sheriff of kaic county a, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE 2829221'31118 ON MORTGAGE: NoneIn, follow,: AND ARE ABANDONED. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. Dated: September] 2016 Dated: 04232007 DATE AND TIME OF SALE Dated: Septem ber 19, 2016 TIME PROVIDED BVLAWIS NOT 1164 MAGNOLIAAVEEAST WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Filed: 04242007 Novemb 82 6110 CU Mortgage Services, eAFFECTEDBYTH IS ACTIO N. SAINT HAUL MN 66106 Mortgagee Ramsey Registrar of Title, PLACE OF SALEO Lew Mortgagee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Document No. 2004696 /Against Enforcement Center 15015 Qnd PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL detaultha-c-ecathe.ndilon, IS LOCATED: Ramsey By Ise CelIfilteofTlte Na'. 5.5. Street N., S011water MN ASSOCIATION ofinefollowinc desanbed mortgage: ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT RebeocaF Schiller Es4 Transaction /Agent NIA to pay the debt then secured by By Jonathan R Cuaey, Miahael V MORTGAGORS)'. Penny Park,, OF M OFTGAGE$118,03000 N. DID ngni Fondungallah, Esq Transaction /Agent M olgage ID N o: ,aid Mortgage, and taxa, if any, on Sdhleismen esingle person AMOUNT DUE AND GUUMEO TO 'Curi N.Trisko, Esq.' NIA ,aid premises, and me mkt, and Attomey, tor: MORTGAGEE WeIIS Fargo Hank, HE DUE AS OF UHIC OF NOTICE, SamuelR Coleman Esq Lender or Broker: GU Mortgage disbursement,, including ettome, GU Mortgage Seri Inc NA INCLUDI NG TAXES, IF ANY PAID Atohn_ for M 0agagee Service,, Inc fee, allowed by law subject o Mortgagee ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE BY M OFTGAGEE:$110, 669.44 The Academy Professional Buildmc Servicer. G. U. Mortgage Service, red em plan wlmin 6 M on -Dom me 55 Ea,t Fifth Street Suite 800 Asmgned to: None. hat pn or to m e Dom m ended ent of 25 North Dale Street na date of said kale bythe mortgagor(sJ, St Paul, MN56111-1 /le ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT thi,m olgageforedosureproceekag S[ Paul, MN 55102 Mortgage Originator: GU Mortgage their personal repre,entalve, or g120g5599 OF M ORTGAGE:$150,26'5.00 MorlgageelA Knee of Mortgagee .1J 2199/6U Service, Inc assgns .1228-1753;fax) LA I L OF M ORTGAGE: Decem ber comphedwlm all notcerequirement, 1612.FC01) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 23 2014 , required by khOute; that no action TH IS IS ACOM MUNI CATION FROM PROPERTY: Unit Number 506 The date on or before which me FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING or proceeding hes been inbtitutec et ADEBT couFcroR common erekt community motgagormuktvacateme propercyif eeeal600spsl Deo mbe 31 2114 cher e rover bt ReNewaept 14, 21 28 s, 12, Number Sea [condom hum, Lot me mortgage ,not ated under (Rview. Sept 28, oa a 12 r upon CeRfdDe =dt by �dtmoeagagffmo deny 19 2016) 270 Condomti um, Ramsey Gounry, Mnnemta StaWte, eec,[on 58030 Nov 2,2016) f TI N 57209 a, Document parcthereop Minnesota e property re e Office of PURSUANT to me power of see 1'231833 In Thi,b Regiaerec Property M,M:eota Stat - seland.023 them County Registrermof Tte, of contained in said mortgage, the NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TAX PARCEL NO.'. is Mey 18, 2017 at 1155 p m. If the Washington Gounry, MUnemta. above desanbed property will be FO RECLOSURE SALE 32 29 22 33 0356 foregoing date lse SeWrdey, Sunday NOTICE OF MORTGAGE IHL AMOUNT CLAIMED TO mi by de Sheriff ofkalc w1l be THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ADDRESS OF PROPEFTV. r legal holiday, men me date to FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE follow,: THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 2]0 E 4th St Unit506 i, the rte# busineks day et THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: DATE AND TIME OF SALE. ORIGINALCREDITOR WITHINTHE St Paul, MN55101 1159pm. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE $1509..75 Novembrl 2116 1101 /UN TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff, Office, AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION IS LOCATED: Ramsey FROM OBLIGATION ON TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT PROPERTY: Lot Twelve tl12r), Bloc: Civil Proc- Unit 25 D. 4th Street MORTGAGE: NONE AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. o 2 Ashboume Ln ddl on, SuiHe— St Haul, MN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That w (� detain[hes oovned in the aonditlons OF MORTGAGE: $219,391.00 THE TIME ALLOWED By Common lntarekt Gomm uniryNooTO to pay the debt then secured by of the following desaibec mortgage: AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO LAD FOR REDEMPTION By detain[ hes ocu,edin the aondilon, a Planned Community, Washington kaic Mortgage, end taxa,, if any, on M OFTGAGOF(SJ: Gordon STyszko BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE IHC MORTGAGOR IHC of the following described mortgage: Gounry, Manekota kelt premise, and me cosi and and Danelle S,y Jko, husbanc and INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL MORTGAGOF(SJ: David G. REGISTERED PROPERTY disbursement,, inducing ­m­ and BY MORTGAGEE $222337. REPRESENTATIVES ORASS IGNS Ouradnik end Molly M. Ouradnik, STREET ADDRESS OF fee, allowed by law subject o MOFTGAGEEM agage Electron is Th. prior to the commencement of MAY HE REDUCED TO FIV, husbanc and wife PROPERTY: GS60 GENEVIEVE redem pi on wlml n 6 Mon_ Dom me Regia -an System,, a this m ortgage fored o,ure proceedmc DEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS MORTGAGEE: M agageElectronic AVE N, OAKDALE M N 55128 date of,aid,alA bythA m olgagoq k), D R e M orlgageelAssgn f M g g ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Rega-an Sys[ COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY mer personal representatves or STATUTES SECTION 5821'32 Delaware Dorat e S LOCATED'. Wa Count f Ad M gg, LLG e compled wih all q for Central Benk, M nt ch ngton y, essgns. M ,aceta anted lett rry0ompany ,requ,ec by stet that no act on DETERMINING AMONG OTHER sae M e DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. or proceedmc hes been inslWted et THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Banknc Corpora[ on TRANSACTION AGENT None The date on or before whiah the Aksigned to: Federal Nelonel law or otherwise to recover the debt PREMISES AHC IMPROVED ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: NAME OF MORTGAGE mortgagor mus[vecate me property MorlgageA ok.bn("Fannie Mae'J s ec by,aid mortgage, or any WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Aksignec to: Wells FaMc Bank, NA ORIGINATOR: Dells Fargo Bank, if the mortgage is not on by aksignment recordec on M arah 4, pertihereof OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, byeks gzmen[re0ordec on February NA under Minnemte S[eWtes lse 2016a,Doc mdUNumber4059i40 PURSUANT to the power of kale AKE NOT PROPERTY USED W 3, 2U a, Document Number RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Vvell, 581.31 or me property rede med In the Office of the Gounry Recorder d ei mortgage me AGR CULTURAL PRODUCTION, 38]3412In the Office of the County F g Bank N A u d M tate S[ of Dadhagton Gounry, MInnemta abd b c property wll be ANDAREABANDONED. Recorder of Db hngton Gounry, TA;: PARCEL IDENTIFICATION 580.23 M ,17 2017 1159 pmn Dated Se ber15, 2116 Man Hee 629 295 If f S ude ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT talc by the Sherff of ked oounry a, U.S. Bank Naihonel Association, GO NAL PRNGPAL AMOUNT TRANSgGTION z 1AGENT'S Sunda ,leg legal holide then the OF M ORTGAGE$166,40000 follow,. OF MORTGAGE: $41]00000 y or ge y, DATE OF MORTGAGE: March 25, DATE AND TIME OF SALE. successor by merger to U.S. DATE OF MORTGAGE January MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION date to vacate i, the rte# busineks 2005 November 17 2016 10 00 AM Bank National Association ND, NUMBLH. None dl 59p. m. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff, Office, Mortgagee 24, 2006 THAT no action or proceedac hes MORTGAGOI RELEASED Recorded on Augukt 12, 2005 a, Civil Proce„ Unit 25 W. 4th Street PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL DATE AND PLACE OF FILING been addiauted at law to recover the FROM OBLIGATION ON Document Number 3532251 in the Suite 150, S[ Paul , MN ASSOCIATION Recorded on February l3, 211ti deb men emeining seared by such MORTGAGE : NONE Office of the County Recorder of o pay the debt then s curet by By. Jonathan R CL ey, Michael V a, Document Number 3569097 mortgage, or any pert thereof or if THE TIME ALLOWED BY Washington Gounry, Minnemta kaid Mortgage, e exe,,eif any, on Sdhleism en es modified of record by Loan the aIXion or proceedmc hes been LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO said premise,, enc me cokt, enc Atomecd CH Modificaton /Agreement recldec Inktltuteq m e kame HE MORTGAGOR IHC BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE disbursement,, indu th ettomeys' U.S. Benk Nelonel Asmcelon, on December 3, 2013 a, Document dsconlnuede orhihet en exealon MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. fee, allowec by law subeIX o tar by merger to U.S. Bank Number 39]32. in the Office of upon the ug9m en[renderec therein REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS the Gounry Recorder of Washington h ON TH 239 redemplon within 6Monihs from me Natonal Aasoaelon NU, Mortgagee County Mn es been re umec unselsfied, In MAY BL REDUCED TO FIV[ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF dOeof kaickalebythemo1,ag0q D, 66 Eaa Fifth Street Suite800 whole or in part W EEKS IF A J UPICIAL ORDER IS PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 4, their personal representatve, or St PeuI, MN 55101-1]18 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO PURSUANT, to the power of kale ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Riggegate Pelo Home,, Washington aksign, .1219/599 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE contal ec In ka mortgage, me Gounry, Manemta DATE To VACATE PROPERTY .1-2. 1753 P.) ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE above de -bed cpropely wo1 be PUbliC NotiOBS STREET ADDRESS OF The date on or before which the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION $24336692639 DESCRIPTION OF coldby the Sheriff of,aid county a, CONIINU2(1 UII Page 11 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. follows: Review Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016 Page 11 Public Notices nomnee for Americas Home ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT order, you must vacate the premises NOTICE OFVOLUNTARY Loan Coal mind (Tots Page10 Mortgage Aocepmace, Ina OF MORTGAGE $13074800 byll 59Pm. on May22201]. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Date d: 06212006 Dated: 06­2005 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THE TIME ALLOWED BY SALE Recorded. 071192006 STATUTES SECTION S' Remrded: 081152005 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY -Minnesota Statutes Section58232) W dhagton county Recorder DETERMINING AMONG OTHER-Ingtan county Retarder INCLUDINGTAXES IFANY PAID THE MORTGAGOR THE Document Na 3596675 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Documen[Na "`26`2BY MOR(TGAGEE:$121, 1]5.61 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Date: October 4, 2016 Assigned To: Den-A Bank PREMISES ARE IMPROVED A,signe, To: DeutaMe Bank T tp-b-tothe commencementd REPRESENTATIVESOR ASSIGNS YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a default Natoaal Truss company, as Trustee Netaaal Trust Com es thbaort f d MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE hes oaurred In the conditaa, of the under the Pooln end Servide, W LESS RESIDENTIAL DW ELLING pent', ge-llee of Moft lee following de,aibed Mortgage: g OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Indenture Trustee for American Mo pl,e,e,thslgne, of Mortgagee WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Agreement dated as of September ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Home Mortgage Investment Trus[ eompliU,edb llaatee h,ontmeat, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA INFORMAT BE Fo AROING 1 2006 GSAMP Trust 20- AGRICULTURAL TO 8E FORECLOSED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 20053 srequired by ,'Ntute; that no edion STATUTES, SECTION 582032 1 Date of Mortgage: Mardh 16 Mortgage Pe,sThrough Certificates, AND ARE D.edSABmbe-21 D. Rated: Ad092016 Ir or ,ehe,,ba, beenYea th teeG DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 2006 Serite 20-120 Dated: September21,201ti Re-, Ad Ie,IHed y.,,tmoag rthe debt PREMITHINGS,SSI THE MORTGAGED 2 Rated: 03 �V12012 U.S. Renk National Association, Document County Reoorder natured by laic mortgage, or any PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mortgagor. Belt Eagle Re.,aAd loe 3202012 Doca-d n 4081 Agent h f OF LES RE DWELLING Dever ld a[ LLG, e Mlnnemm Walla County Remrder Assignee of Mortgagee pert[ereo t ciebili[ gton y OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Transedion Agent Mortgage PURSUANT [c the power of ,ale OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Iia. Mortgagee P emb, Bank, a D Ma.dt n 38]49]9 ASSOCIATION Electronic Regilraton Systems Inc conmined In ,aid mortgage, the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Tran,adion Agent Mortgage By Jonathan R Coley, Midhael V la,a than Agent Mortgage ID No: above de,aibed property will be AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Mlnroa` coryoraton Eledana Regilat on Solemn Inc. Sdhleinman 100314000008482499 hold by the Sheriff of,aic county an AND ARE ABANDONED. q. Recoang lnfona a eon: Remrded Tran dhan Agent Mortgage ID No: Atomey,for: Lender or Broker: American Home follows: MORTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED on N ovem ber 9, 2011 an Document 10019445000223494] U.Srtgag . Bank -b-Il-o-tan, Moe Aocepmnce, Ina DATE AND TIME OF SALE FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Na 3861 Q3 with the Office of Lender o Broker: Femont Assignee of Mortgagee Servicer. Ocwen Loan Servang, Damm be-2 20161000AM ON MORTGAGE: None the county Remrder, Washington nvelment3 Loen LLC PLACE OF SALE: Lew Enfoaem ent Dated: Se ber292016 county, Mane­ Servicer: Owen Loan Servicin, 55 Eel Fifth Street Suite 800 prem 5. A,egnm enc, of Mortgage, if any g St Peul, MN55101-1718 Mortgage Originator: American center, ISOs Qnd Street N., WELLS RG NK, N.A. None LLC Home Mortgage Aocepmnee, Inc S011weter MN Mortgagee nMoftg­velmen Originator: Femont 666512202&1]53 P.) to pay the y INFORMATION REGARDING nvelm LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0C h debt ,eau o THE LAW GROUP,PA MORTGAGED PREMISES ent3 LES THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: U N -bo d M DR— end then, T any, on Re 1 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. Condom ri um Na 58, F b rough d p s end the cost, end R b eF Sdhiller Esq 6 Tax pared pleml bars PROP ERTY: Lot 19, Block 1, 17�&16006131 Piece Condom Eighth d b s Iacudag attorney, N. Kb ngni Fondungallah, Esq of mortgaged prem : - Woodland Acres 'Review: Sept 28, Od 5, 12, 19, 26 Supplemental God m Plat f II ed by hew ,ubled o-CuaNTrsko Esq.- 430017 2T-02321430012 end Th,b Ab Property Nov 2, 2016) Jb eeington Gounry, M d p within 6 Months bon, the Samuel R Coleman, Esq 2702321430013 TAX PARCEL NO'. TM1, sAblradP p ye d f d- le bythe mortgagor(,), Atomey, for Mortgagee T Legal De,aptan of the 1003021410004 TAX PARCEL NO.'. their persoaal represeUot or The Academy-fe-b-I Building m ortgaged prem; sen: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. 2902921420240 esegns. 25North Male Street Lot 1, Block 6 Ah,dthnc Valley, .50103rd St NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: St Paul, MN 55102 Washington county, Mune­Stillwater MN 55082 FORECLOSURE SALE DS,6 l 6th Street Ln N The date on or before which the 'Q1)2093/W Lot 2n Bloc: 6 Ah,dtinc Valley, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 0-lle, MN55128 mortgagor mul vacate the property '161417FG01J Washington Gounry, Minnenom IS LOCATED: Washington THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ff the mortgage Is not re aced THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lot 3, Brod: 6 JVhl,tlinc Valley, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE IS LOCATED:-hagton under Minnenom S[etutes isedion FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. W aliagon county, Minnenom OF MORTGAGE: $508,25000 TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 58030 or the property adeemed (Review: Od S, 12, 19, 26 Nov 2 (mlleedvely, the 'Rft Property') AMOUNT AGE $50 CIAIMEO TO AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION OF MORTGAGE : $105,00000 under Minnenom Statutes kelian 9,2016) togetherwith; all of theovemeg,, BEOUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO beU 23Is June22Ul/ at 1159 p. m. ,trudures ant other improvements INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID defaultha,oaurredlatheconditoa, BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, If the foregoinc date Ise Saturday, now landing or et any tee BY MOFTGAGEE$514, 181 S3 of the following de,cl-be� mortgage: INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID Sunday or legal holiday, then the NOTICE OF MORTGAGE hereafter coal uded or placed Th at priarto the commencement of MOR(TGAGORS). Dawn Hudella BY MORTGAGEE :$9082340 date to vacate b the n-bueae,s upon the Reel Paperty ;6J all thi,moat eforeco,ureproceediac eke Dawn M. Hudella, a lagde Thet p-b-tothe.mmenementof dayat1159Pm. RIGHT FORECLOSURE SALE heating, pdumbiac enc lighting Martgageel lgnee of Mortgagee THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF apparatus, edevatar, en person M0,G tgeS,fgnee of Moae ee MORTGAGORS) RELEASED motors corn plied with ell notce requirements MORTGAGEE Coapo,rin Mopl ee Hh,1 nee of Mortaee FROM OBLIGATION ON THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE engines end medhinery, eledrical e db het no elan p g g g g g g ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE t ,require y-been A NTSOmO corn Iln-,b ell notcea uio eat, MaE TIME A equipment inanere or apparatus din hesbeen lnlitutec et rtgege e ryoraton p q TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT air conditionlnc a d or prose g ASSIGNMENTS OFMORTGAGEB,ak GE. o,p-ocedn,-ben-ttutdi t THE TIME ALLOWED BY pperatu4 wateren law or otherwise to recover the debt bysi dt est I-e,Fer on FebaA dmc he, becoi the debt LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY AFFECTED BHEREBY GIVEN soge aratu,, pipe, water heaters, eeure b dmortae, r gne g or prose NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that r fn dant enc refs c y ei g g o any byesegnmentacorded on February hew or otherwise to recover the debt THE MORTGAGOR THE e geratngp gerators, part thenof 25, 200.5 e, Document Number ,etuad by,aid mortgage, or any MORTGAGORS PERSONAL of the for aaurredlnthe coaditaas w softeners, earyet,, earplag, PURSUANT to the power of sada oMoag lawingde,aibed mortgage: ,ons window, enc doors, wi adaw co In the Office of the County pertthereof REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, ,mined In ,aid mortgage the Remrder of W of count, PURSUANT to the power of ,ale MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagor: Roberto J. Aleyon, e sedans ,preen doors, lona ,al, above described property will be Mlnnemm cones ec In e mortgage, the WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS mage person window ,hada, or blind,, awning,, mlc bythe Sheriff of ,aid county e, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT above, desaibec property will be ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagee: Mortgage Elearonic hod:, fens,, tre shrub,, end follow,: Regilatan Sylems,Inca all otter fixture, e equipment end OF MORTGAGE$1 Q,00000 ,old by the Sheriff of ,aid county a, STATUTES SECTION 582032, DATE AND TIME OF SALE. defer MldCauntry Benk personal property of every kind DATE OF MORTGAGE December follow,: DETERMINING AMONG OTHER noels DeceCE OF SALE Dated: o4ros2om at aatu naloever DATE AND TIME of SAIF: TEES S,THATTHEMOVED A TD war PLACE OF SAIF: Law ESbel eat e.-ded on PLACE OF FwNG December2 LE 1000o- PREM ISES ARE IMPROVED Rammed: 04292010 hn,aa awned by the Mortgagor center 15015 Qat street N., Ramsev county Rammer ant ettad,ed or exec ro the Real Rammed on Febaary 2s, 2005 a, PLncE OF SALE Law Eamremeat ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING stuwater MN oo Tent Number 3499//1 In the center l60b Qnd Steer N., OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, o- ed Na 4US B Property, Indudmg ell -#anion, to paythe debt men securedby Coe of the Gounry Remrder of Stillwater MN ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Aasrgned To: U.S. Benk Netonel edditon, improvements sett Mortgage, end taxa,, if any, on Aasocieton betteanent,, renewal, end , Washington Counry, Mlnnemm to pay the debt men seeurec by AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Dated: 02222013 f sic premise,, enc the col, end THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO ,aid Mortgage, e texas, if any, on AND ARE ABANDONED. rep ecement,o enyoftheforegoi [g; disbursement,, Including ettomeys' Remrded: 0-2013 ;c) all headimmen[,, e BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ,aid premise,, enc the cols nc Dated: September27, 2016 esemen4 fee, ellowec by hew cubed o Ramsey County Remrder rights, privilege, end appurtenances ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. dilur0owed,, Iadudinc atomeyto Oaven Loen Servicing, LLC, ging,a redemption within themo1 tithe $155,07933 fee, allowed by hew cubed Assignee of Mo`gegee Doamen[Na 4384969 orhereefterbelon ttadhed date of,aicselebythemortgagor(sJ, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF redemptanwithin 6Moath,fromthe PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Traa,adion Agent Mortgage o, In any way pertaining to the Real their personal represenmtve, or Eledroni c Reginaton Srlems, lac Property ortoaaybuiddiag, lrudure PROPEFTV: Latl6 Block 1, carver dal of, aid,alebythe m oat or(,), ASSOCIATION Tran,adi on Agent Moat eelo No: or im provement no or hereafter assigns Lake Meadow, Washington county, their personal representatve, or By. Jonathan R Cu,k , Midhael V 10025]1000300W4]5 located thereon', (d) me immediate DATE TO VACATE PROPEFTV. Munemm assign, Sdhlei,man The date on or before vandh the Lenderor Broker: MldCountry Bank, c con Inning right to receive end m STREET ADDRESS of DATE To vACATE PROPERTY Atamey,mr: t ongagor muh.a�te the papely PROPER(TV. 64 i0 LAKE TERRACE The date on or before whidh the Oaven Loan Servioin9 LLG Federal Saving, Bank oolleIX ell ren, soothe, Issue, if he mortgage i, not re aced EAST WOODBURY MN 55125 m[1t ormulvaeatetheprotperty Assignee of M, Servicer: U.S Benk Netonel enc profits now due enc which they under Mlnnemm Smtutes s6 3966 if he mortgage b not r 55 Eel Fifth Street Suite 800 Aasocieton hereafter become due under or by 58030 or the property redeemed COUNTY IN 'AHICH PROPERTY under Minnesota Statutes i,edan St Paul, MNbb1U1-1/18 Mortgage Originator: M-ount, vaue of any lease or agreement under Minnesota Statutes ke S LOCATED: A-alon Gounry 58030 h p p y d emec Q12037599 B k Federal Saving, Benk enJ for the lees ng 58023 ,June22017 1159 pen M,nnemm d M S do Q1223-1753 P.) LES DESCRPTON OF bl ag, u e or occupancy of If the forego ng date S dy, TRANSACTON AGENT None U2 , June2 L BPmn THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 48, II y p It6of the Real Property Sunday or legal horday, then the NAME OF MORTGAGE If the foregongd S a,R FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. B g3Olvier, Add West now, heretofore or heaafter made d o vacate 1, the ne#bu Un 0 GINATOR Aealth,prag Sunday or legal Illy, h the 172516006;31 S. P I, Ra sedyC y, M ,a a or agree, to by the Moagagar (A d y 1159 Pm. Mortgage, a Unemm Corporobn date to vacate bs h b ae,s 'Review: Od b, 1'2, 19 26 Nov 2, Th Ab Pr p y ell of the lease, end agaemeat, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Well, dayat1159Pm. 9, 2016) UT ZX BAR EL NO.'. de,aibec In (d) above; end, (f) ell FROM OBLIGATION ON Fargo Bank NA MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 22)1 U n e end other proceed, of MORTGAGE: NONE TAX BY IDENTIFICATION FROM OBLIGATION ON ADDRESS OF PROPEFTV. cell condemneton award, with THE TIME ALLOWED BY NUMBER 1802821440027 MORTGAGE: NONE 348 PAGE STA e sped to, the foregoinc LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY TRANSACTION AGENT'S THE TIME ALLOWED BV NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SAINT PAUL MN bbl The des bedreelpmputy Ts not THE MORTGAGOR THE MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION LAW FOR HE By FORECLOSURE SALE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Regrsiemd 0"-d) D'o"'y MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF IS LOCATED: Ramey 8. The phyecal street addresses NUMBER None THE MORTGAGOR, THE REPRESEN RE UASSIGNS ed, THAT no on or proceeding hes MORTGAGORTHE DEBT ANDIDENTITY OFTHE 'S PERSONAL ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Miry end zip mortgaged node of the moed MAV BE REDUCED R FIVE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE OF MORTGAGE: $122,]1000 pamises: 9Q1 JVhinin Valle bel then,[ed at law ro remverthe REPRESEN DEDUCED ED TO FI s, E v WEEKS D AJu ERAL ORDER IS moag n remeay pleae-el otdh MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOF AMOUNAS OF AND OF NEO TO Road, Lake Elmo Mlnnemm 55042 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA mortgage or any pert thereof, been 'WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE EIS HEREBY GIVEN BEDUENG IRES IF NOTICE, 9616 Whining Valley Roed, Lake STATUTES SECTION 582032 protea g NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That INCLUDING TAXES, F ANY, PAID Elmo, Minnenom 55042 end 9611 the edion or din hes been ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA DETERMINING AMONG OTHER tuted, d o, t same hes been STATUTES SECTION 582032 of the then on gde,cathecoagages BVMORT1tothe $mmen ems Mai of Ve11 et' Roed, Lake Elmo, THINGS, ]HARE IM MORTGAGED discontnued, or that an exeaton DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER of thefollowing desaibec mortgage: That prior to the commencem ant of Mlnnemm6b042 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH upon the ludgt ent rendered therein THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED MOR(TGAGOR(S). Amanda F t bmoltgageloedo,ureproceedinc INFORMATION REGARDING A RESIDENTIAL OWEWNG Gungl ,,Yang, an unmarred MoagageelA,egaee of Mortgagee FORECLOSURE hes been re need un,atled, In PREMISES ARE IMPROVED OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, whole FURS Apert OF LE RESIDENTIAL OWENIITS Person complied wi by ll kloutcerequir adlon 9. 8002e ­eqUhaveM ;bee of Minn. Sm[ e ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN PURSUANT, to the power of ,ale OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, MORTGAGEE: World Saving, e, squired by letute; that no edion 58002 have been ,ached The AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, eiaed In ,aid mortgage, the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Bank, FSB, nikla Well, Fargo or proceeding hes been lalitutec at holder ofthe M oagage h a, complied AND ARE ABANDONED. property Bank NA Sucoe,sorb or otherwise to recover the debt with ell coaditons precedent to above thAShed wm be AGRICULTURAL PRooucnoN by law Dated: odaber42o1s tilt bvthe sheriff of ,ad munry a, ANDAREABANDONED wad;oea Wo$gage, Fseflklawohd saowet by ,aid mortgage, or aav aaago-Caa of thededolleredby Demsoheeank Nauonel Trust follow,: Dated: September26, 2016 Saving, Bank, FSB pertthereof the Mortgage end foadosua of the Comperry, es Trusteefor GSAMP DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Deutsche Benk Netionel Trust ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: PURSUANT to the poser of ,ale Mortgage, ant all note and other Trust 200E-FM2, Morigege Pass No, ber 29, 2016a 000AM Comperry, es Indenture Trustee Assigned to: None, mnained in ,add mo gage, he requirements of applicable latute,. Through Certificates, Series 2- P 006 PLACE OF SALE: Weling[on for American Home Morigege ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT above de, bec property will be 10. The original prindpal am FM2, Assignee of Mortgagee OF MORTGAGE $243 ]5000 oI c by the Sheriff of,aid county a, secured by the Mortgage w county Sheriff, Offs ce, Weling[on Irnesiment Trust 2005-B,Assigree nes OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Gounry Law Enforcement center, of Mortgagee DATE OF MORTGAGE: Augul2, follow,: $2,0]5,000.00. ASSOCIATION 15015 62nc Street North, Stillwater OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL 2004 PATE AND TIME 1 OF SALE: 11. At the date of this note the By Jonathan R Culey, Midhael V DATE AND PLACE OF FLING D­ 0 : AM due on the Mortgage, and M ane Ota ASSOC AT ON Sdhle seen to pay the debt then seared by By Jonathan R Culey, Michael V Remrded on No b 2004 PLACE OF SALE Sh R' Office, t T y, paid by the holder ofthe Add ne tor: mortgage anc I s, If any Schle,man , Document Number 347334,, C I P sUnit 25 J 4th Street M g g ,$Q9, 1332]. Deutsche Bank Natanal Taa actb the m Atto ne tor: modified of record by document Suite 160 St Paul, MN 2. Pursuant to the power of ,ale Comp­ e, Trulee for GSAMP nano paic y oltgagee ys es pent', on the p Adl and the cols and DeutnYke Bank Natanal Trust reeordec on April / L lb es o pay the debt then seared by in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will Trust 2006FM2 Mortgage Pals disbursement, allowec by law The company, a, Indenture lined Document No. 40Q830 UIn the st lc Mortgage, and I— if any, on be foeco,ed enc the mo gaged Through Certificate,, Serie, 2006 tme ec by law for redemptan for American Home Mortgage Office of the county Recoder of ,sic pamises, enc he co enc pamises will be cold bythe Sheriff of FM2 A,lgaee of Mortgagee by,aid mortgagor(,), their personal la teen Trust 20G, C A,egnee Welington county, Mlnnemm di,bursemenF, indudinc eomeyd, W alin lon county at public audion 55 East Fifth Stree[Suite 800 represenmtves or esegns is ex ;6J of Mortgagee THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO fee, ellowec by hew cubed o on November 92016 at 10 A0 A M., S[PeuI,MN55101-1]18 monthlrom the date of sale. 55 Eel Fifth Street Suite 800 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE dem ptan within 6 Months Dom the at he Weling[on Gounry Sheriffs Q11017599 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE S[ Paul, MN6b101-1/18 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. doeof,aic,adebythemortgagoq( ), Office, Givil Pacesv Divi eon, ty12 & 63 ,fax) PROPERTY: Unless ,aid mortgage Q12037599 $28],249.]0 their personal represeamtve, or 15015 Qnd Street North, SD THIS 215 A COMMUNICATION or the property Q1223-1753"') LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF assigns Mlnaemtabb082 FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. redeemedetor uncle„ the tee for THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Lot l2 Brod: 1, DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: 13. The tlm e allowed torademptan 1//L6-16D08/l2 redemptan I, reducec by udieial FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. Timber Ridge, Wa,hng[on county, The date on or before vandh he by Mortgagor or Mortgagor', Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, order you mint' oethe premise, 17/251600.5441 Minnesota mortgagor rt dal, not property personal rep"' awes or assign, 162016) by ll b9 P m. on May30201/. (Review: Oct b, 1'2, 19, 26 Nov 2, STREET ADDRESS OF if the mogage b no rein i, ­0 2) MONTHS after the date THE TIME ALLOWED BY 9,2016) PROPERTY: 7164 74TH STREET under Mlanemta Statute, ,edon of kale LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY CT S, COTTAGE GROVE, MN b 030 or the property redeem ec 1q. Mortgagor and Mortgagee NOTICE OF MORTGAGE THE MORTGAGOR THE bbol ti3610 under Mlnnemm Statute, sedan have enterec into a VOLUNTARY MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 58023I,Junel 2017at1159pm. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE FO RECLOSURE SALE REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS IS LOCATED: Washington county, If the foagoing date b a Saturday, AGREEMENT dated , of THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE Mi nne,ota Sunday or legal holiday, then the September 27, 2016 Ia compliance THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE WEEKS IF REDUCIAL ORDER IS THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TRANSACTION AGENT None date to vacate b the n e#bu Un with Minn. Stat 58232 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF NAME OF MORTGAGE day b9 Pm. 15. Eedh holder ofeuaiar lien they TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT STATUTES, SECTION 682032 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHI NTH E ORIGINATOR W orld Saving, Bank, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED redeem Ia the order end manner AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. DETERMINING AMONG OTHER TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT FSB, nlGa Well Fargo Bank, NA FROM OBLIGATION ON pavided In Minn. Stat 58232,,ubd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Sucoe,sor by m ea, to Wachovia MORTGAGE: NONE beginning after the expiMton default hes ocu,edin the conditoa, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Mortgage FSB Gkla Warlc Saving, THE TIME ALLOWED BY of Mortgagor', two ;2) month of the following de,cl-bed mortgage: WIa A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING default hes occurredla thA aditoa, Bank, FSB LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY redemptan period Mortgagor: Trisha Lee Ann Han,on OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ofthe followinc described mortgage: RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Well, THE MORTGAGOR, THE 16. Name of each Mortgagor who end Kurt Hanson, wife ahultand ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Mortgagor Nancy Ramsey, eagle Fargo Bank, NA MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL hes been adea,ed Dom finandal Mortgagee: Mortgage Eledronic AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, women TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS olthgoon ev the Mortgage: Bald Regilraton Sylem s, ac a, ANDAREABANDONED. Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic NUMBER: 0802721.220022 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Eagle Development LLC, e nom; nee for Brem er Benk, Netonel MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Regilraton Sylem,, a, TRANSACTION AGENT'S W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Mlanemta limpet liability company A,vociatan FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION nomnee for MarkeGhleceaeHom e MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 17. The person holdmc he Dated: 04 ,V82011 ON MORTGAGE: None Mortgage, LLG e Limltec Liebiiry NUMBER: None STATUTES SECTION 82032 Mortgage Is not a tran,adlan agent Recorded: 041192011 Dated: September29, 2016 company THAT no ad on or proceeduc hes DETERMINING AMONG 6OTHER a, defined In Minn. Stat 5802, Ramsey county Recorder WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. Dated: 11252009 been instituted at law to recover the THINGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGED ,ubd 30. Document No. 4276413 Mort e A Recorded: 121152009 debt then rem aung,ecurec by,uch PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Name of Mortgagee Assigned To: U.S. Bank Natanal THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Washington county Reoorder mortgage, or any part thereof or if WITH A RESIDENTIAL OW ELLING Premier Benk A,sociatan By 1,1 Document No. 3]]1526 the ads on or paceeduc hes been OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Nam e anc Address of Atomey, for Dated: 10232012 RebeecaF Sdhlller Es4 Aam9nec To: Owen Loan Inlituted, that the,ame hes been ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Mortgagee Re corded: 0.62013 N. Kibongal Fondungallah, Esq Servicng, LLG disantinued, or that an exeeutan AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, LEONARD, O'BRIEN, SPENCER Ramsey county Recorder Curt N. Tnno, Es4 Dated: 062312014 upon the ud9men[rendered therein AND ARE ABANDONED. GALE35AVRE, LTD, Document No 43994]5 'Samuel R. Coleman, Esq.' Recorded:06252014 hes been returned unset led, in Dated: September302016 Il Peter J. Sale", III Tran, hen Agent Mortgage Attorneys for Mortgagee Washington Gounry Reoorder wholeorin par[ U.S. Benk Netionel Association, By Peter J. Seeviq Ills q 79 7 Eledronic Regialoon Srl— Inc The Academy Prdf onal Buildmc DocumentNa3991852 PU RSUANT, to the power of kale Assignee of Mortgagee AttomeysforMortgagee Tran,adion Ag/,[Mortgage to No: 25 North Dale Street lan,adian Agent Mortgage contained Ia ,aid mortgage, the PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Leonard, O'Brien, Spencer Gale 3 1000/3381 2U/ St Paul, MN 6b102 Bedronio Regilraton System,, Inc above de,aibed property will be ASSOCIATION Saga, ltd Lender or Baker:UBamer Benk, Q1J20397Q Transedion Pgzn[Motgage ID No: ,odd by the Sheriff af,aiccoun[ ae By Jonathan R Culey, Michael V 100 South Fifth Street SUlte2500 Natanal Alatciatan 133873FG02J 0 / follows: Sch1 an M poli, Minna tabb402 S : U.S. Bank Natanal THIS IS A COMMUNICATION L d Ur Brok : M b pllace DATE AND TME OF SALE A Y, for: (612)332-1030 A on FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. H M g g, LLG L c November22, 2016 10AOAM U.S Bank N I A,socatan, R : Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, M g g Ogaator: Bremer Bank, t ti r yCompany PLACE OF SALE: J4 h ngton A g f M g g 2016) N I A Review: Od 5, 121926 Nov Servicer. Oewen Loan Servcng, Count She, ffs Off ce, Wal neon bb Eas[Ffm St' e800 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 2D16j LLC county Lew Enforcement Center S[ Paul, MN 55 101-1718 PROPERTY: Lot 26 and all of Lot Mortgage Originator. Mablpllace 15015 Qnd Street North, Stillwater m12o3/699 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 26, except the South 16 feet thereof Home Mortgage, LLG a a-lec Mune,ota Q12281]53 ;fart Sdhlett,, Thid Additan, Ramsey NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Lialthl Com THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FORECLOSURE SALE Count Minnesota. y Company a pay the debt secured by THE RIGHT VERIFICATION OF y' FORECLOSURE SALE LES OESGRIFTION OF ,aid mortgage en t ,, if any FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. Thi, ISAblrad Property THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF PROPERTY: Lot 6, Brod: 2 eduelly paic by the mortgagee, 17�&164058]-1 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE TAX PARCEL NQ. Common Interel community Na ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE on the premise, end the col, end (Review: Od 12 19 26 Nov 2 9 24292333.0023 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE 142 Oakwoode Ware,-halon disbursement, allowed by law The 16 2016) TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT county, Mlanemta tme allowec by law for redemptan AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. 1307 SCHLETTI STREET AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. ysaid mortgagor(,), their personal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Thi, ISAblred Property b CS INT OUNT IN MN 5511] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that T PARCEL NO.'. representatve, or a,vign, I, ex;6) defaulllowncurrecathecoagage COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY default has Dau Tied In the eondit on, 1802921.120015 m oath, Dom th e date of kale, ofthefollo, Sdecors bedmon and IS LOCATED: Ram say of the following de,sxibec mortgage: ADD RE SS OF PROPERTY: TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Mortgagor. Scott kbandFogelan d ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT M ortgagor: Sera KLarsen,ASingle 6.1 G,Glen Fn PROPERTY: Unless ,sic mortgage Luanne Fogelmn, husband end wife Person Oakdale, MN55128 reinle or the Mortgagee: Mortgage EleIXroaip coumTv w rvwcH PROPERTY i prOR 1,' Regl,tatan Syria, , Public Notices Mortgagee: Mortgage Eedronlc Is LOCATED: wa,hla redeemed o uncle„ he Ime for nominee for Fremont Inveament a Continued on Page 12 Reginat on Sylem,, Ina a, gran redemptan I, redu,ec by Iudioial Page 12 Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016 Review Public Notices FROM OBLcwTION ON 55 East Firm St-Swee 600 STREET ADDRESS OF Sw150 St Paw, MN AND ARE ABANDONED MORTGAGE NONE St Paw, MN55lol-1/16 PROPERTY: 036 ASHLAND to Pay WA deb[ Wen seared by oated.In- 2016 Continued from Page 11 THE TIME ALLOWED BY 91203]599 AVENUE, ST PAUL PARK MN said Moriga end tares, it any, on U.S. Bank NatiorelAssocietion, LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 912231753 J.) 55071 saidpremises, end WA costs end Assignee of Mortgagee OF MOR(TGAGE:$13970000 THE MORTGAGOR THE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY disbursements, indudmg attoIA OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO MORTGAGORS PERSONAL FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, tees allowed by law kIt- o ASSOCIATION BED UE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, 17725-15402083 Ma--redempton within 6 Months from the By Jonathan R Cuskey, Mah-IV INCLUDING TAXES IF AN V PAID MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE 'Review: Od 1'2, 19, 20, Nov 2, 9, TRANSACTION AGENT None dateotsaidsalebytllemortgg qo ), Sc,lAismaa BVM ORTGAGEE. $120, 40002 WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS 16 2016) NAME OF MORTGAGE thb, personal representatves or Attorneys tor: That prior to the corn men -Ant of ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ORIGINATOR. Wells Fargo Bank, assigns. U.S Bank Natd-ll Ass -an, this m ortg_ft-edosureprocoedin- STATUTES SECTION 562032 NA DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Assignee of Mortgagee Morigage_signee of Mortgagee DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER NOTICE OFMORTGAGE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells The date on or before which the 55 East Fifth Street Suite 600 compied withall aoticorequiremeats THINGS THAT THE MORTGAGED FORECLOSURE SALE Fargo Bank NA m[rigagor must vacate the property St Paul, MN 55101-1]16 or proceedinbc -tueeawiastiWted -an FEES IBES ARE IMPROVED THEFORECLOSURE S R E A LE OF TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION if he mol[ e b not rA tied OS1209 / 9 o educisA to reon IndItedebt WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLING NUMBER:12027214004] under Minnemct S[eWtes lsect on 91228-1 753 (fax) THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE property RI OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHIE TRANSACTION AGENTS 56030 or WA redeemed THIS IS A COMMUNICATION law he by said mortgage, or any ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION under Miaaemct 017Wt 11 sect on FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. TIME PROVIDED IS LAW N. NOTJune 1 pertthereof AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION NUMBER: None 58theto go,ngdeb a1159pm. 1Revew June 15 PURSUANT to We fsale AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. procoe g g g y z y Power o Aoued Se BANDONED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that THAT no salon la din has S We to cin data Is a then th Review: Jung 15, 2, 29, JW 6 13, sed m said morwagA, We Daed: SAPembAr262o1e been mstiwe-at lawro recover WA sundae or legal holmau wan WA '0,20167 above describe- property will be Minnesota Housin Finance of taul[hes oaurredin Weoonditons debt then remainia- secured b d, date to vacate is the a A# business soldby the Sheriff of said county as g of We following de -bed mortgage: by NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT follows: PABgenry,AAssignPROF�E55 ONAL Mortgagor: Joseph P Lancotte and the a on or prage o, oceed nncat ehas been dM OFTGAGOF[S) RELEASED OF MORTGAGE DATE AND TIME OF SALE Ashlee M. FrederiI -ban- end insti FORECLOSURE SALE ASSOCIATION Wted, that the same hes been FROM OBLIGATION ON DAoember720161000 AM By. Jonathan R Ctskey, MaFael V we disoontnued, or that an exeaton MORTGAGE: NONE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, Sd,leisman Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic upon the uQgmen[renderectherein THE TIME ALLOWED BY the above Mortgage Foredosure Coil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th St -el Al: Registraton System s, Ina as hes been cath mac unsetsfied, in LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Stile is hereby postponed t SUI,150, St. Paul, MN ominee for Gentenniel Mortgage Se [ember 6, 2016 et 1000 AM, Minnesoct Housing Rnenco a wholeoriapalt THE MORTGAGOR THE P h debt then secure b and Funding, Ina Sheriffs Office, Cvil Process Unit to pay the c y Agency, Assignee of Mortgagee PURSUANT, to the power e sale MORTGAGORS PERSONAL said Mort a e and I_ if an Ad 071131007 conctinec in sat 25 W. 4th St -el Suite 150, S[ Peul, 9 9 y. on 55 Eest Fifth Street Suite 600 mortgage, the REPRESENTATIVES ORA said premises anc the costs enc Filed: 08�01I200] - MNin laic Gounry and Sctta SY Peul, MN 55101-1]16 Ramsey Registrar of Titles above described pmpetry will be MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE IS Dated: July 14, 2016 disbursements, indudinc attorneys' 1226-1753(fax) Document No. 2013114 OAgainst followay s We Sheriff of said county es ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA OTA fees allowec by law abject o U.S. Bank NatiorelAssocietion, redempton within 6 Months from the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Certificate of Title NO.:a6nka DATE AND TIME OF SALE: STATUTES SECTION 562032 Assignee of Mortgagee date of sai-salebythemoo,agogD FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Assigned To: U.S. Bank Netonel DAoember02016 at 1000 AM DETERMINING AMONG OTHER OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL their personal representatves or 1 'C5 14 Asvooiaton PLACE OF SALE: 'Dashiagton THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ASSOCIATION Dated: 041172015 y gton B : Jonathan R Guske Mioheel V essgns 'Review: O¢ 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, Count Sheriffs Office, eat Ce PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH y y DATE To vncATE PROPERTY Fie-o4232ou S,Flelsman The date on or before whidl the lb, 2D16) Ramsey County Registrar of Tit As county Lew Enforcement caner A REBIDENTIAL DWELLING- Add rneys to, : Doament Nc 70252620.5 A 15015 9nd StrAAI North, S011weer, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITo, mortgagor must vacate the property game Mane -a ARE NOT PROBE MY USED IN U.S Bank Natonal Ass -an if the not r Certificate of Title No.: 56]009 Asci ne-Mort e ee mortgage is ein etec NOTICE OF MORTGAGE to pay the debt then co ret by AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 9 9 9 under Mianemct Stou- Becton Transaction Agent Mortgage said mortgage and Iarea if any ANDAREABANDONED. 55 East Fifth Street Suite800 56030 or the property redeemec FORECLOSURE SALE Electronic Registration So -IF Ina dually paid by the mortgagee Dated: September262016 St Paul MN 55101-1]16 under Miaaemct SctWtes sect on THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF Transaction Agen[Morigage lO No: on the premises anc the costs and U.S. Bank National Association, 9120&]549 If5.o2V the Jun e 1, 201]atll 59p. m. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE 100232301120061 197 disbursements allowed by law. The Assignee of Mortgagee 1]9)&160009-1 If the foregoing date is e SeWrdey, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Lender or Broker: Gentenniel tme allowed by law for redempton OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL (Review: July2], 2016) Sunday or legal holiday, then the TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Mortgage and Funding, Ina by said mortgagor(s), their personal ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT date [c veoete is the ne# business AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Servicer: U.S Bank Netonel rep_dUatves or assigns b six (6) By: Jonathan R Ctskey, MaFael V OF MORTGAGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Asscoieton day RTGAGpm. months from thedateo-lle Sd,leismen MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED defaul[hesocouaecin the conditons Mortgage Originator: Gentenniel TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Add k for: FORECLOSURE SALE FROM OBLIGATION ON ofthefollowac desoribec mortgage: M agage and Funding Ina NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage U.S. Bank -anal Asmcean MORTGAGE: NONE M g g :Andre M.K single LEGAL OESGR PT ON OF ct b M gag F d ure ee of THE TIME ALLOWED BY PROPERTY Ho 17, Blok 1, Wil lard d h t, petty bb ga-fthSugagee 61 b h bypstp d O ober LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY M g g A cif F I Ina, t d Add N 1, Ramsey deemed h e for East MN5510117 8 600 13 2016 1000 AM, She, - THE MORTGAGOR, THE db e All Fund M agage G nry, Kate- dem et you s red d by d- St Paul 7599 1 1]18 Office evil Pb- U D. 4th MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL D ted'. 11 Ki02005 Th b R gistered Property by y uon June e thepremises 65120&,549 S S 150, St Paul, MN in REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, Fled: 031132006 TAX PARGEL Nc'. y pm. ) s dCounty end Sctc Ramse Re of Titles OOOJ THE TIME ALLOWED BY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION D d:A MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE y KIM, LAJ4 FOR REDEMPT ON BV FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. August 24'2016 W EEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS Document No 14544]6 Against ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: ROMA 00 S U.S. Bank NatiorelAssocietion, THE MORTGAGOR, THE l ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Certifioete of Title Ne'. 558515 1555 EUCLID ST Assignee of Mortgagee STATUTES SECTION 562032 Assigned To: Opton One Mortgage SAINT PAUL, MN SS106 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 'Review: Go 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, OFF LA'W, PROFESSIONAL DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ooraton ry-an REPRESENTATIVESDEDUED ASSIGNS 1620167 co Acaummia co coulv7v IN WHICH PROPERTY ASSOCIATION keyMAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THIN PREMISES THAT THE MORTGAGED Dated :1 20005 IS LO INAL R PRINCIPAL WEEKS ENTERED A JUDICIAL IORDERNNESO A By JoneWen R Guskey, Mioheel V PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Filed 03h County ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT STATUTUNDER MINNESOTA NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Sddd e,t W ITHARES IDENTIALDWELLING Ramsey County Registrar of Titles OF MORTGAGE:$1]1,00000 DETERMINING SECTION 5620'32 Attomeysfor: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Document No No bb Against AMO E AS OF ANO GIAIMED TORIGHT FORECLOSURE SALE Us Bank Natoael Aascceton, AGE NOT PROPERTY USED N Cart Knec of Title Nc'. SS6Sl BEDUEAS OF DATE OFN PA DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THE RIGHTTO IDENTITY OF He Assignee of Mort -el S AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION gnat PREMISES THE M ORTGAGEO Asci To: Oeutsd,e Bank INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 55 Eest Fifth St -el Suite 600 D,UedANDAREALANDONED Paay e PREMISES ARE MPROOPID ELLIN Natonel Trus[ Gom s By eommen e ORIGINALIDEDI BY LAW IS THE St at55101-1- U.S. ]16 DaedaA ember2s, 21s Pnorrot AoommAaoAmAaro WITH AREsIDENTIAL DWELLNG m12o3ro99 Trustee for the CeLoan teholders of b m h f TIME PROVIDED IS LAW IS NOT P OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS U.5.8enk NatiorelAssociation, Sound- Home Loan Trust2- Wismorie--Knee of procoedinc ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AFFECTED BHEREBY GIVEN (Renew Aug1 Assignee of Mortgagee OET1, AasetBeoked Gertifioetes, MorigageelAasignee of Mortgagee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that (Review: ug 31 2016) OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Series 20060PT1 corn plied with all n otcoregUI-ements defaulthas o -ed in the condit- NOTICE O F POSTPONEMENT Deed: olao2oos db h AMoIGAN D ARE OMS)AN ED of the muow,n de -more ASSOCIATION as require y statuteen atitutecon MORTGAGORS RELEASED g gaga. OF MORTGAGE By .le km an RGuskey, MioheelV Filed 0211.2009 law 0, oediaghat been vge iWte-et FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Mortgagor: Jim P Gossad:, Add e,t Ramsey County Registrar of Titles law 0, erwisA to recover the debt ON MORTGAGE: None nmemec FORECHEREBY SALE Attorneys for: Document No 20618]5 Pgeinst seourec by said mortgage, or any Dated: October S, La Had o1gagee: Mortgage Electronic NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het U.S Bank National Ass -an, Leaf-teof Title No.: 556515 part thereof Registl Systems as the above Mortgage Foredosure Asnee of Mo gent powero WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. omI o Transaction A :NIA PURSUANT to the f cele d 04 U.S. Bank N A ao Sole b hereby postponed t g t[gagee Trensa ane Mort D No: contained in said the Mortgagee near ed: 040]2006 November 1], 2016 et 1000 AM, 55 Eest Rfth Stree[ Suite 600 gent gage mortgage THE AGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA Sheriffs Office, Cvil Process Uni[ St,Paul MN 55101-1]16 NIA above described property will be B lsl Recorded: 041162006 9,Paul M 49 Lender or Broker: Amerifund colt by We SheriR of said county be y Ramsey County Recorder 25 W. 4th Street Sate- St Paul2`9, Fiaancal Ino, dba All Fund follows: NKIbonn ScIFondun Esq Document No 3941040 MN In laic County end6ctta HS IS ]A (far) M ort gage, AWashington C000-oan DATE AND TIME OF SALE: N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq Assigned To: U.S. Bank -anal Dated: October], 2016 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' U.S.ank NatiorelAssociation, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Servicer: Owen Loan Servicng, Dece ber 1, 2010, 000 AM Samuel R. Coleman, Esq. --an Asci iMort NAL 1]�3160054Y1 LLC PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Offs co, -fund CMIAttorneys for Mortgagee Dated: 121102014 OFF LAW So-ofPROVoS ag- (Review: O¢ 12, 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, FMo Qage Origindba AAFund Suite SOBS[. PaulMN 5 D 4th Stree[ The Academy Professional Building Ramrtlyd 2Cou ry4 Recorder ASSOCIATION 16 2016) nQ 25 North Dale Street By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V MOP -al ort gage, AWashington C000-oan to pay the debt then secured by St Paul MNSSl02 Doamen[NC P045399? LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF salt Mortgage, aadctxes, ifaay,on Transaction Agent Mortgage Sd,leismen PROPERTY: Lot L/, Sprint Lake laic premises, enc the costs enc 01)2039]9 Electronic RegistMton System s, Ina Attomeys tor: NOTICE OF MORTGAGE perk Hillview, Too/the North half disbursements, indudmg attorneys' (15loS FCO2) Transaction Agent Mort gage ID No: U.S Bank National Ass -an, FORECLOSURE SALE Ramsey County Mi nnesota. fees allowec by law subject THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 1000212]BW9066123 A-Kneeof Mo1gagee THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Thisis Registered Property redemptionwithin6Mwnthsfromdthe FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Lender or Broker: U.S Bank NA SS East Fifth Stree[Suite 600 THE DEBT AND IDEMITY OF THE TAX PARCEL Nc'. date ofsaicsalebythemortgagot(sJ, (Re Oct 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, Servicer: U.S. Bank -anal S[Paul, MN55101-1716 ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE 06 30 23 41 0014 their personal representatves or Aas=on 91203]549 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY assigns Mortgage Originator: U.S. Bank 1].316,000.1 - AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. 7%1 Greenwood Or DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: N A (Review: O¢ 19, 2016) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Mounds Sew, MN 55112 The date on or before whidl the NOTICE OF MORTGAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF default has ooarredin the conditions COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY mortgagor must vacate the property FORECLOSURE SALE PROPERTY: The West - feet of of Weellowing described m 0agage: IS LOCATED: Ramsey if the mortgage b THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF the East 474 feet of the West 12% NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Mortgagor: S.0 A Jacobson enc ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT under Mi U=a Statute, l,d:dton THE DEBT AND IDEMITY OFTHE feet of the South 10 acres of the FORECLOSURE SALE Elizabeth A Jacobson, husband anc OF MORTGAGE $21 750.00 or the property redeemed ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN TH E North 30 acres of that tract of land THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF wie AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO unde, Kate- Stou- sect on TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT described as follows: The West 12 THE DEBT AND IDEMITY OF THE Mortgagee: Voyager Bank, BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE 56023 b June 1, 201]et 1159 pm. AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. of the Southwest 114 of Sections ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Minnesota Bankinc Coo -ton INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID If the foregoing date b a SeWrdey, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that together with the East 20 rods of TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Dated: to no BY MOR(TGAGEE:$233,58877 Sunday or legal holiday, then the default has ooarre-ia thecondi0- the Southeast 114 of Section 6 all in AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. Recorded:02006 Th at prior to the corn m en corn ent of date to s the a A# business ofthefollowinc described mortgage: Township 29, Range 2 acooa ng NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Ramsey CoGounry Recorder Wismorigageereoloare proceeding day 6[1159 Pm. Mortgagor: Kenneth MZerube enc to the United Sues Government defaul[hesoaurred in the conditons Dooumen[Nc 39 ]146 M, gageelAssignee of Mortgagee MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Kathleen GZaaba, husbanc and Survey thereof and sit e of the following described m o1gage: Assigned To: Manek1a Housin- 'Otudec with all nota-equiremenF, FROM OBLIGATION ON wife Ramsey Gounry, Minnesota ua MOR(TGAGORS). Jeannette H. Finance Agency s required by statute; [hat no action MORTGAGE: NONE Mortgagee: Mortgage Eed-onto Thisis Abstract Property Can and Gary L Llan, wife enc Dated: 10-005 orprecoedmc has been adituted at THE TIME ALLOWED BY Regal-oan Systems a TAX PARCEL NO : husbanc and Donald J. Gran, e Recorded: 02212006 r otherwiseto recoverthe debt LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY nomaee for U. S. Bank N Alno s 292320006 mad person a Ramsey County Recorder secured by sat- mortgage, or any THE MORTGAGOR THE Dated: 090]2011 ADDRESS OFPROPERTV: uM o;Ted EE.Mortgage Electronic Dooumen[Nc 39 ]14] pelt thereof MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Recorded: 091192011 401 ELI PEI RAgistAban Systems, Tran cacti on Agent N lA PURSUANT to the power of sale REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Ramsey Gounry Recorder LITTLE CANADA MN55117 Delaware corp -an, a Ino, e Tran salon Agent -gage ID No: oontai ec in ka mortgage, the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Dooumeat No. 4-00 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY for J.M. Trout Enteryrisesm Ina NIA ab- described property will be WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS Assignec To: U.S. Bank -anal IS TO GATED: Ramsey dlbla JMT Mortgage, a Minnesota Lenderor Broker: Voyager Bank, a soldby the Sheriff of sai-county as ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Asmcean ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT cook, t, on Minnemct Bankinc Coo -ton follows STATUTES SECTION 62132 Dated: 031152016 OF MOR(TGAGE$26,00000 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. Servicer: U.S Bank Natonal DATE AND TIME OF SALE DETERMINING AMONG bo? Recorded: 03242016 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Assygnec t Federal Netonel Assooiaton Decom ber 1, 2016 10 00 AM TH INGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGED Ramsey County Recorder BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE Mortgage Assodatoa ("Fannie Mort gage Originator: Wyager Bank, PUCE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, PREM ISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Dooumeat No. 004549962 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID Mee'J by assignment reoome- oe a Minnemct Bankinc Coo -an coil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Transaction Agent Mortgage BY M OR(TGAGEE:$216,005. 12 Mae) ber14,2016 es Document LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Suite 150, St Paul, MN OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Eed-onto RAgialan Systems Inc Thatpri-thecommenoementof Number 4063223 in the Office of PROPERTY: Lot 2, Block 3, to pay the debt then secured by ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: thi s m o1gage toreolosure procoedmg the County Recorder of W askington Ec'geview No2 said M 01gage, and tares, if any, on AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 100021200004535610 Moagageei-game of Mortgagee Gounry, Mianemm This bAb-d Property said premises, end the costs end AND ARE ABANDONED. Lender or Broker: U. S. Bank N A complied with all notco requi cements ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TAX PARCEL NO.'. disbursements, iaoludmg attorneys' Dated: Septem ber 292010 Servicer. U.S. Bank -anal as required by sctWte; that no action OF M OR(TGAGE:$34000000 15 29 214 0024 fees allowed by law subject o U.S. Bank National Association, Asmcean or proceeding has been aditutec at DATE OF MORTGAGE'. January ADD HE SS OF PROPE MY redempton within 6MonWsfrom the Assignee of Mortgagee Mortgage Originator: U.S. Bank law or otherwise to recover We debt 242006 1672 ROSEW 000 AVENUE tae of said sale bythe moagagoq( ), OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL NA cured by said mortgage, or any DATE AND PLACE OF FILING'. SOUTH the, personal representatves or ASSOCIATON LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF peathereop Recomed on March 14, 2006 es MAPLEWOOD, MN55109 assigns By Jonathan R Cuskey, Mic,ael V PROPERTY: The North 135.0 PURSUANT to the power of sale Document Number 3664164 in the COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: S.Ieisman Feet of the South S9.0 Feet of the contained in said mortgage, the Office of the Gounry Recorder of IS LOCATED: Ramsey The date on or before which the Attorneys tor: Southeast Quarter of the Southwest above described property will be Washington Gounry, Minae. -d ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT m o1gagor m ust vacate the property U.S. Bank Natonal Asso-an, Quarter of Section 6 Township 2S sold by the Sheriff of laic county es THE AMOUNT ManeCLAIMED TO OF MORTGAGE: $1]3]9.00 ff the mortgage is not re stated Assignee of Mortgagee North, Range 2 Wes[ whit, lies follows: BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE AMOUNT OUEAND CLAIMED TO under Minnesota SctWtes se 55 East Fifth Street Suite 600 Easterly of the Easterly right-oEway DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, 56030 or the property redeemmled St Paul, MN55101-1]16 line of the Minneapolis a Paul, 4 2016 10 00 AM $342,0]3.63 INCLUDING TAXES IF AN V PAID under Minnesota SctWtes sect on tSl'203/S99 Sault St Marie Railway, excoptac PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Offs co, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BY MOR(TGAGEE:$23729404 56023 is June 7201]et 1159 pm. -28 1753 therefrom that pert whit, lies within evil Precoss 111: 25 W. 4th St -el PROPERTY The South 36100 That prior to the commencom ant of If the torAgo- date d SeWrdey, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION a cyte with the radius of35.00 Feet Suite 150, St Paul, MN feet of the east 5]1.9 feet of the thismortgageft-edosureproceedmc Sunday or legal holiday, then the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. the center of whit, bet a point on the o pay the debt then s cured by Northeast Quarter of the Northeast M 0agageelAssignee of Mortgagee date to vacate is the next business 17%8-15409431 centerline of Jack- Street distant said Mortgage, and tare a any, on Quarter of Section 1J, Township 27 comPIed with all notice requirements day atoll 5G pm. )-ew:O¢ 12, 1926 Nov 29, 35.0 Feet Southedyof asmeasured said Premises, and tl,A m and North, Range 20 west, DAnm an: requirec b,dlatute thatnoadon MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 10 ,2016) at rightangles to, he North line of disbursem ant s, indudmg a F,and Township, W20 Den Gounry, D- 0, procoedinc hes been instituted at FROM OBLIGATION ON Australian -nue ecoording to the ems allowed by law subject o MI nemct lawor otherwise to recover the debt MORTGAGE'. NONE Unitec States Govemment Survey redempto-ChU6 M onths from the STREET ADDRESS OF kecu,ec by said mortgage, or any THE TIME ALLOWED BY NOTICE OFMORTGAGE thereof and si In Ramsey dateofsaid-llebythemoagagoq(), PROPERTY: 6210 QUALOCITAVE part thereof LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Gounry, Minnemta to their personal rep- nt.- or S, HASTINGS, MN 55033 PURSUANT to the f sale FORECLOSURE SALE powero THE MORTGAGOR THE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF This isAbstraP Property esmgns. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY eboveaed In desaibecd morigagethe will be MORTGAGORS PERSONAL THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE TAX PARCEL NO.'. DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, property w REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGN S 06292340101 The date on or before which the MULoCA mldb he Sheriff of said count ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE m origagormustvecatet propertyi TRANSACTION AGENT: Ma gage Yes MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE ADDRESSSTRALI PROPEFTV. he f R110- TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT gage WEEKSDAJUDICIALINNESOA AFFECTED BYTHISAGIVEN yd AUSTRALIAN AVE the morigagtollreinstated under Elearonic Registraton Systems Inc DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA LITTLE IN WHICH PRO o, the ct peat' section 56030 NAME OF MORTGAGE Deoember720161000 AM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That property ORIGINATOR: J.M. Trout STATUTES SECTION 562032 defaulthes oaurred in the oonditons COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY or the redeemed under PLACE OF JIt 25h ff SOfficetlel DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER IS LOCATED: Ramsey F=a SEJD- s E pInc dlble JMT G1P sUni[25 J4.4th Stree[ THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED of Weellow ng des bed mortgage: ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL MOUNT Februery4, 201]6[ 11 S9P fh Mag g, Minnesota coryoreton S 150, a Paul, MN MORTGAGORS) Holly H. Lee, h debt then ke e b PREMISES ARE IMPROVED arced person a OF MORTGAGEANDCL0000 o, legal date s a Saturday, Sun day RESIDENTIAL SERVICER. to pay the our c y WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING m AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO or legal holiday, then the date to Satanic Inc said Mortgage, andt- ff any, on OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS MORTGAGEE. Wells Fargo Benk, BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, vaRt is the next business day et TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION said premises, anc the costs anc ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NA INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID 1155 pm. NUMBER: 1502]20-111002 disbursements, indudinc ettorne ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE MORTGAGORS) TRANSACTION AGENTS Ys' AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION BY MORTGAGEE. me264 04nceme MMINARELEASED fees allowec by law subject e oued SABmbe-GO 2. Assigned to: Nona That priortefoedo-,pamekag FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION doe wit A byth oath sfromtD ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NUMBER: 1000.6770029.16 Dated: September302016 OF MORTGAGE: $160,61]00 Wismorigegeeredosureprecoeding ON MORTGAGE NONE date of e-salebyW moat got(o, Deutsche Bank National DATE OF MORTGAGE: November M m pl,eew,th all --Mortgagee THE TIME ALLOWED BV THAT no action or procoedmg has their perscnel represencttves or Trust Competry, es Trustee for L complied with ell notco requirements LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV been na'tutec at l aw to recover the assigns Sound -Home Loan Trust DATE AND PLACE OF FILING as requirec by statute; that no action THE MORTGAGOR THE debt then remaini nc secured by such DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: 20060PT1, Asset -Backed Recorded on Jenuer 13, 2012 es or procoedinc has been i -bated at MORTGAGORS PERSONAL mortgage, or any pelt thereof or if The date on or before whit, the Certificates, Series 20o130PT1, y law or otherwiseto recoverthe debt REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, the action or d has been Doaaent Number 36rt�6vu in We Procoe mg mortgagor must veoete [hA Property AssigneeM M ortgagee "' of We count Rammer of seared by said mortgage, or any MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Instituted, Wet WA same has been if he mortgage b not rem aec PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL y patthereop WEEKS IF AJUPICAL ORDER Is disoontnued, or Wet en Axeaton under Mianemct Statutes recto Washington Gounry, Minnesom powero h d dere- therein 56030 or the redeemec ASSOCIATION THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO PURSUANT t tithe f sale ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA upon the judgment ren property By. Jonathan R Cu-, Mid,eel V BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE cental nec n s mortgage, the STATUTES SECTION 562032 hes been re ur ec unsat,fied, in under Minnemct SctWtes sect on Sd,leism en ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. above described property will be DETERMINING AMONG OTHER whole orin pasta 56023 b June 1, 2017 at 1159 p. m. Attorneys for $155]943 sold by the Sheriff of said county as THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PURSUANT, to the power of sale If the foregoing date b a SeWrdey, DAutsc,A Bank National Trust LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF follows: PREMISES ARE IMPROVED contained in said mortgage, the Sunday or legal holiday, then the Company, as Trustee for Soundview PROPERTY The North l2 of Lot l4 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING date[ 1159pe is We ne#business Homed asutdo lu,t Soll A -e--2006 andall of Lon S, Bl0-3,aPaw December72016, 1000AM OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Public Notices day et 1159 pm. Booked Certificates series 200& Park, Division Nc 3, Weshingon FACEOFSALE: Sheriffs Office, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN g MoRTGAGORS) RELEASED o11, Assigneeof Mortgagee Gounry, M.IaaAscm Civil Promss Una 2 W.4W Street AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Continued on Page 13 Review Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016 Page 13 Public Notices ON MORTGAGE None m ortgagor must vacate the property Equity Mortgage Asset -flecked said premises, end the o end d the REPurahasnc Oeted. June21, 2016 1 the mor t, is not re e- PassT11I Certificates, Series disbursements, inkludmg attom:ys' W: axes registration --- Conhnued from Page lL WELLS FARC O FINANCIAL under Minnesota Statutes lsection 200E-KC4,Assigneeof Mortgagee tees allowed by law subl:a o informe bn. to aboved:skrib:d property will be MINNESOTA, INC. 56030 or the property redeemed PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL r-aptan within 6 Months from the SOLICITATION RFP-PUBW194911 ole by the G-ff d saic ceunry es Mortgagee under Minnesota SE,H- s:ctlon ASSOCIATION dat:sf said sale byth: m Iga qo ), KB follows: THEAGAOEMV LAW GROUP,PA 56023 is June 6, 201] at 1155 P m. By Jsnd- R Cusk:y, Mikhail V th:l'personal r,pres:U.- o OFDATE: NOVEMBER IO, DATE ANO TIME OF SALE: By Isl If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sahl:isman assigns 2016 December 6 ILLet lO UO AM I -.F Sahill:, Esq Sunday or legal hs,lday, then the Attorneys for: DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PLACE OF SALE: Washington N. Kibongni Fsndungalleh, Esq date to vacate is the n:# business U.S Bank Natd-ll Assoaetan, Th: date on or before whidl the RAMSEY GOU NTV SEEKS Gounry Sheriffs Offs ce, Washington -Cu,t N.Trisko,Esq.' dayat1159Pm. es Trustee for Residential Aaset mor(gagor must vacate the property PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING Gounry Lew Enforcement Center Sa dIIR Coleman, Esq MORTGAGORS) RELEASED S:arites Goryordan, Home Equity if the mar(gag: is not reinstated SERVICES FOR PRELIMINARY 1501562nc Street Nsrth, Stillwater Attam:ysfar Msr(gag:e FROM OBLIGATION ON M Igag: A -13-,,d Pass under Minnesoct Scttutes sect on BRIDGE DESIGN OF TWO Minnesoct TheAcademy Professional Building MORTGAGE: NONE Through C:rtifikat:s Series 2006 56030 or the property redeemed JACKSON STREET BRIDGES to pay the debt then secured by 26 North OalVt- THE TIME ALLOWED By K. Aswgn::sf Msr(gag:: under Ma-- Statutes k -an g56G4AND-406, ALSOCULVER(T mor(gage en t 4 if any St PeuI, MN 55102 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 65 East Fifth Street Suite 600 56023 s Jun:32017.1159p�m. S11ING FOR REPLACEMENT OF ctuelly pate by thA Srtgagee (00854CQ60) MOFTGAGOR'STHE M ��PERSONAL (51R THE St 2 03599 a,I MN 0 70 If Sonday orgolegald holidal SYle rd„e BRIDSAINTEPA%UL 9IN THE SERVICESCITY J4'IOLL on the premises end the Dosis and THIS IS A COMMUNICATION REPRESENTATIVES ORA SIGNS SSl- & /63 (fax) date to vacate is the next business INCLUDE PREPARATION OF dbbttmeualswectuallowecby law The FROMA DEBT COL LECTOR. MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE THS �IS A COMMUNICATION dayatll pm. PRELIMINARY BRIDGE PLANS, by law for redempton (OakdtDake B mo Review: June WEEKS IF AJUOIGIAL ORDER IS FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. MORTGAGORS RELEASED FOUNDATION SOIL BORINGS, beps ant or(gggor(s), their personal 29, Jay613, 20, 2], Aug 3, 2016) ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 1//2Sl0109- FROM OBLIGATION ON AND COST ESTIMATES. ontse U-th orassgns is six 6J STATUTES SECTION 562032 (Rev- Oa 19226 Nov 2, 9, 16 MORTGAGE NONE 'Review: Oa 12, 19, 2016) hs AN the date ofsee NOTICEDMORTG GEMENT DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 23 2016) THE TIME ALLOWED BY TIME AND DATE ad VACATE OF MORTGAGE THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY PROPERTY cUnle, the -gage FORECLOSURE SALE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED THE MORTGAGOR THE he CERTIFICATE OF redeemed, o unless the t- for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, OF LESSRESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE OF MORTGAGE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL that the mortgage gongsure sale OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, REPRESEN DEDUCED ASSIGNS, ASSUMED NAME redem pton is ed-c-det by ep-lkial Magage inthe - Sine -be of FORECLOSURE SALE STATESt.tut OF MINNESOTA 9 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Srd:,yaumuwvakat:th:premises Mor(gage ForedosureSelehesbeen gGRIGULTURAL PRODUCTION, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, WEEKS IF AJUOIGIAL ORDER IS Minresob Statutes Chapter 333: byll69 Pm. on June6201/. that default hes oaurred in the ASSUMED NAME. AARON THE TIME ALLOWED BY PSwpaneAN ANOAREABANOONEO. cenkt- of e datec ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Dated: Oaober1T 2016 m, -by STATUTES SECTION 562032 MARQUISCAMPBELL LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Oaober4, LOlti et l0V0AM Spire Credit Union fka Spire April 25, 2002, exeku ec by Heuky DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS. THE MORTGAGOR THE PGCE OF SALE: Washington Federal Credit Union I. Twin Chu-Va,I end Maysong THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 219 E. Market St Lime, OH 45601 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington City Co -cps Federal Credit Union, LikedyChu-IngHeu as mas(gegor(sJ, A PREMISES ARE IMPROVED NAMEHOLDERS: Aaron Marquis REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS County Law Enforcement Center Morteee Liberty State Benk, as mor(gagee, WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING Gempbell, Go General Executor MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE 15015 Qnd Street North, S011wate, I g in the original pri papal amount of McCartne Lane - 155 Allegheny WE BCS IF A J UPICIAL ORDER I6 Minnesota PFB LAW, PROFE6610NAL Three Hundrec Thirty Thousanc OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITE, Y 9 y ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION and no1100 [$330,00000) Dollars ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N ceunry Pennsylvania, 15005 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE By Jonathan R LLskey, Midheel V AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, America, Gempbell, Aaron Marquis, STATUTES, SECTION )620'32 PROPERTY: Unless said moagage Sahleisman recerdAd wi h the Washington ANOAREABANOONED. Clo General Executor McCartney DETERMINING AMONG OTHER is reins'ctted or the Gounry Registrar of Titles Sete of Lane - 155 Alle hen property Atom: fo, Dated: Oaab:r 11 2016 g y .unto THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED redeemed, or unless the Ome for Spire Ll editunion fkeSpire Federal Man -Ga on Jenuery 13,2003, es Quicken Loans III Pennsylvania, 16005 Al erica PREMISES ARE IMPROVED "dem Oon is reduced b duel doe no 11224]Y that the mor(gege I, the undersi ped, o T that WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING P y u Credit Union Da Twin Gtry Coops Assignee of Mortgagee 9 :e Y t OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS order you must vac ate tepr:mises Federal Qedrt Union, HIA81, s upon registered lend, that all PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL em mgning this dokum ent as the byll69 Pm. on Zat4, LOl/. 55 East Fifth Stree[Suite 600 Prsforedosure requirements have ASSOCIATION person whose wgneture is required, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Dated: Auguw24, 2016 S[. Paul, MN 55101-1]16 been cemplied with', that no action BY Jonathan R Cuskel Michael V or as agent of the person(s) whose AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL &1299]599 or proceeding has beenaddhaed at Byl:ism an wgnadHe woulc be required whohes ANOARE ABANDONED. MINNESOTA, SSl )161/ law to recever any pert of the debt eu horized me to sign this dna ment MORTGAGOR S) RELEASED Mortgagee �' ) ekur:c by said moagage; that Attomeysfor. on hislher behalf, or in both THIS IS A COMMUNICATION s Quicken Loans Ina, Assignee of a FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. there is kleimed to be due thereon Mor(gagee capeates l tua A cel fythatl have ON MORTGAGE: None By Isl the sum of Two Hundrec Thirtyfive 6k, East Fifth Street, Suite600 cern plated all requirec fields, e Dated: Oaoberl3, LOIti Rebeaa F Sdhille, Esq 'rReview Oct 19, 26 Nov 2 9, 16 Thousanc Six Hundrec Twenty anc a Paul, MN 55101-1]16 that the efonneton in this document FED ERALATION(ALNNIE fu GE CAtbongni Fondungallah, Esq 23 ,2016 ]OI100 ($235, .0 70) Dollars on &1203]599 is ru anc orrea end in compliance ASSOCIATION ("FANNIE MAE") Curt N. T, it., Esq.' ) this date; and that pursuant to the &l 6 /63 (fax) wltlh ethe kapplicable dh apte, of Mortgagee Samuel R Coleman, Es4 power of sale therein the moagage THIS 228 b COMMUNICATION Minnesoct Scttutes. unders[anc THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA The- Professional Building will be forecosec and the property FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. that by signing this document I am Reel St North Dale Street NOTICE OF MORTGAGE in Washington Gounry, Minnesota, 1 /32215 00 23 subleatothe penaltes SfpeOu Rebecca F Sdhille, Es4 S[ PeuI, MN 55102 FORECLOSURE SALE described es follows: 'Review: Oa/ 19226 Nov 2 9, 16 set forth in Seaton &940 es if hec N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq (&1J 2039760 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Lot 2, 81ock 3, Leke Elmo Heights 23,2016) signed this doamentunder oath. 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 3rd Addition 01 54 F Date: 09 71016 SamuelR Coleman Esq (Oakdal-kel-Review: Sept ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Property Address: 2580 Imperial /s/By: Gempbell, Aaron Marquis Attorney -l -M agagee ] 2916) TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Avenue N., Leke Elmo, Minnesota PUBLIC NOTICE Review: C r 1219, 2016) The Academy Professional P ildmc AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. 55042 Notice of Public Cele - NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT LS North Dale Street NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Parcel I.D. #.] St Paul, MN 55102 OF MORTGAGE default has occurredin the cendit,- will be sold by the sheriff of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE '&1)2039]& FORECLOSURE SALE of thefollowing de-bec moagage: sate oounry at public auaian on on November 3, 2016 at 10: 00 a m. The cements of the followinc '1612EYFC01) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, M agagor: Lou Ann Ghaham, a December 14, 2016, at 10 A0 at 5330 Grafton Ave., Twenty Nine THIS IS A COMMUNICATION that the mortgage foredosure sale single person o'klod: AM. at Sheriff's Olfice, Pines MHC, Oekdele, MN 651'26, storageulits will be sold to the public FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ree,ec ton the forego nc NS[ke of M gg : Magage Electanc Lew Enforcement Center 15015 anc the follow nc f red a dbi d[ Sale andvewnc 'Review: Oa l3 26 Nov L, 9, l6 Mor(gage Foredosure Sele hesbeen R g n Systems, no as 62nd Street North St Ilwater home wll be sold by p ld ion will b held e our Maplewooc 23, 2016) powponec to: for Firs[ State M agage M,nnesota, to pay the deb[ sekurec by the Sherff of Joe M1 g[ G my L n Friday 11111116 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Corporatan by the moagage, in dud- ce s A196] MARS manufactures home 1:OOPM 2250 White firer Ave., Novem ber15, 2016at10A0AM Dated: 041102006 and abomeys' fees allowed by 12'x52', and-hal No. &01. Maplewood MN 55109 NOTICE OFMORTGAGE PLACE OF SALE: Washington Recerded'. 051122006 law sublect to redemption by the This sale will be held to satisfy a Unit number 1010 leasee by John FORECLOSURE SALE Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington Washington County Recerder moa4367 w agor(s), their heirs or eswgns, kleim held b[ Twenty Nine Pines MeldmSlleneous household enc THE RI GHTTO IDENTITY 1MI111 Qnd Steet NoahnStillwater, AssignedI U8S Bank National sae�nTheI. (m)oagagoq() most d -de property poandheownned by Maed personal goods THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Minn la --at on as Trustee for RASC the property on or before 1165 p. m. Sah ud:ea Th e property hes been Amount 0ue$305.00 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE abandon n the Twenty Nin e Pin es Unitnumber10c6leas:c by -ala TIME AND DATE TO VACATE 2006K54 on June 14, 2017 if;iJ the mor(gege TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT MHC. Charing Thunder AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. PROPERTYeadd Unless said m -open: Reted:011132012 n t reinwetec under X0030, amount Miscellaneous household enc ated or the property Recerded'. 02�V22012 or'ii) the property is not redeemec The t of the daim against NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That redeemed, or unless the ime for Washington Count Recerder under§58023. he above nree,en,ec property is Personal goods Of the folsSau rrd h diage d p red dby daal D Na 36/'3 THE TIME ALLOWED BY $3&200 p d h dto of Amount Due$ 418 70 Re - Of h f IlA ng de b gage. d dve h e As d To: U.S B k N tonal LAW FOR REDEM IT ION BY d f p f sad Unt number 103] leased by M ORTGAGOF(S). J Tr J. by1159p. nMy15, 201]. ssA 9 as T for THE MORTGAGOR, THE dh d agh f Tray von Hodges Cal d D d: October S, 20lti R dentia) Asset Searles MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Det: S:ptember26201ti Mscelleneous household enc MORTGAGEE. JV:" Fargo lent,N Pines MHC personal goods Finanaal Minnesota, In a WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL Corpol-Oan, Home Equity M agage REPRESENTATIVES OR ON, Y Am ount Due$ 305.60 MINNESOTA, INC. Asset -Banked PassThrough MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE (by) a Sue Wdden MiS ICN ENSmOF gagee 1-fton Ave Unit number1125leas:dbyMichael Mort Gdded 011 Series 2006KS! WEEKS D AJUOICIAL ORDER IS ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Mdse THEAGAOEMV LAW GROUP,PA Dated: 011152016 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Oekdele, MN 55126 Assigned to: Nona &1-T(I-13]3 Miscellaneous household enc ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT By lsl Recerded: 01292016 STATUTES, SECTION 562032, -Review:0a 5, 1219, 2016) personal goods OF MORTGAGE$68,82320 Rebe- F Sabine, Esq Washington County Recerder OETERMIN INC AMONG OTHER Amount 0ue$245.00 DATE OF MORTGAGE: July 13, N.Kibongal Fondungallah, Esq Document No. 40559& THINGS, THATTHEMOR(TGAGEO Unit number 1126 leased by Mandy 005 Curt N. Trisko, Esq.' Transaction Agent. M agage PREMISES AlE IMPROVED 2DIE AND PLACE OF FILING: SamuelR Coleman, Esq Electronic Registration Systems Inc. WITH A RESIDENTIAL DD ELLING NOTICE OF M-Icellaneous household enc Recerded on Septem ber 262005 The Academy Professional Building Transaction Agent M agage lD No: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, PUBLIC HEARING personal goods 25N PH Dale Street 1001528120000309i] ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN theDocument ant Number Re. -d] in St Paul, MN66102 Lender or Broker First State AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, RAMSEYWASHINGTON Amount Due$325 60 the Office of the County Recerder of METRO WATERSHED Unit number 11511eesed by Gera Washington Gounry, Minnesom (&1)2039]60 Mortgage GO,Sentan ANOAREABANOONEO. Washington THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE (.v,ew FN1J Servicer: Oaven Loan Servicing, Dated: October l 6, 2016 DISTRICT Miscellaneous household enc DUEONTHEMORTGAGE ONTHE (Review: Oa l9, 2016) Mortgage Originator First State Association (sucrossatorfiy WEDNESDAY, personal goods DATEOF THENOTICE$83,918]1 NOVEMBER 2, 2016 Amount 0ue$851.& LEGAL DESCRIPTION Mortgage Corporation merger to Liberty State Benk), 6:B R2, Am ount AM 1195 Hwy 36, OF PROPERTY: Unit 1611 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF M agagee pistrid 6 30 Board Room M1:00 o A. 11. Condominium Na 44, Oakdale FORECLOSURE SALE PROPERTY: Lot 2, Block 2, Ralph L Moore, STEIN 3 MOORE, Unit number936 leased by Petrikie Jamaica Rdge, Washington Gounry, PA, Attorneys for Mor(gageA 332 2665 Noel Drive, Condominiums and Garage Unit THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Little Cereda, MN Wil,lams Kate- Mane -a Street MW -1 &0, S[ The Ramsey Washington Metro ll, Condominium Na 44, Oakdale THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Miscellaneous household enc Condominium s, W ashagton Gounry, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHI NTH ThisisAbwraa Property PeuI, MN 651 Ol'f51J )149!333 WetemM1ed Distrix RWMWOJ personal goods TAX PARCEL NO'. (Review: Oa 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 will be holding a Public Hearing, STREET TIME TIEDBYD8VLAWN. NOT l 23 2016) Am ount Due$ STREET ADDRESS OF AFFECTED BHEREBY GIVEN ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at Unitnumber41 leasee by Bryanna PROPERTY: 1611 HELMO AVE N, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Distrix Office Boarc Room, located Machell OAKOALE, MN 551285534 default hesokcurred in the cendit- 0112Jenero Ave nue South at 2- Noel Drive, Lille Canada, Miscellaneous household enc COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ofthefoll-nc desaibedmortgage: Cottage Gl ve, MN 65otti NOTICE OF MORTGAGE MN. The fthemeetin II personal goods IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, M agagor. Bruce R Gibson COUNTY N WHICH PROPERTY FORECLOSURE SALE be to eddresssacemmen[s previously Am ount Due$ 626.1 Kate- Unm a, ec Persol,0 IS LOCATED: Washington THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF received on the RWMWO's LCl/ Unit number 4]OB leased by Mie ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Updated Wetershec Management TRANSACTION AGENT None Fede-al C e: Twin Gary Coops OF MORTGAGE $200,00000 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Theo NAME OF MORTGAGE Federal Gr ed it Union ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Plan (Plan) Miselllaneous household enc ORIS iNATOR WeII-MoFinancial Dated: 0111]I2006 AMOUNTDUE AND GLAIMEDTO TIME PRMIDED BY LAW IS NOT on, klentwith M N Statute 1038 personal goods MmnA- Ina, a Man -Ga Recerded: 03b02006 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. a § AmountDI NGLUDING TAXES, IF ANV PAID nc MN Rule 6410, RWMWD hes cerporeton Ramsey Gounry Recorder BY MOR(TGAGEE:$151,21404 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that peperec e 10 year Plan update Unit number6l01eesec by Regina RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells Dooum ent N 0. 39iEi49 Thet he cemmenoement of defaul[hesoaurredinthe cendi0ons The update was prepared following Edwards Fargo Ban NA Transeaion AgAnt NIA prior[S[ of the following described m oagage: form from local anc State Miscellaneous household enc thismort a foreclosure din request put TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Transeaion Pgen[Moltgage lO No: Mort gage of M ag e Mglewom )envier Leviege, e the and in chn-I Ad with Personal goods NUMBER 29029212400& NIA plecw tinea mend wngl:wgee the mBee :epande cal Advisor Amount 0ue$6]514 complies with all notice requirements y MORT9 70 TRANSGAGE AGENT'S Lender or Brak:r:Twin Qry Coops db that no action Mor(gegee: Mor(gage Elearonic Committee ;ex hA D for Plan Unit number ,e leased by MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION Federal Credit Union equp,oce ys'cttue Regiwraton Sywems, In s dev:lo The 0iwria heard Alexander Pervane k::din hes been instituted et omen[) NUMBER None Servicer. Spire Federal Qedrt law otherv9ise to recever the debt nom Ad 062Quid:en Loans lna input from residents end businesses Miscellaneous household enc THAT a, axion or to I, mg has union w Dated.,d 09 13 rekeroed at several bus meetn personal goods been mwitut:d auawror:w:r m: Mor(gag: ongmaror: Twin wry ca Dearne of tel: mongag:, or any R:gym:d:osn3rzo13 owmmatng o commumry nmounmu:$mAag deb[then remaining sear:c bysudh ops Federal Qedrt Union PURSUANT to the power of sale Washington County Recorder Confluence event on January 3 Unit number ]02 leased by 9g. yP h f T LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 0 An[N:39FA131 2014 Dom IqueHaaway h p d g h b PROPERTY: Lot Block 16, conta,ned aid mortgage, the A gned To: Quicken Loans Inc Th PI b ded to serve a M,scellaneous household enc adbuted h h h b Aud - S bdius N 11, St b de -bed property will be Dated 09�V42014 d d AS[rete 0 - upon personal go- d oods don the ed, or that an exeaton p I,M of e h Southerly Id by the Sheriff of sac ceunry as Recerded: 111122014 videsabroad, g derwand Amount Due$33180 he d dared therein 1l feet of Lot le Block l6, Auditors follows: Weshin k ee Stoup upon[ atit:nd a DATE AND TIME OF SALE. g[on County Recorder ummery of faking the Unitnumber606 leas:dby RSseann hes been re umed unset wed, n S bd n No. 11, S[ PeuI cembe, 9 2016 10 00 AMDocumen[N0. 4000 O d Meyer whole ornpart M xcept the Dewedy pLAGEOF SALE: Lew Enforcement Trensaaon Ag Mortgage add -,h M detailed Mscelleneous household enc PURSUANT the power of sale f h of d the Electron, Reg stmt Sy f about0 p ons Personal goods Center 15015 Qnd Street N., Ad ed mortgage, the ddpl her f d eln Stllwete, MN Trensaaon Pgent M gg OND: p g dp,te p edin Amount 0ue$309. b d b d property will be Pa yG ry, M to pay the debt then s cured by 1000390331 Ei]&500 Op s end pl Oon Unt number 04 I -ed by Wendy olc by the Shead of sac ceunry as TM1s sAbwraa Property dM g g, dbx:sefanl on L d Broker. Qukken Loans (S 4). Th PI I da follows: TAX PARCEL NO.'. d d d 1 f about Mscelleneous household enc DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Au gust 012823.230153 ka,d p d the cents end S :Q k nLoansInc. resources and Dw personal goods 23, 2016 at 10 00 AM ADDRESS OF PROPER(TV. d b dud ng attorneys M g g O ginator: Qucken 25 meor subwater hed,d d g Amount 0ue$493. SU PLACE OF SALE: Dashin f allowed by law sublea k subwdersh:ds of to fakag Y Count Sheriffs Offs ce, Washington 43Mec<ul MN edempt Sn wthn 6-thsfrom the Loans n. seven Unknumber844leas:db Martina County g[on Sein[Peul, MN55102 date of said sale bythe moagagoq() LES DESCRIPTION OF Gr ass Lake WatemM1ed Management Salines Gounry Law Enforcement Center COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY their personal rep-dU O- o PROPERTY: Lot 9, Bloc: 2 Pin: Organizaton incorporated into the Miscellaneous household enc 1501562nc Street North, Stillwater IS LOCATED: Ramsey r Glen 3rd AddiOon, Washington RWM WDin 2013. personal goods Minnesoct ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT apATE TO VACATE PROPERTY Gounry, Kate- A cepy of the Plan enc �S'tateglk Amount Due$43660 to pay the debt then secured by OF MORTGAGE $21450000 This is Abs'traP Property Overview is available e he .Review: Oa 12132016) The date on or before which the s c mortgage anc fax 4 g any E UP AS OF AND OF TAX PARCEL NO.'. RWMWD office durin el mortgagormuwvacate the protperty business hours ancg at tit actually Dae by m: morcgag::, BE ouEAs of DATE OF NOTICE [ 20 027 21 a2oo& t iu the mortgage Is no rem eted RWMWD w:bwte at htp Hwww STATE OF MINNESOTA he on the pe nd al and the Daws and BY M I G TAXES, IF ANv, PAID 9699HA ADDRESS OF PROPERTY n01 oi, the p Statutes eeme mwd orglindex espRTyps B_ COUNTY OF RAMSEY tme disbursements ellowec by law The BY MORTGAGEE. $211,259.15 699 HAMLET AYES rw ec by law for redemption Th at priortothe cemmenoement of 56. hepropertu-ketan COTTAGE GROVE, M N 55016 GAS IC3SECI;O569021 F-988A- bysaidmortgagor(s), their personal thismortgageforedosurepaceedac under Minnesoct Statutes sac ion COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 4021A4A1-�BA9?GAEFSA) DISTRICT COURT representatu:s Sraswgns is six ;6J Mor(gageelAswgnee of Mortgagee 56023 is June 9201]et 1159 P m. IS LOCATED: Washington For further inform exon please SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT If the foregoing date is a Saturday, monthsframthedate of sale. -pled with ell nonce requirements ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT konma FAMI LY COURT DIVISION TIME AND GATE TO VACATE e b that no axion Sunday or legal holiday, then the OF MORTGAGE: $1914&.00 PROP'elERTY. Unless said mart a e srequ frac y ll -c t date to vacate is the ne:0 buwness Tina Carstens Court File: 62 -FA -16-2314 r the gg or proceedmc has been adbuted et CAM OUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO RWMWOAdminKlAtor property law or otherwise to recover the debt dayatH 19pm. BE DUE AS OF GATE OF NOTICE, SUMMONSTO redeemedeto unless the Ome for secured b d mart e e, r MOFTGAGORSJ RELEASED 2E& Noel Drive redem reduces b dildo' y set g g o any FROM OBLIGATION ON INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID Little Canede, MN 5511] ESTABLISH CUSTODY ptan is by part thereof MORTGAGE: NONE BY MORTGAGEE:$170,08975 Phone: SSl-/32-/950 In Re the LLwody of order you a had F -de theebaay premises PURSUANT to the power of sale THE TIME ALLOWED BV F atpriortothecemmencementof Tina. Carwen-wmwd oM RE VNAGUILLERMINAVILIALVIR by 1159 Pm. on February 23, 201 ]. cencti ec in 68 mortgage, the LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV OF 'Review: Oa 12, 19, 2016) LEONOR THE TIME ALLOWED By abov:n d:saibec property will be THE MORTGAGOR THE M0 gagee1-gnee of Mortgagee DOB. 01-2001 LAW FOR REDEMPTION By sold by the Sheriff of said oounry as MORTGAGORS PERSONAL cemplied with all notce requirements IRIS ANTONIA LEONOR THE MORTGAGOR THE follows: REPRESENTATIVES CRASS IGNS s quired by watuteethat no axion RAMSEY COUNTY III one, MORTGAGORS PERSONAL GATE AND TIME OF SALE: MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE or proceeding hes been inwituted et and REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Oeke -8, 2016 1000AM law orothe-nIet-ekov:rthedebt PROCUREMENT SELVIN LEONEL VILIALVIR MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ec by said mortgage, or any ROOM 210 AGUILAR ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Parc[r CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE P WEEKS D AJu ERAL WOES IS cull 150 St umt 25 w. 4th str::[ STATUTES BECTON h:UAN Res ond:n[ ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA to pay to Paul, MN DETERMINING AMONG OTHER PURSUANT to the powerof esale 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, THIS CUMMONCICANOFFICIAL STATUTES, SECTION 5OTHER aI pay the debt then kecu,ecan, by THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED cenctined in said mortgage, the DOCUMEMTHAT AFFECTSVOUR DETERMINING AMONG OTHER said Mortgage, en axes, if any, on PREMISES ARE IMPROVED above desaibec property will be SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA RIGHTS. A copy of the pa penvork THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED said premises, enc the cews enc sole by the Sheriff of said county 55102-1674 regarding the lawsuit is served on PREMISES ARE IMPROVED disbursements, adudmc abomeys' WITH ARESIOENTIAL DWELLING follows: 651-266-60]2 you withthissummons.Readthis OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS W LESS RESIDENTIAL OW FEEING fads allowed by law huDon, to ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN GATE AND TIME OF SALE: Ramsey County releases s mmons end etbched petition OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, redempton within 6Months from th e AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, EA- ber 9, 201610 A0 AM soliki= Oppoaulttr on Onvia caklull�y.lf you donot understand ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN date of said sal ebythemoagagor(V ANOAREABANOONEO. PLACE OF SALE Lew Enforcem ant Oemend5[er its offiael web site es it, con en attorney for legal AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, their personal rep-entaty o Lente, 16016 Qnd Street N., analtematvem:[hoc Sfpublia-e advice. d ANOAREABANOONEo. r oat:d: oaob:ro, 2016 s:wion 331Ao3 of m: esmgns S011wate, MN MOM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION DIE TO vA, bef wh,.the u.C.eank f.CRk Assooiallot puevantro Public Notices es Trustee for Residential Asset o p y he debt then secured by Minnesota Scttut:s Individuals may FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION The date on or before whidh the Securities Corporation, Home sateM agage, and I- if any, on go to the OnvieOem endSctr seaion COnhNUeO UII Page 14 Page 14 Wednesday, Oct 19, 2016 Review Public Notices o oeedn-ahagon Comty does of Higher Education. DLurcL,L10 Stilwatr Road CX,MhStNW6 12 Contlnuetl from Pae 13 $10o,0006W_n or anal obleoti dlsr.im,nly on tv bled a ram ii. Add., the term M.... ad to Preoina 14, carver School, 2 0 5 DCX, t. King Page will bv mm,dv,a esti, heanng A color natonal origin, sex, rvigam an, method of pre..we Upper Afton Road Lutlleran Ghm. 1. The Pe00onerhad filedalawduit reasonablee,rldateofteimpaaof age or disability in employment or oeen" again Pskmd 1J, Luteran Churdl of 1N. S[NW SS112 asking the . a todeade cueody t.=gment win be available at to put-an a seWc.,. n, or faction tit or me Pea,., C1CdnHAAve S s New Bnghtn and parenting time of the minor to heanng. Dated: Odobe-6,2016 rubbing, stroking, kneading, Vou may locate your pollinc place at Chastian Ghurdl m,1,(,en)li,tec abovein the lban PREPAYMENT. Property owners /s/WASHINGTON COUNTY tapping poundinglI a brfti La poll Hader k,M a to an al 150029 h A, NAS 12 2 You m eupon Pet I= lday,atan,rlde prior to certification BOARD OF ADJUSTMEM 9 r 9 o Apublicte,dthevorngsyeeld a ] Gacepoint Church and file wit taco of to ed to to County ANDAPPEALS external part.ofthehuman body be usecin to state general eledan 2351 Rice Greek Rd 55112 Answer to to Perronurlf Petlroner Auditor ad a November 1J, 2 Ann Pung-Terwea0, with the hand. o with the e will be belt on Oaober L/, L e Sunny Square requedinc chile support, you pay to entre ad s to SeniorPlanner of any mechanicalo eiechiclal 1 AOpm. Thete,Xvillbemnduaed Neighborhood Center us[file e Finanaal Affidavit you City a Oakdalacelf leaned to Public Works Department apperaWe, or other appliance. ncounal chem bars et M aplewood 2200 Sunnyede Ter 55112 wit your Answer You must pay Washington County, to assessment 11660 Myeron Rd. N, ordevicee, with or without such Gry Hell located et 1890 County North Osla to required filinc fee. if you cannot will be payable wit to general faxes Stillwater, MN55OU-0006 supplementary aide thousa. SHT Road B East, Maplewood, MN. 1 North Oak, City Hall afford to pay to filing fee, you may celeaible in 2017 PH: 651-430-4362 You can vote by absentee ballot or 100 Village CenterDr5512] qualify to have the filing fee weivec APPEALS.Appeal, m ue be in to 'Review: Oct 19, 2016) alcohol, liniment, antiseptic,oil, n person at Maplewood Gry Hell 2 Presby[enen Homesl by too t Voum file a n form a a egned, w objedan powder, a am, lotion, ointment orated at1830 County Road BEaa Waverly Garden, Forma Pauper, appovhon witlhn he eledwitlhthe Ole Up-rathehearag r other similar preparations AhMentee whin, hours: 5919 Centerville R, 55127 yand a judge wi 11 deade whether or presented to to prediding offner 3. Division 2-Licensee September 23rd-November 4t- North St Pa ill ou rnn pay the fee. All rnUt atthehea Ing The Counal mayupon Washington County a Removed the requirement Buda. day,a-old 800 ald an 30 1 Ever a God Churl mrm, ere available from the Court such ache mnaderanyovedanto for Council to approve message pld. 24. ]tA E55m9 Administrator, office and on to the amount a a proposed individual enter license application. by Nov, ember 5th from 10 UO a.m. to 2 North Presbyterian Churl Court', webete at wwwldn,du ,s.ssment at an adjourned m eetng NOTICE OF re. 3A0 Pm. 2675 H ighway 36 E 55109 govRorm, You muds serve your upon such further not to the PUBLIC HEARING resolution Council approval is November ]t from 800 am. to 3 Cower School Answer end Finanaal Affidavit upon effeaed property owners. An owner still required. p0 Pm. 21'31 Margaret St N SS109 P.r ea within iweniv (20) days who hl, ubidHe, a written obj.aion NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that b Removed the requirement yFor eddironel t[rneron visit the 4 EOeerdson SOeooAGym the Weshingion County Board of that licensed mai enter. p oft. date you were sngthe day a may appeal r la-anent to Adusimeni endA Is will meet .that oily or beteat w all 24 l.woodmn. 26151s[S[N5510S Summon,, no Oounrng the day of Distrix Court pursuant [oMinnesota t p27, pm must be greeter than sage good. Oailte FSl in4 i y Roseville Thursday,Octoberingon at5:00 ce. If you do not serve ant file Statutes Seaton 429081 by serving PM at he Washington County feet of any other m sage Notice posted in city hall 1 Centennial United [ours Answer and Financial Affidavit, once a the appeal upon the Mayor Government Center in the County center, esidentially o on October 3, 2016 and to be Methodist Church Le court may grant Petitioner or Glen: of the Qty within 30 days aur nan published in Lillie News 1524 County Rd C2 W S 1C bin Le orshe is.,kin form peon o [ 8oerd Chambers et 14919 62nd dis[act, e church, e eery; e anerthe ado fee l,M,l rent October 19th end October 26th.On 2 Roseville Govenen[Geurdh veM g g n Fli-daJ, nonewith the Obina Street North, Siillwai'r, Minnesota elementary, junior high or high -Review: Oa 19, 26, 2016 28f5 HemlineAve N55113 the ettedhed Petition. a 55002 o Onshder he following School or establishment ) NOTICE OF PARENT EDUCATION Court within ten days after,ervice e any 3 Prance of Peace PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS upon the M ayor or Glen:. request' 3 frequented by juveniles; Lutheran Church ern« dna Denise Z. ao Parentnc eduoaron may be BY ORDER OF THE Moonlight Bey May Township masala. center. must .till be NOTICE OF PUBLIC 2561 Maone S[N55113 required in all custody or parent U, CITY COUNCIL operated only on property one 4 North Heights Continuation a e Public Hearing ACCURACYTEST proceedings. You may cental CITY OF OAKDALE, MINNESOTA to censider a variance to the business-commercial. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN [hat a Lutheran Ceurdh admin Kimnon for additional Su,an Barry, Gity Glen: Wall Count Shoreland The amended Personal Service, blioaocu Ilbecenduaed 2]01Rice StN 55113 intern Bron regards, chid (Review: Oa 1'2, 19 2016) g[on Y t ordinance and Mesa Center pu rlMe of dwi 5 Fairview community Center c the eveilebili[ of Menggement Reguleton,, o ge tribe puryose of demon,tratncthe y requiremete nt an y cera run e new home The property ordinenoe will go tt .Rea ever .aurae, of the cern puler program, 1910 Goun[ Rd B W 55113 parent education program, is generally described es: Lot 19 publication. An offiael cep, a the encw n c syeeld, to be used at the 6 2bbbHou-Prni Dated: 9232016 STATE OF MINNESOTA EXCEPT the Ede onsquart.r(E ordinance, are on file in the office State General Election on November eau HemlineAve N55113 8y: Adem Veivick COUNTY OF WASHINGTON Ld thereof and Lot 20, EXCEPT of the Maplewood Gry Glen:, 1830 8 2016. The aauraoy test will be ] St Ghrbapher Aitorneyf NPetitioner the'A est onsqualer('A I/D thereof, County Road BElX Maplewood or heldin the City of Maplewood coil nal 2CUJHar Ceurdh Anorne License No. p396104 DISTRICT COURT of "Rearrangement of Moon Light Ys we Oeembers located et 1830 County Hemline Ave N55113 Y canb. i-namedont. at bete P080x 4631 TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Bey 2nc Addison" of "Oak Ridge", et Ltlpllmeplewoodmngovlatycede Road B Ess[ on Thursday Oaober e Parkview Center School St. Paul, MN55101 Court File Number: 82-FSRI C24 May TOwnehlp,Wa,htgon County, ATTEST Karen Haag Gry desk 2, 2016.1 A0Pm. 701 Co my RCB W55113 a aamOveivicklaw.com Case Type: Domestic Abuse Review: Oa 19, 2016 9 RosevilleyRcB 55113 651-8-2 9encY May Together with a peDeWal ( ) Karen Haag, Qty Clerk Notice of Issuance of Einer t over Lot "A", also known Notice posted n city hall 1215 Roselawn Ave W 55113 'Review: Oa 12, 19, 26 2016) (Ex Parie)Orderior ,Indian Roed tote poin[weerein it n October 3, 2016 end to be 10 Galilee Evangelical Protection by Publication e ea,Lot"B" al,oknown a,Oak NOTICE OF GENERAL publishes in Lillie News o Lutheran Ghurdh (Minn. Sbt §5188.01, Subd. B) ILene also togei}her with e perpeWel October 19, 2016 end Odober 26, 145 MOCanons Blvc N55113 In Le Metter of t ELECTION St Anthony STATE OF MINNESOTA ea,emen over ,aid Lot B", also 2016. GLaletaR Stevens INDEPENDENT SCHOOL 1R Chandler Place COUNTY OF RAMSEY petitioner known es Oek Lane oringre,s and Review:0a 19, 26, 2016) _Gold m u pity Room DI STRICT COURT vs egre„to ,aid lots, ell locatecin"Oak DISTRICT NO. 622 3701 Chandler Dr 55421 SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT RovL Streeter Ridge", May Township, Washington (NORTH ST. PAUL- Spring tike Park Gounry, Mane,ota MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE NOTICE OF ELECTION Respondent ) 1R S3nc Lake Pan: Qry Hell FILE NO. P.5SHOW CAU ] The public i, encouraged to attend TORespE HER namesabove: STATE OFMINNESOTAGIVEN 2016 STATE GENERAL 130181 s[Ave NE 55432 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE VOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that and e,tif, Blt wn en enc oral NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN [het ELECTION Shoreviav n the Metter of the Pelton of an Ex Parte Order for Protedan hes semen, will 1. Caort.catte to general eledan hes been callec 1 Ed al D William, School Deuisvee Benk Neronel Trust hearing The plan, ere evelleble g n RAMSEY COUNTY, been Issue, In the above matter You and will be help In cenWnaion wit 955 GountyRc D W 55126 Company as Trustee [rAmenque,t Leennc if in the Weseingon Gounry Public t MINNESOTA may regrge,te you conte the ,tae general eleaion In an 2 Seepeerc of the Hill, Mortgage Securite, Ino., Asset- theceu admuKhrator'sofficewithin Won:, Department -Survey end for Independent School Dieria No. Notice is Mrebygiven tete,tete Lutheran Church Bad:ec Pa-Through Certificates Lanc M anageldent Division Office in general eleaion will be cenduaed 12 days of the set f p bl f Q2, ;N h S Paul M aplewood 39?0 U S[ N 55126 Ser es ADS 2006M3, the J4 a,nagon County Goverment R G n November tisnotce You may b copy f w Oak d ), S f Mnne-a on y y ° 3 SL Qty Hell in Rel.an to ce T fT N Center end may be ve ec during e, 2016 Th h , of vol Ut n all 4.0 U St N 55126 11.8 lb.ec the Ex Parte regerf P dT d N bre, 2016[rte and eofd n [.Gounry L f que,teeeer ng from normaIb L t puryose of eleanctursdhool boerc pangcall be from into q Shoreview Gold ria Center of Ramsey end Stele of M County L d oof, offce at the ✓!' L g County d members for four year team, The a `I p Th f II g ff w II be gy80 Uaore S[ N JS126 and II d bed a, i d L b f Nr¢o 6611 U No AB201, Common ntere,t f allowing rid originlot nlanal religion b II LII de f II ws: p dent enc DOSP dent 5 ncameton Lutheran Church J4asena[on GounN Courthouse t n, U ars 4880 Hodg,on Rd 55126 Community Number XBO, Emerald 14rM1Qnd Street N Orth Slllwater 9 d til y pl yment or T US Representalve O ra4 Haie Condom num. L povison of sere cos. completelyfill the oval(,) 6 Lake Johanna To l ALL PARTIES WHO MAY MN5508[ Dated:Oaober62016 t to your choice(,) like thi,�. Utate Se nor- e Darla Fire Department Failure o rogues a beano, or ro O, -r00 Om �eld� Qat senaror-Diena,3e, 41, 42 salon Np3 CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THIS WWASHINGTON COUNTY 43, 53, 64, f5, 56 67 66 46 ESTATE, PARTICULARLY. o at be pblen Ex Parte Order BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Vote for Up to F our Sete Re resentarve-Q,fia386 4e LexingonA NSSI'2fi OCCUPANTS; AND Judith L. wit not be adetnse to prosearon pND APPEALS O There,a Aug§ P Vadnais Heights [rvioleban of the Counts order. o Rcham Bennett 41 A 41B, 42A 42B, 43A 43B, 53A 1 Vadneis Height Comm— Theis [registered owner]; and TCF Dete 10l]l16 Ann Pung-Terwedo, Cytel Coleman 64A E4 B, 65, fSB, E6A 656, 6]A FSS Gounry Roed F EJS12/ National Benk Doc. No. 1976800 SeniorPlanner o0 6B IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that By Public World Department Ste- nt One Gon,titutionelAmendment 2 Vadnai,Heigm Commons Deputy 11660loRd. N, o Nancy Livingston County Commissioner Distrix, 1, 2, IS ar, HeRoad Cold 55127 ahs you appear before heir, Cont Annette Fritz yeron o Beck Neve y 3 Vedneiunty Road mons on the 2nd day of No 1 her t15 Court Aami19 2016) Stillwater, MN5-4 -0066 O Danny Porter ] I5 County Road F E5512] RmmU PM. in Room lrtl of bee PH: 651-430-4362 o y Gon,erveron 41fia Su v county coum,ou,., a ;R.M.w:oa itis 20167 ,Review: ow itis 20167 t Dan a,t 23, 4,5 p.nn�r' 4 vadnai, H.iget W. Kellogg Boulevard St Paul, nein, if any-oaaterudine-Supreme Court- South Fire StatN Minnesota tomeke avatldobjedan, O t Seet6 35�Arcad.0N5512] sin, if any White Berrake Elem the COUP will enter the tllowinc � SUMMARY o n Gourcof 14 161718 19 Seat S. 1 Offer Lake Elementary School Order: Washington County CITY OF OAKDALE n[sin, if any 81T 1314, 161], 1819, 1401 Count Road Teat te Count, upon of nee, of o cissa courcJudg.-s.at3, e,9 H2E55110 Ramsey Gounry, upon bee filinc of ORDINANCE NO. DE t 10, 12, 16 18, 21, 25, 26, 2] NOTICE OF AMENDING THE CODE OF nein ifany 2 Eagle Brook Geurdh certified cepy of lei, Order Court ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY O Voting will take place ettetllowin9 2401 Buffalo S[55110 File Nc QLthe N], cancel PUBLIC HEARING wt polling place,. 3 South Shore Trinit Certificate of Title No 560 8 NOTICE in HEREBY GIVEN that OF OAKDALE, CHAPTER we sin, ;ferny Arden Hills Y and enter e new Oertificate for the the Washington County 8oerd of 23 - WATER, SEWERS, AND The preanal d pt Iliac place, 1 Presb Geurdh Wteran Geurdh land therein de,aibed in tawr Adlusimeni end App-ls will meet UTILITIES, REPEALING end wing .ours at Bose pollinc oft Wa an 2480 South Shore Blvc 55110 of Deutsche Bank Natonal Trua Thursde', October 2],2016 ei 5:00 SECTION 23-36- SUBSURFACE late, shall be the ,ald.a, for tie , 4 Heritage Hall company a,trueee, al-Amerknee PM ei k, Washington County SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM ale general eleaion. 2 382tlnel Hg111,n Ave N 55126 Otter Lake Rc 66110 Mortgage Securities Inc., Asset- Government Center in the County REGULATIONS. Any eligible voter residing ie ElementarySchool White B�rLake Bed:ec PessTerou L Certificate,, Board Chambers at 14919 62nd The City Council of the City of the school land may vo e 1T/0 Count of E2 W 1-1 White Bear Lake Serie, ARSI 2006Av13, free of ell Street Norih, Stillwater, Minresob Oakdale ordains: d eledan he pollinc place 55112 Y Qry HallACounal Chambers the m oriel, o w appeenno on 55082 to onsiaer the following Sedion 1. Chapter 23, Ambe I, deegnated for tee preana in which 3 Ramsey Gounry 4701 Highway 6155110 ac ADS certificateu d request: a Seaion23-36is herebyamended. he or see resides. Public'J4'orks Faalit 2-1 2J4221te Bear Lake Armory s p to en Sec. 23-36. Rep-lea Awter rue be re Y 4th St 66110 including Doc No. 2545300 ant free W andand Kern Nelson 14]09 gis[erec to vote 1425 Paul Kakwolc or 55112 of the memorial of Did Order except 130th Street North, May Township Sedion 2. Thi, Ordinance shall to be eligible to vote i n tis.Ied on. Blaine 31 M, arise Pan: the Regierar of Title, shall carry to ceneder a variance to the take effea and be in full force from An anr.gi,tered individual mey 15 Blaine Q[ Hell Middle School Gym [rwerc the reataln Weseingon County Seorelend and anent adopton and pubin.an, register to vote at the polling place 10801 Towns 2399 GederAve SSllO w app.anne ddb 1 on .I.aion da quare Dr55449 32 Sunn�Pan: hereon enc bee memonel of Doc Management Requleton,, of lot e, provi e yew y -on Heights Middle Soak No 253.64. zee lot width, anular, ,etack Pa,s.d by the Qry counal of the Those voters rantald ing absentee 2 yin IT IS FUFTHER ORDERED, that side yarc setbad: enc impervious Gry of Oakdale this 11th day of ballots would cental tee office of 1 Feloon Height Gry Hell 39f-darAve JS 110 tai3Oberbes.rvo;aJ etleast 10 surface coverage. The property is Oaober 2016 bee Oiry Olen: of beedryin welchley 20]]Lamenteml, W 55113 41 GOlfview Buil ding de,aibed a,: Lot 2 Bloc: ISI Stanley G Karwoski, Mayor 2 Falcon HeightsUnited 2449phen r Ln 55110 da„ Orderprior 'HER hearing upon all of generally reed.. Ceuta, eGhn,t the above named pallia, residing in 2 Camelien Hill,, eceording to bee Attest Susan Berry, Gry Glen: Dated: June 28, 2016. 17% Holton St 55113 S1 St Stephen bei„tete in the manner provided by plat ar ela on file enc of recent in ;Review: Old 19, 2016) 8V ORDER OF THE Lutheran Geurdh law for the service of a Summons in Le office of the County Recorder, SCHOOL BOARD Gem Leke 19f5 County Road EE55110 a Civil action (b) at least 14 days 'A'aseingon County Minnesota /%/Becky Neve, 1 Heritage Hall Si. Paul Ward 1 The public i, enceura d CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Seho01 Disirid Clerk 4200 Otter Lake Rd55110 1_1 Bethel Gen,tien Fellowship pnor[sudh (b) at upon any of bee Pu get to etten Independent School Disirid Lauderdale 146GPoMand Ave 55104 above named parse, not rediding in ant te,sf, Bone written ant oral COUNTY OFRAMSEY 1 Laudetale GryHell No. 622 12 Jimmy Lee this dtate by Ad or a cepy of bei, ,tetemen ,will be accepted et bee STATE OF MINNESOTA (Noah St. Paul-Maplewood- 1X91 Walnut St 55113 R.Ore.an Center Order by register ed or certified mail, hearing The plan, are available The Maplewood Gry Gounoil Oekdele) LiXle Cenede 270 Lexington Pkwy 55104 returOeip[to sash ofsuoh pert, e, In the Weseingon County Public approved amendments o Chapter State of Minnesota 1 RoseVI Ile Area Mi ddle School 13 St Stepeam, at his poet office address; ;O) upon Won:, Depallment-Survey and 14 Abbe all regul.ag Personal (Review: Oa 19, 262016) 15 Gounry Rd B2 E 55117 Lutheran Church any of the above name, pall; e, [and Menagem ant Qviaon Office in Servide, enc the addition of an 2 Little Canada Elementary ]39 Latnc Ave 55104 who Oennot be Lund by two week, Le Weseingon Gounry Government ordm ase under Chapter 14, Mide 400 Ell Rd 55117 14 St Stepeanu, publiehednoroeancgl lees[ 14 days Genterbusine,sand yeours. be awed during XX regulerng Message Centers et NOTICE OF ELECTION 3 Little Canada Gry Center Lutheran Geurdh prior to bee Leering by sanding e normal 1ee Septeldber262016ldeetng A[ Sibbite Canada Rd-T/ 739 Latnc Ave 55104 cepy of tis Order by Fir,; Cl ass ld ai l Waseingon County doe, not he Oaober 10, 2016 ldeerng, the CITY OF MAPLEWOOD Maplewood 15 Maxfield School each of such pallia, at higher di canna to on the baa, of race Gry counal approved the following RAMSEY COUNTY, 1 St Paul Hldong 380 Uiaoria St N 55104 os[ known address and at Lister color ne loner origin, sex, religion, summer e, of tees. ordinance, be MINNESOTA All ance Church 1-6 Hand A Lee address es,tetecinte0ertifioete of age or disability in employment or 1T/O MCMenemy St 55117 Reoreeron Center published Notice is hereby given that a ease title if Lister address is so dtated. the pro, eon of service, 2 St Jerome',School Dated: Aug31, 2018425 PM Dated: October 6, 2016 SUMMARY ORDINANCE 971 general eleaion will be cend raecin 384 Ros.lewn Ave E55»/ 2]O LexingtonP hur.55104 WWASHINGTON COUNTY AMENDING CHAPTER I4, he Gry of Maplewooc on November 1-] Unity Unitarian Geurdh Shawn Bertsch e, 2016. The .ours of wing in ell 3 Edgerton School /3' POMendA SS104 Judge of Disirid Court BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ARTICLE XIII REGULATING Iib of voting in to 1.gE0d`erton5[5511] 1A Martin Luther Kmc Entry ofthi, Orderto Show Geuse i, ANDAPPEALS phapamTheadvBwi q Ged,tone Fire Stat on PERSONAL SERVICES BAOpm. The tllowinc office, will be Bad ban Center r ended Ann Pung-Terwedo, 1 Division l.-Generally on to ballot: 1�S Clarence 5[55109 L/l Mackubin 5[55102 WAVNE D. ANDERSON, SeniorPlanner 5 Gadn ne Gomm unity center 19 Jack,on School EXAMINER OFTITLES Public World Department a. Purpose and Applicability. Preedentend Vi_ reedent 1945 Manton StJSl05 Dated: Aug 30 2016 1 A] PM 11660MyeronR lk, r ova reference tomeeeege US Repres.ntarve-Distria4 6 Redeeminc Love Geurdh 437 Edmund- 55103 Stillwater, MN 55082-OOW centers State Senator-Obt,d43, 53 1-10 EOe Street Library Bylsl Nelsen Bi,sonette State Representative-Oi,mpt 43A 2425 Waite Bear N55109 1011 Rice 5[5511] DRAFTED BV'. PH: 651-430-4362 IS Defi niti one: re cued 43B 53A ] First Evengelioel Free Geurdh 1_11 Ravoux HBR se OFF Law, Professional A,so.,nan (Review: Oa 19, 2016) deanitione pertainm,p to On e Gon,tWtonal Amendment 2696 Hazelwooc St N 55109 280 Ravoux St 66103 'JMMJ sang., message therapists Gounry-mba ner-Distrix] e Ram se, County Library 1_12 Dayton Avenue 66 EatFifm Street Ste 800 an mai 3025 soutlawn Dr, 9 S[PeuI,MN55101 sage cantata Conservation Distrix Supervisor- 9 11 lewooc Comm old muni[ Presbyterian Church f51J290.6 55 Washington COUnty 2 Division 4. - Massage Far Genpter y 21/ Mackubin s SS102 21 Attendance is nM required ei said Centers. repealed in its entirety School Boam Members IBD Q2 Cent White BearA N66109 1-130ayton Avenue b heart c place, tin anw ordi nan ce 6dhool IDstria Question 160 Q2 10 Me y 21/ M eokubin St 6602 ti k, ab- y an Aavooiate Justice-Su court- pewooc Cold Ll/ n of the above described order. NOTICE OF under Chapter 14, Article %.- prime Center Massage Centers Seet6 2100 White Bear A N66109 1-14200 Ar. try EIll ,Revlewy0a 1219, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING 3. Division 5 - Licensed Judge-Gourcof Appeal,-Sesta 11 Ma lewooc Middle School 200 Ardh StE55130 ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that e, 11, 13, 14, 161], 18, 19 P 1-15 Norte Emanuel the washmgton County 8oara of Premises removed reference to Judge - Sernne Diana Court - 2410 Hoilowayn ."los veteran Ghurdh Adlusimeni and Appals will meet message center. Seats 3, 69, 10, 12, 1618, 21, M. 12 Beaver Leke Wteran GLurOe 301 IT Rk Ave 55117 OFRIApen RIEISLAND AG LEASE Thursday, October 2T,2016ai5:00 SUMMARY ORDINANCE 9]2 262] 22e05[illwat F Ave E 55119 1_16 St Stepeanu, Opening bid, to public for an PM at he Washington County ESTABLISHING CHAPTER I4, Vornc will take place etthealllowing 13 Gets.ldane Luther an School Lutheran Ceurdh agnoulWre lend lees. in ,out Government Censer in the Gounry pollinc pieties: 2411 Stillwater Rd ESS119 739 Leta c Ave55104 rel Weseingon Gounry 8oerd Chambers ei 1494962nd ARTICLE XX REGULATING penal, Address 14 Garver School 1-1]EOe Street Library Gall 651 for detail, Street Norih, Stillwater, Minresob MASSAGE CENTERS Preanct1 St Paul Hldong Alliance 2h0 Upper Anon Rd E 55119 1011 Rice S[5511] Review: Oa 12, 19, 26 2016) 55082 to,onsiaer the following Extracte, language tom GLurea 1T/O MCMenemy Street 15 Luteran Church of Peace St. Paul Wara2 request: Chapter l4, Article :.ills Division Preanct 2, St Jerome School, 4]GenWryA 555119 2_1 Summit Church 1. James W and Colleen J 4 (Massage Centers) and 380 E. Roselawn Avenue Mounds View 845Subut Ave 55101 CITY OF OAKDALE SmOrnsK, 14]06130[ Street May Divieion5 Liceneec Premises' Preanct 3, Edgerton School, 1929 1 Mound, Mew 22 Linwood Reae.an Center Township to censider e In an be to ( Edgerton Street Community Center .FSI St QairA,SSl OS NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT the Wa,hagon Gounry Shoreland ane adds, thefoll owing: Pr.anot 4, Mad Fire Station 5334 Edgewood Dr55112 23 Awaken Community Church HEARING Management Regular on, of lot 1. Replaced all language p (Gladstone), 1955 Clarence 2 Mound,Mew 506Mew St55102 UNPAID UTILITY AND eze, awat, edey,m MAbackar reiatin, to massage "premise" Street Community Center 24 We,t TH MOWINGIWEED REMOVAL garage addition, fent yard,etack with massage "centers replaced PreanctI Gadeone Community 5334 Edgewood Dr55112 Gommuniry Center for tree season porch addition and Has sage ssage "practitioner with Center 1945 Manton Street 3 Mon-Mew 2f5 Oneida St 55102 BILLINGS endure,etack from to Ordinary B Community Center 2_ Y m Sage"therapist" Preanct 6 Redeeming Love 5 Palace Community Center NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN High Water Level 'OHW). The 2aDivieion l.-Generally Church, 2425 Waite Bear 5394 Mon-Mew Or55112 ]81 Pelece Ave 55102 tet to Qry counal of to Qry property b generally described e, Avenue North 4 Mound, Uew 2_6 Montreal H�HIM, of Oakdale, Weseingon Gounry, Lot 4/ except West I4 end Lot 48, Purpose, applicability antl preana ], Firs[ Evangelical Free Gommuniry Center 1085 Montreal Ave SSlle Minnesota, will meet on to 25t BIod:2 Camelien Hill,, We,eingon captions: provide,forper.oLa Qhuree, 2696Hezelwood Street 5394 Edgewood Dr55112 2-] SelveronArtny day of Oaober, LOl6, e / Pm., to Gounry, Minnesota c types of businesses which preana e, Ramsey County Library, New 8rh9Mon 401 ]t S[W 55102 neder and posvibrytadopt to The pubil0 i, .nrnurag..ro stand may be exempt nom licensure 3o2s soutlawn Dri,e 1 New Brighton 28 Lan dm ark Center propo,ec a,s.,sld.nt a,soaatec ant eddy Bot w n and oral b. Definition.'. Preanct 9, Maplewood Community Community Center ]55t St W 55102 wit unpaid at, utility end mowing I eatement will be accepted at to Replace, the term Center 2100 Waite Bear Avenue 400 10th St NW 66112 2 9 Central Presbyterian Church n sed removal billing,. Leering The plan, are available cognized School" with Preanct 1O, Maplewooc Gommuniry 2 The Church of Jesus Christ 600 Cedar S 66101 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT. The in to Wasuad, County Public Center 2100 W hit, Bear Avenue of Letter Day Saints 2_ 10 Central Presbyterian Church proposec a credited institution, [o OO Silver Lake Rd NA 11112 'Lands Depallldent - Survey and mean a educational ins[ituti on Prean,[ ll Maplewood Middle 1 500 Cedaruare 1 FIX for publicsinspealon at to Cry Land M anngeld ent Division Office in n School, 2410 Holloway Avenue 3 St John to Baptist 211 Kellogg Square Glen:', off, ce. The total amount of the W aseingon Gounry Government boldin, accredited status with preana l2 Beaver Leke Wteran Castillo Geuree t. proposed as,.ssld. vary Center andlday b. Mewed during the Unite, states Depaament of Q,urea 22eo sruwatrn .nu. 8952neA,e NW 56112 Public Notices for each speafic property wit to normal budt.,s Lour, Education or Mi nne.ota Office Preana 13, G.ts.ldane Luteran 4 Salem covenant chor. Continued on Page 15 Review Public Notices For more Uftn td, mhtad 58 Moses c Chnst en Communry 55 a40 W n,elook Pkwy ESSI31 loe Vent, Gas, Aw SSI30 4l9 en A,III 610 HOP,Com m unity-d,my ]20 Payne -55130 St. Paul Wares 6 61 Grstavus Adol phus Lura„an Chu,dh Continued from Page 14 ll Kellogg E SS Blvc 101 2- 12 Baker Com munity center aioas®au, mIl B,dlons atot Ill n" us or go bel -h- M (R,vi,wnOd 19, 2016) �mrk m�Iwr 209 Peg, S 55107 2-13 St M anh,wsSod al Hell 510 H ell Ave 55107 2-14 Huldt High Sdhool mbo 640 Hum bold[- 5510/ NOTICE OF ELECTION 2016 STATE - r.meawe.ro vemrs.m.o�mmp.rehru „,I.nw.n M.�m r�•Aow�rxtrml.: Yr.1, 2-15 B FJo Us'[a Reoreaton center GENERAL ELECTION NORTH ST PAUL, CITY OF FOREST LAKE /1 Robi, St E 5510/ St. Paul Ward, 31 ""'of "'on MINNESOTA Noti.isberebygiventha dAUA b, 0 °o epeof"'on Sl6 Miseseppi R -Blvd general eI,Ion will Oon,n-d n North St Paul on November 8, 2016 0 e 55116 32 N.Mty CnH. Th, hours d won_ all pollinc places will be from 0610 / P1e nate -Steiner Hell 1U-nd,Ch,'l 105 33 Lum,n Ghtm 2055 Poll -1 try 2055 Bohl of lr-11 The tm- nc munidpel offices wi lib, on the ballot LCounE,A,pI ,U Votng will take place etmerollowing pollinc pleoes -------- (Review:Od 19, 2016) ' ton Cdn 34 Hillae Cold Pksy on center 9R3Ford Pkwy SSll6 35 Gahem h nn am Aw 55116 1t North St Paul 1 Rv„of God Ghu,dh NoCh24%Pr-E55109 2 North Presbyterian church $295 FTPA Lh 36 Book �c1A55116 3 2C6�SHIgSFwaa36E55,19 City Offices 3] Ma ,d,,e Flymoum Un Un- 213; Margaret 119 S 4 Roha,dmn chool City of Landfall 1628Dnm1n-55105 38 N., sty Chwch 26151 st St N 55109 A public test of m, -Ug system $442 Sten„Hal I 1%0 Bbn -55105 to b, used at m, ,ate general r16A l "'m3 Mayor old 9 Grote Ed, Lutheran Ch- G00 Sn,llinc Aw S 55ll 6 mnd-c at o bar 28, 2016 atm, Rally county El,cto offio,, located eta Vote for One 310 loria Dei LU ,Mn Chwch 700 SndhnUA, S 55116 311 Th -din on 2235Rod-od-55116 W Plato Blvd Fo, mo, , info," ton, Ram say county Edd_rib Melinda S. Ble le y 312 Immanuel Lume,an choral 04 Sn,llin, Aw S 66105 313 'E{dg-be Rea,aton center eledmns®m.Ma ymnusorgoto re,1,dloneo,g (Review: Od 19, 2620167 o John V. Plaster 320GI S[ S 55105 314 Holy Spirit catholic Church STATE OF MINNESOTA) O James Dumer 515AIberc StS55116 )SS OFFICE OFTHE $982 4' 1P Langfod Reaeaoon center COUNTY AUDITOR O Stan Suedkamp 30 Langford Park 55108 42 Luther Seminary Olson Cam center COUNTY OFWASHINGTON) To the Clerk of the City Landfall in County Washington, S- O pus 14%Fulham St55108 the of of Mnnasote lie IT it any 43 Seal Hi-Rse 5 seal StbbllP 44 Me,, Pad: Not. is Hereby Given, That a .­B,roon w11 b, hale In m, f Council Member am ."A.,on center M00 Stnnthony-55114 all eledon prednds your dty on Tuesday he Aghm Vie) day of No -be, 2016 between the Vote for One 45 enialPan: --on Centel ' 00 St Anthony le 55104 hours of] a mane8, nn ro,the M,Do ofeledUb ,ndld,te to, he followinc offices: O Katie McManus 46 MdVeely H ell- St Them ac un-ty Sum mit le 55105 47 Gowlan, ReaeaOon center Ch of Landfall Mayor One Council M em bars Spedal Coundl SAO o Don Dunn 2021 Stela A, 55105 4A Hancock School Red-, n center Kevin J. Corbid Washington County Auditor/ T­urer 0 w,iD IT it any 1610Hubberd A,55104 49 B,ml,h,mLumeMnCnH. POIIng Place Landfall Community Ce^ter Special Election for Council Member In the Md y 436 Roy St N 55104 24th Avenue Landfall -55128 Tofill Vacancy In tem) expiring January T, :. 410Int-thAlbon 1671 Su (Review:Od19,262016) 2019 -H-55105 411 Lyngblom,ten care center 415 Almonc Aw 55108 NOTICE OF CITY ELECTION Vote for One 412 Cohn o Park Stre,toar SaId, 1224 Lev ngton Pkwy N 55103 413 Ha =h R� CITY OF LAKE ELMO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het at me aty BeGien which o,au be O Miguel Esquivel 9 9 Hemline Ave N55104 4,4 LEAP HiftStN l III N,SSl04 held In end ter the Dryof Lake Elmo, wad,ingten count, Minne- on Tuesday, Nowmbe, 8, 2 - O Ronald James Sanoski Jr. S, 001 415Ga17CS leo) 131]Ghed,s-55104 St. Paul Ward 5 51 North Dele Reaeeton Center 1414 StAbans St N 55117 52 North Dele Re -ton center 1414 StAI,-St N 55117 53 FAULT Rise between the hours of] AO a Un nd BOOpnn thefollowincofficeswillbe filled. J can didetes: Julie Meyor'Fouryeertertennn) Mike Pearson Co -I Membe, Tou, y, a, teed to be Ale ed) O wriieany IT if ;Giblet Review. Od. 19, 26 2016) L/FroU 55112 54 W dhington T,ohnology S­ School Sll / Ricatu 55 4 McDonough community 1544 , Tmb,dak,Rd5511/ 56 S -A-1 Hell 187 GbM um Aw D 5511] 5 St Paul M -b Acad,my 27 G„anum Aw E 55117 can Justin Bl­ Brettd mons Chnein, Nelson Ben Roth The pollinc places for m, OF, EElA ,, eha11 be the ,stab,eh,d poll nc pleoes dthGy, prednd 1'. Lak'LElmo Flrle Hell INocaA et 3510 LewmAwnue 58 Moses c Chnst en Communry 55 a40 W n,elook Pkwy ESSI31 loe Vent, Gas, Aw SSI30 4l9 en A,III 610 HOP,Com m unity-d,my ]20 Payne -55130 St. Paul Wares 6 61 Grstavus Adol phus Lura„an Chu,dh Prednd 2. Lake Elmo Gry Hell I t at 3800 Lewme Awnue N�rtM1c Dated. Ol-,10, 2016 Julie Johnson City Clerk (Review: Od 19262016) NOTICE OF PUBLIC 669 Arcade St 55116 ACCURACY TEST 62 E,D Cownent ChurI 1280 Arcade a 55106 63 FreeLake R --on center FORTHE CITY OF LANDFALL 1518 daho Ave E55106 AND 64 Dvinity Lutheran CnH. CITY OF FOREST LAKE 105 con age Aw E 55106 65 Easlsid, corn m unity AND CITY OF OAKDALE Lut ,Mn Ch IH. 1' Ead St N 55106 AND 66 Arli ngton Hills CITYOFWOODBURY Community nte cer 200 Payne Ave 55130 WASHINGTON COUNTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that - Edgerton Hi -Rs, 1000 Edgerton St 55130 68 Boys and Gds Club 1620 Ames Ave 55106 69 Hazel Ped: .,,A on center 94 5 Hazel St N 55119 610 Iowa HRis, we Aw E5 16 on Wednesday, Go-, 26 2016 at 1000 am. Washington county will oonduDa PublI,AmuM Test, pursuant to M.S. 20683, on the opal soon won, equipment met be use, fo-bulaong m, rotes In m, Nowmbe, 8, 2016 SIVA General Eledion tothe does of Landfall, Forest Lake, Oakdale end City Offices City of Lake Elmo Mayor Vote for One O Julie Fliflet O Mike Pearson O w,iD IT it any Council Member Vote for Up to Two O Christine Nelson O Justin Bloyer O Brett H. Emmons O Ben Roth w,iD IT if any O 611 Hayden H"h F, Reoreeton center Woodbury, In LL 13 Conte„n`A Room, Da hington county -DIT ii any 196, HoytAvA E 55119 612 Hazel Ped: Academy nl white e,a,Aw NsSms Gowmm,nt cent,, 14949 62nd Street N., SOI ,wale, MN 'Review. Od. 19, 26 2016) 11 Si. Paul Wera T Raaon sawn ... Date blit day-dobe,2016 (Review: Od 19, 2016) Sample Ballot Conon S 11 Gonwaydle School 12 Parkway Middle School 1361 Bueh-55106 CITYOF LAKE ELMO COUNTY OF WASHINGTON CITY ELECTION BALLOT Ta nows butheM Wme,an Ghurdh 61 Johnson Pkwy55106 14 Mounds Pad: Unite, Melodist Chu,dh 1049 EudIc 5[55106 ,5 -,n care center 200 Eed St 55106 ]£ Ea S,de Comm unity center 1526 Rh St E 55106 17 Wilson R Obe 00 Wilson Aw 55106 ]A Progreseve Baptst Ghurdh 1505 Bums -55106 ,9 Hazel Ped: Cong,eg.-I CnHch 1831 Mi nnehaha- E55119 ]-10 Ees[eIn Heights Bele--School 2001 --et a 55119 IT Conway Re -t on Center 2097 Gonway Aw 55119 112 Belle Greek Re -on center /5 W Inm,op St S 55119 '13 Highwood Hills B ement"Sdhool 2188 Londin Ln 55119 A public test of the -U, system o be ue,d at the dDle general eect on will be mnduded at 100pm on Odober 28, 2016 at me Ramsey County E edion s OR m, locate,at- W Plato Blvd, to,/nden Hills Feloon Hehts, igGem Lake, Mounds View, North Oaks North S[Paul, Roseville, StAnmony, S[Paul, Vadneis Heights, and white e,a,Towshlg NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE OF OFFICIAL PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST OF OPTICAL SCAN VOTING SYSTEM FOR TH E CITY OF LAKE ELM O, MINNESOTA NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to MUneso , Statutes 20683, metD11 the GF, of Lake Elmo will condud the publioao Mnytest oftheoptcal c equipm entto be use, ter wn bbulaton te,me 2016 General Bedion on Nowmbe, 8, 2016 The will be mnduded et 200 Pm. oneWednesday,Odobe,2620161 Lake Elmo OF, Hell locate, at 3800 Lewme Awnue North, Lake Elmo, Minnesota c parties ere en-Mgec toend Dated. oIXoben2, 2016 Juhe Johnson cla DF, d: OF, of Lake Elmo (Review: Od 19, 2016) OAKDALE, MINNESOTA wvnbea'8, 301 ae w�(•)�*+m ano:.k.J 1110, I— - IL L14h Dania p bail;zm15 �, of oa,maDe 1wNNDsoia Wednesday, Oct 19, 2016 Page 15 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS OFTHE COUNTY AUDITOR COUNTY OFWASHINGTON ) To the Clerk of the City of -aale in the County d Washington, State of Minnesota: Notice is Hereby Given mat a General Election will be h,l, In all m, Al-bl, p„dnds d your oiP, on Tuesday, m, ,ighth;8J day d November 2016 term, --A d electing oandidat,s ter m, DI Ing offices: Federal Oifims: 11- Um P„ed-I Unitea States EM,,, ­EH, m, Rd,ht4 State Legislative afims: Sbte Sen aro, to, Diedd 43 353 Stara Rep,e_UOve for Diend 43B 353A Constitutional Amendments Amendment) Couniv art. County Com ml one, to, Rd,ht2 Supreme Court: --ate Justice 1 Supreme court SAO 6 A,,.Is Court: Seat5 court of Appeals Judge Seat court of Appeals Judge Seat» Court of Appeals Judge Seat 13 court of Appeals Judge Seat 14 canf of Appeals Judge Seat 16 courc of Appeals Judge Seat1] canf of Appeals Judge Seat16 court of Appeals Judge SAO 19 court of Appeals Judge T hJ d IDsird Seat 2 10 h o courc Judge Seat mho rid Donn Judg Seale 10th vera court Judgee Seat 13 10th per dcourt Judge Sean, 10th veracourt Judge Seat 19 10th Died'court Judge Se20 10th Died'court Judge Seat 2/ 1010 Diend court Judge seat2e mm Dlend courc Judge Seat 29 1010 Oiend Court Judge Seat111010 Rima court Judge Seat 31 1010 Diend court Judge Seat 40 10th Died'court Judge SeatN 10th Di ed'court Judge Seat 42 10th Died'conrc Judge Seat 44 10th Died' court Judge SAO 45 10th Rd, ht court Jud„ I to ,MN Angles Ch -ch S ­ 0...1., M 'Review. Od. 1926, 2016) NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 622 (NORTH ST. PAUL-MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE) STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN met a sp,ae Al -on hes been called and w,11 IRA h Id h thA dDIAg-Mll eledon In and to, IndMt,nddh Sdhold D N 622 (Nofth St Paul Maplewood Oakdale), State d M -day, y, N b„e, 2016 R -the puryose of GH, on the fol low ng quest on. School Disirid Question 1 Approval of School Dlsirld Referendum Revenue Authorization The boar, of Independent SFool DKI-d No. 622 (North St Pa,I Maplewoo-akdalA)hes proposed to Ino„es, Is general ed,,ton ue by$6i0 perpupil. Theproposed,lt,rendumrevenueauthonza0 on ould H -a --h year bym„ate of In .on and be applicable ter ten years unless otherwise revoked or reduced as provide, bylaw Vas Shall m, n n m, ---n- propose, by m, boar, of ndependent Smoot o siNo 62ap,ov,dv No BY VOTING "YES" ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING FOR A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE Passage of ti s „te„ndum w 11 result n an ,nae m n your property taxes Theennue dollar naeasesfortW,c l resdental homesteads, apartments, lomm-al-industrial properties, ane most other olass,s of property within the sdhool distnd ere as ehown In the table below. For agnwln,al property DAD hemAd,ad an, nonhon-ad), m, I- to, CHA eesto,tlhe propose, referendum will b, based on m, value of m, house, garage ouI dine one Bore of land only There will be no referendum bxes pale on me value of 0106, agnoulWral and an, buildings Do, seasonal esiddhal --onal preperty (I A cabins), there will be no I- paid to, the proposed referendum. Type of Pb ­N Referendum Market Value Pay 2017 Dollar Increase $100,000 $98 $125,000 $123 $150,000 $147 $175,000 $172 $190,000 $187 $200,000 $196 Residm 1 $250,000 $245 Homesteads, $300,000 $295 FApartments, $350,000 $344 Commercial- $800,000 $393 Industnel Rop arty $450,000 $442 $500,000 $491 $600,000 $589 $700,000 $687 $800,000 $785 $900,000 $884 $1,000,000 $982 $1,250,000 $1,227 $1 j00,000 $1,473 $2,000,000 $1,963 The p„dnds ane polling plains and wing hours et mos, polling plains to, this sp,dal,halon shall b, m, same asmos,ro,m, state general ­bAny ible voter reeding In the school disfid may rote et said'IAd, on et the Poumeligg pial d,slgnated te,m, prednd In which h, or eh, „ears. --mus[b-gKIA-tovotetobe Ahgibl,tovG,Uths,tedion. An n„giste,,, individual may register to vote et the pollinc plane on eledon day Thos, wt ,s requesting abs,nt„ ballots should mnbd the office of the dry dad: of the dty In which m,y„side Dated. Jun, 28, 2016 BY ORDER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD /s/ Bedry - S ­ eve School Disirid Clerk Independent School Disirid No. 622 (North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oaka.l.) State of Minnesota (Review: Od 19, 26 2016) Public Notices Continued on Page 16 Public Notices Continued from Page 15 Sample Ballo[ Jorge 11- 1 Bk ­n B� IIIge BIT_ 1,r D-I I Trump '_1 P_ o;`B.b Z k TO.—I III, Ohl -h., T- Ihr,, 1hul I— 1­rl B-11 Br"A­ -1 N-L L­,­ E=j Aue O_r_ _, L;`B.A 1,rh­1 D -n, P-r d KI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Review: Oct. 19, 2016) .,B, r ------ ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - -------- T ,ryI h -h (Review: Oct. 19, 2016) (Review: Oct. 19, 2016) Sample Bello[ � Pr- M -1.11m.k to V­bk: To wtec p y1,11IIIc l- Ill. to 1 111, 1-1 D oIm^® hh­ oeo ZhTOl 00 o mo M ­kl I P,I­ I ', 1Ihn1.n T- AT, D -n, P-r �t o Y ,o. oeoc <� o - - - - - - - - - - - 1—rh B,I­1 A- -1 Andy Tur.­ B -I, Nk- N ­ L L - J Aepn'-d I -,e 1—ns - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MMull,n -d -h- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... ....... Johnson wIh,- - - - - ----------- o ---------- ­ld b To 1I To .111, _b BA A Ire, ly p-1 10 0.” pu Belly Mlollum IT— Pender­ 1,ndl A -pp -bb Or. -1e n, b -y IM o Om Po,nls -1e b oAnn Behrens o -1e b -y (Review: Oct. 19, 2016) Sample Ballot Bpl�l Instmctoaem Vmen. I ..I., p yfill i. —i-- kern riff wes rugger - =h.: I John,on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lou Do-, - - - - - - - - -------- - ------------ - D ­h I III, T D- -D 1�1, . . . . . . . 0 0 yam p„�, ao� Ty %,T Tho.—Ill,n k, A Lw In r --j s.,hpl. Ballot Juaee I I Zp= I knne,olk 11­1111�1 11111.— 1. V.— 1. 11111. 11 Ilk. 1hlA 1-1 B- T_ F., Bob �k o ION. -,h rk hark O,b Bob To— 1— Pler I her I lu h V, 1okhA`Oenhkrb1 =3, 1 nq Po,nI, a. o�M _e h A b Ann Behren, owJ 00 B11y IT— Pender ---------------- (Review: Oct. 19, 2016) Public Notices Continued on Page 17 Review Public Notices Continued from Page 16 S- -- Eleetion OCounty, —hi... --,8,2016