HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 11-30 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWReview Wednesday Nov. 30, 2016 Page 7 Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 16, 2016 as Document Number 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Records, on Deoeldber 15, 2005 Fargo Bank, NA FORECLOSURE SALE FORECLOSURE SALE Rem der 40 enme Office d me Gounry Samuel R Coleman, Eel as Dao nU e t u 4 35 e n AX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION TH E RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ot W dhUgtan Gounry, omeyk for Mortgagee the Office ofHA C,nty Reoorder of NUMBER 07030 21 13 0010 TH E DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE THE DEBT AND I OENNTV OF TH E Minnesota TM1e Ad— Professional Building A-Ugtan Gounry, Mmnemm. TRANSACTION AGENT'S ORIGINALCREDITOR WITHIN THE ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 25 North Dele Street IHC AMOUNT CLAIMED TO MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT OF MORTGAGE $116,3]300 St Yaul, MN55102 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE NUMBER None AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. AFFECTED BYTHISAGNON. DATE OF MORTGAGE June 12, 'I1)2099]I ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. THAT no action or proceeding hes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN met 2012 (161462-FC01) 165 W]2] been addt-d at aw to recover the d1,alI ak oau rredin meoonditonk default M1akoo din the coaditonk DATE AND PLACE OF FILING THIS IS A COMMUNICATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF dl,tmenreldainingseoure, by suds afore fella ag desaibec mortgage: of the following dekaibed mortgage: Recorded on Jay 3, 2012 es FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. PROPERTY. Lot 5 Block 1, moaMge, or enyloa HAA f or if Mortgagor: John P Minogue and Mortgagor. Eik P Salinas a single Uocum n Number'605266 In e (Review. O¢ 26 Nov 2, 9, 16 23, JVeggewood HeigM1tn Bi#M1 Hddlton, o or proceeding M1es been Kim M. Minogue, M1Uland enc wife person and Heliador, Sarinana, a Office oftme Gounry Reoarder of 1 2016) WadhUgton Gounry, MU-cl a Utedn that me ka e M1es been Mortgagee: Lendsourco In, marred person Wadhagton Gounry, MU-cl STREET ADDRESS OF ds UH-d, or met an A.-Han Dated.0 X)71002 Mortgagee: Argent Mortgage IHC AMOUNT CLAIMED TO PROPERTY. 355'3 ORESTMOOR upon the IU,Lgt ant rendered merein Remrded. 10012002 Gold pan,, LlG BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TERRACE WOODBURY, MN M1es been re mad Unaatstied, in Walington Gounry Recorder Dated. 09292005 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE FORECLOSURE SALE 551 255029 whole orin par[ A-g- TV 2­49 Filed. 10262005 $112,55064 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY PURSUANT, to the power of sale Assigned To: JPMorgen GM1ese Ramsey Registrar of Titles LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE IS LOCATED'. Dadhagton Gounry, conmined in Bald mortgage, me Bank es Trustee Document No 14i]224 PROPERTY. Exhibit "A' THE Minnesom above desonbed property will be Against A ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE FOLLOWING FIE L PROPERTY TRANSACTION AGENT None colt byme SM1enff of salt county as Rated. 061122002 Certificate ofI Na'.555153 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT D-Ingd.06�A42003 Assi d To: OeulaMe Bank IN WASHINGTON COUNTY THIS NAME OF MORTGAGE follows: Wa ZoNn Count Recorder Natonal Trust Com MINNESOTA DESCRIBED AS AFFECTED BYITLEF Y GIVEN FSBn1ATOR.World Savings Bank, DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Ing y pent', as trustee NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN, met Fargo Benk, N H, anuery3, LO Doamen[Na 334206] tot Argent Seouritek Ina Asset- FOLLOWS. delathak oaunedin the oonditonk RBB, nikle J4ellk J l/atlOU /UN Assi ned I Bank of America, Baled Passthrou h Certificates ALL THAT PART OF LOT 11 Successor by merger to 'Wachovia PLACE OF SALE. O'Waling[on g 9 BLOCK 3 OF SARINS ADDITION of the following described mortgage: Moa, ge FSB tilde Wodd Savings County SM1enffs Offil, Washington Natonal Aasodetion es kucoeasor Sen es 200SW4, a der the Poolinc o gagor: Heather TO IHC CITY OF STILLWATER ane Hen FSB County Law Enforcoldent Center by ld ergerta Lasalle Bank Netonel and Servidag Agreement Date, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. MQeugM1lin end OevidJ MOLaugM1lin, RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells 1501562nc Street North, Stillwater Aasodeton as Trustee Novemberl, wife end M1ulend Da ted. 101152010 Dated. 04�A12009 BEGINN ING AT A POINT I FEET ladfielc Bloo Fa k, Bank NA Minnesom WEST OF IHC NORTHEAST Moagagee -UM,n IHgX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION to pay the debt then secured by Recorded'. 10212010 File, 0]2]2005 C,ed,tUnan washin ton Count Recorder Ra-e Count Reg, of Torek CORNER OF SAID LOT AND NUMBER.ttote.21 23 0003 mortgage an t k, if any g 6 v v g Datod os2e2o13 aPI` a ar`e Dowment Na 33131 E6 Document Na 2061252 Against RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 110 Re corded'. 101142013 MORTGAGE AGENTS actually peic by the mo hand LI TO I AL SOUTH LINE of MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION o he p'eb _ and me dols and ee Assigned To: U.S. Bank Natonal Certificate of Title Na.555153 FE Ramsey County Recorder n t Heva to B as Trus tee, suocoatanal Assi d To: Dan, ah Bank A ONG T, THENCE NORTHERLY NUMBER. None dae alloatta by to, I- lde The gne Document Na 442e523 to Benk ofAmenca Natonal Natonal Trust Gom Trustee ALONG THE WEST LINE OF Assi ned to GU THAT no action or procoedinc M1es [lde allowec by law for redem peon pang ak SAID LOT, To IHR NORTHWEST g Morbage been Inattutod at aw ro reoo,�rme ev said ldor[gagor(e), their personal Asvo soon, ak Trustee, kumBank to, Argent secuntek Ina, Asset servimk, In Igsecure yku represenmtvek 'date ik avx: ) b o Lasalle Bank Baled PaaS`Ba" h ceRfl_ CORNERTHEREOF ANDTHENCE ° debtmer, reldamm db l s , merger t g Datodow252o1s Natonal Akmdatan, ak Tredee senek2o05-w4 EASTERLv3]FEET40THEPLncE Remmed./9222016 theggbe, or anvpedn, or if ldanmktald me date of kaze for Residentel Asset Mortgage Dated. 05262010 OF BEGINNING WASHINGTON Ran,— County Recorder the e on or procoedinc M1es been IME HND DHIE TO VACATE Products Moagage e Asset- Filet 06�A12010 COUNTY MINNESOTA Instituted, flet me same M1es been PROPERTY. Unless said mortgage g g DaculdentNo .4.5443 prapercy Belec Peasmrou h Gertifioetek, Ra- Goun[ Re of TOGETHER WITH. Iransala IH discontnued, or flet an exeaton reinate or the g y y gi adraro ALL IHHI CERTAIN YLHIIEU nAgentN upon the lu--aerend-dfied the-en rkdeem ed less tie lde tor Series 200]-FP2 Document NO. 2110919 /fgeins[ Transaction /fgen[Mor(gage ID No or un D d'. 05222015 G f of The N l5' LAUREL STREETS AS THE SAME h b l d, n r d p redo by dIoial R d d'. O0�A42015 T Ag NIA INN SHOWN SOUTHWESTERLIV NLender o Br Rilfielc M1 p od y tiethep mikes J4 h Count Recorder TenkedonA en[Mort e e ID U DESTERLV OF BLOCK Benne, P [RSUANT, p f sae by P vJulyC 201 9 y 9 9 g $Lori Gredt Unan, a Doamen[Na 4036130 NIA SAB NS ADDITION TO THE CITY enec n 68 g g he THE TME ALLOWED BY Mi nnesomoreditunion property TranaactionA ant NIA Lender or Broker Ar en[Mort e e OF STILLWATER, WASHINGTON Servicer: G.U. above described will be LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 9 9 9 9 Mortgage Servicok, Transaction Agen[Mortgage lO No: Com pan,, LF COUNTY, MINNESOTA In sold by the Sheriff of said county es IHC MORTGAGOR IHC NIA Service, . Oowen Loan Sean DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO ° follows: MORTGAGORS PERSONAL 9 Mortgage Originator: Rilfielc WIT DATE AND TIME A SALE MAY OR DU CSOR ASSIGNS Lender or Broker Lendsourco, Ina, LLG BI00Zltton Credit Union e uary3, 201/at10:00 HM p g e glnLLC g COMMENCING HI IH Jan MAY BE REDUCED TO F e Minnemm Gor oraton Moagag, e On Argent E Minnesom credit an LVE Servicor: Oaven Loan Servioin MortA eGom LPG NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF PLACE OF SALE. Washington WEEKS D AJUDICIAL ORDER IS Se-Ing g g pang, LEGAL DESCRIPTION of LLG LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LOT 110E SAID STIL SATINS PROPEFTV. Th feet Gounry SM1erffk Off J4 h $Lori ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA M gage Onginetor. Lendsourco, PROPEFTV. Lott Block 1, OeMers ADDITION UT STIDEGRE S f L BI k 2, bd f County Law Enfor Centel STATUTES, SECTION 562032 ad a M maCororatan F Additan, Ramsey Goun[ THENCE SOUTH 66 DEGREES ° 15015 Ind SPeON h, S11 star DETERMINING AMONG OTHER P y y end alto on to rvi nes Addtanof LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Minnesota S6 MINUTES 44 SECONDS Mane to S[Yeul, He e Goun[ Minnesom THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED W EBT, ASSUMED BEARING lds y y' to pay the debt then se Tec by PREMISES Wit IMPROVED P2 of Ft 1 LBac end the South TM1is ik RegidPARCELpert, MabbA Q1 12 of Lot l4, l a< 235, Di,n,ion TAX PARCEL No... ALONG THE NORTHERN uOF acid ldo load and cox k, if any WITH A S THAN C DOVE NITS TM1is ikwaaad Propercy No 3 of S[ Paul Pan:, Welingon 132922. S OF P OF SAID LOU 11 HENCEDISTANCE OF PARCEL NO... dually paid by the mortgagee, OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, county, Minnemm ADDRESS of PROPERTY m 0o LEE c THENCE SOUTH 3229.22210052 on me eme - al ane me cods and huge NOT PROPERTY use0 IN TabbAbadrad Property 206R-llawnA nueEaat 01 DEGREE 03 MINUTES 1s ADDRESS OF PROPERTY disbursements allowed by law. The AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, SECONDS EAST 12210 FEET, 501 B me allowed by law Nr redempton AND ARE ABANDONED. TAX PARCEL NG'. Maplewood, MN 5511] eaumont St MORE OR LESS, TO He POINT by said moagagoq( ), their personal MOPH AGOI RELEASED 12 027 22 ADDRES130031 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY OF INTERSECTION 'J4'ITH THE Saint Paul, MN55130 reprenal or assigns ik 2x(6) FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ADOREland A, PROPERTY IORIGIN L RINCIPa-ey SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY mont l-old thedateof gala 0 OMOR(TGAGE. None StPau344Potland Ave ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT IS LOCATED. Wald key COUNTY Perk MN55071 OF MORTGAGEDUE AND CLAIMS LIN T, SAID TO 611 THAIS BERLYING ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT LIME PROPERTY DHE TO VACATE Defect. Odob Sj BA016' COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY AMOUNT DUEANO CLAIMED TO LINE OF LOT ll ALSO BEING PROPERTY. Uhl- said mortgage U.5.8ANK NATIONAL OF MORTGAGE. AND CLAIMED property THE NOFTHEASTERLV LINE reinkmted or the ASSOSS RIN,ASTRUSTTO ISLOGAAT Washington IN DUE ASOFDATEOFNOTICE AMOUNT DUE AAD GIAIMED TO Ik OF YLHIIED LHUHEL STREET, deemed leas the m tor SUCCESSOR IN IMERESTTO FORIGI MOFTE GE$13PRINCIPAL0 AMOUNT00INCLUDING TAXES IFANY PAID IN DUENG OF DATEOF Y PAID ar Un i- NT DUE $1D CLAIMED BY MORTGAGEE $196127.03 SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION redempton Ik reducod by udidel WACHOVITION,A TRUSTEE 2NCLuowc Tnxes IF ANv PWD ,you ldUdua�tot prem Mask E JEASOE AND OF NOTICE TO h-oft,age the coin mencoment of ALSO BEING THE POINT OF MORTGAGEE $..424 order M1e ASSOCIIESC CORPORATION, BTREETNGEIAHIOFLHUHEL bTHE TIME on J ALLOD1/ FOR WELLS FARGO ASSET BE DUEAs of DATE OF NoncE mikldo$gagetoreaokwe promedmu mat pnorro me ooldldenmldenrof INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID Mort e eei- nee of Moagag ee STREET BEING DESCRIBED, THE TIME ALLOWED BY SECURITIES CORPORATION, 9 9 9 9 9 mikm ortgagetoredosure procoedinc BVMORT-tot,, o$124 400 06mmen,eme cold pled v,byall alutcoh uioadan THENCE ENG- NOFTHW ESTERLV LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH e g NU NORTHERLY ALONG Mmphe w,th algnee of ,eine F, IHR MORTGAGOR, IHR CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2001-K That rto the ooldldenoement of ear quirec by statute memo action THE SOUTHWESTERLY ANO coin pliedd bhall natco req no clan MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagee mikmogeei Kneeedo uof procoeding or procoedinc M1as been, the debt •WESTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK asp-oceedb,-bematdaute,n REPRESENTATIVESDEDUCED ASSIGNS, THE ACADEMY LAW CIA MortgegeelAasignee f Mortgagee law or otherwise to recover the debt 3, TO THEREOF or procoeding M1es been inatitutec et MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE By lkl comphedwimall notcoreguireme- sa��Tec by said mortgage, or any H law or otherwise to recover the debt CORNER THEREOF, THENCE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Rebecca F Sliller Esq k required by atetute;metnoection pertmereof SOUTH 88 IH THERE556 MINUTESTHENCE saourec by acid mortgage, or any ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA N. Obongni Fondungallah, Esq or p000eetding M1 as been inatutec at PURSUANT is ice mortar of sal e 4 SECONDS DEGREES ONCH part thereof, STATUTES, SECTION 62032 'Curt N.Trisko,Esq.' M1e,w'e to recover me debt d e gage, he 4 PURSUANT to the power of kale 5 le curedb dmortee, r above describe, will be WESTERLY PROJECTION OF THE DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER SemuelR Goleman, Esq y 68i g g o any property nmined in said mor gage, the e h f mldb h SM1enff of said noun[ SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT co THINGS THAT TH E M OFTGAGED Atoms, tor M 0agagee pert[ ereo yt e yes PURSHAolo-ll BLOCK 3, SABINS ADDITION above desonbec property will be PREMISES AHE IMPROVED the Hca em,Professional BUlldm, NT contained ntkade mortgage owe, of kthe ale fDIE AND TIME OF SALE: TO STILLWATER 1500 FEET fall ow' SM1enR of said county as WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING 25 North Dele Street above desonbed property will be Deoeldber 15, 201610A0 AM THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGFEE6 HIE AND ME OF SALE. OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, St Paul, MN 55102 36 MINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST U I AHE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 'f51J 2099/61 olc bythe Sheriff of sai,.UU es PLACE OF SALE. SM1enffs Office Decomber22, 201610AO AM fellows I'I Procokk Uni[ 25 W. 4th Street 35 W3 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PLACE OF SALE. SM1enffs Office AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, '111400FC01) DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Suite 150, S[ Peul, MN 31 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 2 GNI Lrooeas Unl[ LS W. 4th Street AND AREABANDONED THIS IS A COMMUNICATION SECONDS EAST //00 E MORTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED FROMADEBT COL LECTOR. Deco 16 ADAM to pay the debt then keoure, by SUite150, St Paul, MN PLACE OF SALE. Lew Entoroement said Mortgage, an axes ff en1 on THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 2433 to pay the debt then secured by FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION 'Review. Nov 2, 9, 16 23, 30, De, Center 15015 62nc Street N., said premises, enc the coats on FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE ortgage, endt ffany, on ON MORTGAGE None ],2016) S011weter, MN dilursementn, indudmc ettorne POINT OF BEGINN ING n c Deed'. Odober2/, LOlO O I, premises, e c the coats en to pay the de. then seared by fees allowec by law sub ect PI. Qb. 2603020230142 dikbursementn, inducting ettomeys' WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. sett Mortgage, and coxes, if any, on redemption within 6Monmkfrom the 'STREET ADOFESS OF fees allowec by law sublea o Mortgegce NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY. STREET IHEACADEMY LAW GROUP, YH sic premises, and the coktnand daze of seicaalebythemor(gegol(), W, 6TILLWATER MN55062 redemption within 6Monthsfrom the By lsl FORECLOSURE SALE dikburslowed, induding ettomeys' their permnel represenmtvek or COUNTY IN WHICH PI, date of aai, kale bythem kagagol(k), Rebeaa F. Sliller Esq THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF toes allowed by law subject o ensigns their personal representa0ves or THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE redemptanwimin6Mont-1-on, the DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY IS LOCATED'. Wadhacdon Gounry, ensigns N. Klbongnl Fondungallah Ek4 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE date of said kale by M1e mart e o me date on or before whit the Manemta LPN. Talk, Esq ,t g g q() TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY 'Samuel R. Coleman, Esq.' TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT their personal represent.- or mortgagor mustvacatethepropertyif ct TM1e date on or betore whit the AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. assigns the mortgage ik not reinatetec under Re Fonio Heglktratan System k, Ina mortgagormuatveoeteme f ome,d for Mortgagee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY Minnesota Statutes section 56 NAME OF MORTGAGE the morta pdpunder 25Noah The Dale St-ePI-ofeasionel Building default-oculedatheoondlt- ° oRI.IN'OR Everett Raanoial gge ik not remsmte 3 2s Nom, Dale street TM1e safe on or betore whioM1 me or me property redeems, under ek a St SO kedIan 1 MNaS ofinetouowmg deaxabe, ldoggage: ba supreme Leming, a exak Mlnn oSeo. st. Tau, the m0agag,a vacatethe property if Minnesota Statutes led 560,23 Inc. d or the property redeeme, under 102 MORTGAGORS). Joagpin De the mortgageiknot reinateted under ik Junel5, 201/ at 1159 P m. if the ORES aeon Minnesom Statutes sedion 56023 tMIO99]I La one and eaY De alone Mi nnemm Smtutek section 56030 foregoing died a Saturday, Sunday RES IDENTIAL SERVICER'. Wells Ik June 2220 til b9 Pm. If the THIS IS IJ M1_and and wife THIS IS A COMMUNICATION or the property d d oder g M1olidey, then the date to ergo Henk, NEA f g d Saturday, Sunday MORTGAGEE. Wells Fargo Benk, Mnnemm Smtut OL3 k the ne#busnekk de TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. NH y at NUMBER. 2003020 230142 g M1 e ,, hen the date to %Review: Nov 2 9, 16 23, 30, De' kJune 162017 11590 If the 11590 TRANSACTION AGENT'S vaoaek the ne# busneas day at 2016) ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. o, legal dateika Saturday, Sunday MOR(TGAGOR(SJ RELEASED 1159p. m. Assigned to: Nona r legal M1olidey, then the date to FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT a ik the next business day at MORTGAGE. NONE NUMB HABER. 10003071100039.4. FROM OBLIGATION ON OF M OFTGAGE$203,00000 1159 Pm. THE TIME ALLOWED By Woe Ion orpracoedn, M1as MORTGAGE. NONE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE DATE OF MORTGAGE. Odober MORTGAGO S RELEASED LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY been inkttuted et law to reoo"the 2004 R) debtthenreldaaagseourecbysul THE TIME ALLOWED BV FOREC LO SURE SALE ' FROM OBLIGATION ON THE MORTGAGOR, THE HW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Reck, AND PLACE e, FILING MORTGAGE. NONE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL m ort gage, or an,pertmereof, or� 7HE MORTGAGOR THE THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE Reck,onNovember1], G4­06 In THE TIME ALLOWED BY REPRESENTATIVESOR ASSIGNS, HE action or procoedinc has been MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE e ' u ed, met me at an M1es been LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE In REPRESENTATIVESREDUCED ASSIGNS, TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT theOffice agton rime Gounry Recorder of THE MORTGAGOR THE WEEKSD AJUDICIAL ORDER IS lis nhe ud tie that ex the-en MAV I REDUCED TO FIVE AFFECTEDBYTHISACTION Washington Gounry, Minnesom MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Uptime Hhuhnd ankat,ded the-en WEE 1 AJUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE elatha cul-I- BY hGIVENe.nd IM1 HE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO REPRESENTATIVESREDUCED ASSIGNS, STATUTES SECTION 562032 M1ho been re umed Urias lsfied, in STATUTES UNUM MINNESOTA demel[hakao, de ibed condmank BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER whole orin pert STATUTES SECTION 562032 of the TGAGO desonbedldartgegA ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. W EEKSD AJUDICIAL ORDER IS THINGS THAT THE MORTGAGED PURSUANT, to the powere gale DETERMINING WING AMONG OTHER MORTGAGOR(S). lyler H $160,55556 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA PREMISES ARE IMPROVED onminedd in tlldp ompOrtgage, be THINGS, IHHI HE MOFTGAGED Zmmermen end Anne Zimmerman, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF STATUTES SECTION 562032 WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELL ING sold by the SM1enff of saic county be PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH husband anc wife PROPERTY. Lot 1, Block 1, One DETERMINING AMONG OTHER OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, follows A RESIDENTIAL OW FEEING MORTGAGEE J4elmg[on THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN OF LESS IHAN FIVE UNITS, Lending, LLG dbe Edina Realty Gunry, MinnemUmlUon " OF SALE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION UAIE AN' 20111 6M ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Mob age, e Delaware Limited STREET ADDRESS OF A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Dated OABAN 14201 De em ACE 1F 2016at 10 ADAM AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, L1a Ilky Company PROPERTY. 1JOPLIN AVENUE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Deted.u.- 14 2016 PLACE e, SALE. Walag[0n AND ACE ABANDONED . ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE SOUTH, COTTAGE GROVE Gounry SM1enffs Offico, V4eling[on ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Deutsch Benk Natio, A,9.st Deted.Odober20, 2016 Assigned to: Wells Fargo Benk,NA MN 55016 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Compeny,es Trusteefor Argent Gounry Lew EnO"A eat Center CUMortgage Serci Ilr c., by assignment recorded on July/, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY 15015 Ind Street North, Sthwater AND D.ed OABANDONED. Securities lnc., Asset-flecked Assignee of Mortgagee 2005 ek0oamen[Number35240I IS LOCATED. Washington Gounry, Dated. October l], 2016 P-Through Certificates, Series M nnem e OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL in the Office of the County Recorder Minnesom U.S. Benk National Association, 2005-Wq, Assignee of Mortgagee to pay the deb[me[ secured by ASSOCIATION of WekM1ing[on Gounry, n emm TRANSACTION AGENT None es Trustee sucrossor in OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL said mo gage enc ax ko if any By Jonathan H Cule,, Michael V thereazte, aasignec o U�Sn Bank NAME OF MORTGAGE to Benk of America ASSOCIATION ad" wally paid by the mortgagee, Sdhleisman Natanal Assodetan, k Trustee, ORIGINATOR Wells Fargo Bank, National Association,as Trustee, By Jonathan R Ile,, Michael V on the premises and the coats and -0-ne for: sucoe or In nt est to Wao N A o b G.S.H.Sohleisman di lurkemenik allowed bylaw The GU r ymergerto t II for redem Mortgage Services Inc ludlesNationale Association ons RESIDENTIAL SERVICER. 'Wells g Bank National Association, as Atomeys tor: by said mortgagol(kJ, their personal Aamgnee of Mortgagee Trustee tor Wells Ferga Asset Fargo Bank NA Trusteefor Residential Asset DeulaMe Bank Netonel Trus[ 55 East Fifth Street Suite 600 Seountek Corporatan, oagage PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Mortgage Products, Inc., Compent', es Trustee for Argent reprekenmtvek or ensigns ik six (6) S[YeuI,MN55101-1 /l6 PeksTM1rougM1 Certificates Series NUMBER 1002721 11 0027 Mortgage Asset-8a dPass Securitek In, Asset-Banked Pass monthsfAN [M1e daze ofsaza -51203]549 201K by assignment recorded TRANSACTION AGENT'S Throu h Certificates, Series200T- mrou h Certificates Series 21G, TIME AND DATE TO VACATE on Febr as Document g g PROPERTY. Unless aai, mortgage I122&1]53'faxJ uery 2 L t MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION RP2,Assignee of Mortgagee W4, Assignee of Mortgagee Id rt M1 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Num bar 4014339 in the OR, of NUMBER None OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL 55 Est Ffth Street Suite 600 redeemed o unless the [p to FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. the County Recorder of Washington THAT no action or procoeding M1es ASSOCIATION St Paul, MN 55101-1/l6 r 6660.16005&21 Gounry, Mlnnemm been loot tutted et law to recover the By Jonathan R LLley, Mileel V f5120&]549 olddemptan Ik reduce, e p Iudloiel %Review. Nov 2, 9, 10, 23, 30, Led ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT debt then remaining ke-ec by kul Sdhomey,f HIS IS (fax) or ,you mu on Junta tM1epremises 2016) OF M ORTGAGE.$42000000 mortgage, or any part thereof or if Atameyktor: THIS IS A COMMUNICATION by et'11 59 man June 13, 201]. DAIS OF MORTGAGE ApIl 31, [ or preceeding M1as been U.S. Bank N atonal Anmdatan, as FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE TIME ALLOWED BY 2004 In at the name M1es been W FOR REDEMPTION NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Trustee su,,,,ofl n merest[. Bank 1]]25-14-0039]-2 DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. discontinued, or that an execution of America Netonel Asmdeton, (Review: Oct 20, Nov 2, 9, l6 23 THE MOFTGAGOR THE Hecorde, on June l0 '2004 es upon the ug9mant rendered therein as Trustee, k-ce ar by merger to 30 2016) MORTGAGORS PERSONAL FORECLOSURE SALE poament Number 344562] in the M1es been retumed un-ldfied, in LaSalle Bank Natonal Anmdatan, RE PRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, THERIGHT TOVERIFICATIONOF Office of the County Recorder of whole orin par[ as Trustee to, Residental Asset MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ll ngton Gounry, Mune-a PURSUANT, to the power of kale Mortgage Products, Ina, Mortgage NOTICE OF MORTGAGE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO co ained in said mortgage, the UNITED MINNESOTA TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT A-13aoked Pa2%0hrough EN IEHED SECBE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ab-l- onbed pro ert will be FORECLOSURE SALE STATUTES, SECTION 562032, AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. Gertifioete4 Senek 200]-RP2 ON IHE LAO OF IHE NOTICE. aolc the Sheriff of kale county ak Assignee of M oagagee THE RIGHTTO VERIFICATION OF DETERMINING AMONG OTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. mat $34],]69.1] follows. THE DE BT AND IDEMITV OF THE THINGS, IH HEMORTGAGED dem ulthakoaurredUtheoondi0onk SS Feat Fifth Stree[Suite 600 AI LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DATE AND TIME OF SALE. S[PeuI, MNSSIOI-1 /l6 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED of the tollowing described mortgage: pROPEFTV. L nuery3, LOl/etl0A0 /UN TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING MOFTGAGOF(SJ. Wade Swanson 651203]549 Dellwood Hills Plat 1, Wekhing[on PLACE OF SALE. Weling[on AFFECTED BYTHISAGIVEN. OF LESS ROP FIVE UNITS, and Janelle J. Swenson, M1ulenc 65122&1]53 ;fax) Gounry Minnesom County SM1enffs Office Weling[on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. mat ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN end wife THIS IS A COMMUNICATION default M1as occurred in the conditions AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, MORTGAGEE. 'J4'orlc Savings STREET ADDRESS OF County Law EnO Noah t Center FROM AD EBT COLLECTOR. of the following dekaibed mortgage: HEABANDONED. Bank, FSB, niva Wells Fargo PROPERTY. 2 ELDORADO16D 1501562n Street North, Stillwater 1R_AS 6d 24 MOFTGAGOR(S).M rt' E.S 1ppk, MOR(TGAGI S RELEASED Sucoekmr by m eMer to COUNTY DEL I MN55110 RO Mnneaom R Od 20, Nov L, 9, l6 23, R() COUNTY N JAa ha PROPERTY o pay the debt then seared by gl n FROM MORTGAGE No OBLIGATION W M1 Bank FSB SB flkle Worlc g e c cox any 30 2016) e e s LocATEO. WasM1 ngron county, k ldogga e n k T MORTGAGEE.M g g B is ON MORTGAGE. None S g Benk FSB Mnnekom ctuall, pec by the mortgagee, Regatrat an Systems, ria, a Dated. Odober14, 2016 ASSGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. TRANSAGTONAGENT None a on the premises end the coats end Delaware coryoraton ek nom inee tor WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. Aasignec to: Nona NAME OF MORTGAGE dilursementn allowec by law me Everett Finandal, Ina do, Supreme Mortgagee ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ORIGINATOR. HORTGAGE tldeallawecby ,alowb,laI-edmpThe Lending,eTexek coryoraton THE ACADEMY LAW GROU C dba kna Ce P, PA OF MO FTGAGE.$712,50000 aty AStan SIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. By. lkl DATE OF MORTGAGE. November Mortgage, Tendag Ia Delewav Limited PUi)iIC NDgceS Assign ec to. Wells Fargo Bank, NA beoca F. Schiller Ek4 15 2005 Liability Gompeny by assignment recorded on August NBKibongni Fondungallah, Ekq LAIE AND PLACE OF FILING RESIDENTIAL SERVICER W ells Continued on Page 8 Page 8 Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 Review Public Notices THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Servicer: U.S. Bank N,ad-ll disbursements, ndudin'"toae CERTIFICATESSeries200&AR19, NOTICE OFMORTGAGE Continued from Page / FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. A --an tees al lower by law subject to Assignee of Mortgagee FORECLOSURE SALE 9 Nov (.516,007341 Mortgage Originator: First redeinpton w,Lnn 6 Mn -Da, the PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF by said malga qo ), Weir personal (Review: 9, 16, 2, 30, Oe° /, Resiage dent"I MortgCap-an date of kat' sale b,themol(gggor(sJ, ASSOCIATION THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE represeU.-or assignsik six;6) 14,2016) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Weir personal represeHa- or By. Jaatlhan R C, -k ,Ma,_1V ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE monWkfrom We date of sale PROPERTY: To 19 Blod:4,Joseph assigns Sdhleism en TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT TIME AND DATE TO VACATE R Weid-IdAd-iton to the Gity DATE TO VAGATE PROPERTY: Al. AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage NOTICE OF MORTGAGE a Saint Paul, Ramsey County, The date on or before -k. We DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Wet r We property FORECLOSURE SALE Minnemb. m[rtgagor must vacate We property TRUST COMPANY es Trustee for debulthek oaurredin Weoonditonk redeem ede1or unless We tine for This ik Abstract Property it he mortgage Ik not rem afar INDVMAGINDXMOFTGAGE LOAN atn,aIowin describe -mal redem reducer b dioiel THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ¢ 9 gage: TAX PARCEL NO.'. 2029>2430025 under Minn H, p SbWtes se on TRUST 2006AR19, MORTGAGE ptonik by THE DEBTAND IDEMITV OFTHE Mortgagor:MerkA Miller end Emily order you must vacate We premises ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE ADDRESSOR PROPERTY: U or We property redeem tic PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES LMiller I,aandanc Wife byllpm. on Jaya, 201/. TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT .O IVY unda Minnemb SbWtes Sedco Sa- 20GvAR19 Aamgnee of Mortgagee: GU Mortgage Servi— THE TIME ALLOWED BY AFFECTED BVTHISACTION. SAINTPAUI, MN55101 .023b June 29, 201]et 11159 Mortgagee no LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Pm. If We toregoin' date b a 55 East Fifth Street Suite 000 Dated: 05232007 THE MORTGAGOR THE IS LOCATED: Ramsey S"Wrd"y, Sunday or legal holiday, St. Paul, MN SSIOI-1/le dethIoll koocurred in We mnditonk ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT then the date to vacate is the neM f51-203]599 Remrded:06h95200] MORTGAGORS PERSONAL of Wefollowinc described mortgage: OF MOR(TGAGE$102,05000 business day at ll S9 P m. .122&1]53 f Ramsey County Remrder REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MORTGAGOR(S). Mer, T AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED THIS IS A(COMMUNICATION Document No. 4033249 MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE G-F,on"ndoo,-A Gukteferon Transaction Agent NS, WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE FROM OBLIGATION ON FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. husbenc end wife Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA g g BY MORTGAGEE TAXES$ IF ANY PATO MORTGAGE: NONE 17/251 Nov 161 MORTGAGEE: Mort e e Bearonio NIA STATUTES, SECTION 5820'32 Registration Systems BVMORTtoth mman-m83 034 41 THE TIME ALLOWED BY 'Review: Nov lb-, L3, 30, Oe"/, 14, Lender In Broker: GU Mortgage DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Delaware Goryoraton es Thet prior tothemininenoein keg LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY 21 2016) Servioek, Ina THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED for vent- D-llopmentn na e Wortg S,-ge,e off proceeding THE MORTGAGOR, THE Servicer: G.U. Mortgage Gas - PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Manekob Coryo-an Ina" MortgageelAasignee of Mortgagee MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL In, WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. oompllecwitl all notoevanements REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Mortgage Originator: GU Mortgage OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Assignecto: Wells Fargo Benk, N A es va,edbykbWte; h,onoaban MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE Servi-Ina ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN b der on Jenue or prooeeding hes been Hatred et A EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AGRICULTURAL PERDU GTION, 1S essignmen[recor ry le or otlenvise to remver the debt ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF ANDAREABANDONED. to the Dooument Number ka em3 PROPERTY Lot 13, aloe: e, cured by keit mortgage, or any STATUTES SECTION S' 'L THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED 3T/59?4 in the Offsce of the Gounry part thereof DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Edmund Floe k First Additon to St FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Reoorder of Washington Gounry, PURSUANT I' the power of sale THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Peul, Ramsey Gounry, Minnem� Manekop This b Abstract Property ON MORTGAGE: None onbined in said mortgage, the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ° NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TAX PARCEL NG'. Dated: October 21, 2016 OF M OR(TGAGE:$1 ]000000 above described property will be A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING- 292322320013 WELLS FARGO-, N.A. koldby the Sheriff of kai'munty as OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS defaulthasocc-ecinthemndi0ons Mort e ce DATE OF MORTGAGE: April ll of the alll-H, described mola e: ADDRESS OF t -el PROPERTY Mo" 9 2003 follows ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN I' g �0 Clerk Street THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA DATE AND PLACE OF FILING DATE AND TIME OF SALE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Mortgagor;,eak Gruz eke Frank St P al, MN55130 De -be -29 20161000AM AND AREABANDONED. G M MIXuz eke Mere Byll Reoorder on De b G h b d wfe COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY R b F smIuer Ek PLACE of SALE sh rF orf Dated: Noveinberl, 201, q es Document Nu 6 3400]6] C. 1 P U nt 25 D 4 h S t U S Benk Net oral Assoc et on SO g g : M g g EI S LOCATED: Ramsey N. Kb g F ndungelleh, Esq the Office of theta yR corder of R = S ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT C N T k Es� S 150, S. P uI, MN Ass gree of Mortgagee 9 Ys 9` J4esM1 ng[on Co,Gounry, M mnee for Amer oak J4 holekale OF MORTGAGE: $155,00000 Samuel R Dole- Es to pay the debt then secured by PFB FAX PROFESS ONAL Lender q THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO AMOUNT DUE AND OF NOTICE The Ac seor Mort a ee said Mortgage, end bares, if any, on ASSOCIATION Y 9 9 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Dated:OSKi12005 BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, The Academ Professional Buildmc said premises, end the mk6 and By Jonathan R Guskey, Mioheel V v $1 THE DATE of THE Nonce wI M RTG TAXES, IF 75 PAID 25 North D"le Street disbursements, indudmg "tomato Sdhame,n Re nn 009262005 35 St Paul MNbbl 02 PROP5042 fee s allowed n Iew subject e Atomeysfor: Washington Gounry Remrder BV M ORTGo the commencement 551)2039]. DESCRIPTION OF Th"Iprio eWeooininenoeinedU, redem peon within 6MonWkfrom the U.S Beak Netonel Aasodeton, Doamenl Na 3541004 PROPERTY: Lot 3 Blod: L Malg gaS,-gnee of Moft -tie 1509]3FG02J Copper Oek4 Weshi ngton Gounry date ofk"i-sale by themortgagor( o, Assigna Mortgagee Yogi kk Mellon fA, The Benk of New ca piegeed--nee of Mortgagee THIS IS A COMMUNICATION their personal reprekenbtvek or SS Eekl So 551ol uite 000 lied with ell notce re MiTREET York as Trustee for the Benefit of comp quirements Re'_ DEBT COL LEC TOR. ekmgnk. S�[PauI, MN 55101-1]10 the GeRficateholders of GWALT, Ince ystautet Review: Nov s, 16 23, 30, Dec ] STREET ADDRESS OF 1_ k required b hat no action DATE To vncATE PROPERrr. /Sav PROPERTY DO 315] COPPER OAKS Altem"tve Loan Trokt 2oofia3ce or Aroma -mg e to v n Wktthe debt i4, 20167 TRAIy w000raURY MN 55125 The date on or bemre which We �122e-ns3 ;far? law or oWerwisero remver We debt mortgagormusivecatethe pA atyif THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Mortgage Passthrough calif, cabk, keatic by said mortgage, or any 3 the mortgage ik =the nkt"ted under FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Series 200533CB COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Dated.09-011 p,athA Minnemb SbWtes section 50030 1]�&16V0]10.1 PURSUANT to the power of sale of NOTICE OF MORTGAGE IS LOGATE-0: Washington Gounry, or the property redeemed under ;Review: Nov 9, 16 23, 30, Dec ], Record ed: 09202011 aired in said mortgage, the FORECLOSURE SALE Minnekob Minnemb Sbwtek section 58023 4, 2016) Washington County Remrder cent THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage kJune29, 201]et 1159 Pm. if the Coca ent No. 38S481S above desori bed property will be THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE Eed-onto Regal-oan Systems Inc Transaction Agent Mortgage ml'by the Sheriff of said munry es foroAoi . date ik e hen rthe Bunchy TIME PRLCREDITORWIT IS THE NAME OF MORTGAGE Electronic Re iktraton5 follows: r [gel holiday, then the date to NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 9 gs ID No TIME PROVIDED IS LAW N. NOT ORIGINATOR: Venture 11 5 e Transaction A Mort D No DATE AND TIME OF SALE. k the ne# business day et gent gage I AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. Development Ina, e Minnemte 11 Pm FORECLOSURE SALE 100015]-00052408]-0 January 12201], 1000AM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Corporator MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASED THE RIGEBT T TO AND IDENTITY OF HE Lender or Broker Americas PLACE OF SALE. Sheriffs Office, de fault hekoau dyedine, oonditonk RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Wholesale Lender Civil150St P-1 25 MN 4th Street FROM OBLIGATION ON of a1g,01 go, Tho saibec mortgage: Fargo Benk N A MORTGAGE: NONE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WWHIS THE Servicer: Shellpoint Mortgage Suite 150, S[ PeuI, MN Mortgagor: Thomas E Gledik, en TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION THE TIME ALLOWED By TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Servidng to pay the debt then secured by u NUMBER: 2002021.120023 AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. Mort Ori Americas Keir Mortgage end bares if any, on LAW FOR REDEMPTION By gage ginetor. Mortgagee "nSydke e Electronic MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION AGENTS THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Wholesale Lender Kai' premises, enc the mka end nRega,nee on Systems, Ino es MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL default ll-aurredined mnditonk LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF disbursements, indudmgubjed to nee forGB1 PHH Home Loans, LlG NUMBER: 10ano,p/0ceekag3 of the ll,Jeffesaibed mortgage: PROPERTY : Lot 3, Block L fees allowec by Iew subject e REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, Filed 62.207 THAT atactionI proceedinghes MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Mortgagor: Jeffery J. Gelonne, e RiQgewood Additon, Washington redemption within themal tithe File -:0628200] bea theniv at l"wtoremver the OMERsMgleperson Count, Manekob date of kaickelebyWemortgagor(kJ, WEEKS D AJUDIGIAL MINNESOTA 6 y persona represenbtvek o Ramsey Registrar of Titles debt Wen re, nyo p,a ttheva such ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic This ikAbktraP Property their r Document No 2oos]s4 gg"Wkt g g anv p h for if STATUTES sEcnoN se2o32 R eLoon, s,,eteink, n" TAX PARCEL Na.. "ksgnk G T eoTo a : h prom d e h been 5-00nksbte e"n, "k 22 02 S22 IOFP DATE To VACATE dd PROPERTY the DETERMINING AMONG OTHEr3 A d To: M Houkm d, hat We h been D d: osrol2oos ADDRESS of PROPERTY The date on or bemre whim We g g THINGS, THAT THE MORTcwGEO Fa -A enc dlkoontnuAd, or that an exeata Remrded'.OS�County .19 Jasmine AveS mtrtgagorinuk[vecateth,eta ted 9 y n PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Dated: 101102007 upon the Judgment renderer therein WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING Ramsey County Remrder Cottage Dove MN 55016 if he mortgage ik not rem ete- Filed1022200] hes been reume, unk"tsfied, Document Na 3946110 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY under Minnemb SbWtek sect on n OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, property re Ramsey County Registrar of Titles whole a,nUA pert ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Aamgned To: OeulaMe Benk IS LOCATED: Washington 50030 or the deemed Document Na LO'l'238 Against PURSUANT, to the power of sale AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Nad-II Trust Company, as Trustee ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT under MUnemb SbWtes section Certificate of Titl e No 56,52 date' in sat mortgage the ANDAREABANDONED. of the Indy- INDX Mortgage OF MORTGAGE: $256,00000 58023b July 122017et 1159 P m. Trankaction Agent Mortgage above describer property will be Dated: October 26 2016 Loan Trus[ 2006AR19, Mortgage AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO If the foregoing date b a Saturday, Electronic Regiktraton Systems, Inc. sold by the Sheriff of said county as Minnesota Housing Finance PeksThrough Certificates Series BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE Sunday or legal holiday, then the Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: follows 2006ADD G under the Pooling enc INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANV PATO date to -ted the ne# business 10002000039]246129 DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Agenry,Assignee of Mortgagee Servid nc Agreement Dated June 1, BY MORTGAGEE$369,9L041 day et 1159 Pm. Lender or Broker: PHH Home Jenuery3, LOl/et 10 00 AM PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL Gas MORTGAGORS) RELEASED ASSOCIATION Thet prior to the commencement of Loans LLC PLACE OF SALE: Washington B:Jonathan R C -e MidhaelV Det ed: 0.5�V92011 Inkmo1g eaeolosureproceeding FROM OBLIGATION ON Servicer: U.S. Beak P. -II Gounry Sheriffs Office, Washington Sdhleisman y Remrded: 051162011 Mal, gee-dgnee of Mortgagee MORTGAGE: NONE Akvo-an Count Law Enforcement Center Al: Ramsey County Remrder complier with all noberequiremen[s THE TIME ALLOWED BY Mortgage Originator. PHH Home 15015 Qnd Street North, S011woer Mane- Housin Finance Document No. 42]9915 ekrequired bykbWte; thetnoacen" FAX FOR REDEMPTION BY Loans FC Minnekob ygenol Assignee ofMortgagee Transaction Agent Mortgage or promedinc has beenadtiluted et THE MORTGAGOR THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF to pay the debt then se e'by East FifthneeaMa1e800 Electroni'RegikM on Sysdems Inc l aw or otherwise to remver the debt MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL PROPERTY: The North 100 feet of said mortgage end bxe4urff any y -I Paul, MN 55101-1]10 Transaction Agen[Moa'ge ID No: secured by keit mortgage, or any REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Lot lS enc the North 100 feet of the actually paid by the mortgagee, 81203]599 100226/00000-214 pert Wereof MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Wekt On,H"If of Lot l6 Ridhland on the premises anc the costs enc .1 e S3.bxJ Lender or Broker: OIL, k SEUe PURSUANT to the power of kale NEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS Acres Ramsey Gounry, Minnemb disbursements allowed by Jew. The THI521S A COMMUNICATION Benk ona, e' in ., mortgage the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Tabb Regiey-ed Property tme allowed by law for redempton FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Servicer: Oowen Loen Servidng, eboven described property will be STATUTES SECTION 502032, TAX PARCEL NO'. by keit motg ktgk) their personal 62051600/E3ll LlG sold by the Sheriff of keit munry es DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 23 30 234 0015 represeU.- or "ksignk ik six (6J ,Review: Nov 9, 16 23, 30, Dec / Mortgage Originator Cit,- Sbte follows: THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. monthsfrom thedate a.11e. Beak DATE AND TIME OF SALE PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 00 RISHWOFTHW TIME AND DATE TO VAGATE 14'2016) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Jenuery6201]10AOAM WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLINC WHITEBEARLAKE MN55110 PROPERTY: Unleks said mortgage PROPERTY: Lot 2 end 23 Block PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY ik reinkbtA or the property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 2, Phillips Addition, Ramsey Gounry, Center 15015 Qnd Street N. Arte NOT PROPERTY USED IN IS LOCATED: Ramsey redeemed, or unleks the tme for MInnem� SOIlweteT MN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT redemption b reduced by ludidel FORECLOSURE SALE This ik Abstract Property to pay the debt then secured by AND ARE ABANDONED. OF M OR(TGAGE$213000 a order you m ukt vacate the premises THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF TAX PARCEL NO.'. said Mortgage, enc bxek, if any, on Dated: Novem bar 10, 2016 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO by ll S9 P m. on July3, 201/. THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 322922210013 said premises, end the ooktk end CU Mortgage Services, Inc., BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, THE TIME ALLOWED BY ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTH E ADDRESS OF PROPERTY disbursements, ind th Mortgagee g ettome O INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID LAW FOR HE BY TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT S/S Beaumont St fees allowed by law k bled PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL BY M OR(TGAGEE.$1 G, 492.53 THE MORTGAGOR, THE AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. Saint Paul, M N 55130 redempton within 6 Months from the ASSOCIATION That priorto the oommenoement of MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY date of kaidkalebyWemortgagol(kJ By Jonathan R Cuskey, MidhaelV thdma1t eavdosure proceeding REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS default has ocouned in the conditionk IS LOCATED: Ramsey their personal rep -ant., o Sdhleismen Moag"geelAasignee of Mortgagee MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE of the following describe' mortgage. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT "ksignk r Atomeykfor: compliedwith"Ilnlaevuireinents WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS Mortgagor: Tim Q -We end Xe OF MORTGAGE:$15120000 DATE TO VAGATE PROPERTY GU Mortgage Services, Inc k required by ktaute; that no action ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Su.ne Moue, huaandancwife AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO The date on or before va,F the Mortgagee or prooeeding h as been addiatec at STATUTES, SECTION 582032 Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTI CE, mortgagooaua vacate the property 55 E"st Fifth Street Suite 000 or otherwise to remver the debt DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER RegianDan Systems,Inc es INCLUDING TAXES IF AN PAID if the mortgage ik not rein "ted St Paul MN55101-1]10 kedavd by Kai -mortgage, or any TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED nominee for Bremer Bank, N,Ud-ll BY MORTGAGEE :$155,51So under Mane- Satu_kedon •1203]599 to,a thA`of PREMISES ARE IMPROVED --an That prior to the coin m encein ant of 50030 or the property redeemed .122&1]53 far) PURSUANT to the power of kale WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Dated: 041142011 thbmatgageavdosureproceedmc under Mane- SbWtes salon THIS IS A COMMUNICATION tined n ked mortgage, the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Filed:0412]2011 Malg ee-gne f M g gee 50023 k July 6201] 115 Pm FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ,b=ed bed property will be ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Pa key RegiaM, of Ttlek coinpre- d -Ino q en[k f h faegone-"I S""` day, 0000.164003&1 ole bythe Shaff of. 1 my es AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, D ent No. 2140736 Ag -a ek requred by"'a ',h ion Sunday or legal hold "y, then the Review: Nov 1623, 30, Dea], 14, follows: AND ARE ABANDONED. Certificate of Title NP:S or proceeding has been inktiWtec et date to v"categt the neM busineks 21 2016) DATE AND TIME OF SALE: MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Assigned To: U.S Beak P. -II law or otherwise to re cove' ­ over the debt day et ll5Gpm. Decant -9, 20161000AM FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION -o-an secure' by said mortgage, or any MORTGAGORS RELEASED PLACE OF SALE Sheriff -k Office, ON MORTGAGE None Dated. 04262013 p"r[Weva FROM OBLIGATION ON NOTICE OFMORTGAGE Civil Prooeks Unit 2b W. 4th Street Dated: October 28, 2016 Filed- 32013 PURSUANT to the power of kale MORTGAGE NONE FORECLOSURE SALE Suite150, St Paul, MN WELLS FARGO BANK, N. A. Ramsey County RelgaM, of Titles cat -ed in said mortgage the THE TIME ALLOWED By THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF to pay the debt then seared by Mortgagee Document No. 22[ /84 Against above describe' property will be LAW FOR REDEMPTION By THEDEBTANDIDENTITY OFTHE etc Mortgage, end bxek, if any, on THEAGADEMVLAW GROUP, P A CeRficoeaTitle Na'. 504591 ml' by the Sheriff of Kai -county as THE MORTGAGOR THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE keit premises, end the costs end By Ikl Transaction Agent Mortgage follows: MORTGAGORS PERSONAL TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT disbursements, adudmg--neys' Rebeaa F Sdhil ler Esq Electronic RegianDan System k, Inc DATE AND TIME OF SALE: REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. fees allowed by Iew subject o N. KlbongnI Fondungallah, Esq Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: Januarys, 201], 1000AM MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that redemp0onwithin6 Monthsfrom the 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.- 1000]3381106]2.84 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS default has oaurred in the conditonk date of kaid kale bythe malgagktgk), Samuel R Coleman, Esq Lender or Broker: Bremer Bank, Civil Process Unit 2 W. 4th Street ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Sithe following described mortgage: the, personal represenbtvek or Atomeysfor Mortgagee Planal Aksasban Suite150, St. Paul, MN STATUTES SECTION 502032 Mortgagor: Austin M Peterson, assigns. The Academy PI-ae-anal Building Servicer: U.S. Bank -anal to pay the debt then secured by DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER DATE TO VAGATE PROPERTY: 25 North Dale Street Aasod"ton ,Mortgage, and I- IF any, on TH IN OS, THAT TH E M OR(TGAGEO range The date on or before which the St Paul, MN 55102 Mortgage Originator: Bremer Bank, kat' premises, anc the costs anc PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH Mortgagee: Mortgage Bectro ai malgagormuktvecatethe property if (.172039]60 -anal-o-an disbursements, indudinc ettanel A HE IDENTIAL DWELLING nomineet on System k, Inc es ° OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS for agton Mortgage, a the mortgage iknotreidep--under (13-00611976) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF fees allowec by law subject division of Bemng[on Bank enc Trust M nn-ta SEat 58030 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Lo 39, Block 1, d p nn -n-Don, the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Co, NA the p party d d under FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Johnktonek Sub- f Black d f bythe mortgaga(0 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Dated 041102014 M S 50023 (Review: Nov 9, 16 23, 30, Dec ], Number One, of S R - a n then p I represenbtvek or AND ARE ABANDONED. Filed: 0.12014 J P f he 4, 2016) of NA la of Sedan 36 T,, -hip aksgnk Dated: Novembers, 2016 ry adhagton R giant, of reek f egon'd"te sa Saturday, Sunday 29, Range 23, Ramsey Gounry, DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: The Rank of N.York Mellon Document No. 120016 Agana I tgal holiday, then the date to Mmnemb The date on or before vandh the fIm TM Bank of Newyork as CertiaateaTitle No.:71236 or b the next bueneks day at NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Thi kik Registered Property malgagor m ukt vacate the property Trustcefor the 13-dit of the Assigned To: Pagaa Loan 11 5 9 pm TAX PARCEL NO'. if he mortgage ik not rein ate' "'Hicateholders of -1, MORTGAGORS) RELEASED FORECLOSURE SURE SALE '629 23 21 0 0'3/ under Minnekob SbWtes sect on Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 20M- Bervioing, LLC. FROM OBLIGATION ON THER ANDT TO IDENTITY OF HE 3ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 50030 or the property redeemer 3308 Morigege Passthrough Dated: 091152016 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ¢ Fil e'092612016 MORTGAGE: NONE 414 VAN BUREN AVE under Manemb SbWtes se on Certificates, Series 20M-33CB, ORIGINAL IDEDI BY LAW IS NOT 58023 Washington County Registrar THE TIME ALLOWED By SAINT PAU2 MNSSl03 ik Julys, LOl /et ll59 Pm. Asci iMort a tie of Titles Document No. 1242830 TIME PROVIDED IS LAW IS NOT gree o g g LAW FOR REDEMPTION By AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Sunday for agoing d hakUe da"SeWrday, PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL /T-ank[Cetificate Sent NM alga - THE MORTGAGOR THE ISLOGAORIGI AT RINCIP Sunday or legal holiday, then the ASSOCIATION 236 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Transaction Agent Mortgage MORTGAGORS PERSONAL-efaulallown, de bedmo-iage OF 1I 750 00 date to vacate ik the ne#businekk Byebm an Jonathan LLkkey, MidheelV Electronicon Agent on Systems lne. REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, OF MONT DUE AND -MOat RT MORTGAGORS) Sdhleism en MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE Malgof the mortgage: AMOUNT DUE ANO CLAIMED TO MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED Al. Transaction Agent Mortgage lO No: WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS e kon�or Nioolek Iberre, e single BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, FROM OBLIGATION ON The Bank of New Yak Mellon Da 1000312-0Oo011SB-ae, p INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID MORTGAGE: NONE Lender Broker: Wintrukt ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagee First Residential BY MOFTGAGEE TAXS1 IF THE TIME ALLOWED BY The Bank a New Yak as Trukteefor Mortgage, a division of Barrington STATUTES SECTION 502032 Mortgage capa.an That h f LAH FOR REDEMPTION BY the Benefit of the Certificateholders Bank and Truk[Ga, N A, e Netonel DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Dated: 0 9 2 912004 prior tote camencemento of CDIT, Ina Altemetve Loan Trust Bank THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Remrded: 111122004 atab, THE MORTGAGOR, THE 200533CB Mortgage Passthrough Servicer Genlar FSB PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Ramsey County Recorder MortgageelAksignee of Mortgagee MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Certificates Series 200533CB, Mortgage Originator: 'Win[rust W TH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLINC Document No GBO.. oompliec with all notoereahements REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Assignee of Mortgagee Mortgage, a division of Barrington OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, A-gne,I Inter Gas— Bank akregn,edbykbWte; thatnoatan MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE 55 Eaa Fifth Street Suite 000 Bank and Trust Co, N A, a -anal ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN FSB or prooeeding hes been adituted at W EEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS St pauI, MNS51Ol-1/18 Benk AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, law or oW enwike to remver the debt ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 81203]599 D"ted: 0 9 2 9120 0 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ANDAREABANDONED. Rammed: 111122004 seared by set' mortgage, or any STATUTES SECTION 502032 .1-2&1753 (bxJ Dated: October 2], 2016 pert [hereof, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PROPERTY: Lot 2 Block 3, Ramsey Gounry Reoorder Manembk Eakdwoode 4th Mint- Housin Finance PURSUANT I' the power of kale THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 9 Document N a 300.64 [ Addition, ecoording to the plat Agenry,Assigneeoi Mortgagee on"ine- in said mortgage the PREMISES ARE IMPROVED :Resew 130013 Aasignec To: Minnekob Housin, ° thereof on file enc of recorc in the PFB Lnw, PROFEssIONAL Rmaed Agency - above described property will be OF LESSRES IDENnALOWELLING Renew: Nov 1e, 23, 3o, Dec/, 14, Officeath Registra-aTtlesmand ASSOCIATION DecadloI1412004 sold by the Sheriff of keit county ek OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 21 2016) tor'J4'aknagton County Minnesota. By Jonathan LLskey, MidheelV Remrded: 12222004 follows. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N Thisis Registered Property Sdhleisman Ramsey County Reoorder DATE AND TIME OF SALE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, TAX PARCEL NO'. Atomeysmr: Dominent No. 301eo39 Deceinba 2, 216, 1000 AM AND ARE ABANDONED. 1TAX 92123 PAR Manta Housin Finance g PLACE OF SALE Sheriff's Office, Dated: November22016 g Transection A ant NIA ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. Agency Assignee of Mortgagee Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No Civil Promks Unit 25 W. 4th Street DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL 3612 GENTRY AND N 55 East Fifth Street Suite 000 NIA Suite150,e Paul, MN TRUSTCOMPANYasTGAGE St Paul, MNS5101-1 /18 Lender or Broker First Residential to pay the debt then secured by for INDVMAC INDX MORTGAGE Public Notices 6512037599 Mortgage Corporation kaid Mortgage, and I- if any, on LOANTRUST 20-19, CORIIRRe(1 OR Page 9 651-281]53 J.) kaid premises, and the costs and MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH J Review Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 Page 9 Public Notices January5 201] 1000 AM MORTGAGE: NONE STATE OF MINNESOTA Dated: 10232012 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY PLACE OF SALE: SM1enff s Office, THE TIME ALLOWED BY COUNTY OF WASHINGTON Remrded.-62013 IS LOCATED: A-Ugton CoNUNUed from Page 8 ("MI Process Unit 25 W. 4W Street LAW FOR REDEMPTION By TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Ramsey County Recerder ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Suite 150, St Paul, MN THE MORTGAGOR THE Document Na 43494]5 OF MORTGAGE $13750000 OAKDALE, MN 55128 to pay the debt ben secured by MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL FAMILY COURT DIVISION Try -Ran Agent Mortgage AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY said Mortgage, end taxes, if any, on REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Petition Number: 02JV-161059 EI--onic Regid,O n Systems Ina BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, IS LOCATED: Washington said premises, end We cents end MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE SUMMONS AND NOTICE Transa,Ran AgdU Mortgage ID No: INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT disbursements, including "!tome WEEKS IF A J UD ILIAL ORDER IS In Re: We Matter of We Childl-en a 1 BY MORTGAGEE: $19),025 OF MORTGAGE: $1]8,12500 fees allowed by law subect to ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Nishe Marie Petersen Lende or Broker OBremer Benk, Thetp-b-tothe cemmencement of AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO redempton within 6 Months from We STATUTES SECTION 582032, NOTICETO:Nbh--b Petersen, N"ton"I Assooi...n Wismortgageft-ecosu-ep-oceedm, BEDUEAS OFDATEOFNOTIGE date of said sale by We mortgagor(sJ, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER legatoustodi"no-p"rent,Hh,,J,Idl Servicer: U.S. Ink N"ton"I Mortg_ IAssi— of Mortgagee INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID their p --ll rep-esenbtves or THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED r A --an cem plied with In,t e,,gU,,menP, BY MO RTGAGEE.$1]9,10649 assigns PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Childk,n: Andrew E Johnson Jesse Mortgage Originator Bram A, Ink as requirec by statute; Wet no action That p-b-tothe cemmen,emdU1` DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW ELLIN C AJohnson uIIVM Marsh LonneL N"ton"IAssooi"ton or proceeding hes beeninstituted et Wismortgageforedosure proceedinc The date on or before which the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, M- M"x IAM"rsh LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF law or otherwise to reoove-We debt M ortgageelAssignee of Mortgagee mortgagor m ust vacate We property ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ATTENTION PROPERTY: Lot 26 end "II of Lot secure, by said mortgage, or any cempied with all notice requirements if the mortgage is not re "ted AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, 1. A Termination of Parental 2S, except the South 1b feet thereof part thereof requirec by statute that no"cti on under Mmnesob SEWtes secton ANDAREABANDONED. Rights Petition bas been filed on S,FIKCI s Th,, Additon, Ramsey PURSUANT to the power of sale or proceedinc hes been instituted at 58030 or We property redeemed Dated: Novembe-15, 2016 November T, 2016, in the Stet. of Gounry, Minnesota ned in said mortgage, We route bA to reoove-We debt under Minnesota Statutes s P.m. Cepitel, Inc., Assignee of Minnesota, County ct Washington, ThbbAbstract Property above describe, property will be oe, by said mortgage, or any 58023 b July 5, 2017at 1159 p�mn Mortgagee District Court, Juvenile Court TAX PARCEL NG'. sold by the Sheriff of said oounry es par thereof If the ft, AS-, date is a S"W-day, OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Division, 14945 Qnc St N, 24.292333.0023 follows: PURSUANT to the power of sale Sunday or legal holiday, Wen the ASSOCIATION Stillwater M-112"Ilegin,"mong ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: DATE AND TIME OF SALE. eined in said mortgage the date to vacate is the next business By Jonathan R Cuskey, Midhael V oUher things Wet the p" -ental rights 1307 SCHLETTI STREET J"nu"ry20, 201], 1000AM above describe, property will be d"y"[1155Pm. Sdhlei-a of Nish" Marie Petersen as to the SAINT PAUL MN 55117 PLACE OF SALE Law Enforcem ent sold by the Sheriff of said oounry as MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Abomeysfo-: eta --me, Fildken, should be COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY Center lb- Qnd Street N., D110- : FROM OBLIGATION ON Prairie Capital, Ina, Assignee of terminated upon grounds ass'Oecin IS LOCATED: Ramsey Stier MN DATE AND TIME OF SALE: MORTGAGE NONE Mortgagee thepetIl led in the Juvenile Court ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT to pay the debt then seou-e, by J"nu"ry620171000 AM THE TIME ALLOWED BY a East Fifth Street Suite 800 Division, 14It n, St N, SOIIw"te-, OF MORTGAGE$139]0000 -Moa- gendt-if any, on PLACE OF SALE'. Law Enforcem ent LAW FOR REDEMPTION By St Paul, MN55101-1718 MN, an ,"skin, for an order of this AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO said premises, enc the cents enc Center 15015 Qnd Street N., THE MORTGAGOR THE 812097549 Court tannin such parental BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE disbursements, indudmc ettomeys' Sti-ter MN MORTGAGORS PERSONAL !91129 JJ.) kghF, etnc INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID fees allowe, by law sube,t o to pay the debt then neo e,by REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGN S, THIS ZIS A COMMUNICATION 2 THEREFORE, s BVMORTGAGEE:$120,40002 redemp0onwithin 6 M on -Dom the said Mortgage, "ndt" ifueny, on MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. hereby given that the mater of T-pri-thecemmenoementof d"teof.,.Ilebythemortg oq( ), said premises, anc the ce c WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS 1/246 - said Tenm-an of P" -ental Rights Wismortgagefo-eolosu-ep-oceekag their personal rep -d -t- or disbursements, indudmc "tton- ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 'Review: Nov 23, 30, De"], 14, 21, Penton will be calla, to, hearing Moagageel -gnee of Mortgagee assigns fees ellowec by law subleIX o STATUTES SECTION 582032 28 2016) before the Washington county complied wiW ell notce requirements DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY -edam pton within 6 M on -Dom the DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER District Court, Juvenile Court es required by statute; Wet no eIXion The date on or before whirl the date of saicsalebyWemortgagor(sJ, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Division, 14949 Qnc S[N, S011wete-, o- prooeedmg has been institute, et mortgage - must v"o"te the p-otperty their personal rep -d -t- o- PREMISES ARE IMPROVED NOTICE OF MORTGAGE MN, on December 13, 2016 et law or oWerwise to recever the debt if the mortgage isnot assigns WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING - as soon after as the secured by said mortgage, e any under Minnesota Statutes Isectte, DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY FORECLOSURE SALE property The date on or before whirl the OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF m "can be heard pertberan eof 58030 o-the-edeeme, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE 3etterVOU ARE THEREFORE PURSUANT to the power of sale under Minnesota Statutes sect on m trhe m omustveoetethe property AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION ORDERED to appear befo-e sal onbined in said mortgage, the S 023 is July 20, 201 /et ll 59p. m. if he mortgage is not c ANDARE ABANDONED. OR GI NAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Court et said tme end data above described property will be Iftheforegoing dateb S"W-day, under Minnesota Statutes Ise TIME PROVIDED 8Y LAW IS NOT g p yt yes y or g y t 58030 or the redeedmlec Dated: Novembe-32016 4. Vouheveeri htto be re resented soldb he Sheriff of.,, ceun[ Sunda le el holide hen the AFFECTED 8Y THIS ACTION. property The Ben h. New York Mellon, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Wet by . -el follows: date to 1159pe is the next business under Minnesota Statutes sect on fOda The Benkct Newyork 5. IF VOU FAIL TO APPEAR DATE AND TIME OF SALE. deyet 1159 Pm. ,VY 23 July6201]et 1159 I, essucrossor inint,rest to of the for agdeedinlheoondi0ons AT THE HEARING, the Court De,e be - 1, 20161000 AM MORTGAGORS) RELEASED If the foregoing date is e Saturday, dpMor Chase Benk, N.A.es f We following described mortgage. nd dated[, vacate es !hold, therm the Truat,efor NoveSter Mortgage Single Per Lone OVlleges Ramirez, gMatgill p-oopoud ate Weliefeeadukag Oil Precess Unl 25 Wn4th tree, MORFROM GAGE NONE ON Funding Trust, Series 2005-1, " c end e perm enently Suite 150, S[PeuI, MN THE TIME ALLOWED BY I et 1159 Pm. NoveSter Home Equity Loen Mortgagee: TGF Mortgage everincl nthhe parental rights of the to pay the debt then secured by LAW FOR REDEMPTION By MORTGAGORS) RELEASED As�l-Back,d Certificates, Series Coryoraton ebo-me, perents o- legal said Mortgage, end bates, if any, on THE MORTGAGOR, THE FROM OBLIGATION ON Dated: 121122003 MORTGAGE: NONE 2005-1,AssignPRO Mortgagee Rece-dada 081112004 custodi"nls an talon, penm"nent said premises, end the cents end MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL THE TIME ALL By PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Ramsey County Recerder °Igodyofthedhildl-en namedathe disbursements, adudmg "ttone REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, ASSOCIATION Penton. fees allowed by law subect o MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE LAW FOR REDEMPTION By Doamen[Na 3R3le/l By le kine an LLskey, MidheelV Tr ans dan Agent NS, WITNESS, redem peon within 6MonWsfrom the WEEKS IF AJUDIC IAL ORDER IS THE MORTGAGOR THE As. dhomsm an the Honorable Su�nRMiles deteofsaid Illebythe moat oq(), ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Transaction Agen[Mortgage lO No: Attomeysfor: NIA Judge, TeMb Judicialt strict their personal represenbtves or STATUTES SECTION 5OTHER REPRESEN REDUCED ASSIGNS, The nkof New th Mellonflkle Lender o -Broker. TGF Mort Ann,tt,Fritz, assigns. DETERMINING AMONG OTHER MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE The Benk of New Vork es suceess0' gage Court Administrator DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. PREMISES ARE THE MORTGAGED W EEK6 IF AJUDIC IAL ORDER IS in merest o JPMo n Chew Co' Review: Nov 16, 23, 30, 2016 The date on o -before which the PREMIBEB ARE IMPROVED ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Bank [ N. A as Trustee for Nov-, Benncer: Oawen Loen 6enncng, ( ) mortgage -m a st vacate the p-operty 'AIT A RES IDENTIAL ED ELLING STATUTES SECTION 582032 Mortgage Fundm, Trust, Series Morta Ori :TCF Mort if the mortgage b not -e eted OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, DETERMINING AMONG OTHER 200.`x1, Nov-, Home Equity Loen Gorpogra0on ginetor gage STATE OF MINNESOTA under Minnesota Statutes lseRan ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGE Aset--ed Certificates, Series 580e3 ortheproperty redeemed AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH 2OW1, Aasignee ofMortgagee DESCRIPTION OF COUNTY OF WASHINGTON under Minnesota Statutes seIX on AND ARE ABANDONED. A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 55 EaLEGAL st Fifth Street Suite 800 PROPERTY: Lobll enc 12 Block DISTRICTCOURT 58023 is June T201]et 1159 p�m. Dated: November222016 OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Dawson sAdditon to St Paw end St PeuI, MN 55101-1]18 TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT If the foregoing date is e Saturday Minnesota Housing Finance ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN .1209/S99 the West lO feet of vacate, Charlton Sunday or legal holiday, then the Agenry,Assignee of Mortgagee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ( ) Street that e«et of to Lot l 1, Block CASE TYPE: 14. .122&1]53 fax date to vacate is the n- business OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL AND AM ABANDONED. /, by reason of I -I on the, OTHER CIVIIJJUDICIAL THIS IS A COMMUNICATION day et 1159 pm. ASSOCIATION Dated: Novembe-92016 FIR DEBT COLLECTOR. Tbb Abstract P-opeay FORECLOSURE MORTGAGORS) RELEASED By: Jonathan R CuskeY Mah-IV Pingora Loen Servicing, LLC, 17/2511006.1 TAX PARCEL NG'. Case No.: 02 -CV -1638]9 FROM OBLIGATION ON S.Ieism"n Assignee of Mortgagee'Review:Nov 1623, 30, Oe"], 14, 0/282LL40l bl Judge: Gregory G. Geller MORTGAGE: NONE AbomA'to-: OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL 21 2016) ADDRE86 OF PROPERTY: NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE THE TIME ALLOWED BV Minnesota Housin, Finance ASSOGIATI ON 251253 George S[ LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Agenc�/,ASslgneeof Mortgagee By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V Saint Paul, MN bb- PURSUANTTO JUDGMENT THE MORTGAGOR THE 55 East Fifth Street Suite 800 Sled- COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY FEDERAL NATION AL M ORTGAGE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL S[PeuI, MN SSIOI-1 /le Abomeys to, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE IS LOCATED: Ram say ASSOCIATION, REPRESENTATIVES ORA SIGNS .1209]599 Pingora Loen Sennoing, LLC, FORECLOSURE SALE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Pleintff, MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE .1-228-1]53 (fax) Ascinee of Mort"ee THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF OF MORTGAGE :$3]3,45000 vs g g g JEFFERY S. GRUBER WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS THIS IS A COMMUNICATION 55 East Rfth Stree[Suite 800 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF AMOUNT DUE CLAIMED TO ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, JOHN DOE an c MARY ROE, STATUTES SECTION 582032, 1.051100.1-1 .1209]549 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID Defendants DETERMINING AMONG OTHER (Review: Nov 30, Red /, 14, 21, 28 .1228-1]53 (far) AFFECTEDBYTHISACTION. BY MORTGAGEE $4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED 2016 Jen 4, 201]) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het That p -al -to the commencement of on January 24, 201] at 1000 AM, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. debul[h"soceunecin thecend,t on, This mortgage fo-ed osu-ep-oceeda, at the Washington County Sheriffs WITHARESIDENTIAL DWELLING 147%11008151 oflhefoll-H, describe, mortgage: MoagageelAsvignee of Mortgagee Office, Washington Gounry Law DI LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, (Review: Nov 1623, 30, Dea], 14, Mortgagor GDBK Development cem plied wdl b a 11 notice-aqui-eine- Enforcement Center 15015 Qnd ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN FORECLOSURE SALE 21 2016) ILL a Limited Liability Company s-egU,e y statute; that no action Street North, Stillwater Minnesota THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Morteee: Su eno-Fa-n 01p-oceedmg hesbeeninstitutee"t the Washington County Sheriff AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE g g p g, m0 ANDAREABA1NDONED. Dated: 0111 2 2 01 6 o- otherwise to recever the debt will sell the reel property legally Dated: Se [ember 292016 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE Reno -dada 0111312016 secure, by said mortgage, o- any describe, es: P TIME PRO✓IDED BY LAW IS NOT NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Lot l9, Bloc: S, PU,P-ee Pon U.S. Benk National Association, AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. Ramsey Gounry Recerder pert therent Asci fMort FORECLOSURE SALE PURSUANT to the f sale 5th Additon, Washington Gounry, 9nceo 9eg,e NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Docum ent No. 004591464 moao OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL AS61gne- Prai rie C"pibl, Inc cenbined in said gage the Minnesota 4i4 ASSOCIATION detach has oaurredin the -ton, THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OF THE Deted:011122016 above desonbed property will be Property Address: / Ivys[one of the following described mortgage: ORIGINAL CREDI BY LAWHIN THE Recorded: 03�01I2016 sol, by We Sheriff of said ceunry as A n ue Coua S, Cottage -1 MN By: Jonathan R C -e, Mi-elV Mortgage-: Sara K Larsen, A Single TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Femse Count Recerder follows: 55016 Sdhleismen Person AFFECTED BHEREBY CIA n y DATE AND TIME OF SALE: T D. 9 A 15f M g : M gage Eled-onc NOTICE S HEREBY e It` D N .00459]1. J h h[gh ti dd by uct on U.S. B k N I As oc"ton, R g Sy e /Ls T: E" le Commun[ y debul[hesooarr d h d B k9 M g b b"nkng PLACE OF SALE. Sh Tfs Office, p scant o the R d g f F"IX, Ay gEabt Rfth Street S n nee to, Am In'Home of the for wag de -bed g ge: es CM P U a 25 D 4th Street Conolusons of L O d- for 0 M ortgage Aocepbnce, a Mortgagor: PheTheo enc Me Veng, Dated:01n1122016 SutelSO, S[. PeuI, MN Judgment end Judgment tared S[P"uI,MN 55101-1]18 0 Dated: 06232005 99 hu Inc end wife, end Dou"ehee Reoo-dada 030112016 to pay the debt then secured by N he ebovsenttetd action on GA A228 1- Rece-dada 081152005 Yang, a singleperson Ramsey County Re. -de, laic Mortgage, ad E, e if any, on Novembe-4, 20 to satsry the 6'S12291 /S3 far) Washington County Reoo-de- Mortgagee: Mortgage Eed-oni0 Docum ent No. 00459]161 laic premises, enc the cents enc judgmententerec6 to, Plk,atff in THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Document NO. 3532.2 Rg eton Systems, n" As 9 ,To: Pre6e Gapibl Ina d b a dudng -neys he mount $231,.8.88 plus FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. A-gned To: DeutnTlle Benk Lon, neef N vaster Mortgage, nos D d: 1 011 9 2 01 6 f II by b d h o f d I 16005421 -b-ll Trust Gom pony, D d: 12232004 Reoo-dada 102]12016 d p M1 -M h f h A T d py f h F d g f R : O¢ 12 19 26 Nov 2 9, Indenture Trustee to, Ame--n Filed: 01110200.5 Ramsey County Recerder d f by h g g r( ), F G d f L O d f 16 2016) Home Mortgage nvestment Trus[ Ramsey County Regstrar of Ttlet Docum ent No. A04.0819 the- personal represenbtves o- Judgment end Judgment has been NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT 20053 Document Na No 550 /fgeins[ Transaction Agent NS, assigns delive-ec to the Washington County OF MORTGAGE De ted: 081172016 Certificate of Title No 550014 Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: Sheriff. FORECLOSURE SALE Rece-dad: 09-016 Assigned To: The Ink of New Vork The date on o- before whirl the The redempton penoc fam the Washington County Recorder Mellon fk" The Ink of New York, NIA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Lender o Breker: Superior m[rtgagor mus[vecAe the prepea, sale will be six;6) months from the We above Mortgage Fo-eolosu-e Coca ent No. 4081.0 es Successor Tru f JPM -gen R g T h gage snot rens— d f f ton of the sale by S I b h byp stponec to January T Ag : M gage Ghese Benk, NA, T f d M esob Statutes Becton h G Th Iprepea, m ust be EI Rg Sys no Nov-, Morta F d T S : P eG p I, 5 201], 100n,t 2 SA ff Off ce, sa¢ g g g M g g Ong or Supero- he pr p y deemed by 1159 Pm. on he les[dey G Pb -U 25 J4.4 h S ee T n 000.4.29 gage D No: Se-es20051 Nov 'Home Rn"ncng, In d M nesob S echo f the redem pton pe -ad S 150, S. P uI, MN n said 10031400000848294i Loan Asset Bad: G ificatety LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 58023 Ju1y12201] 1159 Pm. THE TIME ALLOJ4E0 By G SEUe Lender or Broker:A can Home Series20051 If the fore date is a Setu-d" LAJ4 FOR REDEMPTION By rid M ortgage Aocepbnce,Inc Dated: 041192013 PROPERTY: Lot 1TB ayof Lal going y, Dated. November21, 2016 2nc Ae, w,t to the ekt of SI PeuI Sunday o- legal holiday, then the THE MORTGAGOR THE U.S. Benk National Association, Sennoer: Oowen Loen Servicng, File, 05062013 together with all hereditaments and d vacate is the neM business MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Assignee of Mortgagee LLC Rem Bey Gounry Registry -of Ttes appurtenances belonging thereto day [1159pm. REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Mortgage Originator: American Document No. 2208964 Against -We Property). MORTGAGORS) RELEASED MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE ASSOCIATION Home Mortgage Aocepbnoe, Inc CBlllfi(ateof The Na'. 550014 'TbdAbstract P-operry FROM OBLIGATION ON WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDERIS By:Jon AT LLskey, MidheeV LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Transaction /fgent Mortgage TAX PARCEL NO MORTGAGE: NONE ENTERED UNDER MINNEBOTA Behlei,n PROPERTY. Unit No 1403, Electronic Reglsttaton Systems, Inc 30292234.0024 THE TIME ALLOWED BY STATUTES, SECTION 582032 Attomeysto, : Condominium Na 58, Foxboreugh Transaction /Kgen[Mortgage lO No: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: LAW FOR REDEMPTION BV DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER U.S. Ink Netonel Assoceton Piece Condominiums Eighth 1000801X038.9]04 THE MORTGAGOR THE THINGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO Supplemental Condominium ED Lender o- Broker: Nov"sb- SAINTRNIT20 E STMN E Aasignee fth ortgagee SAINTPAUL MNSSII/ MORTGAGORS PERSONAL PREMISES ARE IMPROVED yy East Fifth Stree[Suite 800 W"shmgton County,Minnesob M ortgage, I Iwen rgini"cerp-ng OF IN WHICH PROPERTY REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING St Paul, MN55101-1]18 ThisisAbs'tract Property Sennoer: Oowen Loen Servicng, IS LOCATED: Ramsey MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 651 2017599 TAX PARCEL NO.'. LlC ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT WEEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS ARE NOT PROPERTY USED W 1]909160054Y1 2902921420240 Mortgage ohgW"m-: No -t' oR SO LEGAL og ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA AGRCULTURAL PRODUCTION,-Re,ew: Nov 30, 20161 ADDRESS of PROPER--. Mortgage, Ina e ORIPe cerporaton AM oUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO STATUTES SECTION 82132 AND ARE ABANDONED ].615th Street LhN LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE DETERMINING AMONG yOTHER WASHINGTON COUNTY Oakdale MN55128 PROPERTY Lots T 2 and 3, Block INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED SHERIFF'S OFFICE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH oPROPERTY 13, Hage6s Subdivision of Lots 1 BY MORTGAGEE: $54,243.]5 PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Dated: No -1], 2016 IS LOCATED: Weshm 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 /, 14, lS, 161/, 18 Thet prior to the cemmencement of WITH ARESIDENTIA OWEWNG 8y: /s/Rebecca EngeIM03 FORECLOSURE SALE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT of W"tog1Additon to Cott"ge W ism oa-eforeolosure proceeding OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Deputy THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF OF SOFTGAGE :$10500000 Hold es together with vacate, alley MortgageeS,-'gnee of Mortgagee ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Dated: November 15, 2016 TH E DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO f Minn to Reservation by Slate compie,wiW"Ilnotoe-equi-emen[s AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP,P.A. OR IG INAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICEM, eMl , of Minnesota of ell Minerals enc s-egU,ed by statute; that no action AND AREABANDONED. By: /s/Curt Trisko TIME PROVIDED BY LAW ISNOT INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID Subject to easements in bvo-of o- paceedmc has been instituted at Dated: Novembe-14,2016 Curt N.Trisko(W392T53) AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. BY MORTGAGEE $%82340 r otherwise to recever the debt TCF Natiorel Bank, sucmssor Attorneysbr Plaintiff NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Thatp-b-tothecemmencementof the QtybSaint P"w f0 -slopes cuts secu-ed by., mortgage, o, ay by mergerto TCF Mortgage Federal Na1-1 Mortgage defaulthesoaurred athecenditans thbmoR,,gefo-edosu-ep-oceedmc "ndfills"stn laic LOT ",-bdosec ft the-eof Corporation, Mortgagee Association of the following describe, mortgage: M agageelAssignee of Mortgagee in Book'S"of Piens page 23 and in ppURSUANT to the power of sale OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL The Acad,ny Prohl-iorel Mo1gago-: Deea M Kmde and John cem plied with al l noteregh- ants Book of Piens page 12 in the office onbinec in 68i the ASSOCIATION Building AKinde, wife 3husbend es requirec by statute; Wetno action of the Registrar of Deeds of Ramsey above described prepea will be By Jonathan R Cuskey, Midhael V 25 North Del, Street Mortgagee: B-eme- Bank, -anal o-p-oceedag has been instituted et Gounry, Minnesota sold by the Sheriff of laic ceunry es Sdhlei sin an St. PeuI, MN 55102 Asso-an law o -otherwise to-ecove-the debt Thisis Registe-ec PAperty follows: Attomeysfor: Telepbone:(651)2099]92 Dated: 0.5232008 secure, by said mortgage, or any TAX PARCEL NO.'. DATE AND TIME OF SALE TCF Natanal Bank , suceesso- curt Oth.-Ir ylewgroup.com DRe-,Ued d. 10012008 part thereof 24 2923 41 0088 Januayl220171000 AM by merger to TCF Mortgage (16-. oluL,T03) Washington County Recerder PURSUANT to the power of sale ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, Cyryoraton Mortgagee (Review: Nov 30, Dec /, 14, 21, 28, Document No. 3]049]9 cenbined in said mortgage, the 156 Cottage Ave W ("MI Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street J East Fifth Street Suite 800 2016 Jan 4, 201]) Assigned To: Minne-a Housing above describe, property will be Saint Paul, MNSSII/ St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 Fiance Agency sold by the Sheriff of said county Suite 150, e Paul, MN COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY g12ggT54q Dated: 0.5232008 follows: to pay the debt then secured by IS ORI GAAT R INCey said Mortgage, end taxes, if any on 14 9 al ;tax) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Dadhagd:10ro Count DATE AND TIME OF SALE. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THIS 215 A COMMUNICATION Washington County Recerder PLACE OF Law EnfM OF SOAMOUN GAGE: $25],00000 said premises and the cents and FORECLOSURE SALE Document nAgent NS PLACE OF SALE Law Ent-ecem ant disbursements, including ettomeys' FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF E UP A OF AND CLAIMED TO //2J 16U0661 Transa din Agent. NS, Center 15015 Qnd Street N., fees allowed ,n law sublect o 1 - - THE DEBT CANDREDITOR OF THE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, 'Review: Nov 23, 30, Dec], 14, 21 TransaIXion Agent Mortgage ID No: S011weter MN BY M DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID-edempton within the moafrom We ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE NIA to pay the debt then secu-ec by date of saidkale byWemortgagor(sJ, 28 2016 TIME PRMIDED BY LAW IS NOT T MOR]-tothe $188mens their personal representatives or AFFECTEDBYTH IS ACTION. Lender o- Broker: Bremer Benk, said Mortgage, end the if any, on That prior to the cem mencem ant of K Netonel Aasooieton said premises, enc the ce tic Wismoltgageforedosu-e proceedinc esmgns NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Senn cera U.S. Bank -anal disbursements, indudmc attorneys' Morta IAssi of Morta DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. default hesooarrec in the cenditons Aasoceton fees ellowec b law uta eIX o g gee -Knee g gee The date on o- before which the ofthefollowinc described mortgage: y s cempied with ell notice re qui -amens m Mortgage Originator Brem er Benk, It of--alein6Mmoftgago We b thatnoadon ortgagooaua vacate thep-otp[rty Magago-: Trisha Lee Ann Henson Netonel Aasooieton date of saicsaleb hemolt o2requirec ystetute if the mo gage Is no re bed enc Kurt Henson, wffe3husbenc et gagor(so, -o,eedmc has been addauted "t 'n n LEGAL DESCRIPnoN of Weo- person"I - p-esenbtves - under Minnesota Statutes recto Mortgagee: Mortgage Bearonio signs law or oWenwise to recover the debt PROPERTY: Lot 11, Block 8, e 58030 or the property redeemed Regia ton c by said mortgage, or any under Minnesota Statutes Becton nominee to-B-emeer Bank, N,U nal Thompson Greve Estates la DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY . Inc a� pertbereof Additon, Washington Gounry, The date on o- before whirl the 58023 is July12 201].1155 p�m. Assoceton PURSUANT to the power of sale Minnesota m[rtgagor must vacate the property If the foregoinc date is a Saturday, Db.ae4�082011 -taned in said mortgage We This is Abstract Property if he mortgage is above describe, property will be Sunday o- legal holiday, then the Recereed. 041County TAX PARCEL NG'. under Minnesota Statutes Isectlon sold by the Sheriff of said oounry es date to vacate is the next business Ramsey Gounry Recorder 1] 02]21 41 G029 D110- d"y"rn59 pm. Document No 4US B ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. Public Notices DATE AND TIME OF SALE: FROM MORTG� OBLIGATIONE��ON AssoED aetonTo: U.S. Benk Netonel 85]0 S HINTON AVEg COTTAGE GROVE MN55016 CONhNUe(1 ON Page 10 Page 10 Wednesday, Nov. 80, 2016 Public Notices tinge To vACATE PROPERTY thA dOA d mailing by thA G-vIly Continuetl from Page g The date on or before whish HA oOatAd. 260aober 2016 58630 or the property redeemed mt1,,gm,'mue vacate HXepsp [e 8y: /,/Tett Jude under Miane:G SGWtes s on if hg ortgagA is no r JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT 580.23 i, June2201]et 1159 p�m. under Minnesota SGWtes sect on The foregoinc is approved es to If the toregoing date is e �S'aWdm1 58030 or the property 'edeemme' form. Sunday or legal holiday, Gen the under Minnesota SGWtes ,e o Approve d: I,1 Ed- W. Simonet date to vacate i, the n -buena,, 58623 i, July 19, 2017 at 1159 p�mn Wadungton County Examiner of day at 1159 Pm. If the foregoing date i, a San,dav, Title, MOFTGAGORS) RELEASED Sunday of legal holiday, Gen the Attorney for PA000ne': FROM OBLIGATION ON date to vacate i, the add bu,ia- RAbecca F Sohille' MORTGAGE: NONE day at 1159 Pm. Attorney at Lew THE TIME ALLOWED By MORTGAGORS) RELEASED HeAcademy P -of -anal Buildme LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY FROM OBLIGATION ON 25 North Dale Street THE MORTGAGOR THE MORTGAGE: NONE St Paul, MN55102 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL THE TIME ALLOWED BV Illephone(651) 2099/60 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS FAA FOR REDEMPTION BV 'ebecca®theaoademylawg'oup. MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE THE MORTGAGOR THE cam W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Adomey Reg No. 231606 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, (15". PSJ3) STATUTES SECTION 582032 MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED DETERMINING AMONG OTHER WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS ONLY 81 THOSE WHO WISH TO DETER THAT TAMONGHE OTHEACER ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA OBJECT TO THE ENTRY OF THE THINGPREMISES ARE IMPROVED 'STATUTES SECTION 582032 A80VE-DESCRIBED ORDER. W ATH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLIN CHETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Review: NOV23,31, 2016) OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS TH INGS, THATTHEMORTGAGED ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN PREM ISES ARE IMPROVED WITH AGRICULTURAL PERDU GTION A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING CITY OF LAKE ELMO AND ARE ABANDONED. OF LESSTHAN FIVE UNITS, NOTICE OF HEARING ON Dated: Septem be r 262016 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN IMPROVEMENT Deutsche Bank National Trust AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Company, as III" Trusfce ANDAREABANDONED. OLD VILLAGE PHASE forAmericen Home Mortgage Dated: Novembe-22,2016 STREET AND UTILITY Irnestment Trust 2005-3, Asci U.5.Bank National Association, gnee as Trusfce for the C -BASS IMPROVEMENTS of Mortgagee Notice is hereby given that the OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL Mortgage Loan Asset -Backed tai[ Councl of Lake Elmo will meet ASSOCIATION Certificates, Series 2006-SL1, in the ceuncil dh ambers of the oily By Jonathan R Cuskey, Michael V Assignee d Mortgagee hall at or approximately atter /10 OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL a Addienan PM. oa Tuesday, December 20 AssoclAnoN Deo ,,,for: 2016, to ceneder the media' of the ompan, Band Nt,v Trust ,h Jonathan R Guskey, Michael V following improvement,, pursuant Gompeny, e, IndenWre Trustee SOhleismen to Mlnne:G SGWtes, Section, for American Home Mortgage Attomey, for: 829011 to 429.111 US nt True 20053, Ansi adBank National A,sociaoon, a, Improvement, 00 of More gnee Trustee to, the CEASS Mortgage The t of the gagee Loen Asset-Bed:ed Certifi tate, ex ,,neon of sanitary sewer to he SS Eae Fifth Street Suite 000 Series et Bak Assignee f LadA Elmo Elementary Sdhool, Gary 65Pau1 MN55101-1]18 Mortgagee o Hell end the Westbrook Buil dog 65 1209]549 '3825 Lake Elmo Avenue) a, well 56 Eae Fifth Street Suite 000 y ,ewer along b'fl-�2&l /56 `far) Ot Paul, MN 55101-1718 a, ektending,anikl Ion THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Laverne Avenue, from 39th Street FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. T12o 15/SJ (GxJ North to GSAH 14', 31st Street 1 THIS IS1"A' COMMUNICATION North, from CSAR 17 to the eae 'OakdalsLeke Elmo Review: Oct S, FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. end', Leveme Court North, from 12, 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 2016) 31 e Street North to south colds NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT (Rev_ Nov630,Dea /, 14, 21, 28, 3 ane Layton Gourc North, from OF MORTGAGE 2016 Jan. 4, 201]) l e Street North to south colds FORECLOSURE SALE bac eThe ap-oven ems include NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the r ,tr t the existing thu o d d the above Mortgage Fo'Acosu'A CERTIFICATE OF gutter dIalllan anndrepairof,torm Sale is hereby poepone' to ASSUMED NAME er the'Aplecem Ant of the aged January 9, 201], at 10 A0 AM, Lew r enc a sen war Enforcement Center 15015 R'ad STATE OF MINNESOTA we m stub e,dende,tothep-opea, Street N., S011water MN in ,aid Minnesota Statutes Chapter333: 6 e for each benefitting property County ane �SSFUe ASSUMEDNAME OCS Theimprovement, al: Include the Dated: Novembe-22,2016 PRINCIPALPLACEOFBUSINESS. con n of a ealk andlo' Deutsche Bank National Trust 1444 North McDowell Blvd.,Hal along Lavem-enuefrom 39th Companyaslnd ure Trustee Petaluma, CA.954 Street Northto CSAR 14. forAmerican Home Mortgage NAMEHOLDERS: Optio Solutions Saute Irnestment Trust2005-3,Assignee LLC 1444 North McDowell Blvd., N fewer e papeb- are d Mortgagee Petaluma, CA .954 abutt the, for thosA propel v that PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL the undersigned, certify that 1 p'ovem Ant, ane receive ASSOCIATION amkgain'this document a, the soar ceeb,,,part of the pralea B : Jonathan R Cuske Michael V Person hoe ,,gnatre i, required, a'mLeveme A nue, 31 e S Beet By Y Norton Laverne Court North, e Sdhl Aiey t r a, agent ul the person(,) whole Layton Court Norm, enc also the HSBCAdounBank autho-'e a,tbe required who hes Lade Elmo Elementary School Gary HSBC Bank USA NA, e, Trustee eu horizeheo toegn this document Hell and the Westbrook Building on behalf of AGE Secunoe, Gory his I behalf or In both The area proposed to be ass ed IT due Equity Loan True and to' the capaeioe,.I Wrmereemrythetl have for the end ,t registered holder, of AGE Secunoe, -piled all require, field,, ane imp'ovemeat,tncude the properties Gory Home Equity Loan Trust thattheafo-an is tub document directly abudia' and ase enc the Serie, 200]-ASAPI, A„Al Backed is ru and.,ect ane is cemphanc, p -op -e Pa T l-ou h Certificates Ansi with Athe applicable chapter of d3 ,t eats alone Leveme g gnee Avenue, e Street North, Leveme obb Ert gee thl by a,tuStatus uaders[enc Court Northland Leyton Court North. SS Ee,t Fifth Street Suite 000 that by egrcoc this document am The e,tim Ac total cee to' S[Paul, MN55101-1]18 ,Ublecttothepenal0e, ofpequryas the prated,,tis $2,454,400 with 651 2017599 :I forth in Section 60948 a, if het the s edewalk e m egne' this document under oath. Airnprovements a ,,ted �Re new:: Nov 3Q 2016) Date: 10'18116 ewe$1,14]]00, the A nlGry /s/ Christopher R. Schumacher a improvement, ate, (Review: Nov 23, 30, 2016) at $759, 800', e c the w� an NOTICE OF MORTGAGE improvements a mated Amiat FORECLOSURE SALE IN PROCEEDINGS $552 .0. Are: aaable eeimate of THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF the impaa of the a,seen will THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE SUBSEQUENTTO INITIAL be available at the hearing Su. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITH INTHE REGISTRATION OF LAND person, e, deerinc to be heard TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT STATE OF MINNESOTA with reference to the proposed AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON l mprovem end, will be hear, at this NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that meving detaultha,osurrediathe condiooa, DISTRICT COURT DATE D: November152016 ofthefollowingde-becmoagage: TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT BY ORDER OFTHE LAKE ELMO Mortgagor: Wchard G. Sullivan and CASETYPE(10)TORRENS CITY COUNCIL Berbera S. Sullivan, husband and File No. 02 -CV -1E-0361 Mike Person, Mayor wife ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ,Review: Nov 23, 3o, 2016) moagag :F,,bIu,F,nan.aI,Inc D nths ,, M. -ofthP on of d: 091151148 ,ry FI d. 022811499 ellFargo Bank ,NA AMENDMENTTO R y County Regard' of Ttles o 'Ala[ on toe to, T f T l ASSUMED NAME D N u21OR Agana NA ,]161 ssu d h CeRfcate of Ttle No.. / County of Dashngt n ane State of STATE OF MINNESOTA A„igned To: Provident Bank Mone- ane legally describe' a, Minnesota S"tes Chapter 333: Dated: 0921I14R D110-: 1. De the A- assume, name Fled 08032004 Lot, Ten (10) and -HoOne(21) d M1chh bu I ill be Ramsay county R g of Ttles and the North 20 feet ct Lot, NnA DONALD HOUSE D No 1824550 Ag ne Parc ofdLofe E ever (1112)dT enry Rag Cagey llnule� sauncheld, II cis G T of Ttl US (211%,n' South of the Noah 40 feet Q02 U.SA A g d To: US udleeBank Net of A n Blood Fourteen ;14), KING -S 3. L M T Ad I`— f you A e, r for he FOREST H LLS. of r rove me l et the GRASS Mortgage Loa Asset A pittaapa, Bed: e' Certifi tate, Serie, 2006 TO'. PARTIES IN POSSESSION, place of buena: eddre:: SL1, without'ecou"e SHAWN JON BERNIER KATHLVN of Office of the General Executor Dated: 04252006 M. BERNIER AND MRS. SHAWN Va Canale Drivs1053 Clerk oounry, Filed 05116200] JON BERNIER Nevada8Sa119999 Ramey Gounry Registrar of Title, Upon recei-, ane Fit, the 4. Ds tHenameandeompllee'eet Document No 20[0001 Again,, Plot of the E amine[ of Ttle, address of all Parson, snducting CeRficateof Title No.'. 29757/ in he abovsduke, matter, IT IS bueae„unde-the above-umed Traa,actan Agent NS, ORDERED, that you and all person, Name: Donelc Hou:Organization, Trea,actan Agent Mortgage ID No: 'added, appear before this Court In care of Office of the General NIA ton the 19th day of December 2016 Executor Va Ganale Ddve1053, Lender o' Broker F,aplu, at900AM atthe daeingon County Old y, Nevada GGOT 9999, Faandal ac GovAmmnt Gentet 14949 Ga' IT D al d, organ zaron, nca'e Servicer: -en Loan Servicing, 'Street North, Stier MN 55082 of Office of the General Executor, LLC dh h h a, V G D- 053, Calk y M gage Ongnetor: Frstplus d n66 held h N d HOUSE, F Lino T Yh rebs hYM1 O rt DONALD OR z f LEGAL DESCRIPTION OFh l e O d f II : Off ce of the Gene I E r V a PROPERTY: The Ede /5 feet of Th. the Regard' of Ttle, of Ganale Drvs1053, Clark oounry, Lot,3 and 4, Block 19 I'Mak- Wadungon Gounry, upon the filinc Nevada 8-11 9999, HOUSE. Como Perk Addition, Ramsey of a certified copy of this Order, doneld: Individual, In ca e of Office G y, M -ta cancel Gercfcete f T l N lbs f h G rel Executor, Va Ganale Tal Reg, ,de -ea Property and ante' a new G T f The D lo53, nark musty, Nevada TAX PARCEL NO. for land the -en de -bed f vo' 89011 4999 .. 2C C2 0 111 of D ell s Fargo Bank, NA, heefrom S. Thi, certificate i, an amendment ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. ell memo[ els now appearing on the of CertificatA of A„umed Name File 14. Frank:a Ave preen[ Certificate of Ttle, he IlX Number: 8.569600025 Saint Paul, MN 66108 of vdIdh is Document No. 1243101, Originally file, on 1C042016 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY and Dee al: hom the memorial Unde-thename:HOUSE IS LOCATED: Ramey of this Oder, except the Registrar 6 1, the undersigned, certify met 1 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT of Ttle, shall carry forwad the am egning this document e, the OF M ORTGAGE$61,50000 memorial of Document No 1118309. person who: eguUuv i, required, AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO t IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that o' a, agent of the person(,) who: BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOT CE, hi Ode'be:rved: ,ign.u,e would be required who ha, 1NGLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID (a)at e 10 days prix' I' such auhorized me to egn h, document BY M ORTGAGEE$71,253.42 hearing le the abovsname' o Mahe' behalf o' n both Thatpro-to hecommencement of P d M1 S h p f h fyh h G,moagagefo'Adosu'A proceedng P d d by law to, h pl d all vqUvd f Id, and MoaagageeiA gnee of Mortgagee r ceof Summon 1 h hloo-an[reaIn tub atom document ce pl edwth ell notce requ rem ants (6J at 1- days pro'I, kucM1 and prance required by,datute; that no action hearing upon any of the above with the applicable chapter of o' proceeding hes been in,tiWtec at named noneedent, by o ndo' Mthae:G SGWtes I understand otherwise to receverthe debt a copy of this Order t such that by signing this document 1 am ke-ed by said mortgage, or any nonresidents at hislher post office sublea tothe penalties of penury a, Pat thereof eddre: by registered o' certified set forth in Section 60948 a, if I had PH RSUANT to the power of kale m(AI a real a`ddpt requested, signedthisdocument underoeth. ab=ed m ,aid mortgagA, the fol upon any Percy who caaaot be Date: Nobe-4th1S6E above de:nbed property will be found by two week, pu bush e' nota,, OUSE: doneld I' by the Sheriff of,ai' county e, end by,endingecepy ofthi3Order 'Review: Nov 30, Dec 2616) follow,: at ee 14 day, pno-to the henna' DATE AND TIME OF SALE by First Gla„ mail tad"' party et January l9, 201/ 1000 AM hislher lest known eddre: enc by PLACE OF SALE ShenR-,Office, kendin'anothe' copy od esOrder at Civil Prooe,, Unit 25 W. 4th Street lee,, 14 days pno'to the hearing by Suite l 50, St Paul, MN Find Claemailtou cher add'eea, o pay the debt then k -ed by ,dated on the Certificate of Ttle, ifan laic Mortgage, and Gxe a [ny, on dd'Ae „o added c prerm:,, and he ces s e d e o Pon a dissolved, withdrawn o' disbursement,, tad using ad omeyK r ked buena: enorygo,Led by fee, allowed by law sublea to Minn. Ste[ Cho 3026 318, 31]A 'edempoon within 6Month,hom the 322A, 322B o' 321 in the manna' date of,aidsalebythA m o1gago'D, Provide' by MtSG[ 525.(Note their personal rep -eche, o realm date oa the Ode' to Show ' wu,A roue be atlas,, 11 dayd atte' Review Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2016 The Ramsey Gounry Bo arc ofCommi:toners met inregularsessiondoulD Hufollowingmembers present Carter Jum,ough, McGuire, Ortega, Jvff an, enc Chair Reinhardt Absent Huffman. AI: present re Julie Kleinsmmig Gounry Manager enc Jeff Stephen:n, Qvil Oivieon Director Gounry Attorneys OR, AGENDA of November 15, 2016 was presentee for approval. Sabah by Ortega :coated by Md) oaough . Uaaaimo Ie proved MINUTES of November e, 2016 were presented for approval. Sabah by Garter :ceased by RAttmea. Uaaaimoueyapp'oved AOM INISTRATIVE ITEMS S-1 -11- PowersAgreemen[with DekoG Gounry for0etoxificaoon Services M000a by Rehman :coated by McGuire Uaaaimou,lyapp'oved ;B2016294) WoH-Sowaoa,- Grant Awarenom Departmentof Employment ane E:aomi'DAVAIopmdUf Low e Worker Iloo' ProgramChair Reinhard[ noted a di-Mouoy Ia the RAquA for Board Action doe mdula,- per the Proposal Cover Page (pg 2) of the Gant Appialbn, the grant apph taco` amount was fo'$1. 000 end nat$200000. The dor da, was seen as fiieadly Sabah by -all ,:coaded by M OGuIv Unanimoudiyapproved (B2016-) Property Manggemdo lWo H-Soluooa,- LAa,e Ag'AAmeatwith BArwal' Invest-,, LLCfo'22562a' Street North Saint Paul. M000aby ROU an,:coadedby McGuire Unanimouslyapproved;B2016296) Property Management- Secend OnsVeer Exteneon of Volunteers of America Leese fort oodview Oetenoon Center M000a by Redman, :cease' byM cGuhA Uaaaimouey approved (P201629]) Board of Gom mieioaers- GttAceeptaneefor2016 NAGo Strategic LeedemM1ip Flyln end Corporate Premier Forum. Ml -by -m- seconded by MCG- Unanimously approved ;B20162%) LEG15LnnVE uaDATE- Di,cu:ioa cad bA round on a'mroA' edea BOARD CHAIR UPDATE -Di -da, can bemund tiff archived - OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS -Did -b, can be fou,' on archived video. ANOURNMENT-Chair Reinhard[ decla'A'the meA,,g adloumed at928 am. JanM M. Guthrie, Chief Clerk- County Board CITY OF OAKDALE Thi".- Donations the lad: of Wnding to BWSR - a NOTICE OF PROPOSED - Jennifer Aa uu,, Director of 'Acemmeadla, to the Minnesota TOTAL BUDGET AND ServiceProperty R -a' n ocmTarpeyer Governor end IAgieetor,'Aqu,dua' , provided e [vat iew on ththey Had these program, again. PROPERTYTAXES absentee voting - Boa" cerrespoadeace was All ere invite' to attend the public _ Boad cerre,poadeaee was Aceived end placed on fila hearing ofthe CRycouaclt' Axp- received ane place' on file. Information Technoloav theiropinion, on the p-opo,A' Prooe v Records A Texo - -Approval of ceUM [with High Line of "I / budget end levy Serv'ms C0 poraooa to' a Human Re:urea, The heanac will be held on: -Approval of-olluooa No. 2116- loo-mlaa Sy Ad,TRIS). Tuesday, DAcembe'13, 16 Pm. 1 38 , approving an Appialbn to' Human Resourms Goundl Chambers C-11-, of FoleiW'e - Approval to purchase ,vacua[,, Oakdale M uaicpal Buildo, Public Works I'_ g,m ntenence ead,upport 1584 Hadley Avenue NoCh Approval of the following action,: hom Infos Global Technologies (Review: Nov 30, 2016)-Re:luoon No 2016139, Approval for Infinium Application Manager Imp,0ica0ontothe Cou Uo TMu,t Human R ou'ce,IPe oil, Query Improvement Board (GTIB) to' end Infinium SelEService ,vacua[,, PUBLIC NOTICE grant, payable is 2017 for Gateway through He-ber31, 201]. The Qry Goundl of the Gary of Lake Coaido,. Public World Elmo hes adoptee Obho-No. OX - R-lluooa No. 2016140, Approval of the following aboa,: 15], whidhamend,the Ghapter154: Approval of lliala, to GTIB for-R-lluooa No. 2016143, To enter Zoning Code: grant, payable is 201/tor Red Rod: into Metropolitan Goundl Gant . To update the No, COU0rrnth1 Coaido'. Agreement SG04]6i 'eimb-H, Use'Agulatioa,to bell, ceafoanaace - Boarc workshop to' an update he Laadaad Water Legacy Program with MN State SGWtes a, they on the Red Rod: Coaido' to' /5% of the - to purdhese pertain to No, Coafoaniag Use,, Impleme"' Plen. the property located at 15]]0 May Building, and Structures A cemplete IA of the Oill Avenue North, Menne on S[ Qoix, The WII tel of Odiaaace No. 11 - Proceeding, of#the Washington Moue:G, to' iaclueoa into Bic 157 is -Ilse to' ia,peda, at Gounry Boarc of Comm -due, i, Menne Perk Reser,. Lake Elmo oiry hall during regular available for public inspection at the - Agree of bue ale hours Office of Adm khoUoa, Waehiagon 0 May Avenue PUBLIC NOTICE Gounry Government Center 14949 North property with the Metropolitan The Qry Goundl of the Gary of Lake 62nd Street N., S011water Minae:G Goundl end to 'Ace', the Elmehasedoptec Odinence No. 1, .Review: Nov 30, 2016) agreement, with the Waehogtoa 158, which amend,the Ghapter154: Gounry RedaaeY, Go, Zoning Code: - Re:luta, No. 2016144, 1[ oke, language that cenflias SUMMARYOF Autorizinc final payment is the wi h MN Stet, Stawte,, enc PROCEEDINGS amount of $82,08851 to Valley 20))add,apAvieontoradmUKlMove WASHINGTON COUNTY Paving Ino to' ceMpl"o, of ,,neo, ofveriance, fo'variaace, the Gounryoa Rd Sl Pavement n e' within l2 m doth, atter an BOARD O F C OMMI SSI DINERS Preservation Protea pp a'olve�l. OCTOBER 25, 2016 - Donation of traffic signal boxes The full tel of Ordinance No Oe Present Goamikdau , to the Boys Sceut, of America, 158 i, available to' ia,peda, at Fran Miron, Di,fia 1', Gary Kriesel, Northem Star Council. Lake Elmo urs oiry hall during regular Distrix 3, Gom mi,eoae' Bigham Re:luooa No. 2016145, b-H-hoDistrix 4', end Lila WAId, Distha S. A�uirin' right of way to' the (Review: Nov 30, 2016) Board Chair Mho, p'Aeded 'eda"Idoa of County R-, I C. ananI Reoorts - Bridge ane Roadway Approach,,, a, C.-IrAs�Questio Part of the Goy Clout Island We ter SUMMARY OF The Commi,si r reporcec on the W yvatt b,P-0red aa with Kimle PROCEEDINGS following i[emsnB6 Hall o -I of doMn de - Gom mieione' Big ham -reported c to p'ovi WASHINGTON COUNTY tH.khe attended a Couaoe, M -t traffic management deega,ervice, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Improvement Boarc meeting for Lake B m o Park Reserve. OCTOBER 18, 2016 She attendee the Tran 0p Stoa -Approval of odoMd with CeUMI Present were Commi_toff,,[, Advl:ry Board meAoag She Roofing Gompeny for removal enc F M D 1 G yK- el, m k d P bl J4 hk -for the, ' f w roof at the DdHat 3', G Bghay Red Rod C d' pv_E,oa, D Bdb Y6 d h Ceorern overview O 4, d L J4 k, O f h G y f N port endethenthe Gry P Boarc Cher M'oa P_ ded f G g G She ded of ham ntal y Condo' draft Commssioner Reoorts _ the Metapoil a Area Agency on mpaa statement ane Comments -Questions mee She attendee the locally p'Aferre' altemeove. The Gom miei r reported on the Meltro Alliance , Healthy Faml lie, A cemplete tel of the Offal following iHem,ones ae She sum merzec the Proceeding, of the Waehogtoa A g. f Mn G , e y Bold of Co G K P D 10 d the f p ld p he h h hG Z halA,M1n County llbecha' OfficeofAdd al-lan,A,M1agon S G f M She ry County G t[ enter, 14949 P II G I Ag f dela„ ne# ye,, he repo h h Red d 5[ N., S II e r M nnesoG Rod: Condo' ape h ll be -Review: Nov 30, 2016) p cg H ndec on Oaober 26th hom S 30 Pm. t County State Ad H ghway (CSAR) 630 POb at the Newport Qry Hell. 14 enc ,,SAH 124 Open House to She reported thatthe Cottage Dove darsa: r d dor Halloween de i,oa OU`e I9th SUMMARY OF p-ovement, on South Osgood Pam - Commissioner Bieham - reporcec at 10 a.m. The City of Newport will PROCEEDINGS that she attended e Friend, in Neec have e Goo teed on Oaober 29th WASHINGTON COUNTY Food Shelf Fundraler Ia Cottage tram 1111 am. to310 pm. at I G-ovA. She attendec the Cottage Newport Fire Hell She reported BOARD O F COMMISSIONERS Glove Fre Department open hou,e that Cottage Grove Ravine Perk will NOVEMBER 1, 2016 on ere safety She attended a 4-H at, be udmg goa, a tool to reduce Pv ant were Gomm-aners open house She reported that iava veshrub,atthepah Fran Miron, Diana l', Gary R -el, the Burfngon Northem Sante Fe Commas otter Kre:l reported O 3', Commis Bigham Open Houe , at the St Paw Park mat hA tended thA H Bore D and D,a J4 lk Dlencd 5. Qry Hell hom 510 Pm. to /00 Coulhou,A l Advisory Committee Boarc Chair Miron presided p Shed h A 9 d 9 P bl f theC Reoorts f M G Bold of H G h bldg C Q D g hch he G J4 k p d Th G reported on the b dg opA d thath d d h G f ll r Desk -reportec TaastImp-ovement Board - Comm ,sone[ J4ek reportec ttendoc the Annual Woodbury m along She reported that the 201] that,he attended It Metropolitan - u'ce Center Cellebraoon of Rail -Volution cenfereace will be in Goundl meving where an update EfA Gala she atteadA' a 2oodbury D c do. she reported mat w P d on the Gateway Golc Gry Goundl Dorkshop 'Agaanc theF d I Traast AdmIubt-ton L Sh dec a Aoodbury G ty the Gateway Condor Gold the 'FTA)T Oriented Development G 1 g on Oaobe' 26th, Bus Rapid Transit She attendec a Grant was awarded to the Blue Line where a pracamatan "Koros for Gateway Policy-bo-yCommittee `ae n. She 'exported mat she K 9k was adopted unaunnou,iy, in eong, notamet a , hes re eived cel, Went feedback memory of Bruce Stafford taken to advance only onelaltemate requesting mat de -au, on - Commi,eoaer Bigham loute for environmental review. She constructing mato, of-Huauresreported that she attendec a tour dendec a Gateway Commission like Gateway Corridor be placed on of the expaadec re,ya,nc line at mevinc where GliftonIT-on'Zn ballot, a, a referendum que,ton. Tenni, Sanitation. The Minnesota presentee an update to its annual -Commissioner Miron -reported Department of Public Health audit pre:ntation. She metwith that he attended the Wo-Holce hes a p-enGoon 'egadoc the Pioneer P,e to give them an Development Boa" meetng He peluutt achemlcal, :PFG,) level, in update on development, e the attended an election forum within ground water today hom 5:00 pm. update y n devr. hl d a H attend d R h Line ]AO P t the Cottage Grove Gomm ,soder Apron reportec P rcy Ad y Gom ing G y Hall Sheatte d h Rec that he attendec the MAtropol Ga H h d G uatyA y O eon R d: G d Gomm Atng, Emergency Service, Boarc meetng Cu,S G ge Kup happy wherethe draft Implementatanplan I vddh the prerm nary budget was tirthday,approved reduced. He attendec the Minnesota Community Corrections Wacomm,m er Kne:l-reportec e, -County Association meeting - Approval of ente-mc nt a that he attendec the Metropolitan He attendec Community Services Joint Powers Agreement with the Mosquito Control Diana meeting. Dueaor Dan Papial 'eo'Am ant State of Minnesota through the He also attendec the Solid Wad, endcemmendec Mr Pepin for Department of Public SaRS,, Bureau Me [agement Coo -do -c Boarc hi,eervioeand lAade-dup of IXimiaal AD v endan BCA) to, m elag Commmity Servims ass„ to the Ri nual Justice Data �commssioaer M ra -reporcec - Approval of new providers to' CommunIc oa, Network (CJDN), that he attendec the aMAtropolitan 20162018 Gaup Redideneal enc the Gourc Data Services Mosquito Control Diana meeting Houeng Rate 2 Ag'AAmeat, with Sub,aiber Amendm ant to the CJ ON He also attendec the soli' Walde Skyline Ina LLC, Minnesota Gere Sub,aibe-Ag'Aemeatwith the BGA Me [agement Cottanaoac Boarc Couu,eh nc Service,, PonadA General Admnistretion mee ng Heattended everal eledan Service, Ino end Uctory Through Approval of the following axion, forum, withi n his diens Hethankec Reith Recevery Services - Oaobe' 11, 2016 County Board Public Health and Envi'oament gaff Gereml Adm" Meeting Minutes for their p'A,enGoon in Fova Lake Approval ofthefollowinc axon,: - R-lluoon No 2016146 on the B c M a rine Lake water levels - October 4, 2016, County Boarc Auiehon of the Lauenddein ­­D-1-nitAaencv M evinc Minutes Property alizinc Lanc and Water - Publ,heanactodid-p-opo,ec - Approval to appoint all Wcas, Leg by funding and Wnds hom modification of the redevelopment Anon to the Valle t do Branch the Brown', Greek Date-lec to' plan to' Redevelopment Protea Wa 6etc Deena toe thee yea, ff:r nt purposes ter mexp,agNo:mben3, 2ol9.-Letterro the Bold of Water and Public Notices R-lutan No. 201x141, 2016 Soil Re__ ack-lleaging Continuetl on Page 11 0 Om 00-6 - a 0 0 8--�, 'O N — 0 a> a3 L- L- — N as oCzap> 0O>o.-gym � 00a.i0M C 0 00 0 0 'oma 0 U Q N �.- O a) Q (jz- m: o o ��� -oO 0E 3: a) C C z V N o a h= a) N M w 0 U' �or2 E.mr �t6��sa 0 Q ¢'-o m �.Nv m.N.E a3 0 E p a 0 Q � m mi 3 0 -E 0 ¢ m o w a) 0 OW0�,-0m� o.'2o0�z = W U=p mCE E o.o CL O'E o c Vi Z U T V >� .- 0C U C U Z J '= cO a) O)— d _0 w o w E 0 W Oa=�0mOaa �-o M- C) O OOa =g CC�� Iwo a'p° 6a CO l W W m T O .o ii 1� .N a-- m w .0 w M 0-,) m� omC-o ON Z Q U E.� 0 0 0 0 asa L T - O�L)00 �E�m w0�d�`-'Na0 L0 n -'- 0E°30a H�UwHo-0- U OO1.E��=ct6i�-o�0 x��sw�3 Z�ma`>� x 0 a00m'o"�M� e m= op-- f o o_--r- 0 m � C yEt6 ���. 0 1:.�a>u,�mE 0oM 0 `m a a a 0 N3�m'.in0 ns -"oU0 0c� -M O-Cper m��� :� ago- V N 0 mw a�> off as a0i o �.i �� F= �. 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