HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 12-14 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWReview Wednesday Dec. 14, 2016 Page 7 Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE NOTIGEIS HEREBV GIVEN�.TM1et aar�wmas o«�Raa ��� ma oo�a�oo�s orme muowme aa�..�ea� mor�aga: Mor�rcwGnr�s7�. doaa�m oa � roRa a�a ama v. oa � roRa, n�sea�a a�a wira MOFTGAGEE�. Wells Fergo Benk, NA ASSIGNMEVTS OF MOFTGAGE�. Aasignedto:Nona ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF M OFTGAGE'. $203,000 00 OA1E OF MOFTGAGE�. October oA� nnio au�ce oF Fwmc Remrded on November 1], 2004 as ooama�� m�mea�3ai�oe ��� tlte INfica of tlte Goun[y Remrder of WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� THE AMOUNT GLAIMEO TO ee oue om rHe Mor�rcw� om rHe onre oF rHe monce� $180,55556 ��cn� oEscRianom oF PROPEFTV�. Lot 1, Blook 1, Pine Forest 3N AddiOon, WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� srREEr aooREss oF aRoaer�rr.iz �doaumnvevue SOUTH, GOTTAGE GROVE MN 55016 coumrv w wHicri aRoaEarv is �ocnreo�. wasnm�o� co��ry, Minneso� rwwsncnom n�mr mo�a NAME OF MOFTGAGE ORIGINATOR Wells Fergo Benk, NA Resioemnn� seRviceR� waus FergoBenk NA rw: auicE� ioENnFicnrioN N UM BER�.10 02] 21.11 002] TRANSAGTION AGENT'S MOFTGAGE IOENTIFIGATION NUMBER�.None THAT no ection or pmoeeding M1es been �instiWted et lew to remvertlte deb[tl�en remeining sacurec bysud� M1ereof or, if ma ao�' o� v�o aaa��e nas eaa� utedntl�et tl�e sa e M1es been nstlt dismnOnued, or tl�et en upon tlte IuQgment rendered tlter�ein M1es been reWmed unsa0sfied, �i wM1ole or �in pe [ PURSUANT� c tlterpower of sele a�aa ��� ��a ort9a9a, ma eo�a aa�neaa vrovarcv woi ea roIc bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es uows OA1E ANO TIME OF SALE�. da��ar�3,zo anoUonM au�ce oF��sn�� wa�,m�o� co��ry snanres on��, wa�,m�o� Gounry Lew Enforcament Genter, uou s�z�� sraa� mom,, smwa�ar, Minneso� o vay me aee� men s curea ey or(gqge e t , �if eny uelly peic byn[M1e�mortgqgee, on tlte prem�isas end tlte oosts end disbursamentnellowecbylew The � ec by lew f[r redemp0on byseidmor(gqgoKsJ, M1eirpersonel represan�Oves or esegns �is ex ;6J montltshom tlte dete of sela riMe iuvo onre ro vncnre aRoaer�rr. u�iass ��a mo�aga ,�daamada o ��f ss �,e 8�°a� redemp0on �is reduoec by ludioiel omar, vo� m��,�oa�ama vram��sas byll �,59 Pm. on July3, LOl /. THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR RE-0EMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS Mnv eE REoucEo ro Fi� wEEus iF n�uoian� or�oEa is ENrEREo uNOER MiNNEsorA srnrurEs, secnom e . .. oEreRMimimG nMomG orHeR THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH n REsioevnn� owE�wc OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS nRF Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo ini nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, iuvonr�neiuvoomeo. MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELFA5E0 FROM FINANGIAL OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. None oa�aa�.oaoea�z�,z WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. Morigagee THEAGAOEMVLAW GROUP,PA By Isl RebeocaF Sd��iller, Es4 N. Kibongn�iFondungelleM1, Ee} Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Semuel R Golemen, Ee} AttomeysforMor(gegee man�aamya�oras�o�ai ewiam� es mom, oaia so-aa� S[ Peul, MNSSl02 '�1)2039]� '15-09]3FG02J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �Ra,�aw�. mo,� s, i s ea, ao, oaa �, ia, eois7 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR WITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTI ON. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GI�EN, tl�et defeultM1es oauned �in tlte oondi0ons of tlte following desvibec mor(gqge: Mor(gqgor: Thomes E Gledis, e uMor(gqgee enMor(gqge Electmn�ic Regishe0on Systems, oaeeforPHH HomeLoens, LLG �aa. osnerzoo� Filed�.0628200] Ram�y Rae���r or neas ooama�� ma eoos�sa qgam� Gertifioete of Title No. �. Sbl'YS' Aasigned To: M�inneso� Housing Finenca/�genoy oa�aa�. mimrzoo� Filed 1022200] Remsay Gounry Regist�r of Titles ooama�� ma zo��zse A9am cameoa�a orr�ea mo. �. se�s2 TrensaIXion /�gent Mor(gqgo ea�rom�Rae���oo� svnams, TrensaIXion /�gent Mor(gqge 10 No: mooe000a�s�eas�es Lender or Broker: PHH Home Loans,LLC Servicar: U.S. Benk NeOonel Aavoae0on Mor(gqge Onginetor. PHH Home Loans LLC ��ci� oEscRianom oF PROPEFTV�. The NortM1 100 feet of Lot 15 enc tl�e NortM1 100 feet of tl�e West OnsHelf of Lot lti, Rid�lend Aaes, RemseyGounry, M�inneso� This �is Registered Property TAX PARGEL NQ�. 23aozzaaoois nooa�ss oF aRoaer�rr. 00 RISHWORTH W W HITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55110 GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV is �ocnreo�. namsay ORIGINAL PRINGIPPL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE�.$213,00000 nMouNr wtwvu cuuMEo ro ee ouens oF onre oF morice, imowowernxee iF iuvv anio CY MORTGAGEE�.$1�,49�.53 TM1et pnor to tlte mm mencament of m�smo�a9amraaoswapro�aam� Mon�(gq9ee/Hss�qn of o�(gqgee mrplledwitltellno0 requiremen6 requ�irec by steWt�tltet no ection or procaetlinc M1es been insTWtetl et r otlterwisa to reoover tlte debt c by seid mor�gqge, or eny perttltereofi PURSUANT to tlte power of sale ned �in mo�qgye, be eicProperty sold by tl�e SM1enff of said oounryes follows t OF SALE 0 oember29,?D16, 10AOAM PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enff's INfioe, Qvil Yrocass Uni[ LS W. 4tlt S[ree[ Su�ite 150, S[ Peul, MN o PMoma aae� ma� s o�ra� ey gqge, e s,e�if eny, on ���a vram���s, a � ma � disbursementn, �indudinc ett meys' raas a oy ia s�olau � redemp0on witl�in 6Montl�shom [M1e deteofsaicsalebytltemo�(gego�(sJ, �r persvnel represanta0ves or e�s �onre ro vncnre aRoaer�rv� e de[e o or eamra w mo�(gqgormus[veca�tlte pmpe�tyif tlte mo�(gqqe �is not reinstetec under e OtaW�s secPon 580.30 orntlte�property redeemec under M�inneso� S�Wtes section 580.23 S9 Pm. Iftlte forego ng daze �ise SeW rdey, Sundey or le�el M1olideyi# bumnee6de� G� e 9 tley et 11S9Pm MOFTGAGOFI(6J RELEA6E-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE�.NONE HHE TIME ALLOWE-0 tl FOR REOEMPTION THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESEVTATIVES ORASSIGNS, Mnv eE REoucEo ro FivE WEEKO IF AJUOIGIAL OROER 10 M MINNESOTA HrATUTEO UOEOTION SBe0.9e, oErEw�iNiNG, nMONc orHER rHiNus, iH iHtMor�rcwu�o PREMISES � ARE IMPRO�EO wiN n a�sioENrin� owE�iNG OF LESS IHHN FIVt UNITS, ar�E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nGRicu�luw� aRooucrioN, oazneneiwooNEa aa�. o�oea�e�, eoi e Minnasota Housing Firence Agenry, Assignee oi Morigagee aFe u�w, aROFEssioNn� tlSOGIATION y Jonetl�en H Guskey, MioM1eel V. SOM1leismen Mnoma �ror /�eno�Ass�gn e�oYMo�(gqgee� 55 Eest FihM1 Stree[ Suite 800 S[YeuI,MNS -l/le �120&]549S1t1 �iz2ai �ss �ra:9 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. 1Q0.41600]3y ; (Review: . , 6, 23, 30, Uea / ia,2ois7 0� NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE 16 HEREBV GIVEN�. Thet defeult M1esooarred �in tlte mndi0ons of tlte following tlesaibetl mortgqge: MOFTGAGOR(SJ�. Merk T GLstefsvn end PeMaeA Gustefsvn, a wira M1MOFTGAGEE�. Mor(gqge Eechonio Rei�wa � swam a�co�po�aeo�6'a m� va�w�a oa,�iovma�[�na, a M�inneso� Goryore0on ASSIGNMENIS OF MORTGAGE�. Asegnecro: WeIlsFergo Benk, N A byessig�ment reoordec on Jenuery I me�t Nllmber 3]]59?4 �in Me INfica oftl�e Oounry Reoorder of WesM1ing[on Gounry, Mlnnesota ORIGINAL PRINGIPPL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE�.$1]000000 t OF MOFTGAGE�. Hpnl ll ?D0.9 onrE wvo a�ucE oF FwNG�. asco amem m�ceeeesaoeis��� tlte INfioe of tlte Gounry Remrder of M1ing[on Gounry M Wes Innesota THE AMOUNT GUUMEO TO ee oue om rHe MORrcw� om iH roF iHtmonce. ana,ese ae � �cw� oescRiariom oF PROPEFTV�. Oopper Oeks, WesM1 ng[on Ooun�, Minneso� sra�Er AooREss oF PROPEFTV�.315] GOPPER OAKS TRAI� WOOOBURV, MN 55125 �ooumrv w wHioH aRoae3rv IS LOGATE-0�. WesM1ing[on Gounry, TRANSAGTION AGENT�. Mor(gege Eechonio Regishe0on Sys[ems, Ina OF MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR�. VenWre Oevelopmen[ Ina, e M�inneso� comor�oo� REsioevnn� sEavicER waus Fargo Benk N A auic� ioevnFicnriom NUMBER�.2002821.120023 TRANSAGTION AGEVT'S MORTGAGE IOEVTIFIGATION NUMBER�.1000606]]001222843 rHnr �o aaio� orpro�aamg nas debttlten re[me�ini2seared bysuoM1 orte�o, o eny pert tltereof� or, �if utedor procaeaing M1es been met me sa e nes been �a��o�o��aa, o� ma� a� upon tlte lutlgment rentlerec tlter�ein nas eaa� rem � wsaosiaa, �i wnoia or �i� parc�� P[RSUANT� to M1erporcer of sale ned �in o gqge, [M1e ebove desvibec property will be tl by tl�e SM1enff of saitl oounry es rouows onre iuvo riMe oF sn��. ��ae�s, vin i anono em PLAGE OF SALE'. WesM1ing[on Gounry SM1enffs INfioe, WesM1ing[on Gounry Lew Enfomement Genter, uou ��a so-aa� mom,, souwa�a�, Minneso� o vay ma aao� ma� �o�ra� oy sa�a mort9a9e a , �r a�y uelly peia bynt mor(gqgee, on tlte prem�isas end tlte msts end disbursamen6ellowedbylew The � oy iaw mr raaamvoo� ey ��a mort9a9orts7, mao- va5o�ai represenfit �iv[�se tlete o�f sele6 �x (6J riME6wvo onrE ro vncnrE PROPERTV�. Unless saic mor(gqge 0 �ee� �raaaamaa� o wia� ma � mr redemp0on �is reduoec by ludioiel er, you mus[veoete [M1e premisas by 11 S9 Pm. on July3, ?D1�. HHE TIME ALLOWE-0 BV FOR REOEMPTION THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FIVE W EEKO IF A IIUOIOIAL OROER 10 M MINNESOTA STAIUTES, USEGTION 582032, OETERMINING AMONG OTHER THINGS, IH HCMORTGAGEO PREMISES � ARE IMPROVEO wirH nREsioENrin�owE�iNG OF LESS I t UNITS, rv riv nF;E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, r;tnewvooNEo. MOFTGAGOFl(9J RELEA6E-0 FROM FINANGIAL OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. None oa�aa�.oaoea�ze,zois W ELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. origagee THEAGAOEMV LAW GROUP, PA By Isl NBca F. SOM1iller, ts4 KibongniFondungelleM1, Es4 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Semuel H Golemen, te} AttomeysforMortgqgee TM1eAcademyPmfessionel Buildinc ' ele S[reet 6t PeulM1 MN 5510e �65� PD99]� '13-0061�G03J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. 'Review�. N 9, lb, 23, 30, Uea / 14,2016) o� NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NO� AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. morice is Hea�ev Givev, ma� defeultM1es omurtec �in tlte mndi0ons of tlte followinc tlesvibec mor(gqge�. Mo�(gqgor: N�imles Iberte, e single pMrsrtn o gqgee: Hemtlen0e M ortgqge Goryore0on oama.o�rzsrzooz Remsey Gounry4 Remrder ooam a�� m�. aeo�e3 ��e�aa . sa,��es ea�k, FSB oama.o�rzsrzooz Remsey T Gowry4 Remrder ooam a�� No. aeo�e mgnetl lo: ota Houmng Finenca/�genty oama�.ionarzooz a�ms��, av oo���l Ra�ma� ooam a�� No. aeiea�s TrensaIX�ion /�en[ Mo�(gqge 10 No: Nin r;a�aa�oai MortgqgeGoryore0 n� Servicar: U.S. Benk Netionel Mor(gqgen Ongineror: Firs[ Reeden0el Mor(gqge Goryore0on �cn� oescRianom oF PROPERTV�.Lot19, Blook4,JosapM1 R Weide s 2nd AddiOon ro tl�e Giry of Seint Y ul, Fa say Gounry, M�innesota This�isAbshectPrope � HXPARGELNO.�.'0' ' 2S nooReee oFaRoa�zrv:�� �0 IVV AVE E sAwrrHu� MrvaS�o� GOUNIV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV is �ocnrEo�. Ram�y ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE'. $102,0.50 00 AMOUNT OUE ANO GLAIME-0 TO imUCAS OF UHI t OF NOTIGE c�uoimG rn,:es, iF iuvv anio B M1MOFTGAGEE�.$83,03441 e pnortotltemmmencamentof tlt�ismor(gqgeforeolosureprooeeding MortgqgeelAasignee of Mor(gqgee ompliec a b ell no0oe„etuno ection require ysteWtet or pmoeeding M1es been �insti Wted et tlebt a�a ey��i� moroa9a, o ariy percmereop PURSUANT to tlte power of sale �ned �in said mor(gqge, tlte ebove desaibed property will be tl by tl�e SM1enff of saic munry es follows onre iuvo riMe oF sn�e PLAGE OF�SALE: SM1 nffs Offica, a,�i a�o�� u�q zs w. am so-aa� Suite 150, S[ Yeul, M ro pey tl�e debt tl� n saared by seid Mor�gqge, end b:�es, if eny, on tl premises, e entl tPsbufsamen6, �inolutPng ett meyK fees ellowed by lew sublect t emp0on witltin ti Montltshom tlte dete of seid sale bytlte mof(gqgo�(sJ, tlteir persvnel representa0ves o asmgns onrE ro vncnrE aRoaEr�rv�. The dete on or before wM1ioM1 tlte ortgqgormustvecatetlte property if tlte mof(gege �is not reinsteted under M�innesote S�Wtes sa on 58030 e property re M�innesote O�Wtes se on�580f3 ��sdwa 2s, wn acnss Pm. irma foregoing tlete is e SeW rdey, Sundey r legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e dete ro �v�is tlte ne# bueness dey et �MPm or�rGnGOFus7 a��nsEo FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV u�w FOR REOEMarioN ev MOFTGAGOR iHe MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MHr e e a�oucEo ro r w� iFn�uoicin� or�oEa ie ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STAIUTES SEGTION ' " OETERMINING AMONGyOTHER THINGS, THATTHEMORTGAGEO PREMISES IMPROVEO wirH nReeioemnn�owe�we oF �ess Nwv Five umirs, nr;e Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo irv Gniou�ruw� aRoouoriom, wvonF;EnewvooNEo. tl�.OctoberLti,LOIti 1e Minnasote Housing Finence Agenry, Assignee oi Morigegee r uwv, aROFessiomn� nssocinrioN Cy Jonetl�en H Guskey, MioM1eel V. Sd�leismen Attomeysfor: q9a���n�e� aorMort9a9aaa� SSEes[FihM1Stree' Suite800 scraw,Mrve -�ne �1203�5495,� �i 2eai �ss �re:9 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. i�a�isao�ey-, (Review�. o. , b, 23, 30, Uea /, 14, 2016) v NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OFTHE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN, tl�et defeult M1es oaurred �i n tlte oondi0ons of tlte following tlesvibetl mor(gqge: Mor(gegor: Tim Qiem We end Xe Susane M oue, M1usbend end wife Regi�sta�tion� System9s e ee for Bremer Benk, NeOonel oa�aa�. oanarzon F�iaa�. oarz�rz,on ms y ae���� or ooama�� ma eiao�as Aga��� Gertificate of Title Nc. �.584591 ���aa io: u.e. ea�k rvaoo� n�oo�aeo� oa�a oaizsrzoia Ram�y co��ry Rae���� or neas ooama�� ma �os�ea qgam Gertifica� of I itle Nc.�. S89S9 Trensaction /�gent Mor�gage ElechonicRegishe0on Systems, I o � ea��Mort9a90iurvo: 1000]3381106]2E38-0 Lender or Broker: Bremer Benk, Servioer� U.SOonBenk NeOonel Msooie0on NeOon�el Assoae0onr. tlremer tlenk, �cw� oescRiayio� oF PROPEFTV�. ' John�ones SubdN�on of Blook m�mea� o�a, or sm�� s o�,��o� of NW ll4 of SeIXion 3ti, lo nsM1ip 29, Renge 23, Remsey Gounry, MiM1neso� Hegis[erec Yroperty TAX 6 PPRGEL NO.�. 3629.2321 00.9] nooREss oF aRoaer�rr. 414 V/W BURENA�E SAINTPAUN MN55103 GOUNTV I WHIGH PROPERIV is�ocnreo�.r msay oRiGiNn� aRwcian� nMouNr OF MOFTGAGE�.$162,]5000 nMoumr oueiuvo cuuMeo ro ee oue ns oF onre oF monce, iNcwowc rnxEs, ir BV MOFTGAGEE�. $121 9?438r�U TM1etprc rtotlteoommencamentof o gqgeforedosureprocaetlinc Mor(gqgeelAsegnee of Mor(gegee �me uaa w�m au �oo� raawrama�r� r quired by„es beenM1�inCstiW�c e[ or procae g r otlterwisa to remvertlte debt oy ��a mort9a9a, or a�y parcma�or, auRsuwvr ro ma powar or �ia mo�(gqgye, t ebwendesonbec property �ill be ioi� ey ma snann or ��a �wry as uows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE�. oa�mea�zs zois ioponM PLAGE OF �SALE�. SM1enffs INfioe, Qvil Prooess Uni[ 25 W. 4tl� Stree[ Suite 150, SL Peul, MN �c Mor(gqge,eend �xes,e�if eny, on c rsrem�isas, e c� e m enc ng ett meys' feesuellowec byalew sublect t redemp0on witl�in 6Montl�shom tl�e e of saic sale bytl�e m or(gqgoKs�J, tlte�ir persvnel represante0ves r essiges ro vncnre aRoaer�rr. The dete o or before wM1idt tlte mor(gqgor mus[ vecate tlte pmperty �unde�r M�inneeso� 6�W�sB1s� 58030 or tl�e property redee�m�ec ta 6taW�s sa seo za ��� d� a es, eon a� n�ss pm. If �e ��goi�c de� �is e SeWrdey, Sundey r egel olitley, tlten tlte dete to vecate �is [M1e ne# bueness dey et 11 59 Pm. MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASE-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE�.NONE n��owEo �nw FOR � a�o�Priom ev THE MOFTGAGOR THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESENTATI�ES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE RE-0UGEO TO FI�E WEEK6 IF HJUOIGIAL OROER 16 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA srnrures secriom seaa�e, oErewmimimG nMomc orHEa THINGS, THATTHE MOFTGAGE-0 aa�MisEsnF;E iMaRovEo wiN H REsioevnn� owE�wc OF LESS THAN FI�E UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTV USE-0 IN nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, tt iuvonr�neiuvoomeo. oa�aa�. mo,�mean, zois U.S. Benk Netionel Associetion, Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R Guskey, M�ioM1eel V S�leienen meysfor U.S. Benk NeOonel Aasoae0on, SS�tas[FRM1 Steet� SuitetlfJfl S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 �1203]549 ' &l 'v3 �fa[) THI5�215 A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �/e F�IbZJfI/lLLl ��aw�. mo� s, i e ea, ao, oaa i, 14,?D16J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OFTHE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN, tl�et defeult M1es oaurretl i n tlte oontli0ons of tlte following desvibed mor(gqge: Mor(gegor: Jeffery J. Golonne, e � eiavar�o� Mor(gegee: Mor(gqge Elechonic nom�nee�forGizensStatetlenk e6 oa�aa�. osroi rzoos Remrded�. 0.5�042006 ms y Gounry Hemrtle ooama�� ma asas�ie �gai� To: oa�ma,a ea�k Gompeny, es Ir of tl�e Indy�v�eo INOX Mo�(gqge Loen Trust 2006AR19, Mor(gqge ro�en carte��as, sanas sin Q006AF219 under tl�e Pool�ing end saMa�e A9reama�� oa�a� d��a i, oama�.osrosrzon Reoomea�.osnsrzon ooasay Gounry Hemrtle ma��Na az�ams Tasectio� /�qent Mo�(gqge iegisTaOon 6ys[ems, Ina Trensection /�gent Mor(gege 10 No: 100226]000000�214 or tlmker: QOzens State Benk er Servicar: Oaven Loen Serviang, LLC Mor(gqge Onginetor: QOzens S�te Bank �cw� oescRiariom oF PROPEFTV�. Lot 22 enc 23, Blod: 2, PM1�illipsAddiOon, RemsayGounry, Mlnnesota This �isAbsheIX Property ra. anace� ma�. Aoo�ss oF aRoaEr�rv�. s�s eaa�mM��s samrraw, rvs��3o GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV is �ocnrEo�. Ram�y ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE�.$151,20000 AMOUNT OUE ANO GLAIMEO TO wUC AS OF UHI t OF NOTIGE, cwoime rz.ee, iF wvv, anio BV MORTGAGEE'. $155,5]5 ]0 et pnor to tlte mmm encament of tl�lsmor(gqgeforedosure prooeeding Mor(gqgeelAasignee of Mor(gqgee m pliecwitltellno0cafequifemen6 requirec by steWte; tl�e[no ection or procaedinc M1es been �instiWted et tlebt pecured by�saic mof(gqge� o eny rcmereop r PURSUANT to tlte power of sale � � mor(gege, tlte ebotven desvibed Cproperty will be tl bytl�e SM1enff of seitl munry es follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE'. nueryS, LUl /, lfl:fJfl HM PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enffs Offica, Qvil Procass Uni[ 25 W. 4tl� S[ree[ SuitelSO, S[ Yeul, MN o vay me aaec ma� s are� ey said Mor(gqge, e s,eif eny, on tl premisas, e a�tl tPsbursemen6, �inolutP2ettomeyK raas auowaa ey iaw s�elaa ro amvoo� w�m�� e Mo�ms nom ma de� of said sale byMe mof(gqgo�(sJ, mao- va�o�ai revre��mo,�s o asmgns onre ro vncnre aRoaEarr. The dete on or before wM1id� tl�e mort9a9or m�� ,���a ma vrovanv �unde�r M�inneso� O�W�sein e�d a vrovarcv ra ��a r� Mm�asom smw�as �s seo za ��s d�rys, zon a� n ss p�mn If tl�e foregoinc tlete is e SeWrdey, Sundey o legel M1olidey, M1en M1e dete ro vecate Is me next bueness tley eLT Jy Pm. MORTGAGOFI(6J RELEA6E-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE'. NONE rHE riME wLowEo ev u�w FOR a�oEMarioN ev IHt MOFTGAGOR, MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESEVTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, e a�oucEo ro r w���c-us iFnduoicin�or�oEa is ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STATUTES SEGTION ' " OETERMINING, AMONGyOTHER THINGS THATTHEMOFTGAGEO PREMISES HHt IMPRO�EO wirH n a�sioENnn� ow�uNG OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, wte Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo irv nGRicu�ruw� aRooucriom, iuvonREneiwoomea Uet pEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY asTrustee for IN�YMAC IN�X MOF�GAGE LOANTRUST2006AR19, MOF�GAGEPASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES Serias 2006AR19, Assigree oi Morigagee aFe u�w aROFessiomn� ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V soniaisma� meysfor OEUTSGHE BANK NATIONAL 1RUST GOMP/WV es Trustee for INOVMAG INUX MOFTGAGE LOAN 1RUST 2006AR19, MOFTGAGE P/VSSTHROUGH GEFTIFIGATES Senes LO HHl9, Hsmgnee of Mor(gqgee�b ss ea� F�rm srea� s����a eoo 5[rew,Mrve -�ne �1203]59Sy � �i-:2ai �sa �ra:�7 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. mesisoo�ea-i (Review:Noulti, L'3,30, Uea /,l4 ei, eoi s7 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN,[M1et defeult M1 es ooarrec �in [M1e mndi0ons of tlte followinc tlesonbetl mor(gege: Mo�(gqgor. Frenk L Gruz eke Frenk IXuz enc Mene M IXuz eke Mene IXuz M1usOentl enc wifa Mor(gqgee�. Mor�gqge Eechonio Rerginre0o`nJ � e�66 �4M1olesal �a�aare oama�.os oyrzooe WesM1i�ng[on LGounry RemNer ooama��Naasaieea Hamgnec I of N Vork Mellon fke The Benk of New Vork es Trustee for �e Benefit of M1e GertificateM1olders of GWALT, Ina N[eme0ve Loen Trust 200533GB Mor(gqge Pesstl�rougM1 Gertificates, Senes200533GB oa�aa�. osrosrzon Reoorded�.09202011 ooa� � ni�go� cowry r;a�raa ma�cmaaesaeu Tasectio� /�qent Mo�(gqge iegisTaOon 6ys[ems, Ina Trensection /�qent Mo�(gege 10 No: 100015]-0005248�]-0 r Amencas wnoia��ie ��aa� �� Servicar: SM1ellpoint Mor(gqge sarNa�g Mor(gqge Ongineror: Amencas wnoia�ie �a�aa� �cw� oescRiariom oF PROPEFTV�. Lot 3, Blook 2, I�Qgewood AtldiOon, WesM1ing[on cowry� M ��abom rn�s ��snn��a aroparcy PARCEL NO.�. ?POP].e1?P00�1 nooREss oF aRoaEarv� �s Oott�ge Gove�M N 55016 GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV is�ocnreo�. wasm��o� oRiGwn� aRwcian� nMoumr OF M OFTGAGE'. $256,000 00 AMOUNT W t HNU GUUM E-0 TO ee ouens oF onre oF monce, imcwoimGrnxEs iFiuvv anio CY MOFTGAGEE�.$365,9?041 TM1et pnorto tlte oommenoement of tltismor(gqgeforedosurep^rocaeding Mof(gl dwitltegno0care of(gqgee mm�p�ie db ., hetunoeIXion r quire ysteWte t or prooeetling M1es been ins9Ntec et r otlterwisa to remvertlte debt cured by said mor(gqge, or eny perttltereof PURSUANT ro tlte power of sele ned �in said mor(gqge, tlte tl property w blc bytl�e OM1enff oYsaic munry es follows t OF SALE da���ary s 2on, �iopo nM au�cEOF swF�. �w E�ro�oama�� ca��ar, uo� em� srea� rv., S011weter, MN y � PMorc a aae�� a� s araa ey eaga, a si�ra�y, o abc prem�isas, end tlte m end e�r�ma�r�, ���a�a�e an maye fees e by le sublect t redemp0on witl�in 6Montl�shom tl�e dete of seid sele bytlte mof(gqgo�(sJ, r persvnel represanta0ves or segns �onre ro vncnre aRoaer�rv� or before w M1IOM1 tlt mof(gegormus[veca� tlte pmperty if tlte mor(geg[ �is not re eted e 6[eW�s s6 58030 or tl�e pmperty rede med under M�innesota S[aNtes sec[on Juy ti, LOl / etll J9 p�m. If tlte3foregoing de� �is e 6eWNey Sundey or legel M1olidey,M tl�enn�[M1e deye[11S9p.m6tene bum ss MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELFA5E0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�.NONE HHE TIME ALLOWE-0 BV ' FOR REOEMPTION THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FI�E wEEus iF n�uoian� or�oEa is H MINNESOTA STATUTES USEGTION 582032, oEreRMimimG nMomG orHeR THINGS, IHHI HCMORTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO'J4'ITH n Resioemnn� owe�wc oF �ss iHwv rivt uNirs, nRF Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, oazneneiuvoomeo. aa�.mo,�mea�e,eois TM1e 8ank oi New Vork Mellon ilmTM1e 8enk oi New Vork es Trustee for iM1e BenMit oi iM1e CertificateM1olders M CWALT, Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 2005- 33C8 Morigage PassiM1rougM1 Certificatas, Serias 200533C8, Assignee oi Morigagee aFe u�w, aROFEssioNn� tlsoannom y Jonetl�en H LLskey, Mid�eel V. Sdtleienen IYttie tlenk� or rvaw rom Mauo� n:a TM1e Benk of New Vork esTrustee for tlte Benefit of tlte GertificateM1olders of GWALT� Ina WtemeOve Loen I rust 200.533GB Mortgqge Pesstl�rougM1 Gertifioetes, Senes200533GB, Hasignee of Mor(gqgee ee �� F�rm so-aa� sw�a eoo S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 �ia��2ans3'ra:�7 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. 1]832-130013 Ra,�aw�. mo,� i s ea, ao, oaa �, ia, 2l, 2016J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR WITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HCFittlY GI�EN, tl� defeultM1es oauned �in tl�e oondi0ons of tlte following desvibec mor(gqge: or(gqgor: usTn M Ye ersvn, enge �Mor(gqgee: Mor(gqge Enectmn�ic e9���hfor WI trust6Mo a rt�aea, ea a�,��o� or eam�ero� ea�k a��r�,� Co,N oa�aa�. oanerzoia Fyled�.0.5�0120H4 oing[on egist�r of oama�e ma ieeeoie �a��� cameoa�a orr�ea mo. �. n2as ssignetl I Yingore Loen Servioing, LLG�� oa�aa�. osiurzoi s fly% b'/J1J16' WesM1ing[on Gounry Regisher or r�eas 000�ma�� ma ieaeese /�geins[Gertificate of I itle Nc. �. /l TrensaIXion /�qent Mo�(gqge EleIXmn� Regishe0on Systems, Ino moaain gen[Mor(gqgelUNo: e-0oons3�sss Lender Broker: Wintrust Mor(gege, e of tl mng[on Benk end Trust Gc.�N A, e NeOonel Benk Servicar: GenlerFSB Mor(gqge Ongineror: Wintrust Mor(gege e divisioNA aNaton�al i r� ca, Benk e ��cn� oEscRianoN oF PROPERIV�. M�inneso�s LEestwoode � 4tl� AddiOon, eomrding to tlte plet tltereof on file entl of remrtl in tlte Offica of tl�e Regisherof Titles �in end for WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� Hegisteretl Yroperty TAX 6 PARGEL NQ�. 18 029 21 23 0058 nooREss oF aRoaEarv� as�z u�Nntv nvE N OAKOALE MN55128 coumrv irv wHicri aRoaer�rv is �ocnreo�. wasnm�o� ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF M OFTGAGE'. $1 ]8,125 00 AMOUNT OUE ANO GUUM E-0 TO ee ouens oF onre oF monce, wcwowGrnxEs, o- u BV M OFTGAGEE�. $1]9,106Y49 � TM1et pnorto tlte oommenoement of mor�a9aforaao�ra pro�aai�g Mor(gegeelAasignee of Mor(gqgee �mvuaa w�m au �oo� raawram a�r� Public Notices Continuetl un Page 8 Page 8 Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2016 Public Notices Continuetl from Page / required by steWte; tltet no eIXion or prooeeding M1es been �instiW tec et r otlterwisa to remvertlte debt cured by said mor(gqge, or eny perttltereof PURSUANT ro tlte power of sele a��aa m ��a mort9a9w� ma eo�a� aa�neaa vrovarcv u ea Ic bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es follows OA1E ANO TIME OF SALE�. Jenuery 6 201 ], 10A0 AM PLAGE OF SALE�. Lew Enforoement Genter, 15t1tJ 62nc S[reet N., S011weter, MN o pey tl�e debt tl�en s cured bn �ic Mor(gqge, end b:�es,eif eny, o a�se�rsama�s�, ma�ai e� ��eya fees ellowed by lew sublect t redemp0on witl�in 6Montl�shom tl�e dete of seid sele bytl�e mor(gqgoKsJ, tlteir persvnel represanta0ves o segns �on� ro vncnre aRoaer�rv� The dete on or before wM1ioM1 tlte mort9aeor m��,���a ma vrovarry �unde�r M�inneaso� S�Wtes�sseted 58030 or tl�e property rede m�ed under M�inneso� S�Wtes saIXon �is July ti, LOl / et ll �,59 p�m. Iftltl�e�foregoing dete �is e SeWrdey, Sundey or legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e dete ro vecate Is me ne:a bueness aay a� n ss P m. MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELFA5E0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�.NONE rHe riMe n�oweo ev LAW FOR RE-0EMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FI�E wEEus iF n�uoian� or�oEa is ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STATUTES SEGTION 582032, oEreRMimimG nMomG orHeR THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO'J4'ITH n REsioENnn� owE�wc OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, nRF mor aRoaer�rv useo im nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, wvonr�newvooNEo. oa�aa�.mo,�mea�s,eois Pingora Loan Servicing, LLC, Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V Sdtleienen Attomeysfor: Pingore Loen Serviang, LLG Aasignee of M or(gqgee ss �� F�rm so-aa� sw�a eoo S[ Peul, MNSSIOI-l/le 651203]549 651-2&1]53'fa[J THIS IS A � COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. im�isooeisi Ra,�aw�. mo,� � e, zs, 30, oaa i, �a, ei, eoi s7 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR WITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTI ON. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GI�EN, tl�et aar�wmas o«�Raa ��� ma oo�a�oo�s of tlte following desvibec mor(gqge: M or(gqgor: PM1eTheo end Mei Veng, n�sea�a a�a w�ra, a� oo�aonaa va�a a smeia varbo� � Mor(gqgee: Mor(gqge Elechon�ic Re�gisheOoorNoveys�r�Mortgage, lno. oa�aa�. i erzarzooa t Filed�.01110200.5 Remsay Gounry Regist�r of Titles ooama�� ma i�oo�a A9am� Gertifioete of Title No. �.550014 Aasigned To: TM1e Benk of New Vork Mellon fke The Benk of New Vork, es Susassor Trus[ee for JPMorgen GM1esa Benk, N A, es Trustee for Novester Mor(gqge Funding Trust, Senes200.41 NovesterHome Equiry �oa� n��-eaa:a� carte��as, Senes200.41 oa�aa�. oansrzoia F�iaaosrosrzoia Remsay Gounry Regist�r of Titles ooama�� ma �oesea qgam� Gertifioete of Title No. �. Ol TrensaIXion /�gent �Mor(gqge EleIXmnicRegishe0on5ystems Ino r�����o� A9a�� Mort9a9a io mo: 1000801�038639]04 Lender Broker. Novester Mor(gege,ln eUirginiemryore0on Servicar: Oaven Loen Servioing, LLC Mor(gqge Ongineror: Novester Mor(gege,ln eVirginiemryore0on ��cn� oEscRianom oF PROPEFTV�. Lotn l,'2, end'3, Blod: ia, Ha9ars s�eai,�sio� or �or� i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ], 14, 15, 16 1], 18 or waioons naa�oo� ro co�a Homes, togetlter witlt veoeted elley s�elaa o Ra��oo� ey sm�a of M�inneso� of ell M�inerels end M�inerelRigM1tn Sublect to eesemen6 �in fewr [f ma aryor sam� aaw mrsiovas, o� s end fills esto seid Lot 1 es disHosad �in Book "S" of Plens pqge 23 enc �in Book 9 of Plens pqge l'2 �in tl�e offica ormaRae����oroaaasorr msay Gounry, M�inneso� This �is Registered Property TAX PARGEL NQ�. 24 29 23 41 0088 AOORESS OF PROPERIV�. 1 bG GottqgeAve W Seint Peul, MN 5511 ] GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPERTV IS LOGATE-0�. Remsay oRiGwn� aRwcian� nMoumr OF M OFTGAGE'. $25],000 00 AMOUNT OUE ANO GUUMEO TO ee ouens oF onre oF monce imcwoimGrn,:Es, iF iuvv anio BV M OFTGAGEE�. $188,291 � TM1et pnorro tl�e oommenoement of tl�ismor(gqgeforedosureprocaeding Mm�l dwiNal9lno0ca�eMo�(gqgee Po e e db �, M1etunoeIXion r quiredin yM1es been �instiW tec et or prooee g r otl�erwisa ro remvertl�e debt cured by said mor(gqge, or eny perctl�ereof PURSUANT ro tlte power of sele ned �in said mor(gqge, tlte ebwe desonbed property will be Ic bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es follows OA1E ANO TIME OF SALE�. Jenuery5 201] 10AOAM PLAGE OF SALE'. SM1enR's INfica, Givil Prooess Uni[ 25 W. 4tl� Stree[ Suite 150, S[ Peul, MN o vay ma aae� ma� s a�aa ey �ic Mor(gqge, end b:�es,eif eny, on a�se�rsama�s', i�a�ai e� ��eya raas auowaa ey iaw �,elaa � redemp0on witl�in 6Montl�shom tl�e dete of seid sele bytl�e mor(gqgoKsJ, tlteir persvnel represanta0ves o asegns on� ro vncnrE aRoaEr�rv�. ma aa�a o� or eamra wn�on ma mort9a9or m�� ,�oa�a me vrovarcy �unde�r M�innes�o� 6�W�ses seoao or ma p�oparcy raaaaa�a� under M�inneso� S�Wtes s �isJulYS,20 S9p�on IfMe ForegoiRg de� �is e,OeWNey, Sundey or legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e dete to vecate �is tlte ne# business aayac n ss Pm. MORTGAGOFl(0) RELEAOE-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�.NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR REOEMPTION BV THE MORTGAGOR, THE MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESEVTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FIVE wEEKs iF n�uoicin� oROER is ENrEa�o uNOER MiNNEsorn STATUTES SEGTION 582032, oErEw�iNiNG, nMONc orHER rHiNus, rHnr rHE Mor�rcwu�o PREMISES ARE IMPRO�EO wiN n a�sioENrin� owE�iNG oF �Ess rHwv Fi� uNirs, ar�E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nGRicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, iuvonReneiwoomea oa�aa�.mo,�mea�a, zois TM1e 8ank oi New Vork Mellon, fik/a TM1e 8ank oi New Vork JPMorgencCM1eserBenk,N.A'es TrusteeforNoveSterMorigege FundingTrust,Serias2005-1, NoveSter Home Equity Loen Asset-8adced Certificatas, Series 2005-1, Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL nssocinrioN By Jonetl�en R Guskey, M�ioM1eel V SOM1leismen Attomeysfor. TM1e Benk of New Vork Mellon, flkle TM1e Benk of New Vork es suocassor � o JPMorgen GM1ese Benk,[NA sTrusteeforNoveS�r Mo�(gqge Fundinc Trust, 6enes LO[1'.+1, NoveStarHome EquiryLoen AssaEBed:ec Gertificates, Senes Q00.41, Aasignee of Mo�(gqgee S EestFiMtStree[Suite800 S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 �1203]549 � � «� THIS�IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �Ra�aw.mo�is,�ea,ao,oaa i,ia, 21,?D16J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE 10 HEREBV EIVEN tl�et aar�w� nasooaRaa ��� ma ��d�oo�s of tlte followinc desaibed mor�gqge: Mor(gqgor. GOBK Oevelopmen[ LLG Lim�itecLiebiliryGompeny Mor(gqgee:SupenorFinenoing,lno oa�aa�. oi nvzoi s Remrded�.011132016 Remsay Gounry Reoorder 000�ma�� ma noassiaea Aasignec To: Preine Gepitel, Ino oa�aa�. oi nvzoi s Remrded�.03�012016 Remsay Gounry Reoorder 000�ma�� ma noassn m Aasignec To: Eqgle Gommuniry Benk, e M�inneso� benkinc �rvorano� oa�aa�. oi nveoi s Remrded�.03�012016 Ram�y co��ry Raoomar 000�ma�� Na noass�i s� Aasignec To: Preine Gepitel Ina oa�aa�. mnsizois Ra�maa�. mrz�rzois Remsay Gounry Reoorder 000�ma�� ma noae3oeis Trensection/�gent NIA r��saa�o� qga�� M orcga9a io mo: NIA Lender Broker: Supenor Finenang,ln Servicar. PreineCapital, In Mor(gqge Ongineror: Supenor Finenang,lno �cw� oEscniarioN oF PROPEFTV�. Lot11, Block3, Oreke s 2nd AddiOon to tlte Qry of S[ Peul roeamar w�m au narea�mma��s a�� vv�rca�a��s eaio�eme marero (tlte PmPert�Il. rn�s ��snn��a aroparcy 3TAX PPRGEL NO.�. Aoo�ss oF aRoaEr�rv�. 20 SVGAMORE ST E SNNT PHU� MN SSII / OOUNTV IN WHIOH PROPEFTV is �ocnreo�. Ramsay ORIGINAL PRINGIPPL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE�.$50,00000 AMOUNT OUEANO GLAIMEO TO ee ouens oF onre oF morice, wcwowc ra.es, iF iuvv, anio BV MORTGAGEE�.$54,243.]5 rna� vnor ro ma �m ma��ma�� or tltismor(gegeforedosureprocaedinc Mm�l dwitl�ell�noOca�Mo�(gqgee � e �ia awrema�r� � a����a� ey �aw�a�, mac�o aa�o� or procaedinc M1es been �instiWted et r otlterwisa to reoover tlte debt ared by seid mor(gqge, or eny perttltereof PURSUANT to tlte power of sale a� � mor�gqge, tlte eo�,��aa��ea���vrovarcv woi ea sold by tl�e SM1enff of seid oounryes follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE�. Jenueryl'2, LOl /, 10U0 AM PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enff's INfioe, Qvil Procass Uni[ 25 W. 4tl� S[ree[ Su�itelSO, S[ Peul, MN o pey tl�e debt tl�en s ourec by said Mor(gqge, e s,eif eny, on said prem�isas, e c tlte m abe��ama�r�, ��a�a�� an maye fees ellowed by lew subleIX t redemp0on witl�in ti Montl�s hom tl�e ae�e orsaia saie eyme morbeeorts7, mao- va5o�ai ravra��mo,�s or ssgns �onre ro vncn� aRoaer�rv� The dete o or before wM1�id� tl�e mort9a9or m�� ,�oa�a me vrovarcy �unde�r M�inneeso� O�W�sB1s or tlte pmperty redee�m�ec under�M�inneso� S�Wtes s 580 e3 �is July 1� PD1� et11 S9 p�mn If tl�e foregoing dete �is e SeWrdey, Sundey or legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e dete ro vecate �is tl�e ne# business aayan� es Pm. MORTGAGOFl(0J RELEAOE-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�.NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR REOEMPTION BV THE MORTGAGOR, THE MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESEVTATIVES ORASSIGNS MAV BE REOUGEO TO FIVE weeKe iF n�uoioin� oRoeR ie ENrEa�o uNOER MiNNEsorn STATUTES SEGTION ' ' oErewmimimG, nMomc�orHER THINGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPRO�EO wiN n a�sioENrin� owE�iNG oF �Ess rHwv Fi� uNirs ar�E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo ini nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, n wvonF;EnewvooNEo. oa�aa�. mo�ameane, zo� e Preirie Cepitel, Inc., Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL ASSOGIATION By. Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V Sdtleienen nnoma,,5ror: ar�ina wviml ma, n�ve�aa or Mor�gqgee SS Eest FihM1 Stree[ Suite800 SL Peul, MN55101-1]18 �1-2&1]53'fa[J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. 1]246160034]2 Ra,�aw�. mo,� za, ao, oaa �, ia, zi, ze, zoi s7 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NO� AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTiGE i0 HEREBV GiVEN, met defeultM1es omurted �in tlte mnditions of tlte following desvibec mor(gqge�. Mor(gqgor: Loreto Ulleges Rem�irez a smeia aarbo� Mor(gqgee: TGF Mor(gqge comor�oo� oa�aa�. ivizrzoa� Remrded�.O81112004 Remsey Gounry Remrder ooamam Na a�eie�i rr����io� A9a�e min TrensaIXion /�gent Mor(gqge 10 No: NIA Lender or Broker: TGF Mor(gqge Goryore[ion Servicar. Oaven Loen Servioing, LLC Mor(gqge Ongineror: TGF Mor(gqge Goryore0on �cn� oEscRianioN oF PROPERTV�. Lots ll e d l¢, Block i, oaw�� snda�oo� m s. aaw a�a tl�e Wes[ 10 feet of veoeted GM1erlron Street tltet emruec to Lot ll, Blod: /, by reeson of veoe0on tltereof Th�is �isAbshect Property TAX PARGEL NQ�. 0] 28 2224 0161 aooREss oF aRoaERrv�. 251253 George S[ Seint Peul, MN 5510] GOUNIV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV IS LOGATE-0�. Remsay ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE'. $3]3 450 00 AMOUNT OUE ANO GW ME-0 TO eE ouEns oF onrE oF NoncE, imcwoimG rnxes iF wvv anio BV MOFTGAGEE�.$4]8,81359 Thet pnor ro[M1e mmmenoement of tltismor(gqgeforeolosureprocaeding c�ompll�e cwiN elI no0oe � Mo�(gqgee quiremen6 required by steWte; tltet no eIXion or prooeeding M1es been �insti Wted et r otlterwise to remver tlte debt cured by saic mor(gqge, or eny pert[M1ereof PURSUANT [c tlte power of sale aeo�aa ��� ��a mort9a9w ma ,� aasaieaa vrovartv m ea sold bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE'. da��aryie, eon, ioponM PLAGE OF SALE'. SM1enff's IXfica, Givil Pmcass Uni[ LS W. 4tl� Stree[ Suite 150, S[ Peul, MN ro vay ma aae� ma� s a�aa ey seid Mor�gqge, end b:�eseif eny, on saia vremisas, ana ma � a�a abe�r�ma�r�, ���a�a��e an maye raas auowaa ey iaw �,elaa � redemp0on witl�in 6Montl�sfrom tl�e dete of seid sele bytlte mo�(gqgo�(sJ, tlteir persvnel representa0ves o asegns onrE ro vncnrE aRoaEr�rv�. ma aa�a o� or eamra wn�on ma mor�gqgor must vecate tlte protperty under M�inneaso��5[eWtes�s eted 58030 or tl�e property rede m�ed under M�inneso� S[eWtes saIXon �is JulYl'2, LOl / etll �,59 P�m. If-tlte Foregoi2de� �is e 0edbeH Sundey or legel M1ol�idey, tl�en tl�e dete to vecate �is tlte ne# bueness aay acn ss Pm. MOFTGAGOFI(6J RELEA6E-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR REOEMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FIVE w�us iFn�uoicin� or�oEa is ENIEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STAIUTES SEGTION 582032, OEIERMINING AMONG OTHER rHiNGs, rHnrrHEMORrcwu�o aReMises nr� iMaRoveo wirHnREsioevrin owE�iNG oF �Ess rHwv FivE uNi1s, nF;e mor aRoaer�rv useo im nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, wvonF;EnewvooNEo. oa�aa�. mo�ameana, zoi s TCF Netionel Benk,sucrossor by merger to TCF Morigage Corporetion,Morigegee aFe u�w aROFEssioNn� ASSOGIATION By. Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V Sdtleienen Attomeysfor: TGF NeOonel Benk, svor by merger TGF Mor(gqge Goryore0on, Mor(gqgee SS Eest FihM1 Stree[ Suite800 SL Peul, MN55101-1]18 �1-2&1]53'fa[J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. n�zsisoobm-i Ra,�aw�. mo,� za, ao, oaa �, ia, zi, 28, 2016J STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WASHINGTON DISTRICT COURT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASETYPE:14. OTHER CIVIL/JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE Case No.: 02-CV-1638]9 Judge: Gregory G. Galler NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE PURSUANTTOJUDGMENT FEOERALNATIONALMOFTGAGE ASSOGIATION, Plaintiff, JEFFERVS.GRUBER JOHN OOE and M ARV ROE, oara�aa�r� NOTICE IS HEREBV GNEN [M1at o� da��ary 2a 2on a� iopo nM, a� ma wa�,m�o� co��ry snanres Offica, WesM1ing[on Gounry Lew e�m��ma�� ca��a�, uou ��a Street NortM1, S011weter, M�inneso�, tl�e WesM1ing[on Gounry SM1enff desvibed es: reel property legelly Lot 19, Blod: 5, Pinetree Pond sm naa�oo�, wasn���o� co��ry, Minneso� Property Address: ]�4 Ivys[one Avenue Gourt S, Gott�ge Gmve, MN 55016 ra. io�. os ozzzi.aa ooas o tlte M1[gM1[st bidder by euction pursuent M1e Findings of FeIX, Gondusions of Lew, Order for JuQgmen[ e c Judgment e n tlte ebove-enOtled e �No,�mea� a, zoie ro �bry ma [uQgment e ered for Pleintiff �in na a �� a�zai,seeee vws ncntlte msts of seid sala A�cartifiec oopy of tlte FintPngs of Fect, Gondusions of Lew, Order for JuQgmen end JuQgment M1es been delivered[ro tl�e WesM1ing[on Gounry SM1enff ma raaamvoo� panoa nom ma aa��u ea �. s7 0� ns rrom ma �a or ��ermaeo� or ma �ia ey ma co�rc ma raai vrovanvm�� ea oa�ey��esr*m. o� naia�aay rma raaampoo� panoa rHE riME n��owEo ev u�w FOR a�o�PrioN ev THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL a�aa�sENrnn�s oRnssiGNs, Mnv eE REoucEo ro FivE WEEK6 IF AJUOIGIAL OROER 16 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STATUIES, SEGTION 582032, oErEw�iNiNG nMONc orHEa THINGS, THATTHE MOFTGAGE-0 PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH n a�sioENrin� owE�iNG OF LESS THAN FI�E UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERIV USEO IN nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, wvonr�newvooNEo. WASHINGTON COUMV SHERIFF'S OFFICE oa�aa�. mo,�mean i, zo�e 8y:/s/Rebecca Engel#103 Oeted�.NovemberlS,2plb Oeputy THE ACA�EMV LAW GROUP, P.A. 8y: /s/ CuriTrisko CuriN.Trisko(#392]53) Attarneys(orPlaintiH FederalNationalMortgage Association TM1e Academy ProMssional 8uilding ss No��n oaie s�� St. Paul, MN55102 TelepM1one:(fi51)209&]92 curt@ iMacadem�lavgroup.com (16N51-LITN) �Ra�aw�. mo� ao oaa �, ia, zi, ze, Olti,Jen4,201]J Attomeysfor. M�inneso� Houeng Finenca /�gena�, Aasignee of Mor(gqgee SS Eest FihM1 S[ree[ Su�ite 800 S[. Peul, MN 55101-1 ]18 �1-2&1�59 (fa ] THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. i �a�i sooesi-i Ra,�aw:mo,�ao oaa �,ia,zi,ze, o�e, da� a, eoii7 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN,[M1et aar�wmaso��Ra����me��a�oo�s of tl�e followinc desonbed mor(gqge: Mor(gqgor: Rid�eN G. Sulliven end Berbere S. Sulliven, M1usbend end wife Mor(gqgee: Firs[plusFinenael, Ina oa�aa�. osiuns� Filed�.0228114A9 Remsay cowry Re9istrer of ritles ooama�� ma uzaaaa Aqam� Gertificate of Title Na �.29]5]] AsegnecTo:Providen[Benk oa�aa�. osm ns� Filed08�032004 Remsay cowry Re9istrer of ritles ooama�� ma iez�eo qqam� Gertificate of Title Na �.29]5]] Asegnec To: US Benk NeOonel Aasoae0on, es tr stee for �e GBA66 Mo�(gqgeu Loen AasaE Beoked Gertificates, Senes ' - SL1, witltoutremursa oa�aa�. oarzsrzoos Filed0.5116200] Remsay Gounry Registrer of Titles ooama�� ma eoosooi qgam� Gertifica� ofTitle Nc.�. L9/S/ Trensaction /�gent NIA r���a�o� A9a�� Mort9aea io mo: NIA Lender Broker: Fimylus Finanaal,ln saM��: o�a� �oa� sa�a�e, LLC FNnanaa,eln Ongineror: Fimylus �cw� oEscRianoN oF aRoaer�rr. rna ea� �s raa� or Lotn 3 end 4, Block l9, Frenkson's Gomo Perk AtldiOon, Remsay Gounry, M�inneso� This �is Registered Property NOTICEOFMORTGAGE �� PARCEL NO.�. 2229 23 32 0111 FORECLOSURESALE M�RESSOFPROPEFTV�. THERIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF 14QFrenksonAve THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OFTHE Saint Paul, MN 55108 ORIGINALCRE�ITORWITHINTHE GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT IS LOGATEO�. Remsay AFFECTE�BVTHISACTION. ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN, tl�et OFMORTGAGE�.$61,50000 defeultM1esoaurred�intl�emndi0ons AMOUNTOUEANOGLAIMEOTO ormamuowmgaasa�eaamo�a9a: eeouensoFonreoFmonce Mor(gegor:0eeleMKindeencJOM1n INGWOINGTAXES, IFANV PAIO AKinde,wife3M1usbend BVMOFTGAGEE'.$]1,253.42 Mor(gegee:BremerBenk,NeOonel TM1etpnorrotl�emmmencamentof Aavooie0on [M1ismor(gqgeforeolosureprooeeding Oeted�.0.5232008 Mor(gqgeelAasignee of Mor(gqgee Ra�maa�.mroirzooe ompua�w�mau�000a�aq����ama�r� wasnm�o� co��ry Ra�ma� a �aawreaeysmw�a;ma��oaa�o� Oocumen[Nc.3]099]9 orpmcaedincM1esbeen�instiWtedet Aasigned To�. M�inneso� Houenc leworotl�erwiseroremvertl�edebt Finenoe/�gena� seared by saic mor(gqge, or eny oetea�.os2a2ooe percme�eop Remrded�.10�012008 PURSUANT ro tl�e power of sale WesM1ing[on Gounry Remrder oon�i ec �in sa mor(gqge, tl�e ooama��maa�os�o aeo,��aasa�eaa�v�vanv wm ea Trensaction/�gent NIA sold bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es Trensaction/�gen[Mor(gqgelONo: follows: Nin onrE wvo riME oF swF- Lender or Broker: Bremer Benk, Jenueryl9 201] 10:OOAM NeOonel Assoae0on PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enffs Offica, Servioer: U.S Benk NeOonel Givil Procass Uni[ 25 W. 4tl� Stree[ Aavooie0on Suite150, S[ Peul, MN Mor(gege Ongineror: Bremer Benk, ro pey tl�e debt tl�en s cured by NeOonel Assoae0on seid Mor(gqge, e seif eny, on �cw� oescRiariom oF sa�a v�am��sas, a�a ma oo�s a�a PROPEFTV�. Lot l Blook e disbursamentn, �inoluding ettomeys' Thompson Gove Estates 1st fees ellowed by lew sublect AddiOon, WesM1ing[on Gounry, redemp0onwitM1in6Montl�shomtl�e M�inneso� deteofsaidsalebytl�emo�(gqgo�(sJ, This�isAbsTactProperty [M1eir personel representa0ves or TAX PPRGEL NO.�. essigns ' ' ' OATE TO VHGATE PROPERIV�. f1L/.S] 41 f1f1Ly nooa�ss oF aRoaEr�rv�. ma aa�a o� o� earo�a wn�m ma &5]OSHINTONAVE mor(gqgormustvecatetl�eproperty GOTTAGEGROVE MNSSOIti �if tl�e mor(gege �is not re eted GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV under M�inneso� S�Wtes se is �ocnreo�. wa�,m�o� seoao o� ma p�oparcy �aaa a�aa ORIGINAL PRINGIPPL AMOUNT under M�inneso� S�Wtes secton OFMOFTGAGE�.$13],50000 58023�isJuly19,201]et11SSp�m. AMOUNT OUEANO GLAIMEO TO If tl�e foregoinc dete �is e SeWrdey, BEOUEAS OF OATEOF NOTIGE, Sundey or legel M1ol�idey, tl�en tl�e wcwowc rnxEs, iF wvv, awo aa�a ro,���a ��s ma �a.� e���a� BVMOFTGAGEE�.$1�,025� deyetllSSPm. TM1etpnorrotl�emmmencamentof MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASEO tl�ismortgqgeforedosureprocaedinc FROM OBLIGATION ON Mor(gqgeelAsegnee of Mor(gegee MOFTGAGE'. NONE mmpliedwitl�ellno0carequiremen[s THE TIME ALLOWEO BV srequiredbysteWte;tl�etnoection LAW FOR REOEMPTION BV orprocaedingM1esbeen�instiWtecet THE MOFTGAGOR, THE orotl�erwisaroreoovertl�edebt MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL a� ey sa�a mort9a9a, o� a�y REaRESENrnrivEsoRwssiu7vs, perttl�ereof MAV BE REOUGE-0 TO FIVE auRsuwvr ro ma powa� or �ia wEEKs iF n �uoicin� or�oER is aamaa ��� sa�a mort9a9a, ma emrEaeo umoeR Mimmesorn eo�e aa�.ma� p�oparcy w�u ea srnrures secriom seaa�e, roi�eymasna�nor��aoo��ryas oErEaMiNiNG, w�oNG orHER ouows: rHimGs,rHnrrHeMor�rcw�o OATE ANO TIME OF SALE�. PREMISESAREIMPROVEOWITH �a��aryzo,zo�i,�o�UonM n a�sioENrin� ow�uiNG PLAGEOFSALE'.LewEnforcament OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ca��a�, uou ��� so-aa� N., nF;E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN SOIlweter,MN AGRIGULTURAL PROOUGTION, ro vay ma aae� ma� �a�aa ey wvow3EnewvooNEa �icMor(gqge,endb:�es,�ifeny,on Oeted�.Nwember22,2016 a�sc prem�isas, e c tl�e m U.5.8enkNationelAssocietion, e��ma�r�, ���a�am� an mavs' es*��s��m�mecanss fees ellowec by lew subleIX t MorigegeLoenAsset-Becked redemptionwitM1intiMon[M1sfrom[M1e Certificatas,Serias20065L1, deteofsaicsalebytl�emor�gqgoKsJ, AssigneeoiMorigegee tl�eir persvnel represan�Oves o PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL essigns ASSOGIATION OATE TO VAGATE PROPEFTV�. By. Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V The dete on or before wM1idt tlte Sdtleienen m[r(gqgor must veoete tlte protperty Attomeysfor. if M1e mor(gqge �is not r U.S. Benk NeOonel Aavooie0on, es under M�inneso� S�Wtes s n Trustee for tl�e GBASS Mor(gqge or tl�e property redee�m�ec Loen AaseEBeoked Gertificates, under�M�inneso� S�Wtes s n Senes 20065L1, Aasignee of SBOQ9�isllulyQ0,Q01]et11S9p.m. Mo�(gqgee If tl�e foregoing dete �is e SeWrdey, SS Eest FihM1 S[ree[ Su�ite800 Sundey or legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e S[. Peul, MN55101-1]18 dete ro veoete �is tl�e ne# bueness �1203]549 deYe[T'a9Pm. �� & /S9C�xJ MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASE-0 THIS�IS A COMMUNICATION FROM OBLIGATION ON FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. MORTGAGE�. NONE //2S16006� THE TIME ALLOWE-0 BV ,Review:Nou30,0ea/,14,21,28, u�w FOR a�o�Priom ev eoisda�.a,eoi�7 THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESENTATi�ESORASSiGNS NOTICEOFMORTGAGE MAV BE RE�UGE� TO FiVE FORECLOSURE SALE WEEKSIFAJUOIGIALOROERIS 7HERIGHTTOVERIFICATIONOF ENTEREO UNOER MINy�E60Tz 7HE�E8TAN�I�ENTITVOFTHE STATUIES SECTION � ORIGINALCRE�ITORWITHINTHE OETERMINING AMONC OTHER 71ME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT THINGS,THATTHEMOFTGAGE-0 pFFECTE�BVTHISACTION. PREMISES ARE MPROVE-0 NOTIGEISHEREBVGI�EN�.TM1et JVITHARESIOENTIALOWEWNG defeultM1esomurrec�intl�emndi0ons OF LESS THAN FI�E UNITS oftl�efollowincdesonbedmor(gqge: ARE NOT PROPERIV USE-0 N MOFTGAGOR(SJ�. Petrioie A nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, camaxa��eiava�� wvonr�newvooNEo. Mor�rGnGEeMort9a90eau�omo oa�aa�.mo,�mearez,zo�s Rae��oo� svnams, Minnasote Housing Finence Oelewere mrporetion, e Ino, e Agenry,AssigneeoiMorigegee for Voyager Benk, e M�nnneso� PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL benkingmryore0on ASSOGIATION q551GNMENTS OF MOFTGAGE'. ByJonetl�enRGuskey,M�ioM1eelV �ignedro:WellsFergoBenk,NA smiaibrr�a� Review by essignment remrded on Jenuery za, zoiz as ooama�� m�mea� ' �in tl�e Offica of tl�e Gounry Jtl/ltll4 Remrder of WesM1ing[on Gounry, Minneso� ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE�.$111,00000 OATE OF MOFTGAGE�. Oeoember �onre iuvo au�ce oF Fwmc Ra�maa o� oa�mea� z�, zooa as ooama�c m�mea� 3aeeaee- ��� tlte INfica of [M1e Gounry Remrder of WesM1ing[on Gounry M�inneso� THE AMOUNT GLAIMEO TO BE OUE ON THE MOFTGAGE ON THE onre oF rHe morice asa,sso.ia �cw� oescRianom oF PROPEFTV�. The North 17 of Lot 29, end ell of Lot30 �in Blook � or o�,��o� ma z or s. aaw aan:, WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� sra�Er aooREss oF aRoaEr�rv�. rt�o E aRo sra�Er, SAINT PHULPARK, MN 550]1- ieis coumrv w wHicri aRoaEarv is �ocnreo�. wa�,����o� co��ry, Minneso� TRANSAGTION AGENT Mor(gqge eaaro����Rae���oo�swams, �o NAME OF MOFTGA e ORIGINATOR VoyQger Benk, M�inneso� benking mryore0on REsioENnn� sERvicER�. waus Fergo Benk, N A rn�, anF;cE� ioENnFicnrioN NUMBER�.12 02] 22 21.0101 TRANSAGTION AGENT'S MOFTGAGE IOENTIFIGATION NUMBER 100038�000548]44] rHnr �o auio� orprooaaamg nas been �instiWted et lew to remvertlte deb[tl�en remeining sacured bysud� orcgao' o a�yvarcma�aor o�, �r tl�e or prooeeding M1es been utedn tltet tlte sa e M1es been nstlt dismnOnued, or [M1et en upon tlte IuQqment rendered tlter�ein M1es been reWmed unsa0sfied, �in wM1ole or �in pe [ PURSUANT� o tlte power of sele ebwendesonbedd mo�(gqgeill be property : Ic bytl�e SM1enR of said munry es follows onrE wvo riME oF suF�. Jenuery3l, 201 ] et 10A0 AM PLAGE OF SALE�. WesM1ing[on GounrySM1enffsINfica, WesM1ing[on Gounry Lew Enforcament Genter, uou ��� s�aa� mom,, smwa�a�, Minneso� o pay tlte debetM1en s cured by or(gqge nd ta[ , �if eny uelly peic by M1e mor�gqgee, on�tlte prem�isas end tlte oosts end disbursamentnellowecbylew. The � ec by lew f[r redemption bysaicmor(gqgoKsJ, M1eirpersvnel repre�s6 om�tl�edeteo�fsale6�x;6J TIME ANO OATE TO VHGATE PROPEFTV�. Unless said mor(gqge eted tlte pmperty redeemed, o unless tlte 0 e for redemption �is reducac by ludiael order, you must vecatetlte prem�ises by 11 S9 Pm. on July31, 201 ]. THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR RE-0EMPrION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESENTATI�ES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FI�E wEEus iF n�uoian� oROER is ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SEGTION 582032, oErewmimimG nMomG orHEa THINGS, THATTHE MOFTGAGE-0 PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH n REsioevnn� owE�wc oF �Ess rHav FivE uNirs, nRF mor aRoaEarv useo im nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, iuvonr�neiuvoomeo. MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELEASE-0 FROM FINANGIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE�. None oa�aa�. oa�m ea� i, eoi s WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Morigagee THEAGAOEMVLAW GROUP,PA Bylsl Rebeme F Sdtiller, Esq. N. Kibongni FondungelleM1, Ee} 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' sam�ai a coiam a�, e y. AttomeysforMor(gqgee TM1eAoedemyProfeseonel Buildinc ze mom, oaia so-aa� S[ Peul, MN55102 �1) 2039]� '1610.5&FG01J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �Ra,�aw�. oaa i, a, n, ze, m�e, �a� a, n, eon7 � NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITY OFTHE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR WITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. monce is HeReev Givem� ma� defeu I[ M1es oaurred �i n tlte oondi0 ons orma rouow��g aa�..�eaa mor�aga: MOFTGAG0�6J�. W�illiem A Gonred, e engle person MOFTGAGEE�. Mor(gege Elechonic Regishe0on Systems, oaiaware �mo�eo� a for FSM1more Loen Menqgement sarmoas, �c ASSIGNMEVTS OF MOFTGAGE�. Aasigned FSM1more Loen Menegement� Servicas, LLG by ��e as ooa �miv mee aoisid� �n�tl�e Offica of tl�e GounryRemrder of WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF M OFTGAGE�. $118 ]50 00 OATE OF MOFTGAGE'. September oAre iuvo au�ce oF Fwmc Remrded on OIXober 11, 2013 es ooama�� N�mea� 3sei�3i ��� ma oniw or me counry Remraer or WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� THE AMOUNT GLAIME-0 TO BE OUE ON THE MOFTGAGE om rHe onre oF rHe monce� $1265E3.21 �cw� oEscnianoN oF PROPEFTV�. North 1]0 feet of Lot ti, Blod: l, GYenmer, WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso�. sra�Er aooREss oF PROPEFTV�. /[U STILLWATER R0, MAHTOME-0I, MN55115 GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPERTV is �ocnreo�. wa�,����o� co��ry, Minneso� TRANSAGTION AGENT Mor(gqge Elechon�icRegishe0on5ystems, no NAME OF MOFTGAGE ORIGINATOR RusM1more Loen Menegemen[Servioes, LLG Resioemrin� seRvicEa�. RusM1more Loen Menqgement sarmoas, �c rn�, anF;cE� ioENnFicnrioN N U M B E R�. 2 9 030 21 42. 0020 rwwsncriom n�mrs MOFTGAGE IOENTIFIGATION NUMBER 1009FA41311 23 3 6 9�-] THAT no eIXion orprooeeding M1es Public Notices Continuetl un Page y Review Public Notices Continuetl from Page 8 been �instiWtec et lew to remver tlte deb[tl�en remeininc secured bysuoM1 mor(gqge, o eny pert[M1ereof or, �if tl�e eIXion or procaeding M1es been �a��outed, tltet tlte sa e M1es been �o��aa, o� ma� a� uvon me Waema�� renaerec m reln M1es been retu c unse0sfied, �i wM1ole or �in peRme a�Rsuwvr, ro ma portar or �ia 90.9W, tlte ebove desvibec property �ill be sold by tl�e SM1enff of seid oounryes follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE�. Jenuery24 201 ] et 10A0 AM PLAGE OF SALE'. WesM1ing[on Gounry SM1enffs INfica, WesM1ing[on Gounry Lew Enfomement Genter, l Qnd Street NortM1, S011weter, 15t1 Minneso� �o vmy �na aae� ma� a� ey �a orcea9a �a ��ir a y uelly peid by tl�e mor(gqgee, on�tlte prem�ises enc tlte ms6 enc disbursementn ellowed bylew. The � waa ey iaw mr raaampoo� by saec mortgqgof(sJ, tlteir persvnel represan�Oves or essigns �is six (6J ontlts hom tlte dete of sale. TIME ANO OATE TO VHGATE aRoaer�rr. u�ia� sa�a mo�aga eted tlte property ��aaamaa, o wia� ma o a ror reaemvoon Is reaucaa by Walaei order, you m ust vecate tl�e prem�isas by 11 S9 Pm. on July24, 201 ]. THE TIME ALLOWEO BV u�w FOR a�o�arioN ev THE MORTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESEVTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FIVE WEEKO IF A�UOIOIAL OROER 10 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SEGTION 582032 oErewmimimG, nMomc orHed THINGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPRO�EO wiN n a�sioENrin� owE�iNG OF LESS THAN FI�E UNITS, ar�E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nGRicu�ruw� aRooucriom, iuvonReneiwoomea MORrcwGnR(s7 a��nseo FROM FINANGIAL OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE'. None oa�aa�.mo,�mea�ea,eois RUSHMORELOAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES, LLC Morigagee THEAGAOEMV LAW GROUP, PA By Isl Rebeoca F SOM1iller, Es4 N. Kibongni FondungelleM1, Ee} 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Semuel R Golemen, Es4 AttomeysforMor(gqgee rnencaaemy aroressionei euiiaing es mom, oaia so-aa� S[ Peul, MN 55102 (�1) 2099/bU �isi�aFrni7 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �Ra�aw: oaa �, ia, ei, ee, eois Jen4,11,201]J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. monce is HEaeev Givem ma� aar�w� nasooaRaa ��� ma ��d�oo�s orma roiiow��� aasa�eaa mor�aga: Mor(gqgor. W�illiem H Kirklend, e eng e persvn Mor(gqgee: Mortgqge eaaro�oRagi�r�oo�synams, �o ee for Leke /Vee Mor(gqge, e6lxvieon of Leke /Vee Benk, e �rvorano� oa�aa�. osnsizom Filed�.08�042010 Remsay RegisY„rb of Titles 000�ma�� mo. e qgam carte��a orr�ea ma �. seisss Aasignec To: U.S. Benk NeOonel Assoaetion oa�aa�. osnwzoia Filed 09262014 Ram�y co��ry Rae��� or rmas 000�ma�� Na rozsia�si qqa��� carte��a orr�ea ma �. seisss Trensection /�gent Mor(gqge eaaromo Rag���oo� synams, mo r��saa�o� A9a�� M ort9a9a io mo: Lender��or��Broker Leke Aree Mor(gqge, e Oivieon of Leke Aree Benk Servioer. U.S. Benk NeOonel nsboaano� Mor(gqge Ongineror: Leke Aree Mort9a9a, a o�,��o� or �aka nrea Benk �cw� oEscniarioN oF PROPEFTV�. The We�e�y 14 feet of Lot 3, Blod: 3, Lindemenn's 6ubdivieon of Lo6 9 end l Hyde Perk AddiOon Lot 4, Blod: a, o�aama��s s�ea���o� or Lotn 9 end l0, Hyde Perk Addioon, xcap[tl�e W esterly 1 5 feettl�ereof, RemsayGounry, M�inneso� This �is Registerec Property TAX PPRGEL NO.�. 35.2923320041 nooa�ss oF aRoaEr�rv�. ioae FuuFRnve SNNT PHU� MN 55104 GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV is �ocnreo�. Ramsay ORIGINAL PRINGIPPL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE�.$138,13900 AMOUNT OUEANO GLAIMEO TO ee ouens oF onre oF monce wcwowc ra.es, iF iuvv, anio BV MORTGAGEE�. $140 ]0628 TM1et pnor to tlte mm mencament of tltismor(gqgeforedosureprocaedinc Mm�l dwitl�ell�noOca�Mo�(gqgee � p�a e �,ma��o�aa�o� requ�ifec lnatllte or procaetPnc M1es been �instiW�d et r otlterwisa to reoover tlte debt cured by seid mor�gqge, or eny perttltereof PURSUANT to tlte power of sale � � ortgqgye, tlte ebovendesvibec property �ill be sold by tl�e SM1enff of seid oounryes muows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE�. da��aryes eon ioponM au�ce ok suF�. snanrrs orr�oa, a,�i a�o�ss um[ zs w. am srea[ Su�ite 150, S[ Peul, MN o pey tl�e debt tl�en s ec by said Mor(gqge, enc s,eifueny, on a�be�rsama��; i�o�i�ai ePo ��eya fees ellowed by lew sublect t redemp0on witl��in 6 Montl�s hom tl�e ae�e orseia seie eyme mor�a9orts7, tlteir persvnel representa0ves o asegns onre ro vncnre aRoaer�rr. The dete o or before wM1ioM1 tlte orcea9or m��,���a ma vrovarcy �if tlte mor(gqge �is eted under M�inneso� 6[eWt sB1s 58030 or tl�e property redee�m�ed under M�inneso� S[eWtes s 580 e3 �is�ulyPS, PD1� et11 S9 p�mn If tlte foregoinc dete �is e 6eWrdey Sundey or legel M1ol�idey, [M1en tl�e dete to vecate �is tlte ne# bueness dey e[11 S9 Pm. MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASEO FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR REOEMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FIVE W EEKO IF A JUOIGIAL OROER 10 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA srnlurEs sEcrioN seza�z OETERMINING AMONG OTHER THINGS, THATTHEMORTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH nREsioENrin�owE�iNG oF �ess Nwv Five umirs, nF;E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, iuvonF;eneiuvoomeo. oa�aa�.mo�amea�ea,eois U.S. 6 nk National Association, Assignee oi Morigagee aFe u�w aROFEssioNn� ASSOGIATION By. Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V Sdtleienen Attomeysfor: U.6. Benk Netionel Assoaetion, Aasignee of Mor(gqgee SS Eest FiMt S[ree[ Suite800 SL Peul, MN55101-1]18 �1203]549 ' &l S3'fa[J THI52215 A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �R �aw: oa����ia, ei, ee, eois �a�. a, n, eoi�7 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NO� AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN�.TM1et defeultM1es omurrec �in tl�e mndioons of tlte followinc desvibec mor(gqge�. MOFTGAGOR(SJ�. Holly R Hemg fikle Holly R Wiertzeme end 6�ven G. Henig, wife end M1usbend MOFTGAGEE�. M or(gqge EleIXronic Regis'tre0on Sys[ems, oaiawa�a �mo�oo�, a for VoyQger Benk, e M�n�eso� benking ooryore0on ASSIGNMENTS OF MOFTGAGE'. Aasigned ro: GiOMo�(gege Ina by zsegnm ent remrded on Jenuery L/, on as000�ma��m�mea�aeee�s n[M1e INfioe of tlte Gounry Remrder of WesM1�ing[on Gounry, M�inneso��, tltereeRer essigned to Federel NeOonel Mor(gqge Aasoae0on by is�e�ma�� ra�maa o� Faer�ary e, eoia as ooama�� m�mea� 3980215 �in tl�e INfioe of tl�e Gounry Ra�ma� or wa�,m�o� co��ry, M�innesota oRiGwn� aRwaan� nMouNr OF MOFTGAGE'. $258,500 00 OATE OF MOFTGAGE'. November 15 2004 oAre iuvo au�ce oF Fwmc Ra�maa o� oa�mea� is zooa s ooama�� N�mea�aae�o� ��� tl�e Offica of tl�e Gounry RemNer of WesM1ingron Gounry, M�inneso� THE AMOUNT GLAIMEO TO BE OUE ON THE MOFTGAGE oN rHE onrE oF rHE Nonce a�zassizea �cn� oEscRianom oF PROPERTV�. Lot 10, Blook 1, Gopper Oeks, WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�innesote srREEr Aooa�ss oF PROPERTV�.3181 GOPPER OAKS a� w000euRv, Mmee�ze GOUNIV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV is �ocnreo�. wasnm�o� co��ry, M�innesote TRANSAGTION AGENT Mor(gqge EleIXronio Regis'tre0on System s, Ina NAME OF MOFTGAGE ORIGINATOR Voyager Benk, e M�innesote benkinc mryore0on a�sioemrin� - sEaviceR Seterus, Ino. rn�, anF;cE� ioENnFicnrioN NUM BER�. LO.OLtl Ll 12001 ti rwwsncrioN nu�Nrs MOFTGAGE IOENTIFIGATION N UM BER�.1000'38x100[U48ti//9 THAT no ection or procaedinc M1es been �instiWted et lew to remver tlte aae�ma� ramamme �o�ra� ey �,m ortga e, o eny pert tl�ereof or, if tl�e e�io or pmcaedinc M1es been �autedntl�ettl�e seme M1es been ���e��aa, o� ma� a� upon tlte luc�ment rendered tlter�ein M1es been re med unsaosfied, �i wM1ole or �in peR anrts�uwvr' ro ma porcar or �ia d In said gqge� tlte ebove desaibed property ell be sold bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE'. Jenuery24 201]et10A0AM au�ce oF suF�. wa�,����o� co��ry sna�res orr�, wa�,����o� Gounry Lew Enforcament Genter, lSfl l Qnd StreetNortM1, S011weter, M�innesote ro pay rcM1e debt tl�en�s ared by sa�a ea9a , �r a y �auy va�a ey�ma mort9a9aa, on tlte prem�isas end tlte msts end disbursamen6ellowedbylew The � ec by lew for redemp0on tlme ellow b p ese tatir es�or�assgns PB v�(6) montltshom tlte dete of sela TIME ANO OATE TO VAGATE PROPERTV�. Unless saic mor(gqge ma proparcy �raaaamaa� o wia� ma o a mr redemp0on �is reduoec by ludioiel omar, vo� m��,�oa�a ma vram���s ey n ss pm. on dury za, wi �. rHE riME wLowEo ev LAW FOR REOEMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL a�aa�sENrnn�s oRnssiGNs, MAV BE RE-0UGEO TO FIVE WEEK6 IF AJUOIGIAL OROER 16 emrea�o umoeR Mimmesorn STATUIES, SEGTION 582032, oErEw�iNiNG nMONc orHEa rHimGs, NnrrHe Mor�rGnGeo PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH n a�sioENnn� owE�wc OF LESS THAN FI�E UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTV USE-0 IN nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, n iuvonr�neiuvoomeo. MOFTGAG0�0J RELEAOE-0 FROM FINANGIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE�. None oa�aa�. mo,�mea�aq eois FE�ERALNATIONALMOF�GAGE ASSOCIATION Morigagee THEAGAOEMVLAW GROUP,PA Bylsl Rebeme F Sdtiller, Ee} N. Kibongni FondungelleM1, Ee} 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Semuel R Golemen, Ee} AttomeysforMor(gqgee TheAoedemyProfeseonel Bu�ilding es mom, oaia so-aa� S[ Peul, MN55102 �1) 2099/fU (1616'�FG01J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �Ra�aw�. oaa �, ia, ei, ee, eois da� a, n, eon7 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OFTHE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN tl�et aar�wmasoa„Raa���maoo�d�oo�s of tlte following desaibed mor(gqge: Mor(gegor: Mdre M. Koen, e engle Mor(gqgee Amenfund Finenael Ina, dbeNl FundMor(gqge oa�aa�.naorzoos Filed�.031132006 Ram�y Rae���. or neas ooama�� ma � e A9am� carte��a ornee ma �. ssesu Aasignec To: OpOon One Mor�gqge Goryore0on, ACalifomie Goryore0on oa�aa�.naorzoos Filec03h15200] Remsay Gounry Regisher of Titles ooama�� ma ia9��a A9am� Gertificate of Title Nc. �.55&515 Aasigned To: OeutnvM1e Benk NeOonel Trust Gompeny, Trus[ee for tlte GertificateM1olders of Soundview Home Loen Trust 20ob OPT1, AssaEBed:ed Gertificates, Senes20060PT1 oa�aa�. oi aorzoos Filed�.021182009 Remsay Gounry Reqisher of Titles ooama�� Na z e Aqa��� carte��a ornee ma,ssesu Trensaction/�gent NIA Trensaction /�gent Mor(gqge 10 No: NIA Lender Broker: Amenfunc Finenoiel � dbe NI Func Mor(gqge,AWesM1ing[on Goryore0on Servicar. Oowen Loen Serviang, LLC Mor(gege Onginetor: Amenfunc Finenoiel no dbe NI Func Mor(gqge,AWesM1ing[on Goryore0on �cw� oescRianom oF PROPEFTV�. Lot 2], Spnng Leke aan: H��ii,�aw, a.�v�ma Norm nair RemsayGounry, M�inneso� rn�s ��s Rae��ara� aroparcy TAX PPRGEL NO.�. 0630 23 41 0014 �oREss oF aRoaer�rr. Graa�wooa o� Mounds View, MN 55112 GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPERIV is�ocnreo�.r msay ORIGINAL PRINGIPPL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE�. $213 ]50 00 AMOUNT OUEANO GLAIMEO TO ee ouens oF onre oF monce, imcwowc-rnxee iF wvv awo BV MOFTGAGEE�. $233,SBB T/ TM1et pnor to tlte oommencament of tltismor(gqgeforedosureprocaedinc Mm�l dw�itl�el�InoOca�eMo�(gegee � ���� ae �, na���oaai�o� orreawre ynam�e � vro�aa�e nas eaa� �i��iwm� ae r otlterwisa to remvertlte debt parcmec by said mor(gqge, or eny araor, PURSUANT to tlte power of sale �ned In seid mof(gqgye, tlte ebwe desvibec property �ill be Ic by tlte SM1enR of said munry es follows onrE wvo riME oF suF�. oa�mean,eois ioponM PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enff's INfioe, Qvil Prooess Uni[ LS W. 4tl� Stree[ Suite 150, SL Peul, MN o pey tl�e debt tl�en saared bn �ic Mor(gqge, end b:�es, �if eny, o ds�busemen�[s, �indud ga meys' raas auowa� ey iaw �elaa � redemp0on witl�in 6Mon[M1shom tl�e dete of saic sale bytlte m o�(gqgo�(sJ, mao- varbo�ai ravra���ao,�s or essigns onrE ro vncnrE aRoaEr�rv�. The dete on or before wM1id� tl�e mort9a9or m��,�oa�a ma v�varry �unde�r M�inneeso� O�W�sB1s 58030 or [M1e property redee�m�ec under M�inneso� S�Wtes secton �isJunel,20 S9Pm. If tlte�foregoing de� �is e 6eW Ney Sundey or legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e aa�a ro,�oa�a ��s ma �a:a e���ass aay acn ss Pm. MOFTGAG0�6J RELEA6E-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE�.NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV u�w FOR a�o�PrioN ev THE MOFTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESENTATI�ES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE RE-0UGEO TO FIVE WEEK6 IF AJUOIGIAL OROER 16 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STATUIES SEGTION 582032, oErEw�iNiNG nMONc orHEa THINGS, THATTHE MOFTGAGE-0 aa�Mises nr� iMaRoveo wirH n a�sioENnn� owE�wc oF �Ess rHav Fi� uNirs, nRF Nor aRoaEarv usEo w nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, wvonr�newvooNEo. oa�aa�. sap�amea�aq eois �eutscM1e Benk Netionel Trust Company, asTrustee for Soundview Home LoanTrust 20060PT1,Asset-6 dced Certificatas, Series 20060PT1, Assigree oi Morigagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL wssocinrioN By Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V SOM1leismen Attomeysfor. OeutnMe Benk NeOonel Trust Gompeny, es Trustee for Soundview Homa �oa� r�,�zoosoari, n�a�- Beoked Gertificates Senes 2006 OPT1, Aasignee of Mor(gegee 55 Eest Fiftl� S[ree[ Su�ite 800 S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 �1-2&1]53 (fa[J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. 1]]2515-002083 iRe2016)Oc[ 12 19, 26, Nou 2 9, NOTICEOFPOSTPONEMENT OFMORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE NOTIGE 10 HEREBV GIVEN,[M1et tl�e ebove Mor(gege Foredosure saia �is naraey vo�vo�aa ro da��ary ' et 10�A0 AM, SM1enffs lJ LfJI/ INfioe, Qvil ProoessUni[ 25 W.4tl� S[reet Suite 150 S[ Peul, MN �in said Gounry enc Stata oa�aa�. oaoamearo, zois �eutscM1e 8enk Netionel Trust Company, asTrustee for Soundview Home LoanTrust 20060PT1,Asset-6 dced Certificatas, Series 20060PT1, Assigree oi Morigagee PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL nssocinrioN By Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V SOM1leismen Attomeysfor. OeutnMe Benk NeOonel Trust Gompeny, es Trustee for Soundview Home Loen Trust20060PT1, AaseE Beoked Gertificates, Senes 2006 OPT1, Aasignee of Mor(gegee S EestFiftltS[ree[Su�ite800 S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 �1�PD3]5�49 �Ra,�aw: oaa ia, eois7 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GI�EN�.TM1et defeultM1esoocurrec�intM1emndioons of tlte followinc desonbed mor(gege: MORTGAGOR(SJ�. Merk A OIIM1OR c Betl� R OIIM1OR, M1usbenc end wife MORTGAGEE'. WesM1ingron MUWeI Benk, FA e Federel SevingsBenk ASSIGNMENTS OF MOFTGAGE'. Asegned ro: W ells Fergo Benk N A e�� Sa9ooamemNramee��a��iii�ez' ��� ma ar�oa orma cowry Ra�raar of WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE�. $15],500 00 OATE OF MOFTGAGE�. August 19, onre iuvo au�ce oF Fiumc RemNec on OIXober 20, 2003 es ooama�� m�mea�:uee3ea ��� ma on�oe or ma cowry Raoomar or WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso�. rHe nMoumr cuuMeo ro ee oue om rHe Mor�rGnGe om rHe on� oF rHe monce. $1�,02898 �cw� oescRiariom oF PROPEFTV�. Lot Q, Blook 1, aan:�aa � � naa�oo�. rogamar w�m ea�aer� �m �aa ��� oaoia�oo� aa�aa May es, � i am, as ooama�� Nc. 8024 , WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso�� s1aEEr Aooa�ss oF PROPEFTV�. 89tA SPRING W, w000euRv, MN ssizuess coumrv im wHicH aRoaer�rv is �ocn�o�. wa�,m�o� co��ry, Minneso� TRANSAGTION AGENT None NAME OF MOFTGAGE ORIGINATOR�. WesM1ing[on MUWeI Benk FA e Federel Sevings Benk a�sioemnn� sEaviceR waus Fergo Benk, N A ra. anRce� ioemnFicnriom NUMBER�.04 OLtl Ll 4l 0'J11 TRANSAGTION AGENT'S MOFTGAGE IOENTIFIGATION NUMBER�.None THAT no ection orprocaedinc M1es been�instiWted etlewtoreoovertlte aae�ma� remamme �araa ey �,m nareor or, ir ma a�o� o� v�o�aa��� nas eaa� �a�uted, tltet tlte sa e M1es been �o��aa, o� ma� a� upon tlte luc�ment rendered tlter�ein M1es been reNmed unse0sfied, �i wM1ole or �in peR P [RnUANT� to �emorter of sale � eaew, ma aeo,� aa�ieaa �vrovarcv w ea sold bytl�e SM1enff of seid munry es follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE'. Februery ] 201 ] et 10A0 AM a�uce oF suF�. wasnm�o� Gounry SM1enffs Offica, WesM1ing[on cowry �w e�mroama�� ca��ar, lSfl lS Qnd Street NortM1, S011weter, Minneso� ro pay rcM1e debt tl�en�s ec by said o gege nd �rif e y uelly peid by tl�e mor(gqgee, on�tlte prem�ises enc tlte msts end a�be��ama�r� auowaa ey iaw. rna ey� waa ey iaw mr reaampoo� saia mor�eeorts7, meir versvnei represan�Oves or essigns �is ex (6J montl�shom tl�e dete of sala TIME ANO OATE TO VAGATE PROPEFTV�. Unless seic mor(gqge � a�aa or ma vroearcy redeemed, o unless tlte �i For redemp0on �is reducad by ludiael order, you mus[vecate tl�e prem �isas by 11 S9 p.m. on Augus[ ], 201 ]. THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR REOEMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESEVTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGE-0 TO FIVE WEEKO IF A JUOIGIAL OROER 10 ENrEREo uNOER MiNNEsorA srnrures, secriom seaa�e oereRMimimG, wmomG orHed TH INGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPRO�EO Wednesday, Dec.14,2016 Page 9 wirH n REsioevnn� owE�wc oF �Ess rHav FivE uNirs, nRF mor aRoaer�rv useo im nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, iuvonr�neiuvoomeo. MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELFA5E0 FROM FINANGIAL OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. None oa�aa�. oa�m ea� �, zoi s WELLS FARG08ANK, N.A. Morigagee THEAGAOEMV LAW GROUP, PA By Isl RebeocaF Sd��iller, Es4 N. Kibongn�iFondungelleM1, Ee} 'Cuh N.Trisko, Esq.' Semuel R Golemen, Ee} AttomeysforMor(gegee TM1eAcademyProfeseonel Buildinc ze mom, oaia so-aa� S[ Peul, MN55102 '�1)2039]� '13133]FG02) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �Ra,�aw�. oaa �a, zt ze, m� e, da� 4, 11, 18, 201]J AMENDMENTTO ASSUMEDNAME STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnasote Stetutas CM1epter 333: 1 List �e e underwM1�idt tlte b�ueness seorwill be AARON MARQUIS GAMPBELL Indudinc ell vene0ons end den�ve0onstltereof z. an�avai aia� or e���a�: z� E. MerketS[, Lime, OH45801 3. List e Meiling Address if you et tlte pnnapel pleca of bueness eddress:ln of INfica of tlte Generel Exeoutore, MOCartney Lens155, NlegM1eny munry, PennTylven�ie 15005-.�949 4. List tlte neme end oomplete sheet aaarass or au varbo�s ��a��mg business under tlte ebove Aasumed Neme: Aeron Merquis Gempbell, Orgenize0on, In care of INfica of tl�e Generel &earor, MCGertneyLens 155, NIe�M1eny ooun� Penns-ylvenie �S fl - y wmveau, nero� Merquis, Orgenize0on, I of ore� or ma Ga�a�i�exeo�ror, MOCartney Lens155, NlegM1eny ���ry, aa���,�ma uoos-as�w, GAMPBEL� AARON MARQUIS, Orgenize0on,ln eofINficaoftl�e Generel &ecuror�, MCGertneyLens ,55, NlegM1eny oounry Pen ee venie SOOS�U�, Gempbell�. on I maraws: ���a�,�a�al m �ra ot on�� of tl�e Generel Execuror, MCGertney Lens155, NlegM1eny munry, PennTylven�ie 15005-.�949 5. TM1is cartificate �is en emendment of Gertifioete ofAasumec Neme File Number:�3558800029 onei�airy fiia� o��. os2�2oi s , tlte undersigned, carti atlt[t I egning M1is dooument s M1e person wM1osa egneWre �is required, �ias a9a�� oi ma va�o�(67 wno� e�awra wo� a ea raawraa wno nas a�monzaa ma ro s�e� m�s aoo�ma�� M1�islM1er beM1elf or n botlt capea0es IfurtM1ercartif[M1etlM1eve mmpleted ell required fields, end ma� ma ���mrmaoo� ��� m�s aoo�ma�� end �in oomplienca witltetltecappl�ceble oM1epter of M�inneso� S�Wtes. I unders�nd tl�et by egning tl�is document I em sublect to tlte penel0es of penury es � mrm ��� sa��o� wsae as ��r i naa �e�aam�saoama��waaroam. oa�a:mo,�mea�am,eois /s/ CAMPBELL: aaron / marquis �Ra,�aw�. oaa i, ia, eois7 NOTICE Notice is M1ereby given [M1at [M1e p ova�v w�u ea �i� o� oa�mea� : The property wil I be offered sro�aaeamas mml5[oreaeTree end ���mrmao �aeo��ma saia nebe founcnet tltet websita The undersigned Amm M�ini sro�a wm sau a� a�euo saia ey �mvaoo naram�rora��o�a� w�moma� ��de�rsi db �. gne y Unit M 469, RioM1erc PetnvM1l, fumi W re, boxes of unknown oontent �Ra,�aw�. oaa i, �a, eois7 SUMMARYOF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS/REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Reques6 for Hids a e being �il 2A0 Pm.rJenuery io � eon, ro� ma �avia�ma�� or ma ��x��me ewiame �wromaoo� sw am ma �w e�mr�ma�� ca��ar, ��� WesM1itg[onGounry,M�inn o� Go �. nnonwww.a.wa�,mao�. �Ruslti ds esnx forfLrtM1er details a,�aw�. oaa ia, eoi s7 SUMMARYOF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS/RE�UESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Raa�a� mr arovo�is ara eamg i eao r*m., da��ary ,/, for mnsultant servicas for supportive enell e ee plens �in tltena0es of Gott�ge Grove enc S[ Peul Perk, �in WesM1ing[on Gounry Go to: M1tto llwww m wesYi na[o �Ruslti ds esnx forfurtM1er details n a,�aw�. oaa �a, eoi s7 CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMEDNAME STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnasote Stetutas CM1epter 333: List �e e underwM1�idt tlte b�ueness seorwill be mnducted�. Newel Lew Firtn L. Pnnapel Pleca of Bueness: LO'38 Ford Perkwey, q508, S[ Peul, MN 5�5116 '. List tlte neme end oomplete sheet eddress of ell persvns mnduIXing business under tlte ebove Aasumed Neme: Newel Lew Firtn, PLLG, LO'38 Ford Perkwey, q508, S[ Peul, MN sqns , na waarse�aa, �mry ma� i pa�e�me n�s aoo�ma�� s na �o� wno� �e�aw�a ��s ream�aa, or es qgent of tlte person(sJ wM1osa a�monza� m a� m�e��m�s aoama�� �n�sinar eanair eom vao�oas. i mrmaroartryma� i na�a �mvia�aa au raa��re� eaias, a tltet tlte �infortne0on �in tltis document iW[ruend ooneIX enc �in mm plienoe e�e eppl�icable dtepter of M�inneso� S[eWtes I unders[enc tltet by egn�inc tltis dooument I em sublect to tlte penel0es of pel7ury es satfortM1 �in Section �948 esif I M1ec egnec tltis doament under oetlt. oa�a: ivmns /s/ �ebra Newel Prasident �Ra�aw:oaa i,�a,eois7 AMENDMENTTO ASSUMEDNAME STATE OFMINNESOTA Minnasote Stetutas CM1epter 333: l. List tl�e exect essumed n underwM1ioM1tl�ebusiness�isorwill be ARleng Star 2 Pnnapel Pleca of Bueness: nl'3 10tl� S[ N., Oekdele, MN 55128 3. Listtlte neme enc mmplete sTaet aaara� or au va5o�s ��a�am� bueness under tlte ebove Aasum ec Neme: JBs Sportscards LLG, ]113 10tl� S[ N., Oekdele, MN SSl'28 4. TM1is oertifioete �is en emendment or camr��a orns�,maa Nama Foa Number: xl/29�00029 Onginellyfiled on �.10�0]2016 5. I, tl�e undersgned, carti atl�[t I �e�m� nis aoama�� s na persvn wM1osa egneW re�is required, ses qgent of tlte persvn(sJ wM1ose igneW re wou c be requ�irec wM10 M1es eutltonzec m e to egn tlt�is document M1islM1er beM1elf or �in botlt capeoiOes.IfurtM1eroertiftltetlM1eve mmpleted ell requirec fields, e tltet tlte �infortne0on �in tltis document a�a oorra� a�� �i� �m vua�oa witlt etlte eppl�icable dtep[er of M�inneso� S[eWtes I unders[enc tltet by egn�inc tltis dooument I em sublect to tlte penel0es of pel7ury es satfortM1 �in Section �948 esif I M1ec �e�a� m�s aoama�� waar oam. oa�a: n aon s /s/Justin 8roadwater ow�e� �Ra�aw:oaa ia,ei,eois7 RAMSEY/WASHINGTON COUNTIES SUBURBANCABLE COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION II NOTICE OF REGULAR 201] MEETING SCHEDULE NMice is M1ereby given [M1at [M1e r msaNwesningon counoes SubuNen Cable Gommunica0ons Gomm�ission II'"Gomm�issionJ M1es sHteduled reguler mee0ngs of [M1e comm�i�io� mr vivn, aisin, S11111], ]11311], 911411], enc ivsin acsao Pm. Reguler meeings of [M1e Gomm�ission's &ecu0ve Gomm�ittee M1eve been sd�edulec for 21911], 411311], 6�611], BI1011], 1011211], end 1211411 ] et530 Pm. TM1esa m e0ngs ere sdtedulOc to be M1elc et tl�e Gomm�iseon ffioe, 24� Eest Gounry Roec F� WM1ite BeerLeka �Ra�aw:oaa �a,eois7 STATE OFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWASHINGTON DISTRICT COURT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File Number: 02-FA-160929 caseryve: oo�uoan�e Notice oi H�ring by Publication I�Ne Metter of5188.01, Subd. 8) cnn� �a wron a Pe00oner oa� ai Romea�a� Ra�o�aa�� To Raspondent named above: M order M1es been �issued directinc you ro eppeer et 14949 Qn dztreet NortM1, S011weter, MN ' 1212?J16 e[ 1:15 Pm. end�explein wny ma �auar ��en� ��� ma aa000� m� ma oma� m� a�o�aa�o� �,ow� otbegrented nVou mey ob�in e mpy of [M1e Pe00on e eny order �issued from tl�e m rt hom tl�e WesM1ing[on Gounry GourtAdm�inistreroYs Offica. If you do not eppeer et [M1e sHteduled M1eenng, tlte Pe00oneYs reeast mey be grented es e defeult aar. Fao�re ro avvaar wm �o� ea aara�� ro prosaaoo� mr�oiaoo� of tl�e Gourt's Order. oa�a ienn s syi�r meyava� �eputy AnnMte Frit Court Adminisirstor �Ra�aw:oaa ia,eois7 CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMEDNAME STATE OFMINNESOTA Minnasote Stetutas CM1epter 333: ASSUMEO NAM E'.I�k.morgen aRwaan�au�ce oF euswess�. //Heml�ineA N,Apt101,S[Peul, MN55104 NAMEHOLOERS�. Jeen K Morgen, //Heml�ineA N,Apt101,S[Peul, M�inneso�55104 I, tlte undersigned, cartif tltet I pa�e�m� m�s aoama�� as ma rbo� wno� �e�awre �is raa�irea, �ias a9a�� or ma varbo�(67 wnosa e�awra wo� � ee raa��ira� wno nas eutl�onzec m e ro egn tl��is doament M1islM1er beM1elf or �in botl� capeoiOes.IfurtM1eroertiftltetlM1eve d ell fields, e requifec tlte[ tlte Informe0on �in tltis doament iW[ruend ooneIX enc �in mm plienoe e�e eppl�icable dtepter of M�inneso� S[eWtes I unders[enc tltet by egn�inc tltis dooument I em sublect to tlte penel0es of pel7ury es sa fortM1 �in 6ection W3.48 esif I M1ec egnec tltis document under oetlt. oa�a: nrzarzois /s/J�n K Morgan �Ra�aw:oaa i,ia,eois7