HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 11-23 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWReview Wednesday Nov. 23, 2016 Page 7 Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: Lot 16, BIa 16, or proceeding hes beenadit,ted et NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Da-UNa 4036136 M ortgage Gob pe n, LLG FO RECLOSURE SALE Auditors -d-an Na 11 St ahenvike oreceve, bt FORECLOSURE SALE Ir:nkaaian Agent CIA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TH E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Paul, Min ,G, enc the Sau ly secured by kai,to`0eZge,ma, deny THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Transection Agent Mortgage ID No: PROPERTY :Lot2,Rod 1,DAM- THEDEBTANOIOENTITVOFTHE 1l feetof L1N1Blo,k l6 Auditors to,tme,ed THE DEBT ANO IDENTITY OF THE NIA First Add tan Ramsey County, 6ubdeon N 6t Yeul PURSUANT to me power of sale ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Minnesom, e me Westen eined in said me ORIGINAL IDEDI BY LAW IS THE aSale- Co-Oan ource, Ina, TabboRe iste,ed P,oert TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT xcept y o mortgage TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT n g n y AFFECTED BVTHISAGIVEN le feet me,eaf of ndc to the above dekaibe, property will be AFFECTED BVTHISACNON. Servicer: Oaven Loen Servidng, TAX PARCEL NO'. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That recertletl plat mereof entl stuete in koltl by the Sheriff of salt ceunry es NOTICES HEREBY GIVEN met LlG 6.29)1420002 dem ulthakaaur,edatheeandilank Ramsey Gounry,Minnesom follows: d1 at Hes o_v,intheoondi0ons Mortgage Originator: Lendkource, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. of mefollowagdeka,be, mortgage: This bAbst-Property DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. of the following dekaibed mortgage: na,eMinnekom Goryoralon 206 Rokelewn Avenue East M ORTGAGOF(SJ: Jeannette H IHX PARCEL NO.'. Uecem ber9201b 1000 AM Mortgagor: )envier Leviege, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF M aplewood M Nbbll/ Gran enc Gery L Gran, wife end 01 28 23 23 0153 PLAGEOFSALE: Lew Enforcement kinglewoban a PROPERTY: Lot 13, end the Goal COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY husband enc Donald J. Qan, en ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Center 15015 Qnd Street N., Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic 12 of Lot 14, Block 235, Division IS LOCATED: Ramsey bin S[ S011water MN No 3 of St. Yeul k J4ekhing[on ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT an-, ECAGEson Sainnt Paul, MN55102 he debt men secured b nomineelon Systems, na k Goun[, MinnekoEL` OFMOFTT PRI $16]92600 M OFTGAGEE.Mortgage Electronic to naYt y for Quid:en Loans iris a y Registralon Systems COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY said Mortgage, end taxes, if any, on De ted: 061242013 TabbAbstract Property AMOUNTDUEAND GUUMEDTO Delaware , Sytoq ek no e IS LOCATED: Habkey saki preblses, and We cents and Re., Ad 091132013 1. PARCEL NO'. Bt UU6AS OF JAIK, OF NOTICE, to, J.M. Trout EntAD, kek,b Ina ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT disbursements, including attorneys' WesM1ing[on Gounry Recerder 1202]22130031 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID dlbla JMT Mortggge, a Minnesom OF MORTGAGE: $21450000 fees allowed by law sublet[ o Doam en[ No 3964131 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: BVMOR(TGAGEE:$196, 12703 .Do tan AM NT DUE AND CLAIMED TO ,edebptan wimrn 6 Months hob the Assigned To: Quid:en Loans Inc 644 Yoaentl Hve I hat poor to the commencement of ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: BE DUE OF DATE OF NOTICE, date of said sale byme mortgagot(kJ, Dated: 0 91042014 S[Peul Perk, MN 550]1 mikmortgageforedok're proceeding Assigned to: Federal Nelonel INGLU DING TAXES IF ANY PAID the, personal ,ep,ekenmlvek or Recerded'. 111122014 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY MoagageeS,s gnee of Mortgagee Mortgage Askodelan ("Fannie HY MORTGAGEE: $211,259.15 ekmgnk D-hagton Gounry Recerder IS LOCATED: W ashagton cempllAd wltlh all n aevgUvm ants Mae) by akegnm All receded on Th at p-b-tothe cemmencement of DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Document No 400ftU5 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT as required by dCUUe; that no action September l4, 2016 as Document thbmortg efo,edoku,ep-edm, The date on or before which the Transaction Agent Mortgage OFMORTGAGE:$13000000 or proceeding h as been institute, et Number 4063223 in the Office of Mortgagee mgnee of olg ee moft ao, must vacate the property Electronic Reg -an Systems Inc AMOUNT DUE ANU CLAIMED TO law or oma, e vg, debt the Gounry Re corder of WasM1ing[on cempiedwithalln,GceregUvments if the mortgage knot re eted Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: BE DUEASOFDATEOFNOTICE secured bywsaidtmoagage,mo deny Gounry, Minnesom k XHIle, by 11,te,thet no ed on under Minnesom SCWtek ike n 10003 V1n.]m560 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID part thereof ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT or proceetlm, has been I_tUed at 030 or me property re Lender or Broker: Quicken Loans HY MORTGAGEE$124,40006 PURSUANT to the power of sale OF MORTGAGE$340,00000 Me, wise o recover the debt d M om S[ ,talo That pro, to the cemmencement of ce d saki mortgage, the DATE OF MORTGAGE: January by kaidtmortga o, any 56023 J e9, 201] 1159 p�m. S :Quicken To- Inc ink mo1,g foredosure p,oceedng ab d ibed property will be 24 2008 P h f f ""go g ctle S day, M gg Originator: Qud:en M oagageelHasgnee of ortgagee s y Sheriff of sac ceunry es DATE AND PLACE OF FILING PURSUANT to me power of sale Sunday or legal holiday, then me Loans Ina cempliec wim ell not ce requirements follows: Recerded on Mach 14, 2006 as eined in mortgage, the date to vacateik the n-bueness LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ak,eghhe, by dAJUe; memo action DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Document Num be, 3.4164 in me above tlesabec property curl be tlay atll59pm. PROPERTY: Lot 9, Block 2, One or p,oceetlmc has been insltuted at Uecembe, rlS LUlb l000 HM Office of the Gounry Recerder of sold by me 6henff of said county as MOM AGOR(B) RELEASED Glen 3rd Addition, WesH gton law or omerwike to recever me debt PLACE OF BALE Bh enff s Office, Washington Gounry, Minnesom follows: HNU IM FROM OBLIGATION ON Gounry, Minnesom secured by sett mortgage, o, any Civil P,aeess Uni[ 25 W. 4m Street THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO UHIt t OF SALE: MOFTGAGE:NONE This ikAbs'tract Property to,a thereof Suite l50, S[YeuI, MN BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE December6, 20161000 AM THE TIME ALLOWED BV TAX PARCEL NO PURSUANT to me power of sale to pay me debt men secured by ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, LAW FOR REDEMPTION By 20 027 21 G20066 mortgage, the sat, Mortgage, end taxes, if an, on $3420]3. Ei Civil Y,acekk U nit 25 W. 4th Street IHC MORTGAGOR IHE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY ovendekabed property curl be salt premiek, entl me cents entl LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUI,150, St Paul, MN MORTGAGORS PERSONAL y . HAMLETASE S sold by the Sheriff of said ceunry as disbursements, inducting ettomeyK PROPERTY: The Soum 36100 to pMy me debt men keeurec by REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, COTTAGE GROVE MN55016 follows fees allowed by law subect to feet of the east 5]1. f5 teat of 00 s tl ortgage, enc mxe4 If— on MHY Bt REDUCED TO tlVt COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY UAIC AND ME OF SALE ,etlempton within 6Monthshom the Northeast Quarte, of the North east said premises a n, the cents en, WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS IS LOCATED: ldhUgton December1620161000 AM date of keidkelebymemortgagot(kJ, Quarter of Section lS, TownsM1lp 2] disbursements, Indulin, atomeys' ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT PLACE OF SALE. Law Enm,cement mei, personal ,ep,esenmtves o, Noah, Range 20 Wea, Denman: fee, al owe, by law sublux o STATUTES secnoN Se2w2 of MORrGAGE: $1914ca o0 Center l50 Bund Sheet N., a gnk. Ta -hip, D-HIngton Gounry, redem plan within 6Manmkhob the DETERMINING AMONG OTHER AM OUNT DUE AND CLAIM TO Stillwater MNS DATE TO VACATE PROPEFTV. Minnesom date ofsaicsalebythemol[ oq( ), THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, to pMy me debt men secure, by The date on or before which me it personal reprekenmlvek or PREMISES AHC IMPROVED tl ortgage, enc mxek, if any, on mortgage, mustvacateme propertyif STREET ADDRESS of assign,. WITH ARESDENnAL OwewmG wcluowc TAXES IF AN PWD sand premise and the c_ and the mortgage iknot,ethe­tedplounde, PROPERTY So 550.QUADNTAVE DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, BVMORTGothecAGEE o mencem5 disbursements, acludm5 attorneys' Minnesota Statutes section 56030 COUNHASTINGS, MN 55033 Thet priorto me commencement of d by law sub act to o, the property re COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY e tlete on or before whidh the AGR NOT PROPERTY USED IN thismol[ efo,edosure proceedmc fees ellowe tleemetl antler IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, mortgago,bust vacate thep,otpel, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, MortgageeAsegnee of Mortgagee redemplonwithin6 Monthshobthe Minnesom SEUDe section 56023 Minnesom if me mortgage ik not r c AND ARE ABANDONED. cem plied with all mice requirements date of said sale bythe mortgagol(kJ, ik June 15, 201]et 1159 Pm. if me TRANSACTION AGENT M ag� nder e- Statu kiked on Dated Octobers, LOlti db het no action t r personal reprekenmlvek or foregoinc tlete ike SeWrdey, Sunday Magage 56030 o, nthe redeemec D U. S. Bank National Association, as require yste been assigns o, legal holide men the date to Electronic Registralon MORTSydbeGAGE property or pro offie, het been ie,the debt tga NAME OF MORTGAGE under Minnesom SmWtek ken es Trustee for ResideMia l Asset law or omenvike to recever me debt DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: ve ik me next business day et ORIGINATOR J.M. out 5602'3 ik June6 LOl/et 159 p�mn Securities Corporation, Home seeurec by said mortgage, o, any the date on or before whidh me 1159 Pm. Enterynke4Inc dlbla JMT If me foregoing dateika SeWrdey, Equity Mortgage Assent- Backed perttlhereof, m 0agago, muk[vacate the p,opertyif MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED Mo Minnesom co Sunday o, legal holida,M men the Pass-Tbrough Certificates, Series PURSUANT to me of Wemortgage iknotreinstate, under FROM OBLIGATION ON rtSIDE e ERVI E t t t b k 2ooE-KS4, Assignee of Mortgagee ce t bort a nesoa SmWtes section 56030 MORTGAGE: NONE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER. date o vas e ik the nen ukiek named in ,aid gage, We M Setemk, Ina day at 1159pm. PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL above describe, property will be ar nen property ,adeemed under THE TIME ALLOWED BY TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ASSOCIATION sol, by me ShenR of said ceunry es Minnesom SmWtek section 56023 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FROM OBLIGATION ON By. JonethanH LLkkey, Midheel V. bJune l62 [1155 p m. If me IHC MORTGAGOR NUMBER 15-02]20.11-0AG follows: U HE MORTGAGE AGENT'S MORTGAGE. NONE SdhoKe an DATE AND TIME OF SALE. 0, egingdateike SeWrdey, Sunday MORTGAGORS PERSONAL MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED BY Attomeysfor: Decem be,9, 20161000AM or 1[gel holiday, then the date to REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS FOR REDEMPTION BY us. bank Na ones soon tae , neva business tlav at MAr HE REDucED To r NUMBER 1000.6T/002m6316 Won a PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement 11 me IVt THAT no action o, proceeding hes THE MORTGAGOR, THE Se Trustee for ResideUal Asset Center 15U15 Qn, Street N., 1159 Pm. WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS beenhne1Hmd atlaw to vc,ve, the MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Seanlek Goryoretion, Hob e Equity S011wete,MN MORTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA deb[men rA ainin b dh REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, Mortgage set -H cketl ass he debt secured b FROM OBLIGATION ON STATUTES SECTION 5620'32, g kec'rec you a to Pett y mortgage, or any pert thereof if MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Through Certificates, Genes 2006 laic Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on MORTGAGE NONE DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER the action or din hes been WEEKS IF AJU DICIAL ORDER IS K54,Aksignee IM 0agagee se nc me cents enc THE TIME ALLOWED BY THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED protea g NItHLU NUtH MINNESOTA 55 Lest Fifth S[ree[Suite 600 ice enetk,e AA FOR REDEMPTION BY PREMISES Wit IMPROVED Wted, met me same hes been t U disbursements, inducting attorneys' L nue o, or metan execulan 'STATUTES SECTION 5OTHER St Peul, MN 55101-1]16 fees ellowe, by law subect o THE MORTGAGOR, THE WITHARESIDENTIAL DWELLING upon the ludgmen[rendered merein DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER f51203]599 redemplon curtain 6Monmkhom me MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, hes been returned unsalsfied, THINGS, S IHt MORTGAGED SS122&l /53 ;fax) date of kat, sale bythe m ortgagot(kJ REPRESENTATIVES OR AS SIGNS AHt NOT PROPERTY USED IN wholebeen n PREMISES ARE IMPROVED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION their � MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Pat persona reprekenmlvek o PURSUANT, [,d power of sale OF LESS DEANSN. FROM DEBT COLLECTOR. assigns WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL MINNES IS DatedND OAobe-14 ED. OF LESS IHAN tl Vt UNITS, l//251SU109 - tNINitU UNUtH MINNESOTA Ueted. Octoberl4, LOlti aarced in said borbage, We DATE To vo, bl PROPERTY bove described p,opercy woo be ARE NOT PROPERry useD wReNew. oa 1s, 26 Nov 2, s, 16 The date on o, bem,e whid, We srATUTEs secnoN 582 032 Demsobe Bank Nauonartrast of b he Sheriff ofsai,ceun[ AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 23 2016) he DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Comparry, esTrusteefor Argent c by yes AN UA Itthgago,buktvacatet property follows Ht ABANDONED, if he not re c THINGS, IHHI Ht MORTGAGED Securities lnc.,Asset-Backed DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Dated: Octobe,ll, 2016 under Minna-ta SEJUe section PREM ISES ARE IM PROVED WITH P Through Certificates,Series Decebbe,62016at1000AM Spire Credit Union I. Spire NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 56030 o, the property redeemec A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 2005-W4, Assignee of Mortgagee PLACE OF SALE: Washington Federal Credit Union I-- FORECLOSURE SALE under Minnesom SmWtek recto OF LESS IHAN tlV, UNITS, 11 LAW PROFESSIONAL Gounry Sheriffs Offs ce, Washington Ciry Co-ops Federal Credit Union, NOTICE IS H HY GIVEN, )60 23 ik June 9, LOl/atll59 Pmn ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ASSOCIATION Gounry Law Enforcement Center ITTO [Ann Mortgagee mat demult hes ocm rrec in the If the foregoing date ik a S.Daay, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, By Jonathan R CL ey, Midhael V 15015 62nc Street North, Stillwater PROFESSIONAL Condit- of a mologe dated Sunday o, legal holiday, men me AND AHt ABANDONED. Sdhleikmen Minnesom ASSOCIATION peril 25, 2002, e a y Heuky date to vacate ik the nen# business Dated: 3dobe,1 /, 2016 Atomeyk to,: me debt By JonemenR Guske, MicheelV Chu -Ven Heu xend M U.S. Bank National Association, Deutsdhe Benk Nelonel Trust o pay e y g- aysong day et 1159 Pm. Schleisman as Trustee, sucrossor in Compan, as Irustee to, Argent ortgage enc tax s if any Cbu-Yang-Heu ns mortgagor(s), o MORTGAGORS) RELEASED actually part by the mortgagee, Attorneys tor: Liberty State Bank, as mortgagee, FROM OBLIGATION ON interest to Bank of Arrerica Securities Inc., Asset -Baled Pass on me premises end me Dosis and Spire Credit Unionfka Spire Federal in me original moan of MORTGAGE: NONE National Association, esTrustee, Though Certificates, Series 2005 Qedrt Union fka Lwin Q[ Gook pnncipe a access b G.S.H.W4 f Mort e ee dmeal lebentsallaweto, law The y p Three Hundred Thirty Thousand THE TIME ALLOWED BY or n.1A ci ssigneeo Sg ecbylaw to, p m ption Federal Credit Union, Mortgagee 1100 $33000000) Dollars L- FOR REDEMPTION BY sBsnk National Association,as SS East Fifth S[ree[Suite 600 V, said mortgagot(kJ, meir personal 55 Eest FCh Street Suite 600 eea,dec with the Wasbington THE MORTGAGOR THE Trusteefor ResidentielAsset St Paul MN55101-1]16 S[ Yeul, MN bbl l 1 /l6 Mortgage Protluds, Inc., 20-99 ,ep,ekenmlvek o, assigns ik kix:6J Gounry Registrarof Tit es StOeof MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 651 onthshom the dateofkala .120&]549 M t J Mortgage Asset-backed Pass 65122&1]53 ;fax) uery 13, 2003, es REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, TIME AND DATE TO VACATE X1226 -1]A (tax) do, no p 1122172�thattlhe mortgage MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Tbrougb Certificates S.- 2001 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Unless said mort a e THIS IS A COMMUNICATION RP2,Assigreeoi Mortgagee FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. r the g g k upon reS"'ec lend, that all WEEKS IF AJU DICIAL ORDER IS property FROM6 DEBT COLLECTOR. p,efo,ecloku,e requirements have ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL 1]]2514-0039]2 redeem edetor unless me tme for 320316006]22 6 been cebpred wth, h STATUTES SECTION 562032, ASSOG ATON Review: Od 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 23, redem pton k reduce, by ludo el (Review: Oct l9, 26 Nov 2, 91 o, procA dng hasb n dit Wted at DETERMINING AMONG OTHER By Jonath H LL key, Midhael V 1 2016) order you must vacate the premises 23,2016) law torcev any pert of me debt THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Sohlekmenn byll59pm. on June6, 201]. seared bye sac mortgage; that PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Add ne,to, THE TIME ALLOWED BY there ik derma, to be due thereon WITH A RESIDENTIAL OW ELLINC 7rustebank N,Ul rain int�eorlatan Bank NOTICE OF MORTGAGE LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE m of Iwo Hundred Thirtyfive OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, of America National -ttoi Bank FORECLOSURE SALE THE MORTGAGOR THE FORECLOSURE SALE Tho -and Sx Hundred Twenty and ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF MORTGAGORS PERSONAL THE RIGHT TO VERIR CATION OF 70 1l $235,Q 70) Dollars on AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION as rusteekceessorby mee,to THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE et pursuant to me LeSeIIe Benku Nelonel -Tat on REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, THE DEBT AND I DENNTV OF TH E this date and th ANDAREABANDONE. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE es Trustee to, Rekidental Asset MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE power of sale the -en me mortgage Deted:Octobe,1T2016 TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT will be R-edoked and the property Quicken Loans Inc., Mortgage Yrotluctk, Ina, Mortgage AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. n Washington Gounry, Saleko e, Assignee of Mortgagee Asset -Backed Pa -Tal -ugh NOTICE IS HNitBY GIVEN: It. Certificates Series 200]-RP2 STATUTES, SECTION 562032, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that de -bed as Poll own: OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL default has aaur,edin tlhe condilonk Hsmgnee of Mortgagee DETERMINING AMONG OTHER demul[has,c,,edUthecendilons LM 2, block 3, Lake Elmo Heights ASSOCIATION ofth,followagde-bec mortgage: 55 Eest Fifm S[ree[ Suite 600 PREMIS,THAT THE MORTGAGED of mefallo, Lu Ann mortgage: 3rd Addition By JanamenRGuskey, MicheelV MORTGoman J: Mary t. Scripps, S[ Peul, MN 55101-1]16 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Mortgagor. Lou Ann Graham, e Property Address: 25801mperiel Sdhleismen ekingle women Cl WITH A RES IDENTIAL OW ELLIN C- single person Avenue N., Lake Elmo, Minnesota Atomeykfor: f5122&1]53 (fax) MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Mortgagee: Mortgage Nearonic 55002 Quid:en Loans Ina, Assignee of THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Hegrstrahan Systems, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Regi-lan Systems Ina as Parcel 1. D.#. Mortgagee THISFRODEBT COLLECTOR. Delaware coryoralon es nominee for AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, nominee for First State Mortgage will be sold by me sheriff of 55 Eek[Fifth Stee[Suite 600 1T/2515-001 Sit Everett Finendel, Ina dba Supreme AND ARE ABANDONED. Coryaralan keid ceunry at public auction on St Paul, MN 1' 01-1 /1 6 endag, a lexakcotporalan MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Dated: 041102006 December 10, 2016, at 1000 .1203]599 (Review: Oct 26, Nov 2, 9, 16 23, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Recerded: 051122006 o'dock AM. at Sheriff's Office, 612281]53 ;fax) 0,2016) Assignedto: Wells Fa,go Bank, NA ON MORTGAGE: None WadhIngton Gounry 1101de, Lew EMo-nt Center, 15015 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION by asmgnment,ecolded on August Dated: Odobe,13, 2016 Daeubent No 3564367 -62nd Street North, Stillwater, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 16 2016 as Document Number FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Assigned To: U.S. Bank Nalonal Minnesota, to pay the debt secured 17.2-1510]232 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 4079285 in the Office of the Gounry ASSOCIATION("FANNIE MAE") /M as Irustee to, RASC by the mortgage, in King Dosis (Review: Od 19 26 Nov 2, 916 FORECLOSURE SALE r of V4'adhrngton Gounry, Mortgagee 2006KS4n oma feekd allowec by 23 2016) THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF MUneoam THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA De ted: 01113 2 01 2 l anw sublet[ to,edemptan by the THE DEBT AND IDENNTV OF THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT By lkl m ohgagot(k), their heirs o, assigns ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE OF M OFTGAGE$11837300 RebeccaF Sdhiller Esq Washidngton 2U County Reco,de, wimi n six(6) months Dom the date of NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT DATE OF MORTGAGE June 12, N. DID ngni Fondungallah, Err} Document No 3673236 kala The molgagoq() must vacate FORECLOSURE SALE AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. 2012 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' A"gned Io: U.S. Be n the property on o, before ll 59 pm. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF NOTICE IS HLHNiY GIVEN, m U t AND PLACE OF FILING Se at AIR Cole man Err} 1 -aeon, Ta on June14, 201], if(i)themolgage THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE dem ulthakacc'rrecathecendilank Rece,dedN on July 3, 2012 e Atomeykfo,M agagee Rekidental Asset Sec'nlek all vadDted unde, §6036, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN ofinefollowinc described mortgage: Document Number 36m266 in me The -de my Profekeonel Buildmc Goryoralon, Home [Autry Mortgage or (iiJ me iroperty ik not redeemed TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Mortgagor: tris N. Selinek, e tringle Office of the Gounry Hecertler of 25 North Dele Street CeRfi Ba S PessThrough under X6623. AF FECTEDBVTHISACT10N. Person and Heliador0 Sennena, a Washington Gounry, Minnesom St112119Paul 55102 Certificates11116 06K54 THE TIME ALLOWED By medperson THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO f51J203 Oal FOR REDEMPTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that m t ON t MORTGAGE Y demul[hek oaure tome colgagek Mortgagee: Argent Mortgage B HIS Ei-FN1) Dadhagd:n Count THE MORTGAGOR THE of the following described mortgage Coated 0 LLC $ 1 THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Washington County Recorder MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagor: John P Minogue an Dated 09292005 LEGAL 064 FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. Uocumen N 0559 REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS tiled l0 2005 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Kim M. Minogue, husband an, wife 'Review: O¢ 19 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 Trankectiona Agent Mortgage MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagee: Lend--ce, Ina Ramsey Registrar of Titles PROPERTY: Exhibit "A' THE 2V 2016) Eearonic Regid,Oon Systems In, WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Dated:0&0]2002 Document No 143]224 Against FOLLOWING REAL PROPERTY n gent M ortgage lD No: t H MINNESOTA Recerded: 10012002 Ceafi tate of title Na:55515' IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, 1001526-1200003653] STATUTES, UNITED 562032, Washington Gounry Recerder Aamgnec To: DeulaMe Bank MINNESOTA DESCRIBED AS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Lender o, Broker: First State DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Document No 3266449 Nalanal Trust Company, ak trustee FOLLOWS. FO RECLOSURE SALE Mortgage Carparalan THINGS, IH I E, MORTGAGED Assigned To: JPMorgen Ghese for Argent Securilek Ina Asset- ALL IHA AT OF LOT ll THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Servicer Ocwen Loan Se,ang, PREMISES AARE IMPROVED Bank ek Trustee Banked Passthrough Certificate BLOCK30I SABINS ADDITION THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE LlG WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLIN G Dated: 061122002 Senek 2005 W4, unde, the Pooling TO THE CITY OF STILLWATER ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Mortgage Originator: Hrst State OF LESS IHAN tlVt UNITS, Rated 06042003 enc Servidng Agreement Uetetl DESCRIBED AS FOLLOW TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Mortgage Goryoralon ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Washington Gounry Recerder Novembe,l, 2005 BEGINNING AT A POINT 60 FEET AFFECTED BVTHISACTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Document No 334206] Dated: 0 4101 2 0 0 9 WEST OF THE NORTHEAST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PROPERTY: Lot 2, Hock 2 ANDAKE ABANDONED. Assigned To: Bank of America tiletl0/2/2009 CORNER OF SAID LOT AND dem ulthakoaunedatheoondilonk Jamaica Ridge, Washington Gounry, Dated: October 16, 2016 Natonal AssodeBan e Ram say Gounry Registrar of Titles RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 110 ofinefollowin dekaibec mort e e: Minnesom Associated Bank, National b LaSalle Bank Nelonel Document Na 2061252 Against FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF Mortgagor: gBace R Gibson, Ihk b ct PARCEL y Association (sucrossor by Ayasoci Oontek Trustee Certificate of Title Na: 55515 SAID LOT, THENCE NORTHERLY Un Persons(kJ T IkH kIePARCEL NO.'. merger to Li berry State Ben k), De ted: 101152010 A-nec To: DeulaMe Bank ALONG THE WEST LINE OF Mortgagee: Twin City Coapk 1502721220009 Mortgagee Recerded: 10212010 NOonal Trust Company) ak Trustee SAID LOT, TO THE NORTHWEST Federal Reda Union ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: HaIphL Moore, STEIN WMOORE Washington Gounry Rece-de, to, Argent Secuntek na, Asset- CORNERTHEREOF ANDTHENCE De ted: 011172006 8112Jene,o Avenue South PA, Atomeys to, Mortgagee, 332 Document N0. 3613166 Banked P-Tal-ough Certificate EASTERLV3] FEETTO THE PLACE Recerded: 0-2006 Cottage Gave MN55016 Minnesota Street MW -1.0, St Assigned To: U.S. Benk Nelonel Se, e2005W4 OF BEGINNING WASHINGTON Ramsey County Recerder COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY YeuI, MN SSIoI (f51)2249tti3 Assrleielon ekTrustee, kuceesvo,in Ueted. 05/261211 COUNTY MINNESOTA DocumentN0. 3436949 IS LOCATED: W adhagton 'Review: Od 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 interest to Bas Tou erica Nelonel Filed0610120100 TOGETHER WITH. Transaction Agent NIA ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 23, 2016) Aavocielon ek TN6tee, kusakso, Ramey Gounry Regisla, of Tieek ALL THAT CERTAIN PLATTED Transaction Agent 01gagelD No: OF SOFTGAGE:$200,00000 by merger to LeSeIIe Benk Document Na 2l 919 Against LAUREL STREETS AS I HE SAME NIA AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Natanal 1-atan, ak Trustee Certificate of Title Na555153 IN SHOWN SOUTHWESTERLY Lende, o, Broke,: Twin Gary Coapk BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, to, Rekidental Asset Mortgage Transaction Agent VA AND WESTERLY OF BLOCK 3 Federal Reda Union INCL U DING TAXES, It ANY ,Y U Products Ino Mortgage Asset- Aa action Agent Mortgage lD No: SAB INS ADDITION TO I HE CITY Service,: Spire Federal Qeda BY MORTGAGEE$151,214. 040 Backu Pa -Though Cehificatek, Mend OF STILLWATER WASHINGTON Union Th. prior to the cem m enceb ent of Series 200112 Lender or Broker: Argent COUNTY, MINNESOTA Mortgage Originator: Twin OF, Go t,ikmoitgagefo,edoku,ep,oceedUc Det ed: 0 512 2 2 015 Gob pan,, ps LlG oFederal Qeda Union Mortgagee) gnee of Mortgagee Recerded: 0 610 4 2 015 Service,: Oaven Loan Se,vidng, Public Notices LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF -mr Ad wit, all - LEGAL requirements A-hagton cowry Recerder LlC Continued un Page ak require, by kdOute, the no ani on Mortgage Origmaro,: Argent Page 8 Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2016 Review Public Notices PROPERTY: The Eakt 44 feet disbursements allowed by law The ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE, Doament Ne 2021230 Against PURSUANT, to me power d sale CDnbnuedfron Page/ of Lot 11, BI,12, subdivision of O me ellowec by l aw for redem plan SUCCESSORININTERESTTO Certificateof Title Nc'. 5EQ52 conE,n,d in said mortgage, me end addi0on to Ir 'k Additan of by said mortga ko ), their personal WACHoaA BANK, NATIONAL Transaction Pgent Mortgage above described property will be DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO Lutloa to St P,al Ramsey Gounry, ,ep,ekenFUv or assigns ik 6x;6) ASSOCIATION,ASTRUSTEE Electronic RegiktraOon Systems, Inc kol, by me Sheriff of said county es WIT Minna monmknom m edateofkalc FOR WELLSFARGOASSET Trankadan Agent M1,­ ID No: follows: COMMENCING AT THE ThbbAbktrad Property TIME AND DATE TO VAGATE SECURITIES CORPORATION, l DATE ANO TIME OF SALE. ,139/246129 NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF 22 PARCEL NO.'. PROPERAV.Onle, sato mortgage MORTGAGE PAERITHROUGH Lender or Broker: PHH Home Januery3, OF SALE AM LOT 110E SAID SABINS 32292221 OFF reinkt or me property CERTIFICATES,SERI-S.g-K Loanse, PLACE OF SALE: Washington ADDITION UT STIDEGRES ADDRESS OF PROPEFTV. redeemedeto unlessme Ome for Mortgagee Servicer: U.S. Bank NeOonel Gounry Sheriffs Offs ce,Washington THENCE SOUTH ee DEGREES 501 Beaum ones[ redemp ,, reduoec by judicial THEAGADEMVLAW GROUP, PA Aas1,a Gounry Lew Enforcement Center, D MINUTES 44 SECONDS COUNTY IN N55130 order, you auk n t,l 1the premises By 1k1 Mortgage Originator: PHH Home Man, Qnc Street North, Stillwater, WEST ASSUMED BEARING COUNTY LOCATED WHICH PROPERTY bTHE TIM on JALLO11/ RebemaF Dtnder Esq Loans LlG Minnesob ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE ISRIATRamsey THE TIME ALLOWED BY ' Kibongni Fondungalleh, Esq LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF to pay 1, debt then secured by 6L SAID LOT 11 A DISTANCE OF ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 'Curt N. Tri-b Esq.' PROPERTY The North 100 feet of s mortgage and ' k, if any EJ.00 FEET THENCE SOUTH OF AMOUNMORTGAGE :NDCL IM THE MORTGAGOR THE All-R ,M1,nEk4 -Dallbend the N orth100 aetofine actually paic by me mortgagee, l DEGREE 03 MINUTES l AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED NOTICE TO MORTGAGORS PERSONAL AtomeydA Mortgagee West OnsHalf of Lot 16 Rohland on me premises and me Dosis end MOFFSECONDSR EAST 12210 FEET, BCLUP ASDING OF TAKES I AN PAI REPRESENTATIVESDEDUCED ASSIGNS The ­dA bP,oaksionel Building Aaek, Ramsey Gounry, Minnesob dn,b e11­ V, by law. The MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE 25 North ­bSt This ik Registered Property 0 e ellowec by law for redemption OF INTERSECTION WITH THE BY pla,I, A.$Si,&5424 WEEKSD AJUDICIAL INNESOA St1)20 MN b102 TAX PARCEL NL'. bp-dnt or[gggor(sJ,tlleirpersc:6) SOT 11 SAID S ULINE TUDEF SAID hb M11i9r lecemmence,e,lU, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 11140095]1 23362235 OFF adUh e Ub D o,aksignkA six ;6J LOT 11 SAID SOUTHWESTERLY M,1,,tgagea,n- l p,o1,d STATUTES, SECTION 582032 THIS IS A ADDRESS A OFTH LEFTY. mIME nom mDIE oTOala LINE OF LOT A ALSO BEING MmpIb ,,H InG of Mortgagee DETERMINING AMONG OTHER THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 200 DHITE BEAR TAH W TIME AND DATE ,d VACATE THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE coin plied with ellno0cerequi,em arta PREMISES AM THE MORTGAGED FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. C UNTYEIN LAKE, MN55110 PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage OF PLATTED LAUREL STREET, es require, , ktemte; met no al PREMISES ARE IMPROVED /Review: Nov 2, 9, 16 23, 30, Oee COUNTY D WHICH PROPERTY ik remkteted or me property SAID PLENA OF E PolNGTIOF or prodth,, ,I been ln,DAd at OF LESS DWEU ITS ,2016) SLOGAI RINCIP redeemed, o unlekk me lime Por ALSO BEING THE POINT OF le or omen vise to recover the debt OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT redemption ik reducec by ludic BEGINNINGOFPART OFLAUREL scored by said mortgage, or any ARENOT PRT PR USED IN OF MORTGAGE $213,00000 order, you must vacate the premises STREET BEING DESCRIBED; paame,eof AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, NOTICE OF MOUNT DUEAND CLAIMED TO by 11 TIME on July3,201]. THENCE NOFTHDESLERFY PURSUANT to me power of sale ANDAREABANDONED. FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUETS OF DATE OF NOTICE THE TIME ALLOWED BY AND NORTHERLY ALONG conbi ec in 68 mortgage, me MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE SOUTHWESTERLY AND ebovendescribe, property will be FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION THE DEBT ANOIOENITV OF THE BY MO R(TGAGEE$1�,49253 THE MORTGAGOR THE W ESTERLV LINE OF SAID BLOCK kold by the Sheriff of said oounry as ON MORTGAGE: None ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Ah at prior to the cem men,m ant of MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL 3 TO THE NORTHWESTERLY follows: Dated. LdoberL/, 2016 mismor[gggeforeolosurepmoeedmg REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, CORNER THEREOF; THENCE DATE AND TIME OF SALE: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT MortgageelAksignee of Mortgagee MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. 44 SECONDS DES ALNUTES PLACE eOF SAL 610A0 AM Mortgagee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That oomplie,wim ell no0oe requirem ants WEEKSD AJUDICIAL ORDER IS D SECONDS PROJECTION ONGA PLA CE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA defaulthesoaurredUthecendi0ons es requiredbysNWte;thatnoactiot ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA W E6TERLV PROJECTION OF THE Qvil Process Uni[25 W. 4th Berea[ By lkl of the following described mortgage or proceedinc hes been inktimted et 6TATUTEB, SECTION 582092, SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT Suite 150, S[PeuI, MN RebeocaF Schiller, Ek4 e law ,edtherwise to recover the debt DETERMINING AMONG OTHER MORTGAGORS): Joaquin De 11 BLOCK 3 SABINS ADDITION to pay the debt then kaou,e, by N. Kibongni Fondun Ik,h, Esq. secured by kat, mortgage, or any THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED La Torre ane Alma V. De La Torre TO STILlWATER, 1500 FEET said Mortgage, enc bares, if any, on QrtN. Trisko, Esq pertmereof PREMISES ARE IMPROVED husbenc end wife THENCE SOUTH C DEGREES said premises, enc the cost` enc 'Samuel R. Coln, Esq.' PURSUANT to the power e sale WITH ARES IDENTIAL DW ELLIN MORTGAGEE. Wells Fargo Benk, 38 MINUTES 34HECLN05 EAST disbursements, y las nc atomeyto Atem dem,PAFagee NA onbi ec in sat mortgage, the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 3 FEET; THENCE SOUTH fees allowed by law subject o TheAcademy Professional Buildmc eboven described property will be ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 31DEGREES12 MINUTES 21 redem pto-nnn 6MoUH-omthe 25 North Dale Street ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. sold by the Sheriff of kat, county as AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, date ofsaidsalebythemor[gagoq(), S[Pauf MN55102 AklKne, t'. Nona follows: AND ARE ABANDONED. SECONDS EAST ]]00 FEET, fair personal represenbOvek or (E51J 2099]1 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DATE AND TIME OF SALE MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 2433 OF MORTGAGE: $20300000 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE assigns '160.0 FC01J Decembe,29 2016, 1000AM FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: THIS IS A COMMUNICATION DATE OF MOFTGAGE Olobe, PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, ON MORTGAGE: None POINT OF BEGINNING. 21, 2004 PI.DM: 2603020230142 The date on or before whiff, the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Givil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street Dated: October 28, 2016 STREET ADDRESS OF mortgago,mukt,�acat nt=pe1,l Review: Nov 2, 9, 16 23, 30, Deo. Recorded D November l/ 2004 Suite 150, St Paul, MN WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PROP ERTY:.3 MAPLE STREET the mortgage ik not reinktetec a nde, % 2016) to pay the debt then secured by Mortgagee ak Doament Number 3m9/o6 In COUNTY IN D IC SSO82 Minnesob playSEAD-I- section 58630 said Mortgage, enc the`, if any, on THE ACADEMY LAW CIA the Office of the Gounry Recorder of GO OCA IN WHICH PROPERTY or the property redeemed under said premises, and the Dosis and By lel IS LOCATED: Wekhin Count Minnesob Sbmtek section 58023 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Wekhing[on Gounry, CL AIMEDne-a disbursements, including ,bjed to Rebema F Sands Esq. g[on y, THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO Minnesob ik-egongJUne,201] at1159P m. lithe fees allowed n law Month-on, e 'CuoNngni Fondungalleh, Esq foregoing date ike Sem day, Sunday FORECLOSURE SALE BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE redemption wlebyth moagagmme 'Curtel Triakoman TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage I holiday, then the date to THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. date of said sale byme mortgagol(kJ, SemuelR Coleman Esq Electronic RegiktraOon Systems Inc or lege THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE $180,55556 NAME OF MORTGAGE vacae ik the ne# business day et ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF their personal ,eprekenab- or Add neysforM agagee ORIGINATOR Everett Finencel, 1159 Pm. TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT PROPERTY: Lot 1, Bloc: 1, OF assigns The Academy Professional Buildmc Inc dba Supreme Lending a Texas MORTGAGORS) RELEASED AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION Forest 3rd AtldiOon, Washington DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: North Dale Street FROM OBLIGATION ON The date on or before which the S[ Peul, MN55102 RES D0on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Gounry, Minnesob RESIBank N SERVICER: Wells MORTGAGE. NONE debul[hekomuned In condaionk STREET ADDRESS OF m ortgagg opely, '351)2099]3) Fargo Bank NA THE TIME ALLOWED BY demotgage isnot reinstated under '13-0061-FG03J LAX BY IDENnRcnnom oMORTGowmgde) The, PRLPERTr. ]241JLPUN AVENUE LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV Minnesob Sbmtek section 58030 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION MOFTGAGOR(SA Tyler A SNO 16OTTAGE GROVE, NUMBER TION 0230142 THE MORTGAGOR THE or the property redeemed under FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. TRANSZimmennen end Anne Zimmennen, MN SSOl3 MORTGAGE AGENTS MORTGAGORS PERSONAL husband enc wife COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Minnesob 2Saflu­017. section 50623 'Review: Nov 9, 16'23, 30, Dec MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, MORTGAGEE: Homesery IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, ik June 29, 201]et 1159 Pm. if the 14 2016) NUMBER 10030]1100039.4. MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE foregoing date ike SeWrday, Sunday Lending, LLC dba Edina Realty Minnesob THAT no action or proceeding hes WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Mortgage, a Delaware Limited TRANSACTION AGENT: None or [gal holiday, then the date to been instituted at law to recover the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ata e ik the neva business day et NOTICE OF MORTGAGE debt then rem ai nag secure, by kuc, STATUTES SECTION 582032 Debility Company NAME OF MORTGAGE 1159 pm ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: ORIGINATOR: Wells Fargo Benk, FORECLOSURE SALE mortgage, or any part thereof or if DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER A-Kned to: W ells Fargo Bank, N A NA MOM"OR(S) RELEASED THERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF the action or proceeding hes been THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED b de, on Jul FROM OBLIGATION ON Wted, that the kame hes been PREM ISES ARE IMPROVED WITH y akvignmen[,eoor y /, RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells MORTGAGE NONE o E DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE dikconOnued, or that an exea0o 2005 ekDoamen[Number35248Q Fargo Benk,NA ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE n A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING THE TIME ALLOWED BY I Office of the Gounry Recorder TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT upon been lu'ennerenderedmerein OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, LAW FOR REDEMPTION By hes been reurned unsatisfied, th Washington Gounry, Minnesota; NUMBER 1002]21. N AG AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. In ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ekslgnec THE MORTGAGOR THE vanteo PURS,in thereafter o O T Bank TRANSACTION AGENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL PertAND NeOonel Assoat AD es Trustee, MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION of the for-ag e inure ooagaonk PURSUANT, tome power of sale Dated 0ABANDO 201 to Da,lovie NUMBER None REPRESENTATIVESDEDUCED ED ASSIGNS, of the allowing described mortgage: ained in said mortgage, the Dated: October 20, 2016 Bank,ss Nationale Assodation, as THAT no action or proceeding has MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagor: Nicolas Ibarra, a single above described will be CU Mortgage Servi_,lnc., REEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS property Trustee for Wells Fargo Aaset been institute, et law to recover the person ole byme Sheriff of laic county es OFF FAX ah9nPROFM551 PROFESSIONAL SeanO Cop-tan, Mortgage debt then,emainin, secured by such SENTERED TATUTES UNDER SECTION MINNESOTA 582032 Mortgagee: Firs[ Residental allows: PeksThrough Certificates Series mortgage, or any part thereof or if M ortgage CorpoI, on DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ASSOCIATION DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Hecemberl3, 20 UO AM By Jonathan R Cuskey Michael V 2004K by aksig'y ent recorded the f lion or proceeding has been THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Dated: 09292004 on Febaary 2 2 ak Document Ins a ed, mat the same has been Remmed:111122004 PLACE OF SALE: Washington Sohleikmen Number 4014339 in the Office of di-Unued, or that an exea0on ?REMISES ARE IMPROVED Ramsey County Recorder GounryShe,-Lffibe Washmgon Atomeys for: me county Recorder of Weshingon upon me wagmen[rendere, merem DITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLING Dowmen[Ne 3eo�eJ County Lew Enforcement Center, GU Mortgage Services, Inc, Gounry, Mane-a hes been re u c unka0k. e OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Aasigned To: Inter Savings Bank, 1501562n, Street North, Stillwater A`kleeof Mortgagee r e n ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Minnesob ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT wholeorin pert FSB u East Firm Stree[Suite coo AGRGULTURAL PRODUCTION, h debt men kecu,ed b of MORTGAGE TGA 00000 PURSUANT, ro me power e kale Detect: ed 1111 o4 st Paw, MN s5m1-me ANDAREABANDLNED ro pay the v DATE of MORTGAGE Apel 30, mnbmed in said mortgage, me Recoded: nnounty no an, bar k, if any m� zz�e is 2004 above de-be, property wol be Dated. odobe,2] 2016 Ramsey county Rammer actualll2004 aic b me a (7 Minnesota Housing Finance on theypremisek end the c­moland end THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Reco ded D J June 11 1 2004 G follows me Sheriff of said oounry ek pg., ry Assignee d Mortgagee DAbsigned To ment No a Marne-a Houda, disbursements ellowec by law The FFROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Document Number 344582]rin the DATE AND TIME OF SALE PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Finence/fgenoy tme all-e, by law t„edemp0on Office of the County Recoder of Januery3, 201] atlOOOAM ASSOCIATION Dated: 101142004 V, said moagagoq{ ), weir personal (Review: Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Dea Washa Goun[ Minnesob PLACE OF SALE Weshin By. Jonathan R Cuskey, MkFael V ,epresenbOvek or es signs ik six ;6J ],20167 THE AMOUNT y CLAIMED TO CountySheriffs Office, W ashington Sd,leism en Ra-eyd: l2Countt04 Recorder monthn me date of kala g AGO, eydl, n y BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE County Lew Entrcement Center Doamen[Nc 3818039 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Minnesob Housing Finance ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: 15015 Gln, Street North, Sfillwetr Trankadion /(gene NIA PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage NOTICE OF MORTGAGE $34]]691] Minnesob Agency, Aasignee of Mortgagee Trankadan Agent M agage ID No: r the 55 East Rrm so-ee[ suit 600 property FORECLOSURE SALE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF to pay me debt men secured by y-t pain, MN 55101-1]18 NIA redeemedeto, unless the In, for THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF PROPERTY: Lot /, Block 3 mortgage and tx if any Lender or Broker Firs[Residen0al redemption is reducec by judicial 351-209]599 order you must-Oethepremises THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE Dellwood Hills Plat 1, 'J4'ashing[on actually Paid by the mortgagee, tb1228-1/S3 (fax) Mortgage Corporation ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE counry, Mane-a on the premises and the costs an' Servicer: U.S. Bank N.anal THIS IS A COMMUNICATION bylE Pm. on Junel3, 201 TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT STREET ADDRESS OF dikbursemena ellowec bylaw. The FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Moftgage THE TIME ALL BV AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. PROPERTY: 2 ELDORADO DR Ome allowed by law for redempton 1Q0S 1600/341 Mortgage Originator First LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That DELLWOOD MN 55110 1216 by keit mortgagol{kJ, weir personal ResidenOal Mortgage Goryora0on THE MORTGAGOR THE debul[hekooarredin mecondi0onk COUNTY IN WHICH PROBE RTY "Review: Nov 9, 1623, 30, Dec/, MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ,ep,esenbOvek o, akslgnk ik six ;6) 14 2016) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF of the allowma described mortgage: IS LOCATED: Wakhmgon Gounry, month nom the date of Kate PROPEMY Lotls, Block Joseph REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MORTGAGOR(S): Wade Swanson Minnesob TIME AND DATE TO VACATE R Weide'` 2nd Additan to the OF, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE end Janelle J. Swanson, husban, TRANSACTION AGENT None PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage of Saint Paul, Ramsey Gounry, WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS end wife NAME OF MORTGAGE ik stated or the property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Minnesob ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA MORTGAGEE: World Savings ORIGINATOR Homeservicek redeemed, o unless the time a, FORECLOSURE SALE TabbAbktrad Property STATUTES, SECTION S' '2 Benk, FSB, nikla Wells Fargo Lending, LLC dba Edina Realty ,edemptan ik reduced by ludical THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TAX PARCELNG:202922430025 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Benk,NA, Succe-l-bymerge,to Mortgage, e Delaware Limited oder youmuktvacatemep,emisek THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Da,lovia Mortgage FSBnkla Worl, Liability Company by 1159 Pm. on July3, 201 ]. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE WO NY AVEE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Sevingk Benk, FSB RESIDENTIAL SERVICER: Wells THE TIME ALLOWED BY TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT SAINTPAUX MNSS101 WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLIN C ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Fargo Bank, NA LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Assignee to: None. TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION THE MORTGAGOR, THE NOTICE IS H EFEBV GI YEN: That IS LOCATED: Ram key ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NUMBER: 0/03021.130010 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL debulthakomurre,Uth,.ndi0onk ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT AGRICULTURAL PERDU GTION, OF MORTGAGE $71250000 TRANSACTION AGENTS REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, of the tllowi n, damn bed m oagage: OF MORTGAGE:$102,05000 AND ARE ABANDON ED. DATE OF MORTGAGE: November MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE MORTGAGOR(S): Mark T AMOUNT DUE AN D CLAIMED TO M LRTGAGLF(SI RELEASED l NUMBER: None W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Gustafson anc Patricia A Grkbferon, BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: THAT no action o, p,oceedin, has ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA husband anc wife INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID ON MORTGAGE: None Recode, on December 15, 2005 been i- bated at law to v­ the STATUTES, SECTION 582032, MORTGAGEEM agage Eled,onio BY MORTGAGEE $8303441 Dated: Odoben4, 2116 ak Document Numbe, Gu 460 In d-then,em-ng secure, by kud, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER RegibPaton Systems Inc a That p-al-tome bommenoement of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. me Office of the County Recorder of mortgage,o any part thereof or if THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Delaware Condt-one e mikmoagagea,ed osu,ep,oceedinf Mortgagee Washington Gounry, Minnesota the ado o, paceedin, has been PREMISES ARE IMPROVED to, Ventuv Development rte, e Mortgagee-)Knee of Mortgagee THEACADEMV LAW GROUP, PA THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO in utednmat the kame has been WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW EUJNG Minnesob Corporation coin plied with all n OFce requirements By lkl BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE discontinued, o, met an e-cutan OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE as required by statute; mat no action RebeccaF S-ler Esq ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. upon the lud9men[rendered therein ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Aasigned to: Wells Fargo Benk,NA or proceeding hekbeen inktimtec et N. Kibongni Fondungelleh, Esq $3)4 W72] has been re coed ankat led, in AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, by aksignm ent,ecode, on January law o, omenvise to v­ the debt 'Curt N.Triako, Esq.' LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF whole 0,in par[ AND ARE ABANDONED. 15, 2010 as Document Number s e, by said mortgage, o, any Samuel R Coleman Esq PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 1, PURSUANT, to the power of kale MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 37/5.4 in the Office of the County part thereof Atomeyk a, M o1gagee Wedgewood Heights Si#h Additan, onbined in said mortgage, me FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Recoder of Washington Gounry, PURSUANT to me power of kale The Academy Proaksionel Buildmc Washington Gounry, Minnesob above described property will be ON MORTGAGE: None Maneko� ned in said mortgage, the 25 North Dele Street STREET ADDRESS OF kold by the Sheriff of kat, county as Dated: Odober 2l, 2016 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT above) described property will be St MN SS102 PROPERTY: 3SS3 CRESTMOOR allows: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. OF MORTGAGE :$170,00000 kol,byme Shenffof said.UUry 351)2099]EO TERRACE WOODBURY MN DATE AND TIME OF SALE Mortgagee DATE OF MORTGAGE: April 11, for- ­482 FC01) ollows161482FC01) 551255025 January 3, 201] at 10 00 AM THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA 2003 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY PLACE OF SALE: Washington By lkl DATE AND PLACE OF FILING Decembe,2920161000AM FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, CountySheriffs Office, Washington RebemaF S-ler Esq Recoae, on December 11, 2003 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, 'Review: Od 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 23, Minnesob CountyLaw Eno-cement Center N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq as Document Number 3408]6] in Civil P,00eks Uni[ 25 W.4m Street 30,2016) TRANSACTION AGENT None lbOlb Qnd Street North, Strl er Curt N.Triako, Esq.' the Office of the County Recode, of Sane— St Paul, MN NAME OF MORTGAGE Minnesob Samuel R Coleman, ee Washington Gounry, Minnesob. to pay ga debt then s cured by ORIGINATOR. World Se Bank Bank, to pay me deb[ men secured by The Abomeyd my PI-le THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO kat, Mortgage, and thek,eif any, on NOTICE LOF OSU MORTGAGE AGE FSB, nikla Wel lk Fargo Benk, N A, said mortgage an k, if any The Academy Stoteksionel Building BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE sic premises, enc ka =and FORECLOSURE SALE Sumekkor by merge, to Waas— actually paic by me mortgaged 25 North Dale Street ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE disbursements, inducting ulded to THE EBT AND IDENTITY OF Mortgage, FSB nkle World Sevingk on a premises and me costs and St Peul, MN 55102 $LEGA 042 eek allowec by law subject to THE DEBT CREDITOR Bank FSBRESIDENTIAL ddbt,me rb ants el lowed by law The 1551)2095]30 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF redemption ka AV,tMa oagam me TIMEORIGINALCREDI BY LAW IS THE RESIBENTIAL SERVICER Wells 0 Balm oagaylaw thenendnal THIS 3FG02J Coppe,0 Lot 3, Block 2, date of e-nal bymemortgagol{ o, TIME PROVIDED IS LAW N. NOT Fargo Benk, N A bysaid mortgagol(k), mei,personal THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Copper Oekk, Washington Gounry, their personal represenbOvek or AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. TAX BY IDENTIFICATION moot en th o,aks -le six ;6J FROM DEBT COLLECTOR. MiTREET eDIE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met NUMBERTRANSACTION 23.00AG moME AN mDATE of kala (Review: Nov. 916 L3, 30, Dec /, STREET ADDRESS OF DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. of taultol-ag ,red inure ao1gaonk MORTGAGE AGENTS TIME AND DATE TO VACATE 14 2016) PROPERTY 3157 COPPER OAKS The date on or Vette whip, me of0-Ragowingd Haibe, mortgage: MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION PROPERAY.Onlekk Kato mortgage TRAIX WOODBURV, MN SS125- moagag Am oagageb,�noatemeed Une, Mortgagor: am,JM Marie NUMBER : None emed o, me property 3997 th Mane-gageik not reinkbte 58030 M,v andhu anc Devic)MQeughlin, THATno ltaction o, proceeding has ,edeemedeo unlessme imea, NOTICELO MORTGAGE CLONAL IN WHICH PROPERTY Minthe p pea,Saflu­I- section 58030 Moagagee and beenhenI-te,at 1, to ke-ed redem p0on u, reduoec by epludioiel MI LOCATED: Washington Gounry, o, ne property keemec under Morteee: Rid,field Bloomin Ysuo ,you muk[vaoetet epremisek FORECLOSURE SALE gg g[on debt then remeininckearedb h order h THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Minnesob Minnesob Sbmtek section 58023 Dated062 mortgage o, any pertmernf or if by 1159Pm. on Jay3201]. THE DEBT AND IDENITV OF THE THAN ACTION AGENT M agage ikJune29201]at1159pm. lime Dated 062.2013 me action or proceeding has been THE TIME ALLOWED BY Eled,onbRegibt,UnSystems Inc a,egoU,dOeika�SODaa? Sunday Recoded: 101142013 Wted, mat the kame has been LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE NAME OF MORTGAGE o, legal holiday, then the date to TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Ramsey Gounry Recorder dmonOnued, or met en exea0on THE MORTGAGOR THE ORIGINATOR: Vence vacate ik the next business day et AFFECTED 8V THIS ACTION. Doamen[Nc4428 CU upon beelud bume, ende,e,merein MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Development Inc, e Minnesob 1159 Pm. Assigned To: GU Mortgage has been ,e umec unke0sfied, in REPRESEN DEDUCED ED ASSIGNS, debulthekoaurred Uthecondi0ons Goryora0on MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Services, Inc whole UA pert MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells FROM OBLIGATION ON Deted :08252016 PURSUANT, to me power of kale WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ofinetllowing dekaibedmortgagen Fargo Bank, N.A MORTGAGE: NONE Re coded: 09222016 mortgage, the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagor: Thome` E. Gladi4 e TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED BY Reinke CountyRecorder aboven describe, property will be STATUTES, SECTION 582032 unmarred man NUMBER: 2002021.120023 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Document No .4.5443 fldby the Sheriff of said county as DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic TRANSACTION AGENTS THE MORTGAGOR THE TrankaIXionA ent NIA nominee0on Systems, allows: THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED no C MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 0 to, PHH Hom e Loans, LlG Transaction Agen[Mortgege lO No: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Dated: 05118200] NUMBER: adan ,p-oc222843 REPRESENTATIVESREDUCED ASSIGNS Le Januery3, 201 at FEU0Da OF LESS DWELLING THAT no eAd al pto vc- has MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Lender o Broker: Rid,field PLACE OF SALE. Washington OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Filed:0628200] been instituted et law to reooverme WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS BI gton G d U on, a Gounry Sherff k Off D h gton ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN D y N 9'2 f AT deb[men,amen ng secured by sue, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA M o,edau County Lew Enf G er AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION g mortgage, o, any part thereof or T STATUTES SECTION 582032 S : G.U. M g g Services, 15015 Qnd St-el Noah SII afar AND ARE ABANDONED. Aasfgned To e nnekota SHousnc he act on or proceednc hes been DETERMINING AMONG OTHER I ad Minnesob MLFTGAGORSJ RELEASED - mdimted, met the kame hes been THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Faanoe/fgency Mortgage Originator: Rid,field to pay me debt men secure, by FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Dated: 10110200] disconOnued, or met an exea0on Room C,edt union, a said moggage and bar k, if any ONMoRTcwGE:None Roe, mrzzrzoo] upon me wpm nt,ende,ed the-en Public Notices Minnesob credit union dually paid by the mortgagee, Dated: Odobe,2] 2016 hes been re umed unka0sfied, in LEGAL DEscRIPnoN of on the premises anc the costs anc U.S. BANK NATIONAL Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles whole been pert Continued On Page 9 Review Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2016 Page 9 Public Notices Mortgage.: Mortgage GI,Rtonb county, Minnesom it W. mortgage i, not reinstated 55 East Fifth Stree[ Suite 800 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Registration Systems, Ino , LUbbAbktraa Property under Minn.$b Sbwt.,,.alon St Paul, MO-011/18FORECLOSURE SALE Continued from Page ominee for Gowns Stte Bank a TAX PARCEL NG'. 58630 or W. property redeemed 651203]549 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF n0at.d. 0-2006 22 027 under MUn.$b SbWtes recto 651 2211753 THE DEBT ANO IDMI ETV OF THE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Reoorded'. 05-2006 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 58023 i, July 12, 201/et 11 b9 pmn THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE .LTH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Ramsey county R..rd.r .19 Jasmine Ave S If W. for.goin, dated a SaWrday, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Documdo No. 3946118 cottage Grove MN 55016 Sunday or legal holiday, Wen We 14].16008151 AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN A,egn., To: Deutsch. Bank COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY date to vacate i, W. next business 'Review: Nov 1623, 30, D.a /, 14, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Netonel Trus[Gompeny, es Trustee IS LOCATED: WekM1ing[on day et 11 59 Pm. 21 2016) debul[hesocrurredin We$nditons AND ARE ABANDONED, of the Ind,M INDX Mortgage ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT MORTGAGORS) RELEASED of the following described mortgage: Dated: OIXober262016 Loen Trust 2006ADD 9, Mortgage OF MORTGAGE :$256,00000 FROM OBLIGATION ON Mortgagor: CDBK Development Minnesota Housing Finance Pa TUktugh certificates Series AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO MORTGAGE NONE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE LLC, a Limit., bility Company Agenry,Assignee of Mortgagee 2006AR19 under the PIU, end BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE THE TIME ALLOWED BY FORECLOSURE SALE Mortgagee: Superior Finencng, Inc OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL S.rvicng Agr..mdo Dat., June 1, INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID LAW FOR REDEMPTION By Dated: 011122016 ASSOCIATION 2006 BY MORTGAGEE $36992041 THE MORTGAGOR, THE THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF By Jo-nR C,,k Mioh�elV Dated: 0.92011 That priortotle od,m.n,d,dU of MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE Re.rd.d. 011132016 Schl.i,man Reoorded. 0511612011 tlismortgag.for.do,ur.proce.dU, REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS ORIG INAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Ramsey county Reoorder Attom.y, tor: Ramsey county Remrder Mortgag..S,k Knee of Mortgagee MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE TIME PROVIDED IS LAW N. NOT Doo,gn d aPAI-A 464 MUn.$b Ho-H, Finan,. Document No. 42]9415 $m plied wits ell n otce requirements WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Aasigned To: Prairie Capibl, Ino Agency, A,egn.. of M ortgag.e Transaction Pgent Mortgage es r.quir.dthkl In uta; Wetnoaction ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Wet Dated: 011122016 . East Rfth Stree[Suite BOB EleIXronio Registraton Systems, Ina or proceeding hes been Uddoute, et STATUTES SECTION 582032, defeul[hes ocrurred in We $nditons Remrded. 03A)12016 .1-1, MN 55101-1]18 Transaction Agent M ortgage ID No: law or otherwise to R$v.r the debt DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER of the following de-be, mortgage: Ramsey county Reoorder .12"3]599 100226/"""OOOtti24 keoure, by said mortgage, or any THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Mortgagor: Pha ,oand Mai Vang, Dooumen[NO..45971. .1228-1 ]53 (far? Lender or Broker, Gt,. St- partthereof PREMISES ARE IMPROVED husband end wife, enc Douachee A-one d To: Eagle Gommuni[y THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Bank PURSUANT to the power of sale WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Veng, esingle person Bmenk, e Min ne$b benki n, FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. S : Oewen L S rvicng, d In said mortgage, the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS M g g : Mortg g EI p n 1 GO51600]81-1 LLc b d -ed prop.rcy wu b. ARE NOT PROPERry use0 Int R g Sydls D d:011122016 (Rev- Nov 9, 16 23, 30, Dea ], M gge O,KU : C s Sete by h Shetff of sad $un[ybe ARE NOTURAL PRODUCTION, f Novekt M g g ,Ina R .-ded 03D12016 14 2016) Bank mlt0- AN DAREABANDONED Dated: 12232004 Rems.Y county Reoorder Filed: 011102005 Dooument No.4597161 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE AND TIME of ,ALE: Dated: Nomoug r1", 210 Ramsey county Registrar of Tlte, Assigned To: Prairie Capibl Ina PROPERTY. Lott en c2 aced, January 62 on 1" go AM cu MOHgage serviees,g Document No 19000]3 AMU,D Dated: 101192016 NOTICE ECLOSUMORTGAGE 2Phillips Addition, Ram say Gounry, PLACE OF SALE: Lew Enforcement Mortgagee certificate of Tite No.'. 550014 Remrded: 102]2016 FORECLOSURE SALE Minne$m Center 15015 Qnc Street N., OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL Asegned To: The Benk of New Vork Ramsey Gounry Reoorder THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Thi,dIdlMd Property S011water MN ASSOCIATION Mellon fke The Benk of New Vork, Dooumen[Na A04.0819 THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF T2 PARCEL NG'. opey the deb[Wen secured by By JoneWenR Guskey, MidheelV es Su$.s$r Trustee forJPMorgen Tran recti on Agent N lA ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE 32292221.0013 etc Mortgage, end nixes if any, on Sohlei,man ISS Benk, NAt es Trustee to, Transaction AgentMortgage ID No: TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: laic premises, enc the .kt, enc Attomey, tor: Novesbr Mortgage Funding Trust, NIA AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. -Beaumont St disbursements, induding attorney,' GU Mortgage Services, Ina, S.n.,2"451Noves FuHome Equity Lender or Broker: Superior NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN [het Sein[Peul, MN 55130 fees ellowec by hew subect o Mortgagee Loen Aas.tAaok.d certificates Financing, Ino d.bultha, ooarred in the mndito COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY redemptionwithin 6Mont l-om the 55 East Fifth Stree[ Suite B"" Series 20051 Servicer: Prae CapiE, Ino of the following described m ortgage: IS LOCATED: Ramsey date of I.Ilebythemortgagoq(), St Paul, MN 110/1/18 Dated"41192013 Mortgage Originator: Superior Mortgagor: Tim Clam We end Xe ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT their personal repr nEUv or .120.1 Filed 0.5A)62013 Finenoing, Ino Su.ne Moue, hu,ban, end wife OF MORTGAGE :$151200.00 assigns .12261]53 (far) Ramsey County Registrar of Titles LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Mortgagee: Mortgage Bed-onto AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Document Na 2208964 AMU,D PROPERTY: Lot II, Bloc<3, Drakes R.giktraton Systems , BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE The date on or before which the FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. C.rtifioete of Tit. No.'. SS Id Additon to the Gty of St Paul ee for Bremer Benk, Netonal INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID mortgagor must vacate the property 88861600838-1 TrankaIXion No 0 Mortgage together with ell heredibments enc A oieton BY MORTGAGEE:$155,57570 T the mortgage ,not rens ate, (Rvi.w: Nov 1623, 30, De./, 14, EleIXroric n ktAgentO on Systems no appurtenances belong ng thereto D ed: 041142011 Th. prortothe ment of under Mnne$b SbWtes ce¢on 21,2016) Tect-onR on Agent Mortgage ID No (the Proper[N. I, d: 04272011 thsmo1Mgeforeol p eeding 58030 or the property redeemed Rams. Re i,trar of Titer MortgageeiA gnee of Mortgagee under MUne$b SbWtes ce 1000801 0.98.9]04 Ths sAbk'tract PRp.rty y g hall notice re 58023 is Jul 6, 20119(11 59cIon Lender Broker. Nov-, TAX PARCEL NO.'. D N 2140736 Against n q y g NOTICE OF MORTGAGE M g g nc, a Virg p ton 302922340024 c T fT He No .:584591 q d by h f the forego ng da S d y, S : Oaven L S ADDRESS OF PROPERTY A g d T: U.S. B k N Tonal P d h b d Sunday or legal h rd # h h FORECLOSURE SALE LLC "Ings 20 SYCAMORE ST E Assoc at on rotherw,et .ver the debt date to vacate s thene buena,, THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF Mort Ori Novastar SAINT PAUL, MN 5511] Dated: 04262013 secured by kat, m ortgage, or any day at 1159gm. THE DEBTAND IDEMITY OFTHE gage KUM,r. File, 051132013 IF thereof MOM GAGOR 1 RELEASED ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE M oaTe, Ina, aUTginiaooryoraton COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Rems.y County Registrar of Titles PURSUANT to the power of sale FROM OBLIGATION ON TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT PROPERTY DoS,RCATED I-ey 2 elnd3, Block ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Dooument No 2209]84 Against '011th=., in sa mortgage, the MORTGAGE: NONE AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. 13, H­,s Subdivision of Lots 1, OF MORTGAGE $5000000 Certificate of Title Na:584591 eboven described property will be THE TIME ALLOWED BV NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sold by the Sheriff of laic $unty as LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV default has ooarre,in the.ndi0o 23,4,5,6,],14,15,16,1],18 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Transaction Agent Mortgage of Welootts Atldltion to Cottage BE DUEA60F DATE OF NOTICE, Electronic Re iktraton5 follows: THE MORTGAGOR THE ofthefollowU,desoribedmo1gage: Transaction AgentAgent (gage lO No: DATE AND TIME OF SALE'. MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagor: Austin M Peterson, Homes [ogeWer wiWvaceted alley INCL RTGAGEE$ IF ANY PAID Jenuer 5, 201], 1000 AM REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, single bub act ro Reserveton by Bb[e BV MORTGAGEE'. $54,243.]5 1000]3981106]2.8-0 y Mort : Mort Bearonio of Minnesob of ell Minerals end Thet prior to the $mmencem ant of Lender or Broker: Bremer Benk PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mgea gage , Mineral e h Wi,mor[ f .mm d 9110 Pro$ks um[ 25 w. 410 so-..[ wEEKs IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS Reg-Olon System,, mo a Igh" gag. or. pro.. WG National As$ceton Suite 150, S[ PeuI, MN ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA no nee for Wintrukt Mortgage, e Sub act to easements in favor of M�o-C-elA,egn.e of Mortgagee A: U.S Benk Net tinea on to pay the debt then secured by STATUTES SECTION 582032 d f B`X ton Bankand Trust h GyfS Paul for slopes our pled h II q M O or: Bremer Benk, dM gg, d T y n DETERM WING AMONG OTHER dill .,d Lot 1 d d d q by t;h g g g t Dated 04/182014 Book "S" f PI page 23 or proceed ng has b d -b-I Assodeton dp d h d THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Book fPl h ff hew or oWerwceforthedebt LEGAL DESGR PT ON OF d b 4 n d g y, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH FI d: 0.12014 p g eour PeofROPERTY: Lot 3$ Bloc: L fes allowed by law subled o A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Dashmgton RkMd,ar of Tit., of the Regstrar of Deeds of Ram key k ., by std mortgage, orany at Johnstone, Subdivieon of Block redempton within 6 Months Dom the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Dooument Na 1228016 Against Tubb RIble-ed Property nt, MUne-apPURSUANT to the power of sale Number One, of Stinson, D-on It of said sale bythe mortgagor(,), ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN CeRficateof Title NO.:]1236 TAX PARCEL NG'. $nbined in said mortgage, the of NW lR of Section 36 US,n 1p their personal repRsenEUt or AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Assign., To: Ono— Loan 242923410088 above desIn ka will be 2s, In 23, Ramk. count akaon, AND ARE ABANDONED. s.rNdng, LLc prop.rcy 9. y V Dated: 091152016 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY $Id by the Sheriff of said county es MUn-Ga DATE TO VAC PROPERTY' Dated: No— Filed 09262016 1E6 Cottage Anew Pollow,: This i, Re iter., PR ert The date on or before which the The Benk of New York Mellon DATE AND TIME OF SALE. g p y h ftThe Bankoi New Yorkas Washington County Registrar Sein[Peul, MN 5511] TAX PARCEL No.: mortgagor milk(vacat.t.prop.a, of ilea, Document No. 1242838 coumry w rvHICH PROPERry January l2 eon, lobo AM 36292325 OP037FF If W. mortgage Isnot remet.d T.diffiforihe Bend t of the against Certificate ofTitleNa]1236 IS LOCATED: Ramsey PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Offibe ADDRESS OF PROPEFTV. under Minnesob SbWtes sect on Certificateholdersof CWALT, Transaction A Mort ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Gvil Process Unit 2S W. 4th Stree[ 414VAN BURENAVE 58030 or the property redeemed Inc. Alternative Lo-,-t 2005- gent gaga OF MORTGAGE $25],00000 Suite 150, St PeuI, MN SAINT PA U$ MN 55103 under Minnesob SbWtes sect on 33CB Mortgage Passthrough Bearonio Regiktraton Systems lila AMOUNT DUEAND CLAIMED TO to pay the debt s.ourec by COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 58023 M'JuIyot201/etll59 p�m. Certificates, Series 2005-33CB, Transaction Agent Mortgage IF No: said Mort end bares if en IS LOCATED: WA If the foregoin, date is e Saturday, Assignee of Mortgagee 1000312-0001141]965 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE gage, n y, on ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Sunday or legal holiday, then the OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Lender or Broker: WUPtr INCLUDING TAXES, F ANY PAID said premises, a c the $o s ee, date to vacate i, the next bu Un ASSOCIATION Mortgage, a divieon of Bamngton BY MORTGAGEE:$too 291. disbursements, indudinc A MORTGAGE: $1 Q,] 5000 day etll SS Pm. By JonethenRGuskey, MidheelV Benk end Truss Co, NA, aNeOonel Thetprior[c the.mmenoement of fees Ilowec by hew subeIX Wto AMOUNT DUE AND GIAIMEO TO MOFTGAGORSJ RELEASED Sdhl_man Benk the m o1Mgeforeolosureproceeding redemp0on within 6 Mon-Dom the BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, FROM OBLIGATION ON Attorneys for: MoagageeiA gnee of Mortgagee date ofs ,Illebythemortgagoq(), INCLUDING TAXES, IFANY PAID Servicer GenlarFSB dwiW ell not. re Weir personal repres.nbtve, or BY MORTGAGEE :$1219438 MOFTGAGE NONE The Bank of New Vork Mellon Da Mortgage Originator: AUHu,t oompie qu-mens That p-b-tothe$mmencement of THE TIME ALLOWED BV The Benk of N.w Vork as Trustee for Mortgage, a divieon of Bamngton as requiredinby kEflute has beenthntno stitutei at on aDATE6 TO VACATE PROPEFTV. thikmortgageforedosure proceedmc LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY the Benefit of the Gertificateholders Benk end Trust Ga, NA, Netonel law o, othel,obe to r.$v.r the debt The date on or before which the M agagee-Knee of Mortgagee THE MORTGAGOR THE bCWALT, In. Ate-, Loan Trust Benk eared b d mo-Rage, or nothe .mpiedwithall notice requirements MOF(TGAGORS PERSONAL 200533C M agage Pass through LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF , hereof, �iany mf the moagage eoetet property srequirecbydAJUe; thatnoadon RE PRESENTATIVESORASSIGNB, Gertificabs, 6eries200533GB, PROPERTY: Lot 2 Block 3, pPURSUANT to the fsele under Minn�es�ob SbWtes 'en d has been indbouted et MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE I Knee ofM agagee MUne,oti, Eastwood[ 4th �pofero don orpoocee in, WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS 55 Ees[Fifth Stree[Suite 800 Additon, aarordmc o he plat oonbined in said gage, the 58030 or the property reded, ec aw otherwis.ro Roover the death( ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA St Paul MN It OI-1/le thereof on file and of re$ rd in the above described property will be dezr3 MUne$b SbWtes c by ked gge, y Off fh RegKIM, fHo and kold by the Sherff of kac $unty as J July 1'2, 20 :9p. m. h reof; STATUTES SECTION 582032 .1203]549 p DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER .12261]53 Tar f W h 9t G u y, M tib follows: f h f g g date S urdt y, PURSUANT to h p er of kale ) DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Sunday gal hold y, then he tined in ,aid mortgage, the TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Th,, Regaered Property Jenuer 520n10g0 AM date to vaoete is the ne#busineks above de-bec property will be PREMISES ARE IMPROVED FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TAX PARCEL NO.. PLACE OF SALE. Sheriff s Office, day at 1159 p. m. koldby the Sheriff of kaid county as WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLI NG 1]832-130013 1002921.2300.58 GviI Pb,s Uni[25 W. 4th Stree[ MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED tollows: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Review: Nov 1623, 30 De./, 14, ADD RE SS OF PROPERTY: FROM OBLIGATION ON DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 21, 2016) 3612 GENTRY AVE N Suite 150, St Paul, MN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, OAKDALEIMN55128 o pay the debt then seared by MORTGAGE: NONE PLACE eOF SALE AE She10 "AM ANDARE ABANDONED. GOTNTV IN WHICH PROPERTY kaid Mortgage, and t x if any, on THE TIME ALLOWED BY PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff s Office, IS LOCATED: Wadhln kaid premises, end the $k6 end LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Gvil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Stree[ Dated: November22016 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE gran disbursements, ind th THE MORTGAGOR, THE Suite 150, St Paul, MN DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL FORECLOSURE SALE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Peek allowed b lewgsub act to MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL TRUSTCOMPANYas Trustee OF MORTGAGE :$1]8,125"0 Y to paythe gage an then Han, by THE RIGHT TO OF AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIM ED TO redempton within 6 Monthsfron, the REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, kaid Mortgage, end bxe4 if any, on for INDYMAC INDX MORTGAGE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE date ofsaid-llebythe mortgagor(,), MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE 'ad premiss, enc the $kts enc LOANTRUST 2006AR19, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE BE DUE DATE OAN PAID their r WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS disbursements, incudmc attorne MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH NCLUD INS TAXES, F ANY PAID persona represenbtves o ?5 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT BV MORTGAGEE$n9,10645 a,mgn,. ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Peek ellowec by hew sub eIX o CERTIFICATES Series 200 19, AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. That priortothe$mm 10640 tot DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: STATUTES SECTION 582032, redempton within 6MonW sfrom the Assignee of Mortgagee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that thism o1Mgeforedo,urepRceeding The date on or before which the DETERMINING AMONG OTHER date of kat Illebythemortgago,) PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL default has ocrurredin the oondito Mor[gagee-dKnee of Mortgagee mortgagor m u kt vacate the property TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED their personal represnbtves or ASSOCIATION of the following de-bed mortgage: $ dwiW ell not dA if the mortgage i, not re eted PREMISES ARE IMPROVED By :JoneWenR LLske MidheelV mpie Unoa.nts eslgn, Schlei,man Y Mortgagor: MaKA Millerand Emily es requiredb all Lott; Wq I-emtion under Minne$b S[eWteslsIX on WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. Al LMiller es Husband end Wife or proceedmc hes been instWted et 58030 or the property Rdeemed OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, The date on or before which the `5 or Mortgagee: GU M agage Services, law or otherwise to r.$v.r the debt under Minne$b S[eW- kecton ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN mortgagor must vacate the property DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL Ino s 58023 ibJu15, 201]et 1159 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, If he mortgage i, not rein "'at RUST COMPANY as Trustee for Dated: 0523200] cured by kaid mortgagethe-eof, or any If the fore on date is e SeW de AND ARE ABANDONED. under MUne$b Statu- s n NDVMAC INDX MORTGAGE LOAN partRSUAN 9 9 y. 58030 or the redeedmlec TRUST 2006AR19 MORTGAGE Re$rded:06h15200] PURSUANT to the power of kale Sunday or legal holiday, then the Dated: Novemberl5, 2016 property n PASSTHROUGH CERTIRGATES' Remsy County Re$rder $nbinec in kat mortgage, the date to vacate is the ne#buenes Prairie Capital, Inc., Assignee of under Min_0ta SbWtes sectio Document No 4033249 above desxibed will be day et 1159p m. Mortgagee 58023 if J une 29, 2011 et 1159 Series 2006AR19, Asegnee of Transaction Agent NS, property MOFTGAGORS) RELEASED OFF LAX PROFESSIONAL If the fore date i, a Mortgagee sold by the Sheriff of kaid $un[y es Do goinc Transaction Agen[Mortgage lO No: tollowk: FROM OBLIGATION ON ASSOCIATION then the Sunday or legal holiday, East Fifth Stree[ Suite 800 NIA MORTGAGE: NONE By JoneWen R Guskey, Miohael V then the date to vacate i, the next St PeuI, MN 55101-1]18 DATE AND TIME OF SALE. buena, day et 1155 Pm. .1203]549 Lender or Broker: GU Mortgage JanuaA620171000AM THE TIME ALLOWED BY S.Iei,man MOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED .l- &/S3 (bxJ Services, lila PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Attorney, tor: FROM OBLIGATION ON THIS215 A COMMUNICATION Servicer: G.U. Mortgage Services, center, 15015 Qno Street N. THE MORTGAGOR THE Prairie Gepibl, Ina, -Knee of MORTGAGE: NONE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. n° StillwateTMN MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagee Mortgage Originator: GU Mortgage to pay the debt then seourec by REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, 55 EaD Fifth Stree[ Suite 800 THE TIME ALLOWED BY ,Review. Nov 16, 23, 30, De. ], 14, Services, Ina kaid Mortgage, and bxe,, if any, on MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE St Paul, MN SS101-1 /18 LAW FOR HE BV 21 2016) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF kaid premiss, end the 'osis and WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS .1203]549 THE MORTGAGOR, THE PROPERTY: Lot 13, Block 8, disbursements, indudinc ettome,d' ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA .1228-1]53C.) MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Edmund Woe, First Additon to St fees allowed by law ,ublecR o STATUTES SECTION 582032 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGN S Paul, Ram ey County,MUne$a Rdemptonwohin6Monthsfromthe DETERMINING AMONG OTHER FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Thi,i, Abstract Property date of kaid kale bythemoagagoq(), TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 1]246160034]2 W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS FORECLOSURE SALE TAX PARCEL NO. their personal Rpresnbtves or PREMISES ARE IMPROVED (Review. Nov 23, 3U, Dec/,14,21, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 2929 2232001'3 WITHARESIDENTIAL DWELLING 28 2016) STATUTES SECTION 582032, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: aDAIE6 TO VACATE PROPERTY: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE .O Calk S[Ret The date on or befog which the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THIN IS, THAT IMPRHE OVED DITD TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT St Paul, MN SS13o mtagagor must vacate the property AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. COUNTY IN JVHIGH PROPERTY if he mortgage is not Rin et.d ANDAREABANDONED. A RESIDENTIAL OW FLUNG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IS LOCATED: Ram key under MUn.$b SbWtes kecton Dated: Nov.mber3, 2016 FORECLOSURE SALE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS debul[heso$unecin the $nditons ORIGINAL BRING AMOUNT 58030 or the redeemed The Bank of New York Mellon, THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN property THE DEBT AND to WITY OF THE ofthefor wind desribec mortgage: OF MORTGAGE: $155,00000 under Minne$b SbWtes sect on MM The Bank of Newyork ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Mortgagor: FcMnk Gec aka Frank AMOUNT DUEAND GIAIMEDTO 58023 i, Ju1y6207.1159 p�m. es successor in interesit ANDAREABANDONED Cruz enc Marie M Gruz eke Marie BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, If the fore oinc date is e SeWrde JPMorgen Chase Benk, N.A. es TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Dated: November=, 2016 INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID y or g y y Trustee for NoveSbr Mort AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. U.5.8enk NetiorelAssocietion, Cruz husband enc wife BY MORTGAGEE. $145,8]535 Sunda le aI holide Wen the Fundin Trust, Series200591, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic date to vacate is the nex[business g deb ultha,ocrurredUthe.ndition, Asslgneeoi Mortgagee Regis inion Systems, Ino es Thatpriortotheoommenoem ant of day et 1159 Pm. NoveSter Home Equity Loen OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL ee for Americas 'Wholesale this mortgageforedosure proceedinc MORTGAGORS) RELEASED A��-Backed Certificates, Series of the following described mortgage: ASSOCIATION nomInLender MortgageelAasignee of Mortgagee FROM OBLIGATION ON 2005-1,Assignee of Mortgagee a ortgagor: Miohael John MOVeIes ByJoneWenR Gue:ey, MioheelV mated with ell n otcereuirements OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL d Nancy Ann M-Igh, Deted:0.5Ki12005 $ n U MORTGAGE NONE s.Add smart db h ASSOCIATION hu end wife ReoordgAd roNno Count ,require y ktatuteen atboutecon THE TIME ALLOWED By Attorneys for: Weehing[on County Re$rder or proceeding hes been inktiWtec et LAW FOR REDEMPTION By By: JoneWenR LLskey, MidheelV Mortgagee: GU. Mortgage U.S Bank National Aasoceton, Do.m An[No. 3541884 law or otherwise to R$v.r the debt THE MORTGAGOR THE S.Iei,man Service,, Inc. Assignee of M SPeet ee enure b dmortee, r Abbm.,to, : Dated: 04232003 55 Eekt Rfth Stree[ Suite 800 Asmgnec To: The Bank of New , h c f kat g g o any MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL The Bank of New Vork Mellon, Takla Re.rded: 061102003 Vork Mellon Da The Bank of New part[ ereo; REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Renis. count Reoorder S[ Paul MN 55101-1]18 PURSUANT to the f ,ale The Bank of New Vork a„u$.kvor y y Vork as Trustee for the Benefit of power o MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE .1209-]549 nbined in kaid the intere, to JPMor I— Dr nkad[NP3.2]Q .1-281]53 (far) the GeRfi-eholders ofGWALT,Ina above dekeribed prope��will be W 6IFAJUDIGIAL ORDER I6 Benk,NA e, Trustee foeNoveSbr Transaction Agent NlA Altematve Loan Trust 200533C ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Tran kactionA Mort ID No THIS IS A COMMUNICATION of b h Sheriff of kaid $un[ Mort Fundin Trust, Series gent gage Mortgage PeksWrough Gertifioetes , c yt e Yes STATUTES SECTION 582032 gaga g FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. follows A" Baovasbr Hom.E Loan NIA sante 20"06308 DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER quite n�61600]10.1 DATE AND TIME OF SALE Aaset Beoked Ger[f Serie, Se,­ d r BRker. G.U. Mortgage De-,dedted 0 A)62"11 PREMISES S THATTHE TH (Review: Nov 9, 16, 23 30 Dea ], DadhUgton Count Januaryl2201 /, OSlOAM A RESIDENTIAL ARE IMPR DDELLITH 2O5J 1 FA Nhn to of l g g e S : G.U. M agage Services, 14 2016) o.megtN County Re$rder PLACE OF GALE. 6h.rlif, Office, A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING SS Eau Ftth 5510 uto 800 Docum.n[No. 3854815 Cavil Prones Unl[25W. 4th Stree[ OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, St Paul, MN55101-1]18 MortgageOriginator: CU. M agage Transaction /agent Mortgage Suite lS t S[. Paul, MN ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N Services, Inc. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Eleotronio Registration System,, Ina to pay the debt then seared by AGRIGULTU RAL PRODUCTION, E512261]53 ;fax) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF FO RECLOSURE SALE Transaction Agent M agage ID No: kat, Mortgage, endbxes, if any, on ANDAREABANDONED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Lot 3, Bloc: 1, Maple THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 100015]-000.5248.]-0 kat, premis.,ancthe$kd,anc Dated: Nov.mb.r92016 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Wood, Estate, Thlr, 1 Map=le THE DEBT AND toEMITY OF THE Lender or Broker: Americas disbursements, induding abomey,' Pingo. Loan Servicing, LLC, 1T/2516006.1 Ram say county, Mi Hn c Adki on ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Wholesale Lender fee, ellowec by hew sub act o Ass 7 of Mortgagee ;Review'. Nov 1623, 30, Dea], 14, PRperty TIME PROVIDED 8Y LAW IS NOT Servicer: Shellpoint Mortgage redemption within 6 Montl-om the OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL 21, 2016) This i,Abk'tract Property AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. Servicng date ofkai, kalebythemoagagoq(), ASSOCIATION TAX PARCEL NO.'. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Mortgage Originator America, their personal represnbtv., o By Jonathan R Cue I Michael V 1329233.00. d.bulthesooarred in the $ndito W holeIlle Lenderasign, Sohleikman of the following described m o1gage: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE To VACATE PROPERTY Attome,for: Mortgagor: Jeffery J. Colonna a PROPERTY To 3, Block 2 The date on or before which the PUgora Loan Ser ng, LLc, Public Notices kingle person Riggewood AddHon Wa,hin'on mortgagor mu,t,�acate the pRpeay A,egnee of Mortgagee Continued on Page 10 Page 10 Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2016 Public Notices Januaryl220171000 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff's Office, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Continued from Page g Evil Process unit 25 w. 4th Street ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Su 150, St Pau( MN 223 Kingston Ave E to pay the deb[Men seou,e, by Maplewood, MN 55109 said Mortgage, enc— if any, on AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: SMO,m be, 21, 2016 U.S. Bank National Association, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY said premsets anc the mets anc IS LOCATED: Ramsey disbursements, indudmc atomel,d ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT fees allowed by law subject o OF MORTGAGE $156 000 ,edempoon within 6 Moathsfrom the CLAIMED date of said salebythem,1gag,q{), Assignee of Mortgagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION By Jonathan R LLskey, MaFaelV Sdhleimen AMOUNT DUE AND TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, Yeo- personal leplesenmtves o, Attaelf" INCLUDING TAXES IF ANV PAID assigns BVMOFTGAGEE$122, 92909 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: That prio,to the oommenoement of The date on or before whkJ, the th,,h,,1 ageforedosure proceeding if [M1 gamoor[gageloate theproperty mmpl dwitga h alll noti ev"Knee ofo'l ggee under Minnesom Statnote section U.S. Bank Naoonel Asmdaoon, Aasignee of Mortgagee a East Fifth Street Suite 800 St Paul, MN55101-1718 65-2&1]53'f.) eie Unna on 58030 or the property redeemec s r q eedby statute;n atao ectioa under Minnesom StaWtes sedan or p0000et ding hes been instiWtec et 58023 is July12, 201]et 1159 p�m. le her':i to ortm� tho, del If the foregoing date is a Saturday cured by d gage, y Sunday or legal holiday, then the part thereof date to vacate b the ne,d business PURSUANT to the power of sale THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 17%81 06191 'Review: Sep[ 28, O¢ 5, 12, 19, 26 Nov Re,22016p NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT eined in said mortgage, the day at 1159 Pm. above described property wi11 be MORTGAGORS) RELEASED olcbythe She,ffof saicmuatyas FROM OBLGATION ON R110- MORTGAGE: NONE DATE AND TIME OF SALE THE TIME ALLOWED BY November 17, 2016 10 00 AM LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY PLACE OF SALE Sheriff -s Office THE MORTGAGOR THE Civil PLooess Uni[ LS W. 4th Street MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEFEBY GIVEN, that the above Mortgage Foreolosu,e Sale is hereby postponed to December 2, 2016 et 10A0 AM, Sheriff s Code, CMI Process Unit 25 W. 4th Stro eet Suite 150, S[ Peul, Suite 150, St Peul, MN to pay the debt then secured by MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE sic Mortgage, and foxes, if any, on REEKS IF AJU DICIAL ORDER IS sic premises, and the cents end ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES SECTION 582032 disbursements, induding atomevK DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER fees allowed by law cubed o THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED redempoad PREMISES ARE IMPROVED In MDeted: No emberl4c20ml hi U.S. Renk National Association, Assignee of Mortgagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION By. JonethenR LLskey, MidheelV aebyth olgagoq date o p_0 ale,vthe mHatvor(D) W ITT A RESIDENTIA DWELLING their personal represenmoves o OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, assigns. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, The date on or before whroh the AND ARE ABANDONED m the morias[ (wino Dated: Novembe-14, 2016 Sdhleienan Atomeys for: U.S. Bank Neoonel Assodaboq Assignee of M olgagee 55 East Fith Sheet Suite Boo St Paw, MN55101-1718 enna. iundeer Minneasem Statutes se d TCF Natio nal Bank, .across., 58030 or the property rade meed by merger to TCF Mortgage under Miaaemm SmWtes sect on Corpomiion, Mortgagee 3is Meyl/LOl/etll59 pm PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Ifethe foregoing date is e SeWrdey, ASSOCIATION Sunday or legal holiday then the By Jonathan R Guskey Mioheel V m1209/)99 11 Re, 1 Nov 23 Review: Nov 23, 2016) CERTIFICATE OF date to vacate is the neva buena,& AGO,S,khle day at 1159 P m. Attomeysfor: TGF Bank, successor ASSUMED NAME STATE OF MINNESOTA MOI GAGOF(SJ RELEASED eNation tl FROM OBLIGATION ON by m ,ger o TGF Mortgage MORTGAGE: NONE Goryoratan,Mortgagee Minnesota"tutes Chapter 333: ASSUMED NAME. deroldleoblab BRING IPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS. THE TIME ALLOWED BY 55 East Fifth Stree[Suite 800 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY S[Pau1, MN 66111 -1 /1 0 THE MORTGAGOR THE 81203]5 99 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL R1-2&1]539P,b REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS THIS IS A COMMUNICATION MAYBE REDUCED TO FIVE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS 177251&00661-1 Ell Roseville Rd, Ste, 116, WAUKON, IA521 ]2 NAMEHOLDERS: DARROLD LEO BRINK, bel Roseville Rd, S[e. llS, WAUKON, IA52172 I, the undersigned, cemfy 6h. I am gniag this document he ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA (Review: Nov 23, 30, De,/,14,21, STATUTES SECTION 582032 28, 2016) DETERMINING AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED NOTICE OF MORTGAGE person whose signature is required, as a gent of the ree�dwhohavd-e auuttho, ed me to signgMis document n hislher behalf, or n both W LTH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLIN C FORECLOSURE SALE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THE DEBT AND IDENNTY OF THE AGRICULTURAL PERDU GTION, ORIGINAL CR EDITORWITHINTHE ANDAREABANDONED. TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Dated: September 19, 2016 AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. CU Morigege S.-, Inc., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Mortgagee demulthasoocurred inthecendi0ons �apa.o l UCLA, cemfy that l have completed all required fields, and that the iHormtan In Mis document isuest mapplaa,lA chapter and in oomph ance wiMthe of Mianemm SmWtes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL of the folllowiac described mortgage: ASSOCIATION Mortgagor. Kong Veng, e mamas By Jonathan R Guskey, Midheel V m Sdhleiman Mortgagee: Mortgage Eed-onto/s/ Atomeys for: Regi Abon Systems Ina as GU Mortgage Services Ina o e for Lake Area Mortgagee Mortgagee aDivision of Lake Area Bank, 55 East Fith Street, Suite 800 corporation St Paul, MN66111-1/10 set forth is Section 1948 as If had signed this document under oath. Date: 10262016 darroId leo brink ;Review: Nov l 623, 20 16) RAMSEY COUNTY Dated: 11242009 651203]549 Filed: 0 - PROCUREMENT 651 228 1753 P.) Ramsey Registrar of Titles Re ROOM 210 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Document 2103306 Against CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. G f to of Title Na: 574522 15WEST KELLOGG BLVD, 888016006]51 A" 'g etc To: U.S. Bank National 'Review: Sept 20, Od 5, 12, 1926 Assodaoon Nov 2, 2016) Dated: 11252015 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1674 NOTICE O FPOSTPONEMENT Fi1ed12ro12011 651-266-8072 OF MORTGAGE R y CountyRg fTls F yG y 1 btatan FORECLOSURE SALE D N 70 25 4 5 9 91 Ag t N CHIC IS HEREBY GIVEN , that G f fT N: the above Mortgage Fo,edosure T Ag : M g g S h reby p p o Becton o Reg stra Sys a D b AM Transect on Agen M g t ONO: Sherffs Office CMI Process Un[ 100715800000030Q8 25 J4.4 h S[ t S 150, St Paul L d Broker: Lake Area MN I dG untySt M g ge a Orison of Lake Area D d:N be 10,2016 B kf CU Mortgage Serums, Inc., Servicer: U.S. Bank Net one) Mortgagee Asm°soon PFBLAW, PROFESSIONAL Mortgage Originator: Lake Area ASSOCIATION Mortgage, a Division of Lake Area pp O D d5[ ff b h of pubic note pursuant to S 331 A03 f the Mnnesom S d d ale may go to h O D ndSt Becton of h R Bev Countv Purina Jb ,o aA to amass regsoaton n. SOLICITATION: RFP PRK10292 KR OPENING DATE: December O8, 2016 By Jonathan R Cuskey, Midhael V Bank Sdhl eimanLEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Atomevsto, : PROPERTY: TOP Blod<3, Hillsdale, GU Mortgage Services, Inc, Rem seycounA,, Mianes a Mortgagee Thisb Regiaerec Pro per[ 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 TAX PARCEL NO.'. S[ PeuI, MN 661011/10 62922130100 651203]549 LADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 8880-1&006]51 1164 M AGNOLIAAVE EAST ;Review: No,embe,232016) SAINTPAUL MN66106 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY NOTI CE O F MORTGAGE IS LOCATED: Ramsey ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT PROJECT DESCRIPTION. PROVIDE COMPLETE DESIGN(ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION, PROTECT MANAGEMENT, COMMISSIONING AND MEASUREMENT AND VERIFICATION SERVICES REQUIRED TO CONVERT THE HVAC SYSTEM AT ALDRICH ARENA FROM STEAM TO HOT WATER PRE -SOLICITATION RESPONSE CONFERENCE ALDRICHARENA FO RECLOSURE SALE OF MORTGAGE $11803000 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE 1850 WHITE BEAR AVENUE N., MAPLEWOOD, MN1110911_16 BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT BY MORTGAGEE $110 669.44 AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. 900AM. CST ;Review: Nov 9, 1623, 2016) That prior to the commencement of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that thbmo1,agefovdosurepA,AB,knc CERTIFICATE OF demur has o -,ed inthecondioons MolgageelA Knee of Mortgagee ASSUMED NAME ofthe following de-bec mortgage: complied with all noocerequiremenis Mortgagor Loreto Ullegas Finael requires by statute; that no ani on a Single Person or proceedmc has been i_ Hted at Mortgagee: TGF Mortgage law or othehrwi se to ,eco,, the debt co-poraton severed b said more o, an Dated. 121122003 Flatthereory Rammed:PI 2004 PURSUANT to the power of sale Ramsey County Retarder mnmi etc in 68 mo get e, the Doamen[Na 3R3le/l ebovea describes property gwill be Transaction Agent NIA sold by the Sheriff of said county as Transaction Agent Mortgage ID NO follows: NIA DATE AND TIME OF SALE. STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnesota Shout -Chapter 333: a dLIIwhthe idh theact asses nme venire oeaduded:JLG FLOORING 2 Pdaoi Place of Business: pa 166] LARPENTEUR AVE E, MAPLEWOOD, MN66109 3. List the net c mm plate et address name all persons oondudi nc business under the Lender or Broker: TGF Mortgage Novembe,l/, 20161010 AM rati Corpoon PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff s INfioe Servicer: Ooven Loan Servioiag, Evil Process Unit 25 W.4th Street LlG Suite160, St Paul, MN Mortgage Originator: TGF Mortgage o pay the debt then s curet by Corporation said Mortgage, e axe a any, on LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Bard premises anti them PROPERTY: Lots 11 anc 12, Brod: disbursements, indudmc abolne, /, Daw on-sndditon to St Paw and foes allowed by law subject o the West lO feet of vacates Charlton ,edam pooh within 6 Months Do the Steetthat amruec tolaIll, Brod: date of said salebythemortgegor(sJ, / by reama of, acahon thereof the, personal represeHatves o Thi Bis Abstract Property igns TAX PARCEL NO'. DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: '161The date o o, before whxh the OADDRESS OF PROPERTY. mortgagor m ust vecleth, property above Assumed Name: JOSE L GUZMAN 1667 LARPENTEURAVE E, MAPLEWOOD, MN66109 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the Person whose signature b required, as agent of the person(&)whose signaturewouldbe required who has author me to sign this document o hislher behalf or n both oepedoes lWrther certitythetl have mmPl etedoaml anon in [his aocumeot dand moompoance witl then mapplicablA chapter of Minnesom Statutes. I understand 251253 George St if the mortgages not reinstates Saint Paul, MN 6610/ under Minnesom Statutes sedan COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 6030 or the prepeay redeemec IS LOCATED: Ramsey under Minnesom Statutes redo ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 58023is May172017atll55p�mn OF MOR(TGAGE$373,45000 If the foregoing date b a Saturday, that by signing this document I am subled to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section Q948 a Hl had signed Mi s document unde,o.h Doe 11,C 16 /&/JOSE L. GUZMAN AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO Sunday or legal holiday, then the BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, date to vacate b the ne# business (OWNER) :Review: Nov 16 23, 2016) INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID day at ll 69 pm. BY M OR(TGAGEE.$478, 81359 MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Th at p -a -to the commencement of FROM OBLIGATION ON Mismolgagefo-edosu,ep,oceediag MORTGAGE: NONE M0agl davit -Knee of Mortgagee THE TIME ALLOWED BY mmpie gUvm ants LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY srequired by statute; that no action THE MORTGAGOR, THE or proceeding h as been iastitutec at MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL law .,otherwise to rem,e,Me debt REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, cured by said mortgage, or any MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Flat thereof WEEKS IF AJU DI AL ORDER IS PURSUANT to the power of sale ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA aeined in said mortgage, the STATUTES SECTION bove desc-bed property will be DETERMINING , AMONG SOTHER olc bythe Sheriff of sats county as TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED follows: PREMISES ARE IMPROVED DATE AND TIME OF SALE: WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Review Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 08, 2016 The Ram say County Boam d Commissioners met is regular session et 914 AM w,d the hollowing members present Garter, Huffman, MCOoaough, M,GLire, Ortega, Re[tm end Chair Reiahamt Also present were Julie Kleiasdhmat C11HYMaaa91 end Jeff Stephenson, CMI Division Director County IOrhAys Office. AGENDA d November 8, 2016 was presented for approval. MUb, by McGuire seooaded by Huffman. Uaaaimo ly approved M INUTES d No ber 1, 2016 were presented for approval. M 000a by McDonough, semadec by Ortega Unanimo ly approved AOM N STRATI VE TEMS Property Reooms & Revenue - Property Tax Ad. -ant over $10,000. M000a by Ortega seooaded by M,Donough. Unanimously approved 6201628]). Property Remms & Revenue - Looa1 Opooa Disaster Qedi[ M coca by Ortega semadec by M,Donough. Unanimo ly a pproved(B2016288). Perks & Reaeeoon- Proed LaborAgreemen[fOrNdridh Arena H VAG System Conversion Prole¢ MI - by Ortega, seooadedby McDonough Uaaaimo Iyappre,ed.(2016289). Perks&Reaeaooa-Reque F,f P,oposalsf,,HVAC System Design end Iastallaooa.AIdriohrena A. Mla, by Ortega semadec by M,Donough Unanim ouslyappre,ed ;B201629J). Emaomio GowM&Community Investment -State Fiscal Y-201/ NeWml Res ources BIo Grant FU ­ t, by Ortega --d by McDonough Unanimously approved (B201&291) Board of Commissioears-Appoiaomeat to the Community Health Services Advisory Gomm ,ted M 000a by Ortega seooadedby McDonough Uneni mo Iyappre,ed.(2016292). LEGISLATIVE UPDATE-Oiswssion Oen be mune on erd,ived,i deo BOARD CHAIR UPDATE- Diswssioa -I mune ort arch video OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS - oisyssion can ,e round ort arehi,ed video ADJOURNMENT- Chair Reinhardt declared the -Ug adloumed at 9' 30 e m. ExecuT VE sass oN Re- Caoiaa IF -—v Couatyof Ramsey, At a1.; Marion Lewisv Couatyof Ramsey, At al. The E ­ ,a, Session was called to order et 930 em. with tie fOl-H, mem bars present Commissioners Garter, Huffman, McDonough, MCGL Ortega, Rob, an, Reinhardt, Julie Kleinsdh D County Manager; Jeff Stephenson, Civil Division Director, Office d the Ramsey County AIIORIAy, Kimberly Parker A5 -Eat Ramsey County Atomey, Office d the Ramsey County Attorney Uadersheriff Joe Paget Ramsey County Sheriff's aA Alsopresent Lee MehUde F,_a DepartmdU end Jill Contreras CMIDivision, Officeof the Ramsey CouatyAttomey M000a by Commissioner McDonough secendec by commissioner Huffman. Now Therefore, Be I[ RESOLVED, The Board of Ram say County Commissioners cr1th1111d the OR, of the Ramsey County Attorney to proceed as discusses is this Exeouo,e Sessio,. The Executive Session was adloumed at 951 am. JanM M. Guthrie, Chief Clerk - County Board RAMSEY-WASHINGTON RAMSEY-WASHINGTON AMENDMENTTO METROWATERSHED METROWATERSHED ASSUMED NAME DISTRICT DISTRICT STATE OF MINNESOTA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT MARKHAM POND Mints Statutes Chapter&&&: PROJECT MAINTENANCE/ ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION 1. List the axed assumed name REPAIRS 2017 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS under whidh the buenessi so, will be Sealed bids for MerkM Pond Pepperwild ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Emlo I Restoration, Ma d 2. Prin S Place of N11104: 412 Sealed,idsfO,Famse Weshin ptomn Miaa ,E, will be r Pedob O Ldlt eameaa( pI104 Metro Watershed Di slid, Ge ace e Y 3. List Uhe net pe,, m retest,,, improvement Project Ma,e ve,noy the Owner C the office of Barr address of all persons oondu— Repan eon wh ,e ,ewes ,y cs °Me d,R D Mimbe, b 2016 lo -e e wde,Me 412 Assumes the Owner C the office of Barr Y Name: Sarah Haley, 412 O[is Ave, Engin M,,d , unci 11 AO a m nc Men publicly opened end reed Sein[Peu, fi,oe b4 GST, Monday, December5, I,_ aTb dUr Federal 4. This certificate is en amendment and Men publidy openec enc rest pro act is murce d Certificate dAas — Name File cud. EPA funds and Federal terms and Number: 70826.00025 aThA Work masists of f khinc oondiooasald,g th FedeMIBarna- Igi-hyfiledoa:10212013 1, 1 qp C Davis goaeroes for p,e,erog h d g d,mrctyMat k II d p rf all p ns wages sha11 be followed The A,,k e g g h d- m es the requ red to oondHud the J4 ark. The s scheduled to commence over persoa whose sgnatu,e ea, qu red, Work includes, but b not limite, the winter and earl[ spring d 201]. r as agent d the person(&) whose mobiliza0on an, demobilization The l,o,,ko rials, d Wmdhiag signature wou lc be reg[o-ed whohas at ulople s ll m equipment auhorized me to sign his document lont"Is BMPses; [riefall,keedim at skills,aand performing all opeI,0 ohdiher behalf aboth I— n requrec to on,Tud h D,,k. The ,pa.- UCLA, fyht have rod: flier the, centrol d woUl and , do t ill: et or, mpleted all requ f Ids, e re endlor dew ate, ng to perform thatthenf,r bn nMs document h; f p; l f d g stue anc orad andn oompranoce OR ff d p pe- BM Ps kI[f nae, sedment M the oapptcable dh apte, f of sedm entmudi gemton from 0771 Manemm Statute, understanc decent on ponds, g on that by g a g h document am dt I, Inlet pool culvert f tempoMA kubjedt thep les ofperjury as A- ; vat of sedmentmu haul lad w,th Is, setfolhaSedoa Q948 -f Iha, ,egl.anDom storm wate,modula, Clic .el an of string bat,ottoma mgned Misdocumeatunde,dUh ,look paver basins with off-site linins end edinngalooncshoreline Dete: 1005.16 disposal of materials; perform eg10H:1V s e[ bendh, /s/Sarah Haley ,hane velldeanout wi h off- o aong a y Business Uvner to idibIt-al of sedimentdebris fromsof deep fish hole, Review: Nov 16 23, 2016) enholeslsumpslcatdh ba -type l of temporary haul road, an, pipelines with off-site r of all e voted disposal of materials; de,risaleanin, aatral, site restoratio ca seed STATE OF MINNESOTA long enc between slots of amber with lowsmaiatenance seednmix end COUNTY OF WASHINGTON s; general si work, earthwork vol blanketo, l -all and grading; repdal,keplaoe ripMp at exposed mila,measden upeteand TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT alettal a ares ma ntenanoe all aro ion at BMP&; FAM( LYCOURTDIVISION and repair of sediment centrol dike eelmes providedsfOr ince the Bidding Petition Number: 02 -JV -10-1050 In open water dh annel ,emo,iac Documems All quantities and work SUMMONS AND NOTICE and repladn, l 3 to 2 in. dean ems in his advertisement for bid In Re: the Mate,ofthe Childken of washed Ad<and netting, repair of are approximateanc not guaranteed Nbha Marie Petersen sting earthen berm e.-SUonl Complete digiml project dooumeats NOTICETO. Nbha Marie Petersen _07of vegemoonloettails from aveiable e wwwaue-n legal a odian or parent of the dhildl sand filter dissipater --1 w You may downloac the digiml disposal of npMp Don, kand ate, plan doments for thirty dal) ` pM1rldlrer Andrew EJohason Jesse -in pace $3000) by inputting Que Project AJohamn Lilly M Marsh Tonne L splesud hdissipation aadDree M 4]3112] on the website'& Protect MemM1 Maxwell AMemM1 abandonment of existinc moaito-H, Search page. Please con ed ATTENTION IIs by liceasedlregisterec well QuestCDN. mm at.22331612 or l A Termination of Parental onlseedia, mfo@oan Anoanl auealdn cem for a ce Rights PMhI in has been filed on wraith native see, axes provided by in free membership registt anon, November ], 2016, in the Sbie of Owner; installing erosion centrol downloading, anc woUlnc wi h this Minnesota, County of Washington, blanket on ell exposed sails Gleery digiml pro of infOrn doamen[somaa Disiri s Court, Juvenile Court upct % an, removal oftempoM, papeb�xempinoeaadocUmenF,m [ Division, 14949 Qnd St N, e of BMP& at oompleoon also Stilwater MN66002 allegiagamonc of Work,a Rtes provides for in the the office of the Engineer. Potenoel other things that the parental rights Bidding Documents Altemate bis bidders may obtain the documents of Nbha Marie Petersen as to the for removelkepairI,epla,ng -din, to, a n nrefundable price of o abovsnamed dhildl,en, shoulc be deterioraonc 73 U. erdh span hundrec dollars ($10000) per se[ ern in ate, upon grounds as stI din stornsewe, pipe line and flared enc Please m akeyou, ohed< payable to iMe petition filed in the Juvenile Court with steel sheet poet support) Bar Engaeeriag Co and sen, Itto theisroa, 14949 Qnd Suv Stillwater protection. All qu aaooes end work 4300 Merketl'ointe Ohvm65uite 200, MN, end asking for an order of this in this advertisement for bis Edina, Minnemm Please Court ternineong sudh perenml ee approximate and not guaranteed ooHad Sue Nelson at .2A32- rights acorn plate digiml project doa n[s 2Q0; or F. �2A322Q1 if you 2 THEREFORE, n s ereveilable e www auestodn have any questions Partial see of here, that the omhetter of Vou download the dl doaments tui llnotbeissued Y9iven plan documents for thirty dollars Review: Nov 1623, 2016] petton will be caill ad form heaaninc ($3000) by iapubac Quest P,olect before the Washington County M 4731117 on the website '& P,oect District Court, Juvenile Court Sea,dh page. Please cent ct PUBLIC NOTICE Division, 14949Qnd St N, Stillwater Ques[GON.00m et �2233102t or The Ramsey Gounry Public Works MN, on December 13 2016 at a uuestmn oom fore e Depamment hereby give, publro 1 arta, as the n tee membership regid,atan, ce of Pa Intent fo aerate certain an be heard a idownloading, and working with this Gounry lakes to prevent wintehill of 3etterYOU ARE THEREFORE digiml p,oedinform anon. An optional fish. AeAbon systems create open ORDERED to appear before laic papa, set of project documents may w er and thin ice. Stay deer of CoU1 saicomean,bUe scbeexamiaedandlo,obmrk inedat maed areas) The County thads te4 Youha,earighttoberepreseUec the office of the Engineer. Potential [ seboth pernenent end mobile byoounsel. bidders may obtain the documents systems, whidh will be operated y IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR to, a nonrefundable price of one between November 21 2016 and AT THE HEARING, the Court hundred dollars $10000) per set April le, 2017, e&needed Mobile may 6th oondud the hearinc anc Please make you, led: payable to systems will be used at Como, gran appropriate relief indudmc Bar Engineerinc Co end send it to Otter Beaver enc Pid:erel lakes Bong end pernenently 4300 Mal-APPointe Drive, Shte2o) Permanentsystemswillbe used at evering the perenml rights of the Edina, Kueeslm 55435. Please Island, Loeb, Owasso, anc Silver abovsnamed parents o, legal 2d Sue Nelsen at 952A32- Lake in North St Paul. The ,ustodianls and taking permanent 500; o, Fax: �2E322Q1 ifyou Department of Natural Resources cestodyof the chlldlren creme, In the have any questions Pertiel se s of hes—- permits [c the Ramsey pe000n. docum ants will not be issued Gounry Departm ent of Pulth c W ohk WITNESS, (Review. Nov 1623, 2016) t' do this work. the Honorable SusanRMiles ;Review: Nov 16 23, 2016) Judge,T dh Judicial DisiriM Annette Fritz, Court Adminisimior ;Review. Nov. 16 23, 30, 2016) Public Notices Continued on Page 11 ¢OH Zd oNs3o ss U�30 d d 2 o -Yo -Y mowm `3 L -o S' `ms mw -:E C5 y3msE £o«_E �.�m o.3 NL Ui. 7f§0w OO Cl)} s s `-O 5w o00 `°(n (nm °s°o_x "t6N2o E ur -w LU) y-- y wnO1m m z m3 WE m E b m (nL am w7E w��p� -iZFa JF. -o om�mnN N3Lm 33rn�o o`oyo��L oL Qo�o -,wt .�sm o�smm E QUJJ ooa.6m N6�'i3my yea nm oYOU Opo CC _ F- O N W 2- W= W> W d d N E g N O fowl T O D N N m^ Z N Z N m 6) o N O� f°/I N y O` 0 6� Z m T p L N L N o O U N Y« L« L E Wj!j N L O L L J H N N - WWON Q2 W W Z W �, °�EE�o Em tn`m-m¢V6E5 0 �:-Z: >o`��E m a�i�my¢¢myW OLmm o"o S-�m. -- : did`° mooio� a�H- d� N=mm J >C7LL 0a>w oAo>in ..o oE3=¢U£ £Eoot6 °� 2w cc 8 mwU) OE <U `06, ym5m42J mo0o ym£:` aLL Y (pp Z=Oy> DOa J W 2t°=OdNo-RN>NwtW oid (nU �ZSZ �Lm mm 6xiLE°>��"�a���ws o6°'i« 'yN m`°NN`o `m �o��U3 >¢ �> Qpm FpZ F V �> 2 ��oo~odd on�E-o-0¢oo>6oiJ msm3�L.�ao Qo oio NoEN> Roo• -°-N °�a r� oaioai�_�Eo m�zo z _ m 'o o �m �� JU Elm Em -o Z O w 3 F J F at o o of E N- 0 .- w J -`• F ._ z y `J° d m m d 3 z in d o n t w'm m oto 3 ok��0> V O O N �U mm �3�00 omN�oLL (n m(n ddd o� �oyt6�mo_�f>`O/1 mYoot6m�`.-o_� �onuro�o��N�y `.=For �QOOQ¢ Z ZU �s m..2 6i�Z: Zz m�yr�y£m of oi3 y�Fo�(nN nm mmZ`J°�SF� `o n¢UFssW m om£Wn3 EOm ¢ D N C7 O J O N N N O N O N O O 3° �"O6 O«> 0 L p co N L m L E L L D N O 3 N w U-2 = T t6 N m ° ^ C 0 30 Z N V 2 «z W 1. 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