HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 11-02 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 8 Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016 Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE That prcor to the commencement d THE MORTGAGOR THE St PeuI, MN55102 Lender or Broker: Lake Area above described property will be FO RECLOSURE SALE thR,g foredo:ure Proceedm, MORTGAGORS PERSONAL '-G-9/I Mortgage, e Ulvlmon of take wee sol, bythe SM1enff of sal, county es TH ERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF MortgageelA:egaee of Mortgagee REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, (131170 FORD) Beak follows: TH E DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE complied with ell notceregUsn nt, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Servicer: U.S. Beak Natoaal DATE AND TIME OF SALE. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE es requlrec bystetut, thatao edloa W EEKS IF H JUDICIAL ORDER IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. -o -an December 2, 201610: 00 AM TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT or proceed) n, hes been in:ttated et ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA (Review: Sept 28, 0¢ 5, 12, 19, 26 Mortgaged Originator: Lake Area PLAGEOFSALE: Lew EnforOement AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. or otherwice to r,0 ,the debt STATUTES SECTION 582032 Nov 2, 2016) Mortgage e Divieon of Lake Area Center 15015 62n, Street N., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ware, by seed mortgage, or any DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Hank S011weter, MN default M1es 0 -,ed Utheoondi0ons Pertthereof THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF to pay the debt then secured by ofthefollowing desxibec m ortgage: PURSUANT to the power of sale PREMISES ARE IMPROVED NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: Lot4, 31od<3, Hillsdale, kat, Mortgage, end bares if any, on M ortgagor: Gleada M. Bader ase mna, ed In sal mortgage, the 0AFI H H RESIDENTIAL OWEWNG FORECLOSURESALE Fam sey Gounry, Ml nnemta salt Preml:e:, and the coat, and eboved desxibec property will be OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, This is Registered Property disbursements, induding ettomeyK mug e person THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Mortgagee: GU Mortgage SennOe: sold by the Sheriff of said oounry as ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 282922 PARCEL NQ'. fees allowed by law subject o Pollow:: AGRIGULTU RAL PRODUCTION 8 29 213 0108 redempmnwlmU6MoUms omthe ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE 2 Dated: 04232007 GATE AND TIME OF SALE: ANDAREABANDONED. TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT ADDRESSOR PROPEFTV. date of:eid:elebythemortgagoa(:J, Novem ber 18, 2016 AM Dated. Septem be, 192016 1164 MAGNOLIAAVE EAST their perkvnel represenbtve: or Filed: 0424200] AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. Ramsey Registrar of Titles PLACE t GALE: Lew CU Mortgage Services, Inc., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That 6AINT YHUE MN66106' Doam eat G 2046'9ti Against Enforcement Center 15015 Qnc Mortgagee default M1es oaurred )nthd0 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY'. GethfiOete of Title No.:5f55� Street N., S011 -bet MN PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL of the fol lowing desxibePend mortgage6 IS LOCATED: Ramsey The date on or before which the TrankaWion Agent NIA to pay the debt then ke0ure, by ASSOCIATION MOFTGAGOF(S):nbe mA Perks ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT mortgagor mu:[vecate the property Traasadan Agent Mortgage ID No: said Mortgagee are4 if any, on By. Jonathan R CL ey, MidaelV esngle person OF MORTGAGE: $118,03000 if the mortgage is not re ,ted said premises, enc the cost: enc Sd,leib a AMOUNT DUEAND CLAIMEDTO under Minnemb SEUDI::Ice NIA MORTGAGEE Wells Fargo Bank, H Won Lender or Broker: GU Mortgage disbursement,, mdudmc ettomeys' Attomeysfor: NA E DUE AS OF JAI E OF NOTICE, 580.30 or the property redeemed fees ellowec by law :at, D o GU Mortgage Services, no INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID under Minnemb S[etute: section SennOe:, Ino ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE' Servicer: G.U. Mortgage Senn0e4 redempton within 6 Month:from the Mortgagee Aasi net to: Nona BV MORTGAGEE$110, 659.44 580.23 i:June2201]at1159pm. In,to of salcsalebytlhemor[gegogsJ, 55 East Fifth S[ree[Suite 800 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT IM1atpnortothemmmencementof If the toregoing date b a Saturday, Mort a Ori : GU Moaa their perkvnel represenbtve: or SY PeuI, MN 55101-1]18 thismor[gg Fnedosureprooeeding Sunday or legal holiday, then the g ge ginetor g ge OF MORTGAGE: $150,2f5.00 Sen�Oe:, Ino assigns f51209]599 DATE OF MORTGAGE: OeOember M iegeelAssignee of Mortgagee date to vacate is the a bu -U ­ JAI TO VACATE PROPERTY: t-2281/ gjax) mmpllec w,Hh all nAceregn,ements dayatll,S9p. m. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF D 23,2014 6 The date on or before -kc, the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION URIC H :requlrec by dIne that no action MORTGAGORS) RELEASED PROPERTY: Unit Number Un U PLACE OF FILING a Common Interest Gommuniry mortgagormu:[vecatethepropertyif FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. RecordedNon December 30, 2014 o,proceekU, M1es beeninatned at FROM OBLIGATION ON Number 589, Condominium, Lot he moaC eb not reinstate, under 88 81 1 600 6'/-1 end m orielized upon GertifiOete le ro M1erwi:e orecover bt MORTGAGE: NONE 2rt0 Condominiums Ramsey Gounry Miane-E, SEWte: section 58030 'Review: Sept 28, Od 6, 12, 19, 26, of U[ e N 6/L 9 Document k'e�ured by kaictmoatgagethordany THE TIME ALLOW EO BY MUnemm or the property redeeme, under Nov 2, 2016) Number 12318330in the Off'- Part thereof LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY e Sbtute: kedion 580.'2'3 PURSUANT to the power of sale IHC MORTGAGOR This is Registered Property iMinMay 18, S2017 t'nte 1159 pm. Ifthe the Gounry Registrar of Titles of contai ec in sa mortgage the MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL TAX PARCEL NQ'. IT M1ington Gounry, Minnesota n 32 29 22 33 0356 foregoing date is a SeWrday, Sunday NOTICE OF MORTGAGE THE AMOUNT GLAIM2-0 TO above desxibed property will be REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, AD DRESS OF PROPERTY. r legal holiday, then the ate to FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE kola by the Sheriff of said munry es MHY HE REDUCED TO FIVE ' /O Eekt 4th S[ IlaII69fi vacate is the ne# buena::ddey et THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF ON IHC UHI E OF IHC NOTICE. follows: WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS St Paul, MN55101 H qp M. THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE ON IT0.]5 DATE AND IMME OH SALE ENTERED UNDER MINSBEZOTz MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ovember L 0' M STATUTES SECTION COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF IS LOCATED: Ramsey FROM OBLIGATION ON Gal 8V LAW IS NOT PROPERTY: Lot Twelve (12J, Hlook PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER MORTGAGE. NONE Cvil P oce Uni[ 25 W. 4th Sbel TH INGB, THAT THE MORTGAGED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Y AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Two E Y Lot me 2nd 2) Bloa OF M OFTGAGE$2193% 00 IHC IM ALLOWED H NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Common Interest CommuniryN0. ]8, Sate -St YauI, MN PREMISES AHE IMPROVED AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO LAW FOR REDEMPTION By default M1es ocouae,Tn theconditon eYennec Gommuniry, WekhingI o pay the debt Wen keare, by DITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING BE DUEASOFDATEOFNOTICE THE MORTGAGOR THE of the followin, des be, moagage6 Gounry, Minnesob said Mortgage, enc �e:, if any, on OF THAN FIVE EDUNITS INCLU DING TAXES IF ANY PAID MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL MORTGAGOR). David G REGISTER ED PROPERTY 'i Premises, an e 0o sen NOT PROPERTY USED BYMORTGAGEE.$222,33].f5 REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, Ouradnik enc Molly M. ourednik, STREET ADDRESS OF disbursements, in0ludinc ettomeys' AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, TM1etp-a-toth, commencement f MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE husband ant wife PROPERTY. 35th GENEVIEVE fees allowed by law subject o ANDAdREABANDONED. JV EEKS IF H JUDICIAL ORDER IS reempton withinti Month:from the e:September26201ti thi:mortgagefored ogre proceeding MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic AVEN OAKDALE MN 55128 MortgegeelA Knee of Mortgagee BVTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Hegi:tra n Systems, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY date of said sale bythe mortgagor(:J, Deutsche Benk National Trust dwithelln1,H, STATUTES SECTION 582032 to Incno, Weir personal represenbtve: or Compeny,es lndeMure Trustee mmPie gwrem eaW Delaware comomtoa a: aomiaee Is LocATEO. -h 'on cowry, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER ekmgn: forAmericen Home Mortgage : required by statute; Wet no action for Central Benk, a Minnesob Minnesob d M1 as been inktitutec et TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED GATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Irnesiment Trust 2005-3,Assignee or ProOee ing enking Goryoraton TRANSACTION AGENT: None PREMISES ARE IMPROVED H The date on or before whirl the of Mortgagee leclHed y., tmoag rth,debt AS SIGN MENTIS OFMORTGAGEB,ak GE NAME OF MORTGAGE uvuHESS THAN DWELLING It olg vb ,the Property SS TIO PROFEssIONAI cured by said mortgage, or any OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Aasigned to: Wells Fargo Benk, N.A ORIGINATOR: Wells Fargo Benk, if the mortgage is not re ,ted ASSOCIATION part thereof ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN by ,Knmeatrecordedoa February N.H under Minnesota Statutes ke By: Jonathan R Cu eY MidhaelV HE to the power of ,ale 3, 2012 a: Doameat Number REsIDENTIAI SERVICER weu: 6 M1e Property le deemed PRODUCTION 8030 ort deemed Sd,leimen dined in said mortgage the 38]3412 in the Office of the County FaHgo Bank N.A. above described will be ANO ARE ABANDONED. Recorder of We under Minnesob Sbtute::edon Attomey:for: Property khmgon Gounry, PAr3GEL IDENTIFICATION of b h e Sh eaff of kat, count Dated: Septem ber 15, 2016 58023 is M ay 1], 2017 at 1159 P m. Dene Benk -b-Il Trust c by yes Minnesota NUMBER 18.029 21 23 0245 U.S. Benk National Association, If the foregoinc date is e SeWrday, Gompeny, e follows: ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TRANSACTION AGENT'S : Home Trustee ssorbVmer,i U.S. Sunday or legal M10lidey, then the for American Home ,Mortgage GATE AND TIME OF SALE. succe OF MORTGAGE $41 ],00000 MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION gnee OF CE , 17 201 She AM Beak Netionel Association ND, DATE OF MORTGAGE: January NUMBER None doth) 11 b9p is the next bueneks Investment Trust 20059, Aasti PLACE OF SALE b ,riffs Office, Mortgagee 24 2006 THAT no action or din M1es dMORT 69 Pm. obfbb ortgagee OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL UHIE /UV kt W[ t Pt Ole g the MORTGAGORS RELEASED East Fifth Stree[Suite 800 CIvil Process Uni[ LS W. 4th 6treet U PLACE OF FILING b Suite 150, S[PeuI, MN ASSOCIATION Recorded on February 13, 2006 debt then rem mala, secured byad FROM OBLIGATION ON S[PzuI, MN 55101-1]18 to pay the debt then secured by Y one en Gurley, MiOM1eel V. es Document Number 356W9], mortga e, or any pert there of or if MORTGAGE NONE l- /649 etc Mort a e, end bxe4 if an 50M1lei:men es mrd can o THE TIME ALLOWED BY 651-231]53'farJ s g g y, on modifiec of re by L the e T n or proceeding M1es been end the costs end Attome for: Modif-an A t LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION .11 P YS g amen[ recorded d, h h h been U.S n Ht MORTGAGOR, THE FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. f b dud ng ettomeys 0 6 3, 2013 he Document d d, h by rg U.S B nk ... the an n MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL :17725 Resew 600544-1 f II d by law subject o n e Off Oe of p j g edemptoawtliathemoaagogth) y aF, -odate NHIA ggee M1e Gounry Recorder of Dakhag[on h ben re IH fd,ren MAY BE DEDUCEIVES D ASSIGNS, 92016): 0¢5, 1219, 26 Nov2 date of:aid:elebythe mortgagoa(:J, Ste Rfth Stree[Suite 800 Gounry, Mane -a whole onn part a MAY REDUCED TO 2016) their personal represeU.,, or S[ Paul, MN55101-1718 E AMOUNT CLAIMED TO PURSUANT, to the power of sale WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS X120&]549 IH t ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA e:mgn:. SSl 28l/63 (far) BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE coaained in said mortgage, the STATUTES SECTION b DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY - - ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE above describe, property will be 82132 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE The date on or before whiOM1 the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION mI DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. $LEGAT 39 cbythe SM1eriR of Bald will es TH IN GS TH AT TH E M ORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE mortgagor mu:[vecate the property 1/418160063 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF follows: PREMISES AHC IMPROVED THERIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF It the mortgage is not re ,ted - - PROPERTY: Lot 1, Block 2, Shores GATE AND TIME OF SALE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE under Mi n=a Statutetike n (Review: Sep[28, OW 6,1219, 26 of WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Nov22016J Lake MGJoneld 2nd Atlditon, Novemb 2 Oltiet 000 AM OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE 58030 or the property rade med TOGETHER with a 2000 toot wide PLACE OF 2SALE Washington -1 NOT PROPERTY USED IN TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT under Miaaemb SbWtes keRan parr, anent peded,an non exdu:ive County Sheriffs Office Washington AS PRODUCTION, AFFECTED BVTHISACTION b8o23 '1 1159 p�m. walkway easement over ant across County Law Enforcement Center ANDAREABANDONED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That If the foregoing date is e Saturday NOTICE OF MORTGAGE the Southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 1, 15015 R,a, Street North, Stillwater at A September2l, 201ti debulthe: o«urred in the 0onditons Sunday or legal M10lidey, then the FORECLOSURE SALE Block 1, Shores of Lake McDonald Mane -a U U.S. Benk National Association, ofth, following desxibe, mortgage: date to vacate i s the a e# bueaeks THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF 2a, Hddli JVehagton Gounry, to pay the debt then secured by Assigreeoi Mortgagee MOFTGAGOF(SJ: Amend, F day et 1159 Pm. THE DEBT AND DENNTV OF THE Mane-aod mortgage and bxe:, if any YFH LAW PROFESSIONAL GungengYeng, an unmemed MOI GAGORSJ RELEASED ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE STREET ADDRESS OF actually paid by the mortgagee, hGSOGIATION person FROM OBLIGATION ON TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT PROPERTY: 44/0 MGDONALO on the premise: end the co :enc By Jonathan R LLdey, Midael V MORTGAGEE: World Savings MOFTGAGE ME A AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTIO N. DRIVE COURT NORTH, disbursements allowed by law. The Schlei:man Bank, FSB, nikla Wells Fargo THE TIME ALLOWIO BV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that-STILLWATER MN 55082 me allowed by law for redem pt on Attomeysfor. Bank, ,aA Su- korbymerger to LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY default M1e:oOarred in the condiko COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY by salt moagagoq(), their personal U.S. Bank Netonel Advo -an Dadovie M o1gage, FSBflkla World THE MORTGAGOR THE of the following described mortgage: IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, repr ntaty or a:ega: i s ex;6) A:mgn Bankof M ortgagee Savings Benk, FSB MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagor. Michael John M,veigh Minnesob months fromthe date ofsala 66 Eekt Fifth S[ree[Suite 800 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE '. REPRESEN REDUCED ASSIGNS, end Nancy Ann M,veigh, e THAN ACTION AGENT Mortgage IMC ANU UHC TO VACATE St Eaa FffN 551011 -SHL Aasigned to: Nona MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE M1 -an, and wife : Debt, nio RegibAnDan System:, Inc PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage 15129/69 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT W EEKSD AJUDICIALINNESOA OMER IS Mortgagee Cu. Mortgage NAME OF MORTGAGE is stated or the property .122&1]53 (fax) OF M OFTGAGE$243, 1000 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Services Inc ORIGINATOR Central Hank deemed less the me for THIS IS A COMMUNICATION DATE OF MORTGAGE: August 25, STATUTES SECTION 582032, Dated: 04232003 Minnesob Banking CorponUan a redempton �: reducedM1 by ludidel FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 004 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Recorded: 061102003 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells order you m ust vacatethe premises 1]�&16006191 2DATE AND PLACE OF FILING TH INGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Ramsey County Recorder Fargo Hank, NA byll 59 Pm. on May22, 201/. NRe816,0628, Oct 5, 1219, 26 Recorded on No Ad ber 8, 2004 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Document No GL32- TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED By oY22Sep : DoOum ent Number 34//'334' WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Tran:edion/Tgent NlA NUMBER: 0]029 20 41 0005 LAW FOR REDEM FTION By modified of record by document OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Transection Agent M o1gage ID No: TRANSACTION AGENT'S IHC MORTGAGOR IHC e ae, on April ], 2016 as ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NIA MOFTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Document Na n the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Lender or Broker: G.U. Mortgage NUMB ER:1003581-22200061&1 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Office of the Gounry Recorder of AND ARE ABANDONED. Services, Ino. IH Hl no adion or pro,eedm, M1as MAY HE REDUCED TO FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE Washington Gounry, Minnesom DetedCU..mber19,2016 Servicer G.U. M agage Services, be en Tn:tWted al to recover the WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO CU Mortgage Ser vims,Inc., Incdeb[then rem aining secure, by ad ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THEDEBTANDIDENNTVOFTHE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Mortgagee ortgage Originator CU. M agage mortgage, or any part thereof or if STATUTES, SECTION 6820'32 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN TH E ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Se,n Inc. the action or proceedia, M1es been DETERMINING AM ON OTHER TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT $28],249.]0 ASSOCIATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF is uted, that the same M1es been THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF By Jonathan R LLdey, Mideel V PROPERTY: Lot 3, Blod: 1 Maple discentaued or that an exe0uton PREMISES AHE IMPROVED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PROPERTY: Lot 12, Rod 1, Sd,leimen Woods Estate: Thh, Additon, upon the judgment rendered therein WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLIN C default M1 as oc,une,in the onditon: Timber Ridge, Washington Gounry, Attomey:to, : Ram sey Gounry, Minnemb.AbktraW M1es been returned unkatsfied, in OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, of the fol lowi n, described m o1gagA Mi an la GU Mortgage Sennce:, Inc, property whole or Tn par[ AHE NOT PROPERTY USED IN M a,a- Sara K Larsen, A Single STREET ADDRESS OF Mortgagee This i:Ab:bdPropAT PURSUANT, to the power of sale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, person PROPERTY: /l64 ]4TH STREET 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 TAX PARCEL No.: arced In said mortgage, the AND ARB ABANDONED. St PeuI, MN 66101-1 /le 1329233.00 ova dela bed property will be ND AMAGOF(S) RELEASED Mortgagee: Mortgage Bedreai0 55 B, COTTAGE GROVE MN 65 RE :oldb Regiktraton 6ys[em:,as 5501636i0 ADD RE660F PROPERTY: by 6M1eriff of laic munry es FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION n e for American IncdOHome COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 6512281]53 far) 2323 Kin A E follows: ON MORTGAGE: None M rtde eAcoe bn0e, IncIS LOCATED: We:hin Goun[ gkton g g p gton y THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Maplewood MN 55109 DHIE AN' ME OF SALE Deed: September2l, LOlti Dated 06232005 Minnesob FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Novemberl6, 2016at1000AM t WE LLSFARG08ANK,N.A. Recorded: 08115200.5 TRANSACTION AGENT None 8880-1300161-14 IS LOCATED: Ram sey PLACE OF SALE: Washington Mortgagee Washington County Recorder NAME OF MORTGAGE Review: Sept 28, Od S, 1'2, 19, 26 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington I HE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, Y A Document No 3532.2 ORIGINATOR W odd Savings Bank, Nov 2, 2016) OF MORTGAGE:$15690000 Gban ry Law Enforcement Center By I:1 Assignee To: Deu211e Bank FSB, nWa W ells Fargo Bank, N A, AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO 15015 Qnd Street North, Stills., RebecoaF Sdillet Eel N.anal Trust Gompeny, as Sucoeksor by merger to Wadovia BE DUEAS OF GATE OF NOTICE M nese[„ debt then securedb NKlbNnTriskonEngallah Eel Indenture Trustee for American M ortgage FSB Gkla Worl, Savings NOTICE OF MORTGAGE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID to pay t e y Home Mortgage Inve:trnent Trust Benk, FSB FORECLOSURE SALE BY M ORTGAGEE$12,9?9. 09 said mortgage an :, if any Samuel R Coleman Eel 20053 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF That prior to the com mencement of a ually pald by thearmoagagee, Adomey: for Mortgagee Dated. 081172016 Fargo Bank NA THEDEBTANDIDENTITYOFTHE thi:mortgage foredosurepro,eedmc on the premises and the costs and The Abademy-fe-anal Building Recorded: 09W12016 TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE Moagageel gnee of Mortgagee di:bursemeat,allowed bylaw The 25 North Ed Street Washington County Recorder NUMBER 08 02721 22 0022 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT complied with all not, requirements tbme ellowec by law for redempton St YauI, M-112 Do,u m ent N 04081680 TRANSACTION AGENT'S AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. a:regUH, byktatnethatnoadion by kaidmortgagol(:), their personal .1)2099]60 Transaction Agent Mortgage MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that or Proceedm, M1es been instituted at repre:enbtve: or assigns is ex (6) (161374FC01) Ee,tronb Regl:taton Systems Inc NUMBER None bOaul[hes oaunedin the 0onditoa: law or othenvi ke to recover the debt mon- from the date of kala THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Transaction Agent M agage ID No: THAT aoadion orpmceeding M1es of th,following dekaibe, mor[gage: keae, by :aid mortgage, or any TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 003140000 8241 been instituted et law to recover the M : Dilam Breault end P M1 f PROPERTY: Unlet: ka c mortgage (Review: Sept 28, Od 5, 12, 19, 26 Lender or Broke, Am H denthen rem, n n b d 99 kt,2016 9se0urec Yor J d h M T d both unmened PURSUANT the power of kale ren or e property Novv J ME ortgege, o any pert thereof T person:, a: oat tenant: ned In ortgage, the redeemedeto unless the e for Servicer: Oeven Loan Senndng, the e or pro0eedag hes been Mortgagee: U.S Benk Netonel above desxibe, property will be redempton is reduce, by judicial LIG nedn that the ka e M1e: been Akvodaton ND kold by the Sheriff of said county a: Old, 11 you must Mpete thlb 20plemlke: NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Mortgage Originator: American idiscent nued, or that an ex on Dated: 11 ro]2006 follow: THE PIMEn ALLOWED By FORECLOSURE SALE Home MoagageA tan, Inc . upon the judgm ent rendered the -en Record ed: )2,0]2006 DATE AND TIME OF SALE . FOR REDEMPTION THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF M1e: been reumed uakat stied, in Washington Gounry Recorder Novemberl]20161000 AM WW HY THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE PROPERTY: Unit No 1403 wholeonn par[ Do,umen[N03619495 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff: OffiOe, THE MORTGAGOR THE ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE Condominium Na 68, FoxborougM1 PURSUANT, to the power of kale Tren�Wion Agent NIA CTvil Process Uni[ 25 W.4th Street MORTGAGORS PERSONAL TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Place Condonnai um: Eighth conbined in :aid mortgage, the TrankaWionA ent Mort e e ID No: SUI,150, St Paul, MN REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS Su )amental Condominium Ple[ ab=ed will be 9 99 AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. PP property NIA to pay the debt then 6e0ure, by MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE NOTICE IS HEHEHY GIVEN, that Wekhi agton Gounry, Mune-a kelt bythe Sheriff of kat, county a: Lender or Broker: U.S. Bank said Mortgage, en e: if any, on WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS defaul[ha: o-ned in the 0onditoa: Thi::Addlant Prop ea, follow:: Natonal Ak katon ND said premise:, anc the cost: anc ENIEHEU UNITED MINNESOTA ofthefollowing desxibed mortgage: TAX PARCEL NQ'. DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Senn cera U.S. Bank Natonal disbursement:, indudm, ettomeys' STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Mortgagor Ko _ Yang, a mamec 9 029 21 42 0240 NovemberL220lti at 1000 AM -o -an for by merger to fee: ellowec by law kubjeW o DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 2ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. PLACE OF SALE: Washington U. S Bank National A oaaton ND redempton within 6 Month: Don, the THINGS, IHEMORTGAGED Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic ] 615th Street LnN County Sheriff: Office, Washington Mortgage Originator: U.S. Bank date of keit kale bythe mortgagor(:), PREM ISESHHI�E IMPROVED Hegiktra on System:, Inc e: Oakdale, MN 661'28 County Law Enforcement Center Natonal Aksocaton ND their personal represenbtve: or WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING minae for Lake Area Mortgage, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 1501562nc Street North, Stillwater LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF assign: OF LESS IHAN FIVE UNITS, ao Di -an of Lake Area Bank, a IS LOCATED: Washington Minnemb PROPERTY Lot,3 and6, Blod:1 DATE TO YFATE PROPERTY ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN corporaton ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT to pay the debt then kewred by Charter Oak:, Washington Gounry, The date on or before wMd, the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Dated: 11242009 OFMORTGAGE:$105,00000 mortgage an ­` 4 If any Mmnemm mortgagor m uW veble thep-opea, ANDAHEABANDONED. Filed:03W92010 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO annallY epai, by thearm or[gagee Tab bAbWmd Propea, if the moagage is not r MORTGAGOfn(S) RELEASED Hamkev HegiWmr of utak BE DUEAs of DATE of NOTICE, on the Premises add the DOW: and TAX PARCEL NQ'. under Minnemb Statute: Ise n FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Do,um ent Na 2103306 Against INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID disbursement, ellowec by law The 3002921310006 58030 or the property redeemmlec ON MORTGAGE: None CeUf,ateof Tit,No. 5]%2 BYMORTGAGEE$�,82340 tme ellowec by law for redempton ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. under Min_0ta Statute: sedan Dated: September2, 2016 Aksgned o: U.S. Hank Nabon I TM1atpnortothecommencementof by :aid mortgagor(:), their personal 1494GRANADAAVEN 58023 is May1], 201]at1159p� m. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Ak katon a thbmortgag,Fnedo:ureproceeding represeU.O or a:ega: is ex;6) OAKDALE MN 55128 If the foregoing date is a Saturday, THEAGADEMV LAW -OUP BY Dated: 11252015 Moagageel dgnee of Mortgagee mont-l-on, the date of kala COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Sunday or legal holiday, then the B : FIIec 121/2016 comphec with all nA,e H,gU,ement, TIME AND DATE TO VAGATE IS RI GATED: We:hington date to vacate is the ne# business Ce ca F. Schiller E:4 Ramsey County Registrar of Title: a: requlrec by statute; that no action PROPERTY: Unlet: said mortgage ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT day et 1159 Pm. NBKibongni Fondungellah, E:4 Document Na 702545991 /Tgeinkt law oo otherwi earobrecover the debt redeem edetor unless[ the Om Pefor OF MORTGAGE $1 ]5,]5000 MOFTGAGORSJ RELEASED .Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Certificate of litl e N0.6/4522 AMOUNT DUEAND GIAIMED TO FROM OBLIGATION ON Samuel H G0lemaa, Ekq Transaction Agent Mortgage secured by kat, mortgage, or any redempton is reducec by judicial BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE MORTGAGE: NONE Samuel K Coleman IA Ele,trona RegiktraOon Sy:tem4lnc patthereof INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID THE TIME ALLOWED BY Ir ,dan gent Mortgage IU No: PURSUANT to the power of kale Public Notices BY M ORTGAGEE$166 X040 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Th NA,ademy Eofeksional Bwlha, 100]15800000030 608 mHanec ICI kale mortgage, the Continued on Page oath UalA street Review Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016 Page 9 Public Notices P-dec in Minn. Sto 58232, kubd NOTICE OF MORTGAGE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO 58030 or the property redeemed 551203]599 CORORR2(1(PORI Page $ 9 beginning after the xpireton FORECLOSURE SALE BE DTEAS OF DATEOF NOTICE under MIan,- SEUD- section 55122&1]53 J.) 9 of Mitagggoi's two (2) month THE RIGHTTOVERE ALE OF INCL U DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID S 0 3ik Junel, 201/at1159Pld. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION order you must vacate the premises redempton period THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE BY MORTGAGEE:$231,21ED IfHAforegoin, d-da SeWrda,, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. by 1159 P m. on May22, 201]. 10. N am e oeeaoh Mortgagor wh o ORIGINAL CR EDITORWITHINTHE F b it-or [tithe comad-a Uof Sunday or legal horida,, then the 1]978-150-1 THE TIME ALLOWED BY Ilan been releekec from finan-ll TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOF thbmortgageeoredosureprocoedU, date to vacate ik the next busineks 'Review: Od 1'2, 19, 28, Nov 2, 9, LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY obligaton on the Mortgage: Balt AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Mo1gageelAksignee of Mortgagee day at 1155 Pm. 16 2016) THE MORTGAGOR THE Eagle Development LLC, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that complied with all notcoregUI-ammo, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mane-a limited li ability com pan default hakocouned in the conditionk es required by kteWte; that no action FROM OBLIGATION ON REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, 17. The person holdac the of thefork, Zing describe, m ortgage. or proceeding hes beenaddhae, et MORTGAGE NONE NOTICE OFMORTGAGE MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgage ik notetankactionagent Mortgagor: Trikhe Lee an H ancon law or otherwise to recover the debt THE TIME ALLOWED BY FORECLOSURE SALE W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS as defined in Minn. S[ at S.L. ncKur[Henkon, wiee3husbend seourec by said mortgage, or any LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THERIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA subd 30. aMoIgagee: Mortgage Electronic part thereof THE MORTGAGOR, THE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Name d Mortgagee Reg,"I don Systems, na as PURSUANT to the power of sale MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Premier Benk nominee for Bremer Benk, Netonel contained in said mortgage, the REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Nam end Address of Atome,k for Aksocaton above describe, property will be MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mortgagee Dated: 00082011 solcbythe Sheriffoe saidoountyak W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That W ITH A RESIDENTIAL OWELIJNG LEONARD, O'BRIEN, SPENCER, Recorded: 041192011 follows: ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA defaulthes oaurred in the oonditonk OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, SLE 35AVRE, LTD. Ramsey County Recorder DATE AND TIME OF SALE: STATUTES SECTION 582032, of the following described mortgage: ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ISI Peter J. Sejevio, III Docum ent No. 42]6413 DecoldberT 20161000AM DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER MORTGAGORS) Holly H. Lee, a AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, By Peter J. Seeviq III, g02]9�3] Assigned To: U.S Bank Natonal PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff s Office, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED arced person ANDAREABANDONED. Attorneys eorMortgagee Aksocaton Civil Procoks Unit 25 W. 4th Street PREMISES ARE IMPROVED MORTGAGEE: Wellk Fargo Bank, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Leonard O'Brien, Spencer Gale 3 Dated: 10232012 Suite150, St Paul, MN W ITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING NA FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Sa" Ltd to pay the debt then secured by OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Recorded: 05062013 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE'. ON MORTGAGE: None 1005outh Fifth Stree[Suite 2500 Ramsey Gounry Recorder kaic Mortgage, end bares ie any, on ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Aasigned to: None. Dated: September29, 2016 Minneapolis, Manesota55402 Document No. 4309 laic premises, enc the costs an AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. (W2)2-10'30 disbursements, indudinc ettomeys' AND ARE ABANDONED. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Trankaction Agent Mortgage OF MORTGAGE: $160 817 00 Mortgagee (Review: Oct 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, Electronic Regiktaton Systems, Ina fees allowec by law subject o Dated: September30, 2016 DATE OF MORTGAGE: November THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA 2016) Transaction Agent Mortgage lD NO redempton within 6 Mon-Don, the Deutsche Benk National 28,2011 By lkl 1000]3381106]20Boo date of sate salebythemoitgagoq(), Trust Comperry,es Trusteefor DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Rabe-F Shciller Esq Lender or Broker: Bremer Bank, their personal vet-entatvek or Soundview Home Lo en Trust Recorded on Jenuery l3, L N. DID ngni Fondungallah Eel NOTICE OF MORTGAGE N atonalAasooieton assigns 20060PT1,Asset-Backed Document Number 38]OEQOinLthe 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' FORECLOSURE SALE Servico U.S. Bank National DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Certificates, Series 20060PT1, Otfico of the County Recorder of Samuel R Cole man Esq THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Aas-on The date on or before which he Assignee of MSSg.gee Wekhing[on Gounry, Minnesota Atomeyk for Mortgagee THE DEBT AND IDENNTY OF THE Mortgage Originator: Bremer Bank mtrtgagit'gaa vacatedepnotpe" PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO The Academ Profe-anal Buildmc if he mo gage ik no r c ASSOCIATION Y TIME PRLCREDI BY LAW IS NOT LEGA lAas DES ern BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE LS North Dale Street under Minnesota StaWtek sect on By. Jonathan LLkkey, Mid,eelV TIME PROVIDED IS LAW N. NOT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF $1 THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. St Paul, MN 55102 AFFECTED BHEREBY GIVEN N. PROPERTY: Lot 26 end all of Lot 58030 or the property redeedme, Sd,leism en $155 ]9243 '651 21-1 under Minnesota SEU017 b11 se on Aleor. 7 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 25 exoep[the South l5 eeetthereof 58023 ik June1,201]et 1159 Deutsd,e "Bank National Trust �� DESCRIPTION OF '16141]-FN1J tabu,[ hesoocurred in the condi0ons Shclettis Thirc AtldiOon, Ramsey pm PROPERTY: The North 12 of Lot 14 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ethe foregong de S aa,, Company as Trustee for Soundv eve tie the eollow nc de-bed d gage: Gounry M nnekota and II f L 15, Block 233, St. Paul FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. M gg : Scott Fg enc ThkkAbstract Property S dy legal hid y, h the H L T 20060Pes Aas6 P k, R-an 3, J hington 'Review: O¢ S, l2 l9, 26 Nov 2 L F g h b d c wee TAX PARCEL NO'. d oeta k th b mess B k d G TWtek, Ser es 2006 G nty, Man 9,2016) M day 1159 Pm. OPT1,A g tie Mortgagee gg : M rtgage Bearorio 24292333.0023 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED E Rh Street Sute800 STREET ADDRESS OF Regki`ton systems, no ak ADDRESS of PROPERTY. AVENUE PROPERTY . AU ASHLAND FROM OBLIGATION ON S[. Peu 7599 01-1]18 ee eor Fremont Investment 3 130]SGHLETTI STREET AVENUE, ST PAUL PARK, MN NOTICE OFVOLUNTARY MORTGAGE: NONE '12281- Login SAINTPAUX MN55117 550]1 THE TIME ALLOWED BY HIS ISl/S3 (tax) Reted., Ad 071192 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION SALE Re., ]11 County IS RIGATED:Ramsey IS LOCATED: Weshmg[on Gounry, Washington County Reoorder ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THE MORTGAGOR THE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Minnesota MORTGAGORS PERSONAL /LSlSU0208J (DateeO¢betar4t2056ection 582 32) Dooumenl Na 3596 G]5 OF MORTGAGEDU$139]00M REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, 16 view: Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, TRANSACTION AGENT: None YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a detault Aamgne, To: Dan, ah Benk AMOU AS AND OF MED TO MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE 162016) NAME OF MORTGAGE has octane, in the condit-oe the Unde, tTrustoling an as Trustee BEDUE AS TAXES IOFN TICEPAID , EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ORIGINATOR Wells Fargo Benk, Poll-H, described-ga e: under the Poolin end Ser,eptem n, BY MORTNG GAGEE E$ IF ANY PAID N A 9 9 1 2006 nt dated as of September T M OFT,tothe $mmen e ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells INFORMATIONREGARDING1,2006 GSAMP TruhteRfi 2, hea priorte the commencement of STATUTES SECTION 582032 NOTICELO MORTGAGE Fargo BPARCEL MORTGAGE 708E FORECLOSED g g g g g procee g DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 1. Date of Morc a e: Mardi l Mo-Rage 006 FM2 rou h Certificates, Moojat e e lgnee of din THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED FORECLOSURE SALE TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION14Jo 99 b', S.ed 006FM2 Moplie thalgnee tie Mortgagee THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF NUMBER ('202/2214.004/ 2006 PREM (SES ARE IMPROVED 2. Morteor Ball Eagle Dated: 03�01I2012 oompliecwith ell notoe requirements J4'ITH ARESIDENTIAL O'WELLING THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE TRANSACTION AGENT'S 99 : o-hagd:032CoUnt as pl-eedby-ben atnoaction 0 IGINALCREDITOR WITHIN TH E MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION Development LlG e Minnesota Washington Gounry Reoorder or proceeding hes been inktiWted et OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, TIME PROVIDED 8Y LAW IS NOT NUMBER None Ii mitedliabiI'ty cold pony Document No. 38]49]9 law or otherwise to recover the debt ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. THAT no action or proceeding hes 3. Mortgagee: Premier Benk, a Transection A Mort a eared b s is m r AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Minnesota Dor gent g age k , e ortgage, o any AND ARE ABANDONED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that been adiiWted et law to recover the poraton Eed-onto Regikiraton Systems In, pal the, detaulthekocourrecintheconditonk deb[then remaining secured bykud, C Re-coma meowed, Recoaled Dated: SeptANDON6 201s on November 9, 2011 as Document Trankection Agent lO No: PUR6UANT Ic the power tie sale Minnesota Housing Finance ofthefollowi n, deseribedmor(gage: moagae, itany part thereof or ie Na 3 with the Office of 100194450 it, B94] ontained in said mortgage, the Agenry,Assignee of Mortgagee Mortgagor Joseph P Lanoete and the a o or proceeding hes been DO Gou6nt Recorder Weshin Lender or Broker: Fremont above dekaibed property will be Ad, ee M. Frederic, husband and i-thtedn that the same hes been y gton In-menta Loan koldb he Sheriff tie kaiccount PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Count Minnesota by yes wife dl-UH, or that an Y Servicor. Oowen Login Servicng, eoIIIE ASSOCIATION Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic upon the udgten[rendeaedthevn 5. Aasignments tie Mortgage, ie any LLC DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. By J onethenRGuskey, MioheelV Re Mton Systems k has been r coed unkatkfied, in Noned,leismen olden Mortgage Originator: Fremont Dec,Decomber 1, 201610 A0 AM ee eor Centennial Mortgage whole orin par[ INFORMATION REGARDING rives m Atomel for o MORTGAGED PREMISES ent3 Loan PLACE OF SALE'. Sheriff's Otfico, Minnesota Ho-H, Finance anc Funding 2 PURSUANT, to the power of sale (LEGAL DESCRIPTION of civil Pldeks um[ 2s w. 4th street Dated. o]nsrzoo] untamed in said moggage, the 6. Tear pa bel identficatonnuldbers PROPERTY: Lot 19, Block 1, Suite 150, St Paul, MN /)gency, Aksigneeof Mortgagee Filed: 0801200] above described property will be of mort e e,"em : 2102321- 55 Eas[Fifth Street Suite 000 g gz pze 21 4 Woodland Aaek to pay the debt then secured by Ramsey Registrar of Titles sol, by the Sheriff of said county as 411111 - - 4C 0012 end Thik ikAbktrect Pro art said Mor[ e e, end taxes, ie en S[ Peul, MN 55101-1 ]18 20 311 U-21 4' p k g g ,, on Document Na 4 Againa follows: 2]-02921-03-0013 x'203 ]549 TAX PARCEL NO.'. d p rid the costs end G T eT IeN .:56]005 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. ] Legal Desapton of the 1003021410004 d b bating atomeys THIS�IS A III COMMUNICATION g T: U.S Bank Natonal De, ber 62016 at 10 00 AM mortgage, prem- ADDRESS OF PROPERTY fees allowed V` law sublet o Assodaton PLACE OF SALE Washington L 1, Bloc 6 wM1 g Valley, .50103r, SIN d t iCh n 6 M onthk from the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Dated: 0411]2015 Gounry She-Off A h gton Dad, ngton Goun,, Ma sota Stllwater M N 55082 d e d ale bythe moagagoq() 4L1R3 Fled 04232015 Couryty Lew Eneor G to L Bloc 6 ft Ing Valley, COUNTY N WHICH PROPERTY h . p al vet-entatvek or (R w:0¢ 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, Ramsey County Regktar of Ttlek (SOI E2nc St-el Noah Stll at Dak,ington County, Minnesota 16 2016) er IS LOCATED: Washington ekmgnk. Document Na 702528205 Ageinkt Minnesota OF 3, Bloc 6, Whistling Valley, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: CeRficateoe Title Na'. 567005 to paythe debtthen secured by Dak,inngton County, Minnesota OF MO'GAGE :$508,25000 The date on or beeore which the Transaction Agent Mortgage s mortgage and tax s, ie any ively, the "R-I Property') AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO mortgagor m u ki vacate the property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Electronic Registration Systems In, actually paic by the mortgagee, together with (a) all of the buildings BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE IF the mortgage b not reinstated FORECLOSURE SALE Trenka a 2Agent Mortgage ID No: on the premises and the colo, and and other ildprovem ants INCLUD IN G TAKES , IF ANY PAID under Minnesota Staw- k,cton THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 1002'32'3 61191 disbursements allowe,b, law . The know iructursteandm, o any tme BY MORTGAGEE:$514,lei 93 58030 or the property redeemed THE DEBT AND IDeWITY OF THE Lender0 or Broker: Centennial Om e all owe, by law eor redemption hereafter const dect or placod Th atpriortothecommencementof under Minnesota Statutes k,cton ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE Mortgageand Funding, Incy kat, moagagoq(), their personal upon the RealNPropeay, ;b) all this m o1gage eoredosureprocoedac 58023 b Junel, 201-1159- TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Ser,ae, U.S. Bank u Natonal vet-entatvek or assigns ik six :6) heating, plumbic and Iightng Moa, gees-gnee of Mortgagee If the eoregoac date b a SeWrday, AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. Aksocaton month k Dom the date of sale. apparatus, e atohnernd ea otooa� com plied with all not co regUvm ants Sunday or legal holiday, then the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mortgage Originator Centennial TIME AND DATE TO VACATE engineke y, regUvc by kiatute that no action date to vacate ik the n-business detaulthakoaurredUtheconditonk Mortgageand Funding, IncPROPERTY: Unless said mortgage equipmen[nci eppereWk, or procoedmc hes been inkOWted et day et 1159 Pm. of the following described m o1gage: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF aced the property conditonincepperaWk, water and law or othe, se to recover the debt MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Mortgagor: Andre M. Koen, a single PROPERTY: Lot 1], Bloc 1, Willard redeemed,itunless that eto, gas- pipes, water heaters, cured by said mortgage, or any FROM OBLIGATION ON Linder Additon No, 1, Ramsey redemption ik reducoc by luded al vUgeratnc plant and rethgeratit" part thereof MORTGAGE: NONE Mortgagee:Amerifund Finandal Inc, County, Minnesota order you must vacate the premises wate,softeners Woe" Woetng, PURSUANT to the power of sale THE TIME ALLOWED By dba All Fund Mortgage Tabd Regikiered Property by 1159 P m. on June 62017. windows and doors, window co mortgage, the LAW FOR REDEMPTION By Dated: 11 Ki02005 TAX PARCEL NO'. THE TIME ALLOWED BY rtn en doors k[ sash, ado, desaibec property will be THE MORTGAGOR THE Filed: 031132006 342922420055 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY window shades or blads,oawnings soldby the Sheriff of said county as MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Ramsey Registrar of Titles ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: THE MORTGAGOR THE looks fen- Ir s shrubs, and follows: RE PRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, Document No, 1-4/6 Againa 66 EUCLID Sr MORTGAGORS PERSONAL other fi#urek,eequipment end DATE AND TIME OF SALE: MAV BE REDUGEO TO FIVE Certificate tie Title No 558515 SAINT PAUX MN 55106 REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, personal property of every kind December 2, 201610 00 AM WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS AakIgnec To: Milan One Mortgage COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE aandereefna'He necb nOwe or PLACE OF SALE Law Eneorcement ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Corp-an, ACelieomia Coo-an ISLOCATE. Ramsey WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Y the M9 9 Center 15015 E2nd Street N., STATUTES SECTION 582032, Dated: -02005 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA and ettachec or fixed to the Real Stillwater MN DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Elec 03h05200] OF MORTGAGE: $1]1,00000 STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Property, indudinc ell ex to pay the debt then se ec by THING S, THAT THE MORTGAGED Ramsey County Registrar of Titles AM OUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO DETERMINING AMONG OTHER edditonk, improvements, said Mortgage, en axes, ieaeny, on PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Document Na 199]E84 Ageinkt BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Hip ants, renewals end said premises, enc the costs enc WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING Certificate of The No.: 558515 INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID PREMISES ARE IMPROVED replecoldentsoeanyoetheeore Aag disbursements, indudinc atome,s' OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Asvigned To: HeuW- Bank BY MORTGAGEE $1]O,f513. WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLING ;oJ all hereditaments, e 4 fees allowed by law kubect to ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Natonal Trust Gold pan,, Thatpriortothecommencementof OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, nghlsr hereafter belonppua nen„ods redempton within 6 Monthk Don, the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Trustee for the Ceftficoeholders of thismoagagefoeolosureproceeding ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ging, ettao date of said sale bythe moagagoq(), AND ARE ABANDONED. Sound- Home Loan Truss 2006 Moagagee-dgnee of Mortgagee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, n any way pedal- to the Real their personal epesentatves or Dated: September29, 2016 OPTT Asset-Backed GeRfico- ompliecwith all notoeequiements AND AREABANDONED. Property or to any buil ding, structure assigns U.S. Bank National Association, Series 20- k requied by statute; that no action MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ild provement now or hereafter DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Assignee of Mortgagee Dated: OlnO2009 or procoedmc has been instituted at FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Dated thereon ;d) the immediate The date on ore r beeowild, the PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Filed: 021182009 law orrwi otheketo recoverthe debt ON MORTGAGE: None lend contnan5 right to receive and mortgagor lduki vacate the protpert, ASSOCIATION Ramsey County Registrar of Tees severed by kart mortgage, or any Dated: Odober5 2016 collled fiaal now due and whit, mak ie he mortgage ik not r By. Jonathan R C-e,, MkFael V Document No. 20 6 Againa part thereof WELLS FARG0 BANK, N.A. n pro y under Minnesota Statutes kerion Scleisman Certificate tie Ttle N0. 558515 PURSUANT to the power of kale Mortgagee hereafter become due under or by 58030 or the property redeemec Attomeyseor: Trenkaction Agent NIA ontai ec in 68 mortgage, the THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA rtu tie aria lease or agreement under Minnesota Statutes kecto U.S. Bank Natonal Askodaton, Tran kadd, Agent Mortgage ID No: aboven described property will be By lkl bl g, nuke to' o thepee�nof 58023 kJune2, 201] 115 p�mn Aasgnee tie Mortgagee NIA sold by the Sherff of kat county as Rb F6d,iller Esq. of Reel Pro If he torego ngd S urday, 55 Eekt Ffth Street Suite 800 Lender or Broker: Amerfunc eollowk: N.Kb g Fndungallah, Esq all it, y perto t e perry Sunday or legal h id y, then the St. Paul, MN55101-1718 Fnanoal dba All Func DATE AND TIME OF SALE C NT ko, Esq.' w, he-lore or hereafter made date to vacate b the nekh bukineks -1203]599 Mortgage, AWashUgton Coo-an December,, 2016 1000AM Samuel u-Coleman Esq till ae the to bykhancf oagago,ants day,o 1159 Pm. 21223-1 AEG Fb) Servicor. Ocwen Loan Servicng, PLACE OF SALE : Sheriffs Office Atomeyk for Mortgagee all of the it ;d) above; and,'e) all MORTGAGORS) RELEASED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION LLC Civil Procoks Uni[ 26 W. 4th Street The Academy Professional Buildmc FROM OBLIGATION ON FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Mortgage Originator Amerifunc Suite 150, St Paul, MN 25 North Dale Street , anc other =d% of MORTGAGE: NONE 1]%3-160054Y1 Financial dba All Func to pay the debt then sexed by St Paul, MN 55102 and all condemnaton awards wiI THE TIME ALLOWED BV ;Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, Mortgage, AWashUgton C000raton said Mortgage, a k, ie any, on '651GO-I5U respect to, the eoregoing LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 16 2016) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF said premises and the bolds and :151031FCO The --d-D,RbelTy, not THE MORTGAGOR THE PROPEFTY. Lot 2], Spring Lake disbursements, including atomeyd THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Registered a,_,d)_Yy MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Perk Hillview, excoptthe North half Beek allowed by law kUP d o FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 8. The physical thr O addrek- REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Ramsey Gounry, Minnesota redempton within 6Monthkfrom the 'Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, dry anc zip code of the mortgaged MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE This b Regikterec PrOpert, date of said kale DID, moagagok(), 16 2016) premises: _1 Whikirac Valley WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS TAX PARCEL NO.'. their personal reprekentatvek or Road, Lake Elmo, Minnesota 55042, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF 063023410014 9615 ANdlin, Valle Road, Lake THE DE BT AND IDENTITY OFT HE assigns Elmo, Minnesota 55042 enc 96 'STATUTES SECTION 582032 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: NOTICE OFMORTGAGE Elmiotlin Valle Road, Lake 9611 DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER /951 Geenwood Or The date on or beeore wild, the TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT FORECLOSURE SALE 9 y THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. Mounds Uiew, MN55112 m ortgagooaua vacate theprotperty THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Minnesota 55042 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ie the mortgage ik not re etAd THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE INFORMATION REGARDING q RESIDENTIAL DWELLING detaulthekocouned in the conditions IS LOCATED: Ramsey under Minnesota Statutes sect on ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE FORECLOSURE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, tie he eollowing desaibec m ortgagA ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 58030 or the property redeemed TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT 9. The requisites of Minn. Stat § ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN OF MORTGAGE:$21375000 under Minnesota Statutes kecto 12 have been ketsfi ed The Mortgagor ScottA Jacobson end 802 1/et 1' n AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. holder of the M orteehek com lied AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ElizabethAJeoobson, husbenc end AMOUNT DUE CLAIMED TO S 3ikJunel, 20 ,59 P�m. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That g g p AND AREABAND 2016 wiee BE DUE As oft DATE OR Nonw, If me DO— A5 date is alSamma' default - o«une, in the conditonk with all condit- pvc,dent to Dated: October4 2016 Mortgagee: Voyager Bank INGLU DING TAXES IF ANY PAID Sunday or legal holiday, then the came eollowing described coortgage: accel n tie the debt searec by peutsche Bank National Trust BY MORTGAGEE.$233,588 T/ date to vacate b the next business the Moatlone ath edebt ke ec by Com MU-0ta Banking C000raton MORTGAGORS)'. Jeannette H. parry,-rusteefor GSAMP Dated: 10Ki12005 Thebit-b-tothe-mencementof day et 1155 Pm. Gran end Ga L Gran, wiee end Mortgage, and all notico enc other Trust 2006FM2, Mortgage Pass this-gageforedosureprocoedm, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED n' e tale statutes Re 12o husband an, Donald J. Gan, a requirementso app toe Throu h Certificates, Se ries 2006 Mort e eelAssi nee of Mort e ee FROM OBLIGATION ON n g Ramsey Gounry Recorder p g g g g unmerriecperson 10. The original princpel em FM2, Assignee of Mortgagee Document Na 39]146 complied with ell notco requirements MORTGAGE NONE MORTGAGEE.Mort Electronic cured by the Mortgage wa PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL kequiredbykiaWte; h-oadd, THE TIME ALLOWED BV gage $2,0]5,00000. amount ASSOCIATION Assigned To: Minnesota Housing a din has been institutec at LA'W FOR REDEMPTION By Regiktrat n Systems, Inc Fin anc, Agen by la p-e g Delaware cte 11. A[ the data tie this notco the By Jonathan R Guskey, Mioheel V law or otherwise to recover the debt THE MORTGAGOR, THE rporaton, ek nominee amount due on the M0-Rage rt a e, and Dated. 10/312005 secur for J.M. Trout Enterprises, Inct.. 9 9 Sohleikmen ec by said mortgage, or any MORTGAGORS PERSONAL es, igen b he holderoethe Recorded: 02212006 tibia JMT Mortgage, e Minnesota y, paic yt Attome,k for Ramsey `307h'47 ounry Recorder part thereof REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, coryore. Mortgage ik$629, 133.2]. Dmpan,e Bank Natonal Trust Document No. 39 ]14] PURSUANT to the power of kale MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE'. an 12. Pursuant to the power of sale Com pant as Trustee for GSAMP contained in said mortgage, the WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS in the Mortgage the Mortgage will Trust 2006FM2, Mortgage Pass Transaction Agent NlA above desaibec property will be ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Assigned to: Federal National be eoreolosed, and the mortgaged Th rough Certificates Series 2006 Transaction Agent Mortgage lO No: colt by the Sheriff of said county as STATUTES SECTION 582032 Mortgage Assocent (Fannie Il be koldb h Sheriff tie NIA Meet by eksignment recorded on premises wi by FM2 Aasignee oeMortgagee a follows: DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Washington County at publiceuction yS Feld Fifth Street Suite 800 Lender or Broker Voyager Benk, DATE AND TIME OF SALE: THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED September 14, 2016 es Document on November9, 2016 at 1000 AM., Minnesota Banking Goryoraton Number 4083223 in the Offico of et the W eshagton Gounry Sheriffs 65120 7555101-1]18 Servicor: U.S. Bank Netonel Dec, ber 1, 20161000 AM PREMISES ARE IMPROVED W ITH the County Recorder of Washington 203]549 --an PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Count,Minnesota. Offico, civil Procoks Division - 2281111P,) Civil ProcoksUnit 25 W. 4th Street OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 1501562n Street North, Stillwater Mortgage Originator: Voyager Bank ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Minnesota 55082 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION eMinnesota Benkin Go SUI,150, St. Paul, MN ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN g Do, OF MORTGAGE: $340,00000 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF to pay the debt then secured by AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, DATE OF MORTGAGE Januar 13.Thetme elloweceorredempton l//2S 1S 008 /l etc Mortgage, end taxes ie any, on AND ARE ABANDONED, y by Mortgagor or MortgagoYk PROPERTY. Lot 22, Blot: 3, s. 24 2008 personal vet-entaty_ OO aks,gnk (ReNew: Oct 12, 19, 26 Nov 2 9, Edgev,ew No2 etc pemisek, enc the costs enc Dated: September29, 2016 DATE AND PLACE OF FILING b TWO (2) MONTHS after the date 162016) Th isb Abstract Property disbursements, indudinc attorneys' U.S. Bank National Association, Recorded D Mart, 14, 2008 as tie kala TAX PARCEL NO. fees allowec by law subject o Assignee of Mortgagee Document Number 3.41. in the 10. Mortgagor enc Mortgagee 152922140024 retain pt on within 6 M onth k Don, the PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Otfico of the County Recorder of have entered into a VOLUNTARY ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. date oe kat c kal e bythA ld oitgagoq k), ASSOCIATION Wekhing[on Gounry, Minnesota MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE 1672 ROSEWOOD AVENUE heir personal representatvek o By.JonethenR LLkkey, Mid,eelV THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO AGREEMENT datec k of SOUTH assigns Sd,leism an BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Sept -121 2016 in complianco MAPLEWOOD, MN55109 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Attorneys for ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. YOU NTV IN WHICH PROPERTY The date on or beeore whit, the U.S. Bank Natonal Akso-an, with Minn. stat se232 IS To cATED: Ram moggagor lduth vacate the property A-Lgnee of Mortgagee Public Notices 15. Eed, holder of a junior lien may ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ifndee Minneasota Statutes isection St Paul,Ffth MN 661011 Iltte 800 redeem in the order and manner OF MORTGAGE $173-Go a CORhRR2(1 OR Page10 Page 10 Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016 Review Public Notices said Mortgage, end I- it any, on PREMISES ARE IMPROVED sold by the Sheriff d said county as FROM OBLIGATION ON ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN said premises, end the costs end WITH A RESIDENTIAL OWEWNG follows: MORTGAGE: NONE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, CoNIINU2(1 h'DNI Page disbursements, inoludng ettomeys' OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, DATE AND TIME OF SALE: THE TIME ALLOWED BY ANDAREABANDONED. $3420]3Q tees allowed by law su bled to ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Deoember9, 2016, 1000AM LAW FOR REDEMPTION By Dated: October14, 2016 redempton within 6 Months hom the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement THE MORTGAGOR THE Deutsche Bank National Trust LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF date d said sale by the mortgagor( s), AND ARE AGAIN DONED. Center, 15015 Qnd Street N., MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Companyas Trusteefor Argent PROPERTY: The South 36100 their personal represenbtves or Dated: Odober5, 2016 Stillwater MN REPRESENTATIVES ORAS SIGNS, Securities III Asset -Backed teat of the east 5]1. f5 teat d the assigns U.S. Bank Netionel Association, to pay me debt then se ec by MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE PassT11I Certificates, Series Northeast Quarter d the Northeast DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY'. ..Tv - Residential Asset said Mortgage, enc bares, ifu ay, on WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS 2005-WO,Assignee of Mortgagee Quarter of Section 15, Township 27 The date on or before which the Securities Corporation, Home said premises, end the costs end ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL North, Range 20 West, Denmark mortgagor must vacate the property Equity Mortgage Asset -Backed disbursements, indudmc ett,ae STATUTES SECTION 2, ASSOCIATION Township, Washington County, if the mortgage is stated -Through Certificates Series tees allowed by law subject to DETERMINING AMONG yOTHER By Jonetlh-Cuskey, Mah-V Minnesob under Minnesob SbWtes k -an 2006-KS4, Assignee of Mortgagee--apton within 6 Months hom the THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Schleisman STREET ADDRESS OF -11 or the property redeemed OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL dateof said sale byth-ftga qo ), PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Attomeystor: PROPERTY: 0210 QUADRANTAVE under Minnesob SbWtes se n ASSOCIATION their personal represenbtves or A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING D --A Bank Natonal Trust S, HASTINGS, MN 55033 56623 is June0, 201]et 1159 p�m. By JonethenRGuskey, MidheelV assigns OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Company, as Trustee for Argent COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY If the foregoinc date is e SeWrdey, Schleisman DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Seantes Ina, Asset -Banked Pass IS LOCATED: Washington County, Sunday or legal horlday, then the Attorney-, THA date on or before whirl the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION , Through Certificates Series 2005 Minnesob date to vacate is[he next business U.S. Bank -b-Il Ass -an, m[rtgagor m ust vacate the property ANDAREABANDONED. W4, Assigneeof Mortgagee TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage day at ll 55pm. es Trustee for Resid-n ll Asset if he mortgage is aced Dated: Octoberl/,2016 66 M. Fifth Stree[ Suite600 Electronic GkMdraton Systems Inc MGM AGOR(S) RELEASED Seances Goa -an, Home Equity under Minnesob SbWtes section U.S. Bank Netionel Association, S[Paul, MN55101-1]16 NAME OF MORTGAGE FROM OBLIGATION ON Mortgage Asset -Banked Pass 56030 or the property redeemed es Truster sucrossor in f5120&]549 ORIGINATOR: J.M. Trout MORTGAGE NONE Through Certificates Series 2006 under Minnesob SbWtes recto interedto Ban -America SSl- 6- /63 (fax) Enterynses, dish JMT THE TIME ALLOWED BY K54, Assignee d Mortgagee 56023 s June 9, 201]et 1159 pmn National Association, es Trustee, THISISA COMMUNICATION Mortgage, -an esob corporation FAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 55 East Fifth Stree[ Suite 600 If the foregoinc date is a SeWrdey,ucrosserger or by mto G.S.H. FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: THE MORTGAGOR THE St Paul, MN66101-1/16 Sunday or legal holiday, then the s Bank Netionel Association, es 1//2b - Seteru4 Inc MORTGAGORS PERSONAL .12037599 date to vacate is the next business Trustee for Residential Asset IRA,- Od 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 23, TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION RE PRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS f51223-1]53).) day at 1159 Pm. Morigege Produds, Inc., 30 2016) NUMBER: 1502]20-110002 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Morigege Asset -Backed Pass TRANSACTION AGENT'S W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. FROM OBLIGATION ON ThroughCedificdesSeries200T- MORTGAGE IDENTIFGATION ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 17/25-15010912 MORTGAGE NONE RP2, Assignee of Mortgagee NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NUMBER: 1000.6]]00295.16 STATUTES SECTION 662032 'Review: Od 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 THE TIME ALLOWED BY OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE SALE THAT no action or proceeding hes DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER 23 2016) LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY ASSOCIATION THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF been n." tet at l aw to recover the TH INGS THAT THE MORTGAGED THE MORTGAGOR THE By: JonethenR Cu-, M-dlV deb[ then remaini nc secured ,sch PREMISES ARE IMPROVED MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Sdhleismen THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE -1,- or any part thereof or if WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE OFMORTGAGE REPRESENTATIVES OR AS SIGNS, Attorneys for: ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE the action or proceeding hes been OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE U.S. Bank Natonal Assoce an a TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT th- that the same hes been FORECLOSURE SALE s AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION d-Unued, or that an ex ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Trustee suocessorin mteredto Benk NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That h d derec therlein AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, that debult hes --d in the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA d Amenoe Natonel Assocetotn, debulthasoaurredatheconditons upon[ eu tit en[ren AND ARE ABANDONED, conditons of e mortgage dated STATUTES SECTION 562032 es Trustee, successor by merger to ofthef011owing described mortgage: hes been reur ec unsetsfied, in Dated: October ll, 211ti DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER LeSeIIe Benk Natd-ll Ass -an, whole orin pehn Spire Credit Un ion I. Spire CM1UIIYeng Neu, exec db, 11-8 THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED es Trustee for Residentel Asset MORTGAGORS):Ma EScripps PURSUANT, to the power of sale Federal Credit Unionike Twin Chu-Veng-Heu, es mohgagor(sJ, to PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mortgage Products, Inc, Mortgage aMOFTGAGEE.Mortgage Electronic eined in said mortgage, the City Co-ops Federal Credit Union, W ITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Asset -Banked P-Tal-ough above desaibec property will be Mortgagee Libt dy Sbte Benk, es mortgagee OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Gertifioete4 Series 200]-RP2 RkMKI-Oan Systems Inc e soldb he Sheriff d said noun[ n he originalpnncpal Thou- f Delaware coryoraton esnominee for yt Yes PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Three Hundred Thirty Thousanc ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Assignee of M olg ee Everett Financal, Inc. dba Supreme follows: ASSOCIATION AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 66 East Firm Sheet Suite eco DATE AND TME OF SALE and noil" $33000600) DQllers Lending aTexasma-an By JonethenR LLskey, MidheelV ANDAREABANDONED S[Peul, MN55101-1]16 Deoembe, 62016'[1000 AM recorded with of Washington ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. Sdhleism en Dated: October11, 2016 651 203]549 PLACE OF SALE'. Washington AttomeysfOr: Gounry Registrar of Titles Sete of Quicken Loenslnc., b'S1223-1 /63'farJ Aasignec to: WellsFergo Benk,NA County Sheriffs Office, W ::Ug On Spire Cedt Union fka Spire Federal Minnesob on January 13, 2003, es Assigree of Mortgagee THIS IS A COMMUNICATION by essignmen[recordec on August Count Law Enforcement center de rte lizu�r thatthe mortgage "16 as Document Number 15015y -d Street North, Stll-bet Credt Union fke Twin Qty Coops s upon registered lend, met all OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL FROM 1b all DEBT COLLECTOR. 40]9 85 in the Office of the County Federal Qft Uni At Mortgagee ASSOCIATION Minnesob 55 East tedh Street Suite 600 PrsfOredosure requit mems have By Jonathan R Guskey, Midheel V ,Review: Oct. 262Nov 2, 9, 16 23 Recorder of Washington Gounry, h debt men se e b been complied wim; het no action Mina - to pay the o r c y SY Paul, MN 55101-1]16 Sohleismen 30, 2016) said mortgage and e nota any Sb1203/699 orproceedng has been institute, at Abomeys tor: ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT actually paid by the mortgagee, E51-281]53 (rax) aw to recover any part of me debt Darken Loans Inc, Assignee of OF MORTGAGE: $1163]300 on the he costs anc eourec by said mortgage; met DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 1'2, A, enc[ THIS IS A COMMUNICATION s Mortgagee NOTICE OF MORTGAGE mere is olaimec to be due thereon 2012 disbursements allowed bylaw. The FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. a MD Fifth Street Suite 600 wed by law for redem peon 3 2031 600 6]22 the sum of Two Hundred Thirtyfive S[ Peul, MN 55101-1]16 FORECLOSURE SALE DATE AND PLACE OF FLING. by react mortgagor(sJ, their personal 'Review: O¢ 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 Thousanc Six Hundrec Twenty and .1203]595 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Recorded on July 3, LOl'2 es represenbtves or assigns is six (6) 23, 2016) ]01100 ($235,'6 ]0) Dollars on SSl & /63 (far) THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Document Number 36%266 in the months hom the Bete of sale this date; ale tthahe- pursuantto the THISISA COMMUNICATION ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Office of the County Recorder of TIME AND DATE TO VACATE power of sale therein the mortgage TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Washington Gounry, Mane - PROPERTY: Unless said mort e e will be foredosec and the property FROM 1b 0- DEBT COLLECTOR. AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO stated or the propelgty NOTICE OF MORTGAGE in Washington Gounry, Minnesob, (Ravi w: Oct. 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 NOTICE I6 HEREBY GIVEN, mat BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE redeemed, or unless the tme for FORECLOSURE SALE described as follows: defaulthes oau rredatheconditons ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. 23 016) redempton is reduced by judical THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Lot 2, Block 3, Leke Elmo Heights of the following desaibec mortgage: $112,55004 order you m ust vacate the premises THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE 3rd Addition Molgagor: Erik P Salines a single LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF by 1155Pm. onJune6201 ]. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Property Add --2580 Imperial NOTICE OFMORTGAGE person enc Helad- Sa-aana,a & PROPERTY: Mbit "A" THE THE TIME ALLOWED By TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Avenue N., Leke Elmo, Minnesota marriec person FOLLOWING REAL PROPERTY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. 55002 FORECLOSURE SALE Mortgagee: Argent Mortgage IN WASHINGTON COUNTY THE MORTGAGOR, THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, mat Parcel I.D#:] THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Company, LLC MINNESOTA DESCRIBED AS MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL debut[ hasocouaecin the conkt- will be sold by the sheriff of THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Dated: 09292005 FOLLOWS. REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIONS, ofinefollowinc desoribec mortgage: saic county at public au n ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHIN THE Filed: 10262005 ALL THAT PART OF LOT 11 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagor: Lou Ann Gaham, a December 10, 2016, at 0 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Ramsey Registrar of Titles BLOCK 3 OF SABINS ADDITION WEEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS single person bloc: AM. at SheriX§Office, AFFECTEDBYTHISACTION. Doament No 1.724 Against TO THE CITY OF STILLWATER, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Lew Enforcement Center, 15015 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Certificate of Title No.'. 555153 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. STATUTES, SECTION 562032, Registraton OTHSystems, In -62nd Street North, Stillwater, debut[ hesooarrec in the conditons Assigned To: Oeutsdhe Bank BEGINNING ATA POINT FSI FEET DETERMINING AMONG ER n ee for First State Mortgage Minnesob, to pay the debt secured ofinefollowinc described mortgage: Natonal Trus[ Company, as tustee WEST OF THE NORTHEAST THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Corpol-Oan by the mortgage, indudmc costs Mortgagor: John P Minogue and tot Argent Se -t -Inc Aria[- CORNER OF SAID LOT AN PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Dated: 041102006 and -neys' fees allowed by Kim M. Minogue, husbandandwife Bad Pass-through Certificates RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 110 W ITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Recorded: 0511212006 law subject to redempton by the Mortgagee: Lend-l-ce, Inc Series 2005-W4, under the Pooling FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS washmgon County Recorder molgago$s), their heirs or assigns Dated: 0 -and Servicnc Agreement Dated SAID LOT THENCE NORTHERLY ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Do- ent No. 35693 within six(6) m onths Don,th e date of Recorded'. 10-002 No -be -1 20ALONG THE WEST LINE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION I Ignec To: U.5 Bank National sale The mortgagogs) must vacate Washington County Recorder Dated: 04-009 SAID LOT, TO THE NORTHWEST ANDAREABANDONED Assodaeon as Tmstee for RAs, the propely on or before 1159 pm. Document No 326-5 Fled 0]2]2009 CORNERTHEREOS ANDTHENCE MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 2006K5! on June 14, 201/, if(i I the m ortgage Assignec To: JPMoMan Chase Ramsey County Registrar of Titles EASTERLY C/ FEETTOTHE PLACE FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Dated: 011132012 under §50030, Bank as Trustee Document No 2061252 Against OF BEGINNING, WASHINGTON ON MORTGAGE: None Recorded: 02212012 sr;l) the propertyis not redeemed Dated : 061122002 Certificate of Title No.'. 555153 COUNTY MINNESOTA Dated: October13, 2016 Washington County Recorder Under§50023. Recorded: 06ro42003 Assigned To: Deutsche Bank TOGETHER WITH. FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE DQ MdUNo. 3873 36 THE TIME ALLOWED BY Washington County Recorder Natonal Trust Company, as Trustee ALL THAT CERTAIN PLATTED ASSOCIATION ("FANME"I AS6lgnec To: U.S Bank Natonal LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Document No 3342067 for Argent Seantes Inc, Aria[- LAUREL STREETS AS THE SAME Mortgagee Asso-han, as Trustee for THE MORTGAGOR THE Assignec To: Bank of America, Bad:ec PassThrough Certificates IN SHOWN SOUTHWESTERLY THEAGADEMVLAW GROUP, PA Residental Aria[ Searites MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Natonal Assooiaton as successor Series 2005W4 AND WESTERLY OF BLOCK 3, By Irl Corpol-Oan, Home Equity Mortgage REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS by merger to LaSalle Bank Natonal Dated: 05262010 SABINS ADDITION TO THE CITY Rebecca F Sdhiller Err} Asset -Backed Pa -Through MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Assoceb-Trustee Filed -12010 OF STILLWATER, WASHINGTON N. Kbongni Fondungallah, Err} Certificates, Series2006KS4 WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS Dated: 101152010 Ramsey County Registrar of Titles COUNTY, MINNESOTA 'Curt N.Trisko, Es q.- Dated: 011152016 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Recorded: 10212010 Document No 2110919 Against DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO Sam uel R Coleman, Esq Recorded: 01-2016 STATUTES, SECTION 662032 Washington Gounry Recorder CeRfioateof Title No.'. 55 S WIT Abom A, for M olgagee Washington County Recorder DETERMINING AM ONC OTHER Docum Ano 3613166 Transaction Agent. NS, COMMENCING AT THE The-dem he Academy Professional Building Do- ent No. 4055963 THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Assignec To: U.S. Benk Netonel Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF 25 North Dale Street Transaction Agent Mortgage PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Ass-an,a-ustee, sucoessorin NIA LOT 11 OF SAID BLOCK 3, SABINS St Paul, MN 55102 Electronic Regibt-Oan Systems Inc WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW EUJN C int to Bank of Amen ca Natonel Lender or Broker Argent Mortgage ADDITION TO STILLWATER; f51)20197W Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Assn Ban, as Trustee, su censor Company, LlG THENCE SOUTH 66 DEGREES 1612. FC01I 00162& 364i ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN by merger to LaSalle o Bank Servicer: Owen Loan Servicing, 66 MINUTES 44 SECONDS THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lender or Broker First Sbte AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Natonal Aasoceton, es Trustee LLC WEST, ASSUMED BEARING, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Molgage Corp -an AND ARE ABAN DONED. for Residentel Asset Mortgage Mortgage Originator Argent ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE (Review: Od 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 Servicer: Oewen Loan Servicng, Dated: Odober16, 2016 Products Inc, Mortgage Aria[- Mortgage Company, LLC OF SAID LOT ll A DISTANCE OF 23 2016) LLG Associated Bank, National Backed P-Tal-ough Certificates LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF WOO FEET; THENCE SOUTH Mortgage Originator First SdUe Aiation(sucrossor by Serles200]-RP2 PROPERTY: Lars ott Blodl DeM01 DEGREE 03 MINUTES 16 M olgage Corp -an me -s rger to Liberty State Bank), Dated: 05222015 Firs[ Additon, Ramsey Gounry, SECONDS EAST l2 0 FEET, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Mortgagee Recorded: 0-Minnesob. MORE OR LESS, To 02THE POINT FORECLOSURE SALE PROPERTY: Lot 2, Block 2, Ralph L Moore STEIN&MOORE, Washington Count Recorder Thisis Registered Property OF INTERSECTION WITH THE Jamaica Edge, Washington Count, BY Adomeys for Mortgagee, 332 Document N 4036106 TAX PARCEL NO SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Minnesob Minnesob Street #W-1650, St Transaction Agent NS, 16.292420002 LOT 11, SAID SOUTHWESTERLY THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Tabb Abstrad Property Paul, MN 55101 (651) 245633 Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: LINE OF LOT 11 ALSO BEING ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITH INTHE TAX 009 PARCEL Nc'. 'Review: 0¢1926 Nov 2, 9, 16 NIA 206 Roselewn Avenue Ees[ THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE TIME PROVIDED I LAW IS NOT 1502]2122.0 23 2016) Len der or Broker Lend-l-ce, Inc, M aplewood, MN 55117 OF PLATTED LAUREL STREET, AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY _ a Minnesota Corporation COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 61'2 Jan ero Avenue South ServicerOewen Loan Servang, IS LOCATED: Ramsey ALSO BEING THE POINT OF debult has 0_aedin thecondit- Cottage G-, MN55016 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE LLG ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT BEGINNING OF PART OF LAUREL of the following described mortgage: COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Mortgage Originator Lend-l-ce, OFMOR(TGAGE $16]9600 STREET BEING DESCRIBED; Mortgagor: Bruce R Gbson, IS LOCATED: Washington FORECLOSURE SALE c,eMinnesob Goryoraton AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THENCE NOFTHWESTERLV Unmamec Personys) ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF KLEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BE DJEASOFDATEOFNOTICE, AND NORTH ERLV ALONG Mortgagee: Twin cry Coops OF MORTGAGE :$200,000.00 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE PROPERTY: Lot l3, andthe South INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID THE SOUTHWESTERLY AND Federal GredtUnion AM OUNT DUEANO CLAIMED TO ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE 12 of Lot l4, Block 236, Division BVMORTGAGEE:$196,12703 W ESTERLV LINE OF SAID BLOCK Dated: 0111]2006 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE No of St Paul Pan:, Weshingon Thatptor[cthe commencement of 3, TO THE NOFTHWESTERLV Recorded: 03-006 AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. Ramse Count Recorder INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID Gounry, Minnesota mismolgageforeolosureproceeding CORNER THEREOF; THENCE Y Y BY MORTGAGEE: $151,21404 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met ThisisAbstract Preperty MortgageelAasignee of Mortgagee SOUTH 660EGREE56ti MINUTES Document Ne 341634s debwmas o -,,ed in the conditons That prior to the commencement of TAX PARCEL NO oompliedwith all notcerequirements 44 SECONDS WEST ALONG A Transaction Agent NlA thlb-gageforeaoswe prooedmg ofthefor-agde-bedmolgage 1202]22.130031 s regwred by sbbte; mat no adion 2ESTERLV PROTECTION OR THE Transaction Agent M 01gage ID No: Moagageel -gnee of Mortgagee Mortgagor: )envier Leviege, ADDRESS OF PROPER(TV. or proceeding hes been instiWtec et SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT NIA ompliecwith all notoe regwremenfo angle woman 644 Pomandne law or otherwiserorewer the debt 11 BLOCK3, SABINS ADDITION Lend eror Breker:Tdn G[ e Mortgagee: Mortgage Eled'on ic Gly Cl -P srequired bysbWte;metnoadion no c St Paul Pan: MN55071 secured by said mortgage, or any TO STILLWATER, 1500 FEEL Federal Credt U nion Registraton Systems Servicer: S ire Federal Qedit =dthdnchas been in,thoe, el ora COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY pat th eof THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES P law or omenvise to recoverthe debt LOT nee to, Loans lna a IORIGATED:WasCIPALn PURSUANT to the power of sale 36 MINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST union se r Dated 06242013 tint Mort e e Ori inetor. Twin Q[ Go tired by reit mortgage, o any Recorded:091132013 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT o eined in said mortgage, the 35.33 FEET THENCE SOUTH o Federal �edt Uni on y part thereof Washington County Recorder OF M ORTGAGE:$130,00000 above described property will be Cl DEGREES 1'2 MINUTES L Ps PURSUANT to the power of sale AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO sold by the Sheriff of saic county as SECONDS EAST 7/.00 FEET; LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF o mortgage Docment No 3964131 the BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE follows: THE SOUTHEASTERLY 2433 PROPERTY: Lot 16, Blod: 10, ontamec In selcprepeTh Assigned To: Quicken Loans Inc Audtor s Subdv an No. ll, St above described will be INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID DATE AND TIME OF SALE: FEET, MORE OR LEBB, TO THE D d: osro42o14 Paul, Mane-ta anc the Southen sold bythe Sherff of sac county es Rcorded. 111122014 BY MORTGAGEE'. $124,40006 D bar 15, 20161000 AM POINT OF BE 1lfeetofbaNl Block l6 Audtors follows: W hing[on Gounry Recorder F atprortothecommencementof PLACE OF SALE '. Sh R's Office, PI.D#.2603020230142 Subdivision Ne l 5[ Peul DATE AND TME OF SALE'. tlismolgageft-edosure preceedng CMI P cess Uni[L A. 4th Street STREET ADDRESS OF Doe,ment No 400Qss Decem berg, ALE F 00 AM Transadan Agent Mortgage Mmpl,egeeHhalllnee ofot- Mortgagee Suite1y the debt MN A STILLWATER MAPLE STREET Minnesob, except the Westerly PLACE OF SALE: Law ESPeeem ant complied with all notce requirements o pay the debt then s cured by W STILLWATER hUgton2 10 feet thereof earordmc to the 60 Eledronic Registrat on Systems Ino requirec ysteWte gage, y on Center l S Qnd Street N., b ;that no adion said Mort end bxes,eif en COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY corded pletthereof end situate in S011weter MN Tti Ga,�ent Mortgage lD No: or proceedmc hesbeen insOWted et said premises, and the costsand IS LOCATED: Washington Goun[y, Ram ser county, Mane-ta pay h debt then secured by /4`x60 az h rw se cover the debt d b fo, adudng ettomeys M,nnesob Th s sAbsbct P pea d M g ge, and tares T ant on L der or Broker: Qu oken Loans d by sadtmolgage, or any f II d by law subject o TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage TAX PARCEL NO.'. ld p es and the costs and p h f d p th n 6 M onthsfron, the EI cRegaIa Sys msInc 01 28 23 23 0153 fo S r: Qui0 LoansInc d b inoludng attorneys M g tie Originator: Qu d:en PURSUANT to the power e sale t f d ale-ep-dnr[gagor(o, NAME OF MORTGAGE ADDRESSOR PROPERTY fall-ed u nd'bv law subject o Loans no. In set mortgage, the h p al represenbrAes or oR GNATOR: Eve-Fnandal S Mec<ubin N redempton within tM mo1,a m the LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF above described property will be assigns. ne dba Supreme Lending, a Taxes Sein[Peul, MN 55102 date of said sale bythe mortgagor(sJ, PROPERTY: Lot 9, Block 2 Pine cold by the Sheriff of said county as DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: corpomton COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY their personal represenbtves or Gen 3rd Additon, Weshin follows: The date on or before which the RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells IS LOCATED: Ramsey assigns Ron DATE AND TIME OF SALE. molgagormustvacatetheprepeayif Fargo Bank, NA ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Gounry, Minnesob DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: DeLACE 01 SALE F 000AM the m ortgaged not reinstated under TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION OF MORTGAGE: $214 500 00 The date on or before which the This is Abstract Property PLACE OF SALE. Law Enforcement Minnesota Statutes section 66630 NUMBER: 2tl03626230142 AM ON NT DUE AND CLAIMED TO m oa ago, must vacate the property 2002/2132 PARCEL NO': Center 15015 Qnd Street N., or the property redeemed under TRANSACTION AGENT'S BED U E AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, if the mortgage is not -e aced Stillwater MN Minnesob SbWtes section 56023 MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION INCLUDING TAXES IFANV PAID don ADDRESS OF PROPERTY our BV MORTGAGEE :$211,259.19 under Minnesob SbWtes ke to pay he debt then ke ec by is Junel6, 201/atll 59pm. if the NUMBER: 10030/11000&996441 9699 AGEHAM GROVE S That he commencem ant of 56030 or the opeft, said Mortgagee c oxer, if any, on 0, egaholeisehen the Sunday THAT no action orpro I --has COTTAGE GROVE, MN 6601ti premises osis ga y prior tot under Minnesob SbWtes sed on said end the o end or le then then the date to bed them I-eman ke-ed -h Molgag e of Knee of dint y COOCAT IN WHICH PROPERTY gg procee 6023 is June9 LOl/etll59p�m. disbursements, indudmc ettomeys' vacate is the nextbusiness day et deb[then remeinincseared bysuoh MortgageelAsall not of Mortgagee LORI LOCATED : PRINCIPAL complied wim all notice requirements If foregoinc) hold 'SeWrdey, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT fees atoned by Month on,th, 5S Pm. mortgage, or any pert thereof or if b ;thatnoadan d.eto alegalheney, then the dOempton kale by Mm olgagmthe MOM'AGOF(SJ RELEASED the adion or proceeding has been s requirec ysteWte date to vacate trine nextbusiness OF MORTGAGE: $191,4..00 date of saidsalebythemortgagor(sJ, FROM OBLIGATION ON instiWted,thatthe same has been orproceedac has been instituted at da 1155 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO their or MORTGAGE: NONE disoontnued, or that an A__ on or otherwise to recover the debt vat pm. BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, persona represenbtves kecu MORTGAGORS) RELEASED INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAD assigns THE TIME ALLOWED BY upon thew Qgment renderectherem a ec by said mortgage, or any FROM OBLIGATION ON $17008975DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: LAW FOR REDEMPTION By hes been re u c unsatsfied, in pPURSU N MOFTGAGE ME A BVM MORTGAGEE nt of The date on or before whirl the THE MORTGAGOR THE whole orin pat PURSUANT to me f sthe Tb[ gagethe oommenoemedac t-mgagormustvacate propelyi power o powero THE TIME ALLOWED BY the f MORTGAGORS PERSONAL PURSUANT, to the f sale alned in saki me Molgaggagef Knee of Moceagee cont mortgage LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY the mortgage is not reinstetec under REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, eined in said mortgage, the above desaibec property will be THE MORTGAGOR THE Mortgage thalgnee of Mortgagee Minnesoe SbWtes section 56030 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE above desaibec property will be soldb he Sheriff of said noun[ coin plied with ell notce requirements yt yes MOFTGAGORS HE or the preperty redeemed under WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS sold by the Sheriff of said oountyes R110- s required by statute; that no adion REPRESENTATIVES OR ASS ICN$ a t Minnesob SbWtes sedion 5662'3 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE or proceeding hes been nstiWtece June 16 MAY I REDUCED TO FIVE is-egong 201]et1159p. m. lithe STATUTES SECTION 562032 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. OF RE 2LE She -AM or other wise torewer the debt WEEKS IF AJuoICIAL ORDER IS aw ret by said mortgage, or any foregoing date lsa eawmay ewdav DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Deoemben3, 2016at1000 AM PLACE OF SALE'. Sheriffs Office, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ceO0 or legal holideY then the date tc THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Qvil Process Unit 25 W. 4th St -el STATUTES SECTION 562032 Pertthereof Yate e is the rte# business day at PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Suite 150, St Paw, MN PURSUANT to the power of sale Public Notices DETERMINING AMONG OTHER [ 1159pm. WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING to pay the debt then seourec by THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED aboven a - Addprop ly�e�ill be MORTGAGORS RELEASED OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, CONONU2(1 on Page 11 Review Public Notices NKibongall Fond,n aIh Esq BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE arc N. Tricker Esq ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE' Co from Page IN 'Seconal R. C.1 -Esq.' 8654,6727 PLACE OF SALE Weshingon Attameys for Mortgagee LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 County She,—Offs ce, Wash,ngo, ThAA-da'y P'ofA6slo,al Bulldmg PROPERTY Lot p Bl- l Gounry Law Enforcement Center 25No1h Dele Street Wedge -d HeigRn Skth Additan, 1501562n. Street North, Stillwater St Paul, MN55102 Wasn„gon Gounry, Mane- Katemm (61)2099/6'0 STREET ADDRESS OF t, pay the debt then secured by (161533FLD1) PROPERTY: 3553 CRESTM OOP THIS IS A COMMUNICATION TERRACE, WOODBURV, MN IXlly attp�.A n AAld artgagee FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. SS -b129 on the prses emiand the Dosis and (Review: Nov 2 9, 16, 23, 30, Dea COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY dlsbursementsallowee by law The ],2016) IS LoCIED: D-agan Gounry, tme e, by law a, I-edemptan Kate- bysaidmortgagor(C), heir personal TRANSACTION AGENT None 'Ap'ese,mtveGa'acegn, Ca.:6) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NAME OF MORTGAGE months Dom the date of sale. FORECLOSURE SALE ORIGINATOR World Savings Bank, TIME AND DATE TO VACATE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF FSB, nikla Wells Fargo Bank, NA, PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE Successor by merger to JVadhav,a r the property ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Mortgage FSB hkle Worlc Savings redeemede10 unless the tme to' TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Bank, FSB redempton ,C reduce. by udi1al AFFECTED BY THISA"noN. RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells order you must vacate the premises NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Fargo Benk, NA by1159pa on June13, 2017. default- oowrredin the mndlt- TAG PARCEL IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED BV ofthefallaw„cdeccribedldortgage: NUMBER 2202821.230003 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Mortgagor. Heather Marie TRANSACTION AGENT'S THE MORTGAGOR THE MQaughlin and David J M daughlin MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL wife and husband NUMBER None REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, M agagee: -Hel. Bloomagan THAT no action or MaIeda, hes MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Redrt Union been insttited at law to recover the W EEKS IF A J UP C1AL ORDER IS Dated: 062812013 debt then rem ammg se Dur ac by sudh ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Recorded: 101142013 mo gage, or any part thereof or If STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Ramsey Gounry Reoa'de' the action or proceeding hes been DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Daoulde,t No. 4428523 mstiWted, dot th same hes been THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED A-gnec To: GU Mortgage di-Unued, or th. an exeoulan PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Services, Ino. upon the judgment rendered therein W LTH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Dated: 0- 251201 6 has been reumed un,odfiied, In OF LESS THAN FIVEUNITS, Recorded: 09222016 whole orin par[ ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Ramsay CountyReooder PURSUANT, to the power of sale ooumen[ No, 0 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, D4.5443 ontalned In sad mortgage, the ANDAREABANDONED. Transadion /Igen N/A above described property w,ll be MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Transaction Agent M ortgage ID No sold by the Sheriff of sa,. courty as FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION NIA follows: ON MORTGAGE: None Lender Broker: -Helc DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Dated: Odober14, 2016 Blaomingtobr Greet union, a January3, to17.10 v0 AM WELLS RRGO BANK, N.A. Minnesomcredlt union PLACE OF SALE: Washingon Mortgagee Servicer. G.U. Mortgage Services Gounry Sheriffs Off,de Nash,ngan THEAGAOEMV LAW GROUP, PA no Gounry Law Enfa'cem ent Center ginetor: 15015 Qnd Street North, Stllwater Rebecca F Sdh,lle, Esq Bdomington O Credit Unon„fiela Minnesota N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq M,„AGam credit union o pay the debt then secured by 'Curt N.Tr ., Esq.' LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF said mortgage anc fax C, if any Samuel R Coleman, Esq PRO EFT The East 44 feet a b the e .Nelly pat. y mortgagee, Attomeycfa-Moagagee of Lot ll, Blod: L subdivision of on the premises end the 'Oak and The Academy Professional Buildmc end edditon to Ir ne C Addition of disbu II mems allowed bylaw The IN orth Dale Street Outofato St PaulRa-eyGounry, Ime e owec by law ter redempton St Paul, MN55102 Mane -a by said moagagok( ), heir personal 61)209976 Tab Abstrad Property 'Ap'A„Cenfitativedse,-alt-b k,. :6) 161482FC01) 3TAX PARCEL NO.'. TIME AND DATE of kale VACATE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION "' PROPERTY: Unless sa,. mortgage FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ADDRESS OF PROPER(TV. r the property Review: Oct 26 Nov 2, 916, 23, 501 Beaumont St d d, less the [me for 30 2016) SOU Paul,M N SSI30 redempton C reduoec by ludo al COUNTY N J4HIGH PROPERTY order, you must-.ethepremises IS LOCATED: Ramsey byn59pm. an July3, 2017. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THE TIME ALLOWED BY FO RECLOSURE SALE OFMOFTGAGE :$-500 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THE MORTGAGOR THE BE DUP AS OF DATE OF NOTICE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE INCL UDINGGETAKES , IF ANY PAID REPRESENTATIVES REDUCED ASSIGNS, BY MORT-tothe $9mence4 TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE That prior to the coin mencement of AFFECTED 8VTHISACTION. WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That this ldageegefagnee f Magage,paceedac ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA det-oleG ocrurred,,thAoa,eta,G M m pile eelAsmgna of Mortgagee STATUTES, SECTION 582032 of thefallAS describe.ldartgagA: comgUvcith a atutco requirements DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Ri) s'Aoceekny-be;n n tt action MOFTGAGO S: Merle E. THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED or proceedinc hes been ,nctNted at Klin RTGAaGinglele Fa a'athe, se to re cover the debt PREMISES ARE IMPROVED MORTGAGEE WAIIG Fargo Benk, aw WITH ESS THAN DWELLING NA patthe by .aid mortgage, or any of LECs THAN FIVE uNITs, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: pat eof ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN PURSUANT to the power of sale ORIGIdro: None mortgage the AGRICULTURAL PRooucnoN, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT abotven desaibeclsp-operty will be AMoo,GA ORS) EDOF M . DATE OF GE MORTGAGE sold by the Sheriff of said oounry as MOM FINANCIAL RELEASED DATE OF MORTGAGE. October tallows: FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION 22'2012 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ON MORTGAGE: None DATE AND PLACE e FILING Dated. Octabe'27, 2016 2 Deoember2, 2016-, lova AM Recorded on November 21 201' PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. and t, orieli61 upaa CArtifi tate Evil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street Mortgagee of be, No 6608 0 THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Number 121/W9 h Paul MN Off f B py hetde, then seourec by the County Reg f 't' lf R b F Sohile, Esq Oadhagan Gounry, M nnemm s d MI - g gA anc then costCAanc N. Kbongn Fondungallah, Esq. THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO dalbursemensAts ,ndudinc attorneys' LLFN. l ale,, Esq q BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Samuel R. Colerren, Es .' tees allowed by law CubAIX $l THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. redemptianw,th,nti Manthsfromthe Attomeysfa'Mortgagee $103 �1 89 Th e Academy P'ofess,anal Buildmc LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF date of said sale bythe moagagogs), 2North Dale Street PROPEFTV: Lot (Tent 10 Block dei' personal represenmtveG or St Paul, MN55102 'Four) 4, Oakwood Id Additan, aDAgES TO VACATE PROPEFTV (61)2099]6 Waeh,ngon Gounry, M,nne-a The date on o' before wh,dh the 160Qo- W REG ISTE RED PROPERTY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION STREET ADDRESS OF mor'ago'muG[vecatethe propertyif FROMA DEBT COL LECTOR. PROPERTY: 16. HILO AVE N, the mo-Cage oota e b not feed t sea 0 :Review: Nov 2, 916 23, 30, Dea OAKDALE, MN 55128 /, 2016) COUNTY N WHICH PROPERTY o' the property redeemed under IS LOCATED: Waeh„gan Count, MinnesotaSto - Cedan 58023 Kate- b June 22201]at1159p. m. Ifthe NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TRANSACTION AGENT None foregoing dUe,Ce SeNrdey, Sunday NAME OF MORTGAGE ' [gal holiday then the date to FORECLOSURE SALE ORIGINATOR Wells Fargo Bank, ° e,G the rte# business day et THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF NA 159pm. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ORIG INAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE k NA FROM OBLIGATION ON TME P I Fargo BanROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGE. NONE AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. NUMBER 2902921.13009) THE TIME ALLOWED BV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That TRANSACTION AGENTS LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV default has ocou,ed,n the conditions MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION THE MORTGAGOR, THE of the following I ,,bec mortgage: NUMBER None MORTGAGORS PERSONAL SO 01107 Tyler A THAT no adan o'p-ooeee,g hes REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Zimme,nen end Anne Zimme,nen, been instituted at lawa'Acove'the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE husbandanc wife debt then 'ema,ni,g secure. bycudA WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS MORTGAGEE: Hold Acer' mortgage, o' any part thereof or if ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Lending, LLC dba Ed,na Realty the adan o' p-ooeee,g hes been 'STATUTES SECTION 582032, Mortgage, a Delaware Lild,ted Nted, that tlhe same has been DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER D ability Company diGcont nue., oche k an ex THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. upon that udgten['enderedthe'Ien PREMISES ARE IMPROVEDWITH by llGFdec on July has been reumed unsatstled, ARESIDENTIAL OWEATH by Knee to Aell oFaMo an Jury whole o'm part , OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS 2005-ocumd-umbe'35248Q PURSUANT, to the power of sale AlE NOT PROPERTY USED IN nthe Office of the Gounry Recorder eine. ,n said mortgage, the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, of Weshmaon Gounry, Minnesota, above described property will be ANDAREABANDONED, thereafter acs,gnec o U.S Bank Ic bythe Sheriff of sett county es Dated: 0 -LU, LOIti -4 2016 C Trustee, follows CU Mortgage S.A., successor ,In nteva to Wedh av,e DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Assignee of Mortgagee Bank, Natonal-odatan, as January ,"at AM PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Trustee for Jb All F g Aset PLACE OF SALE: Jb li ngon ASSOC ATION Seda' AG Corpora M gage County She,- Off ce, Oaei ngan By Jonethen R Guskey, M,oheel V Pecs Through Ce T Se" County Law Enforcement Center Sohle,Gman 2004K by assigna Ant recorded 15015 62nc Street North, Stillwater Attomeys for: on Febmary 2 2015 aC Daoulde,t Kate- GU Mortgage Services, Ina, Number 4014339 ,n the Office of to pay the debt then secured by Asmgneeaf Mortgagee the County RAoo-de'of Wash,naon mortgage an t C, if any JS East Fifth Street Suite 800 Gounry, Manecam b the�A 6t Paul, MN 55101-1]18 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT anactuaAypremiseG end the oosgts end 61"09/)99 OF MORTGAGE$420,00000 disbursements ell and the law The 61-2&15939 F,) DATE OF MORTGAGE: Apri130, ec by law for'Adempt0 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 2004 by Ca,d moagagoq(), the„personal FROM ADE BT COLLECTOR. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING 'Ap'Ase,mtveG o' acs, Ib, a.:6) 8880.16005831 Recorded on June 10, 2004 as monthshom me data of- (Review: Nov 2 s, 16 23, 30, Dec Document NuldbA' 344se2] In the TIME AND DATE TO VACATE ,2016) Office of the Gounry Recede' of PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage Wadhagron Gounry, Manemm 'elr the property THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO redeemedeo unleeGthe tlde for NOTICE OF MORTGAGE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE redempton ,C 'educec by ludioial FORECLOSURE SALE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. order you must --the premises THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF $347769.17 byll 59pm. on July3, 201/. THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE TIME ALLOWED BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHI NTH E PROPERTY: To Block 3, LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Dellwood Hills Plet 1, Weshingon THE MORTGAGOR THE AFFECTEDBVTHISACTION counry, MI, eAG m MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That STREET ADDRESS OF REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, defaul[hasoocurred,ntheconditont PROPERTY: 2 ELDORADO DR MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE of the fallow„c described mortgage: DELLWOOD, MN -10 1216 WEEKS IF AJ UP CIAL ORDER IS MORTGAGOR(S): Wade Swenson COUNTY N WHICH PROPERTY ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA and Jan elle J. Swanson, husbenc IS LOCATED: Wechingon Count,STATUTES, SECTION 582032 and wife M,nnemm DETERMINING AMONG OTHER MORTGAGEE: World Sav,ngs TRANSACTION AGENT None THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Benk, FSB, nikle Wells Fargo NAME OF MORTGAGE Hold PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Benk NA Successor by ld alga' to ORIGINATOR Edna Rally DIT A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Wa.ov,a M 0agage, FSBGkla Warlc Lending, LIG dba Edina Really OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Sav,ngs Bank, FSB Mortgage, a Delaware Limited ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Lability Company AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ,signet to: None RESIDENTAL SERVICER Wets ANDAREABANDONED. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FaMoBank NA MORTGAGOF(S) RELEASED OF MOR(TGAGE:$712,50000 TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION DATE OF MORTGAGE: November NUMBER 0703021 130010 ON MORTGAGE: None 15, 2005 TRANSACTION AGENTS Dated: Odober 2/,2116 DATE AND PLACE OF FILING MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION WELLS RRGO BANK, N.A. RAoo-dec on December lS, 211S NUMBER None Mortgagee as Document Number 35584801 THAT kt eed a o' procoedinc has THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA the Office of the County Recorder of been ,nctNted et law to recover the By lcl Dasningon Gounry, Manemta debt then- aaag seou'ec by Cudh Rebe-F Schuler Esq THE AMOUNT CLAIMED To dgae o any pat M1ee been aeonorpaceA g Wednesday, Nov .2,2016 Page 11 Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2016 The Ram say Gounry Boad d Gom m,ss,o,Ars met„ regular session at9v5 am. with thefollow„g members present Garter, Huffman, McGuire Ortega, RvMa, enc Chair Reinhardt Absent McDonough. Also present rA Julie Kld-kht Gounry Manage, enc Jeff Stephenson, Glvil Div,ea, E'Acta, Gounry Al Office AGENDA of 0-1, 18, 2016 was p'ese,tec to' approval. Moto, by Carter seconded by MCGLira Una„ldoudyappa- MINUTES of October 4, 2016 were presented to' approval. Mota, by Huffman, seco,dec by MCG- Una„ldouGlyappa- ADM N STRATI VE TEMS COUNTYATTORNEY-Gra,tAwa'chomthe M,„Amin Departmentof Public Sgf yfo'MU,,mGof EimAAd Services Mata, by Huffman, semnded by Carter Unanimously approved ;B2016259) SHERIFF -Ag -m de with Inpendent Sdhool Ddl--916 Q1 anc Q3 for Sdhool Resource Offcers oti Mo, by Huffman, semnded by Carter U,anlmously approved (B201626) SHERIFF -Joint Powers Ag'AAme,t with the State of M,„emm F„a,dal R- Task Force. Moto, by Huffman, seoo,ded by Garter U,a„ldoudy approved. (2016261) SHERIFF - Memorandum of Understanding to' Sheriff's Office Support at the 58th Inauguration of the P'AeddH Moto, by Huffm an, seoo,ded by Garter U,a„ldoudy approved. (B20162Q) PARKS 3 RECREATION -Gant Applicata, to the MAtopolim, Cou,dl to' Perks end Trails Legacy Amendment Funding Moto, by Huffman, seco,de.by Garter U,a„ldoudyapp'aved ;B2016263) COUNTY MANAGER-2016Comb„Ad CharimblA living Campaign. Moto, by Huffman, semnded by Carter. U,amldoudyappa- ;B201-) POLICY ITEM COUNTYMANAGER-P ,f, ,o,ofthe Joint P'opertyT Advisory Gomm,tte RAoomme,dato,Moto,by Ortega seco,de.by Huffman. U,a„ldoudyapproved (8201626) LEGISLAnVE uaDATE-No updat�'Aporced BOARD CHAIR UPDATE- D, -da, can bA Pound o, ardhlvec video OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS -Disacea, Dan be fount on a'dh,ved video. ADIOURNM ENT -Chair Reinhardt deda'Ac the -tag adloumec et 934 am. J -M M. Guthrie, Chid Clerk- County Board th- that the same hes been PFB Law, P'af-b-IlAs -a, CERTIFICATE OF dib. --d, or that an executors a East Fifth Street Su,te800 ASSUMED NAME upon thAlu InIH re,de'Ac therein St Paul MN 55101 STATE OF MINNESOTA hes been -, ur Ac u,sobfed, , 3 YOU MU ST RESPONDTO EACH Mn TATE Statutes Chapter 333 whole o', paltn CLAIM The A,CwA y 1 Lst the exact assumed n PR,A�n to therI,-, of sale response to the P ff C plalnmt under whi dh thebusinessis orwill be d sed gagye, he In your Answer you conducted: Ladybug Hollow move descri bec property ill be vd,vae' you agree or disagree with 2 Pri,dpel Ladybug PlaI Business LKS by the Sheriff of said oou,ty as e dh paragraph of the Complaint f Meyer Lane, Maplewood,, 52119 follows: you believe the Plan to shout. not 3. List the nam e anc complete street GATE AND TIME OF SALE. be given everything as ked loan the address of II Pente",n. January3, 2on et 10 00 AM Goldpla,nt you muG[Caymin your business under [pheabove Assuldec PLACE OF SALE Washington Answer Name: Kathryn -d<, 2Q5 Meyer Gounry Sheriffs t,oe, Washington 0. OU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE R Maplewood, MNSS119 lb,lb Law Enforcement Center IFYRESPONSE DO TO THE AWRITTENCOMPLAINT 4 I, the undersigned, cemry that l lS0 l Qnd Street North, Stillwater, RESPONSE TO THE WHO SIGNED h dooument as the Minnesota TO THE PERSON WHO SIGNED am on Ug e a o pay the debt then secured by THIS SUMMONS. If you do not person whose sign pe- ,Gravy„ee mortgage and tax C, if any answer w�tltin 20 drays, au will gnatuvwoulc be egUvd) whose actually paid by he mortgagee, lose this e. Vou II n get to a,9net b quired who hes n the premises and the costs enc tell your side of the Cary, anc the au harized me to sign this document alsbutsements allowec by law. The Court may decide against you and on hdihe' behalf a' In ba tme wed by law to' redempton award the Plaintiff everythinc asked cepa. s Nrthercortifythat l have by seat mortgagoq( ), their personal to' ,n the complaint If you do not completed ell requirec fields, enc repr dUatves o' assigns IC six ;6) want to mote the dalms stated In thatthe dmnnaton h tlhb dowment Tonth-old thedateof sale the complaint you do not neat to b true an c owed andin oompuanI IME AND DATE TO VACATE res pond Adefaulqudgmenman then with the oappicable d,apte, of PROPEFTV: Unless said mortgage be entered aga- you for the relief Minnesota St. I` I and-[anc aced or the property requested,n the Patton. that by signing this document I am redeemed, o unless the ,me for 5. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. Vou may cubed to the penal[ es of pert ury as redempton ,C reduced by luddal wish to getlegal help ham alewyer. At afth,n Sed, on 6948 as if l hac Met you m ust vacate the p -en,- If you do not have a lawyer the Courtsg nedthb docum ent under oath. byn 59pm. anJay3 2017. Adm nstrator may have nfoo,aton D 0 to 6 E ALLOWED BY aboutpla- where you can THE TIMget legal 11 Kathryn A Zwiek LAW FOR CROPS EL ION BV assn ance Even if you cannot get ;R : Nov 2, 9, 2016) THE MORTGAGOR, THE legal help, you must still provide MORTGAGORS PERSONAL a wrift- An%ry Y, to pr -.B your REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, rights or you may lose the case. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE G. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE Whadd Bena ReaueCtedR W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS RESOLUTION. The parties JEA Develop ent anc Maplewooc ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA may agree to or be o-de'Ac to Gare Gaup, LLC ere p-opodac STATUTES, SECTION 582032 paddpate ,n an altematve dispute to build e memory care Daily on DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 'AGolutan process under Rule llq e vacant lot boated on the south THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED of the Kate- General ohles of side of Beam Avenue, west of the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED PAdice You m st still send your existing US Bank building (176 W IT A RES IDENTIAL OW ELLING w responseuro the Cold plaint Beam Avenue). The facility will OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, en if you exped to use ate-, e modate 56 residents w,tlh ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN A anaf'AGolvi,.thIG kae Ad hem- dementa, and relate. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 7) THIS LAWSUIT MAY AFFECT memary,Gsues The p'aled,ah AC AND ARE ABANDONED. OR BRING IMO QUESTION TITLE ap-el-Hary plat to create four new MORTGAGORS) RELEASED TO READ PROPERTY located lots. Lot l will be de,llopec with the FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ,n Wasn„gan Gounry, State of AlZheim AYG Spedal Gare Center ON MORTGAGE: None Manemta, legally describe. as To 2 will 'eman vacant to' Utuv Dated: OCRober 27, 2016 F0110-: development anc-Vanc-llbe U.S. BANK NATIONAL To 2, Block 3, Lake Elmo Heights craec for the exietng buildings on ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, 3d Adetan themte Outbad: Steak House anc SUCCESSOR IN INTERESTTO The obled of this act,an b to US Bank). The poled also requires l WACHMIA BANK, NATIONAL o ae seek a dedaratan to conditonal u e permit design ASSOCIATION, ASTRUSTEE dete„,ne the partied rights w and and a speo,al agreement to FOR WELLSFARGOASSET OR gat onsco ,,,g a Co Pa, allow perkingw e'fo, reduoec SECURITIES CORPORATION, for Deec'Acodeecc on July 122013 parking spaoeG than code allows. MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH as WadhUgan County Registrar of Pubic Hearing nfah=n CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2061-K Ttle Document Number 1222%4 The Maplewood Plann„c Mortgagee anc Me, vi,f Commission will review this request THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Dated: Odober l8 2016 on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 et By Icl PFB Law, Professional 7 pm. o'late- a the Maplewooc Ery Rebecca F Sdh,lle, Esq Association Goundl Chambers locate. at 1830 N. Kbongn, Fondungallah, Esq /s/Paul W. Palming (1167101) County Roac B East All „te'AGtec 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' 55 EastH hSt., Suite 800 parties may present the,, views Samuel R Coleman, Esq St. Paul, MN 5 51 01-1 71 8 orally o, ,n wring Sign language Abomeys to, Mortgagee Telephone: (61)291-8955 ,terp'Aters are available You must The Academy PI -de -anal Bale,g Facsimile:(61) 2241753 request this service at least 96 hours 2S North Dale Street AM— fl,, PlaintlH InadvanICall the oirydeh t6l- St Paul, MN 55102 'Review: Od 26 Nov 2, 9, 2016) 2492001 to a -Mage [hili service 61) 209976 Assisted Ostenmg He- are alm (111400 FC01) available. Please dhed: with the dry THIS IS A COMMUNICATION AMENDMENTTO derkfarava,labiliry FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ASSUMED NAME Dhvthb (R view: Nov 2 9 1, 2, 30, Dea T v q re, e plannc 2016) STATE OF MINNESOTA comm ss odn to holt e the pubn ic hear,. Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333 when considering a p-el-Hary plat 1. List the A- assume. name and conditonal use pe -t STATE OF MINNESOTA unde-wh,dh the buene-b o'wil be Ca,mct COUNTY OFWASHISo InkametelaI Fo, moa ,nfarld elan, please v, sit 2 P-H.al Place of Bue,Ass: 2211 w maolewoodmn g - DISTRICT COURT llthA E#120, North St Paul, MN o wall Shann Finwall, AI CP, TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 55109 Env„onm enrol Planne, at 61249 Court File No. 82 -CV -15-0530 3. Listthe name and complete sheet 2304 o, email at shannfin w- U.Type:Other Civil address of all persons condudag maolewoodmn aov SUMMONS business under the above 1, aed 'Review'. Nov 2, 2016) Thomas Rodriguez Neme: Inka-n eTattoos LLC21l Pla,ntff, 11thA E, #120, North St Paul, MN 55109 PUBLIC HEARING NOT ICE Heuky Gy'onghuVervHeu 4. This certificate,, an amendment What Id Bena Redue�dd2 MeukyCu Yan Heu of III tate of Assumed Name File Met o He.ag and Cool„c ,C Number: 894760030 g approve end seekin I to build a 21580 Origi nellyfiled 0,:8222016 foot additan to the ext Inc A-kAssodeted Benk, Netonel square Dlenata,, 5. ,the undersigned, oemry that) Nofth g at 2303 f ffib Street THIS e,ta, old on whg Oh,C nommen[ aC d North. The Zalkh of horn property THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED persongent o th, pe'A,Gravy„ee 'Aqu„AGall buildingswith„3S0 feet TO ALL ABOVE NAMED o, es agentofvgUv(C)whose of'.1 opal property re dt dry DEFENDANTS. authoh dine tbA'Aqu„Ado has co nal approval fora on didan 1.Uff ARE BEING SUED. The au horikih meto thisdocument p,oe,k ,,[for any new construction Plaintff hPl snto C mplante hit- I behalf or In both gains[ oapadties. further certiryblI and prolec[s. you. The PleiaheCamplathe Co G[ II PublcHea a.pa,wod on you ,abt- ,n of theceof the Court Dom plate. e required fields, end The Maplewood Plan„nc Adm,nis'trator of the ebovsnem ec [dtme the ,nfo,nata„ntltiGdocument Gomm,ssion will review tltiG request mart Do not throw d Ase papers ICtrueendcorrect end, compllenca on Tuesday November 15, 2016 at away y ere o papers t with the applicable dlapte, of e The ffioiel that /pm. o'la A„,the Maplewooc Ery effect you, rights You ldust'Asponc M,nnemm Statutes I understand Goundl Chambers locate. et 1830 to this la- teven though ,t m ay not that by egn„c th,G document l am County Roac B East All ate,estec subleat to the penelte'of"uryaG mail vi yet be filed with the Court end there se forth ,n Section 60948 as if had parties may present ewG may be no court file number on this orally or ,n wring Sign language signed this dooument under oath. ,terp'Aters are ava,lable You must Date: 102011,6 2m YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN rn advath,G Cervico etyd ehti hours 20 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR %r Fong Veng, owner 24120 1 toCall theall-ange derket6l- RIGHTS.Voumuagiveo'ma,ltothe .Review: Nov 2, 9, 2016) 2492001 to mange this service. person who signec ffib ammons e A died Ostenmg Devims are alm w,th'espouse .elle. an An-, available. Please ed with the dry ne 20 days of the date on whah dark to, availability youd'Ace,vec this Guam ons Vou Whvth Cnotce2 end a copy of you, An-, to The dry code requirec the plann„c the pamon who.,gned m, aummon. Public Notices PaueweFahnag Continued on Page 12 Public Notices Continued from Page 11 commission to hold a public hearing when considering conditional use permits. Contacts For more information, please visit httD://www.maDlewoodmn.aov/ metroheatina or call Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator at 651-249-2306 or email at in chael martin(. maDlewoodmn.aov. (Review: Nov. 2, 2016) CITY OF MAPEWOOD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A Public Hearing will be heard for the purpose of revision Chapter 10 of the Maplewood City Code of Ordinances that governs the regulation of Animals. Specifics of the proposed changes are: 1. Article III pertaining to Dogs consistsof some corrections to the language in the code and imposing an administrative fee for appeal hearings for dangerous and potentially dangerous dogs. 2. Amending Article IV of the City Code to discontinuing the practice of cat owners obtaining a permit for their cat(s) and adding language to implement the cat management strategy. The Maplewood City Council will hold the public hearing for the first reading of the ordinance revisionon Monday, November 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. or later. The City Council will hold this meeting at Maplewood City Hall, 1830 County Road B East in the Council Chambers. All interested persons may appear and present their views orally or they may submit written comments to the City before the meeting. To discuss the request or seek additional information about this proposed change, please contact Police Chief Paul Schnell by email at paul.schnell(maplewoodmn.aov or by telephone at 651-249-2602. (Review: Nov. 2, 2016) CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: ASSUMED NAME: IcanDepot PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 26642 Towne Centre Drive, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 NAMEHOLDERS: canDepot.com, LLC, 26642 Towne Centre Drive, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on hisfier behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document istrue and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if had signed this document under oath. Date: 10272016 /s/ Peter Macdonald (Review: Nov. 2, 9, 2016) LAKE ELMO PUBLIC NOTICE MANDITORY EAW: HC Golf Course Development is proposing to develop the former 3M Tartan Park, 427.13 acre, properties into The Royal Golf Club Residential Development, a 292 305 lot single family residential planned unit development with an 18 -hole remodeled golf course with municipal utilities, PID Its:,,,,,, and An Environmental Assessment Worksheet has been prepared and published in the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Monitor on 10242016, starting the 30 -day comment period which will end on 11232016 at 430 PM. All comments should be sent to Stephen Wensman, Planning Director, City of Lake Elmo, 3800 Laverne Avenue, Lake Elmo, MN 55042 or by email at swensman(lakeelmo.ora. Copies of the EAW can be viewed at City Hall or the Lake Elmo Public Library. (Review: Nov. 2, 2016) GATEWAY CORRIDOR GOLD LINE BRIT The Gateway Corridor Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) will be hearing public comment on the refinement of the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) in Oakdale and Woodbury included as part of the Metropolitan Council's Transportation Policy Plan. The LPA is a general description of the transit mode and corridor alignment preferred by local governments used for long-range planning and federal funding applications. A Gateway Corridor PAC public hearing on LPA will be held on November 10 at 6:30 p.m. at WoodburyCity Hall, 8301 Valley Creek Rd, Woodbury, MN 55125. The purpose of the public hearing is to gather all public comments before the Gateway Corridor PAC approves a final resolution on the LPA. Additional information can be found on the website one week prior to the public hearing at jj D theaatewa_ycorridor .corn or by calling 651-430-4300. (Review: Nov. 2, 9, 2016) NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that on November 17, 2016 at 1030AM at Stephen's Self -Storage, 5698 Hadley Ave N Oakdale, MN 55128 a public Is by competitive bidding will be held for the personal property heretofore stored with the undersigned by: Unit 989 Victor Gomez Furniture 1569339 Unit #323 Joseph Martin Sporting Goods Furniture Tools 1619256 (Review: Nov. 2, 9, 2016) Minutes INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 622 NORTH ST. PAUL - MAP LE WOOD-OAKDAL E SCHOOLS REFLECTION STUDY SESSION SCHOOL BOARD SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 Chair Coborn called the meeting to order at 4:32 pm with the following present: Chair Coborn, Clerk Neve, Treasurer Yener, Directors Anderson, Auge, and Livingston. Arriving at 4:45 pm: Superintendent Osorio; Arriving at 4:52 pm: Vice Chair Hunt. Others present were: Kim Cavallaro. In the audience: Jessica Cabek. Coborn led a brief ice breaker and asked each board member to use one word that described the start of the school year. Auge reported on Tartan Joint Powers and shared information from a recent senior citizen's event she had attended; Livingston discussed the levy factual meetings she has been attending. Coborn led a discussion of the progress made since the January 2016 board retreat and board members shared their reflections on strategic planning, norms for working together, improvement of school board meetings, establishment of clear on -boarding procedures for new board members,school board budget, NSBA, and public engagement. The meeting adjourned at 5:56 pm. /s/Becky Neve Clerk Public notice for solicitation of bids, requests for quotes and requests for proposals are located on the ISD 622 website, www .isd622ora. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL Coborn conducted a brief ice facilities maintenance 10 year DISTRICT 622 breaker to start the meeting. plan and current projects); bond NORTH ST. PAUL- Miller reviewed three policies; two refunding; purchasing property from revisions (E-011 Student Surveys, MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE and EM -020.15 Student Discipline District 916; facility assessment; and proposed levy certification. R. SCHOOLS & Notice of Suspension); and one Anderson added that the resolution WORK STUDY SESSION proposed adoption (E-094 Staff to award the Is of the bonds would SCHOOL BOARD Notification of Violent Behavior by be proposed for action at the October Students). OCTOBER 11, 2016 R. Anderson introduced a proposed 25, 2016 business meeting. Osorio gave a brief updateand noted Chair Coborn called the meeting policy for adoption, E-095 (Post- that she may be bringing forward two to order at 430 PM with the Issuance Debt Compliance). Board resolutions at the October 25, 2016 following present: Chair Coborn, members reviewed all policies and business meeting; one on equity, and Vice Chair Hunt, Treasurer Yener, discussion was held. There will be a another on equalization. Directors Auge, Livingston, and first reading of these policies at the The meeting adjourned at 6:11 PM. Superintendent Osorio. Arriving at October 25, 2016 business meeting, /./Becky Neve 4:35 PM: Director Anderson. Absent: followed by proposed action at Clerk Clerk Neve. the November 22, 2016 business Public notice for solicitation of bids, Others present were: Randy meeting. requests for quotes and requests for Anderson, Mike Boland, Kim R. Anderson along with Boland proposalsare located on the ISD 622 Cavallaro and Troy Miller. covered the following topics in his website, www.isd622.ora. Intheaudience: Jessica Cabakand presentation: facilities planning Rory Sanders. (including a rview of the long term for the facility or equipment, and will operate the facility or equipment for its intended purpose for the functional life of the facility or equipment which is Minutes estimated to be 25 years. 3) INDPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9622/rARTAN ARENA JOINT POWERS BOARD agree to enter into necessary and required agreements INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 622 with the MASC for the specific purpose of completing the project. NORTH ST. PAUL-MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE SCHOOLS 4) That a request for reimbursement be made to the MASC for the amount REGULAR MEETING awarded after the completion of the project. SCHOOL BOARD 5) That RANDY ANDERSON of INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT9622 is authorized and directed to execute said application and serve as the SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 official liaison with the MASC. Coborn called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. with the following present: Hunt moved and Yener seconded the following resolution which carried on Coborn, Hunt, Neve, Yener, Anderson, Auge, Livingston, Osorio, Larsen and a 7- 0 vote: Ato. BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. Others present were: Administrative Staff. 622 (North St Paul -Maplewood -Oakdale), Minnesota, as follows: Neve moved and Yener seconded the following motion, which carried on a 1. Bond Authorization. The School Board has determined that it is necessary 7- 0 vote: and expedient to issue $35,065,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, THAT the agenda be approved as presented. Series 2016A. Livingston moved and Hunt seconded the following resolution, which carried 2. Sale. The District has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc. (Ehlers) in on a 7- 0 vote: Roseville, Minnesota, as its independent municipal advisor for the Bonds. BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District Ehlers is authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota No. 622 that the following Consent Agenda Items, IV.A. through IV.D., be Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9). If the issuance of the Bonds is approved as written, and a copy of the agenda items is attached to the approved, the School Board shall meet at the time and place specified in the minutes. Official Statement to receive and consider proposals for the purchase of the Neve moved and Anderson seconded the following resolution, which carried Bonds. on a 7 - 0 vote: 3. Official Statement; Negotiation of Sale. Ehlers is authorized to prepare BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. and distribute an Official Statement and to open, read and tabulate the 622thatthe School Board accept with appreciation the following contributions proposals for presentation to the Board. and permit their use as designated by the donors. 4. Minnesota School District Credit Enhancement Program. (a) The District hereby covenants and obligates itself to notify the Commissioner of em a" ° m°°"� C Education of a potential default in the payment of principal and interest on c e u orrs ame a d1$20ies hawse 1 hpph.001 RiM1areson El°'"° ^' the Bonds and to use the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 126C.55 c-1—eau to guarantee payment of the principal and interest on the Bonds when due. IVai ae �51ol0.0o1 Nort g hoof The District further covenants to deposit with the Registrar or any successor °°� ° ° ea" o,°r=h $1,500.00 v od Adele Smoot paying agent three (3) days prior to the date on which a payment is due an N°ml.,a v Water$N°" g h°°� e amount sufficient to make that payment or to notify the Commissioner of IvzBo Education that it will be unable to make all or a portion of that payment. The a.[$500 use, e eam °mm°°"°�°°, °�0.001 °�° ° 6 °�° D PI 10Pf5 g Registrar for the Bonds is authorized and directed to notify the Commissioner o.eo owem eme" of Education if it becomes aware of a potential default in the payment of am" -h., $2,00000 ar principal or interest on the Bonds or if, on the day two (2) business days prior yam o 10 k, 52o.00 ommu^IW Bhdga to the date a payment is due on the Bonds, there are insufficient funds to °SPz.Ez ee� m°rte ' make that payment on deposit with the Registrar. The District understands B mare,✓ „ mh°oe �° "e hleh that as a result of its covenant to be bound by the provision of Minnesota hawse at 5500,001 $500 0 Statutes, Section 1260.55, the provisions of that section shall be binding as tah°"ewwmea" `h°r`h1"ai ae c$mo�o01 Wes"°r El°m°" v long as any Bonds of this issue remain outstanding. (b) The District further covenants to comply with all procedures now and " v o61e"' SSRI—middle sm°m hereafter established by the Departments of Management and Budget and hawse 01$200003 Education of the State of Minnesota pursuantto Minnesota Statutes, Section NSP. Ed-ho—o-h°"m`wm 126C.55, subdivision 2(c) and otherwise to take such actions as necessary '^^ °°� ISD ezz :we°"5,""°ee to comply with that section. The chair, clerk, superintendent or business puas hawse 0[$500,00) manager is authorized to execute any applicable Minnesota Department of p oodoand,le $1oo.00 ISD 622 Weleome Ba BBQ Education forms. ° °b Hunt moved and Neve seconded the following resolution, which carried on A­Wmoh, $200 00 a 7 - 0 vote: A—Moh'$500.00 zoh"cIe--de" pv , BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District D cobo-Deo"e,r o "r m" Mme" SD 622 Weleome Ba BBQ n c sawed No. 622 that the School Board approve the District's Long Term Facilities 0[$16065) Maintenance 10 Year Plan. °r °"°^ -h khool hpp1,­b­p­, iM1ar°°°" El°m°° ^' h°°l Yener moved and Hunt seconded the following resolution, which carried on Ferre Rhoder I he,pi"awae 01$100001 Rmareeo"Eleme" hoof a 7- 0 vote: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District 622 Auge moved and Neve seconded the following resolution, which carried on that the Advisory Staff Development Committee membership and the Site a 7 - 0 vote: Professional Development Teams be approved. BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. Livingston moved and Auge seconded the following resolution, which 622 that the proposed 2016 Payable 2017 property tax levy be adopted for carried on a 7 - 0 vote: the MAXIMUM amount and that the School Board clerk is authorized to sign BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District 622 the form necessary to certify the proposed levy to the county auditors and to that the 2016-2017 Q Comp Goals for each site be approved. the Department of Education. Livingston moved and Anderson seconded the following resolution, which Anderson moved and Livingston seconded the following resolution, which carried on a 7- 0 vote: carried on a 7- 0 vote: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District 622 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission (MASC), via the that the 2015-2016 District 622's World's Best Workforce Report September State General Fund, providesfor general fundstoassist political subdivisions 2016 be approved; and that the 2016-2017 District 622 Advisory Committee of the State of Minnesota for the fulfillment of the purpose and goals of the Members be approved. James Matzen Mighty Ducks Grant Program, and Hunt moved and Livingston seconded thefollowing resolution, which carried WHEREAS, INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT9622 desiresto complete on 7-0 vote: its project named Polar Arena Ice Plant Update at Polar Arena located at BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 2416 11th Street North, North St. Paul, MN 55109. 622 that the 2015-2017 Local 70 Master Agreement be approved. BE IT RESOLVED: Tentative Local 70 1) That the estimated total cost of completing the project shall be $1,200,000 and INDPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9622 is requesting $400000 Settlement Summary from the James Matzen Mighty Ducks Grant Program and will assume responsibility for a matching contribution of up to $800,000. 2) INDPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9622 agrees to own, assume 100 percent operational costs for the facility or equipment, and will operate the facility or equipment for its intended purpose for the functional life of the facility or equipment which is estimated to be 25 years. 3) INDPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9622 agrees to enter into necessary and required agreements with the MASC for the specific purpose of completing the project. 4) That a request for reimbursement be made to the MASC for the amount awarded after the completion of the project. 5) That RANDY ANDERSON of INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9622 is authorized and directed to execute said application and serve as the official liaison with the MASC. Auge moved and Neve seconded the following resolution, which carried on a 7- 0 vote: WHEREAS, the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission (MASC), via the State General Fund, provides for general funds to assist political subdivisions of the State of Minnesota for the fulfillment of the purpose and goals of the James Matzen Mighty Ducks Grant Program, and WHEREAS, INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT/rARTAN JOINT POWERS BOARD desires to complete its project named Tartan Arena Ice Plant Update at Tartan Arena located at 828 Greenway Avenue North, Oakdale, MN 55128 BE IT RESOLVED: 1) That the estimated total cost of completing the project shall be $100,000 and INDPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9622,TARTAN ARENA JOINT POWERS BOARD is requesting $50,000 from the James Matzen Mighty Ducks Grant Program and will assume responsibility for a matching contribution of $50,000. 2) INDPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9622/rARTAN ARENA JOINT POWERS BOARD agrees to own, assume 100 percent operational costs Coborn asked Board Members to set the agenda, time and location for the October 11, work study session. Auge moved and Anderson seconded the following motion, which carried on a 7 - 0 vote: THAT THE October 11, 2016 work study session begins at 4:30 p.m. in Room 202 of the District Education Center and includes the following agenda items: Ice Breaker; Superintendent Check In; Policies; Facilities Planning Including LTFM 10 Year Plan (including North St. Paul Facilities); Bond Refunding; Purchasing Property from 916; and Proposed Levy Certification. Yener moved and Neve seconded the following motion, which carried on a 7 - 0 vote: THAT the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m. s/s Becky Neve Clerk Public notice for solicitation of bids, requests for quotes and requests for proposals are located on the ISD 622 website, www.isd622ora. 3015-3016 3016-3017 Salary Schedule Improvement 0%schedule Improvement 0%schedu1e Improve twlth off schedule lump su m payments from$.625 to $.65 per hour as agreed Health Insurance Ca NO Change Single $636.0--th Famll $1112.1--th Total 2.60 Coborn asked Board Members to set the agenda, time and location for the October 11, work study session. Auge moved and Anderson seconded the following motion, which carried on a 7 - 0 vote: THAT THE October 11, 2016 work study session begins at 4:30 p.m. in Room 202 of the District Education Center and includes the following agenda items: Ice Breaker; Superintendent Check In; Policies; Facilities Planning Including LTFM 10 Year Plan (including North St. Paul Facilities); Bond Refunding; Purchasing Property from 916; and Proposed Levy Certification. Yener moved and Neve seconded the following motion, which carried on a 7 - 0 vote: THAT the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m. s/s Becky Neve Clerk Public notice for solicitation of bids, requests for quotes and requests for proposals are located on the ISD 622 website, www.isd622ora.