HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 10-26 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 10 Wednesday, Oct. 26,2016 Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TAG PARCEL NO.. foregoing locals a Sanrday, Sunday NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Washington Gounry, Mthnesob. above described property will be FORECLOSURE SALE 22922330358 r legal M1Olidey men me ate to FORECLOSURE SALE IRE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO scl,byme Sh A,ffofsai, UUn s TH E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 3ADDRESSOF PROPERTY: 1159 is the ne#businessddey et TH E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF BE OUE ON THE MORTGAGE follows: THE DEBT ANOIOENTITV OFTHE 110- 4th St Unit506 1159Pm. THE DEBT ANOIOENTITV OFTHE $1 TH E DATE OF THE NOTICE: DATE ANO TIME OF SALE. S[YeuI, MN S6l Ol MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED $1509..75 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ORIGINAL CREDITOR W ITHINTHE Novemberl /, 2016, l0 U0 AM TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT COUNTY D WHIG, PROPERTY FROM OBLIGATION ON TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF SALE: SM1eriff s Office, -HEREBY IS LOCATED :Ramsey MORTGAGE :NONE AFFECTED BVTHISACTION PROPERTY H11-:11) Addtoc: Civil Process L,al SW. 4th Stree[ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN mat ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT IH6 IM ALLOW EO by NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN mat Iwo (2), Ashbourne Ln ddi on, Suite 150, S[ raw, MN bSf 1thasoaurredUtheoondi0 ons OFMOFTGAGE:$219,341.00 LAW FORE REDEMPTION By defaulthes, HERE in keoondit- Common IUerest CommuniryNoo78, to pay the debt men secured by ofthefolI-ag describe, mortgage: AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THE MORTGAGOR THE of HA following described mortgage a Planned Community, D-agon laic Mortgage, end bares if any, on MOFTGAGOF(S): Gordon Sryszko BE DUE AS OF JAI El OF NOTICE, MORTGAGORS PERSONAL MOFTGAGORS): David G. Gounry, Minnesob salt premises, end the costa end end Danelle Sty J:o, M1usbanc end INCL U DING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID REPRESENTATIVES ORA SIGNS 0u all, end Molly M. Ouradnik, REGISTERED PROPERTY disbursements, induding attome wife BY MORTGAGEE.$222,337.. MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE husban, end wife STREET ADDRESS OF fees allowed by law subject o MOFTGAGEE.Mortgage Electronic -pla-theW EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS MORTGAGEE :M 1,g Electronuc PROPERTY: GSFSI GENEVIEVE redemp0onwim6-nmsfrom the a thismoitg ef,redo ,epro ekU, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA a AVEN, OAKDALE MN55128 dO-fsaudsalebythemortga qo ), Registra0onco Systems, e Mort e eelAssi nee of Mort e ee STATUTES SECTION 582032 Registra0on Systems, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY their Delaware ryore0on as nom lne gI tl g g g Delaware Goryore0on e nominee persona repres PROPERTY or for Advisors Mortgage, LlG e mmpie win ell no0co requirements DETERMINING AMONG OTHER for Central Bank, e sMinnesob IS LOCATED: Vb eshagton Gounry, asmgns. MUnesoblimited liebili s require, by stante that no action TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Banka, Go Minnesob DATE TO VACATE PROPEFTV. ryoRTGAG rnom0on ASSIGNMENTS ed MORTGAGE. I A, ke edun, hes been insthe dd at PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: NRA.M, RGTI0 AGENT None al date on or before which the Aasigned to: Federal NeOonel le M1envise oreoover bt V41 HRESIDENTIAL DWELLING Aasygnec to: Wells Fergc Benk NA NAME OF MORTGAGE mortgagor mus[vecate me property Mort e Asscoua0on "Fannie Mee secure, by seidtmoicgage,mordeny 011F HLESS THAN FIVE UNITS, b de, on Febmar ORIGINATOR: Wells Fargo Benk, if the mortgage is not re aced g ge ( "J yessignmen[reoor y ins by essignmen[reoordec on Mereh 4, Pertthereof ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 3, 2012 as Document Number NA under Minnesob S[entes sect on 2016asD-ladtNumber40-46 PURSUANT to the power of sale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 38]3412 in the Office of the Gounry RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Well 0.30 or the property redeemed in the Office of the Gounry Recorder conbuned In 68u mortgage, the ANDAREABANDONED. Remrder of Washington Gounry, Fargo Bank, NA s under Minnesob Sbntes Becton of W eshington Gounry, Mi nnes- above describe, property will be Dated: September15, 2016 Man emta TAG PARCEL IDENTIFICATION 580.23 s M ay17, 2017 etll 59p�m. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT cold by the Sheriff of said oounry as U.S. Benk National Association, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NUMbEH 18029 2 295 If me foregoing date is a Sanrday, OF MORTGAGE$166,40000 follows: sucrossor by merger to U. S. OF MORTGAGE:$41700000 TRANSACTION L JO AGENT'S Sunday or legal holiday, then the DATE OF MORTGAGE: Mardi 25, DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Benk National Association ND, DATE OF MORTGAGE January MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION date to vacate is the n- business 2005 Novemberl 201610 U0 WN Mortgagee 24 2006 NUMbEH None dayatll,S9p. m. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff s Office, PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL DATE AND PLACE OF FILING THAT no action or M-eda, hes MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Recorded on August 12, 2005 as CLvil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street ASSOCIATION Recorded on February 13, 2006 been in stunted et law to recover the FROM OBLIGATION ON Document Number 3532251 in the Suite 150, S[ Yeul, MN by. Jonathan K CL ey, Mldlael V. as Document Number 3569097, d ten ening secured by suds MORTGAGE: NONE obt M1 Otfico of the Gounry Recorder of to pay the debt then seourec by Shcleisman es modified of record by Loan m 1g e, orr any part thereof or if THE TIME ALLOWED BY Washungton Gounry, Manemta said Mortgage, ant bares, if any, on Y_lHeysf" Modificaan Agreement reoordec the action or procoedinc hes been LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO 68id premises nc me nc U.S. k NeOone Assn e0on, on Deoember3, 2013 es Document instituted m e same IHC MORTGAGOR IHC BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE disbursements, indudmc attorneys' s mrnby merger to U. SQ Benk Number 39/32!9 in the Office of dik.UU,ede o, that an execu n MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: fees allowec by law subject to Neb-I As -tan ND, Mortgagee the Gounry Recorder of Washington uponthe,,dgm dU ndee therein REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, $17/24239 redempton within e Months from the 56 Casa Fifth Street Suite 800 Counry,My e.a es been'et c unse0sfied, in MHY bE REDUCED TO FIV! LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF date of saicsalebythemortgegor(sJ, S[PauI, MN55101-1718 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO whole or in pal WEEKS IF A J UD ILIAL ORDER IS PROPERTY: Lot 4, Bloc: q, their personal represenbOves or .12097599 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE PURSUANT, to the power of sale ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA RidgegO, Patio Home,, Wash,n 0 a�gnk .1- 53 ;far? ON T,E DATE of THE NoncE: mnbi e, in mortgage, me STATUTES sEcnoN Setwe. Gounry, Minnesota DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: THIS�IS A COMMUNICATION $43692639 eboven described property will be DETERMINING AMONG OTHER STREET ADDRESS OF The date on or before whicl the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF sold by the Sheriff of said county as THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY: 7807 RIMBLEV RD mt`h am00,gL tge oatemeproperty l/413-16UUWA1 PROPERTY. Lot Block Shores follows: PREMISES AHE IMPROVED WOOD BURY MN S6l25 if he mortgage is not r 'Review'. Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 of Lake McDonald Id Additon DATE AND TIME OF SALE WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY under Minnesob Sbntes isedon Nov 2, 2016) TOGETHER with a 2000 foot wu de November22, 2016at10A0AM OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, IS LOCATED: Washmgon Gounry, 030 or me property le permanent pedesfien norvexolusive PLACE OF SALE. Wasbmgon AFL NOT PROPERTY USED IN Minnesob under Minnesob Sbntes dsect on welkwe deaoss Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, y easement over an TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage 58023b Mayl 7, 2017at1159p� m. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE the Southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 1, County Law Enforcement Center, ANDAREABANDONED. Be-nic Regustra0on Systems Inc If me foregoing date Ise Sanrday, Block 1 Shores of Lake MoOonelc 15015 Knd Street North, S011weter aced: Septembe121 2016 NAME OF MORTGAGE Sunday or legal holiday, then the FORECLOSURE SALE Id Addition, Washington Conry, Minnesob DU.S. Bank National Association, date to vacate is the rte d business THE RIGHTTOVERIFI_ION OF to pay the debt then se ec by Assignee of Mortgagee ORIGINATOR Advisors Mortgage, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Minnesob LLC, e Minnesob limited liability day et ll59 Pm. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN STREET ADDRESS OF s mortgage an I s, if any YFH LAW, PROFESSIONAL company MORTGAGORS) RELEASED PROPERTY. 44/0 MCDONALO ecNelly paid by and mortgagee, ASSOCIATION FROM OBLIGATION ON TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOS on the premises enc the costs and By Jonathan R CL ey, M,.ael V RESIDENTIAL SERVICER AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. DRIVE COURT NORTH, cbyIM1 Setems In, MORTGAGE: NONE-STILlWATER, MN55082 disbursements ellowe e Shcleimnen TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED BV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY t,me allowed by law for ledemp0on Abomeysfor: NUMBER 1702021.110084 LAW FOR REDEMPTION By default has occ-ecin the condi0ons IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, by 68ud moagagoq(), their personal U.S. Bank Natanal AssodatanTRANS, MORTGAGOR, IHC ofthefollowunc describe, mortgage'. rep-entOl-or asmg-b mx(6) Asmgnee of M ortgageA MORTGAGE AGENT'S IRE Mort : M,.ael John MOVeu h Munn-ta MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 9Nan g TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage monthDomthe date ofsala SS Fast Fifth Street Suite 800 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS enc Nancy Ann MOVeigh, e TIME AND DATE TO VACATE S[Peul, MN 55101-1]18 NUMBER 100199. pa-e1978 E husband ant wife s Electronic RegistraOon Systems,Ino THAT no action or preoeedmg hes MAY HE REDUCED TO FIV NAME OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: U ass said mortgage 6'61209/599 been i atHed et law to recover the W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Mortgagee: G.U. Mortgage ORIGINATOR: Central Benk, a remsbted nor the property 651-2&175debt3;faxJ ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Senncos Inc redeemed, o unless the Ome for THIS IS A COMMUNICATION moathenremainag--bysudl 82032 Dated. 04232003 Minnesob Bankun, Coryora0on demp0on is reducod by me col gage ,p STATUTES SECTION S FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. h f T Re°omed:osnorzgo3 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER weak h d h b DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Fer oBenk,NA d y vac,h pemises 17%&16006191 p g THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Ramsey Gounry Recorder g by 1159 p. on May 22 2017 'Review: Sept 28, Od 5, 12, 19, 26 -thted h h h b Document No. 32/62 TAx PARCEL IDBvnFlcnnoN PREMISES AHE IMPROVED L ALLO'DED br v22016) d on the ed, or that an exeouto TransaDuonA : NIA NUMBER 07.02920410005 upon the judgment rendered therein WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Transaction Agent Mort D No TRANSACTION AGENT'S LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV N hes been reumed uns dfied, in OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS gent gage! MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION TRE MORTGAGOR THE AHC NOT PROPERTY USED IN NIA MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL whole grin pert Lender or Broker CU. Mort NUMBER 100358122220006131 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PURSUANT, [c the f sale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, gam° THAT no actan or din has REPRESENTATIVES OR AS SIGNS, power o Senncos, Ina prooee a FORECLOSURE SALE eined in said mortgage, the AND d Septe be-19 2 debtthAni'ema,n lc ked recover the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ed: Se [emberl9, LOle Senncor: GU. Moicgage Senncos WEEKS IF HJUDIGIAL ORDER IS THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF above described property will be Da p no moagage rem ainypattueleof udl THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE of b he Sheriff of laic count CU Mortgage Ser".Itg.nc., hereof or,n ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA cyt Yes Morteee Mortgage Originator G. U. Mortgage mortgage, or any SrgTUTES, SECTION 582032 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE follows. I g Sell- Ina the actuon or proceeding hes been TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT DATE AND TIME OF SALE SS LAW, PROFESSIONAL sOnted, that the same hes been DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER ASSOCIATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF in ea0on THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Novemberl S, 2116 at AM LotdisconOeHd, 'that de ex PLACE OF SALE: Washington By JonethenR Guskey MioheelV 'JD on Esta tes3 Bock AdMaple upon the udgmen[rendered therein VVIE MINES ARE IMPROVED defOaulthas oauredBnthecondit ons Y GIVEN th,U County Sheriffs Offs co, Washington Schleismen has been reumed unsatisfied, I IH RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Attome for: Ramsey Gounry, Minnesota Abstract n OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, of the Poll-ag describe, mortgage: Gounry Lew Enforcement Center Pro whole or in pert Mort :Sera KLarsen,ASin 15015 62nc Street North, Stillwater GU Mortgage Sennoes, ria, Perry PURSUANT, to the f sale ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 9agor Gage Minnesob Mortgagee Thbb Abstract Property contained in said portgage, the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Person to pay the debt then secured by S6 East Ffth Street Suite 800 TAG PARCEL NO'. above desonbe, property will be ANDAREABANDONED. Mortgagee: Mortgage Eneedah, St Paul, MN 55101-1718 13292233.00. MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Registration Systems, mortgage once mo If any ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: sol, by the Shetld of scud county es ominee to, Ameruoan Nome salt FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION n actually pelt by me mo gagee l2°x/549 2323 Kingston AveE follows: MoagageA ptance Inc on the premises and the costs and .1228-1]53 (far) DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ON MORTGAGE None disbursements allowec by law The THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Maplewood MN 55109 November 15, 2016et 10 A0 AM Dated: Septem ber2l 2016 Deted:06232005 ec by law for redemption FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. COUNTY N WHICH PROPERLY PLACE OF SALE: Washington WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Recorded. 081152005 by laud moagagktgs), theirpersonel 888 0.13-00161-14 IS LOCATED: Rem Bey Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington Mortgagee Washington County Recorder represenEUv or assugns ssix ;6J NReview20Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 OFRMOFTIG AF P I$1IP OOOUNT Gounry Law Enforcom ent Center THE ACADEMY GROUP, PA EAesigned Noment 3532.2 �Oeutndle Bank mont-l-on, the dUeofsale °V� AMOUNT DUE AN D CLAIMED TO 15015 Qnc Street North, Stullweter' Rebeaa F. Shculler Esq NeOonel Trust Gompeny, TIME AND DATE TO VACATE BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE Minnesob Indennre Trustee for American PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage to pay the debt then secured by N.uo N.Tni Fondungelleh, Es4 vestme INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANV PAID Curt N.Trisko, E. Home Mortgage In nt Trust r the property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE BY MORTGAGEE: $1229?909 mortgage and ta s, if any SemuelR Golemen, Esq. 20053 redeemed or unless the rime for FORECLOSURE SALE mat prior !tithe commencement of aaually paid by the %mortgagee, Attorne tlforMorcgagee Dated:O81172016 redemptan sreducec by juduoial THE RIGHT TO VERIR CATION OF thismoagggeforeolosureproceeding on the premises and the costs anc IComeheAemy Professee al building Recorded: 0-2016 order you m ust vacate the premises THE DEBT AND IDENNTV OF THE MoRgageelA gnee of Mortgagee disbursements ellowecby law. The 25 NortM1Dele Street Washington County Recorder by ll 59 P m. on M ay 15, 201/. ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE compluec with all nota-equurements Om Ball m oagaglaw fthe'ed,e-nal St Paul, MN 55102 Document No. 4081.0 THE TIME ALLOWED BY TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT as required by sbnte; DO no action by laic mortgagor(sJ, their personal (.1)2099/SU Transaction Agent Mortgage LAW FOR REDEMPTION By N CHICEDBVTHISACTION. or preoeedinghas been Ina thuted et representat- or assigns is ex;6J 161374FC01) Electana Regial-at on Systems Inc THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that or oth erwise to recover the debt m onths Dom the date of sal A ( Transaction/fgen[Mor(ggge ID No: MORTGAGORS PERSONAL debult has oc-edin then da- se r TIME AND DATE TO VACATE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION tra 40000 824i cured by sau, mortgage, o any FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS ofthefollowing, described mortgage: part thereof PROPERTY: Unless said moicgea, Review: Sept 28, Oct S, 12, 19, 26 Lender or Broker9Amenoan Home MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagor. WIIIiam b eault anc PURSUANT to the power of sale b reinstated or the pap erty ( MoagageA ptance Inc WEEKS IF AJ UP CIAL ORDER IS Judith M "I Inde, both unmame ont redeemed, o unless the tIme for Nov 22016] eined in said mortgage, the Senncor: Oaven Loan Sennoing, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA parsons, esointtenen[s above described will be redemp0on is reducod by udicel LLC STATUTES, SECTION 5820'32 ortgagee: U.S. bank N,U n soldb he Sheriff of Baal count order you must vacate the premises Mortae Ori American DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Ass0 bon ND yt yes by 1159 on May 15,201]. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE gg ginetor: THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Dated: l l A)72006 a follows. THE DIME ALLOWED BY FORECLOSURE SALE Home MoagageA ptance Inc PREMISES ARE IMPROVED DATE AND TIME OF SALE LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV THEORECLOSREALE OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF tM1l//L006' Novem ber172016, 10A0 AM PROPERTY: Unit No 1403 W LTH A RES IDENTIAL DW GAGE C- Washington County Recorder PLA GE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office THE MORTGAGOR THE THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE Condominium No. 58, F-borough OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Document No. 36194. ("MI Process UnH 25 W. 4th Street MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Place Condominiums Eighth ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Imnsedion Ag Ant NIH Suite 150, S[ Peul, MN REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Supplemenbl Condominium Ple[ AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Transaction Agent Mortgage lD No: to pay the debt then secured by MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE AFFECTEDBVTHISACTION. Washington Gounry, Minnesota ANDAREABANDONED. NIA said Moicgage, andt- if any, on WEEKS IF AJU D ILIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that This is Abstract Property MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Lender or broker: U.S. ben said premises, end the costs end ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA default M1esoocurecmme coadi0ons TAX PARCEL NQ. FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION NeOonel Asmce0on N0 k disbursements, adudin STATUTES, SECTION 582032, of the followunc described mortgage: 90292142"24' g ttome o ON MORTGAGE: Go-don 62yszko 6ennoer U.B. Bank NeOonel fees all by law s bled DETERMINING AMONG- OTHER Mortgagor. Kong Veng, e themed ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. Dated: Septemberl4, LOle -0. on sucoessorbymeMerto redemptow withV 6 Monthsfrom the THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED men 7.6 15th Street ThN FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE US Bank Natonal Aasoce0 on N0 dateofsaid sale bythe mortgagors) PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mortgagee'. Mortgage Eectronuo Oakdale, MN 56128 ASSOCIATION("FANNIE MAE") So gag, Onginetor: U.S Bank their personal represent.- or WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLINC Registra0on Systems, Ina es COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Mortgagee Natone o-tan NU assigns OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, minae for Lake Area Mortgage, IS LOCATED: Washington THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA LEGAL sDESCRIPTION OF DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN aoDivision of Lake Area Bank, a ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT By Isl PROPERTY: Lobi enc 5, Block 1, The date on or before which the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, .,p Aman OF M OFTGAGE$105,00000 Rebecca F Shculler Esq Charter 0e VV hagton Gounry, mor[gago, onta vacatetheproperty AND ARE ABAN DONE. Uee :ll/24/200 AMOUNT DUE AND GIJUMEO TO N. DID ngni Fondungallah, Esq Minnesota if the mortgage is not readied SOFTGAGORS) RELEASED Fileddol.1 9420109 BE AMDUENT DUE DATE OF NOTICE, 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Thus bAb-d Property under Minnesota Stentes recto FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Ramsey Registrar of Titles INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID Sam uel R Coleman, Esq LAX PARCEL NO.'. 58030 or the propertyredeem ed ON MORTGAGE: None Document No. 2103308 Against BVMOFTGAGEE:$%,82340 Attorneys for M ortgagee 3002921310006 under Minnesota Stances Becton Dated: September22, 2016 CeRficateof Title N 0.: 57.22 Thatpnortothe commencement of The Academy Professional Baldmc ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. 58023 b May 17, 2017 at 1159 pm. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Assugnec To: U.S. Bank N.anal thismortgageforedosure proceeding LS NortM1 Dale Street 1494 GRANADAAVE N If the foregoinc date is e Senrdey, Mortgagee Assn-an M agageei-Knee of Mortgagee S[Peul, MN55102 OAKDALE, MN55128 Sunday or legal holiday, then the THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP,PA DetA 1112522015 compliedwith all no0corequirem ants .1)2099]. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY date to vacate is the rte#business By lsl Filed 1211252021015 :15 es required by sbnte; that no action THIS27FCO2) IS LOCATED: Wasnmgon day et 1159 Pm. Rebecca Shculler Esq Ram key County Registrar of titles or prooeedinghas beenunstitactat THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT MORTGAGORS) RELEASED N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq Document Na 702545491 Ageinth law orothervusetorecoverthedebt FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. OF MORTGAGE FROM OBLIGATION ON 'Cu,t N.Trisko, Es q.- CeRficateof TitleNo.:5].22 seared by said mortgage, or any 'Review: Sept 21, 28, Od_ S, 1'2, 19 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO MORTGAGE: NONE Samuel R Coleman Esq Transaction /Kgent Mortgage paatheeof 26 2016) BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, THE TIME ALLOWED By ADtmeys for M oagagee Eed-onuo Registra0on Systems, Inc PURSUANT to the power of kale INCLUDING- TAXES IF ANY PAID LAW FOR REDEMPTION By The Academy-fe-anal Bandung Tran-da gentM agage ID No: coHaned in said mortgage, the BY MORTGAGEE :$16G.0.40 THE MOFTCAGOR THE 2b Noah Dale Street 00/158 305U8 above described property will be NOTICE OF MORTGAGE That prior to the commencement of MORTGAGORS PERSONAL St Paul, MN 5102 Tender0 or Broker: Lake Area Solt bythe Sheriff of sau, county as FORECLOSURE SALE thusmoitgageforedosurep^0ceedmc REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS .1)20997. Mortgage, a Divieon of Lake Area follows: THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Mortgageel-Knee of orcgagee MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE (13 11 BY FOOD) ban DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THE RIGHT TO IDENTITY OFT HE complied with ell no0co requirements WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Senn U.S. Bank N,U nal Dece-1220161000AM ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE es regU,ecbystante thatnoadan ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA (FRROM ASept 28,OOctECTORb 12 ; 26 AssoaeOon Ori PLAGEOFSALE: Lew Enforcement TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT le procoedinc M1as been -bated at STATUTES SECTION 582032 Moagage gunator: Lake Area Center, 15015 62nc Street N., AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. worcthervise to recover thedebt DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Nov 2, 2016) M agage, a Divisi on of Lake Al SHIM ter MN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that secure, by said moicgage, or any THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Bank to pay the debt then secured by debult has oaured intheoondi0ons pertthereof PREMISES ARE IMPROVED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF laic Mortgage, and bxes, if any, on ofthefollowagdesvubec mortgage: PURSUANT to the power of sale WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: Lot4, Blod:3, Hillsdale, sau, premises, and the costs and Mortgagor: Glenda M. Bader as e aboveuned Bab sat mortgage, the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, FORECLOSURE SALE Ramsey Gounry,Minnesota disbursements, anduwkultomeyK single person ec property will be ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN TH E RIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF IM1is sKe91dtered Yrope1y fees allowed by law subject o Mortgagee: GU Mortgage Sennoes cold by the Sheriff of scud county as AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE TAX PARCEL NO'. redem plan within 6Mont-l-om the follows: ANDAREABANDONED. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE 20 2922 13 0108Inc date of said salebythemortgagorsJ, Deted:04232007 E OF SALE: Dated. September l9 2016 TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. their personal represmoagags or Filed: 04 2420 N ember 18, 201610A0 AM CU Mortgage S.M., Inc., AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. 1164 MAGNOLIA EAST assigns. Ramsey Registrar of Titles PLACE OF SALE: 5 Law Mortgagee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: met SAINTPAUL, MN55106 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. Document Na 20' of Tues Enforcement Center 160 Knc PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL debut[hes oavreBn the Oond10ons COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY The date on or before whah the Street N., Stllwater MN ASSOCIATION of the followun described mort IS LOCATED: Ra-e Certificate of TitleNo.:Stb g g�B ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT mgrcgegormus[vecate the property Transaction Agent NIA 6 o pay the debt then seourec by By Jonathan R CL ey, MaFael V MOFT CAGOF(S): PennyA Perks, if the mortgage is not re eted orcgage, anc ares if any, on S. eumm an ase OF MORTGAGE: $118,03000 under Minnesob S[entes ire Transaction Agen[Mortgage lO No: 68id t riga person cton NIA said premises, enc the costs anc Adomeysfor: MORTGAGEE: Wells Fargo Bank AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO 58030 or the property redeemed Lender or Broker: GU Mortgage disbursements, indudmc ettome, GU Mortgage Services Inc, N BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, under Minnesob Stances kecton Sennoes, Inc fees allowec by law subject o Mortgagee ASSIGNMENTS OF MORrGAE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, YAU 580.23 is June22017.11 59 p�m. Senncor: G.U. Mortgage Sennoes redemp0on within 6Monthsfrom the 56 Eest Fifth Stree[ Suite 800 Aasignec to: N44 one. BY M prRTGto [M1 EcommOen�cement f If the foregoing date b a Sanrday, date of sat, salebythemoagagors), St Paul, MN55101-171. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ° Sunday or legal holuday, then the IncM ortgage Originator CU Mortgage their personal represenbOves or .1 2017599 OF MORTGAGE:$1502..00 thb-gageforedo-eproceeding date to vacate sthe n- business Sennoe4 Inc asmgns 191- & 53 ,far) DATEOFMORTGAGE:December M agageelAssignee of Mortgagee day at1159pm. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: THIS�IS A COMMUNICATION 23 2014 compliecwithall no0corequurements MORTGAGOI RELEASED or before which the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING asrequh-by-He; th-oadan FROM OBLIGATION ON PROPERTY: [net Number 506 mortgagor mustvacatethe propea,H 888016008/_1 Recorded on December 30, 2014 or procoedinc hes been insOnted et MORTGAGE: NONE Common In s[ Community theMUm 'a-09age usnot leinstatecunder 'Review'. Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 and memorialized upon Certificate law orotherwise to recover the debt THE TIME ALLOWED BY Number res, condominium, Lot M a Sbntesdeeme 58 '9 Nov22o167 of Tiee No 57209 as Document s 270 Condommwms Ramsey county o, the redeeme, unaer 18:u parcmar of moi, meggage, or any Public Notices Minnesota Number 1'23 n the off' dA of Minnesob Sbntes section 580.23 the Gounry Registrar of Titles of PURSUANT to the power of sale Continued on Page 11 mists Regithered Property ik Mav le,2,1 159 Pm. ft mHanec in kat, mortgage, the 9 Review Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2016 Page 11 Public Notices ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Road, Lake Elmo, MUnesab55042 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NOTICE OFMORTGAGE Continued from Page 10 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 348 PAGE S M Na51o/ 9615, Mnbtingb-by4Rand 9bT1 STATUTDETERES SECTION EAMONG 582032 02032 FORECLOSURE SALE FORECLOSURE SALE SAICOUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Elmi, Valle Road, n Elmo, THINGS, THAT THE OTHER THERIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF LA'W FOR REDEMPTION BY THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 9 y THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE THE MORTGAGOR THE THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE IS LOCATED: Ramsey MUnemb55042 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT INFORMATION REGARDING A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING TIME PROVIDED 81 LAW IS NOT REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT OF MORTGAGE $12211000 FORECLOSURE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE AFFECTED BV THIS ACTIONAMOUNT DUE AND CLAMED TO 9. THA requisites of Minn. St.§ ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: TH at BE DUEASOFDIEOFNOTICE, 58002 Ha been sa0stied THA AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, debulthasaauredUthAGandiHa ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA INCLUDIN.IGES, IFANY, PAID Hold,, th' Ma1g Has doldec AND ARE ABANDONED, bone fallawin described ldort Beth Hesoo,d in the condi_ BY MORTGAGEE:$113,43926 with all Condit— precedent to Dated. October 4, 2016 g 9a9A. STATUTES SECTION 5OTHER ofthAfollAGOMesaibA mortgage: Thatpriortoth—mmencementot a ddb d, b the deb[ secured by Deutsche Benk National Trust Mortgagor: SGottA J acobson end DETERMINING AMONG OTHER MORT,,O,ng SJ: Amanda F. thisldart f d the Mort d fa,Adasu,A b the Com WlizebethA Jecobmn, Husband end THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Gungsingvang, gage o,ecosub procee trig gage an p20 Trusteefor GSAMP ife PREMISES ARE IMPROVED en unmemec Mortgagee,thv 1gnG of Mortgagee Mortgage, end all no0co end other Trust 2006FM2, Mortgage Pass- Mortgagee: Voyager Benk, person Hell noOGe re f ble_ntes Throu h Certificates, Series 2005- Minnemb Benkin Gor DIT LESS RESIDENTIAL DW ELLING MORTGAGEE: World Savings eom,gn-dih qui, Htd, r10. THA ng I ton 9 g p,,U n OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Benk, FSB, nikle Wells Fargo srequired by sbWte;thet no anion 10. The original pnnoipel em FM2,—Ignee of M ortgagee Dated: 1-12005 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Benk,NA, Suocossorb or proceeding Hes been instiWted et seourec by the Mortgage was PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Recorded'. 02212006 y merger to la a,atherwise to recover the debt $2,075,00000. ASSOCIATION AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Wad,avia Mortgage, FSBGkla Worlc sw Ramsey County Recorder ANDAREABANDONED. Savings Bank, FSB ecu red by sett mortgage, or any 11. At the date of this nGbA the By. Jonathan R LLskey, Midlael V Document No. 3927146 Dated: SMA,obe,26 2016 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: ft RS eof o due on the Mortgage, enc Shcleisman Assigned To: MUnemb Ho,dUc Deutsche Bank National Trust PURSUANT tc the power of sale bares if any, peic bythe Holderofthe Anomeysfo,. FU,ncoA Asci nec to: Nona [ 9enoy Compeny,es lndeMure Trustee g on eined in said mortgage, the Mortgage is$.9,133.27. Deutsd,e Bank National Trust Dated: lOS12005 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT above described will be 12. Pursuant tc the f sale Com es Trustee to, GSAMP forAmericen Home Mortgage OF MORTGAGE: $243,]5000 toldb H Sheriff of ,count bnthe Mort the M ft o II Tmstp 2006FM2 Mort Pass- Re"mded:02CoUnty Irnestment Tr212006 ust2005-3,Assignee DATE OF MORTGAGE Augus25, follows e yes b. foredosed end the mortge wI TH H Certificates S nes 2006 Ramsey Gounry Remrder i Mortgagee 2004 9egec g DR "me 392]14] PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL DATE AND TIME OF SALE premiseswillbesolcbythe Sheriffof FM2 Assignee of Mortgagee Tran.dionA :NIA DATE AND PLACE of FILING De"' ,1 2116 1111A waehm Count blioaudion at East Firm Steet suite eco gent Ay th ON ReoameA on No b 8, 2004 y p 2 on agent Mortgage ID No By Jonathan R LLskey, Mid,eel V es Document N b -- PLACE OF SALE'. SH ffs Offico, N berg, 2016 10 AO AM., S. P I, MN 55101-1]18 NIA Sd,le men es modf ec of reoorc by document CMI P U 125 D. 4th Street H D Hinghon G y SH ff s .1 201-9 L d Broker: Wyage, Benk, e AGO tor: SHIA 1J0, St Paul, MN Off co, Gvil Procoss Dvison, t912281/S3 (fax) 'ys recorded on ApHI ], 2016 es Minnesob Banking Goryora0on Deutsche Benk —b—Il Trust Document Na 40.830 in the to pay the debt then secured by 15015 .nc Street North, SOIlweteT THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Servi cora U.S. Benk P.—Il Company, as Indent— Trustee Otfioe of the County Recorder of saidM ortgage, endt— if any, on MUnemb55082 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. —o—on to, American Home Mort a said premises, end the costs end 13.The 0meallowedforredempton l//251b008/l- 9 9A Washington County, MUn—E, disbursem ants, induding ettomeyK by Mortgagor or MortgagoYs 'Review: of 12219, 26 Nov 2, 9, e ortgage Onginetor: Voyager Benk, nvedomen[Trust LOOS), Assignee THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO fees allowed by law subled o personal repr,n o,ves o,asmgns :Re,e,) Minnemb Banking Goryora0on ofMortgagee BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE rAd empt,on within 6Man—An, the is TAO ;2) MONTHS after the date PROPERTY: Lot 2, Blod: 3, St Paul, MN bb" 1`8 date of -,d -le bythe mortgagor(sJ, of sale 3 GAB LEGAL9.70 their personal ,ep,Asenab— or 10. Mortgagor end Mortgagee Qgeview Not 6512281753 NOTICE MORTGAGE ThisisAbstrad Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION of HavA encored mro a vowN2ARv 651 228 PROPERTY. Lot 12 Bl Co 1 asegns. FORECLOSURE SURE SALE PARCEL NO. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Timber Edge 'J4'ashin Count DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE THE RIGHT VERIFICATION OF 1'52'922.140024 FR OM A DEBT COLLECTOR. The date on or before which the AGREEMENT dated s f Minnesobg g[an y 1b a THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. 12/2516005441 STREET ADDRESS OF mortgagorrt ust vacate thA prop [rty S[ptember 2/LU in com plienoe ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE 1672 ROSEWOOD AVENUE 'Review: Od S, 1'2 19 26 Nov 2 1 T h gage e ed H M .Stet 58232 PROPERTY: / ti4 ]4TH STREET TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT SOUTH 9,2016 GT S, COTTAGE GROVE, MN d M emb S don 15 E- H Ider of I len may AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. MAPLEW DOD, MN 55109 b80I o, He pr p y deemed d the ord 5COUNTY10 under MUn—E, Sant p,ovidecUMinn. Sat 58232, subd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 58023 is June 2017 et 1159 pm. 9 beginning after the xpiMtdn debul[hesocourec in the condi0ons IS LOCATED: Ram say NOTICE OFMORTGAGE IS LOCATED: Washington County, If the fo,egoinc date is a SW,day, of Mortgagor's two (2) month of the follawinc described mortgage: ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FORECLOSURE SALE Minnesab Sunda le al holide hhdam ten the ,econ Mortgagor : Tnsha Lee Ann Hanson OF MORTGAGE:$173768.00 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TRANSACTION AGENT None date to vacate is then #business 16. Name ofnd eeGH Mortgagor who enc OUT Hanson, wife 3 husbanc AMOUNT DU E AND GIAIMEDTO THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE NAME OF MORTGAGE day at ll S9 Pm. Hes been ,eleasec from finandel Mortgagee: Mortgage Elea-d—BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE ORIGINATOR: World Savings Bank, MGM AGOR(S) RELEASED olthga0on on the Mortgage: Belc Regib—on Systems, n, es INCLU DING TAXES IF ANY PAID TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT FSB, nikla Wells Fargo Benk, N A nominee to, Bremer Benk, Natonal BY MORTGAGEE:$231,294.1 y merger to FROM OBLIGATION ON Eagle Development d, p-oltoh AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Moftg mrb Wad,avie 711E GME A Minnemblimited liebilit a Aasode0an That HeoommenoemedUc oof NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Mortgage FSB flkle World Savings yGompent Da—ded�08 l9 Moft, gag-gnee of procoedinc debut[hes Dau red inthe Gandit— THE TIME ALLOWED BY 1T. The person Holding He Benk, FSB Recorded: 041192011 MortgageelAasignee of Mortgagee of the Rlowin desaibec ldortee: RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells AW FOR REDEMPTION BY e6or bled notetrn SEto b8 12 Ramsey County Recorder com plied with al l n—egn—ents 9 9 9 THE MORTGAGOR THE defined Minn. Sb[ Mortgagor: Nancy Ramsey, si ogle Fargo Bank NA MORTGAGORS PERSONAL subd. 30. Doamen[Na 42]6413 es required by steWte;thetno anion TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION I gnec To: U.S Bank Natonal or procoeding Has been nstiWtec et M artnaee: Mortae Eledronic NUMBER: 0002721220022 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Name of Mortgagee Asvo-ton law or otherwise to recover the debt 9 9 9 9 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Premier Bank RegisId, Systems, In, es TRANSAC ION AGENTS WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Nameand Address of Attorneys N, De—ded0.62 102V2012 seourec by said mortgage, or any nom e to, Markegrlacon Home MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagee Recorded:OSA62013 pertthereof Mortgage LLC, e Limited Liability NUMBER: None STATUTES SECTION 582132 LEONARD, O'BRIEN, SPENCER Ramsey County Recorder PURSUANT to the power of sale Company THAT no ani on or procoeding Has DETERMINING AMONG OTHER GALE 35AVRE, LTO. Da ent No 4349475 cona,ned in said mortgage the Dated: 11252009 been ndiontec at law to recover the THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ISI PeterASaleviGlll --don Agent Mortgage above described property will be Record ed: 121152009 debt then,Aldaininc secured by such PREMISES ARE IMPROVED By Peter J.See,q Ill, 80279237 Eledronic Regibt-Od, Systems in, solc bythe Sheriff of.,d county es Washington Gounry Recorder mortgage or any par[ thereof CIT if WITHISES RESIDENTIAL DWELLING By IPPesfo,Martga111 Transadion Agent Mortgage ID NO toll0- Doamen[Na32/1526 the anion or procoeding Hes been OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Leonard O'Brien, SpencoT Gale 3 1000/398 /20 - DATE AND TIME OF SALE . Assigned To: Oaven Loan Halt ted, that the same Hes been ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN SeNe, ltd Lender or Broker OBremer Benk, Decomber 1, 20161000 AM Servicing, LlG disoanOnued, or that en e.—ton AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 100 South Fifth Street Suite 2500 NeOonal Assada0 on PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Off- D d: 06232014 upon the udgmen d H S : U.S. Benk Natonal CMI P U 25 D. 4th Street AN DARE ABANDONED. M p l Minnemb 55402 R d d:0625201q H b sf d, Dated: September' 612) U A S 150, S. P I, MN J4 h g County Recorder H p US Bank National Assoc et on (Rev ew: Od� 12, 19, 26, Nov 2 M g g O g r: Bremer Benk, p Y H debt H ed by D Na 3491852 PURSUANT, H p r of sale N IAssoaaton s M PC— d If ny, on Tran.Pt n Agent Mort e e menet In 68 ga a the Ass g^PROFMortgagee 2016) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF s p the costs end EleRA—Regist ton Sycems91n9c above desaibec property will be PFB FAX PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY: Lot 26 end aII of To dsbursd—F,, ndud,ng attorneys Tran.Pt neem Mortae ID No: mldby the Sheriff of said County as ASSJdI.th ON LS, exoeptthe South lS feetthereof fees ellowec by law cubed o 9 99 follows: By. JonethenR LLskey, Mid,eelV NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Sd,lettTS Th,c Addioan, Ramsey redemption within 6 Monthsfrom the 1 Sd,leimen Lender or Broker. Merkegrleco DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Attomeysfor: FORECLOSURE SALE Gounry, Minnesom date of saicselebythemortgagor(s), Home Mortgage, LLC, e Limited Novembe,2, 2U1tiat10UUAM U.S. Benk -d—Il Assn -ton THERIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF This sAbstrad Property their personal ,ep,esent.— or Liability Gold pany PLACE OF SALE: Washington Assignee of Mortgagee THE DEBT AND IDENNTV OF THE TAX PARCEL NO'. assigns Servi cora Oaven Loen Servicing, County Sheriffs Offico, Washington Sy East Fifth Ste SUte 800 ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE 24 2923 33 0023 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. LlG Gounry Lew Enforcement Center TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: THA date on or before nand, the S Peul, MN 55101-1]18 Mortgage Onginetor: ­APpl— MUne .rid Street North, S011weteT 651209/799 AFFECTED BHEREBY GIVEN 130756HLETTI STREET If the moftg tvab nth-en—ey Home Mortgage, LLC, e Limited Minnesob 651 HIS IS 53'fC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SAINTPAUX DHICH P if the mortgage is not reins sten Liability Cold pany to pay the debt then se ec by THIS IS A COMMUNICATION of the rovoauredibed oftg ns COUNTY D WHICH PROPERTY under o, the p SbWtes sedan LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF said mortgage end bx 4uif any FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. of thIf owingdesaibedldortgagA: ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL 58030 or the property redeemed PROPERTY: Lo 5, Brod: 2, eduelly ped by the mortgagee, 1]9061600.58]-1 M g g : Scott Fogelson enc ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT u d M ob S Common merest G try Na on the prem sec enc the costs enc -Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, L F gelson, husbanc end wTe OF MORTGAGE :$13970000 58023 J el, 201] 1159p�mn 42 Oekwoode L J4 shinghon dsbursements allowed bylaw. The 16 2916) M 9 g e: Mortgage Eledron c AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO If H f g g date S u,day, Gounry, MUn—E, e allowed by law to, ,edempton Regla"Hon Systems, es BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE Sunday or legal holiday, then the lbbAbstrad Property by laic moft a oqs), their personal nominee for Fremont InVA6IralAnt 3 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID date to vacate is the nBB business TAX PARCEL NO'. ,ep,esent.— or assigns is six(6) Loen BV M ORTGAGEE'.$120,40002 day et 1159 Pm. 1002921.120015 mont—l—thedateof sale. NOTICE OFVOLUNTARY Dated: 06212006 THat priortothe commencoment of MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: TIME AND DATE TO VACATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Recorded: 071192006 thismortgageforeolosureprooeeding FROM OBLIGATION ON 620 Go An Fn PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage SALE Washington County Recorder Molt eel dgnee of Mortgagee MORTGAGE: NONE Oakdale MN 55128 ,einsbted or the property (MUnesab FOUL Setd,58232) Document No 3596675 oompl,ecwithallnoerequirents THE TIME ALLOWED BY COU NTV IN WHICH PROPERTY redeemed, o unless the Ome for Dete: Odober4, 2016 Assigned To: OeutnTlle Benk es required by ft Aot; that nomeanion LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY IS LO GATED: Washington ,edempton is reducod by ludidal YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a default Natonal Trust Company, as Trustee or procoedinc Has been indthtned et THE MORTGAGOR THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT order you ld ust vacate the premises Has occurred in the condit—of the under the Poolingend Se"bnc l aw or otherwise to recover the debt MORTGAGORS PERSONAL OF MORTGAGE '.$13074000 by ll S9 P m. on May22, 201/. following descrbed Mortgage: Agreement dated. of September secured by sett mortgage or any REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THE TIME ALLOWED BY INFORMATION REGARDING 1, 2006 SAMP Trust 2006`M2 part thereof MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY MORTGAGET0 BE FORECLOSED Mortgage P—Through Certificates, PURSUANT to the power of sale WEEKS IF AJUD ILIAL ORDER IS IN CLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID THE MORTGAGOR, THE 1. Date of Mortgage: Mad, 16 Senes200&FM2 ona, ec in ., mortgage, the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA BVM OR(TGAGEE:$121,175k .61 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 200 Dated: 03012012 ab, described property will be STATUTES SECTION 582032, TH at priortothe Commencement of REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS 2.Mortgagor. Belc Eagle Record ed: 03202012 sold by the Sheriff of sett county as DETERMINING AMONG OTHER this mortgage fo,ed asu,A procoeding MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Development LLC, a MUnemb Washington County Recorder follows: TH INGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Moft,a el -gnee of Mortgagee WEEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS limited liability cold pany Document No 3879979 DATE AND TIME OF SALE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED complied with ell Lotco requirem ants ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 3. Mortgagee: Premier Benk, a Transadion Agent Mortgage De,embe,1, 2016 1000A WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELING s required by d,bute; that no a di on STATUTES, SECTION 582132 MU-0.,.1poId, Eledronic RegistraOon Systems In, PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Off,, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, or proceeding H as been indiontec at DETERMINING, AM ON OTHER O. Recording loo—ton :Recorded Transadion Agent Mortgage ID No: Civil P,ocoss Unit 25 W. 4th Street ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN orothe, betorecoverthedebt THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED on N avem bey 9, 2011 as Daouldent 100194450002234947 Suite 150, St Paul, M N AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ICI erred by said mortgage, or any PREMISES ARE IMPROVED No 3861.3 with the Office of Lender o Broker: Freld ont to pay the debt then secured by AND ARE ABANDONED. ,1 thA`of WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING the County Recorder, Washington Inv Ant&Loan said M ortgaga an c I— If any, on Dated: Septeld bey 262016 PURSUANT to the power of sale OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Gounry, Minnesob Servicer: 0G Loan Servidng, -,du= ises, end the Dosis end Minnesob Housing Finance eined in said mortgage, the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 5. As sig nm ants of M ortgaga if any LlG disbents, including ettome nd Agenry,Assignee of Mortgagee ab=ed property will be AS PRODUCTION, None Mortgage Originator: Freld ont fees allowed by law cubed o PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Glc bythe Sheriffof., county es AN DAREABANDONED. INFORMATION REGARDING nvesment 3 Loan ,edempton within 6 Months Don, the ASSOCIATION follows: MORTGAGORS) RELEASED MORTGAGED PREMISES LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF d -of said sale bythe mortgagal(s), By Jonathan R Cuskey, MidhaelV DATE AND TIME OF SALE: FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION &—p—identfi-onnumbers PROPERTY: Lot 19, Blod: 1, their personal repream.— or S.1eiman De"Mbe,2, 20161000 AM ON MORTGAGE None of mortgaged premises 2TO-21- Woodland Acres assigns Attometf" PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement Dated: September292016 431011, 210 29 21-03 0 01 2 end This is A ­Property DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Minnesob Housing Fn­ PLACE 17U17 62nc Sreet N., WELLS FARGO8 ,N.A. 2/1L 92143 0013 TAX PARCEL NO.'. The date on or before wn,, the Agency,Assigneeof Mortgagee SOIlwate,, MN Mortgagee T, LAgaI Desaipton of the 10 030 21 41 0004 m ortgagor m ust vacate the property 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 to pay the debt then secured by THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA mortgagedpreldises: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: if the mortgage is not eted S[PauI, MN55101-1718 laic Moag_ and I_ if any, on By lel Lot 1, Brod: 6 Dndthnc Valley, .50103,c StN under Mune-E, StOu- -don .12097599 sic premises, end the costs end Rebeaa F Sd, I" Esq Washington Gounry, MUn—E, SOIlwate,, MN55082 58030 or the property redeemed .12261753 ;fat) disbursements, induding attameys' N. Kibongni FondungelleH, Esq Lot 2, Brod: 6, Dndthnc Valley, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY under Minne-E, StOu- -don THIS IS A COMMUNICATION fees allowed by law cubed o 'Curt N. Trisko, Esq.' Washington Gounry, MUn—E, IS LOCATED: Washington 58023 is June 1, 2017 et 1159 pm. FROM ADEBTCOLLECTOR. redemp0on within 6Monthsfrom the Samuel R Golemen, Esq Lot 3, Brod: 6, WHistlinc Valley, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT If the foregoinc date is a SeWrday, 1.05-1401.93 date of said sale bythA ld oa goq,), Attorneys for Moat ee Washington Gounry, Minnesob `GMORTGAGE:$508,25000 Sunday or legal holiday, then the Review:Od 12 Nov29, their personal represent__ or ThAAcademy Professional Building (ooll"vely, the "!feel Property) AM ON NT DUEANO GIAIMEO TO date to vacate is the next business 16 2016) assigns. 25N CHDele Street together with'eJ ell of the buildings BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE day et 1155 Pm. DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: St Paul, MN77102 end other improvements INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID MORTGAGORS RELEASED The date on or before which the (.1)2099760 d,ndinc o any 0 e By MORTGAGEE:$514,lot . FROM OBLGATION ON NOTICEOFMORTGAGE mortgagor mus[ vacate the property (161417-FC01) Hereafter Const chat or pl acod TH Ano, to the commencoment of MORTGAGE. NONE FORECLOSURE SALE If the mortgage is Ued THIS IS A COMMUNICATION upon the Reel uProperty ;6J ell thism ortgageforedosure procoedinc THE TIME ALLOWED By THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF under MUn—E, StOu-lse n FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. h -t ng, plumb- end Iigong MartgageelAssignee of Mortgagee LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 58030 or the property ,Ade meed (Review: Got 5, 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, appar t elevators en complied with ell no0co requirements THE MORTGAGOR THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE under Minnesob StOu- se 92016) engines an machinery, eledn-I as requi,Adby-tute; thatnoadion MORTGAGORS PERSONAL TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT is June2201/et 1159 p�mn equipment in epperaWs, or procoeding Hes been indiontec et REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. Ifthe e3foregoing date is a SeWrday, eircondi0oninc apparaWs, wUe,end ,otherwise to recover the debt MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Sunday o, legal holiday, then the NOTICE OF MORTGAGE gasapp—r pipes, water Heaters, se_ec by said mortgage, o, any WEEKS IF AJUDIGlet ORDER IS debult has o—,,edintheGondit— datetovacateisthen- business FOREC LOSURE SALE ,AfngenAng plant enc refrigerators, Parc thereof ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA of the following described mortgage: dayatll 59 Pm. softeners, carpets, G Fing, PURSUANT to the power of sale STATUTES SECTION 582032 Mort a to Andre M. Koen, a sin Ie THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF w h 99 -g le RELEASED THEDESTANDIDENNTVOFTHE s windows end doors, window co eined in said mortgage, the DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER FROM OBLIGATION ON ens screen doors, s[ sash, above desai bec property will be TH IN GS, THAT TH E M ORTGAGED Mort Amenfund Finandal In,, ORIGINAL IDEDI BY LAWWITIS von °� of b H Sheriff of said noun[ PREM ISES ARE IMPROVED 11 Fun MOFTGAGE:NONE window shades or blinds, awnings s c by yes dba All Fund Moa g­ 0110_ LAW IS NOT follows: WITHARESIDENTIAL DWELLING gage THE TIME ALLOWED By AFFECTED BHEREBY GIVEN I'Loot fencos, tre e shrubs, end DATE AND TIME OF SALE: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Dated: 11130200.5 LAW FOR REDEMPTION By NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all other fi'OR Aequipment end FiIAd:03113 R,,d THE MORTGAGOR THE of thef llownc de ibed condiO personal property of every kind De ACEO 2016 —Goo ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N Ramsey Registrar of Titles MORTGAGORS PERSONAL enc neh,e ed by CHAD now o, PL ACE OF SALE Law Enta,com ant AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Document No. No 558 Aeinst of ldongaga vh 99 CA tet uou .nA Street N., ANDAR3ABANDON30 Ag ­a REDUCED ASSIGNS, Mortgagor. Robeltc J. Aleyon, e Hereafter owned b CHAOS a or Certificate of TitleOne Mo MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE enc ehbohed or Used to the Reel SOIlwateT MN Dated: S sank "te,29, 2016 Assigned To: CGood, One Mortgage rungA ee party, _ Mansions He debt secured b U.5. 8enk National Association, Gor ACalifomie Gor 'WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Mortgagee: Mortgage Eledronic Pro indudinc all e to pay h y ted 111 porahion ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA RAgiste,to, Systems, nk a bette-ns, imp,ovem ants, laic Mortgage, end the4 if any, on Assigneeof "Odgag- Fiec 0111302005 STATUTES SECTION 582032 n d 04-2010 Oy Benk s betterments, renewals end saic premises, enc the costs enc PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Filet 03h151200] DETERMINING AMONG OTHER omen ,e1 0 e-edt,menF,theformen" disbursements, indudinc attorneys' ASSOCIATION Rald6A Count Re fTtles De.-ded�04292 s f II c by bion e By.J ethenR LLskey, Mid,eelV y y g THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Recorded: 04 County ng II H deme en D t No. 1497684 Against PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Reldsey County Recorder 9H P Igsan pp encos d f within6M H f ogth) Sd,l en G f Aof Title N0eu-1715 A RESIDENTIAL OWEWNG Dooumen[Na 42141. H iter bel g g, -,Fed d f sale byH g gor(sJ, Ah ysfor. q j d To: D He Benk OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, gnat yin any way pertaining to the Reel their personal represenbOves o U.S. Benk NeOonel Aasooie0on, NeOonel Trust Cold es Aasi To: U.S. Benk Natonal ° pany, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AsmdeOon Property o, to any buil ding, strudure assigns Assignee of Mortgagee Trustee for the Gertificateholders of AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Dated:/22212013 o, Improvement now or Hereetter DATE TO VACATE PROPEFTP. 55 Eest Firm Si,AAt SuIte81, Soundview Home Loan Trust2006 AND D.ed S ABANDONED ED. located thereon, ;d) the i=dlatd The date on o, bem,e nand, the St Pau' MN 55101-1718 OPTT Aeset-B-ec Cebfi a e, Rammed: 2121 V Dated. septeldbA,27, 2016 Raldsev Gounry Rename, a c oontnuing right ro ,emivA and ldongago, ldud,�aoate me property �1zosTs99 Senee20o6oPT1 omen Loan sermoin LLC, DOGuldAnt No 43e4/s9 GouAd au ,enb, nmme issuAe if mA ldongagA ie not ,Am btAA m12z6vx1 (b.7 Dated: 01 ao20a9 Assignee of Mortgagee Transedion Agent Mortgage enc profits now due end wYlidl may under MUn—E, StOu- sedan THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Filed: 021182009 PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL B R S s Inc Hereafter become due under or by 58030 He prop y d ¢ ec FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Ramsey County Reg e, of Ttles ASSOGAT ON T Ag M g g ONS: f Y or agreement d MUn—E, S 160074fi 0 N 2061875 A9ena By J amen R LLskey, Mid,ael V112b J for the leesng, 58023 J 2, 201] 1159 p. 'R : Od. 12,19 26 Nov 2 9, G f fT N .:558515 S.l an L d B k :M dG nOy Benk, bl U g, r o panoy of f H f g gds S--, 162016) T Ag WA A ysfor: all o, any pert of the Reel Property S d y o, legal H day, men the T n d o A Mort a D No: Federal Savings Benk date to vacate is the n- business 68 n gent g ge Oaven Loen S vidng, LlG S U.S. B k N Oonel now, Heretofore o H ft ede NIA Ass gnee 0 artg g or agreec to by theM g g r; ;eJ deyt 1159 Pm. L d B,oke, Aldenfund 55 East F fm Stre ,Suite 800 ell of the leases g rite MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED F no, dba All Fund M g 9 Origin : MIdCounpy FROM OBLIGATION ON S[ Peul, MNSSI le B k F neral Sev g B k nese bed n (dJ eb e (f) ell M g 9 AD-Ughon Corponbon 6512017549 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF in n enc other p,acoeds of MORTGAGE: NONE Servicer: OGwen Loen Servicing, 651-261753 far) PROPERTY: Lot 4 Block 48, a c all condemn.,on awards with THE TIME ALLOWED BY �C THIS IS A COMMUNICATION rasped to, meforegoing LAW FOR RE FTION BY Mortgage On Aldenfund FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Banning&Olivi Ao s Addio" to Wes[ The descnbedreel THE MORTGAGOR THE Ino ginetor: 17725 1 6 0 0 6191 S. Paul, Raldseycounty, Mi nnesota RegTsleredtT�s)pmputy MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Finandal dba All Fund RAviAw. oda 18.19 26, Nov 2 Thie iewdraP PCEArty e. The ph,""I street add,Aesee, REPRESENTATV3s oR HY IGNs Public Notices 9,2016) TAX PARCEL NO.. MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE 07 28 2311147 Glty enc zip Gala Atha mortgaged WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Continued on Page 12 prem Ime: s.1 whist'Ing valley Page 12 Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2016 Review Public Notices Decom bar 1, 201610 00 AM 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Lender or Broker: Twin Qty Coops es required by kFUHA met no-an NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PLACE OF SALE: S-Ifs Office, Samuel R Coleman, Eel Federal credit Union or proceeding Hes been instiwtec et FORECLOSURE SALE Continued from Page 11 ("MI Process Unit 25 W. 4m Street Attorneys for M ortgagee Servicer. Spire Federal Qedit law or omenvise to recover the debt THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Mort e e,AWeshin Gor oraton Suite 150, St Paul, MN The Aoedemy Professional Buildinc Union secured by said mortgage, or any THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFT HE M1,­ g gton p to pay me debt men secured by 25 North Daze Street Mortgage Originator: Twin Gary co part thereof ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION 27 TION OF said Mortgage, end taxes, if any, on St Paul, MN771o2 ops Federal Qedit Union PURSUANT to me power of sale TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT PROPERTY: Lot 2], Spring Lake said premises, end the costs end '671)2039]67 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF contained in said mortgage, the AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. Perk Hillview, except the North M1elf disbursements, inoludmg ettome, :15103]-FCO2) PROPERTY: Lot le, Block le above described property will be NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Ramse C-P,, Minnesota fees allowed by law su bled o THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Auditors Subdi-an Na 11, St sold by the Sheriff dlaic county es detaul[hesoaurred in me conditons Tabb Registerec Property redempton within 6 Months from the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Pau 1, Man-E, end the Southerly follows: ofinetollowing described mortgage: TAX PARCEL NO.'. date ofse--le be he mortga qo ), ;Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 11 feet of Lot 1, Blot: le Auda ,S DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Mortgagor: )anter Leviege, e 063023410014 weir persvnel represento- or 16 2016) Subdivision Na 11, St Peul, Oecember9, 201610 ADAM single women ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. assigns Minnesota except the Westerly PLACE OF SALE: F-En- ent Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic 7671 Geenwooc Or GATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. 10 feet the-ed earordmc to me Center 17U17 Qnc Street N., Regis can Systems, Mounds Uew, MN 55112 The date on or before which me NOTICE OF MORTGAGE recorded plat thereof end eWete in Still water MN ee for Quid:en Loensli oQ es COUNTY IN W HIGH PROPERTY mortgagor m ust vacate the property FORECLOSURE SALE Ramsey county, Manemta to pay the debt men secured by nDmnde0f-ack3 I-ey if me mortgage is not re aced THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TabbAdAMPRPApely said Mortgage end taxes, if any, on Recorded:091134013 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT under Minnesota peay I- recto PARCEL NO.'. said premises, end the costa end Weshin Count Recorder A MORTGAGE: $213, ]5000 n THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE g[on y 58030 ore property redeedmed ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE 01-282323ADRES0153 disbursements, inducting ettomeyK Document Na 3964131 AM ON T DUEAS AND GI AI MED TO under Minnes1 17.11 se o 43M-kuSOF PROPEFTV. fees allowed by law sub act o �y dTo: Quaken Loans Inc BEDUE AS OF OATS OF NOTICE, 58023 isJune1, 201]et 1159p�mn TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT q3 Meokubin S[ redem p0onwithin6 M onths from me 9ne INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANV PAID AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION Dated: 09�V44014 If the toregoinc date s a SeWrday, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That SeiUPaul, MN55102 date ofsa,d-llebythe molt oq( ), Recorded. 111124014 BY MORTGAGEE. $233588.]] Sunday or legal holiday then the COUNTY IN 'WHICH PROPERTY their personal representatives or Thatpriortrmemmmencementof date to vacate is the next business dO ul[has oaurredlnmecondit°ns IS LOCATED: Ramsey assigns. W'ashing[on county Recorder thismoat efts-0sureproceedm5 day at 1155 pm. oMhefor- gde-lbee 'ge ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Docummennr Ne 400068 [5 Mortgage .mplbgeet-In,G of Mortgagee MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Cmn and Gary L Cran, wife and OFMORTGAGE:$214,50000 The date on or before which the Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. complied with ell notice requirements FROM OBLIGATION ON husbenc enc Donald J. LffelAn n AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO molgagormust vacate me property Transaction Pgen[Mortgage lO No: s requirec by steWte; met no action MORTGAGE NONE n BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE if me mortgage is not reinsated 1 000390331 -580 or procoedinc has been msdiauted et THE TIME ALLOWED BY unmamecpersvn INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID under Manemta SEbutes sect on Lender or Broker Quicken Loans h se to recover the debt MO �GAGEE M g g EI prop y LAW FOR REDEMPTION By BY MORTGAGEE'. $211,259.19 58030 h d d by d mortgage, y THE MORTGAGOR THE R g Syst Th p h mmencomentof d M Sp D S : Q a k n LoansInc P h f MORTGAGORS PERSONAL rP°cot h g g f dosure procoedng J p PURSUANT me power of sale REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS f J.M. Trout E p M -d of Mort a ee f h f dot SeWrde M g g O ginetor. Qu d:en tibia JMT Mort e Mnnesota pl g gnee g g ego ng Y LoansInc d d mortgage me MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE 9a9e pf dwm ell notcorequ 0' don S dy or legalhId y, then the LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF above the Shll pf-cwu be wEEKs IFAJuoICIAL ORDER Is mSSIG on s regwree by"tute; matno adion daterovacp isme neva bnaness PROPERTY Lot9 aloe:a one sold by me Sheriff of said county es ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. follows ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Assigned t0 Federal Natonal or o, oth ncet been, thetutdebt dayat AGAR. Glen 3rd Additon, Washington 6TATUTES SECTION 582032 Mortgage Assoaaton ('Fannie ke-ed by tomolge the debt MOFTGAGO BLI RELEASED Gounry,Mane- DATE AND TIME OF SALE: DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER secured by said mortgage, or any FROM OBLIGATION ON This is Ab P-Pro December 1, 201610 00 AM TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED M-) by e14ig2016[reoordedon PURSUANT MToHE GME A party PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, PREM ISES ARE IMPROVED WITH September 14 2016 th Document PURSUANT to me power of sale THE TIME ALLOWED BY TAX PARCEL NO.'. Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street Number 4003213 in he Office of 2002]21320066 Suite150, St Paul, MN A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING me county Recorder of Washington cental ec In ed mortgage me LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV ADDRESS OFPROPEFTV. OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS aboven described property will be THE MORTGAGOR THE 9699 HAMLETAVES h debt men secure b County, AL PRINCIPAL to pay the c y ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN sold by me Sheriff of said county es MORTGAGORS PERSONAL sai55016 d Mola end I- if en ORIGIRTGAGE $3400 AMOUNT COTTAGEGROVE M PROPS g ge, y, on AGRICULTURAL PRooucnoN meows: REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS coumTv w wwcH PROPERTY OF MORTGAGE: $340,00000 said premises, enc me costs enc AND d Septe be-2 ED DATE AND TIME OF SALE: MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE IS LOCATED: Weshin disbursements, indudmc attorneys' Dated: September29, 2016 DAZE OF MORTGAGE January Deoember8, 201610A0 AM WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS g[on fees ellowec by law subeIX o U.S. Bank National Association, 2' tl PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ORIGINAL GE $114.00CIPAL AMOUNT redem pton within -n-Don, the Assignee of Mortgagee DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Qvil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th S[ree[ STATUTES SECTION 582032, OF MORTGAGE:$ D CLAIMED Recorded on Mardh 14, 2008 e AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO date of sat c salebymemorbagor(sJ, PFB LAW PROFE6610NAL Doamen[Number 3834184 in the 6uite 150, St Paul, MN DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE weir personal representatves or ASSOCIATION to pay the debt men securec by THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID assigns Office of me County Recorder of DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY e km an Jonathan CLskey MidheelV Washington county, Minnesota said Mort gage, anctaxes, if any on PREMIBE6 ARE IMPROVED BY MORTGAGEE $1]0,089]5 The date on or before which the SH, an THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO said premises and the Dosis and WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING That prior to the commencement of Attomeysfor: disbursements, indudmc tome, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, mismoa f tonere d if lgagor m u 9evecatetnothe pro'enperty U.S. Bank Natanal 1-atan BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE fees allowed by law subeIX o ARE NOT PROPERTY USED S gageo-e procoe inc ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: MolgageelAssignee of Mortgagee ec Assignee of Mortgagee $3420]363 redem pton within 6 Monthsfrom the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, complied with all notice requirements under Manemta SEUD- lsedton 77 East Fifth Street Sate.. doeofsaidsalebythemolgagoq( ), ANDAREABANDONED. 58030 or me propeay redeemec LEGAL DESCRIPnON OF as regwree bydaWte;matno adion under Minnemta StaWtes sect on 6[Peul, MN 55101-1]18 weir personal representatves or Deed: Octobers, 2016 d hes been in diluted et PROPERTY: The South 38100 orprocoe ag m122281599 feet of the east - t,b feet of the esmgns U.S. Bank National Association, law or otherwise to recover the debt If the fs Jun g Uel 1S D a, - - (fax) DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. as Trustee for Residential Asset S the fore cin date is a SeWrde Northeast Quarter of me Northeast seourec by said mortgage, or any 9 9 y. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION The date on or before which me Securities Corporation, Home Sunda or le halide men me Queaer of SeIXion 15, Township 2] pertmeJAN Sunday 9e y, FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. m trhe homust vacateme property Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed powero Nom,, Range to wed, Denman: PURSUANT ro ,d f sale date tc vacate is the rte# business l /910.1700940. if he mortgage Is not rem dart -Th.., Certificates, Series co mined in said mortgage, me day at 1159 Pm. 'Review: Od 12,19, 26 Nov 2, 9, MinnemTV l pta, Washington Gounry, under Minnemta StaWtes section 2006K50, Assignee of Mortgagee above desaibec property will be SORTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED )6 2016) STREET ADDRESS OF 58030 or the property redeemed OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL cold by me Sheriff ofsaidy dill be FROM OBLIGATION ON PROPEFTV:8210 QUADRANTAVE under Minnemta StaWtes sect on ASSOCIATION follows: MORTGAGE: NONE 58023 isJune8, 201]et 1159 p�m. By: Jonathan R C-ey, MaFaelV DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THE TIME ALLOWED BY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE S HASTINGS, MN 55033 If me foregoinc date is e SeWrday, Sdhleismen LAIN FOR REDEMPTION BY COUNTY N WHICH PROPERTY Sunday or legal holiday men the Attorneyan December 9, 201610 00 AM THE MORTGAGOR, THE FORECLOSURE SALE IS LOCATED: Wash ngton county, date to vacatet hhenext business U.S. Bank Netonel Asmaeton PLACE OF SALE'. Law Enforcom ent MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF Manemta day et 1159 Pm. as Trustee for Residental Asset center, 15015 Qnd Street N., So REPRESEN REDUCED ASSIGNS OR CONAL CREDITORTWITHINTHE Electronll Regg ato Sys[emAGENT sgl�nc MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Seances Gorporaton, Home Equity Cto pay rthe debt men securec by MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE FROM OBLIGATION ON Mortgage Asset-Backed Pecs WEEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT NAME OF MORTGAGE said Mortgage, end taxes, if any, on ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA MORTGAGE NONE Through Certificates Series 2006 AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION ORIGINATOR J.M. Trout said premises, anc me costs enc STATUTES SECTION 582032 prises,HE TIME ALLOWED BY K54Assignee of At Su ee disbursements, indudmc ettorne NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'. That Enter Incna tibia JMT ?5 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER defaulthasocounecin tlhe condmons M agage a Manemtaoorpo-an LAE FOR REDEMPTION BY SS East Fifth Street Suite 800 fees allowec ,n law subject o ofthefollowac desoribec mortgage: RESIDENTIAL SERVICER THE MORTGAGOR THE St Pzu',..55101-1]18 redempton witlhin 6Montlhsfrom tlhe PREMITHINGSES ARE THE MORTGAGED MOFTGAGOR(S): Holly H. Lee, a Seteru4 Inc MORTGAGORS PERSONAL l- 1799 dateofsaicsalebythemoagagor(s), PREMISES AREIMPROVEDELLIN- REPRESEN DEDUCED ASSIGNS, 65122&1]53'faxJ wLTH AREsIDENTIAL DWELLING mamee perm TAX PARCEL 20 neo- personal representatves or OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS MORTGAGEE: Wells Fargo Benk, NUMBER 1-2/ 20.1141002 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION assigns ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NA TR/W TACTION AGENTS WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. DATE TO VACATE PROPEFTV. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 1]]2515-010912 The date on or before which the Assigned to: None. NUMBER l0005Ue/rt10297831e 'STATUTES SECTION 582032 Review: Od 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 mortgagor must vacate me property ANDARE ABANDONED DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER ' ,20167 Dated: september302016 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THAT no amion or prooeeamg has THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED if me mortgage is not rein Deutsche Bank National OFMOR(TGAGE.$16081].00 been instituted at law to recover the PREMISES AlE IMPROVED under Manemta Statutes on Trust CompanVas Trustee for DATE OF MORTGAGE. November debt remaining secured bysudh WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 58der0 Min nemm Secy edeemec Sound-Homo LoanTrust 28,2011 m 01gage, or any part thereof or, if OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, un sect on 20060PT1,Asset-Backed DATE AND PLACE OF FLNG the action or proceeding hes been FORECLOSURE SALE 58023 is June 9, 2017 at 1159 p. m. Recordec on Jenuery 13, 2012 es instWted, that the same has been ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, If the foregoing date is a SeWrday, Certificates, Series 20060PT1, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Sundayle halide men me Assignee of Mortgagee Document Number 38]0662 in the di-Unued, or that an execution ANDAULTURA PR that default hes o rrec n the or ge y, OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Office of the county Recorder of upon the uclgt ent renderedth erein Dated: Oc[ober1T 2016 conditons of a mortgage dated date to vacate is the ne, business ASSOCIATION vTHEngton AMOUNT CLAIMED TO hholeoeIn pertmed unsatsfied, in Spire Credit Union I. Spire �hU VaI Neu' e,endo Maysong da, ORTGAGORS) RELEASED By Jonathan R Guskey, Mioheel V w Federal Credit Union ike Twin Sdhl_man BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE PURSUANT, to me power of sale CityF cps Federal Credit Union, Chu-Vang-Heu, as molgagoq( ), to FROM OBLIGATION ON Attorneys for: ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE '. contained in said mortgage, the Mort a ee Liberty State Bank, as mortgagee, MORTGAGE: NONE ED BY Deut-e Bank -anal Trus[ $LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF solo by [43 above Rhe ShenR of sebed ed mmunry be PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Three hgndrenal d -Thirty Thousand LAW FOR E REDEMPTION BY H, mount company, as Trustee for Sound- PROPERTY: The North l4 of Lot l4 follows: ASSOCIATION and no1100 [$330,00000) Dollars, THE MORTGAGOR THE Home Loan Trust 20060PT1,Aaset- By JonemenR Guskey, MidheelV MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Bade certificates Series 2006 anc ell of LotlS, Blot: 233, 5[Peul DATE AND TIME OF SALE recordec wih me Washington Pan:, D-an No 3, Washa December 62016 et10:00 AM SOMeismen count Re fTtes, State REPRESENTAT VES OR ASS IGNS, 55 Eaa signee eO ortgagee Ston I me tor: Y gistrar o 55 East Ffm Stree[Suite 800 Gounry, Minnesota PLACE OF SALE: Washington Spire credo Unan Da Spire Federal MUnemta on Janus ry 13, 2003, as MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE St Paul, MN55101-1718 STREET ADDRESS OF county Sheriffs Office, Washington Redit Union fka Twin Qty coops doe no. 11221] 2; that tlhe mortgage WEEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS 6712097599 PROPERTY: 836 ASHLAND county Law Enforcom ent Center is upon registered land; mat all ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA AVENUE ST PAUL PARK MN 1701 Qnc Street North, Stillwater Federal credo Union, Mortgagee prsforeolosure requirements have STATUTES SECTION 582032 HS IS (fart 7S East Fifth Stree[Suite eco DETERMINING AMONG OTHER THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 550]1 Minnesota St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 been complied with; met no te' at FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY to pay the debt men secured by .1203]597 or prooeedmg hes been instiWtec et TH IN OS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED 1T/2515002083- IS LOCATED: WesM1ing[on Gounry, s mortgage and taxes if any yyl )181 law to recover any part of the debt PREMISES ARE IMPROVED F.) (Review: Od 12, 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, Minnemta actually pato by me mortgagee, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION seared by sac mortgage met WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 16 2016) TRANSACTION AGENT None on the premises and the costs end FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. there is Reim ec to be due the-eon OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, NAME OF MORTGAGE disbursements ellowec by law. The 3 me sum of Two Hundred Thirty-five ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ORIGINATOR Wells Fargo Bank, tme allowed by law for redemption (Review Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16 Thousand 61x Hundred Twenty end AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE N.A by saic moagagogD their personal 23 2016) 70I100 ;$235,670]0) Dollars on ANDAREABANDONED. FORECLOSURE SALE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells representatves or assigns is six;6) this date; and that pursuant to the Dazed: OIXober11, 2016 Fargo Bank NA mon-Dom the date of sale, power of sale therein the mortgage Quicken Loans inc., THERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION TIME AND DATE TO VACATE will be R-edosed and the property Assigneeoi Mortgagee THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE NUMBER: 1202722.140047 PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage NOTICE OF MORTGAGE in Washington county, Minnesota, OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TRANSACTION AGENTS is stated or the property FORECLOSURE SALE described as to own: ASSOCIATION TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION redeemed,o unless the tme for THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Lot 2, Block 3, Lake Elmo Heights By Jonathan R Ce, MahaelV AFFECTED BVTHIS ACT IO N. NUMBER: None redemption is reduced by judiaal THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE 3rd Addition Sdhlei sman NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that THAT no action or procoedinc hes order you melt-bethe premises ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHIN THE Property Address: 2580 Imperial 1 me, tor: default has oc-edin thA ndi0ons been i-bated et law to recover the by 1159 pm. on June 6 2017. TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Avenue N., Lake Elmo, Minnesota Quaken Loans Inc, Assignee of of the following described mortgage: deb[men rem eining seourec by sudh THE TIME ALLOWED BY AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. 55002 Mortgagee Mortgagor: Joseph P Lancotte enc mortgage, or any part thereof or if LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that =b I.D. old by 75 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Ashlee M. Frederick, husbanc anc the action or procoedinc hes been THE MORTGAGOR THE default has oc-acro the condit- will be sold by me sheriff of S[ Peul, MN 55101-1]18 wife instituted, that the same hes been MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ofthefollowinc described mortgage: said county at public auction on 6712097599 Mortgagee: Mortgage Ped-onto discontnued, or that an execution REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Mortgagor: Lou Ann Graham, a December 10, 2016, at 10A0 /73 (fax) Regis can Systems, Inc as upon the IUdgment rendered therein MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE kagleperson k, dock AM. at Sheriff's Office, THIS�IS A COMMUNICATION ee for centennial Mortgage hes been returned unsatisfied, in WEEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Lew Enforcement Center, 15015 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. and Funding, Ina whole orin par[ ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Regial-aton Systems Ino as -62nd Street North, Stillwater 1/922-160- 132 Dated: 671067 PURSUANT, to the power of sale STATUTES, SECTION 582032, n nee for First State Mortgage MUnemta tc pay me debt secured (ReviewOct 19226 Nov 2, 9, 16 Filed: OB�V14067 ontai ec in ka mortgage, the DETERMINING AMONG OTHER C000-oan by the mortgage, inducting costs (23 Re e6) Ramsey Registrar of Titles eboven described property will be THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Dated: 041104006 and e omeyK fees allowed Document No. 2013114 Against soldby the Sheriff of saic county as PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Recorded: 051122006 law subject to redempton ed mby e certificate of Title No.: 567009 tollows: WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLIN C Washington county Recorder molgagoq(), their heirs or assigns, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Assigned To: U.S. Bank National DATE AND TIME OF SALE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Document No. GG4367 within six ry)monmsfrom me date of FORECLOSURE SALE Aasooieton Decom ber620leetl0U0 AM ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Aasignec To: U.S. Bank Netonel laza The mortgagors) m est vacate TH E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Dated: 041174015 PLACE OF SALE: Washington AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, As -an as Trustee for RASC the propertbefore 1159 pm. THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE Fi A 04232015 county Sheriffs Office, Washington AND ARE ABANDONED. 2006K54 on June 14'200n107'if'o'e 1159 p rte ORIGINAL CREDTORW TH NTHE Ramsey County Registrar of Titles County Lew Enforcement Center MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED Dated: 011134012 of reinstated under §58030, TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Document No. T02528205 Against 15015 Qnd Street North, Stier FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Record ed: GB022012 or'i�p the property is not redeemed AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. certificate of Title No.: 567009 Minnesota ON MORTGAGE: None Washington county Recorder under§58023. Transaction Agent Mortgage to pay the debt men secured by Dated: Odoberl3 2016 Document No. 38/3238 THE TIME ALLOWED BY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Electronic Registraton Systems,Ina said mortgage an I- if any FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Assignec To: U.S. Bank Natonal LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY detaulthasoaurred in me conditons Transaction Agent M 01gage ID No: a f the following described m olgage: 1 00232301120061197 on theypremises end mem o-a'and, ASSOCIATION Residential Asset Tru,tee MORTGAGORS PERSONAL MOFTGAGOf$B): James H. Herrin Lender or Broker. Centennial disbursements allowed by l aw. The THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA C000-oan, Home Equity Mortgage REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, endNisa Hems husband end wife M agage anc Funding, Ina tme allowec by law for redempton By lsl Asset-Backed PassThrough MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE M ORTGAGEE: M agage Elred-ona Servicer: U.S Bank NRe abonal by said mortgagors), the, personal Rebe-F Sdhiller Esq. certificates, Series2006K54 WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Delelware-atioo Systems, c a Assooiaton representatves or assigns is six (6) N. datongnI Fondungallah, Esq Dat ed: 011152016 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA orporaton, as norm Mortgage Originator. centennial m onths Dom the date of sale. 'Curt N.Trisko, Es q.- Recorded: 01292016 STATUTES, SECTION 582032 for Access Natonel Mortgagenee Molgageanc Funding Ina TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Samuel R Coleman Esq Washington county Recorder DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ASSIIGNS any LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Unless saic mortgage Attorney-l-Mortgagee Document No. 4055968 THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. PROPERTY: Lot 1], Blot: 1, Willerc is r me The Aoedem Professional Buildinc Transection Agent Mortee PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Aamgnec to: Dells Fargo Bank, NA ander Additon No T Ramsey redeemed5o unless me lime fo 25 North Dale Street - Ped-onioRegial-an Systems Inc WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING bn esm9nmen[recorded on June B, Gounry, Minnesota redempton is reduced by judiaal St Paul , MN66102 Transaction Agent M a age ID No: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS , 1 Doo um theent Number40rt1174 This is Registerec Property order you must vacate the premises '671)2039]67 1001523-120000389i] ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN in me Office of me Gounry Recorder TAX PARCEL NO.'. by ll 79 p m. on June e, 201/. '161263-FC01I Lender or Broker First State AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, oORIGINARL PRIN on PALnAMOUNT 342922.420067 THE TIME ALLOWED BY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION M agage Coo-an AND ARE ABANDONED. OF MORTGAGRIN$280CIP,833.00 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Servicer -en Loan Serviang, Dated: Octoberl82016 DATE RT MORTGAGE:December 1555 EU CLIDST THE MORTGAGOR THE 'Review: Od 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 LLG Associated Benk, National ll 200 SAINT PAU X MN 55106 MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL 21 2016) Mortgage Originator. First Stale Association (successor by DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY RE PRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS M agage Coo-an merger to Liberty State Ben k), Recorded on February 22, 2008 es IS LOCATED: Ramsey MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Mortgagee Document Nu mbar 3601418 in me ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: Lot 2, Block 2, Ralph L Moore, STEIN 3MOORE, Office of me County Recorder of OF MORTGAGE: $1]1,00000 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FORECLOSURE SALE Jamaica WQge, Washington county, PA, Attorneys for Mortgagee, 332 Washington Gounry, Minnesota AM ON NT DUE AND CLAIMED TO STATUTES, SECTION 7820'32 THEORECLRIGHT OSREALE OF Minnesota Minnesota Street MW-1670, S[ THE AMOUNT GUUMEO TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER TabbAbstracRPapely PauLMN55101(671)22419.3 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE TAX PARCEL NO.'. 'Review: Oct 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE BY MORTGAGEE: $1]0, 67138 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE 23,2016) $2 THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. Thal he coin mencom ent of TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT 1502121.)1RESS 0009 $258,35293 pngagef OF LESS OW UNITS AD2Jane-o nueSouth LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF MOPERM agog e e gnees of dmc AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. g g procoe of LEss THAN FVE uNITs en2JanereAvenne scum Magage ewah al nee I- Mort e ee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PROPERTY. Lot 2, Block d Royal 99 9 99 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Cottage Gove, MN SSOIe complied with all notice requirements detain[hes oaurred in me oonditons Pan: anesision, Washington s regwree bydaWte; mat no adion AGRICULTURAL PRooucnoN, LOCATCOUNTY IN wwCH PROPERTY AMOI.A BANS) of de-bed moggage: IS ORIGATED:wasCIPAL County MInnemta as has beenmdthetuteddebt MOM FINAN RELEASED Mortgagor: erein R GbsonORIGINAL GE$2000 MOUNT PROPERTY f31 PAUL RonODR, law kecu,eotherwise ro recover ma debt unmaW ed Pe�ns(s) Doo by MN 551251517FROM FINANGIAL OBLIGATION OF MORTGAGE:$2DCLAI00 ec by said mortgage, Y ON MORTGAGE: None Mortgagee: Twin Qty Coops AMO E AS OF ANO CLAIMED TO Federal Qeda Union COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY partmereop Dated: October?tole IN LUENG OFDATEOFNOTICE MI LocATED: washW count PURsuANT ro me f sale Dated:ovnAoos gen u power e WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID MTnemta eined in said mortgage the Mortgagee Recorded:03 County BY MORTGAGEE'. $151,21404 above desaibec property will be THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Ramsey Gounry Recorder That priortothe commencementof TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage sold by the Sheriff of said county as Document No. 39i 6349 muews: ey. e Tmn�dion Agent INA this g gee-dgneesof Ma ogee Public Notices DATE AND TIME OF SALE : Nd atongni Fonldungllleh, Esq NTIAren-an Agent M agage ID No: Pomp) dwim alll-ce req-menF, Continued on Page 13 Review Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2016 Page 13 Public Notices Tra°s an Agent M orcgage ID No: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: LINE OF LOT 11 ALSO BEING eveAHU, be o, kbe is askU, f,,,n dry website at www. maPlewoodmn. NIA 206 Roselawh Avenue East THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE Fbe dE,Fee Pe000n. g- o, by calling 61124calling­ ng 0. Conhnued from Page lL Lend, o, Broker: Lendmur,A Ina, Maplewood, MN 55117 OF PLATTED ha LAUREL STREET, NOTICE OF PARENT EDUCATION Notice posted city bell Electronic Regidraoon Systems Inc. a Minnesota Corporation COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS on Odob.r 3, 2016 end to be NAME OF MORTGAGE Servicer. Oowen Loan Sang, ISLOCATED. Ramsey ALSO BEING THE POINT OF P -Hag a -t on may be published in Lillie News o ORIGINATOR Mortgage Electronic LF ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT BEGINNING OF PART OF LAUREL require, in ell custody or plUndq Odob.r19thend October 26th.n Registration Systems, e Mortgage Originator: Lendmu,co, OFMOR(TGAGE $16]92000 STREET BEING DESCRIBED, proceedings You may cont- 'Review: Obt 262016) Deawar le corporation, e nee Ina, a M innesotacoT-tan AMOUNTDUE AND GLAIMEDTO THENCE NORTHWESTERLY court administration for additional for A- Neoonel Mortgage�� OESCRIETION OF BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, AND NORTHERLY ALONG na-mlon regarding thb VIM-comp,ay a PR DES Lot 13 end We South INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID THE SOUTHWESTERLY AND requirement end We availability a NOTICE OF PUBLIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells 12 of Lot 14, Block 295, Division BY M OFTGAGEE:$19612703 W ESTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK parent education programs. ACCURACYTEST N0.3 of S[ Paul Perk, Washington H I tdortothe commencement of 3, TO THE NORTHWESTERLY Dated: 9232016 Fargo Benk, NA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN [het e TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Gounry, Minnesota Wismorte-ageeeoff proceeding SORTER THEREOF, THENCE 8y:/s/ AdamV.tvick publicea ,yted will be cond,Re, NUMBER: 0002021 CH UUCP This is Abstract Property MortgageelAssignee of Mortgagee SOUTH BB DEGREES SU MINUTES Attorneyfor Petitioner forth, purpose of demonstrating the TAX PARCEL NO.'. oompl,ecwiWallnoo,,,eq,,,ements 44 SECONDS WEST ALONG A Attorney License N..#396101 urecyo aond tag thA TRANSACTION AGENTS co f the coin MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION 1202]22.13.0031 as,ah,aby-tae; hInoadion W ESTERLY PROTECTION OF THE P08ox4631 endvoong s'ys[emsFo beused eFWe NUMBER 100051110000132129 ADDRESS OF PGOPER(TV. or proceeding has been i atHed et SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT St. PAuI, to jot Slate Gen k Election e Novem bee THAT no action or din hes 844 Pollan,Ave aw dtherwise to recover The debt 11, BLOCK 3, SABINS ADDITION ed..Ovetvickde c.,n a 2016 Th, scour- ptooee g cN test will be SOUNTYerk MN 55071 seared by saic mortgage, o, any TO STILLWATER, 1500 FEET 6 51-2 0 6 31]2 beenhAn'em at lewd recover The held in The Gtry of Maplewood coundl debt re, ay b dh IS IN WHICH PROPERTY PPURSUeory THENCE SOUTH C DEGREES 'Review:Od 12 19 26 2016) chambers locate, eF 1830 count gekag h frytie, if IS LocNAL �RIPCI gton PURSUANT m me Power of sale 3e MINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST Rol B East on Th,, d OR—, mortgage, or any pert t ereo, t y, The action or proceeding hes been ORIGIOF NALPAL AMOUNT coo, d in said mortgage, The 35.33 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 2], 201611 A0 p. m. Luted, lhet the same bas been AMOUNT MORTGAGE E: $130,00000 above the Shed property will be 91 DEGREES l'2 MINUTES Ll NOTICELEC GENERAL Ke,eh Hagg, CFy Clerk disco hoe Hd, or Thatanexecuoo AMOUNAS OF AND CLAIMED TO soldby The Sbe TIME sat c SALE SECONDS EAST T/.R FEET, ELECTION Notice posted in city bell b d d d Therein BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE follows: THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 2433 on October 3, 2016 end to be upon the eWme,eu ware INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID DATE AND TIME OF SALE. FEET MORE OR LESS, TO THE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL b b d sf d, n BY MORTGAGEE $t24400' D her 15, 2016 1000AM POINT OF BEGINNING DISTRICT NO. 622 publ shed n Llle News on b A p Odob.r l9 2016 and Odob.r 26 PURSUANT, b P f le TbaFp10 eaeco ek of PLACE OF SALE Sb ff's Off, PTD#:20030.2023.0142 (NORTH ST. PAUL- 2016 tined n sad mortgage, the Wsmortgegetored p coedinc CMI Pocoss Unit, D 4th Street STREET ADDRESS OF MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE) 'Review: 0¢19, 26 2016) above described property will be Sol, gee-agnee of Mortgagee Suite 150, 1 Paul, MN PROPERTY: 923 MAPLE STREET STATE OF MINNESOTA olc by The Sheriff of laic county I, comIded with all na-egUI-emend to pay The debt Then secured by W STILTNATER, MN 55082 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That follows s,egh" by""te; That no action said Mortgage, end taxes, if any, on COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE AND TIME OF SALE. o,p,ocoedmc hes been indtHed et said premises, end the costa end IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, FbegeyMll election has been celled NOTICE OF ELECTION Olobe, 112016/10 00 AM law o, otherwise to re,o,, the debt disbursements, adudag dame Minnesota enc wiel be held ih oonluntabn with 2016 STATE PLACE OF SALE: DlIhmaon seared by said mortgage, o, any fees allowed by law subject o TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage Fbe st e general eledan ih end GENERALELECTION part Thereof ,edempoon within 6Month-oto The Electron; e Reglirdoh Systems Ina for Independent Sdhool District No Gounry 6beriffs Offs co, Washington PURSUANT to the of sale dated-dsaleb hemortC NAME OF MORTGAGE 622, "North I P,al Maplewood NORTH ST PAUL, Cmhy Lew Enforcement Center Ponta; tic in 68 mort r the their e g gok o)r ORIGINATOR: Everett Finandal, OekdeleJ, 6[ate of Minnesota, on MINNESOTA 62nc Street North, Stillwater got persona epeesenta0ves Tuesde November., 2016 foe The Notice isb N bete state Minnesota aboveh desaibec property ill be assigns. not dba Supreme Lend ng Y ygivent be debt Then s cured b sold by The Sheriff of said county as DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: coDoIan puTo deledUgau ,Fool board general election will be cond,Re, FO PeY rt y fellows: The date on o, beto,e vd,ah the RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells members to, tour yea, terms The In North SF Paw on November 8, gage enc tax s, If any DATE AND TIME OF SALE moffgggoemusdva dethepmperryT F g Bahk,NA ballot shall pmvdea f II s: 2016 The hours of g Ih all IN e by the morcgggee, Deoe 16201610 A0 AM themol( e s not eendAted under TAX PARGEL IDENTFIGATON st v P u g PI u b f ]:ooam b p ad The Dosis end PLACE OF SALEL E f ant Mnnemta StaWFes Becton 58090 NUMBER 29.0902 L3 To vote,hcom pletelyfll b el(sJ p Thf II g nidpel d e Il-to,I-b- bylaw The center 15015 Qnd Street N., o, The property redeemed under TRANSACTION UAGENTS n -to you,dho ce(s)I keths off 116 The ballot tic by law for redempt on G,1Iweter MN Minnemta StaWFes section 58023 MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION - 2Gounbe Members I-ep-e tov-o, I, Their personal o pey The debt Then s ou,ec by is Junel5, 201/ 111 69Pm. if The NUMBER 10030/110003991kU Sdhool Boa,c Member VOOncwilltkeplao lhealll-H, m tint -on,tso,te"ns is 0x;6) said Mortgagee axe -any, on a-egoing date ise SeWrdey, Sunday THAT no action or proceeding bas Vote toe Up to Fou, polling pl aces ohbs hom The date of sale said premises, enc Them he o, 1[g al holiday, Then The date to been insti Ron law to rekagh - North St Paul TIME AND DATE TO VACATE disbursements, indudmc ettomeyY vecae is The next business day et debt Then,emam, secu,edbysuoh 4 Therese Huge 1 Rive, of Go, Cbu,dh PROPERTY :,Unless [eld m -ope e fees allowed by law subleIX o 1159 Pm. molggge, o anyparc Thereof or if o Ridherd Bennett 24. ED Ave E55109 to property redem do-tha 6Monthshom The MOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED The adion o, p,ocoedinA bas been o Crystal Golemen 2 North Presbyterian Gburoh redeemed, or unless be Ime to, date of said sale by We mortgegor(sJ, FROM OBLIGATION ON insOWted, That The 68 e hes been 4 Steve Hunt 26/5 Higbway96 E 56109 redemption is reducoc by udioiel Weir personal representatives or MORTGAGE : NONE discontinued, or That en exeaoon o Nah,y Livingston 3 Cowem Sdhool o,derjoumu on Ap-Ite Wep,emises assigns THE TIME ALLOWED BY upon The lu dgm enFrehde,ec Therein o Belly Neve 2131 M a,ga,et I N 55109 bTHE TIME on AALLO ED DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY hes been retu c unsatisfied, ih 4 Danny Porte, 4 Ridhardsoh Sdhool THE TIME ALLOWED BY The date on o, bea-e whit, The THE MORTGAGOR THE whole o,in pIt 26151st S[ N 55109 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY mortgagor m ustvacatent=Pertyif MORTGAGORS PERSONAL PURSUANT, to The power of sale o Fain, if any A public test of The -U, system THE MORTGAGOR THE toe mortgage is not reinstetec under REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, contained In said mortgage, The Fo be used et The state general MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mihhesota SmWtes section 58030 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE above desaibec property will be h n, H,ny electioob 11 Old REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, or The property redeemed under WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS talc by The Sheriff of said oounryes on October 28, 2016 et The Ramsey MAV BE REDUCED TO RITE Minnesom SmWtes section 58023 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA fellows: "n, if any Co, ty Elediohsoffico, locate,.. ENTERED AJUDICIALINNESOA OMER IS is Junel6201],Hll 59pm. if The STATUTES SECTION 582032, DATE AND TIME OF SALE: � WPlato Blvd ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA a-egoing date ise Sd,,d ,Sunday DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Decombe,13, 2016- 00OAM [sin, H,ny For more mtohneoon, coated STATUTES, SECTION 582032 , legal holiday, Then The date to THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED PLACE OF SALE Washington O Rem sey Gounry Eediohs et DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ° b The n,a Wan- day et PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington wr[sin, if any eledions®oa ramseymn us o, go to PREMITHINGS,THAT THEMORTGAGED 11 S9 P m. WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING CoUnty Lew Ena-ment center The prednds enc polling plains -Medi -oM PREMISES ARE M ELLINCROVED MORTGAGORS) RELEASED OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 1501 Qnd Street North, Stll-bet ahcvoohg hours at Those polling ;Review: Od 19 26 2016) O IVH ESS THENTIAL OW ELLITS FROM OBLIGATION ON ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Minnesom plecos shall be The same es to, he OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, MORTGAGE: NONE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, to pay The debt Then secured by state general election. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N THE TIME ALLOWED BV ANDAREABANDONE-0. mortgage end tax s, if any Any eligible wte Had- in STATE OF MINNESOTA) AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, FAX FOR REDEMPTION BV Dated: Odober14, 2016 dually paid by The mortgagee, the sdhool district may -e I HE M OAREABANDONED. a said eledan et The polling plain SSOFFICEAUDITOR MOM FINANCIAL BLIG SED THE MORTGAGOR THE Deutsche Bank Nation al Trust on the ememisesand The costs ane designate, to, The precinct in whidh COUNTY AUDITOR FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Co ulfti,asnc, Aefor Argent disbursements allow,, by law. The be o, she,esides COUNTY OFWASHINGTON ON MORTGAGE: AIise Hems end REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Securities lnc.,Asset-Backed cine allowed by law to'"empooh A vote, m ad be,egae,ed to Ge Toth. CI.rkof the City Landfall in James H. Hems MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Pa.Tbrougb C.dificdes, Series by laic mortgagor(sJ, Their personal Fc be eligible to vote in This election. the County of Washington, State of Dated: August15, 2016 WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS 2005 -WO, Assignee of Mortgagee ,ep,esehtaoves or assigns is six ;6J a individual Minnesota: WELLS FARGO8 ,N.A. ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL months hom Thedated.11a n,egide,ec may Mortgagee STATUTES SECTION 582032 ASSOCIATION TIME AND DATE TO VACATE regi le' a eledan dote et The pollac plain N.ti- als8 ectrobbywilGtbenYlelTh. THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER By JOnathahR Crskey, Mka-I V PROPERTY: Unless said mortgageis °Those voters re b all the election f By lsl THINGS, THATTHEMORTGAGED Sdhleismah instate, o, The property redeem ed, quedinca sentee p,ad o you, Rebecca F Sdhiller Es PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Attorneys to,: unless The lime to„edea, a on is ballots should coUta t The office of ay on Tuesd The eighth ;8) day N. Kibongn i FonduhgallI, Esq A RESIDENTIAL DW EWNG Deutsdhe Beak old -Il Trust �ed,,d by adioiI order you mus[ the dry dark of The dl vd,ah They of Novembe,'016, between The curt N. Trisko, Esq OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, company, as Trustee to, Argent _Abe The premises by 1159 p m. reside hours of ] a.m. end 8 Pm., to, The 'Samuel R. Coleman, Es .' AlE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Searioes Ina AsseF-Bad<ec Pass on Decombe,l3, 201]. Dated: June2. 2016 puryose of electing candidates to, Attome tor Mo 4 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Through certificates, Series2005 THE TIME ALLOWED BY BV ORDER OFTHE be tollowing officos: ys 'gee ANDAREABANDONED. W4, Assignee of M oa_ee LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY SCHOOL BOARD Cift of Landfall The Academy Professional Buildinc Dated: 01 be, l], 2016 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 THE MORTGAGOR THE /s/8.cky Neve, Mayo, 25 North Dele Street U.5.8enk National Association, SY PeuI, MNSSIOI-1 /le MORTGAGORS PERSONAL School District Clerk One Coundl Members St PeuI, MN SSl02 asTrustee, sac A -I in '1203]549 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Independent School District Special coundl Seat ''1J 2039]' int.to Bank of America '122&1]53 ;fax) MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE No, 622 Kevin J. Cdold THIS1f5FG01J National Association, es Trustee, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS (North St. Poul -Maplewood- Washington County Auditor/ THIS IS A COMMUNICATION �ssor by merger to LaSalle FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Oakdale) T -sur., FROMADle COLLECTOR. sgank National Association, as 1]]2514-0039]2 STATUTES, SECTION 582032 State of Minn- Polling Place: O kdelsLake ElmoReview: Aug Trusteefor Res dent el Asset Review: 0¢26 Nov 2, 9, 1623, DETERMINING AMONC OTHER .R view: Od 19, 262016) Landfall Common nifty Center Sept /, l4,' 1, 2016) Mortgage Products Inc 30, 2016) THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 20th Avenue NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT Mortgage Asset-.ck.d Pass PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Landfall, MN 55128 OF MORTGAGE Tbrougb C.dificdes, Series 2001 WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW EWNG NOTICE OF ELECTION ;Review: Od 19 26 2016) FORECLOSURE SALE RP2, Assignee of Mortgagee NOTICE OF MORTGAGE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, CITYOFMAPLEWOOD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE SALE ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN RAMSEY COUNTY, That The mortgage toreoloa,e sale ASSOCIATION THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF CITY ELECTION referred to in The foregoing N a, of By Jonathan R Guaey Michael V THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF DARE ABANDONED. CITY OF LAKE ELMO Mortgage Foredoare Stile hes been Sobleismen ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE SOFTGAGORS) RELEASED Notice is hereby given Thatastate NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That posgroLed to: Attomeys for: FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION general election wit ben Novembe, et The G[ Bedion wbidl shell be TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT he Ca f Ma don November j DATE AND TME OF SALE: U.SB kN ion lA ne ON MORTGAGE: None y Pewo held nanctortheG fL ke Elmo s AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION 8, 2016 The hours f II y N ovember29, 2016 F1000 AM T m Benk NOTICE IS HEREBY OVEN: Tb Dated: October 142016 ill be Jho V4esh ng[on Gounry, Mnesota PLACE OF SALE: A h g[ f Am Net A o WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. paling d elle on Tuesday Nove 6 8, 2016 es Trustee, surae by g detaulFbesocouhed b dt ons Mortgagee .00p Tb f II goff coswll be county Sherffs CodeJ4 h g[ of Thealll-, gdes b gage: b bll b b boursof .enc Gounry Lew Enf c r Lasalle Bank Net IA THEAGADEMVLAJV GROUP,PA .00P bfellow ng offcoswll be l 62nc Street North, Strwater as Trustee to, Rsdental Asset MORTGAGORS) M yE Boripps, By lsl P sdentenc UosP stent flied. uo a e ogle woman us ReP,e-enmo,.e-"s den 4 TIME ta Mortgage Products, Ina, Mortgage MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Rebeco gal Sdhiller Esq Ma(Four jeer Fenn) TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Asset-Bed:ec PessThrougb con Ino e N. Kibongn; Fondungalleb, Esq State Senator-Oisfict43, 53 Gendidetes: Julie FlifleF PROPERTY: Unle-said mol, certificates Series 200]-RP2, Registre Systems 'Curt N. Trisko,Esq.' State Rep,esen-ve-Dia-43A Mike Pearson ­eUdDelawa,e,omomooh akhomiheeto, 438, s3A the property Assigneed M olgagee Everett Fihah,ial, Ihadba Su Samuel R coleme ,q Coundl Membe,(Fou, jeer Fe,m ,edeemedeFo, unless The ime to, 55 East Fifth Street Suite.00 prem, Attorneys for Mortgagee One CondiWoonal Amendment twoto be elected S[P Ffth SS10l-1/le Lending, a Texas ooatt,dan The'A'to Professional Buildin Gounry CommissionerOisfid/ ) redem poo his redumcby ,,o '203]549 ASSIGN MENTSOFMORTGAGE: 25 North Dale Street g CoUntyCoonod,atbddne Supervisor- Gendidetes:Justin Bloyer order you must ve,ete The premises Assigned to: W ells Fargo Benk, NA Brett Emmons by 1159 Pm. on Mey30, 201 ]. '122&1]53 (fax) by assignment recorded on August IPaul, MN 55102 Districts Christine Nelson Dated: October l3, 2018 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ''1J 2099/FS1 School Board Members ISD 622 Ben ROW 16 2016 as Dowment Number Sobool DisfidGuestion ISO Q2 WELLS F MINNESOTA,RGO C C.. 17722IAL M 50E08T�COLLECTOR. 41/y28y n The Code of the Gounry THISISA COMMUNICATION Assodete Justine -Supremo court- The polling plains to, The Qy Mortgagee (Review: Oct 26, Nov 2, 9 16 29 Recorder of Dashmaon Gounry, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Seat ti EI hall be b blishec THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA 30 2016) ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT (Review:Od 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 23, Judge court dAppeals-Sedl P Ir gpl cos of TheCH, 8 11, 13, 14, 161], 18, 19 P Lake Elmo Fre Hell By lsl OF MORTGAGE $11837300 30 ,2016) located et 3510 Laveme Avenue Rabe- F Sdhiller Esq Judge -Second District Court - North DATE OF MORTGAGE June 12, Seats 3, 6 9, 10, 12, 1618, 21, 25, N. Kibongn; Fondungalleb, Eel NOTICE LO MORTGAGE 2012 26 2] Predhd 2. Lake Elmo Ory Hell Curt el Trisko, Esq.' FORECLOSURE SALE DATE AND PLACE OF FILING STATE OF MINNESOTA Voting will take plain atthe alowing boated et 3800 Laverne Avenue SamIad Golemen, Esq THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Recorded on July 3, 2012 es COUNTY OF RAMSEY lin lams: North TheNola myProfessionel Buildinc THE DEBT AND IDEWITV OF THE Document Numbe, 9095200 in The PO 9dP Dated :Odoberl0201e 25 North Dale Street ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHI NTH E Code of The County Recorder of DISTRICT COURT Pred Add[ss Julie Johnson S[ PeuI, MN 55112 SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT P,e,rnd 1 Paul Hmonc Alliance City Clerk TIME PRoaDED 8V LAW IS NOT W ashagton Gounry Minnesota Gburdh, 1]]O Mdvl enemy Street ''1)2039]' AFFECTED BY TH IS ACTION. THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO FAMILYCOURTDIVISIOIN precinct 2, SY do mes Sobool, .Review: 0¢19262016) 1611 f5F"I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Court File: 62 -FA -16-2314 80 E. Roselewn Avenue ;Review: Oct L6, 2016) d f b carred b doons ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: SUMMONSTO 3P,eond3, Edgerton Sdhool, 1929 f b f II cde b d gage: $112,55084 Edgerton Street PRAIRIE ISLAND AG LEASE ESTABLISH CUSTODY Molgago, E-k P Salal a kag, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF In Re The custody of P,eond 4, Maplewood Fre Stlan Opening bids to public to, an NOTICE OFMORTGAGE person and Heladoro Sarinana, a PROPERTY. Exhibit "A' THE REYNA GUILLERM INA VILLALVIR #2 :Gladstone), 1'5 Cla,ehco ag-bathHe land lease in south FO RECLOSURE SALE marred person FOLLOWING REAL PROPERTY Street control Washington county ONOR THE RIGHT TO DEBT IDENTITY NHE Mortgagee: Argent Mortgage MI WASHINGTON COUNTY, DOB: 01242001 Precinct S, M ton he Community Call A. &5-0141 for details. THE DEBT AC IDENTITY OF THE Gompeny, LIG MINNESOTA DESCRIBED AS center 1945 Manton Street "Review: Od 12, 19, 26 2016) ORIGDated: 092912005 FOLLOWS: IRISANTONIALEONOR TIME PRLCREDI BY LAW IS THE Pe000ner Precinct 6 RedeD hoe Love TIME PROVIDED IS LAW N. NOT Ria-ey26Re ALL THAT PART S LOT 1T end Cbu,dh, 2425 White Beer AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Ramsey Registrar of Titles BLOCKS IT SARINSADDITION SELVIN LEONEL VILlALVIR Avenue North STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Document Na lsi Y]24 Against TO THE GTS OF STILLWATER AGUILAR Pre,ind ], First Evangelical Free COUNTY OF WASHINGTON of taul[bes Dag drat ih The oo-Rages certificate of Title Na:555153 DESCRIBED ATAPOI T Respondent Chu,. 2698 Hazelwood Street ofta e following desaibec mortgage: Aasignec To: Oeuwrlle Bank BEGINNINGATAPOINT'FEET THIS SUMMONS IS AN OFFICIAL P,e,ind B, Ram key County Library, DISTRICT COURT Mortgagor: John P Minogue and National Trust Gompeny, es trustee WEST OF THE NORTHEAST DOCUMEMTHAT AFFECTS YOUR 30255ouWlewn Drive TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Kim M. Minogue, husband enc wife at Argent Se,urioes Ina Asset- CORNER OF SAID LOT AND RIGHTS. A copy of the paperwork Precinct 9, Meplewooc Gomm unity Court File No. 82 -CV -160530 Mortgagee Lendmurco, Ina Bed:ed PessWrougb Certificates, RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 110 regarding tb.lawsuitiss.rv.don center 2100 W bite Bea, Avenue Cese Type: Other Civil Dated: 0.0]2002 Serles2005W4, under the Poolac FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF you witbthissummons. R�dtbis P,ekadlO, Maplewood Comm unity SUMMONS Record ed: 10012002 and Servidng Agreement Do- SAID LOT, THENCE NORTHERLY morons end eXecbed petition Center L100 White BeerAvenue Thom es Rodriguez W esbington Gounry Recorder November 1, 2005 ALONG THE WEST LINE OF scauk.uny. if you do not understand Precinct 11, Maplewooc Middle Plaintiff, DOYIUM Na 926.49 Dated: 04N1I2009 SAID LOT TO THE NOFTHW EST Gonad en att.,n y far legal School 2410 HollowayAvehue w Assigned To: JPMoMan Chase Filedo]2]2005 cORNERTHEREOF ANDTHENCE d_. P,eomd 12 Beaver Lake Lutheran Head, Chu Heu Bank ekludee Ramsey County Reg Pa, of Ttes EASTERLY 37 FEETTO THE PLACE 1 The Pe000ne, bas filed a lawsuit Cbul-I 2280 StIlwate,Avehue Meymng GbuYengHeu, Dated: 081122002 Document No LU 1252 Ageins[ OF BEGINNING WASHINGTON ,skin, We morc to decide astodY Pre,ind 13, GeWsemene WWeran and Recorded:06�042003 Certificate of Title No 55515V COUNTY, MINNESOTA and perenong time of The moor Cbu,dh, 2410 S011wate, Road Assodatec Bank, National W asbington Gounry Recorder Aasignec To: Oeuwrlle Benk TOGETHER WITH: dhily,a')e tec above ih The caption. P,eoind 14, carve, Sdhool, 2'0 Assooiabon, Do- Na 994260/ No onal Trust Gompeny, as Trustee ALL THAT CERTAIN PLATTED 2 you must serve upon Pe000ner UpperAfton Roed Defendants, Assigned To: Bank of America, for Argent Securities not, AaseF- LAUREL STREETS AS THE SAME and file with The coo a written P,ekad 15, Lutheran Cbul-I of THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED National Ass -hen as ku-tt, Bad<ed Pa T rough certificates IN SHOWN SOUTHWESTERLY Mswer to The Pe000n rlf Pe000ner Pee,e, 4]GenWryAveS TO ALL ABOVE NAMED by merge, to Lasalle Bank National Seri -2005 D4 AND WESTERLY OF BLOCK 9, requesting dlild support, you Youmaylocateyou,pollihcpl-coat DEFENDANTS. Aasodeoon es Trustee Dated: 0.52612010 SARINS ADDITION TO THE CITY ;Susi file a Faandal Affidavit alonc pollfinde,msdatemn. us 1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Da ted: 101152010 Filed 06012010 OF STILL'WATER WASHINGTON with jour Answer. You must pay APublateadthevang dlemsto Plaintohlaaaedalawatagaina Recorded: 10212010 R yGouhy Rg (Titles COUNTY, MINNESOTA h q dfl f .fry F b h eteg t y Tb PI R Complentagena J4 ash ZoNn Gounry Recorder 0 No. 2110919 Ag ins[ HE AS FOLLOWS, TO ff pay b fl f y y II b b Odob -e y fl b ff,e Ithe court D hFNa 3813166 C T taTeeN :555153 WIT query Fo have Wefl gf 1AOP Tb wll be conducted Ad of We above name, A g d To: U.S. Bank N tonal T nAgent NIA GOM MENGING AT THE by The oo a You H n I dh b rs et Maplewood co D Throw Theke papers A on as Tr so,in T a nAgentMotgage ID No: NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF Fohha Pauper; s appialan wTh The Gry Hell located at 1830 County e y Th Y e off dal papers That to Bank of America National NSA LOT11 OF SAID BLOCK 3 SABINS art and aludge will deride va,Phe, Road B East, Maplewood, MN. led you, rights You mad-ponc As 0.d0n, es Trustee, sucoessor Lender or Broker Argent Mortgage ADDITION TO STILlWATER, you had pay The fee All court You can vote by absentee ballot or FO This lawsuit even Wougbitm ay not by merger to Lasalle Benk Gom peny, LIG THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES a- a re available hom The court i n person et Maplewood Gry Hell yet be filed with The Court enc There National Asmdeoon, s Trustee Servico,. Oowen Loan Servang, 56 MINUTES 44 SECONDS Administrators offae e n The located at 1830 County Road B East may be no court file number on This for Residential AaseF Mortgage 119 WEST, ASSUMED BEARING court's website et arcs Absentee voting hours: summons Products, Ino, Mortgage Asset- Mortgage Originator Argent ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE govlforrns You had serve you, Septembe,23,d-Novembe,4Th- 2. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN Bad<ec Pa-Tl-ough certificates Mortgage Compahy LIG OF SAID LOT 11 ADISTANCE OF Mswer end Finen,iel Affidavit upon Business deyshom .00 am. Fo430 20 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR Series 2G5212 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 100 FEET THENCE SOUTH Pe000ne, with'nt tvl201days P.m. RIGHTS. You mudgiveo,mail FOThe Dated: 05222015 PROPEFTV: Lott Blookl, DeMars 01 DEGREE 03 MINUTES 16 of The date you we -e erved with This Novembe,5thhom 1000 a.m. to person who signet This summons, Recorded: 0.042015 First Addition, Ramsey Gounry, SEGONOS EAST 12210 FEET, Summons, not counting The day of 300 Pm. rlt en response ,elle, an Answer W asbingan County Recorder Minnesota MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT dA If you do not serve and file November ]W hom .00 am. to Dowment No 4036136 Tb is Regiaerec Property OF INTERSECTION WITH THE you,An-, anc Finandal Affidavit 50UPm. t Public Notices Transaction Agent NIA TAX PARCEL NO.: SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID the court may grant Pe000ner For eddioonel mtohneoon vis¢ We CONONUed UII Page 14 18 29 22 42 0002 LOT 11, SAID SOUTHWESTERLY g Page 14 Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2016 Public Notices Continued from Page 13 SUMMARYOF winin 20 days of rte date on which PROCEEDINGS you received" Summons Yoa WASHINGTON COUNTY send am p' of your Answer to BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS the person who slgnbdnis summons SEPTEMBER 21, 2016 $ted et Present Commissioners Paul. Fhn ng F M D and 1; G Rb` PFB Lew, Prot ---ll As ..an m Y WL, egh;m ,t E;s[Efn5101 uta 800 B,,a Ch enc L. Add D, St o uMe ST R 01 Board Gheir , l presided (AIM. MUSTRESPONDTOby... EACH Commissioner Reports CLAIM. The Answer Is your written Comments -Questa 'Aspon se to the Pleintffs Comp lain[ The Gommissi r �eportec on the In your Answer you m e toll owing ltbmaon whether yoaagreen disag -t If -Comms A'Bbh;m-reported Aebh paragraph of the Gomplein[ If that she eoended the Rec Rod: Y" believe the Pl aUtff should not Co, do, meOng and ,eporte, that be given e,,,hinc esker mrin the rte drab Implementaton plan will Gomplamt you must say so In your be presence, Po' publib comment Answer. on 0dober26[h atthe Newport City 4. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE Hall. She presentee with H;Ily-ne', IF YOU DO NOr SEND A WRITTENWashington County Publlo Works RESPONSE TO THE COMPLAI M Planner, at the Metropolitan Counal TO THE PERSON WHO SIGNED Trans laton Committee In regards THIS SUMMONS. If you donot o the draft implementation plan for wish 20 days, you will the Red Rod: Coal -She attended I— this Dasa You will not get to the Coantbs Transit Improvement ell your side of the story, end the Boa,d Meet ng She ,eporte, on Court may deade against you e nt held at the Cottage Dove forc the PlaiUff everything asked qty Hall on September 26th In aln the mtUdamt If you do no tegams to thA new heels advisory est the deims state, In for PellluorU.ed Ghemioals'PFC2 the ncomplent you do no need to In drinking water. She reported that respond Adefaultludgment can nbn stye attendee a m lag win the be ente'A, against you for the relief qty of Woodbury about en bo nIb requester inthA Penton. development She 'eportedthat 5. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may on September 29th there will be a wish to get legal help from a lawyer tnDak n, forum at the Cottage If you do not have a lawyer the Court GovA City Hall Dom 630 Pm. to Administrator m as have inform an on 830 Pm. about plebeswhere you can getlegel _ Comm-sm e, Aek -reported eEven if you cannot get that she ettendec the Recydag legal he P, yoou ` ' still provide anc Energy Cente,s Annual phot -your Hauler App'eaeton Pmia iShe Bigits or you may lose the case. alended the Counter Transit 6. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE ImprovementBoard Meetng, end RESOLUTION. The pat i es reporter that two resolnons were may agree to r be ordered to passed: 2016 Program of Pmjbds paltioipate In an atom.pate Investment Sbategy anc the 2016 -olutan p'obbss Fie Gant Soliataton Process She of the Man -Ga General Rules of attended a Gateway Gol, The Pn alba You m still sen, your pr entaton at the Woodbury espons.to rte Gomplent Chamber of Gomm ane Govemm Ant en ifyou expeRtousealtemetve Affairs Committee She reported ev s of'esolvingnls issue that absentee 1) THIS LAWSUIT MAY AFFECT ave l able through November ED to' OR BRING INTO QUESTIONTITLE the general election, and that she TO READ PROPERTY locate, ppzz ed In this at the In Washington County, State of pababate Service GAte. She met iMlnnesota legally described e with the aty of Woodbury stiff In R110- s d t fib omb de-elo Lot L, Bloat 3, Lake Elmo Heights Shea attended the Bic Tack day 3rd Additon In 'oodburys Cental Pen:, The objed of this e hent enkec Publlo Works to, then eek e debleraton ro AD— deteinnine eche pertiesl rights a _Gommsm fir Knesel-reported obligators co e Gontrad that he ttended the 125th Po' Deed recomeedd oln Jay 12,2 J Annivemary of the Greater Stllwater as Washington County GkM dba'1of Chamber of Commerce on the Titles Document Number 1222%4 Malactic Star boat He attended the and other'eliAt 38th annual AT In the Pan: In Abon. Dated: Odoben8 2016 He aDended a Plat Commission PFB Law, Professional meOng He d,;i'A, the Audit Associationmm,b Committee Meetinc one September /s/Paul W. Fehning (#16]101) 22nd, where n rn;l auditor, 55 East fifth St, Suite 100 Melanie Geufe,$wa ntrodubed He SL PauI,MN55101-1]18 attended the Recydin, anc Energy Telephone(651) 291-4955 Board Meant , In regards to odor Facsimile:1. 2241]53 mitgation enc Biz Reoydinc website Atto7"rPlaintiff improvements HeattendecthA Lake ;Review: Od 26 Nov 2, 9, 2016) Bmo Rotary Cl ub m eet ng - Commsmoner Mron - reported that he ettendec rte Recydin, and NOTICE OF SALE: Energy Boarc Mebtng He attended The Pollowing goods will be sola he community DA-ellopmentAgenc4 et Public ;u storage (GDA) Meetng and epoae, on the s Sale to bemm�d eed at North CDA autllonzng the a-knance of Star Mini Storage, ]35315th Street a finanang proposal Dom the First North, Oakdale, MN 55128, A`93' State Bank of Wyoming He attended AM. on Wednesday, November 2, the Won:foroe Development Board 2016 North Star Mini Storage LP McOng He reported that there Is; es the right to accept or raj ed Rush an C ondo, mel;, tonight any or all bids Terms ofthe sale are September 21n, Dom 530 P cot cash only ]00 Pm. at the Forest Lake City Unit 1151 Gente,. Melinda) Barbee Community Development Aeenw 40] SD -on Ln #106 - Approval of Resoluton No. River Fells, '154022 20161'32 Gants, ebonomb Ba, Acoesso,ies development ;anority po,s- to Unit 2232 the Washington County Community JenniferL, Ren- DA-elop dUAanority, dwngpabnb 1486456th StN hearing Stillwater MN 55082 General Adm" BIcy_ M" Approval of the for-H, di Unit 234] - September 13, 2016 County Jon RMoge' Board Meetng Minutes, with 123 Gook AveW mend, ants St Paul, MN11I eApp'ov;l of the appointment of Can iI Misc Jyneenlat-e, Hugo tothe Pants Unit 2356 anc Open Space Commission, Thomas Jack Johnson Distad 1 vacancy to a full tart, 123 Gook AveW ending December3T 2019. StPaul, MN55117 - Approval of 2015 Consolidated Fumiture, Misc Annual Pedon,enbe end Evaluaton ;Review: Od 12,26 2016) Report for submission to the U.S. Depertm ant of Houda, and U„n DA-elopment SUMMARY OF by oftnoeCountAdmlm$endded ADVERTISEMENT FOR to' Lunda, through the 2015 BIDS/REQUESTS FOR Count,, de Mlssi on D,ede, Budget PROPOSALS Savings Progran,. FORWASHINGTON COUNTY - Molly O'Rourke, County Requests for B ds are being solute, Adm hist„ to, reported net the ntl 200 Pm., No-embe'22, 2016 Planning Advisory Commission to'the lease of certain ag,d,Hal melag sd,eduled to' September ends to' crop production In 2017 27n has,tbeen cancelled due to within Lake Elmo Park Reserve In sup for review. the Qty of Lake Elmo and St Roix non Board bonbspondenbe we Bluffs Regional Pent In Danmark ere -,an tradedsn&ATexpever Township,'ashingnn County Serylce3 Go A ht ftt,www;shnao A 'oral of the following adiw ue ds Po016) rdetails, AppPR ­1 NO. ;Review: Od 26 2016) - le of Ale,tedg nAo abnb ld of tax forfeited lend t be old et publio SUMMARY OF "don u 1 Day Tem po,as On Salle Liquor ADVERTISEMENT FOR acen- for he Man -Ga Food BIDS/REQUESTS FOR Assoc;ton for Oct b r 16 2016 In PROPOSALS May Townsnp. FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Publ c H.Ito A Env noncom[ R q sn to' Proposals ere ben, Approval ofthefoll (ntl1230 P N -ember CeRIRAsolbton N 2016129, 2016 fo'Atmor G Se, Unpayng to the Goun oAukto, Go rot htmtlw wash: aeon wp;d a y nmental acro„sox m'mm,A'dbtau,. m;'gA, ; mer $me cowry Review. ort 26 2016) Audtor to e#end rte assessments wwn tut uponmemx nolle ofne ryrd wn the G of CITY OF OAKDALE Jkood -ee for the purd,OF, of NOTICE OFstelrecyoling bins and PUBLIC HEARING etAd edubetonel m eriels for LIQUOR LICENSER EQUEST rte BAlenbeM Sports Genter not to $%,e,$]o,PRO . BIGTHRILL FACTORY LLC Boarc workshop to review the DBA BIG THRILL FACTORY County Yard Dasde Management A publb hear ng wil be he, on System study Monday November ], 2016 at ] Publ c Worlca p theOakdale Man apal AD ro Ilofthef,II B ,d g, H dleyAvenue N oth, Changeomer#3 G R�00 to d su g 0 S Ane uun Kendall Ooo 3 Ha, ware, d s Bee ,q rcbn,A, rib m' wont on rte North shop to Bg Thlll Factos LLC dba B, Reno-aan Project n the amount of mru Fado' ]053 - 10th Street $24%.. All persons mayappea'atne pub, c Resonton No 2111111 hears, and present rte, Mews Amendment No 1 to Agreement rally o',n wring #01434 wth the Minnesota $D;tbdabptbm bA'2s, 2016 He of Trensporc;ton m' BY ORDER OF THE CITY the release of conveyance of the COUNCIL south Frontage'o;d,:County State CITY OF OAKDALE, MINNESOTA AI, Highway 26) and Bead, Road ;Review. Od 26 2016) (county State Aid H ighway 23). - Gonad win'And, A,=o m' 20162019 w e�gneerin, ke Baa $$50,000 mnea. 12 month $perio, of the 3 yea, con Resoluton No 2016131, Ithon9ng final payment In the t d $36,035.12 to Hamnves b, oro' wmplAaon of nwry A co Road 62163 and Govemment CAU,, Parkin, TO Prole¢ - Approval of do -a, of $1,500 Dom the Lake Emo Rotary club to' archer' range Improvements at the Lake Elmo Perk Reserve. - Board workshop to review the H stor c Courthouse opera[ ons Sher ii s Off ce Approval of the following actions: - Am ­ ant to, the too ......bs ag' Ant between GBM Managed s­,­anc Washington County tending Dl term and Increasing cod "a Aa ermea Washington County Sheriffs Office to a.MG a Toward Zero DAens grant Dom HA Mane a Department of Pablib Safety, Office of Traffic Safety, In the amount of $198,5]5 A compl,a, to#of the Official Proceedings of DA Washington County Boa,d of Commissioners Is enable for publio Inspection at the Office of Adminis Dan, Washington County Govemment Genter, 14949 Q St,,PN., Stllwate' Minnesota 'Review: OU 26 2016) SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OCTOBER 4, 2016 Comments -Questions The Commissioners reported on the tollowin, items: - Com missionA, 'Alk -reported DO she attended a Aeta n win embers d the St m PaulArea Asso-an of Realtors In regards to el policy issues effecting their industry She ettendec e League of Women alters m nc whld, sponsored a publio candidate forum to' the open seat to, -h ngto2n County commissioner Disfid She met with South W;shi ng[on 'aa,, hbd O d,ktoRaalstopreview s net will be presented at todays budget workshop She taped candidata statbmbnt at nA Soan Washington 1Il mmankRtons Commission cable television studios yesterday, Odobb'3rd, In CWag[ Grove. She reported on co at kt nnA campus re proted In A oodbuAy Central Pah - Gom missionb' Kribsel - reported that he attended the Metropolitan Mosquito Control Disind Executive Committee -U, In rmgaad to the (rebase of rain an osquitos this y- anc thA-F, of mosquito [ He e ender the ffd Wasde ,Management Coo'dn;tng Board a eet ng n regards to tn c about the Solid Waste Management Plan. -Commssr ser Bbham-reported DO the Friends In Need Foo, Shelf had its'sg,and opening In e new lo n. She thanked Washington County Assistant Al Ali, for his presentaton at the sex P11 -forum atthe Gott age Grove QryHaICShA endedneRe-yang end Energy Boa' Facility Tour, end reported on blue b� organics and -II -en -docent She reported DO Pen: High Sdtool hat I[ homecoming She ettendec the St Paul Pan: Qty Gounal Mela, In regards to the Summit Avenue and Highway 61 aterdtange proted She reported thatthe Budington Northem Sante Fe Railway purchased 300 In Gey Cloud Island, and that the, will be two open houses to' public input one on Odobe' 18th and anoher on November 15th, e the St Paul Pad: Qty Hell. - Comm ss one, M -on - reported DO he attended the Recycling and Energy Boa' Fality Tour, and reported on the am of manual koba,et the tabilitesnHA attended the Metropolitan Mosquito Control D -at E ­ U, Comm Dee etng, andreeeofte,onmebalandA of tr gaitos v s he potental Kann to pollinators enc the Importance of 'epomng the lo -,on Of bee hives tothe Department of co I He attended a Rush T heConido' Melag In Forest Lake In regaad bus service Dom Forest Lake to St Paul. He attended a bus tour looking at development n the Qty of Huge He attended the Hald-tt, Reek bknarys 50th -A celeb-an In Forest Lake He will be attendng atour of the Piccadilly Square senior housing on Odobe'4th .530 Pm. General Aof ministration pproval of the following actions: - September 20, 2016 County Board MAAtng Minutes Molly O'Rourke, County Admthehudg provide, a fo finder DO the budget workshops following the BoardM hwillbetelevised. - Ms O'Rouhe also reporter that the Health. SefeN e c Wellness Review Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 04, 2016 Th R ­CountyBoar, ofcom - g 908. h h f II ng members p : G e' Huffman, MCOonough, MCG 01 R d Ch R U h D AI present were J l e Kle nsbhmdt County Manan, J eff Stephenson GNI R -an Dircto, Ramsey CoantyAttombys Office AGENDA of Ocotober 4, 2016 was presented to' approval. Motion by MCGLire, sbbondbd by Huffman. Unanimously approved MINUTES of September 2], 2016 were presentee to' approval. Motion by Carte' -n ­by McGuire Unanim cushy approved PRocLAMAT oN l A'ARD SOCIAL SERVICES - Prodamation - Ran— County 2016 Licensed Family ON, Care Provider Day - P'e d-, by commissioner M cDonough. PUBLIC HEALTH -Public Health National Aasbdita,on -Presented by Gomm Issionb' RAttm;n. ADM N STRAT VE TEMS PARKS 3 RECREATION-Ambndm ant to Hems Contracting Agreement for Building Automaton System et Vadnais Sports Genter. Moton by Carte' seconded by M,Gu,,e Unanimously approved (B2016258) LEGISLATIVE UPDATE -No update reported BOARD CHAIR UPDATE -Dldv bn ban -nun, on ardhlved video OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS -Disc bn Can be found on archived video. ADJOURNMENT -Chair Reinhardt deolared the mbA,ng;djoumbd at 94] am. Event to' Washington County employees will beat 1300 Pm. o ctober 4 O, 2016 hA Lake Bmo Pen: Reserve. Boar, workshop to dada the 2017 propose, budget of DA an w; dn,d the mansham Ant organizatons gton ConsArSUan Dlsmd - Boer, kshop to r,e, the of the 2016 Aqu;tb Invasive Spbabs'AIS) P,,,U on Aid Ganfn. - Boarc bone , nde ,A w; and placed on file Publ c H�Ith & Ern%ro men[ Boarc workshop Flat dscuss the 201] propose, budget of HA wet$ had an gement organ -ens and DAmDa hagton Con serval on Di sand Publ Iorks AppR lottlhetollowinc 20161: RAU, fin No 20to, DA Count34 y n, final payment for DA Goumy State Ai, H01&l35 prolan[ -Resolution Na 2016135, Centre permanent watbrin at m[ Muryoses of receiving city water e 1]96 Lake Elmo - nue In the Qty of Lake Imo Be -Han No 2016133, Approving of Metropolitan Gounal Gant Agree ant SG05340 to' $1, 0,000 IIs Fundag to Assist In the Construdion Costa of DA Point Dough, Regional Tn l anc Hading, Bridge Trail System Conn -an Pmjbd Board workshop to review propose, 2017 Counter Transit mp'ovbm Ant Board _CTIB) grant requests A complete to#of the Offiaal Precebdngs of the Washington County Boam of Comm -antis Is -enable to' public Inspbdan at DA Office of Addi shaton, Washington County Govemment Genter, 14949 Qnd Street N. Stillwater Manesota (Review: Od 26, 2016) CITY OF LAKE ELMO COUNTY OF WASHINGTON STATE 0FMINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 08-156 AN IMERIM ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONTINUANCE OFA STUDY OFTHE CITY'S SHORELANo REGULATIONS AND IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY WITHIN THE SHORELAND DISTRICT WHEREAS, tithe Gly Is bondudin, stadres or has authorized a study to be bond for DA pupo of nelabring ;dopton or amendment of Its offiaal controls, the Qty Gounal authorize, by Minnesota SEUDD, BAdion 4Q355, subdivision 4 to adopt an In[ omnanoe to, DA MuDp of p --tang DA pl;nnin, process and DA healtlt, safety anc welfare of I6 atzbns; anc WHEREAS, the In m ordinance may regulate, -Hat o'p'ohlbit any d llopmdU o subannslon within the City or a portion of the Qty to, a perio, net to Axbbb, one year Dom the date I[ Is Affedi-e; end WHEREAS, there Is e large amount of sho,eland within the OF, and WHEREAS, Minnesota Fles Part 61202800, subpart l requ sorties io adopt the nim andaad and n O forthIn Minnesota Fles Pert 6120 2500 - 6120 3900 for shorelends of publio waters of rte sate which ere subject to local go-nn,t rtomo,at e use d nt,I, an, a'e gmem be ent eho'eland management ` City Offices City of Lake Elmo Mayor Vote for One O Julie Fliflet O Mike Pearson w,itsin, i1 any Council (Member Vote for Up to Two O Christine Nelson O Justin Bloyer O Brett H. Emmons O Ben Roth w,nen, a any to nA Qty In wrung and DA F, bWHEREAS, the GAG shoreland Counal's db an ,gaaag DA regulators were not In conformance m tier shall be final. As part of with the m tandaad and Int_ Ata, this Ordinance, the et forth un Mane -a Rules Gas Gounal may Part61202500-61203%0 anda­­­ of and v; -aces Dom, WHEREAS, the City Is ntheneede, to Affeta-Ails pa,-ofgasdudyotand puatt- and Intent This Ordinance rev _ s sho'el;n, regulators shar,emainneffe,tuntltheeffed, to bring them tato compliance win date of an ordinance amendng the Minnesota G_ Part 61202500 - GAG sho'Alan, regulators or one n 61203900; year Dom the Merin ordce inan's WHEREAS, the Girys shoreland Affed-dUe, whid,evb'ocoa,sfi D 'egunt are a pare of the ORG anlessltls expressly repealer by the "offiaal controlsas define, by City Gounal. Minnesota Statutes Section4Q 352, SECTION 4. PENALTY AND subdivision 1J; and ENFORCEMENT. Any person, WHEREAS, because CAG fins, par[ne-dip, coDoAaan or shoreland regulators effect the orb' entry viokUng any provision as$and development of property of this Ordinance shat be guilty winin nA Shoreland DbLd, the of a misdemean0' and, upon City Gounal finds It to be In the -,don thereof shall be cubed best ate- ­of the Qty to impose t nmphdonment to' up to 90 days, II development a fine of up to $1,000, or both, plus d N,ty w ,n the nsho'Alan, Qsind, the co of pose -an. Eads order to' the City to e day thatea vi olaton occas shall be to study and re se Its shoreilead considered a separate offense The regulators; and n City may enforce this Ordnance NOW, THEREFORE, based on the through a final prese-an or by foregoing, the Cltycoanal ofthe City undertaking such civil e of Lake Elmo does ordainproceedings, nbluda, nijundi, SECTION 1. STUDY relief as It determines appropriate AUTHORIZED. The Planning to prevent restrain, boned, or abate Commission b hereby authorized any violation or threatened violation c di'Aded tocoUnu its study of this Ordinance. The (nit at on of of the atys sho'Alan, eegulatons one type of Anfo'cem ent;dion shell to, the puao of developi g and not preoludethe Cityf o insditnbn making e end Uan o the any orb' ed - ­da, da, City Gounal eIn a,.aance win this available to Itainde' law to enforce Section. The study will consider the this Ordinance. City's A.,din, sho'Alan, regulators, SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. the state dl,flu s;nd,albs regarding Every sedion, provision and part shorelands and the 'Avisons of thd Ordinance Is deolared needed to the Qtys shoreland severable Dom every We, kedan, 'egulk,ad In ordertobnncthem into provision and part thereof If any omplian A win Minnesota Rules Becton, provision or part of this Part 6120 2500 - 61203900 and Ordnance b held to be invalid by a the proposed regulrs net atothe court of con patent jurisdahan, such Planning Commission recommends judgment shall be invalidate any the Qty Gounal adopt one'setton, pro-anorpartofthd SECTION 2. MORATORIUM Ordinan,. IMPOSED. A mo,atonum b hereby SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE WE imposed on the .-de-an This Ordinance shell be effed,, sapprovalby the Qty of any upon F, legal passage and ubdivision or development proted publa,ban. within the Sho,eland Distad except SECTION ]. Adoption Date. This tor. ;a) p'oeds that have been Ordinance 06156 was adopted on g„nte, con,MA preliminary, o this 18th day of Odobe, 2016 by a final plan or plat approval; and (b) vote of b Ayes anc 0 Nays any p'ojed net uncal, address LAKEELMOCITV COUNCIL n al threats through the Mike P -arson, Mayor ndla at nof assent al services cud, ATTEST -te, o Julie Johnson Qty Clerk other publibk9O, mech;nism end 'Review; Od 26 2016) DO would -end nese services es DO areplannedfor publio na fiadl dure. "Subdivision" has the , gIthe term In the Olry Coden- "Development projed. deenysubdiv ann plannedunit velopment PUD), ditonal use Dean ltonaten m use PAnn It Public Notices SECTION 3. INTERPRETATION Continued oa Page 15 AND DURATION The OF, Gounal shall deade any questions regarding rte applicator of hOrdinenbe All nqu,e regamis n5 the appuo;ton of this Ordnance shall be submitted City Offices City of Landfall O Melinda S.Bleyle O John V. Plaster O James Dumer O Stan Suedkamp w,iD IT n any Council Member Vote for One O Katie McManus O Don Dunn w,iD IT if any Special Election for Council Member To fill vacancy in tent expiring January 7, 2019 Vote for One O Miguel Esquivel O Ronald James Sanoski Jr. -D IT a,ny ;Review. Od 19, 26 2016) Public Notices Continued from Page 14 State General Electi on Ball ot Washington County, Minnesota November 8, 2016 I ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � (R@view: Oct 19, 26, 2011 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 622 (NORTH ST. PAUL-MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE) STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election has been wiled and will be held in conjunction with the state general election in and for Independent School District No. 622 (North St. Paul -Maplewood -Oakdale), State of Minnesota, on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, for the purpose of voting on the following question: School District Question 1 Approval of School District Referendum Revenue Authorization The board of Independent School District No. 622 (North St. Paul- Mapl(emod-Oakdale) has proposed to increase its general education revenue by$630 per pupil. The proposed referendum revenue authorization would increase each year by the rate of inflation and be applicable for ten years unless otherwise revoked or reduced as proAded by law. Yes Shall the increase in the revenue proposed by the board of Independent School District No. 622 be approved? No BY VOTING "YES" ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING FOR A PROPERTYTAX INCREASE. Passage of this referendum will result in an increase in your property taxes. The annual dollar increases for typical residential homesteads, apartments, commercial -industrial properties, and most other classes of property within the school district are as shown in the table below. For agricultural property (both homestead and non -homestead), the taxes for the proposetl referendum will be based on the value of the house, garage and surrounding one acre of land only. There will be no referendum taxes paid on the value of other agricultural lands and buildings. For seasonal resitlential recreational property (i.e. cabins), there will be no taxes paid for the proposed referendum. Type of Prope Referendum Market Value Pay 2017 Dollar Increase 6944 Hudson Blvd Oakdale, MN $100,000 $98 Precinct $125,000 $123 Oakdale, MN $150,000 $147 Precinct $175,000 $172 Oakdale $190,000 $187 Precinct 4 $200,000 $196 Residential $250,000 $245 Homesteads, $300,000 $295 Apartments, $350,000 $344 and Commercial- $400,000 $393 Industrial Property $450,000 $442 Precinct? $500,000 $491 Oakdale, MN $600,000 $589 Precinct8 $700,000 $687 Oakdale, MN $800,000 $785 $900,000 $884 $1,000,000 $982 $1,250,000 $1,227 I ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � (R@view: Oct 19, 26, 2011 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 622 (NORTH ST. PAUL-MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE) STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election has been wiled and will be held in conjunction with the state general election in and for Independent School District No. 622 (North St. Paul -Maplewood -Oakdale), State of Minnesota, on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, for the purpose of voting on the following question: School District Question 1 Approval of School District Referendum Revenue Authorization The board of Independent School District No. 622 (North St. Paul- Mapl(emod-Oakdale) has proposed to increase its general education revenue by$630 per pupil. The proposed referendum revenue authorization would increase each year by the rate of inflation and be applicable for ten years unless otherwise revoked or reduced as proAded by law. Yes Shall the increase in the revenue proposed by the board of Independent School District No. 622 be approved? No BY VOTING "YES" ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING FOR A PROPERTYTAX INCREASE. Passage of this referendum will result in an increase in your property taxes. The annual dollar increases for typical residential homesteads, apartments, commercial -industrial properties, and most other classes of property within the school district are as shown in the table below. For agricultural property (both homestead and non -homestead), the taxes for the proposetl referendum will be based on the value of the house, garage and surrounding one acre of land only. There will be no referendum taxes paid on the value of other agricultural lands and buildings. For seasonal resitlential recreational property (i.e. cabins), there will be no taxes paid for the proposed referendum. Type of Prope Referendum Market Value Pay 2017 Dollar Increase 6944 Hudson Blvd Oakdale, MN $100,000 $98 Precinct $125,000 $123 Oakdale, MN $150,000 $147 Precinct $175,000 $172 Oakdale $190,000 $187 Precinct 4 $200,000 $196 Residential $250,000 $245 Homesteads, $300,000 $295 Apartments, $350,000 $344 and Commercial- $400,000 $393 Industrial Property $450,000 $442 Precinct? $500,000 $491 Oakdale, MN $600,000 $589 Precinct8 $700,000 $687 Oakdale, MN $800,000 $785 $900,000 $884 $1,000,000 $982 $1,250,000 $1,227 $1,500,000 $1,473 $2,000,000 $1,963 The precincts and polling places and voting hours at those polling places for this special election shall be the same as those for the state general election. Any eligible voter residing in the school district may vote at mid election at the polling place designated for the precinct in which he or she resid.s. A voter must be regist—d to vote to be eligible to vote in this election. An unregistered indi Actual may register to vote at the polling place on election day. Those voters requesting absentee ballots shomd contact the office of the city clerk of the city in which they reside. Dated: June 28, 2016 BY ORDER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD 1.1 Becky Neve School District Clerk Independent School District No. 622 (North St. Paul-Maplewootl-Oakciale) State of Minnesota (Review: Oct 19, 26, 2016) State General Election Ballot Washington County, Minnesota November 8, 2016 m.� —s t.a..i —d m c tyon P worry at e: STATE OF MINNESOTA SS OFTHE COUNTY AUDITOR COUNTY OF WASHINGTON To the Clerk of the City of Oakdale in the County of Washington, State of Minnesota: Notice is Hereby Given that a General Election will be held in all the election precincts of your city on Tuestlay, the eighth (8) day of November 2016, forthe purpose of electing candidates for the following offices: Federal Offices: Presitlent & Vice President United States Representative for District 4 State Legislative Offices: State Senator for District 43 & 53 State Representative for District 43B & 53A Constitutional Amendments Amendment) County Offices: County Commissioner for District 2 Supreme Court: Associate Justice 1 Supreme Court Seat 6 Appeals Court: Seat 5 Court of Appeals Judge Seat 8 Court of Appeals Judge Seat 11 Court of Appeals Judge Seat 13 Court of Appeals Judge Seat 14 Court of Appeals Judge Seat 16 Court of AppealsJutlge Seat 17 Court of Appeals Judge Seat 18 Court of Appeals Judge Seat 19 Court of Appeals Judge Tenth Judicial District: Seat 2 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 3 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 8 10th District Court Judge Seat 13 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 18 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 19 10th District Court Judge Seat 20 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 27 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 28 10th District Court Judge Seat 29 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 30 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 31 10th District Court Judge Seat 40 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 41 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 42 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 44 10th District Court Jutlge Seat 45 10th District Cou'Ju Jutlge School District 622 (North St. Paul Maplewood Oakdale): Four Board Members School District 622 (North St. Paul Maplewood Oakdale): School District Question 1 City of Oakdale: Two Council Members Kevin J. Corbid Washington County Auditor/Treasurer Polling Places: (Review: Oct 19, 26, 2016) Hrst United Pentecostal Church Precinct 1 6944 Hudson Blvd Oakdale, MN Transfiguration Church Precinct 613315th St Oakdale, MN Redeemer Baptist Church Precinct 2479Geneva AveN Oakdale House of Prayer Church Precinct 4 6039 40th SL N Oakdale, MN Silver Lake Methodist Church Precinct 5399 Geneva Avenue Oakdale, MN Oakdale Discovery Center Precinct 6 4444 Hadley Ave N Oakdale, MN Hope Evangelical Dree Church Precinct? 791015-StN Oakdale, MN Guardian Angles Church Precinct8 82604' Sheet Oakdale, MN (Review: Oct 19, 26, 2016)