HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 11-16 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWReview Wednesday Nov. 16, 2016 Page 13 Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Suite 150, St Paul, MN ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA MORTGAGEE M ortgaga EI-nio COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY FO RECLOSURE SALE 16/2 ROSEWOOD AVENUEto paa y s debt TAT aan secured by STATUTES SECTION 112 12032, Ig -an Systems, e IS LOCATED: ram say TH E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF SOUTH said Mortgage , end axe-, if any, on DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Delaware corporaton, e m ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THE OEBTANO IDENTITY OFTHE MY LEWOOD MN55109 said premises end as costs end THINGS, THATTHE MOFTGAGED for J.M. Trout Entawn-a-,In° OF M ORTGAGE$21450000 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY d e a ud,ng atomay-' PREMISES AHC IMPROVED WI IH d Mortgage, a Minna -tit AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO cobp JM TIME PROVIDEDIS LAW N, NOT ISLIGATED:Ramsey dedel allowed ,n law h bfKa to A RESIDENTIAL DWFEEING SSIG 0k a IN LUENG OFDATE OFNOTICE , AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. ORIGINALPRINCIPAL AMOUNT radempton wieOythe-ftg mea OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE BYMO INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,H't- OFSOGAGDUE$173 768 00ANDCLAIME date of-a,dsale byaamortgagor(-J, AHL NOT PROPERTY USED IN A-srgkad to: radars a0one Bh,tp-Ah,-and-e211 .ne default I-ag re-atea oondi0ok- E UP OF AND CLAIMED TO aair persvnel repre-enatve- or AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Mortgage Aasooieton NFennie Thetpriorto the oommenoement of ofaedollowing desai A Arl Hgaga: BE DINC TAXES It ANY NOTICE e-Hgn- ANDAREABANDONED. Mee') by assignment recorded on thdn,1gageforedoareprocoedikg M ortgagor: Tn-he Lee Ann Henson INCLUDING TAXES, It /IV Y, P U IC TO VACATE PROPEFTV. eted: September29201e September l4, 20 as Uoam nt M1 -Ca ,1- nee of Mortgagee and Kurt Hanson, wife 3 M1u-band BY MORTGAGEE.$231,2184 HIU The date on or before which the D U.S. Bank National Association, Number 4003223 inn the IXfico of complied with all kotcorequiramant- Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic TM1et prcor tothe commencoment of mortgagormust vacate the propeVt Assignee of Mortgagee the County Recorder of Washington required by dt-te; that no nabn Registraton Systems, ria e thlsmo gageforado-ureprocoedinc if the mortgage - not re IIB LAW, PROFESSION AL Gounry, M,nnesoa or prooeed,ng M1es been nstrcutec et eefor Bremer Bank, N,Ud-ll MortgageelA-agnea of Mortgagee under Mane- wetute-lsactton ASSOCIATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT law or oaarwisato recovertlhedebt Aasodeton compiedthall--equiremakt- 50030 or the property redeem ed By Jonathan R Cu -key, Mah-I V OF M ORTGAGE:$34000000 secured by said mortgage, or any Dated: 04�U82011 - requ,rac bystatute aatko ed, on under Mkne-oa watuta- sect on Sdhlei-man JAIL OF MOR(TGAGE. January p -He -f Recorded: 041192011 or procoedmc M1es been in -Ota d et 50023 i- June 1, 201] at 1159 p�m. I, nm f n 24, 2000 PURSUANT to the power of sale Ramsay Gounry Recorder ,the, cot, recover the debt If the foregoinc date b a Saturday, U.S. Bank -b-Il A --an DATE AND PLACE OF FILING mined in said mortgage, the Document Na 42]6413 secret by said mortgage, or any Sunday or legal holiday, then the Aamgnee of Mortgagee Hecordec on Merdh l4, 2001 es above da-okbad property w, I be Assigned To: U. S. Bank Natokal Partthereof date to vacate b the nth# business 56 Ee-[Fifth Street Suite 000 Document Number 3.4164 in the stilt by ae Sheriff of laic county es Assodaan PURSUANT to the power of sale dayat1159 Pm. St Paul, MN55101-1710 Office of the Gounry Recorder of follows: Dated: 10232012 coria, ed m ec moftgagA the MOR(TGAGIR(S) RELEASED !91 C-,)99 Vashington Gounry, MUnasoa. UAIC AND IMC OF SALE. Recorded: 0.62013 ebovek desaibec property will be FROM OBLIGATION ON -28 1753 Tax) kTHE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO Decom ber8, 201610: 00 AM Ramsay Gounry Recorder cold by the Sheriff of said cony as MORTGAGE: NONE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE PLACE OF SALE'. SM1 enff s`GdA Document No 43494]5 follows: IHC IIM ALLOWED BY FROM ADE BT COLLECTOR. ON IHC UAC OF IHC NOTICE: Civil Prooass Un,t LS W. 4th Street Tran -an Agent Mortgage DATE AND TIME OF SALE: LAW FORE REDEMPTION By 1]970-15409491 $342,0]3.63 Suita150, St Paul, MN Eledrenic Registratok Systems, Ina Deoem bar 1, 201610 AO AM THE MOFTGAGOR THE ;Review: Od 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF to pay the debt then secured by Transadion /fq/n[Mortgage lD No PLACE OF SALE: She riffs Office, MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 16 2016) PRO PERTY: the South '3100 ortgege, end bxes, if any, on wvil Procoss Unit 25 W. 4th Street REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, feet of the east 5]1.f5 feet of the sic premlb -, end the costs and Lende,or Broke, Bremer Bank, Suita150, St Paul, MN MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE NoChea-t Quarter of the Northeast disbursements, abating -m­ -anal Assooiaton to pay the debt then sec c by WEEKS It A JUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Quarter of Sedan l5, lownsh,p 2/ fees e d by le abled o Servi cor: U.S. Bank -anal saidM agage, anc axe-Ifuany, on ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FORECLOSURE SALE North, Range 20 West, Denmark redemption within 6Mona-from the Asvo-an said premises enc the costs enc STATUTES SECTION 502032 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Township, Wadhington Gounry, date of said-llebythemoagagoq( Mortgage Originator: Bram er Benk d,sbursemen" mdadmc ettomeys' DETERMINING AMONG OTHER THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE M,nnedoe he,r personal reprent - or -anal-o-ton fees ellowec by law -ubed o THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE STREET ADDRESS OF a -sign LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF redemptok within 6Moka-from the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED TIME PRWIDED BV LAW IS NOT PROPERTY: 0210 QUADRANTANE DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. to of balebvaamortgagort-), WI AREsIDENTIAL DWELLING S, HASTINGS, MN56933 date on or before whah the PROPERTY: Lot 26 end all of Lot de IH AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION e SxbDa aA South l5 feet tlhereof flair personal rapreeanatva- or OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, NOTICE IS HNiNiY GIVEN: Ih COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTv mortgagor mu -[vacate the property dhI_ Thirc Addltoq Ramsey assigns ARE NOT PROPERry USED W deaul[he-oaurred In the oondi0ons i5 LOCATED: Wadhagton Gounry, id the mortgage I- not ramsated TO VACATE PROPERTY: AGRIGULTU RAL PRODUCTION, Innasoa Uner M esota Stan- co Gounry, Mlkka-l- me date on or before -. the ANDAREABANDONED. oftlhemuowmgdesvibed mortgage: TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage 58030 o, ntlhe property rade med Thisi-Abstract Property MOFTGAGOF(SJ. Holly IT e TAX PARCEL NO m[rtgagor must vacate the property Dated: September302016 am d °' a Bearonio Regi-traton Systems lGE under Minnesota watut 11 sad on if e mortgage - not r Deutsche Benk National m e person NAME OF MORTGAGE S 0.231-Juka1201/ t 159pm. 242923.33.0023 elk MORTGAGEE: Well -Fargo Bank e ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. under Mikkasoa peat' eemec Trust Company, es Trustee for , ORIGINATOR: J.M. Trout If the foregoing date i -e Saturday, 58030 or the property redeem ec SouIr-Home Loan Trust N Enterprise-, ne dlbla JMT Sunday or legal hohda#then the S INT M STREET a Salu - se 2000.OPTl, Asset -Backed ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. SAINT PAUk MN 55117 under M,nnaso don Assignec to: Nona Mo,tgage,eM,nnesoa coao-an datetoll-te the ka b -a - COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 58023-Junel, 2017.1155pm. Certificates, Series 2006OPT1, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL SERVICER day et 1159p m. IS LOCATED: Ramsay If the foregoing date i- e SeWrdey, Assignee of Mortgagee ORIGINAL Seteru- Ina MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Sunday or legal hollday, then the II LAW, PROFESSIONAL DATE OF MORTGAGE: November1. PARCEL IDENTIFICATION FROM OBLIGATION ON OF M OFTCAGE'.$13970000 date to vacate b the add bu-mess ASSOCIATION 1201 NUMBER: 1502120110002 MORTGAGE: NONE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO dayat 1159 Pm. By. Jonetlhan R C -key, MaFaelV 2DATE AND PLACE OF FILING TRANSACTION AGENT'S THE TIME ALLOWED BY MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED Sdhleism en MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION LAW FOR REDEMPTION B BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE Recorded on January 13, 2012 a- Y INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID FROM OBLIGATION ON Atomey-for: N b rtlbYY NUMBER: 1000.6]]002-6 THE MORTGAGOR THE BY MOFTCAGEE:$120, 40002 MORTGAGE: NONE Deut-dhe Bank NaOonal Trust OR, of the County Recorder of THAT no action orpro le,inc the MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ALLOWED BY Company, a- Irusteefor Soundviaw been lnsttuted et ew to reooverae REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, That pnorto tle oommenoement of IHC IIML Washington Gounry, Minna-oa g -e -e by hi-moagageforedosure proceeding AW FOR REDEMPTION BY Homed an TNRbe O10PTl, A-]: HC AMOUNT CLAIMED TO debt remeinin db dh MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE MortgegeelAasigneo tie Mortgagee THE MORTGAGOR THE Backed Certificate- Serie- 2006 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE t oaga e, or any pal Hereof or if WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS complied wits ell notco requirem ant- MORTGAGORS PERSONAL OCE A-mgneeod Mortgagee ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: o or procoedmc M1e-been LN LHNJ NUNi MINNESOTA REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, East Fifth Street Suite 800 kstitutedn flet the same M1e- been STATUTES USEGTION 582032, - required by statute; set no adion $155,]9243 or prooeeding M1 es been addiantec et MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF discoktnued, or that an exaclan DETERMINING AMONG OTHER law orotharwise to recover the debt W EEK6 It A JU DIG AL ORDER IS tS 209 /549 PROPEFTV:TheNorth l2 of Lot l4 upon the adgtent rend -therein THINGS, THAI HE MORTGAGED ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA f512291]53'faxJ t M1e- been sumac un- dfied, in PREMISES ARE IMPROVED cured by said mortgage, or any n all tie Lot l S, Block 12 w Paul STATUTES SECTION 582032 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION a whole orin par[ WI THA RESIDENTIAL DWELLING partaereof DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. Perk, Divi -ion Na 3, Washington PURSUANT, to the power of sale OF LESS IHAN rIVL UNITS, PURSUANT to the power of -ale Gounry, Mi knasoa eined in said mortgage, the THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 1]]2515002083 STREET ADDRESS OF cona,n ec n sal mortgage, the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN above described property will be PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 'Review: O¢ 12, 19 26 Nov 2, 9, PROPERTY: 836 ASHLAND above dasaibed property will be AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, tilt byae Sheriff tie salt county e- V41 HRESIDENTIAL DWELLING 162016) AVENUE, ST PAUL PARK, MN soldby the Sheriff of-a,d county a- ANDAHLABANDON ED. iofiow-: oFIHLEss THAN RVE uNITs, bon muow-: Dated: odoben1, 2016 DATE AND TIME OF SALE ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN SCIUNTV IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE AND TIME OF SALE Spire Credit Union fka Spire Decomber1, 20161000 AM AGRICUILTHEAT DARE ABANDONED ODUGTION, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE IS LOCATED: Wadhikgton Gounry, PLACE el 62016 OF 110 00 AM I Wa-M1ing[on City Coops FederCr.ditaUCredh U mohm, PLACE OF SALE. Sheriff- GO co, FORECLOSURE SALE Dated: September262016 M,nnesoa County Sheriff -Office, Wa-hagton Mortgagee Civil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TRANSACTION AGENT: None Minnesota Housing Fire ince County Law Eneoroement Center, II LAW PROFESSIONAL Suita150,St Paul, MN TH E DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE NAME OF MORTGAGE to pay the debt then -eared by Ag ­ ,A of Mortgagee ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE ORIGINATOR: We -go bank15015 Qnd Street North, S011weter ASSOCIATION laic Mort e e, and axes, if an OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL ' Mane-oa By Jonathan R C-ey, Midhael V g g y, on TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT - to pay the debt then se Tec by is premiss-, ASSOCIATION Sdhl mem end the cost- end AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Well- Q1 f an - alio ant-, abating lawBy Jonathan R Guskey, Mioheel V CAH at A said mortgage and e -, ie any Attorney-dor: ettomeyK NOTICE 16 H Y GIVEN, a -go Benk, NA ue y Pei y mortgagee, p p dee- allowed by law abed o S M1lei-men of the fhe-oncde-bec oagagk- TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION on the II , b anc the the Sire Credit Uka lw,n5 ire Federal mays dor: dbbu-md-e-owedb cost -and Credit ped -pan Magage redemption within6Monthsfrom the ° of thefollowinc desaibec mortgage: NUMBER: 12.02]22.14004] date odsaid-alebythe mortgagor( -J Minnesoa Housinc Finenoe disbursement -allowed by law. The Federal Ffth Union, Mortgagee Mortgagor: Joseph P. Lencotte end TRANSACTION AGENT'S their personal represenatve- o Agenry, A-signee odMo,tgagee A-M1Iee M. Fede-ak hu -band and MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION Oy ka,d oagagoaw (then e -nal St Fest Fifth Street hila 800 e -sign-. r 55 Cast Rfth Street S"`8UU wide NUMBER None by Bald mortgagor( -J, then personal S[ Peul, MN S6101-1 /le DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: S[ Peul, MN 55101-1]18 Mortgagee: Mortgage Nectrok,c I HAI no a tan or prooeeding he- ep-enEd - or assign- b lx (6) 65 2017599 The date on or before whioM1 the '1212081549 Regibt-Oan System- Ino a- been institutec et law to recoverae month-fr�m fled -o -le 6512281]53 ;fax) Cb (fax) II TO VACATE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION m [rtgegor mu -[vacate the property THIS IS A COMMUNICATION komitun dor Gentenniel Mortgage deb[ then remaininc seared byadh PROPERTY. Unless -aid mortgage FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. T h g g d ding, Ino g g ,part thereof or T d M w FROMA DEBTCOLLECTOR. Dated :Ong In00] h d h p party G209 16,00672 p edkg M1e- been Ll dor 'R ew: 06 l9, 28, No 58030 h p p y d d 14 01669 Filed: O8 �U1200] d, het the same M1e- been v 2, 9, 16, under M,nnesoa wa ute- radon (R : Oct 12U19, 26, Nov 2, 9, Ham -ay HegIstrar of ,ted - Unued or that an execlan dempton - reduced by ludidal 23, 2016) 580.231 -June 1, 20 Eat 1159 p m. 162016) Dowment No 2013114 Aga- upon theludgment renderedtlharem AmarYyumusdvacatemepremis°- Idthedoregoingdetei-e SeWrdey, Certificate od TitleNa:567009 M1e-been retuned unsa0sfied,in by p. m. on Juneb', 201/. Sunday or legal holiday then the Asmgned Io: U.S Ian National wholeor,n perc THE TIME ALLOWED BY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE date to vacate -the ne:0 buena-- NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Arrogation PURSUANT to the power of sale FAX FOR REDEMPTION Be FORECLOSURE SALE day at 1159 p m. FORECLOSURE SALE Dated. 041172015 eined ik -aid mortgage, the MORTGAGOR, THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF MORTGAGORS) RELEASED THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF k ec property will b MORTGAGORS PERSONAL THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE rued 041232015 co ° REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS FROM OBLIGATION ON THE DEBT AND IDENNTV OF THE Ram-ey County Registrar of Title- solc by the Sheriff of said county be E ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE MAY HE REDUCED TO r MORTGAGE: NONE ORIGINAL PROVIDED BY LAW IS THE Document Na 7020 _1 Against follows: IF IV TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT THE TIME ALLOWED By TIME INEDBYDISACNOS NOT Certificate of l,tlegent 00 L OF SALE 'SEEKSDAJUDICIAL ORDER IS AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY AFFECTED BHEREBY GIVEN N. Teat -ons, k Agent Mortgage December OF SALt10AO dh NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that g gag, 11 Incgton 'STATUTES, SECTION S THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Eledronio Re i-treton5 PLACE OF SALE Weshin 82032 deaulthe-oaurredinaeoondi0on- DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER MORTGAGORS PERSONAL of the tllowngure-bathe oftgagk- Ma-an0rtgage lU No: Gounry Sheriff Eno-ce,Weeh,ng[on odaedollowing desa,bec mortgage: REPRESENT-VES REDUCED ASSIGNS, odt agagowingde-ai Koen gage: 1002-01120061197 BKke, Gounry Law-eeorcoment Center TREMIS THAT HE MORTGAGED Mortgagor: Lou Ann Gahem, e PREMISES MPRIVEO MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagor Andre M. Koen,eengle Lender or Broker: Gentenniel 15015 Man-tkc Street North, Stills ekglaparson W TER D AJu ER MINNESOTA A m Morcgaga akd wkd,Ba Inc. karya WITH AREsIDENTIAL DWELLING Mortgagee: Mortgage L OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ledrea, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagee: Am entund Finenoiel Inc, Servicer: U.S. Bank National to pay the debt seri sacred by /ViL NOT PROPERTY USED IN Registration System -,Inc STATUTES SECTION 582032 dbe All FuncM agage Assodeton mortgage and a s, id any AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION nominee for First Sate Mortgage DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Uete 111111G, Mortgage Originator Gentenniel eduelly pe,d by the xmortgegee, DARE ABANDONED. Goryoraton THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Filedtl03MV2006 Motgage and Funding, Inc on the premiss- and the cost- enc AND ARE A BAND RELEASED Dated: 041102006 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Ramsay Registrar od Title- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF di-bursament-ellowec by law. The FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Recorded: 0.51122006 W LTH A RESIDENTIAL DWEWNG U /e Age,n-[ PROPERTY: Lotl /, Block,, W,I erg Ome allowed by law for redamptok ON M OR(TGAGE None Weehagton County Hecorder OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, CeRfiRteoldeNa'. 558515 Linder Adkion No. 1, Ramsay by laic mortgagor( -J, their personal Document No 358436] ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN A-egnec To: Opt,on One M agage Gounry, Mane-oa rep-ena0ve-oredeg d k,x;6) Uated: Odober At16' Assigned To: U.S. Bank -anal FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Gorpora11 k ACelidomie Goryoraton Ih,--Heg,stPARProperty month -from sedate of sale ASSOCIATION("FANNIE MAE") 2006KS0 e- Trustee dor RASG AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: 11 Ki0200.5 TAX PARCEL NI'. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Mortgagee 2006K54 k Dated: Septembar292016 Filec OVl5200] 342922420055 PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage THE ACADEMY LAW IRO UP,PA De ted: 0 1/13 2 01 2 U.S.- National Association, Hamrey County Heg,strar of,Ides ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. re,nda or the property B:le Hecorded 12M1121112 Assignee of Mortgagee Document No. 199]E84 Agan -ft 1566 EUCLID ST redeemed, todr unless the Ome dor Hy Washington County Recorder OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Certificate olkle No.: 558515 SAINT PAUL MN55106 redempton b reduced by ludidal ebeaar. Sdhillet Esq Document No 3County ASSOCIATION Asmgned COUNTY WHICH PROPERTY oder you must vacate the prem, -e- N. Kibongni Fondungallah, E-4 Aas,gned lo: U.S. lank By Jonathan R C -e, MidhaelV -anal Trust DCommpaky, Baa- IS LOCATED: Ramsay byll 59pm. on June 6201]. Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Assoda0 on, a- Tadleee0oto, Sdhleisman Trustee for the CeRficateholdars of ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THE TIME ALLOWED By Samuel Hne, Colamam Lsq. Raedental Aria[ Securita- Addna tor: Sound- Home Loan,rust 2006 OF MOR(TGAGE$171,000. 00 -V FOR CROPS PT ON BY The Ac,dem Mortgagee CorporatonHme quay Mortgage U.S. Bank -anal A-sodaton, OPT1, Asset:Backed Certificate- AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THE MORTGAGOR THE LJ NAcademy Prodessionel Building A-tBeokedo Pa --Through yah Mala Street Assignee odMortgagee Serie-20060FT1 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL St Paul, MN 55102 Gertifioete-Se,e-2006K5! SS East Fifth Street Suite 100 Dated' 01111/009 INCLUDING TAXES, It ANY LAID REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, (-)2099]EO :0l/I5/)1116 6t Paul, A55101-1]18 Filed: 021182009 BVMORTGAGEE :$mmeneme MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Rashngton County 651209]549 Ramsay County Regiemr of Title- Thet prcior to the commencoment of WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS (1612EYFC01) Washington Couk-ty Recorder S Agan -t a, -mo gageforeoloareproceed,kg LNI F D NLEK MINNESOTA THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Document FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Gertiflcate odTta Na�558515 Morcgagee-,gnee of Mortgagee STATUTES, USECTION 582032 Tran-ana 9Ag nt Mortgage FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Tran-adion Agent NS, comphec with all nOcerequirement- DETERMINING AMONG OTHER (Review: Oct 19, 26 N ov 2, 9, 1e' Eledrekic Regidbaton System -Ina - ed,on Agent -gage lUNk, a-requ,radby-atute; thatnoadan THINGS, IH HC MORTGAGED 2V 2016) n gent Mortgage lD No: ,Rev,ew: Od 12,19 26 Nov 2, 9, NIAk- or proceeding M1a-been instituted at PREMISES A ARE IMPROVED 1001528120- 16 20000384i] 162016) Lender or Broker: Amerifunc law or oaerwi-e to recover the debt WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELL IN NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Lender or Broker First Sate d by sa,c mortgage, or any OF LESS THAN rlVt UNITS, Mortgage Goryoretion Mortgage,AWeshing[on Goryoraton percaereof ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN FORECLOSURE SALE Servicer: Icvan Loan Servioikg, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Servicer: Owen Loan Servs— PURSUANT to the power of sale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF LLC k FO RECLOSURE SALE LF G o ed d e mortgage, theHL AND AABANDONED. THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE Mortgage Originator rest Sate THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Mortgage Originator: Amerifunc abovade-bed property will be MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ORIGINAL CR EDITORWITHINTHE M agage Corporation THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Financial dba All Func -old by the Sheriff of salt county a- FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Mortgage,HWeehmg[on Goryoraton dollow-: ON MORTGAGE: None AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. PROPERTY: Lot 2, Hock 2, TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. Dated: Odober5, 2016 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Jemeica RiQge, Washington Gounry, AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTI ON, PROPERTY: Lot 2], Spnkg Lake Decom ber 1, 201610 00 AM WELLS FA RG 08ANK, N.A. daaad - o°anec in the conkton- MUnesoa NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Perk H,Ilv,ew, ex"d he North half PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff -Office, Mortgagee odaedollowinc described mortgage: Ih- ed Property deaul[he-oaurred intheoondi0on- Ram say Gounry, Minne-oa Civil Procoss Unit 25 W. 4th Street TH E ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Mortgagor: Bruce R Gt- TAX �sHbstr PARCEL NO of the following desaibec mortgage: Thi -b Regiaerec Property Suite 150, St Paul, MN By l-1 Unmamec Person$-) 1502]21220009 Mortgagor SoottA Jacobson end LAX PARCEL NO.'. to pay the debt then seared by becoar. Sdhiller Esq Mortgagee: Iwn Gas Coop- ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. Elizabeth A Jacobson, husband end 063023 41 0014 -aid Mortgage, and axe- if any, on NBdatongni Fondungellah, Esq Federal Credit Union 8112 JaneroA nue South wife ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: -aid premi-e-, end the cost- end 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Dated: 0111]2006 Cottage Dove MN55016 Mortgagee: Voyager Benk, /95l Greenwooc Ur d,sb em cent-, noud,ng ettomeys' Samuel H Coleman I=sq He°orde :0Fi02006 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Minnesoa Banking Corporaton Mound -Lew, MN55112 fee -u allowed by law subled o Atomey-dor Mortgagee Ram key d 3County Recorder ISLOGATED: Wa-hagton Dated: 10-045 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY redempton within 6 Month -from the The Academy PIofe-conal Building Document No. 34i5349 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Re corded: 02212006 IS LOCATED: Ham-ey date ofda,d sale bythe mortgagor(-), 25 North Uele Street Iran-ad,on Agent NIA OF M OFTCAGE'.$200,00000 Ramsay Gounry Recorder ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT their personal repro -embus- or St Paul, MN55102 Tran-edion Agent M agage ID No: AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Doan ek[Na 392 ]146 OF M OR(TGAGE:$21375000 a-Hgk- ;551)20997W NIA BE DUEASOFDATEOFNOTICE, Assigned To: Manesoa Houding AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO U IC TO VACATE PROPERTY: :15 1037 Lenderor Broker: Iw,n Qty Coop- INCLUDING TAXES, It ANY, LAID Finance Agency BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, The date on or ddore which the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Federal Credit Union BY MOFTCAGEE:$151,21404 Det ed: 10Ki12005 INCL U DING TAXES IF ANY PAID m orcgago, m ust vacate the property FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Servicer: Spire Federal Redit Th at pen or to th e com m ended ent of Recorded: 02212006 HY MORTGAGEE.$233,588. T/ if the mortgage -not ed (Review: Od 1219, 26 Nov L, 9, Un a moagageforedoareproceed,kg Ramsay Gounry Recorder Th at pnortothe commencoment of under Minne-oa wetute- sad on 162016) M agage 0nginetor: Twin City Go Moagageei-gnee of Mortgagee Doamen[N0.3927147 thi-mo,tgageforedo-urep^roceedmc 58030 or the property redeemed op- Federal Redit Union complied with all nGae requirem ant- Tran -an Agent NIA Moagageel-gnee of oagagee under Rate- Statute- -satin LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF a- regwred by eatuta; a at no a00on Transadion Agent M 01gage ID No: compied with all noOce requirement- 58023 b June 1, 201]1[1159 p�m. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: Lot 18, Block 18, or proceeding ha -been institutec at NIA - requlrec by statute that no ad i_tned on If the foregoac dateb a Saturday, FO RECLOSURE SALE Auditors Sabdiveion No. 11, St law or otherwise to recover the debt Lender or Broker: Voyager Bank, a or proco ,wieet breeoverthe debt tyeto vacate es thedneM busness TH E RIG HT TO VERIFICATION OF ��feeul ttof Lot la Block lB, Auditoate- and the fs coaM1ereof, �,d mortgage, or any Minnesoa Banking Gorporetion °f THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE pert[ Servicer: U.S. Bank -anal ke-ec by -aid mo,tgage, or any day et 1159 Pm. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Subdivi-ion Na 11, S[ Peul, PURSUANT to the power of -ale Aasodetion part thereof MORTGAGOR(6) RELEASED TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Rate- except the Weddehy cona,ned n 68,4 mo,tgagA the PURSUANT to the power of sale FROM OBLIGATION ON 10k deet thereof according to the above described property will be M 0agage Originator. Voyager Benk, AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. eMinnesoa Benkin Go pained in sal mortgage, the MORTGAGE: NONE corded plat thereof and k,, -in SoltbytheSheriffodsaltcountya- Lang ryoraton b d b b HE Int H NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF above ass ac property will e ALLOWED Y daaul[he-oaurrad nthe condi0on- m -ay County, Minnesota follow-: PROPERTY: Lot 22, BI od: 3 coldby the Sheriff of said oounry a- LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV of the following dasabad mortgage: Th to Property DATE AND TIME OF SALE. EQgeview Not dollow-: THE MORTGAGOR THE MORTGAGORS) Jeannette H. TAX PARCEL NI'. December9, 20161000AM TabbAbddrad Property UAIC AND IIMC OF SALE: MORTGAGORS PERSONAL wan and Gary ) wan, wide enc 01282C211- TAX 12823230153 TAX PARCEL No Deoem be, 2016 10 00 AM REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, h ekc Donald n wan e ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Public Notices 15 29 22 14 0024 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff- Office, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Had -ed person ne n 43 Ma°kubik w CONONUD(1 UII Page 14 DW Proa--Un,t 25 uv.4a Street WEEKS It AaUDIGIAL ORDER IS n samtraw, MN551oz Page 14 Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016 Review Public Notices Washington Gounry Reoorder thikmortgageforeolosure proceeding SuibA150, SY Paul, MN W, SFILLWATER MN55082 Mane Std, e section 50030 Continued from Pa e 13 Dooum Ant Na 400'55 Moil, g lAksign- of Mortgagee o pay HA debt then secured by COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY or HA property redeemec under g Transaction Agent Mortgage oompliec with all notoe r,qU rements sic Mor(ggge, and ta' if any, on IS LOCATED'. Washington Gounry, Mane b Sto k­bn PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement EAaronio RAgiktraton Systems In required by statute; th d noeDion cpremisAk n HAxaco c Minnesota ik June22, 2017 d 1159 pm81f the Center 15015 62nc Street N., Transaction Agent --A ID No'. or prooeedrng hes been adit,ted d disbursements, ndudinc dctmeys' TRANSACTION AGENT M o1,g foregoinc ddb aSeWada Sunday S011waber, MN U 3 69' 0 or otherwise to reco DAdebt tees allowec by law sub AIX to El-i-maRAgibtaobn Systems Ina or legal horlda,, then HA date to to pay HA debt then secured by Lender or B,okereQU-n Loans k cured by laic mortgage, or any redempton within 6Monthkfrom the NAME OF MORTGAGE vacs[ ik HA next business day et is Mortgage, end bares, it any, on nA pertthereof dalAofkai,k bythAmortga qo ), ORIGINATOR: Everett Financial, 1159Pm. �c premises end them end Servicer. Quicken Loans Ina PURSUANT Ic the power a sale their per l represenbtvek o a dba Supreme Lending, eTexek MORTGAGORS) RELEASED disbursements, inducting "'a"K Mortgage Originator Quid:en oo ained in said mortgage, the assigns o'T,,Uon FROM OBLIGATION ON tees allowed by law subA bo Loans In, above described property will be DATE TO VAGATE PROPERTY: RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells MORTGAGE: NONE redemptonwithin6Monthkfrom the LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF sold by the Sheriff d kaic county as THA date on or before whidl the Fargo Bank, N.A THE TIME ALLOWED BY date of said sale b,thA mor(gggoq,), PROPERTY: Lot 9, BIo 2, Pine follows: mortgagormuktveoebethe propertyif TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY their perkvnel rMt_,Ud_ or Glen 3rd Additon, Washington DATE AND TIME OF SALE HA thong ik not reindb dunder NUMBER: 20030 20 23 0142 THE MORTGAGOR THE gn Gounry, Minnesota DAcom bar 16, 2016, 10 00 AM Minnesota Stat, ­section 50030 TRANSACTION AGENTS MORTGAGORS PERSONAL aD- TO VACATE PROPERTY: Thi kb Add_Property PLACE OFSALE: Law Entoroement or the property redeemec under MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, The date on or betore which the TAX PARCEL NO.'. Center 15015 Qnd Street N., Minnesota &at b section 58023 NUMBER: 10030]1100039'490 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE hot had a-te the property 2002/Ll 32006ti S011weber MN ik June 15, 201 / d 1 59 Pm. It the THAT no action or proceedinc hes WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS It he mortgage ik abed ADD FESS OF PROPERTY to pay the debt then secured by [oregoinc dateis a Saturday, Sunday been adthted at to recover the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA under Minnesota Sbtubek Ise 9649 HAMLET AYES said Mortgage, and taxes, it any, on or legal holiday, then the date to debt then rem ainag secured by sudh STATUTES SECTION 582032, 58030 or the property rade meed COTTAGEGROVE, MN SSOIb said premises, end the costa end veoebe ik the ne# business day et mortgage, or any pert thereof or it DETERMINING AMONG OTHER under Minnesota Std, e ke COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY disbursements, inducting ettome,K 1159 Pm. the action or proceedin, hes been THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED 580.23 k June9, 201] at 1159 pa IS LOCATED: W ashagton tees allowed by law subject to MORTGAGORS) RELEASED nktitubed, that the same hes been PREMISESARE IMPROVED WITH It the foregoing date ik a Saturday, ORIGIN AL PRINCIPAL AM OUNT redempton within 6 Monthkfron, the FROM OBLIGATION ON db.Unued, or that an exe2ton ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING Sunday or legal holiday, then the OF SOFTGAGE :$191,4'.00 dateofsaid-Ile bythe mortgagor('), MORTGAGE: NONE upon thA juggm ent rendered therein OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, date to vacate ik the nA# business AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO their personal reprekeU.t or THE TIME ALLOWED BY hes been re med unkatsfied, in ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN day.1159 a m. BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, assigns. LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY whole orin per[ AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID DATE TO vAGATE PROPERTY: THE MORTGAGOR THE PURSUANT, to the power of sale AND ARE ABANDONED. FROM OBLIGATION ON BV MORTGAGEE:$170,08975 The date on or before which the MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL o mortgage, the Dated: Odober20, 2016 MORTGAGE: NONE Thdit-brtothemmmencementof mortgagormuktvacabethepapeayif REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, abo, described property will be CU Mortgage Servims, Inc., THE TIME ALLOWED BY thismo1,ageforedosureproceedinc the molgagednotreindided under MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE sold by the Sheriff of saic munry as Assignee of Mortgagee LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Sol, gees -Knee of Mortgagee Minnesota Stou e sedan 58030 WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS follows: OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL THE MORTGAGOR THE compiled with all no0ce requirements or the property redeemed under ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. ASSOCIATION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL akrequirecbydldUe thatnoadion Minnesota Statutes section 58023 STATUTES SECTION 582032, December 13, 2016 at 10 00 AM By Jonathan R Cuske,, MidhaelV REP oRAssIGNs, or proceedmG has been indduted at ik June is 2n aln5s pm. If the DETERMINING AMomc OTHER PLACE of SALE. wakhmgon sd,lAiman MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE le or otherwise to reooverthe debt foregoing date ilea Saturday, Sunday THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED CountySheriffs Office, Washington Attomeykto, : WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS s erred by said mortgage, or any or legal holiday, then the date to PREMISES ARE IMPROVED County Law Enforcement Center GU Mortgage Services, Ina, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA part thereofik the ne# business day d WITH A FES IDENTIAL DWELLING 15015 Qnd Street North, S011woer Assignee of Mortgagee STATUTES SECTION 582032 PURSUANT to the power of sale ll SA9Pm. OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Minnesota 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER co mortgage, the MOR(TGAGOR(S) RELEASED ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN to pay the debt then secured by St Paul, MN55101-1718 THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED abo, describe, property will be FROM OBLIGATION ON AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, said mortgage and taxes, if any '1209]599 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED sold by the Sheriff of said county as MORTGAGE: NONE AND ARE ABANDONED. dually paid by the mortgagee, 53 P.) W THLESSRESIDENTIAL DWELLING follows: THE TIME ALLOWED BY Odobe-14 onthe prendallowethe costs and THIS IS A COMMUNICATION OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS DATE AND TIME OF SALE: LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Deutsche Bank Nat ion ATrust disbursementsy lowed bylaw. The FROM 016TGVDEBT COLLECTOR. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N December 9,'201 b--, lODOAM THE MORTGAGOR THE Company,as Trusteefor Argent time ,d m odbylaw fthe,pmpton e AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, PLACE OF SALE Law ESPeO ant MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Securities lnc.,Asset-8acked by said mortgagor('), their personal 'Review: Nov 2, 9, 16 23, 30, Bed AND AM D.edOdobe-5ABANDONED . Center 15015 Qnd Street N., REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, PassThr,gh -Certificates, Series a dntheDomtk oras sig ns ik six (6) ],2016) Dated: 2knk N.5,2016 Stillwater MN MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE 2005-W4,AssignPROMortgagee TIME AN the date oTOala U.S. Bank National Association, a pay the debt then se Ac by WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL TIME AND DATE TO VAGATE es Trustee for Residential Asset said Mortgage, an, es, ifueny, on ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION PROPERTY. Unless laic mortgage NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Securities Corporation, Home said premises, enc the costs enc STATUTES SECTION 582032 By Jonathan R Guskey, Mioheel V reinkt or the property FORECLOSURE SALE Equity Mori gage Asset -Backed disbursements, indukiin, attorneys' DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Sdhleimen redeemedelo unless the time for THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF _T trough Certificates, Series fees allowed by law kubjeIX o THINGS, THAT THE M ORTGAGED Atbomeys for redempton ik reduced by udidel THE DEBT ANO IDENTITY OF THE 2006K54,Assignee of Mortgagee redempton within 6Monthkfrom the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Deutsche Benk Netonel Trust order you muk[vecabethepremisek ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL date ofkaidkalebythemolgagoq(), A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Company, as Trustee for Argent byll 59p. m. on Junel3, 2017 TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT ASSOCIATION their personal represeU.t or OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Seatek Ina Akset-Baoked Pass THE TIME ALLOWED BY AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. By: Jonathan R LLskey Midhael V assigns ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Through CeRfioabes Series 2005 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That _I Arman DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, W4, Aksigneeof Mortgagee THE MORTGAGOR, THE default has oaurredin the oondito Atbome,k tor: The date on or before whidh the ANDAREABANDONED. 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL of the following described mortgage: U.S. Bank Natonal AssodeI on m olgagor m ad ,de th e property Dated: Octoberl /, 2016 St Paul, MN 55101-1 /le REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MORTGAGORS): Wade Swanson k Trustee for Residentel Asset if the mortgage ik not r U.S. Bank National Association, '1209]549 MAV BE DEDUCED TO FIVE end Jenelle J. Swenson, husband Securities Coryo,Uan, Home Equity under Minnesota Statutes kedron as Trustee, sucrossor in '1223-1]53'farJ WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS end wife Mortgage Akset-Bad<ed Pass 58030 or the property redeemec inW-tto Bankof America THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA MORTGAGEE: aloft Savings Through Certificates Series 2006 under Minnesota Statutes redo National Association, as Trustee, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Bank, FSB, nWa Wells Fargo KS4, A" gneeof Mortgagee 58023 ik J une 9, 2017 at 1159 pmn ucrossor by merger to LaSalle 177251-039]2 DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Bank, N A, Sucoeksor by merger to 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 If the foregoing date ik a Saturday, s Bank National Association, as (Review: Od 26, Nov 2, 9, 1623, TH IN GS, THAT TH E M OR(TGAGED Wachovia Mortgage, FSBflkla World S[Paul, M-111 -1 /1 8 Sunday or legal holiday, then the Trusteefor Residential Asset 30 2016) PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Savings Bank, FSB 65 299 date to vacate ik the ne# business Mort gage Produds, Inc., WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLING ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. 65122817 53 ,far) dayatll59pm. Mori gage Asset -Backed Pass OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Aasigned to: Nona THIS IS A COMMUNICATION MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Through Certificates Series 200]- NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. FROM OBLIGATION ON RP2,Assignee of Mortgagee FORECLOSURE SALE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, OF MOFTGAGE:$712,50000 17/2515010912 MORTGAGE: NONE PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF AND ARE ABANDONED. DATE OF M OR(TGAGE. November 'Review: Od 19 26 Nov 2, 9 16 THE TIME ALLOWED BV ASSOCIATION MOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED THE DEBT AND IDOR WITHIN IT OF THE 23 2016) LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY By .IJonethenR LLkkey, MidheelV ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION 10 ATE AND PLACE OF FILING o 211 THE MORTGAGOR, THE Sdhleimen ON MORTGAGE: None TIME PROVIDED IS LAW IS NOT Recorded on December 15, 2005 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL US sf N, Dated: October 14, 2016 AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. es Document Number Re NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FEPRESEN DEDUCED ASSIGNS adlee Bank Neto- ate-Hate NOTICE ISHEREBY he.nd That WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. the Offi coof the County Recorder of MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE of Ae-ba Nsorin interest to Bank 80 in Mortgagee FORECLOSURE SALE WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS of America National Assodation, debultheko«urredintheconditonk THE ACADEMY LA'W GROU P PA Wekhing[on Gounry, Minnesom NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA as Trustee sucoeksor by merger to ofthefollowing described mortgage: By:Isl THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO that default has oco nec in the ,STATUTES SECTION 820'32 LaSalle Bank Natonal Assodaton, MORTGAGORS): MaryE Scripps Rebeaa F. Schiller Esq BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE conditonk of a mortgage dated DETERMINING, AMONG bo? as Trustee for RAsidental Asset amgewoman N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Ek4 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic $'4,'] 2] April 25, 2002, ex erect by Heuky TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED M ilgage Produds In,, M agage Regibi-oan Systems, Ino 'Curt N. Till Esq.' LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ChuVang-Heu end Meysong PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Akset-Baoked PaksThrough Delaware coDoMban as n on, inee for Samuel R Coleman, Esq LEGAL TV: Lot 5 Blot: F C1-ng-Heu, es mortgagoq k), to WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING CeRfioabes Series 200_2 Everett Finandal, Inc. dba Supreme Attorneys for M olgagee PROPE o Y IT SiMh Addition, Liberty State Bank, as mortgagee OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Assignee ofM agagee Leni-ec an- Inr Th eAcademy Professional Building Wekhin Goun[, Minnesota in the original prindpal arrow of ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 55 Eakl Firm Street swlA eco g a poraton 25 North Dale slreAl gton y Three Hundred Thirty Thousand AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, SY Paul, MN55101-1718 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: y Paul, MN 55102 STREET ADDRESS OF and no1100 [$33000000) Dollars Aksignec to: )AAVs Fargo Bank, NA PROPERTY: 3553 CRESTMOOR countecoNec with the Washington Dazed OIXobeNDOf21 6 ,-22815 by assignment recordec on August :16 1482 TERRACE, DOODBURY MN RA iso-ar of meek, sblA of 16 2016 ale DocumAnl Number 5512uo2s y 9 Quicken Loans Inc., THIS IS A COMMUNICATION q THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Minnesota on January13,2003, as Assignee of Mortgagee FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 0/.85 in the Code of the County FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY d 11221 2', h h 9 9 OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL SUOI Rammer of J4ekhingon county, Review: Obt 26, Nov 2, 916, 23 IS LocATEO: J4esh ngon county, p g d d', h II µ550G ATION 'R : Od 262Nov 2, 9, 16 23, Mnneso� 30, 2016) Mnnesob p foredosure rgemnt. have By Jonathan R Guskey, MioheelV 30,2016) ORGNAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TRANSAGTON AGENT: None been complied with that no eIXion Schl_man OF MORTGAGE :$11837300 NAME OF MORTGAGE or proceeding has been institute, at I me, tor: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 12 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR Worlc Savings Benk, any pert of the debt Quid:en Loans Ina, Aasignee of NOTICE OF MORTGAGE o12 FSB,nikla Wells Fargo Bank, N A, as ed by sac mortgage; that Mortgagee LDATE AND PLACE OF FILING: FORECLOSURE SALE Sucoeksor by m eller tc Wadhovia there ik deim ec to be due thereon 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 FORECLOSURE SALE Recorded on July 3, 2012 as THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Mortgage FSB flkle Worlc Savings the sum of Two Hundred Thirtyfive S[Peul, MN 55101-1]18 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Document Number 3895288 in the THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Bank, FSB Thousand Six H untied Twenbyand THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Code of the County Recorder of ORIGINALCREDITORWITHINTHE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells EG100 $235,620]0) Dollars on X1-281]53 (tax) ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Washington Gounry, Manes TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Fargo Bank NA Did date and that pursuant to the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION power of sale therein the mortgage FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NUMBER 2202821 230003 will be R-edokec and the property 17.2_15 PC 7292 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. d,Saa hakocou,ecUtheconditonk TRANSACTION AGENTS n Washngton G Iy, Minnesota, (Review: Oct 1926, Nov 2, 9, 16 default has ocouned h dations $112,55084 of the foil ow, nc deso bed molgage: MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION dela bed as tolio : '3,2016) ofthefork, ng des b lgage: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Mortgagor: He.h Marie NUMBER None Lot 2, Block 3, Lake Elmo Heights Magagor: Erik P Salinas a single PROPERTY: &habit "A' THE Mdeughlin end David J M - gain , THAT no action or proceeding hes 3rd Addition person and Heliodoro Sarinana, a FOLLOWING REAL PROPERTY wife anc husbanc been instituted at law to recover the Property Address: 258o Imperial NOTICE OF MORTGAGE maniac person IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, Mortgagee: Richfield Bloomington dedthenremainingsecuredby- Avrn N., I-_ Elmo, Minnesota Mortgagee: Argent Mortgage MINNESOTA DESCRIBED AS Credit Union mortgage, or any part thereof or if 5-2 FORECLOSURE SALE Goa pan,, LLC FOLLOWS: oiled :06282013 the adion or proceeding hes been Parcol l.D#.] THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Dated: 09292005 ALL THAT PART OF LOT 11, Recorded: 101142013 Wted, that the same has been II be sold by the sheriff of THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Filed: 1 01262005 BLOCK 3 OF SABINS ADDITION Ramsey County Recorder dikcontnued, or met en execution wi kahcounty et public auction on ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHI NTH E Ramsey Registrar of Titles TO THE CITY OF STILLWATER, Document No. 4428523 upon thejuggt ent renderedtherein December 14, 2016, e 0 TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Document No. 191]24 Against DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Assignec To: GU Mortgage hes been re coed unkatktied, in 0U 'clod: AM. d Sheriff's Office, AFFECTEDBVTHISACTION. CeRfade of Title Na: 555153 BEGINNING ATA POINT' FEET Se"' In, whole orin par[ Lew Enforcement Center, 15015 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Assigned To: DAutsdhA Bank WEST OF THE NORTHEAST Dated: 08252016 PURSUANT, to the power of sale -62nd Street North, Stijlwder, default halo ,edin the condito National Trust Company, as trustee CORNER OF SAID LOT AND Recorded: 09222016 ained in said mortgage, the Minnesota, to pay the debt secured ofthefollowacdekaibedmortgage: tor, Argent Se_tek Ina Aaset- RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 110 Ramsey County Recorder above described property will be by the mortgage, induding co Mortgagor John P Minogue enc Bad<ec Passthrough CeRfioabes FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF Document No. 404.5443 solc bythe Sheriff of said county as and attorneys' fees allowed by Km M. Minogue, husbandandwife Senek2005W4, under the Pooling SAID LOT THENCE NORTHERLY Transaction Agent NS, follows: subjed to redempton by the Magagee: Lendkourco, Ina enc Servioinc Agreement Dated ALONG THE WEST LINE OF Transaction Agent M agage ID No: DATE AND TIME OF SALE. moagegor(kJ, their heirs or assigns Dated: a.T 002 November1, 2005 SAID LOT, TO THE NORTHWEST NIA Januad 201 /ebl0U0 AM within si: (6) monthko-om m:%tg.of Ret-med:1 ro1202 Dated:04-009 CowvERTHEREOR ANDTHENCE Lender o Broker -Held PLACE of SALE washmgon Ie. The mortgogor(s)mustvacate Washington Gounry Reoorder bled -72009 EASTERLV37 FEETTOTHE PLACE Bloomington Qedrt Union, a Gounry Sheriffs Code Washington the property on or before 1159 Pm. Dooumenl Na 3261-449 Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles OF BEGINNING, WASHINGTON Minnesota a edit union Gounry Law Enforcoment Center on June 14, 201/, if(I) the m olgage Aasignec To: JPM Man I— Document Na 2081252 Against GOUNTY, MINNESOTA Se,ae, CU. Mortgage Servi 15015 Q nc Street North, Stillwater bbed under §58030, Dated-stee CeRfadeof Title Na'. 555153 TOGETHER WITH. no Minnesota or'I J the property ik not redeemed : 0811212002 Assigned To: DAutsdhA Bank ALL THAT CERTAIN PLATTED Mortgage Onginazor: -Held to pay the debt then seared by under§58023. Recorded: 06�V42003 National Trust Company, as Trustee LAUREL STREETS AS THE SAME Bloomington Qedrt Union, mortgage and tax k if any THE TIME ALLOWED BV Washington Count Reoorder for Argent Se_tek Ina, Aria]: IN SHOWN SOUTHWESTERLY Minnesota a edit union dually pale by the mortgagee, LAW FOR REDEMPTION By Dooumenl Na 334208/ Bed<ec PeksThrough CARL 'a_ AND WESTERLY OF BLOCK 3, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF on the premises and the Dosis and THE MORTGAGOR THE Aasignec To: Bank of America, Seri es 2005 W4 SABINS ADDITION TO THE CITY PROPERTY: The East 44 feet disbursements allowecby law. The MORTGAGORS PERSONAL National Aksooiaton as Dated: 05262010 OF STILLWATER WASHINGTON of Lot 11, Blod: 2, subdivision of 0 e allowec by law for redemption REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS by merger to Lasalle BankNationalRIedo-2010 COUNTY MINNESOTA anc addition to Irvine k Addition of by kaic mortgagor('), their personal MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Ikodatonak Trustee Ramsey County Registrar of Titles DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO Outod to St Paul, Ram key Gounry, represenbtvek or assigns k ex;6) W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS Dated: 1011512010 Document No 2110915 Against WIT Minnesota mon-Dom the date of kala ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Recorded: 10212010 CeRfadeof Title Na'. 555153 COMMENCING AT THE TabbAddiMPRProperty TIME AND DATE TO VAGATE STATUTES, SECTION 5 Washington County Reoorder Tranka,R On Agent NIA NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF TAX PARCEL NO'. PROPERTY: UnlA said mortgage DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Document No. 3813166 TrankaIXion Agent M agage ID No: LOT 11 OF SAID BLOCK 3, SABINS 32292210052 stated or the property THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED A-gnec To: U.S. Bank Nat on NIA ADDITION TO STILLWATER, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY redeemed, o unless the time for PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Assodaton, a-dee kucoeksorin Lender or Broker Argent M agage THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 501 Beaumont S[ redemption ik redu, by judidal W LTH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLINC in to Bank of America National Company, LLC 56 MINUTES 44 SECONDS Saint Paul, MN 55130 order youmukt vecabetheprem,k OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Askoaaton, ale Trudee, su coksor Servae, Oewen Loan Servicing, WEST, ASSUMED BEARING, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY by ll 59 P m. on July 3,' 201/. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN by merger to LaSalle o Bank LLC ALONG THE NOFTHERLV LINE ISLOCATED. Ramsey THE TIME ALLOWED BY AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION National Aksodaton, ale Trustee Mortgage Originator Argent OF SAID LOT 11 A DISTANCE OF ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY AND ARE ABANDONED. for Rekidental Asset Mortgage Mortgage Company, LLG 0 FEET, THENCE SOUTH OF MORTGAGE:$92 '500 THE MORTGAGOR THE Debed:Octoberl 8, 2016 Produds, Mortgage Aria[- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 010 DEGREE 03 MINUTES 16 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Associated Sank, National Bad<ed Pales -Through CeRficabes PROPERTY: Tot2 Rod: 1, DeMars SECONDS EAST 12210 FEET, BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Association (suc;s by Se- 2007 RP2 First Addition, Ramsey Gounry, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE merger to Liberty State Bank), De ted: 05-2015 Minnesota. OF INTERSECTION WITH THE BVMOR(TGAGEE$49,85424 W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS Mortgagee Recorded: 0- Thi kik Registered Property SOUTH WESTERLY LINE OF SAID Th. prior to the commen,ement of ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Ralph L Moore STEIN 3MOORE Washington County Reoorder TAX PARCEL NO'. LOT ll, SAID SOUTHWESTERLY mikmoagageforeolosureprooeeding STATUTES, SECTION 5820'32 PA, Atbomeys forM agagee, 332 Dooumen[ No. 4036136 18292420002 LINE OF LOT 11 ALSO BEING Molgagee-dKnee of Mortgagee DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Minnesota Sheet `1'0, St Tr:nkadion Agent NIA ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE oompliec with all notoerequiremend THINGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGED Paul, M N 551011' 1)245'3 Transection Agent Mortgage ID No: 206 Roselawn Avenue Eakl OF PLATTED LAUREL STREET, ale required by doute; that no adion PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 'Review: Od 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, l6 NIA Maplewood, MN 5511] SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION or pmcoedac hale been instituted at WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLINC 23,2016) Lender or Broker Lendsouroe, Ina, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ALSO BEING THE POINT OF laworothenviketorecoverthedebt OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS a Minnesota C000-oan IS LOCATED: Ramsey BEGINNING OF PART OF LAUREL k cured by ka, mortgage, or any ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Servicer. oowen Loan Servang, ORIGINAL PRw CIPAL AMOUNT STREET BEING DESCRIBED, pert thereof AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE LF G OF MORTGAGE $16]9000 THENCE NORTHWESTERLY PURSUANT to the power of kaleAND ARE ABANDONED. FOREC LOSURE SALE Mortgage Onginazor: Lendsour AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO AND NORTHERLY ALONG oonbi ec in ka mortgage, the MOFTGAGOF(S) RELEASED 'Minnesota Corporaton BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, THE SOUTHWESTERLY AND abo, described property will be FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF In' DESCRIPTIONOF INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID WESTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK kold by the Sheriff of kaic county ale ON MORTGAGE: None THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE PROPERTY: Lotl3, and the South BY MOFTGAGEE:$19612703 3, TO THE NORTHWESTERLY follows: Dated: Odober 2/,2016 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE 12 of Lot l4, Block 235, Division T at pnortothe commencement of CORNER THEREOF, THENCE DATE AND TIME OF SALE WELLS FARGO MNK, N.A. TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT No.3 of St PaulPerk, Washington thdmo1,ageforeolosureprocoedrng SOUTH 88 DEGREES 56 MINUTES Decomber2, 2016, 1000AM Mortgagee AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Gounry, Manes M o, geeiA gnee of Mortgagee 44 SECONDS WEST ALONG A PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff s Code THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Tab ikIktract Property oompliecwith all notoerequiremend WESTERLY PROTECTION OF THE Civil Procoks Unit 25 W. 4th Street By Ikl defaulthak oaunedUtheoonditonk TAX PARCEL NO.'. k required by statute; th atno aIXion SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT Suite 150, St Paul, MN Rebecoa F Sdhiller Esq. of th efollowing describe, m olgage: or proceeding hale been instituted et ll, BLOCK 3, SABINS ADDITION to pay the debt then secured by N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq Mo : Janie, Leviee, a ADDRESS OFF rtgagor g ADDRESSOR PROPERTY: law orothenvike torecover the debt TO STILlSOUTH 1500 FEET said Mortgage, enc taxes, if any,on CurtN R.Cl si 01gage en St Paul ancAve secured by keit mortgage, or any THENCE SOUTH C DEGREES said premises, and the costs and 'Samuel R. COleman,Esq.' Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Sl UN Perk, MN550/l pat 38 3 FEEL SECONDS EAST disbursements, including attorneys' The A,akfor Mortgagee RAgiktee o, Systems COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY PURSUANT in Ic the power e kale 35.33 FEET, THENCE SOUTH fees allowed in law subject e The Academy Proeeksionel Buildrnc nee for42ol3n Loenk Ina ale IORIGIN LOCATED PRINCIPAL oo, d in said mortgage, the 31 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 21 redempton within 25 North Dale Street noeted .aed12412013 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT above the Shed property will be SECONDS EAST TER FEET; date open hale bep edrtgagol( o, StPaul 1)201955102 D adhagd:0911 count OF MORTGAGE: $13800000 sold by the Sheriff of keit county ek THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 2433 Meir personal reprekenbtvek or ''1J 2099]' Washington county Recorder AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO follows FEET MORE IN LESS, TO THE eDIE '160Q9FC01) Document Na 3964131 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, DATE AND TIME OF SALE POINT OF BEGINNING DATE TO VAGATE PROPERTY. Aasigned To'. Quicken Loans Ino INCLUDING TAXES, IFANY PAID DAcomber15, 2016 1000A P I. DM' 28 030 26 23 0142 The date on or blo-e which the Public Notices Dated 09-014 BY MORTGAGEE. $12440006 PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Code, STREET ADDRESS OF m olgagor must vacabeth A property, if Recorded: 111122014 That p-b-tothecommencementof Civil Process Unit 26 W. 4th Street PROPERTY: Q3 MAPLE STREET memortgageiknotreinkdated under Continued on Page 15 Review Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016 Page 15 Public Notices ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE above described property will be OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Dow nt Ne 2209126 Againe above desvibee property will be nasignedt:None. sola by tlhe Shetff d said coanty as AlE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ceaificd-Tte No.' Sl sold by DA S-Iff d said coanryes Continued from Page 14 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT follows: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Transaction Agent. PS, touows: THIS IS A COMMUNICATION DATEOF DRTGAGE $203 000 00 DIE OF MORTGAGE. October Decombe2o 2116100�SALE: MORTGAGORS) RELEASED NlAnsaction Agent Mortgage lO No: Decemb DIE 0211611/1 AM LE. FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 21, 2004 PLACE OF SALE Sh ff s Office, FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION L d or Broker: CU. Mortgage PLACE OF SALE: Sh R's Office, (Review: Nov. 2, 9, 16 23, 30, Dec DATE AND PLACE OF FILING CMI Process Unit 25 W 4th Street ON MORTGAGE None S C VII Process Unit 25 44. 4th Street 0 ], 2016) Recorde, on November l/, L �S'alte1RJ St. Peal, MN Dated: October2820 Service CU. Mortgage Services Suite— St Peal, MN es Dm ent Number 34]4i06in to pay the debt then seared by WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Incto pay the debt then secare, by ct e Office of the Gounry Recorder d sic Mortgage, end E,e it any, on Mortgagee Mortgage Originator: G. U. M o1( A said M or(gage, end bares if any, on NOTICE OF MORTGAGE -hag-Gounry, Mmnemta c premises, e c them THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA Services, In,said premises, e c the co FORECLOSURE SALE THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO disbursements, inch ding dbnn s' By le LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF disbursements, indudmc ett mays' THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE tees ®r_ GAGE law cabled to Re -F. Schiller Esq PROPERTY: The North one half d tees el Iowa, by law sabject to THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. redemption within 6 Mond-,ta the N. Kibongni Fonda­Ik,h, Esq To 18, 31116 Royal Oaks redempton within 6 Months from the ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE $180,55556 date d...lebythemortgg qo ), 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' no 19, BI- 6 Royal Oaks, except date d sat, sale bythe mortgg qo ), TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF their personal represenbtves or Samuel R Coleman, Esq. the North 5 feet thereof, In— their personal represenbtves or AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. PROPERTY: Lot 1, Bloc: 1, one assigns Atomeys for Mortgagee Gounry, Minnesota assigns NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Forest aro Additoq D-agon DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: The Academy Professions) Badding TArr Property DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY default hasocavdin the condiko Gounry, Manesob The date o or before which the 25No1h Dele Street TTisis Registered Property The date o or before land, the d the following described mortgage: STREET ADDRESS OF moftma rm aevacdethepropeltyif St Paul, MNSS102 TAX PARCEL Nc'. mortgagor must vacate the property MOFTGAGOF(SJ: Ther A PROPERTY: 7241 JOPLIN AVENUE the m or(gage is not r added under (651)2099]65 26292 a. if the mortgage is not r Zimmennen end Anne Zimmenn en SOUTH, COTTAGEGROVE, Mane a, Statutes section 58030 (134061-FN3) ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. under Manemb Std,e Ike hasban, end wife MNS 16 or the property redeeme, under THIS IS A COMMUNICATION D6Barrett St or the property redeemmle, MORTGAGEE: Homeservicos COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Manemb Statutes section 58023 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Sei at Paal, MN 55103 unde, Manemb Std,e ke Lending, LLC do, Edina Realty IS LOCATED'. Waehagt- Count,, bJane 29 2017 ¢!1159 Pm. if the (Re vi eve: Nov 9, 16 23, 30, Dec ], COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 58023 is June 29, 2017 d 11159 M or(gage, a Delaware Lim He, M,n ,E, foregonc date ice Setubey, Sunday 14 2016) IS LOC ATED:Ramsey Pm. If the foregoinc date is e Liebiliry Gompeny TRANSACTION AGENT None or [gel holiday, then the date to ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, ASSIGNMENT'S OF MORTGAGE: NAME OF MORTGAGE ve is the next sumacs day d OF MOR(TGAGE$124,00000 then the date to vacate is the next Assign ecto: Wells Fargo Bank, N A ORIGINATOR Wells Fargo Bank, 11 ,S9pm. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAMED TO sumacs day at 1155 P m. by asegnm ent recorded on July ], N A MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 200.5 es Document Number35248Q RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells FROM OBLIGATION ON THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF INCLU DING TAXES IFANY PAID FROM OBLIGATION ON in the GodA of the Gounry Recorder Fargo Ban k, NA MORTGAGE: NONE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE BVMOFTGAGEE:$120,8]042 MORTGAGE: NONE of D-nngon Gounry, Menne a, TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE F d priori the commencement of THE TIME ALLOWED BY thereafter assigned o U.S. Bank N UM BER: 10 027 21.11002] LAW FOR REDEMPTION By TIME PROVIDED 81 LAW IS NOT h mol( ef, ecosarepro-ag LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY National Associaton, as Trustee TRANSACTION AGENTS THE MORTGAGOR THE MorlgageeiA gnee of Mortgagee THE MORTGAGOR, THE AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. to Wachovia MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL compliUvdba dad requirements MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that B,nk NationaleA F,M0 as NUMBER: None REPRESEN REDUCED ASSIGNS as required by statute; [hat no action REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS debwfhlo,an, e inthemnditons Trustee for Wells Fargo Aaset THAT no action or procoedmc hes MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ofbefollowinc described mortgage or proceeding hes been institute, at MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Seances Coryoraton, Mortgage beeninstkamd atlaw to recover the W EEKS IF A JUDICIAT ORDER IS Mortgagor: Nicolas Iberre,eangle law orotherwise to recoverbe debt W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS PessThrough Geaificate4 Series deb[ben rem aining secure, by sack ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA secured by said mortgage or any ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 2004K by assignment recoye, m ortgage, or any pert thereof or if STATUTES SECTION 820'32 nM son First Reedentel pelt th A, b, STATUTES SECTION 82032 on Februe 2, 2015 es Ooamant the action or procoedmc hes been DETERMINING AMONG yOTHER ft a eB PURSUANT to the power of sale DETERMINING AMONG yOTHER uted, that the same hes been THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Mortgage c000 -an o eined in said the THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Number 4014339 in the Office of nett Dated: 09292004 nt mortgage the Gounry Recorder of W aehington discontnaed, or that an exeeabn PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Recorded: 111122004 above de-bedInproperty will be THINONETHAT HEMOVEDWITH Gounry Minnemta upon the uQ9t ant rendered therein WITHARESIDENTIAL OWEWNo Ramsey County Recorder sold by the Sheriff of sat, county as A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT has been re" unsatisfied, in OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS follows: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS OF M OFTGAGE:$420,00000 Pert Document No 38e6563 whole Uin ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN DATE AND TIME OF SALE. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN GATE OF MORTGAGE. April 30, PURSUANT, to the power of sale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, F B9nec To: 6evings Benk, )PLACE 201], E 00 SheA AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, the AND ARE ABANDONED. PLACE OF SALE. Sheriffs Office, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: os292oo4 PATE AND PLACE OF FILING: aoat�n described `proper�tY�will be Dated: Odober2/, 2016 CMI Proms Umt 2 W. 4th Street Dated: November, 2016 Rammed: 1v122004 Recorded on June 10, 2004 es sold by the Sheriff of laic county es MinnasMe Housing Finance Ramsey Gounry Recorder Suite 150, St Paul, MN U.S. Benk N.ui Association, Document Number 344582] in the follows: Agenry, Assignee of Morigegee Doeament No 3806564 to pay the debt then secured by Assignee of Morigegee Office of the Co,nry Recorder of DATE AND TIME OF SALE PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL A-Kne, To: Minnesob Houenc said Mortgage, end I— if any, on OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Weehagton Gounry, Minnesota Janaary3, 2017 d 10:00 AM ASSOCIATION Finenco Pgency c said premises, end the costs end ASSOCIATION THE AMOUNT CLAIM EO TO PLACE OF SALE: Weshingon By Jonathan R Cae<ey, Michael V disbursements, aduding atomeys' By Jonathan R Ca e,, Michael V Dated: 101142004 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington Schleisman fees allowed by law sublet o Sdhleismen County Lew Enforcement Center Atomeysfn Recorded: 12 County rAdempton within 6Mont-an, the Atomeys to, : $3 THE DATE of THE NoncE. Rcumev County Reeomer $34]]69.1] 15 Mann rid Street North, S011weter Min,A Housing Finenco date of seidselebybe mor(gagor(sJ, U.S Beak Netonel Aasoceton, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Minnemb Agency, Aasih Seet Mortgagee TMa-denent 3dn8N their personal represenbtves or Assignee of Mortgagee PROPERTY: Lot ], Blot: 3, to pay the debt then secured by 55 Ees[Fifth Street Suite 800 Transection Agent NIA asegns. 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Transada, Agent M ortgage ID No' Hellwooc Hills Plet 1, Weehington said mortgage enc I s, if any St Peul, MN55101-1]18 NIA DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 Gounry, Minnemta actually paid by the mortgagee, 651 '209/S99 Lender or Broker First Reedentel The date on or before which the !9120&/S99 STREET ADDRESS OF on the premises end the costs end 8122&1]53 ;bxJ Mortgage Goryoraton mortgagor m u e vacate the property 651-28-1]53 (fax) PROPERTY: 2 ELDORADO OR, disbursements allowed by law. The THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Servicer: U.S. Bank National if the mortgage is not re eted THIS IS A COMMUNICATION DEL' OOD, MN 55110-1216 0 all e, by law for redempton FIR COLLECTOR. under Mane a, S[etutes Ise n FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Assodation COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY by said mortgagorts), their personal 1Zo5-16ao]341 580 Unde, or the , Sabu rete mlad (- 1100710 IS LocATEo: V4eei ngon county represent Yes or ass9ns s sx (6) :Review: Nov s, 16 23, 30, Dec ] Mortgage Org : Firs[ d M S[ ,Review: Nov. 9, 16 23, 30, Dec ], m onths Don, the date of sale, 14 2016) Resdental Molgag G p tob80 2C d July : P 14 2o,6) T ANSA TME AND DATE TO VACATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF f the fore date s e Seturde TRANSACTION AGENT None PROPERTY: Lot l9 Block4, Joseph g°ng y' NAME OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: Unless sat, mortgage R Weide s Id Atlditon to the cry Sunday or legal holiday, then the ORIGINATOR: Homeservices redee de' unless e pmpfoy NOTICE OF MORTGAGE of Saint Paul, Ramsey Gounry, day [1159p roc the neva bueness NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Lending, LLC do, Edina Reelry FORECLOSURE SALE Minnesota FORECLOSURE SALE Mort a a Delaware Lia te, redempton is reduced by judice) MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 996 THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF ThisisAbstrect Property THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF LiaES Gom oyer yoamu do Jayte the premises FROM OBLIGATION ON y pant 6 1159 on Jul 3, 201]. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE TAX ADDRESS O Nc:20292430025 MORTGAGE: NONE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells Y Pm. Y ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Fargo Benk, N A THE TIME ALLOWED BY TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT WO IVY AVE THE TIME ALLOWED By TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION SAINTPAUL MN55101 LAW FOR REDEMPTION By AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NUMBER: 0]03021.130010 THE MORTGAGOR THE THE MORTGAGOR THE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That COUNTY D WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het TRANSACTION AGENTS REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, debulthes oauned in the eonditons IS LOCATED :Ramsey REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, debalthaso-l-vdatheconditons MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION of the following described mortgage: ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT of the following described m olga NUMBER: None MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE MORTGAGORS)'. Mark T OF M ORTGAGE $102 050 00 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagor: Jeffery J. Colonna, a THAT no action or proceeding hes WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS GLsbfsvn end PetriceA Gustafson, AMOUNT DUE ANO CLAIMED TO JVEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS angle person beenmeitute, dl ave to recover the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA husban, end wife BE DUEAS OF GATE OF NOTICE ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagee: Mortgage Elearonic debt then ream, secured by such STATUTES, SECTION 582032, MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Eledronic INCLUD INC TAXES, IF ANY, PAID STATUTES SECTION 582032 Regieratee Systems, Inc s m oagage, or any part there of or if DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Registraton Systems, e BY MORTGAGEE'. $83,03441 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER oro nee for Til Sydbe bte Benk a the action or proceeding hes been THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Delaware Go That he comm Ancomentof TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED nDded:0.5012006 tuted, that the same hes been PREMISES ARE IMPROVED De,l on es Incpoor to PREMISES ARE MPROVEO dseontnued, or that en ex42006 for Venture Oevelopmen[n e this m or(gegeforedosureprocoeding Recorded :OS County n WITH ARESIDENTIAL OW FEEING Manemb C000-oan MorlgageelAasignee of Mortgagee WITHARESIDENTIAL OWELlING Ramsey County Recorder upon the ug9ment renderec berlein OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: complied with ell notco requirements OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Document No 3946118 has been race , wsatsFled, in ARE NOT PROPERTY used N ARE NOT PROPERTY useD N AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION As�gned ro: weus Fargo Bank, NA rill "II by eatute; mat no edion AGRICULTURAL PRooucnoN As�gned To: Deara,e Bank whole Orin pert. by assignment recorded on January or procoedmc hes been end toed at National Trust Gompeny, es Trustee PURSUANT, to tlhe power of sale ANDAREABANDONED AND AREABANDONED. u, 2010 as Doe,ment Number law or Merwiseroremverme debt of the Indy- INDA Mortgage eined in said mortgage, the MOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED 3//5924 in the Office of the County secured by said mortgage, or any Dated: November22016 Loan Trust 200606519, Mortgage above desaibec property will be FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Recorder of Weehingon Gounry, pertbereof CU Mortgage Se -.,Inc., pessThrough Getificate4 Series sold by the Sheriff of said oounryes ON MORTGAGE: None Minnemta PURSUANT to the power of sale Mortgagee 200606519 under the Pooling enc Nllows: Dated: October2T 2016 obi ec In sa OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT co n mortgage the ASSOCIATION Servicnc Agreement Oeted June 1, GATE AND TIME OF SALE: OF MORTGAGE $17000000 above described property will be 2006 Janua 3, 20171: 10 A0 AM Mortgagee By: Jonathan R -A,,, MidhaelV ry THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA GATE OF MORTGAGE'. April 11, soldby the Sheriff of said county es Schleisman Dated: 0.92011 PLACE OF SALE'. Weehington 2003 follows: Recorded: 051162011 County Sheriffs Off J4 h gton Byll DATE AND PLACE OF FILING DATE AND TIME OF SALE Add neys tor: R y County Recorder County Lew Enf G to R b F. S hiller Esq GU Mortgage S cosInc Y Recorded on Deo b 1T 2003 D ber 2920161000 AM D Na 42]94i5 15015 Qnd St -el N h, S 11 ter, N. Kb g n F ndan Ik,h, Esq as Document Numb e n PLACE OF SALE Sh iffs Office Mortgagee T Agent Mortgage M nnesob Curt N Tr sko Esq' S5 Fest Ffth Stree[ SUR 800 Samuel RColeman,Esq the Office of the County Recorder of G I Pom66 Unit 25)4. 4th Street St Paul, MNSS101-1/18 EI = Rgid,d nSystems,Inc to pay the debt then secure, by Washington Gounry, Minnesota Suite 150, St Peul, MN Transactio Agent M olgage ID No: said mortgage and I_ if any Atom eysforMor(gagee THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO to pay the debt then seeurec by 651209]549 100216/000 6i2 4 dually paid by the mortgagee zy NorthdDal e Streetsonel Building BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE said Mortgage, enc bxes, if any on THIS�S ]A COMMUNICATION Lender or Broker, Gttzens 6[ete on the premises enc the costs enc ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: said premises, and the costs end Bank disbursements allowed by law. The SY `)"2 MN 55102 $113,85842 disbursements, indudmc ettomeys' FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. Servicer: Oewen Loan Servicng, wed by law for redemp% (651) 2099]65 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF fees allowed by law subject I 8880.1600810.1 LIC ev bai�� mortgagOLD their personal '1s-os]sF002 o .Review: Nov 9 16 2s, 30, Dec / PROPERTY: Lot 3, Block 2, redempton within6Monihsfromthe Mortgage Onginetor: Qtzens Sete represenbtves or assigns is six (6J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Copper Oaks Waehagton Gounry, date ofsaidsalebythemolgagoq(), 14'2016) Bank months Domthedateo-lle FROM A DEBT COLLECT OR. Manemta their personal represent.v or LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Review: Nov 916 23, Oec /, STREET ADDRESS OF assigns PROPERTY. no 2 and 23 Block PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage 14, 2016) PROPERTY: I— COPPER OAKS DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 2, Phillips Addition, Ramsey Gounry, stated or the property TRAIL WOODBURV MN 55125 The date on or before which the FORECLOSURE SALE Minnesota redeemed, o unless the tme for 34 9] mortgagormus[vecate the propertyif THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF This b Id -ad Property redempton is reduced by udidal NOTICE OF MORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY the mortgage is not reinntec under THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE TAX PARCEL NO.'. order you m ue vacate the premises FORECLOSURE SALE IS LOCATED'. Waehagton Gounry, Mane -a Ston -sedan 58030 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE 32 29 22 21 0013 byll 55 P m. on Jaya, 2017. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Manemb or the property redeemed under TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY THE TIME ALLOWED By THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage Mane -a Ston-sedan)862 AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. /S Beaum ont St LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Eledronic Regial-oan Systems Inc is June 29, 2017 at 1159 p. m. lfthe NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SeiUPaal, M N 55130 THE MORTGAGOR, THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT NAME OF MORTGAGE foregoing doeis a Saturday, Sunday bdaulthas oaurredathecondi0ons COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. ORIGINATOR Venture or legal holiday, then the date I, ofthefollowing describe, mortgage: IS LOCATED: Ramsey REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Development Inc, a Mane -a va is the n business day at Mortgagor Tim Siam We and Xe ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE debalthasocoune,in the condito C000 -an 1159 Pm. Sasane M oua, hu sband an c wife OF MORTGAGE:$151,20000 W EEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS of the foil owin c des be, molgage: RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagor: Thomas E. Glades, an Fargo Bank, NA FROM OBLIGATION ON Registraton Systems s BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, STATUTES, SECTION 582032, a madmen TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGE NONE ee for Bremer Benk, Netonel INCL U DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic NUMBER 20 02821 12 0023 THE TIME ALLOWED BY Aasoceton BY MORTGAGEE.$155,57570 THINGS, THAT THE MING Registraton Systems, TRANSACTION AGENTS LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Oeted: 041142011 Thet poor to the commencom ant of PREMISES ARE IMPROVED n nee for PHH Home Loans LLC MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION THE MORTGAGOR, THE Filed 04272011 thismoft,ageforedosureprocoedmc W LTH A RES IDENTIAT DW ELLING Dazed: 0.5118200] NUMBER 1000616//001'222843 MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Ramsey Registrar of Titles Mortgagee -Knee of Mortgagee OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Filed: 0628200] THAT no action or proceeding hes REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Document Nc 2140]36 Pgeinst complied with all notco requirements ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Ramsey Registrar of Titles been instituted d law to recover the MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE CeRfade of Title No.'. 584591 s require, by statute; bat n o ad, on AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Document No 211-4 Against debt then remaining secured by sa ch WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Asegned To: U. S. Bank N.anal or proceeding has been instituted at AND ARE ABANDONED. Ceaikade of Title No�:5-52 mortgage, nanypaa thereof or, if ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Assocaton law or otherwise to recover the debt MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Asegne, To: Manemb Hoag the edion or proceeding hes been STATUTES SECTION 582032 Dazed: 04262013 secure, by said mortgage, or any FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Finance Pgency tues ted, that the same hbeen DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Filed451132013 part thereof ON MORTGAGE: None Dazed: 101102007 IdiscoUnued, or that an execution THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Ramsey County Registrar of Titles PURSUANT to the power of sale Dated: October 2], 2016 Filed1022200] upon the judgm ent rendered th A= PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Document No 209]84 Against conbined in said mortgage, the U.S. BANK NATIONAL Ramsey County Registrar of Titles hes been re med ansatsfied, in WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING CeRfade of Title No.'. Se above describe, property will be ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, Document No 2021238 Against whole orin par[ OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Transaction Agent Mortgage sold by the Sheriff of said oounryes SUCCESS OR IN INTERESTTO Ceaificateof Title Nc'. 5-5 PURSUANT, to the power of sale ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Electronic Regal-oan Systems Ina follows: WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL Transaction Agent Mortgage co eined in said mortgage, the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Transaction Agent M agage ID No: DATE AND TIME OF SALE. AS SOCIATION,ASTRUSTEE Electronic RegibHoon Systems Inc above described property will be ANDAREABANDONED. 1000]3981106]2638-0 January5, 201], 1000 AM FOR WELLS FARGOASSET 1ansadion Agent Mortgage ID No: sol, bythe Sheriff of said county as Dated: October 26 2016 Lender or Broker: Bremer Bank, PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, SECURITIES CORPORATION, l follows: Minnesota Housing Finance N.anal Associaton Civil Process Unit 2S W. 4th Street 0'39/2461'29 MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH Lender0or Broker: PHH Home DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Agenry, Assig PROFESSIONAL 6ervicor: U.B. Bank Netonel 6aite15 the debt MN CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-K Loans, LIG )FLY E ,OF SALE AM OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Aasocaton to paybe deandt e'ec an' by Morigegee Servicer: U.S. Bank Netonel PLACE OF SALE: Weehingon ASSOCIATION Mortgage Ongat on Bram er Benk, said Mortgage, end the if eny,on THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP,P A Assocation Gounry Sheriffs Office, Wadnngon By Jonathan R Ca ere MichaelV Natonal Aasoeieton said premises,ecthecoan By lsl Mortgage Onginazor: PHH Home Couny Law Enforcement Center Schleisman LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF disbursements, indudmc ett mays' RebecoaF Schiller Esq Loans, LIG l Q n, Street North, Stillwater Atomeys tor: PROPERTY: Lot 39, Block 1, fees ellowec by law subject o 0 ' Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq LEGAL DESCRIPTION Noah10OF Minnemb Minnesob eofM Finenco Johnstone's Subdivision of Blot: doe -a within themoofromthe 'Curi N. Trisko, Esq.' PROPERTY: The North 100 feet of to pay the debt ben secured by Pgen,y, -Knee of Mortgagee Number One, of Stnmrl6 Division date of saicsalebybemol(gagor(sJ, Samuel R Coleman, Esq Lot 1b and the North 100 feet of the s mortgage and bar if any a East Fifth Street Suite 800 of NW la of Sedan 36 Township their personal represenbtves or Add neysfor Mortgagee West OnsHelf of Lot 16 Wohland adu ally pat, by the mortgagee, St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 29, Range 23, Ramsey Gounry, assigns The-dem he Academy Professional Building Acres Ramsey Gounry, Mane -a on the premises and the costs and 651 20-595 Mmnemb DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY 25 North Dale Street This s Registered Property disbursements ellowec by law. The �S3 C.Thesis Registered Property The daze o or before land, the St Paul MN 55102 TAX PARCEL Nc'. t e allowed by law for redemption THIS IS A COMMUNICATION TAX PARCEL NO mortgagor musev dethA property '651)2099]65 23 30 22 34 0019 by sat, molgagoq(), their personal FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 36292321003] if the mortgage isnot vacate, (161400 FC01) ADDRESS OF PROPERTY represenbtves or asegns s 6x ;6) l - - ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. under Manemb Sbtutes Ise THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 2000 RI SH W OFTH LN mon-Don, the daze of sale. (Ravi As Nov e9, 1623, 30, Dea], 414 CAN BUREN AVE 58630 or the property redeemml e, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. WHITE BEAR LAKE MN55110 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE 14 2016) SAINTPAUL MN55103 under Minnemb Stou- ke (Review: In- 9,1623,30, Dec COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY PROPERTY Unless said mortgage COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY b IS Julyp201/ daHb9pm ], 216) Is LocATEo: Ramsev dated or me pop as Is LocATEo: Ramsev If3ma3foregomg date is a satuma, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT redeemed, o unless the time for NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Sunday or legal holiday, then the OFMORTGAGE$213,000.00 redemption is reduced by judical FORECLOSURE SALE OFMOFTGAGE$1Q]5600 daze to vacate is the n- business NOTICE OF MORTGAGE MOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO order you must vecatethe prem ises THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF AMOUNT DUE AND CLAMED TO day at 1159 Pm. FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE by1159 Pm. on July3 201]. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE MORTGAGORS) RELEASED THERIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID THE TIME ALLOW EO BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID FROM OBLIGATION ON THE DEBT AND IDEMITYOFTHE BV MORTGAGEE: $1 x,49253 LAW FOR REDEMPTION By BY MO RTGAGEE:$12192438 MORTGAGE: NONE That the commencement of THE MORTGAGOR THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Thet the commencement of THE TIME ALLOWED BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE plgage AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. priortc TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT bismor(gageforeclosure proceeding MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that bism olgageforeclosarepro-ag LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION Morlgageel -gnee of Mortgagee REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, be at hesocHEREin the GIVEN that MorlgageeiA gnee of Mortgagee THE MORTGAGOR, THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: The[ oompiecwith all notce requirements MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Som piedwith all notcorequnemenb MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL dataa)has ocwne- the mndlko as required by sbtute; Ihd no edion W EEKB IF A J UP AL ORDER IS of the fol low, ncdv Abed m o -cage: as required by done; that no action REPRESENTIVEBOR ASSIGNS, of the following described m olgage: or procoedmc has been instituted az ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Magagor: BleirA Keith a eagle or proceeding has been institute, az MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE person MORTGAGORS)'. Joaquin De le rotherwisetorecoverthedebt STATUTES, SECTION 582032 Mortgagee: CU. Mortgage law orothenwise to recover the debt W EEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS La Tone an, Alma V De La Tone, s tired by sat, mortgage, or any DETERM INING AMONG OTHER severed by said mortgage, or any husban, and wife part[ ereo., Services Ina h f THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED pPURSU of Dated. 04232013 Public Notices MORTGAGEE. Wells Fargo Benk, PURSUANT to the power e sale PREMISES ARE IMPROVED PURSUANT to the power e sale NA conbine, In sal, mortgage, the wITHAREsl08vnAL DWELLwG El eycounty onbined in said mortgage, the Continued on Page 16 Ramsev coanry Registrar of Ates ° Page 16 Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016 Public Notices 2005 33C Mortgage P -through LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF cert& ares, Senes20053303, PROPERTY To 2 Brod: 3 Cominued from Page 15 Aasigneeot Mortg - Mm -,G, k EewoodA 4m ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 55 East Fitm StvO SHIA 800 Addition, -song to thA plat STATUTES SECTION S[ PeuI, MN SSIOI-1 /le thereof on file end d record In HA DETERMINING AMONG yOTHER .12097599 Officoofth-gi,tra-ofTtleklnand TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED .12281]53 (fax) a-W-Ugton Gounry, Mm -,G, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION This lk Reg, dvvd Property W ITH A RESIDENTIAL OWEWNG FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TAX PARCEL NO OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS 1]832-130013 1802921230058 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN (Review: Nov l6, 23, 3U, DAo /, l4, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 21 201o) 3612 GENTRY AVEN AND ARE ABANDONED. OA DALE MN55128 Dated: Novem be -22016 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE IS LOCATED:'JV-Ugton TRUST COMPANY es Trustee FORECLOSURE SALE ORIGIN AL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT for INDYMACINDXMORTGAGE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF OF MORTGAGE $178 12500 LOAN TRUST 200E-AR19, THEDEBTANDIDENITYOFTHE MOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE BE DUEASOFDATEOFNOTICE CERTIFICATES Series 200E-AR19, TIME PROVIDED BY LAW INT INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID Assignee d Mortgagee AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. BY M OFTGAGEE:$1]9, 10649 OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, oat That pito-tothe domen-ment of ASSOCIATION defaulthas obarredln themndiit- Dik moftaearebloku-ep-ocoeding By JoneoenR Cue: ey, Mld,eelV ofoeollowinc described m ortgage: Mortgageei-gnee of Mortgagee Sdhleisman Mortgagor. M erkA , otherwike to recoveroe debt Mille -and Emily aompl,e,w,thallno,,,,eq,,,ementn Attomeykor: LMIIIeT es Husbenc end Wife s-AgUvdby,FUUA; that o -on DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL Mortgagee: GU Mortgage Service,, 3r pl has been inti a ed at TRUST COMPANY a, Trustee or oo INDVMAG INDXMOFTGAGELOAN Dated: 052312007 secured by sate mortgage, or any TRUST 2006AR19, MORTGAGE Recorded:06e052007 pertthe-Aof PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES Ramsey County RAbo-der PURSUANT to the pope- of kt le Serie, 20o6AR19, Asignee of Dobument No 4033249 on erred In sold mo gage, he Mortggee Transaction Agent NIA above described property will be 55 Ea,i Fifo Street Suite 800 Transection Agent M ortga ID No sold by the Sheriff of,aic county es St PeuI, MNS3101-1/16 NIA allow,: 651209]549 Lender or Broker: GU Mortgage DATE AND TIME OF SALE. 6512231753'bx) servicok, Inc. Jenuery620171000 AM THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Se-vico-. G.U. Mortgage Servicok PLACE DFSALE. Law Enk,"em ent FROM A DE BT COL LECTOR. Center 15015 61d Street N., 17/251600]241 Mo Ori Inetor: GU Mo St -et MN Review: Nov l6, 23, 3U, Deo /, l4, Se mgk,Aln' g ga9A o pay the debt then severed by 21, 2016) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ,aid Mortgage, and bee,, if any on PROPERTY: Lot 13, Blod: 8 said premises end the costs end Edmund Rica s First Addidon to St disbursements, Induding -neyk' PeuI, Ramsey County Minne-E, fees allowed by law subject o NOTICE OF MORTGAGE redemption within 6 M ono, from the FORECLOSURE SALE This lkAb,trect Property dateofsaidsalebythemolt oq(), THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 129 Pll NO.'. the, personal reit-Akenbdvek or THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY -- ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE .O Clark Street DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT St PeuI, MN 53130 The date on or beore whibh the AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTI ON. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY mortgagor m u,i vacate the property NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, oat IS LOCATED: Ramsey If the mortgage b not -e aced de lo-oaurredlnoebondid ons ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT under Mlnnemb SEbU`rco n of the allowing de-bec molgagA: OF SOFTGAGE :$155,00000 58030 or oe property rede cored Mortgagor: FmnkL Quzake Frank AMOUNT DUEANO GIAIMEO TO under MUne,0 S[etutekkA Cruz and Marie M Cruz eke Marie BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE 58023Ik July6 201] et 1159 p�mn Graz husband and wife INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID If the oregoing date b a Satu-day, Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic BY M ORTGAGEE.$145,87535 Sunday or legal holiday, then the Regi,tmdon Systems, Inc as Thet p -for to the commencoment of datetovacateis the nA#b-U- hold e or Americas Wholesale thismo gaged-edoku-eprocoedinc dMOFT 59pm. Lenderr MOFTGAGOBLI RELEASED Dated: 05-005 %pi, 0.e -than not of Mortgagee FROM OBLIGATION ON Recorded: 09262005 comp lu v, by "atutcorequirements MORTGAGE: NONE W ae,ington county Rammer o,pi-ecby,tet be;n n ttutctlon TME TIME ALLOWED BY Dowm ant No 3541884 or promedo5 ha, been instiWod at the debt r therwse to �w FOR REDEMPTION By oirecover THE MORTGAGOR THE Assigned To: The Bank of New Dared by said mortgage, or any MORTGAGORS PERSONAL York Mellon as The Bank of New pat oereof York as Trustee for oe Benefit of PURSUANT to the power of ,ale REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, the Certfic-holders of CWALT Ina co mortgage, oA MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Altemedve Loan Tme 200533CB abovend-becrcp-operty will be WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Mortgage Peksorough Gertficatek, ,old by oe Sheriff of said bounty es ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Series 2005331 ollows STATUTES SECTION 582032 Dated: 09062011 DATE AND TIME OF SALE DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Recorded: 09202011 January 12, 201/, 1000 AM TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED W adhUgton county Recorder PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs ODbe PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Dowment No 3664615 CvI Proco„ U nit 25 W. 4th Street A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Tran -on Agent Mortgage Suite -St Paul, MN OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, BeIXmnla Regi,i-O d, System, Inc. o pay the debt then securec by ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Tmn- on Agent Mortgage ID No:ka,danc AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 1000157000 48.]-0 ,aid premgiad, anc tlhes cof,tsyenc on AND ARE ABANDONED. Lender or Broker: Americas disbursements, Indudinc att Dated: Novembe-9 2016 Wholesale Lender fees allowed by law kubjecR to Pingore Loan Servicing, LLC, Sery , Sherpoint Mortgage -edam peon within 6 M onthk from D e Assignee d Mortgagee Servicing date of,aid,aleb m $ heort e o k PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Mortgage Originator: Americas their personal reit-esenbdvek0, ASSOCIATION Wholesale Lender a,si By Jonatlhan R LLkkey, MkFaelV LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE TO VAGATE PROPERTY: Sdhleienan PROPE FTV To 3 Block 2 The date on o- before lhk. the Attomey,ar: Ridgewood Addid on, Wadhmgton mortgagor must vebete oe property Pingore Loen Servicng, LLG Gounry, Minnesota if he mortgage b not rein Assignee of Mortgagee TUdbAb,im Property under Mlnnemb SbWtes kectton a Eaa Fifa Street Suit, -U0 TAX PARCEL NO 030 or tlhe property redeemec 65 PeuI, MN55101-1]18 22 `2721 under MUn-ta SbWtes recto 12091599 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 58023 b July 12 2017 at 1159 p�mn ) 9019 Jasmine Ave S If th e oregoing date lk a Saturday THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Cottage Gave MN 55016 Sunday or legal holiday then the FROM ADEByCOLLECTOR. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY date to vacate b the ne# bukine,s ' IS LoGATED: Washington davanl a9 pm. Re,new: Nov 16 23, 30, Dec / 14, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT my RELEASE 21,2016) OF MORTGAGE $256,00000 FROM OBLIGATION ON AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO MORTGAGE: NONE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE THE TIME ALLOWED BVNOTICE OF MORTGAGE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID LAW FOR REDEMPTION By FORECLOSURE SALE By M OFTGAGEE$369, 92041 THE MORTGAGOR, THE THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF That pen or to the bommenbement of MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE this m 0agagea-ed osu-A procoedino EEPEESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Molgageel -Knee of Mortgagee MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT complied wits all notco-aqui-em ants WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. k required by,tatute; that no a,ion ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that or proceeding h as been ln,titutec at ,STATUTES SECTION default has ocouned in the conditions rago- otherwise o recove, the debt DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER of the allowing de-bec mortgage: paed by,aid mortgage, or any TH INGS, THATTHEMORTGAED Mortgagor: PhaThao and Mai Yang, tthered PREMISES ARE IMPROVED husband and with, anc Douad,ee PURSUANT to the power of ,ale WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING vang a tingle person eined In ,aid mortgage, oe OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Mortgagee: Mortgage EIAIXronic ab=ed property veal bA ARE NOT PROPERTY usE IN RAglkdadon SysYAmk, fLZbythe Sheriffof sate count a AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, omUeea-Novakb-Mortgage, Inc ollow,: ANDAREABANDONED nOatAd. 12232004 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Dated: November10,2016 Filed: 011102005 January 62017 10 do AM CU Mortgage S.M., Inc., Ramsey CountyRegi,im, of Ttles PLACE DF SALE Law Ena-cement mortgagee Dowment No 1.0073 Aga - Center 15015 62n Street N., OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Certfibate-PeNe:550014 Stlweter, MN ASSOCIATION Akegned To: The Bank of New Von: o pay foe debt then k -ed by By Jonathan R C -I Michael V Mellon as The Bank of New Von:, Ic Mortgage, and bxe it any on F, and Sbhleikman as SucoA,sor Trustee orJPMorgen dikbursementntk induding and the coacomeyk' Altomeyk for. chase Bank, NA, as Trustee for foes allowed b law ubed GU Mortgage Servicok, Inc Novak,- Mortgage Funding Tru,i, y s o Mortgagee Senek20051 Novas, -Home Equity -edempton within 6Mont-tom the y3 E Fifa Street Suite 800 Loan All Backed Certfibates date ofkaidkalebythe molgagold) St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 Series 2PR51 their personal represenbtve, orDaled: 041192013 a,egn,. .1-2o1753P,b Rledc.62013 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Ramsey CountyRegi,im, of Ttles The date on or beore which the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Document No 2208964 Against ifollgago- he 9ugOAvacate the p-opea 8880.16008931 celfibate-PeNe:550014 under Mlnnemb SbWtes rb not ens ate (Review: Nov 16, 23, 30, Dec 7, 14, Tran -on Agent. Mortgage 58630 or the rade cored sedhon 21 2016) Elea -d -b Reg -ton System k,Inc under Minnesota SbWtes co Transaction Agen[Mortgage lO No'. 9704 580.23Ik July 62017 at 1159 p�mn Ten1000der�oB�Brokker: Nove,te- If the foregoing date Ik a Saturday NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Mortgage, Inc, a Vi-giniaboDoradon Sunday or legal holiday then the FORECLOSURE SALE Se-vico-: Oaven Loan Servicing, date to vacate l k the n-bu-- THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF LLC day at 1159 p m. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Mortgage Originator. Nove,te- MOF(TGAGOR(S) RELEASED ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE Mortgage, Inc a VirginiaooryoId, FROM OBLIGATION ON TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF MORTGAGE: NONE AFFECTED BY THISACTION. PROPERTY. Loa 1, 2, and 3, Blod: THE LIKE ALLOWED By NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 13, Hager, Subdivi eon of Lots 1, LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV debult ha c-i-edln Decondidonk L 3 THE MORTGAGOR THE oftheallowincdekaibedmortgage: of Welbo- Additiony 6 toCottage MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagor Austin M Peterson, Homes togeoe-with-ed alley REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, tingle Subject to Reke-vadon by State MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagee: Mortgage Eed-d-b of Minnesota of all Mineral, and W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS Regi,iraton System, Incas Mineral Rights ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA nom nee or Dint- Mortgage, s Subject to easements in favor of STATUTES SECTION 582032 di -on of Banington Benk end Trus[ tee cry of saint Paul or slopes cuts DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Ge, NA anc fillkakto ,aid Lotlakdikdoked TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Dated: o411W2014 inBook .S" of Plan, page L3 anc In PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Filed 05-014 Book S of Pl ens page l2 in foe oDco A RESIDENTIALDWELLING Wakhinglon Registrar of Tee, of the Registrar of Deed, of Ram key OF LESS THAN FIA UNITS, Dooument No 128016 Against Count,Minekob ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Certficate-PeN0.: 71 236 Thi kis Registered Property AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Assignee To: Pingore Loan TAX PARCEL NO ANDAREABANDONE. SeWdng, Ltc. 242923.410068 Dated: Novembe-8 2016 Dated: 0911512016 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. The Bank d - -k Mellon Filed 09262016 166 Cottage A,D fkaThe Bank d New Vork as Washington County Regi,im, Saint Paul, MNS311/ Trustee for the Bereftl of the of Ttles Document No 1242838 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY CertificateholdersM CWALT Again,i CertficateofTdANo: 71236 IS LOCATED: Ramsey Inc.Alternative Loan Trust2005- Transaction Agent Mortgage ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 3313 Mortgage Passthrough Elect -onto Regibbaton Systems, Ina OF MORTGAGE $25],00000 Certificates, Series 2005-33 CB, Transection Agent Mortgage IF No: AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Assignee d Mortgagee 1000'312 4i/96J BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Lender 00 Broker: Wlntruk[ INCLUDING TAXES,IF ANY PA ID ASSOCIATION Mortgage, a divieon of Falling- BY M OFTGAGEE: $188, 29198 By Jonathan R C -e, Mlc,aelV Bankanc Tru,i Go, NA, aNatonal That pnortothecommencementof SHh Ai -an Benk Dikm 0agage areblosu-A p-ocoeding Alto held o-: Servico-.Gema-FSB Mortgageei-gnee of Mortgagee The Bank of New von: Mellon foe Mortgage Originator. Wlntruk[ bompliec with all not be-equirennd- TheBank ofNew vo-kasTrusteeo- Mortgage, a divieon of Baongton required by statute; feet no action foe Benefit of the Certficateholders Bankanc Tru,i Go, NA, aNabonal or prooeeding hes been instituted et of CA ALT Inc Ate-nab-Loen Trust Bank law o-ood,ob, to-Acove-the debt Review Minutes ST PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2016 The Ramsey County Board d comml,vionersm Atrn-Agula-kA,vion at903 am. wio the ollowinc members present Garter, Huffman, MId-ugh, M,GLi-A, Ortega, Oblonan, enc Cha,-RdUha-D Also im-d[were Julie KIAin,d,mldt County Manager, anc John Kelly, Firs[ -t ant County Attorney AGENDA d November 1, 2016 was presentee for approval. Modon by Ortega ---by M Id -ugh. U nani mu ey approved. M INUTES d October 25, 2016 were presented for approval. Modon by Hurt, an, seconded by McGuire Unanimoudiy approved. AOM N STRATI VE TEM S S -al SArvicok-Ag- r -n with Mlnn-a Ca -aft- f,, Chic P,DARion Supervised Viet,. Moton by MCGLirA, secondee by Garter. Unanimoudiy app-oved;B2016274). S -al Service, -Agree do l,th Mlnn-a Ca-APaft -for Supervised Vl,lbdon Transportadon Servibek M odon by McGuire, seta ended by Carter Unanimoudiy approved 00162]5). Financal A,si,tan-Service,-Agreement veto Hennepin Gountyoran Interactive Voice Response System. M odon by McGuire kebonded by Carter Unanimoudiy approved (M0162]6). Public Healtlh - Gant Award from the Minnesota DApertm Ant of Public Sooty for Sexual Assault SA -vibes M odon by McGuire kebonded by Garter Un no udiy approved (2016277) Eme-gen ly-nnunibadonk- Joint Powers Agreements,Metropolitan Emergency Services Boad Moton by McGuire semnded by Garter. Unanlmouey approved (2016278) Property Management 1 Community C,,- U,onk- Fifth Lease Amendment withSpruco Tree Centre L1P for 1600University Avenue Modonby McGuire kebondedby Garter Unanimoudiyapproved (2016279) Property Records 3 Revenue -Sale d aTex-orfeited Property IF-- 736 C- Avenue to the Housing c RAJ-1,pm Ant All -ty d the City d Saint Paul, Mlnn-a Modon by MOGLire, semnded by Garter. Unanimoueyapproved. (2016280) Property Rebodk 3 Revenue - Stile of eTex-forfeited Property Located et 779 Central Avenue W. to oe Houenc and Rede- im-ndo Aut-ty d the City Saint Paul, M lnn-a Modon by M,.- ---by Garter. Unanim oudiyapp-d (82016281) Property Records 3 Revenue -Sated Tex-orfeited Property Located et 671 Cooke nue E. race Housing c Redevelopment Auoonty d the City d Saint Paul, Mlnn-a Modon by M,.- semnded by Garter. Unanimoueyapproved. (2016282) Property Records & Revenue- SaIA d a Tex-orfeited Property Located et 490 Full A -A -A to the HoudUb c Redevelopment-i-ty of thA City d Saint Paul, Mlnnekoa Modon by M,.u,,A, semnded by Garter. Unanimoueyapproved. (20162) Property Records 3 Revenue - Stile of e Tex-orfeitec Property IF, -et 1025 Lawmen Avenue E to oe Houenc and Red -bim-endo Aut-ty d the City Saint Paul, Mlnn-a Modon by M,.- semnded by Garter. Unanim-ly approved (82016284) Board dCom ml,sioners-Appoinbndo to the Valley Bran, Watershec D dl -Board d Managers. Modon by MdlAirA, secondee by Garter Unanimoueyapproved ;B2016285) Human RAmuroek- Po,i- i-m-bi, Heath Gere Savings Plan for Elected Officals Modon by Huffman, secondee by Ortega Ayek-5. Nays -1 ;Rvionan). ;B2016286) LEGISLATIVE UPDATE -Disv,eon ban bA aunt on a-chived video BOARD CHAIR UPDATE -Disyssion can b-unt on a -,hived video OUTSIDE BOARDAND COMMITTEE REPORTS -D-u,sion can be found on archived video ADJOURNMENT -Chair Reinhardt deca-Ad the coaling adjourned et 930 am. J -M M. Guthrie, Chief Cl- County Board tic by said mortgage, or any bdnpIvAc all required fields, and CERTIFICATE OF Pat thereof that the lnormadon l n this document ASSUMED NAME PURSUANT to the power d kale =ned bLueand cory anclnddmpl,andA STATE OF MINNESOTA In said mortgage, the above desxi bec property III be olc by the Sheriff d said county as ollows DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Januarys, 201], 1000 AM with the applicable chapter of MUnemb Sbtutek dersbnd that by egnUc alk document l am kubAIX to oe peneldek of perjuryek :e'arth`en SectionbU948 as ifl had signed this dooum ent un der oath. pier Minresob Statutes Che 333: ASSUME NAME. THERESA ELIZABETH COLEMAN PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS. 125 Worth Street Room 144 New PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff, Rude, Civil P-oco,s Unit 2S W. 4th Street Suite 150, St PeuI, MN :to pay the debt then severed by Ic Mortgage, end taxes, ff any, on c premlkek, anc the cock anc Date: 10262016 /s/derrold leo brink 'Review: Nov 16 23, 2016) RAMSEY COUNTY York, NV 10013 NAM EHOTOERS: Theresa Elizabeo Coleman, Clo General Exewox Dent Ghadeston Bouleva-c - 9225 #2102 Clark County NV8911-knenca, Theresa E. Coleman, Clo General Executrix F, Mud--ne, foes by law PROCUREMENT West Chad- n Boulevard -9225, allowec subject o -edemptonwithin 6 Mon -drip the ROOM 210 #2102 Clark County NV 89117 date of,abkale bythe mortgagoq(), CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE A^r erica, THERESAE. COLEMAN, Clo General Exeaox WAD their personal reit-esentat- or 15WEST KELLOGG BLVD, Chane,ton Bouleva-c-9225,#2102 a,signk DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Clark Gounry NV 8911 / America , T The date on or beore while the 55102-1674 E. COLEMAN, C-eneral Executrix m olgagor must -ate the property it he mortgage Ik not r under Mlnnemb SbWtes s 58030 or the property redeedmrec under MUnemb SbWtes Becton eJbJuly S, 201/at 1159 m. 651-266-60]2 Ram keycounry rAlAesekkolicbdon oppolunitek on Onvia Demand5[er Ik offical web site as an altemedve mAood of public -kc, pursuant to Secton 331 A03 of the Mlnne-a We,t Charle,don Boulevard - 9225, #2102 Clark County NV 8911/ Amenca,T E Golemen, Go General Executrix A-Chane,ton Bouleva-c - 9 -'LS, #2102 Clark County NV 8911] America, T ELIZABETH p. Ittheforegoing date b a SeWrday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to vacate b the ne# business day at 1159 pm. MOR(TGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: NONE THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVESOR ASSIGNS, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE SbWtes Individuals may go t the Onvia DemandSt yedTon of the Rahn-, CounN PIH -n, WAboabA access -Agid,O n Ino -onto SOLICITATION: RFP-PRK10292 KR OPENING DATE: DAcombe- 08 2016 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROVIDE COMPLETE DESIGNIENGINEERIN G CONSTRUCTION, PROJECT COLEMAN, Glo General Executrix JVe,t Ghene,ton Boulevard -9225, #2102 Clark Cou my NV 89117 Am ante T Elizabeth Coleman, Clo General E. -H. WeA Chane,ton Bouleva-c-9225,#2102 Clark County NV 89117 America, ELIZABETH COLEMAN, CIO General Exeouox )Vest Charleston Bouleva-c - 9225 #2102 Clark County NV 6911/Amenca, Elizabeth Coleman Go General Exewtrix West Cha,Boule-d 9225, W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES SECTION 582032, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER TH INGS, THATTHEMOR(TGAGE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED W ITH A RES IDENTAL OW EwNG OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ANDAREABANDONED. Dated: November3,2016 MANAGEMENT, COMMISSIONING AND MEASUREMENT AND VERIFICATION SERVICES REQUIRED TO CONVERT THE HVAC SYSTEM AT ALDRICH ARENA FROM STEAM TO HOT WATER PRE -SOLICITATION RESPONSE CONFERENCE: ALDRICHARENq 1850 WHITE BEAR AVENUE N MAPLEWOOD, M-10911-16fi 900AM. GST #2102 Clerk County NV ell/ Am ante, LIZ COLEMAN, 89 - General Executrix west Ghadeston Bouleverc - 9125 82102 Clan: County NV 89117 America To Coleman GO General Executrix NAD Ghane,don Boulevard 9225, #2102 Clark County NV 89117 America, ELIZABETH SINJI NEW ELE Glo General E.-M. W est Ghetleeon Boulevard -925 #2102 Clark County NV 89117 The Bank d Nov York Mellon, f -The Bank d New Vork JPMorgancChaserBank, N.A'as ;Review: Nov 9, 16 23, 2016) CERTIFICATE OF America, Elizabeth SU, Newell, Clo General Exeouox W eD Chanekton Boulevarc - 9225 #2102 Clan: County NV8911/America, E SINJI Trustee for N -Star Mortgage ASSUMED NAME NEWELS Go General Exeaox AAD Cha -lead, Boulevard -9225, FundingTrust, Series 2005-1, N.Star Home Equity Loan Asset -Backed Certificates, Series 2005-1, Assignee of Mortgagee OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION By Jonathan R C -e, MlbhaelV S.Ieikman 10-neyk or: The Bank of New Von: Mellon Gkla The Bank UNew Von: a---, o JPMoGan I- rBanik,tNA as Trustee or N -Sb- Mortgage Funding Tru,i, Series 21G,-, No -Sb -Home Equity Loan STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnesota Statutas Chapter 333: 1. Okt the e-1 e,vumec name unde-whit, the buene,slk o-wirbe conducted: JL G FLOORING 2 Principal Place of Buen- 1667 LARPENTEUR AVE E MILE OOD, M-109#2102 3. List the name and complete s et add-e,s of all person, oondud,nc bukin_ under the above A, U-ned Name: JOSE L GUZMAN 1567LARPENTEURAVE E MAPLEWOOD, MNS3109 #2102 Clark County NV 89- America, E. Sinji Newell, �Clo General Exeouox WAD Chanekton Bouleva-c - 925 #2102 Clan: County NV 89117 America, SINJI NEWELL Go General Exeaox WeD Chane,ton Boulevard -9225 Clark County NV 89117 America, Ship Newell, Clo General E. -M. A-Chanecon Bouleva-c - 9225 #2102 Clark County NV 89117 Anne -ba , E . NEWELL Clo General Exeouox WeD Chane,on Boulevarc - 9225 #2102 Clan: Gounry NV 89117 America, E.S. A,aet-Bad:ec Gertfioates Series 20051 , -Knee of Mortgagee JS East Fifa Street Suite 800 St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 .1209]549 - J3 (bxJ THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. - - (Revel, Nov 16,123, 30, Leo/14, 21 2016) CERTI FICATE OF 4. I, the undersigned, beofy that am signing this document es the person whose signature b required, r as agent of D e person(,) whose signature would be required who has authorized m e to egn ois docum ent on higher behalf or In both bapaatek I Wither -Hy Det I have ornpllec all required fields and matoeln --naton In the dobtmnt r end correct ancln comidanco Ivsrth he applicable d,apte, of Ml`n Ota Statutes understand that by egninc els doom Antl em kubject o the penalaek of pAl7ury ak Newell, Glo General Exeaox We,t Chane,ton Bouleva-c-9225, #2102 Clah County NV 89117 America I, the undersigned, -ofy that I am egnUg this dooum ent as the person whose egnatu-e lk required, or as agent of the person(,) whose e9neHv lou lc be required wh o h as anhonzed me o don ol, do-ent o hdihe- behalf or In both capaa- I Wither cortfythat l have completed all -AgUvc fields, anc oetoAl norm an on In ois document -u anc -red andlnbompuanm tithe ,applicableFapte- ASSUMED NAME katforth In Sedion 60948 ak if I had with of STATE OFMINNESOTA MinnesMe Statutes Chapter 333: ASSUMEDNAME dar-olcleobnnk PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 611 Ross he Rd, Ste 11J WAUKON, IA52172 NAMEHOLDERS: DARROLD LEO BRINK Ell Ross he Rd, Ste 11J, kignedthbdobumentunde-oath. Date:11 0316 /s/JOSEL.GUZMAN (OWNER) Review: Nov 1623, 2016) MlnneOb St. I` I and-'anc that by eg-Ug ois document I am kubedto Depenaltekofpe0ury ak cot Orth In Sediion61946akiflhac egned ois docum ent under oath. Dao10-2016 /s�ElimbMh Sinli Nervell ;Review: Nov 9, 16 2016) WAUKOu, IA52172 die ndetegned, bertf that am gni enc his document he person whosA egnat -e b required, the w ek agent of so perdho has signature wourc be quire authonzec me to eon ois doom ent on Mahe- behalf, o- In both Public Notices capabidek. larthe-ofydlat I have Continued on Page 17 Public Notices Continued from Page 16 RAMSEY-WASHINGTON METRO WATERSHED DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MAINTENANCE/ REPAIRS 2017 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District, Capital improvement Project Maintenance/ Repairs 2017 will be received by the Owner at the office of Barr Engineering Co. until 11:00 a.m., CST, Monday, December 5, 2016 and then publicly opened and read aloud. The Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, skills, and performing all operations required to construct the Work. The Work includes, but is not limited to, mobilization and demobilization at multiple sites; installing erosion controls BMPs, silt fence, sediment logs, erosion control construction entrance, rock filter dike, control of water and/or dewatering to perform work; removal of trees and stumps; excavation with off-site disposal of sediment/muck/vegetation from storm water detention ponds, channels, inlet pool, culvert ends; removal of sediment/muck/ vegetation from storm water modular block paver basins with off-site disposal of materials; perform routine removal/cleanout with off- site disposal of sediment/debris from manholes/sumps/catch basin -type structures and pipelines with off-site disposal of materials; debris cleaning along and between slots of timber weirs; general site work, earthwork and grading; repair/replace riprap at inlet/outlet structures, maintenance and repair of sediment control dike in open water channel removing and replacing 1 % to 2 inch clean washed rock and netting, repair of existing earthen berm, excavation/ removal of vegetation/cattails from sand filter dissipater; removal and disposal of riprap from sand filter, construct cast -in-place concrete splash dissipation structure, abandonment of existing monitoring wells by licensed/registered well contractor; site restoration/seeding with native seed mixes provided by Owner; installing erosion control blanket on all exposed soils. Clean- up of sites and removal of temporary erosion control BMPs at completion of Work, all as provided for in the Bidding Documents. Alternate bid for removal/repair/replacing existing deteriorating 73 inch arch span storm sewer pipe line and flared end section with steel sheet pile support/ protection. All quantities and work items in this advertisement for bid are approximate and not guaranteed. Complete digital project documents are available at www.questodn. mm. You may download the digital plan documents for thirty dollars ($30.00) by inputting Quest Project # 4731117 on the website's Project Search page. Please contact QuestCDN.com at 952-233-1632 or infoC?auestccin.com for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of project documents may also be examined and/or obtained at the office of the Engineer. Potential bidders may obtain the documents for a nonrefundable price of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per set. Please make your check payable to Barr Engineering Co. and send it to 4300 MarketPointe Drive, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435. Please contact Sue Nelson at 952-832- 2600; or Fax: 952-832-2601 if you have any questions. Partial sets of documents will not be issued. (Review: Nov. 15, 22, 2016) RAMSEY-WASHINGTON METRO WATERSHED DISTRICT MARKHAM POND ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for Markham Pond Ecological Restoration, Maplewood, Minnesota will be received by the Owner at the office of Barr Engineering Co. until 10:00 a.m., CST, Monday, December 5, 2016 and then publicly opened and read aloud. This project is sourced from Federal EPA funds and Federal terms and conditions along with Federal Bacon - Davis guidelines for prevailing wages shall be followed. The Work is scheduled to commence over the winter and early spring of 2017. The Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, skills, and performing all operations required to construct the Work. The Work includes, but is not limited to, mobilization and demobilization; control of water and dewatering to perform work; installing erosion controls BMPs, silt fence, sediment logs, erosion control construction entrance, construction of temporary haul road with existing materials, excavation of stilling basin and channel in existing pond bottom, filling and grading along shoreline creating a 10H:1V safety bench, excavation of deep fish hole, removal of temporary haul road, removal of all excess excavated materials, site restoration, seed with low maintenance seed mix and install erosion control blanket over all exposed soil areas, clean-up site and remove all erosion control BMPs; all as provided for in the Bidding Documents. All quantities and work items in this advertisement for bid are approximate and not guaranteed. Complete digital project documents are available at www.questodn. com. You may download the digital plan documents for thirty dollars ($30.00) by inputting Quest Project # 4731127 on the website's Project Search page. Please contact QuestCDN.com at 952-233-1632 or info@questcdn.com for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of project documents may also be examined and/or obtained at the office of the Engineer. Potential bidders may obtain the documents for a nonrefundable price of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per set. Please make your check payable to Barr Engineering Co. and send it to 4300 MarketPointe Drive, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435. Please contact Sue Nelson at 952-832- 2600; or Fax: 952-832-2601 if you have any questions. Partial sets of documents will not be issued. (Review: Nov. 15, 22, 2016) IN PROCEEDINGS SUBSEQUENT TO INITIAL REGISTRATION OF LAND STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WASHINGTON DISTRICT COURT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASTTYPE (10) TORRENS File No. 82 -CV -16-4025 ORDERTO SHOW CAUSE In the Matter of the Petition of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. In relation to Certificate of Title No. 57588 issued for land in the County of Washington and State of Minnesota and legally described as follows: Lot Thirteen (13), Block Seven (7), THOMPSON'S GROVE 2ND ADDITION. TO: PARTIES IN POSSESSION, DAVID ANSCHUTZ, CHERYL ANSCHUTZ, MRS. DAVID ANSCHUTZ AND TCF NATIONAL BANK, A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION. Upon receiving and filing the Report of the Examiner of Titles in the above -entitled matter, IT IS ORDERED, that you, and all persons interested, appear before this Court on the 19th day of December, 2016, at 9:OOAM at the Washington County Government Center, 14949 62nd Street North, Stillwater, MN 55082 and then, or as soon thereafter as said matter can be heard, show cause, if any there be, why this Court should not enter an Order as follows: That the Registrar of Titles of Washington County, upon the filing of a certified copy of this Order, cancel Certificate of Title No. 57588 and enter a new Certificate of Title for land therein described in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., free from all memorials now appearing on the present Certificate of Title, the last of which is Document No. 1242744, and free also from the memorial of this Order, except the Registrar of Titles shall carry forward the memorial of Document No. 10278. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that this Order be served: (a) at least 10 days prior to such hearing upon the above-named parties residing in this State in the manner provided by law for the service of Summons in a civil action; (b) at least 14 days prior to such hearing upon any of the above- named nonresidents by sending a copy of this Order to such nonresidents at his/ber post office address, by registered or certified mail, with a return receipt requested; (c) upon any party who cannot be found by two weeks published notice and by sending a copy of this Order at least 14 days prior to the hearing by First Class mail to such party at his/ber last known address and by sending another copy of this Order at least 14 days prior to the hearing by First Class mail to his/ber address as stated on the Certificate of Title, if an address is so stated. (d) upon a dissolved, withdrawn or revoked business entity governed by Minn. Stat., Chip. 302A, 303, 317A, 322A, 322B or 323 in the manner provided by Minn. Stat. 5.25. (Note: return date on the Order to Show Cause must be at least 30 days after the date of mailing by the Secretary of State). Dated: 10/20/16 By: /s/ Susan Miles JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT The foregoing is approved as to form. Approved: /s/ Edward W. Simonet Washington County Examiner of Titles Attorney for Petitioner: Rebecca F. Schiller Attorney at Law The Academy Professional Building 25 North Dale Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Telephone: (651) 209-9760 rebecca@th eacademylawgroup. com Attorney Reg. No. 231605 (14-0881-PS03) ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED ONLY BY THOSE WHO WISH TO OBJECT TO THE ENTRY OF THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED ORDER. (Review: Nov. 9, 16, 2016) PUBLIC NOTICE The Ramsey County Public Works Department hereby gives public notice of its intent to aerate certain County lakes to prevent winterkill of fish. Aeration systems create open water and thin ice. Stay clear of marked areas! The County intends to use both permanent and mobile systems, which will be operated between November 21, 2016 and April 18, 2017, as needed. Mobile systems will be used at Como, Otter, Beaver, and Pickerel lakes. Permanent systems will be used at Island, Loeb, Owasso, and Silver Lake in North St. Paul. The Department of Natural Resources has issued permits to the Ramsey County Department of Public Works to do this work. (Review: Nov. 16, 23, 2016) CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TEXT AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of North St. Paul, Minnesota will hold a public hearing to accept public input on a Text Amendment for City Code, Title XV, Land Usage, Chapter 154, Zoning Regulations, Section 154.010 General Regulations, regarding storage of trash. The public hearing will be conducted on Thursday, December 1, 2016 at approximately 6:15 p.m. or shortly thereafter at the City Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 2400 Margaret Street, North St. Paul. Such persons with desire to be heard with reference to this matter will be heard at this meeting. Written and oral comments will be considered. Persons who require this information in another format should contact City Hall at (651) 747-2403 at least 72 hours prior to the public hearing. (Review: Nov. 16, 2016) CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TEXT AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of North St. Paul, Minnesota will hold a public hearing to accept public input on a Text Amendment for City Code, Title XV, Land Usage, Chapter 154, Zoning Regulations, Section 154.010 General Regulations, (J) Off -Street Parking and Loading. The public hearing will be conducted on Thursday, December 1, 2016 at approximately 6:15 p.m. or shortly thereafter at the City Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 2400 Margaret Street, North St. Paul. Such persons with desire to be heard with reference to this matter will be heard at this meeting. Written and oral comments will be considered. Persons who require this information in another format should contact City Hall at (651) 747- 2403 at least 72 hours prior to the public hearing. (Review: Nov. 16, 2016) CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TEXT AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of North St. Paul, Minnesota will hold a public hearing to accept public input on a Text Amendment for City Code, Title XV, Land Usage, Chapter 154, Zoning Regulations, Section 154.003 Definitions - Storage Shed and a Text Amendment for City Code, Title XV, Land Usage, Chapter 154, Zoning Regulations, Section 154.010 (D) Supplemental Regulations (1) Accessory Buildings and Structures. The public hearing will be conducted on Thursday, December 1, 2016 at approximately 6:15 p.m. or shortly thereafter at the City Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 2400 Margaret Street, North St. Paul. Such persons with desire to be heard with reference to this matter will be heard at this meeting. Written and oral comments will be considered. Persons who require this information in another format should contact City Hall at (651) 747-2403 at least 72 hours prior to the public hearing. (Review: Nov. 16, 2016) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission for the City of Oakdale, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 1, 2016 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 1584 Hadley Avenue North. The purpose is to review the conditional use permit application made by JG Hause Construction to install an electronic dynamic business sign at 6211 Upper 51st Street North, Oakdale, MN 55128. If you have questions or concerns regarding this proposed action, please contact Emily Shively, Planner, at 651-730-2720 or emily@ d.oakdale.mn.us Dated: November 10, 2016 BY ORDER OFTHE OAKDALE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OAKDALE, MINNESOTA (Review: Nov. 16, 2016) AMENDMENTTO ASSUMED NAME STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: 1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be Pepperwild 2. Principal Place of Business: 412 Otis Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55104 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name: Sarah Haley, 412 Otis Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55104 4. This certificate is an amendment of Certificate of Assumed Name File Number: 708266800025 Originally filed on:10/21/2013 5. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/ber behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. Date: 10.05.16 /s/ Sarah Haley Business Owner (Review: Nov. 16, 23, 2016) STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WASHINGTON TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FAMILY COURT DIVISION Petition Number: 82JV-10-1050 SUMMONS AND NOTICE In Re: the Matter of the Child/ren of: Nisha Marie Petersen NOTICE TO: Nisha Marie Petersen, legal custodian or parent of the child/ ren. Child/ren: Andrew E Johnson, Jesse A Johnson. Lilly M Marsh. Lonnie L Marsh, Maxwell A Marsh ATTENTION 1. A Termination of Parental Rights Petition has been filed on November 7, 2016, in the State of Minnesota, County of Washington, District Court, Juvenile Court Division, 14949 62nd St N, Stillwater, MN 55082, alleging among other things that the parental rights of Nisha Marie Petersen as to the above-named child/ren, should be terminated upon grounds as stated in the petition filed in the Juvenile Court Division, 14949 62nd St N, Stillwater, MN, and asking for an order of this Court terminating such parental rights. 2. THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the matter of said Termination of Parental Rights Petition will be called for hearing before the Washington County District Court, Juvenile Court Division, 14949 62nd St N, Stillwater, MN, on December 13, 2016 at 10:OOam or as soon after as the matter can be heard. 3. YOU ARE THEREFORE ORDERED to appear before said Court at said time and date. 4. You have a right to be represented by counsel. 5. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT THE HEARING, the Court may still conduct the hearing and grant appropriate relief, including terminating and permanently severing the parental rights of the above-named parent/s or legal custodian/s and taking permanent custody of the child/ren named in the Petition. WITNESS, the Honorable Susan R Miles Judge,Tenth Judicial District Annette Fritz, Court Administrator (Review: Nov. 16, 23, 30, 2016) Thursday November 10, 2016 Washington County NOTICE OF COMMENT PERIOD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN on the availability of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the reconstruction of Manning Avenue (County Highway 15) from Hudson Boulevard in West Lakeland Township and the City of Lake Elmo to Stillwater Boulevard (County Highway 14) in Baytown Township. The project includes construction of a center median, turn lanes at intersections, and trails from Hudson Boulevard to 10th Street North (County Highway 10); expansion of Manning Avenue to a four -lane divided roadway from 10th Street North to Stillwater Boulevard, including turn lanes at intersecting roadways; and realignment of Stillwater Boulevard to the south to intersect with Manning Avenue at 40th Street North. The project also includes construction of a traffic signal at the Stillwater Boulevard/40th Street North/ Manning Avenue intersection an d th e construction of stormwater ponds. The project will be implemented in phases over the course of several years. The EAW, which assesses the potential environmental impacts of the project, will be available to view electronically at www.co.washinaton County.mn.us. and during business hours at the following location: Washington County Public Works 11660 Myeron Road North Stillwater MN 55082 and Lake Elmo Public Library 3537 Lake Elmo Avenue North, Lake Elmo, MN 55042 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a 30 -day public comment period for the EAW shall begin on November 21, 2016 The purpose of this notice is to provide citizens the opportunity to comment on the EAW. Individuals or representatives of organizations are encouraged to submit written comments prior to 4:00 p.m. on December 21, 2016. Please submit comments to Frank Ticknor, Project Manager, Frank Ticknor. Project Manager, 11660 Myeron Rd N. Stillwater, MN 55082 - 651.430.4316 frank.ticknor@co.washington.mn.us Washington County is subject to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public entities. The County is committed to full implementation of the Act to our services, programs, and activities. Information regarding the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act is available from the County Administrator Office at 651-430- 6000. (Review: Nov. 16, 2016) LAKE ELMO PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE DATE: Monday November 28, 2016 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Lake Elmo City Hall 3800 Laverne Avenue North Lake Elmo, MN 55042 Phone: 651-747-3900 Fax. 651-747-3901 PURPOSE: The Lake Elmo Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing to consider the following item: CITY OF LAKE ELMO WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Lake Elmo City Council will hold a public hearing on November 28, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at Lake Elmo City Hall, 3800 Laverne Avenue North, Lake Elmo, Minnesota. The purpose of the hearing is to hear interested persons regarding the 2017- 2021 Capital Improvement Plan. Interested persons are welcome to attend the hearing or to submit written comments. All persons wishing to be heard on the above items should attend the meeting. Written comments may be submitted to the City no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 21, 2016; or emailed to Stephen Wensman at Swensman@lakeelmo. org no later than noon on the day of the meeting. Materials regarding the above items are available for review at City Hall (Monday - Friday; 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.). Please call City Hall if you have any questions. Stephen Wensman City Planner ATTEST: Julie Johnson, City Clerk (Review: Nov. 16, 2016) LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Washington County Sheriff's Office will be offering the following undaimed and abandoned property for public sale. The Auction will be held on December 5th, 2016 at 6:OOpm at Tracy Luther Auctions, 2556 East 7th Avenue, North Saint Paul MN 55109. If you believe you have a claim to any of the following items, you must contact the Washington County Sheriff's Office Evidence/Property Unit at 651-430- 7835. Hand, power & welding tools and accessories, greenhouse equipment, hats & shoes, collector coins, several bicycles, a non -motorized boat and trailer, a Polaris Snowmobile, a 22" TV, fishing lures, jewelry & numerous other items. (Review: Nov. 16, 2016) SUMMARY OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS/REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Requests for Bids are being solicited until to 2:00 p.m., December 7, 2016, for the 2017-2019 Legal Newspaper for Washington County. Go to: htto://www.co.washington. mn.us/bids.asox for further details. (Review: Nov. 16, 2016)