HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 12-21 Public Notices MAPLEWOOD REVIEWPage 10 Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2016 Review Public Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR WITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTI ON. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GI�EN, tl�et defeultM1es oauned �in tl�e oondi0ons of tlte following desvibec mor(gqge: Mor(gqgor: Jeffery J. Golonne, e singeperson Mo Eectmn�ic or(gqgee: r(gqge nom�nee�forGizensS�teBenk e oa�aa�. osroi rzoos Ra�maa�. osroarzoos Remsay Goun[y Remrder ooama�� ma asas�ie n��e�aa ro: oa�mena ea�k NeOonel Trust Gompeny, esTrustee of tl�e IndyMec INOX Mor(gqge Loen Trust 2006AF219, Mor(gqge PessThrougM1 Gertifioetes, Senes eoosnFns ��aa� ma aooim� a�a sa�ome A9�aama�� oa�aa d��a i, oaaa.osrosrzon Remrded�.0.51162011 Remsay Gounry Remrder ooama��ma ae�ams TrensaIXion /�gent Mor(gqgo EleIXmnicRegishe0on Systems, TrensaIXion /�gent Mor(gqge 10 No: mozzs�000000�zia Lender or Broker. GiOzens S�te Benk Servicar: Oaven Loen Servioing, ��c M or(gqge Ongineror: GiOzens S�te Benk ��cn� oEscRianom oF PROPEFTV�. Lot 22 end 23, Blod: 2 anouvsnda�oo�, Ramsaycowry, M�i��abom This�isAbshectProperty 3TAX PARGEL NQ�. AooREss oF aRoaER1v�. 5]5 Beeumon[S[ Sein[Peul, MNSSI'30 GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPERTV IS LOGATE-0�. Remsay ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE'$151,20000 AMOUNT OUE ANO GUUM E-0 TO ee ouens oF onre oF monce, imcwoimGrn,:Es, iF iuvv anio BV M OFTGAGEE�. $155,5]5 ]0 TM1et pnorto tlte oommenoement of tltismor(gqgeforedosureprocaeding Mm�l dwiNal9lno0ca�eMo�(gqgee � pia de �, na���oa�io� requiredin yM1es been �instiW tec et or prooee g r otlterwisa to remvertlte debt peared by said mor(gqge, or eny rcmereop aur�swuvr ro me powar or saia a��aa ��� ��a mort9a9a, ma eo�a� aa�neaa vrovarcv woi ea Ic bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es follows OA1E ANO TIME OF SALE�. JenueryS, LOl /,10U0 AM PLAGE OF SALE'. SM1enffs INfica, Givil Prooess Uni[ 25 W. 4tl� Stree[ SuitelSO, S[ Peul, MN o vay ma aae� ma� s a�aa ey �ic Mor(gqge, end b:�es,eif eny, on a�se�rsama�s�, ma�aia � a�a g a maye fees ellowed by lew sublect t redemp0on witl�in ti Montl�shom tl�e dete of seid sele bytl�e mor(gqgoKsJ, tlteir persvnel represanta0ves o asegns on� ro vncnre aRoaer�rr. The dete on or before wM1ioM1 tlte m[r(gegor mus[ vecate tlte property �unde�r M�inneasote�5[eWtes�sseted or tlte property rede m�ed under M�inneso� 6[eW�s s seo.ea ��s d�rys, eon a� n ss p�m� If tl�e foregoing dete �is e SeWrdey, Sundey or legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e dete to vecate �is tlte ne# bueness deY etll �,59 P m. MOFTGAGOF(SJ RELFA5E0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR RE-0EMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS MAV BE REOUGEO TO FI�E wEEus iF n�uoian� or�oEa is ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STATUTES SEGTION OEfERMINING AMONGyOTHER THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH n REsioevnn� owE�wc OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS nRF mor aRoaer�rv useo ini nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, iuvonr�neiuvoomeo. oa�aa�.mo,�mea�z,zo�e �EUTSCHEBANKNATIONAL TRUST COMPANV asTrustee for IN�VMAC IN�X MOF�GAGE LOANTRUST2006-AR19, MOF�GAGE PASS-THROUGH CEF�IFICATES Serias 2006-AR19, Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V Sdtleienen Attomeysfor: OEUTSGHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST GOMPANV es Trustee for INOVMAG INOX MOFTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2006AR19, MOFTGAGE PASSTHROUGH GERTIFIGATES Senes 2006AF219, Asegnee of Mor(gegee 55 Eest FihM1 Stree[ Suite 800 S[ Peul, MNSSIOI-l/le 651203]549 ssiz2ai�s3'ra:�7 THIS IS A � COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. mesisoo�eai Ra,�aw�. mo,� � e, zs, 30, oaa i, �a, 21, 2016J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR WITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTI ON. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GI�EN, tl�et defeultM1es oauned �in tlte oondi0ons of tlte following desvibec mor(gqge: M or(gqgor: Frenk L IXuz eke Frenk Gruz end Mene M Gruz eke Mene Gruz M1usbend end wifa Mor(gqgee: Mor(gqge Electmn�ic Regishe0on Systems, no es � e for Amenca's WM1olesele Lendee oa�aa�. osai rzoos Remrded�.09262005 WesM1ingron Gounry Remrder ooama�� ma asaieea Aasigned To: The Benk of New Vork Mellon fke The Benk of New Vork es Trustee for �e Benefit of tlteGertifioeteM1OldersofGWALT Ina w�amao,� �oa� r�,� zoosasce Mor(gege Pesstl�rougM1 Gertifioetes, sa�aszo��3� Retmrded�.09202011 WesM1ing[on Gou'y Reoorder a 3&h4tl Trensection /�ent Mo�(gege Eechonio Regishe0on Sys[ems, In on /�gent M or(gqge IU No�. 100015]dO0.5e48�]-0 Lender Broker: Amencas u0e�rvioere�OM1ellpoint Mo�(gege OMortd� gqge Ongineror: Amenca's W M1olesale Lender �cw� oescRiario� oF PROPEFTV�. w�aw � ndaoo�, � wa�,���o� Gounry, M�inneso� Yroperty n�r�. �� � �anF;ce� mo.�. zz ozzzi zz oon nooa�ss oF aRoaEr�rv�. �19Jesm�ineAveS Gott�ge Gwe MN 55016 coumrv irv 'vuHicH aRoaer�rv is �ocnreo�. wa�,m�o� oRiGwn� aRiNcian� nMouNr OF MOFTGAGE�.$256,00000 AMOUNT OUEANO GLAIMEO TO ee ouens oF onre oF morice, wcwowc rnxEs, ir I BY MORTGAGEE'$369,9?OYt1rHl TM1et prcor to tlte mm mencament of o gqgeforedosureprocaetlinc Mor(gqgeelAsegnee of Mor(gqgee mmpl�ied witlt ell no0ca requiremen6 �qu� di bc M1es beenM1�instiW�d et or procae r omarw�� ro raoo,�r ma aae� � oy saia moroa9a, or a�y perttltereoY auRsuwvr ro ma powar or �ia mor�a9w, � aeo,��aa�iea���vrovarcv w ea sold by tl�e SM1enff of said oounryes follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE�. Jenuery6?D1] 10AOAM PLAGE OF SALE'. Lew Enforcament Genter, 15015 Qnd Street N., S[illweter, MN o pey tl�e tl ourec by said Mor(gqge,een s,e�if eny, on said prem�isas, e c[M1e m meys utllfL att feesu ellowec by lew subleIX t redemp0on witl�in 6Montl�shom [M1e e of sai c sal e by tl� e m or(gegoK s�J, tlte�ir persvnel represanta0ves eU �C6T0 VAGATE PROPEFTY�. ma aa�a o� or eamra wmm ma mort9a9or m�� ,�oa�a ma vrovartv �under M�inneeso� O�W�se s seoao o� ma p�oparcy �aaaa��a� m Smwtes sa Mmneso aon 580 e3 Is �uly 6, PD1� et11 S9 p�m. If tl�e foregoing dete �is e SeWrday, s��aa aa�a ro,��a��a is ma��a�a e�sma� deye[ 11 S9 Pm. MOFTGAGOFI(6J RELEA6E-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE�.NONE ALLOWE-0 �nw FOR � a�o�ariom ev THE MORTGAGOR THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESEVTATIVES ORASSIGNS, Mnv ee Reouceo ro Five WEEK6 IF HJUOIGIAL OROER 16 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA srnrurEs sEcrioN seza�z oErewmimimG, nMomc orHed THINGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO PREMISESARE IMPRO�EO WITH H a�sioENrin� owE�iNG OF LESS THAN FI�E UNITS, ar�E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nGRicu�luw� aRooucriom, iuvonr�neiwoomea oa�aa�.mo,�mea�e, eois TM1e 6 nk oi New Vork Mellon ilm TM1e Benk oi NewVork es Trustee for iM1e HenMit oi iM1e CertificateM1olders oi CWALT, Inc.Alternative LmnTrust2005- 33C8 Morigage PassiM1rougM1 Certificatas, Series 200533C8, Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R Guskey, M�ioM1eel V Sottleismen neysfor The Benk of New Vork Mellon fke TM1e Benk of New Vork esTrustee for M1e Benefit of tlte GertifioeteM1olders of GWALT, Ina N[eme0ve Loen Trus[ 200533GB Mor(gqge Pesstl�rougM1 Gertificates, Senes200533GB, Aasignee of Mor�gqgee 55 Eest FihM1 Stree[ Suite 800 S[YeuI,MNS -l/le �120&]549S1t1 �i-:2e-i �ss (ra:�7 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. nesaiaooia �Ra�aw: rvo,� � e, zs, 30, uaa i, � a, 21, 2016J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE 16 HEREBV GIVEN, [M1et defeult M1esoocurred �in tlte mndi0ons of tlte following tlesaibetl mortgqge: Mor(gqgor. Austin M Petersvn, englrt ea9aa: ort9a9a e Regishe0on System e for W�intrus[6Mor(gqge,ee Ga�n of tlemng[on tlenk entl I rus[ N A oa�aa�.oanerzoia etl�.[1SM1ll/2014 WesM1ing[on Regisher of Titles 000�ma�� ma izzeois qqam came�m or i �na rva� nz3 n�e�aa ro: ameo�� �oa� 6eeang,LLG. F� sne2o�e �ia� osrzsrzoi s was�nm�o� o�on��la RL4��� qgam�o m�e�morr�eama��i�e Trensection /�gent Mor(gege Hegishe0on Sys[ems, In Trensection /�ent M o�(gqge 10 No�. 1000312d0011S3]965 Le�tler WinWs[ Mo�(gqge, e d�viso� eof Bemng[on Benk enc Trust Gc., N.A, e NeOonel Servioer. GenlerFSB Mo�(gqge �On9ineror. W�inWs[ o gqge, e vi n of tle nng[on BenkencTrustGc.,N.A, NeOonel Benk �cw� oEscniarioN oF PROPEFTV�. Lot 2, Blod: 3, M�inneso�s Eestwoode 4tl� e plet tltereof on file end of reooN �in tlte INfioe oftlte Registrer ofTitles �in enc for WesM1ing[on Gounry Minnesota rn�s ��s Rae��are� aroparcy �aozsaz�.o ece� mo.�. aooREss oF aRoaEr�rv�. ' �2GENTRVHVrN OAImALE, MN551PB GOUNIV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV IS LOGATE-0�. WasM1ing[on ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE'. $1]8,125 00 AMOUNT UUC HNU GLAIME-0 TO eE ouEns oF onrE oF NoncE imcwoime rnxee iF wvv anio CY MOFTGAGEE�.$1]9,10649 rna� vnor ro ma �mma��ma�� or tlt�ismor(gqgeforeolosurep^rooeeding ortgqgee/Hamy n of o�(gqgee omplecwitlt e�l no0oerequiremen6 raawraa ey smw�a; ma� �o aa�o� or pmoeetling M1es been ins9 Wtetl et r omarw�sa ro ra��ar ma aae� ared by saic mor(gqge, or eny perttltereof aur�suwvr m me o r or saie m W ntained �in said o�(gqgel be tl property e sapen soldbytl�e0 ffofsaicmunryes follHwe iuvu i e oF sa�e Jenuery6 PD1�, 10A0 AM au�cEOF suF�. �w �ro��ma�� Genter, l Kntl Street N. S011weter, MN y m PMort�e debttlten s cured by gqge, e seif eny, on sa��a vram��sas, a�a ma � a�a disbursamentn, �inoluding ett meys' fees e by le sublect t redemp0on witl��in 6 Montl�s hom tl�e dete of seid sale bytlte mo�(gqgo�(sJ, r persvnel representa0ves o segns �onre ro vncnre aRoaer�rv� or eamra w mon m o gqgor mnust veca� tlte pmperty �if tlte mor(gqge �is eted e 6[eW�sB1s seoao o��ma��p�opany �aa ��aa under M�inneso� S[eWtes sacton Juy ti, LOl / etll �,59 P�m. Iftltl�e�foregoinc dete �is e SeWrdey, swaay or iagai nouaa# ma� ma dey ����gPm6t ene bum ess MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASEO FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�.NONE HHE TIME ALLOWE-0 BV FOR REOEMPTION THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FIVE W EEKO IF A IIUOIOIAL OROER 10 M MINNESOTA STAIUTES USEGTION 582032, oErEaMiNiNG nMONG orHER THINGS, IHHI HCMORTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO'J4'ITH n Resioemrin� owe�imG OF LE55 iHwv rive UNiTs, nF;e mor aRoaer�rv useo im nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, oazr;tnewvooNEo. aa�.mo�amea�s,eois Pingora Loan Servicing, LLC, Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL tlSOGIATION y: Jonetl�en H LLskey Mid�eel V. smia�a� Attomeysfor: ingore Loen Serviang, LLG Aasignee of Mor(gqgee ss ea� F�rm s�aa� sw�a eoo SL Yeul, M -l/le �1203]549 l� �iz2anss;ra:�� THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. 14]�16008151 Ra,�aw�.rv .�pz3,3o,uaai,�a 21,2016) w NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NO� AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HtFitCY GIVEN, [M1 defeultM1es omurtec �in tl�e mndi0ons of tlte followinc desvibec mor(gqge�. Mor(gqgor: YM1e I M1eo entl Mei Yeng, n�bea�a a�a w�ra, a� oo�amaa VIan9, e en91e plersvn n N rt9a9aa: ea9e t Regis'tre0on Sys[ems, eeforNoves'�rMor(gqge,lna Filed�tl0111020054 Remsey Gounry Regist�r of Titles /�geinst cameoa�a ornea ma� ssooiq Asegned To: TM1e Benk of New Vork on fke IM1e tlenk of New York es SumesvorTrustee forJPMorgen GM1esa Benk, N A, es Trustee for ort9a9a r a��e � ea aseoa�i mo,�sm�Homaea��ry Loen AaseEBeoked Gertifioetes, sanaszo�� oa�aa�.oansrzoia �iled0.5106l2013 ooas y Gounry Hegist�r of lit ma�� ma �oesea qga��� Gertifioete of Title Nc. �.550014 EleIXmnioRe �ents Mo�(gqge qisTaOon ystems� I . 00 8 ���B�ntM�o�(gqge 10 No: Lender Broker: Novester Mortgqge,In eUirginieooryore0on Servicar: Oaven Loen Serviang, LLC Mor(gqge Onginetor. Novester M ortgqge, Ina, e Virginie ooryore0on �cn� oescRianom oF PROPERTV�. Lotn 1, 2, enc3, Blod: z3, Hqgers Subdivieon of Lots l, , a, a, e, s i, ia, u, is v, ie of Weloot[s AtldiOon ro Gott�ge rogetl�er witl� vecatetl el ley H6ublect to Reserve0on by 6tate of M�inneso� of ell M�inerels end HigM16 Sublect to n fevor of mearyorea��eaawro��ovas, a ��eusasro��a�on asa��o�a �in Book "S" of Plens pqge 23 end �in Book S of Plens pqge 12 �in tl�e offica of tl�e Hegistrer of ueetls of Famsay Gounry, M�inneso� This �is Registered Property PARGEL NQ�. za zszaai ooee aooREss oF aRoaEr�rv�. Sa�n t P� MN SSII / GOUNIV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV IS LOGATE-0�. Hemsay ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE'. $25],000 00 AMOUNT UUC HNU GLAIME-0 TO eE ouEns oF onrE oF NoncE imcwowe rnxee iF wvv anio CY MOFTGAGEE�.$188,291 � TM1et pnor to tlte mmmencament of tlt�ismor(gqgefoyreolosurep^rooeeding omvq �w�imail�000ar� oroa9aa db �, M1atunoactio�n require ysteWtet or pmoeetling M1es been ins9 Wtetl et r otlterwise to remver tlte debt ared by saic mor(gqge, or eny perttltereof aur�swuvr m ma porc r or �ia � �a ��� ��a ea9a, oa ebove saib tl property will i� ey ma snann or ��a �wry as follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE�. Jenuery5 201] 10AOAM PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enffs INfioe, Qvil Prooess Uni[ 25 W. 4tl� Stree[ Suite 150, SL Peul, MN �c Mor(gqge,eend �xes,e�if eny, on c rsrem�isas, e c� e m enc ng ett meys' Faesuellowec byalew sublect t redemp0on witl�in 6Montl�shom tl�e e ofsaic sale bytlte m o�(gqgo�( o tlte�ir persvnel represante0ves ���t� o vACAre aRoaer�rr. ma aa�a o or eamra wn�m ma mor(gqgor mus[ vecate tlte pmperty �unde�r M�inneaso� S�Wtes s� seoso o� me a�opercv �easea�e� � smw�as a seo � is u�ry e, eon arn ss Pmn If tl�e foregoing dete �is e SeW Ney, swaa aam ro,�oa� es ma�tl aa e���ass aay acn ss Pm. MOFTGAG0�0J RELEA6E-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE�.NONE n��owEo IIMC u�w FOR a�o�PrioN ev THE MOFTGAGOR THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL a�aa�semrnn�s oRnssiGms, MAV BE RE-0UGEO TO FI�E WEEK6 IF HJUOIGIAL OROER 16 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA srnrurEs sEcrioN seza�z oErewmimimG nMomc orH�i THINGS, THATTHE MOFTGAGE-0 aa�MisEs nr� iMaRovEo oF��� Ha�sioemnn�owe�wc �ess rHav Fi� umirs, ARE NOT PROPERTV USE-0 IN nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, wvonr�newvooNEo. oa�aa�.mo,�mea�a,zois TM1e 6 nk oi NewVork Mellon, i/k/aTM1e 8ank oi New Vork JPMorgen�CM1eserBenk,N.A'es Trusteefor No�aSter Morigege FundingTrust,Serias2005-1, No�aStar Home Equity Loan Asset-8acked Certificates, Serias 2005-1, Assignee oi Morigagee " PROFESSIONAL A660GIATION By Jonetl�en R Guskey, M�ioM1eel V Sdtleienen nnomavsmr: TM1e Benk of New Vork Mellon, flkle k of New York es susassor o JPMorgen GM1esa �Benik,[N A esTrustee for NoveS�r Mor(gqge wnaing Senes 200.�1, Nove6mrHomeEquiryLoen n��-eaa:a� cameoa�as, sanas a5��e�ae or Mort9a90e Ea�F�rm so-aa� sw�aeoo S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 �122&1]53'fa[J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. mzs-isao�i zRa�aw�. mo� is ea, ao, oaa �, ia, l, 2016J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OFTHE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HtFittlY GIVEN, [M1 defeult M1es oaurred �i n tl�e oondi0ons of tlte following desvibed mor(gqge: Mor(gegor: GOBK Uevelopmen[ LLG, e Lim�ited Liebiliry Gompeny Mor(gegee:SupenorFinenang,ln � /1V1LU16' Remrded�. 01I132016 Remsay Gounry Remrder 9S314FA AasignedTo: Preine0apital, Ino oa�aa. ovizrzoi s Rem�saytl �Gounryb Remrder ooama��Nanoass�im ssignetl I �. tqgle Gommuniry Benk, �M�inneso� benki2 mrporation Retmrded:03�012016 Remsay Gouny Remrder AasignedTo: PreineCapital Ina oa�aa�. ionsrzois lfl% Rem�say Oounry Remrder ooama��manoae3oeis r���o� �a�e N a�o� Aqa�� Moroa9a io No: NIA erokar. s�panor F�a�on9, m sarmoar: ar�ina caviml m Mor(gege Ongineror: Supenor Finenoing, In �cw� oeea;ianom oF �HL PROPEFTV�.Lotll,Cl ck3,Orekes 2nd AddiOon ro tl�e Glry of S[ Peul togetlter witlt ell M1ereditamen6 enc eppurtenencas beonging tlteret (tlte Property. This �isAbsTact Property PPRGEL NO.�. 30 29.2234 0024 nooREss oF aRoaEr�rv�. LO SVGAMORE ST t SAINT PAU� MN SSII / GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPERIV is �ocnrEo�. ramsay ORIGINAL PRINGIPPL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE�.$50,00000 AMOUNT W t HNU GLAIMEO TO ee oue ns oF onre oF monce, wcwowc rnxes, iF iuvv, aao CY MOFTGAGEE�.$54,243.]5 TM1et pnorto tlte oommencament of m�sm ort9a9aforaao�,ra pro�aa��� Mort9 aw��mai�i�oo�ra ort9agaa mmp�ie quiremen6 required by steW te; tl�et no ection or procaetling M1es been ins9Wtec et r otlterwisa to remvertlte debt paou„ereof�, �id mof(gqge, or eny rc� PURSUANT to tlte power of sale ned �in seid mor(gqge, tlte � proparcy w blc by tlte OM1enR of-said mun�j es follows t OF SALE Ile uery 1� PD1�, 10A0 AM PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enR's INfioe, Qvil Yrooess Uni[ LS W. 4tlt Stree[ Suite 150, SL Peul, MN � PMort�e debt�t[en sacured bn gqge, e xes, �if eny o c prem�isas, e c tlte m tPsbursamen6, �induding ett meys' fees e by le sublect t redemp0on witl�in 6Montl�shom tl�e dete of saic sale bytlte m o�(gqgo�(sJ, r persvnel represante0ves o ssigns eonrE ro vncnrE aRoaEr�rv�. or before w M1ldt [M1 mof(gqgormus[veca� tlte pmperty ��mer Mi��eso�a�s�am�es��seaio� seoao o� me e�oparcy �aaaaaaa t SmWtes se 580 e9 is Iluly 1� PD1� et11 S9 p�mn If tl�e foregoinc dete �is e SeWrdey, Sundey o legel M1 itley, tl� de� G� veca� �is tlte nex[ bueness dey e[11 S9 Pm. MORTGAGOFI(6J RELEA6E-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE'. NONE n�oweo IIMC u�w FOR a�o�arioN ev THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESEVTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, Mnv eE a�oucEo ro FivE WEEK6 IF H JUOIGIAL OROER 16 ENrEREo uNOER MiNNEsorA STATUTES SEGTION 582032 oereRMimimG, wmomG orHeR N imGs, rHnr rHe Mor�rcw�o PREMISES ARE IMPRO�EO � Ha�sioemnn�ow�umG oF ��Ess rHAN FivE uNirs, ar�E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nGRicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, iuvonReneiwoomea oa�aa�.mo�amea�u,zois Preirie Cepitel, Inc., Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW PROFESSIONAL nssocinrioN By Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V Sottlei�s�men r ysfor Preine Gepital, Ina, Aasignee of Mo �qqeFiftl�S[ree[ Su�ite800 S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 �1203]593 ��� THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �ReNew: mo� zs,�so, oeo. i, ia, zi, 28, 2016J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN,[M1et defeultM1esoocurrec�in[M1emndi0ons orma muowm� aa��oaa mort9aea: Mor(gqgor:LoreroUillegesRem�irez eNSi rcgle Persvn o gqgee�. TGF Mor(gqge Goryore0on oa�aa�.iznerzooz a�m�y oeico��ry� Ra�mar ooamam ma a�eiwi Trensect�ion /�gent Mor(gege 10 No: NI�A okar: rcF Mor�aga como�raoo� � sa���: oova� �oa� sa�a�e, LLC Mor(gqge Ongineror: TGF Mor(gqge Goryore0on �cw� oescRiariom oF PROPEFTV�. Lots ll end 12, Blod: �, oaw���snaa�oo� ro sc aaw a�a l0 feet of vecatetl GM1erlton S[reetetltet eoaued to Lot ll, Blod: ], byreeson of veoe0on [M1ereof rroparcy a�r.��� r�anace� ma�. 0] 28 2224 0161 nooa�ssoFaRoaer�rr. 251253 George S[ Seint Peul, M N 5510] GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV is �ocnreo�. Ram�y ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE�.$3]3,45000 AMOUNT OUE ANO GLAIMEO TO ee ouens oF onre oF morice, wcwoiNG ra.Es, ir BV MORTGAGEE'.$4]8,81359rHIU TM1et pnor to tlte mmm encament of m or(gqgeforedosure prooeetling Mo�(gqgeelAasignee of Mo�(gqgee mmpliecwitlt ell no0carequiremen6 requirec bysteWte; tl�etno ec9on or procaedinc M1es been �instiWted et r otlterwise to remver tlte debt tl by saic mor(gqge, or eny perttltereof PURSUANT to tlte power of sale mo�(gegye, t eboven desvibed Cproperty �ill be sold bytl�e SM1enff of seid munry es follows onre iuvo riMe oF sn�-. Jenueryl2 ?D1] 10AOAM PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enffs Offica, Qvil Procass Uni[ 25 W. 4tl� S[ree[ Suite150, S[ Peul, MN G� pey tlte tle arec by said Mo�(gqge, e si if enN on ��a vram���s, a�a ma o a�a mayr r�a�� auowaa�' ev iaw `s�eiaa � redemp0on witl�in 6 Montl�s hom tl�e maa or ��a ��a oyma mort9a9ods7, ��� va�o�ai revre��mo,�s o U�t6 TO VAGATE PROPERTV�. The dete o or before wM1id� tl�e mor(gqgor must vecate tlte property if tlt mor�gqge is under M�inneso� S�Wtes s 58030 or tl�e property redee�m�ed e StaWtes s 580 23 is Jury 12 2on en1 S9 p�mn If tl�e foregoinc dete �is e SeWrdey, Sunde o de� G� veca�g�es tlte �nevt bueness aay a� n ss Pm. MORTGAGOR(SJ RELEASEO FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE'. NONE wLowEo IIMC u�w FOR a�o�arioN ev THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL a�aa�sevrnrives oR nssi�vs, Mnv ee a�ouceo ro Five WEEK6 IF H JUOIGIAL OROER 16 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA srnrures secriom seaa�e oereRMimimG, wmomG orHeR TH INGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPRO�EO oFHREsioENrin ow�uiNG ��ss rrouv Five umirs, ar�E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nGRicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, wvow3EneiwooNEa oa�aa�. mo�ameana, eois TCF National 8ank, sucrossor by merger toTCF Morigage Corporetion,Morigegee YFtl PROFESSIONAL ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V SOM1leismen Attomeysfor. TGF NeOon tl Benk cassor by merger TGF Mor(gqge Goryore0on, Mor(gqgee SSEestFiftl�S[ree' Su�ite800 scraw,Mrve -�ne �1203�59SS1t1 �1-2&1 ]53 �fa[J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. 1]]2516006ti1-1 (Review: Nou L'3, 30, Uea /, l4, 2l, ze, zoi s7 - STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WASHINGTON DISTRICT COURT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASETYPE:14. OTHER CIVIL/JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE Case No.: 02-CV-1638]9 Judge: Gregory G. Galler NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE PURSUANTTOJUDGMENT FEOERALNATIONALMOFTGAGE ASSOGIATION, Plaintiff, d�FeRv s. Gstue�t, JOHN OOE end MAF2V ROE oara�aa�r� NOTICE IS HEREBV GNEN [M1at on Jenuery24, 201] et 10A0 AM, et tl�e WesM1ingron Gounry SM1enffs Offica, WesM1ing[on Gounry Lew e�m��ma�� ca��a�, uou ��a Street NortM1, S011weter, M�inneso�, tl�e WesM1�ing[on Gounry SM1enff aesaieeaes: reei vrovertv ieeeiry Lot 19, Blod: S, Pinetree Pond Stl� AddiOon, WesM1�ing[on Gounry, Minneso� Property Address: ]�4 Ivys[one Avenue GourtS, Gott�ge Gove, MN r� io�. os oezei aa ooas o tl�e M1itgM1[st bidder by euIXion pursuent M1e Findings of Fect, Gondueons of Lew, Order for nuQgmen[ anc Judgment e ered tlte bwsentltlec aU �November 4, 2016 to satisfy tl�e [uQgment e ered for PleinOff �in M1e tt $231,�888 plus a�a ma �� or ��a sai�. n��mea� �vy or ma Fina�gs or Fect, Gondueons of Lew, Orderfor duG9men ena duG9men� nes eeen dei��,�red ro me we�,��n�on counry SM1enff The redemp0on pnenod hom tlte will be ex (6J ontl�s hom tl�e dete of mnfirtne0on of tlte sale by tlte Gourt. The reel property must be cated by 11 S9 P m. on tl�e lest dey of tlte redemp0on penod THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR RE-0EMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS MAV BE REOUGEO TO FI�E wEEus iF n�uoian� or�oEa is ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SEGTION S ' " OEfERMINING AMONG OTHER rHimGs, rHnrrHe MORrGn�o PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH n REsioevnn� owE�wc oF �ess rHwv Five umirs nRF mor aRoaer�rv useo ini nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, iuvonr�neiuvoomeo. WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE oa�aa�.mo,�mearn,eois 8y: /s/ltebecca Engel #103 �ePuty oa�aa�.mo,�mea�u eois THE ACA�EMV LAW GROUP, P.A. 8y:/s/CuriTrisko CuriN.Trisko(#392]53) Attomeys(orPlainOf( Federal National Mortgage Association TM Academy Profassional 8uilding 25 NoriM1 �ale SVeet SL Paul, MN 55102 TelepM1one:(fi51)2049]92 curt @iM1�cademylawgroup.com (16N51-LITN) �Ra,�aw�. mo,�ao, oaa i, ia, ei, ee, 2016,Jen4,201]J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR WITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. morice is Hea�ev Gi�m, ma� defeultM1es oauned �in tlte oondi0ons of tlte following desvibec mor(gqge: M or(gqgor: Oeele M Kinde end JOM1n AKinde, wife 3M1usbend Mor(gqgee: BremerBenk, NeOonel Aavoae0on oa�aa�. osrzarzooe Remrded�.10�012008 WesM1ing[on Gounry Remrder ooama�� ma 3 rt�ssis Aasigned To: M�inneso� Housing Fina��A9a�oy oa�aa�. osrzarzooe Ra�maa�. mroi rzooe WesM1ing[on Gounry Remrder ooama�� ma 3 rt�s�o rr����io�A9a�e min TrensaIXion /�gent Mor(gqge 10 No: wn Lender or Bmker: Bremer Benk, NeOonelAavooie0on Servicar: U.S. Benk NeOonel Aavoae0on M or(gqge Ongineror: Brem er Benk, NeoonelAavooieoon ��cn� oEscRianom oF PROPERIV�. Lot 11 Blod 8, TM1ompson Gmve Estetes AddiOon, WesM1ing[on Gounry, Minneso� This�isAbshectProperty TAX PARGEL NQ�. 1]02]21 41 0029 nooREss oF aRoaEarv� 85]0 S HINTON AVE GOTTAGEGROVE MN55016 GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV is �ocnreo�. wasnm�o� oRiGwn� aRwcian� nMoumr OF M OFTGAGE'. $13],500 00 nMoumr oue iuvo cuuM eo ro ee ouens oF onre oF monce imcwoimGrn,:Es, iF iuvv anio BV M OFTGAGEE�. $1�,025 � TM1et pnorto tlte oommenoement of m�smort9a9amraao�,ravro�aamg Mor(gegeelAasignee of Mor(gqgee �mpuaa w�m au �oo� raawram a�r� r awraa ey �aw�a; ma� �o a��o� or prooeeding M1es been �instiNtec et ar omarw�� ro ra�,�rma aae� raa ey ��a mort9a9a, or a�y perttltereof PURSUANT ro tlte power of sele �ned �in said mor(gqge� tlte ebwe desonbed property e�ll be Ic bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE�. Jenuery20 201] 10AOAM PLAGEOF SALE�. Lew Enforoement Genter, 15015 62nc S[reet N., S011weter, MN o pey tl�e debt tl�en s cured bn �ic Mor(gege, end b:�es,eif eny, o c prem�isas, end tlte m end disbursamentn, �induding ett meyK fees ellowed by lew sublect t redemp0on witl�in 6 Montl�s from tl�e Public Notices Continuetl un Page 11 Review Public Notices Continuetl from Page 10 dete of seid sele bytlte mo�(gqgo�(sJ, tlteir persvnel represanta0ves o segns �on� ro vncnre aRoaer�rv� ma aa�a o or eamra wn�on ma mort9aeor m��,���a ma vrovarry if tlte mor(gqge �is eted under M�inneso� S�Wtes ss 58030 or tl�e property rede m�ed under M�inneso� S�Wtes s �is JulY20, LOl / etll �,59 p�mn ir ma�ro�gomg aam ��s a sawmay Sundey or legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e dete to vecate �is tlte ne# bueness dey e[11 S9 Pm. MOFTGAG0�0J REIFi�6E-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. NONE rHe riMe n�oweo ev LAW FOR RE-0EMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REaRESENrnnvEs oRnssiGNs, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FI�E wEEus iF n�uoian� or�oEa is ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STATUTES SEGTION 582032, OEfERMINING AMONG OTHER THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH n REsioevnn� owE�wc oF �Ess rHav FivE uNirs, nRF Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, wvonr�newvooNEo. oa�aa�.mo,�mea�zz,zois Minresob Housing Finance Agenry, Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V Sdtleienen Attomeysfor: M�inneso� Housing Finenca /�gena�, Aasi9nee of Mor�gqgee 55 Eest FihM1 Stree[ Suite 800 S[ Peul, MNSSIOI-l/le 651203]549 ssiz2ai�ss;ra:�� THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. i�osisooesi-i Ra,�aw�. mo,�3o, oaa i, �a, zt ze eois,da�a,eoi�7 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR WITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTI ON. morioe ie Hea�ev ei�m, ma� aar�wmas o«�Raa ��� ma oo�a�oo�s of tlte following desvibec mor(gqge: Mor(gqgor: I�d�erd G. Sulliven end BeNere S. Sulliven, M1usbenc end wira Mo�(gqgee: FimylusFinenael, Ina oa�aa�. osiuna�a Filed�.0228114A9 Remsay Gounry Regist�r of Titles ooama�� Na uzaaaa Aqa��� cameoa�a ornea mo. �. zsron AasignedTo�.Providen[Benk oa�aa. osrzvia�a Filed08�032004 Remsay Gounry Registrer of Titles ooama�c Na ieea5so qga��� GertifioeteofTitleNo.�.' /S// Aasigned To: US Benk NeOonel Aaveae0on es tr stee for �e GBASS Mor(gqgeu Loen AasaE Bed:ec Gertificates, Senes 2006 SL1, witltoutreooursa oa�aa�. oarzsrzoos F�iaaosnsrzoo� Ram�y cowry Reei��r or rmas ooama�� Na zocuoo� qqa��� cameoa�a ornea mo. �. zs�sn rr���uio�A9a�e Nin r���u�o� A9a�� Mort9a9a io No: NIA Lender Broker: Firs[plus Finanaal, In Servicar: Oaven Loen Servioing, ��c Mor(gqge Ongineror: Firs[plus Fina�aal mo ��cn� oEscRianom oF PROPEFTV�. The Eest /S feet of Lotn 3 end 4, Blook 19, Frenkson s Gomo Perk AddiOon, Remsey Gounry, M�inneso� This �is Registered Property zTAX PARGEL NQ�. AOORESS OF PROPERIV�. 14Q Frenkson /Ne Sein[Peul, MNSSl08 GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPERTV IS LOGATE-0�. Remsay oRiGwn� aRwcian� nMouNr OF M OFTGAGE'. $61,500 00 AMOUNT OUE ANO GUUMEO TO eE ouEns oF onrE oF NoncE, wcwowe rnxEs, iF wvv, anio BV M OFTGAGEE�. $]1,253.42 TM1et pnorro tl�e oommenoement of tl�ismor(gqgeforedosureprocaeding Mm�l dwiNal9lno0ca�eMo�(gqgee m p�ie quiremen6 required by steWte; tltet no eIXion or prooeeding M1es been �instiW tec et r otlterwisa to remvertlte debt cured by said mor(gqge, or eny perttltereof PURSUANT ro tlte power of sele �aa ��� ��a mort9a9a, ma ebwe desonbed property will be Ic bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es follows OA1E ANO TIME OF SALE�. da��ary �s, zov, �ovo nM PLAGE OF SALE'. SM1enR's INfica, Givil Prooess Uni[ 25 W. 4tl� Stree[ SuitelSO, S[ Peul, MN ro pey tl�e debt tl�en secured by �ic Mor(gqge, end b:�es, if eny, on asc prem�isas, end tlte m end e�r�ma�r�, �i�a�a�e an maye raas auowaa ey iaw �,elaa � redemp0on witl�in ti Montl�shom tl�e dete of seid sele bytlte mo�(gqgo�(sJ, mao- parbo�ai rapra��mo,�s or segns �on� ro vncnre aRoaer�rv� ma aa�a o or eamra wn�on ma mor(gegor mus[ vecate tlte property if tlte mor(gqge �is eted under M�inneso� S�Wtes ss or tlte property rede m�ed under�M�inneso� S�Wtes s SBO.e9 �is Ilulyl9, PD1� et11 S9 p�mn If tl�e foregoing dete �is e SeWrdey, Sundey or legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e dete to vecate �is tlte ne# bueness deY etll �,59 P m. MOFTGAG0�6J RELE/VSE-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR RE-0EMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FI�E wEEus iF n�uoian� or�oEa is ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA srnrurEs sEcnoN - -- oEreRMimimG nMomG�orHeR THINGS, THATTHE MORTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO'J4'ITH n Resioemnn� owe�wc oF �Ess rHav FivE uNirs nRF mor aRoaer�rv useo ini nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, wvonr�newvooNEo. oa�aa�.mo,�mea�zz,zo�e U.5.8ank National Association, asTrustee for iM1e C-8A55 Morigage Lmn Asset-8acked Certificatas, Serias 20065L1, Assignee oi Morigagee aFe u�w, aROFessiomn� ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R Guskey, M�ioM1eel V soniaisma� nnomavsmr: U.6 Benk NeOonelAavooie0on, e Trustee for tl�e G-BASS Mor(gqge �oa� ns��-eaa:aa carte��as, Senes 20065L1, Asegnee of Mo�(gqgeFihM1 Stree[ Suite800 S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 �1203]549 L�, THIS�IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �Ra�aw.mo�3o�oaa i,ia,ei,ee, 2016 Jen.4,201]J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN�.TM1et aar�w� nasooaRaa ��� ma ��a�oo�s of tl�e followinc desaibed mor�gqge: MORTGAGOR(SJ�. Petriae A Gemey, e engle persvn MORTGAGEE�. Mor(gqge Eechonio Regishe0on System oaiawa�a oomo�oo�,�'a for VoyQger Benk, e M�n�eso� benkinc mryore0on ASSIGNMENIS OF MORTGAGE�. Asegnecro: WeIlsFergo Benk, N A by essignment reoordec on Jenuery s� z �z as 000�ma�� m�mea� eiieia ��� ma orr�� orma co��ry Reoorder of WesM1ing[on Gounry, Minneso� ORIGINAL PRINGIPPL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE�.$111 00000 onre oF Mor�rcw��. oa�mea� 8,2004 onre iuvo a�uce oF FwmG�. Raooma� o� oa�mea� v zo as ooama�� m�mea� aaeeaes�m ma on�oa or ma cowry Ra�mar or WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� THE AMOUNT GUUME-0 TO BE OUEONTHEMOFTGAGEONTHE onre oF rHe monce�. asa,sao.ia �cw� oescRiariom oF aRoaer�rr. rna morcn irz or �o� orend ell of Lot 30, �in Blod: bU �o�,�s�o� ma e or sc aaw aan:, WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� sra�Er AooREss oF aRoaEr�rv�. �oo E sRo srREEr SAINTPAULPARK, MN550]1- ltlly OOUNTV IN WHIOH PROPEFTV is �ocnreo�. wa�,m�o� co��ry, Minneso� TRANSAGTION AGENT�. Mor(gqge Eechonio Regishe0on Sys[ems, Ina NAME OF MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR�. Voyager Benk, M�inneso� benking mryore0on REsioevnn� sEavicER waus Fergo Benk, N A rn�, anF;c� ioemnFicnriom NUMBER�.1202/ J121 OIOI TRANSAGTION AGEVT'S Mor�rGnGe ioemnFicnriom NUMBER�.1000'38x100[U48 /44/ THAT no ection orprocaeding M1es been �instiWtec et lew to remver tlte deb[tl�en remeininc seared bysuoM1 mort9a9a, o ar�y varc � M1ereof or, �if ma au�o� o� v�o�aame nas eaa� �a��o.. ��aa, ma� ma � a nas eaa� �o��aa, o� ma� a� uvon me Waema�� renaerec mereln nas eaa� raw � wsaosiaa, �i wnoia or �i� parcme P [RnUANT� to �emorter of sale 90.9W, tlte ebove desvibec pmpe�ty �ill be sold by tl�e SM1enff of seid oounryes muows onrE wvo riME oF swF�. Jenuery3l 201 ] et 1oD0 AM au�ce oF sn�e. wa�,m�o� Gounry SM1enffs Offica, WesM1ing[on Gounry Lew Enfomement Genter, lSfl l Qnd Street NortM1, S011weter, Minneso� �o pay rcM1e debt tl�en�s ec by �a o ea9a �a ��ir a y uelly peid by tl�e mor(gqgee, on�tlte prem�ises enc tlte ms6 enc disbursementn ellowed bylew. The � wed by lew for redemp0on by saec mortgqgof(sJ, tlteir persvnel represan�Oves or essigns �is six (6J montlts hom tlte dete of sale. riME wvo onrE ro vncnrE PROPEFTV�. Unless seid mor(gqge eted tlte property ��aaamaa, o wia� ma o a ror reaemvoon Is reaucaa by Walaei order, you m ust vecate tl�e prem�isas by 11 S9 Pm. on July31, ?D1 ]. THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR REOEMPTION BV THE MORTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESEVTATIVES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE REOUGEO TO FIVE WEEKO IF A�UOIOIAL OROER 10 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SEGTION 582032 oErewmimimG, nMomc orHed rHiNus, rHnr rHE Mor�rcwu�o PREMISES ARE IMPRO�EO wiN n a�sioENrin� owE�iNG OF LESS THAN FI�E UNITS, ar�E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nGRicu�ruw� aRooucriom, iuvonReneiwoomea MORTGAGOFl(0J RELEAOE-0 FROM FINANGIAL OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE'. None oa�aa�.oa�mean eois W ELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Morigagee THEAGAOEMV LAW GROUP, PA By Isl Raea«a F sm�iiar, E y. N. Kibongni FondungelleM1, Ee} 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Semuel R Golemen, Es4 AttomeysforMor(gqgee TM1eAcademy Professionel Building zs mom, oaia so-aa� S[ Peul, MN 55102 L�� PDS9/bU (1610.5&FN1J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �Ra�aw: oaa i, ia, ei, ee, eois, Jen4,11,201]J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN�.TM1et defeult M1esoocurred �in tl�e mndioons of tlte followinc desaibed mor�gqge: MORTGAGOF'�(6J�. Williem A Gonred, e engle persvn MORTGAGEE�. Mor(gqge Eechonio Regishe0on System oaiawa�a �mo�oo��'a for RusM1more Loen Menqgement Servicas LLG ASSIGNMENIS OF MORTGAGE�. Aasigned RusM1more Loen Menqgement�� Servioes, LLG by zssvenmen� remraea on aueus� �e, oisasooama��m�mea�ao�siee in tl�e Offica of tl�e Gounry Remrder of WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso�. ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MOFTGAGE'. $118 ]50 00 onre oF MORrcw��. sav�amea� 2�,2oia onrE wvo au�cE oF FwNc Remrded on October ll, L' ooama�em�mea�asena����� ma Offica of tl�e Gounry RemNer of WesM1ingron Gounry, M�inneso� THE AMOUNT GLAIMEO TO BE OUE ON THE MOFTGAGE oN rHE onrE oF rHE NoncE�. $126,SE3.21 �cn� oEscRianoN oF PROPERTV�. NortM1 l/0 feet of Lot 6 Blod: 1, Glenmer, WesM1�ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� srREEr Aooa�ss oF aRoaEarv� �os sn�wnrEa Ro, MAHTOME01, MN 55115 GOUNIV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV is �ocnreo�. wasnm�o� co��ry, Minneso� hlANSAGTION AGENT Mor(gqge EleIXronic Regis'tre0on System s, In NAME OF MOFTGAGE ORIGINATOR RusM1more Loen Menqgemen[Servicas, LLG a�sioemrin� sEaviceR RusM1more Loen Menqgement sarN�s, �c rn�, anF;cE� ioENnFicnrioN NUM BER�. LY 0'30.L1.420020 laavsncrioN nu�Nrs MOFTGAGE IOENTIFIGATION NUM BER�.l009W41'3ll'2336'Y�-/ Nnr �o aaio� or pro�aam� nas been �instiWted et lew to remver tlte deb[tlten remeining saourec by sudt mor�ga e, o eny pert tl�ereof or, if tl�e e or pmcaedinc M1es been �autedntltettlte seme M1es been ���e��aa, o� ma� a� upon tlte IuQqment rendered tlter�ein M1es been reWmed unsa0sfied, �i wM1ole or �in peR anasewvr' ro ma porcar or �ia d In said o gqge� tlte ebove desaibed property ell be sold bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es muows onrE wvo riME oF sn�e da��aryza zona�m:oonM PLAGE OF SALE�. WesM1�ing[on GounrySM1enffsINfica, WesM1�ing[on Gounry Lew Enforcament Genter, lSfl l Qnd StreetNortM1, S011weter, Minneso� ro vay rcna aaee ma� a�aa ey sa�a ea9a , �r a y �auy va�� ey�ma mort9a9aa, on tlte prem�isas end tlte msts end a�be�r�ma�r�auowaaeyiaw ma � a� ey iaw m� �aaampoo� by seid mor(gqgo�(sJ, tl�eir personel represen�Oves or essigns �is ex ;6J montltshom tlte dete of sela riME wvo onrE ro vncnrE PROPERTV�. Unless saic mor(gqge � tlte pro�perty redeemedeto unless tlte �i for redemp0on �is reduoec by ludioiel oraar, vo� m��,�oa�a ma vram���s by 11 S9 Pm. on July 24, 201 ]. NE riME wLowEo ev u�w FOR REOEMarioN ev THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL REaRESENrnrivEs oRnssiu7vs, Mnv eE a�oucEo ro FivE w�us iFn�uoicin� or�oEa is ENIEREO UNOER MINNESOTA STAIUTES, SEGTION 582032 oE�RMimimG nMomG oNeR rHiNGs, rHnrrHEMORrcwu�o aREMisEs nr� iMaRovEo wirH nREsioENrin�owE�iNG OF LESS THAN FIVE UNI75, nF;E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, iuvonF;eneiuvoomeo. MOFTGAGOR(SJ RELEASEO FROM FINANGIAL OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. None oa�aa�. mo�amea�za zois RUSHMORELOAN MANAGEMEM SERVICES, LLC Morigagee NEncno�v u�w u�aoua, an By. Isl Rebeme F Sdtiller, Ee} N. KibongniFondungelleM1, Esq. 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Semuel R Golemen, Ee} AttomeysforMor�gqgee TheAcademyPmfessionel Buildinc es mom, oaia s��ae - SL Peul, MN55102 [651) PDS9/W '161�&FG01J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �Ra,�aw�. oaa i, ia, ei, ee, eois �a� a, n, zoi�7 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NO� AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIOE 10 HEREBV EIVEN, tl�et defeultM1es omurted �in tlte mnditions of tlte following desvibec mor(gqge�. Mo�(gqgor. Williem H Kirklend, e single persvn Mor(gqgee: Mor(gege eauro�n� Raei�oo� svnam s, mo ee for Leke Nee Mor(gqg a, e601vision of Leke Nee Benk, ooryore0on oa�aa�. osnsrzom Fnaa�. oeioarzom r msay Raei�r�r or ridas ooama�� ma z e A9am Oertifioe� oFTitle Nc.�.581556 Asegned To: U.S Benk NeOonel Aasoae0on oa�aa�. osnerzoia Filed09262014 Remsey Gounry Regist�r of Titles ooama�� Na rozsia�si qqa��� cameoa�a orr�ea ma� seisss TrensaIXion /�gent Mor(gqge EleIXronic Regis'tre0on System s, In r�����o� A9a�� Mort9a9a io mo�. Lender��or��Bmker Leke /Vee Mort�a9a, a o�,��o� or �ka nraa Benk Servicer: U.S. Bank National Aasoae0on Mor(gqge Ongineror: Leke /Vee Mor�gqge, e Oivieon of Leke /Vee Benk �cn� oEscRianom oF PROPERTV�. TM1e Westerly 14 feet of Lot 3, Blod: 3, Lindemenn s Subdivieon of Lo6 5 end l Hyde Perk AtldiOon Lot 4, Blod: 3, Lindemenn's Subdivision of Lo6 9 end l0, Hyde Perk AtldiOon, xcap[tl�e Wes[erlylS feettl�ereof, RemsayGounry, M�inneso� Th�is �is Registered Property rw: anac� Na�. 35 29 23 320041 aooREss oF aRoaERrv�. 1048 FULLERAVE SAINTPAU� MN55104 GOUNIV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV is �ocnrEo�. Ram�y oRiGwn� aRwaan� nMouNr OF MOFTGAGE'. $138,13900 w�ouNr ouE wvo cuuMEo ro eE ouEns oF onrE oF NoncE imcwoimG rn,:es, iF iuvv anio BV MOFTGAGEE�.$140,]0628 TM1et pnor to tlte mmmencam ent of mism orcgaqeroreaosure prowedinc Mor(gqgeelAsegnee of Mor(gegee mm�plied witlt ell no0ca requiremen[s r quired by steW te; tl�et no ection or procaeding M1es been �instiWtec et r otlterwisa to reoovertlte debt parcma� ey sa�a mort9a9a, o� a�y a�ory PURSUANT to tlte power of sale �ned �in seid mor(gqgye, tlte ebwee desvibec property �ill be Ic by tlte SM1enR of said oounry es follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE�. Jenuery26 201], 10AOAM PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enffs INfioe, Qvil Procass Uni[ 25 W. 4tl� Stree[ Suite 150, SL Peul, MN ro pey tl�e debt tl�en sacured by �ic Mor(gqge, end b:�es, �if eny, on a�s�c prem�isas, e c tlte m enc e��ma�r�, ���a�am� an mavs, fees ellowec by lew subleIX t redemp0on witl�in 6Montl�shom tl�e dete of saic sale bytl�e mor�gqgoKsJ, mao- varbo�ai ravra��mo,�s o essigns onre ro vncnre aRoaer�rr. The dete o or before wM1idt tlte mor(gqgor must veoete tlte property if tlte mor(gqge �is under M�inneso� S�Wtes s 58030 or tl�e property redee�m�ec under M�inneso� S�Wtes s 580 23 �isJuly26 201] et 11 S9 p.mn If tl�e foregoing dete �is e SeWrdey, Sundey or legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e aa�a ro,�oa�a ��s ma �a:a e���ass deye[11 S9 Pm. MOFTGAG0�0J RELEAOE-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE�.NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV u�w FOR a�o�PrioN ev THE MORTGAGOR THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRESENTATI�ES ORASSIGNS, MAV BE RE-0UGEO TO FIVE WEEKO IF AJUOIGIAL OROER 10 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA srnru�s sEcrioN sezoaz oErewmimimG nMomc orH�i THINGS, THATTHE MOFTGAGE-0 PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH n a�sioENrin� owE�iNG oF �Ess rHav Fi� uNirs, nRF Nor aRoaER1v usEo iN nu�aicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, wvonr�newvooNEo. oa�aa�.mo,�mea�za,zois U.S. 8ank Natiorel Association, Assignee oi Morigagee aFe u�w aROFEssioNn� nssocinrioN By Jonetl�en R Guskey, M�ioM1eel V Sdtleienen nnomavsfor: U.S Benk NeOonel Aasoae0on, SS�East F RM1 Steet� Suite tlfJfl S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 �1203]549 ' &l 'v3 �fa[) THI52215 A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. � / NF�1611f1tlV1�1 p3a �aw�. oao i, ia, ei, ee, eoie Jen.4,11,201]J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�EMITV OFTHE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PRWI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGEIS HEREBV GIVEN�.TM1et aar�wmas o«�Raa �� � ma ��a�oo� s orma rouow��g aasa�eaa m or�aga: MOFTGAG0�0J�. Merk A OIIM1off end Betl� R OIIM1off, M1usbend en wira MOFTGAGEE�. WesM1ing[on MUWeI Benk, FA e Federel Sevings Benk ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE�. Aasignecro: WellsFergo Benk, N A ey a��e�ma�� �a�maa o� Mni z, zoo� as 000�ma�� m�m ea�ae3nez �� ma on�� orma cowry Ra�raar of Wesningon Gounry, Mlnnesom oRiGwn� aRwcian� nMouNr OF MOFTGAGE�.$15]50000 OATE OF MOFTGAGE'. August l9, 2003 onrE wvo a�ucE oF FwNG�. Remrded on October L0, LO ' ooama�� N�mea�a�ea�sa ��ma INfica of tlte Gounry Remrder of WesM1ing[on Gounry, M�inneso� THE AMOUNT GWME-0 TO BE OUE ON THE MOFTGAGE oN NE onrE oF NE NoncE�. $1 �,028 � �cw� oEscniKarioN oF w� aRoaer�rr. �o� , ema: i aan:�ae i�naaoo��roeamar w�m ea�aer� o � oaaa�oo� aa�aaMayze,�� asooama�� mo. eoeasz, wa�,i��o� co��ry, Minneso� sra�Er AooREss oF PROPEFTV�. 89FA SPRINC W, WOOOBURV MN55125-0855 GOUNTV IN WHIGH PROPEFTV IS LOGATE-0�. WesM1ing[on Gounry, Minneso� TRANSAGTION AGENT�. None NAME OF MOFTGAGE ORIGINATOR�. WesM1�ing[on MUWeI Benk, FA e Federel Sevings Benk REsioevnn� sERvicER waus Fergo Benk N A rw: auicE� ioevnFicnrioN NUMBER�.0402821410222 TRANSAGTION AGEVT'S MORrcw� ioevnFicnriom NUMBER�.None rHnr �o auio� or pro�aamg nas eaa� �����w�a� a� iaw ro ra�,�r ma deb[tl�en remeininc sacured bysuoM1 mor(ga�e, o enyperttl�ereof or, if tl�e or procaeding M1es been utedn tltet tlte sa e M1es been ��� dismnOnued, or tl�et en e upon tlte IuQqment renderec tlterein nas eaa� rew � w�o�aa, �i wnoia or �i� partrne PURSUANT� to tlte power of sale aned �in seid mor(gqge, tlte eo��e aa�..ma� vrovarcv woi ea Ic by tlte SM1enR of said ooun[y es follows onrE wvo riME oF suF�. Februery /, LOl / at 1t1:00 AM PLACE OF SALE�. 'J4'asM1ington Gounry SM1enffs INfioe, WesM1ingron Gounry Lew Enforcament Genter, 15015 Qnc Street NortM1, S011weter, Minneso� o vay ma aae� ma� �a�aa ey mor(gqge end ta[ , if eny uelly peid by tl�e mor(gqgee, on�tlte prem�isas end tlte ms6 enc disbursamentnellowecbylew. The � wed by lew for redemp0on by saec mor(gqgoKsJ, tl�eir persvnel represan�Oves or essigns �is six ;6J ontlts hom tlte dete of sala TIME ANO OATE TO VHGATE aRoaer�rr. u�ia� ��a mo�aga �adaamada�d ��f� �a &�aa� redemp0on �s reducad by ludiael order, you must vecate tlte prem�isas bYll �J9 Pm. on /W9ust /, LOl /. rHE riME n��owEo ev u�w FOR a�o�PrioN ev THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL a�aa�semrnn�s oRnssiGms Mnv ee Reouceo ro FivE Wednesday, Dec.21, 2016 Page 11 WEEK6IFAJUOIGIALOROER 16 ENTEREO UNOER MINNESOTA srnrures, secriom e OETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS THATTHEMOFTGAGEO PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH nREsioENrin�ow�uiNG OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS nF;e mor aRoaer�rv useo ini nGRicu�ruw� aRooucriom, wvow3EnewvooNEa MOFTGAGOFl(0) RELEAOE-0 FROM FINANGIAL OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. None oa�aa�. oaoamea� i, zo� e W ELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Morigagee rHencno�v u�w GRoua, aw By Isl Rebeaa F. SOM1iller, Ee} N. KibongniFondungelleM1, Es4 'Curt N.Trisko, Esq.' Semuel R Golemen, Ee} A[romeysforMor(gqgee man�aamy arora�o�ai ewiamg zs morcn oaia srea� S[. Peul, MN SS102 (�1) 2039]� '13133]�Nel THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. �Ra,�aw: oaa ia, zi, ze, zois da� ,ll,18,201]J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. monce is HeReev Givem, ma� defeultM1esomurrec �in tlte mndi0ons of tlte followinc desonbed mor(gqge: Mor(gqgor: PM1illip Nes enc Enn M na�ay n�sea�� a�a wire aamaa eoy� a�a s�n n eoya w�ra a�a M1usband Mor(gqgee: Qry 3 Gounry Qedit Union oa�aa�. oi roarzoia Raoomaa. ovurzoia Remsay Gounry Remrder ooama��ma a3eozss rr���aio� A9a�e min r���a�o� A9a�� Mort9aea io mo: wn Lender or Bmker: Qry 3 Gounry GreditUnion Servicar: GU. Mortgqge Servicas, naMo�(qqqe Orlgineror: Qry & GounryQetPtUnion �cw� oescRianom oF PROPEFTV�. The Sou�e�y 4] feet of tl�e NortM1erly 9A feet of tl�et pert of Lot L lying SoutlteAy of e line a�w� nom a pom� o� ma wa�any eo� a mareor iai aa raa� nom ma �mwa�any � er maraor ro point on tlte Ees[erly line tltereof 14218 feethom tl�e Soutl�eesterly raa�.�v� ma wa�aay �an-eo a��� auay varc or �o� e, ema: 1, SubuNen Hills, Remsay Gounry, MN AbshectProperty m�s ��snn��� aroparcy ra. anacE� Na�. aaes �a� oo� nooa�ssoFaRoaer�rr. Mounc 5[ Sein[Peul, MN55106 coumrv im wHicH aRoaer�rv is �ocnreo�. Ram�y ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE�.$35,55000 AM OUNT OUE ANO GLAIMEO TO ee ouens oF onre oF moncE wcwoimG ra.es iF wvv anio BV MOFTGAGEE'.$28,46526 rna� vnor ro ma �mma��ma�� or mismor(gqgeforeolosure prooeeding Mor(gqgeelAasill�notice�eMor(gqgee o v��a�a�e �,ma���o�aa�o� requiredinc M1es been �instiWted et or pmcae r otlterwise to remver tlte debt ared by saic mor(gqge, or eny perttltereof auRswuvr ro ma powar or �ia me aeo�� aasaieaa �vrov iba9wm ea sold bytl�e SM1enff of saic munry es follows OATE ANO TIME OF SALE'. Februery9, 201], 10AOAM PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enff's Offica, Givil Procass Uni[ LS W. 4tl� Stree[ Suite150, S[ Peul, MN ro pey tl�e debt tl�en s cured by seid Mor(gqge, e c e:�eseif any,ann seid prem�ises, end tlte o d disbursamentn, �inoluding ett meys' fees ellowed by lew sublect t redemp0on witM1in 6 Montl�s hom tl�e aa�a or ��a �ia eyme moroa9orts7, mao- va�o�ai ravresa�mo�as o assgns onre ro vncnre aRoaEalr. ma aa�a o� or eamra wn�m ma m or(gqgor m u st vecate tl� e property if ma morcea9a ��s �o� rem�a�aa ��aa� M�inneso� S�Wtes sac9on Stl or tlte pmpeltJ redeemed under M�inneso�S�Wtessaction58023 �is Au9usty,'20 SyPm.lf�e foregoing de� �is eC6eW Ney 6undey legel tolidey� tlten tlte de� G� s M1e ne# business dey et 11S9Pm MOFTEAGOFl(0J RELEAOE-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE'.NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR REOEMPTION BV THE MOFTGAGOR, THE MOFTGAGORS PERSONAL ReaResemrnrives oR wssiu7vs, MAV BE REOUGE-0 TO FIVE weeKs iF n duoicin� or�oeR is ENrEREo uNOER MiNNEsorA STATUTES SEGTION 582032, OETERMINING, AMONG OTHER TH INGS, THAT THE MOFTGAGEO aREMisEs nF;E iMaRovEo wirH nREsioENrin�ow�uiNG OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, nF;E Nor aRoaEr�rv usEo iN nGRicu�ruw� aRooucrioN, iuvonReneiuvoomea oa�aa�. oaoameana, eois Ciry & Coumy Credit Union, Morigagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL nssocinriom By. Jonetl�en R LLskey, M�id�eel V Sdtleisman Attomeysfor. Q[y 3 Goun[y Gredit Union, Mor(gqgee 55 Eest FihM1 S[ree[ Su�ite 800 S[. Peul, MN SSIOI-1 /le �1203]549 �1-2&1 ]59 [fe ) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. 8880.160083]-1 Ra,�aw: oaa z�, ze, m�e, da�. a, 11,18,25,201]J NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE THE RIGHTTOVERIFICATION OF THE �EBT AN� I�ENTITV OF THE ORIGINAL CRE�ITOR W ITHINTHE TIME PROVI�E� 8V LAW IS NOT AFFECTE� 8V THIS ACTION. NOTIGE IS HEREBV GIVEN,[M1et defeultM1esomurrec �in tlte mndi0ons of tlte followinc desonbed mor(gqge: Mor(gqgor: TnsM1e LeeMn Henson endKurtHenson, wife3M1usbend Mor�gqgee: Mor(gqge Elechonic Raei�r�oo� svnams, ee for Bremer Benk, NeOonel Aavoo�ie0on oa�aa�. oaroerzon Ra�maa�. oansrzon Remsay Gounry Remrder ooama�� ma avrA�3 Aasigned To�. U.S. Benk NeOonel n�ooiaoo� oa�aa�. mrzarzoiz Remrded�.0.5�062013 Remsay Gounry Remrder ooama�� ma a3ssaro Trensaction /�gent Mor(gqge Elechon�icRegishe0on5ystems I o Trensaction /�gent Mor(gqge 10 No: 1000]3381106]20]0.0 Lender or Bmker: Bremer Benk, NeOonelAavooie0on Servicar: U.S. Benk NeOonel Aavooie0on Mor�gqge Ongineror: Bremer Benk, maoo�ai n�ooiaoo� �cw� oEscnianoN oF PROPEFTV�. Lot'26' end ell of Lot 25, excapt tl�e Soutl� 15 feet tl�ereof Sdtletti s ThiN AddiOon, Remsey Gounry, M�inneso�. This�isAbshectProperty zn�, anace� ma�. AOORESS OF PROPERIV�. iao� scri�Erri srReer SAINT PAU� MN SSII / coumrv w wHicri aRoaEarv is�ocn�o�.r m�y ORIGINAL PRINGIPAL AMOUNT OF M OFTGAGE�. $139 ]00 00 AMOUNT OUEANO GLAIMEO TO ee ouens oF onre oF monce, wcwowG rnxEs, iF wvv, awo BV MOFTGAGEE�. $120,400 02 TM1et pnorto tlte oommenoement of m�s mort9a9aforaao�,ra vro�aa��� Mm�l dw�itl�el�InoOca�eMo�(gqgee � a�� ae �, nac��oa�io� r quire�n �M1es been �instid�c e[ orprocae g r otlterwisa to remvertlte debt ec by said mor(gqge, or eny perttltereof PURSUANT ro tlte power of sele �ned �in seid mor(gqge, tlte ebwe desonbed property will be roi� eyma snann or ��a ���ry as uows onre iuvo TiMe oF suF�. oa�mean, zo e ov nM PLAGE OF SALE�. SM1enffs INfica, a,�i a�ooa� u��� zs w. am so-aa� SuitelSO, S[ Peul, MN o pey tl�e debt [M1en s cured bn �ic Mor(gqge, end te:�es,eif eny, o as�e�Peme�s�, ma�a ePo r�eya fees ellowec by lew sublect t redemption witl�in ti Montl�shom tl�e dete of saic sele bytl�e m or(gqgoKsJ, tlteir persvnel represanta0ves or es igns onre ro vncnre aRoaer�rr. The dete on or before wM1idt tlte m[r(gqgor mus[ vecate tlte pmperty �unde�r M�inneaso� S�Wtes�sseted or tlte property redeem�ed under M�inneso� O�W�s s seo 2a ��s ���a i, 2oi� a� ii ss p�mn If tl�e foregoing dete �is e SeNrdey, Sundey or legel M1olidey, tl�en tl�e dete to vecate �is tlte ne# bueness dey e[ll J9 Pm. MOFTGAG0�6J RELEA6E-0 FROM OBLIGATION ON MOFTGAGE�. NONE THE TIME ALLOWEO BV LAW FOR RE-0EMPrION BV THE MOFTGAGOR THE MOFTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REaRESENrnn�s oRnssiGNs Mnv ee Reouceo ro Fi� wEEus iF n�uoian� oROER is ENrEa�o uNOER MiNNEsorn srnrurEs sEcnoN - -- oErewmimimG nMomG�orHEa THINGS, THATTHE MOFTGAGE-0 PREMISES ARE IMPROVEO wirH n REsioevnn� owE�wc OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS nRF mor aRoaEarv useo ini nGnicu�ruw� aRooucriom, iuvonr�neiuvoomeo. oa�aa�.sav�amea�zs,zo�e U.S. Benk Netionel Associetion, Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R Guskey, M�id�eel V Sdtleienen nnomavsmr: U.S. Benk NeOonel Aasoaetion, Aasignee of Mor�gqgee SS Ees[ FihM1 Stree[ Suite 800 S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 �122&1]53'fa[J THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A �EBT COLLECTOR. na�e-i sooss�i Review�. oa 12, 19, 26 Nou 2, 9, ie,eois7 NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OFMORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE NOTIGE IS HEREBV GI�EN, tl�et tl�e ebwe Mor(gqge Foredosure Sele �is M1ereby postponec ro Jenuery 5 201], et10A0AM, SM1enffsINfica, Givil Prooess Uni[ LS W. 4tl� Stree[ Suite 150, S[ Peul, MN �in seid Gounryenc S[eta oa�aa�. mo,�mea�zt zo�e U.S. Benk Netionel Associetion, Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R Guskey, M�id�eel V Sdtleienen nnomavsmr: U.S. Benk NeOonel Aasoaetion, Aasignee of Mor�gqgee 55 Ees[ FihM1 Stree[ Suite 800 S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 1]�8-1600.5SY1 'Review�. Nw.30, 2016J NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OFMORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE NOTIGE IS HEREBV GI�EN, tl�et tl�e ebwe Mor(gqge Foredosure Sele M1ereby postponec Februery 9 201], et 10A0 AM, snanres or'r�oa, a�i aro�ss umt 25'J4'.4[M1 Shee[ Suite 150, S[ Paul, MN �in saic Gounryend 6[eta oa�aa�. oa�meanz, zo�e U.S. Benk Netionel Associetion, Assignee oi Morigagee PFB LAW, PROFESSIONAL ASSOGIATION By Jonetl�en R Guskey, M�id�eel V Sdtleienen Attomeysfor: U.S. Benk NeOonel Aasoaetion, Aasignee of Mor�gqgee SS Ees[ FihM1 Stree[ Suite 800 S[ Peul, MN55101-1]18 1]�8-1600.5SY1 �Ra,�aw�. oaa ei, eoi s7 Public Notices Continuetl un Page 11 Page 12 Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2016 Public Notices Continuetl from Page 11 AMENDMENTTO ASSUMEDNAME STATE OFMINNESOTA Minnasote Stetutas CM1epter 333: n. List tlte exect essumed neme u derwM1ioM1tltebusiness�isorwillbe nasme smr 2 an�avai aia� or e���a�: n ia 10tl� S[ N., Oekdele, MN SSl'28 a. o�ma �ama a�� �mvia�a �a� aaara� or au va5o�s ��a�am� bueness under tlte ebove Aasumec Neme: JBs Sportscards LLG, ]113 10tl� S[ N., Oekdele, MN 55128 a. rn�s oameoa�a ��s a� ama�ama�� of Gertificate ofAssumed Neme File Num ber: �]2�00029 Onginellyfiled on �.10�0]2016 5. I, tl�e undersgned, carti atl�et I pa�e�m� n�s aoama�� s ma rbo� wno� �e�awre �is raa�irea, ses qgent of tlte persvn(sJ wM1ose igneW re would be requ�irec wM10 M1es eutl�onzec m e ro egn tl��is document M1islM1er beM1elf or �in botlt capeoiOes.IfurtM1eroertiftltetlM1eve mmpleted ell requirec fields, e tltet[M1e �infortne0on �in tltis document s[Ne end ooneIX enc �in mm plienoe witlt tlte eppl�icable dtep[er of M�inneso� S[eWtes I unders[enc tltet by egn�inc tltis dooument I em sublect to tlte penel0es of pel7ury es satfortM1 �in Section �948 es if I M1ec egnec tltis document under oetlt. oa�a: n aon s /s/Justin 8roadwater Owner �Ra�aw: oaa �a, zt eoi s7 NOTICE NMice is M1ereby given [M1at [M1e p ovarcv w�u ea �ia o� da��a�v i e, �c ma v�ovanv w�u ea onare� wwsror�aarraa�ras onl eend[m �infortne0 ebou[ tl�e sale canebe found ne M1et websita TM1e undersignec tAoom M�ini Sror�ge will sall et Publio Sele by oompe00ve biddinq tlte persvnel property M1eretofore ored witlt tlte undersigned by UnitMS[U, Selene Welley, luggqge fumiWre, boxesof unknowm m�tent ����� �zo, �a�e s��o�, na�� trud:, fumiWre, boxes of unknown Un[tn M 861, Steven Abioel GM1ns[opM1er Abioe, tools, fumiWre, boxes of unknown oontent Unit M �3, Jeenn�ie Nlporc, fumiWre, boxes of unknown oontent �Ra�aw:oaa ei,ee,eois7 RAMSEYCOUNTY PROCUREMENT ROOM 210 CITY HALL/COURTHOUSE 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-i6]9 651-266-60]2 Remsay Gounry Soael Servicas oavamna�� �Rcsso7 ��s reiaa��� tl�e following solioi�0on on Onvie OemendS�r, �itn offiael web ete, es � metltodofpubliono0oe pursue tero Section 331A03 of tlte M�inneso� S�Wtes. Individuels mey go ro ma o�,�a oama�asm� �a�o� oftl�e Remsav GounN Weboeae ro registretion �informeoon t b mme en Onvie usar. SOLICITATION RFPM GHSP500000131 ]BR #� OPENING �ATE: 1221I2016 �EPAF�MENT ISSUING THE SOLICITATION: Remsey Gounry soaai sa�oas oapam�a�� naw� Men�l end GM1em�ioel Heeltl� Oivieon SOLICIATION TITLE: RFP�. Oetox Medioel Oirector SOLICITATION �ESCRIPTION: Remsay Gounry, tl�rougM1 �itn Soael Servicas Oepertmen[ saeks ro w[tlt en qgenoe or Sole Propn tor o provide s s for ma r msay co��ry �,daa�a deroxifica0on fealiry located et 402 Universry, E., S[ Peul, MN SSIOI. The Medioel OireIXorwill function es pertof tlte IeedersM1ip teem to provide maaioai �parm�o� a�a a�swa ofeell M1eeltl}releted�sae p�rovision procadures. Thesa s mssary �in oNer G� e[ tlte diete M1eeltl� ca meeds of �dien6 e c diniaensee well e a� M�i��abom Rwa�a2, varce :530.�10 ro:530.65�. There ere two mmponentn ro tl�is p�olaa�. i7 oo-s¢a sm�aams or responsibiliry, :530.�10, Subpert 9, defines e Medical Oirector es en �individuel licansad underM�inneso� S[eW es, GM1epter 14] end employec ec by tlte lioensa M1older m a�� a a�a s�va�sa naaim oa for olien6 of e licansad progrem. 2J oo-�u �a�aams or �asvo��e�ury, �o.�o, s�evarce, �aaw�asma� se M1olderm ust M1eve e M edical Girec[nor veileble for medical supervieone e c tl�et tl�e Medical GireIXor �is responeble for ensunnc maau naaiu.�iama�aMP���a�� pro�awas The Medical0irectorwill provide orv medical servioes en ever�ge of ne M1our per dey five deys per week orfive M1ours perweek. Uetn sM1ell be mnduIXed etleest everyfortyeigM1t no�� �o �9� �a�d��� o�da� a�� ,�w ma smws or vaoa�r�. romi �iae�ury �,au ea m����m�m or2eo M1oursperyeer. Remsay Gounry Soael Servicas o�,��o� so;,�s ro r�anm�a �a�,�ry tl�rougM1 tl�e development of �individuel�ized servicas tltet promote ntegre0on �into neNrel m We ere lookinc for e Gontrector wM10 w�u vam,a� w�m ma oaro. p�oe�m aaaar�niv ro r�aum�a oo � aa,�iovma�� or a ra��ar� ona��aa, a� yra�o�sn� �am oroar�. rarare�� woi ee e�,�� ro,��ao5 wM10 ere eble ro pmvide culWrelly �ao�eosarm�s RGGHS enmureges new vendors end tltosa wi�M1 exB6rOm 6 sa _ diverse m unit ubm�itne proposal PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING: A n- endetory Pre Solioita0on Responsa Gonferenoe will be M1elc et 1A0.2AOpm Gentrel Om Jenuery l0, L OL Universiry A. Eest, S[ Peu1,4 MN. 55130, Lower Gonferenoe Room. The puryosa of tlte mnferenca �is disouss tl�e work ro be perfortne� end ellow Gontrectors ro esk questions mnoeming tlte solioita0on. Questions e will be oamsvibec enc posted�on Onvie a�asm� �arca� ma ma ma mrm or a� ndaa�a�m. Individuels witl� e disebiliry needing Rmoae�ion snowa mn�ea me ��y cowry co�ma �aa�eeaa aeo,� vnorro ma aa�a sa�mrma ara Soliameon Responsa Gonferenca sotl�ete reesoneble eommmodeoon oen be meda RAMSEV COUNTVCONTACT: Emeil�. PemeleSendtez@ PM1one�. �1zbr4112 Ra,�aw�. oaa zi, ze, zoi s7 CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMEDNAME STATE OF MINNESOTA Minnasote StetNas CM1epter 333: ASSUMEO NAME�. Iron 'J4'�ill StrengN Treining PRINGIPALPLAGEOF BUSINESS�. 1636 Gerveis A, Meplewood MN �mnMeHo�ner�s�. s�a,�� e�oaana: Monis, ]000 Mqgde Or. Ap[ 304, Meple Gwe MN SS369 I, tl�e undersgned, cartif tl�et I signing tltis document es tlte person wM1osa egneWre �is required, ses qgent of tl�e persvn(sJ wM1osa igneW re would be required wM10 M1es eutltonzed me to egn tltis dooument �M1islM1er beM1elf botlt epeaties IfurtM1ercartiftltetlM1eve d fields, end tlteltllet�infortne0o�nu�in tltis dooument stNe end mrrect end �in mmplienca witl� tl�e epplioeble oM1epmr of M�innesote S�Wtes I unders[end tl�et by signing tl�is document I em sublect to tlte penel0es of penury es sa�mm, ��� sa��o� ms ae as ��r i naa signed tlt �is dooum ent under oetlt. oa�a: izro�rzois /s/ Steven Morris ;Ra,�aw�. oaa ei, ee, eois7 NOTICE OF HEARING OF IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM ITMAV GONGERN�. Notice is M1ereby given [M1at [M1e Meplewooc Qry Gounal will meet �n tlte munoil dtembers of tlte Gi[y Hell ro neder tl�e mekinc of tl�e �improvem nt M1ereinetterdesvibed�. Proposad GiryProlecR Nc. l bl2 ao�aoona�a ivaa so-aa� IOA E�Jenue fY9, JDl / TIME�. ]OOpm LOGATION�. GiryHell Gounoil GM1embers ieso ea� co��ry Roaa e Meplewood, M�inneso�55109 TM1e generel neW re of tl�e pmposad ��mv�o,�ma�r� ���a�aas a mu pa,�ma�� raviaoama�� o� au vrolaa aa ar�i aaa raviaoama�� sr ge��improvemen6 0 ao�a n ��a a�a oona�a Roaa 'Meilend Roed to Londin LeneJ, o��ooaN end gutter �instelle0on aa�a Roaa �eo.wooa n,���a ro Gerver AvenueJ, end spot ueliry repeirs tM1mugM1out tl�e prolect e. TM1e Prod to� be n�es9ed for ee PmPosa essa �improvementereesfollows: � abutting: P�opertias gererslly 8oawood Avenue irom MCKnigM Roed to �orlend Roed, �orlend Roed irom Meilend Roed t Londin Lene, �orlend Roed irom 8oxwood Avenue to Grver Avenue, �orland Road irom Carver Avenue to HeigMs Avenue, HeigMs Avenue irom �orland Road to cul-0esac, Overlook Circle irom �orland Road to cul- desac, and Pond Avenue irom MCKnigM Roed to �orlend Roed THETOTAL ESTIMATE� COST OF SAI�IMPROVEMENTPRQIECTIS $2,130,G20. Pursuen[ro M�inn. S�[ 429011 ro 429.11I, �i s pm�posad ro assess every o[Cpieca percal of lend benefited by seid �impmvement wM1etlter ebuttinc tltereon o besad upon benefi6 �ived witl�out regerc ro casM1 velueoon� Areesoneble estimete of tlte �impect orma a�s�a�� wm ea a,�oaeia a� tl�e M1eenng Persvns deenng ro be M1eerc witlt referenoe [otM1e pmposad �improvement sM1oulc be present et tl��isM1eenng oa�aa m��s iam aay or oaoamea�, � 6 8V OR�ER OFTHE CITV COUNCIL Keren E. Heeg, City Clerk City oi Maplewood Minnasota Segn languyge inieryretem� are e� aen�e ro� m�s a�esr m� e leesi 96 houis m eduence Cell 400 to meke �ien9emenis492 �Ra,�aw�. oaa ei, ee, eois7 NOTICE OF HEARING OF IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM ITMAV GONGERN�. Notice is M1ereby given [M1at [M1e Meplewooc Qry Gounal will m ��� ma ���o�i mamea� or ma a� Hell ro neder tl�e mekinc of tl�e �improvem nt M1ereineRerdesvibed�. Proposad GlryProlecR Na 1613 HillwoodQesMew Nee Street imvro,�ma�r� onre da��arys, zon TIME'./UOpm LOGATION�. GiryHell 030noil OM1embers ltl ' EestGoun[yRoedB Meplewood, M�inneso�55109 TM1e generel neW ie of tlte pmposad ��mP�o�ma�� ���o�da a ��� daP� pa�ma�� �aaamaoo� a�d w pa,�ma�� �i �o� am ravia�ma�s a�� svoi �oury ravao-s The propemes in tl�e generel imva P�Po�d �o ea a�s�d fo� ro,�ma�� ara asmuows: Those propertias gererslly abutting: Crasrview �rive irom Hillwood o�roe�o oak�mee o�roe, c��rv�ew o�roe aom r�kwooa o�roe �o mana�a o�roe, oo�ia�a aoaa aom �mwooa a�e��e�o H�nwooa o�roe, oo�ia�a aoaa aom H�iwooa o�roe ow-ae�o, H�nwooa o�roe aom MCKnigM Road to Sterling Sireet, Huntinglon Court irom Oakridge Lene cul-desec, Lekewood �rive irom Oakridge �rive t Meilend Roed, Mernie Sireet irom Hillwood �rive to Mailand Road, Oakridge �rive irom lakewood �riveto Crasrview �rive, Oakridge Lane irom Huntington Court o Hillwood �rive, Teakwood Court irom MCKnigM1t Road to cul-desac, r�xwooa o�roe aom �kewooa o�roe �o ma�me sre�, sv�mesme �rive irom �orland Road to d�b end, and Springside �rive irom Sterling Sireet to 250 feet west THETOTAL ESTIMATE� COST OF SAI�IMPROVEMENTPRQIECTIS $1.502.502. Pursuen[ro M�inn. S�[ 429011 ro zsir, s vrovosa� ro a,�rv o[��via� or varoai or ia�� ea�ae�a� ey s � ��mv�o,�ma�� wnamar ae�m�e �marao� o besac upon benefitn c witl�out regerd ro casM1 velue�on�ive Areesoneble estimete of tl�e �impect of tlte essassmen[will be eveileble et tl�eM1eenng Persvnsdesinngrobe M1eerd witlt referenca to tlte proposec �imvro�ama�� snowa ea vra��� a� tl�is M1eenng oa�aa m�s iam aay or oa�mea�, eois 8V OR�ER OFTHE CITV COUNCIL Keren E. Heeg, City Clerk City oi Maplewood Minnasota Srgn lenguege mieryretem� e eve�Ieble You m mquesi ihre ei leesi 96 houis m eduence Cell� 400 to meke �Riengemenis49 a�aw�. oaa ei, ee, eois7 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD COUNTYOFRAMSEY STATE OF MINNESOTA The Meplewood Giry Gounal epprwec e endmen6 to GM1epter ti, Artide Ilrtregule0ng 32 Pement Melt Liquors end Mide II I regule0nc follow�5nsummary for� Artide II an�c Artide Illforpublica0on. Summery Ortlinence 0]4 nma�a��e a,avea� s, nrtGa II Reguleting 3.2 Percent Melt Liquore entlARicle III ReguletinC IntOXicatinC LiquOre 1. Sec. 6-3]. subtl.(a) - Hours oi sale antl c umption. a,a�gaa ma e�ma�mae a.z per�nt meit r�quor mey ee eoic on sundeya from i2 Rm. m io 2m Sec. 6-116. subtl.(a) (1) - Hours oi sale. Provitlee erification thet e Suntley mus[ be epprovetl by Council for Suntley eelee to 3cSec. 6-163 - Suntlay sales licenses for on-sale licensees. a,a�eaa ma ema mae oo-aaia or I�to.icati�g II4�o� maY ba aol� On Suntleye hOm 10 flm. to 8 ee the �equi�ement thet e Publ�lC Heefing be helC before Qty Council mey grent e Suntley eelee I�icenee (Council epp�oVel mu5[ etlll be obtHinec befO�e Ii�nee mey be g�a�ea� � 4. Sec. 6-165 - Investigation oi applicant; inspection oi premises; council hearing; grant or tlenial. Remwee the requirement thet e Publ�ic Heenng be heltl before Qty Council mey grent en OrvSele Off-Sele I�icenee (Council epp�oVel mus[ etlll be obtHinec before licenee mey be grentet�.e 5. Sec. 6-221 - Definitions. Increeeee the elloweble pe�Cen[qqe of w�lne eoltl ofreele f�om 14 pe�Centto 24 pe�Cent. 6. Sec. 6-251 - Issuance to nonprofit organazations. Increeeee the Iloweble pe�Centqqe of w�lne eoltl ofreele f�om 14 pe�Centto 24 pe�Cent. ]. Sec. 6-316 - Sale oi wine, 3.2 percent malt liquor antl intoxicating liquor. Incorporetee lenguege thet epecifiee thet the MCC �is operetetl by the VMCA�, � ma auowaeia pe�Centqqe of w�lne eoltl ofreele f�om 14rpencentto 24 pe�Cent. The e e tlec Artcle II 3.2 Percent Melt Liquore enc nrtGa ni mm.mae�e oa�o�a ordinence w�ill go �into effect upon publ�lcetion. An offiGel oopy Of the full entl COmplete o�tlinenCe �le on file �In the office of the Meplewootl Qty Gerk, imo counry Roea e eeet Meplewootl, o en be obteinec o� ma Gra waea�ea ae nnou ootlmn aov/cNcotle. ATTEST Keren Heqg, GiryGlerk �Ra�aw�. oaa ei, eois7 CITY OF LAKE ELMO NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT 201 ] STREET IMPROVEMENTS Notice is M1ereby given [M1at [M1e Qry Gounal of Leke Emo will mee[ �n tlte oounal dtembers of tlte ary M1ell e r eppmximetely etter ]AO PM. on Tuasday, Jenuery 1], 201], ro nsider[M1e meking of tl�e followinc�improvemen6, pursuent o M�inneso� S[eWtes, Sections 95treet e�c42d�e�inqge �improvemen6 �v� owame a �aw eiwm�i�o�s a,�ma�� �,vvorcaa ey a �a�awa� retyoled eggregete bese witlt n aN e c oftlte evstinc Popeireoe restore0on t dreinqge s,rstem for tlte followinc shee6�. o u� so-aa� No�,, �om oamo�o-a,�ua r��i mom, ro dama� n a��a morm. oss� ��aa�No�,, �om �ama� Avenue NortM1 ro5]tl� S[reet NortM1. o s��, s�aa� No�,, �om ���ap Wey NortM1 ro KeetsAvenue NortM1. o �amaoaA a��a No�,, f�m u� Street NortM1 to Jemeoe Bouleverc NortM1 o �ama� ao��a��� No�,, �om ssmso-aa�mormrodama�n ��a morcn rna area vrovo�a ro ea as��a� mr ma� ��mvro,�ma�r� ���a�aa p�rovamas ae�m�� na aeo,� rara��� �raar� or vrovamas ma� gein direIX dnvewey e s hom M1e ebove referenoec st 6 The $1 �eted total ms[fortlte proleIX �is 400,000. A reesoneble est of tlte �impeIX of tlte essasenent w�ill be eveileble et tl�e M1eenng Sud� p[rsvns es deenng to be M1eerc n M1 referenca to tlte proposec �imprwemen6 will be M1eerd et tltis onreo�.oaoameare,zo�e 8V OR�ER OFTHE LAKE ELMO CITV COUNCIL Mike Peerson, Meyor (OekdelsLeke Emo Review�. Oea 21, 28, 2016J Review Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICEOFTHECOUNTYMANAGER TUESDAY,NOVEMBER22,2016 TM1e Remsay GounryBoerd of Gomm�issionersm et�in regulersassion et9A9 am. witM1 tl�e followinc members presant Gerter(IeteJ Huffmen, Ortege, Rettmen, end GM1eir ReinM1eN[ Absant MCOonougM1, MOGLira Nso presant were Julie KleinsMm�id[, Gounry Menqger, end Jeff S[epM1enson, Givil Oivieon Oirector, Remsey cowrynnomays on�«. nGevon or mo,�mea� �, eois was v�a���aa m� avv�o,�i. M000� ey orcaea, ���aaa ey H�nma�. u�ammo��yavv�o,�a M INUTES of November lS, 2016 were presanted for epprovel. MoOon by Huffmen, samndec by Ortega Unenimousiyepproved aREsemrArom iAwar�o Boerd of Gomm�issioners-ReoogniOonAweN ro Rine MCMenus, OireIXorof Sein[Peul Rem sayGounry Publ�ic HeeltM1-Presanted by Gom m�issioner Rettmen. AOM m srRAr ve reMs Publ�icHeeltl�-201]/�gree ntnforLivingAlHomelBlod:NurseProgrems.MoOonbyGerter,samndecby Huffmen. Unenimousiyeppro�ved. (�016249J Publ�icHeeltl�-201]/�gree tnwitl�GommuniryGlinicsforHeeltl�CareServicas.MoOonbyGerter,saoonded by HURm en. Unenimouslyeppmved ;B2016300) Publ�icHeeltlt I Heeltlt Care Servicas-/�greemen[witlt Professionel Portable RediologicServioes, Ina, dbe Profeseonel Portable X-Rey, Ina for Portable Medical Imqginc Servioes MoOon by Gerter, samnded by Huffmen. Unenimousiyepproved. (�016301J Perks 3 ReaeeOon-/�greement witl� Golf Servioes Goryore0on forMenqgement enc Operetion of Men�irou RiQge Golf Goursa MoOon byCarter, samndec byHuffmen. Unenimousiyepproved. (B2016302J Gounry Menqger- Purd�eeng Gontrect Preperetion enc Gontrect MenqgementAasassmen[ MoOon by Gerter, semnded by Huffmen. Unenimouslyepproved ;B2016303J Finenca- October2016 Reporc of Gontrects, Gantn enc Revenue /�greementn, Em ergena� PumM1esas, Sole Souroe Purd�esas, end Finel Peymenta MoOon by Carter, semnded byHuffmen. Unenimousiyeppmved ;B2016304) ��cisu�rive uaonre—mo �paa�a �aporcaa eonRo cHniR uaonre—o��.,,�o� �� ea m��a o� a�onn�a �aaa OUTSIOE BOAF20AN0 GOMM ITTEE REPOFTS-Oisoussion can be found on emM1ivec video. AOJOURNMENT-GM1eirReinM1erd[ dederedtl�e mee0ng edloumed et9:48 am. ORDINANCE NO. 2014-001 AN ORDINANCE ADDING THE CITY CODETO CHAPTER 11 - ZONING THE GITV GOUNGIL OF THE GITV oF uwoFn� viva� ooes OROAIN Thet The Q[y of Lendfell Ullqge Muniapel Gode, GM1epter l Zoning, �is M1ereby emendec to enect w saa�o� imoos.i or ma Lendfell Ullqge Gode ofOrdinencas o edm �inister end regulete tl�e publio rigM1isoi-way;GenerellyM1ereinetter ec ROW) �in tl�e public �interest, [c provide fortlte �issuenoe end regule0on ofROW pertn�ita TM1e proposad d�enge �is �intended o�indude tl�e Girys I�gM1t of Wey Ordinenoe �in mdified remrtl PLEASE BEtAOVISE-0, tltis �is not tl�efull te# of tl�e Ordinenoe pessad nc tlte publ�isM1ed metenel �is only e ro�mary rna rvu m s a,�naeia v�euo ����aa�o� a��ma ary or Lendfell Ullqge, Lendfell, MN or deliverec upon request elechonioelly or by U.S M eil. Summ o mmplies wRh Mmn_ Siet §§aai _ s�nda_�aivsis�nd Pessad end eppmved�. October8, � 4 Jemas�umer,Meyor Attest Ec SM1ukle, GiryAtlm�inistreror (OekdelsLeke Emo Review: Oea 21, 2016J NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBV GNEN [M1at tl�e Plenning Gomm�ission for tl�e Qry of Oekdele, M�inneso�, will noia a v�eoo naan�� a� i�Uo r*m. on Thursdey, Jenuery S, 201] �in tl�e Gounoil GM1embers of tl�e Muniapel Building, lSe4 HedleyAvenue NortM1. The puryosa �is ro review tl�e request by Oekdele Pet Gere Campus for e ouai or a� �i��anm �� varm�i�mr moor aog piay araa a�oaa�aa witl� fuWre dog deyoerelkennel e l4 /0 HelmoAvenue NortM1, Oekdelet MN55128 tltis proposed eIXuon �pleesa 9mn�t�eRg Em�ilySM1ively, Plenner, et�1-]30. 2]20 orem�ilyCAa.oekdele.mn.us oa�aa�. oa�meane, zo�e ev or�oEa oF rHe onuon� GITV GOUNGIL GITV OF OAKOALE, MINNESOTA (OekdelsLeke Elmo Review: Oea 21, 2016) SUMMARYOF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS/RE�UESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Requests for Bids ere being �ited un012A0 Pm., Jenueryl], ail /, fortlte GounryRoed /S BnQge a�ma�e a�olaa, ��� wasnmgo� Gounry, M�inneso� Go �. M1tto�llwwwoowesM1na[ uslti ds esox forfurtM1er deteilson (OekdelsLeke Elmo Review: Oea 2l, 2016J SUMMARYOF ADVERTISEMENT FOR REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Requests for Proposals ere being �oited un01430 Pm., Jenuery20, 201] fortl�e disfibu0on of tl�e S�te or M�innesom�s naueoc invesvve svaoias ara,��oo� a� mrvrolaas ma� ��mvaa wasnm�o� co��ry Go m: nnonwww.oawasnmao�. uslti ds esox forfurtM1er deteils (OekdelsLeke Elmo Review: Oea 2l, 2016J - JanMM.GNM1rie,CM1iMClerk-County8oard Minutes INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 622 NORTH ST. PAUL-MAPLEWOOD-OAKDALE SCHOOLS REGULAR MEETING SCHOOLBOARD NOVEMBER 22, 2016 coeom �uaa ma m aao�g ro omar a� spi Pm. w�m ma muowm� prasa�e Gobom, Hun[ Neve, Vener, Aug§, Livingston, Osono, enc Lersen. Absent nriaar�o�,a�an�a ana�vresa��wa�a:nam������o,� san. Neve mwec enc Vener saoonded tl�e following m000n, wM1id� camed on e s—o w�a THATtlte qgende be epproved es presanted TM1eGonsan[/�gendewesmnsidered Hunteskedtl�etltem IV L., RouOne Persvnnel, beremovedfordisvseon.Aug6movedendVenersaoondedtlte following resolu0on, wM1ioM1 camed on e 6-0 vote: ee ir a�so�veo eyma smooi eoa�� or maapa�aa�� smooi o��n� ma �2 tM1et tl�e following Gonsant qgende Items IV A tl�rougM1 I V G, enc Item IV E, be epproved es wntten, enc e oopyof tl�e qgende �items �is ettaoM1ec ro tlte m�inutes. (Mderson emvedJ Hunt mm mented on Gonsant/�gende Item IV L., RouOne Personnel, st tltetM1�is wife M1ec been M1ired for e poe0on, enc tlterefore woulc be ebstein�inc_ hom wOn�g on tlte �item. Neve m ed end Livings[on samndec tl�e followinc resoluoon, wM1id� o e6-Owtewitl�Huntebsteining: ee ir �so�veo eyma smooi eoa�� or maapa�aa�� smooi o��n� ma Q2 tltet tlte following Gonsant/�gende Item, IV L., be epprwec es wntten, mpy of tl�e qgende �item �is ettaoM1ed ro tl�e m�inutes. eOsono presanted e firsYfortnel reedinc of Polia� E-096 Procunnc Metenels 3 Servicas SM1e noted tltet R Mdersvn M1ed reviewed tlte pol�ity et tlte Novem ber 15 work sassion end tl�ettl�e polia� woulc be proposec for ection ettl�e0ecamberl3 20166usinessmee0ng Osono sM1ered tl�e 201]2018 soM1ool oelenderfor e firs[ reeding Action on tl�e calender will be proposad ettl�e Oeoember 13, 2016 bueness mee0ng /WgE m oved end Venersemnded tlte following resolu0on, wM1idt oemec on /-0 wte �ee ir a�so�veo eyma smooi eoa�� or maapa�aa�� smooi o��n� ma Q2tltettlte Sdtool Boerd eocap[witlt eppreoie0on tltefollowing oonMbuOons nc pertn�ittl�eir usa es deegneted bytl�e donors H nt m oveRd end Aug§ saoonded wM1id� camed onGe ]�0 wtem ee ir Reso��o ma� me smooi eoam or maapa�aam sonooi o����a M622 M1ereby edoptn Pol�ia� E-09A ;S�ff No0fica0on of Uolent BeM1evior by SW den6J�, end Polity e-0� (ao�-i�.,a�oa oae� com vua�oa7. HuntmovedendLivings[onsamndedtl�efollowincresoluoon, wM1id�oemec �ee ]-0 vote e ir Reso��o ma� me smooi eoam or maapa�aam sonooi o����a M622 M1erebyrevisas tl�e followinc poliaes: E-011'SWden[SurveysJ �-0eo.0 �swaa�� o���pima a m000a or s��a�s�o�7 LLmculum end S[eR Oevelopmen[GoordinerorPenny Bekerpresented M1igM1 sd�ool ooursa proposels enc neme d�enges beginning Fe11201 ]. Mderson oved endAug6 semnded tl�e following resolu0on, wM1id� oemec on e]-0 VeE�ir a�so�vEo, ma� ma smooi eoa�� or iso �z aaop� ma ��� a ona�eas eaem�m� Fau 2on mr: o��mawco�r��arovo ais �AP Environmental Saenoe � GIS &plonng tlteTeedtinc Pmfession � GIS Teedter Gede6 � Stretegiesfor Gollege ReedincNB � Goursa Neme GM1enges Gob m�eskec boeN members ro set e work study saseon for tPsassing a�a¢ a�a e�G9a� raia�a� a�a��o�s sna aibo �o�aa ma �aaa ro sa�ma m�e�� a�a a9a�aa m� ma oa�mea� �3, zo e �aeaa�o� ��av ���o�. mo,�a a�a Hw� sa��aaa ma muowm��m000�, wn�m �maa o� a �-o w�a rHnr a won: smav sa�o� ea naia o� oaoamean3, zo�e rrom a�so - spo Pm. ��� Room eoe or ma o��n� ea�oaoo� ca��a� w�m me muowmg aga�aa���am�auame�a9am��.,,s�o��,muowa�eymaoaoamea�ia eois reflection study saseon beginninc etSUO Pm. �in Room LOL of tlte �Gistrict EducaOon Genter end �indudinc tl�e following egende �items: 1 Jloe Breeker; 2JSupenntendent GM1eok-In�, 3JReports (Gomm�ittees, Lieisons, Treining, GonferencasJ�, 4JBoerd Officar Sumession�, endSJBoerd Gomm�ittees Neve movec end Livings[on saoonded tlte following mo0on, wM1idt oemed�. THAT tlte mee0nc be edloumed The mee0nc edloumec et /L9 Pm. /s�Eecky Neve Clerk a�euo �oe� mr bouo�moo� or e�as, raa�a�s mr a�o�as a�� rea�a�s mr p�opo�is a�a iooa�aa o� me iso �e wae��a, www ��s� o�