HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 11-09 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 8 Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Office of the Gounry Recerder d PURSUANT to the power of sale LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Assigned To: U.S. Bank N,ad-I FO RECLOSURE SALE -thngmn Gounry, Minnesob anted in ., ma1(gage, the IHr MORTGAGOR IHr FORECLOSURE SALE Assoaation TH E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF VTHE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO above., desaibed dp,apety will be MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL THE RI GHTTOVERIFICATIONOF Deted:04In2015 THE DEBT ANO IDENTITY OFTHE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE sold by the Senff of sato ceanty as REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, THE DEBT ANO IDEMITV OF THE Filed04232015 ORIGINALCREDITOR WITHINTHE ON IHr UHt OF IHC NOTICE. follows: MHY Ht REDUCED TO FIV( ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE MamseyGounryMegisha,ofllk- TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT $28],2.70 DATE AND TIME OF SALE WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Document NO. T02528205 Against AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF D-ld bar 2, 201610000 AM ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA AFFECTEDBVTHIS ACTION. CertifbUt fTitle Na.'. 567009 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PROPERTY: Lot 12 Hack l PLACE OF SALE: Law Erforcement STATUTES SECTION 82032, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that lansactan /fgent Mor(gage debalthaSaaunedUthecankkti Timber Wdge, W hagtan Gounry, Center 15015 Qnd Street N., DETERMINING AMONG yOTHER debalthasac a-athecenditions Electronic Registration Systems, In of the following describe, m or(ga Minnesob S011water MN THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED ofthefollowinc desenbed mor gage: Trans 211112Agen[Mor(gage lO No'. Mo1,g ,: Sara KLarsan, A�SSUgl0 STREET ADDRESS OF to pay the debt then secured by PREMISES AM IMPROVED Mor(gagor: Andre M. Koen,eSingle 10023A, bll9/ Person PROPERTY. 7164 ]4TH STREET said Mortgage, end bares if any, on A ITH A RESIDENTIAL OW EUJNC m Lender0 or Broker: Centennial M or(gagee: Mor(gage Electronic GT S,3 COTTAGE GROVE, MN sdeid premises end the cestS end OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Mag­ Amenfun, Financial Ina, Mor(gageand Funding, Ina Regn'dishatian Sysrem4 es 50 6 L3 isb em ants in uding ettomeys' AK, NOT PROPERTY USED IN dba All Fun,M .gage Servicer: U.S. enk National e for Amencenl.,,Home DOUNTV IN WHICH PROPERTY feesu euowed b9 llaw Tabled a AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Dated:1120200.5 Aa ..,n Mor(ga A-ponce, Inc IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, redemption wi U6MdUhs ,ache ANDAREABANDONED. Filed: 031132006 Mrt1,g Originator: Centennial Da-06232005 Minna:tib date If d bale by the moltga qk). arca SMG,abAr292o1e Ram adv Rdgiatiar of ntd: Mogagd and Funding, Inc Reamed: 0eiu2oos TRANSAcnoN AGENT None thdo- polsonal ,dp,d:dnbtivd: or Dus. Bank NauoaalAssooiauoa• DacumOnt Na 195441 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF e gain Washington Gounry Recerder NAME OF MORTGAGE aSuH Assignee of Mortgagee Certificate of Title Na: 558515 PROPERTY: Lott], BIo 1, Willard Document Na 353212 ORIGINATOR: VV ohc Savings Henk, U IC TO VACATE PROPERTY: PFH LAW, PROFESSIONAL Asegned To: Optan OneM .gage Linder Addition No 1, Ramsey Asci d To: Deutsche Bank FSB, nikle WeIIs Fargo Benk, N A, The date on or before which the ASSOCIATION Gor AGeli"n-Gor Gounry, Minnesob gne potation potation National Trust Company, es SuceOSsor by m erger to Wachovia mortgggormustvacatethepropey By JonathanRCaskey,MbhaIV Dated: llKi0200.5 ThiSiSRegistered Property Indenture Trustee to, American Mor gage, FSB hkle World Savings ff the mo1(gage IS not rein ate Schleisman Filed03h152007 AY PARCEL NO'. Home Moagage Investment Trust Benk, FSB under Minnesob 55etuteS sect on Add ne tor: Ramsey County Registrar of Titles 342922420065 20053 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells 58030 or the property redeemed U.S. Beak National Ass tan, Document No. 149]24 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. rargo Hank, NA under Mnnesob SUu- sedan Asmgneeof M01( ee /tgelnst 1555 EUCLID ST DetOd. oen52o1s cdregne, of nee Na s5e5u RdmmAd. osro1201s Tnx PARCEL IDBvnRcnnoN sea 23 is Jwd2, eon am 5s pm. uEath Firm stdd[swtdeo° Asagnd, To: `camera Bank snwT PAuy MN sSms Washington Gounry Recerder NU M BER: 0802721220022 If the fo,egoin, date b a Satu ,, St Paul, MN 55101-1718 -b-Il Trust Company, e COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Document No. 408120 TRANSACTION AGENT'S Sunday or legal holiday, then the tb 209/:99 Trustee forme CeRficateholdels of IS LOCATED: Ram sey Transaction Agent Moagage MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION date to vacate iS the n- baeness f51223-15537.x) Sound- Home Loan Trust 2006 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Electronic Regishation System S, Inc NUMBER: None day et 1159 Pm. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION OPT1, Asset-Backed Certificates OFMOR(TGAGE$15100000 Transaction /Tgen[Mor(ggge lD No IHHl no edl nor proceeding M1eS MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. Seri 20060FT1 AMOUNT UUCANU CLAIMED TO been institute, et law to receverte FROM OBLIGATION ON 15908-160045SY1 Dated: 01 Ki02009 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, Lender o,O11482 B,oke,:-Amencan Home debtthen,e-a n, Secured bysach MORTGAGE: NONE (Rev,ew:Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, Filed: 021182009 INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID Moaze_pbnce, Ina moa(g ger nr ny part thereof or if IHC IIMC ALLOWED BY 16 2016 Ramsey County Registrar of nteS HYMORTGAGEE:$170, f5138 Servicer: Oawen Loan Servicing, the action or proceeding h aS been LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Document No. 20W8/b Against Th at pria,tothe commencement of LIC atuted, that the same hes been THE MORTGAGOR THE Certificate of title Na�558515 thdmo1( efo,edosa,ep^oceedUg M or(gage Originator: American discontinued or that en execution MOFTGAGOTS PERSONAL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Teansadion agent N,A Moaga IAsmgnee of oa( ee Home Mal( eA-ponce, Inc upon thA udgment ren dere, therein REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, FORECLOSURESALE Tansadian Agent Mol(gage ID No: cemplied with ell nonce requi=em ants LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF has been 10ame, unsatisfied, in MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE THERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF NIA eS required by statute; that no action rIn part WEE KS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS or proceeding M1 aS been institute, et PROPERTY: Unit Fo 1403 wholeo THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF Lender or Broker: Amenfund Condominium No. Se, FoxborougM1 PURSUANT, to the power of sale ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Fnandal dba All Fund law or otherwise to receverthe debt Plane Condominiums E hth cenbined In 681 mortgage, the STATUTES SECTION 582032 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Mo AW.shin ton Go cured by said moagage, or any g bo, d b I b ltgage g ryoration ce Supplemental Condominium Ple[ e ave esa tic property curl e DETERMINING AMONG OTHER AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. Servicer: Oawen Loan Se,vicng, Ppatheleof Washington Gounry, Minnesob sold by the Senff of said county es THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED NOTICE IS L-LEFY GIVEN, that LF PU FSUANT to the power of sale ThiSiSAbstrad Pro art follows: PREM I SES ARE I M PROVED WITH debalt has oavnedi n the conditions MorteA Ori : Am enfund cenbined in said mor gage, the p y UHIC HNU M 9 9 ginetor ed property wi TAX PARCEL Na. II t OF SALE'. A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING of the follawin desaibed mort. Rnandal tic dba All Fund above descnb be November22, 2016et 10000 AM OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, :ScottH Jecebsogn enc Mort AWeshin Gor Sol,bythe Shenffofsab.UU aS '1 42Ma Igor gage gran potation 27.6 h OF PROPERTY: PLACE eF SALE Washington ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN EIfe ethA Jacebson, husband enc LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF follows: Sf5615t Street Fn Gounry IF- Enobe ent CA Agtet AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, wife PROPERTY: Lot 25, Spring Lake UHIC ANU IMC OF SALE. Oakdale, MN SS 128 County Lew Enforcement Center ANDAREABANDONED. gg Voyager H k P kH11 except the North half D b 1, 20161000 AM COUNTY N WHICH PROPERTY 15015 Qnd Street North, Stl lwatet Dated: Odober 4, 2016 M B kin, Co-ponUan e., Pa y G ty, Minnesob PLACE OF SALE Sh ff S Office, :LOCATED: Weshin nnesoe Deutsche Benk Nat oneI Trust G1 65 Unit2 hSteel gon Dated: mr312oo5 TK R g area Property ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT to pay the debt then se rec by Company,es Trustee for GSAMP Hecerded 02121200p TAX PARCEL NO'. Suite150, St Paul, MN OF MORTGAGE $105,00000 said moagage and tax Saif any Trust 2006 FM2, Mori gage Pass R:-ed Coati[ Recerder 063023.410014 to pay the debt then Secured by wally paid by the moagagee, Through Certificates, Series 2006 y y or[gege, end bxeS, if any, on AMOUNT DUE ANO GUUMEO TO a Doamen[Na 395146 ADDRESS OF PROPEFTV. s c BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE on the premises enc the cestn enc FM2, Assignee of Mortgagee Aasgned la' n_ta Hou /95511 enwoo, Or laic premise S, end the -,'and INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID di-nemenl7llowed by law. The PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Faanee AgencyMin Mounds Uew,MN55112 disbursement:, inducing .tame BY M OFTGAGEE.$%,82340 time allowed by law for redemption ASSOCIATION Dated: 101312005 GOT IN WHICH PROPERTY fees allowed by law Subled o That ph or to th e commencement of by sat, mol(gagoq()their personal By Jonathan R CL ey, MichaelV Hecerded:12111116 IS LOCATED: Ramsey redem plan within 6 Months Dom the thi S m ortgage fo,ed osure proceeding epi dht i ,dassignS b Six(6) Sdhleisman Ramsey County Recerder ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT date ofsaid allebythemoagagoq(), the Dom the date of sal e. Atom A, tor: it gn pemcnel represenbtiveS or Mor( pled e,Assillnee of Mor(gagee IM Document No 3.7147 OFMORTGAGE:$21375000 M1e. d with all notice re TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Deat:che Bank National Trust aDATE cemp ie quioact on PROPERTY: Unless said mortae Com as Trustee for GSAMP Irensadion/fgentNIH AMOUNT DUE CLAIMED TO DATE TO VACATE PROPEFTV. Sr quired by detute;thetnoection e p=opegrty Irustpa2006FM2 Mortgage Yes Transadion Agen[Mor(gage lDNo: BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, date on or before whieM1 the or proceeding h aS been institute,. r ,einda or th s NIA INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID e =otherwise to,ecevg, the debt adeemed, to6r unless the time to, Through Certificates, Series 2006 Lender or H,oker a BY MORTGAGEE $233 mor(gagor muS[vacate the property lewo redem reduced b dicer FM2, Aasi fMorta .Voyager Henk, if he m not reins Bred cured by said mor gage, or any a plan b y lu gnheo g gee Minnesob Benkinc Goryoration Th. pnor to the cem mencement of a1(gag[ b Ffm 55 [Suite 800 55etu_ se pertthereof Y st vacate the prem see S : U.S Bank N.anal tbmo1,ag,Fnecosare proeeedng a on PURSUANT to the f Sale by 115 P on May22, 201]. S P I, MN 55101-1]18 Mort e eel d of Mort e ee 58030 h p party redeemed mort = a g g gnee g g THE TME ALLOWED BY f512097599 d M 55 Haned sad gage, the M g g O g -, V yage,Bank, pl h II q FOR REDEMPT ON BY "f aboved bed property wll be LNW M BankngG p eta q by h p b h Sherff of sac cean[ THE MORTGAGOR, THE THIS IS A COMMUNICATIONen" f h f g g d S d y, y y eS LEGAL DESCR PT ON .,OF p d h b d follows: MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. PROPERTY: Lot 22, Block 3, othelw Se to ceve, the debt S d y legal h rd # h h DATE AND TIME OF SALE REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, 1//2S1SU08/l- Eggeview Not secured by sat, m ol(gage, or any date to vacate Sthe tie busness December 2, 20161010 AM MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE 'Review: Od 12219, 26 Nov 2, 9, his bA PadProperty patthe,eof day et 1159 p m. PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS 16 2016) TAX PARCEL NO.'. PURSUANT to the power of sale MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Center 15015 62n, Sreet N. HVI:Ut UNUt I MINNESOTA 1529.22140024 ceHane, in sat mortgage, the FROM OBLIGATION ON Stillwater, MN STATUTES, SECTION 582032, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. above desaibed property will be MORTGAGE: NONE to pay the debt then Secured by DETERMINRN[G, NC ONC OTHER NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 1672 ROSEWOOD AVENUE Soldby the Sheriff of Said ceant aS THE TIME ALLOWED BY Bic Mahe e, end bxeS, if any THINGS, MORTGAGED LAW FOR REDEMPTION s Mage y, on FORECLOSURE SALE SOUTH follows: i, premise S, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED THE MORTGAGOR THE end the cest:and THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF MAPLEWOOD, MNSS109 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. dibIt-em ent:, indudin WITH AFESIDENTIAL DWELLING MORTGAGORS PERSONAL g ettomeyK THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DecemberT 2016, 1000AM OF LESS IHAN HI UNITS REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, fade allowed by law cubed ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE IS LOCATED: Ram Sey PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff's Office redemption within 6M Unth om the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Svil Pktm Uni[ tM W.4th S,eet MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE date of said Sale bythemor(gagogk), AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. OF MORTGAGE $17376800 Suite 151 St PaaI,MN WEE(: IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Fit ABANDONED. NIt ,U UNITED MINNESOTA their personal rep,esenbtiv_ or MOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that AMOUNT DUE CLAIMED TO to pay the debt then Sea10, by t U esegnS. MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED default M1eS oceune,in the cendit HE UU t AS OF LAI t OF NOTICE, said Mol gage, enc bxeS, if any, on STATUTES SECTION 582032, DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ofthefollowa,de-becmoagage6 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID said p,emi see, and the costs and DETERMINING AMONG OTHER The date on or before which the ON MORTGAGE None Mortgagor: Tnshe Lee Ann Henson BY MORTGAGEE. $231,29484 disbursement:, aduka, atomeys' THINGS, IHAI Ht MORTGAGED m agago, must vacate the property Dated: WELL be, 29, 2016 tic a He on, wife KM1usbend f fees allowed b law Tubed o PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH M1at pnor to the commencement o Y if he moagage b not =e Bred WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. aMor(gageenSMoagage Electronic thism ol(gagefo,edosa,ep,oceedm, redemption within 6 ManthS Dom the A RESIDENTIAL OWEWNG under Minnesota SeWteS l Sectan Mortgagee Registr on System4 S Moagageel gnee of Mag d.eof said sale bythemol(gagok() OF LESS HAN FIV( UNITS, or the property redeemed THE ACADEMY LAW OR AM nomineetifor Hremer Henk, Nehon cem plied with ell notice re uirement: their or ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 58 By Vi q persona representative: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, underO Minnesota SeWteS sect on MF Assocatian :required by statute; that no edion esmgnS 580.23d Jane22on at 1159 ebeb-F. Smi jetty. AND AM ABANDONED. pm. Datdd: o4roe2o11 or p,o�daing ha: bddn mstitutd, at DATE To vACATE PROPERTY A If the to=egomg date b a Saturday N. rt Ong N. Fondun,lah, Esq Recorded 041192011 law,o time= e cever tat The date on or bath=e which me Dated: Septembe=29, 2016 Sunday or legal holiday, then the 'Curt N. Trisko, Esq.' Ramsey County Recerder secure, bywsaidtmm a he U.S. Bank National Association, Samuel H Coleman, tk4 oagage, o any mor(gagoort ad -tet reipns[ate Assignee of Mortgagee data to vacate lSthe ne#bueness Docum ent No. 4256413 pat ifthe gaga d day at ll 59 P m. Atomeys for M al(gagee ASmgned lo: U.S bank Nehon PURSUANT to the power of sale under Minnesob Statutes :edion U.S. LAW, PROFESSIONAL M OFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED The Academy Professional Building �odetion centained in Said moagage, the 58030 or the property redeemed ASSOCIATION FROM OBLIGATION ON 25 North Utile Street Dated: 10232012 above describe, property will be under Minnesob SbWteS Sedo by Jonath ITCL ey, Michael V. MORTGAGE: NONE S[Peul, MN 55102 Reco,de M1lti/201 sol, by the ShenR of said ceunry aS )802b June l,201/at 1159 p�mn Sdhlens to, THE TIME ALLOWED BY .1)2099560 Ramseyd �County3 Recerder toll acus: If the fo,egoin, date iS a Saturday, Rtomeys kora 161415-FC01J U.S. LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Doamen[No. 4399455 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Sunday or legal holiday, then the en National Assoaetion, THE MORTGAGOR THE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Transaction /fgent Moagage Decembe,l 201ti 000AM date to vacate iS the nex[bueness Aa5 EaaF MSPeOee MORTGAGORS PERSONAL FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 2 Electronic Registration System S, Inc PLACE OF SALE She"D S Office, day at 1159 Pm. SS East Fifth Stee[ Suite 800 REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS (Review: Oct S, l'2, 19 26 Nov', Transaction/fq/.,[Mor(gage ID No: evil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street MORTGAGOR(:) RELEASED St Peul, MNSSIOI-1 /le M99 AV BE REDUCED TO FIVE 9,2016) 1000/'398 LO - Suite ISO, S Paul, MN FROM OBLIGATION ON 6512281753 WEEKS IF AJ UP CIAL ORDER IS Lender or Broke, B,eme, Bank, to pay the debt then seared by MORTGAGE NONE 65122&1]59 ;bxJ ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA National Assocetian air Mor( gage, enda bxeS ff any, on THE TIME ALLOWED BY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION STATUTES SECTION b82 032 ice NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Servr: UNeha .S. Hank on r, premises, c LAW FOR REDEMPTN BY IOFROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. DETERMINING AMONG OTHER FORECLOSURE SALE A--an fdbbalsamenF, ndudng attome, THE MORTGAGOR, THE 152&1500094&1 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF M .gage Originator: Bremer Bank, fees allowec by law Tabled o MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Review: Od 1219 26 Nov L, 9, PREMISES AM IMPROVED THEDEBTANDIDENNTYOFTHE N dem ptian within ti Monts ham the FEPFESENTATIVES OR AS SIGN S, )6 2016) DIT A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF date of-a salebythemol(gagoq(), MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT PROPERTY: Lot 26 and all of Lot their personal ,ep,esent.- or WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AFFECTEDBYTHISACTION. 2b ecept the South lb feet thereof assigns ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NOTICE OF MORTGAGE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SdhletT S Tan, Addition, Ramsay DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: STATUTES SECTION 582032, FORECLOSURE SALE AND AM ABANDONED. debult hasaccunedin thecendit- Gounry, Minnesob The date on or before which the DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER TERIGHTTO HVERIFICATIONOF Dated: Septembe,262016 of the following d­ mortgage: Property moagago, mus[ vacate the property TH IN OS, THAT TH E M ORTGAGED THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFtH Deutsche Bank National Trust M agago,. Soot Fogelson e TAX S�dmPARCEL NO'. if the moagage b c PREMISES ARE IMPROVED ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE CompanYaslnde -Trustee Wenne Fogelson, husbandan,wife 24 29 23 33 0023 under Minnesob SbWteS ke n WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Gal BV LAW IS NOT forAmerican Home Mortgage Moagagee: Moagage t ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: the property,edeedmie, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Irrcesiment Trust2005-3,Assignee Registration System S, 1307 SCHLETH STREET unde, Minnesob SbWteS ke n ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That of Mortgagee n ee for Fremont Investment 3 SAINTPAUX MN55117 58023,b June T 2015atll59 Pm. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, debal[heS oaunedin the conditions OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL L COUNTY IN WH IGH PROPERTY If the foregoing date b a SeWrday, AND ARE ABANDONED, ofthefollowing describe, moagage ASSOCIATION Dated: 06212006 IS LOCATED: Ramsey Sunday or legal holiday, then the Dated: September30, 2016 MOR(TGAGORS). Holly H. Lee, a By Jonathan R CL ey, Michael V Receded.O 192006 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT date to vacate iS the n- b-a- Deutsche Bank National m ged person Sdhl_man Shagton County Heoorde, OF MORTGAGE $13970000 day et ll 59 Pm. Truss Comp any, as Trustee for MORTGAGEE: V4 ells rargo Henk, Add ne to,: Document No. 3596675 AMOUNTDUEAND GLAIMEDTO MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Soundview Home LoanTrust NA Deutsche Bank National Trust Assigned To: Dene Bank BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE FROM OBLIGATION ON 20060PT1,Asset-Bad ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE'. Company, e IndenWre Trustee N ud Company, aS Indlee INCLUDING TAXES, It U MORTGAGE: NONE Certificates, Series 20060PT1, Aamgned to: No for American Home Mor(gage under.the Pooling and Servicnc BY MORTGAGEE: $120,400Y02A THE TIME ALLOWED BY Assig` a Mortgagee ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ant Trust 20053,Assignee Agdemd d.ed aS of Septembe, Th. pna,tothe cemmencement of LAW FOR FEDEM FTION BY PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL OFMOFTGAGE $1Q,815.00 ofMahgagee 6GSAMP moagageforeclosa,ep,oceekag MORTGAGOR t ASSOCIATION tOF MORTGAGE November 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 M .gage Pa-Though Gertifica eS, MohgageelAssignee of M agagee MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL By Jonathan R CL key, MichaelV 28,2011 St Paul, MN55101-171. Se-2006FM2 comphe, with all nota-equnement: REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Schleisman DATE AND PLACE OF FILING 66- S,egw,edby Statute; th atnoadan M t REDUCED TO F Atome,, to, nuaryl3, L 51-2&17537.) Retm,aed. 03202012 o, pmoeeding ha: been Instituted. W EEKS IF A JU D IaAL ORDER IS DeuSM1e Bank National I- Document Numbe, 387066? nine THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Washington County Recorder law o, otherwise to,eceve, the debt ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Company, aS Trusteefo,Soundview Office of the County Recerder of FROM ADEBTCOLLECTOR. d by say, moagage o, any STATUTES SECTION Home Loan aadl200&OPTl, Aaset- V sihrngton Gounry, Minnesob 8/99/9 :R7 25 esew 6045441 Tld-ona, RkM Agent Mortgage pPUth RSUAf DETERMINING, AM DNC- OTHER Backed Certificates, Banes 2006 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO 'Review: Od 5, 12, 19 26 Nov 2, Bearonic Registration agae n Inc PURSUANT to the power of sale THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED bb Eadl Fffth S oeM Shb, ee BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE 9,2016) 000223n[Mor(gage lU No: mortgage, to PREMISES IMPROVED St East Fifth 551101 Suite 800 ON I7 tOF IHr NOTICE. 100194450002234945 above., the Sheddpf kab will be OF LESEBIDENTIAL DWELLING- 6t 20 MN 55101-1118 $155 31 Lender Broker: Fremont Sold by the Sheriff of laic ceunry eS OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, .1 201759G LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OF MORTGAGE follows Re NOT PROPERTY USED N 53 (fa) PROPERTY :IM1 3 StLot 14 Paul entK Loan - FORECLOSURE SALE Service, Ocwen Loan Servicng, DATE AND TIME OF SALE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION and all of Lot lS No 3 233, 5( Paan THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF LLG DecemberT 2016 SALE S110AM ANDd Septe NDONE2. FROM1 DEBT COLLECTOR. Count, DM an Na 3, Washington THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Mortgage Onginetor: Fremon PLACE OF SALE: Senff: Office, U ed: Septemb 11-mg (Re As 000208�i Gounry Minnesob ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ent3 Loen t Civil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th St-el et MinnesMe Housing Finance (Re As Oct 12, 19 26 Nov 2, 9, STREET ADDRESS OF TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT LEGAL DESGRIFTION OF Suite 150, St Paul, MN Ag.r ry Assignee of Mortgagee 16 2016) PROPERTY: 836 ASHLAND AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. PROPERTY. l9 Hlock l to pay the debt then Sea d by PF LAW, PROFESSIONAL AVENUE ST PHIL PAF)(, MN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Woodland AaeSat Said Mortgage, and bxeS, if any, on ASSOCIATION 550510 deb althaSaaunedathecondit- This b Absbd Property Said premises, and the ce and By Jonathan R Casket', Michael V NOTICE OF MORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ofthefollowing desaibec mortgage IAx PARCEL NO.. disbulsamenF, acluding atomeys' Schleisman FORECLOSURE SALE LOCATED: WeSM1ing[on Gounry, M OFTCAGOF(S): Amanda F 1003021410004 fees allowed by law cubed o Attomeysfor: THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF MIS,nnesob GngengYang, an unmarred ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. redemption within 6 Months Dom the Minnesob Hoasinc Finance THE DEBT AND IDENNTY OFTHE TRANSACTION AGENT None IbU03,c S[N date of said sale bythe mor(gagor(SJ, /fgency, Aamgnee of Mortgagee AM OF MORTGAGE person StjIw ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE N MORTGAGEE: World Savings S011weteT M N 55082 their personal rep-anti- o, 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT ORIGINATOR Wells Fargo Bank, Benk, FSB, nikla WeIIs Fargo COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY -gnS St Paul, MN55101-1518 AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. NA Benk NA SuceOssor by m erger to IS LOCATED: WeGhing[on U It TO VACATE PROPERTY: tel '209/:99 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: WeIIs Wachovia Mortgage FSBhkla World ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT The date on o, before which the )122&1553 ;far) debul[hesocane, in the cendit- Fa,go Bank, NA SavingSSnk, FSB OF MORTGAGE:$50825000 m ohgago, m est vacate the p,otpetl THIS IS A COMMUNICATION dethetolao ocd desenbed mortgage: T PARCEL IDENTIFICATION ASSIGN MENTSOF MORTGAGE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ff the mortgage IS note FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Mortgagor:JosephPdoeteand NUXG BY YIMIT l UIC Assigned to: NonA BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, under Minnesob 55etuteS ed 1)0.5-14001f593 Ashlee M. Fredend:, husband end TRANSACTION 22 4UAGENT'S ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID 58030 or the property redeemed ;Review: Od 12, 19 26 Nov 2, 9, wife MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION OF MORTGAGE $24355000 BYMORTGAGEE.$514,181. Si under Mnnesob SCOu- Sed=an 16 2016) Mortgagee: Mortgage Bedronio NUMHLR None DATE OF M ORTGAGE: Au Thet pnor to the cemmencement of 58023 iS Junel, 20net 1159 Pm. Re S Ino aS THAT no edion or proceeding ­ DATE gistmtion ys[em S, 2004 thism ortgagefo,edosa,ep^,oceedm, If the fo,egoin, date iS a Saturday, inee to, Centennial Mortgage been instituted at law to,eceve, the DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Moagagee1A gnee of oagagee Sunday o, legal holiday, then the an, Funding Ino then ning secure, by such debt Rd.mdd on Novdm tad, 8 2004 Pompidd withau noti,dregw,dmdnb date rova,atd i:the nd:a badndss Datdd: o5n320o7 moagageo,omainy pare thereof oT if aS Document Numbe,3477334.,a:,equs, by statute that no ads on day. 1159 p m. Bled:o8D12005 the ad on a, p,oceekag has been modified of rece,d by document 3, p,oceedm, M1eS been instituted at MOR(TGAGOR(S) RELEASED Ramsey Registrar of nteS as-me, on npm / 2 a: o, athdrwisa ro,daa,M,thd ddb( FROM oeuGAnoN ON Document Na 20)114 ggamd Public Notices Doament NO. ROGG30 oeIn the aea,le, by :aid mortgage, o, any MORTGAGE: NONE CeUf-eofnte No: 562009 Continued on Page Patthe,e0f IHr IIMC ALLOWED BY Review Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 Page 9 Public Notices I FOR REDEMPTION By NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Lot 2, BIo 3, Lake Elmo Heights NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Continnetl iLOm Page $ THE MORTGAGOR THE FORECLOSURE SALE 3rd Addition FORECLOSURE SALE FORECLOSURE SALE 9 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Property Address:25 Bo Imperial THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TH E RIG HT TO VERIFICATION OF Luted, that the same has been REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Avenue N., Lake Elmo, Minnesota THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE (discontinued, or that an exeation MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE S50g2 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE upon the juclgmdU rendered therein WEEKS IF AJU DIGIAL ORDER IS TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOL Parcel I #:] TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT hes been re road unsatisfied, in ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. will be sold by the sheriff of AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. whole or in part STATUTES, SECTION 502032 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met sat, county at public as on on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met PURSUANT, to me power of sale DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER demul[heSocouned in me conditions December 10, 2016, e 1000 demul[hesocourrec in me conditon5 demul[he5 ocrurred in me oonditon5 eined in said mortgage, me THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED oldhId, Ugdescribe,mortgage. o'.." AM. et Sheriff's[ Office, Uthe llIo U,desor dm,1g A: of the following described m o1,a above described property will be PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mortgagor: Lou Ann Gahem, a Lew Enforcement Center, 15015 Mortgagor: John P Minogue end Mortgagor: Erik P Salines, e single ole byme Sheriff of sato county es WITH ARESIDENTIAL OW ELlING single - 52nd Street North, Stillwater, Kim M. Mina ue, husban, end wife Heliodoro Sarinana, e OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, "I" MUn ,tato me debt secure, g memoe enc RI,_ Mortgagee. Mortgage Electronic pay t Mortgagee: Lendmuroe, Ina d person DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ARE NOT PROPERLY USED IN Registe I, Systems Ino. es by met mortgage, indudinc cess Oeted: 00,0]2002 Mortgagee: Argent Mortgage Decomber6, 2016 et 10 A0 AM AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, nominee Cl, Firs[ Sete Mortgage end e omeyY tees allowed by Recorded. lC012002 Company, LIG PLACE OF SALE: Weshingon ANDAREABANDONED Gorporaton law Subject to redempton by We Weshingon county Rammer Dated: 09292005 Cowry Sheriffs Office, WashUgon MORTGAGOP�(S) RELEASED Dated. 041102006 m ftga qo ), their heirs crest_ DoamdUNc. 3266449 Filed 10262005 Gounry Lew EU -cement Center FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Recomed: 051122006 wUha.ix (0)monmsfrom me date of Assignee To: JPM organ Giese Ramsey Registrar of Titles l 62nc Street North, S[illweteL ON MORTGAGE None Washington Gounry Recorder sale The mortgegor(SJ must vacate Benk es Trustee Document No. 19i]224 Against leo Date d: o,4oberlV 201. me property on or before nSS Pm. Minnemm Ao �ent Dated00112t2002 ceme,ate ofnte Na. 555153 I, pay the debt men S cured by FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Assigned To: U.S Benk Netonel on June 14, 2a1/, if;iJ me mortgage Reoorded:06,042003 Aasigned To: Deutsche Benk mortgage enc cox s, if any ASSOCIATION ("FANNIE MAE") Assoaeton es Trustee for RASG i5 not remstetec under §59030, Washington Gounry Recorder Natonal Trust Gom pent', as trustee actually pest, by the mortgagee, Mortgagee 2006K54 or'iiJ me property i5 not redeem ec Doamen[Na 334200] foL Argent Searite5 Ina Asset - on the premises end the Dosis end THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Dated: 011132012 under§59023. Assignee To: Benk of America, Ba , Pek,through Certificates disbursements ellowec by law The By 151 Recomed: 02,022012 THE TIME ALLOWED BY Netonel Asmceton es acoessor Seri es 2005W4, under me Poolmc e, by law for redempton Rebe. F Schillet Esq Washington Gounry Recorder EW FOR REDEMPTION By by merger to Lasalle Beak Natonal end Servicn, Agreement Dated by saidm lga qo ), their personal N. Kbongni Fondungallah, Esq Document Na 3873236 THE MORTGAGOR, THE Aasoceton es Trustee November1 2005 -ep-esenmt ,, assigns i5 six;6) 'Curt N. Trisko, Esq.- Assigned To: U.S Benk Natonal MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Oe-an11 010 D,mbe4X012009 months me date of sales Samuel R Coleman, E54 Aasoceton, Trustee for REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS Recorded: 10212010 Filec 0]2](2009 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE AIIORIA'for M, Residentel Aaset Searite5 MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Washington Gounry Recorder Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles PROPERTY: Un less said mortgage TheAcademy Professional Building Goryoraton, Home Equity Mortgage WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS A,I ment Na 3013166 Document N,. 2001252 Against or me property 25 N Orth Male Street Asset-Baoked P-Through ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Assignee To: U.S Beak Natonal CeRficate bTitle Na'. 555153 -edeemedeto, unless me tme to- st Peul, MN eSlo2 Gertifioete4 Series 2006K54 STATUTES, SECTION 682032 Assocaton-Tadve, acoesm-in Assigned To: Deutsche Beak redempton S reduce, by judicial 11)2039]60 Dated011152016 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER in to Bank ofAmerioa Natonal Natonal Trust Company, as Trustee order you must vacate me premises (16126YFC01I Recomed: 01292016 THINGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO Aasoaaton, as Trustee, k­­, to, Argent Searite5 Inc by t- 6 1159 on JUne6201]. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Washin PREMISES ARE IMPROVED T TIME FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. tion Gounry Recomer WITH A RES IDENTIAL OW ELLING by merger to Lasalle Bank Se- 05 A4 ugh Gertificam5, THE TIME ALLOWIO By Doa Pban 40559 Natonal ental eton, es Trustee D ed 05262 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 1Re2016 Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16 Transaction Agent Mortgage o NOT PROPERTY USED ESS THAN FIVE TN for ResidenAsset Mortgage Fie,065 20100 THE MORTGAGOR THE 23 Electronic Registreton Systems Ino Products, Inca Mortgage Aaset- Filec 06,0112010 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Transaction Agent M .gage ID No: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Backed Pa-Through Certificates, Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, 100152, 12000o3eSi] AND ARE ABANDONED. Series2001RP2 Doament No 2110919 Against MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Lender or Broker Firs[ State Dated:OaobeDONED peted: 05222015 Certificate of Title Na'. 555153 W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS FORECLOSURE SALE Mortgage Corparaton Associated Benk, National Recorded: 08,042015 Transaction Agent NS, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Servicer: Oawen Loan Servicing, Association (sucrossor by Washington Gounry Recorder Transaction Agent M .gage ID No: STATUTES, SECTION 502032 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTH E LLC merger to Liberty Stet. Be nk), Doament No. 4036136 NIA DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHI NTH E Mortgage Originator First State Mortgagee Transaction Agent NS, Lender or Broker Argent Mortgage THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Mort e e Go Ralph L Moore STEIN 3 MOORS, Transaction Agent Mort e e 10 No: ComLIG 9 9 rporaton Ra Alor Mort g g g pan,, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF gagee, NIA Service-: Oawen Loan Servicing, WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, mat PROPERTY. Lot 2, Block 2 Minnesota Street #W-1 f50, St Lender or Broker Lendmu-c, Inc LIG OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, default has ooarredin thecondit- Jamaica Edge, Washington Gounry, Pav_55101 (� 1J 2245�y aMinnesom Corp orator Mortgage Originator Argent ARE NOT PROPERLY USED IN (Review. Od l9, 26, Nov 2 l AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION , of agagowinc described mol( gage: Minnemm 2V 2016) Servicer: Oawen Loan Servicng, Mortgage GODESC LLG Mortgagor. Bruce R Gibson, This iSAbstract Property LLG LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF M oFPLIABANDONED. Unmeragee rsI'll TAX PARCEL NO'. Mortgage Originator-od, rco, PROPERTY .Lot 2, Blot:1, DeMaa MOM FINANCIAL RETE SED Mortgagee: Twin Gary Coops 1502]21S OFF NOTICE CLOSUMORTGAGE nE,aMinneDE GOrPTIOOn First Addition, Ramsey Gounry, FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Federal Credit Union AD2JaneAFen,e So h FORECLOSURE SURE SALE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Thdbm ON SoDatedOGAGE: None Deled ct-de 11](2006 81lC.ag,nero Avenue5016 THE RIGHT TO DEBT IDEWCATIONHE PROPERTY: Lotoc aroma Soum TASiSRegistPAR Propert, Dated: ELLS 5, GO Recorded: 03 CoUnty6 Cottage GYo AH ICH5 PR THE DEBT AND (DOR WIT OF THE 12 of Lot l4, Bloch Dadhivision TAX PARCEL NO'. WELLS FARG08ANg N.A. Ramsey Gounry Recorder COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Na3of SYPeul Perk, Washington 10292245 0002 OFF Mortgagee D­ nu :dd[ n g at N , IS LOCATED'. Washington TIME TED B ED IS LAW N. NOT Gounry, Minnesom 200RE55 OF PROPERTY. THE ACADEMY EW GROUP, PA 1: ns Agent of ORIGINALPRINCIPAL$20 0 AMOUNT AFFECTED BHEREBY GIVEN N. This iSAbstraP Property 206 Maple elawn Avenue Eest Reber Transeaion Pgen[Motgage lO No: OF MORTGAGE DUE AND CLAIM00 NOTICE IS HEedUthe VEN,mat TAX PARCEL NO'. Maul ewood, M DHICH RebeooaF Sond,LES4 NIA AMOUNTDUEANDGEMED TO of theft-age fined oagagn512 027 22 1 ADDRESS OFF You NTYD WH ICH PROPERTY N. uo N.Tnl Fondungallah, Esq Lender or B-oke-:Twin Qry Coops BEDUEAS TAXES IOFN PAID of agago, )describe Lege tie: MORESSdA,d EFTV: IS ORIGINAL Mm key 'Curt el Triskoman Federal Credit Union INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID Mortgagor: )envier Leviege, e 044 POMendA ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ASambomey, Coleman Servicer. Spire Federal Qedrt BV MORTGAGEE:$151,21404 single women St Paul Park, MN550]1 OF M ORTGAGE:$16792000 Attomeysfor Mortgagee Union That prior to the commencement of Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO The Academy Professional Building M .gage Originator: Twin Gary Go thdmolgage foreclosure proceeding Regid,obn Systems S IS LOCATED'. Washington BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, 25 North Dale Street ops Federal Qedit Union Moo`ageelAssignee of Mortgagee nomneefo- Quicken Loans Inc a ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID St Paul, MN55102 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF col" e, wim all notoe-egU,mdn Dated: 06242013 OF MORTGAGE :$130,00000 BY MORTGAGEE :$196127 OV .l)2a39T61 PROPERTY: Lot 10, Block l S requi'ed by Smote; flat no action Recorded: 091132013 AMOUNT DUE AND CEIMEDTO Th. p-al-totle commencement of :15103]-F002) Auditors ­k-an No. 11, St orp-oceeding has been aditited et Washington Gounry Recorder BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE this molgagefo-edoa-ep-ocoedmc THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Paul, Minnesota ane the Southerly l aw orothe-b, to recover the debt D­No. 3964131 INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID MolgageeiA gnee of Mortgagee FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ll feet of Lot 1, Bd: lo18 , Auditor S seared by sat, mortgage, or any Assigned To: Quicken Loans Inc BY M ORTGAGEE'.$124,40006 complied with all n,GaevgUvmen[s Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, Subdivision No. 11, St Paul, partthe-eof Dated: 09,042014 Th. prior to the commencement of as required by statue; that no action 162016) Minnesom, xcopt the Westerly PURSUANT I, the power of sale Recorded: 111122014 thismoagageforeolosureproceeding or procoedmg has beenmsdititec et U feet thereof ackban, to the o ned in said mortgage, the Washington Gounry Recorder MoagageelAssignee of Mortgagee law or otherwise to recover the debt corded plat thereof and k,t,.eln abotve described property will be D­No 4006855 omph e, witlh all notoeregUvments s e, b,said mortgage, o, any NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Ramsey Gounry, Sale— sold by the Sheriff of sat, county as Transadan Agent Mortgage a -aqui red by smote; that no adan part thereof FO RECLOSURE SALE Tab Abstrad Papel, follows Elea-on, Regisoan Systems Inc o- Pcoedac has beenadththted et PURSUANT to the powe-of sale THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TAX PARCEL NO.'. DATE ANO TIME OF SALE Transadan Agent M .gage ID No: law o- otherwise to-ecove-the debt co ained in said mortgage, the THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 012023.23.0153 Decombe-9, 20161000 AM 1000390331E 580 seared by sat, mortgage, o, any above described property will be ORIGINALCREDITOR WITHINTHE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement Lende-o-B-oke-: Quicken Loans part thereof sol c by the Sheriff of said county as TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT 43 Mack,bin St Centel 15015 G? ad Street N., PURSUANT to the power of sale tollows: AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION Saint Paul, MN55102 Stiftatet MN Service-: ouioken Loans Ines onmie, in 68 mortgage, the DATE AND TIME OF SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY to pay the debt then seared by Mortgage Originato-: Quicken abo, described property will be Hecombe-le, 201610:00 AM demul[ha5 ocrurred atheconditons IS LOCATED: Ramsey said Mortgage, and nixes, if any, on Loans Ina sold by the Sheriff of sat, county as PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, ofine following describe, mortgage: ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT said p-em,S and We cos, and LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF "MCMI P-oc-Jnl[ 25 W.4m Street M OFTGAGOF(SJ: Jeannette H. OF SOFTGAGE :$214,50000 disbursements, adudag attorneys' PROPERTY: Lot 9, Block 2, one DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. SUI,150, St Pa,I, MN Gran ane Gary L Gran, wife and AMOUNT DUE ANO CLAIMED TO fees allowed by law abjea o Glen 3rd Additon, Washington December162016, 1000 AM to pay the debt then seared by husband ane Donald J. Ran an BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE redem pton within6Months from the Gounry,Minnesom PLACEOFSALE. Law Enfo-cement sicMortgage, andtaxe5, ifan,,on ie, person n wcwowc TAxEs, IF ANY PAID date of said ease by IS aolgagorte), This iSAbAMd Property GenteL 15015 Qnd Street N., set, premiaee, un, me ms, and UM ORTGAGEE.M .gage EleaTonic BY MORTGAGEE:$211,259.1G their personal-ep-esenmtve5 o TAX PARCEL NO.'. Stllwate1t MN disbursements, indu ding ettomeys' Registraton systems, That prio-to Wecommencomentof assigns. 2002721320066 to pay We debt mens area by fees ellowec by law abjea o Delaware coryo-an, as nominee thismolgagefo-edosurep-ocoedmc DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. said Mortgagee cmxeSeif any, on redemption within 6Monmsfrom the for J.M. Trout Enteari Inc MolgageeiA gnee of Mortgagee The date on o- before which the 9649 HAMLETAVES said premises and the costs and doeofsaicsalebythemolgagoq( ), dlbla JMT Mortgage, a Minnesom mpled with all notco requirements mortgago-must vacate they-operty COTTAGE GROVE M N 55016 disbursements,aclludmg .tome, their personal-ep-esenmtve50- corporeton S-equi-e, by statue, that no edion if the mortgage i5 not re ated COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY fees allowed by law Subjea o assigns ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. orp-ocoedmc hes beeninstotedat under Minnesom S[eoteS lsection IS LOCATED'. Washington -edempton within 6 Months Dom the DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY t. Aak,gned o' Federal Natonal rotherwiseto -ecove-the debt 50030 01 the property redeemed ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT date of said salebythemolgagol(s), The date on o- before which the Mortgage o odaton ("Fannie coaxed by said mortgage, o, any under Minnesom Statues section OF SO"GAGE:$191,468.00 their personal-epresenmtve5 or mor(goga-m ust ,Uethep-opertyif Mae) by assignm ent recorded on part thereof 58023b June 9, 201]6[ 1159 P m. AMOUNT DUEANDCIAIMEDTO assigns the,agagebnot-einsmtedunde- September 14, 2016 es Document PURSUANT to the power of sale If the fo-egoin, date b a Se aa,, BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Minnesom Sto, e sedan 50030 Number 4003223 in the Office of Hane, in ka mortgage, the Sunday o- legal holiday, then the INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID The date on o- before which the o- the property -edeemec under the Gounry Recome-of Washington abo, describe, p-opely will be date to vacate b the n business BY MORTGAGEE :$170,089]5 aolgago-must vacoethe p-opertyif Minnesom SEUDe sedan 50023 Gounry, Minnesom soldby the Sheriff of said county as day et 1159 Pm. That prior to the commen-ant of the mortgages not reinstated under iS June 15201]6[ 1155 P m. if the ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT follows: MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED this m otgagefo-edoa-ep-ocoedmc Minnesom Stoae sedan 50030 fo-egoin,doeba SeWma,,Sunday OF M OFTGAGE$340,00000 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: FROM OBLIGATION ON MortgageelAssignee of Mortgagee or the property redeemed under or legal holiday, then the date to GATE OF MORTGAGE. January Deoember0, 2016 AM MORTGAGE NONE complied with al l not c, vqui-em ants Minnesom SEUDe sedan 58023 vacate i5 the rex[ business day et 24 201 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, THE TIME ALLOWED BV as required by .tecta; that no eaion iSJune 16201]6[ 1159 Pm. if the 1159 Pm. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Civil P-o- Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY o-p-ocoedmg has been instiote, et foregoing doeb a Se a,, Sunday MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Recorded on Mach 14, 2000 as SUI,150, St Paul, MN THE MORTGAGOR THE law o- otherwise to-eoove-the debt o- legal holiday, then the date to FROM OBLIGATION ON Doament Number 3.4164 in the to pay the debt then seou-e, by MORTGAGORS PERSONAL seourec by said mortgage, or any vasa e i5 the ne# business day et MORTGAGE: NONE Office of the Gounry Recorder of said Mortgage, ane nixes if any, on REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, part thereof 1159 Pm. THE TIME ALLOWED BY Washington Gounry, Minnesom said premises, enc the costs enc MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE PURSUANT to the power of sale MOFTGAGORIS) RELEASED LAW FOR REDEMELLON BY THE AMOUNT CEIMED TO disbursements, inIan, atome, WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS conmined in said mortgage, the FROM OBLIGATION ON THE MORTGAGOR THE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE fees allowed by law Subject to ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA above describe, property will be MORTGAGE NONE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: -edempton within 6MUn Tom the STATUTES SECTION 502032 solcbythe Sheriff of said countya5 THE TIME ALLOWED BY REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS $3420]3.. date of said sale bythe molgagorl5), DETERMINING AMONG OTHER follows: LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF the, personal-ep-esenmtve5 o- THINGS, THATTHEMORTGAGED DATE AND TIME OF SALE: THE MORTGAGOR, THE W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS PROPERTY: The South 30100 assigns FEES ISES ARE IMPROVED Decombe-9, 2016 1000AM MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA feet of We east 5]1.55 feet of We DATE TO VACATE PROPERLY WITH ARESIOENTIAL DWELLING PLACEOF SALE Law Enfo-foment REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, STATUTES SECTION 582032, Northeast Quarte- of the Northeast The date on a- before which We OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, GenteL 15015 Q Street N., MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Quarte- of Section l5, Township 27 m ertgago-must vacate Chep-otperty ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN SOIIwateL MN W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED North, Range 20 West, Denmark if he mortgage i5 not r c AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, to pay the debt then seared by ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Township, Washington Gounry, under Minnesom SRI,— Sedan ANDARE ABANDONED. ai,M .gage, and I- if any, on STATUTES SECTION 502032, WITH A RES IDENTIAL OW ELLING Minnesom 50030 0- the preperty -edeemec Dated: 0aober5, 2016 sato premises, enc the costs enc DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS STREET ADDRESS OF under Minnesom St"' ke U.S. Bank National Association, disbursements, indudinc atom A, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN PROPERTY: 021000AORANTAVE 58023 b June 8, 201] at 1159 p�mn as Trustee for Residential Asset fees allowe, by law subject to PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, S, HASTINGS, MN55033 If the fo-agoing date iS a�S'aoma,, Securities Corporation, Home redem pt on within 6 Months Dom the AHESIDENTIAL OW ELLING AND ARE ABANDONED. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Sunday o- legal holiday, then the Equity Mortgage Asset-Be— date of sat, sal e by the m ortgagogk), OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Dated: Odobe-14, 2016 IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, date to vacate b the add business ­Through Certificates, Series their personal reprent- o- ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Deutsche Bank National Trust Minnesom day at 1159 Pm. 20.KS4, Assignee of Mortgagee assigns AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Company,..TrusI. for Argent TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage MORTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: AND ARE ABANDONED Securities Inc., Asst 13. d Electrenic Reg, kDat on Systems, Inc. FROM OBLIGATION ON ASSOCIATION The date on o- before which the Dated. 0aoberl], 2016 ­Through Certificates,Series NAME OF MORTGAGE MORTGAGE: NONE By. Jonathan R CL ,, MichaelV molgago, must vacate the p-otperty U.S. Bank National Association, 2005-W4, Assignee of Mortgagee ORIGINATOR J.M. Trout THE TIME ALLOWED BY Schleisman if the mortgage i5 as Trustee, succassorin OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Entea,bs , nc dlbla JMT LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Attorneys for: under Minnesom SEUDe sedan interest to Bank of America ASSOCIATION Mortgage, aM anemm corporaton THE MORTGAGOR THE U.S. Bank Natonal Asso.,old, 50030 o- the p-opely -edeemec National Association,..Trustee, By Jonathan R Cuske,, Michael V RESIAL SERVICER IDENTMORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL as Trustee to, Residental Aria[ under Minnesom ucrossor s SEUDe sedan by merger to L.S.H. Schlebman Sete_ Ino. REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Se-t- C000raton, Home Equity 50023 b June 9, 2017 at 1159 p. m. Bank National Association, as Atomey5 to, TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgage A`k.Bad:ed Pass If the foregoing date iS a S.Daay, Trustee for Residential Asset Deulaehe Bank Natonal Trust NUMBER 1502]2011 0002 WEEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS Through Certificates, Series 2006 Sunday o- legal holiday, then the Mortgage Produds, Inc., Company, as Trustee to, Argent TRANSACTION AGENTS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA KS4, Assignee ofMortgagee date to vacate i5 the ne#busines5 Mortgage Asset-flecked Pass- SeariteS Inc, Asset-Backed Pass MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION STATUTES SECTION 502032 55 East Fifth Street Suite 000 day at 1159 Pm. Through Certificates, Series 2007- Through Certifte Series 2005 NUMBER 1000W67/002� 6 DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER St Paul, MN 55101-1]10 SOFTGAGORS) RELEASED RP2,Assign.e of Mortgagee W4, Assignee of M olgagee THAT no adion or p-oceeding hes THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED X1203]599 FROM OBLIGATION ON PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL 55 Ee5[FiMh Street Suite 000 been aditHed at law to-ecove-the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED X122&1]53'faxJ MORTGAGE: NONE ASSOCIATION S[Peul MN55101-1]10 debtthen remainagseare,bysuch WITH A RE SI DENTAL DWELLING THIS IS A COMMUNICATION THE TIME ALLOWED By By. Jonathan R CL e,, MichaelV f51203]599 moagage,o- any part thereof oL if OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Schleism an f51223-1753 P.) the ad on o- p-oceeding hes been ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 17725 15 010912 THE MORTGAGOR THE Alor. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Wted, that the same hes been AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, "Review: Od 19, 26 Nov. 2, 9, 16 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL U.S. Bank Natonal Assooiaton, as FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. dik.0 nued, o-that an exeaton AND ARE ABANDONED 23,2016) REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Trustee, acoe-l-irate-estto Bank 17/25-14-0039]2 upon the,,dgt ent-ende-ed therein Dated: Octobe-11, 2016 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE of America Natonal Assooiaton, 'Review: Od 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 23, has been-eumed_at sfied, in Spire Credit Union I. Spire NOTICE OF MORTGAGE W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS as Trustee, Sucoesm- byme-ge-to 30, 2016) whole Orin part Federal Credit Union ­Nin FORECLOSURE SALE ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA LaSalle Bank National Association, PURSUANT, to the power of sale City Co-ops Federal Credit Union, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN STATUTES SECTION 502032 as Trustee to, Residental Aria[ eined in said mortgage, the Mortgagee met demult hes oil rrec in the DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Mortgage P-odua5, Ina, Mortgage NOTICE OF MORTGAGE above described property will be OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL oondiI,- of a mortgage dated THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Asset-Backed PessThrough FORECLOSURE SALE olcbythe She,ffof sat c county as ASSOCIATION April 25, 2002, ex aed by Heuky PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Certificates Series 200]-RP2, THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF By Jonathan R Cuske,, Michael V e WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Assignee of Mortgagee follows: Chu-Yang-Heu and Maysong THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE OATS AND TIME OF SALE: Schleismen Chu-Yang-Heu, as mortgagor(.), to OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 55 East Fifth Street Suite 000 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Decomber62016 et 10 A0 AM Attorneys for: Liberty State Bank, as mortgagee ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN St Paul MN 55101-1]10 TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT PLACE OF SALE: Washington Spire Credit Unan Da Spire Federal in the original MrU.pal amount of AGF')AM PAT PRODUCTION , 651203]599 AFFECTED BY THIS ACT ION co,nry Sheriffs Office, Washington "t Union Da Twin Qry Coops Three Hundred Thirty Thousand AND AREABANDONED. .122. 1]53 (cox) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Gounry Law Enfo-convent GenteL Federal Credit Union, Mortgagee ane no1100 [$330,000.00) Oollers, Oeted: Oaober 11, 2016 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION demul[he5 ocrurred in the conditon5 55 East Fitth Street Suite Baa -e Quicken Loans Inc., FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 1501562nc Street North, S[illweteL cordae wih the Washington of the following describedm olgage: MIn k1a S.Paul, MN55101-1]10 C Assignee of Mortgagee 1]]2515001912 y R g f Ttl es StM of MORTGAGORS) Mary E Sa ppS, a pay the debt then seared by � 203]549 M J uery 13 2003, es OFF T O PROFESSIONAL "Review: Oa. 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 23, e o gl mortgage an, t 4 f any THIS zIS A COMMUNICATION d .11220 2, thatthe mortgage By JASSOonathaonNR Cuskel MchaelV GO 2016) MORTGAGEEM lgage Elnd-onac actually pec by thA "'gagee, upon gste-ed land, het II Regd,o n Systems, on the premises end the cos, end FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. prsforeoloare have Sdhleismen Delewereco for disbursements allowe,b law The 32.916006/2C been requitmenos action �tomeys for n.al IncdbaS,pv e b law to, by (Review: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16 complied wi he, that MQ,, den Loans Inc Assignee of Everett Fe andel,dba Supreme tme c , peon or prooeedmg hes been instioted at Lending, TexaScorp MOR V, Said to v- or(SJ, their personal 23, 2016) hew to recover any pert of the debt Mortgagee ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. represenmtve5 or as signs S six;6) Seared by sac mortgage that eS ES[Fihh Street Suite 81, Assigned to: Wells Fargo Bank NA onthS Don, the date of sale, there i5 daimec to be due thereon St Paul, MN 55101-1]10 by assignment -eco-de, on August TIME AND DATE TO VACATE the am of Two Hundred Thirtyfive X1203]599 16 2016 a5 Document Number PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage Thousand Sx Hundred Twenty and tSl- 8 e3 ,tax) 40]9285 in the Office of the Gounry o- the property 701100 ;$235,.0]0) Dollars on THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Recorder of Washington Gounry -edeemede10 UnIeSS the tme to- this date; and that pursuant to the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Minnesom -edempton i5 -educe, by udaal powe-of sale therein the mortgage 1 - omeL you mud vacate We p-emise5 will be m-edosed and me property (R �ew�Od 19 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 Public Notices by 1159 PmM. on June 6, 2017 In w.shington Gounry, Minnesom 23,2016) Coniinuetl on Page lO THE TE ALLOWED BY described aS NllawS: Page 10 Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 Review Public Notices ­482 Coal) TERRACE, WOOOBURV, MN NlIo opted. Odober2l 2016 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THIS IS A COMMUNICATION SS12Sb09 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. OF MOR(TGAGE.$170,00000 Coflinued from Page 9 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Jenuery3, 201]at1080AM Mortgagee DATE OF MORTGAGE. April 11, 003 ORIGINALPRINCIPALAMOUNTOF GRe2001E O¢ 26, Nov 29, 16, 23, MinnLOCATED . Weshmg[on Gounttr County S rlffsSAFE Offlce, Washlmggt ByEAGADEMV LAW GROUP i�i, PA DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. M ORTGAGE.$118,3]3.00 TRANSACTION AGENT. None Gounry Lew Entoroemdu Center, Rebe F Schiller, Esq Reoorded on December 11, 2003 DATE OF MORTGAGE. June 12, NAME OF MORTGAGE 15015 Qnd Street North, SOIlwater, N. Kibongni Fondtagalleh, Esq. es Document Number 3408]6] in 2012 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR Worlc Savings Benk, Minnesota Curt N.Trisko,Esq.- the Office a me County Remrder of DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. FORECLOSURE SALE FSB, nikle Wells Fargo Benk, N A, to pay the debt men se ec by Samuel R Golemen, Esq Weshmg[on Gounry, Ma­­ DIE on July 3, 2012 es Sumessor by merger to Wachovia said mortgage end cox sari[ any Adota y for MIC­ THE AMOUNT CLAMED TO Cooumen[Num ber 3845288 in the THE RIGHT TOVEENTITITIONOF Mortgage, FSB fWk Worlc Savings actually paid by me mortgagee, The decoy Professional BUIkUc BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Office of me Gounry Remrder of THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Benk, FSB on the premises enc the msm end 25 North Cele Street ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. A— ngton County, Minnesota ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER. Wells disbursements allowed by law. The St Paul, MN55102 $11385842 THE AMOUNT CLAMED TO TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOF Fargo Bank, NA e allowed by law for redempton :W1)2U99/FSI LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. 2 pe TAX Rsaid mortgagor(sJ, matt rsvnel '15-09]3FG02J PROPERTY 3Blo . Lot , c: , ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met NUMBERPACEL IDENTIFICATION by 22.0202123.0003 rept ento0 or assigasis d. (6) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Copper Mu Weshugton Gounry, $11255084 defaulthes omunecn the mndito TRANSACTION AGENTS months froatheddeof Ile FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Mianemta LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF of thefollowinc desoribec mortgage: MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION TIME AND DATE TO VACATE 'Review. Nov 9, 1623, 30, Lec], STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. Exhibit "A" THE Mortgagor: He-her Marie NUMBER None PROPERTY Unless said mortgage 14, 2016) PROPERTY 3157 COPPER OAKS FOLLOWING REAL PROPERTY MCLatghlin end David J MQeugalin, THAT no action or ploeedag h as is reiadded or the property TRAIL WOOCBURY MN bbl2S IN WASHINGTON COUNTY wife anc htsbaac been instituted d law to recover the redeemed, o unless the tme for 3497 MINNESOTA DESCRIBED AS Mortgagee: Richfield Bloomington deb[men remaining secured by su dh redemption is reduced by judical NOTICE OF MORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY FOLLOWS. Credit Union mortgage, or any pert thereof or, if order you must vacate me premises IS LOCATED. Weshugton County, ALL THAT PARR OF LOT ll Uded.06282013 FORECLOSURE SALE tlhe action or prooeeding has been by 1159 P m. on Jwy3, 201]. Minnesota BLOCK 3 OF SABINS ADDITION Reoorded. 1011412013 instituted, met me same hes been THE TIME ALLOWED By THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TRANSACTION AGENT. Mortgage TO THE CITY OF STILLWATER Ramsey County Remrder rt buteaued, or met e ex n LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Electronic TRANSACTION ENT Mocha DE SCRIBED AS FOLLOW S'. Doam ent No. 4428523 ecutio ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE BEGINNING AT FOLLOD FEET gnat gee up on the judgment rendered therein THE MORTGAGOR, THE NAME OF MORTGAGE Ase To: GU Mort hes been re coed unsatsfied, in MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT ORIGINATOR'. Yenta WEST OF THE NORTHEAST Services, Iaa t AFFECTED 3YTHIS GIVN. no _le eeen pert REPRESENTATIVES OR PERSIGNS, Development a Minnesota CORNER OF SAID LOT AND Dated. 08252016 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met PURsuANT, ro me power of gale MAY BE RECucEC To FIVE comoratoa RUNNING THENCE souTH n0 Reoomed. os2v21s detawmaa ngde kbec oftg ap arced In paid morbage, me wEEKs IF AJuolclAI ORDER Is REsICBVTAI sERVICER wets FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF R-meY county Rammer above desorlbed property will be ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA oRhefoll , Thoesai E mortda FargoBank, N A SAID LOT THENCE NORTHERLY Cocume 0nAg No n4 NIA olcbyme Sherlffofsaidmuntyas STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Mortgagor: Thomep E Gledip, en TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION ALONG THE WEST LINE OF Transaction Agent oft follows: DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER °nmameem NUMBER. 2002821 120023 SAD LOT, TO THE NOFTHWEST Transaction Agen[Mortgage lC No: DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Mortgagee: as Mortgage Electrenic TRANSACTION AGENTS CORNER THEREOF AND THENCE NIA Registraton systems, Ino e Jenuery3, 201]at1080AM PREMISES AlE IMPROVED s MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION EASTERLV3]FEETTOTHEPLACE Lender no Broker: Richfield ominee for PHH Home Loans, LIG OF BEGINNING WASHINGTON g[on PLACE OF SALE. Washington WITH ARESICENTIAL DWELLING a NUMBER. 10tan o, p0,eedug3 eloomin tz union, Bled 6e 00o] a County Sheriffs Office, nt Cegtet OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, THAT no action or pto o 'e-ve hes COUNTY MINNESOTA Minnesota aeditunion Filed.0628200] Count Law Eamrmmeat center ARE NOT PROPERTY USED w been meibtee at roremver me TOGETHER WITH. Servicer: GU. Mortgage Services Ramsey Registrar of Titles Man Qae street Norch, smwater, AGRICULTURAL PRooucnoN debts e remaay ft the-ed etch ALL THAT CERTAIN PLATTED Inc Mlaaemm ANCT AGONS) Comment TH 2o05 ggame mortgage, oraaveedug of been LAUREL STFEETSTUTHE DESTAME Mortgage Originator: Richfield GertKned of Title No..5EQ52 IN SHOWN SOUTHWESTERLY Bloomington Qedrt Union, to pay me debt men secured by MOM FINANCIAL RELEASED Asegned To: Minnesota Housing the action or proceeding hes been mortgage and tax 4 if any FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION abcoud, met me same hes been AND WESTERLY OF BLOCK 3 Minnesota audit union s c Fineed Agency tally Pett by the mortgagee, ON MORTGAGE. None discontinued, or that an execution sAeINs ACCrnRN DA THE ary LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ad Gated. 22200o] of sTLLWATER wAswNGTom PROPERTY. The Eqpt 44 feet on me prem Ipep and me Dopes and Gated. ohoberz], 2o1s Fried m222oo] upon mejtdgmeh readeree merem dseu IoweatsalI by I— The UTION, STRUS NAL h b r ec unset sf ed, n COUNTY MINNESOTA of Lot 11, Bloc: 2, bd on of me allowed by le f d prion ASSOCIATION, ASTRUSTEE, Ramsey County R g f Titles whole p DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO enc eddton to ry - Add on of by sac mortgagor( ), h p conal SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO Document TH 2021238 Against PURSUANT, to me power of sale WIT Outlotsto St. Paul Pa 'C unry ntatives or K Gertf oete of TtleN cont the COMMENCING AT THE Minnesota montlhsf [heloma b.Ie6 cox a AASOCIA BANK, NATI NAL Transaction Agent Mortgage abovea des ibec ed In dprope��wIl be NORTHEASTERLY COMER OF ThbdAbstrad Property TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FOR WELLS FARGOASSET Electronic Regierat on Systems Ino. cold by me Sheriff of said oounryes LOT 110E SAID BLOGK3, SARINS T2 PARCEL No Transaction Agen[Mortgage lG No PROPEFTV. Unless said mortgage SECURITIES CORPORATION, follows: ADDITION TO STILLWATER 32292221.0052 reinstated or the property MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH 10002000039]246129 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES ADDRESS OF PROPER(TV. Lender or Broker: PHH Home redeemed, or unless me tine for CERTIFICATES, SERIES Jenuery3, 201]et 1040 AM 56 MINUTES 44 SECONDS Sol Beeumon[S[ Loans, LIG Se nt Paw, MN 55130 d p, s red d by judical Mortgagee S U.S. Beak Net oriel PLACE OF SALE J4 h gon WEST, ASSUMED BEARING d y u ve h p mises THEAGACEMV LAW GROUP, PA Loa Gounry Sheriffs Off J4 h gon ALONG et THE NORTHERLY LINE COUNTY N DHICH PROPERTY A OF SAID LOT II AD ISTANCE OF S LOCATED. Ramsey bTHE T on JALLODy 3 1]. Re lel M gge Originator: PHH Home Gounry Law Enfor G er THE TIME ALLOW EO BY Rebeaa F. Sdhille, Esq 15015 Qnd Street N h, S ll t 61.00 FEET THENCE SOUTH ORGNAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Loans LLC ' LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY N. Kibongni Foadtagelleh, Esq Minnesota 01 DEGREE 03 MINUTES L OF MORTGAGE.ND Q500 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THE MORTGAGOR THE 'Curf N.Trisole Esq.' PROPERTY. The North l00 feet of to pay 1 debt men seoura by SECONDS EAST 122.10 FEET MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Samuel R Coleman, Esq. said mortgage and cox s, if any MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE Lot 15 enc me North 100 feet of me INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Attorneys for Mortgagee West OnsHalf of Lot 16 Richland actually paid by me mortgagee, OF INTERSECTION WITH THE BY MOFTGAGEE.$Gq,85424 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE TheAcademy Professional Building Aaep, Ramse Goun[ Minnesota on the premises end the costs enc SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAD WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS 25 North Dele Street y y' disbursements allowed by law. The LOT 11 SAID SOUTH W ESTE GUY That prior to the mmmenoement of ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA St Pa2UM9 12 Thisis Registered Property tme allowed by law for redempton LINE OF LOT ll ALSO BEING mismorteS,e reolosureproceedug STATUTES, SECTION 582032 (Q1J 2099]Q 3J0 3401 CEL NG. by keit mortgagor(sJ, matt personal THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE Mophec w,thv lgnot of Mortgagee DETERMINING AMONG OTHER It6 00.FN1) rept enmtves or assigasis six;6) OF PLATTED LAUREL STREET oomplec with ell notoe requirements ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. m SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION as require y smbte;td no action PREMISES ARE THE MORTGAGED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION oaE AN me date of kale d b h 2000 RISH'J4'OFTH LN ALSO BEING THE POINT OF or pacee int PREMISES ARE IMPROVED FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE d hes been inei he et 'D LTH A RESIDENTIAL ED ELLINC /Review: Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Dec. WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN SSllO pROPEFTV. Unless said mortgage BEGINNING OF PARR OF LAUREL le r otherwise toremvna debt COUNTY N WHICH PROPERTY rein r OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ,2016) stated nl me property STREET BEING DESCRIBED C pelted by sem mortgage, or any ARE NOT PROPERTY usEC w IsLOGAAT Rammv adeemed, o [mess me tine to, THENCE ERLY ESTEN. pal mereop oRIGwAI PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 1 AGRIW LTUAN PRooucnoN, redempton a redtmd by ymbi AND NORTHERLY ALONG Pntanec T ro me power e sale OF of MONT DUE $21300000 THE SOUTHWESTERLY AND above ec in set mortgage MORTGAGORS) RELEASED NOTICELOSURE ALE order you must vacate the premises be MOM FINANCIAL RELEASED AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO byll TIME on J(Iy3,201]. WESTER LV LINE OF SAID BLOCKTERLY above the Shed property will be FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUE OF DATE OF NOTICE, THE TIME ALLOWED BY 3, TO THE NOFTHWESTERLV gold byme Sheriff of keit county as ON MORTGAGE. None THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY COMER THEREOF, THENCE follows: THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE BY M ORTGAGEE.$1. 4. 53 Ceted. October2], 2016 THE MORTGAGOR, THE SOUTH BB OEGREE556MINUTES DATE AND TIME OF SALE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Thet prior[c me mmmenoement of WELLS FARG08ANK,N.A. MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 44 SECONDS WEST ALONG E PLACE OF SA 6 10110 AM Morigegee TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT lis gage geforeolosure promeding REPRESENTIl REDUCED ASSIGNS, WESTERLY PROTECTION OF THE PLACE OF SALE. Sh 4th Office, THE ACADEMYL4W GROUP, PA AFFTIC EIS HEREBY GIVEN Mo shed wldh algnee of Mortgagee MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE SAC NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT aMI Process um[ 25 w. 4th street NOTICE Is HEREBY GIhEN. That complied with all norm requirement By Ipl WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS n BLocK 3 mews ADClnom s uo, St Paw, MN demwt slow, c de h diage as regered by scot h to R b F Schiller Esq. ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA TO STILlSOUTH 15.00 FEET, dMy g geieendhta[es� fen', on N Kb g F dungelleh, Esq oMORTIGAGOR 62. bJd q u g tie law o, otherw sheato h been debt DETERMINING SECTION 682032 38 MINUTES SOUTH oo CEGREEB CU N Ttsko, Esq DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 38 MINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST paid premises, and dtheu costs end 'Sante, R. Coleman, Esq.' La Torte anc Alma V. De La Torte, seared by said mortgage, or any THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 35.33 FEET, THENCE SOUTH disbursements, including attorneys' Abomeysfor Mortgagee husband anc wife part m ereof PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 31 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 21 fees allowed by law subject MORTGAGEE Wells Fargo Bank, PURSUANT to the power of pale redemption within 6 Months Don, the The Academy Profepeonal Buildmc NA ontaiaed in said mortgage, the WITH A REB IDENTIAL OW ELLING SECONDS EAST 1/.00 FEED 2Noah Dale Street OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 2433 dateofsaidsalebymemortgagor(s), St Paul, MN55102 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. above described property will be ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE their personal represen awes or ,Q1)20397W IKnec to: None, gold by the Sheriff of saic minty as AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, POINTOF BEGINNING assigns ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT follows: i6oQaFco17 ANCAREABANCONED P L CM' 2003020230142 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY OF MORTGAGE'. $20300000 DATE AN TME OF SALE. The date on or before which me THIS IS A COMMUNICATION DATE OF MORTGAGE. October Cecember29, 2016 1111 AM MOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED STREET ADDRESS OF FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION PROPERTY..3 MAPLE STREET m ortgagormup[vaeatemeproperty f -Review. Nov 2, 9, l6 23, 30, Dec 2T 2004 PLACE OF SALE 5' ff's Go- ON MORTGAGE. None W, STILLWATER, MN 55082 the mortgageap not re nstated under 72016) DIE ANDkboaeco PLACEOFFILING. Glp sUni[25 J4. 4th Street Dated. October 28, 2016 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Minnesota Statutes section 58030 Reoordec on November l/, 2004 Suite ISO, St Paul, MN WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. IS LOCATED. Washington County, or the property redeemed under as Document Number 34]4106 in o pay the debt then s cured by Morigegee Minnemm Minnemm Smbtes radion `Ifa 3 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE me Office of the County Recorder of aid M ortgege, end mxes,eif any, on THEAGACEMVLAW GROUP,PA TRAIN ACTION AGENT. Mortgage J P f h Dadh ngton County, M anemia d p d the costs end B Electron cReg er Sys ms Inc f g g d S d y, Sunday FORECLOSURE SALE THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO d b a dudag aoomeys RylLa F Schiller Esq NAME OF MORTGAGE o, legal h rd y, h h d THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE f allowed by law subject o N. Kb gni Fondungelleh, Esq ORIGINATOR. Everett Fuandal vada e Id the n- busaess day at THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. redempton wt n 6 Months from me 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' ria dba Supreme Lending, a Texas 11 Pm. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE $180,55556 date of paidpelebytlhemortgago,(), Sam uelRColeman, Esq mryoraton MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF their personal rept en at_ or Abome,for Mortgagee RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells FROM OBLIGATION ON AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. PROPERTY. Lot 1, Block 1, Pine asmgns. The Academy Professional Building Far oBank N A MORTGAGE NONE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Forest 3rd Additon, Wadhagton DATE TO VACATE PROPER(TV. 9 LS North Cale Street TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED BY of thefola It poauree kbed ooagage Gounry,Minnemm The date on or before which tlhe St Paul, MN 55102 NUMBER. 2003020230142 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV of me following described mortgage: STREET ADDRESS OF mortgagor musdvacatetlheprepeayif ,Q1)20997w TRANSACTION AGENTS THE MORTGAGOR THE MOR(TGAGOR(S). Tyler A PROPERTY 7241 JOPLIN AVENUE the moagaged not reinstated under (13DOW FOR MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Game— anc Anne Zimmerman, SOUTH, COTTAGE GROVE, Munemm Statutes section 58030 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NUMBER. 1003071100039954. REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGN S, htsbanc and wife MNS 16 or the property redeemed under FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THAT no action or promeding hep MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE MORTGAGEE. IT meservioes COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Munemm Statutes section 58023 (Review: Nov. 9, 16 L3, 30, Dec been neibtec atl aw to recover the WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Lending, LLG dba Edina Realty IS LOGATEC. Washington Gounry, isJune292017 at 1159 P m. if me 14 2016) debt then remaini nc seared by such ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgage, a Delaware Limited Minnesota foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday mortgage, or any par[ thereof or if STATUTES SECTION 582032, Liability Company TRANSACTION AGENT None or legal holiday, then the date to the action or promeding hep been DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. NAME OF MORTGAGE v e is the next bu Un day d NOTICE OF MORTGAGE bted, mat the same hap been TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Assignedto Wells Fargo Bank, N A ORIGINATOR. Welly Fargo Bank, 11 ya. pm. Id dUnued, or that an execution PREM ISES ARE IMPROVED WITH by assignments aec on July], NA MORTGAGORS) RELEASED FORECLOSURE SALE upon the hu dgment renderec therein A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 200.5 es Document Number35248Q RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells FROM OBLIGATION ON THERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF hep been ret c anc dried, in OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, in the Office of the County Remrder Fargo Bank, NA MORTGAGE. NONE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE whole 0­par[.rne ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN of Washington County, Minnesota, TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE PURSUANT, to the power of sale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, thereafter assigned o U.S. Bank NUMBER. 1002]21.11002] LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT ei nAd in paid mortgage, the ANCAREABANCONED. N.anal Assocaton, as Trustee, TRANSACTION AGENTS THE MORTGAGOR THE AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. above desaibec operty will be Dated. October20, 2016 succeor In n est to Wachovia MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pr sold by me Sheriff of said oounryes CU Mortgage Services, III Bank, NatonalAssocaton, s NUMBER. None REPRESENTATIVES ORAS SIGNS default hap oaurredin the mndito follows: Assignee of Morigegee Trustee for Wells Fargo Asset THAT no action or proceeding hap MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE of the following described m o1gage: DATE AND TIME OF SALE. PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Securites CorpoIan, Mortgage been in eibtec at law to recover the W EEKS IF A J UPICIAL ORDER IS Mortgagor: obolap Iba-, aeagle December 13, 2016 at 10 00 AM ASSOCIATION PassThrough Certificates, Series debt then remainiac secured by such ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA person PLACE OF SALE Washington BY Jonathan R Qrskey, Michael V WI K by assignment recorded mortgage, or any part thereof of if STATUTES SECTION 582032 Mortgagee: First Reddental County Sheriffs Office, Washington Sdhleikm en on February 2­ 2015 as Document the action or proceeduc hep been DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Mortgage Corporaton County Law Enforcement Centet Atom eypfor: Number 4014339 in me Office of instituted, that the same hep been THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Dated. 09292004 15015 Qnd Street North, S011weter Mortgage Services Inc, the County Remrder of Washington discounued, or mat an execabn PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Recorded. 111122004 Minnesota A` gneeof M o1gageA County, Munema upon me judgment renderec therein WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Ramsey County Recorder ro pay me debt mea m ee by 55 Eae Firm sree[ swte eco ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT hap been ret e wpateied, is of LESS THAN FIVE uwTs DocumentNo 3eoseQ said mortgage and tux 4tif any St Paul, MN_ 011/18 OF MORTGAGE $42000000 whole orin pat ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Assigned To Inter Savings Bank, ctuelly paid by me mortgagee, Q1209]599 DATE OF MORTGAGE. April 30, PURSUANT, to the power of sale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, FSB onthe pr ,m anc the msm ane �1-22ans3 (rex) 2004 mammae m �i mortgage, me nNCAREneAvooNEC. Gated. 09292004 disbursements allowed by law. The THIS IS A COMMUNICATION DATE AND PLACE OF FILING above described property will be Dated. October2/, 2016 Recorded. 111122004 owed by law for redempton FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Recorded on June 10, 2004 e sold by me Sheriff of paid munry as Minnasofe Housing Finance Ramsey County Recorder by seat m oagagoHD their personal 8880.1600.5831 Document Number 344582]in the follows: Ag.rry Assignee of Morigegee Document No. 3806864 represeamtves or assigns is pix (6) Review: Nov L, 9, 16 23, 30, Oec Office of the County Remrder of DATE AND TIME OF SALE. OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Assigned To: Mianes to Hot He months Uommedateof kala ],2016) Washington County, Minnesota January 3, 2017 d 10 00 AM ASSOCIATIONFinance Agency TIME AND DATE TO VACATE THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO PLACE OF SALE. Washington By: Jonathan R Cu-, Michael V Dated. 101142004 PROPERTY Unless paid mortgage BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington Schleisman Re corded. 12222004 stated or me property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. County Law Enforcement Centet Abome, tor: Ramsey County Recorder redeemed, or unless the time for FORECLOSURE SALE $347769.17 15015 Qnd Street North, S011weter, Minnesota Houeng Finance Document No. 3818039 redempton is reduced by judidal THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Mianesta Agency, Assignee of M otgagee Tran cacti on Agent N lA order you m to vacate the premises THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE PROPERTY. Lot ], Block 3, to pay the debt men securec by 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Transaction Agent M o1gage lC No: by 1155 Pm. data ne 13, 201]. ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE Cellwood Hills Plet 1, Washington said mortgage and cox s, if any St Paul, MN55101-1718 NIA THE TIME ALLOWED BY TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Gounry, Minnesoa. dually paid by the mortgagee, 65120—— Lender or BAker: First Reddental LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. STREET ADDRESS OF on the premises anc the costs and 65 228 Mortgage CoryoIan THE MORTGAGOR, THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That PROPEFTV. 2 ELDORADO DR, disbursements allowed bylaw. The THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Servicer: U.S Bank Natonal MORTGAGORS PERSONAL demult hap omuaecin hemaditons CELlWDOC, MN Sbi 101'z16 tme allowed by law for redempton FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Asvooiaton REPRESENTATIVES OR ASS IGNS of the followinc desoribec mortgage: COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY by said mortgagoq(), their personal 1GW516,007341 Mortgage Originator: First MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE MOFTGAGOR(SJ. Wade Swenson IS LOCATED. Washington County, represeU.t or assigns is six (6) ;Review. Nov 9, 16 23, 30, Dec ], Reddental Mortgage CorpoIan WEEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS enc Janelle J. Swanson, husband Minnesota mons s an, medateof kala 14, 2016) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA anc wife TRANSACTION AGENT. None TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY DA19, Bloc<4, Joseph STATUTES, SECTION 582032, MORTGAGEE'. World Savings NAME OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY Unless paid mortgage R W aide s lac Additon tc the Qty DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Benk, FSB nikla Wells Fargo ORIGINATOR Homeservioes is reiadded or the property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE of Saint Paul, Ramsey Gounry, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ymerger to Lending, LLC dba Edina Realty redeemed, or unless the tme for Minnesota Benk, NA, Sumessorb FORECLOSURE SALE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED W adhovia M 0agage, FSBfWa World Mortgage, a Delaware Limited redempton Is reduced by judidal TH E RI GHT TOVERIFICATIONOF ThipipA Md Property WLTH A RES IDENTI I CW ELLING Liability Com pony order, you m t e vacate the premises LARRY RCELNG. 24 zS Savings Bank FSB THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ASSIGNMENTSOF MORTGAGE a, 0Ban N SERVICER. Welly by 1159 Pm. on July3, 201 ]. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Fargo Ban NA THE TIME ALLOWED BY MAY ASE AORIGI dto: None. TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY SAINTPAUX MNJS10l ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION M O'G GORS)NED NUMBER0703021.13.0 A THE MORTGAGOR, THE COUNTY D WHICH PROPERTY OF MORTGAGE. $]12500.00 TRANSACTION AGENTS MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That dk­IS LOGATEC. Ramse MOM FINANCIAL RELEASED DATE OF MORTGAGE. November MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, of the follsDau tee kbee oagage ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION 152995 NUMBER None MAV BE DEDUCED A TO FIVE Guadllowind desaibec mortgage: OF SOFTGAGE .$102,05000 ON MORTGAGE. None DATE AND PLACE e FILING THAT no action or d hep WEEKS IF DEDUC IAL ORDER IS MORTGAGORS). Mark T AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Gated. odober 14, 216 Remmee on Ceoember 152005 ptooee mg Gteafmaaad PathdaA Q,eafma WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. been instituted et law to remverme ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA BE CUEAS OF DANE OF NOTICE , ap 0 ce of the Number Rkboao hMORTd and GAGEE eINCLDINC Morigegee me OagtonC uCou my Recorder of dedthen rem ainy pat the-ed such STATUTES, SECTION 582032 MOFTGAGEE.Mortgage Electrenic BY RTGAGEXE$83 ANY PAID TH EAGACEMVLAW GROUP, PA mortgage or aaypertmereof or,n DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER BV MORTGAGEE. $83,03441 Washington Gounry, Minnesota Registreton Systems, B Iec meuted thr prooeeding hap been PREMISES ARE THE MORTGAGED That prior to the mmmenoement of Y THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO Delaware CorpoIan as Inc a RebemaF Schiller Es b.un, met me same hep been PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Inc e Mit gage of Moagagee Esq BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE la for Ventre Oevelopmen[no N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE dismntnued, or met an execution WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Mi naemm Co Inca MortgageelAsegnee of Mortgagee h d d dmerein OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ryorat on m d with all notae,e -Curf N.Trisko, Esq.' $Qq Q]2] upon[ eju judgment ent ren ere ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. costa quioadats Samuel R Coleman, Es. hap been re [coed tasatsfied, la ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN a­eq by eabte; matao adioa q LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Aasigned to: Welly Fargo Benk, NA a Abome,for Mortgagee whole orin part AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTON or proceeding hap been Institutedd PROPERTY. Lot 5, Block 1 by assignment record ed on Jenuery The Academy Professional Building Wedgewood Neighs Si#h Additon, PURSUANT, to me power of pale AND AREABANCONED 15, 2010 as Document Number 25 North Cale Street washiagton Gounry, Mmnema mnmined la kaki mortgage, me MORTGAGORS) RELEASED .//5Q4in the Office of the Gounry Public Notices St Paul, MN 55102 above described property will be FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION 3 .1) 20197W STREET 553 CR6 OF olc byme Sheriff of said munry as ON MORTGAGE No Rummer of Washington Gounry CONhNUe(1 ON Page 11 PROPERTY. 3553 GRESTMOOR s Minnesota. Review Public Notices W LTH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DAfendena, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED Continued from Page 10 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN TO ALL ABOVE NAMED l or otherwise to recover th A debt AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, DEFENDANT'S. a erred by said mortgage, or any ANDAREABANDONED. 1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The lo,atherel Dated: Noveldber2, 2016 PIk,Utffha, 1edalaw,uit MUa PURSUANT to the power of sale CU Mortgage -A., Inc., you. The Plaintff, Complaint Mea ned in said mortgage, the Mortgagee yo,bonfileatheofficeofthe Court above described property will be PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Administrator of the abovsnalded Ic bythe Sheriff of spec county be ASSOCIATION ort Do not throw these papers follows: By Jonathan R Cua I Michael V away They _off. papers that DATE AND TIME OF SALE Sohleisman effect your ngha. You must respond Decem be, 2920161000AM Attorney, forto the, lawsuit eventhough la a ay not PLACE OF SALE Sheriff-, Go- GU Mortgage Services, Ina, yet be file, with the Court end there evil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street Mortgagee may be no court file number on this Suite 150, St Paul, MN 55Eaa Fifth Street Suite 800 summons. to pay the debt then secured by St Paul, MNSS101-1/18 2. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN aic Mortgage, end I_ if any, on 81209]549 20 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR , is premises end the .,a end IS 28 753 (fax) RIGHTS. You muagiv mail tothe disbursements, inducting ettomeyK THIS IS A COMMUNICATION person who agned this summonse fees allowed by law subject o FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ellen response called an Answer redempton within 6Monthsfrom thA 8880.160081a 1 within 20 days of the date on whidh dled-dsalebythem olgago'D, (Review: Nov 9, 16, 23, I Led �, you received this Summons You their personal rep-eUatve, or 14 ,2016) must send a copy of your Answer to e,agn,. the mewl who agnec ffib sum mons DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY I Pet W. Fehnin The date on or before which the NOTICE OF MORTGAGE g mortgagor muavecatethepropelTy if FORECLOSURE SALE PFB Law Professional A,socaton the m ortgageb not reinstated under THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF bb Eea Fifth Street Suite 800 Mi nnesoth Statute, section 58030 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF TH E 'SL Paul, MN55101 or the property redeemec under ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHI NTH E 3.YOU MUSTRESPONDTO EACH Menne-a Statute, section 5802'3 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT CLAIM. The Answer is your written i,June29, 20net11 59 Pm. if the AFFECTED BY TH IS ACT ION. responsetothe Plaintff, Complaint aregoinc date ise Saturday, Sunday NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I Answer ua state your you m legal holiday, then the date a default haoo.aredin thecondito whether you agree or disagree with or b the next bua n_ day at of the tollowinc described mortgage: ea. paragraph of the Gold plaint [ 11 59 p Mortgagor. Tim Qiem Vue enc Xe you believe the Plaintff ahoulc no M ORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED Susane Moue, huaranc and wife be given everythmc asked for in the FROM OBLIGATION ON Mortgagee: Mortgage Bel -onto Complaint you must say win your MORTGAGE: NONE Regal-oan Syaems, no as Ansver. THE TIME ALLOWED By no Ae for Bremer Bank, National 4. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE LAW FOR REDEMPTION By Assocetion IF YOU DO NOT SE ND A WRITTEN THE MORTGAGOR THE Dated: 0411412011 RESPONSE TO THE COMPLAINT MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Filed42] : 02011 TO THE PERSON WHO SIGNED REPRESENTATIVES ORAS SIGNS, Ramsey Registrar of rites THIS SUMMONS. f you do no MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Doouldent No. 2140]36 Against I war within 20 days, you will WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Gelficate of Title Na:584591 ose this case You will not get to ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Assignee I U.S. Bank Natonal tell your code of the story, end the STATUTES SECTION .2032 A,socaton Court may decde against you and DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Dated: 041612013 award the PlaiUff everything asked THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Filed 051132013 for in thecomplaint f you do not PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles went to conte, he child, stated in WITH A RESIDENTIAL-FILLIING Doouldent NO. 209784 Against themmpla,nt you do not need to OF LESS THAN FIVEUNITS, ceRfi-e-fleNo'58459 respond AdMaIjudgmentcan then ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Tran -Ian Agent Mortgage be entered again,tyou to you vil AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Bedronio Reglaraton System, InO regneaedin the Patton. ANDAREABANDONED. Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: 5. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may Dated: Odober262016 1000]3981106]284 wlah to get legal help from a lawyer. MITI Housing Finance Lender or Broker Bremer Benk, If you do not have a lawyer the Court AS— Assignee of Mortgagee Nat onal Adsocaton Administrator may have infdI.an OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Servicer. U.S. Bank Natonal abouttplace,wherA you can getlegal ASSOCIATION Assodaton e,,, endA Even if you cannd gd By Jonathan R Cua<ey, Midhael V Mortgage Originator: Bremer Bank, legal you r- still provide S.Iei,man Natonal Adsocaton a written protect your 10-ney,for: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF rights or you may rose the wse. Mane,om Housing Finance PROPERTY. Lot 39, Block 1 6. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE Agency, A:signeed Mortgagee Johnstone, Subdiviaon of Brod: RESOe UTIONo The peal[, 5 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Number One, of Stnson--, Diviaon Y gree or be oaerec S[ Peul, MN 55101-1]18 of NW 114 of Section 36 1-ahip patidpate In an altematve dispute 651 209]549 29, Range 23, Ramsey Gounry, resod Ion process under Ile 114 S3'faxJ Minnesota d he Minnesota General Ile, of HIS ISI/ PAdncz. YYou must still send your THIS IS A COMMUNICATION This is RegiaPAR Proper[ e ponce to the Complaint FROM 1 DEBT COLLECTOR. TAX PARCEL NO.'. en if you expect to use eltemetve 362923.21 0037 wv n, of re,olvinc the, i dbat ,Review:bN Nov 9, 16 23, 30, Led /, ue ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: m7) THIS LAWSUIT MAY AFFECT 14, 2016) 414 IN BUREN AVE OR BRING IMO GUESTO FFELE SAINT PAUL MN 55103 TO READ PROPERTY located COUNTY N DCH PROPERTY n Washington Count, Slate of NOTICE OF MORTGAGE IS LOCATED: Ramsey Minne:cta, legally de,aibec e FORECLOSURE SALE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT follows: THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF OF MORTGAGE: $1 Q,]5000 Lot 2, Brod: 3, Lake Bmo Height, THE DEI AND IDENTITY OFTHE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO 3rdt2 Bln ORIGINAL CREDITORWITH INTHE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE The objed of this act NGLUDIIAC TAXES, IF ANY, PAID TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT BV MORTGAGEE. $121,9 438 Lt,nue seek a deda-an to AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTI ON. determine ,the paled right, and That prior to the commencement of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that obligetons conoeming e Contract this mo1Mgearedo,ure pAc,BaUc I defaul[he, oauved Intheoonditon, forDeeAre aecon Jury 12, 2013 of th e following de,aibec ld olgage: Mortgagee-agnee of Mortgagee as 'Na,hing[on County Registrar of Mortgagor: BlairA Keith a angle complAd with all notce requirement, rite, Document Number 122.4 person require, by aaWm, that no action nc other relief Mortgagee: G.U. Mortgage or proceedmc hes been insttuted at a Date he, vieerle - Services Inc. law °rotherwisearecoverthedebt PFB Law, Professional Dated .04 01 3 severed by ,aid mortgage, or any Association Filed: 0.50]2013 pert [hereof, 111 ol W.Fehning(#16]101) Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles P [RSUANT to the porcer of sale 55.,tfifth SL, Suite 800 Document No. 22 l'2ti Agei na con emec In sal mo gage, he Sy. Paul, MN 55101-1]18 Gelfioete of Title No.:51114 above desaibec property will be Telephone: @51)291-8955 TrensaIXion/fgen[NIA sold by the Sheriff of said county as Facsimile: X51) 22 41]53 allows Transaction Agent M oagage ID No. DATE AND TIME OF SALE Attorney br('-tof NIA 'Review: 00['26 Nov L, 9, 2016) Lender or Broker C U. M olgage Deoeldber29201610 PC AM Service,, In PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff, Code, Servicer: G.U. Mortgage Service, CvI Proce„Unit 25 W.4th Street AMENDMENTTO I Suite 150, St Paul, MN M olgage Originator G U. M olgage to pay the debt then seourec by ASSUMED NAME Service,, Inc said Mortgage, ane axe,, if any on STATE OF MINNESOTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF di,bu rseldenetts incuthe aarney,' MinLlaso„e Sbtutas Chaka pter888: nam PROPERLY: The North one half of fee, allowed by law subject to unde-I. the buane:s seorwill be Lott B, Block 6 RoyalOak redeld pton within 6 Month,nold the InkamatATattoo, Lot 19, BIod:6 Royal Oeks except date of said sale by themortgegor(sJ, 2Pnna the North S pet thereof Rald,ey pal Place of Buanes, 211 Gounry, Mane,ota their personal remresentatve, or 11th A E, #120, North 6t Peul, MN Toren, P,o AIR a:signd 55109 Thi, I, Regi pared Property DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: 3.Ds[tlhenameandcompllearel TAX PARCEL No The date on or beau which the address of all person, conducting 262923.130063 m tagagorldua vacate thepnotperty buane„under the above A -Un, ed ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Ifndhee Minneasoth Sthotes se c Name: Inkamate Tattoo, LLC, 211 1076Barreta 58030 orae redeedmle611th-E#120, North St Paul, MN Saint Paul, MN 55103 under Minnes pApe Wte, ee 55109 COUNTY IN NHICH PROPERTY Unde, is June 2920n eked �55 4. Thi, celficoei, an amendment IS LOCATED: Ramsey d the are date is a of CAlfioete of Aasumed Name File ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Pm. going Number: 89394].0030 OF M OR(TGAGE$124,00000 Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, Originally filet on: 8222016 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO then the date to vacate b the next y the undersigned, certify that BE DUEASOF DATE OF NOTICE buanessdayat1159pn, am agnag the, document a, the INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID MORTGAGORS) RELEASED person whose agn-v b required, BV MO R(TGAGEE.$120,87042 FROM OBLIGATION ON or a, agent of the person(,) whose Th at prior to the commencement of MORTGAGE: NONE signature would be required who hes the, a olgage orad 0`7 proceeding THE TIME ALLOWED By auhorized ld e to agn this dooum ent M 0agagee-agnee of Mortgagee - FOR REDEMPTION BY on higher behalf or n both .mpliedwithallnot I-equirem ant, THE MORTGAGOR THE capacted l UCLA, certify that l have required by statute; that no action MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL completed all required field,, and or proceeding h a, been aditutec at REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, thatae narmabon n this document orotherwisa to recover the debt MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE isr enc red andin compliance cured by said mortgage, or any NEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS witlhuethe coappliCable chapter of pert thereof ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Minne:cta Statutes. I understand PURSUANT to the power of ,ale 'STATUTES SECTION 582032 that by,ignag this document I am arced In said mortgage, tlhe DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER ,ubect to the penelte, of pe0ury a, above de,cribed property will be THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED set arth in Section 1948 e, if had olc by th e Sheriff of,aic county a, A RESIDENTIAL IMPROVED WITH ,ignedthi,dooumentundero.h follows: A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Date a02ons DATE AND TIME OF SALE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, /s/ Fong Yang, owner Januery5 ton 1000 AM ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 'Review: Nov 2, 9, 2016) PLACE OF SALE Shenff-, Omce AGRICULTURAL PROD SED CMI Process Unit 25 W.4th Street AND ARE ABANDONED Dated'. Novembe-1 2016 Suite 150, S[ Peul, MN CERTIFICATE OF o pay the debt then , cured by U.S. Bank National Association, ASSUMED NAME :aic Mortgage, and bxe It any, on Assignee of Mortgagee is premise:, and the cost, and OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL STATE OF MINNESOTA disbursement,, inducting ettomeyK ASSOCIATION Minnesota Sbtutas Chapter333: fee, allowed by law subject By Jonathan R Cua<ey, Michael V 1. List the exact e:sum ec name redempton within 6 M onth,nold the Schlei,man uoderwh,. the buan`o i, or will be date of,aid-llebythe mortgagor(,), Attomey, ars conducted: Ladybuc Hollow their personal represeUatve, o U.S Bank Nabonal A:sooiabon, 2 Principal Place of Buane:s:215 esagns. r A,agneed Mortgagee Mayer Lan e, M aplewood, MN 55119 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Sb Eea Firm Stree[Suite eco 3. Ds[the nemeend complete arae[ The date on or beau which the St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 address of all person, conducting mortgagor mus[ vacate the property (51209]599 buanes, under the above Assumed tal /S3 (fax) Name Kamryn Zwick, 2KS Meyer iu the mortgage is not reinsated TH 58030 A COMMUNICATION Ln, Maplewood, MN55119 oder M1theth Stoupely I- e FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 4. I, the undersigned, celery matt undo, he property redeectmed l this document a, the under Mi Iyb t7 at 11 s o /10.1 b00/ U-1 am agoing If the i, lag eon at 115, may (Resew: Nov1s, 16 23, 30, Dec / maraca gent o the p"ate-la'( i, required, If the y o, leg date i, a Saturday, 14, 2016) r a, agent of the person(,) whose Sunday or legal holiday, men the autho-rewou to agn uibd whohnt date to vacate is the ne# buena:, au h hbih me e ago this document day at11 AGOR STATE OF MINNESOTA n higher behalf or n born MOFTGAGOBLI RELEASED COUNTY OF WASHINGTON combated llrmer cel ibld shave FROM OBLIGATION ON DISTRICTCOURT Som plated all required field,, and MORTGAGE: NONE thatthemmrmatoninthisdocument THE TIME ALLOWED BV TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT r enc Tact end in oomph ance LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Court File No. 82 -CV -15-4530 wimuethe coapplicable chapter of THE MORTGAGOR THE Case Type: Other Civil Minne:cta SEUD- I understand MORTGAGORS PERSONAL SUMMONS mat by,igning this document I am REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Thom a, Rodriguez subject to thA penalte, of perjury a, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE PlaII set aah In Section. 948 aaf l had WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER ISsigned the s dooum ent under oat Chu . ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Heuky Chvan Heu Dated al&16 STATUTES SECTION 582032 May,ong ChuYanc,Heu, /s/ Kathryn A Zwick DETERMINING AMONG OTHER and "Review: Nov 2, 92016) TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED A:scoiated Bank, Natonal PREMISES ARE IMPROVED A,socatan, Wednesday, Nov .9,2016 Page 11 Minutes ST PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25,2016 The Rem say Gounry Board d commi:vionersm A ,n regula,,A: ,ion at902 am. with the tollowinc members present Huffld an, MCOonough, MOGLirA, Ortega, Goon, end Chair Reinhardt Absent Garter Also present re Julie KIAin,c ko Gounry Manager, end Jeff Stephenson, Civil Diviaon Director Gounry Attorney, Office AGENDA of Ocotober25, 2016 was presentee for approval. Milton by McGL seconded by MoOonough. Unanimously approved. MINUTESof October 18, 2016 were presented for approval. Moton by Ortega seconded by McGuire Unanimously approved. PROCIT ATONSIAWARDS SOCIALSERVICES-Proolamabon- Ramsey Gounry2016Lcens Faldlly Foster Gare Reoognloon Day Presentee bycoldldi:vioner Huffman. AOM N STRAY vE TEM s INFORMATION SERVICES - Sole Source Agreement wits Compulink Management Center Ina dba La, UkF for Software Lioenang, Support enc Proa:sional Services Milton by McDonough, ,Acondec by --n Unanimo Ia proved.(2016266). PARKS 3 RECREATION - RAque,tar Propo,al,ar Goff Proa:snal ioServices et Keller Golf Co -A. Moton by MCOonough, secondecbyHuffman. Unanimo Ia proved(B201626]) PARKS 3 RECREATION -Request for Proposals for Goff Pk a:vional Services at The Ponds at Bele Greek Goff Co-A.MStonbyMcDonough, secondedby Huffman. Unanimou Iy proved;B20162.) BOARD OF COMM ISSIONERS-Gio-pBac for E-l-dldenthl Protection Agency-To-Govemment Advisory Cold GA,Meeting Moto,byMcDonough, secondedbyHuffman. Unanimouslyapproved;B2016 269) BOARD OF COMM ISSIONERS-GiftAs pmnco for In,tWtA of Budden,Technology& Safety Board M-t,ng MStonby McDonough,,Acondecby Huffman. Unanimou Il proved'B20162]0) FINANCE- SMtember2016Reportd Contracts GMnaand RAvenu Agreeldena, Emergency Purcha,A, Sole Source Purchases, end Final Payments Milton by McDonough, seconded by Huffman. Unanimously approved ;B20162]1) COUNTY MANAGER- Con:erldoon of Communicator, Serviced Milton by McDonough, seconded by --n Unanimo Ia proved.(B20162]2) HUMAN RESOURCES- Salary Schedule end GM fora New Job Cl-aficoan: GMINI DAagner. Moton by McDonough, secondee by Huffman. Aye, -5. Nay, -1 (RAt[ldan). (B2016273) LEGISLATIVE UPDATE-Dldv aon San bAmune on archivedvideo BOARDCHAIR UPDATE-Dbs abncanbAauntonarchivedsd- OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS -Discussion can be found on archived video. ADJOURNMENT-Cha,,Reinhardtdedaredthe m AAtng edjou ,B]at 941 ­ takA III Affect enc be in arca nom 89117 America, T ELIZABETH Continued un Page 12 ,aloft,, lt,edopton. The Qty -I COLEMAN, Clo General E%ACuthx , hereby directed to publiah the, West Che --01 Boulevarc-.25, ordinancea,requireCbylaw #2102 Clark County NV 89117 ADOP1`EDthb18t dyof October America, T Elizabeth ColAldan, 2016 Clo General Executrix West J JanM M.Gulhrie, Chid Clerk -County Board CERTIFICATE OF Milton by Counclmeldber Furlong Charleston Bou1-1-9 5,#2102 ASSUMED NAME Second by Goundlmember Sonne, Iing: Aye: Goundlmember Clark Gounry NV 8911/ America, ELIZABETH COLEMAN, CIO STATEOFMINNESOTA Minnasde Statutes Chapter333: ASSUMED NA ut-COepot ASSUMED NAME lo- SINESS: IPRn 26642 Towne Centre Drive, Foothill 26.2 GA 9A 610 NAM EHOLDERS: loanoepotcom, LLG 26642 Towne Centre Drive, Furlonc Goundlmember Petersen Goundlmember Sonne, Goundlmember Welozak Mayor Kuehn Ney None Iaain: None Absent None General Executrix W est Charleston Boub-I - 92J, #2102 Clerk County NV89117Alderica, Elizabeth Coleman, Go General Executrix West Charleston Boulevard -9225, #2102 Clark Gounry NV 89117 America, LIZ COLEMAN, CIO General Executrix West Charleston Foothill Bandl, GA9?610 I, the undersigned, certify that a' Ha the, document e, the person n n, agnature required, e, agent a the person(sJ who,A signeturewoulcberequiredwhohes authorize, me to agn this doom Ant n higher behalf or in both camaoite,. HITAroertifythat l have /sl Michael R. Kuehn, Mayor Zest I,1 Jason ZAld Ar Ory Manager ,Review: Nov 9, 2016) CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL Bou b -I - 9 5, #2102 Clark Gounry NV 89117 America Liz Coleld an, Go General Execulx West G -1-on Boulevard - .25, #2102 Clerk Gounry NV 8911 � NEDELldeGO ELIZABETH SINJI NEW ELI, GOGeneral Executrix West Charleston Boulevard -925, completed all require, field,, enc ORDINANCE NO. 756 #2102 Clot: Gou my NV 8911/ America, Elizabeth Sinli Newell Gln that d-narm.an in the, do,U, Ant AN ORDINANCE AMENDING General Executrix West Gherles[on is Band oo,,A end in com plienoe withu the applicable -pt'of Manesoth St_Una­ THE ZONINGTEXT OF THE NORTH SAINT BoabAv c - 925, #2102 Clerk Gounry NV8911]Alderica, E SINJI Do by agning the, document em PAUL CITY CODE OF NEWEL, Go General Executix N est Charleston Boulevard -9225, subj ea to the peneltes of perjury e, ,atom, In Sedan 1948 a,if l haA agnecthi, document ORDI NANCES TITLE V CICHADMINI STRIATION, A— Q E Gounry NV esn] America, E. Sinli Newell, Gln under oath. Date: 102]2016 CHAPTER 55,SOLID General Executrix Nest Chari /s/ Peter Macdonald WASTE, RECYCLING AND -1 BoUntya,vN - 9>17 #2102 Clark Gounry NV 891nn,,MI ,,SINJI (Review: Nov 2, 9, 2016) COMPOSTING, NEW ELI, Go General Exe9225 SECTION 55.04 D, Charleston Boulevard -925, GATEWAY CORRIDOR The Qtycounoil of the Qty of North S[Peul doeshereby ordeir. -02--1 Clerk Gounry NV 89117 America Sinli NA1-onIBoa-al GOLD LINE BRIT Sedion t. Exea5 We02 The Gateway Condor Polio, Advisory M,blb omm,ntJ will be hearing public 000-ly on the In --t of the Looelly Prearec ALtematve (LPA) in Oakdale and Woodbury inducted es pert ct the bn Polimn ,n Th, TRAIdortaton Policy Plan. The LPA it e general doado, on of the mode end corridor alignment prealred by local govemm ant, use, to, longrangA planninc enc federal Indata ,Caton,. A Gateway Corridor PAG public hearing on LPA will be held on November 10 at 630 at Section X5.04 ;BJ ditab-I I -a -it Dwelling,, ona1, al, and [Tom Comm ,- ­l P,al E-bid Estebli,hm en[ of the North St P dd Giry Code ahe11 be aldendecto add Ad mllowiHA to gowned ldaterialand r ve the toarikethrough m areal: All[5 gll eae oonthin nd exceeding 75 95 gallon, in aze end located on property acar puryoses other then anglsunit Tea dental collection ,hall be a meth) con lnr The dumpaers ,hall be of acamacty enc ,ufficent nnumber to ally oonain approved sanithry type wig Ab wig Ck,ld CBoulyvNV - #2102 Clerk C, Hy NV 8911/ Amerioe, E.S. NEW l Gln General Executrix West Gherl-1 BoUnty N - 9> #2102 Clerk Gounry NV 8911/ America, E.S. N -1-o IO General Exeathx West Charleston yNV 8911 -Am"", 02 Clerk, UnryNVe91l/ Uffy to t the undersigned, malty [het am agoing this document a, the person whose agneture is required, r a, agent of the person(,) who,, agneWv woo lc be required wh o he, euhon,,ame todignthbdoYumdU on higher behalf or in both camacted lWrth,r,1fyaet l have Pm. Woodbury cry Hell, 830 Valley CAk Rd, Woodbury, MN 55125. The M,To of the mubli c hearing i, ag.h,,aIlpub1b.mmeI-fo,A the Gateway Coal -PAG approve, ,final resoluton on the LPA Addit oriel narmeton be bund on the website one week prior to the public heannc at kD A hor by calling AAatewavoorrdorcom .14304300. (Review: Nov 2, 9, 2016) NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE the proper attachment, onto gaaagIa-Th-mpaers ,hell be watery-tght enc rodent end v in prod Se Mi on 2. Thi, ordina -o 111 th,A III eff,d enc be in arce from enc after it, adopton. The Olay clerk i, hereby direded to publbh this ordinance a, req"`by law . ADOPTED this 18th day dOdober, 2016 Moton by Goundlmember Sonne, Second by Goundlmember Petersen completed all require, fields, e that d-narm.anin the,document ru enc red end,n compliance with A the oammlk-A chapter of Minne,oth Statutes. I and -arc pat by agnag this document I em subject to the penalte, of perjury es set arth in S -an 1948 a, it I het agnedthi, document under oath . Datemro92ol6 -r-dh Sinli Novell ;Review: Nov 9, 16 2016) RAMSEYCOUNTY Notice is hereb on y given pat Iing: Aye: Goundlmember Furlonc PROCUREMENT etvSteph n, e16 ate 56% Stephen', Self-Stor Soo, 28% Hve Oakdale, J Goundlmember Petersen Goundlmember Sonne, ROOM 210 CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE ,Hedley s public ale by com pettve Goundlmember Welozak 15 WEST bade nc will be held ar the personal Mayor Kuehn Nay: None TPAUL,KELLOGGMINNESOTA SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA property heretoav stored with the underagned by: Abaeir. None 55102-16]9 ,knit #89 Vidor Gomez Furniture Unit #323 Joseph Merlin Sportinc Good, Furniture Too 1, 1619256 Absent None /s/ Michael R. Kuehn, Mayor Atest Isl Jason Zemer 651-266-60]2 RamseyGouUyve- solidthtion opportunites on Onvie OemendSthr is officer web ate e, en eltAmatve (Review: Nov 2, 9 CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL day Manager ;Review: Nov 9, 2016) CERTIFICATE OF methoc of public notce pursuant to SAction331A03 of the Mane -E, SthWtes. Individual, may go to the 0n Demandsar ,elan of the Ramsev County Purdhasnc ORDINANCE NO. ]55 AN ORDI NANCE ASSUMED NAME Debofl A ecoess registration Inform an o AMENDINGTHE STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: SOLICITATION: RFP-PRK102. NORTH SAINT PAUL CITY ASSUMED NAME THERESA OR OPENING DATE: December 08, CODE OF ORDINANCES ELIZABETH COLEMAN 2016 TITLE XV, LAND USAGE,PRIN CIPAL PLACE OF BU S (NESS. 125 Worth Street, Room 144 New PROJECT DESCRIPTION. CHAPTER 154, Yoh NV 10013 PROVIDE COMPLETE DESIGN I ENGINEERING, ZONING REGULATIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Sedan 154010 of e North St Paul GCode id herethby- Cayma ndectoaddtheallowinc ab,edan: NAMEHOLDERS: There. Elizabeth Coleman, GO General Executrix Wee Chaneaon Boulevard - .25, .102 Clark Gounry NV 8911/America THAI— E. Colen, Go General Executhx West GherledonBoulevarc-9 5, #2102 Clark Gounry NV CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT, COMMISSIONING AND MEASUREMENT AND VERIFICATION SERVICES REQUIRED TO CONVERT THE HVAC SYSTEM AT ALDRICH ARENA FROM STEAM TO HOT 'L) Temporuy Family Health Care Owel("I Pursuant to authority grantee by Minnesoth Statute,, Sedan 4G? ' subdivi dor 9 the Qty optsut of the requirement, of Mi an. SED §4623541, which define, enc regulate, Temporary Family Health 8911/ America, THERESA E. COLEMAN, CIO General Executrix West Charleston Boulevard -9 5,#2102 Clark Gounry NV8911-menca,T E. COLEMAN, GIo General Executhx W ea GherledonBoulevarc-9 5, #2102 Clark Gounry NV 89117 America r E. Coleman, Clo General WATER PRE -SOLICITATION RESPONSE CONFERENCE: ALDRICH ARENA 1G,1 WHITE BEAR AVENUE N., MAPLEWOOD, MN551091128116 900 AM. CST 'Review: Nov 91623, 2016) Carewe,ngd SECTDION 2m Thi, ordinance ,hall B-cuthx Dea Chaha eon Boule-d _ 9 5, #2102 Clark County NV Public NotICeS takA III Affect enc be in arca nom 89117 America, T ELIZABETH Continued un Page 12 ,aloft,, lt,edopton. The Qty -I COLEMAN, Clo General E%ACuthx , hereby directed to publiah the, West Che --01 Boulevarc-.25, ordinancea,requireCbylaw #2102 Clark County NV 89117 ADOP1`EDthb18t dyof October America, T Elizabeth ColAldan, 2016 Clo General Executrix West N � N R N a o'oN O . - N O R N O NE a) c C O) 0 E O -Lo O 0 p) 2 UC R U U C 0 3 0) CL =U = °ate a E E o R �- co OCl O R O N N 0 U 2 ON L a N N R �O O� ry W L.. 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