HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 12-07 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWReview Wednesday Dec. 7, 2016 Page 7 Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TERRACE WOODBURY, IN me-Ilowe, by law for redempton Agency, Assignee d M ortgagee BocedeUNO. 3806964 complied with all notcorequiredena FORECLOSURE SALE SSlzseOz by Bald dortgagol(k), the,~ person-I 1— Fife Street Suite 000 Akmgne, Io: nekom Houeng es requ-d by ktewA 1. no eonon THE RIGHTTOVERE A LE OF COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY re,,,'ed etveko%Ltg'nk IT. (g) St Paul, MN 55101-1]18 Fn-n,eAgencyM,n or promeedmg hes been additutec et THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE IS LOCATED. Washington Gounry, hdUh frodeedO-fk-o f51203 9 Dated. 101142004 law or otherwise to re t-CHA debt ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Man A_ IIM, ANT UA, TO VACATE 6,1C & S3 ;fax) De 2 red by said mortgage, or any TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT T�'SCTION AGENT None PROPERTY. Unless sal, mortgg THIS LIS A COMMUNICATION Ram seyd LGounty4 Recoaer p_h-of AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. NAME OF MORTGAGE or the property FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Bocem ent No. 3818039 PURSUANT to the power of sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, eat ORIGINATOR. VVoh, Savings Henk, deemed less the me for 1K06-1 DO/34l Irankecton /Kgent NIA cone, ed n ., mortggge the deeuleek oaurredlneeaonditonk FSB, nikle Wel is Fargo Bank, N A, redempton �k redumechby udiaiel (Review6Nov 9, 1623, 30, Oea/, Transection Agen[Mortgege lO No: eboven described dproperty will be oftle allowing describe, mortgg DOUG or by meMer to W-dhovi- oaeryoudukt ,Uetheprda, k 14,2016) NIA kolcby the She,ffofkai,.UUry Mortgagor: Heather Mane Mortgage FSB Gkl-World Savings by1159Pd. on Jwy3, 201/. Lender or broke, Meedent-I allows: MaL-ugh1Un Da JMQeughr,n, 3- CIERESIDENTIAL THE TIME ALLOWED BY Mortgage ­Co-Oand DATE AND TIME OF SALE. wife end hush-nd RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Servicer: U.S. Bank N-ton-I Decem ber2920161000AM Mort a ee: RaFfield Bloodln ~ergo Hank NA IHC MORTGAGOR IHC Assoc-ton PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Office, g g g[on TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION MORTGAGORS PERSONAL FORECLOSURE SALE Mortgage Originator: Firs[ Civil Promeks Unit 25 W. 4th Street Credit Union THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF B`ed.06282013 NUMBER 22 REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE Residentel Mortgage Co-Oan Suite150, St Paul, IN Recorded'. 101142013 TRANSACTION AGENT'S MAY H, REDUCED TO FIV, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE DESCRIPTION OF to pay the debt then secured by Ramsey Gounry Recorder MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS TIME PRWIDED BV LAW IS NOT PROPEFTV. Lot 19, Block 4, Joseph laic Mortgage end bxek, f any, on Document No. 4428523 NUMBER. None ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. R W aide k Id Atlditon to the Giry sic premises, end the costs end Aasigned To: GU Mortgage IHHI no ech n or procoed,ng hes STATUTES, SECTION S02a32 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That of Saint N ul, Pam sey Gounry, fd,sb edetic m uding-tomeys' Servimek, Ina been B01H`te,-[I-wtorecoveree DETERMINING AMONG OTHER deeul[hek oaurred,ntheaond,ton Mane- - eeku allowed bydlew sublet o Dated. 08252016 debtthen red-an, secured bysuah TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED ofthe allowing described mortgage6 TAisisAbsELNO operty rade of-d i bythonthsf oqm ) Recorded. 09222016 molgage, or any part thereof or if PREMISES AKE IMPROVED MORTGAGORS). Mark T IHX PARGELNO..20-2-02b date of seldselebythemortgagor(sJ, Ramsey Gounry Recorder the action or proceeding hes been WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING GLk'mfsvn end YethaeH Gustafson, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY then their personal representatvek or Document Na PO4 Q5443 atIIed, Dart the same has been OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, H, I,- ndwie xO IVY AVEE DO H, NOT PROPERTY USED IN SAINT YHUL MN SSIOI -UHgI, TO vAGATE PROPERTY TrankaIXion Agent NIA MORTGAGEE Mortgage Electronic Tran-an Agent M01­elB No: upon thea udg, ant en derec therein AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY The date on or before which the Heg,ktAban Systems, NIA has been eumec ons ,Bed, In AND ARE ABANDONED. Delaware C0rpo9ton -k n nneo IS LOGATEB. RemseY dorhe hoduk[vecatetheprop- Lender or BKA, Ridheeld whole orin pat MOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED ar Venture Oevelopmen[ Ina ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT if the mortgage knot 'en Blood egton Credit Union, PURSUANT, to the power of sale FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Rate-Corporator - OF M ORTGAGE.$102,05000 under Minnesota SUDt kectan MUnesotaaredituni on - reined 1n 681 mortgage the ON MORTGAGE. None ASSIGNMENTS OF SOFTGAOF AMOUNT DUEANDGLAIMEDTO 58030 or the property redeemed Servicer: G.U. Mortgage ServimekI ad, aove desabec property w,ll be Laed. Odober21, Lalli Aasignec to: Wells Fergc Bank, NA H, DUE AS OF JAI , OF NOTICE underM nesoe S-Wtek seIX on sold by the Sheriff of said oounry as t WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID 580.23 1kn June 29, 201] et 11 �59 allows: Mort e ce by asmgnment recorded on Jenuery BY MORTGAGEE$83,03441 If the fore oa, date 1k a Mortgage Originator: Ridhfield g T l 2010 as Document Number at prtor to the coanencodento pd y y or legal ho day, UA EANTOF SALE. IH, ACADEMY LAW GROUP, NH Ih f SeWrde, Sunda Mune Bodangton Credit Union, Ja uary3, 201] at 1000 AM By Isl 3]]590241n the Office of the County Gismo gageforedosure proceeding then the date to vacate 1s the neM Mi nnesoe oreditunion PLACE OF SALE Washington Rebecca F. Schiller Esq eco~er of Ves mg[on Gounry, M I, geel dgnee of Mortgagee business day et 1159 P m. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Mlnn ORota IGall INAL PROPERTY. The East 44 Det Gounry Sheriffs Officeent Centet N.Kbongn, Fondungell-h, ,k4 ORIGINALPRINCIPAL AMOUNT codple,w,thdAJUcorequ,radan MORTGAGORS) RELEASED of Lot ll, BIoak 2 subdivision of Count Law Eel Noah tit Center Curt Had TrCCMe0aq.' OF MORTGAGE. $1]0,00000 krequie,by-been U,ti -tion FROM OBLIGATION ON and edditon to Irvine k Atlditon of 15015 Qnd Street North, S011weter Samuel R G0lem an, Esq DATE OF MORTGAGE. April 11 or 01 One- hes been 1nkthe at MORTGAGE. NONE Outoaa St Paw, R-dkeyCount,, Mweko- Atomeykay PAfegee 2003 law orotherw,ke oreKver e debt w, IIM, ALLowee BY Mi nn_ta to pay the debt then se Tec by The-decoy Peeksionel Buildin, LAI, AND PLACE OF FILING seared by kai,tdoagage,thorany LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY This lk Abstract Property said mortgage and bxe4uif any 25 North Dale G` RecordedNon December ll, 2003 part thereof THE MORTGAGOR THE TAX PARCEL NO. actually pald by the mortgagee, St. Yaul, MIC b-Ze es Document Number 3408]6] 1n PURSUANT to the power of sale MORTGAGORS PERSONAL on the premises enc the costs anc (651)2039]6) t neinec 1n 681 mortgage, the REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, he Office ofthe County Recorder of co 3ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. disbursements allowed by law. The :15 0973 Washington Gounry, Mlnnekom above described property will be MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE 501 Beeumon[S[ tee allowed by law for redem It on THIS IS A COMMUNICATION THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO cold by the Sheriff of keo county es WEEKS IF HJUBIGIAL ORDER IS Serol Peal, M N SSI3a by laic mortgagor(kJ, their personal FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. , DUE H allows ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ON , MORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY represenetivek or assigns 1k six (6J ;Review'. Nov 9, 16 23, 30, Dec ], ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE. DATE AND TIME OF SALE STATUTES SECTION 582032 IS LOCATED. Ram sey months from thed-te of sale. 14 2016) $113&5842 Jecodber2 21161111A DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TIME AND DATE TO VACATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Office, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED OF MORTGAGE $92,Q500 PROPEFTV. Unless said mortgage PROPEMY Lot 3, Blom: 2 Chvil Process Unit 25 W. 4th SreO PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO k re,nkt or he property NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Dopper Oaks Washington Gounry, Suite Gly t, S[YeuI,MN y H RESIDENTIAL OWEWNG BE DUEAS OF DATE OF NOTICE, redeemed- od unless the one ar FORECLOSURE SALE he debt then setae b OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID redempton 1k reduced by Khaal THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF STREET ADDRESS OF mid Mortgage, anc bxes if any, on ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN BVMORTGAGEE$GB85424 order you must vacate the pred,sek THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Pact EF(TV. 3157 COPPER OAKS dbbn dsek, ed[he costs and AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, That theoommenaement of bTUE`p m. on July 3, 201 ]. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE N S6lLS disbursements, lnaludmc ettomeys' ANBARE ABANDONED. pnorro BAIL w000euRY M eikmortgageered osure proceeding THE TIME ALLOWED BV TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT 3497 fes allowed by law kublect o Dated. Novedber1, 2016 M 0agageelAasignee of Mortgagee LAW FOR REDEMPTION HY AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY edam pton wUhn 6 Months from the U.S. Bank National Association, complied with ell notco required ants THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE IS L-IFY GIVEN, that IS LOCATED. Walhmgton Gounry, date of said sale bye the m oagagol(k) Assignee of Mortgagee no MORTGAGORS PERSONAL heir personal pasentatvek OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL k requiredby-be;n atdantec n deeuleekocoureclnee no-Rage TRANSACTION REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, ekmgnk ASSOCIATION or po dtheing has been ig,iWtec et MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE oMoagalowin M1deesibec.1ad,d gan IRa SAGTION AGENT Mad Ice DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. By Jonathan R LLskey, MidhaelV le henvise to recoveree debt o gagor: omen Glad, k, an e ronlc eg,ktra anSystems, Ino WEEKS IF AJUBIGIAL ORDER IS The date on or bene whidh the Sdhleismen cured by said mortgage, or any EN It, UN U, nmemed men NAME OF MORTGAGE the a ogorduk[vecate the propertyi Atom yk H MINNESOTA u f e for: p-rteeeof STATUTES, SECTION 582032, Mortgagee: Mortgage EleIXro ai ORIGINATOR. Rate,Ventthe mortgage is not readIec under U.S. Bank National Assodatan, PURSUANT to the power of sale eg,ktreon Systems,Inc es eve cpm en[ Inc e nneko eined 1n said the DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER DOed to, Home Loans LLC Go - Mlnnekop peay ledeeme 58030 Aasignee fth SPeO ee propea w THINGS, ILAI IH, MOFTGAGEO n rpomton or the property adeemed under SS,ast Fifa Stee[Suite 000 above the hbed m be e-ed. osne2oo] RGobankN SERVICER weak of b he Sheriff of laic count PREMISES ARE IMPROVED FId06 200/ Minnesof 201Wle6 section 58023 St Paul MN55101-1718 c yt yes en '/e Fargo bank NA allows. 017599 WITH - RESIHNTIAal UNITS Document Registrar of Titles TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION 1k June29, 201] S,Uua11 5G PS lithe 6512281/b OF LESS IRAN FIV, UNITS to date,ke S-Wrdey, Sunday 6'6122IS /S3'fC DATE AND TIME OF SALE Document Na 2009]54 Pgeinkt NUMBER 20.02021.120023 PLACEDecembe, OFS2 61010 AM ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Gertifimete of title Na S6YYS TRANSACTION AGENT'S or legal holiday, then the date to THIS IS A COMMUNICATION PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Offs dA 3GRIC,vCEAL N PRODUCTION, Assigned I Minnesof Housing MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION 11 e 1k the tie# business day et FROM AMEBTaCOLLECTOR. CMI P-oc- U t25 M. 4th St-el ABANDONED. Fna ce Agency NUMBER 10000)67/001222843 lS9 Pm. - S S. Paul IN SOFTGAGOR(S) RELEASED Jeted. /10200/ HH no eIX nor proceedng has MORTGAGORS) RELEASED 'Review Nov 9, 16 23, 30, Dec to pay the debt then secured by FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Filed10122200] been lnkttute,-t law to recover the FROM OBLIGATION ON 14 2016) laic Mort e e, end bxek, if any ON MORTGAGE None MOF(TGAGE NONE gg y,on Ramsey County Registrar of Titles debt remaininc secured bysudh end the costs and Bated. OIXober2], 2016 t N THE TIME ALLOWED BY 1, premises, carmen o 20'1'230 /Kge,nkt mortgage, or any pert thereof or if disbursements, labatin WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. J LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE g ettomeyK Mortgagee Cect-oarta of Title Na. SEaem the action or proceeding hes been MORTGAGOR, fees allowed by law sublet Transaction agent Mortgage lnkrwted, that the same hes been H, IH, FORECLOSURE SALE redempton within6M onekfrod the THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA NIX t d tht t MORTGAGORS PERSONAL aHeg,ktreton System k, Inc d,kcon,nue or aan A-]:o THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF date of keidkeleb hemorteo 6yblkl Kan-anAent M ortee lB No: n REPRESeENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS yt ggr(kJ, as F. Sdhil ler ,sq 9 99 upon eeudgt en[renderede earn MAY REDUCED TO THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE their personal represenetvek or NBKeb ngni Fondungallah, Esq 10002000039]246129 YHH H hes been reumed ankatkLed, 1n WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TO Lender o baker Home whole U,n pet TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Curt N. TrR.0 Esq ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA DATE TO VACATE PROPEFTV. Loans, LLG PURSUANT, to the power of sale AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. The date on or beere which the 'Sa^uel R. Coleman, Esq.' Servicer: U.S. Bank National ab eined 1n said mortgage the STATUTES SECTION b82112NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that moag Attome for Mort e ee H t tit d b I b DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER themogorduk[v-cateeepropertyif The- dem Professional Baldin ksoae,o ova exon e, property w, e THINGS THAT TH E M ORTGAGED of th, folobae re- the oo1gagek thedortgageisne, re:elmoed 510 Gr2b Noah aly Street g Mortgagen Originator: PHH Home solc by the SheriR of said county es PREMISES IMPROVED oMoagago, Jeffesaibe,dortgage: Minnesof SeWte' seIXion Sand St Paul, IN 55102 Loans LLG allows: WITH A RESIDENTIAL ED ELLING Mortgagor: Jeffery J. G0lonne, e or the property redeemed under ,x1)2039]60 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF URI, ANU IIM, OF SALE. OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, angle person Minnesof Statutes sec Rion 58023 (160Q0.FN1) PROPERTY. The North 100 feet of J-nu-rya, 201] at 10 A0 AM /Vi, NOT PROPEFTV USED IN Mortgagee: Mortgage Eledenlc 1kJune22201]et11uaa mS lit he THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lotl5ancthe North100eetofthe PLACE OF SALE Washington AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Registration Systems, Inc s o, legllk=lke Saturday, Sunday FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. West OnsH-If of Lot l6 Wohlend Gounry Sh AIDff Office WeGhin don DARE ABANDONED. om,nee ar Clk,e Sete bank as holiday, then the date to Dov 2 9 lb 23 30 Led -acs Rad key county, Mane- County Law Enarcoment Center J nD-ted. 0.12006 1k the next business day et (Review: N This 1k Registered Property 15015 Qnc Street North, Stillwater -ted. October26 Lalli Recorded. 0.42006 1159 Pm ,2016) IAY PARCEL NO'. M naso- Minnasote Housing Finance He Recorder M OFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED 233022340019 Agenry,Assigree of Mortgagee -key Gounry Mane- p-vtee debt men kecered by rr LAuv, PROFESSIONAL eocedent Na 3s4s�1e FROM OBLIGATION ON ADDRESS OF PROPERTY mortgage and to k, if any ASSOGI-TION Aasigned To: Oeuache Bank MORTGAGE. NONE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 2000 RISHAOFTHw ualy paid by the xmoagagee, one ukt Company, as lv dlee THE TIME ALLOWED BY FORECLOSURE SALE WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN55110 and the premises and the costs anc By Joneeen R LLskey, Mldheel V of nme IndyM ac INDX Mortgage Sahleikmen LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATIO dO COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY disbursements allowec by law. The Loan Trust 2006AR19, Mortgage THE MORTGAGOR THE THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE IS LOGATEB. Hemsey nme allowed by law for redempton Attomeysfor. Yekslhrough Gertifimete4 Se- REPRESENTATIVES Housinc Finenco MORTGAGORS PERSONAL ORIGINAL CREDITORWITHINTHE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT by laic mortgagor(s), mel~ personal 20066 AR19 under the Poolinc and REPRESENTATIVES OBY SIGNS TIME PRWIDED BV LAW IS NOT OF MORTGAGE $21300000 representatvek or assigns l s ex;6) �S,, n, Fifth Street Sult�e E00 Servag Agreement Dated June 1, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. AMOUNT DUE AN U CLAIMED TO months from the date of sal A S[ Paul, MN 551 AtSH8 006 WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE TIME AND DATE TO VACATE LB-ted'. 0.92011 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA defaul[hasoacurredatheconditons INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID PROPERTY Unless said mortgage �1�&1]53 (fax) Recorded. 051162011 STATUTES SECTION 602032 oftheellowing described mortgage: BY MORTGAGEE. $190,49253 re,nkt or he peperty THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Hemsey County Mecoaer DETERMINING AMONG OTHER MORTGAGORS)'. Joaquin He Th-[priortoeecommencomentof redeem Ad etod unless the nme for Doan-an0. 42]9415 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED La Torre anc Alma V De La Torre, thb- e earealo-e din redem ton 1k reduced b didal FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. TrankaIXion A ant Mort e e g g promee g p Y u 1Q0.41600781-1 g g g PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH hu 1& and wie Motgageel-Ignee of oagagee order you must vacate the premises ledn,c Meg,straton Systems Inc Review: Nov 9, 16 23, 30, Dec ], t A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING MORrG-GEE. weak Fargo Bank, com'de equ'Ad by klnotae Onoa an bTHE TIME on JALLODED 42o1s) 002267000 agent Mo�age ID No: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, NA k requiredby smwteen n Itaction THE TIME ALLOWED BY 100226]000000x214 ARE NOT PROPERTY USED N ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. orpemeedmghal been mkthe debt L FOR REDEMPTION or broker Gitzenk Sete AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, ORIGINAL Nona laks o, ke-ed bykaetorecovee the debt THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Bank der AND D.ed OABANBO 211 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT k cured by laic mortgage, or any MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Servicer: Oaven Loan Servicing, BetedCU M-er29201ti OF MORTGAGE $20300000 p-teereof REPRESENTATIVESREDUORASSI FIVE FORECLOSURE SALE ILL CU Mortgage S-1- f--99- DATE OF MORTGAGE. October PURSUANT to the power of sale MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF Mortgage Originator Gitzenk Sete Assignee Oi PROFESSIONAL 21 2004 eined 1n said mortgage, the W EEKS IF A JU DIGIAL ORDER IS THE DEBT AND IDENNTY OF THE Bank OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL U U PLACE OF FILING. e ed property w H MINNESOTA ORIG INAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ASSOCIATION ReoordecNon November l /, 2004 kold by tthe Sheriff of kat, county as STATUTES, UNDER 582032, TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT PROPERTY'. Lot 22 and 23, Blom: By Jonathan R LLskey, Midhael V -k Document Number 34]41061 n allows: DETERMINING AMONG OTHER AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. 2, Phillips Additon, Radkey Gounry, Sdhleisman he Office of the County Recorder of JAIK, AND lava, OF SALE THINGS, H, MORTGAGED NOTICE IS H,H,HY GIVEN, th Atomeyk to, Washington Gounry, Mane- Dewmber29, 20161000A PREMISES AM ARE IMPROVED defaulth-koc-e,ln the ondit- TabbAbstract Property GU Mortgage Servico4 Inc THE AMOUNT CIJIMED TO PLACE OF SALE. Sheriff s Office, WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLIN C of the allowinc described mortgage: TAX PARCEL NO'. Aasignee of M o1gagee , ON , MORTGAGE Civil Yrocoks Unit LS W. 4th Street OF LESS V, UNITS, Mortgagor: lid Giem Wanc2221 0 55 East Fifth Steet Suite 800 ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. Suite 150, St Paul, MN ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Suk-ne Moue, hdand enc wife Xe 3ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. St Paul, MN55101-1718 $180,55556 to pay the debt men secured by AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Mortgagee. Mortgage Eed-onia 5]5 Beaumont St -20-99 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF k Mortgage, an k, ifany, on H M,ABANDONED. lLIblIan SySed4aint Yaul,M 6512281]53 ;fax) PROPERTY Lot 1, Rod: 1, One d dtahe NUH IncIno. as NSSI H said premises, and the costs end MOM FINANCIAL RELEASED n ee for Bremer Benk, Netonel COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Forest 3rd Additon, Washington disbursements, including ubjed to FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Akkocl 141 ISLOCATEDRINCIP FROM ADE8T COLLECTOR. Gounry M,nnesoe eek abbed In le subject to Dated OGAGE. None ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT d'. 04/142011 8880 1 Re,eb 05831 STREET ADDRESS OF redempton wlebythonekfrodee Bated. ELLSr2 RGO BANK, Filmke, ]2011 OFMORT DU E AN 51,20000M 'Review. Nov 2, 9, 1623, 30, Dec PROPERTYCOTTA1JOPLINAVENUE date of kaidsale bep-enttgagor(o, WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. Ramsey Registrar of Titles AM OUNTHE OF AND CLAIM NOTICE TO 2016) SOUTH,COTTAGE GROVE, r personal reprekenetvek or GROUP U ti //ge,nkt H U, NG OFJAI,OFNOTICE, COUNTY assigns THEAGADEMV LAW GROUP, PA Gert gneoI UNo4. Bank N BY M DING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. By Kele Aasignec To: U.S. Benk Netonel $155 511 NOTICE CLOSUMORTGAGE M, LOCATE. Weknmg[on Gounry, or beere w nFonler,el hetoagagetheaoddenaedekag FOREC RECLOSURE SALE Mlnnekoe d, m oagagek-cateeepropertyif NBKoongni Fondun.-Ileh, Eel Bated.11320113 eikdoreeig ghee fprocoedlng THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF T '�GTI0 AGENT None the mortgage isnot reinstated under 'Curie) Triakoman Bled051132013MortpbdvIth all not of Mortgagee THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE NAM, OF MORTGAGERate-Sed, edeeme 50030 S-dueI-l-Mgage, Fad say County 2209784 of ltek coI-egn,dby k UUe th,U no ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE ORIGINATOR. Wells Fargo Benk, oreeproperty adeemed under Attomeyker Mortgagee Boament Na 2209]84 Against ek required by statute; met no eIXion TIME PROVIDED BV LAW IS NOT NA Minnesota SEAL ke,tan 58023 The Academy Proe-anal Building CeRficateof Title No 584591 or proceeding h-k been Hatutec et -HEREBY RESIDENTIAL SERVICER V4 ell Id June 29, 20 /-t 1159 Pm. if the 2N01h J-le Street bank-den Agent Mortgage le ohe-be orecover debt NOTICE IS GIVEN. That Fargo Bank, NA k foagoing datelk a S-Wrdey,Sund-y St Paul, MN55102 Eectronia Regiktaton Systems Inc scored by kaidtmortgage,thorany defaul[hakoaurredatheconditonk TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION or legal holiday, then the date to .1) 20197 Trenkaction Agen[M 1gage lB No: part eenof ofee allowing desaibec mortgage: NUMHEK to 1212111002/ vecae k the tie# bueneks day et (134061-FG03J 1000/33011 /269 4 PURSUANT to the power of kale SOFTGAGORS). Wade Swanson T�'SACTION AGENT'S 1159 Pm. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Lender or Broker-Bremer Benk, coHaned 1n said mortgage, the and Janelle J. Swanson, husband MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION MOF(TGAGORS) RELEASED FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. N.anal -o-an above described property will be and wife NUMB FROM OBLIGATION ON (Review. Nov. 916 23, 3U, Jea / Servicer: U.S. bank N-ton kolc bythe Sheriff of kae county -k MORTGAGEE. World Sevingk THAT no act on or procoeding hes MORTGAGE. NONE 14 2016) Assodeton - allows: Benk, FSB, nikla Wells Fargo been lnktiWtec et law to recoveree THE TIME ALLOWED BY M agage Originator: Bremer Bank, DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Benk NA Suaesvor by merger to debthen em-nmckeceredbysuah LAW FOR REDEMPTION HY N-ton- ksoaat on January S, 201 /, 1111M WeaM1ovieMortgege, FSBflkle World mortgage, or any part thereof or if THE MORTGAGOR THE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Offs co, Savings Bank, FSB the eIXion or proceeding has been MORTGAGORS PERSONAL FORECLOSURE SALE PROPERTY. Lot 39, B ad: 1, Civil Promeks Unit 25 W. 4th Street kamen RE PRESENTATIVESORASSIGNS, Johnston,k Subdivision of Hloa SuitelSO, St Yeul, IN ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. idkcountnduede orh met an ex n MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Number One, of Stnkon'k Division to pay the debt then seared by Assigned to. Nona aceto THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT upon 'etnHecandgment e bfieerein DEEKS ENIEKEFAJUBICIALDEER IS ORIGINAL CREDI BY LAW THE of NW la of Sect Kam Township kart Mortgage, andt- if eny,on OF MORTGAGE $]12,50000 ek been eu c unketsfied, n ,NINiE NU,M MINNESOTA TIME PR 8Y LAW IS NOT 29, Fang- L3, Hemsey Gounry, keit =meek, and the costs end DATE OF MOFTGAGE.November whole orin pan ST-TUTE6 USECTION 582032, AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. Mlnnekoe d,sbursemena, lndudrg-t _d PURSUANT, to the power of kale DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Tabb Registered Property eek allowed by law subject o 15, 2005 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, met mortgage the THINGS, IHHI I E MORTGAGEE IHX PARCEL NO'. redem It on with, n 6 M On_ Dom the BATE AND o PLACE OF FILING above n 68, deeefolobaerred ineemonditonk Recorded on Oecom bar lS, 2006 above desaibec property will be PREMISES ARE IMPROVER of the allowing desa,bed m ortgage: 362923.21003] date of keit kale byee mortgagor(kJ, ek Boament Number 35584801 kold by the Sheriff of said oounry-k WITH A RESIDENTIAL DW ELLING Mortgagor: Nicolas lbena,esingle ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. their personal representatvek or the Office of the Counry Recorder n follows: OF LESS IHAN FIV, UNITS, pMan 414 VAN BUM,N AV, -kegnk. Washington Gounry, MaMom BATE AND TIME OF SALE. ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN o ge ee F,rs[ Hekoente SAINTPAUL MN55103 DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY January 3, 201]et 10 A0 AM AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION rt g COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY The date on or beere which the THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO M agage Corporal on PLACE of SALE uv-knmgon /uvu-r;,nenNooNEB. ISLoc-TEE. n-dw doh-moagag, not plop DUE BE HE ON THE MORTGAGE B-ed. os122oo4 ON THE B-TE of THE NoncE.. Gounry shenffk foal w-Shenton B-ed. odober2], 21s He.aed»n2114 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL MOUNT 1f the doggage 1k not reek-ed $f540J]2] Count Lew Enfoeement Center Minnasote Housing Finance Ramsey County Recorder OF MORTGAGE $1. 75000 under Mane- Statutes ke,ton nd Street North, S011water Agenry,Assignee of Mortgagee AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMER TO 50030 or the property redeemed LEGAL DESCRIPTION of 1501 eocedI Na 380 x61 PROPERTY Lot S, Rod: 1 Mlan' PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Aas,gned lo. mer Sevingk Henk, BE DUE AS OF BATE OF NOTICE under Minnesota St -tuck keIXon W eggewooc Heigha S#h AddIan, to pay the debt then kecu,ec by ASSOCI-TION FSB INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID 510.231k Ju,5, 217 et 1159 pm. Washington Gounry, Mlnnesoe mortgage and I- if any by Jonathan H LLkkey, MahaelV BYMORTGAGEE$121-38 Bateed. 0122004 STREET ADDRESS OF uelN paid by the mortgagee, Sdhlelenan d nn2/22104 Thet priortothe.mmen,ementof Public Notices PROPERTY. 3553 CRESTMOOR ondee pre ,l anc the Klerk anc Atomeyker R-dkev cowry ReKrder elkdo,tgagefoedokue p^roceed,ng Continued on Page d,kburkedena-Mowed by l-w. the Mmneko- Houk,ng r,nw,e Mortgagee) dgnee of o1gagee Page 8 Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2016 Review PUN Ic Notices 33CB Mortgage Passthrough Mortgagee: Mortgage EleIXronic Assigned To: Praise Capial In, tees allowed by law subject to Natonal Assoc tin Continued (PORI Page/ Certifiwtas, Series 2005-33C8, Regibb,Dbn Systems, Ina o Dated: 101192016 rAd-pton within 6 MdUak,mae Servicer: U.S. Bank Netonel It the tore date ike Seturde Assignee of Mortgagee n,nU, for Novesar Mortgage, In. Re corded. 10272016 daleofkaidkalebyaemortga ko ), Aasooieton Sunday orolegal holiday, sena PFG LAW, PROFESSIONAL Dated: 12232004 Ramsey County Recorder their personal r,pre dU.v o M orG_ Originator: Bremer Bank, SUnd, a, 1t 1 nt,IhA , th- the ASSOCIATION bled: ovm2oo5 Doam Ant No .4.0.19 ak" r odd-Il Ass-don ItA day aI, I,d.m. By Jonaaan R Cuskey, Mb-I V Ramsey County Registrar of Titles Tran-on Agent NlA DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF .115GOF(SJ RELEASED Sohleikman Document No. 1%0073 AS-d Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: The date on or before wn. the PROPERTY: Lot 11, Blot: 0, FROM OBLIGATION ON AttO,n,, tor: Certificate of Title Nc'. 550014 NIA m ortgagor m'd vacate the property Thompson G-ove Estates 1st MORTGAGE: NONE The Bank of New Vork Mellon fka Assigned To: The Ink of New Vork Lender Broker: Superior if the mortgage ik not re eted Additon, Washington Gounry, THE TIME ALLOWED BY The Ink of New Volk as Trustee for Mellon fka The Benk of New Vork, Financing, Ino a nder Mlnnesoa Satutek sect on Mlnnesoa LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY the DALTC0f the CeRfioateholders as Sucoeksor Trustee for JPMorgan Servicer: Prairie CapiE, Ina 50030 or the property redeemed TUbb Abstract Property THE MORTGAGOR THE 2005330 Ina Ate, t, Loan Trus[ I— Benk, NA, as Trustee for Mortgage Originator: Superior under Mlnnesoa St" Becton TAX PARCEL NO'. MORTGAGORS PERSONAL C,,,f, ,, Mortgage I-through NOl9kar Mortgage Funding Trust, Financing, Ino 50023 k July 12201]atl15S p�m. 1]02]21410029 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Cert gnee ofS oek200533C,, Sedek20051 Novakar Home Equity LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF If the foregone date ik e Saturday, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. MAV BE REDUCED TO FAR Aamgnee of Mortgagee Loen Asa It ked Certificates PROPERTY: LOT Blod:3, Drake k Sunday or legal holiday, then the e6/OSHINTONAVE WEEKS IF AJUP CIAL ORDER IS a East BID Stee[ Sh e800 Series 20051 2nd Addition to the ,try of St Paul date to vacate ik the next business COTTAGE GROVE MN55016 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA S[Peul, MN 55101-1]10 De ted: 041192013 togetlher w,th all herediamen[k enc day at 1155 Pm. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY STATUTES SECTION NESOT582 032 1209]549 Filed 0.62013 appurtenances belonging thereto MORTGAGORS) RELEASED IS LOCATED: Washington DETERMINING AMONG OTHER /S3(f-) Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles (rte Property. FROM OBLIGATION ON ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DETER THAT THE MORTGAGED OTHER THIS �IS A COMMUNICATION Document No. 2200964 Against TTisisAb H-Property MORTGAGE NONE OF M ORTGAGE:$13750000 FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Certificate of Title No.: S 11 TAX PARCEL NO.'. THE TIME ALLOWED BY AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 1/83210013 Tra.1on Agent Mortgage 302922340024 LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, W LTH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING (Rev- Nov 1623, 30, Dec /, 14, Ele,bonic Reglkaton System s, Inc ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: THE MORTGAGOR, THE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, 212016) Tra.1on Agent Mortgage ID No: 20 SYCAMORE ST MORTGAGORS PERSONAL BY MORTGAGEE $1. 025. ARE NOT PROPEMY USED IN 1000.01.03.619]04 SAINT PAUL MN 55117 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Tat pdorto the oommenoement of AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Lender or Broker: Novaktar COUNTY IN WHICH PROPEMY MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE thbmo1[ eforedosureproceedinc ANDAD.ed ABANDON 201 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Mortgage, Inc, aVrginiaoorporaton IS LOCATED: Ramsey WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS MolgageelA Knee of Mortgagee D.ed DEUTSCHE Servicer: Oawen Loen Servicing, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA mmplbd,,th InGce,egU,emend DEUTSCHEBANK..TIv.A FORECLOSURE SALE LL, OF SOFTGAGE :$50, 00000 STATUTES SECTION 502032 as required by statute; that no Hbon TRUSTCOMPANMO Trustee THE DEBT AIGHT TOND VERIFICATIONHE Mortgage Originator. Novaktar AMOUNT DUEANDCIAIMEDTO DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER or proceeding has beenmktitutee at I., INDY NTRUST 2-GAGE THE DEBT ANDIDEMITV OF THE Mortgage, Ina, a Vrginiaoorporobn BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED law or otherwise to recover the debt LOANTRUST 20060819, ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID PREMISES ARE IMPROVED k ee by said mortgage, or any MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH TIME PRO✓IDED BY LAW IS NOT PROPERTY: Lotkl, 2, end 3, Blod: BY MOFTGAGEE$54,243. 75 WITH A RESIDENTIA DWELLING par[thenof CERTIFICATES Series 2006AR19, AFFECTED BY TH IS ACTION. 13, Hager k Subdivision of Lots 1, That p-b-tothe commencement of OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, PURSUANT to the power of sale Assignee of Mortgagee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 2 3 4 5, 6 ] 14, 15, 16 1], 10 thbmortgggeforedosurepro,eedmc ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN conained in said mortgage, the OFF LAW, PROFESSION AL deaul[hekooanedin thecondltlons of Weloot[k Additon to Cottage Molt eelAsklgnee of Mortgagee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, above dekod bed property will be ASSOCIATION ofaerollowine described mortgage: Homes togetlherwitlhvacatedalley complied w,th all notceregn-mens AND ARE ABANDONED sole by the Sheriff of said county ek By Jonathan R CL et', MidhaelV Mortgagor. Austin M Peterson, Subject to Rekel-Iton by Sate as required by ktetute;aetnoeaion Dated: November 14, 2016 follows: Sdhleikmen kYn9e of Mlnnesoa of ell Minerals end or procoeding hes been Udine, at TCF National Bank, successor DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Attomeykfor: Mortgagee: Mortgage bearonio Mineral Rights law or otherwise to recover the debt by merger toTCF Mortgage Jenuery 20, 2017 1000 AM DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL Regiktraton Systems es Subject to easements in avor of ke...ee by said mortgage, or any Corporation, Mortgagee PLACE OF SALE: Law Enforcement TRUST,OM PANV as Trustee for nomnee for Wintukt M oagage, a rte Gryof Seinl Peul forklopek, cuts par[theHXb PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL ,enter, IJUIJ Q Street N., INDVMAGINDX MORTGAGE LOAN division of,emng[on Benk end Trus[ encfillk akto said Lot l es dbdoked PURSUANT to the power of sale ASSOCIATION SOIlwater MN TRUST 2006AR19, MORTGAGE I NA in Book "S" of Piens page 23 enc in conained in said mortgage, the By. Jonathan R LLkkey, Midheel V to pay the debt then secured by PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES Dated: 04112014 Book Sof Piens of Dell in the office above describe, property will be Sdhleikman laic Mortgage, end axes if any, on serves 2o6AR1s, Asnignee of bled: osro12o14 of the Registrar of Deeds of Ram key Kole by the Sheriff of said county ak Ado, eyk0or. Karn premises, ane the - and Mortgagee J hington Registrar of Titles Gounry Mlnnesoa to owk: TGF odd-Il Ink kucoeksor disbursements, inducting donne, 55 East Fifth St-elSuite000 Document No, 1228016 Against Thi kis Registered Property DATE AND TIME OF SALE. by merger to TGF Mortgage fees allowec by law subject to St Paul, MN55101-1710 ,eRficateofTite NO.:]1236 TAX PARCEL NO Jenuery122017, 1000AM Corporaton, Mortgagee redemptbnwiain 6Mont l-om the Assignee To: Pingors Loen 242923410000 PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Office, 55 East Fifth Street Suite 000 date of Bab Ile bythe m olt oq(), 65122&1]53 j.) Se,,.ng, LLC. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Qvil Process Uni[ 2S W. 4th St-el St Paul, MN ­01 1/18 their personal repr nEUv or THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Dated: 0911512016 166 C-ge AveW Suite 150, St Paul, MN f51209]599 assigns FROM ADEBTCOLLECTOR Filed 09262016 Saint Paul, MN 55117 to pay the debt then secured by f51228 -1753 C-) DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY 17 25160.7241 JVakhington Gounry Registrar COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY laic Mortgage, end axes if any, on THIS IS A COMMUNICATION The date on or before vandh the 'Review: Nov 16 23, 30, Dec ], 14, of Titles Document Ne 1242030 IS LOCATED: Ramsey laic premises, enc the costs enc FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. mortgagor muk[vecate the property L1, 2016) PgeinIdonificatAgent eN0.:]1236 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT disbursements, indudinc donne, 17725 16,00661 1 if the mortgage ik not rein on _ Transection /gent Mortgage OF MORTGAGE $25700000 fees allowec by law kubjeIX o 'Review: Nov 23, GO, Dec /,14,21, under Mlnnesoa SaWtes section Eectrona RkM d,aton Systems Inc AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO redem peon within 6 Montl-om the 28 2016) 50030 or the property redeemed NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Trans ion Agent Mortgage ID No: BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE date of.,, Iebythemoft­oq(), under Minnes2a Satutek section FORECLOSURE SALE 1000312 Lender 00011 M3 /9Ab B k : W rut INCLUDING TAXES, F ANY PAID the personal reprekenatvek or S J ly' ' U : 9 pm. THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF Mortgage,edvk f, gton BVMOFTGAGEE: $1..,291 eksgnk STATE OF MINNESOTA If the f ggdete Surdey, THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFT HE Thet pr or totheco ncement of DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: S dy 1 g l holdy, then the ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Bank enc Trust Go,n of N d-11 Ihi km olt eforeolokure proceeding The date on or before vandh the COUNTY OF WASHINGTON date to vacate kthe nItb ­U­ THE LAW ISNOT Benk Mortgageei-gnee of Mortgagee mortgagor must vacate the property DISTRICT COURT day at 1159 Pm. Servicer Gamer FSB AFFECTED BYTHISACTION. Mortgage Originator. DUHud complierwithalln000erequirementk if the mortgage ik not r TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT MORTGAGORS) RELEASED N CH ICE IS HEREBY ,ISBN, that Mortgage, a divieon of Bemng[on as requiredbykatute; them-Poon under Mlnnesoa Satutek Ise, on CASETYPE: 14. FROM OBLIGATION ON deault has ocrgrred in the oonditonk or proceeding hes been instituted at 50030 or the property redeemer MORTGAGE: NONE orae following desxibeemortgage: Bank enc Trust Ge, N.A,eNetonal eon OTHER CIVIL/JUDICIAL or oaenwike to recover the debt under Mlnnesoa Satutek ke THE TIME ALLOWED BY Mortgagor FrankL IXuzaka Frank LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF scored by kale mortgage or any 58023 ik July12201/etll59 pm. FORECLOSURE LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Cruz end Marie M Gruz eke Marie PROPERTY: Lot 2 Blot: 3 Peh[hereof If the foregoing date ik e Saturday, Cese No.: 02-CV-1638]9 THE MORTGAGOR THE GUT husband end wife MUnekotak Eaktwoode 4th PURSUANT Ic the power of sale Sunday or legal holiday, then the Judge: Gregory G. Galley MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Mortgagee: Mortgage Elearoni' Addition, earordinc to the plat conained in said mortgage, the date to vacate ik the neva buenekk NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Registration Systems Ino es thereof on file end of record in the above described property will be deyet 1159 Pm. PURSUANTTO JUDGMENT MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE ee for America's W hole-le Offloeofthe RegiktrarofTkIkU,ne sold by the Sheriff of kale county as SO PH o" RELEASED FEDERALNATIONALMOFTGAGE W EEKS IF A J UD ILIAL ORDER IS Lender for Wekthn Goun Mlnnesoa follows: FROM OBLIGATION ON ASSOCIATION, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA g[a ry DATE AND TIME OF SALE MORTGAGE: NONE STATUTES SECTION 502032, Detect: Ad 0262 This ik RegiktPARProperty Pleintff, Recorded: 09262005 TAX PARCEL NO.: Jen ACE OF2017 SALE S eM THE TIME ALLOWED BY vs DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Wa Ugton County Recorder 1802921230050 PLACE OF SALE Sheriffs Gfico, LAW FOR REDEMPTION FTION BY JEFFERY S. GRUBER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED DocumentNo. 3541004 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Civil Process Uni[ 25 W. 4th St-elTHEMORTGAGOR, THE JOHN DOE end MARY ROE, PREMISES ARE IMPROVED Assigned To: The Benk of New 361'2 GENTRY ASE N Suite 150, St Paul, MN MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Defendants WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW EUJNC York Mellon fka The Ink of New OAK DALE, MN 55120 to pay the debt then secured by REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, York as Trustee for the Benefit of COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY said Mortgage, end axes, if any, on MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE on Jenuery 24, 201/ at 1000 AM, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN the Geaifioeteholders of,WALT Inc IS LOCATED: Da Ugton said premises, end the costs end WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ODER IS et the WekM1ing[on County Sheriffs AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Altematve Loan Trust 200533CB ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT disbursements, inducting atom, ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Office, Wekthi ngton Gounry Lew AND ARE ABANDONED. Mortgage Passthrough,eaificates OF SOFTGAGE :$1112500 fees allowed by law subject o STATUTES SECTION 502032 Enforcement ,enter, 1501 Qnd DDAFRovem berg, 2016 Series 200533„ AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO redempton within 6 Months from the DETERMINING AMONG OTHER Street North, Stillwater Mlnnesoa, to nnesob Housing Finance Dated: 09062011 BE UP AS OF DATE OF NOTICE dateofsaid-lle bythe mortgagOLD THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED the Washington County Sheriff Agenry,Assignee of Mortgagee Record ed: 09202011 INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID aeir personal reprekenatvek or PREMISES ARE IMPROVED will ke11 the reel property legally OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL W dnngton Gounry Recorder BV MORTGAGEE. $1]9,10649 ekegnk. WITH A RES IDENTIAL DW EUJNG describe, es: ASSOCIATION Document No. GeS48lS That he commencom ant of DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, Lot 19 Blot: 5, Pinetree Pond By Jonathan R,ukkey, MidhaelV prior to The date on or before which the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Sdhleb-n TrankaIXion Agent Mortgage thismolt eforedosure proceedinc 5th Atlditon, Washington Gounry, Elecoonlc ReQiktrati on Systems, nc M oagageelAsegnee of Mortgagee mortgagor must vacate the property AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Mlnnesoa Attorneys tor: TrankaIXion Agent Mortgage lO No: complied with ell notice requirements If the mortgage b not re aced AND ARE ABAN DONED. Property AtldrA s: ]934 Ivyk[one Mlnnesoa Housing Finance too 015]-000.5240]-0 srequirec by statute, that no action under Mlnnesoa Statutes lseIXion Dated: November15, 2016 avenue Goua S,,ottage Dove, MN Age ncy, Assignee of Mortgagee Lender or Broker: Americas or procoedmc hes been instituted et 50030 or the property redeemed Prairie Cepitel, Inc.,Assignee of 55016 55 Eek[ Fifth Stree[ Suite 000 Joh Lend h ke to recover the debt d M a St n Mortgagee T D: 0902721440049 St Paul, MNS6101-1/18 S Shellp M 9 9 d b aid mort e e, r 50023 J ly 201] 1159 Pm. OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL h hgh Idrid by ucton X1209]599 S g p aa h Y 9 9 o any f h f 9 de S d Y ASSOCIATION p h F d 9 f Fect X122. 1]53'axJ Mortgage Ong et r: Amer ca k PURSUHaneANeofT to the power of sale Sunday or legal horday, Ihen the By Jonathan R Gukkey, Moheel V Gonolus ons of L O d r for THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Dhole-lle Lender mortgage, the d erste ikthe ne#bussass Sdhl Judgment dJg9 d FROMADEBT COLLECTOR. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF b de-be, heBlock 2 will be day 1159pm. A yst : h b d n 1Q0R 1600.51-1 PROPERTY LCRggewod Addton, Dadngbn� koldby the Sherff of ked county as FROM MORTGAGORS)OLIGATON��ON M gageED PMZ s pal, Ina, Akegnee of N 6 4, 2016 sty he 2016 Jen 4, 201, Dec /, 14, 21, 28, Gounry, Mlnnesoa follows MORTGAGE: NONE 55 East Fifth St-el Suite 000 tuggmennt en ec for Pla Uff in Thi kis Abstract Property DATE AND TIME OF GALE: TME TIME ALLOWED BY St Paul, MN 56101-1 /le me and nthe co oo88aic kale6 January 6201L1 La E LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY .12017599 TAX PARCEL NO. entet lbUlb Law Enforcement Act Cod copy of rte Findings of NOTICE OFMORTGAGE 2202]212200]1 S0 THE MORTGAGOR THE HIS I-1753 ;fC Judgment entadJu Judgment H­ Order for Center 1 15 R'nd Street N. FORECLOSURE SALE ADDRESSOR PROPERTY: Stillwater MN MORTGAGORS PERSONAL THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Juggment end JuggmentnCbeen THE RIGHT TO DEBT IDENTCATIONOF 9019Jekmin MN our REPRESEN DEDUCED ASSIGNS, FROM ADEBT COLLECTOR. deliverer to the Wekhin County to pay the debt sen ke ec by MAV BE REDUCED TO FIVE 1]246164034]2 �°n y THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Cottage Dove HI 55016 said Mortgage, enc axes, if en1 on Shenff. ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY said premises, enc the costs enc WEEKS D A JUDICIAL ORDER IS (Review'. Nov L3, 30, Dec /, l4, Ll, The redem pton pedoe Dom the TIME PROVIDED IS LAW N. NOT ISLIGINAL: Washington disbursements, y law--ject yto ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA 28 2016) sale will be ex (6)m on es Dom the AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. ORIGINAL GE 2560 AMOUNT fees allowed n law subject STATUTES SECTION 502032 date of confirm eal p of the sale be NOTICE IS HEREBY GLEN, that OF MORTGAGE'. $256,00000 ° DETERMINING AMONG OTHER the Court The reel be AND CLAIMED redempton within th nbl agm theINGS property mus[ ofthebOaufhasoagrredibed oolgagek ABE ODUNT DUE DIE OF NOTICE date of kaidkalebyaemortgegor(kJ, PREMISESHATAM MORTGAGED NOTICELO MORTGAGE acateddem J9Pmonaelest day ofthe a-dCeSullIn an INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID aeir personal reprekenatvek or WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING FORECLOSURE SALE oTaA redTlMEIon ALLOWED BV od Mortgagor Wdherd G. 6ullivan end BY M OR(TGAGEE.$369, 92041 assigns OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Barbara S. Sullivan, hukbane and That he commencement of DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN THE DEBT AND IDORWITIEWITY OF THE THE MORTGAGOR, THE wife no, The date on or before 1 0 ae AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION ORIGINAL CREDITORWIT Mortgagee: Firs[pluk Finendel, Inc aikmortgagefored osure proceeding m [rtgago0 muktvaoete the property ANDAUTFURAT PR TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT MORTGAGORS PERSONAL Dated: 091151148 Mortgegeei-Knee of Mortgagee if he mortgage ik not rein AFFECTED BV THIS ACTIO N. REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Filed: 022011499 compliedwilhall noce,equiremen[k under M on San_ kectIon Dated: November32016 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, sett MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE Ramsey County Registrar of Titles k required by statute; that no action The Benk of New Vork Mellon, WEEKS IFA JUDICIAL ORDER IS 50030 or the property redeemer deaulthekocrgrred in the conditonk Document No. 1523344 Against or proceeding has been institute'atebt on i/k/a The Bank of Newyork ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA under Mlnnesoa Satutek ke int._ of the following described m olgage. Certificate of Title 10.:2 to ke-ed kdtm agaeaedny y8023 ik July6201/etll59p�m. JPMosrgancCha. Bank, N.A'a. M lgag,n Loreto Vllegak Ramirez, STATUTHE ES SECTION EAMONG 582032OTHEAsvigned To: Provident Bank If the Pat the- 681 gg or any Sunday orgUg olegeldholidey,, San'hen the Th to NoveSter Mortgage aMOlrtgegee�on TGF Mortgage TH IN ON THAT THE MORTGAGED Eileec 00h03120044 PURSUANT to the power of kale date to vacate ik the ne# business Funding Trust, Series 2005-1, Corpora on PREM ISES ARE IMPROVED Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles eined in said mortgage, the day at 1159 p. m. No-Sbr H oma Equity Loen Dated: 121122003 WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING Document No. 1.2 50 Against ab=ed property will be MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Asset-Backed Certificates, Series Recorded: 001112004 OF LESS THAN FIVE UNIT$ Certificate of Tale No.:29/ // ole by the Sheriff of kat r county as FROM OBLIGATION ON 2005-1, Assignee of Mortgagee Ramsey Gounry Recorder ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Assigned To: US Bank Netonel follows: PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL ARE NOT PRODUCTION k tr kte MORTGAGE. HONE Doament No 3].1.71 Assooiaton a e rnr the DATE AAD TIME of sALE. AssoanTIOm ANDAREAGAADONED THE TIME ALLOWED By B:Jonathan R Cu e MkFaelV Transaction Agent NlA G-BASS Mortgage Loen Asset- JPLACEOF01] 1000 AM LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY Sdyhleisman k y� Transaction Agent M agage ID No: WAS COUNTY Bade' Certifi dates Series 2006 PLAGEOFSALE: Lew Enforcement THE MORTGAGOR, THE NIA SHERIFF'S OFFICE SL1, withoutreoourse ,enter, 15015 62ne Street N., MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL Atone for: Lender or Broker: TCF Mortgage Dated: Novemberl/,2016 Dated: 04252006 Stillwater MN The,ank of New Vork Mellon, Gkla t 8:/ s/ Rebecca EneIM43 I, pay the debt then secured by REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, The Bank of New Vork as kucoeksor Corpora Y 9De Ut Filer 0.51161200] air Mortgage, and axes if any, on MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE in ares o JPMorgan I— Service' Isen Loan Servidng, Dated: NovemberlJ, 211ti p Y Ramsey Gounry Registrar of Titles k WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS B I I LL, Document No. 2005001 Against is premises, end the costs end ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ,enk,NA ek Trustee for NoveSter Mortgage Odginetor: TGF M o,age THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, P.A. Certificate of Title N0G,001 T/ disbursements, inducting ettomeyK STATUTE SECTION 5.2032 Mortgage Funding Trust, Series Corporation 8t': /s/Cu,t Trisko Transaction Agent. 2 fees allowed by law subject o DETERMINING, AMONC OTHER 20 asked CHome Equity Loen LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Curt N. To-(0-53) Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: redempton within 6 M onths hom the THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED Asset-,coked Gertificatek, Sedek PROPERTY: Lots 11 end l2 Block Attorneys b' Plai as NIA date of said kale by the mortgagor(kJESI N.0051, Assignee of Mortgagee Federal Na4onal Morgage PREMISES ARE IMPROID WITH L ]Dawson-kAddaion to S[Peul enc Lender or Broker F,dlplus their personal reprekenatvek o 56 Eea Fifth Stree[ Suite.00FeO Association o r A RLESS TAL ED the et that .ue to To 1 Blocka-ton bnandel m ekegnk. OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS,PzuI, MN 55101-1 ]1. Street that easued to Lot ll, Block The Reactant' Professional Servicer: Oawen Loan Servicing, DATE To v0,ATE PROPERTY 1- /eav y ea nto ewlam ARE NOT THAN USED w ] b of g LLc The date on or before which the -1-2&1]53'faxJ 25 North Dele Street mortgagor must vacate the property AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION This ikAbk'tract Property St. Paul, MN 55102 Mortgage Odginetor: Firs[pluk AND ARE ABANDONED TAX PARCEL NO Finendal, Ino if the mortgage ik not ,ted Dated: November 9, 2016 FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. 0]2822240161 Telephof6i 1) 2099]92 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF under Mlnnesoa San-lkedhon Pingo. Loan Servicing, LLC, :Resew725 Nov006. 6 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY curt Oth.cademylawgroup.com PROPERTY: The East /S feet of 5.030 or the property redeemed Assignee of Mortgagee Review: Nov 16 23, 30, Dea ], 14, 2511253 George S[ (160351-LIT03) Lotk 3 and 4, Block 19 Fl-k under Mlnnesoa Satute' keddon OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL '2016) Saint Paul, MN5510] "Review: Nov 30 Dec ], 14, 21, 2., Como Perk Addition, Ramsey 5.0.23 ik July 6201] at 1159 pm. ASSOCIATION ,OU NTV IN WHICH PROPERTY 2016 Jan4, 201]) county, Mlnnesoa. If the toregoing date b a Saturday,By Jonathan R Gusset', Michael V IS LOCATED: Ramsey TUb b Registered Property Sunday or legal holiday, then the Schlei'man NOTICE OF MORTGAGE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TAX PARCEL NO'. date to vacate k the neva bu Un Atomeys tor: FORECLOSURE SALE OF MOR(TGAGE:$373,45000 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE 22923320»1 day at 1159 P m. Pingors Loen Servicing, LLC, THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF AMOUNT DUEAND GIAIMEO TO FORECLOSURE SALE 7ADDRESS OF PROPERTY'. M OFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASED Asegnee of M olgagee THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF 14Q Frankkon Ave FROM OBLIGATION ON 55 East Fifth Stree[ SHIA 800 ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID THE DEBTAND IDENTITY OFTHE Saint Paul, MN 56108 MORTGAGE TIME A St Paul MN ­01 1/18 TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT BY MORTGAGEE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY THE TIME ALLOWED BY 81209]549 AFFECTEDBYTHISACTION. Thatpdortothecommencementof TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT IS LOCATED: Ram key LAW FOR REDEMPTION By gl-211]53 (fax) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that thb-gageforedokureproceedmr AFFECTEDBYTHIS ACTION. ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT THE MORTGAGOR THE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION default has ocouned in the conditions Molgagee-Knee of Mortgagee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, sett OF MOFTGAGE:$61,50000 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL FROMA DEBT COLLECTOR. ofthefollowing describe, mortgage. complied with all notce requirements deaul[hak ocounee in Cho ndito AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO REPRESENTATIVESREDUCED ED ASSIGNS, 14] 1600.151 Mortgagor: CDBK Development asrequiredbyktatute; aatnoaaion of the following dekodbed mortgage: BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, MAY I REDUCED TO FIVE (Review: Nov l 623, 11 Bed /, 14, LLGaL,mitedbability Company or proceeding has been institute, at Mortgagor: DeeaM KindeandJohn INCLU DING TAXES, IF ANY PAID JVEEKS IF AJUDI,IAL ORDER IS 212016) Mortgagee: Superior Phan— Ina law or otherwise to recover the debt A Kinde, wife 3 husband BY MOR(TGAGEE.$71,25342 ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Dated: 011122016 keouree by said mortgage, or any Mortgagee: Bremer Bank, Natonal That pdorto the oommenoement of STATUTES SECTION 582032 Recorded: 011132016 part thereof Aasodeton alk m olgageforedokureproceedine DETERMINING AMONG OTHER NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Ramsey Gounry Recorder PURSUANT to the power of kale petted: 0.523200. M, age of Mortgagee THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGED Document No. 004591464 conained in said mortgage, the Dated 0523ed 01X com plied with all notco requirements PREMISES ARE IMPROVEDDDELLITH FORECLOSURE SALE Asegned To: Pr bCapial, Inc above describe, property will be Wadhn County Recorder akrequiredbyktatute; Ihatnoacton A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING THERIGHTTDIDENICATIONOF Dated: 011122016 kolgb he Sheriff of said ooun[ gtN y din hes been nktitutee at OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, THE DEBT ANDIDEMITV OFTHE Y[ yak Documen[No.3M Use law o, oe g ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Recorded: 03 County follows Asegnec To: Mlnnesoa Houeng Ie,u,e, y ka, to molgagethe debt AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT Remkey County Recorder DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Finance Agency securer by said mortgage, or any AND ARE ABANDONED. AFFECTED BYTHIS ACTION. Document No. 00459]1. Janua,12 2017 1000 AM Dated: 0523200. part thereof Dated: Aovem bare 21s AoncE Is HEREBY GIVER, that Akkigned To: Eagle community PLACE of SALE. shedffk office, Reoomed: mrol2ooe PURSUANT ro the power of kale The Bank of New York Mellon beault ak ooHEREin GIVEN tons Bank, a Mlnnesoa banking Civil Procoks Uni[ 25 W. 4th St-el Aa ngton County Recorder conained in said mortgage, the fka The Bank of New Yorkas ofthefollowing described mortgage: do, Abon Suite150,a Paul, MN Doament No 3]09.0 above dekodbed property will be Trusteeforihe Bereftl oithe Mortgagor PheTheoencMel Veng, Dated: 011122016 to pay the debt then secured by Transaction Agent NS, kolg bythe Sheriff of said county as hukbangendwife, end Oouedhee Recorded: 03012016 is Mortgage, endaxe4 if any, on Transaction AgenlMortgege lO No: eertifiwtehamers .,WALT Ramkev county Re.-de, kam premises ane the � On NIA Public Notices Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 2005- king, a kingleperson Document No. 004597161 disbursements, indudinc atomel Lender or Broker: Bremer Bank, Continued oil Paget' Review Wednesday, Dec .7,2016 Page 9 Public Notices ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Mortgagor: William H Kirkland, a STREET ADDRESS OF eR-ly paic by the mortgagee under Mmne.a GEUD- section STATUTES, SECTION 182132 angle person PROPERTY: 3l 81 COPPER OAKS on the premises end the ooktk end 1023ik Mayl/,201/eol159p m. Conunued from Page 8 DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER Mortgagee: Mortgage PIT WOODBURV IN 55125 disbd- In, COUNTY IN AHICH PROPERTY to Aursements ellowecby l a The IfeDA foregoing date ike SeWrday, then the Dr- PREM IS STH NGS HAT THE ARE M IMPROVED as nomnn- fn Lak e An- Mortgage ISS LOCATED A-ag-C-A, by -mortg qo )ftheir pe---ll date to vacate es the -buda- DATE AND TIME OF SALE: WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING e Division of Lake An- Banka Minnekoa rep-nto- or aksignkik ex;6) dayat 1159 Pm. Jan-A-9, 2017, 1000 AM OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, .rporaoion TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage months from the date of sale MORTGAGORS) RELEASED PLACE OF SALE: Shear Office, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Dated: 051192010 Electronic Regiktraan Systems, Ina TIME AND DATE TO VACATE FROM OBLIGATION ON Qvil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Stree[ AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, Filed: 000412010 NAME OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: Unless keit mortgage MORTGAGE: NONE Suite 150, St Paul, IN ANDAREABANDON ED Ramsey Registrar of Titles ORIGINATOR: Voyager Bank, e r the property THE TIME ALLOWED BY to pay the debt then keourec by MORTGAGORS) RELEASED Document No. 2l 66/6 A,U,D Mone-ag.Tonoon redeemedetor unless the time for LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY said Mortgage andaxek if any, on FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Ceft-Rof Title No: 501556 RESIDENTIAL SERVICER. redemption ik reduoec by had al THE MORTGAGOR, THE said premises en c the. c ON MORTGAGE: None Assigned To: U.S. Bank National Seoeruk, In order you must veoeoethepremises MORTGAGORS PERSONAL disbursements, indudmc atl hn- Dated: Deo em ber 1, 20 Assk.an TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION byll59pm. on May22201/. REPRESENTATIVESOR ASSIGNS, fees ellowec by law rude, to WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. De ted: 091102014 NUMBER: 20 111 21 120016 THE TIME ALLOWED BY MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE redempoonwithin 6MdUhsfrom the Mortgagee F,lec09262014 TRANSACTION AGENTS LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY W EEKS IF A JU DIC AL ORDER IS doeofsaicsalebythemoitgag01D THEACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA Ramsey County Registrar of Titles MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION THE MORTGAGOR THE ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA their personal represe-t- or By lkl Document No 702513]91 Ag-a NUMBER: 1000309000054067/9 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL STATUTES SECTION 502032, assigns Rebeaa F S,n1ler Esq Certificate of Titl e Ne se 1556 THAT or proceeding has REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS DETERMINING AMONG OTHER DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: N. KID ngni Fondungalleh, Esq Transaction Agent Mortgage been inktiWtec et law to reooverthe MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED The date on or before which the 'Curt N.Trisko,Esq.' Electronic RegianUan Syktemk,Ina debt then re-onc secured by such W EEKS IF A J UP CIAL ORDER IS PREMISES AlE IMPROVED mortgagormusdvaoatethepropel, SamueIR Coleman, Esq Transaction Agent Mortgage ID No: mortgage or any pert thereof or if ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA WITH A RE Sl DENTIAL DWELLING if the mortgage ik not rein Ad eyk for M ortgagee 00/118 U3/62U the acban or proceedinc hes been STATUTES, SECTION 182132 OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, under Mane.a Soon- 'en The Academy Professional Building Tender0 or00Broker. Lake An- adhouted, that the same hes been DETERMINING AMONG OTHER ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN 50030 or the property redeedmitic 25 North Del, Street Mortgage, a Division of Lake An- dsoononued, or that an ex n THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, under Minnesota StIntes Becton a Paul, MN11102 Bank upon the judgment Hnderec the-ien PREMISES ARE IMPROVED AND ARE ABANDONED. 50023 ik July 19, 20-t 1159p m. (621)2099]62 Servicer: U.S Bank National hes me been s c unkaosfied, in WI THA RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Dated: September21, 2016 If the foregoing date ike S--'S--'161053-FLD1) Assk.an whole orin pertOF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, U.S. Bank Netiorel Association, Sunday or legal holiday, then the THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Mortgage Originator: Lake An- PURSUANT, to the power of sale ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Assignee of Mortgagee date Ic vaoaoe ik the rte# business FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Mortgage, a Division of Lake An- -E,ne, morage tg, the AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL day at 1159 on 'Review: Led ], 14, 21, 20, 2016 Bank abovedescribed property will be ANDAREABANDONED. ASSOCIATION M ORTGAGOF(SI RELEASED Jan 4, ll, 2017) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF sold by the Sheriff of said aunty as MOFJonathan (TGAGORS) RELEASED By R Cueey, Michael V FROM OBLIGATION ON PROPERTY: The Westerly 14 feet follows: FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Sdhleisman MORTGAGE: NONE of Lot 3, Blod: 3, andemann'k DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ON MORTGAGE: None Atomeyk tor: THE TIME ALLOWED BY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Subdivision of Lots 9 0, January 24, 201/et 1000 AM Dated: September 29, 2016 U.S Bank National Ass-an, LAW FOR REDEMPTION By FORECLOSURE SALE Hyde Perk Addition Lot 4n Brook PLACE OF SALE: Washington WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Assignee of Mortgagee THE MORTGAGOR, THE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF 3, Lindemenn'k Subdivision of County Sheriffs Office, Washington Mortgagee 55 East Fifth Stree[Suioe 000 MORTGAGORS PERSONAL THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE Lots9end l0, Hyde Park Addition, County Lew Enforcement Center, THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP, PA St Paul, IN 11101-1/18 REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS , ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE except the Westerly l 5 feet thereof 1501562nd Street North, Sth,soer, By: Ikl 6212o97549 MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT Ramsey Count, Mone.a Minnekoa Rebe-F Schiller Esq 621220-1753 (fax) WEEKS IF AJU DIC AL ORDER IS Tab b Registered Property to pay the debt then keec by N. Kibongni Fondungalleh, Esq. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. TAX PARCEL NO'. said mortgage end tax a any 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. STATUTES SECTION 502032 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That 35 2923320041 dually paid by the mortgagee, Samuel R G0 an, Esq 1]90&16006131 DETERMINING AMONG OTHER deaultheko.unecinthe.ndioonk ADDRESS OF PROPERTY. on the premises enc thesis end Atomeyk for Mortgagee (Review: Sept Le, Got 1, 1219, 26 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED of the followinc desonbec mortgage: 1040 FULLER AVE disbursements allowed by law. The The Academy Professional Buildmc Nov 2, 2016) PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH MOFTGAGOR(S): William A SAINT PAUL MN 55104 time allowed by law for redemption 25 North -e Street NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT A RESIDENTIAL DW EUJNG Conrad, e single person COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY by said mortgagor(kJ, their personal S[ Peul, MN SSl02 OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS MORTGAGEE: Mortgage EleIXronio IS LOCATED: Ram key represenaovek or assigns ik six (6J ;621)2099]62 OF MORTGAGE ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN RegibHoon Systems Ina e ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT mond-an, thedaoe ofae '651)20FN1J FORECLOSURE SALE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Delaware oorporaoon as nominee OF MORTGAGE :$13813900 TIME AND DATE TO VACATE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het ANDAREABANDONED for Rushmore Loan Management AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO PROPERTY: Unless said mortgage FROM DEBT COLLECTOR. the above Mortgage Foredokure Dated: November222016 services MEN IN DUEAS NGOF DATE OF NOTICE rems'I d or the property :Review: Oct 5, 12 19, 26 Nov 2 Sale Ik hereby postponed to U.S.Bank Nati-Associetwo' ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY PAID redeemed, o unless the time for 92016) December 22, 2016 at 1000 AM, -T-_ s Trustee for the C-BASS Assigned t Rushmore Loen BY MORTGAGEE $140 redemption ik reduced by judical NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT Sheriffs Office, Civil Process Unit Mortgage Loen Asset-flecked Management Services LLC by Thet prioroo the oommenoement of order you must vacate the premises 25 W. 4th Stree[ Suite 150, St Paul, Certificates,Series2oo135Lt, assignment recorded on August 16 thikmorce eforedosure dint b on Jul OF MORTGAGE MNin -County end Sate e01- Documeolnumber4079182 g pf e yl-pm. v24,2201/ OFF LAW, A.h9nP-SIGNAL in the Office ofth, County Recorder M�or(gageelAasignee of Mo gagee THE TIME ALLOWED BY NO FORECLOSURE TICE IS EREB SAGE EN, DU.5.8 nk Neti relAssocietion, of Weshn Count Mon-E, no with al l n oo.regn-enls LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY ASSOCIATION gt°n , k required bystatute; that no action THE MORTGAGOR, THE that the mortgage foreclosure sale Assignee of Mortgagee By JonethenR Guskey, MioheelV ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT or proceeding hes been inktiWtec et MORTGAGORS PERSONAL referred to in the foregoing Notice of PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL Schleie,t OFMORTGAGEOFM MORTGAGE Sept0 00 Iaworotherwise to recover the debt REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS Mortgage Foredo-Sal, has been ASSOCIATION Attorneys for: DATE OF MORTGAGE: September saourec by said mortgage or any MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE postponed to: By Jonathan R Cueey, Mah-IV U.S Bank National Ass-an, as 27 2013 thereof WEEKS IF AJUDICIAL ORDER IS DATE AND TIME OF SALE: Sdhleismen Trustee for the C BASS Mortgage DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. pPURSUANT to the power of sale ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA January 17 2017.1000 AM Atomeyk tor: Loen AsseEBed:ec Certificates I .-de, on October 11, 2013 as mnained in said mortgage, the STATUTES, SECTION 182132 PLACE OF SALE: Washington U.S Bank National Also-an, Series 2006SL1, Assignee of Document Number 396717 in the above described property will be DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER County Sheriffs Office, Washington Assigneeof Mortgagee Mort e ee Office of the Gounry Recorder of Goun[ Lew Enforcement Genoer 55 East Fifth Stree[ Suite 000 99 solc by the Sheriff of said munry as TH INGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED y 55 East Ffth Stree[ Suite 000 Washington Gounry, Minne.a follows: PREMISES ARE IMPROVED 1501562nc Street North, Sth-et St Paul, IN 55101 -1711 St Paul, IN 55101 -1710 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO DATE AND TIME OF SALE: WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Man e.a 6212097549 62120&]549 BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE Jenuery 26201 ], 1000 AM OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS TIME AND DATE TO VACATE 17. 16006191 621-20_1753 (far) ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE'. PLACE OF SALE: Sheriffs Offs m, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN PROPERTY: Unless laic mortgage (Review: Nov 23, 2016) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION $12656i.21 Civil Process Unit 25 W. 4th Street AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, reinkt or the property NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Suite150, a Paul, IN AN DAREABANDONED, redeemedetor unless the time for 17/2516006 1 PROPERTY: North 170 feet of Lot to pay the debt then secured by MORTGAGORS RELEASED redemption ik reduoec by judicial OF MORTGAGE (Review: Nov 30 Dea/,14,21,20 6, Blot: 1, Glenmer, Wekhing[on keit Mortgage, end nixes, if any on FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION order you must vaoeoe the premises FORECLOSURE SALE 2016 Jen. 4, 2017Gounry, Minnekoa e ices en ktk en 6 1159 on Jul 127 201]. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, [het 7 Ic prem c the . c ON MORTGAGE None v Pm. Y STREET ADDRESS OF s Dated: November23, 2016 the above Mortgage Foredokure dienme-tic inandmgubjed to Dated: LNATIer3q`ole PROPERTY. ]0.5 STILLWATER RD, fees ellowec by law subject o FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. Sale 2 hereby post 1 A to Jenuery COUNT IN MNSSll1 Mortgagee Lb 2- e 1000 AM, Sheriffs NOTICE LO MORTGAGE COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY redemption within themoa o the ASSOCIATION Office Civil PA- Unit 25 W. 4th FORECLOSURE SALE date of kaickalebythemortgagor(kJ, Mortgagee TH1-ebe MV LAW Ile[ E, PA THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF IS LOCATED: Washington Count, Weir personal representatives or THE ACADEMY LAW GROUP,PA By lkl Rebe.eF Schiller Esq Street Suite 150 St Paul, MN in M inne I` N. Kibon Fon dun II h, Es said County end Sato OREGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE TRANSACTION AGENT Mortgage aDATESTO VACATE PROPERTY: Rebeaa F. Schiller Esq Curt N.Tr siko'Esgg'aa q Dated: De.mber1, 2016 TIME PRWIDED 8V LAW IS NOT EleIXronio Registration Systems, Inc The date on or before which the N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq. Samuel R Coleman, Esq U.S. Bank Netiorel Association, NAME OF MORTGAGE TheAcadem Professional Buildmc Assigneeoi Mortgagee AFFECTED BV THIS ACTION. ORIGINATOR Rushmore Loan naagagor mus[ vacate the property 'Curi N.Trisko, Esq.' y OFF LAW, PROFESSIONAL NOT CE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That if he mortgage Ik not reins atec Samuel R Coleman, Esq. 25 North Dale Street M enSIDENTI L `vldA LLG echo St Paul, MN55102 ASSOCIATION deaulthekooaned in the.ndioonk RESIDENTIAL SERVICER under Kate- SaWtek s Attorneys for Mortgagee By Jonathan R Cuske MahaelV of the following described m o1gage t .030 or he property redeemed The Academy Professional Building 621)1 at) y MOFTGAGOF(SJ: Peace q Rushmore Loan Management d '1 g1417FCg1) Sdhleismen Ser_ LLG under Kate- Stou- keIon 21 North Dale Street 'Review: Dec], 2016) Attorneys for: Camey, a tingle person TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION 50023 ikJay262017 t1159 Pm. St Paul, IN 55102 U.S Bank National Aasoceoon, MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic If the foregoing date ik e SeWrday, (621)20997W Regiktraoon Systems, NUM BER: 2903021420020 Assignee of M SLID ee a TRANSACTION AGENTS Sunday or legal holiday, then the T IS IS 1J 55 East Fifth Stree[ Suite 000 Delaware corporation, as nominee MOF(TGAGE IDENTIFICATION date to vacate is the next business THIS IS A COMMUNICATION NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SI Paul, MN 11101-1 /18 for Voyager Bank, a Minnekoa NUMBER: 1009.413112336. 7 day at 1159 Pm. FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 20 FORECLOSURE SALE 62120&]549 bankinc.rpoAban THAT no action or pro.edmc hes MORTGAGORS) RELEASED (Ravi ew: Dec /, 14, 21, 28, THE RIGHT TOVERIFICATION OF 1- 20975 9 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. been inkoWtAd at law to recover the FROM OBLIGATION ON Jan 4, 11, 2017) 6 THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE (Review: Dec /, 2016) Assign ec to: WellsFargo Bank, NA debothenremainag kecurec by such MORTGAGE: NONE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WIT HINTHE by assignment recorded on January mortgage, or any paa thereof or if THE TIME ALLOWED BY TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT 24 2012 as Document Number the action or cmc hes been LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE AFFECTED BVTHIS ACTION. pro.e THE MORTGAGOR THE AMENDMENT TO 30]1014 in the Office of the County thktiwoed, that the kame hes been FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Recorder of Washington Count, discontinued, or that an exeouta MORTGAGORS PERSONAL THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF defaalIhekoaurredathemndioons ASSUMED NAME Manesoa upon[ elu gt ant ren ere n REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS of thefollowin desxibecmorea e: STATE OF MINNESOTA h d d d therein THE DEBT AND IDEMITV OFTHE g 9 9 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT hes been re IH unkaoisfied, MAV BE REDUCED R FIVE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE Mortgagor: Kong Yang, a maned MinnesMa Statutes Chapter 333: OF MORTGAGE :$111,00000 n WEEKS IF AJUDIGIAL ORDER IS en 1. Lith the exact aksumed name whole orinpart. TIME WEBBED IS LAW ISNOT m DATE OF MORTGAGE: December powero ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA Morte ee: Mortee EleIXrenic under which thebukinekkikor will be PURSUANT, to the f kale AFFECTED BVTHISAGIVEN. 9 9 9 9 02004 above in kat mortgage STATUTES SECTION 502032 Re ibonoon S Inc as AARON MARQUIS CAMPBELL the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That 9 Lake Are, DATE AND PLACE OF FILING. o c DETERMINING AMONG OTHER at minae for Lake Aree Mortgage, At el, Inducing all verieoonk enc above described property will be of the fhakooc de ibedna-In the ioonk aadd Division of Lake Area Bank, a derivaoonkthereof Recorded on Demmber 88 2004 THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED es Doamen[Number 3400406 in sold by the 6heriff of keit munry es PREMISES ARE IMPROVED of thefollowincdekcribedmor[gage: followk: MORTGAGORS'. Amanda F. oD.ed con 2Principal Place ofH45801 219 theOffice hogtonf the County Recorder of DATE AND TIME OF SALE OF LESSESIDENTIAL DWELLING Gungsinc,ang, an unmemec Dated: 11242009 E. Ma-APS [Lime, OH 45001 Weshin Goun[ Minnekoa OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS Filed: 03-2010 3. List a Mai lin AdddI-- if g[on y, January24,291/aoE AM ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN person g you THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE PLACE OF SALE: Wekhington AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION MORTGAGEE'. World Savings Ramsey Regik210 of Titlek cannot receive mail et the pncpel DU EONTHEMORTGAGEONTHE County Shenffk Office, Washington AND ARE ABANDONED. Bank, FSB nikle Wellk Fergc Document No 2103306 Pgeinkt place of bulla- addrekk: In Dere DATE OF THE NOTICE: 1530.14 County Law Enforcement Center, Benk, NA, Suo.ksor by merger to Gertifioeoe of Title No.'.5]�2 of Office of the General Executor, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 1501562nd Street North, Sth-ter Dated: November23, 2016 Wachovia Mortgage FSBC, World Assigned To: U.S. Bank National MCGertney Lan,155, Allegheny PROPERTY: The North 12 of Lot Mon-ta U.S. Benk National Association, Savings Bank FSB --an county, Pennkylvania 150059949 of and all of Lot 30 in Block 60 to pay the debt then secured by Assignee of Mortgagee ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Dated: 11252015 4. Hathe name anc.m plate street of Divikion No 2 of a Paw Pan:, kaid mortgage an bx k, if any OFF LAW PROFESSIONAL nksignec to: None Fled-12015 address of all persons conduct- of to ctuelly paid by the mortgagee ASSOCIATION ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AM OUNT Ramsey County Regian, of Titles busineks an der the above Assum ec STREET ADDRESS OF on the premises and the .kik end By Jonathan R Guskey, Michael V OF MORTGAGE: $243, 75000 Document No T02545991 Agana Name: Aaron Marquik Gempbell, PROPERTY 700 E 3RD STREET _ Smleisman cereeoate of riee NosT�2 orgamzaoon,moare tie office of the SAINT PAUL PARK, IN 55071- dmeualloweca ell owed bylemp%ak, The Atomeykfor: DATEOFMOFTGAGE: Auguk[25, Tan-la, Agent Mortgage General Executor McCartney Lan, bylaw for redemption U.S. Bank National Assocaoon, 2004 tats by kaid mortgagoP(V the, Perkonal DATE AND PLACE of FLUNG: Electron, Regikiraoon syktemk Inc 111, AIIeghenv.uno, Penny-a COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY reprekenaovek or eksignk ik six (6J Aasv9nee of Mortgagee Reoordec on November 0, 2004 TrankaIXion Agent Mortgage lO No: 1501)5-44999, Gempbell, Aaron IS LOCATED: I,- Count 55 Eek[Fifth Stree[ Suite 800 100]15000000030620 Mer uik, Or enizaoon, In care of con , monthkDom the date of kale ak Document Number 340334 q g Minne.a S[PauI,MN55101-1]10 Lender or Broker: Lake Area Offs. of the General Executor, TIME AND DATE TO VACATE Elk modifiec of reoorc by document TRANSACTION AGENT: Mo-Cage 621203]549 re k Mort e e, a Division of Lake Area McCartne Lane 155, A le hen PROPERTY. Unleks Katt mortgage .rded on April ], 2016 e 9 9 y 9 y ElearoricReg thin[ on Systems,Inc or the property f ) Document No. 4062030 n the Bank . y, P snvari 15005-4949, NAME OF MORTGAGE d d, unless the [me for THIS IS A COMMUNICATION Dace of the County Recorder of S vI : U.S. Bank National CAMPBELL AARON MARQUIS, OR GNATOR: Voyager Bank, e d p ik reduced by juddal FROM lbon-COLLECTOR. Dadhngton County, Mnne.ta A a Og Inore of Office of the M nnekoa bankng corporat on In,,, you m ukt vacate the prem sek Review Dea], 14, 21, 20, 2016 THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO M gg Onga,00r: Lake Area General Executors McCartney Lan, RESIDENTIAL SERVCER Aellk by : Pm. on July 24, 201/. BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE M gg, Division of Lake Aree 111, AIIegheny.unF,, Pennkylvaria Fargo Benk, N A THE TIME ALLOWED BY Jen. 4, 11, 201 ]J ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: Benk 15005-4999, Cam Abell. n I TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY $20]249.]0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF marquis individual, Incareof Office NUMBER: 1202]2210101 THE MORTGAGOR THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: IF- No- Hillkdale, of the General Executor McCartney TRANSACTION AGENTS MORTGAGORS PERSONAL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY: Lot 12 Brod: 1, Ramsey Gounry, Minne.a Lan,155, Allegheny aunty, MORTGAGE IDENTIF CATION REPRESENTATIVESORASSIGN S FORECLOSURE SALE Timber Edge, Waemg[on County, Th kb Regiaeeree-opea, NO Pen,V-fi 1500sa�namendm ant NUMBER : too 03090004540]44] MAY BE DEDUCED TO FIVE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF Minnesota THAT no a' on or proceeding has WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE STREET ADDRESS OF 20.292130108 of Certificate of Assam ed Name File been Hatutec at aw to re.ver the ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHINTHE PROPERTY: 71.]4TH STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Number: 903550000029 debt then remaininc seared by such STATUTES, SECTION 111032 -a-OT GT S, COTTAGE GROVE, M N 1164MAGNOLIAAVEEAST Onginellyfiledon. 09272016 mortgage, or any pall thereof or if DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER AFFECTED BVTHISACTION 550163610 SAINTPAUL IN 55106 61, the undersigned, ceafy that the action or proceeding has been THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY e signi nc this document as the Wted,thatthe kame has been PREMISES ARE IMPROVED deaul[hakoaunedintheoondioonk IS LOCATED: Washington Gounry, ISLOCATED: Ramsey person wh ose egnat-b required, dsoiononued, or that an execution WITH ARESIDENTIAL DWELLING of the following described mortgage: Minnekoa ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT or as agent of the person(k) whose upon the judgment renderec therein OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS MORTGAGORS): Holly R Henc TRANSACTION AGENT None OF MORTGAGE AND CLAIMED TO a0 00 g[hoVzec melcbelgnq[his document has been reu c unsatisfied, in ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN Gkla Holly R Wbo-ma and Steven NAME OF MORTGAGE mos whole orin pan AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, C. Heng, wife anc-banc ORIGINATOR: World Savings Bank, BE DUEASOFDATEOFNOTICE, n hiklher behalf or in both PURSUANT, to the power of kale ANDAREABANDONED. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic FSB, nikle Del lk Fargo Bank, N A INCLUDING TAXES IF ANY PAID capaoioek. fultheroeltifythat l have eined in kaid mortgage, the MORTGAGORS) RELEASED RegianUan System k, a Suo.ksor by merger to Wachovia BY M OR(TGAGEE:$110, 659.44 .mpleted all require, fields, an above describe, property will be FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Delaware.,oraoon, e e Mortgage FSB filch World Savings That pnortc the.mmencement of thatthenfo-anothikdocument koldby the Sheriff of kaid county as ON MORTGAGE: None for Voyager Bank, a Mmonekoa Bank FSB Undnatgageforeolosureproceedmg ru and coned andin.m 'an be followk: Dated: November2, 2016 bankag.rporaoon RESIDENTIAL SERVICER Wells Moagageei-gnee of Mortgagee with tithe applicable chepoer of DATE AND TIME OF SALE: RUSHMORE LOAN ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Fargo Bank, NA complied with all nota requirements Minnekoa St I` I understanc January31, 201]et 1000 AM MANAGEMENT SERVICES, LLC Assigned to: CioMoagage Inc by TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION as required by kaute; that no a, on that by egnag this document l am PLACE OF SALE Washington Mortgagee aksignmentre.rdedon Janua,2/, NUMBER: 08.02/21'220022 or proceeding has been adhoutec et subject to the penaltes of perjury as County Sheriffs Office, W ashogton THE ACADEM Y LAW GROU P,P A 2011 a-cumeolnumber3028659 TRANSACTION AGENTS law or otherwise to re.ver the debt keoforth in Section 62940 akif l hac County Law Enforcement Center By lkl Rebecca F Schiller Esq. in the Office of the County Re.rder MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION seared by kaid mortgage, or any egnecthis documentunderoath. 15015 62nd Street North, S011waoer N. Kibongni Fondungallah, Esq of Washington County, Minnekoa', NUMBER: None part th ereof FDA November4th, 2016 Minnekoa 'Curt N. Trisko, Esq.' thereafter aksigned to Federal THAT no action or proceeding has PURSUANT to the power of kale /s/CAMPBELL: aaron /marquis I pay the debt then s tic by Samuel R Coleman Esq National Mortgage Ass-an by been mktiintec at law to recover the oonained in kaid mortgage, the (Review: Dec ], 14, 2016) kaid mortgage and ax eu if any AtomeykforMoagagee aksignment re.rded on February denthen remaaa-ecuredbysuch above described property will be wally paid by the mortgagee, The-den, y Professional Building 10, 2014 as Document Number mortgage,o any part thereof or if sold by the Sheriff of kabcounty as and the premises anc the .Bis enc 25 North Del, Street 3.0215 in the Office of the County the action or prose doc has been tollowk: SUMMARY OF dieursemenls allowed bylaw. The a Paul, MNSSl02 Recorder of Washington County, inkdtuted, that the kame has been DATE AND TIME OF SALE: ADVERTISEMENT FOR owed by law for redemption (E51)20997 Minnesota. discontinued or that an execution Novemberl7 2016, 1000AM BIDS/REQUESTS FOR by kaec MIT agOLD their personal 16165&FMl) ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT upon 'cont A adgment renderec therein PLACE OF SALE Sh eaff s Once , represenat- or aksignk ik six (6) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION OF MORTGAGE $25850000 has been re u c unsatisfied, in Civil PA- Unit 25 W. 4th Stree[ PROPOSALS months Don, the date of kale FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. DATE OF MORTGAGE: November-lleorin pertme Suite 150, St Paul, IN FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY TIME AND DATE TO VACATE 'Review: Dec ], 14, 21, 20, 2016 15, 2004 PURSUANT, to the power of kale to pay the debt then secured by Requektk for Propoak ere baro, PROPERTY. Unless kaid mortgage Jan4, ll, 2017) DATE AND PLACE OF FILING . mortgage, the kaid Mortgage, and axes, if an, on kolidted until 100 Pm., December staff o the property Reamed on December 16 2004 above as ibaa gpropercy woI b, kaid premises and the . and 30 2016 mr eonc Con-II. redeemed,o unless the time for Elk Document Number 3486807 n kold by the Sheriff of kaid county as dieursemenls, adudmg a Inco Go to bdd,,www.waenat redemption ik reduced by judice, the Office ofthA Count,Re.-der of followk fees allowed by law subject o anbkc dk asox for Wither details order you mulct vacate theprembek NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Washington County, Minekoa DATE AND TIME OF SALE. Tatem Poon withi n 6 M onths from the (Review: Dea], 2016) by 1155 Pm. data, 201 ]. FORECLOSURE SALE THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO November2, 2016.1000AM date of seidselebythenaagagor(k), THE TIME ALLOWED BY THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE PLACE OF SALE: Washington their personal reprekenaovek or LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OFTHE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: County Sheriffs Office, Washington assigns. THE MORTGAGOR, THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN TH E $23551]23 Gounry Lew Enforcement Center DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY. MORTGAGORS PERSONAL TIME PROVIDED 8V LAW IS NOT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF l 11 62nd Street North, S011weoer, The date on or before which the REPRESENTATIVESREDUCED ASSIGNS AFFECTED BYTHIS HEREBY CIA PROPERTY. Lot 10, Block 1, Minnekoa mortgagor m u kt vacate the properly MAY BE REDuceO To FVE NOTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN, that copper oaks, waemgon coEry, ro pay me tet sen keoweg by if the moggage ik not rem toed Public Notices WEEKS 1F AJUDICIAL ORDER 1s deawohako.urregln he.ndioonk Minnekoa kaid mortgage and axes, if env Eder Minnekoa staWtek �th on Continued on Page 10 ofthemuowm�dekcnbeg mortgage: seo3o or the property redeemed g Page 10 Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2016 Public Notices Continued from Page g SUMMARY OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS/REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Requests for Proposals ere being 0l50y0 pm., D_e,nor Un palery Dery ces 'GO t : M1tt,IlssscosasM1 ,ct art Wrther tarots ,Rawewldpx oah /,20167 AMENDMENTTO ASSUMED NAME STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333: un Hn the exact __d , -did, the business b o, dr be DONALD HOUSE cudin, all va,ata,s end --tans thereof 2. Prinapel Place of Business:.. Ridgely Avenue, Springfield, Illinois Q 02 U.S.A. 3. List a Meiling Address if you n p f business edd-s. lnel pia o -pa V, Office of the General Executor Via canals De9eg53 Glen county, evada_1a999 N 4. Hn the name and complex ,ret address of ell persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name: Donald House Organlzaoon, of Office of the General Exec tor, Via Canals D,vs1o53, Clark county Nevada 8%11 999, House, Donald, Organlzatioqin f Off f he General Executor v c D i,-1053, Clan: Aunty, Nevada 89011-9999 HOUSE, DONALD, organ Ca e f Off e of the General E. -tot Via Ganale Drvs1053 Clark munry, Nevada 890119999, HOUSE. donald: Individual, In ca e of Guideof the General Executor, Via Ganale Dnvs1053, Clark county, Nevada .MU 9999 Laid eftficate Is an amendment of Ce,Ue of A -an e, Nam e File Number: 866920025 01slaton" on10ro4216 Under the nam e: HOUSE 6. I, the undersigned, art athatI signing his m docuent s he person shoe signature Is required, s agent of the e required sh as signature sou quire authorized me to sign this dooum ent n MkHer behalf or n both ccapadoes I WrtM1er erttythatI have completed ell required fields, and that the Inanneban in this document bt andin compliance with ethec coapplicable chapter of Minneem SmWtes. I understand that by signing this document I am subled to the penalties of penury as et DID in Section 2948 -f had signed thi s docu m ent under oath. Date: NOvember4th 2016 /s/HOUSE: donald ;Review: Nov 30, Dec /, 2016 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that on Dec 15, 2016 at 1030AN at Stephen's b'enStarage, b6oc HadleyAve N Oakdale, MN 55128 a public sale by compe00v, biddi„ will be held for the personal property heretofore Udtwild the undersigned by M107 Paw Hanan Tools, Sporting Goods Boxes of Unknown Content Review: Nov 30, Dec 7, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME STATE OF MINNESOTA MinnesotaStatutes Chapter 333: ASSUMED NAME. I. k m organ PRINCIPALPLACE OF BUSINESS. 777 Hardline Ave N, Apt 101, S[ Paw, MN 5104 NAMEHOLDERtS: Jean K Morgan, 777 HamIIne Ave N, Apt101, StPaw, Minneembdrd the undersigned, ertry that I am signing this document as the person whoa signature is required, ss agent of the person(D whoa ignature sou d be required who M1as authorized me to sign this document on M1bHer behalf both capaate, Ufther cemythat I have completed all required fields, and that the i,an, elan in this document i, andin compuano slfih met coappl cablA chapter f Minneem SmWtes. I understand DO by signing this document am su bled to the penalties of penury as et DID In Section 2948 as if had signed Did document under oath. Date: 11123 2 01 6 11- -Van ;Review: Dec 7 14, 2016 NOTICE Noticeis hereby gven itM1 property sill be el, on December 21 ,2016 Thepropertywillbeoffered wwsarageeame, mlm l`So" `Tree"'bmand more nonne0 about the sale e ouncnethat l, The bundersignedt Acom nbStan e Storage win ,ell at Public Sale by compel „eretoore ktorec the pe - nal Ropefty yeah the Underd U at furniture boxes of unknown conWte n ;Review: Dec 7 14, 2016 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD COUNTY OFRAMSEY STATE OF MINNESOTA The Maplewood City Gounoil approve, am endment, a Chapter 10, Abbe bl Mulatn5 Dog, and Ak1de IV regulUH, oat and the ouosInG s e, ortArtcle III end Mide IV to be published Summary Chair -973 Arn-ding Chapter 10, Article III Dogsantl Article IV Cats ARTICLE III. - DCGS DIVISION 2 -PERMIT Sec 1&95 -Tags Upon iesuinc e permit to keep any dot untler this division, the G erkshell issue to the owner e metal tic or durable plastic - d.mpee With a dentin ino umber and SID the Mon nth/ date Nearof expiration o desea ated that It may be conveniently f.stenec to e be or name.. Such tag had IS e feetened tot tlog', Collar Or hams.. by the owner enc .h.0 beworn at ell times The clerk shell m.intaitl . record of the idenfitying number. and eh.11 make this record available to the public DIVISION 3. - RUNNING AT LARGE; NU ISANCE Sec 1 & 127. - Duty of owners OP No ow custodian of any dog, whether permitted or unpenm fitted shall allow such dog to ru at large, with the xception of Sun n a designated off leash dog e a. It shall be the oboNation of the oSe custodian of any dogi nthe city, whether permanently o temporarily therein, to prevent any such dog at anytime to be on any street public park (with the exception of a park within an off leash tlog arae.. de.ign.ted IDS Ramsey County orthe Qty of Maplewootl), eon 001 around. or public place without being effectively restrained by a chain or Bash not exceediinc eight feet in length DIVISION 5. - DANGEROUS DOGS Sec 1&189. - DangemuB/ potentially dangerous does (4) Request for hearing and hearing_ An owner may appeal the initial determination by filinc a request and payment of the add cable fee for the hearing Sim me city manager within five day. of the owner'. ceiptof the notice of initial determination. A hearing shall be halt within seven day. after the city's receipt of the request for hearing The city manager Bhar asset a hearing od cern whoshall notbetheper.onSho made the Initial determination. At the hearing, the hearing officer shall consider the report. and c menta of the animal control authority the testimony of any Sltne..e.Sides. statement. and the comment. of the ow r of the dog After sunsiderino all of the evidence bmitted the hearing officer Bhar make written finding. and .hal determine whether the dog i. a potentially dangerous dog or a ( de erminaeo )ge og The rous d fi nona nes Bhar be made Sithin five day. Of the date Of the hearinc and Bhau be personally served upon the owner of the dog o upon a person of astable age at the e.idence Of the Owner. (10) Potentially d gerous dog ree-tlon8. a Registration regw,e,' No person may keep apotentially dangerous dog in the Qty Of Maplewooc a Is.. the 'Tie registerec with the city clerk aB provided in this section. The city lark shall issue a certificate of read ation to the oSner of a potentially dangerous dog if the oSner prevents the folloSing information. 1. Miaroahip The owner has had a m c rochip identification ImplantealIn the potentially dangerous tlog, and the name of the microchip man fadurer and idenfication number of the rorochip must be provided to le ani mal control authority If mem rochip 1. not implanted by the o It may be implantec by the animal control authority wim the code borne by the dog'. owner. ARTICLE IV. - CATS DIVISION 1. -GENERALLY Sec1&248-Violations Any person violating any of me .eceona of thi. antic .hat be tleemetl guilty of a petty misdemeanor anc hall be Punished In accordance wim section 1-15. If any violation i. con turning each days. violation Bhar be deemed separate olation DIVISION 2 - RABIES VACCINATION Sec 1&276 Reserved Sec 1&277. - Current rabies vaccination certificate required an current rase. vaccination certificate must be obtained for the each cat on the premise, kept up to date and have eI able upon request by the an mal control officer. Secs 1&278-1&316 Reserved DIVISION 3. - RUNNING AT LARGE NUISANCE Sec 1&311 -Restraint duty to prevent nui sante. (a) Domestic tate in me city Shall be kept under restraint at any time such cat i. off the ('e premi d) Faoure on the part of the cu.todian to prevent then cat from c mmintng . act of nuisance acct be a petty mademeenor enc shall be subject to the penalty provided for such offense Of VIS ION 4. IMPOUNDMENT/ CAT MANAGEMENT Sec 1&341. -Authority, notice t0 known owners; reclamation by ccere; dapo..I Of unclaimed ate Cate running at large in the city may be taken to the Humane Society Impounds, In cart,shelter and there onfined In a humane manner. Impoundec cats shall be kept for not Ie.s than five days, unless road by their a Cats not claimed by then o within eve days shall be humanely disposes of byan agency designate, by the cound Maplewood police officers o nmal officers are not horeed to impound lost o citizen IB tate except when a table to transport the animal o when an officer reason eblybellleves the cat represent. a pub lic..fetAral, or Shen a cat requires quarantine due to a bite, other um.tances as approved by the police chief or their designee The police department shall support recovered cat and stray cat population management efforts by offering live traps to interested res dents and refertne cats o trappea stray gate eo the Animal Humane Society Sec 1&342 - Fee.; additional Densities Anvreclaiminc antler this division .hell pay a fee e. Bet by the Humane Society Thee ended Article III Dogs .no Arti cle IV Data ordinance will go into effect after publication. An official copy of the full and complete ordinance is n ale in the office of the M.plewood Qty Clerk, 1830 County Road BEast Maplewootl, or an be obtained on me city's can at Mtpumaplewoodmn.gov/ a ode ATTEST. Karen Heng, Qty clerk Be,nes. Dee /, 2016) CITY OF MAPLEW OOD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE APPROVAL OF AN ON -SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR AND SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR CP MAPLEWOOD, LLC, aro/, CROOKED PINT ALE HOUSE, 1734 ADOLPHUS ST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a Public HearUgto be hdI, on Monday, December 12, 2016 et 700 pm. ter before the Maplewood City for the approval ben On S Ing tquor act Sunday L q Linda- for GP Maplewood, LLG dlbl crooked Pat Ale H_ve 1734AdOlph-St Maplewood The meetng w11 be h Id at DA Maplesaa, City Hell, ' county Road B East in the Camcrit Chambers. All inter stet persons may appear at the hearing end pr twtheir,new,mrdny rtheymay submit written comments to the Giry, atthe above address, before the me etng To dlsass this request orseek adkka-I1 inform elan about this -p-ed mange, pleas -m- -en ont dKaren Heng Ctry Clerk by sin ail et karen.M1 h,ne taple 249C0.gov o :Resew De et 2016) 02 :Resew Dee 7, 20167 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE what s Ba,a Reeuededv James heat OfHealth Une-b eeki,g oiry approval of e condita-I se permit to operate e short-term health rehabilitation program within the existing buildin, located et 2715 Upper Ata, Road Maplewood ted reedental programs any zoninc disad within the oily with e rove, condita-I us pert, its app Pubr,He r nma,aton The Maplewood Planning Commission win review this request On Tuesday December 20, 2016 at 7pr,orlaterUthe Maplewood Giry COund chamber, locate, at 1a Gounry R-B East All interested penes may preen their views ora y or in w ingSign Zang-ge to preters ere available Vou request this ervioe et lees[96 hours 2nadaan,e wutheatyt lenat2l- 4 001 [ range his e A -died Htleem, Dates are aIbo Ik,ble Pleasechecksiththecity Olen for-1k,iit hly .ha thr, not The day codeeregn- the planning ,ornmr-an to hold a public he" ng when considerag condiko-I us pe it Contact For more Imoanaooq pleae vi httb' wss maDlewoodmn aoe healthoertn -I Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordimuttr I mm6'Sl2aelmemo®03 � De, eo or Rawhw. Dee /, 2016 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE APPROVAL OFA CURRENCY EXCHANGE LICENSE RENEWAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of e Public Hearing to be held on Mondex Deemben2, 2016 at 700 pm. or later before the Maplewood Giry counal, as required by MN SEUme 53A04(a) for the approval Of a currency Exchange licence wet for EZ Gash LLC, dlbla Ee Gash Maplewood, LLC, located at J3S W hire Bear Ave N, St, 22 T Am et,g will be held a the Maplewooc Qty Hell, 1830 County Rodd B East in the Council Chambers. All in erestet persue may appear et the hearing end pre,en[their,new, orally or theymay mbmit conte, comment to the Cry, at the above address, before the etng To Don disass this request or seek additional idonn aon about this -age nge, pase let ct Karen Hagg, Giry Clan by sin ail at Karen heee®meolewoodmn ao or Cre-De et 2124 9 2 0 0 2 �Re,new: Dee /, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnesota Sbtutes Chapter 333: 1. List the exact assume, name under whim the business b or will be oonduded: Newel Lew Firm 2 Prakpal Place of Business: 2038 Ford Parksax -8 St Paul, MN 55116 3. Hs[the name and oomplete sire[ addree of all person, conducting business underthe above Assumed Name: Newel Lew Firm PLLC, 2038 FordParkwax - St Paul, MN 16 4. I, he undersigned, eft t - signing his document s he person whoa signature b required, ses agent oeerso w ignature would be quire who hes authorized me to sign this dooum ent oehislher behalf or n both padte, I Wrther ertrythdt I have ompleted all required fields, end thatthe mannan in this document and In e oornph,n ,d mnthe �pplable -ther of Minneem SmWtes. I understand that by signing this document I em subled to the pen,Itis of penury es set Orth in Section 2948 -H I had stgnedthi, document under oath. Daa neons Oebra Newel President Review: De, 7 14, 2016 Review sued to provide funds for the Minutes orassovrrRmkU, of the Dtsinds General Obligation S,Fool Building Superintendd-Goals. Dvingston roove, and Auge moban s oonded the followinc m Ion, INDEPENDENT SCHOOL Bonds Series 19SA bearing a shaft -r e,ona6-ovate: 622date of original ieue of December 1,. 1994. TM1e 20066 Bonds were THATUA meeting be edam -d Th-et,gadlamin 1710 NORTH ST. PAUL- orga,11' ieued to provide funds pm. /s/Becky Neve MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE for the tri -over refundmc of the Clerk SCHOOLS DbUd, General Obligation Sch001 B REGULAR MEETING uilding Bonds Series 1999A bearing date issue Public--for-lliamtan of bids , requests for quotes enc requests for located the ISD Q2 e of original of SCHOOL BOARD December 1, 1999 the Dtsinds proposals are on website, s.,kdG2oro OCTOBER 25, 2016 General Obligation S,Fool Building Gobocalled the m etng to Bonds Series 2000B, bearing a m INDEPENDENT SCHOOL order et 600 pm. with the Dias- date of original issue of September p : G b Hunt Neve, Vener, 1, 2000, the Di G rel A g", HMng,tdn OerO, e c ObIgtan Scho01 Bldg B ds, DISTRICT 622 NORTH ST. PAUL- Larsen.AbsentAndersonendAl Ser -200,A berg e date of Other present sere:Ad Ove --1 e of Paul 1 2001, end MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE SCHOOLS Stell. the Drdmd, GeneMl 0 ion SPECIAL MEETING SESSION Auge move c N nde, School B ldin, B d, Sri the following mobon, which Dame, 2002A, bearing e date of original SCHOOL BOARD n -0 vote: e of March 1, 2002 The 2007A THAT the agenda be approve,- IGO-w originally issued t presented fun, the,kubtan and betterment with vener moved and Hunt semnde, of protects aduded In the Disind'e the followingreelutan which ten plan approved by the red on a6-0 vote: Comm, -loner of Ed -an pursuant BE IT RESOLVED by the School I, Sure- SmWtes, Sedan Boarc of Independent School Dlsinct 123859, subdi dan3. No. 622 that the follosi„ consentThis is a portion of the r-man Agenda Items VA through VE be The complete documentb available approve, as written and a Dopy of for viewing on the Disdrid Q2 the agenda items b attache, to the websiteend in the Business Office ,stet at 2520 E. 12th Avenue, NOVEMBER 15, 2016 chair Gobom, ailed the meet„to order at 490 p m. the follost„ present chair Gobom, One chair Hunt Clank Neve, Treasurer Vener, Oredors Anderson, Aug6, Livingston, end Superintendent Oson, others present were: Randy Anderson, Bob Biddck, Km Davallaro mea Hughes, Tem Johne,, Peter Mau, Jo McCabe enc Troy Miller. Neve move, end Vener econde, North S[ Paul, MN 55109. the following-llutan, which Huge moved end Neve econded Bred on a6-0 vote: the followinc re -man whim E IT RESOLVED by the School --red on a 6-0 vAe: Go -of Independent School Dlsinct BE IT RESOLVED by the School No. Q2 that the School Boer, acoept Board of Independent School Di dist with -k. onthe followinc No. Q2 that the Student Services nthbuta,s end per-theirue- 201617i,creeest03322 iFTEbe d -grated bythe donors. approved Doo tem endlor Amour[ Neve moved and Hunt econded Pur 0' the followinc re -man which Andrew Lovick, 2004 Cadillac --red on a 6-0 vote: Devi11,'valred at$2,00000), Tartan THIS AGR EEMENT, made tel Bess ered ino by endsbetseen a Greg oAnderson, Digiml ca nIndependent School Distrid N, 11, Anderson sed, Vener s oonded the followinc-man, whim Dame, on a7 -O vote: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Boarc of Independent School Drdmd No Q2'North St Paul -Maplewood Oakdale), Smte of Mi„eem, es follows: 1. 11 ne s hereby found, ba net and declared DO the general election M1el, in end for the School Dlsfict on November 8, 2016 was in ell respects duly end legally calla, adheld 2 A, speafie, in the Eledian Mrs- 5th grade dasset Ano-ennepin School Disirat Castle independent School Disad NO. Cathy Karsten, 6chool supplies 12, centennial Public schools; (vat ed) (G), ISD 622 students Independent School Dtsinct No 13, cowmbia HeigM1a Pubo Smoot,; Results, a om10f57719vatessere said election on the eledian of four S,hool Boarc members for Pour, murdyear to the Board e.pfreoo, of Ohri- Waymire, $10600, John Independent School Dtsad No Glenn CREED 831, Fortis[ Lake Area Schools; cameaby term on January l neatfnuowmg the follows: program Ghrista Waymire, $50.00, John IndependentSchool District. NO. 14, Glenn CREED program Fridley Public Schools; Independent general eledion, es Gandldate Aug§ 13733 votes Candidate Bennett 9,445 rotes Cathy Karsten, School supplies School Disinct No. 832, Mantomedi (value, at$7500), ISD Q2 So -1 Public Schools; Independent Do nersmrsdudentsin need School District No Q1, Mounds 'Maplewood), Candidate Dole- 11,353 rotes Candidate Hunt 12,277 rotes candidate Hvi,gsta, 15,027 votes A11- Health View Public Schools Independent Badpad end school supplies School District No. Q2, North St. (vel at$75001 Weaver students PaaVl aplewoodOk-Ile School Candidate Neve 11 941 votes Candidate Porter Candidate Writsle X546 rotes Steve 3 _y Ann Miller $500.00, Disad; Independent School Distract Maplewood Middle - classroom No Q3, Roeville Area Schools; 3. Candidates Nancy Livingston, Theresa Aug6, Steve Hunt enc suppl`Ind e pendent School Diarat No 282, shmey Strum, $2600, Gladstone St Ai Brighton School Meals wheels Dbtd; Independent School Diarat Becky Neve hating re Ived the gr-testnumbrerofvotes, ere electe, to four begin Jan on Maella Jean Langton $200.00, No 16 Spring Lake Pen Schools; rc Q2 School Dtsinct No yeertenns nog nary 1, 2017. ch iElection Clerk 4. The dsfict Iso student lie enc Independent Judah Rohde, $5000, John Glenn 624, White Bear Lake Area Schools. school b hereby direded to certify the meth departmentWHEREAS, the school districts Anonymous, $7500Webster - coed above have a mutual desire COMET I,ntam,o provide gifted end Heather -on Brenhoor results of the eledion to the county auditor of e -H county in which the school distract b located in whole or in end talentederiohrn ent opportunities Schoolplies 33 bad pains through the North Sudabd, Summer (vat .$.001 D-verstude,a Academy Program In an Agreement part. Yener used end Hvingsan m s condedthe muown, r -man, PlaOnum Bank,/' anllaad-llere,ml that shall be effedive from July 1, end hot dogs (valued et$55171), 2016through Ju,e30,2019. Iso Q2 welcome Bad oris Is a portion of the reeluton. which Dame, on a7-0 vote: WHEREAS, the boardhes canvass,, the general eledion Fanners Insurance, Various kcTool The complete documentb available supply items baue, at $5600), for viewing on the Card Q2 Maplewood Middle School i Superintendents for school boar, members held on November8 2016 NOW THEREFORE, BE website ant n the North .leybalI Booster dub, Office located at 2520 E. 12th IT RESOLVED by the Sch 001 Board of $1,200.00, North - additional VB Avenue, North St Paul, MN 55109. Livingston Hunt Independent School Disthd Ne Q2, St te-nneeta, follows: coach moved and Keith 3 Erin Cambh $500.00, condec the following reel uton, North High Writer's Club which tamed on a 6-0 vote: as 1. The chair ant den are hereby authorized to ertficates of Theresa Aug§, N e, 3 run, BE IT RESOLVED by the School borders valued at$17500) ISD 622 Board of Independent School Di slid Greg Crowe and Joel Sutter No 622that itsupports MSBA'swon of eledion on beM1elf tlhe school board of Independent School Drdmd No Q2tothefollodugoandidates: from Ehlers presented the sale of t Ie ge the Legik-reto: $34,050,000 general obugaton 0 n he equauzato, odor refunda, bonds, Series 2016A for the noper.ag rderendum and They note, They received eve bias debt ervie levies and also or the with bit aware go i n, to Hutchinson, school boar, approved local optional a Nancy Livingston b There-Auge ,Steve Hunt d Beckylbeve who have received a suf.ently Shodey, Frey 3 G, with a cue levy to address inequities among of 1525. Hunt property mxpayers from one school rinme Livingston secondee the disinct to another. fo=gresolution, which Dame, on ® He equalization fad- to a 6-0 vote: iaeaton e they matnmtn the, rvalue large number of votes to be electe, to fill vacancies on the boar, cause, by expiration of term on the firs[ M ondayi n January n ekh allowing the election bakedon the resat, of the BE IT RESOLVED by the School Boar, of Independent School Dtsirm n® mindude the enhanced No. Q2, Smte of Minnesom, a equalization in the omnibus cox bill. oll0- s This will provide property bx relief Sedan 1. Authorization ant Sale for many mxpayers and help level l Authorization. At e nnthe plating field for k.00l dist; ds held September 27, 2016,thisThe omnibus ed -an bill should Boar, detennmed to ell and issue aro, on general educaton funding, general oblige ton refunding bonds of speaal educA onfunding and other ,dependent School Drdmd No 622 prograthat di redly benefit our ( program, that or the "District"). Sai, student, whoa the cox bin ,hoed Bonds hereinafter be disparites 2 The ertficate of election mat be in substantially the fort, attached harem 3. After the time for comedia, the eledion hes passe, and the candidate hes filed all campaign enanaal reports required by Su- reChapter 211A the den of the school boar, Is hereby d,rede, to delver the to the shall referrec addresspropeaymx to as the "Bonds or the Refund- Gobom asked Board Members to Bonds". In the Terms of Prop -I ket a speaal m lag Ic the Diarat reerve, the right after the eledions Yener move, and proposals were opened e c prior Livingston s condec the following jo ward, to or decrease m ,which tenet on e6-0 vote: the pnncipel en t of the Bonds THATaspeaal melts -Canvass offered for sale oro the am aunt of any the School Board Eledion and totta,he, individual maWnk,, with the increase Canvass Reims of Levy Votes for or dec eas, acc our In matim- of the School Dtnnm Speaal sedan $5, 000 in any of the mato t- The be set for Tues day, November l5, fraiin the Boar, Room Redmg Bond, togetherwth other 2016 430 pm. vailebleand, of the Issuer, mall ofthe Dtsinct Educators center. provide andsor a current reandn, Gobom asked Board Mem bars to Reande, Bonds '1) date, for ertficates persue entlle, thereto personally or by ertfied mail. 4. The den b hereby direded to end- with the ertficate a fort, of acepmn- of office and oath of office in k-tantally the fort, harem ,Huntand Livingston oonded the�ouow n, newton, which Dame, on a 7-0 vote : LVE BE IT RESOD by the School Boar, of Independent School Drdmd N, 5"2 Smte of Minnesom, as oll0- of the ant to et the time and agenda prepay on February 1, 2017 the a November work study se Au gust 1, 2017 to February 1, 2025 Neve move, ant Aug§secondedthe kern annual aggregat n, following motion, which tamed on a $26725, 000 mina R napal e 6 -Ovate: of the Is , General Obligation THAT medleInly allowing Refunding Bonds Senes2006B(the the Speaal Meetng to Canvass 20068 Bonds), beann, a date of the School Boarc Bectan and sherebyound, determine, enc declerec that the special election of the voters of this school distract halt on November 8, 2016 in conlundan with the smIn general eledion, w in all respeds duly and legally calla, and held original issue of November 1, 2006 the Realm of Levy Votes for the (2J oprepay on February 1, 2017 the School Dtsirm Speotal Election on 2018 to2023 matures aggregOn, November 1J, 2016 there will be $9,645,000 in pnnapal amount a won study e -an approximate of the Is s General ObIgOon s e of 445 pm.) in Room Reandmg Bonds, Senes20o6C(the 202 of the Drdmd Ed -an Center 20060 Go- I hearing a date of with the Drawn, agenda lam, 11 2 A, speafied in the attache, Abstrad and Return of Vote, Gast, e said eledion a tocol of S/,/19 v rs of the school dlarat v e, voter, ntethe questan of linsagnthe eferendum revenue author -an of the school disfict or rakes payable original Is e of November 1, 2006 Board Officer Sucoesston 2)Board and (3) toprepayon February 1 Hate- 3 Commitee,; 3)Stubega 2017 the 2018 to 2027 maWntes Plan 4mr-dement Policy 5) aggreg.ln,$2,540,000 in runapat Fallow up from September 27 io, creaed rale, of the Issuer's General reeedan k - I Obligator Altematve F-Ity Bonds for board In 2017 and thereater SCHOOL DISTRICT BALLOT QUESTION 1), of which 22,182 voted in favor 18, 51 S voted against the same, ant there wnNle camplet:l blank deadive ballots Sic student repree,mtves, (the 20079 Bonds J, bearing a date sniff development opportunities art of original iss e of MerOM1 1, 2007 boar, members, publbengagement or ¢ogether the Reminded Go,d I boat govemano, pol a Public Notices The 2006B Bonds were originally ,upenntendent evalmnan); and 6) Continued on Page 11 Public Notices Continued from Page 10 proposition, having received the approval of at least a majority of such votes, is hereby declared to have carried. 3. The clerk is hereby directed to certify the results of the election to the county auditors of each county in which the school district is located in whole or in part. The clerk is also directed to report the results of the referendum revenue authorization election to the Commissioner of Education within fifteen (15) days of the date hereof. Aug6 moved and Neve seconded the following motion, which carried on a 7 — 0 vote: THAT the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. /s/ Becky Neve Clerk Public notice for solicitation of bids, requests for quotes and requests for proposals are located on the ISD 622 website, www.isd622.org. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 622 NORTH ST. PAUL- MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE SCHOOLS WORK STUDY SESSION SCHOOLBOARD NOVEMBER 15, 2016 Chair Coborn called the meeting to order at 4:48 p.m. with the following present: Chair Coborn, Vice Chair Hunt, Clerk Neve, Treasurer Yener, Directors Anderson, Aug6, Livingston, and Superintendent Osorio. Others present were: Randy Anderson, Kim Cavallaro, and Peter Mau. In the audience: Jessica Cabak, Rory Sanders. Coborn opened the meeting with an ice breaker and asked Board members to share a positive moment in their lives. Mau and Osorio presented an update of the latest work of the Strategic Action Teams, Measurement Team, and Core Planning Team. Coborn asked Board members to indicate their interest in officer positions for 2017. Continued discussion will take place on board officer succession at the December 13, 2016 reflection study session. Board Liaison and Committee Assignment for 2017 were reviewed and this will be an agenda item at the December 13, 2016 reflection study session. Board Liaison & Committee Assignments will be an Action Item as part of the organizational resolution at the January 2017 special meeting. R. Anderson provided a first glimpse of Policy E-096, Procuring Materials & Services. He explained that school districts which receive federal grant money must now have a prescribed procurement policy and procedures in place when using federal grant money to purchase goods and services. A formal first reading of the policy will take place at the November 22, 2016 business meeting, followed by proposed adoption at the December 13, 2016 business meeting. Coborn led Board members through topics that were carryover items from the September 27, 2016 reflection study session which included: increased roles for student board representatives; staff development opportunities for Board members; public engagement; board governance policies; and superintendent evaluation. It was decided that Board members would discuss public engagement, increased roles for student board members, and board governance polices at a future retreat. Board members agreed that they liked the superintendent evaluation format that was used last year. They also mentioned that they would like continue to learn about and attend staff development offerings. Osorio presented her draft goals for 2016-17 to the Board for feedback. Board members offered suggestions and Osorio will present her goals at the November 22, 2016 business meeting. Board members also discussed Policy E-044, Respect in the Workplace, and Coborn noted that the policy would be read at the November 22, 2016 business meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m. /s/Becky Neve Clerk Public notice for solicitation of bids, requests for quotes and requests for proposals are located on the ISD 622 website, www.isd622.org.